Gassy Scales

by SWikey

First published

An anthology of everypony's favorite Dragon, and the flatulent situations he finds himself in.

Everypony farts, but what about Dragons? This is a story about Spike, and the often embarrassing situations he finds himself in when he needs to pass gas.

Content Warning: This story contains Farts, and lots of them. But they are mostly used in funny/embarrassing scenarios. There is nothing overtly sexual here, though that may change depending on what happens in future chapters. I will update the rating if necessary. If you don't like fart jokes, then please do not read or comment.

Author's Note: This is an idea I've had rolling around in my head for a few years now. I've always wanted to see Spike fart. After writing some shorts on Discord, I finally decided to bite the bullet and publish these. RESQUESTS ARE WELCOME!!!

Chef Spike

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Spike was enjoying one of his favorite activities; Cooking. Ever since he had moved to Ponyville with Twilight, the responsibility of food sorta fell on him. If left to her own devices, Twilight would probably die of starvation before she even realized she was hungry. Spike didn’t mind, however. Cooking allowed him to be creative and try different things. Twilight didn't have a refined palate, so it allowed Spike to try different recipes and really hone his craft. He still remembers the joy in Twilight’s voice when she tried his nachos for the first time. It was her favorite dish for a while after that. For today, he was gonna try a Stuffed Peppers recipe. It caught his eye when looking through the cookbook he got for Hearth’s Warming Eve, the only book he got from Twilight that he really loved. The recipe looked super tasty and consisted of stuffing big bell peppers with herbs and spices. Plus, it gave him the excuse to eat as many peppers as he wanted while making the dish.

“Whoops, looks like I ate another one. Good thing I bought so many.” Spike shrugged. He dug a claw into the bag of peppers and began munching on another one like it was an apple. It was fine though, since he had just finished stuffing two peppers for him and Twilight, it meant he could eat as many of the leftovers as he wanted. He’d already eaten five peppers already. He took a glance at his open cookbook to see the next step. “Let’s see…Looks like the last step is to put these babies on heat. Good thing I’m a dragon.”

Spike smiled with confidence before inhaling to breath out a steady flame. However, when he went to breathe it out the only thing that was produced was air. “Huh? That's not…”


Spike’s tummy started rumbling loudly. He started to get that ache he only got when he was about to belch out a letter. His cheeks puffed out ready for the inevitable, and he turned around so as not to burp all over the food. He reeled his head and lurched forward.


Spike released a mighty belch, but surprisingly, it wasn’ accompanied by a flame. The dragon was starting to get worried. He hoped he didn't lose his fire again, like at the Equestria Games. But, before Spike could think on it anymore, his tummy spoke up more aggressively.


“What’s going on?”Spike wrapped his arms around his tummy and began rubbing it in a desperate attempt to soothe the pressure that was building. If belching didn't work, then he was at a loss for how to get rid of the pressure. It was becoming unbearable. “If only I could…just!” On instinct, Spike hiked his leg up and flagged his tail.


All of the pressure in Spike’s tummy was released in an incredible dragon toot that shot out of his flank. This wasn’t an ordinary toot either, as it carried a mighty green flame and sounded like an explosion. The Fire blast was massive too, so huge, Spike was lucky that his gassy flames were magic and couldn’t catch much on fire. However, Spike was too focused on his immense relief from having let out such a ripper. It felt amazing to finally get rid of his tummy ache after being in so much pain. He couldn’t help but moan until he looked over his shoulder and saw smoke coming from the stove. His eyes widened in shock and he spun around, having completely forgotten that he was cooking until that very moment. Surprisingly, the Stuffed Peppers he’d been trying to heat up were now roasted to perfection. They looked amazing, but surely he couldn't feed this to Twilight, could he? Spike looked in the bag of peppers in the hope of starting over, but the bag was now empty.

“Curse my constant snacking” Spike muttered to himself. It was already too late in the day to go back to the market. He had no choice, this was going to be dinner. “T-Twilight! Food’s ready!” Spike transferred the Stuffed Peppers to one plate each before he walked over to the dining room table in the middle of the library. Twilight was just walking in as Spike set down a plate at her preferred sitting place.

“Ooooh! Stuffed Peppers? That’s adventurous, eh?” Twilight said. As soon as Spike mentioned food, she realized how hungry she was. She took a deep whiff of the meal. “Mmmm, Smells great too.”

“Uhh, yeah. Hope you like it.” Spike said nervously. He was worried about how things would taste.

Twilight moved her snout down and began scarfing down the pepper. She had zero situational awareness, which Spike usually admired, but he was more concerned with her eating something that he’d farted on. Within seconds, Twilight had eaten the whole thing, and she even licked around her mouth to taste the herbs that were smeared there.

“Wow, Spike! That was delicious! You have outdone yourself.” Twilight said gleefully. Then her cheeks puffed out a little, before she opened her mouth.


“Oh, Excuse me.” Twilight said, before covering her mouth.

“I’ll be sure to say that next time.” Spike said under his breath.

“What was that, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing. Glad you enjoyed the Stuffed Peppers.” Spike said.

“My compliments to the chef.” Twilight said. She then said one more thing that caught Spike’s attention as she left the table. “Using eggs was a nice touch.”

“Eggs?” Spike asked. He didn't remember the recipe calling for eggs. He sat down and stared at his own pepper, before using a claw to scoop up some of the herbs and placing them tentatively in his mouth. He rolled it around on his tongue for a bit and he could definitely taste a hint of eggs. His eyes then widened as he realized what that taste was, and he ended up spitting out the food. Never in his life did Spike ever think he’d taste his own fart.

Spike On The Throne

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"Isn't this great, Spike?" Twilight said after finishing her latest read of another book. "To be able to really while the Cutie Map is quiet."

However, the only answer was silence.

"Spike?" Twilight looked over at where her scaley #1 assistant usually sat when he was reading. All she found was the intention of his body. Not even his comic book remained on the ground. "Hmm, I wonder where he ran off too.


Twilight snapped her head toward the hall as what sounded like the release of air echoed throughout the Castle of Friendship. It was a sound she wasn't used to hearing, so being the scientist she was, Twilight trotted into the hall to investigate.

"Spike is that you?" Twilight called out as she ventured into the unknown. She suddenly became aware of how big and scary the Castle was, especially with how the sound of rushing air whooshed through the halls.




"Um...Spike?" Twilight asked tentatively. However, there was a more concerning sound that permeated the air.




Suddenly, the worst fear flashed in Twilight's mind. *"Those sounds! That's Spike's voice! What if his Dragon Greed took over as I was reading? Oh no! I better find him quickly!"*

Twilight sprinted in a full-on gallop as the sounds drew her closer to where the drake was. His voice seemed to be behind a single door that Twilight stopped to examine.

"Spike! Spike! Are you in there?!" Twilight screamed as she slammed her hoof into the door repeatedly. She even tried to open it with her magic, but it was no use. The door was locked.

"Ohhh! Twilight? Ooooh it hurts!" Spike moaned. He was clearly in pain.

"Don't worry, Spike! I'm here!" Twilight reassured. "Just try to hold in a little while longer!"

"Mmph! Wait! I just...need to..." Spike struggled to say.

"Hang on, Spike! Let me just-" Twilight's sentence was cutoff by a rather unexpected and unpleasant noise.



"Aaaaaaaahhhhh! That's sp much better!" Spike said, sounding way more relieved than he did before.

Twilight was confused by the sounds as well as Spike's reaction until she became aware of the terrible odor that was pouring out from the cracks in the door. The alicorn smelled the unmistakable scent of Sulphur and Brimstone, along with the sting of burnt eggs. She had been around Spike since he was a hatchling, so she knew Dragon Dung when she smelled it.

"Oh!...Sweets Celestia!" Twilight asked through a coughing fit. It had been awhile since she had been this close to one of Spike's legendary bowel movements. Her reaction must've been loud because Spike responded to it.

"Phew! Sorry you were in the line of fire, Twi." Spike said. He sounded more like himself now. "I've been trying to drop that Dragon Deuce for hours."

"Spike!" Twilight said, her voice sounding stuffed because she was covering her snout with a hoof. "I was worried about you! I thought your comic book collection triggered your Greed!"

"Greed? C'mon Twilight. You and I both know I do my best reading on this baby." Spike said before knocking on the porcelain throne with a claw.



"Well, are you done in there, at least?" Twilight asked.

"Hang on, I'm just getting to the climax of this issue!" Spike said. Twilight could hear him frantically turning a page in his comic book.

"But Spike, I..." Twilight then came up with an idea to get the drake moving. "That's fine. I was just thinking you'd want to join my meet-up with Rarity at her Boutique."

"R-Rarity!" Spike stuttered. The next sound caused Twilight to roll her eyes.


"Then what are we waiting for?" Spike said after emerging from the restroom. Twilight couldn't help but giggle even though a more potent aroma from Spike's discharge bellowed into the hall. It was so bad even Spike noticed it.

"Oh uh...if you were planning on using that before we go...I'd let it air out first." Spike suggested.

"Hehe, I'll open the windows." Twilight responded.