Hey Sombra!

by ImClinicallyDepressed

First published

A push in the wrong direction sometimes help you in the long run.

Well. Now that I'm the king, who wants to be better than Equestria? I know I do.

Experiment series. I thought this up because in my other series (Are changelings ants?) I was thinking of putting the mc through the goblet of kingdoms.

Story will include massive head canon.


"Hail King Sombra!" Isn't something you would hear normally, or hear from a happy pony, you would normally hear it from guards or slaves getting forced to say it, unless they want their molecules erased.

This time, however... This time was different. When the crystal empire came back from Sombra's tricks, they we're much more happy and alive. No sadness, no crystal heart not working, heck, they're talking about king Sombra like he's a good guy! This isn't supposed to be happening!

Then I met him, the real King Sombra. He... Was um...

A real doofus.

List of cool things Sombra has done and will do:

-Killed god

Ignore the spoiler, may or may not be incorporated into the story. (I was high when I made it,)

My minds going coo coo crazy right now. Not because I'm struggling with writing, it's because I'm struggling to not put a fucking clop chapter.

Hey Sombra!

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Quiet background music: *Starman* By- David bowie (instrumentals if you can find it)



Where... Am i again?


Fuck this is boring,

Heya, my name's Sombra (apparently). I'm currently residing in what I could only presume to be purgatory. Everywhere I look I see more white than a teenager's room on a friday. The only thing that isn't white is me, and this red squeaky ball that smacked me in the face when I woke up here.

As you can probably tell, this is just boring. No other people, no other creatures, just me, and my squeaky red juicy ball.

Okay that sounded wrong, but you get my point. I'm bored.

From what my internal clock says, I've been in this place for about... Three weeks. Most people would probably go nuts in a day or two but not me, I'm already insane That sounded edgy but I need something to distract me.

Speaking of things that distract me, my memories. Nice switch right? Ahem.

I can't remember fuck all. Not even 'Oh! I can't remember my parents!' No. I can't even tell if I HAD parents.

I can't remember who I was, I can't remember how to walk, I can't even remember if I CAN walk. It's just... Really confusing. I know my name, it's Sombra Darkshine. I know what I am (I think). I'm a ... Stallion? Ape? I'm a creature. My skin is either black or yellow, I can't remember, my eyes are green and red, and my hair is flowing in the 'wind'.

Anything more after that? Nope. Nothing. Can't remember anything after that. Or before.

I'm... Really bored...

Well, as they say! Sleep is for the bored! (I think).

I lay on my back and nod of to unconsciousness, slowly at first, but after some time, I get knocked out like a baby who got thrown at a concrete wall.

Heh, that's... Actually... Funny...

"What are you gonna do, princess?" I said, with a grin.

"That's enough Sombra! I won't let you touch my sister-in-law!" A purple alicorn mare stomped, grabbing my attention.

"Of course, the other useless princess enters to defend the alicorn of kisses, typical." I laugh at my own joke.

"I'll make you eat those words! You tyrannical creep!" A cyan pegasus said while fuming.

"Try me,"

"Girls!" The purple alicorn shouted.

Five mares suddenly appeared at the purple alicorn's side. All different colors. They levitated up towards the sky, I only laugh at their futile attempt.

"What's this? A bunch of pinãtas?"

A sudden rainbow light beamed at my direction, and everything went black.


"That was a good sleep, darn." I grumbled as I start to get up from my comfy and cold be- wait. Bed?!

I look around in a panic. I wasn't sleeping in a bed, or woke up on one.

I was in the middle of a blizzard. A very cold one. Snow stretched on for miles as I stared wide eyed. I could feel the snow from my lower half slowly building up. Strangely, I didn't feel cold.

I blinked a few times to process my current predicament. I only sighed and tried to go back to sleep, thinking all of this, was a dream. Can't blame me, could you?


I woke up from nap, satisfied. "That previous dream was a wild one, that's what I'll tell ya-" I stopped my babbling as I felt the softness of snow below me.


"Shit it wasn't a dream." No it was not, voice me, no it was not.

I surveyed my surroundings, 'yep, still he same snowy landscape. I did notice something odd however. A crystal heart was on top of a very old looking pillar of crystal. I began to slowly inch towards the heart, I however stoped when I heard a voice near me, causing me to jump a good 10 feet up into the air.

"Who is thee to come across thine relic?"

"... What?" A heard a growl of annoyance coming from the voice before it spoke again.

"Ahem. Who are you, and how did you some across my relic?"

"Uh... Name's Sombra. Who... Are you?"

"I am but a humble relic of the past. And I think I have found a suitable master once again,"

I looked at the heart confused. I figured out a minute ago that the voice was coming from the crystal heart, "Suitable... Master...?"

"Yes, do you accept?"

"Hold on, hold on, first of all-" I pointed a hoof towards the heart, "You're talking, second-" I pointed a hoof towards the area surrounding the both of us, "Where the heck am I, third-" I raised my hoof, then back down again, "actually there's no third question, I just wanted to do three questions for dramatic effect," I said with a sheepish grin.

"Of course..." The heart said with a second groan of annoyance, "Still, I understand you're concern,"

"So, are you gonna uh..."

"Yes, I will answer your questions." The crystal heart suddenly glowed with a mystical energy. Said energy pulsed out, changing the surrounding area from the snowy wasteland it was before, to a flat plane with flowers covering the ground.

"Woah... It's-"

"Beautiful?" The crystal heart interjected.

"Yeah..." I said with my mouth open. It was an understatement if I said it was beautiful, it was... Perfect...

"My previous master agreed too," A stallion walked out from behind the crystal heart, startling me, "Do not be afraid, this form is only a representation of my former master." As if to show a point, the stallion suddenly dissipated into a blue magical mist.

"So... Your master was an old stallion with a star hat?" I said with true confusion.

"Well... It was only his disguise," The stallion appeared once again, however this time a pink cloud suddenly appeared infront of the stallion. After the cloud dissipated, I saw what looked like an amalgam of different creatures. From dragons to griffins and a bear, all of the creatures I mentioned was a part of this creature, "Surprised?" The creature said with a slightly deep voice.

"Well... I can't say that I'm not surprised," The amalgam chuckled at that.

"You have a way with words young colt," another sudden poof and a pink cloud appeared infront of the amalgam. After a minute of the pink cloud still being there, I heard a groan of annoyance, "Of course when I did it the second time, it fails," A voice said from behind the pink cloud. This voice wasn't the same as the last voice, this voice was a lot more... Feminine, and a lot squeakier.

A bear claw fanned the pink cloud to reveal an amalgam that looked more like a bipedal mare. Still, the parts and pieces of different creatures still adorned the body of the amalgam.

"What a naughty colt you are, staring at a mare's body intently," The amalgam said while giving me lewd look.

"I'm not gonna lie, you're kinda not my type," *Crack* I swear I heard a crack coming from the amalgam. I also swore I saw blood coming out of her mouth.

"Ow... *Sniff*" The... mare? said, barely louder than my breaths, "Where was I... Oh!" She suddenly pulled out a notebook out of thin air and started to skim through it, "Hmmm, oh right! Why I'm talking..." The notebook disappeared as fast as it appeared and the mare cleared her throat.

"Ahem, the reason why I'm talking is because my creator and previous master, Lord- I mean, Master made me to help ponies and creatures alike to survive in an unknown land," She said, reverting to her almost emotionless voice, "However, he abandoned me when he... -He left me in a pocket dimensions, this pocket dimension, to forget about his past," A single tear escaped the mare as she spoke, "I have been here, for who knows how long. You have been the only pony interaction I had since I rebelled against my creator."

'Well that was a story and a half,' I thought to myself. I must've looked really stupid because when I turned to face her again, I was met by a rather confused amalgam.

"So, do you accept?"

"To being your master?" I questioned the amalgam. She closed her eyes and nodded, "Then I refuse,"

She looked at me with wide eyes and her mouth hit the floor with a resounding *Thud*, "Wha- but-"

"I don't want to be your master," I said, definitely.

"... That... Is to be expected," She said, sadly. She looked distraught at my statement. She slowly turned around, but stopped as she heard my voice again.

"I... Want to be your friend." I said softly to her. She snapped back her neck to face me with wide eyes. A few moments of silence was shared between us, but she broke that when she jumped towards me to give me hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She said through tears. The mare was sobbing an entire river into my dark coat, making it even darker.

"Woah! Easy there tiger, you might flood the entire dimension," I said sarcastically.

"Oh just shut up ma- friend, and let me cry into you soft coat," The mare quipped back. After a long few moments, she finally let go from the hug and stepped a few steps back away from me, "Okay, before we do anything, I need to see if you're qualified,"

"But you already uh, chose me...?" I said with a question mark popping over my head.

"Well yes, but I still need to know what your good at!" She twirls a bagel around her claws and throws it towards me, "Anyways, catch!"

The bagel flew straight at my face, and I did the most logical thing you can do when a bagel is thrown towards you. I kicked it with my forehoof.

"... Not the reaction I was expecting but hey! Better than what I expected," She jots down notes on a piece of paper, "Now... Ah! What would you do if there's a starving filly infront of you?"

'Kick the child'

"I would take it to the nearest hospital because if a filly is out in the open she's definitely gonna have bruises," I replied.

"Hmmmm... Okay, what if there was a almighty powerful sun goddess hellbent of killing you because you look like a tyrant that she fought 2000 years ago?"

"Oddly specific but I guess I would try to talk it out," I put a hoof on my chin to ponder, 'I wonder what the sun taste's like... Wait, can I even taste magma?'

"... You're thinking about something really stupid aren't you?" The mare said abruptly.

"... Yeah," I said with the most cheeky grin a pony has seen.

"Good! That's one quality I expected from you," She said while jotting down notes, "wait, that sounded wrong. I meant to say that, I expected you to be very... Airheaded to say the least,"

"Wait, you expected me to be here?" I said with a confused tone in my voice.

"Well not exactly you, but I did summon a strong soul to this dimension," She said casually, all while sipping a tea cup that she grabbed out of thin air.

"Wow I'm a strong soul?" I said excitedly.

"Well my spells never lie, well maybe they do now that I'm looking more closely," She said, whispering the last part. I only stood there while giving my best impression of a foal that was just struck by a brick at the head.

"So... What now?" I said, tilting my head slightly to the right.

"Now? Now we give the viewers a fight!" She said, making a boom box appear out of thin air, "Well, I mean viewers, I mean our future selves, through our memories, or not," She fiddles with the boombox for a bit and finally puts in a tape that she conjured, out of thin air, again, "There we go!"

"So uh, what the heck is that?" I asked.

"Oh, it's just a device that plays music,"

"I could guess that much," If you couldn't tell, I was lying about not knowing what a boombox is.

As the music starts, she suddenly stands from her sitting position earlier and start jogging in place, "Okay, NOW we fight!" She said while smilling.

"Why do we have to fight?" I asked. The mare only chuckled at my confusion.

"Oh silly! For plot reasons duh!" I looked at her confused, "Oh right you don't know what a plot is, ahem. It's for research purposes,"

"Research what now?"

"Well for starters, I need to know how strong you are, and if you aren't that strong, I can train you like there's no tomorrow," She said with a evil smile, her eyes shining red as she said this, "Now! No more talking," She kneels and claws at the ground, slowly grabbing a sword with her talons, "Fight me, if you dare!" Now pointing her sword at me, I sigh and turn my mind off.

'I can't even fight...'

Starman ends!


We stood prepared, ready to attack without a moments of hesitation, well the amalgam was ready, not me.


"Why did this music even play?! She's not even alive yet!" The amalgam shouted. 'I should really get her name,'


"The music's pretty good, I can't see why you're complaining," I said with a relaxed tone, letting my guard down completely.


"I'm complaining because she's not even born yet! How does her music even play?!" The mare said while pulling her brown hair. I could see the slight glint in her eyes as she's waiting for something.

I sigh at her ramblings, "Look, the music is pretty good so why are you com-"


My name is Pinkie pie! (Hello!)


And I am here to say, (How ya doing?)

I'm gonna make you smile

And I will brighten up your day,


I dodged and weaved the sword that was dangerously close to cutting me open like a fish fillet, my eyes wide open as I dodged, "HEY! CUT THAT OUT!"

"That's the plan!" She said, while swinging her sword. I laid flat on my chest as she did, her slash barely missing me by an inch.

It doesn't matter now, (What's up?)

If you are sad or blue, (Howdy!)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT'S THE PLAN?!" I shouted while panicking. I rolled away from her as she dug her sword at the ground where I was.

Cause cheering up my friends,

Is just what Pinkie's here to do!

"The plan is to make you fight me!" She shouted as she jumped into the air, swinging her sword.

*Epic beat drop here! Courtesy of Pinkie pie!*


I looked up to where she was however as I looked, she wasn't there, "Forgot something?"

I love to make you,



Yes I do!

"*Chk!*" I spat out blood as her sword cleanly sliced through my stomach, thankfully the slash didn't go too deep. I tried to roll away from the mare, fumbling mid way as I clutches my chest in pain.

"Too slow!"

It fills up my heart with sunshine all the while,


Yes it does!

Another slash made me roll away from her, a trail of blood soaking the grass as I rolled.

"Come on! Is that the best you can do?" She said, tauntingly.

"IT AINT MY- *ack!* faULT! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!" I said, blood escaping my mouth mid way through my sentence.


Cause all I really need is a,




*S L A S H*


*S L A S H H*

"Ack!-" I was sent flying by the consecutive slashes, blood practically flowing out of my coat making it have a red tint.

'I really am getting bullied huh,'

From these happy friends of mine! (Happy friends of mine! (Happy friends of mine! (Happy friends of mine!)))

*Very cool no lyrics part here courtesy of yours truly! Pinkie pie!*

"Get up ya wanker!" The mare said, now kneeling infront of my prone self.

"Five more minutes..." She scoffed at my request, grabbing me by my mane and lifting me up to eye level.

"Look, if you're not gonna take this seriously, I'll make you take this seriously," She said with an evil grin.

"I... AM!" I shouted at her face.


"Well you aren't taking it as seriously as I would like," She grabs my face and squishes it with her claws, drawing some blood, "Like, dear. You aren't even trying to fight back against me, are you even trying?"

"I can't fight back if you don't let me!" I coughed out.

"A real opponent doesnt let you fight back my friend, you'll die if you keep that mindset," As she said this, her grip on face started to get stronger and stronger, "Looks like you were an anomaly after all..." I could see a faintest of a light from her other hand that was stationed right at my stomach, "Goodbye."

*B L A S T!*

*S P L A T T!*


'Please tell me that made him take this seriously...'

... ... ... ... ... ...

It's true some days are dark and lonely...

Amalgam suddenly twisted her neck towards the voice that was singing, slightly worried and confused.

And maybe you feel sad...

The voice was coming from where Sombra was catapulted to when the blast hit his chest, smoke still emanating from the area obscuring the amalgam's vision.

But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad...

The smoke finally dissipated, revealing the slumped form of Sombra. Unmoving.

There is one thing that makes me happy,

And makes my whole life worth whileeee!

She turned her head again, this time seeing a pink earth pony next to Sombra, "HOW IN HARMONY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?" She shouted, "AND STOP NARRATING THIS PART! YOU AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED BE ALIVE!" The pink pony only smiled at the draco-something-something, and went back to singing.

And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to-

Another round of rambling was heard from the draco-long words- but the pink pony ignored it.

*Thunder noises*


*K A B O O O O M*

Sombra's unmoving body was struck by blue lightning, leaving a dust cloud as it did.

I really am so happy,

Your smile fills me with glee!

The dust cloud dissipated to reveal Sombra looking confused, as if he was just jolted awake, which he was.

"Huh? I- what?-" Was all he could say before I- I mean- the pink party pony pushed him down the hill that they were currently on.

I give a smile, I get a smile,

And that's so special to me!

The dark unicorn tumbled down to the draco-quincy something-, he let out an annoyed gru-

"Found you,"



I laid confused the feet of the amalgam as my head spined in all directions, "Well, can't let that distraction distract our fight, right friend?"

'Oh come on...'


Cause I love to see you-


Yes I do!

Three beams shot towards my direction in sync of the music. Two narrowly missing my head and chest but that last one hitting my...

"OUGH! That looke like it hurt! Sorry,"

Tell me what more I can say
To make you see
That I do!

I laid on my back, clutching my very sensitive parts if my body, almost crying from the excruciating pain. I guarantee every male could feel my pain right now.


"Think fast!"

It makes me happy when you

The amalgam sucker punched my snout, causing a resounding and very concerning *Crack!* noise. The force of punch made me roll backwards for a good few meters, it also made me not able to breathe properly.

Yes it always makes my da-a-a-aa-a-a-ay!"

'I can't breathe...'

'I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe'

'I can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't breatheI can't-'

'Calm yourself fool!'

'Im dying how can I calm myself?!'

'If you are calm, then you can find a solution you short sighted bafoon!'

'That still doesn't matter if I'm DEAD!'

'You are quite literally a unicorn that rivels the goddess of the sun and moon, you can figure this out Sombra,'

'I am not a unicorn with powers even close to that level!'

'AUGH! This is why I hate multiple personalities!'

'Just shut your trap and tell me how to be calm!'

'Control your breathes- wait...'

'And here I thought I was dumb,'

'Fine! I admit I haven't thought this far ahead...'

'Uh huh...'

'But I have a plan!'

'And that is???'

'Operation, go out in a blaze of glory!'

'... I hate myself,'

Come on everypony, smile smile smile!

I stood there, blood coming out of his snout and mouth. Not moving an inch.

Fill my heart up with sunshine sunshine!

I may not be able to breathe, but my mind was somehow more clear than ever. I mentally beat myself up for my indecision for the last few minutes. I was taking the amalgam's hits like it was free food! I'm a fool.

All I really need is a smile smile smile!

I gathered up the pitiful excuse that I called my magic and forcefully injected it into my muscles. It was painful, yes, was it efficient? Fuck no, but it did the job.

I readied myself for real this time. The gathering of magic that I did swept up dust around me, making a dust cloud, perfect for my plan.

From these happy friends of miiiineeeee!

(Note the following fight descriptions is basically just the fluttershy vs Pinkie in the actual video, just replace Pinkie with the mare and Flutters with Sombra.)


I delivered a solid punch to the amalgam's face, forcing her to clutch to the ground with her hands to stop her momentum.

Come on everypony-

I charge towards her at lightning speeds, delivering more punches with rapid succession.


With every punch that connected with her face, blood would spurt out of her nostrils like a waterfall. Both of us were flying at incredible speeds (mainly because I'm punching the living daylights out of her).



A resounding crack echoed throughout the little bubble of greenery that surrounded us both as I punched the amalgam downwards towards the grass, leaving a crater when she landed.

I grabbed the mare by her feet and started to spin both of us, going faster and faster with every spin.





The amalgam rocketed towards the sky as I let go of her body, blood showering towards the ground as she flew. I pushed my back hooves towards the earth beneath me and jumped towards the mare in the sky, air rippled around me as a crack in the sky formed behind me, then a resounding boom.

'Fuck did I just break the sound barrier?!'

I couldn't feel my back legs anymore, they probably broke as a result of my stunt of casually going mach 3.















Come on everypony smile! Smile! Smile! Fill up my heart with sunshine sunshine! Yes a perfect gift for meeeeeee!

The amalgam stopped her momentum mid air as I flew towards her, "I take it back, this is getting out of hand!" as I flew towards her, she suddenly ducked causing me to miss her entirely, she then blasted my chest for the second time this day and made me go flying in the opposite direction, "I need to end this quick or we both die!" she said as she zipped towards me.

Is a smile as a-

'This is so stupid this is so stupid this is so-' I mentally said to myself as I grabbed the air at the right of me.

'Got it!' I yanked out the lyrics from outside my vision, a small crack appeared and the said lyrics appeared in my hoof. I stopped myself in the air and flew towards the mare with my right forehoof gripping the lyrics tightly.


'What the!-' SMACK!


All I really need is a smile smile smile! From these happy friends of mine! To make me happy as can be!


The mare looked up in horror as I started to create flames out of thin air, forming a gigantic ball of death around me. It radiated heat and energy as if it was the sun.


"Hey friend! Amigo! Buddy chum pal buddy! We can talk about this!"


"Just make that fireball go away... And we can talk about this!"

S M I L E!
*Z I Z Z L E!*

"Look, in all seriousness you're gonna destroy my core and I-"

S M I L E !
*C R A C K L E !

"Well, time to pray to harmony, or faust, or anybody that cares,"

S M I L E E E E !
*S W O O S H ! !*

Come on and smile! Come on and-

'Oh shit I can teleport I forgo-'


"I... Did it!...... Still... Can't breathe...!"


"Got you! Phew..."

*In another time, far, far in the past.*

"Sister? Art thou okay?"

"We are... Fine, Lulu..."

"You do not look fine sister-"


"... If you say so, dear sister..."


"You shall reveal yourself, Sombra,"

"Awww, you could've said that earlier dear friend! You know complete invisibility is tiring to-"

"Thou shall not make this talk longer, speak your mind this instant!"

"Buzzkiller, aren't you Tia?"

"Thou shall speak their mind right this instant, unless they want for us to speak it for them."

"... Fine. I only want an answer to my simple question dear princess,"

"Thou question is?"


"That us not a question- Ack!"



"Try me,"

*Five hours after the clash of the monarchs... And only a few moments before my first, and last lesson in friendship...

*After a gruesome five hours of fighting, the celestial sisters have finally put an end to Sombra's underhanded tactics, and have freed the crystal ponies from their enslavement. They all then lived without fear of oppression, oppression that was caused by the tyrant, King Sombra.*

"That's... What you're... Going to tell them..."

"Tell... *Huff* Who...?"

"The... History books...
The scholars... The common folk... *Cough cough*"

"Shut you trap Sombra! We have defeated you once and for all! You shall tell us how you enslaved the crystal empire right this instant!"

"After you... Tell me how you two... Convinced your entire people... That the reunification war was to... "Unite all pony kind""


"Was it through mind control?... Through deception?... Lies...? Or maybe even... Genocide?"


"What is it... Sunbutt? I... Don't have much time... Since you blasted a whole through my ribs- *Cough*."


"What do you-"

"Why did thou attack unprompted... Why did thou... "

"A certain chimera of chaos told me... To do it... To be honest with you Tia... You did the right thing, keeping the truth hidden from... Prying eyes..."

"Then why? Why did thou still attack us?""

"To prove a point, duh."


"Sombra I... I... L-"

"I know Tia... I know..."


*Drop... Drop... Drop...*

"This... Isn't funny..."


"Why... Why must the rain fall... At such occasions..."

Drop... Drop...


A-new-villain-gets-introduce-only-to-die-the-same-chapter type of day (Chapter 1)

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Hey readers! It's me! Pinkie the Pie! Anyways, just a little heads up, this fanfic isn't going to be like Depressed's other fanfic where chapter's where he just pumps out chapters with no thought. This is probably going to be a monthly upload, also, this isn't in he author's notes because I'm not the author, tee hee!

Oh! Also before I forget, the author told me to tell you guys that this story is very whacky! It's made to be like a animated kinda story, but he's too lazy to draw! Except he isn't because he did draw one of the scenes! Ta ta!


Somewhere in the past, CSGU

Noise filled the hallways as lunch time finally arrived. Unicorns was all that little Twilight could see as she trotted over to the cafeteria for her willing deserved lunch. As she trotted, she couldn't help but think about what the strange class her teacher, Celestia taught only a few hours ago.

*Flashback, Flashback, Flashbackkkkkk,*

Twilight sat at the front of the class as usual. She was eagerly waiting for the scheduled history class that the Princess Celestia was going to teach.

Princess Celestia had mentioned that her history teacher was sick on this day so in turn, the princess herself would take it upon herself and teach the class.

Loud chatter was filling the room as she sat eagerly. Some talked about school projects, some talked about sports, but most talked about the teacher being later than usual. All of that would end though as the entrance of the classroom was engulfed in a light yellow magic, opening and revealing princess Celestia.

"Good morning, my little ponies," Celestia said calmly.

"Good morning princess Celestia!" Everypony said at the same time.

"I regret to inform all of you that Mr. Hoof would be currently absent today due to a falling out with his partner of 10 years," Celestia said in a somber tone. Twilight couldn't help but notice Celestia's fur shivered as she said this, but she dismissed it.

There were quiet "Yay!"s heard as princess Celestia continued, "But he has given me permission to teach this class in his stead." Even more quiet yays were heard as she said this. A little colt raised his hoof eagerly to catch Celestia's attention.

"Yes my little pony?"

"Princess, what will you be teaching us?" The colt said with excitement. Strangely, Celestia seemed to freeze at the colt's question, but she quickly composed herself (to Twilight's confusion).

"Today, I will be teaching you a very forgotten empire of ponies that seemingly disappeared 1990 years ago,"

"Oo! Oo! What empire was it princess?" A pink hoof was raised eagerly with the question.

"It was the elusive 'Crystal empire'."

"Pshhh, sounds lame," A voiced said at the back of class.

"To some it might be "lame" at first, but I assure you my dear pony, It is a story that holds many exciting details," Celestia calmly said.

"Even more than d-MPHMH!" The filly tried to say but was interrupted with a swift hoof placed on her mouth. Twilight decided that this was the perfect time to ask her own questions to hopefully move the discussion along.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight raised her hoof.

"Yes Twilight dear?"

"Why is it called the 'Crystal empire'?" Twilight curiously asked Celestia.

"A very good question Twilight, as expected," Twilight blushed slightly at her teacher's praise, "The reason it is called the Crystal Empire is a very simple yet complicated reason,"

Now playing: The legend. By toby fox (deltarune)

Long ago, there were two alicorn sisters.

One governed the Night

One governed the Day

Both of the sister's appeared suddenly one fateful day. They spoke about forming a utopia of ponies, all living in Harmony.

Unfortunately, all of the ponies scoffed at their idea, calling them an abomination and throwing the sisters out of their respective tribes.

The sisters did not give up however, and tried again and again to convince the tribes to unite, only to be met by more and more ridicule. The sisters, disheartened, ultimately gave up their dream of reunification. Until a sudden blizzard tore through the ponies lands, destroying their crops and lives. The ponies tried to adapt to the blizzard, but to no avail as they soon found out that the ever elusive wendigos caused the blizzard, fueled by the ponies hatred and distrust.

The ponies, seeing no other option, decided to unite and wander across the snow filled wasteland in search of the sisters. After months and months, hope finally entered their minds as they saw the two sisters infront of them, seemingly unaffected by the blizzard.

The ponies begged the sisters to help, as they were the only two that had the power to stop the blizzard. The sisters, with new found determination, gathered up the remaining tribes and marched to the lair of the wendigos.

That was in vain however, as everypony froze while fighting the wendigos that populated the lair. All ponies except for three.

The sisters, and a lone unicorn with a coat as dark as the night sky.

They fought valiantly, defeating every wendigo in their path as they made their way to the king of wendigos, a wendigo so powerful that he single hoofedly caused the blizzard to shroud the lands. A wendigo named THANATOS.

With the help of the lone unicorn, the sisters finally defeated Thanatos and banished him from the lands using multiple powerful artifacts. The three celebrated as the blizzard slowly went away, causing all the ponies affected to revert back to normal.

All tribes decided to pledge their allegiance to the sisters, which both of them happily accepted. Now, using only one banner, the kingdom of ponies was created, the kingdom of


A hoof was raised while Celestia was acting out the scene with three dummies that she grabbed from the training hall of the royal guard, "Yes my little pony?"

"Im sorry your highness but I thought this lesson was about the Crystal Empire?" Said the little filly.

Celestia seemingly had a moment of realization and blushed deeply at her embarrassing situation, "Oh! Um... I forgot about that... Let's get back on track,"

The legend (Deltarune) is no longer playing.

"So princess Celestia, are you saying that a dark force corrupted the nice stallion and forced him to enslave the Crystal Empire?" Twilight asked to Celestia, who had just finished recounting the start of the downfall of the Crystal Empire.

"Yes Twilight my dear, a dark force enveloped his heart and filled it with malice instead of compassion," Celestia said while slowly dragging her hoof over the wooden tiles of the classroom.

"What about the crystal heart?" A buttercream coated filly asked.

"The crystal heart didn't have enough power to overcome the stallion's malice, and slowly broke down until it could no longer protect it's ponies" Celestia answered.

"What happened then princess?" A cyan filly asked Celestia.

"Oo! Oo! Maybe our princess kissed the malice away from the stallion's heart!" A pink filly who was next to the cyan filly said while making smooching noises and actions.

"Oh. My. Celestia! Dear that is not proper etiquette when facing the princess herself! Oh this is just the worst. Possible. Thing!" A filly said while dramatically placing her hoof on her face and fake fainting.

"Oh you're so random uh- Rosé!" The cyan filly said while snickering. A sudden slam of a hoof was heard, startling the fillies.

"You three! You three are on the noisy list!" A filly shouted at the three little musketeers of noise, that promptly made them shut up.

"Well, my dear student, you're question is a great one nonetheless," Celestia said to the cyan filly, "Unfortunately, in the end the malice in his heart ultimately made him all too powerful, so powerful that reason couldn't pierce through his clouded mind, so in the end... He..." Celestia trailed off, with a grim expression on her face.

"What... Happened to the crystal ponies? The empire?" Twilight asked the grim looking Celestia.

"They disappeared, without a trace," Celestia closed her eyes and silently beat herself up over the 1990 year mistake.


"Oh! Would you look at the time! Well, class, enjoy your lunch! Class dismissed." Celestia said before sidestepping to the left as a horde of hungry foals flooded out the classroom. After a few minutes, the only ones left in the room was Celestia herself, and Twilight.

"Princess?" Twilight said to Celestia rather abruptly.

"What is it Twilight?" Celestia said in a motherly tone.

"What was... The red eyed stallion named?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well, his name was Sombra, why did you ask Twilight?" Celestia smiled at her student's curiosity.

"Just curious," A few seconds of awkward silence washed over the both of them as they both stood there, facing each other. As Celestia was about to walk away however,

"Princess? What do you think happens when a pony dies?"

Celestia was shocked for a few moments, but answered as truthfully as she could, "Well... In my personal beliefs, I believe they wander all of Equestria, helping other ponies through dark times,"

"Who do you think Mr. Sombra... Helping right now?"


"Oh... Okay..." Twilight said with an uncharacteristically low amount of curiosity.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I have royal duties to attend as of now, if you have anymore questions, you can ask them tomorrow when I teach you personally." Celestia excused herself and started to trot back to her royal chambers.

"I'm sure he's helping her... I'm sure of it."

Twilight snapped out of her flashback and levitated her packed lunch, heading over to the open grass for her lunch. With a smile on her face, Twilight trotted over to her designated lunch spot and ate her lunch.

While trotting there, she hadn't noticed a group of fillies next a tree, whispering about some random topic that she didn't really care about. She however noticed that one of them looked strangely familiar.

She shrugged, deciding that whatever was happening wasn't really her problem. She needed food and she needed it fast, if she wasn't so hungry she wouldn't have joined the hoard of foals rushing out of the room and instead talked with her teacher more. A foal needs their food after all!

In a galaxy far far away- I mean.

In the present, Bumfuck nowhere

"Wakey wakey eggs and dead-ponies,"

"there's a spicy bean burrito from taco bell behind you!"


"Okay why did I think that would work? Taco bell doesn't even exist here! Speaking of taco bell, I wonder if the baja blast comes in a gallon?"


"Oh buck this! Quite literally,"


"AHH! I'M AWAKE I'M AWAKE!" I jolted awake as the amalgam stomped my chest with full force.

"Wow what a stallionly scream!" The amalgam said while clapping her hands slowly.

"Shu- shut up!" I stammered out, "How long was I out for?"

"A couple decades," The amalgam said while sipping on a mysterious liquid.

"Haha what a comedian," Rolling my eyes, I awaited the truth.

And waited.

And waited.

And waite-

"Okay, how long was I out?" The amalgam opened her mouth to reply but I cut her off, "And I swear to all the cosmic horrors if you say a few decades I will punch you so hard you'll become a wall of feathers."

"Well technically you did get knocked out for a few decades-" I started to pull my right forehoof back, "But! But! Also technically only a few hours." She said with a nervous grin.


"Well... Since this is a pocket dimension, time kinda doesn't work the same,"

"... Huh,'

"Time exists, but also doesn't? It's really bizarre," The amalgam scratched the back of her head.

"Just on a shot in dark but is the explanation just "Time is connected to the main universe but also not, it only gets connected when the main universe gets rattled, causing the pocket dimension to merge with the main one connecting them,"?" I said with my eyes narrowing.

"Well I- actually yeah, pretty much. How did you know?" The amalgam confusingly stared back at me.

"... A shot in the dark,"

To be honest, I have no idea where that came from. Maybe I'm a nerd I don't know.

"It hurts my brain trying to come up with an explanation for your sudden intelligence," The amalgam said. You know what? This is the perfect time for introductions.

"I can't keep calling you amalgam in mind so if I may ask, what the fuck is your name?" Wow such a good introduction Sombra.

"Don't have one," Nameless said, "wanna give me one?"

Looking around, I saw the crystal heart again, reminding me that this amalgam is technically just that crystal heart.

"How about... Crystal heart?"

"That is the most unoriginal name you could've come up with. I like it," Heart said with a smirk, repeating her name a few times, "That reminds me, what's your name friend?"

"Sombra Darkshine. Stupid name, I know," I said with a scoff.


"The 'Sombra' part is fine, the 'Darkshine' part sounds edgy and stupid,"

"Then change it, duh," Heart said with her tongue out.

"Change it to what? Satoru?"

"What the fuck is a Satoru?"

"A sea urchin,"

"Maybe you could change it too... Hmmm..." Heart rubbed her chin in thought, "I know! How about-"

A gust of cool breeze flew by the both of us, a single snowflake covered Heart's lips as she said the name. I shivered inwardly at her suggestion, not because of disgust towards the name mind you. It just sounded... Familiar.


"Oh hey! Wanna know about how the price of oats affected the economical situation of Equestria so much that they were forced to import half their grain from the surrounding Zebra nations? And did you know that the griffon kingdom almost got invaded by the dragon kingdom because of a border dispute? I mean, both of you have wings just talk it out! Racist bigot mu............."

Unnecessary cut away here

Somewhere in the semi close future.

"Good morning Sombra..." Heart groggily walked towards the reading stallion.

"Good morning to you too," Sombra said, sipping a glass of milk.

"What you dooooing?" Heart promptly collapsed on the couch next to Sombra.

"Thinking about my horrible and condemnable decisions that will haunt me for the rest of my pitiful and unsatisfying life that I have chosen," Sombra sipped his milk again, "So the usual."

"Stoppp saying thattttt," Heart extended her arm out to Sombra and bopped him on the nose.

"Eh, keeps me sane," Sombra shrugged.

"If you keep saying that I'll get saaaaad,"

"Keep dreaming Heart, keep on dreaming,"

Heart slowly transitioned into a sitting position next to Sombra while pouting, Sombra only chuckled at her.

"Stop laughing..."

"I'm not laughing Heart, I'm chuckling. Huge difference," Sombra chuckled some more.

"Gosh you sound like Twilight," Heart rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Hey you did say I needed to "Get smarter and stop putting your head in the clouds,""

"Yeah not like this!" Heart started to pout again, "When did all go wrong..."

"I don't know, maybe when you changed my last name to that horrible one?" Sombra sarcastically said.

"Pshh, you liked it!" Heart pouted.

"No I didn't!" Sombra also pouted.

"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't!"
"No you didn't,"
"Yes I did- oh you sneaky rat!" Sombra pounces on Heart, the latter laughing up a storm (literally).

"Blehhhhh!" Heart stuck a tongue out to mock Sombra, before getting rammed into the couch.

"Hey dad! What's all the noi-" A pink mare suddenly entered the room. She stared at the rather embarrassing positions that Sombra and Heart were in.

Sombra was on top of Heart pinning her on the floor, his hind legs spread out above Heart's bottom area. The pink stared in silence as both Sombra and Heart started to go crimson, Sombra darting his eyes from Heart and the mare.


"Oh I'm totally mailing this to auntie and Twily!" The pink mare exclaimed before closing the door and booking it.

Both of them, still in the same position, stared in silence before another mare stood before them. This time her coat was black with green hints.

"Wow dad, a mare's stallion much? What would Twilight thi-"

"SHUT UP!" Both exclaimed in embarrassment, causing the mare to laugh.

"Ooohhhh Pinkie's gonna looooove this, or hate it,"

"SOMEONE DO A TRANSITION!" Heart exclaimed, looking more and more frantic, and red.

"Okey dokie!"


Why the fuck are all ""Transparent"" photos not trans-fucking-PARENT?!

Back at the quote unquote ""present""

Man, I must've hit my head hard when I got tumbled on the ground. Why? Because holy shit I did not remember what chose for my new last name. I am I getting old? I'm fucking 21! Or zero, if you're an egg head.

"-So that how Depressed chose his name!" Heart finished talking. I tuned out most of it, well, most anyways. After the "Sun vs the void of space" story that she rambled on I just kinda turned off the part of my brain that receives the vibrations from my ear. Also did you know I could just turn off my brain? Oh wait yeah I just told you my bad.

Anyways, after her whole rambling speech mumbo jumbo shit was finished she stared at me with a grin on her face, and a bread thing in one of her hand thingy.

"Now can you tell me what are we supposed to do now?" I asked Heart.

"Why are you asking me? You're the boss," She replied while eating a... Bread thing.

"Oh wow, really helped me there," Sarcasm oozing out of my voice, rolling my eyes, all obvious signs of joking.

"Oh wow I did?" Or so I thought.

I mean, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed come on! I'm not this airheaded.

"Just... Yea,"

"WAIT!" Heart shouted, grabbing my attention, ""*Sniff sniff* I smell... Blood!"

I tilt my head while looking at Heart,"We did fight here so..."

"It doesn't smell like our blood idiot!"

"I'm afraid of your nose now- WOAH!" I was interrupted by Heart grabbing me off of my hooves and holding me tight as she ran towards the ever increasing smell of blood, "HEY AT LEAST WARN ME!"

"NO TIME FOR WARNINGS! TIME FOR RESCUE!" Heart shouted while practically slamming into the snowflakes in the air.

My sounds of pain basically just got blocked out by the raging snowstorm, fun.

A grueling few minutes later.




"KISS MY LICK WITCH? HOW CAN YOU KISS YOUR LICK?" She was still shouting back at me. Look, don't ask me how I can hear her, but she can't hear me, I don't know too okay?

"CAN YOU TELL ME IF WE'RE GETTING CLOSER AT LEAST?" I shouted, while covering my face with my hooves.

"SURE!" She shouted.

"She's atleast gonna give me that relief, I'm getting more and more paranoid the longer I don't know- HEY WAIT A GOD DAMN SECOND!" I thought and almost exclaimed.

"YOU CAN HEAR ME AFTER ALL!" I shouted. While doing this whole exchange my face somehow ended up switching place with my flank, and my flank was now getting bombarded by the wrath of god.

"HUH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" She shouted back.

"I SAID YOUR ASS LOOKS GOOD FROM THIS ANGLE, DON'T CHANGE IT!" I shouted. This got her attention since she quickly rotated me in a second while running and was now slightly red.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Which was quickly replaced by screams of fear as Heart stopped her momentum and flung me 20 feet infront of her. With a resounding *plompf*, I hit the snowy ground snout first and ass in the air, dignity out and fuckin off the air. (Hey that rhymes)

"I hate you," I grumbled beneath the snow.

"Psh, turn that frown upside down friend! And besides, your gonna be saying the opposite in a few years. *Wink wink*" Heart chuckled.

Grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, Heart lifted me up and put me down on my legs, after that I shaked the excess snow off like a fucked up lookin dog.

"Sheesh, it's like your forcing me to look at your ass Sombra if you're shaking it like that~" Heart teasingly said.

"Jealous of what you don't have?" I calmly said. This made her blush like a madman.

"Wha- you said my ass looked great!" Heart exclaimed.

"At that angle, not much to look at any other angle," I double downed.

"Well your ass isn't anything special either!" She retorts with a grin.

"Yeah, keep saying that while staring at it," I flicked my tail playfully, "Brrrr, okay that was a bad idea." I shivered, my body quickly reminding me that I am infact, in the middle of a dimension that was just snow, the only outlier of the dimension being Heart's bubble of green.

Which they both broke.

"Ugh just shut it!" Heart snorted out, "We're close by the way, to the blood."

"How close?" I questioned.

Sniffing the air, she stops her walking and covers her nose with her paw, "Too close"

"What do you mean too clooooooo- holyyyy shitttttttt," My mouth was fully open as I looked at the area infront of me.

Without getting into details: Have you ever seen a roman era painting? Like that one painting of a bible story? Where a city gets smitten by god because of something I don't remember? No not the salt one.

It was like that, a roman era painting. Why? Because I think my brain shut downed when I tried to process what I was looking at. Too many details, contrast between colors, the foreground being chaotic while the background was slightly less chaotic.

Now with getting into detail: It was a fucking bloodbath. That's the best way I could, can, and will describe it. Multiple dead ponies strewn the snowy landscape, what looks like remnants of a village accompanying them.

The bodies had their heads going in the wrong direction, their coat seemingly plucked of it's hairs, eye's looking on with dread and fear, all of them encased in a thin layer of blue ice.

It looked straight out of a bad gore movie, but the gore was actually infront of you, real.

The buildings near what I could only presume to be the town hall had smashed windows, signs written with blood, burn marks and ash littered the buildings.

It was so cheesy yet so fucking horrifying.

And the smell, the fucking smell.

Bodies weren't supposed to decompose when frozen, but most of the carcasses smelled like a cosmic horror decided to open the gates of hell and blasted it with fart spray, letting it waft through the village.

Both Heart and I started to walk into town, more bodies appearing as we did. With a better look, I could see a few noticable ponies sticking out like a sore hoof.

One was a big red stallion with a cutie mark of an apple on it's flank, one was a cyan pegasus seemingly frozen in time as her wings stretched out ready to fly. Another one I noticed was a purple unicorn with a baby dragon on it's back, both looking very confused. I could feel their eyes look towards me, staring at my movements.

"Fucking wendigos..." Heart whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"We're in a fear spell that wendigos use," She said calmly, "Don't be scared, be calm."

"Okay...?" I said. Both of us looked around more as we passed more and more frozen ponies. We were stopped in our tracks however as a frozen body of a filly sat infront of us, eyes devoid of emotion.

We started to walk past the filly, ignoring it and leaving it in the back of our minds.


We snapped our heads towards the direction of the noise, only to find the same frozen filly staring back at us, closer than before.

"What the fu-"


We looked again, another frozen filly stood behind us, this time being a yellow earth pony.


Another drag, this time from a white unicorn filly. We darted our eyes from the three fillies, realization hit us like a truck.

"Fucking weeping angels-" A very fast dragging sound was heard from behind us again. A buttercream pegasus appeared in our face as we turned around.

"Sombra, listen to me closely," I nod quickly, "don't stray your eyes away from the ponies, don't even blink, don't even look at where your going, don't. Look. Away."

"Don't gotta tell me twice..." We started to inch farther and farther away from the frozen statues.


Heart conjured an eye behind her to see what moved. A look of disbelief grows on her face as she makes more and more eyes.

All the bodies moved. And every single one of them was encased in ice like a damn popsicle.

"Hey Sombra..."


"Remember that I told you to not look away from them?," I nod in response, "Just forget what I said and-" Heart grabbed me by my barrel as she started to run away, "RUN AWAY!!!!"

As we ran, I could see a wave of frozen ponies stop and start going to us. A feeling of dread washed over me as the ponies drag themselves towards us, their eyes glued to our position. They really can't move them so yeah.

Heart quickened her pace as she started to breathe heavier and heavier, though not of exhaustion.

"I could feel the fear creep towards me! Shit shit shit!" She looked down towards me, still in her grip. I was shivering in fear as both of us heard even more dragging sounds, "Sombra's scared shitless!"

Looking infront of us, Heart quickly saw a tree house and decided that hiding inside a tree would probably be better than running around with your metaphorical pants down.

Slamming the door open and slamming it closed, Heart quickly threw me into a bookcase creating a loud thud and looked for a hiding spot. Her eyes soon gravitate to a hatch on the floor.

She grabbed the hatch and opened it, almost breaking it in the process, "Can someone get the number on that bullet train?" I said, while standing on my hind legs and wobbling.

"Get in you numbskull!"

"Gets in waz?"

"AUGH!" Heart grabbed me by my hind legs and threw me into the basement, jumping in after me soon after and closing the hatch.

"I alwayz wansent to gos to spaze!" I said while still wobbling. Heart quickly put a hoof on my mouth to stop my very confused ramblings.

Silence. Unbelievable silence wafted through the air like a dead body that was left out in the summer.

"... I think were safe..." Heart whispered while panting.

"My heads all wobbly!"

"I did not throw you that hard," Heart said. She then heard a soft *thump* in my direction, "okay maybe I did wow,"

3rd person switch

A dim light emanated from Hearts hand as she quietly looked around. The basement was messy, vials and a certain contraption that she didn't know the purpose of was strewn about. To her side a large chalkboard was scribbled on with ramblings of wendigos, old folklore, hasty notes and a few occasional deranged writings no doubt to the fact that whoever wrote this was the last pony that wasn't affected by the wendigo.

After a few seconds, she finally found Sombra surrounded by toppled over chairs and paper around me, the sight causing her to chuckle lightly.

"Iz don't like maaaathhhhh, stop trying to teach mezzzzzz," Sombra said while drool escaped from his jaws.

"Wow and here I thought you couldn't get dumber-" She said, but was interrupted by a low growl from behind us. She froze as she saw two blue glowing eyes staring at her very soul, watching, waiting.

A wave of fear engulfed Heart's heart as she stared at the wendigo, it's eyes staring back. After a few moments, the wendigo smiled back at Heart and spoke.

"I sense your fear, creation of chaos," A voice whispered in her ear, "lay down your courage, and I shall spare you from an untimely demise."

"I-I-I-I-I-" Heart stuttered out. Why am I so scared?! I shouldn't be this scared of a wendigo. Unless... Heart's eyes widened in fear and surprise, the wendigo only laughed at Heart's reaction and spoke again.

"I see you realize what I truly am, creation of chaos," It chuckled in her eye, a slow clap echoed around her, "I am not just any wendigo, no. I am the original, the first, the one who started the blizzard. I am-"

"Fucking Thanatos. How the fuck are you alive?" Heart whispered back, her voice full of fear.

"Your creator made me a deal I just couldn't refuse," Thanatos flicked Heart's ear mockingly, "I would gain asylum in his pocket dimension, in exchange I granted him a part of my power. A fair deal if you ask me,"

"If you think he could make a fair deal, you would me sorely mistaken. That trickster never makes fair deals," Heart said.

"Maybe... Maybe not... Either way, it was a millennia ago, and it still hasn't bit me in the flank just yet."

A blue ethereal claw grasped Heart's cheek and started to rub it. Heart only stood still, eyes shrinking down to black dots as the claw started to play with her hair.

"I don't want water! Iz want a blocks of cheeseeeee," Sombra's voice echoed out a little to much and grabbed Thanatos's attention, much to Heart's horror.

"Oh? What's this?" A claw manifested infront of Heart, a vague blue glow attaching the claw to the dark corners of the room.

Before the claw approached Sombra, Heart suddenly grabbed the blue glow and stared dagger at the eyes of Thanatos, fear being replaced with anger and wrath.

"Lay one claw on Sombra and I'll show you why he thought of me as a perfect copy," Heart growled at Thanatos, the latter only laughed at the former's threat.

"You're quite protective of this stallion, aren't you?" Thanatos snickered, "If you care so much about him then you shall let go of my arm and do what I say," A glow of blue magic encased Sombra's delirious body and lifted him closer to where Thanatos presumably is, only being put down when half of his body was encase by darkness, "Or you'll regret it."

"I can'ts believe it's nots buttern!" A goofy smile adorned Sombra's muzzle as he said this, Thanatos looking on with disgust evident in his face.

'Damn it damn it damn it! I could just light the room up and blast him but he's holding Sombra hostage!' She thought, sweat slowly dripping down her face, 'One wrong move and Sombra's flank is getting chopped off, dammit!' She looked Sombra in the eyes as she thought of a solution. After a few seconds, she sighed and hesitantly let go of Thanatos.

"Good... Now bow down," Heart slowly got on all fours and bowed down. Thanatos approached, slowly letting himself out of the shadows and out of safety, "Beg for mercy," Heart tried to protest but was stopped by a sudden stomp on her head.

"... Please... Please forgive me-" Thanatos stomped on Heart's head, causing her to whimper, "Please... Forgive me for my hubris," Heart chocked in a sob as she begged, causing Thanatos to laugh and fully go out from the shadows revealing a transparent blue equine, with talons of a griffon for hooves.

"This position is fit for the likes of you," Thanatos knelt down and whispered to Heart's ear, "I'm gonna have fun with you~" He coed in her ear, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Heart shuddered as Thanatos whispered in her ear, her mind racing and her heart almost popping out of her chest.

"Hey." A voice echoed from behind Thanatos, he slowly turned his head to the voice.

A pair of red and green eyes stared at Thanatos with pure hatred. He saw a blue glow light up, revealing the very delirious Sombra, a strange blue and black blow on one of his hooves. Before he could react, Sombra punched him in the snout, causing him to stagger back, "That one's fors the readersz" Sombra said, confidently. Thanatos shakily stood up and wiped his nose, finding blood which surprised him.

A strange song started to play as Sombra approached Thanatos, Thanatos quickly lifted Heart by her hair, "Get closer and I slit her throat," To prove his threat, he cut a part of Heart's neck causing her to close her eyes in pain.

"Big ol' meanie,"

"Such insults mean no-" Before Thanatos could finish his sentence, Sombra dashed forwards and punched the wendigo in the gut, causing it to fly away and let go of Heart.

"If-- aughhh-- I didn't know betters, I would think you're a prop that escapeds a movie sets," Sombra blurted out.

"*Cough cough* I can't breathe...!" Heart exclaimed, causing Sombra to look at her worried.

Sombra put a hoof on his chin in thought, his face brighting up as he thought of something.

"Abra Kadabra!" As if on que, his horn started to glow a transparent black. The glow slowly made it's way to Heart's chest, with a *Crack!* Heart coughed out blood and took a deep breath.

"You... You are not a trained medical professional..." Heart said, then collapsed to the ground unconscious.


"Shell beef wine!" Sombra assured himself.

Pulling himself up, Thanatos growled at Sombra, his eyes full of anger,"You insolent little-"

A sudden apple connected with Thanatos's mouth, entering his mouth causing him to choke and gag out the apple.

"Bone apple teeth!"

"WHY YOU!" Thanatos screamed out, a flurry of blue ethereal tentacles shot out from his claws, speeding it's way to Sombra.

"Hey! We aren'ts in Japans!" Sombra exclaimed. Sombra walked towards Thanatos, tripping over air, and dodging the tentacles by some miracle.

Recovering from his trip, Sombra looked around confused and exclaimed "Where's squidward?"

"RAH! HOW? WHY? HOW?" Thanatos screamed out, clawing at his transparent blue coat.

"By the power of-" Sombra made a gesture with his hooves, a rainbow coming out hooves in the process, "Imagination!" A goofy grin plastered on his muzzle as he said this.

"Preposterous!" Thanatos pounced at Sombra, the latter side stepping the former's attack.

"You speak funny magical ghost of my ancestors!" Sombra said with a goofy grin.

"Shut up!" Thanatos growled, only to be met with laughter.

"Ha! No,"

"Take this seriously you!" Thanatos pointed a talon at Sombra, "You have the power to rival the likes of me and all you do is laugh?!" Sombra laughed at Thanatos's outburst, causing Thanatos yo fume even more.

Sombra's laughter died down as he looked at Thanatos with cold glaring eyes, "Have you considered that, maybe, I'm not the one that's powerful?" Sombra said with a grin before appearing at Thanatos side with a dash, startling Thanatos, "Maybe you're just week"


"Stay down,"


A blue glow surrounded Sombra's right forehoof, said hoof was now gearing up for a punch.


As the hoof glowed even brighter, Thanatos tried to dodge out of the way, but to avail as he couldn't move.

Looking at his hooves at the ground, he could only watch in terror as they were frozen in place. Thanatos looked away from Sombra and onto the staggering form of Crystal Heart, a paw out and a tired grin on her face.

"Because thou



[Image is in author's note if you're interested]



Thanatos vision blurred as his very soul was starting to get ripped apart by Sombra's black flash. His vision cleared only for a moment as he saw Sombra's form change to one that he despised.

'Now I know why that name seemed familiar!' Thanatos shouted in his mind.

The form he was seeing was very much like Sombra, the only difference being he looked around his 30s instead of Sombra's very early 20s. The figure's teeth were sharp, his expression full of hate, anger, and excitement.

Thanatos screamed out, remembering his previous defeat by the hands of Sombra. His magic flew out of his body, causing his body to crack and glow a bright white light. Before his body could fully crack open, he used all of his remaining magic to curse Sombra.

"SOMBRAAAA! I CURSE YOUR EXISTENCE WITH THE POWER GRANTED TO ME BY THE ALMIGHTY GROGAR AND DISCORD, YOUR EXISTENCE SHALL BE ONE OF PAIN AND SUFFERING! MY MAGIC SHALL SEE TO IT!" Thanatos roared with anger, him being flung through what felt like multiple dimensions, his soul tethering between erasure and existence.

With a smirk, Sombra shouted back at Thanatos, much to the latter's fury.

"THOU SHALL NOT FEAR! I SHALL FACE YOUR CURSE AND OVERCOME IT! I SHALL KILL GROGAR, I SHALL PURIFY DISCORD, AND I SHALL LAUGH AT YOUR GRAVE! YOU'RE NAME SHALL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE ONE WHO DIED AS A FUCKING COWARD!" Sombra, with one last scream, finally punctured Thanatos, his body being completely eviscerated and his soul sent to an unknown land.

Sombra let down his hoof slowly, panting as he did. His eyes still roaring with anger and rage, but now more controlled. He started to sway in place, his eyes being replaced with ones of tiredness and sleep.

"... Sweet Harmonic Intelligent Technology I juts screwed mineself." He said, before toppling over and face planting on the cold wood below.

POV: Crystal Heart

If I could sum up this whole situation, with one forsaken word, it would be:


So, What in the ever loving F U C K just happened.

Sombra, the stallion that I befriended, overcame his fear by the power of bullshit and erased the king of wendigos infront of my eyes,

While having brain damage.

And he just promised to kill Grogar- let me repeat that- GROGAR with his own two hooves,

While having brain damage.

Do you know how insane this would be to explain to another sentient being?

"Oh don't worry, this guy right here is now the defacto leader of the wendigos because he casually broke all the laws of physics and erased the non tangible soul of their king, he's cool."

Even thinking about it sounds insane.

Also did I mention that wendigos appoint their leader by strength? So since Sombra defeated Thanatos, the previous strongest, he's now the king.

I'm sure it won't come up in the future.

'Who am I kidding, It's definitely gonna come up in the future and Sombra soooomehow get's dragged into it and pick a fight with another villain.'

When thinking about it, I could've sworn a memory got implanted into my mind, but waved it off because that's just impossible.

'I really need a burrito now.'

Chapter 1: A-new-villain-gets-introduce-only-to-die-the-same-chapter type of day

Story actually starts now.

Thanks for waiting.