Fat Mare Week

by Zoura3025

First published

Fluttershy learns about Fat Bear Week. Pinkie and Starlight assist.

Pinkie and Starlight tell Fluttershy about Fat Bear Week; Fluttershy is, of course, quite interested, though not quite in the way most ponies would expect. One might say she wants to walk a mile in their shoes.

Originally written for Fat Bear Week in November of 2023. I missed that deadline.

Content Warnings: Mild Profanity, lots of Sex.

Fetish Content: Weight Gain, Female-on-Female, Asscrush, Excessive (Fem)Cum, light Sweat, Lactation, Exhibition, Piggy-verbage.

Well Honestly it's Only One Day in the Story.

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Fluttershy smiled a little as she watched Harry settle down in the basement of her cottage, near the furnace. He'd gained quite a bit of weight over the past few weeks as he prepared for hibernation, and now he was settling down for the winter.
Fluttershy closed the door behind her carefully, squeaking as she came face to face with Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie.
"You got a picture of him before he fell asleep, right?" Starlight asked, leaning in a bit.
Fluttershy blinked. "A… A picture?" She asked softly.
"Yeah! Y'know, for ponies to vote over," Pinkie replied.
Fluttershy, again, hesitated, "Why would ponies vote over a picture of a bear?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie gasped dramatically. "You don't know about fat bear week?" She asked incredulously.
"Fat bear week…?" Fluttershy asked.
Starlight rolled her eyes. "It's a tradition, in mid-fall, to get pictures of bears as they fatten up for hibernation," She explained dryly, as if it were common knowledge, "Over a week, photos are submitted and voted on."
Fluttershy blushed faintly. "Oh! So it's like a plus-sized model catalogue, but for bears?" She asked.
Starlight hummed in thought for a moment. "I guess you could say that," Starlight supposed.
"That sounds fun, actually," Fluttershy expressed, her voice picking up a bit.
Pinkie giggled, "I'm surprised you haven't heard of it before!" She expressed, "I mean, you know more about animals than anyone else!"

Starlight cocked a brow as she watched a distinct redness grow over Fluttershy's face. "What're you blushing about?" Starlight asked.
Fluttershy blinked, as if she'd been snapped out of a trance. "Oh! Um, nothing, I was just… Imagining… Participating," Fluttershy admitted, her voice shrinking.
"Well, if you can steal a picture of Harry, we could try to put him in for the vote!" Pinkie offered, bouncing lightly on her hooves.
Fluttershy looked away, "I was actually thinking of, um… Being one of the bears?" She asked softly.
Starlight couldn't tell what she wanted to do more: Laugh hysterically, or recoil in disgust. Neither was fine, her body decided, and she leaned in a bit, intrigue plastered over her face. "...You want to be one of the bears," She repeated slowly.
"Yes," Fluttershy affirmed softly, "I mean, just imagine being all big and cushy like they get. It must be like having a thick, cozy sweater."

Starlight and Pinkie shared a glance, though neither of them could make out what emotion they were attempting to convey to one another.
"So, what, you just want to eat a bunch so you gain weight?" Pinkie asked.
Starlight glanced at Pinkie incredulously. "Don't tell me you're honestly considering that," She huffed.
"Why not? If she wants to try it, what's the harm?" Pinkie asked.
"...Well, among other things, ponies don't usually hibernate, Pinkie," Starlight retorted.
"Usually. Don't usually hibernate," Pinkie stipulated with a giggle, "So, if we consider Fluttershy unusual…"
Starlight's face flashed between several emotions. Anger. Mania. Incredulousness. She finally landed on what could only be described as a stupefied glare.

"C'mon, Starlight. Fluttershy's our friend, and friends help each other accomplish their goals!" Pinkie reasoned.
Starlight sighed deeply. "If we do decide to help her, where exactly are we going to get the food from?" She asked.
Pinkie knocked on Starlight's forehead as if it were a door. "Duh, hello? I work in a bakery, silly," Pinkie remarked.
Starlight winced, batting Pinkie's hoof away. "Okay, okay, fine, you win," Starlight huffed softly.
Pinkie grinned excitedly. "Okay! Fluttershy, come by Sugar Cube Corner in, like, two hours. Gottarunnowbyyyyee!!" Pinkie bade.
Starlight yipped as Pinkie's tail suddenly intertwined with her own, and she was dragged off by the excited pink pony.
Fluttershy stood there in shock for a moment. "I hope Pinkie will let Starlight walk instead of dragging her the whole way," She thought to herself.

Fluttershy hesitantly stepped into Sugar Cube Corner some hours later. The smell of sweets and baked goods permeated the bakery; Pinkie had apparently been quite busy.
Starlight walked from the basement, smiling at Fluttershy. "You're a bit late, but it's alright; Pinkie doesn't mind the extra time to prepare," Starlight commented, "We're gonna put you up in the basement so the Cakes don't see our, uh… 'Friendship Project'."
Fluttershy nodded a little. "Oh, yes, of course," She replied, "I'd hate for them to be disturbed by my presence."
Starlight nodded in agreement and led Fluttershy down the steps. The basement had been cleared of clutter, replaced with some large, fuzzy rugs and blankets, a dumbwaiter emplaced in the wall so food could be lowered directly from the kitchen.

Fluttershy took a seat on one of the blankets, watching as Starlight magicked over a cart that was already full of pastries.
"You're sure you want to do this?" Starlight asked one final time, "Pinkie seems pretty intent on, err… 'Making you win the vote'," She remarked.
Fluttershy nodded. "I'm sure," She replied, "Thank you for making sure, though. Pinkie can be very insistent."
Starlight gave a small smile and chuckled. "Ain't that the truth," She murmured as she began to turn away, "I'll let Pinkie know you're here. Go ahead and start eating, I'll be right back."
Fluttershy nodded as Starlight left the room.

Fluttershy looked at the cart of pastries and began to take them, one by one, into her maw. They did taste quite lovely, and each bite made her mind ask for another. Fluttershy huffed softly in satisfaction. "This won't be too hard," She thought.
When Starlight returned, Fluttershy had already eaten most of the top level of the cart, though she was already huffing and puffing a bit. Her belly was already noticeably bloated, and Fluttershy was beginning to slow.
Starlight walked to Fluttershy's side. "Are you already giving up?" She asked.
Fluttershy panted lightly. "My belly's already full," She admitted softly.
Starlight hesitated. "Well… If you really want, Pinkie had me look up some magic to help with packing it all away," Starlight expressed.

Fluttershy blinked. "There's magic for that?" She asked.
Starlight nodded. "It's normally to help those who are chronically underfed get back to a healthy weight, but it'll work for our purposes, too," She explained.
Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Well, okay. I want to do this for real," She expressed.
Starlight nodded, her horn illuminating. An aura of magic enveloped Fluttershy, who began to notice the effects of the spell almost immediately. Her belly felt as though it were emptying, and Fluttershy began eating again, hungrily scoffing down pastries.

Starlight frowned a little. "Well, you're still not eating fast enough," She commented, unsatisfied with the speed at which Fluttershy could eat with her own two hooves.
Fluttershy panted softly. "I'm trying my best," She protested.
Starlight huffed softly. "Fine," She began as her horn illuminated, magicking dozens of pastries into the air, "I'll just have to feed you myself, then."
Fluttershy squeaked as a pastry was forced into her mouth, gulping it down hard. Then another came, followed in short other by another, and then another. Two more. Three more. Six more. Ten more.
Fluttershy's eyes closed as she focused on accepting all of the delicious pastries.

Starlight watched as fat began to accumulate on Fluttershy's body. It went slowly at first, of course. There wasn't much piling up on Fluttershy's belly at all, really; it was all going to her hips at the moment.
Starlight attempted to feed Fluttershy faster; multiple pastries at a time.
Fluttershy began to sweat slightly from the effort of gulping down pastries, starting to feel the warmth of her slowly growing layer of "hibernation fat".
The cart was pushed aside as it was finally emptied, replaced in short order by another. Fluttershy wasn't given a chance to breathe, Starlight forcing more pastries in after the first cart's payload.

Fluttershy's body bloated more. Her hips were now far wider and rounder, and some weight had even attempted to spread upwards into her belly and shoulders. Already, she was noticeably fatter than really anypony she knew, but Starlight kept feeding her. Ponies, after all, were little. Fluttershy would need a lot of mass to catch up to a bear.
Fluttershy groaned softly in delight, falling into a blissful trance as she ate. She no longer thought about the passage of time; only the brief periods between swallowing.
Fluttershy moaned. Her throat was now thoroughly lubricated with dairy fat from the previous loads of pastries that had made their way into her hungry gullet, and swallowing seemed ever easier. Fluttershy could get used to this… There was something about being fed.

Fluttershy's ear twitched as she heard Starlight softly murmur, "C'mon, fatten up more…"
Fluttershy felt compelled to do so, though she wasn't exactly sure as to why. Her mind felt a little hazy, though, and her hunger remained unfazed.
Fluttershy let out an aroused whine. She could feel the weight piling on her, now, her belly beginning to sag as it finally began to fatten up. She could feel her desire to feed only growing stronger; the hunger growing louder.
Fluttershy panted gently as the second cart was fully empty.

"Gah… Hah…" Fluttershy panted, "Am I gaining yet?"
"You are," Starlight said, smirking as she gave Fluttershy's squishy flank a playful poke, "You've packed on a fair bit~"
Fluttershy shivered at Starlight's almost mocking tone. She should've felt offended, but there was something playful about it.
"More…" Fluttershy murmured, "I need more."
Starlight smirked, pulling over another cart. "Very well… More food for our bear~" She hummed, magicking pastries from the trolley and beginning to put them in Fluttershy's mouth. Fluttershy ate willingly, moaning as she felt the weight pack on. Her flank widened, her belly bulged, and her neck and cheeks began to fill out proper; yes, the weight had finally reached her head, and Fluttershy was loving the cushy feeling of her new layer of padding.

Fluttershy barely thought. It was an addiction, more powerful than any drug; consumption was all that mattered. Her eyes rolled back as she ate more, moaning muffledly into her full throat. Her tail swished in content, and she lusted more. Shifting her weight, Fluttershy moaned loudly as she felt a climax rush to her; or at least, something close to it.
Starlight smirked. "Goodness… If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this," She teased.
Fluttershy moaned from the tease, not able to get a word in edgewise as she was fed.
"Mmm… You don't want to be a bear, do you?" Starlight asked, her smirk growing, "No, a pig's what you want to be. You want to be a big, fat pig, don't you~?"
Fluttershy moaned louder, letting out a small whine.

Starlight chuckled, rubbing Fluttershy's side, admiring the rolls Fluttershy had already packed on. They were already fairly pronounced, and supremely soft.
"That's it…~ Get bigger, you pig~" Starlight purred, "Get nice and big for me and Pinkie~"
Fluttershy gave a small nod. "Mmmngh…~" She whined, wiggling a little on her hips. Her wings flapped excitedly.
Starlight smirked, feeding Fluttershy more. She fed her faster, grabbing spare pastries from shelves nearby. Starlight stepped forward and pressed herself into the growing mare's belly. Fluttershy's soft body welcomed her willingly, warmth radiating into her.
"You're so soft, Fluttershy. Such a good piggy~" Starlight cooed

Fluttershy shivered as she felt Starlight press into her. It felt good… It felt really good. Fluttershy felt so big and soft.
Speaking of big, Fluttershy had grown a fair bit. Yes, the obvious weight gain, but she was a bit taller as well, her body expanding to welcome the sheer quantity of mass that wanted so dearly to pack onto her ever-widening frame.
Then, the food stopped. Fluttershy panted softly, as did Starlight, from the effort of moving so many items in such short order.
Fluttershy looked over at Starlight. "Can I have more?" Fluttershy requested gently.
"Pinkie just needs a little more time, okay? We'll stuff you silly yet, you big, soft piggy~" Starlight promised, gently rubbing Fluttershy's soft belly.

Fluttershy moaned gently. She'd gained plenty of weight; her flank now resembled an oversized sofa, and her belly was a growing lump of soft, squishy mass. Her whole physique was widened, and her neck resembled that of a walrus' more than a pony's.
"I want to be a huge, soft piggy~" Fluttershy moaned, "I want to be gigantic~"
"Don't worry, Fluttershy. Pinkie and I will make sure you're nice and huge~" Starlight promised, "You'll be the biggest, softest piggy you can be~"
Fluttershy's ears twitched at the slight squeak of the dumbwaiter reaching the bottom of its track.

"Oh! There we are~" Starlight giggled, magicking over several huge trays of pies and cakes, visibly straining from the effort, "Open wide, pig~"
Fluttershy obediently obliged, drooling as she stared at a large apple pie that was brought to her lips. She began gobbling it down, eating the whole thing in just a few bites. Starlight giggled softly and kept forcing baked goods into Fluttershy's gullet, smirking gently.
"There~ Does it feel good to eat more, piggy~?" Starlight asked.
Fluttershy moaned in pleasure and nodded, hungrily swallowing everything that was given to her. Fluttershy's heart pounded in her ears. She wanted to eat so much; every bite made her want two more, and each of those bites felt orgasmic. She climaxed again, moaning loudly into her food

Starlight smirked. "Mmm~ What a big, gluttonous sow, eating everything we give her and bathing her own fluids~" She teased, keeping up the flow of food, "Keep eating, Fluttershy~ Get bigger~"
Fluttershy moaned more, lusting after Starlight's teasing, mocking tone. She forced herself to swallow more, moaning as entire pies were shoved in her face. "Mmmgh!~ Mmmph!~" Fluttershy moaned muffledly, wanting to show Starlight how amazing it felt.
Starlight could feel her own arousal starting to build. Something about how obedient Fluttershy was being was arousing, and Starlight craved more.

Fluttershy whimpered as the flow of food stopped, whining as a cake sat less than a foot from her muzzle.
"Mmm… Beg, piggy~ Beg master to feed you~" Starlight ordered, her hoof grazing Fluttershy's neck, "Master wants to hear your cute little voice~"
Fluttershy squirmed a little, trying to get closer to her food. "Please, let me eat, master~" Fluttershy whined softly, "I want to be a huge piggy…~"
"Mmm… Roll onto your back, piggy~ Master will drop food into your mouth~" Starlight ordered.
Fluttershy grunted and groaned with effort, rolling herself onto her back.

Fluttershy's build was finally starting to round out. Her belly now bulged significantly, and would drag on the ground if she attempted to stand up. Her flank was enormously wide and round, though she was still middle-heavy. Her face now sported some chubbed up cheeks, and her neck sported some slight rolls.
Starlight's loins quivered as she watched Fluttershy's belly slosh and wobble. She licked her lips and carefully scaled Fluttershy's warm, soft belly.
Fluttershy moaned as the unicorn crawled on top of her, crying out, "Master!~"
Starlight purred, coming to rest on top of Fluttershy's engorged gut. "Mmm~ So soft and squishy. You've fattened up like a good piggy~" Starlight cooed, "But you want to be bigger, don't you~?"
Fluttershy nodded fervently. "I do! I want to be a big, giant, huge piggy!" She cried.

Starlight's horn illuminated, and more food began to make its way into Fluttershy's awaiting maw. Starlight loved the noisy, snorty eating sounds the pegasus made as she consumed all the food dropped into her mouth, the unicorn finding it hard to resist giving Fluttershy's huge, flabby tummy some loving kisses.
Starlight purred, nuzzling her face into Fluttershy's warm, soft, gently gurgling gut. "That's it~ Get bigger for master~ Get all nice and huge~" Starlight cooed.
Fluttershy moaned obediently, refusing to slow her excessive consumption. Some splatters of assorted icings and creams began to build up on her face.

Starlight's ears perked up as she heard hoofsteps coming down the basement stairs.
"Phew! Finally got through our quota," Pinkie heaved, stepping down, "How's Fluttershy do- Woah!" Pinkie interrupted herself, eyes widening as her gaze came to rest on Fluttershy, who was now roughly two and a half times her original height, and extremely plump.
Starlight looked up, "She's a very sexy pig, isn't she~?" She asked, voice laced with infatuation.
Pinkie was about to protest the nickname, but Fluttershy interrupted that with a soft, "I'm a good piggy~"
Pinkie awkwardly stepped forward. What had gotten into these two? Then again, they both seemed very happy, so maybe she could play along.

"Mmm… Our piggy's slopped all over herself," Pinkie giggled, leaning down, "Someone has to clean her up~"
Fluttershy squeaked as Pinkie licked her cheeks clean, flailing her legs, which were now laden with their own fatty rolls.
Pinkie giggled as she pulled away. "What a messy piggy~" She teased.
Fluttershy moaned softly, too deluded with fat and pleasure to come up with a proper response. She did love being called a pig, though, and both of the other mares could tell.
"Mmm~ She's a happy pig, though~" Starlight purred, gently dotting Fluttershy's swollen belly with kisses, "Just look at how happy our special piggy is~"
Pinkie smiled and nuzzled Fluttershy. "Hehe~ You've been wanting to be a pig for a while, haven't you, Fluttershy~?" She asked.

Fluttershy nodded and moaned. "It feels so good… Like I'm wrapped up in layers of soft, squishy blankets. And your two teasing me is so nice," She admitted, voice a lazy, aroused trawl.
Starlight grinned. "Well then, if the piggy wants to be teased, we'll tease her~" She replied, gently massaging what little she could reach.
Fluttershy moaned loudly, abruptly hitting her third climax. Femcum pooled on her underbelly, and she waggled her legs ineffectually. "Mmmngh~ It feels good, master~ It feels really good~" Fluttershy moaned.
Pinkie giggled and walked to Fluttershy's side, gently pressing into it to give it some more love.
Fluttershy moaned louder as her porcine body was given more affection by the two mares, panting softly. She did, however, feel some fatigue creeping up on her. Fluttershy was well fed, and now the food coma was setting in.

Starlight and Pinkie watched as Fluttershy dozed off, the enormous pegasus sleeping with loud, snorty snores.
Starlight giggled. "Well, I guess our pig deserves some rest after a hard day~" She supposed.
Pinkie cuddled into Fluttershy's soft side, yawning a little. "I think she's got the right idea, though. She is super comfy…" Pinkie murmured.
Starlight nodded a bit. "Then we'll keep our pig company tonight~" She decided, nuzzling herself into Fluttershy's fat belly and closing her eyes.
Before long, all three mares were asleep.

Fluttershy awoke with a bit of a start that morning; she had only sort of remembered the events of yesterday. She wiggled and wobbled awkwardly on her back for a couple moments, before a feeling of slovenly relaxation took hold. She was quite comfy on the blanketed floor, and the sight of Starlight and Pinkie so happily snuggled into her huge, squishy frame made Fluttershy smile.
A thought crossed her mind, and she blushed faintly. "I'm a good piggy…~" Fluttershy whispered to herself, "I'm a good, fat piggy~"

Her ears twitched, and she could feel arousal building in her loins. Oh yes, that felt good alright. Fluttershy wanted to wake her friends up… Starlight in particular. The way Starlight had teased and flirted with her made Fluttershy's nethers quiver as she remembered the unicorn's low, seductive tone. She let out a soft whine of pleasure, breathing a little hard.

Then, Fluttershy felt a gentle squirm against her side.
Pinkie Pie yawned softly as she awoke, shaking herself off. "Mmm… Good morning, big girl~" She hummed contently, patting Fluttershy's side.
Fluttershy blushed softly. "Good morning, Pinkie," She replied, "Did you have a good sleep?" She asked.
"I sure did!" Pinkie giggled, "You're so cushy now, it's like snuggling into a warmed up water bed."
Fluttershy blushed. "Oh, gosh. Well, I'm glad you were comfy, Pinkie," She replied gently.
Pinkie giggled gently, nuzzling into Fluttershy's side. "Mmm… How could I not be?" Pinkie retorted softly.

Fluttershy blushed faintly as her stomach growled softly. "A-ah…" She stammered softly.
Pinkie perked up and giggled. "Aww… I bet you're hungry after all that growing you did yesterday," She teased, standing up, "Don't worry, I'll go get you some breakfast."
Fluttershy nodded a little. "That would be nice, given I can't really move," She admitted.
Pinkie giggled, kissing Fluttershy on the cheek before making her way to the stairs. "Hold tight, okay?" Pinkie cooed.
Fluttershy blushed, but nodded. "Okay, Pinkie," She replied softly.

Fluttershy hummed softly to herself, not wanting to wake Starlight up. Starlight seemed so happy, all snuggled into soft flab.
Fluttershy let her mind wander, and sure enough, it wandered to… Debaucherous thoughts. She wondered what kind of things Starlight would do with her once she awoke; Fluttershy hoped the "energy" from the night before would come back.
"I'm a good piggy~ I'm a big, fat slob~" Fluttershy moaned to herself, squirming a little. Her loins now demanded attention; she wanted more teasing. Fluttershy panted softly. "I'm a huge, rotund pig~" She scolded herself, loins quivering.

Starlight stirred as Fluttershy berated herself, awoken by the squishy mare's slowly escalating voice.
"Yes, I'm a huge, greedy piggy, I need to be punished!~" Fluttershy cried, squirming as she climaxed, painting her nethers white with her own bodily fluids.
Starlight smirked a little, pressing her hooves into Fluttershy's soft belly to stand up. "Good morning, piggy~" Starlight cooed.
Fluttershy blushed. "Good morning, Starlight…" She replied bashfully.
"Sounds like someone had a good sleep," Starlight chuckled, "And maybe a bit of a fun morning after, too~" She added with a wink.

Fluttershy shivered at Starlight's tone. That was what she wanted. "I did…" Fluttershy murmured softly, "I had, um… Dreams," She admitted.
Starlight smirked a little, using her hooves to knead Fluttershy's soft belly. "Really now? What sort of dreams~?" She asked.
Fluttershy bit her tongue, the feeling of Starlight's hooves squishing against her soft flesh arousing the pegasus. "Mmm… I had dreams about being bigger… And master parading me around…" She trailed off as her face rapidly reddened.
Admittedly, that caught Starlight off-guard. She didn't think Fluttershy of all ponies would be into exhibition. Then again, the idea of parading Fluttershy around, and maybe even having fun with her in public, did appeal to Starlight quite a bit.

"Mmm… You're a very naughty piggy, aren't you~?" Starlight teased, "All you want to do is be a pet for master to show around~"
Fluttershy moaned softly. "I do, master…~" She whined arousedly, "I want to be your huge, fat sow~"
Starlight shivered. Fluttershy's submissive, aroused tone was starting to play on her mind. She turned away, facing Fluttershy's loins.
Fluttershy's aft half was even more plump than her midsection, and now played host to two fairly prominent breasts around her crotch. Starlight licked her lips.
"Seems to me like my piggy might be more of a cow~" She taunted, slowly pacing down Fluttershy's underbelly, "Is my piggy going to make cute noises if I start milking her~?"
"Please, master, be gentle…~" Fluttershy whined, squirming a little as Starlight encroached on one of her massive mammaries.

Starlight purred and dropped to her front, nuzzling her face into Fluttershy's teat as she hugged what she could reach. "Master's piggy is so big…~" Starlight praised in a low, sultry tone.
Fluttershy moaned as she felt Starlight's warm fur graze her tender mammary. "A-ah, master~" She stammered, "It all feels so good…~" She whined dreamily.
Starlight gently wrapped her lips around Fluttershy's nipple and began to suck; just little sucks to start, testing Fluttershy's reaction.
Fluttershy moaned as she felt Starlight suckle on her mammary, squirming a little more. "M-master!~" Fluttershy cried out.

Starlight purred, lightly bobbing her head as she sucked harder on Fluttershy's teat. She caught the faintest trickle of thick, sweet milk from Fluttershy's bosom, and lapped it up hungrily. Starlight's tail swished excitedly.
Fluttershy moaned, squirming more. The soft swirling of Starlight's tongue around Fluttershy's sensitive nipple drove the pegasus wild. "M-master!~ I-I'm lactating!~" Fluttershy cried.
The trickle of milk coming from Fluttershy's teat slowly increased in volume, and Fluttershy started moaning with each gentle tug of Starlight's lips.
Starlight's eyes rolled back slightly. The sweet taste and rich, almost buttery texture were divine! Starlight wanted more. She moaned gently as she continued to milk her huge piggy, and her hooves began to massage Fluttershy's soft bosom.

Fluttershy squirmed and moaned. "Master, please~" She begged, "Make me your big, slutty milk sow~"
Fluttershy could barely think about what she was saying. All she knew is that Starlight loved it when she begged, and she wanted Starlight to love her.
Starlight gently pulled off, purring as a little spurt of milk burbled up from the free nub. "Mmm… Let's hear some cute piggy noises~" She cooed, "Make all sorts of cute noises for master~"
Obediently, Fluttershy began to snort between moans: noises fitting of her porcine figure.
Starlight rewarded her by returning to the nipple, suckling much more intently. Milk flowed freely as Starlight suckled more, and Starlight bobbed her head, lapping at the source of thick, tasty fluid.

Fluttershy began to squeal excitedly. Her nethers were doused in her own fluids as she hit some sort of climax; not that Fluttershy could feel anything but pleasure anymore. All she could do was weakly flail her chubby limbs, make lewd noises, and relish the pleasure of every waking moment.
Starlight moaned, her own nethers wettening. "Mmmh…~" She murmured, relishing the taste as she took full gulps of the milk, her tail swishing back and forth like a happy puppy.
"Master!~ Please, please, milk me!~" Fluttershy begged, following through with a slew of oinks and snorts.
Starlight purred, her hooves now massaging Fluttershy's breast more intently as she suckled more. "Hmmgh…~ Mm…~" Starlight mumbled, her content hums punctuated by a steady gulp, gulp, gulp as she sucked down more pony milk.

Fluttershy came again. She felt a little dizzy, really, her mind absolutely deluded with pure, unbridled ecstasy. Every second was a new eternity of bliss presenting itself willingly to her, and Fluttershy loved the view.
Starlight panted gently as she pulled away. Her belly was comfortably full of milk, now, and she rested her head on the fat milk mound, watching as residual dribbles of milk trickled out. "Mmm… Such a big, sexy piggy…~" Starlight trawled slowly.
Fluttershy panted, her labored breaths occasionally coloured with a shallow moan. "Gah…~ Did I do good, master~?" She asked weakly.
"You did wonderfully~ Such a big, slutty milk sow~" Starlight praised, remembering the verbage Fluttershy had used earlier.

Fluttershy practically climaxed a third time at the moniker, crying out, "Yes, yes! I'm master's big, milky sow!" Tears of joy began welling in the corners of her eyes; Fluttershy couldn't remember the last time she was so happy. All she felt was bliss and pleasure.
Starlight's mind was hazy with lust, but she was definitely more coherent than Fluttershy for sure. She gently crawled towards Fluttershy's engorged, soaking nethers, and huffed as she came upon them.
Fluttershy shivered. "M-master…?" She whined softly.
"Shhh…~ You don't need to speak~ Just make cute noises for master~" Starlight purred deeply.
Fluttershy moaned out as Starlight's muzzle pressed to her soaken crotch.

Starlight breathed shallow, hot breaths. The scent was indescribably, powerfully feminine. Starlight felt as though she were about to serve a goddess. Her tail curled slightly as her tongue slid out, taking a cursory lick of Fluttershy's juice-stained snatch. The taste matched the smell and then some. Starlight's nose wrinkled in awe of how potent it was.
Fluttershy moaned. "G-gah~ Your tongue feels good, master…~" She stammered, squirming a little.
Starlight took another long, arduous lick across the surface, feeling Fluttershy's lower lips part slightly under the pressure.
Fluttershy moaned louder, her nethers leaking more fluid as they were teased by Starlight's supple tongue. "Oh, please…~ More…~" Fluttershy begged, punctuating her plea with a soft, swinelike snort.

Pinkie Pie was walking down the stairs with a whole double-set of saddlebags crammed full of tasty treats for Fluttershy. She shuddered at the sound of Fluttershy's happy moans; they were the type of noise that caressed the ear and kissed the mind. Pinkie Pie walked forward.
"Ooh… Seems like someone's getting a good morning surprise~" Pinkie giggled, "But you're probably hungry, aren't you…~?"
Fluttershy nodded, moaning as Starlight lusted on her nethers more. "I-I am! I need to be bigger, Pinkie!" She pleaded, "I need to be bigger for my masters!~"
Pinkie set her saddlebags down and rubbed Fluttershy's cheek gently. "Shhh… It's okay~ I'll feed you while Starlight pleasures your big, fat cooch~" She promised, beginning to bring some very sugary-smelling pastries to Fluttershy's lips.

Fluttershy moaned even more as she began to eat; between the feeling of being waited on and having her loins tended, Fluttershy felt as though she were in heaven.
Starlight breathed hard. The muffled moans combined with loud, smacking eating sounds made her heart flutter. She pressed her muzzle in, beginning to needily lick around at Fluttershy's insides, losing herself in the smell. Every lick pushed Starlight further into her aroused delusions. Starlight let out a weak moan, her own nethers feeling damp and sensitive. Starlight closed her eyes, moaning as she licked more.
"She's so potent… And her noises…~" Starlight thought dreamily.

Fluttershy moaned, lightly bucking her hips into Starlight's snout. "Mmph!~ Mmm!~" Fluttershy moaned as she was fed and pleasured, once again dizzy with pleasure again. Fluttershy wanted more. She was too overwhelmed to stop now.
Pinkie giggled. She finally started to get the "piggy" thing. Fluttershy's snorts and moans and squeals danced on her ears. "Good piggy…~" Pinkie praised, "Keep eating. Get nice and huge… Just look at you right now, you're wasting away~" She cooed.
Fluttershy whimpered. "N-no! I need to get bigger!" She begged.
Pinkie hushed her with a full pie. "Shhh…~ I'll make sure you get bigger~" Pinkie promised, kissing Fluttershy's cheek.
Fluttershy moaned muffledly, looking up at Pinkie with pleading eyes.
Pinkie kept feeding her, cooing gentle praises to feed Fluttershy's insatiable need for validation.

Starlight huffed softly, finally breaking. She went slack as she climaxed, moaning loudly and spraying a cute little spurt of femcum over Fluttershy's belly as she succumbed to the powerful, feminine musk that demanded she climax.
Fluttershy swore she could feel Starlight climaxing against her. Pleasure radiated through her nethers, and Fluttershy climaxed from the feeling. "A-ahh!~" She howled, "Master!~"
Starlight welcomed the gush of Fluttershy's vaginal fluid over her muzzle, eyes closed as she basked in the feelings and sounds. Starlight purred softly. She'd submit for a little bit… Pinkie could draw up the slack.

And Pinkie sure did, continuing to praise Fluttershy as the pegasus ate and ate, getting even bigger and wider for her two masters.
"Good piggy~" Pinkie praised, "Yes, you're a good piggy, letting your masters fatten you up and love you all they want~"
Fluttershy moaned softly, dreamily gazing up at the mare who was feeding her.
"You're almost there…~ Just a little more and you'll have had your breakfast~" Pinkie promised, rubbing Fluttershy's head, "Savour every bite~"
Fluttershy whined softly, but gently snorted as she hungrily ate the last of her breakfast.
Flutfershy licked Pinkie's hooves clean as the last bit of food disappeared down her gullet, moaning softly.

"Mmngh…~ Thank you, master~" Fluttershy whined, "I feel so good and full…~"
Starlight slowly snapped out of her haze, pulling her snout from Fluttershy's slit and gently pacing down to Fluttershy's chest, panting softly. "Who's our sexy piggy…~?" She asked.
"I am!" Fluttershy cried out happily, "I'm a good, milky, sexy piggy!"
"Yes you are!" Pinkie agreed with a giggle, "You're a perfect piggy!"
Fluttershy nearly climaxed again from the praise alone. It was orgasmic; every word from either mare made the pegasus feel as though she were receiving an award.
"Mmm…~ But our piggy doesn't want to be cooped up in her basement, does she~?" Starlight asked, "No, she wants to be shown off~"
Pinkie grinned. "She does, does she~? Does our piggy want to go out and show the town how beautiful she is~?" Pinkie asked.

"I do! I really really do!" Fluttershy moaned out, "I want to be a public plaything for masters…~" She added, blushing.
"Ohh… How very naughty~" Starlight purred, "Imagine spraying all your fluids all over the road~ Such a big, sloppy, sexy piggy~"
Fluttershy trembled at the thought.
"But, a good piggy needs her clothes to go out~" Starlight cooed, conjuring an appropriately large collar and leash.
Fluttershy breathed hard at the sight, moaning as the collar was slid over her head. It sat fairly loosely on her neck; it was padded, and comfortable.
Pinkie giggled. "D'awww~ Such a cute piggy~" She praised, kissing Fluttershy on the lips.
Fluttershy moaned again. "I-I'm a good piggy~" She murmured softly.

"Now, our piggy needs to stand up~" Starlight purred.
Fluttershy grunted, her body wobbling with effort as she attempted to roll onto her front. The sheer mass behind her movements could have leveled a small house.
"Almost there, piggy~" Starlight cooed.
With one final grunt, Fluttershy wound up on her front again. She came as her huge belly pressed against the ground, moaning in pleasure. "A-ahh… I feel so good…~" She whined in content, "So much soft flesh, snuggling me close~"
"Good~ We want a happy piggy~" Pinkie giggled, "Now, time to walk~"
Fluttershy grunted with effort, but managed to stand herself up, walking a few steps to the stairs. Her belly dragged heavily on the ground, and her teats leaked a bit of milk. Fluttershy couldn't stop moaning. It all felt too amazing.

"Awww… I think you're a little too big for the stairs, Fluttershy," Starlight giggled, "Don't worry. Master will help you~"
Starlight's horn ignited, and with a significant amount of effort, she teleported herself, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie outside.
Starlight panted a bit from the effort. "Phew… You're a heavy piggy, aren't you?" She teased softly.
Fluttershy blushed. "I am…" She replied softly, shivering.
Pinkie giggled and picked up the end of the leash, "Well, we should go walk our piggy around, I think~" She cooed.

Fluttershy blushed more as she realized there were ponies staring at her huge form. Fluttershy felt an undeniable compulsion to… Was it show off? She gave her abdomen a playful wiggle as she looked at a few stallions, her massive form wobbling and jiggling appealingly.
Starlight smirked a little. "Good piggy~ Show off just how big you are~" She cooed playfully.
Fluttershy let out a small moan, wiggling her hips more. Her ass clapped a couple times. It felt amazing to be put on display, and Starlight's teasing coos just made it all better.
Fluttershy huffed in pleasure as she felt Pinkie lightly tug on the leash. "C'mon, flaunt while you walk, piggy~" Pinkie purred.

Fluttershy began to walk, trying to exaggerate her hips' sway as she stepped forward. Her belly dragged on the ground, and some pressure on her teats made some milk leak from each of them. Fluttershy moaned from all the feelings, her mind swimming in delusional horniness.
"It feels good, doesn't it~?" Starlight cooed playfully, "You love being a big, fat piggy~"
"I do~" Fluttershy moaned happily, "I feel so sexy~"
"That's because you are sexy, silly~" Pinkie giggled, "Just look at all the stares your huge ass is getting~"
Fluttershy shivered as she briefly glanced around, noticing all the staring stallions and mares. Under normal circumstances, Fluttershy would've hated being the center of attention, yet now something compelled her to really strut all her flabby enormity.

Starlight bit her lip. Watching Fluttershy waddle around with all of her huge, sexy curves was super arousing. Every bounce, every wobble, and every soft clap made Starlight tremble just a bit.
Pinkie wasn't quite enjoying this as much as Starlight was, and was definitely enjoying it less than Fluttershy, but Fluttershy's labored breaths mixing with moans made Pinkie's lower lips quiver a bit.
Fluttershy, of course, was in absolute bliss, bits of milk and her own spurt leaking onto the road as she walked. Every step pushed her closer to an orgasm. She panted, moaning softly under each breath. "Ah…~ Hah…~"

"What a big, sexy piggy~" Starlight praised, "Look at all of that slovenly fat~ Doesn't it feel good~?"
"It dooooes~" Fluttershy whined happily, "I feel so comfy and squishy~"
Pinkie purred and gave another little tug on the leash, making Fluttershy moan again. "Good piggy~" Pinkie purred, "You're such a good pet~"
Fluttershy moaned more from the praise, her loins now profusely dripping.
"Just a little further to the park, and then you can take a seat~" Pinkie cooed.
Fluttershy nodded, panting hard. "Gah~ It feels so good~" She whined, "I want to water the grass with my milk~"
Starlight purred. "How naughty~" She cooed, "Such a lewd piggy~"

Fluttershy panted gently, her belly now dragging along the grass of the park. It felt nicer than the hard stone of the road. "Can I sit now, master?" She asked, looking at Pinkie.
Pinkie giggled. "Yes you can, piggy~ Rest your rump~" She cooed.
As Fluttershy lined herself up to sit properly, Starlight laid down on the grass under her huge, fat ass.
Fluttershy squeaked as she sat down, feeling the undeniable texture of a pony being squashed beneath her dumptruck of an ass.
Starlight moaned loudly, wriggling a little under Fluttershy's huge posterior.
Pinkie giggled. "Ope! Looks like Starlight wants to give you a massage~" Pinkie purred.

Fluttershy moaned gently. "A-ah…~ Master~" She whined softly, "Your little hooves feel so good~"
Starlight moaned beneath Fluttershy's gigantic wobble wagon. Starlight wasn't a scale, but she figured there must be at least a thousand pounds of pony ass bearing down on top of her, and Starlight loved it. Her tongue slid out of her mouth, slathering spit on the huge ponut that was bullying her snout.
Fluttershy's tongue flopped out of her mouth. "Oh, master~ Please, please, worship me more~" She whined happily.
Pinkie smirked. "You should grind your huge plot on her~ Make sure she rubs everywhere~" She ordered.
Fluttershy began to grind her huge ass around in circles, pressing into Starlight.

Starlight moaned as she was pressed into the ground, mind filled with horny ideas. Each heavy, crushing grind just made her moan louder, taking deep huffs of Fluttershy's musky behind as she licked and groped all she could reach.
"Good girl, Fluttershy~" Pinkie cooed, "Squash Starlight flat with your huge ass~ Just listen to how much she loves it~"
"Ahh~ It feels so good, master~ Don't stop, please~" Fluttershy begged, each grind making her spurt femcum and milk on the grass.
Starlight moaned under Fluttershy, unable to do anything but squirm and lick. Starlight felt as though she'd died and gone to heaven, smothered in Fluttershy's wobbling, porcine plot. Starlight felt like the weight of the world was crushing down on her, but it was so, so soft. "Mmmph!~ Mmmmm!~" Starlight cried in pleasure.

Fluttershy drooled a bit, grinding a bit faster now. Every heavy pant of effort was accompanied by a soft moan. "Fuck…~ Please, please~ I want to squash you more, master~" Fluttershy moaned out, eyes squeezing shut.
Pinkie purred, leaning down. "Keep it up, Starlight~" She teased, "Our piggy needs love if she's going to grow~"
Fluttershy moaned and groaned, bouncing up and down a bit. She panted harder, wanting to squash and smother Starlight more. "More!~" Fluttershy moaned, "More, master!~"
Starlight did her best, moaning every time Fluttershy's gargantuan ass crashed down on her, pressing her into the dirt. She swore she felt herself sticking to Fluttershy's rear a bit each time Fluttershy lifted up.

Pinkie trembled a little with each, heavy thud of Fluttershy landing from each bounce. "Mmmngh…~ That's it~ Keep squishing her flat, Fluttershy~" Pinkie encouraged, loving the cute little moans Starlight was making under the huge, clapping behind.
Starlight moaned loudly as she hit her climax, spurting a little load of fluid over her nethers and Fluttershy's undercarriage.
More critically, however, Starlight's climax set Fluttershy off. Fluttershy howled out in pleasure, pressing down on Starlight as she pumped out a nice, big wave of fluid all over the ground, really soaking the grass around her. "Master!~!~" Fluttershy cried out, panting hard.
Pinkie trembled. She could handle one climax, but two, and Fluttershy's adorable noises? It was too much. Pinkie bit her tongue and moaned out, dumping her own, significantly smaller load on the grass.

"Good girl, Fluttershy~" Pinkie cooed, panting a bit, "Very good girl~"
Fluttershy moaned softly as the aftershocks of pleasure washed back and forth in her body. "Feels so good…~" She whined.
Starlight was thoroughly buried in ass, and loved every moment of it. Air was getting a little thin, but that was okay. She took deep huffs of Fluttershy's ass musk, shuffling a little to get comfy as she moaned gently.
Fluttershy blinked as she felt the little wiggle under her. "A-ah! Starlight!" Fluttershy squeaked, standing up with a grunt of effort.
Starlight moaned weakly as she was unburied, panting heavily. "Fuuuck…~" Starlight murmured, "You are - hah… hah - one sexy piggy~"

Fluttershy blushed. "Thank you, master," She replied softly.
Pinkie giggled a little. "You just loved it down there, didn't you~?" She teased.
"Been waiting to do that all day~" Starlight murmured dreamily, her breaths finally calming a bit.
Fluttershy turned around and leaned down, nuzzling and kissing Starlight affectionately. "It felt so good~" Fluttershy purred.
Starlight squeaked a bit, but happily basked in the kisses. These were goals, right here. "Fluttershy, hey…" Starlight giggled, nuzzling back.
Fluttershy's tail swished happily. "I love you, master," Fluttershy purred.
"Aww~ I love you too~" Starlight cooed, kissing one of Fluttershy's chubby cheeks.
Pinkie giggled and kissed the other. "You two are so cute~ A master and her piggy, hehe~" She praised.

Starlight blushed bashfully, but nodded. "Of course, I owe you for making her as big and beautiful as she is~" Starlight purred, leaning over and giving Pinkie a kiss on the snout.
Fluttershy purred gently. "I'm a fat, sexy piggy…~" She murmured softly.
Pinkie giggled. "Maybe we should get our piggy some lunch~" Pinkie suggested, "All that exercise's gonna make her waste away~"
Fluttershy whimpered. "I-I don't want to get smaller," She whined.
"Don't scare her, Pinkie," Starlight huffed, gently rubbing Fluttershy's cheek, "You know our piggy's sensitive about her weight."

Pinkie admittedly felt a bit guilty, especially as she saw the pleading look in Fluttershy's eyes. "Aww, I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I just want to see you get bigger," Pinkie cooed, rubbing the pegasus' side.
"Big is good," Fluttershy moaned gently, "I need to be big and soft for master…~"
"Good piggy~" Starlight praised, "Good piggies love getting bigger and fatter~"
Pinkie giggled a little and nuzzled her face into Fluttershy's soft, squishy neck.
Fluttershy squeaked a little, wiggling a bit.
After some time spent loving on her special piggy, Starlight would stand up. "Come on, piggy~ Let's go feed you~" She cooed.

Fluttershy followed obediently, moaning each time Pinkie tugged the leash. "Make some cute noises for us, piggy~" Pinkie purred.
Fluttershy began to snort like a pig, and she squealed in pleasure as the leash was tugged again.
Pinkie licked her lips. "Very good piggy~" She praised, "Master loves your cute noises~"
Fluttershy shivered, but kept making her noises. Starlight and Pinkie only continued to reward this behaviour, showering Fluttershy in praise and kisses.

Pinkie giggled as they got to a restaurant, and she gently nuzzled Fluttershy. "I think you're a bit too big to get inside," She teased, "Don't worry, I'll go order for you~"
Starlight took the leash from Pinkie, allowing the pink mare to head inside to get Fluttershy plenty of tasty treats.
Fluttershy wiggled a bit, settling herself on the ground. She sat like a cow; back legs splayed out, front legs tucked between them.

Starlight smirked and nuzzled into Fluttershy's belly. "Mmm… Who's my big, soft piggy~?" She asked softly.
"I am~" Fluttershy replied, happy as can be.
"That's right~ You're master's huge, sexy piggy~" Starlight purred, "You're going to win that vote for sure~"
Fluttershy had almost forgotten about the fat bear week she had supposedly wanted to enter. Fluttershy blushed at the prospect of being put on display for ponies to see. Well, more on display than she was now, at any rate.
"Do you think so?" Fluttershy asked bashfully, "I'm worried I'm not big enough…"

Starlight giggled. "You're plenty huge, Fluttershy," She promised, "Pinkie's just teasing you so you get bigger."
Fluttershy nodded a little. "Oh…" She replied softly, "So I really am a big, huge, fat piggy?"
"The biggest and fattest~" Starlight cooed, gently rubbing what she could reach of Fluttershy's huge, furry belly.
Fluttershy moaned gently, huffing a bit. "Mmm… I want to bury you in my flab again~" She whined, "It felt so good to have you squirming under me~"
Starlight giggled. "Such a naughty piggy~" She cooed, "You have taken to it quite well, haven't you~?"

"I have…~" Fluttershy trawled, rolling onto her side as Starlight rubbed at her belly more, "This feels amazing. It's like I'm getting a big hug, all the time," She expressed.
Starlight giggled and pressed her muzzle into Fluttershy's underbelly. "Aww~ Well, you can keep the weight, you know. You look nice with the big look~" Starlight added with a wink.
Fluttershy blushed, moaning gently from the praise. "Mmm… I want to stay big~ I don't ever want to be small again~"
Starlight purred and dotted kisses on Fluttershy's fat belly, her hooves squishing and rubbing into the soft flag of the pegasus' belly. Starlight's tail swished in content as she pressed into the soft flab.

Pinkie trotted out of the restaurant with several bags of food saddled over her back, giggling. "Phew! It took them a good few minutes to make everything I asked for," Pinkie huffed, "Looks like someone's already gotten comfy, though~" She giggled, walking up to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy blushed more. "Are you going to feed me more?" She asked bashfully, tail swishing in anticipation.
"Aww, of course! We gotta take care of our big ol' piggy~" Pinkie cooed, giving Fluttershy a kiss as she set down her bags.
Starlight giggled. "You want some help over there, Pinkie?" She asked, still happily cuddled into Fluttershy's flabby belly.
Pinkie giggled back. "I'd be offended if you didn't help!" She expressed.

Starlight walked over, taking a few burgers from one of the bags and unwrapping them. "Open wide, piggy~"
Fluttershy opened her maw up obediently, throat dilating in anticipation.
Starlight and Pinkie began taking turns, feeding Fluttershy burger after burger.
Fluttershy hungrily gulped it all down, eyes rolling back a bit from the taste. The gentle coos of her two doting masters only made her feel better, and she let out soft moans as the greasy fast food slid down her throat.

Starlight purred, rubbing Fluttershy's head gently. "That's it~ Gulp it all down~" Starlight cooed.
Pinkie smirked. "Don't spill a drop~" She added, "Our piggy needs every calorie she can get~"
Fluttershy moaned submissively, fluids leaking from her engorged snatch as she gulped down everything that was placed into her hungry maw. "Mmmnh~ Mmph~" Fluttershy mumbled dreamily, wriggling her back legs little.
"Good girl~" Starlight praised.
"Gooood girl~" Pinkie echoed in a slower, trawling tone.
Fluttershy moaned more at the praise, still eating with wild abandon. She was happy; really happy. She was comfy, her belly was nice and full, and two of her friends were showering her in love and attention.

Fluttershy panted gently as she gulped down the last of the fast food, moaning gently in delight. "Ahh…~ I feel nice and full now~" She moaned, her guts gurgling softly as they worked at all the food.
"Good~ Our piggy should never go hungry~" Starlight cooed, kissing Fluttershy's chubby cheek.
Pinkie giggled and cradled Fluttershy's head in her hooves. "Yes, you're a good piggy~" Pinkie cooed.
Fluttershy moaned happily. "I'm a good piggy…~" She repeated, voice slow and trancelike.
"Yes you are~" Starlight cooed, "Yes you aaaare~" She repeated, before leaning in and locking lips with the fattened up pony.

Fluttershy squeaked a little, but didn't fight the contact. She embraced it, whining happily as Starlight made out with her.
Pinkie smirked and leaned in. "Oh… You're a good piggy…~ Yes you are~ Master loves you~" Pinkie praised into Fluttershy's ear, "You love being huge and fat~ You don't ever want to be skinny again~"
These were all things Fluttershy already knew, but the suggestion made her moan anyways. She did love being fat, and that combined with the way Starlight's tongue was now invading her mouth made the pegasus moan and cum again. She moaned loudly into Starlight's mouth as she climaxed again, her juices dripping onto the road.

Starlight groaned in pleasure, her tongue exploring the inside of Fluttershy's mouth with wild abandon. Drool leaked from their lips as she pressed impassionedly into the fat mare's mouth.
Pinkie couldn't help but feel aroused at the display, starting to nibble at Fluttershy's ear. "Make a big mess for all the stallions outside~" Pinkie purred, "Splatter everywhere~"
Fluttershy moaned. She wanted to make a big mess for Pinkie and Starlight. "Mmph!~" Fluttershy whined, eyes closing as her loins quivered.
With the soft nibbles and chews on her sensitive ear, it didn't take Fluttershy long to climax again. She moaned loudly, dousing her own nethers in fluid again. It puddled beneath her on the street, soaking into her fur. Fluttershy loved being huge, fat, and now soaked in her own sloppy sex fluids.

Starlight gently pulled away from Fluttershy's mouth with a satisfied sigh, licking her lips. "That's right~ Master loves you, hehe~" Starlight purred.
Fluttershy whined in glee. "It felt so good~" She whimpered, "I love you, master~"
Pinkie giggled. "We love you sooo much~" She cooed, "You and all of your sloppy, horny fluids~"
Fluttershy panted gently. "Every time I cum it feels better…~" She whined.
"Good~" Pinkie replied, "Our piggy needs to be happy~"
Starlight giggled. "Now, should we take our piggy home now that she's had some lunch and fresh air~?" She asked.

Fluttershy blushed a little. "O-okay, master," She replied softly.
Starlight helped Fluttershy to her hooves, and the pegasus moaned from the feeling of all her soft, heavy rolls wobbling and jiggling around her. "Mmngh…~ I feel so full~" She whined, her teats leaking milk as she attempted a step forward.
Starlight licked her lips at the lactic sight and purred. "Good~ That's how a good piggy should feel~ All huge and full of food and love~" She praised.
Pinkie gave the side of Fluttershy's flank some gentle pats and giggled as she watched the flesh lightly ripple and deform beneath her hoof. "Such a big, slovenly sow~" She added, a nigh-venomous amount of lust dripping from her tone.

Fluttershy moaned as she began to walk through town again, her porcine figure wobbling and rippling appealingly with each step, her cheeks clapping and teats leaking each time she trudged forward.
Starlight and Pinkie ogled and praised her the whole time, lightly fondling her curves when she halted to breathe.
However, Fluttershy eventually let out a small whine.
"What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked.
Fluttershy whined gently. "M-my mammaries are full," She expressed, "It's starting to hurt…"
Starlight gasped a little. "Well, that just won't do," She huffed, "We'll have to help our special piggy~"

Fluttershy squeaked a little as an aura of magic rolled her onto her side.
Pinkie looked at Starlight with a brief, confused expression.
Starlight just smirked at her. "C'mon, Pinkie; we've got tits to relieve~" Starlight said, beginning to scale Fluttershy's side.
Pinkie followed suit, and Fluttershy moaned as the two mares climbed on top of her.
"Mmm~ You ever fed from the teat before~?" Starlight asked, biting her lip.
"It's been a while," Pinkie admitted.
"Instinct'll guide you, follow my lead~" Starlight said, leaning down on one of Fluttershy's enormous, engorged, milky nipples, being careful not to press on the milk mound too much.

Fluttershy moaned softly. "Please, m-masters…" She whined, "Milk me like a big sow…~"
"We will, piggy~" Starlight promised, "You heard her, Pinkie~"
Starlight leaned down and wrapped her lips around the huge, milky nub. She audibly gulped down the milk as it freely spurted into her mouth, tail swishing contently as she lightly bobbed her head, lightly tugging on the spurting nipple.
Fluttershy sighed softly in relief and moaned. "Ngh~ Please, master~ It feels good~" She whined.

Pinkie looked at Fluttershy's other boob and leaned down, beginning to suck on the fat teat. "Mmmh…~" Pinkie moaned in content as thick milk filled her mouth, and her tail happily twitched.
Fluttershy moaned out loud. "Oh!~ Master, master!~" She cried, "It feels so good!~"
The two ponies bobbed their heads alternatively, draining each teat the best they could. Fluttershy was huge though, so the two mares didn't have much of a hope of fully emptying her huge, fat teats.
Fluttershy moaned as her milk tanks were emptied, relief flooding her body as the pressure of the milk was relieved.

Starlight pulled off after some time, panting as milk dripped from her lips. Her belly sagged a bit from the sheer quantity she had drank. "Hah… Hah… You're such a sexy piggy~" Starlight praised.
Pinkie coughed a little as she pulled off, some milk spraying her in the face. "Mmmgh~ So much milk~" She mumbled, "Maybe I'll make you help with baking with all this milk you're making~"
Fluttershy blushed. "A-ah~ I'll be a good milk sow~" Fluttershy moaned, "I'll let master milk me all she wants~"
Pinkie licked her lips. "Good~" She purred, "Now, let's get our piggy home~" She giggled, sliding off of Fluttershy's body.
Starlight similarly slid off, helping Fluttershy to her hooves.

Fluttershy moaned and flaunted as she was led back towards Sugarcube corner. Every step made her moan, and her nethers leaked juice all over the road as she kept moving.
"Just a little more~" Starlight promised.
"I'm going to cum everywhere, master~" Fluttershy moaned softly, shivering.
Pinkie giggled. "Ooh…~ We don't want our piggy flooding the basement, do we~?" Pinkie asked.
"No, I don't think we do~" Starlight purred, "I think we want her to make a big mess for everypony to see~" She declared, approaching Fluttershy's backside and applying a long, sensual lick to Fluttershy's cooch.
Fluttershy shivered and moaned. "O-oh~" She moaned, wiggling her rump.

Pinkie joined Starlight purring contently as she took a deep huff of the mare's potent musky scent.
"So good~" Pinkie cooed, pressing her muzzle into Fluttershy's soft loin and taking a long, slow drag with her tongue.
"So, so good~" Starlight praised, licking again.
Fluttershy panted a bit and moaned more. "A-ah~ Your tongues feel so good!- Aaahhh!~" Fluttershy moaned as her lower lips were parted by a pair of hungry little tongues.
Starlight and Pinkie held hooves as they mixed their tongues in and against Fluttershy's powerfully musky snatch.

Fluttershy moaned more, starting to put on a real show for anyone outside. "A-ah!~ More! More, master!~" She pleaded.
Starlight and Pinkie kept licking more, moaning into Fluttershy's marehood. They pressed against her, making sure they licked and lapped at as much as possible.
Fluttershy moaned out as she finally climaxed, dousing both of her masters in a massive load of femcum, gushing over both of them.
Pinkie pulled out to praise Fluttershy, happily cooing, "Good girl~"
Starlight instead stuck around for a moment, taking a deep breath of Fluttershy's feminine scent. "So good…~" She purred as she reluctantly pulled away.

Fluttershy panted softly, liquid still trickling down her weighty hind end. Starlight purred, groaning in delight as she licked up the messy little rivulet, savouring the taste. “Hmmmngh…~” She murmured, her tail swaying.
“Gosh, Starlight, I think you’re liking this more than our piggy is!~” Pinkie teased.
“I’m allowed to enjoy the fruits of our labor~” Starlight huffed as she finished licking Fluttershy clean.
“That you are!” Pinkie giggled.
“Your tongues felt so good…~” Fluttershy moaned.
“Mmm~ Only because you have such a good taste, piggy~” Starlight purred.

Pinkie giggled. “Let’s get you home, okay, piggy? Then we can love you forever~” She purred.
Fluttershy moaned at the thought, starting to stand up. “Ohhh, please love me more~” She whined.
“We will, piggy~” Starlight promised, “Just a little further, okay~?”
Fluttershy nodded and moaned, standing up with a bit of help. Starlight and Pinkie couldn’t help but proudly parade Fluttershy the rest of the way, Starlight’s horn only lighting when they got near the bakery.
“Okay, time to go back inside, piggy~” Starlight cooed, poofing them all back inside.

Fluttershy set herself down, panting softly. “I feel so heavy and relaxed…~” She moaned softly, her tail swaying contently.
Starlight again panted from the effort. “Mmm… I need some piggy cuddles after that,” She murmured.
“Wait! We still need a picture before she gets all comfy-cozy!” Pinkie said, grabbing a camera.
“Oh, right… I nearly forgot about the competition, hah,” Starlight giggled, standing up and stepping aside, “Smile, big bear!~”
Fluttershy blushed, offering a small, slightly bashful smile as her picture was taken.

She got first place.