My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII

by DakariKingMykan

First published

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend


*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance*

-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.

-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.

-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.

-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.

Intro: Hot/Cold War

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There are many planets within the galaxies of the Dimensional Universe; many of which have yet to be discovered, and they all have their own specialties, differences, and some even have their own unique races of creatures.

Some are kind and innocent, while others are not!

One race of happy aliens was just going about their peaceful lives-- working, laughing, playing, and not bothering anyone at all…

…When suddenly, a large, flaming meteor-- the size of a small house-- was spotted high in the sky and heading straight for them!


The massive rock crashed hard into the ground, causing a big explosion, horribly obliterating everything in its path-- village and people alike.

They were not the only ones.

Another planet was suddenly bombarded by a shower of icicle like meteors causing destruction and devastation everywhere.

Two more were hit by fire meteors and strong ice rocks that didn’t even burn up upon entering the planets’ atmospheres-- as if they weren’t ordinary pieces of rock or ice.

All these planets were hit by surprise. All these bombardments just showed up suddenly from the depths of space!

These projectiles were all coming from the same place…!

In a far and unexplored sector of the galaxy, there was a lone star system consisting of only two planets orbiting the star.

One was a reddish and very warm planet: The Planet Moltic. With red skies, and hot temperatures, not deadly. Hot Springs and villages like any other with houses, dugouts, and even small cities with a populace of orange skinned humanoid beings with round ears that had small, serrated edges to resemble flames.

The second was an icy blue world: The Planet Iceinia. With cold mountain terrains with lots of ice and snow. Villages and towns as well. Their populace consisted of icy blue skinned humanoid beings with pointed ears.

The two planets were at war with one another-- constantly launching and firing projectiles at one another.

A large flaming meteor was heading straight at Icenia, but it was intercepted by an equal sized ice rock launched. The two rocks collided with each other causing them to head on out into space in different and random directions.

On planet Moltic; in the royal palace. The ruler of the planet gazed through a telescope and was raving mad.

He was King Flareous: A large, muscular Molticean, with large biceps, and wearing thick red and silver armor. He carried a large sword with a bright hot tip, and he wore a strong Viking-like crown made of iron with large horns on the sides.

“Lucky shot, King Blizzord!”

Then he turned to shout at his royal army of Flame Guards. “Arm another meteor to be fired! We’ll show that frozen freak who’s the greatest!”

The guards all complied and rushed about to fulfil their king’s orders-- digging up large flaming stones from the ground, melting them all into one massive rock, loaded in their monstrous cannon.

While in a royal palace on Icenia, King Blizzord was laughing wickedly. He, like Flaerous, was also large and muscular. He also had an icy-like mustache, and short crystal-like beard. He wore an armored vest with large iron bands on his wrists, and a long white robe skirt that stopped at his knees. In his hands he carried a large silver trident with ice-spike shaped points.

“You missed me again, Flareous!” he bellowed. “Now it’s my turn! I’ll make you pay for what you did to me!”

Then he shouted to his army of ice-guards. “Launch the ice-missiles!”

The mighty rockets were launched, but their tail debris of chucks of rock and ice rained back down on the planet-- crashing into the mountains, causing avalanches, and some pieces even struck near or in the nearby villages, frightening the poor residents into taking cover or fleeing for their lives.

Their king did not care a bit, he was far too focused on his task at hand, but not just attacking his neighboring planet…

“SMARK…!” he bellowed.

A short, and dumpy little alien with white skin, great big, floppy ears, waddled into the chamber. “Coming, your freeziness!” He very nearly tripped over his floppy feet, stopping before the king.

“Well?!” Blizzord growled. “What have you to report? Where is my daughter? She’s been missing for nearly a month.”

Smark looked almost afraid to tell him. “I’m… well, sire, the thing is…”

“Out with it!” snapped Blizzord.

“…Your daughter is rather sly, and we’ve been unable to find her.”

Blizzord looked as if he would blow snow through his large ears. “I bet I know where she is… and after I specifically forbade her!”

“I’ve already sent a squad of soldiers to find and retrieve her, my lord. They should return with her soon.”

“For your sake, they had better!”

At the very same time, Flareous was ordering his Flame Guards, “Get out there, and find my son!”

The foot soldiers complied and dashed out.

“KELTAR!!” Flareous shouted.

A tall, thin alien with red skin, tall ears like a donkey, and a flat, nooseless face came in. “You called, sire?”

The king looked ready to explode. “I thought I told you to keep a sharp eye on my son the prince.”

Keltar bowed nervously. “Forgive me, but your son is as rebellious as ever. I turned my head for one second and--”

“I’m not interested in excuses!” shouted Flareous. “You had better hope we find him.”

Keltar shuddered nervously. “Sire, I have also received word. Ice Soldiers have been spotted.”

Flareous flared up angrily. “Take no prisoners! Destroy every single one of them!”

Far away from the devastated ground and all the battle action, a lone figure wearing burlap cloaks and robes silently made his way across the lands of Moltic.

Finally, he reached his destination-- a small rock mountain surrounded by gas geysers.

He skillfully hopped his way up the rocky slope to a flat area halfway up the mountain where the rock formations made a tiny cave niche.

He checked around to see that he was alone and reached for a small sack in his robe. He pulled out a simple clear orb, with what seemed like a vortex inside of it.

He then threw the orb on the ground; it burst open and unleashed a small vortex portal to appear, while the orb closed and lay on the ground empty.

Almost instantly, someone else--a female-- wearing a burlap robe like he was, stepped through the portal, carrying a second clear orb, and having unleashed a second portal where she came from.

She turned back and aimed her orb inside the vortex, shooting a magical beam from the orb itself, resealing the vortex from the other side back within her orb.

The male then resealed his vortex in the orb he had.

The two beings placed the orbs back in sacks on he then faced each other and removed their hoods.

The male was a handsome orange skinned Molticean, with short blonde hair, and a red band around his forehead with a fire emblem.

Prince Pyron.

The female Iceinian, with long sparkling silver hair and a very pretty face. Around her forehead was a beaded tiara with an Ice Emblem on it.

Princess Glaceia.

They gazed at each other with loving smiles, and they came together in a deep embrace, locking their lips together.

When they separated, Pyron expressed great concern. “Glaceia, you should not have come here. It’s too dangerous, and--” he was interrupted by his love holding his hands together in hers. “I had to see you again, my love.

This war between our worlds has gone on long enough. Both our fathers must be stopped!”

Pyron agreed, but he, like his love, had no idea how.

Pyron shook his head and sighed. “If only The Great Warrior would come. He could stop all this.”

Glaceia agreed, and embraced her love, resting her head against his chest. “Oh, Pyron!” she sobbed. “When will this all end? I can’t bear all the suffering, all the pain any longer!”

Her love only embraced her wishing he could answer.

Suddenly, he felt that they were no longer alone.

The couple turned round and saw a swarm of Flame Guards.

They were a massive army of foot soldiers. They had fiery orange skins, and wore rock armor-- helmets, torso pieces, and even gauntlets and boots, and they all carried hot orange bladed swords.

“So, here you are!” one of them bellowed.

Glaceia held on tightly to Pyron.

“Take the prince back to the palace.” ordered the head guard. “The princess shall come as our prisoner. I’m certain King Flareous can use her as a bargaining chip to bring down Iceinia!”

“You stand down!” demanded Pyron. “As crowned prince of Moltic, I order you to leave us in peace.”

“Insolent boy!” bellowed the guard. “We only take orders from the King. He will be furious when he learns of your disobedience!”

The guards moved in closer towards the helpless couple… when suddenly…!

The guards were bombarded and pelted by shards of ice as a horde of Ice-Soldiers came rushing up the mountain trail.

They wore silver, crystal-like armor over their icy blue skin, and carried crystal-like spears made of incredible strong ice that couldn’t be broken as easily as regular ice.

“Surrender the princess to us!” demanded the head guard.

A fierce battle engaged with the two forces fighting against each other, much to the slight relief of the couple. While they hated to see more fighting, this was their chance.

“Come, Glaceia!” cried Pyron, and he began to run with his love further up the trail.

The Flame Head guard saw them. “They’re getting away!”

Both forces stopped their brawl and gave chase.

…Unaware that Blizzord had launched another large ice-meteor from Iceinia!

At the same time, Flareous, who had seen the meteor, ordered another interception-- shooting at that meteor with one of his own.

The two meteors collided with each other, banging off course, and heading straight to the area where the couple had fled!

Higher and higher up the mountain the lovers fled with the two armies catching up from below, until the couple were trapped on the peak with no place left to run.

“Surrender!” shouted the Flame Guards.

“Surrender!” shouted the Ice-Guards.

The couple still refused to give in, or even let go of each other.

Suddenly, one of the guards looked up and screamed, “LOOK OUT!!” The two rouge meteors were heading straight for the mountain. As small as they were, at the speed they were falling…!

CRASH!! One meteor smashed hard against the mountainside, causing a massive tremor which sent all the guards tumbling down the mountainside to their dooms.

Glaceia screamed, but Pyron held onto her tightly.

The second meteor crashed seconds later. against the mountain base, causing the geyser field to erupt so massively that it blasted the entire mountain up, up, up, like a rocket!

The couple held onto each other hard as they went higher, and higher, and right out of the planet’s atmosphere-- exposed to Dimension Space without proper protection.



The two managed to keep holding each other just a bright flash made them vanish-- warping them deep into Space to who knew where.

…And in the midst of the chaos, Pyron’s vortex orb had fallen loose, and was smashed open unleashing a vortex in orbit at half points between the two planets, while containment its orb was lost-- completely smashed to bits by more debris, making it impossible to seal the hole up


Episode 1: Fire and Ice Wars: Part 1

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Shining Light, Son of Commander Lightning Dawn and Supreme General Starla Shine was nearly three years old. He could walk, talk, even feed himself and dress himself, and pick up his toys, but he was still just a little colt.

He was being babysat by Pinkie Pie while his parents were at the hospital.

They had been away for three days, but Pinkie took great care of the little fella. It also did good for him to play with her son, Biscuit Pie, who was about one and a half years old and just learning to talk and walk.

The two children were playing a clapping game on the floor and making cute poems as they played…

“I am your friend, you are mine,
I’m so happy, I could shine.”

The two children laughed and giggled, which Pinkie found adorable. She cooed as she smothered the boys, “Aww, You two are just so cute. Yes, you are… Yes, you are!” and she pecked their little heads making shining blush.

Just then, there was a rattling at the front door.

Shining Light jumped joy. “Mommy’s home! Daddy’s home!”

Lightning came in through the door with a suitcase, “Hello.” he playfully called.

“Daddy! Daddy!” cried Shining.

“Ah, there’s my big boy.” Lightning said as he took his son from Rarity and hugged him warmly.

As Starla came in, Lightning motioned for everyone to keep their voices down.

“Hi, Mommy.” Shining said softly.

“Hi, sweetie.” Starla said and she pecked her son sweetly on his head. “Look who Mommy brought home.” She held up a little blanket wrapped around a new baby alicorn mare. “This is your little sister, Twinkle Star.”

Everyone’s eyes fell over the little sweetheart. She had a white coat, a purple mane like her mother, and big brown eyes like her father.

She also had an anti-magic manacle sealed on her horn to prevent her using magic, and an alti-lift patch on her wings to prevent her from flying.

“Baby?” peeped Biscuit.

“That’s right, honey. That’s their new baby.” cooed Pinkie. She was trying her hardest not to burst out and get all hyper, especially while carrying her son, but she was weakening, and shaking, which Biscuit felt was fun as he jiggled in her arms.

She finally put him down. “Sorry, honey. Mommy has to do this.” and she zipped off, coming back with a tiny cupcake, with a pacifier-shaped candle at the top.

She drew in a deep breath as if to start going crazy, much to everyone else worry, but she left out softly, “Happy Welcome Home Day… wittle Twinkle Winkle.”

The baby just blinked her beady little eyes softly, but Lightning and Starla sighed in relief.

“Aw, she’s so beautiful.” cooed Pinkie.

“She really is.” sighed Starla.

“What do you think, son?” Lightning said as he lifted Shining up. “Do you like your little sister?”

Shining looked at the baby and she looked up at him. Her little lips then curled into a soft smile, and it made him smile too.

“I’m a big brother!” he cheered softly.

“Yes, you are…” cooed Starla, and she pecked him again, and then her daughter.

Lightning just looked back and forth at his wife and children, and he shed a small tear.

“…You okay?” asked Pinkie.

Lightning nodded, “That was a tear of family joy.” With his one free arm he brought Starla and the baby closer. “My family!”

This made Pinkie feel like crying too, and she scooped up her own son in her arms. “I love you, Biscuit. Yes, I do.” and she pecked him multiple times.

Her son gave his mother a little peck on her cheek, which made the tears flow from her eyes. “Love, Mommy.” he chirped.

The moment of bliss was interrupted by the sound of the world air-raid siren going off outside, which made Twinkle and Biscuit cry by the frightening noise, and Shining Light cover his ears.

“Not again!” groaned Lightning.

“That’s the third time this month that’s happened.” complained Starla.

The air-raid siren was a warning that a large object-- possibly a meteor or an asteroid-- was heading towards the planet, and Starfleet squads were prepared to intercept it.

There were two objects this time… one was a flaming meteor, and the other was a large piece of ice that turned into a comet the closer it got to the sun.

Many citizens of United Equestria could see the objects coming with the naked eye, even in broad daylight.

Hardly anyone showed any fear, some even had bored expressions.

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia ordered the intercept squads out.

A large fleet of Space alicorns and unicorns stood together in the New Canterlot fields. Combining their magic all together…

POW!! They fired a massive stream of magic up, up into the sky, out into space, colliding into the burning meteor, nudging it just enough to bang it off its course, sending it smashing into the second meteor, and both rocks were sent straight into the sun where they vaporized harmlessly.

Normally, this would cause an eruption of cheer and rejoice, but due to the common occurrences, the people just sighed and went back to their daily routines.

Starla and Pinkie calmed the babies down, and Lightning patted his son on the head, “You can take your fingers out of your ears now.”

Shining hugged his father, still a little afraid. “It’s okay. It’s all over now.” Lightning whispered to him.

Pinkie was still grumpy with all. “This is nuts! Where are all these chunks of rock coming from?”

“I’d like to know that too,” said Lightning. “Reports have been coming in that these rocks have been showing up out of almost nowhere and striking other planets, not just ours.”

Starla remembered hearing about these reports weeks before she went to the hospital. “There’s no chance of tracing their places of origin?”

Lightning shook his head, “We don’t have any leads so far. The Observatories have been tracking the objects by the trails they leave as they move through space, but the trails only go so far and only seemed to stop dead in the middle of space.”

This meant there was no way to tell exactly where the objects came from or how far they traveled. As far as Starfleet knew, they were just bits of flaming/ice rocks bumping around through space.

“So, a search is useless?” asked Pinkie.

“Afraid so.” replied Starla. “Frankly, it’s not our planet I’m concerned about. We can intercept them easily, but what of the planets that can’t?”

A long moment of silence followed as everyone had looks of worry and horror on their faces.

“Daddy?” chirped Shining Light. “Are we going to get smashed?” He sounded very scared and worried.

His father hugged him warmly and assured him, “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. We won’t let it happen, will we, Mommy?”

Starla nodded proudly, although she wouldn’t be doing too much as she on maternity leave, but she would have her remote droid-double to do any battling for her.

Meanwhile, up on the Moon, there was Lunar Base one-- the research facility built out of the battered hulk of a old crashed enemy spacecraft.

Many ponies or other creatures of Starfleet and Science worked and stayed at this massive base to conduct private research, or to observe the stars and the galaxy from a greater viewpoint rather than on the planet itself.

Right now, their main project was tracking those meteors and trying to find any clues as to where they came from and if any more were on the way.

Lightning’s friends often visit the base upon orders to help with research or delivery food, water, and other supplies.

Today, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were tasked and ordered to make that delivery with Krysta’s help-- bringing crates of food and drinks to keep the storage bunkers stocked up.

The Moon’s low gravity made it easy to ship the large boxes.

Rainbow was grumbling softly. “All that combat training. All those exercise drills, space flights, combat practices… just so I can deliver a few intergalactic groceries.”

Rarity felt just as annoyed by all this as she patted dust off her uniform. “I have a Fashion Shoot to prepare for, and here I am scraping up Moon Dust.”

Spike was growing annoyed. “Will you two quit complaining already. It was kind enough of their majesties to let us put Twilight Sparkle Scales in the palace Daycare until we got back.”

“We’re almost done anyway.” said Applejack. “So, quit your whining and get to work.”

“Besides, you all got a trip to the Moon out of it.” added Krysta. “How often do you get to come up here anyway?”

Rainbow was not convinced. She was longing for more action and excitement rather than menial tasks. “When is something exciting going to happen around here?” she complained.

“Come on, Rainbow. Don’t go wishing for trouble.” said Spike. “We’ve already got our hands tied with all this meteor stuff. What else could happen?”

The second he said that there were large flashes of light striking over the lunar hills.

The alarms went off in the base and the creatures began rushing to their stations.

A team of scouts left the building heading out over the hills to investigate.

“What’s happened?” asked Krysta.

One of the soldiers replied, “We’re detecting readings of life.”

Rainbow’s eyes and sense of exactment lit up brightly.

“Rainbow!” snapped Krysta “You have your orders. This isn’t your assignment!!” but Rainbow had already dashed over the hills.

“Ugh!” groaned Applejack, and she flew off after her.

“Hey! Wait up!” Krysta hollered as she followed.

“Oh, dear!” groaned Rarity.

“Come on, honey.” said Spike.

When the gang and the squad arrived on the scene, they could not believe their eyes; two unconscious aliens in burlap clothing lay flat on the ground.

Spike, as a General, ordered, “Get these two into medical-care, and prepare them for transport to the planet.”

“Yes, Sirl!” the troops replied.

Very soon, the two aliens were placed on special stretchers and brought back to the Lunar Base.

Suddenly, there was another series of bright flashes in the sky.

“What now?” cried Applejack.

Everyone looked and saw tiny shooting objects, like shooting stars falling into the atmosphere of United Equestrian, and they vanished into nothing.

“Whatever was that?” wondered Rarity.

“Probably just bits and pieces of the meteor that was just intercepted.” suggested Rainbow.

Krysta was not convinced. “When was the last time you heard of meteors giving off flash storms with no warning?”

Right now, they had bigger things to do, like get the aliens back to base.

Meanwhile, Flareous was fuming at Keltar.

“All my Flame Guards were wiped out?!” he bellowed. “My son was seen with Princess Glaceia, and they were blasted out into Space?!”

“Yes, sire.” replied Keltar “The scouts informed us of their observations. Prince Pyron has vanished.”

Flareous flared up, ready to incinerate his lackey in a fit.

“…Sire please!” shouted Kalter “There may be hope yet to find them!”

Flareous calmed down. “You had better make this good. I have enough to worry about without Blizzord hearing of all this!”

Keltar motioned up to the big vortex which could be seen with the naked eye. “That is warp vortex. It serves as an instant gateway between this portal and wherever a second one is placed.”

“I’m well aware of this!” snapped Flareous, and then suddenly he realized and chuckled wickedly, “Of course… it just may work.”

While at the same time, Blizzord was speaking with Smark.

“What is that vortex, my king?” Smark asked.

“Don’t you know anything?” the ice king balked. “That vortex was used by The Great Warrior, who defended our two worlds from disaster, long before this war began.

He used them to instantaneously transport himself from one area to another to confuse his enemies and get the better jump on them.

When the warrior disappeared, two of his portal orbs were left behind. One was kept on Motlic, and the other was kept here on Iceinia.”

He began to understand now. “Glaceia! She must’ve taken the vortex orb from its resting place, and used it to rendezvous with Flareous foolish son, Pyron!”

Blizzord was looking angry enough to melt his icy skin, which frightened Smark to the point of backing away from him.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash in the sky.

The vortex was going crazy, and it just exploded into tiny little fragments that rained down all over Icenia and Moltic, vanishing into seemingly nothing.

“What has happened?” wondered Blizzord.

“I don’t know.” peeped Smark.

Flareous had seen the light shower as well. “What happened to the vortex?”

“I am uncertain,” replied Keltar. “Perhaps an investigation is in order?”

“Yes, you do that.”

“Me, sire?”

“Yes! Is that a problem?”

“N-N-No Sire, it’s just perhaps I shouldn’t go alone, and I did want to demonstrate my new form of Flame Guard to you.”

“What new form?”

Keltar demonstrated by revealing a handful of dried-up rocks with hot streaks across them. He threw the rocks to the ground, and in small flares appeared Flame Guards, only they were artificial beings only made to fight, had little to no fear, and never questioned orders.

“I had been working on it for months,” explained Keltar, “I thought perhaps we would use them in the war so as not to waste our best soldiers.”

Flareous looked at all the guards, and he snickered, “Interesting. You just may have pleased me, Keltar.”

Keltar bowed, and then he said, “I also have one other thing to show you.” and he motioned for a real Flame-Guard to approach.

Flareous grew impatient, and-- not interested in more delays-- bellowed “JUST GET OUT THERE AND INVESTIGATE!”

“Let’s go!” Keltar cried to his guards, and they all rushed out together. The real Flame-Guard followed them too.

Meanwhile, Smark was trekking through the icy terrains of Iceinia. He was sent to investigate the strange occurrence as well.

“Why do I always have to do the hard stuff?” he grumbled. “It’s dangerous out here.”

The feeling of facing an angry King Blizzard to be worse, he continued to the point where one of the flashes was seen.

“This is where it was.” he said to himself, but he couldn’t see anything at all.

“Hello…” he called up expecting something to happen.

“Hey! Will something happen already?!”

Still, nothing happened.

His tantrums alerted a lone Ice-Soldier patrolling the lands-- a real one.

“What are you shouting for?” he asked. “I almost thought you were a Moltician.

Smark felt insulted but explained himself and his mission.

“Come with me…” said the guard and he led the dumpy little fella to an empty area. “I noticed one of the flashes seemed to settle here, and then it just vanished.”

Smark and the guard both investigated the area together.

“There’s nothing here!” growled Smark. “Thanks for waiting my time, when I could have--” but as he ranted, he raised his arm up high, and suddenly, both he and the guard were caught in some force that made them both vanish in rays of light, and they were gone.

Meanwhile, Pinkie had gone home with Biscuit, while Lightning and Starla were putting little Twinkle down for her nap.

The proud parents looked down at their sleeping angel, only for Lightning to be distracted by Shining Light softly poking his leg and wanting to get up and see.

Daddy picked up his son and let him look.

“She’s cute.” Shining whispered.

“Isn’t she…?” cooed Lightning.

Starla smiled lovingly at both her children, but then she whispered into her husband’s ear. “What do you think those lights were?”

He whispered back, “I’ve already received word that the research is underway. Hopefully we’ll know soon enough.”

Suddenly, without warning, Krysta appeared in their home crying out, “Lightning! Lightning!”

Lightning and Starla both gasped in fright, and poor little Twinkle woke up crying loudly.

“Ooh! Sorry, I forgot about the baby.”

Starla comforted the baby attempting to calm her.

Lightning put his son down. “What is it, Krysta?”

“You need to come to the palace, it’s big-time urgent.”

When it came to Starfleet, duty always had to come first unless there was a good reason not to, and being a father with a new baby was not one of them. As Commander, Lightning had his obligation, while Starla would stay behind as she was on maternity leave and needed to tend to the baby.

She understood this and nodded at him, “You better go. I can handle things here.”

“And I’ll stay and help, Mommy.” offered Shining Light.

Lightning patted his son on the head, “That’s my boy.” and he hugged him, and then pecked Starla goodbye before he warped away with Krysta.

Once at the palace he was greeted by Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna.

“Glad you made it, Lightning.” said his majesty.

Lightning bowed respectfully and then he asked, “What’s going on?”

“Come and see for yourself.” replied Celestia.

Lightning was led to Sickbay where he was greeted by his other friends, but what he saw next nearly left him speechless.

“Galloping Galaxies!” he exclaimed softly when he saw the two aliens in their tubes and hooked up to life-support.

The two had been analyzed while on the Lunar Base, their vital signs were normal, while their body temperatures were understandable that of higher/lower than normal beings as they were of Fire and Ice, but not so high or low to cause any concern.

“They don’t look like any known creatures I’ve seen.”

“This was our trouble as well.” said Grand Ruler. “If all our preliminary data holds, they were definitely transwarped through Space and crashed on the Moon.”

Lightning nodded, “Which means we don’t have the slightest idea who they are, what they are, where they come from, or much else.”

“So, we’ve pretty much discovered a new species.” said Spike.

Rarity shuddered at the aliens’ unsightly burlap cloaks. “Whatever would possess them to wear these ratty things?”

“How wicked is this?” chuckled Rainbow. She was still gloating over being among the first to actually see the aliens and come into contact with them. “I can just see it now…”

And she imagined herself being on the cover of all important magazines or being praised for this discovery and having statues in her honor.

Luna cleared her throat snapping her back into reality.

Rainbow felt embarrassed, “Sorry.”

Celestia then said, “The only way we’ll know more of them is when they wake up.”

“But even then, it is uncertain if whether they are friends or foes.” cautioned Luna.

“Agreed,” said Grand Ruler. “Until further notice, they are to remain under close guard and be examined for any details.”

The Sickbay staff agreed and continued to do their work.

As Lightning continued to look back and forth between the two aliens, and noting their elements of Fire and Ice, he began to ponder, “Maybe these two know something about all these molten and ice meteors we’ve been tracking.”

Everyone else had the same idea as he did, although Rainbow kept more of her ego imagination-- dreaming that she’d get credit for unlocking the mystery of this as well.

Suddenly, the Red Alert sounded.

“Quick, to Main Ops!” ordered Grand Ruler.

He quickly teleported himself and the group to the Control Center.

Captain Shaina was there being briefed already.

“Your majesties!” she cried “Just moments ago we detected strong, unusual teleportation energies occurring around New Ponyville, followed by unidentified life readings.”

Lightning’s insides immediately crawled with worry, “Starla!”

Everyone was just going about, minding their own business, working, playing, or just hanging out, when suddenly these strange creatures just appeared in bright flashes.

The alarms were instantly sounded, and the ponies began to run for the nearest shelter, while Starfleet sentries.

“Interesting!” mused Keltar. “I wonder what this place is?”

“Freeze!” shouted a voice.

Buddy Rose landed in the middle of the road, already in his super-armor, and he wasn’t alone.

Joining him were, Rhymey and Fluttershy, Artie, Pinkie Pie, and the Spanish Twins Dyno and Myte.

“Ah, you must be the welcoming party.” teased Keltar.

Buddy, taking charge of the group demanded, “We are Starfleet of Planet United Equestria. State your name, your place of origin, and your purpose for being here.”

Keltar looked confused, “Starfleet? United Equestria?”

“You’ve head of us.” said Artie.

“No. I just want to remember that when I report back to his majesty.”

“Majesty?” everyone felt.

Rhymey then spoke severely to the stranger.

“We ask you again, where are you from?
How did you get here, and why have you come?”

Fluttershy then added,

“This is your last chance,
Answer now, or we’ll advance!”

Keltar was really becoming intrigued by these creatures and their stance of aggression. He just had to find out how serious they were.

“Get them!” he shouted to his Flame Guards.

The soldiers, holding their swords high, rushed forth.

“Guess it’s the hard way.” said Dyno.

“Andale!” shouted Myte.

The team all rushed forth, combating the now, hostile aliens.

“Ha!” Buddy shouted as he gave one a huge kick in the chest. The guard fell over backwards and crumpled away like the molten rock he was made from. “They’re artificial!”

This was good for the others to know.

Another guard swung and slashed his blade at Artie, but Artie dodged every swing, and then blocked the guard’s arm with his own. He could feel the heat coming from the creature’s hot body. “Whoa! You seriously need to… chill!” Artie shouted as he kick-tripped the creature down.

Pinkie was surrounded by three more guards. “Can’t we start over and be friends?” she asked innocently, but the alien soldiers stepped forth with their swords ready.

“Didn’t think so.”

The aliens struck for her, but she leapt up high, splitting her legs in midair like a gymnast, and then spun rapidly, kicking the aliens in their faces.

While the ponies all continued to make quick work of the Flame-Guards, Keltar stood where he was feeling more and more amused by the minute at their fighting skills.

“They’re beating all my guards like they are nothing. I must test them further, and I have just the thing.”

He reached into his robe a pulled out a larger fiery-glowing rock badge with a carving of an alligator on it-- the very other thing he had intended to show Flareous.

He then motioned for someone to come forward-- the real Flame Guard whom had followed him, but was asked to keep out of sight.

“I am ready.” The guard said.

Keltar nodded and stuck the badge on the guard’s forehead.

At once, the guard growled and wailed, and finally there was a big explosion, just as the ponies finished off the last of the artificial guards.

“What was that?” cried Dyno.

“Look!” said Myte.

The smoke from the explosion had cleared, revealing a large, hulking creature. It was twice the size of the ponies. It had a huge alligator face with teeth and everything, and its entire body was coated in red hot rocks… and it laughed wickedly. “Now this is what I call power!”

“Check it out!” exclaimed Buddy as he scanned the creature with his visor. The creature was unknown, but apart from realizing it was a mutated living-being, its temperature was super-high, and its strength levels were strong, almost as if it were made from a kind of molten rock.

“How do you like my Lava-Gator.” hissed Keltar. “I’ve been meaning to test these badges out, but they can only be used on real Flame-Guards, rather than those hollow fakies.”

The ponies didn’t like this one bit.

While all that happened, right before the battle ever started, Lightning realized, “I’ve got to go back and help the others.” but just as he and Krysta were about to teleport away, the alarms went off again.

“Another teleportation reading!” cried Shaina. “Unidentified beings have just appeared within New Canterlot Village.”

Lightning growled.

Grand Ruler clenched his fist. “Celestia, Luna, you two stay here and help monitor. The rest of us will investigate.”

His wife and sister-in-law agreed, and Celestia pecked him for luck, “Not that you need it.”

Lightning and the girls decided to transform.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

“Dragon Power!”

Smark and the Ice-Guard that was caught with him suddenly appeared in the middle of town, instantly scaring the civilians, and the alarms were sounded.

“Hey!!” Smark growled as he pulled his floppy ears shut. The civilians screaming as they ran away for shelter made it worse.

“What is this place?” wondered the Ice-Guard.

“Halt!” shouted a voice, and that’s when a horde of royal knights stood together.

The lone Ice-Guard looked ready to take on the swarm of ponies, but Smark had a feeling, “I think you’re going to need some backup.” and he threw on the ground a load of icy-like crystals, which transformed into artificial Ice-Guards evening the odds.

The two forces looked ready to brawl when…

“Stop!” shouted Grand Ruler as he and the others landed on the scene before the guards.

Shaina scolded the sentries, “You all know fully-well we’re supposed to wait and see if they mean us harm.”

The guards stood down at their Captain’s orders.

Grand Ruler and Lightning’s team softly approached the aliens.

Smark looked at his majesty and asked, “I take it you’re the boss here?”

His majesty nodded, “I am Grand Ruler Celesto: Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet and Co-Ruler of the Planet United Equestria.”

“United-Equestria?” asked Smark “Doesn’t ring a bell, but I do like this “Starfleet” thing.”

Lightning stepped forth. “Who are you, and how is it you came to this planet without our noticing?”

Smark’s features hardened. “Hey! You can’t talk to me like that, why, I’ll… I’ll…!”

“Stop this!” insisted Grand Ruler “We don’t wish to hurt you, but if you mean us harm, we will defend ourselves.”

Smark was starting to like this assertiveness. “I may have been sent to find the Princess and her so-called lover, but I think I’ve found more.”

“Princess and her lover?” said Rarity. “What’s he talking about?”

Spike wondered, “Do you think he means those two aliens we found?”

Smark overheard them. “So, they are here. That’s all the sweeter.” He then cleared his throat and declared “I demand you hand over the Prince and Princess immediately… please.”

Grand Ruler and Lightning put two and two together. These strangers had some connection with the two aliens in the Sickbay, but even still…

“We will not hand them over to you until we know more about you.” insisted Lightning.

Smark’s features hardened. “Look, I don’t have all day here. Just hand them over and come with me to see King Blizzord. I’m sure he could use fighters like you in his army against Planet Moltic.”

These names still made no sense to the team, but Grand Ruler said clearly, “We state again… we shall not comply with you until we know more about all this.”

Smark lost his patience. “Guess we’re doing this the hard way.” He then pulled out an icy badge with the marking of a horse on it and tossed it to the real Ice-Guard. “Put it on your forehead.”

The Ice-soldiers rushed forth, and Grand Ruler-- now classifying the aliens as hostile-- cast them all in with a barrier dome.

The Ice-Soldiers slammed against the walls furiously pounding at it.

“Yeah! That should hold them.” cheered Rainbow.

“You think so?” teased Smark, and he and the other aliens jumped off the ground, vanishing into thin air.

“What?!” exclaimed Grand Ruler.

“How did they do that?” wondered Lightning, but his visor suddenly showed that the very air was loaded with tiny fragments of teleportation energies.

“I can’t be…!” said Krysta, but she knew it was. “…Invisiports!”

Everyone looked her way, “Invisi-- wha…?” asked Applejack.

Krysta, being an expert on teleportation arts, explained, “It’s a form of invisible portals that can instantly transport beings from one place to another-- like an interdimensional tunnel.”

Suddenly, the aliens reappeared.

“We’re back!” chuckled Smark.

He brought more artificial Ice-Guards, but that was all.

Right next to him appeared a large and fearsome horse-like creature. He had sparkling, icy skin, a crystalized mane, and he snuffed strong icy winds through his nostrils.

“Ice-Hoof, at your service.” he hissed.

Smark snickered, while the fighters all stood ready to intercept.

“It’s go-time!” hollered Lightning.

Grand Ruler agreed, and he instructed the knights. “You take on the foot soldiers, we’ll handle the beast.”

“Yes, sire.” replied Shaina. She raised her lance up and shouted to her knights, “Charge!”

The knights complied and rushed into action against the alien soldiers, leaving his majesty and the others to stare down the monster.

Ice-Hoof stomped his hoof and snuffed threateningly, and then he came rushing through at incredible speed, forcing the fighters to leap out of the way.

As the horse sped by, he stirred up a trail of icy winds which everyone felt.

Ice-Hoof then reared up and stomped down hard, shouting, “ICE MANE BARRAGE” unleashing loads of sharp ice pellets from his mane that exploded as they hit the ground, hardly hitting the fighters.

“Talk about Freezer Burn!” cried Rainbow.

The monsters charged again, but Spike stood ready!

“DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” curling himself up in his flames, he rolled out and slammed hard into the charging horse, resulting in an explosion that sent them both flying up and crashing down hard.

“Spike!” Rarity cried as she ran to her husband’s side.

Spike was fine, but he was outraged. “For a guy of ice, he can sure take heat.”

Lightning clenched his fists, but now that the monster was wide open, he rushed right for him, roaring and aiming a strong punch, but the monster dodged-- sprinted right ahead of him, and prepared to buck kick him hard, but Lightning managed to quickly spin round and put his arms out front to intercept the kick, which sent him backwards on his feet a few yards.

“You think you’re so tough?” bellowed Ice-Hoof, only for a lasso to lash around his neck.

“We don’t think; we know!” bellowed Applejack.

Ice-Hoof jerked about trying to break free, and Applejack could barely hold her ground, but Rarity came over and lassoed the creature’s body in a light stream from her horn.

“Get him!” she called her friends.

POW!! Grand Ruler kicked the beast hard in the side.

BAM!! Rainbow gave a soaring punch to the creature’s big face.

“Take this!” Lightning shouted as he fired multiple pulses of Uniforce, and Krysta added by firing many beams from her wand, and Spike gave a huge fiery breath to boot.

Sparks and explosions flew about, and the monster tumbled over with a loud thud, shaking the ground.

“Whoa!” cried Smark. “This is getting too dangerous for me.” And he quickly went through a warp.

The creature growled and bolted back up on his hooves. “That was uncool, so now try this!” he bellowed. “FREEZE FISSURE!” He stomped his hoof sending a blue shockwave through the ground, splitting the ground open into big pits spouting harmful snow and ice.

KAPOW!! The force of the eruptions blew the fighters off their feet hard as tons of snow fell on them.

“Lightning!” cried Krysta.

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: Our heroes continue to struggle against their new foes, and upon a successful defeat, they begin to learn more of the situation going on from their two new allies.

How did all this begin, and what is the story behind the two aliens?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Fire and Ice Wars: Part 2”)

(End Credit)

Episode 2: Fire and Ice Wars: Part 2

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Previously on Starfleet Magic…

While repelling a meteor from striking United Equestria, our heroes discovered two alien strangers just appearing on the Moon. At the same time, King Flareous and King Blizzord sent their forces to investigate the disappearance of their respective child, which led to an all-out attack on Starfleet with forces unlike any they have seen before and leaving them in quite a backed-up space.


Lava Gator growled, “So, who’d like to go first?”

The ponies kept their stance. Buddy nodded to Rhymey and Artie to get out their weapons.




“You think I’m scared of those?” Gator huffed.

“You will be!” protested Buddy. “Let’s go, guys!”

The team agreed and rushed forth.

Gator’s eyes gave a glow and he shouted, “LAVA GUSH” opening his huge jaws, spewing hot lava out like a stream, forcing the fighters to back away.

“Carumba! We nearly ran straight into that!” cried Dyno.

“Let’s try attacking from afar.” suggested Myte.

The brothers joined hands, “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!” sending their missiles straight at the monsters.

“Not so close!” Gator shouted, “HOT TAIL-WHIP!” He whirled round, slamming his flaming tail right into the middles, destroying them harmlessly.

“No way!” cried Artie.

“That’s not fair!” wailed Pinkie.

Gator only chuckled, “No need to get hot-headed… that’s my job.”

He began to stomp forth, making the ground tremor softly. “LAVA GUSH!” He spewed out more lava, making the fighters dodge again, but the fiery liquid burned up a lone tree in the road.

The sight of the poor tree being roasted to cinders really enraged Buddy. “Oh, that is it!!” he shouted.

“LEAF SWARM!” He unleashed his razor leaves towards the fiery gator.

Keltar, who was hiding behind a short rock wall, chuckled, “Grass against Fire? It’ll never work.” but he was in for a surprise when Buddy unleashed magical light beams from his horn, encasing his leaves in magical aura, strengthening them.

The leaves collided into Gator, making sparks and explosions fly, and the monster groaned and wailed.

Buddy smirked. “I’ve always wanted to try that trick.”

The monster only looked furious as the flowing lava on his rock-skin ignited.

He leapt up high forcing the fighters to scatter about as he crashed down hard making the ground shake.”

“Get him!” shouted Artie, and everyone rushed in to attack.

“Bring it on!” Gator growled, and he easily batted everyone off with his short, but strong, flaming claws.

Sparks and explosions flew all over as the fighters were hit.

Pinkie, Fluttershy and Buddy were down.

“What a hothead!” groaned Pinkie.

The others were still up, but not fairing as well.

“HOT TAIL-WHIP!” Gator swung his tail to trip the guys off their feet, but they all leapt up off the ground dodging it.

Artie then shoved his staff hard into the ground like a blocker. The tail hit the staff with a huge Bonk.

Gator then whirled around again to slash at Artie, only for his claws to clash against Rhymey’s sword.

“Oh, no
I don’t think so.” he chirped.

The two men then gave their weapons huge swings, striking the monster hard across the chest and face, making big explosions and sending him high up into the air, and the twins gave him a double-kick sending him crashing, rolling along the ground.

“Oh, no!” groaned Keltar, and he looked back at the fighters. “These creatures just keep astounding me.”

Gator got up and he was furious; so, made that his body flamed a bright shade of yellow. “Prepare yourselves for a deep roasting!” he growled.

“Oh, no,
He’s going to blow!” whimpered Fluttershy.

Gator opened his huge jaws as lava boiled up from inside. “LAVA GUSH!” but before he could spew it out…

“Not this time!” Buddy hollered, and he magically enhanced his whip, just like his leaves so it wouldn’t burn, and lassoed the monster’s mouth shut causing the lava to overflow in his mouth, causing his rock skin to erupt and blow.

“Excuse you!” joked Pinkie.

Smoke was flowing through the Gator’s nostrils, teeth, and cracks in his, now, dimmed out rock skin.

“This is our chance.” cried Artie.

“Hold it,” said Buddy as he scanned the creature again. “It’s just an alien enhanced with magic.”

This meant they didn’t need to destroy the creature, but arrest and capture it.

“That’s not going to happen!” growled Gator, revealing he was still strong enough to fight back.

“We’ll see about that.” bellowed Pinkie. “Ready Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded, and the two ladies soared forth, and flew round, and around the monster in circles.

“Hey! Stop it! I’m getting dizzy!”

“They got him distracted!” cried Buddy. “Now’s our chance.”

The other men agreed. “I say you got for it, Bud.” said Artie.

“Knock him down into the mud.” rhymed Rhymey.

The Twins nodded, and Buddy stood ready with his whip, setting it to between “Heal” and “Capture.” and then he powered up his finisher.

“WHIPLASH STRIKE!” He leapt up high, “This is for that tree you burned!” and struck the monster hard.

The Gator wailed and shouted as he felt the magic draining out of him, and he fell over and exploded.

Keltar saw the whole thing with wide eyes and an open mouth.

The explosion cleared and left on the ground was the monster badge which shattered, and there was also a prison sphere with the Flame Guard, back to normal, imprisoned inside.

“I must inform King Flaerous of this.” and he vanished through an invisiport without being spotted.

Meanwhile, the ponies and Spike were buried under a hill of snow and ice.

“Lightning! Lightning!!” Krysta called out.

Ice Hoof laughed as he glared at the tiny fairy, “If you’re that worried about you can join them, you can join them.”

He stomped his hoof ready for another brawl… when suddenly…!

The snow mounds burst away revealing all the fighters were still standing, shrouded in their glowing auras.

“What?! You’re still standing!” the monster bellowed.

Krysta smiled with glee.

Outraged, the monster charged forth, “ICE MANE BARRAGE!” firing more of his ice pellets, but Spike and Rarity unleashed their flames and countered the attack.

The monster growled and prepared to charge forth again, only for Celesto to cast a spell and freeze him on the spot so he couldn’t move.

“That spell won’t last too long.” his majesty said, and then he looked at Lightning, “…You have the honor.”

Lightning nodded thankfully.

“CAPTURE BLASTER!” He held up his mighty gun at the beast declaring, “You’re under arrest for the unprovoked invasion of the Planet United Equestria and attempted genocide!”

The helpless monster could only growl.

“FIRE!” Lightning blasted him hard.

KAPOW!! The monster exploded, and all that was left was the guard, imprisoned in a sphere, and his monster badge which shattered.

“Yee-Haw! Out to pasture for you!” cheered Aplejack.

“Awesome!” added Applejack.

Spike and Rarity embraced, and Lightning went over to pick up the sphere as Krysta hovered by his side.

He didn’t seem too thrilled. “I think we’re in big trouble.”

Krysta had to agree with him.

“Lightning!” Buddy called as he and the rest of the unit came soaring in, and Buddy quickly showed everyone the imprisoned Flame-Guard.

Pinkie then noticed the imprisoned Ice-Guard Lightning held. “You caught one too?”

Lightning, upon realizing the creatures-- One of Fire, and One of Ice-- and compared it to those two aliens in the palace.

Before he could say anything, “Brother-in-law…!” Princess Luna said as she appeared.

“What is it?” asked Grand Ruler.

“You had best come to the palace at once-- all of you. There is something you must see.”

Leaving the royal knights to inspect and tend to any damage in the fields, the team teleported to the throne room, where Celestia was having tea with the, now, conscious aliens.

At first some of the team gasped in shock, assuming the worst, but Celestia bolted from her seat insisting. “No! It’s alright. They’re friendly.”

“Friendly?!” exclaimed Rainbow. “You got to be kidding?”

The two aliens stood and softly approached everyone. The male spoke first. “Let me present us…” and he bowed gracefully. “I am Prince Pyron of the planet Moltic, and this is my love.”

The lady curtsied graciously, “I am Glaceia, Princess of the Planet Iceinia. We mean you no harm.”

Celestia then said, “They had just awakened during the battle, and they have quite the story to tell you all. I suggest you all listen.”

The team stood puzzled, but if Celestia trusted them, they were obviously telling the truth. They were willing to listen.

“You two are lovers?” asked Artie.

The couple held hands and gazed deep into each other’s eyes and nodded lovingly.

“It is, true.” replied Pyron. “We wished to elope and to marry so that we would live in peace, but our fathers would never allow it.”

“Your fathers?” asked Grand Ruler.

“…King Flareous, and King Blizzord.” replied Glaceia.

In a series of flashback stills, the couple recounted how their respective planets had been at war with each other for several years.

So many battles!
So many explosions!
So much hate and destruction!

“The meteors!” gasped Lightning.

“The result of our fathers’ carless misfire.” replied Pyron. “We had no idea the damage was so severe.”

Glaceia looked tearful as she envisioned all the many other planets that had suffered. “Many of our own denizens have suffered badly at the hands of our fathers, but now to hear that more have…!”

Pyron comforted her, but he too felt just as hurt.

Rhymey then asked,

“Why would fathers want all this war?
Why cause all this suffering and more?”

Fluttershy added,

“Can’t your mothers say a few things,
How do they feel about your two kings?”

Pyron looked up and admitted, “Our mothers are what began this war in the first place.”

The couple continued to explain…

Many years ago, the people of their planets already never saw Eye-to-Eye, being different elements of course, and yet they never fought each other.

Yet, their planets were not without crimes, or bad guys, or those who would do them harm.

But these forces were all taken care of… at the hands of a Great and Powerful Warrior.

“We had never met him before,” admitted Galceia “But the legends were passed down for generations over both our planets.”

In another series of still flashbacks, Pyron explained about the warrior, but only with dark silhouettes of the great fighter.

He was depicted as Tall, strong, buff, he carried a large axe-staff that could slice with the blade and use a little magic to attack and defend.

“He was neither Molticean nor Iceinian. No one knew just where he had come from-- he never ever revealed his name.

He just appeared one day, slaying the evil forces of our two worlds, and protecting us from those who do us any harm.

He became such a legend, that both our worlds praised the hero, even erecting statues in his honor.”

“Our mothers knew this warrior. They claimed to have had close friendships with him when he saved their lives from the brink of death in their youths.”

“This warrior sounds like quite the noble-one.” said Rarity.

“But what’s this got to do with your fathers?” asked Spike.

The aliens continued stating that, sometime, after their respective mothers married Flareous and Blizzord and became Queens of their respective planets, the hero just vanished. He was never seen or heard from again, not even when there was any danger about.

Pyron clenched his fists, “This left our planets, once again, vulnerable to thieves and unscrupulous doings, but by then our fathers’ armies had further increased, under the guidance of their new advisors… Smark and Keltar.

As our fathers’ forces grew, they become more obsessed with power and wanting more-- trying to outshine each other in greatness and might.”

Glaceia shivered, “And then… came that horrible day…”

The team gasped when she said to their horrors…

“My mother was found dead, on the lands of Planet Moltic.”

Pyron shut his eyes tightly, “And at the very same time, my mother was also found dead on Iceinia.”

“Ay-Ay-Ay!” cried Dyno. “That’s beyond sickening.”

“And let me guess…” added Myte “Your fathers blamed each other for their deaths.”

“Remarkable intuition.” replied Pyron. “With our fathers enraged, the flames of war were lit, and our two races have been ceaselessly battling ever since.”

Everyone was starting to feel as if they had heard enough already.

“But wait…” Krysta asked. “If all that’s true, then… what’s the deal with you two. How did you-- well, you know?”

The others all wanted to know this as well, and the couple were obliged to explain.

Pyron explained, “As the prince of my people, I was trained to be the next king, not exactly by my father as he was far too busy with his own business and the war to care much.

I was trained in battle by the palace guards and tasked to help to lead our armies to victory.

I was chosen to lead a unit to Iceinia and make Blizzord and his army suffer immensely.”


His men charged forth battling swarms of Ice-Gaurds and laying waste to the frozen lands.

“Don’t let a single one get away!”

“The Ice-Guards proved to be a greater adversary than we thought. They fought back as mercilessly as we did, and in the midst of the chaos…

I was caught in a powerful explosion, which had sent me flying around the lands away from my troops, and I had passed out.

When I had awoken, I was in extreme pain from the injuries I had suffered, and I was not alone…!

An Iceinian Girl had found me, and she was treating my wounds.

“Don’t move. You’ve suffered quite a few blows. You need time to rest.”

Rarity put it all together and looked at Galceia. “It was you, was it not?”

Glaceia confirmed.

“I was never trained for battle. As Princess of my people, I was sequestered to a sheltered life--always staying within the palace, hardly having many friends, or being able to go places or do much.

With my father always distracted, it was easy for me to sneak out of the palace regardless of the dangers in the outside world.

When I happened upon this injured and unconscious Molticean deep in an ice forest, I don’t know why, but something told me to help him.”

“Why would you--an Iceinian-- help me-- a Molticean? Why not just destroy me?”

“Perhaps I just couldn’t stand to see a creature suffering, even if he was our enemy. Don’t ask me why I feel this way.”

For a few days, the Ice Princess tended to the Fire Prince. Their attitudes towards each other remained the same.

“I still say you should have destroyed me. You know that I can destroy you any time I wish.”

“They why do you not?”

As tempting as it was, and just as easy to slay an unarmed Iceinia, Pyron couldn’t bring himself to do it, and merely excused himself “I am still too weak.”

Glaceia didn’t buy it, but she was forced to flee when Flame Guards finally began to catch up in search of their prince.

“Wait!” cried Pyron, but he didn’t even know why he was calling her.

The guards found him and took him back to Moltic for further nursing.

When he mentioned to his father, Flareous, about the Iceinian that saved him, his father only laughed. “An Iceinian would never heal one of us, they are they enemy! You should have destroyed her when you had the chance.”

“She saved my life!” protested Pyron.

“Which means hardly a thing. An Iceinian is only good… when dead! Remember that while you spend time in your room recovering from your failed mission.”

“But father…!”

“NOT ANOTHER WORD!! I have an attack to plan.”

Meanwhile, Glaceia had been caught by King Blizzord’s men, and her father was furious.

“You deliberately went against my orders and left the palace. I am very ashamed of you, Galceia! Don’t you realize you could have been destroyed out there? It’s a war zone!”

“I had to, Father, and you know very well why. I’m tired of being cooped up like a prisoner in my own home.”

“How dare you! I’ve always given you shelter and provisions, and this is how you repay your father?! Be thankful that your mother is not here to see you now.

Take her to her room and keep her there until further notice!”

Some fathers seeming to care more about war and destruction than the understanding of their own children.

As time went by…

Pyron remained in his room while his wounds continued to heal, he couldn’t stop thinking of that Iceinian Princess, no matter how hard he tried. Even after his wounds had healed completely, he would always remember how she tended to him.

He tried training to get back into shape for further battles ahead, but she was still on his mind, and it dulled his skills.

Knowing his father would not take the time to speak to him about it, he decided, “I must see her again. Perhaps doing so will get her off my mind.”

He got his chance when Flareous decided it was time for him to get back into battle, and he was sent back to Iceinia with an army of Flame Guards.

This time, during a battle, while he was able to send his men into action, part of him didn’t seem to like it, and he himself could not bring himself to join the fight and attack any of the Ice-Guards.

When his chance had come, he managed to slip away unnoticed by all, and he returned to the very ice forest, the very place where he was treated.

As fate would have it, there she was.

Glaceia had once again defied her father’s wishes and snuck out of the palace for a taste of freedom. Good thing her father’s preoccupations kept him easily distracted, as well as the chaos of the war making it hard for her to be watched or seen.

“It’s you.” she said in surprise.

“I…” he could barely find words to say. “I… wanted to see you again. I wanted to… thank you… for helping me.”

She felt flattered and blushed.

They just stood where they were in complete silence.

After a while, they sat down and began to talk things over. It felt rather strange being so near each other. They began to feel something they had never felt before… Warmth. After all, what did you expect when combining hot and cold together.

“Are you hurt?” asked Pyron.

“No… it’s just… sitting here near you, I feel so strange.”

“I… I feel strange too.”

As they continued to talk, the subject of their mothers came up, and were they ever surprised to learn…

“My father did not kill your mother.” insisted Glaceia. “But I was told your father’s forces killed my mother.”

“My father may have said horrible things of your people, but he would never have stooped so low… not then anyway.”

The more they talked, the more they began to realize-- as if for the first time-- why would their mothers even go to the opposing planet anyway?

Glaceia and Pyron finally came to grips with this situation…

“This whole war is pointless.” said Pyron.

“We have to stop this! We must stop the fighting.”

“But how? We can’t prove any of this. All we have are assumptions.”

Glaceia didn’t know why, already feeling how stupid it would be, but she insisted upon bringing Pyron back to the palace to meet with her father and, hopefully, talk things over.

Blizzord really blew his top.

“It’s bad enough you defied my orders again, Glaceia, but now I find that you are involved with the son of my mortal enemy?!!”

It was plain to see that Blizzord had no interest in listening to anything they had to say, not even when Pyron declared. “I don’t wish to fight anymore.”

“Do you take me a for a fool?!” laughed Blizzord. “I see it all now. You brainwash my daughter, sneak into the castle, all in a clever attempt to bring us down.”

“No, father! That’s not it!” cried Glaceia, but her stubborn father refused to hear another word, and he ordered Pyron to be thrown in a dungeon. “We’ll see if we can use him to coax Flareous into surrendering.”

As for Galceia, Blizzord ordered her strictly to remain in the palace, under heavy guard at all times. “If she escapes again, you guards will be executed!”

At this point, Glaceia had lost all respect for him. “You’re a monster!” she bellowed. “I wish YOU had died instead of mother!”

Blizzord never felt so emotionally offended by his own daughter. He couldn’t even bring himself to say a thing to her.

Days passed, and Pyron felt he was really done for as he just sat in that prison cell, but then a miracle happened.

Even with her father’s guards keeping a close watch on her, thanks to their incompetence as well as the war, Glaciea still managed to get the best of them.

Though she had never fought before, Glaceia was extremely artistic-- due to years of neglect from her father and being alone, she taught herself how to carve out of ice.

Using a secretly made ice club, she managed to knock the guard outside her bedroom door unconscious, allowing her to take the key to her room. She then dragged him inside and donned his armor, hiding the guard out of sight.

With her disguise, she easily managed to make her way to the dungeon, where she freed Pyron.


“Shh! Come with me, and hurry!”

Soon, she had led Pyron out of the castle, through secret entrance ways, and gave him what he needed to return to Moltic.

“I don’t know what to say. This is the second time you’ve saved me.”

Glaceia never felt so warm inside, and neither did he.

“Don’t worry about me. I have no desire to return to my father. I will go into the wild where he will not find me. I will survive, I have studied the lands in my books, I know how to go.”

Pyron really could see the heart of a fighter inside her.

“Goodbye.” she said while pecking him on the cheek on impulse, and then she disappeared into the wild.

Pyron was really overcome by what just happened, and so was she after she had left.

Alas, when Pyron had returned to Flareous and tried to appeal to him, his father proved just as bad and as stubborn as Blizzord.

“You allowed yourself to be captured by the Princess of our enemy, and nearly brought forth a consideration of surrender to our clan!

I am ashamed of you, my son!”

“Father, will you not listen to reason. This war has gone on too long!”

“Silence!” bellowed Flareous. “You are not only a disgrace as a warrior, but you have shamed your father long enough.

You are confined to the castle, and never again shall you return to Iceinia to make a fool of yourself or see that rotten daughter of Blizzord!”

Fed up with his father’s thirst for bloodshed and stubbornness, Pyron balked at him. “I have not shamed you father; it is YOU who has shamed me!”

“How dare you speak like that to me!”

“I dare because I’m right!!”

Flareous then ordered his guards to take him away, but Pyron, showing further defiance, attacked the guards and knocked them down, much to his father’s horror.

“Stop this now!” bellowed Flareous, and in a furious impulsive rage, he slashed his own son with his sword, wounding his arm.

“Father… how could you!” he growled.

Flareous immediately felt remorseful in realization of what he had done, but before he could even try to explain, Pyron had taken off despite the pain he was in. “My son!”

Pyron fled the castle, and Flareous ordered the guards to find him, but they never did. Pyron, being a trained warrior, also knew how to make it in the wild, and even used his robes to make a sling for his sore arm.

Weeks passed, and Pyron’s wounds began to heal softly, but were still visible. He never stopped being infuriated with his father or his own people, but he also couldn’t stop thinking of Glaceia.

How he missed her, remembering how she twice saved his life, and she felt the same way he did towards her own father and people.

“Glaceia, I wonder what you are doing now.” he wondered to himself, and the more he thought of her, the more he was beginning to realize “Is this love I am feeling?”

At the same time, Glaciea had taken refuge in the mountains of Iceinia, away from the fires of the war, and she realized how much she was in love too, in the form of a song.



How has it come to this, I do not understand
We’re two beings of different that serve different command


Why am I still thinking of him, when we’re worlds apart
I can’t fight this anymore, it’s etched into my heart


I just know, the answer is love
And I know… that love has come my way.


I should feel anger and hate, and erase her from my mind,
And yet my heart says differently, to put that all behind.


Healed him once, and healed him twice, I really don’t know why,
All I know is that he’s the one who’s in my eye.


I just know, the answer is love
And I know… that love has come my way.
I just know, the answer is love
And I know… that love has come my way.

In a long instrumental part…

The two longed to see each other, and both happened to have the same idea.

While everyone was busy with the war and all that, they each remembered about the Great Hero, short after his disappearance, he had two vortex orbs, which were buried beneath the great statues erected in his honor and kept in shrines far away from the battle zones.

They each managed to secure the orbs, but the trouble was these ports could only work if both were set up at perfect points to provide both an entry and exit point.

In the most astonishing twists of fate, they both just couldn’t resist trying at the same time, and activated their portals together, creating perfect points between the planets, and to each other.

Glaceia came through the portal, and both she and Pyron couldn’t believe each other’s eyes.

They ran to each other embracing, and finally admitting their feelings for one another.

I just know, the answer is love
And I know… that love has come my way.
I just know, I just know, I just know, I just know the answer is love
And I know… that love has come my way.

Love has come my way (x7)

They continued to meet and rendezvous in secret, constantly using the vortex orbs, falling more and more in love, and eventually planning a future together… which, of course, was incredibly difficult because of the war, not to mention their worry for all the rest of their people suffering from the chaos.

The rest of the story was easy to follow.

The friends all had mixed expressions of horror, and tearful eyes.

“That’s… the most beautiful, saddest story… I’ve ever heard!” sobbed Pinkie, and she blew her nose.

Lightning was just astounded! “And to think, you both fell deep into space, and of all the places in the universe to be warped to, you came here, to us!” He almost lost his breath in anxiety.

Pyron and Glaceia felt equally as astounded and fortunate. Now there was hope for them yet.

Pyron then addressed everyone. “By now, our fathers know of our presence here, and they will not rest until we have been brought home.”

Glaceia examined the two imprisoned guards. “They have already tried now, and they will come again, and again with all the invisiports around.”

Which brought them right to their big point.

Pyron gazed deeply at Grand Ruler, “We have already been told of your Starfleet, your majesty. We have seen what you are capable of, and we know that you are good beings.”

Glaceia then held her hands together but tried not to sound like begging, “Will you help us? Help us bring our fathers down, and end this terrible war, and not just for our sakes, but for the sake of the entire galaxy.”

The fighters were already more than willing to consent. His majesty didn’t even have to look at the determined expressions they had.

He then stepped over to Celestia, and they both gazed at each other with the same looks of agreement.

Grand Ruler then said, “Prince Pyron, Princess Glaceia… we are at your service.”

The couple was ever so grateful and bowed.

Pinkie couldn’t control herself any longer and came between the two. “Aww, we have new friends today. Time for a biiiiiig hug.” and she nearly squeezed the air right out of them.

“Oops. Sorry…”

Everyone had a good laugh, but then Lightning suddenly realized, “Starla! She doesn’t know anything about this.”

“Oh, yes she does.” chuckled Celestia. She held up a magical crystal ball which showed Starla on the other end.

“Hi…” she called to everyone.

Celestia explained, “When she was reported not to have shown up in battle, I knew I had to give her this information too. She heard everything that was said.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t join the battles,” said Starla. “It took me a while to get the baby to sleep, and by the time she did I couldn’t even get my droid ready. Some Supreme General I am.”

Celestia assured her, “You are fine soldier, but you are also a mother. I understand this all too well.”

“Yes, Starla, we understand,” said Grand Ruler, “We know you’ll try your best to help us and that you have a lot to consider now… we all do.”

Everyone agreed, and Lightning spoke deeply to himself, “Watch out Flareous… Blizzord… we’re coming for you!”


In our next episode: Lightning is for the shock of his life when a stray pony brought to United Equestria turns out to be a survivor of his home planet, but things quickly start to shake up when this visitor hopes to take Lightning away from Starfleet altogether.

How will all this affect Lightning, his family, and his friends?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “From Out of The Past”)

Episode 3: From Out of the Past

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Lightning was five years old and running through the lands of chaos and destruction of his home planet, Harmonius.

Explosions, fires, and devastation were everywhere, and the sight of all the corpses of his people freaked him out so much.

Then the sound of wicked laughter made him turn round, and he saw her—Serpentari, the great evil responsible for the destruction of his planet.

“Hello lunch!” she hissed while licking her fangs.

Poor Lightning, defenseless and powerless, could only scream in horror, only to be safely pulled away by his mother who ended up taking the hit for him.

“Mama!!” he cried.

“Run… Lightning… Save yourself!” she called to him.

The poor little colt dashed over to his dying mother, as the planet began to quiver and crumble.

Serpentari saw this as her chance to flee, and she left through a space warp portal.

The portal began to close, and the mother knew the only way to save her son. “Remember… my dear… your mother will… always love you!” she said through tears, and shoved him through the portal, sending him to a nearby planet.

That’s when Lightning saw Harmonious explode, destroying everything he ever had or knew.


…Then he awoke-- bolting upright in bed in a frightful gasp.

“Lightning?” Starla said in a sleepy, groggy voice.

Lightning caught hold of himself, “I’m okay.”

His wife felt sad for him. She knew he had another nightmare, and she couldn’t blame him. It was one of those things that would never go away.

Twinkle’s baby cry was heard from outside in the hallway. Starla was about to get up, but Lightning insisted on doing it himself. “You’ve been up and down plenty.”

His wife smiled thankfully and went straight back to sleep.

Lightning got out of bed and headed for the nursery to tend to his daughter. It was just a diaper emergency.

After he changed her, he sat with her in the rocking chair and rocked her peacefully. As he did, and looked down at her sweet little face, he couldn’t help but think back to his past on Harmonius.

“I’ve sure come a long way, and I’ve changed a lot.”

He was still thinking about it the next morning at breakfast. Starla was feeding Twinkle a bottle of baby formula, while Shining Light, as a big boy, ate his cereal all by himself.

As Lightning gazed at his family, he felt warm inside.

His wife looked up at him and asked, “Something on your mind?”

“Hmm… No, not really. Why?”

Starla giggled, “Because you just poured milk on your pancakes, and syrup in your cocoa.”

Lightning saw and he felt embarrassed.

“Silly Daddy.” chuckled Shining Light, and the family had a good laugh, and all this only made Lightning feel even warmer, even after he left for work.

Way out in space, a lone small spacecraft rocketed through the cosmos. It was white with medical symbols on it, almost like an ambulance.

Inside the cockpit, the lone driver wore a strong spacesuit with an opaque helmet hiding her face.

Suddenly, without warning… WHAMM!! Her ship was struck by a stray ice meteor she hadn’t seen coming, causing her engines to stall, and she herself to fall unconscious upon slamming her head into the steering.

Her ship was going out of control, but fortunately, it was passing by a nearby, which had Starfleet Forces living there and protecting the populace, and they spotted the damaged craft.

“We got a crasher!”

“Let’s go get it!”

A group of ponies, donning their spacesuits to protect them, flew out and caught the damaged craft, and slowly began to guide them down to the planet.

The craft was horribly damaged beyond repair, but the unconscious driver would survive.

“Let’s get her helmet off.”

Upon doing so, the troops were surprised. It was a space alicorn just like they were. She had a soft pale-yellow coat, a cherry red mane, but no armor, ID-Number, and stranger still, according to magic scans, although she was an alicorn, she had no magic in her at all.

“We’ve found a stray.”

“We better report this to United Equestria.”

That day, Lightning was leaving Ponyville Town Hall after having meetings with officials to discuss written and field tests for other cadets and officers who sought promotion.

“Thanks for your help, Mayor Mare.”

“It’s my pleasure, sir. Some of these cadets are most deserving of a promotion.”

Lightning agreed, “I can think of one of them in particular.”

He referred to Swift Star, who had been a fine Lieutenant for the past year and a half. Always working well at his assigned watches and posts and helping to maintain the peace, as well as offering his assistance in battle once in a while.

“Oh, here he comes now.” said Swift.

“Oh, Commander, thank goodness I ran into. I could use your help at the front door.”

“What is it?”

Swift led Lightning to the front door where two ponies-- one mare, and one stallion-- holding signs of mean-spirited slanders towards Starfleet.

Lightning rolled his eyes and could already tell what the trouble was.

“We got rights!” snapped the stallion. “Me, my gal here, and all our friends outside. We don’t like your laws, your rules, and we just plain don’t like you Starfleeters in the first place.”

“Is that so?” replied Lightning.

Swift then said, “As you can probably tell, they want to bring their whole community in here and protest, and I already explained to them they may not, especially given their intentions. Security is already holding them back.”

“You got no right to kick us out.” insisted the mare. “This is a public place, and you guys are bullying and pushing us again like you always were.”

Lightning, unmoved by her whining told her and her friend straight, “As I’m sure the Lieutenant has just explained to you, you may have the right to protest and demonstrate, but, as I’m sure you probably intend to do, -- interfere with people’s businesses, blocking hallways, bathrooms, elevators.

That is breaking the law, it is not permitted, and if you attempt to do so, you will face charges for it.”

The bad ponies were disgusted. “Just more examples of Starfleet bullying. Why we ever let you punks into our world is beyond me.”

Mayor Mare herself threw in her own two cents. “I wouldn’t sell it short. Laws like these existed in Equestria long before Starfleet came. If you have a problem or you wish to demonstrate and protest, you will do so within the law and not disturb the peace, or as the Commander has said, you will be punished for it.”

Realizing their defeat, the two protesters picked up their signs and prepared to leave.

“Nothing but jerks and brainwashing bullies.” sneered the mare.

“More like doing our jobs and trying to protect you.” protested Swift.

“From what?” mocked the stallion.


The ponies stuck their tongues out in insult and then left.

Swift sighed, “Always with haters. Why do they do this?” There was no real answer to this. “I’m sorry I got you two in this.”

“Don’t be,” replied Mayor. “I don’t want my Town Hall to be overrun with these hooligans and delinquents who think they’re above the law.”

Lightning agreed, “And you were having a problem with them, and so you called for backup as is the code. You did the right thing.”

Swift smiled proudly. Then he checked his watch, “My shift’s over. I better get to the library and study for the tests.”

Lightning could see it in Swift’s eyes. “He really wants to be promoted, but he’s trying too hard. That could slow him up.”

Mayor Mare agreed.

Lightning left the building and saw those nasty protestors banding together, waving their slanderous signs, and hooting and chanting that Starfleet was no good.

Fortunately, no one seemed to care or notice and brushed them off as “Fools.”

“Quit hassling Starfleet.”

“They’re good guys.”

“Maybe you all ought to have better respect.”

This angered the protesters, still believing that the majority was brainwashed or just acting this way to avoid trouble.

Lightning didn’t bother with them as long as they weren’t breaking the law severely.

“It just never ends.” he grumbled.

Still, he was pleased that the majority of the populace was for Starfleet, respected them.

Some ponies even waved to him and greeted him in the streets.

“Good afternoon, Commander.”

“How goes it, Commander.”

…to which Lightning waved politely.

This made Lightning think back to his childhood on Harmonius again, and how things weren’t always like this.

No major cities, everyone just lived in stone houses and temples.

There was no magic. There were no major vehicles, or things of major exactment, but at least everyone was blissful and friendly.

“I really have come a long way.” he said to himself. “I wonder what the people of Harmonius would think if they saw me now?”

There was no sense in him thinking of the past, seeing as his planet was long gone and everyone on it long gone too.

Suddenly, Krysta appeared. “Lightning.”

“What’s up?”

“You better come to the palace immediately. There is something you will not believe!”

When Lightning got to New Canterlot Palace, he was brought straight to the sickbay where a rescued pony lay in a hospital bed.

Lightning nearly fainted at the very sight of her. “Blitzy…? Blitzy Heart?”

The pony gazed at him strangely. “Who are you?”

Tears were flowing down Lightning’s cheeks. “It’s me… Lightning Dawn.”

The mare’s eyes lit up “…Lightning?”

He nodded at her, and she burst into tears, “WOW!!” and they both embraced in a warm hug crying into each other’s soldiers.

“I can’t believe this!” sobbed Lightning. “I just don’t…”

“…You’re alive!” cried Blitz. “Lightning, I… I don’t believe it.”

The hospital staff couldn’t understand it. It was like seeing two lovers reunited, but it was a beautiful sight to behold.

“So, you do know her.” said Krysta.

Lightning nodded, “Krysta, this is Blitzy Heart. I knew her on Harmonious. She was my very best friend.”

Many flashbacks were shown…

Lightning was very little, and he was playing with Blitzy all the time-- in playgrounds, climbing trees, and going on picnics with the families.

Lightning even gave her a flower he had picked once.

“Wow.” said Krysta.

Blitz looked around. “Where am I? What planet is this?”

“This is the planet United Equestria,” said a voice. Everyone turned and saw Grand Ruler and Celestia coming in.

Blitz couldn’t believe her eyes. “Your… Your majesty?”

He nodded at her. “Glad to see you’ve come out of it.”

Blitz found herself stuttering in confusion, “But… this can’t be. I can’t be… I’m with Starfleet?”

Everyone noted a sense of displeasure in her voice, and Blitz finally noticed Lightning’s uniform-- all his ribbons and fancy medals, and even his sash showing he was “Supreme Allied Commander.”

She was so overwhelmed that she just fainted hard onto her bed.

“Blitz?” cried Lightning.

“She’s alright…” the doctor assured him, and then he motioned for Lightning to back away so he could treat her.

Lightning moved away from the bed, but almost found it hard to keep on his own feet. He felt dizzy, astounded, and really mixed up.

“All this time… I thought I was the sole survivor of Harmonius-- the last of my kind, and now just out of the blue…!”

He was starting to lose his breath a little. “Take it easy.” said Celesita. “I’m sure this is all overwhelming for you.”

Grand Ruler agreed, “In the meantime, we’ll do all we can for her, but I’m afraid her ship was damaged beyond repair.

We were able to salvage all her belongings though.”

Laying on a table were all kinds of medical equipment, both regular and space-type.

Blitz even had a special identification.

“She’s a space doctor.” said Krysta.

“I’ve read about them,” added Lightning. “They are intergalactic medical experts, usually of fortune. They wander ceaselessly through the cosmos helping to answer calls for help with all sorts of cures and techniques, provided that their fee is well-met.

They’re always on the move because of their services being needed anywhere are any time.”

The gang reviewed the ship’s log, which was kept in a simple journal, as well as a star-map.

“Galloping Galaxies! She’s been around…!”

Grand Ruler agreed, “She’s even been to some places in Unexplored Space. This is fantastic information.”

“She really has been,” Celestia said as she looked through the lists of aliens and other creatures Blitz had helped. “I think it’s more fortunate that we found her. We could use a pony like her in our communities.”

Lightning and Krysta didn’t feel so optimistic about that, especially not Lightning.

He was asked to remain at the palace, but Lightning asked if his family could come over so Blitz could meet them too.

Their majesties agreed, and Krysta teleported everyone over.

The family was put up in a special room with a crib so Twinkle Star could have her nap. Shining Light was napping too, giving Starla a bit of a break.

Lightning had told her everything.

“I can’t believe this…” she said. “I can’t begin to imagine how shocked you must’ve been.”

“In all honesty, I think that was the easy part.” said Lightning. “I haven’t seen her in ever so long, and I thought I’d never see her or any Harmonian pony again.

She’s obviously made something of herself, and that’s amazing.”

He paused long,

“But…?” Starla said for him.

“Well, you remember the history of my ancestors:

Groups of ponies were instructed by Grand Ruler Celesto to venture forth into space in hopes of discovering new planets for races like ours to live it-- the help with over-population, to help those who lost their planets, or to live away from large amounts of danger.

My ancestors discovered the planet that would one day become Harmonius. Wanting to keep away not just from Starfleet, but all forms of war entirely. They wished to live only in peace and harmony.

Blitzy and I never knew of Starfleet, our ancestors never told their children, preferring to keep the world exactly as it was. Free of danger, pure, quiet, and clean…

…And that was what led to its ultimate downfall and destruction!”

He envisioned the planet blowing up before his eyes again, and his younger self screaming in horror at the sight.


He caught hold of himself, squeezing his cape in his fists tightly.

Starla could see where he was coming from now. “You think she’ll be indifferent Starfleet, and you for it.”

Her husband nodded. “The ways of the Harmonian Pony are never battle and warfare, but she obviously grew up differently than I did. She didn’t become a fighter; she chose to save lives in a different way, and that’s still impressive.”

He hung his head low, “But I really want to reconnect with her. I mean, it’s so wonderful that she’s alive and seeing her again.”

He summoned his courage to go and meet with Blitz, telling Starla to stay with the children for a moment.

Blitz was put up in a room down the hall from his own after she had recovered from her fainting. Her injuries were minor.

Still, even in a big, lavish room in a grand palace like this, she didn’t know what to think. She was already given the bad news regarding her ship, but that wasn’t what bothered her most.

There was a knock at her door.

“Come in…”

Lightning entered, “Hey.”

She felt her insides turn. “…Hi.” She said in an awkward tone.

Lightning stepped in, but he didn’t seem to want to leave the door. He was trying to think carefully of what to say to start things up.

“Sorry about your ship.”

“It’s okay.”

Lightning could still feel the coldness deep inside her coming for him, but he managed to approach her anyway.

“Is something wrong?”

Blitz shut her eyes tightly, and then admitted, “I just can’t believe… You’ve been alive all this time, but… how… how can you be part of Starfleet-- much less the commander.”

“Well, it’s a very long story…”

Blitz didn’t know if she really wanted to hear it or not, and just came straight to the point. “Have you really forgotten who you were, where you came from, and how you were raised?”

Lightning began to feel his patience wearing, but he stayed strong. “I never forgot about Harmonius. I think about it all the time, and all always be haunted of the day it blew up, how I lost everything I knew-- my family, my life, my home…”

Blitz couldn’t believe him, “But why align yourself with Starfleet? Why get involved in battles, and danger, and all the things that Harmonian Ponies never stood for?

What kind of life is that to lead?”

Rather than answer her about that, he merely asked her “Do you really hate Starfleet? Do you think it’s really all that bad?”

Blitzty didn’t even hesitate, “Yes… I do. I hate everything about it. I can’t see how any creature would want to join such a force when all it causes is suffering, misery, destruction, and even deaths.”

She paused and looked out the window and explained her story.

“My mom and dad were wonderful on Harmonius. They were both medicine ponies, and I wanted to be just like them, even at a young age.”

She even had flashbacks of the time she, Lightning and other little playmates of their loved playing Doctor, or Hospital, and other things.

“When the planet was attacked, my parents were killed right before my eyes. I never saw anything so horrible.

Worse, I backed into an open space warp which flung me out into space. I slipped off the pathway and was teleported to an unknown planet.

I was found and adopted by an elderly couple of aliens who happened to be Space Doctors always on the move.

They trained me in the ways of intergalactic medicine and helped me find a new life for myself-- to help others and heal them from their ailments.

We toured the cosmos, living off our earnings. We answered many calls for help, and sadly, many of those calls came from Starfleet outposts that had wounded soldiers that suffered in battle.

I saw all those horrible images of all the fighting, suffering and destruction, and I hated every sight of it-- all that senseless fighting, and needlessly putting themselves in harm’s way.

True, it gave us more patients to treat and more money to make, and every good doctor can’t refuse someone in need.

Then, when my folks passed away, and I inherited everything from them, I set out to carry on the work I did, which also included tending to more Starfleet calls. It seemed those were my best and only jobs, and while I was obligated to help and I needed the money, I still couldn’t stand it.

Starfleet is just so… so… I couldn’t even find the words. They were all over the galaxy, even on worlds where I wouldn’t expect to find them. It’s like they were taking over-- invading other worlds and forcing their ways on the beings of the planets.”

She had a good long pause. “Thankfully, all the Starfleet posts respected my wishes and never referred me to The Grand Ruler. Space Doctors have their own rights and freedom, and they aren’t obligated to stay.

I couldn’t bear it if I had been found and brought me to Unicornicopia-- Starfleet’s Central Base where the danger was by the milestones.

I was free to go wherever I wanted.”

Lightning found this story to be both interesting and upsetting.

He had to ask, “You don’t want to stay here in United Equestria?”

Blitz answered right away. “I want to leave here as soon as I can,” then she turned and grabbed his hand “…And you’re coming with me.”

Lightning was flabbergasted. “What?!”

“You’re a Harmonian pony; you don’t believe here with Starfleet. Let me remind you of what you used to be.”

Lightning couldn’t believe what he was hearing!

“Just a moment!” called a voice from the door.

The two turned round and saw Starla standing there with her hands on her hips.

“Starla?” said Lightning. “Were you listening outside the door?”

“No, but the windows were open, I could hear you. I didn’t mean to snoop, but I was worried things wouldn’t go well, and it’s lucky I did.”

“Excuse me, but who are you?” asked Blitz.

Lightning walked over to Starla. “Blitzy Heart, this is Starla Shine; Supreme General and second-in-command to me.

…My wife.”

“Huh?” cried Blitz, and the couple held up their hands exposing their wedding rings.

“You’re married?” Blitz asked in total disbelief.

“Yes, for five years now.” replied Lightning “And what’s more, we have two children.”

Blitzy stood frozen and stiff with shock. This was just too much for her to take. First Lightning aligned himself in the life of a fighter, and became the lead officer, and now he was married to a fighter and fathered children too?!

“I think maybe we should go now.” said Starla.

Her husband agreed. It was clear to him now that Blitz was in a bad state of mind.

The couple walked down the hall, leaving Blitz to contemplate alone in her room.

“The nerve of her!” Starla grumbled “She really wants you to leave all this-- your life, your friends, your family?”

Lightning sighed, “I was afraid something like this would happen. She’s really changed.” He paused and then refigured, “…Or maybe she never had. She still has the heart of a Harmonian pony. She really doesn’t like battles or fighting of any kind.

She just doesn’t understand Starfleet the way we do or knows the things we know about why it even exists.”

“I think she means to cause us trouble.” said Starla.

“Well, I don’t think we have to worry too much about that. I don’t want to leave. I’m proud of my life here, and I’m especially proud of you, and our family. I could never desert all that.”

His wife smiled, “And I’m proud of you too.” she wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

…Unbeknownst to them, Blitzy was peeking through her door and saw them.

Seeing the couple in their embrace really made her angry with Lightning. She was completely convinced, “She’s got him brainwashed; this entire Starfleet world does.”

She began to envision Lightning when he was a colt, and a normal Harmonian Pony; playing freely, having fun, and just enjoying the blissful peace, which all faded into him as she saw him now-- a snarling, spiteful, pushy fighting machine blowing things up, and hurting others for glory.

Anyone would tell her she was overly exaggerating, but she remained convinced.

“He’s no Harmonian Pony. He’s… I don’t know what he is, but I can’t let this happen to him. I’ve got to convince him that he doesn’t belong here, then I can get him out of here and make him what he used to be.

But how?”

Suddenly, as she looked out her window, she could see a ruckus going on in the village.

One pony who was a supporter of Starfleet was being harassed and pushed around by another pony who was against the force, and they would have gotten into a heated physical brawl had one of the royal knights-- a female Space Alicorn-- on patrol not broken them up.

“That’s enough!” the knight bellowed, and using her mighty strength, she kept the two away from one another.

“Hey! Lay off!” yelled the protestor. “This is none of your business.”

“Well, I’m making it my business.” the knight insisted. “It’s my job to maintain the peace.

Now, one at a time, who started the fight?”

“He started it!” balked the protester.

“I did not!” protested the supporter.

“I said “one at a time!” snapped the knight.

Another pony from the crowd came over to her. “Excuse me, ma’am.” she said politely, “I saw what happened and I can tell you exactly what went on.”

She explained how the supporter was minding his own business, when the angry protestor came along grumbling aloud and slandering Starfleet. “He was saying rude things, “Starfleet are jerks.” and “Everyone else is stupid for supporting them.”

The protester had a guilty expression, which said he did all that.

“Go on,” said the knight.

The mare went on saying about the supporter. “He was just sitting on the bench waiting for the bus-coach to come, and he heard the rude things and all he said was. “I don’t think so. I Starfleet are okay.”

“Really, that’s all I said.” confirmed the supporter. Then he glared angrily at the protester, “Then he starts going all postal on me and said “You’re a retard!” and he came right over calling me more names, and when I told him to leave me alone, he jumped on me. I didn’t want to fight and I didn’t raise my fists or anything.

I was just trying to defend myself.”

The knight glared at the protestor. “Well, it looks to me like someone doesn’t know how to control their temper.”

She let the two ponies down.

“Can I go now?” asked the support.

“Yes, sir, you can go.”

Then she spoke severely to the protestor, “You can go too, but know this; I’m letting you off with a simple warning: the next time you pull a stunt like this, you’ll spend the next 6 months in jail.”

The protestor was furious! “I am so sick of you Space Ponies pushing us all around like this. I’m just a simple-minded guy who voices his opinion on all this jazz and lies told to us by overlords like you.”

The knight said nothing. She just kept staring at him blankly, and then she watched him address the crowd of ponies who witnessed the whole thing.

“I’m splitting this scene, and I’m having nothing to do with these pushy bullies! Now who’s coming with me.”

He was pretty much whining and begging for support of his protest to the force, but sadly for him, all he got was a bunch of angry stares from the people.

“You’re all fools!” he shouted, and then stomped away leaving everyone else to go about their business.

While Blitzy heard him shouting-- he was loud enough-- she hadn’t heard the entire conversation and already got even more wrong ideas of how to make Lightning leave the force.


In our next episode: Pyron and Glaciea begin to fit in well with the community and start to learn the joys of peace and non-aggression. Meanwhile, Flareous and Blizzord, demand the returning of their children and request Starfleet fight for their respective forces, unleashing more chaos should they refuse.

Will Pyron and Glaceia be forced to surrender? What will our heroes do about the wicked kings?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Warm Welcome, Cold Rejection”)

Episode 4: Warm Welcome, Cold Rejection

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Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna made official announcements in welcoming Pyron and Glaceia into the community.

Grand Ruler announced, “They come to us as escapers of war from the Planets Moltic and Iceinia, both of which have made enemies of us, but rest assured that these two are peaceful and mean us no harm.”

Celestia then declared, “As they have no place to go, and will no doubt be of great asset in our upcoming battles, it is proper that we bid them welcome, and it is expected for them to be treated with respect and dignity, while they, also, are expected to treat our race with the same courtesy.”

Luna then concluded, “As such we must, once again, instill the laws of war. There is no telling when and how our enemies will strike. Our planet has been littered with many invisible warps that can allow them to appear and strike at any moment. We shall do our best to learn about these ports and if we can dispel them, but no one, absolutely no one is to go near them.

If you know where one is, report it immediately. Do not attempt to transport through it.”

The populace was extremely worried by this, but the majority was more than welcoming of Pyron and Glaceia-- as was hinted by their thunderous applause.

Pyron and Glaceia, were given a special suite in the royal palace, courtesy of their majesties. They were also given new outfits, like casual Starfleet uniforms-- spandex suit, and armored vests. They could not transform, but it was better than wearing those burlap robes.

“We are truly grateful to your hospitality.” said Pyron.

“We don’t know how we can ever repay you for all this alone.” added Glaceia.

Their majesties had already thought of a way, and that’s where Lightning came in.

He led them both through New Ponyville. “Okay, you two… if you’re going to be living with us, you may as well pull some weight. So, we’re assigning you two as community workers, just like I used to be.

I’ll show you to your first jobs.”

Meanwhile, the war was still waging on between Moltic and Iceinia; the soldiers continued to open fire upon the opposing planets, resulting in more meteors and chunks of misfire to head on out into space.

Keltar was showing Flareous magical images of his great discovery on United Equestria.

Flareous watched the battles of the Flame-Guards and the Lava-Gator, which Keltar had created using a magical monster badge.

Flareous seemed impressed by the actions and resourcefulness of Starfleet. “That’s enough.” he said, and Keltar cast out the images.

“So, my son has taken refuge on this planet which we can access through the invisiports?”

“Yes, your majesty.” replied Keltar. “I’m positive that your son and Princess Glaceia are on that planet.”

Flareous grinned wickedly. “This Starfleet… They seem to be quite skilled in the art of combat. Imagine what it would be like if they worked for me. Blizzord wouldn’t stand a chance, and I will conquer Iceinia and win my revenge with ease.”

The thought of having so much power and a massive army of fighters at his command, Flareous burst out laughing maniacally before catching hold of himself.

“I must convince them to work for me, as well as to give Pyron back. We must hurry before Blizzord finds out.”

Keltar nearly hesitated to say, “…I’m afraid he already knows, my king.”

“What?!” shouted Flareous.

At that very moment, Smark had told Blizzord the same things about United Equestria and Starfleet.

“So Flareous knows about this as well.” huffed Blizzord. “Well, we’ll show him won’t we.”

“Yeah, we’ll show them!” agreed Smark, but then he felt confused. “Um… how are we going to do that?”

Blizzord palmed his head and groaned. “It’s simple… We’ll go to United Equestria first. We’ll demand they turn Glaceia over to me and convince Starfleet to fight for our side before Flareous does.”

He glared down threateningly, “…Do you understand that now?”

Smark whimpered and stammer, “Sure… Sure I understand.”

Blizzord growled softly.

“But sire, what if they refuse?”

Blizzord turned to face him as if to shout, but he spoke calmly. “Then we’ll just have to persuade them… by any means necessary.”

Pyron and Glaceia were brought to Ponyvile, and their first assignment as helpers.

Pyron was to assist Buddy Rose and Lightning in replanting all the trees, plants and soil that were burned up in the last battle.

“Glad you could make it.” said Buddy. “You ready to get started?”

“I believe so.” said Pyron.

Soon they were busy pulling up weeds and removing all scorched and damaged soil and grass patches.

Pyron found this relaxing, and rather thrilling-- building up instead of destroying like he used to do.

“I’ve never felt like this before. All my life I was trained for combat and to take over my father’s command.”

“That’s all you ever did?” Buddy asked in shock. “You never had any hobbies? You never did other activities or jobs. You just trained?”

Pyron nodded. “As a Prince, my father always had the servants do all the menial tasks. Everyone from cooking, to cleaning, to preparing things.”

Buddy and Lightning looked at one another feeling that Pyron had a worse upbringing than they thought.

“I wonder how Glaceia’s doing.” said Lightning.

Glaceia was at New Sugar Cube Corners, assigned to helping Pinkie Pie and the Cakes with the baking.

As artistic as she was, she had never cooked before, at least not regular foods. She had never seen things like Flour, sugar, or even chocolate and vanilla.

She was struggling to open a flour bag, resulting in her getting puffed in the face by a big flour cloud, making her cough, as well as abig mess.

“I’m ever so sorry.”

Carrot Cake came over with a broom, “That’s alright, your highness. You’ll get the hang of it.”

“Of course, she will.” chirped Pinkie, “After all, I’m here to help her, and that’s what friends do best.”

Glaceia blushed, but soon, under Pinkie’s guidance they were baking all kinds of goodies in no time.

“Because of my planet’s environment, we never had such things. Most of our meals were made from the snow and ice, and always served cold.”

“Oh, you, poor, dear.” said Cup Cake. “Well, now that you’re here, I’m sure you’ll learn and see many new things.”

The front bell chimed. “Whoops. Customer calling.” and she left the kitchen with her husband just as Apple Spice came in. “Just got Biscuit down for his nap.”

He grabbed his apron and walked over to Pinkie. “Hi, honey.” and softly pecked his wife.

“Aww, sweetheart, not in front of company?” Pinkie cooed.

“How are you coming on, Princess?” Spice asked as he prepared to cook.

Glaceia gazed down at a tray of cupcakes she had made. “To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling strange. I always lived so sheltered, and I never really got the chance to do things for others… until I met Pyron and tended to him.”

Spice felt sorry for her. “That doesn’t mean you can’t start now.” he said. “You’ll find that making other people happy can bring on great joy to you as well as to them.”

“No joke,” agreed Pinkie “That’s why I love to spread happiness and joy to everyone around, and the best place to start is with a smile.”

“Uh, oh… I know where this is going.” said Spice, and right as he was, his wife broke out singing her signature Smile Song as she served all the customers in the café.

All the patrons in the café began to sing and dance with her as the song got deeper and more cheerful.

There wasn’t a corner of the shop you could look at without seeing someone smile.

“Come on and Smile!”

Glaceia had never seen such love and happiness among all the customers. She couldn’t help but smile at herself.

Pyron was also smiling when the big tree was planted into the ground and the job was finished.

“Good job.” Buddy said while offering his hand to the fire prince. Pyron shook his hand graciously. “I usually only shook hands when my soldiers did a fine job attacking the enemy.”

Lightning placed his hand over his shoulder, “You’re in a new world now. Violence isn’t always the answer. It only is when you have no other alternative-- when you’ve done everything you can to resolve the situation without fighting.

But sometimes those you are fighting won’t listen and can’t be reasoned with.”

Pyron thought back to his father and how he wouldn’t be reasoned with, nor King Blizzord.

Suddenly, the alarms went off.

“What’s that?”

The people began to run for shelter, and Lightning explained, “The Red Alarm… There’s trouble.”

Pyron was not permitted to enter the danger zones, as were orders, nor was Glaceia.

“You better stay here.” Pinkie said as she tossed off her apron and dashed out of the shop.

“What’s happening?” Glaceia asked.

“It’s okay. There’s nothing to fear.” said Spice “…I hope.”

The barriers were soon activated, and while many civilians had made it inside safely, those still outside were being escorted by sentries to places far away from the danger.

“You better go with them.” Buddy said to Pyron.

At first, Pyron was a bit hesitant, but then he agreed and was off.

“Let’s go!” said Lightning, and he and Buddy flew towards where the danger was, and they were soon joined by Pinkie, and Starla, or rather her remote droid.

“Didn’t think you were going to keep me out of things this time, did you?” she teased.

Lightning smirked at his wife through the droid’s eyes, and she smirked at him back from at home on the sofa.

Shining Lightning sat next to Twinkle trying to keep her safe. “Don’t worry. Mommy and Daddy are going to make the bad guys go away.”

Twinkle just sucked on her little fingers without a care in the world.

Starla was proud of her son trying to comfort his little sister, but now she had to focus.

A swarm of artificial Flame-Guards were marching through town, having arrived through an invisiport.

“Let’s take them!” said Lightning, but just as he and the others were about to go wild, another invisiport opened and a swarm of artificial Ice-Guards came marching out.

They took one look at the Flame-Guards and didn’t like the sight of them, nor did the Flame-Gaurds take kind to their presence.

They looked as if they were about to brawl with each other, when two more ports open, and in a fiery explosion and an icy whirlwind, their respective masters both appeared.

Pyron and Glaceia both gawked in shock. “Father!!” They both felt this was really going to get bad!

The two kings took one look at each other, “YOU!!” they both bellowed. They growled fiercely and looked ready to attack when someone shouted, “Stop!”

In magical glows, All, three of their majesties appeared as holographic images.

“Your majesties!” cried Pinkie.

The two kings looked onward.

Grand Ruler glared at them. “Are you King Flareous and King Blizzord that we have been told of?”

“I am!” both kings replied, and then growled at each other, but they resisted the urge to battle.

“Why have you come here?” Celestia demanded to know.

“As if it weren’t obvious enough.” said Flareous. “I have been told that my son, Prince Pyron, is here on this planet, and I demand that you turn him over to me at once.”

Blizzord then spoke, “If Pyron is here, then so is my daughter, Glaceia. Where is she? What have you done with her? Answer me at once!”

Their majesties were already starting to detest their unvented guests.

“Your children are safe.” said Princess Luna, “But we have also learned of the war between your two worlds, and we urge you to cease immediately.”

The two kings chuckled.

“Stop the war? Not a chance.” hissed Flareous.

“For once, we appear to agree on something.” added Flareous, and then he pointed straight at him. “This overheated monster needs to pay for what he did to me!”

“No! It is you who will pay, you Frozen Freak!”

They looked ready to brawl again when Lightning demanded, “Both of you, stop, now! All this fighting is pointless. You’re not only causing suffering amongst your own people, but your misfires are harming other races throughout the galaxy.”

“The commander speaks the truth.” said Grand Ruler, and his own image warped into images of meteors of misfire causing harm to other planets, hoping the kings would realize the severity of their actions…

But they both just brushed it off.

“Oh, well, it isn’t like we can stop the meteors anyway.” said Flareous.

Everyone else gasped at his heartlessness.

Blizzord showed the same remorselessness. “This is war; things happen, even if it is by accident.”

Starla felt all choked up. “You mean you’re willing to let other races suffer just to satisfy your own thirsts for victory?!”

It was plain now for everyone to see that the kings were nothing but heartless warmongers--exactly as their respective children had said they were.

“Aside from wanting my son,” said Flareous “I’ve also come with a proposition for you, Starfleet.”

“What a coincidence… so have I.” added Blizzord.

“What sort of proposition?” asked Celestia.

“Join forces with me.” said Flareous. “And together we will crush the Iceinians, and end this war all the faster.”

The fighters and the royals all felt disgusted.

“He’s joking, right?” whispered Buddy.

“Forget him!” sneered Blizzord. “Best you join up with me instead. Together, we’ll be unstoppable, and crush the Molticeans and any other force that dares to interfere.”

Flareous heated up in anger.

“The answer is “No!” said Lightning. “Your offers are not only absurd, but it goes against everything we stand for.”

Starla agreed and added, “Starleet only fights defensively and to save other worlds, not for conquest and glory.”

“I wouldn’t refuse if I were you.” said Flareous. “I’m offering you a chance at great power and dominance. Just give me my son and join up with me.”

“No!” bellowed Blizzord. “Join up with me… that is after you hand over my daughter.”

Their majesties glared furiously at the two kings. “Gentlemen, I submit to you this,” said Grand Ruler “We are not going to give you back your children, and we will not join forces with either of you.”

Celestia then added, “We again demand that you cease all hostilities and warfare with each other at once, otherwise we will be forced to take drastic actions against both of you.”

The two kings let out furious roars at being rejected.

“You dare reject King Flareous?!”

“How dare you refuse me!” bellowed Blizzord. “If you won’t hand Glaceia over to me nor join my forces, I’ll just have to force your hand!”

“My thoughts exactly!” growled Flareous.

Lightning could see this was going to get ugly. “Let’s go!” he called to his friends.

“Starfleet Magic!” He and Buddy transformed. Then Pinkie did the same, “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

“Good luck!” Luna said to the fighters, and she and the other images vanished.

“ATTACK!!” the two kings shouted, and their army of guards rushed forth.

“Take them!” said Lightning.

The team rushed forth. Lightning jump kicked a Flame-Guard, right in the chest, and sent him crashing into two others, knocking them down, and giving him a clear opening towards Flareous.

The flame king raised his huge sword, blocking Lightning’s fist.

Starla’s droid kicked and punched down all the Ice-Guards that came at it, and then she eyed Blizzord. “You’re mine…!” and she lunged right for him, but Blizzord held up his trident, and zapped her head, encasing it in solid ice.

“Oh, no!” Starla cried as her control visor went blank. “Activate laser-eyes!”

Her droid eyes glowed a bright red, and the heat melted the ice, and the beams shot straight at Blizzord, who defended himself by whirling his trident like a propeller while laughing at her. “I haven’t lost my touch.”

Starla was furious.

Buddy backflipped and proceeded to punch and kick all the guards coming his way, but more surrounded him, charging up their swords and spears.

“Not this time!” he shouted “I just replanted around here. I don’t want it messed up again!”

He leapt a few inches off the ground and then spun in super-fast circles while firing magical blasts from his horn, hitting all the guards hard and they all shattered into the bits of rock and ice they were made of.

“Take that!” Pinkie yelled as she punched an Ice-Guard.

“And that!” as she kicked a Flame-Guard.

“AND THESE!!” she wailed on the other guards with a fury of fast and swift punches, knocking them all down.

She and Buddy shot each other a thumb up, but the fight was far from done.

From inside the Bakeshop, Glaceia had never seen such battling before.

Pyron saw the same thing from afar and remembered what Lightning had told him. “…They only fight if they must.”

Lightning punched and kicked hard, but Flareous managed to block and dodge his every attack and slashed him hard with his sword making sparks fly.

“Make it easier on yourself and join me!” Flareous demanded.

“Never!” shouted Lightning.

Flareous raised his sword high-- its blade enveloped with flames-- but then Lightning noticed on his forehead “A monster badge?”

Starla struggled against Blizzord, and she noticed the same thing. “He has one too.”

The two kings bashed the two fighters off and sent them skidding along the ground. Pinkie and Buddy helped them up.

The two kings snickered wickedly. “You didn’t think our kings would foolish enough to send their real selves, did you?” hissed Flareous.

Blizzord pointed up at his badge, “These badges were left behind by the Great Hero. The people of Motlic and Iceinia kept an equal amount of the collection in honor of him.

The hero slayed many fierce opponents, and sealed their essence within these relics which allowed him to combine their powers and strengths with his own upon wearing them.”

“So, you two are just ordinary guards.” balked Pinkie.

The two imposters nodded. “Our kings are quite busy; it’s a big war and all.” said Fake Flareous.

It was obvious now that the real Flareous and Blizzord used these badges to give two of their guards’ portions of their strength and power.

“You may look like your kings, but that doesn’t mean you can outmatch us.” said Buddy.

“We beg to differ!” snarled Fake Blizzord.

Both he and Fake Flareous held up their weapons and unleashed powerful icy and flaming waves.

Lightning defended the team with a Uniforce wall, causing the blasts to explode upon contact, and knock everyone back hard.

“I’ve had just about enough of these two fakers.” said Starla.

“Let’s send them both where they belong-- Jail!” suggested Buddy.

“I couldn’t agree more.” said Lightning.

Pinkie nodded while cracking her knuckles and her neck.

The two imposters rushed forth.

The fighters rushed in, attacking with all they had.

The fake kings still put up a valiant effort and managed to strike all the fighters a few times.

“Like we said…” growled Fake Flareous.

“We’re just like our kings…” added Fake Blizzord.

Lightning thrusted upward calling his fists into the ice trident, in a huge struggle. “And we told you; it’s not good enough!!”

His eyes, horn, and hands glowed brightly with the strength of the Uniforce, and with a mighty shove he sent his opponent back hard, smashing him right into the other faker.

“Hey! You clumsy Iceberg!” shouted.

“Who are you calling “Iceberg”, Ember-Head!”

The two foolish monsters began to brawl with each other, which completely distracted them from their opponents.

“I think now’s as good a time as ever.” said Starla.

“Right.” Lightning agreed, and he held up his Capture Blaster, while Starla’s droid, though it could not use Starla’s actual weapons or magic, was equipped with a magical-powered, technological Capture-Function.

Lightning and the droid both charged up, Lightning’s gun fired, and the droid fired beams from its hands.

The two monsters were struck hard, and both yelled “THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” as they fell over and exploded-- the magic died out-- and the two reappeared as a normal Ice or Flame-Guard, trapped in spheres while the monster badges shattered.

Buddy and Pinkie slapped each other several high-fives.

While Pyron and Glaceia, who had seen everything from where they stood, were astounded.

When the two monsters failed to return to Moltic and Iceinia, and without either Pyron, Glaceia, or an army of Starfleet fighters to join their forces, the two kings could only assume the worst.

“They dare to refuse me?!” bellowed Flareous. “I’ll show them! I’ll show them and Blizzord!”

He didn’t know that Keltar was hiding around the corner and heard him, and he muttered softly under his breath, “You’re only fooling yourself.”

Blizzord felt the same and was just as mad. “It seems I now have a common enemy with my own enemy.

I’ll get Glaceia back and destroy Starfleet and Flareous if it takes every bit of power I have.”

He laughed wickedly.

“That’s right, sire, you will.” cheered Smark, but he secretly thought “…Or so you think you will, you big sucker.”

Meanwhile, with the danger gone, and the civilians let out, Pyron and Glaceia met up with the team at the café.

The real Starla came along bringing the kids with her after setting her droid back on its charging station at home.

The imprisoned guards were already magically transferred to New Cantelot to be processed before being sent off to prison.

“You could have destroyed those guards any time, and yet you didn’t.” said Pyron.

“They wouldn’t have thought twice about destroying you.” added Glaciea.

“It’s like we’ve been telling you;” said Lightning “We only do what we have to do, and only if it’s totally necessary.”

Starla nodded, “And right now, we have a lot to think about. I don’t think your fathers are going to give up so easily.”

The couple agreed.

“Those two goons only had samples of their powers.” said Buddy. “The real Flareous and Blizzord must be way tougher than that, and they’re bound to send more goons after us.”

Glaceia and Pyron felt ashamed, not just of their fathers, but of themselves.

“We’ve put you all through enough trouble already.” said Glaceia.”

“Perhaps it would be best if we left United Equestria.” suggested Pyron.

Lightning immediately disallowed such a thing.

“But our fathers will keep attack you until they find us.” said Glaceia.

Lightning assured them, “They’ll attack us even if you leave. They’ve probably already declared us their new enemy.”

Starla agreed and added, “It’s more than that. Your fathers are causing much trouble and suffering all over the galaxy with this stupid war of theirs.

Not only are you safer with us, but we can continue to help each other, and we will bring both your fathers down. We’ll do all we can.”

The couple were indeed grateful and thankful to their wonderful new allies and friends. There was so much they could learn, so much they could discover, and find new ways to live instead of under the cape of war.

“In the meantime,” Pinkie said as she came out with a beautifully decorated cake with sparkling sticks on it. “…How about a little celebration?”

And she blew a party horn and threw confetti about, everyone shared a good laugh.


In our next episode: After Blitzy fails in her attempt to get Lightning out of Starfleet, Lightning assigns Swift Star to take her on a tour of the kingdom, hoping to convince her that Starfleet is not all that bad, but Swift is already struggling with his studies and his job, and things get worse as he seems to develop a crush on Blitzy herself.

How will this tour affect both Blitzy and Swift?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Tour De La Paces”)

Episode 5: Tour De La Paces

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Swift Star was so nervous as he sat in the test hall with the many other cadets and officers ready to take the written promotions exam.

“I can do this! I can do this!” he kept muttering to himself, then suddenly a huge stack of papers was dropped with a loud thud right in front of him.

“What the--?!”

“What’s wrong? Not giving up already, are you?” teased the examiner.

The rest of the test takers all snickered at him with evil-glowing eyes as they plowed right through the test without much effort.

Swift was just about to take the first page off the top, when a whistle blew. “Sorry. Test is over.” sneered the examiner.

“But I haven’t even started!” cried Swift.

“But I haven’t even started!” mocked the examiner. “You should’ve studied harder and worked faster. Now it’s time for the field test.”

In a big spin around, Swift found himself at the starting point of the most dangerous obstacle course he had ever seen. It was loaded with so many hazards and traps-- flame-jets, crushers, beams shooting from the walls, pits opening in the floor and many more things.

“This is too advanced!” he protested.

Again, the examiner taunted him, “Can’t you do it? Do you want to be promoted, or just be a low-level wannabe your whole life?”

The other officers who had already passed the test hooted at him. “Low-Level! Low-Level! Low-Level!”

Swift was determined not to let them get away with this, and yet he took one step into the trial, and the whole thing crumpled, and he fell with it, deep, deep into nothing with everyone laughing at him.

…That’s when he fell with a thud on the floor, out of his bed, surrounded by open books and papers.

He was relieved that it was just a dream, but he didn’t feel as well knowing the tests were just a few weeks away.

“I’m doomed!” he grumbled into the mattress.

Meanwhile, Blitzy Heart awoke in her suite at the palace in New Canterlot. It had been a few days since her arrival, and all that time she mostly kept to herself.

She would hardly leave her room and resorted to calling room service. She hadn’t made any attempts to make plans to leave United Equestria, yet, until she was certain she could take Lightning away with her.

…Her first attempt had failed.

She had sent a letter of recommendation to their majesties asking-- demanding-- that they make Lightning resign from Starfleet, but she received a letter almost at once saying that her request was denied.

Blitz finally got a chance to have a short audience with their majesties in the throne room, where they both further denied her.

“I’m sorry, the answer is “No.” said Grand Ruler. “We will not decommission Commander Lightning Dawn, nor will we ask him to resign.”

“But why?” wailed Blitz. “You’re both his superiors. You both can do it.”

Celestia shook her head. “Lightning is one of the finest and most valuable assets to Starfleet. Unless he does something that forces us to act, there is nothing we can nor will do.

It is not up to you, or to us whether Lightning wishes to remain in Starfleet or resign. Only he can decide that for himself.”

Blitzy looked furious, and Grand Ruler spoke softly but deeply to her, “We understand how you are feeling-- Lightning told us everything.”

“He did?”

“Yes. We can understand your indifference to our world and our ways, but you must realize that we are also struggling through dangerous times.”

“Exactly my point.” protested Blitzy. “Lightning is a Harmonian Pony. All this fighting and warfare-- it’s all wrong for him.”

Their majesties could see there was no getting through to her, and they had other things to tend to.

“Are you sure it’s wrong for him, or not just yourself?” asked Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed with his wife, and then told Blitzy. “We are trying to be kind and patient with you, but I should warn you, do not allow your personal emotions and issues to interfere with our business, and if you intend to cause trouble, we will be forced to take action.

This meeting is over. We have much to do.

Good day.”

Then their majesties left, and Blitz had no choice but to head back to her room.

“Why can’t the see?” she grumbled to herself. “This whole setup is wrong. They had no right to make Lightning a part of it all.

How can I get Lightning to see all this?”

Just then, there was a knock at her door. “Come in.”

Lightning came in, “Um… hi, Blitz.”

She was surprised to see him after thinking of him for so long.

“I have a special treat for you today.”

She blinked once, “What kind of treat?”

“Follow me.” he simply said, leading her out of her room and down the halls.

Swift was waiting outside, near the foot of the palace drawbridge. He was pacing about feeling a bit irritable.

He recounted earlier when Lightning had come over to his house.

“I notice you’ve been cramming a lot for the promotional exam.”

“Yes, sir, I have. I was just getting ready to begin on the rules of arresting.”

Lightning held up his hand cutting him off, “I also notice you’ve been losing a little sleep. All this anxiety combined with work is not good for you.

You need to take some time to relax and to clear your mind. So, I’m putting you on a special assignment today.”

“But sir…” Swift tried to protest, but Lightning wouldn’t have any of it.

“You’re going on this assignment and taking a break from your studies. That’s an order.”

Swift could not refuse or object.

He still felt irritable and grumpy. “I get pulled away from my studies to take some pony on a tour of the kingdom; just lovely.”

Just then Lightning came along, “Glad you made it swift.”

Swift then took one look at Blitzy, and all sudden, he felt warm, and fuzzy inside. This was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen, especially when she flicked her mane back and gave her wings and small fluff.

Lightning introduced them. “Lieutenant Swift Star, Dr. Blitzy Heart.”

Swift slowly extended his hand, “Uh… how do you do.”

“Pleasure.” Blitzy said in a low tone, but she accepted his hand anyway to be polite, which made Swift feel his temperature go up. He barely managed to regain control himself.

“I have a lot to do today.” explained Lightning, and he looked at Blitz, “I’m hoping this tour can make you a bit more understand that this world isn’t all that bad.”

Blitz remained uncertain.

Lightning then said to Swift, “Try to patient with her, and try not to push her.”

“Yes, Sir.” Swift complied.

Lightning headed back to the palace leaving the two on their own.

Swift gulped softly. “Um… should we go then?”

“I guess so, but I don’t know why I’m bothering.”

Swift cleared his throat. “Well, you can’t stay cooped up in the palace all the time, and this tour may do you some good.”

Before long they were soaring over the planet on a magic flying open coach with railings and a hood that took them all around.

They soared over the New Crystal Empire, where they saw Cadance and Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, and many others were watching a magic show, with Abra Kadabra and Trixie performing.

Everyone seemed so happy and cheerful.

Then it was off to New Cloudsdale, where Rainbow Dash and Wonderbolts were performing an airshow of their own. All the flight patterns they made were quite astounding, and Rainbow’s Sonic Rainbow was the toast of the show.

“Wow!” said Blitz. “That was… sort of neat… I guess.”

The more she saw, the more astounded she became. “Everyone seems so… so…”

“…Normal? Happy? At peace?” asked Swift. “You didn’t think that just because this was the main base of Starfleet that there would only be harshness, military bases, and round the clock routines, did you?”

Blitz remembered in all her travels, “I’ve been to many planets; some that had many towns, villages, and some even had their own armed forces, but the peace still stood with some, like modern societies.”

Swift began to feel maybe they were starting to get somewhere.

Blitz was even impressed by the sights of New Las Pegasus, New Vanhoover, and even New Filydelphiea-- all the massive metropolis, businesses, and creatures just going about and living ordinary lives.

Then there were not so cool places, like the New Badlands, where the dragons were being just as nasty and as mean as ever, and the volcanos erupted, filling the craters with lava.

Blitz thought the dragon rude, ugly, and nasty. “I wouldn’t want to hang around creatures like that all the time, and I had to treat some.”

“You treated dragons?” asked Swift.

“I’ve treated all kinds of patients.”

“Well, you know… we do have dragons in Starfleet. Some dragons aren’t like others; they’re kind, noble, and they fight for the same cause we do.”

That word, “Fighting” really made something slam inside of her.

“Please don’t use that word, I just… I…”

“…I’m sorry.” Swift said. He felt stupid with himself. He remembered Lightning telling him about Blitz and her… rather unique attitude towards the force and fighting altogether.

Swift decided to take her someplace a bit friendlier; New Ponyville.

It was a nice sight, probably one of the nicest on the tour yet.

Tree Hugger was teaching her Yoga class with many kids and teens in the open fields.

Fluttershy and Rhymey were tending to the animals near the woods, with little Button Fly nestled in his stroller.

Applejack was pulling her wagon through town selling fresh-baked apple pies.

Rarity and Spike were out with little Twilight and met up with Starla who was out with her kids too.

Blitz couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “It reminds me of… Home; on Harmonius.”

She clenched her fists remembering how horrible it was that day when the planet was destroyed.

“I’m sorry,” said Swift. “I know all about the story of your planet. Commander Lightning told me. I’m sorry for you both.”

“It’s okay.” said Blitz. “I can’t change the past.”

Swift couldn’t stop gazing at her and how pretty she looked in the glow of the midday sun.

“Wow! She’s really pretty.” he thought. “Hey, what am I thinking? I’ve got to get a hold of myself.”

He clutched his head trying to rid himself of these strong feelings.

“Are you alright?” asked Blitz.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just a little tired, I’ve been studying a bit hard lately; promotion exams and all.”

Blitz didn’t like the sound of that, because of the relations to Starfleet, but she did finally note the slight bags under his eyes.

“Come here a minute.” she felt his forehead with her hand, and then his wrist for his pulse.

His heart raced with feelings from his crush, but she felt it and assumed, “You’re overly stressed out.” She let go of him and sighed, “Just another thing bad about the whole Starfleet thing.”

Swift’s features hardened, but he spoke calmly. “I can’t change your mind, but I do wish you’d stop badmouthing the force.”

She looked at him sternly, but kept her own voice level, “I don’t see why I should. This planet may be nice, and all those creatures down there may be living a good life, but I can’t feel that happy for them-- knowing that they’re always caught in the middle of some danger, or needless fighting that’s about to commence.

Why would anyone want live here like this, let alone be part of the force in the first place?”

Swift could see by now she was still obsessed with Lightning and getting him to leave.

“Tell me something…” he put a lot of thought into what he was about to say. “…Why did you become a Space Doctor?”

“I owed it to my Foster Folks. They saved my life, and they trained me. I felt it was the right thing to do.”

“Is that all?”


“How about “saving lives.” Isn’t that the number on part of your job?”

Blitzy didn’t have to answer, but she did anyway, “Of course it is. It’s what makes the job worthwhile.”

“Well, maybe those of us in Starfleet are the same. A bunch of bad guys just pop up out of nowhere and, without warning, they attack us with the intent of destroying or conquering us.

Why did they come? Why are they doing this? What did we do to deserve it?

We don’t know, and frankly it doesn’t matter to them. Evil is as Evil comes.” He paused long and hard worrying about what he was about to say next, but it had to be said. “…Just like on Harmonius.”

Blitz gasped softly, as if her honor had been insulted.

“Your people lived in total peace, harmony, and all the things many of us strive for as well, but the big mistake you made was giving up any ways to defend yourself.

You had no magic, weapons, armies, or any connections with anyone or anything that could save you or jump into actions to help you, and as soon as your planet was attacked, that was it. It was destroyed as easily as stepping on an insect while you walk.

You didn’t ask for it to happen, you didn’t want it to happen, but that doesn’t stop it from happening anyway.

Starfleet’s made quite a name for itself, all the races we managed to save, all those we’ve helped to protect.

We struggle and strive to wipe out the bad guys, and it doesn’t seem to do much good, because there’s always more and more of them, and it takes all we have to stop them from spreading their wickedness too far.

And that is exactly what Commander Lightning is like. He lost Harmonius just like you, and he’s seen what Evil can do.

He was rescued by the very forces you opposed to, and he felt he owed them much. They helped him get back on his feet, find a purpose in life and made him the pony he is today. Nobody forced him, really, he decided on his own accord.

…And all you can think about is how Lightning has betrayed you and betrayed your entire race of ponies that died long ago.

You don’t even show gratefulness that the very force he commands saved your life too when you crashed.

But I hope you can at least consider this. You may be against Starfleet and all for what you think it stands for, but there is much more to it and to have than to not have it.”

Blitzy had a look of extreme shock on her face, but not out of realization, but pure insult. She was never so offended in her life.

Swift suddenly realized he had gone too far himself, even if he was right that was no excuse for being overly harsh.

She quickly leapt over the side and flew away.

“Doctor Heart!” Swift called. “Come back here this instant! That’s an order!” but Blitz was already too far gone, and Swift was ready to kick himself about.

“Nice going, Lieutenant. Now what am I going to do?”

He knew Lightning would be furious when he found out about this, but the most important thing was to stop Blitz and get her back.

Since Swift could neither fly, nor use magic, he had another trick up his sleeve, and switched the tour coach from auto-drive to manual, and he began the chase using the onboard computer scans.

He also activated the alert on the panel, sending an alert to other Starfleet officials than an tourist had escaped and was roaming loose.

Officers and sentries were alerted and began a search.

Blitz had already taken refuge behind an alley down below, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be caught.

“Great, now I’m a runaway.” she grumbled to herself, but she was still very upset about things Swift had said-- practically insulting Harmonian ponies and their ways of peace.

“What a jerk!” she growled, and she angrily kicked a garbage can over.

Suddenly, she heard fighting coming from out in the open.

A group of Starfleet Protestors were arguing with a group of supporters, and they were really starting to disturb the peace with their voices.

“Get out of here, Protestors!”

“Why don’t Starfleet go, then there can be peace around here again!”

“You’re crazy!”

“Anyone who supports Starfleet is brainwashed and retarded.”

“Don’t make me come over there!”

“Oh, yeah, tough guy?” The nasty protester angrily kicked a small pebble on the ground that accidently flew straight up straight down the supporter’s throat.

The support gasped and choked for dear life, turning blue in the face.

“What have you done!” a mare shouted.

The protestor and his posse all gasped in horror, but this didn’t help the choker.

“Help! Someone, help!” the mare called.

Blitz couldn’t ignore this, and she rushed out of the alley and onto the scene. “Get back!” she said to everyone, and she quickly lifted the choker up in her arms. Then she began to squeeze pressure on his gut in a rhythmic pattern, helping him to cough up the pebble.

He gasped heavily for air, and so Blitz lay him down on the ground, with the other ponies huddled around her.

“I said stay back!” she balked.

The ponies did as they were told and watched her perform CPR, saving the pony and getting him breathing again.

“Thank you.” he said with a bright smile.

Blitz felt strange inside, saving this Starfleet Supporter, while the rest of the supporters were relieved and thankful.

The protesters were a bit relief, but they didn’t show it well.

“Well… um… guess we’ll be going.” said the one who kicked the pebble. He and his posse turned to run for it, only to run straight into Starla, Spike, and Rarity, and they looked very cross.

“We saw what happened.” said Starla. “You kicked that pebble into his mouth.”

“Hey, it was an accident.” whined the protester. “I didn’t mean to kick it in his mouth. I didn’t even aim for it.”

“Which changes nothing!” balked Rarity. “You deliberately kicked that stone, and that counts as assault.”

“And for that, we’re placing you under arrest.” added Spike.

The other protestors stood in front of their friend to protect him.

Just when things looked to get heated up, the supporter, back on his feet, insisted, “I’m not pressing charges. Don’t arrest him.”

The protesters were shocked, especially the kicker.

“Why bother?” said the supporter. “They never learn no matter how hard we try to convince them that their ways are wrong, and you arrest him you’ll only make the rest of them angrier.”

Starla could not believe her ears.

“But you very nearly choked to death because of him.” said Rarity.

“Are you sure you don’t want to charge him?” asked Spike.

“I’m sure.” said the protester.

Even Blitz was astounded by this act of mercy.

Starla sighed. “Alright, but the next time something like this happens, I don’t care if it’s accident or not, you get a week’s community service, and/or a month in jail. Understood?”

“Sure, no problem.” grumbled the protestor.

He and hie posse picked up their signs to leave, but he balked at the officers. “One day, you Starfleeters are going to push us decent folks too far.”

“If that’s what you call “Decent” I wonder what you call “horrid.” Spike whispered to Rarity.

His wife snuffed in agreement.

As the supports left to go on their way, the choker again thanked Blitz for saving him, and then he left.

“Blitzy?” said Starla, finally noticing her.

Blitz looked at her, but with rather stern features.

“So, this is Lightning’s friend?” asked Rarity. She approached her and held out her hand trying to be polite, “It’s pleasure.” but Blitz wouldn’t reciprocate.

Rarity cleared her throat, “I see…” she remembered what she had been told about Blitzy’s attitude.

The trio also heard of her jumping from her tour.

“There you are!” bellowed another voice. Swift leapt down from above where his craft remained on free float.

He was very angry, but then he saw the others and quickly saluted, “Generals.”

The trio nodded at him. Then Swift said to Blitz, “I think it’s time we got you back to New Canterlot.”

Blitz didn’t want to, but seeing as she had no other place to go, was forced to comply.

“Wait.” said Starla. “I don’t understand you, Blitz. We’re all trying to do our best, be your friend, and treat you well. Don’t you think it’s time you stopped with this cold attitude?”

Rarity and Spike felt the same way, but Blitz shook her head, “I just can’t.”

“You mean you “Can’t” or you “Won’t?” remarked Swift.

“What does it matter? I don’t think I can ever trust any of you.”

“What about that guy you just saved?” asked Spike. “He was a Starfleet Supporter, and you’re supposed to be against everything that is Stafleet.”

“I am, but I also have an obligation as a doctor. Besides, he only ended up in that condition because of Starfleet. Just more points that shows how bad it is, the whole thing!”

The officers would have protested, but they knew Blitz was just too stubborn to be reasoned with.

She flew up to the coach, and Swift could only sigh miserably.

He cast a look at the others, and they all had the same feelings and expressions as he did.

He leapt up high onto the platform, which nearly shocked Blitz at how high he could leap.

Soon, they arrived back in New Canterlot, at the palace where Lightning was there waiting, with his arms folded and tapping his foot.

“Oh, boy.” sighed Swift.

Blitz was sent immediately back to her suite and ordered by the staff not to leave until further notice. Guards on the battlements kept watch of her windows in case she tried to take off again.

“What was I thinking?” she thought to herself. “Now everyone’s even madder than ever at me. Probably just as well, it makes it easier for me at least.”

There was a knock at her door.

“Come in…”

It was Lightning, and he looked disappointed at her. “Swift Star told me what he said to you. I’m sorry that you got offended, but that’s no excuse for what you did either.”

Blitz hung her head low in shame.

Lightning’s features then softened, “But my wife told me that you helped someone today, and I suppose that’s something.”

A moment of silence passed.

“Look, Blitz… you need to stop it with all this self-righteousness.”

Blitz looked at him sternly and said, “But you can keep going with all this? The way you keep supporting all this fighting, and anger, and misconduct.”

Lightning wanted to try and explain to her again, but he knew it would be in vain.

“I’m just going to have to lay it on the line for you. I’ve had a little discussion with their majesties, and…” he paused deeply, feeling great pain at what he was about to say “…They’re giving you an ultimatum.

Blitz felt her heart skip a beat, “Excuse me?!”

“…It’s their decision, not mine. We can’t keep putting you up in the palace for free like this, especially after the bad move you pulled today.

You can either get a job, earn your keep, become a full-fledged resident of United Equestria.

Or… you can make plans right now to leave and continue your life as a space doctor.”

Blitz shook her head in disbelief, “And you’re actually going along with this? You’re going to make me choose?”

“It’s not my decision. Their majesties issued this, and they outrank me. I’m sorry.”

Blitz stood where she was, totally frozen with shock, anger, and a feeling of sheer betrayal.

Lightning felt the pain eating away at his own soul for having to tell her all this, and what he said next, “You have three days to decide.”

He got up to leave, and Blitz already told him. “You already know my decision; I want to leave, but I want you to come with me.”

“For the last time: That is out of the question. My place is here, and even if I wasn’t part of Starfleet, I still wouldn’t just up and leave my family.”

“Then bring them along. I’m at least willing to offer you that! You don’t have to leave your family, but can’t you see that being in Starfleet is no good for you, or your kids.”

Lightning really decided to leave before he really lost his temper, and he headed for the door.

“So, I was right about you all along. You really are a traitor to Harmonius!”

Lightning stopped dead in his tracks wide-eyed and struck.

“I bet you agree with all those things that Lieutenant of yours said-- that Harmonius was foolish for its peaceful ways and deserved its fate!

What would your parents think of you now?”

Enough of this! He couldn’t bear another word! He just left the room, not even looking her way, closing the door ever so quietly.

Blitz couldn’t hold it in. She threw herself onto her bed crying into her pillow.

As for Lightning, he walked down the halls of the palace. His stomach was upset, his head ached, and his mouth felt dry.

Swift saw him and rushed up to speak with him. “How did it go, Sir?”

Too upset to get into anything, Lightning merely said, “That will be all… Lieutenant.” And he walked off to be by himself to cool off like a sensible officer.

Swift felt his knees growing weak with worry. He was still ashamed of himself for having told Blitz off that day, and his heart was all mixed up again as he pictured her with her mane fluttering in the wind and her coat shining in the sunlight.

“She’s so beautiful, and yet she’s really disturbed.” he thought. “Well… one thing’s certain, I think I just blew my chances at promotion.

You really did yourself proud today, Lieutenant.”

He slumped sadly away, still worrying about his own future.


In our next episode: Blizzord decides to take it upon himself to recruit Starfleet by sending a creature that turns hearts cold, turning friends and loved ones and even our heroes against one another.

Can our heroes overcome this cold wave that threatens their friendship and their futures?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Hearts of Ice”)

Episode 6: Hearts of Ice

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Professor Brain and his team of scientists were doing all they could-- working with Krysta and some of her fairies to try and dispel the invisiports.

“Prepare to fire.” said Professor Brain, and he and all his colleagues put dark goggled over their eyes, while Krysta and her fairies merely shut their eyes rightly while aiming their wants carefully.

“Ready when are, Professor.” called Krysta.

The professor sat in the seat of a special device, like a large ray-gun, which the fairings were aiming at, and the other scientists-maintained watch over systems and magic gauges.

The machine was charged up and ready to intensify the fairies’ powers.

“Ready… and… Go!”

The fairies fired their magic from their wands into the tip of the ray gun.

The machine began to vibrate, but the professor sat good and strong in the seat, and he fired the magical ray at the air before them-- where an invisiport was detected.

POW!! The blast actually made contact like hitting a strong wall, but, sadly, the port was completely unaffected and remained intact.

Everyone sighed, and the professor got out his notebook to write, “Fourth Test: Unsatisfactory. Most Unsatisfactory!”

The scientists all sighed miserably.

“Your majesty,” one of the fairies to Krysta, “Perhaps if we cannot dispel the portals, perhaps we can contain them?”

Krysta shook her head, “We’ve already tried; the ports are too strong, they can’t be contained, at least by simple means. Whatever Pyron and Glaceia had that contained them before is long gone.”

The professor agreed, reconfirming his calculations on the computer. “I’m afraid that we are in quite the predicament. The only hope that exists now would simply be to… er… em.. wait… for the ports to simply vanish on their own timing, which, I fear, may not be for some time yet.”

Krysta then stared off into space, “Meanwhile, we’ve got two mad kings out there, and who knows what they’re up to next.”

The war waged on between the two kings, and all the misfired meteors and missiles either crashed off course endangering the innocent villagers of either of the two planets, or simply to head on out into space, likely to cause more trouble for other races in due time.

Meanwhile, some creatures had other things on their minds.

Blizzord was more frustrated than ever that his forces were not getting anywhere. Many of his real Ice-Guards were injured, and those who weren’t were only able to drive off the enemy forces rather than destroy them.

“You call yourselves “My Loyal Army?” Ha! Not even fit to swat a snowball!”

He angrily raised his trident, and carelessly summoned a freezing wind to blow the guards away, ignoring their injuries and showing just how cold and cruel he was.

It was hardly even they that he was mad at.

“Blast that Starfleet!” he bellowed. “If they had joined up with me this war would have been won by now, but their loyalties lie elsewhere!”

Smark nervously approached the fuming king. “Um, sire… if I may. Since they don’t feel the same way towards battles and warfare as you do, maybe they can be persuaded by other means to join you.”

“What are you getting at?”

Smark then signaled for someone to come forth. “King Blizzord, meet the Ice-Witch.”

A tall humanoid sorceress stepped in; created by a guard and a monster badge.

She had dark grey skin, a pretty but wicked human-like face. She wore an icy-blue tunic and small skirt, with a large ice carving of a flame as a hat. In her hand she carried and simple, short ice-scepter with a large ice carving of a flame at the tip.

She bowed to him, which made Blizzord raise an eyebrow. “And just what are you capable of doing?” he asked.

Witch snickered and stroked her weapon. “One blast from my Ice-Rod will freeze the heart of its target, causing them to turn cold, cruel, and quick-to-violent.”

Blizzord’s lips curled into a wicked grin. “Interesting.”

“It is, Sire.” agreed Smark. “With this kind of power, you can turn Starfleet in whole legions who would come round to your way of handling things.”

Blizzord was convinced and he chuckled, “Proceed at once.”

One morning, at Artie’s Art Gallery, Artie was adding the finishing touches to his latest painting.

With a big, loving smile, he couldn’t help but comment on his own work, “Beautiful.”

Sunset Shimmer came in with baby Sun Stream, who was just over a year old in a stroller.

“Hi, honey.” she called him.

“Hello dear,” he said not even bothering to look at his wife or his daughter.

Sunset’s features hardened, but she looked at his painting. It was a beautiful picture of lovely shimmering white flowers in a vase sitting on a white tablecloth at a fancy restraint with low lights for a romantic scene.

“That looks lovely.” she said.

“Thank you.” replied Artie, still hardly paying her any notice.

“You know, I finished a painting of my own today.” Sunset said, holding up a small canvas of a her own, right in front of her husband’s face.

“Oh!” said Artie. “Uh… very nice…”

It was a simple picture of a calendar with the day’s exact date circled in bright red. “Um, what’s all this for?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know…” Sunset said, and her voice began to sound annoyed, “I just made this due today being so special, because something incredible happened!”

Artie continued to act dumbfounded, and then said. “Oh, I get it…” he said, getting up and moving behind his easel revealing the very flowers in the vase he had just painted.

He took the flowers and handed them to her.

“I got the urge to paint these flowers and give them to you…” he paused “Because it’s our wedding anniversary, and I painted them at our favorite restaurant where I’m taking you tonight.”

All at once, sunset went from stern to blushing and soft as she took the flowers, “You remembered after all.”

Artie smirked and softly touched his wife’s muzzle, “Got’cha, didn’t I. You thought I really forgot.”

Sunset felt silly, but then she pulled him in to a deep and passionate kiss… much to the disgust of their infant daughter.


Meanwhile, Glaciea was in the gallery, greatly admiring all the artworks from all over the world.

She was personally invited to the gallery by Artie herself. As an artist herself, he thought it would do her nice to see other works of art.

What really inspired her was a replica carving of the Crystal Heart, with pictures of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor carved into it on either side of the heart.

The piece was entitled “Eternal Crystal Love.”

She couldn’t help but smile lovingly at it.

“I see you’ve taken a shine to that, Princess.” Artie said.

Glaceia nodded, “It seems a remarkable piece of craftsmanship.”

“Well, get a look at it. It’s only here temporarily. It’s here on a world tour from the New Crystal Empire, with kind permission of Princess Cadance. She carved it herself, on her wedding day, as a symbol of love for her husband.

Art is a great passion, and great way to unleash your emotions.”

“Yes, I, too, have felt such pleasures in my years of crafting.” said Glaceia. “It soothed me during times of misery, and yet, I feel entirely empty inside. Every bit of art I ever made was for my own eyes, and never was truly seen or appreciated by others.”

Artie’s heart felt heavier than the sculpture. “No one ever saw your artworks?!” His sadness then hardened, “Oh! I can’t have that!”

He took her by the arm, pulling her away, much to her surprise.

Before long she was sitting down in Artie’s private studio.

“I’d like to see some of your Iceinian artwork; sculptures, paintings, drawings-- whatever it was you did, and I’ll put it on display in the gallery.

I think the community could benefit from all this. We could understand more of your planet and its culture.”

Glaceia felt very flattered and blushed. “I don’t know what to say?”

Artie passed her a brush and gave her a canvas, “Say it through your art.”

He left her to go tend to his guests, and Glaceia just stood there, thinking deeply of what to paint, and it didn’t take her long to begin.

Meanwhile, Sunset went shopping for a new dress to wear that night and she brought Sun with her.

She left the boutique with her spending time in a bag with heavenly thoughts in her mind.

“Oh, Sun…” she said to her daughter. “You’re too young to understand what Mommy’s feelings, aren’t you.”

“Mama.” the baby cooed.

Sunset could only smile…

…But as she turned round the corner, she gasped at the sight of what was there.

“Hello there…” hissed Ice-Witch, and before Sunset could even scream, “Now freeze!” and she zapped Sunset and her baby with her ice rod.

Mother and child shivered, but then their expressions turned cold and heartless!

Sunset pulled her newly bought dress out of her shopping bag and furiously threw it onto the ground and stormed off, leaving Sun to scream angrily and smashed her rattle against the stroller.

Witch laughed. “My first two victims. Now let’s have more!”

Glaciea was doing well on her painting. Her years of experience gave her a sense of swiftness, and yet she seemed so-well relaxed and at peace.

She thought back to what Artie had told her about Art being relaxing and soothing, and she could agree with it more now.

Suddenly, the red alert was heard from outside, and it nearly startled her into slipping stroke.

Artie rushed out from way back in the room. “Stay here. I’m going!”

He rushed out of the room and into the gallery, where he was shocked at what he saw…!

All the patrons in his gallery were acting like savage, fighting brutes.

They were yelling at each other, pushing, and even attempting to shake the painting off the walls, but the emergency safe system activated, sealing all the paintings off behind solid casings to keep them safe.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Artie shouted, trying to make the crowd cease, but they all turned his way, glaring at him furiously.

“You want to fight?!”

“Bring it, you loser!”

“Back off, he’s mine!”

Artie could see things were bad, and he quickly cast a small barrier wall in the middle of the hall stopping the crowd from coming any further and giving him the chance to flee.

“Glaciea!” he called.

She peeked her head out the door. “What is happening?”

“Come on, I’ve got to get you out of here!”

He pulled her by the arm, and they headed for the back exit, only to stop and look through the glass to see outside…

There was just as much fighting arguing and drama occurring the in the streets as civilians and even royal guards were arguing and trying to get into fights with one another… including one familiar face.


His wife was picking up garbage cans and just throwing them at nothing, and anyone who came her way she gave a huge shove.

Why he could even Sun Stream from her stroller throwing and miserable fit, as were other little children in the streets.

Luckily, with the sound of the alarms, help was on the way. A Starfleet squad of Space Alicorns came soaring over the town and fired multiple spells on the citizens’ feet, rendering them immobile and unable to do anything. Ponies that could do magical also had time-lock spells-- tiny barriers-- sealed round their horns.

“Good, that’ll hold them.” said Artie.

Knowing it was too dangerous to leave Glaceia in the gallery alone, Artie instructed her “You better stay here. I’ll signal the guards to watch out for you.”

Glaceia agreed. “You must be careful out there. I have a feeling that all this behavior is not normal for your people.”

Artie felt the same way. “I better transform…!

Starfleet Magic!”

Once transformed he headed out and fired a beam signal from his horn into the air.

Three of the Space Alicorns answered and landed by him, and he immediately instructed them to protect Glaceia, which they complied with at once.

He then called up the rest of the squad. “Spread out! Stop anyone who’s acting violently.”

The squad saluted and headed off.

Artie softly made his way past the spread-out gaggle of raging citizens, all of whom snarled at him and looked ready for a fight.

Artie ignored them and made his way to his wife.


“What are you looking at?!” she yelled at him. “Come here and let me pound the life out of you!”

“Sunset, what are you doing? Why are you acting like this?”

His only response was more snarling, growling and watching his wife struggle to jiggle loose.

Finally, Artie used his visor, and the scanners revealed unnatural energy waves emitting from her body. The same readings were found on the other civilians and the guards.

“They’re under a spell!”

“Right you are, soldier!” called a voice.

Artie turned quickly and saw Ice-Witch standing there, laughing at him, then she tried to zap him with her with ice rod, but he quickly leapt out of the way.

“So that’s how you did this to these creatures!”

Witch snickered, “And the same I’ll do to you. One zap, and you’ll be as coldhearted and without a care as they are.”

Artie immediately could tell, “That Ice Rod-- if I can just destroy it, it may break the spell.”

Then he noticed his major problem! With all the civilians scattered around, stuck where they were, it didn’t leave him much room to fight without risking their safety.

“I’ve got to lead her away.” and he flew off into the air.

“Ha!” scoffed Witch “Thinks he can escape, does he? Well, he’ll soon find his chances are all about to be iced on the spot!”

She laughed wickedly.

Artie had flown to a vacant area a few blocks away. All the people in the area were safe inside shelters and homes with the barriers up.

“There, this is better.” he felt, until he was ambushed by a squad of Ice-Guards. “Oh, just perfect!”

They threw their spears mercilessly at him, forcing him to backflip out of the way several times, and then he rushed in with his fist out… slamming the faces of several guards.

Several more rushed at him. “Take this, ice-heads!

PAINT BOMBS!” His explosive blobs blew the guards into ice pellets.

But while his back was turned, he was zapped in the heart by an ice ray, and he fell to his knees as he felt the cold piercing through his armor. “What’s happening?!”

Witch appeared laughing at her accomplishment. “Chilling, isn’t it? Now you will only feel cold, cruel, lustful needs to fight. King Blizzord will be pleased to have you in his army.”

Artie was shivering, but he managed to get up onto his feet, not looking quite so cold-hearted, yet.

“What’s this?” snarled Witch. “You should be thriving and raging by now.”

Artie continued to shiver, and Witch decided to blast him again, only to be blasted at from behind, sending her rolling along the ground.

She looked round and saw Lightning with Starla’s droid and Krysta.

“I think it’s you who needs to take a chill.” sneered Lightning.

Witch bolted upright, “I think not!”

He rod’s tip glowed brightly, “ICE LIGHTNING!”

Raising her rod up high, she summoned forth strong freezing bolts. The trio dodged the bolts, but the strikes created large spikes of ice in the ground.

“Sure! She just has to do that too!” grumbled Krysta.

Witch snickered. “If you thought that was cool… pardon the pun… wait until you see me in action with this thing.”

“I’ll get her, you two go and help Artie.” suggested Starla. “I’ll be okay. She can’t brainwash a droid.”

Lightning and Krysta agreed and rushed off.

“Let’s go!” Starla bellowed. She and Witch began to brawl!

Witch proved that she was quite skilled in combat by wielding her ice rod like a sword, but Starla’s droid’s solid body was able to parry off each attack with its arms alone.

Starla pounded on the controls, making her droid punch Witch hard in the face and sent her skidding along the ground.

At first, she seemed down, but then she pulled a fast one, raising her rod and blasting the droid, making sparks and explosions fly, but it remained standing.

“Artie!” cried Lightning. “Are you okay?”

Artie, still shivering, suddenly grabbed Lightning by the arms. “Lightning! Help!!” he cried. “She zapped me! My suit’s resisting it, but I don’t think I can hold it off!”

Before Lightning knew it, Artie kicked him hard in the chest knocking him back a few paces.

“Artie!” Lightning shouted.

Try as he would, Artie fired a magical blast from his horn, forcing Lightning and Krysta to dodge.

“He can’t control himself!” cried Krysta.

Lightning didn’t want to have to fight his good friend, but he couldn’t let him run loose.

“SUPER STAFF” Artie held out his weapon, against his will.

“Oh, boy!”

Artie leapt forth swinging and twirling his weapon round like crazy, forcing Lightning to block and dodge every attack.

“Artie! Stop! Please!!” cried Krysta, but Artie couldn’t, and he tripped Lightning up off his feet.

Then he proceeded to strike him hard as he fell, but Lightning pulled a fast one and kicked him hard in the gut sending him soaring far off and slamming into a lamppost.

Lightning hated himself for doing that, but he had to do it. “Sorry, Artie… I really am, but you would’ve done the same thing.”

Krysta felt her stomach doing sickening turns. She hated it when friends had to fight friends, even if it was for good reasons.

“I could use some help over here!” Starla called, and then WHAMM!! Witch belted the droid clear into its head knocking it far off and skidding along the ground.

“Ooh…! What a blow!” Starla groaned on the sofa. The droid had certainly taken a pounding, but she managed to get it to stand upright.

“You’ve got a lot of spunk for an artificial being.” sneered Witch, “But I think I’ve wasted enough time. I’ve got an army to deliver to Planet Iceinia. King Blizzord will surely reward and praise me.”

“The only place you’re going is straight to jail.” said Lightning as he landed near his wife’s droid, and Krysta hovering above them both.

“You think I’m scared of you three? Think again!” said Which. “ICE LIGHTING”

The trio split off again, and Lightning fired a Uniforce pulse at Which, making her throw her Ice Rod away.

It crashed onto the ground a few feet from Starla’s droid. “It’s mine!” she called, but as she was about to grab it, Artie rushed in, ramming into her hard and sent her crashing away.

Lightning and Krysta both gasped.

Witch reclaimed her weapon. “Looks like your friend here has decided to get with the winning team, and now you’re all about to join him.”

The friends whimpered softly, but just as Witch was about to try and zap them, Artie swung his staff hard and bashed Witch hard in the back, making her drop her Ice Rod again.

“What are you doing?!” she bellowed, but all Artie did was growl and snarl at her with a look of fury on his face.

“You’re supposed to fight them, not me!” shouted Witch, but Arite only lunged for her forcing her to leap away. “What’s going on?!”

“I think I get it.” said Lightning. “You made him so cold-hearted he just wants to fight, but that doesn’t mean he knows who to fight. He sees you as just another target as any other.”

Witch growled, and Artie leapt up to come crashing down at her. Witch rolled out of the way causing him to strike the ground hard.

Then he turned to look towards the droid and decided to go after it instead.

“Oh, no!” cried Starla.

“AAAAAAARGH!!” Artie rushed straight for her, but then Lightning got an idea. “Starla, keep fighting him.”

Heeding her husband’s words, Starla fought back against Artie, holding him down.

“What are you thinking?” asked Krysta.

“Trust me.”

Witch had reclaimed her Ice Rod once again.

“Get ready, Krysta!” Lightning called, and he held up two fingers, which told her what he wanted her to do.

“You are all mine!” bellowed Witch, and she fired many ice blasts at Lightning, but he soared in, swerving and dodging every shot, until he collided into Witch-- his arm against her rod, in a big struggle.

Starla battled Artie with all her droid had, but the droid. “Any time now, Lightning!” she hollered.

Artie began to power up his finisher, with his staff set on “Destroy!”


Whirling his glowing, burning staff, he moved in for the kill!

Lightning then punched Witch hard sending her fall back hard, and the rod went soaring up into the air again.

“NOW, KRYSTA!!” Lightning shouted, and Krysta quickly soared in and cast her double portals-- one right in front of Artie, and he charged straight into it.

He popped out through the second portal, right here the ice rod was tumbling. He struck it hard with his attack, blowing it to pieces!

“NOOOOOOOOO!!” wailed Witch, and with the destruction of her weapon, the spell was broken!

The ice within Artie’s heart melted away instantly, as did with all the civilians and the guards by the gallery.

“Artie, are you okay?” Starla called.

Artie nodded, “I feel much better.” Then his features hardened as he glared at the monster, “But you sure won’t be!”

Witch could only growl in rage, but Artie had more than enough power for another strike, and he set his staff between “Heal” and “Capture.”

“Let’s try this again!


He powered up his staff again and struck the Witch hard.

The creature wailed and screamed as she fell onto her side and exploded-- reverting into a male Ice-Guard, shrunk and trapped in a sphere, and the monster badge broken.

The friends all jumped for joy, until Artie realized, “Sunset!” and he dashed off.

“Artie, wait up!” called Lightning, and he dashed after him leaving Starla and Krysta to take the prisoner in the sphere.

Back on Iceinia, Blizzord could tell the mission had failed again when Ice Witch failed to return.

“I don’t believe this!” he thundered. “I was supposed to have an entire army at my disposure now.”

Then the alarms sounded for an incoming meteor heading straight for the palace-- a very tiny one, no-bigger than a softball.

There was no time to intercept it, and it wasn’t needed seeing as it crashed through the chamber windows without doing much damage.

The rock split wide-open, for it was a capsule, containing a piece of orange parchment from Moltic.

“What’s this?” wondered Blizzord as he picked up the note and read it.

“Nice try, Blizzord-- Not!


Not bothering to question how in the world Flareous heard of all this, Blizzord crumpled the note in his fist, freezing it in ice, and threw it furiously against the wall.

“I’ll get you yet for this, Flareous! You too, Starfleet!!”

Smark was hiding somewhere by himself with a small glowing crystal orb. “Good job sending him that message.” he said into the orb. No one seemed to answer him back, or at least they were speaking so softly so as not to be overheard.

“You should’ve seen the look on that Ice Berg’s face, he was so mad.” chuckled Smark.

There was a pause again, and Smark then answered, “You just do things from your end, and I do mine. Everything will work out just as we want it to.”

The orb went out, and Smark could snicker while twiddling his little fingers.

That night, there was a big gathering at Artie’s gallery.

Artie was dressed in his formal wear as he still had plans that evening with his wife.

“Attention! Attention!” he called, and all the patrons hushed.

“I am pleased to announce the newest addition to our gallery, but I would like to allow the artist herself to explain it more.

Ladies and Gentlemen; Princess Glaceia of Iceinia.”

The crowd applauded as Glaceia stepped forth. She was so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. She couldn’t stop smiling so thankfully, and she nearly forgot to address everyone.

“Thank you, very much. I am honored to have this moment, but I first wish to express my thankfulness that the danger that occurred this day has passed and that you are all back to normal selves.

I can only further express my apologies for all this, and the future danger that my father intends for you all.”

The crowd felt rather uneasy and nervous. Some of which were affected by the ice that day felt horrible for the way they behaved while cursed, but they knew Glaceia was not really to blame and respected her sincerity.”

Glaceia then continued. “Aside from this, I am honored to be unveiling to you tonight.

All my life, I have worked well at my craft as it was all I ever had to maintain my sanity, but never once had I the opportunity to present it to any public, nor did I garner any appreciation as I hope to be given tonight.”

The crowds felt sorry for her.

“And now, by kind consent of General Artie Bristles…”

Artie bowed.

“…I present my very first piece to this gallery. This panting I have entitled, “Frozen Night.” She pulled the burlap cover off the canvas exposing the beautiful picture which made the crowd go “Awe!”

It was a beautiful landscape of Planet Iceinia-- snowy fields, mountains in the distance, all under a stary night sky, and Galceia painted the stars so well-- made so shining-- they seemed to shimmer like real stars in a real night sky.

Glaceia received a standing ovation for this unveiling. The people weren’t just being polite, they really loved the art. Even Artie applauded the magical glistening of the stars on the picture.

Glaceia was almost moved to tears by all this praise. It was beginning to look as if she had found a permanent hobby for herself.

“They like my work.” she sobbed softly to herself. “This is so wonderful.”

Pyron, who was in the crowd, approached her, kissed her hand tenderly and gave her a flower to show his own praise towards her.

She hugged him warmly.

Lightning and the real Starla were there with their kids in the crowds along with Krysta. Starla wiped a tear from her eye.

“Why are you crying, Mommy?” asked Shining Light.

“Oh, I’m not crying, honey. I’m just happy.”

Lightning chuckled, and then along came Artie and Sunset. Sunset was wearing the new dress she had bought-- the very one she had wrecked.

“You had it fixed.” said Lightning.

Sunset nodded, “I brought it straight back to Rarity, and told her what happened. I was so ashamed and upset with myself, but she had it all prepped up and ready for me in no time.”

Then she turned to her husband and pecked him sweetly on his cheek. “I was such a creep today. I’m so sorry I did all that stuff.”

Artie assured her, “It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t in control. I fell under the same spell when I attacked the others, and I hate myself for it, but it’s all over now, and everything fine.”

The others agreed.

Artie chuckled, “Still… Art… it’s always a great form of creativity, a wonderful hobby, and way to express yourself. I wish others could appreciate it more.”

“That would be wonderful.” said Krysta. “Then maybe there would be far less enemies for us to face and less danger.”

With all this in mind, Artie tenderly held out his arm to his wife. “Ready to go?”

Sunset blushed and they began to head off for their anniversary date.

“Wait! What about your guests here?” asked Lightning.

“You can look after them.” Artie called slyly.

“And while you’re at it, can you watch Sun Stream too.” added Sunset.

Lightning and Starla stood wide-eyed, realizing it was going to be a bit of a night for them to handle all this.

“The Art of slyness.” grumbled Lightning.

“Perhaps that’s one I can do without.” added Starla.

Krysta held in a laugh.


In our next episode: The Cutiemark Crusaders begin working at Rhymey’s Café where they meet Blitzy who is acting stubborn as ever towards Lightning and all of Starfleet, which leads them to bring up a whole bunch of stories from the past regarding different kinds of evil and how it was dealt with.

Can the Crusaders convince Blitzy that she may be wrong?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Work on You”)

Episode 7: Work on You

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Daphne Dill was working in a construction zone, as part of her Starfleet Training. Here she would build up muscle, strength, and increase her endurance and speed, and… at Buddy Rose’s suggestion…

“…It’ll help you work off a paycheck, as well pull some weight. You’re sixteen years old now, and you ought to get a part-time job to start paying your ways like a responsible pony.

Starfleet may be fine, and the pay is good, but you should do more and make extra money for yourself.”

The catch was that she wasn’t allowed to use any magic or power-tools.

She would dig using only shovels, picks, or hand-held drill-heads.

She would lift heavy loads in her arms alone.

She would level off roads, but pushing grating shovels in front of her, and dragging a large steel leveling drum behind her.

The other workers were astounded by how proficient she was. She was doing almost double the work at double the speed that they ever could with all their magic and tools.

By the end of the workday, she was feeling tuckered out. Her muscles were very tough and strong, and she collected her pay, but only minimum wage as were the rules since she was a minor.

On her way home, she ran into her friends, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, just getting out of High School for the day.

“Hey girls.”

“Hey, yourself.” said Applebloom. She couldn’t help but stare at DD’s strong looking arms. “And I thought doing farmwork built muscles.”

“It’s more than that,” said DD. “Bud says that, pretty soon, I’ll be able to take my first real Patrol. If I pass at that, I’ll be much closer to graduating and be a full-fledged cadet.”

The girls all jumped for joy.

“We’ve got big news also.” said Sweetie. “We’re starting our new part-time jobs today.”

“Part-time jobs? All three of you?”

Scootaloo nodded, “We got needs, and money doesn’t just grow on trees.”

“Well, that and Rarity talked me into it.” added Sweetie, and she recalled from memory her sister telling her.

“You’re getting to be big now, Sweetie. You’re not a little filly anymore. Have you put any thoughts into your future, how you will make you dreams happen, or support yourself in the long run?”

“She was right,” agreed Applebloom. “Being Crusaders is fun and all, but it doesn’t pay much, and I can’t just make money from farming neither.”

DD then asked, “Where are you working anyway?”

Soon, all four of the girls were at Rhymey’s Café, “Rhyme Time.” Where Rhymey was taking down the “Now Hiring” sign.

“Here?” asked DD.

“Why not?” said Sweetie. “How hard can it be? We serve the drinks, the food, we clean the tables and the dishes. What would be easier.”

Rhymey chuckled and said,

“Oh, ho, trust me when I say,
A few hours here will feel like a day.

The work isn’t all that easy going,
Especially for today’s poetry showing.

Now come inside, let’s get ready,
It’s your first day, make it steady.”

He gave the three girls aprons to wear and their very own nametags.

The girls felt really grown up now wearing these.

“You look cool.” said DD.

The girls smiled.

“Just the same, Rhymey…” said Applebloom. “Thanks for giving us this job.”

Rhymey smiled and said,

“Well, you’ve gotten big, all of you,
And I need more helpers, yes, I do.

So, let’s get started, you three.
And pay for you, there will be.”

“Yes, sir!” the trio said to their new boss, and they were off to work while singing a song through a montage.

Taking orders, pouring drinks, and trying to get other drinks correct. Giving out muffins and pastries.



Take your order and another or two,


Coming up but there’s more to do.


Just when we think we’re done another comes right through.


I think I just dug myself into a pot of stew!

You can bet they made a few mistakes along the way. Like giving one pony an empty coffee mug.

Pouring coffee on the cream instead of the other way around.

Giving orders to the wrong customers.

Spilling a bit of overfilled drinks.

…And the dishes! Oh, the dishes! There are just so many of them to take to the kitchen and wash. Sweetie Belle very nearly dropped a whole bunch but used her magic to steady everything, but it didn’t matter, because there were always more dishes by the pileups.


Scrubbing all this scum’s enough to make my heart blow.
Will dishes ever stop piling, I just don’t know.


You’d like a coffee and a muffin, and you would like some tea.
Two orders, table, or was it two, or was it three?


Pinch of sugar, hold the cream, cinnamon sticks.
These orders are confusing like a box of magic tricks!


Watch that dish! Don’t let it drop!


Wrong order. Another flop!


Fill it up right to the top!



Their first day on the job was really wearing them down, and it had only been thirty minutes, meaning the workday was far from over.

Rhymey sighed at the mistakes the girls had made, but it was expected as they were only new, as it said on their nametags, and he had respect for people who made simple mistakes.

He was pleased to see the girls still doing their best to keep at work.


The girls were growing exhausted already due to their unfamiliarity with such excessive workloads.


Was that the last dish?


Did I fulfil your wish?


Pour the coffee, make it splish





The song faded out…

A few hours later. The girls’ shifts were over. All three of them were sitting slumped down on the couch near the stage, looking frazzled.

“I don’t think my fingers will ever be the same!” Sweetie complained as she looked at her dishpan hands.

“You were wearing rubber gloves!” protested Scootaloo.

Applebloom took off her shoes to air her aching feet. “I thought this would be easy.”

Rhymey then came up to them with paychecks.

“Well done girls, here is your pay.
And I hope you’ll do more another day.”

The girls were thrilled to have their pay, even if it was small, but they couldn’t help but groan and faint, remembering to work at the café a few days each week after school.

They still had homework to do, baths to take… Applebloom even had planet of chores to help get the farm ready for the night.

“Poor things,” chuckled DD. “They’ll get used to it.”

Rhymey couldn’t help but chuckle too.

After a few times of working, the girls got the better hang of things. They even got to serve Pyron and Glaceia who stopped over for a hot drink.

They made fewer mistakes and managed to organize their time and balance work and school.

One afternoon some of the friends came over to the café.

Fluttershy brought over Button Fly wanting to see how well he was with the girls, which she could see was going very well-- the girls were working so efficiently.

“You’ve really treated them well.
That much I can tell.”

Her husband blushed.

Button Fly could only clap funnily and go…

“Goo… Coo…
Blue… Hey, you.”

He was learning his rhymes.

Next came Applejack, Buddy and Tree Hugger, with DD and little Seedling.

“How come you’re all here?” asked Sweetie.

DD chuckled, “Tree Hugger’s performing in the poetry reading tonight, and I thought I’d come check on my friends.”

Applejack wiped a tear from her eye. “Just you look you, Applebloom. My little sis, working a job.”

Applebloom acted tough. “Cut it out sis, or you’ll make me cry too.”

Everyone laughed.

“I’m proud to see all you girls working like this.” said Buddy “You’ve all come a long way since you were kids, and even then, you did a lot, all four of you.”

The girls knew exactly what he referred to, but there was no time to talk it over. The girls had work to do before the show, and Tree Hugger had to get ready.

“Good luck, honey.” Buddy said, and he pecked his wife, and she replied “I don’t need luck. I’ve got the bliss.”

Later, as it was just about time for the show to begin, another customer entered the café, Blitzy Heart, and she didn’t look too thrilled.

She was here having a break from her stay in New Canterlot.

Fluttershy noticed her instantly.

“Isn’t that Lightning’s friend,
The one that hates Starfleet to no end?”

Rhymey nodded,

“That is her, I can see,
But why she’s here is a mystery.

Regardless, she is a customer,
It is proper that we come to serve her.”

Soon, Blitz sat at a table, alone, away from the stage and the noise. She had a cup of tea and a muffin which Applebloom had served her.

The majority of the patrons were all gathered by the stage, and Rhymey gave his traditional welcome to Open Stage Night.

“And now I’d like to share my dream
The stage is open-- start the theme.
The guests are here and just like me…
They wish to share with their poetry.”

The patrons all applauded, and Tree Hugger was bathed in spotlight, kneeling on stage in a meditative pose, and she began to her poem through deep, yet soft and blissful music.

“Bliss… it’s the light of the air, the zone which we know.
Life… creates it, gives us all that it has to show.
Love… the sonic waves that I hear, in the colorful scene,
Giving… all to me the keys to life and what it will mean.”

As she continued, DD was waiting for her friends to come off shift so they could all go and watch the show together.

Scootaloo and Sweetie had already taken off their uniforms and were waiting for Applebloom, who was dealing with her last order, checking up on Blitz.

“May I take your dishes, ma’am?” she asked politely.

Blitz just nodded grimly, and Applebloom took the dishes and left them on the counter for the next shift to take. Then she was officially off work.

She and the girls then noticed that Blitz seemed very miserable.

“Is everything okay?” Applebloom asked.

Blitz politely tried to brush her off. “I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand.”

Applebloom didn’t buy it. “You have only two days left to make up your mind if you stay or leave, and you still don’t want to leave without Lightning Dawn because you still think Starfleet is bad for him.”

Blitz was astounded. “How in the world did you…?”

The rest of the girls approached her. “We know all about you.” said Sweetie, and one-by-one the girls introduced themselves and revealed that many of them were related to Starfleet officers, and that DD was a cadent in-training.

“I don’t believe this!” Blitz groaned, trying not to shout during the poetry show. “Does Starfleet truly have to infect everything, including young minds?”

The girls were confused, but they remembered what their families had told them about Blitz being completely resentful towards the force.

“Pardon my asking, but what do you mean by “Infect?” asked DD. “You don’t seriously believe that Starfleet is responsible for all that goes on here.”

“What am I supposed to believe?” replied Blitz. “I’ve seen what Starfleet gets into-- all that fighting and destruction and chaos. I’ve treated many of their soldiers on my travels.”

She paused and held her head in frustration. “Why do they always attract all this evil, all this trouble, and why do they bring all this suffering amongst the innocent?”

The girls had heard enough.

“They don’t!” they all said together.

“Starfleet doesn’t cause all the evil to just come to them.” said Swetie Belle. “…At least they don’t create in a sense.”

“Evil is its own thing. It comes and goes as it pleases.” remarked Scootaloo. “Starfleet didn’t create all this evil, it’s more the other way around.”

Blitz remained unconvinced. “Then why is it most places I go, Starfleet is there?”

DD said, “It’s because the planet they’re on is facing some crisis that the populace just can’t stand up to, and they need help.”

Applebloom agreed, “I still remember all the evils and nasties that happened on Equestria long before Starfleet came along.”

Blitz was suddenly intrigued.

The girls recounted all the evil bad guys like Nightmare Moon, Discord, The Changelings, King Sombra…

And in a series of flashbacks, they reminisced all the time those creeps were up to no good.

“They were all a nasty bunch.” said Applebloom. “Always out to cause trouble and chaos unimaginable.”

“If it wasn’t for Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” said Sweetie “We would have all been doomed long ago.”

More flashbacks of Twilight and friends with the elements of harmony, or Crystal Magic, pushing the evil ones back and restoring peace to Equestria.

“So, you see…?” said Scootaloo. “Evil exists in some shape or form, and it can always strike when you least expect it.”

Blitz was astounded to hear that-- a world like Equestria, that dealt in friendship, love, and harmony-- almost like Harmonius-- had such creeps and bad beings.

“But you didn’t need Starfleet to help you then, did you?” she pointed out. “If you were able to beat such villains on your own, why would you ever need Starfleet.”

“Like we said before,” said DD, “Sometimes you may end up coming across enemies that are far more than you can handle, and if you can’t… it could cost you dearly.”

The other three girls couldn’t have agreed with her more. They all remembered that terrible day when it happened…

Super Nightmare Moon! She was back and stronger than ever, and she brought along Titan’s minions by her side.

Twilight’s forces-- the entire Equestrian Empire-- were totally helpless to even scratch the villains. They were just too strong, and unlike anything ever seen before.

Equestria was enslaved with an iron fist and the populace forced into slavery.

“I still have nightmares of that.” said Scootaloo. “Being chained up and caged like an animal. Being forced to wait on and serve our masters day and night, and watching them beat, whip, and push the adults round the clock, and making them work tirelessly!

It was the worse times Equestria had ever known.”

Sweetie and Applebloom cringed softly, remembering all the pain they had suffered.

“If Starfleet hadn’t come, we wouldn’t have been here telling this story today.” said Sweetie.

Scootaloo shut her eyes tightly remembering, “The planet began to crumple after all the evil was beaten, but with Starfleet forces combined with our own Equestrian forces, the two worlds were combined, revived, and we’ve all lived together ever since.”

Blitz had heard of Unicornicopia being destroyed from the Starfleet fighters she tended to on other planets, but she never thought it was that dreadful. Even the Space Ponies were nearly wiped out.

“Many of us are very proud of Starfleet.” explained DD. “I am especially. That’s why I’m training to join them. So, I can continue to help others and stave off evil forces.

And I can tell you, there have been an awful load of them over the years I’ve seen.”

She and the girls continued going on of the many other evils United Equestria had to face over the years, and some of which were old Equestrian villains.

Like The Changelings and Sombra.

“They were back,” said Applebloom. “They were far meaner, and nastier than ever, and much harder to beat without Starfleet’s help.”

“That’s why Princess Twilight and friends joined the force.” said Sweetie. “Nobody forced them to, they wanted to join to help the cause.”

The girls then looked sad.

Scootaloo said, “We even remember the terrible day when Twilight Sparkle was struck down!”

The flashbacks occurred of the evil assassin, Raven, battling Twilight and Lightning, and Twilight was struck down and left to die in Lightning’s arms.

“Twilight! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Blitz was heart-struck. “Just like that? She died before his eyes?”

The girls nodded.

“He really took it hard.” said DD. “He lost his will for a while, but those are the risks of joining the force. Anyone is likely to perish at any time, and with all the enemies that kept coming our way, those odds never tip.”

She recounted more enemies…

The Dark King of the Future.

The Insecto Armada

Seinna the Treasure Hunter


The Devils

The Nightmares themselves…!

“Evil just comes and goes.” DD continued to explain. “It’s not Starfleet who created them, but rather the other way around. Without Starfleet to fight them, who will? It’s a dangerous job, but it has to be done.”

She looked out the window and saw how it was starting to get dark out. “Every Starfleet fighter, or even civilian worries that if the sunset they see now may be their last.”

“That’s my point!” Blitz said, almost raising her voice. “I get it now. Starfleet needs to do what it does, but why get civilians involved? Why place them all in danger?”

The girls shook their heads.

“Because their ain’t really no safe place to be.” replied Applebloom.

Sweetie agreed, “Like we said: Evil is everywhere. If you try to run from it, that doesn’t mean you’ll escape it.”

“And if it catches up with you, and you’re all alone, you may as well say your prayers.” added Scootaloo.

DD nodded, “At least by being so close to Starfleet, we know that action will be taken immediately. Not just to stop the bad guys, but to protect the innocent and reduce casualties, but the civilians must play their part too.

They have to follow the rules and regulations and know never to disobey orders when danger is afoot.”

Blitz began to think back to when Swift Star had insulted her about Planet Harmonius and how it was defenseless.

“Your people lived in total peace, harmony, and all the things many of us strive for as well, but the big mistake you made was giving up any ways to defend yourself.

You had no magic, weapons, armies, or any connections with anyone or anything that could save you or jump into actions to help you, and as soon as your planet was attacked, that was it. It was destroyed as easily as stepping on an insect while you walk.”

She then had flashbacks of the day Harmonius was attacked, and everyone killed!

“You okay, Doc?” asked Applebloom.

Blitz rubbed her eyes, still finding it hard to accept all this.

“And you girls… are you really okay with all of this?”

“Well, it depends.” said Applebloom. “We don’t like all the danger and chaos that comes.”

“But we know Starfleet does their best to protect us all.” added Sweetie Belle.

“We know this all too well,” said Scootaloo. “We Crusaders actually helped them many times in the past.”

“Excuse me?!” Blitz asked, hardly able to believe her ears, “You girls actually helped Starfleet, and you’re not even part of the force?”

The girls nodded, and recounted the many times they helped save the world.

“An evil black Dragon Knight captured our friends and family.” said DD. “So, we followed her into the danger, even though we were warned not to.”

“Things were super scary and tense, I tell you.” added Applebloom, “But it was a good thing we got involved, because we were able to destroy the Knight’s power source, which freed our friends, and helped them to bring her down once and for all.”

“And that’s when the most magical thing happened to us…” said Scootaloo. “We actually earned our cutie marks, which symbolized our bravery, our skills in helping others, but most of all, our friendship.”

DD couldn’t get a cutie mark because she was a Space Pony, but she did the next best thing, and got a tattoo on her flank similar to a cutie mark, to prove her loyalty to her friends.

“There was another time we helped someone…” said DD. “A poor and disheveled pony who resented help was being targeted and harassed by an insane mayor.

This pony was so horrid that she planned worldwide genocide because she hated Starfleet.”

The other crusaders remembered that horrible mayor, and how she and her men captured them all and the poor pony she was targeting.

“It took us some time,” said Sweetie, “But we were able to prove our sincerity and help him find the strength to help us, and together, we were able to aid Starfleet to put an end to the mayor’s twisted plot.”

Scootaloo clenched her fists. “But the greatest and most fearsome of our adventures lay ahead of us, as well as our former schoolteacher, Mykan Stevens.”

Naturally, they referred to the time they and Mykan became the “Super Cyber Data Squad!”

“Time to Digitize!” Mykan would shout as he became the cybernetic hero “Surfer!”

“LET’S KICK SOME MEGA-BUTT!!” The girls would shout as they transported into the cockpits of their Cybernetic Data Beasts.

Teaming up to battle the evil program, “Megadox” to stop his viruses from terrorizing electronic systems and causing disasters and havoc all over the world.

“The final battle really took it out of us.” said Applebloom. “We had very nearly lost all we had, but in the end, we teamed up together and we blasted that Megadox into lost data.”

“With the job done, we had to give it all up.” said Scootaloo. “But it still remains one of the most heroic times we ever had.”

Blitz was positively astounded and amazed. She could hardly find words to say.

“And do you… still long for more adventure, excitement, and things like this?” she had to ask.

“Golly, No.” replied Applebloom. “It’s not cool to wish for trouble and danger like that.”

Sweetie agreed, “All this danger and chaos is never fun.”

Scootaloo considered, “Well… maybe sometimes it feels like it is, but we don’t like it. It’s scary stuff, but we’re always pleased to help, and that’s only if it’s needed, if we can, and if there’s no other way.

Just our cutie marks say, we’re here to help those who need it.”

DD stepped forth, “The whole point of this is, Starfleet and those associated with them do their best to fight off any and all evil that comes along, and even when that evil is stopped, it doesn’t seem to do any good because there are more and more bad guys that always seem to spark, and the cycle starts again.

But one thing is certain-- at least I feel that and so do my friends…

Starfleet is a fine force, and while you may not like it, and you’re free too, living amongst them, or counting on them is fat better than having nothing to do with them at all.”

Blitzy’s eyes were open wide for the first time in a long time. “I always used to think that Starfleet were war-hungry conquerors that only cared about fighting and destroying.

But they’re really fighting to help others, not just themselves.”

The girls smiled at each other, figuring they had done well today. While they had seemed to convince her that Starfleet wasn’t as bad as she thought it was, she still insisted, “But Lightning still should not be part of it. He’s a Harmonian, and regardless of the things he’s done, I still believe he should quit now.”

With that, she left some money on the table and left the café.

The girls could only sigh and shake their heads.

“Well, at least we made a small breakthrough.” said Applebloom.

The others nodded, and they took the money to the cashier, and went off to join the poetry show with everyone else.

While in the far corner away from the table, someone sat in the dark and overheard everthing.

Lightning got up, and left some money, and while he was disappointed that Blitz was still determined to win him away, at least she was softening up.

“There’s hope for her yet.”


In our next episode: Pyron and Glaceia have a heated argument which leads to a spell of silence for them both and causing stress for our heroes. Things worsen when a Flaming monster is sent and curses the planet to heat things up.

Can our heroes resolve the conflict amongst their friends and the heating danger?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Heated Hearts”)

Episode 8: Heated Hearts

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Pyron and Glaceia walked past each other in the halls of the palace, but one look at each other and they turned away with sour expressions on their faces. They wouldn’t say a word to each other and just walked along to do their duties.

Lightning saw them and he sighed…

*Breaks Fourth Wall*

“You’re probably wondering “What’s up with those two?”

Well, it all started a week ago.”

*Normal Resume*

One evening, Pyron and Glaceia were standing out on a terrace of the palace, just gazing up at the stars and the moon.

“Oh, Pyron, what a lovely night.” Glaceia said as she relaxed in Pyron’s arms. “It’s so beautiful and peaceful.”

Pyron held her close and agreed with her, but he felt uneasy. “I wish nights could be like this back home on Moltic and Iceinia.”

Now Glaceia felt uneasy too, wondering what Flareous and Blizzord were up to that moment, and what horrible plans they had for the planet next.

“Glaceia, I have been doing a lot of thinking.”

“What about?”

Pyron hesitated and finally admitted, “Ever since I first met you, my ways of the warrior have faded, because I believe in bringing forth peace to both our worlds.

…And yet, Starfleet has been so wonderful to us while staving off attacks from our fathers, but I still feel ashamed for subjecting them all to this.”

“What are you saying?”

Pyron cringed at what he was about to admit. “I don’t think I can face it any longer. I think it’s time I got back into action and picked up my sword again.”

Glaceia gasped. “No! You can’t! You mustn’t!”

Pyron expected she would act this way.

“Pyron, you swore that you would never raise your sword in anger again.”

“I realize this, but what I wish to do now is for other means; to protect this world and others from our fathers and their wrath, and to repay Starfleet for all they have done.”

Glaceia still disapproved. “We already have repaid them by the work we do for them, and we have already learned so much in the ways of peace and ways to reform our worlds.”

“Yes, we have… but the peace to our worlds may never happen so long as our fathers are at war. If I were to Starfleet, that peace may be obtained all the faster.”

“Have you thought of how long it has been since you even battled? Perhaps you are out of practice, and you have never faced the monsters our fathers send.”

“But Glaceia…” Pyron said, but before he could protest more, Princess Luna hovered down from up high, clearing her throat to capture both their attention. “Would you-two mind keeping your voices down? You are beginning to disturb the sleepers in the palace.”

The couple felt embarrassed and promised to try and tone it down.

“Pyron, please understand.” said Glaceia. “I really don’t want you to enter the battlefield again, and I put my foot down to it.”

She raised her foot and stomped it down softly.

Pyron was beginning to feel angry, but he didn’t show it, not in front of her, and due to his being unresponsive, Glaceia assumed he complied and bid him “Good night.” as she went off to her room.

Though they were lovers, it was proper that they each had a separate room.

Pyron just couldn’t get to sleep. Glaceia talking to him like that was shocking enough, but what really bothered him was that he was unable to shake up his urge to get back into action.

He even got up and took his sword in hand and practiced a few moves in the wide-open space of his room, but he soon found Glaceia was right about him being out of practice.

She couldn’t seem to get his techniques down, and he ended up slipping and falling down several times.

“I need to train up.” he said to himself.

He recalled what Glaceia had told him, but his urge to battle was too strong, even over his love for her.

“Maybe it’s because of my love for her that I’m willing to do this.” he wondered. “She must understand, I only wish to fight to defend, not to be the warrior I used to be.”

He recalled the times of how brutal and vile he was during the war. He would attack and brutalize every Iceinian that dared oppose him.

Now he had a better reason to fight than ever, and he made up his mind.

“Tomorrow, I better start getting back in the game.”

The next day, he spoke to their majesties.

“You wish to train?” asked Grand Ruler.

“I do.” Pyron explained why.

“We see,” said Celestia. “Does Glaceia know of this?”

Pyron hesitated to answer, which told their majesties enough. Celestia whispered to her husband, “Princess Luna told me of their argument last night.”

Grand Ruler got the picture, however, “I have skepticism regarding this request. However, seeing as you have some battle experience, and we could use an extra hand in the war we face, if you wish to proceed, there is nothing we can do to stop you.”

Pyron intended to proceed, and he requested, “Please, I beg of you, don’t let Glaceia know of this.”

Their majesties sighed softly, knowing what dangers it was to keep secrets like this.

“Very, well,” agreed Celestia, “But don’t you think Glaceia should know regardless?”

“I do feel that, but I also don’t feel that now is the right time. I am hoping to convince her that my reasons are sound despite her wishes.”

Grand Ruler felt mor uneasy than ever, and while he agreed to keep the secret, he whispered to Celestia, “I think there’s going to be trouble from this.”

His wife agreed.

Nevertheless, Pyron began training in secret.

He was taken to the open fields, far away from the palace so Glaceia would not find him, and merely lied to the fact that Pyron was busy at work he was assigned to.

The guards would volunteer to have spars with Pyron, to help him get his game back on.

Their majesties requested that Spike and Rhymey-- expert swordsmen-- come over to help further Pyron’s training.

Lightning oversaw the sessions like a referee.

“Attack… Ho!” he shouted.

Pyron was getting stronger, and better, almost feeling like his old warrior self again, although rhymey and Spike proved to be tough themselves.

“DRAGON FLAME WHEEL!” Spike came rolling in for a strong attack, and Pyron blocked him with his sword, and pushed him off, but then left himself wide open for Rhymey to come in with his sword.

“I must… train… harder!” Pyron growled as he swung his sword, parrying Rhymey’s and trying to get at him, but Rhymey’s master swordsmanship held up.

Spike then came in with his own sword, and Pyron ended up having a two-on-one battle.

Yet all his training was paying off. He managed to find his focus, and he didn’t slip as much anymore.

The three blades all clashed together in a massive struggle, and in a massive force, the three men knocked each other back hard.

“That will do,
I think we’re through.” said Rhymey.

“You’re telling me.” panted Spike, and he powered down his armor.

Pyron held his sword up high and clenched his other fist tightly. “I haven’t felt like this in a long time.

Thank you, gentlemen. I believe I am truly ready to battle again.”

Spike chuckled, “Easy there, now. No need to jump into it right away.”

Rhymey agreed,

“You only just got your skills back,
You may know how to defend and attack,
But the battles ahead are rough you bet,
We don’t know if you are quite ready yet.”

Pyron agreed, “You may be right. I may have defeated hordes of soldiers before, but these monsters and new resources are far different.”

“We’ll have to ask their majesties if whether or not you can join us.” said Lightning, “But…”

Pyron waited for his answer, “But what?”

“Don’t you think you should really tell Glaceia all this?”

“No! No, I couldn’t. It’s not the right time to do so.”

The men all sighed, fearing what was bound to happen.

“If there’s one thing I know about secrets,” said Spike. “It’s that they have ways of coming out.”

Lightning and Rhymey agreed.

On their way back to the palace, they were all approaching the main gate at the drawbridge. Other than the two guards at their posts, who else was there, but Glaceia, and she looked extremely peeved.

“Glaceia?” said Pyron, “I… I didn’t know you were here.”

“Uh, oh…” Spike murmured. The others felt cold too.

Glaciea approached Pyron and looked him, “I suppose you were out working?”

“Um… yes, I was.”

“And you had to bring your sword with you too I suppose?”

Pyron stammered and stuttered trying to find his words, “I… uh… just kept it with me in case of… well… just so…”

“…So, you could train to battle behind my back!” Glaceia practically yelled. “I saw you! I know what you’ve been up to!”

For a warm being, Pyron’s blood went cold.

Glaciea explained how she had been helping the palace staff gather laundry from suites when she passed by a window and saw a big explosion from far off. She assumed it was trouble, but when she used a telescope on the battlements to view far away… she saw everything!

Knowing he was busted, rather than try to act ashamed, Pyron’s features hardened. “Glaceia, I have told you why I wish to do this. It’s very important to me.”

“And I suppose I am not!” thundered Glaceia.

Back and forth they traded yelling and protests. The trio kept looking back and forth like watching a Tennis match, until Lightning finally intervened. “Stop it, both of you!

Pyron, we warned you she would find out…

And Glaceia, it’s his decision to fight in the war to help us, and we could use it.”

Overly infuriated, Glaceia stomped off in a huff.

Pyron did the same and went off in a different direction.

“Well, that went well.” said Spike. Lightning and Rhymey gave him a disdainful look.

For the next few days, Pyron and Glaceia had little or nothing to do with one another. They wouldn’t talk to or even go near the other, and if they happened to walk into one another in the halls, they wouldn’t look each other’s way.

Glaceia had a soft cry into her pillow on the first day.

The scene changed back to Lightning in the hall.

*Breaks Fourth Wall*

“And that’s why those two are acting this way. I really hope they snap out of it soon.”

*Normal Resume*

Meanwhile, Flareous ordered more attacks against Iceinia.


More meteors were launched towards the opposing planet, but there was more trouble already occurring on his own world as Ice-Guards came through the invisiports.

“Armies… To arms!” Flareous ordered as his own Flame-Guards ran in to counter the oncoming forces, while at the same time head through the ports to attack Iceinia directly.

“This isn’t getting anywhere?!” he growled. “I need more power to stop Blizzord.”

Suddenly, he had an idea. “KELTAR!” he bellowed.

His lacky appeared in almost no time. “You called, your majesty?”

“I need a monster, one that can really bring the heat on those Freeze Freaks on Iceinia.”

Keltar tries to protest. “With all due respect, sire, we must save what resources we have to deal with Starfleet.

Perhaps if we sent a monster to United Equestria--” he stopped there when Flareous began to flare up with rage. “I didn’t ask for your opinion; I gave you an order!

Make me a monster and send it to Iceinia! NOW!!!”

Keltar shuddered in fear, “Y-Y-Yes, your majesty!” and he dashed off to get a monster badge while grumbling, “Overblown hothead! He wants a monster; I’ll give him just the monster he wants.”

He found just the badge he wanted and called for a guard to use it on.

Flareous was growing impatient. “Where is my monster?!” he shouted.

He suddenly got his answer when a wall was smashed down by a powerful explosion, a very large, flaming monster came stomping in.

Its body was a fiery orange like the Molticeans, only his body was huge, muscular, and seemed to be blazing with flares.

Flareous recognized this creature. “It can’t be! Not you?!”

The monster roared at him. “Flareous! It be some time since you fight Magmus!”

“I remember you!” bellowed Flareous. “You were an out-of-control villager who mastered such fire power that you turned to pillaging the villages and trying to overthrow the crown!

The Great Hero conquered you, and I thought I heard the end of you until now!”

Magmus snickered, “Only now… Flareous… WILL END…!!”

He flared up and shouted, “MAGMA TRAIL!” unleashing a fiery, bubbling trail of lava straight at the king, forcing him to dodge and draw his sword.

“Magmus not scared of you!” laughed the monster.

Flareous could not believe this. Apparently, it meant that the monster badges not only contained the powers and essences of the creatures defeated, but also their thoughts and subconscious.

This monster, while still a guard, had thoughts of the actual monster’s desire for trouble and vengeance against all of Moltic.

Magmus picked up a large piece of debris from the wall, causing it to flare and glow which he threw at Flareous, which he destroyed with one swing of his flame sword.

Flame Guards, alerted by the noise, came out to defend their king, but that brutal monster punched them all away with his huge fists, knocking them all out and injuring them severely.

Flareous wanted a monster, but not like this! He had to get him out of the palace and to the nearest invisiport… and he had a plan.

He dashed out onto the observation terrace with the monster rushing after him.

“You no escape!” Magmus bellowed.

The two confronted each other on the terrace and they began to brawl.

Flareous swung his sword about, and Magnus parried his every strike with his flaming fists alone. His muscles and the heat made him strong enough to take it and more.

“You gone soft!” taunted Magmus, “Me squash you like ember flame!”

He charged straight for Flareous, but the king pulled a fast one, and using his great strength, he ducked down and kicked him hard in the back, sending the monster far off the terrace, down, down below where he vanished through an invisiport.

Flareous sighed in relief.

“Well done, sire.” commented Keltar. “Wherever he has gone, it is their trouble now.”

Flareous glared at him. “Let that be a blessing on YOUR sake! How could you sick that monster loose?!”

Keltar tried to make his excuses, but he was lucky when Flareous said, “Never mind, I shall deal with you later!” and he went off to continue his onslaught on Iceinia.

Pyron continued to train, but he was starting to slow up again as all he could think of or see was Glaceia’s face.

He couldn’t figure if he was angrier at her, or angry with himself.

It caused him to have a few slip-ups during training, and he couldn’t fight very well.

“Enough!” said Lightning, and he ordered the spar to end.

Rhymey and Spike complied and powered down their suits.

“No! I can’t! I must keep going!” shouted Pyron, and he charged forth for another strike, forcing Lightning to rush in and hold him by the arms. “I said “That is all!”

Pyron finally complied, and he dropped his sword to the ground while cringing in woe. “How could this happen?” he said miserably. “How can Glaceia just not understand?”

Lightning assured him, “Give her time, she’ll come around.”

Glaciea was out in town with Starla, Fluttershy and Rarity, after they left the children at the Royal Palace Daycare.

The ladies sat at an outdoor café having tea and biscuits.

“I tried to appeal to their majesties to stop him, but they brushed me off. They said only Pyron can make the decision.”

She felt like pounding the table in frustration.

“Now, now!” said Rarity. “That isn’t very ladylike. No pounding.”

Glaceia sighed. “How can he do this to me? I thought I understood him. I really thought we had something special.”

“You still do…” said Starla “Don’t think that just because of this one little falling out means you’re both finished.”

Glaceia had to agree, “But I don’t understand. Why would he want to fight again?”

Fluttershy guessed,

“Though you hoped he’d grown out of it,
He still has a strong fighting spirit.

He wants to get back into the game,
But the way he does is not the same.

Instead of creating hate and war,
He wants to defend us all and more.

You shouldn’t his fighting sport,
You should be proud and give him support.”

Glaceia didn’t know what to think about all that. “How can I support the very things I protest?” she asked, “And how can Pyron put me second to it. Maybe he doesn’t love me as much as I thought.”

“Darling, you’re speaking nonsense!” protested Rarity. “I understand well how you must feel, I always dreamed and searched of the perfect male companion to live by my side.

Mind you, I had rather long and strict itinerary.”

“The point is,” Starla cut is. “When you accepted Pyron, you had to make a compromise-- you must accept everything that comes with him, including things that you may disagree with. There’s never any way around it.”

The other wives agreed. Though no one watched them all the time, this implied they sometimes had arguments with their own respective husbands.

“That’s what makes it good and true love,” Starla continued, “Being able to accept certain things and take them as they come.”

All the wives looked down at their wedding rings and remembered their vows, all declaring at the same time.

“For better or worse,
Through bad times and good
Let our love shine through,
As a good wife should.”

The diamonds or the gold of the rings gave off a strong shimmer.

Glaceia said nothing, but she was astounded by the wives’ devotion.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded, followed by the sounds of screams and dozens of ponies and others running for shelter.

Starla said to Glaceia. “Get inside the café, now!”

Glaciea agreed, but as she got up and ran towards the door.

“Look Out!!” Rarity screamed as she saw a large burning wave heading straight for her.

Glaceia looked and screamed, but Starla quickly rushed over and pulled her away.

The ladies all looked back, and saw the monsters growling and then laughing at them.

“You dodge Magmus? That no fun!”

The barriers had already engaged, leaving Glaceia trapped outside.

“Sentries!” called Starla. Two guards show up, and she instructed them to take Glaceia someplace safe.

The guards complied and lead Glaceia away while Starla stood with her friends.

“Starla, you’re on maternity leave.” Rarity pointed out.

“This is an emergency. I can fight. I’ve been edging to get back into the action.”

“Well, if you’re sure,
Let’s toast this monster!” said Fluttershy.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

Once the ladies were transformed, they stared the monster down.

“Magmus not scared! Magmus get fired up!” and he did. His big body flared up with fire all around him.

“Whoa!” Starla cried as she scanned the monster with her visor. “His power is increasing rapidly, so is his external temperature!”

The monster snickered wickedly, and he began to stomp forth. His body was so hot and flaring that his feet left burning marks.

“He’s burning everything in sight,
But I’m ready to fight.” said Fluttershy.

“Wait!” said Starla “Let me try something.”

She stepped forth, “STAR SHOWER” she had unleashed her magic stars. The monster didn’t even bother to put up any defenses or dodge-- he didn’t have to. His flames were so hot the stars disintegrated on contact.

“Didn’t work!” Starla grumbled.

“Ha, Ha, Ha!” laughed Magmus, “Now me give shot!

FIRE BELCH!” Magmus shouted, and he let out a huge burp sending a massive wave of flames at the trio, which they dodged by leaping high up into the air.

“How rude!” growled Rarity, “Perhaps this will teach you…!” and she took a great deep breath and unleashed her dragon fire at him.

The fire struck the monster, but he just laughed and absorbed the flames, increasing his own.

“Rarity! You only made him stronger!” shouted Starla.

“Oops!” peeped Rarity.

“How are we supposed to beat him?
All our attacks just overheat him.” wailed Fluttershy.

Starla then noticed, “It’s worse than that! Look!”

The fires were starting to spread. The barriers would protect the homes and buildings, but the plant-life and flammable objects would lead to worse things.

Fluttershy quickly rushed to the nearest lamppost and sounded the Fire Alarm, alerting the sentries to man their stations.

One of the guards who was escorting Glaceia to safety had to go back and help, leaving his partner to protect her alone.

“Keep going!” the guard said. “We have to get you further away.”

Glaceia didn’t know how much longer she could keep running for.

Suddenly, she and the guard ran straight into more trouble; a whole swarm of flame guards and Keltar was there too.

“Going somewhere?” he hissed. “I think you are. You’re coming with me, to Moltic, as my prisoner!”

The guard stood in front of Glaceia and got his lance ready to take on the swarm himself. Many of the other sentries were either still helping other civilians get far away from the danger, or helping stop the fire spreading.

“You can’t be serious.” teased Keltar, and he called to the guards, “Attack!”

The Flame Guards rushed forth. The guard did his very best, but he was overpowered by the swarm. They knocked his lance away and thrashed at him hard making sparks and explosions fly.

Glaceia was frightened to the point of tears. Then she screamed as two guards apprehended her.

“Let me go! Let me go!!” She fussed and struggled to the point where the guards were ready to clobber her.

“No! Don’t!” yelled Keltar. “King Flareous would want his enemy’s daughter alive. You will help us force the Iceinians into complete surrender.”

Glaceia shuddered at such a thought while Keltar snickered.

Suddenly, “Hold it right there!” someone shouted.

Spike and Rhymey landed on the spot with their swords at the ready.

“Let her go!” demanded Spike.

“Take them!” shouted Keltar.

The guards rushed forth.

Rhymey and Spike nodded at one another, and they rushed to attack.

“Take this!” Spike shouted, and with a swing of his sword he slashed the weapons out of his enemies’ hands.

“My turn,
To bring the burn!” said Rhymey. “THRASH SLASH” He powered up his sword and with a single, massive slash, he struck all the guards hard, blowing them in the rocks they were made of.

“Let’s get out of here while we can!” said Keltar.

Just as he and his guards were ready to take Glaceia away to an invisiport, someone else intervened-- Pyron just leapt down from the sky with his sword clutched in his hand.

“Pyron!” cried Glaceia.

Their eyes met, and Pyron yelled at the villains, “Let her go, or face my wrath!”

“Your highness, really?” chuckled Keltar. “If you wish to accompany us back to your father, by all means--”

“I said “release her!”

The guards did so, but they rushed up to attack him.

“Pyron!” cried Galceia, but then she and Keltar watched as Pyron fought back, parrying the guards’ swords with his own, and he proceeded to slash at the guards, blowing them into stones, much to Keltar’s shock.

Then he found his prince pointing his sword straight at him.

“Um…” Keltar chuckled nervously. “I was… just leaving… bye!” and he ran off.

“Come back here!” Pyron yelled, as he chased after him, only for Keltar to escape through an invisiport.

Pyron stopped where he was, and yet he shouted at where the port was, “Tell my father never to lay a hand on my love again! NEVER!!”

The was the very first time Glaceia had seen him in action, and he did seem rather gallant, like a true warrior prince instead of a warmonger, and the fact that he had just saved her from a horrible fate played even stronger.

He looked at her with his strong eyes, which seemed to glisten in the sunlight, re-igniting the strong feelings in her heart.

More guards then tried to rush him, but he swiftly turned and hacked them into fire pellets.

Meanwhile, Pegasi had brough in loads of rainclouds to shower upon the flames allowing ground forces to put them out with magic and firefighting tools.

As for the monster, the three frontline ladies lead him away from the village and into the open fields.

Despite the rains the Pegasi brought, it didn’t affect Magmus at all. His flames were so hot that the water evaporated before it could reach him.

“Magmus not scared of little rain shower.” he mocked. “Magmus get fired up!”

“Oh, yeah. Then so will we!” said Starla. “Ready ladies, it’s time to turn our own powers up.”

Fluttershy and Rarity agreed, knowing what to do.


Their suits were all glowing and sparkly. “There, now we’re stronger and protected from more of the heat!” said Starla.

“Big deal!” growled Magmus. “FIRE BELCH!” he unleashed another burning wave, but the ladies just stomped their ways right through it, taking all the hits with ease.

“I state again… How Rude!” Rarity gagged. “Fire may not faze you, but this may!” and she fired a huge light-beam from her horn which damaged him good.

“That hurt!” he bellowed.

“Perfect!” said Starla. “The light is not fire, so he can’t absorb it, and it’s not flammable either.

Ladies, let’s get busy!”

The others agreed, and ley all jumped in

Magmus punched and kicked at them like crazy, but they dodged his every blow, and with her Super-Mode protecting her, they punched and kicked him hard in the face without suffering much damage from the flames.

“Now Magmus really mad!” the monster growled, and he flared up so hard, he was nearly turning pale yellow-- close enough to be white-- and scorching all the grass around him.

“MAGMA TRAIL!” he unleashed such a force of magma that it burned a crater right where he stood, forcing the ladies to fly up high into the sky.

“Where they go?!” Magmus growled.

“Up here!” Starla shouted, and she and the others came soaring in from above.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” Starla fired a few shots from her bow making sparks and explosions fly all around the monster, blinding him.

Rarity soared in and gave him a huge slash with her claws, and Fluttershy gave him a huge booting to the belly, sending him up high and crashing down hard.

“I think I’ve had enough of this brawl.
Let’s finish him once and for all.” Fluttershy said.

Starla agreed, “This one’s mine. It’s been a while, but here goes…!”

She powered up her finisher and aimed her bow squarely at her target. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!”

POW!! The massive shot fired and struck Magmus hard.

“Me Magmus! Me can’t lose…!!” but the monster already exploded-- changed back into a guard, imprisoned in a sphere, and the monster badge broke.

The ladies cheered for joy and came together for a big group hug.

“That felt hot.” Starla joked, having enjoyed her first real battle in a while.

“Starla!” Lightning called as he finally came in on the scene. “Sorry, I couldn’t make it. I had to help with the fire teams. Are you okay?”

His wife smiled and nodded at him.

Lightning was pleased with his wife and friends.

Meanwhile, Flareous received word from Keltar…

“So, Magmus was defeated, and my guard imprisoned?”

“I should assume so, your majesty.” replied Keltar.

Flareous snuffed, “Good riddance. Even that monster was too much, even for me. Now I can concentrate on what’s important.”

He went off to continue the war, leaving Keltar to silently fume at him in thought, “you thought this was bad? Just you wait… “Your Majesty!”

The Damages were all taken care of, and the rain clouds were wiped away. All was as it was in New Canterlot, including something else…

Pyron was training solo in the fields with his sword.

Earlier, he was brought before their majesties.

“You did noble thing today, and we appreciate the assistance.” said Grand Ruler “But you must not take things too lightly. This war is far from over and there will be greater battles ahead.

However, since you are prepared to take the risks, and your help can be beneficial, I am hereby willing to assign you to aid and assist in battle, but only if necessary. So, don’t go barging into every bit of battle that happens.”

Pyron was more than accepting of this new role, and his determination to bring down his father and Blizzord was flaming brighter than ever.

He leapt up high, and came slamming down with his sword, sending flaming waves through the ground, and obliterating his practice targets.

Panting softly, he felt he had done enough, for the evening was starting to settle in, and he sheathed his sword. “Another day.”

As he turned round to leave, he was surprised to see Glaceia. She had been watching him train all afternoon, with interest rather than shame.

“I didn’t know you were there.” he said.

His love approached him softly. “I want to apologize, Pyron. I’ve done a lot of thinking, and I have talked with our friends.

I have been very pushy lately. I understand now. You only wish to help others now and help end this war with our fathers.

Pyron agreed.

“But I should have told you this before.” she paused “…I was afraid that if you went off into battle, that something would happen, and I’d lose you.”

“I know exactly how you feel. I often fear losing you too, and I very nearly would have today had I not helped.

You are the most important being of all to me, Glaceia. I don’t think I could bear it if I lost you, and I’m sure that others feel the same about their loved ones.”

This brought on the pain of losing their mothers.

“I’m sorry that I worried you,” said Pyron. “If you want me to quit battling, I can.”

Glaceia shook her head. “…You have my support, and my prayers. Just please, try not to leave me.”


The couple embraced under the darkening skies, and their lips came together.

Though it wasn’t nice to look, the three couples stood from afar watching the reconciled couple embrace.

The husbands held their respective wives close just enjoying the blissful peace.


In our next episode: Blitzy begins to work at the hospital when more casualties cause emergencies. Meanwhile, Swift Star is still struggling with his problems and his growing feelings for her, and things get harder when he himself is hospitalized under her care.

How will Blitzy’s new job affect her thinking, and what will become of Swift?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Doc-Torn Up”)

Episode 9: Doc-Torn Up.

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Poor Swift Star hadn’t felt the same since he took Blitzy on the tour and acted rather short with her, and yet he couldn’t get the image of her out of his head.

“She’s so pretty, and yet she’s so hot-tempered!” he said to himself as he imagined her standing in different poses admits a golden, stary background, with her mane waving and her eyes sparkling.

Then he could hear her grouching at him while making hurtful and inaccurate statements…

“All you Starfleeters know is war and chaos.”

“You cause more problems than you fix!”

“I hate Starfleet, and anyone involved with it.”

He pounded angrily and let out a great big, “ARGH…!!”

“Shhhhhhhh…!!” many ponies in the library called him, making him realize where he was, and felt most embarrassed.


He had been cramming hard again for the promotion exams, which were now only days away, and his brain was twisting and turning with test anxiety, as well as his thoughts about Blitz.

Suddenly, the alarm went off. The civilians all remained where they were while he rushed outside to see Ice and Flame Guards terrorizing in the streets.

Lightning, Krysta, Rainbow, and the Twins swooped in from above, and Lightning saw Swift and urged him to come over and help.

“Let’s take them!” Lightning called.

“RIGHT!” the others shouted.

“Yeah!” agreed Swift, and he tapped his energizer, “Power On!”

Once he was transformed, the fight was on.

Lightning punched and kicked the weapons out of the guards’ hands with such grace and swiftness, and he even pulled off a brand-new trick.

“Try this bit of Uniforce!” he called, as his hand glowed brightly and the Uniforce extended from his arm in a super long, solid beam-- like a sword. A few simple waves, and the beam struck all the guards at different distances around him, blowing them to smithereens.

“Wow!” Swift exclaimed softly, almost forgetting to concentrate as more guards came at him.

“Ha!” he kicked a guard hard in the chest, knocking him into two others.

Two others then grabbed him, but he flipped them both over onto their backs.

The guards ganged up on Krysta, but she didn’t feel the least bit afraid. The guards came in and swung their swords and spears at her, but she zipped and sprinted about.

“Am I too small or too quick for you?” she teased.

The guards angrily threw their weapons up at her, but she just conjured her double portal to send the weapons right back at their owners. “They never learn.”

Dyno and Myte punched and kicked down more of the guards. Then they found themselves surrounded on each side.

“Shall we?” asked Dyno.

“Andale!” hollered Myte.

They waited as the Flame Guards charged from one end, and the Ice Guards came in from the other end, and at the last minute, performing beautiful Spanish Pirouettes, the guards missed and accidently struck the opposing guards.

“Chumps!” the twins chuckled.

Rainbow rushed in from here, there, up, and down, kicking and punching each guard in her path.



…And here comes THREE!!

Whoo! I get a thrill out of this!”

One person who wasn’t getting a thrill was Swift. He did well at the start, but now, as he faced a bunch of guards coming at him.

“Come on you creeps!” he balked while standing ready, but because of his restlessness and test anxiety, he was getting worn out easily, and worse he began to hallucinate about Blitzy again.

This allowed the guards to apprehend and beat him senselessly.

“Swift!” Lightning shouted. He rushed over quickly pulling the guards away and tossing them aside for the others to blow into bits, but Swift was injured in the beating he took-- clutching his arm in agony, and his forehead had a huge gash.

“Come on! Let’s get you to the hospital.”

“Right, here goes.” said Krysta, and she teleported everyone off.

More ice and flame meteors were causing trouble all over the cosmos thanks to Flareous and Blizzord.

Some planets had Starfleet outposts on them to watch over the populace, and the soldiers did their very best to deflect the threatening objects, but the soldiers would weaken themselves severely by blowing out too much power in the deflection.

Even still, small fragments of objects still struck the surface, and while the damage was not as severe, there were still some casualties and injured soldiers and civilians.

Medical staff, both Starfleet and the populace, were all tied up dealing with all this at once and required assistance-- more doctors, nurses, specialists, and medical supplies to treat the warriors and other patients.

United Equestia sent some of their own medical specialists to other planets to assist the outposts in their emergencies, this left some of the hospitals and sickbays a little short on staff, but not too seriously.

This did, however, leave opportunities open for newly graduated medical students, and even others like Blitzy Heart.

She finally relented and agreed to take up a job at New Ponyville General Hospital, so she could pay her rent in the Royal Palace.

Dr. Penny Sillion, upon viewing her credentials, was more than pleased to have her admitted to the staff.

“I’ve often admired you Space Doctors. I often thought of becoming one myself.”

Blitz smiled, “Just the same, Dr. Sillion, thank you for giving me this chance.”

“It’s my pleasure, and please… call me “Penny.”

Another new member of the staff ran into them in the halls.

“Whoa… What up fellow lady docs.” said Tree Hugger. Because she was a licensed physician and the hospital needed more hands, she was pleased to volunteer her services.

“Love the coat. White is, like, the radiance of the healing waves. You feel it caress your inner vibes.”

Penny and Blitz stared at her wide-eyed and perplexed at her hippie act.

Nevertheless, Blitz happily got to work. She gave checkups to some ponies. She helped treat those who were sick; like Pinkie Pie having a bad stomachache.

“Ooohhhh!” she groaned. “Note to self: Chili and Cupcakes don’t go well together.”

Apple Spice sighed and informed her again. “That’s why you don’t put chili IN the cupcakes. I tried to warn you.”

Blitz helped others who had broken or sprained bones. Why she even was asked to assist Penny in a stomach surgery, since her regular assistant was out.

Then, there were Starfleet officers coming in to have their physicals for the promotion exams-- a lot of them.

Still Blitz didn’t seem to mind too much. She was still just beginning to soften up to Starfleet, knowing it was important.

One of her patients was a Space Alicorn mare, with a soft orange coat, a reddish mane, and she looked as if she had been crying.

“You seem physically healthy.” said Blitz. “Is something wrong?”

The mare did her best to hide her sadness. “Nothing’s the matter. Everything’s okay.”

It wasn’t Blitz’s job to pry into someone’s life if they didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, your physical is nearly done. Just go down the hall for your radiology exam and exercise tests.”

“Thank you.” The mare replied as she left the exam room, but Blitz could see tears coming from the corner of her eye as she went.

“What’s with her?” she wondered.

Suddenly, there was an announcement over the intercom.

“Dr. Heart wanted in Exam Room 5B.

Dr. Heart wanted in Exam Room 5B.”

She picked up her clipboard and made her way down the hall, and she was ever surprised to find the patient she was looking after was Swift Star.


Swift couldn’t believe his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“She works here now.” said Lightning “We’ve known for a while.”

Blitz was surprised to see Lightning and friends there too, but now was not the time for further questioning.

Blitz examined Swift and diagnoses, “You suffered a small concussion, and you have a hairline fracture in your arm. You’ll need stiches, and your arm to be in a cast and sling for a week or two.”

Swift felt like leaning back hard on the exam table in outrage. “Perfect! Absolutely great!”

Krysta pitifully shook her head. “These things happen.”

“Sorry, Meng.” said Dyno.

“We really are.” added Myte.

Lightning hung his head low. He already suspected it was his test anxiety and restlessness that caused him to be injured-- but he didn’t know of the rest of it.

Rainbow was the only one who gave Swift any confidence. “You’re going to be just fine. I’ve busted myself up many times, and I always bounced back.”

Later, he and his friends were having drinks and snacks in the cafeteria while Blitz got to work binding up Swift’s arm.

“Hold perfectly still.” she told him.

As she worked putting the shell and the plaster in place, Swift, again, became lost at how pretty she looked.

“Why are you doing this for me? I thought you hated Starfleet.”

Blitz gave him a stern look, but remembering how horribly she treated him before, she couldn’t blame him.

“It’s my job.” she simply said, “Besides, I’ve had a little bit of an eye-opener. I see Starfleet isn’t all that much that I thought it was.”


“But I still think that Lightning shouldn’t be part of all this.”

Those words automatically made Swift roll his eyes. She still hadn’t learned enough.

“When are you going to get it through your head; you can’t just make Lightning leave all this.”

Blitzy looked up at him angrily, but decided not to say a thing to him, fearing it would cost her the job.

The cast was all finished anyway, and she fit the sling around his arm. “You stay in this room until tomorrow. We need to make sure your concussion doesn’t worsen.

No Training, No Battling, No Lifting heavy things for two weeks, and no Field Exams either.”

Swift sighed, “There goes my promotion for sure. Thanks anyway.” He almost smiled at her, but now there wasn’t much left for him to do but just lay in bed as he was instructed.

His head still ached a bit, but he didn’t know if it was from the stiches, the blow to his head, or his stress, especially as he watched Blitz clean up the mess she had made during the procedure.

“I’ll check up on you again. Get some rest.” she told him.

Swift slumped miserably in his bed.

“By the way…” Blitzy said. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being so hard on you before.” She almost smiled at him, which made Swift’s heart race.

Then she was gone, and he was alone with his thoughts, which still plagued him.

“She doesn’t think Starfleet is bad anymore, yet she still wants Lightning to leave it all. What is up with her?

How can she be so pretty and still so blind to things? And now she’s the one looking after me too!”

He pictured her again in that golden scenery, and she winked at him and called his name. “Swift…


Then the fantasy faded into reality, as it was Lightning who was calling to him. “Swift, are you okay?”

He suddenly snapped awake. “Whoa…” he groaned realizing where he was, and then he held his head. “Ohh…! My head!”

“Easy, meng. You need to relax.” said Dyno.

“I’ve never seen someone so stressed out over a test before.” added Myte. “Dyno and I were nervous, but not to the point where we couldn’t concentrate in battle.”

Lightning shook his head pitifully, “Well, you won’t be taking the field test when it happens. I’ve already postponed yours until you heal. In the meantime, you can get plenty of rest, and relax like I’ve been telling you to!”

“Yes sir.” agreed Swift. “I just feel so stupid right now. I just can’t think straight.”

“It shows…” Rainbow teased under her breath, earning her an angry glare from Krysta.

“Swift,” Lightning said “I know the pressure seems hard, but you can’t let it get to you. You know as well as I do that a good Starfleet fighter needs to have a strong and level head.”

Swift nodded, but he thought to himself, “It’s not just the test that’s on my mind is the problem.”

Suddenly, there was a voice at the door. “Excuse me…”

Everyone turned and saw a Unicorn Stallion. He had a dark blue coat, with a brown colored mane, and his cutiemark was that of a scoop with bricks.

He had a face with an expression saying he was looking for trouble.

“Can we help you?” asked Lightning.

“You can, Commander.” he said. “The name’s Brick Wallen. I came here looking for my fiancé, Sun Setter. She’s having her physical for those promotion exams.”

“Yes, I know her. She’s a cadet fresh from the academy, ready to become a full-fledged member of the force.” said Lightning.

“I don’t think so.” sneered Brick. “I want you to kick her off the force right here and now.”

Lightning was stunned!

“What?” snapped Krysta.

“Kick her off the force?” exclaimed the twins.

Swift didn’t like the sound of that either.

“You heard me.” Insisted Brick “I want her off the force before she becomes to attached to it, and you can kick her off.”

“No, I can’t, and I won’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t just expel a cadet with great potential without a good reason.”

“Oh, really? Well, I’ve got a good enough reason for her to get off the force.”

Before he could explain…

“Brick?” called a voice. It was Sun Setter coming down the halls after completing the last of her physical exams.

“There you are!” growled Brick. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.” And he reached to grab her by the arm and pull her off with him.

“Now, wait just a minute!” snapped Lightning.

Sun saluted to him, “Sir… I didn’t know you were here.” Then she turned and saluted to Rainbow and the Twins, “…Generals.”

Sun then looked back at Brick. “This is my Fiancé, Brick Wallen.”

“Yeah, we got that.” said Rainbow.

“And don’t you forget it.” sneered Brick. “I’ve told her a-hundred times, I’m going to wear the pants in the family, and there plenty of other jobs she can have besides this.”

The friends got the whole picture now.

“You don’t like Starfleet, do you?” asked Dyno.

“I didn’t say that!” snapped Brick.

“You didn’t have to; it shows.” said Myte.

Brick seemed to be getting angrier. “Whether I do or not, I just want Sun out of this nonsense.”

Sun glared at him furiously, “I told you, I am not going to quit the force, not after all the hard work, time, and money that’s been put into my training.”

Brick looked back at Lightning and the Generals, but they all just glared at him with strict expressions telling him they were not willing to help him.

“Here’s the bottom-line!” he said to Sun. “You can either be my wife or part of Starfleet, but not both! You take that test or take the exit with me!”

Everyone felt struck that he would make her choose such a thing. Sun did not answer verbally. Instead, she removed her engagement ring and gave it back to him.

“Fine!” growled Brick, and he stormed off.

Sun’s eyes filled with tears.

Lightning put his hand on her shoulder. “Are you going to be alright?”

“I’ll try, Commander.”

“Guy’s a jerk. He doesn’t deserve you.” said Krysta, but her words didn’t help Sun at all.

Lightning looked back at Swift as if to tell him, “We should go.” and Swift agreed as he watched the officers leave with the tearful cadet.

No sooner had the left, did Blitz come from around the corner of the hall doing her rounds, and she overheard everything.

She couldn’t believe how rude and loudmouthed Brick was to Sun.

“I take it you saw all that?” Swift asked from his bed.

Blitz only just realized she was standing right outside his door.

“This happens a lot.” Swift admitted. “Some ponies either just don’t like Starfleet, and/or they just don’t want their family or friends to be involved.”

Blitz slowly walked into the room astounded to hear this.

“I remember, years ago when I was training at the Starfleet Academy.

One of my instructors, Captain Silver Night, had been on the force for four years. He was having terrible emotional troubles. He was engaged to a lovely mare, and she laid it on the line for him.

She didn’t want to be married to a Starfleet Officer, and when he refused to give up all the years he devoted to the force, she gave up and left him. She did more than break his heart, she crushed part of his spirit…

He became aggressive in his instructing, and he pushed us cadets to the edge and beyond, and when anyone questioned him, he just went harder and meaner.

“Drop and gimmie 50…!

…Make that 100!!

Do not question my orders!

You are all a sad and worthless disgrace, and I am going to write recommendations to expel you all!!”

Finally, he had gone too far, and one student stood up to him-- Me!

“What is your major malfunction, Cadet Swift Star!”

“I don’t think I’m the one malfunctioning here, Captain.

It’s easy to see that you’re the one with the problems, but what gives you the right to take it out on us, your students.

Maybe that mare-friend of yours is a disrespectful lady who cares more about herself, but she’s your problem.

And you know… maybe she’s right.

It wouldn’t be easy to be married to a Starfleet Officer. You’re so much stronger and more powerful than she is, you’d spend a whole bunch of time out on the battlefield, putting your life in danger, while she sits at home worrying her heart out if she’ll ever see you again.

And even then, when you do stick around, what’s she to think of you? A big strong Starfleet pony that has the power to crush whole buildings, and maybe she’s got friends who would be ashamed or worried to hang around you, feeling and worrying that the simplest infraction breaks the law, and you’d have to bust them.

I don’t know much about this romance thing, but I do know this… people have their objections to the service, and they feel uneasy about being around people like us who contribute to it…

But above all things, I know this… I’m training to be on this force because it’s a job that needs doing, it’s a job you can be proud of, and a job that benefits not just you but everyone else—even those who think differently about it and wished it was gone.

You tell your mare that the next time you see her and see how she acts, and if she still refuses, well then, it’s her loss, not yours. You’re better than she is, and you deserve better than she ever does.”

After that, Captain Silver Night took some time off to collect himself, and to try and reconcile with his mare. She refused to take him back, but thanks to the advice I gave him, she returned to the academy, and he didn’t act so harshly.

He even found some other mare who was proud to be with him, but even still…

…There are others out there like Brick, and think that they are in the right, and they know what’s best, when really, they’re just looking out for themselves.”

Blitz felt struck by the story and given what she had seen in the halls made her think about the way she wanted to take Lightning away from all of this.

“But I’m not just doing this for myself, I’m doing it to honor the Harmonian Traditions. I can’t let the spirits of my people be disturbed knowing that one of their own kind has turned against them.”

Swift sighed and shook his head. “How do you know they’d be angry? How do you know they wouldn’t be proud of the accomplishments you and Commander Lightning have achieved?”


“Commander Lightning helps to defend people, so they don’t have to suffer the same horrible fate your planet did.

And you… you help people by healing them and making them well again.

Maybe what the two of you do makes you better than before, not traitorous. Take that with you and think on it.”

Blitz stood where she was completely stunned by the way things were.

“Ahem!” said a voice from the door, and there stood Penny. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but there are patients waiting.”

Blitz felt embarrassed and headed out the door.

She stopped again and said to him, “Thanks.” she smiled lovingly. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

Then she dashed off, but her smile made his heart begin to race. It showed on the heart-monitor, which Penny noted, and then she looked back up the hall, at Blitz.

Penny wasn’t the only one.

Krysta was hovering up at the ceiling. She had seen Blitz approaching and thought she’d stick around in case more drama occurred.

She fluttered off to find Lightning.

Outside, Lightning and the friends saw Sun Setter to the stairs.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” asked Lightning.

Sun nodded, “Yes, sir. I want to keep my mind clear for the exams. I’ll deal with Brick another day, and if not, then I’ll just keep going and be better.”

“Good for you, Chica.” said Dyno.

“You’re going to make it just swell.” added Myte.

Rainbow gave her a thumb-up.

Then Sun flew off for home.

Lightning was proud, but then he looked around and noticed, “Where’s Krysta?”

Suddenly she appeared calling out to Lightning.

“Where were you?” Rainbow asked.

Krysta couldn’t help but giggle, “You’re not going to believe this…”

She then whispered her thoughts into everyone’s ears, that Swift had a crush on Blitz.

“What?!” Lightning said utter disbelief.

“No way.” added Rainbow.

The Twins gawked at one another.

Rainbow then burst out laughing. “You’re kidding, right? That is just so--” she fell over laughing and kicking and wiping tears from her eyes, but the others didn’t think it funny at all.

Lightning could still hardly believe it. “Are you sure, Krysta?”

“Well, he showed the signs, but I can’t be totally sure.”

Lightning thought it over, but he couldn’t prove or disprove it either way. “I think we’ll have to ask him about it, but not right now. Wait until he gets better. He’s already under enough stress.”

“Besides, we have to get ready for the exams.” said Dyno.

“Si, lots of officers and cadets to test and grade.” added Myte.

With that, the friends went off, but Rainbow was still holding in a few laughs. “Swift and Blitz…?”

Swift just lay in bed, still with his mind going in circles about Blitz.

“She’s really come far since I first met her.” he thought. “Maybe I should ask her out.” He gasped and then did all he could to perish the thought, “What am I thinking?! She doesn’t really like me, and besides, she’s busy, I’m busy, she’s much older than I am.”

No matter how many excuses he tried to make, the thought of going out with Blitz didn’t leave his mind.

“I’m toast!” he thought grimly, and yet he was smiling on the outside.


In our next episode: Goldwin is given a great opportunity to see the world by performing at the New Crystal Empire, but Flareous and Blizzord have a performance to give of their own when they each send a monster to attack, and the two monsters merge together forming a great threat to bring down the curtain.

Can our heroes save the show and their lives?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Hot/Cold Feet”)

Episode 10: Hot/Cold Feet

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Another day, and it was that time again, and Grand Ruler Celesto picked up the statue of Goldwin off his pedestal in the hallway to move him someplace special.

Some of the children who lived in the Royal Palace were getting dressed in leotards and dancewear.

Including Prince Castor and Princess Leilani.

“Children,” Celestia called, “Are you ready?”

“Yes, Mother.” the children called as they came through the door.

“Oh, don’t you look like real dancers.” Celestia joked, and then she led her children down the hall.

As they went along their way, they came into some familiar faces; Shining Armor had arrived with Flurry Heart, who was almost four years old.

“Hiiiiii…” Flurry called.

The children ran up to her, happy to see her.

The two parents chuckled, and then everyone headed downstairs to the big dance hall where other children were joining in, and Grand Ruler had Goldwin all set up.

“Ready everybody?” he called.

The children nodded, and all together, everyone chanted the magic phrase…

“Powers of life, now begin
awaken the magic from within!

As Goldwin came to life, he began to dance around the place putting on his usual opening show for his students, while magical voices were heard in the background.

Magic Dance School,
there are fun things to do.
Magic Dance School,
It is waiting for you.

Goldwin leapt up high letting showers of magical sparkles rain out from his our as he spun around.

There’s magic in the air,
A wondrous dancing fair.
A many people who are wanting,
To see you all there…
For Magic Dance School…
Let the Magic begin,
Let the Magic begin…!

Magic Dance School…
Shout it from within!

And the children all shouted with glee, “MAGIC DANCE SCHOOL!!”

Goldwin did his finishing pose as the song ended, and he received thunderous applause, so he took a bow.

“Good morning, children.”

“Good morning, Mr. Goldwin.”

“Oh, it’s so wonderful to see you all here again at Magic Dance School. We’re going to have a lot of fun today and learn new things…

…But you know what we always do first.”

“We do our warm-ups!” the children answered.

“That’s right. It’s important to do our warm-ups so we don’t hurt ourselves when we dance.”

Goldwin was a great instructor, and wonderful with all the children. He was there to help them stretch just right, the positions for them to hold and step, and even teach them several tricks.

“Now, remember, when you spin around, try to keep your eyes focused in one position. Then you won’t feel so dizzy.”

The grownups all watched from the upper level where they could all have refreshments, talk, and just keep an eye on their children without being seen.

“You have to admit, he really is wonderful with them.” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed.

“Flurry Heart loves, dancing,” said Shining Armor “I’m glad we signed her up for classes here.”

“Oh, by the way,” asked Grand Ruler “How’s the ballet show coming along back home? I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

Celestia nodded in agreement, but Shining Armor then looked grim. “Not so well. Our leading mare and stallion dropped out.

The said the play was becoming too common for them, and they’d rather have sophistication.”

Their majesties hung their heads in dismay.

“Cadance is trying to find someone new, but at such short notice, everyone else is booked or just not as interested. If we don’t find replacements soon, we’ll have to cancel the show.”

Their majesties were really looking forward to seeing the show, as well as taking the children along as part of their cultural studies.

An hour and a half later, Dance School was over for another week. The students all came together to give their teacher a big group hug before gathering their belongings and departing for home, except the three royal children, as their parents came right downstairs to collect them.

“You all looked like you had fun.” said Celestia.

“We did, Mother.” replied Castor.

“Watch me do a twirl.” said Leilani, and she pirouetted with grace.

“That’s wonderful, darling.” said Grand Ruler.

Flurry sighed, “I wish I could do that.”

Her father hugged her, “It’s okay honey. You’re just starting out, and your cousins are older and taller than you are.”

Goldwin approached Flurry and smiled with her, “I like seeing you here at class anyway, that goes for all the children.

It means I have whole new friends to share with. It’s a great way for me to connect with the outside world.”

Then he went off to plan next week’s lesson steps, but the entire group all watched him leave with sad expressions.

“Goldwin is so sweet.” said Celestia. “It’s such a shame that he can’t leave the palace and see new sights.”

Grand Ruler sighed, “We’ve tried everything we can, but we just can’t seem to find the right magic or the right way to bring him fully alive so he could.”

Flurry felt so sorry for Goldwin, “Will he ever be able to leave the castle?” she asked her father.

Shining Armor shook his head, “We don’t know, honey, but we’re not going to give up. He deserves a life outside.”

While Goldwin was alone preparing his dance lessons, he couldn’t help but gaze out the window, and felt rather sad for himself again.

“I wonder if I’ll ever get to see things out there.” He wondered to himself, and he began to sing a soft sad song lamenting his condition.


What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

There’s meadows lush and green,
Where the flowers, they bud,
And the animals play all day,
In the treetops and the mud.

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

The mountains reaching to the sky,
And they’re covered in snow,
The towns are bustling each day
With friends to meet and know

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

To feel the warm breeze fluttering,
And the sun on my face,
But I’ll never get to share it,
Cause stuck here in this place,

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world
I hear it as it calls

I hear it… it calls!

Like all times, as the song ended, Goldwin would stick his hand outside the window, only for his fingers to start to turn back into solid gold, forcing him to pull back, and he hung his head low.

Meanwhile, Flareous was in his master bedroom sharpening his big sword, and as he worked, he gazed at the royal portrait on the wall, of himself, his wife and Pyron when he was very little.

Looking at his wife filled him with a deep sadness and rage he had been feeling for many years. “Blizzord will pay!” he said to himself. “I’ll not rest until his entire world has fallen for the pain they caused me!”

Then he looked at Pyron, “My son! How could you betray me, and after everything I’ve done! Why… why will you not come home? Why did you have to leave your father with that brainwashed Icienian!”

He was so upset that he raised his sword high and destroyed his sharpening wheel.


At the same time, Blizzord was looking at tiny photos in a locket he wore round his neck. One was that of his own wife, whom he still blamed Flareous for her death, and the other was of a very young Glaceia.

“I may not ever be able to get my queen back, but I will have my daughter back, and I will destroy anyone who gets in my way-- be it Flareous or Starfleet, or anything at all.”

The two kings were both in grouchy moods, even as much as launching attacks wouldn’t seem to snap them out of their funk.

“I need some entertainment.” Flareous grumbled, and he ordered, “Summon the Royal Dancers!”

A single tall female dancer came out, with orange skin, long flaming hair, and fiery clothes. She began to dance around, spinning, leaping, and prancing about, making fireballs and fire trails as he slid along.

“STOP!!” bellowed Flareous. “KELTAR! What is the meaning of this? I ordered the Royal Dancers!”

Keltar bowed, “With all due respect sire, the dancers were all injured when the last attack shook the palace, but I found this unusual monster badge and thought I’d test it out.”

Flareous did seem furious, but after seeing the destruction this dancer did with all the flames everywhere. “Hmm… do you think you could give them same performance to Starfleet?”

The dancer bowed and said, “Flare-O-Rina, at your service, my lord. I’ll dance up such flares that will roast my victims alive!”

She snickered wickedly which brought an evil chuckle to Flareous.

Meanwhile, Blizzord’s Royal Dancers were able to perform for him, but he did not feel any bit of enjoyment seeing them prance about.

“ENOUGH!!” he thundered. “You call yourselves “Royal Dancers?” More like “Royal Dunces!”

“But sire, wait…” called Smark, “They haven’t gotten to their big act yet.”

Blizzord raised his trident ready to skewer him in anger, but Smark quickly called, “Que Twinkle-Froze!”

That’s when a slick looking female dancer with long icy hair, and an icy crystal outfit leapt out in front of the dancers.

She shouted, “ICE TWISTER!” while she spun around on her toes making icy winds blow like a cyclone, and large ice balls to come raining down all around.

“And that’s just for starters,” she hissed. “When I dance, I can freeze up the house big time.” She demonstrated this by leaping up high in a grand jete and shouting, “FROST FOOT FORCE” she landed on the ground with a strong slam, which didn’t hurt her, and a long trail of large spiking icicles popped out from the ground, scaring the dancers and the guards away.

Blizzord gave an evil grin. “I bet I know who else would enjoy a performance like this.”

“Who’s that?” Smark asked, which earned him an angry glare. “Ohhh, I get it.”

Blizzord could only roll his eyes.

Meanwhile, Professor Brain had invited Goldwin and their majesties to the labs for an incredible breakthrough he had made.

“Why do I need to be here for this, Professor?” asked Goldwin.

Brain chuckled, “Why, Goldwin, old chap… this is going to make you extremely happy I tell you.”

He cleared his throat and explained, “As you know, our attempts so far to allow Goldwin to be in places beyond the palace have been unsuccessful, but I believe that I have the answer, which has taken me years to perfect.”

He then presented special cuffs, gloves, boots, and a visor for Goldwin.

“What are these things?” asked Grand Ruler.

The Professor told Goldwin to don the accessories while he placed a large silver panel on the floor. Once this was complete, the professor activated the magical devices.

Goldwin was bathed in a bright light, and then, right next to him on the panel appeared a second Goldwin. Everyone gazed in awe.

“Hey, it’s me.” Both Goldwins said at the same time, in perfect sync. Goldwin covered his mouth in shock, and his clone did the same thing.

Their majesties were astounding.

“Professor…!” cried Celestia. “This is positively incredible.”

“Ah, but you’ve not seen the most of it yet.” replied Brain. “Goldwin, walk around a little bit and set your visor’s transparency to half.”

“Okay.” said Goldwin.

With the visor set and switched on, Goldwin was astounded. “Wow! I can see things through the eyes of the clone and still see everything in front of me.”

He took a few steps forth, and his clone did the same thing.

He did a few pirouettes, and the clone copied him.

“This is incredible!” cried Goldwin.

“It’s almost like a droid.” said Grand Ruler.

Brain nodded, and then he moved towards the clone. “Goldwin, please extend your right hand.”

Goldwin did as he was told, and Brain placed a simple metal ball into the clone’s hand.

“What?!” cried Goldwin. He looked down at his own empty hand, “I don’t believe it. I can… I can feel it! It’s cool, and it’s heavy.”

He could see the ball in the transparency of his visor, and though his real hand was empty, through the incredible technology combined with magic, he was able to toss the ball up and catch it while still feeling it.

Next, Brain handed the clone a cup of water. Goldwin made the clone drink it, and he himself could feel the coolness of the water running down his throat.

“I can taste!” he cried for joy.

Brain smiled widely. “Satisfactory! Most, Most, Most Satisfactory!”

“Professor! This is… beyond words of incredible!” cried Celestia. “You’ve created a whole new extension for Goldwin.”

Goldwin’s eyes shimmered like the sun as he realized what this meant. “Does this mean I can finally leave the palace, or at least feel like it?

I can see new places. Try new things? Meet new friends?”

The Professor’s expression changed, “Well… erm… you see, it’s not quite perfect yet.”

Grand Ruler could see the flaws. “I see what you mean. Goldwin may be able to see and experience new things, but there still is a matter of space to move around and actually do things while here in the palace.”

Goldwin finally realized there were only so many places he could travel to within the palace, like giant walls closing in on him and preventing him from going too far.

How could he walk up and down stairs, or travel great distances, or fly great heights and distances?

Goldwin felt his spirit starting to sink. He switched off the magic accessories, and the clone instantly vanished.

“Now, now, now.” said Brain. “There may yet be ways to improve the design. I’m certain that with several more tests and perfections, we can expand it.”

Grand Ruler thought of something. “Tests”, you say. I think I may know just where you can start, Goldwin.”

The next night, Ponies and other creatures were huddling at the New Crystal Empire outdoor theater for the Ballet show.

Naturally, Lightning and Starla came, but Starla came through the eyes of her droid, having to stay home with the kids.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” said Lightning. “Goldwin is finally making his public debut.”

“It’s all so exciting.” said Starla. “He’s been cooped up in New Canterlot Palace for so long. It’ll be a great chance for loads of people to see him perform.”

“I wish the others could be here to see this too.” said Lightning.

Most of the friends had to stay at home because this sort of event would be too much for their tiny children to attend, and no single one of them wished to come alone without their family.

Rainbow Dash, and the Spanish Twins. The Apple family came too.

The officers were all given VIP seats in the royal box where the Royal Canterlot Family sat.

“Good evening. Glad you could all make it.” said Celestia.

Everyone bowed to their majesties as they were shown to their seats.

Applejack did not join, preferring to stay with her family in the common seats. “This is going to be so exciting.” she exclaimed softly.

“I haven’t been to the ballet in so long.” said Pear Butter.

“Hey, you and I danced before.” said Bright Mac. His wife gave him a playful stare. “I don’t think privately dancing in the moonlight fields is the same thing.” Then she snuggled into his arms, “…But I love it just as much.”

Applebloom was sulking. “I don’t get why I had come. I’m not all that fond of ballet.”

“Oh, coming on sis.” said Applejack “You need to open yourself up; try new things.”

“Eeyup.” Grumbled Big Mac, but then he whispered into Applebloom’s ear, “I’d rather be snacking back home than here.”

Rainbow was growing a bit impatient too. “Come on. Start the show already!”

“Rainbow!” sneered Lightning. “Will you cut them a break. This is more than just a ballet show.”

Pyron and Glaceia were invited as well and sitting next to Applejack.

“This is really lovely.” said Pyron. “I’ve never been to a real show in my entire life.”

The Apples were surprised to hear of this.

“You mean there were no ballet shows on your planets?” asked Applejack.

“There are…” replied Glaceia, “But as royalty and given our positions, we only had royal dancers to entertain us.”

“You never went to any real show?” cried Pear Butter, and she felt on the verge of tears.

“…Sakes, that is just… blue.” said Bright Mac.

Suddenly, the stage lights all went dark, and the Royal Crystal Fanfare sounded as Princess Cadance made her appearance on the stage in the spotlight, wearing a dancer’s outfit rather than her royal garments.

The crowd cheered her on, and she took a bow. “Welcome, one and all to this production of “The Good, the Bad, and the Forgotten.” A newly made ballet I have recently written.”

She then explained certain circumstances. “At such short notice, as I wrote and choreographed this production, I am forced to play the role of Leading Lady myself.

As for my Leading Male, we have an extra special guest making his public debut tonight, and I could not be happier for him, and thankful as well.”

She continued to explain the basic plot of the story, before taking another bow, “And now… On behalf of the Royal House of the New Crystal Empire…

“The Good, The Bad, and The Forgotten.”

She ducked down behind the curtain as it opened wide, and there stood Goldwin’s clone, standing in a forest scene, with trees, rock formations, a castle in the background, amidst a night sky.

The soft, gentle music began to play, and the clone began to move softly-- waving its arms softly brushing across its face, twirling, and leaping about.

He was so graceful for a newly debuted pony; the audience already watched him with glee and interest.

He was playing the role of a sad, and lonely pony who was looked down upon by villagers-- other dancers that moved around him-- until he was befriended by a beautiful, traveling Princess, played by Cadance herself.

Shining Armor whispered to Flurry, “Look, there’s Mommy.”

Flurry waved to her mother, but of course Cadance could not see her while dancing, especially with Goldwin during their duet dances.

Professor Brain was sitting backstage watching the show, with kind permission from Cadance, while observing the show and making notes.

Next to him was the clone spawning panel that he had brought…

Far away at New Canterlot Palace, the setup was simple.

With Princess Luna’s help, the large ballroom was cleared and set for Goldwin to dance while controlling his clone from a distance.

With the aid of his accessories, he could feel the touch of the other dancers, and even the weight of Cadance with which he made the clone lift her up.

Because of the wide area of the ballroom, Goldwin could easily move about, allowing his clone to gracefully dance across the stage. Whenever he had to scale up set props such as stairways or objects, Luna used her magic to create solid, realistic light formations to match the shapes.

Luna also took notes for Professor Brain detailing the functions and processes.

Goldwin was especially enjoying himself, being able to see so many new faces in the audience, and new sights around him, but he was careful to keep focused on his dancing.

“Satisfactory, Most Satisfactory.” Brain whispered to himself, but it was unknown if he meant his observations or the performance, it was going so beautifully.

The Spanish Twins had tears in their eyes. While Lightning and Starla were both enamored with the dancing too.

Rainbow was trying not to fall asleep. Ballet just wasn’t much for her, but she did her best to show support for Goldwin, but soon she started to show enthusiasm, “My favorite part of the show-- action scenes.” she whispered.

This was a big action dance number, where the people of the village deemed their princess a traitor for fraternizing or at least showing any friendship to the pony they hated and sought to see both her and the outsider suffer.

As the dancers moved around, special effects went into play, including smoke bombs in the background to symbolize magical shots that misfired.

Suddenly, there were two small explosions on either side of the stage, which frightened all the dancers-- as if they were unexpected.

“What’s happening?” wondered Lightning. The others all wondered too, and then, as the smoke cleared, they could see two strange looking dancing ladies-- one of fire, and one of ice.

“Monsters!!” Cadance shouted.

“Monsters?!” cried Goldwin.

“Oh-hoo… My word!” exclaimed Brain.

Grand Ruler then stood and shouted to the audience, “Everyone, clear out of here! Now!”

The audience began to panic as they all scrambled to get away from the theater.

“What’s happening?” asked Princess Luna.

“Monsters!” cried Goldwin. “They’ve just appeared on stage.”

As the audience filed out leaving the theater empty, the two monsters then noticed each other.

“Who are you?” snarled Flare-O-Rina.

“I’m the one taking over, that’s who!” sneered Twinkle Froze. “So, you just flare on out of here.”

The two creatures growled at each other, and they both leapt down to the vacant stage, making explosions of fire and ice, setting the stage and the props ablaze.

“Come, keep going! Keep going!” Applejack hollered as she guided everyone away. Her family was the last to go.

“Applejack!” cried her mother.

“Don’t worry about me, Ma… you and everyone else get to safety.”

The family agreed, and her father said, “You be careful, honey.”

She couldn’t promise that but waited until her family was off the grounds.

Celestia teleported all three children and Glaceia into the Crystal Palace where they would be safe, and watched over them, while Pyron stayed to help the others in the battles about to commence.

Grand Ruler soared up high to cast a large barrier over the entire area to ensure the danger would not spread.

Goldwin’s clone, however, was still trapped on stage. The real Goldwin could not travel too far from where he was in the palace, and he couldn’t deactivate his clone until it returned to its platform!

Suddenly, “There it is!” The pedestal was lying in the back of the stage where Professor Brain sat before, he had escaped. He had forgotten to take the platform with him. “I’ve got to get to it.”

He began to run towards it, but the two dancing monsters had already leapt down from the stage trees, sending fire and ice waves across, and knocking the clone off its.

“ARGH!” Goldwin cried as he felt himself falling over like his clone.

“Goldwin!” cried Luna as she ran over to try and help him up quickly.

The monsters spotted him.

“Well, well,” hissed Twinkle Froze, “Looks like someone likes to dance more than I do. It’ll be my pleasure to eliminate him.”

“Hey! Hands off, this is my battle.” insisted Flare-O-Rina.

Both dancers charged straight at the helpless clone and they both dove hard at the same time.

Goldwin braced for his fate, when suddenly he was whisked off…

…So swiftly, that Princess Luna was knocked off her feet. “What? Where’d you go?”

There was a strong explosion that blew up many things on the stage, setting it ablaze and leaving ice stones and spikes about.

Goldwin opened his eyes to find he was in the arms of Cadance, as the Silent Ninja.

She set him down gently on the stage-- which made the real Goldwin be set down on the floor of the dance hall.

“Whoa! That was close!” he sighed. “I guess I forgot it can be really dangerous in the outside world.”

He wiped his face in relief, accidentally knocking off his magic mask in the process, and he changed into a statue, which caused the clone to cease functioning immediately-- as it had no vital signs or link ups.

Not that it mattered anyway, for the clone’s panel had been caught in the explosion and it finally shorted out and exploded, causing the clone to vanish completely.

…All of Goldwin’s accessories went blank as well.

Cadance was furious, and stood to confront the two creatures on stage, but as she looked ahead through the flames and ice rocks, she couldn’t believe her eyes…!

“They’ve merged!” she thought.

The two single dancers had somehow merged into one creature. She was now larger. Half her body was flaming with fire, the other half was blue and icy. Her hair was two-toned with both elements, and her outfit now was that of an ice-skirt shrouded in blue fire, with a strong armored blouse.

Even the two monster badges on her forehead had combined into one as well.

Even her voice had changed, and became stronger, but prettier. “It almost feels great to be one again. I… the great Flareice will now dance my greatest performance!”

She stuck out her arms, “FROST-FIRE WIND!” and she began to spin around on her toes, creating a whirlwind of flaming ice.

She sent the wind whirling towards Cadance, which she swiftly dodged by leaping off into the orchestra pit.

The crazy winds smashed the other end of the stage, angering Cadance further.

The evil dancer turned to face her again, but she was suddenly shot at by a big blast of Uniforce sending her crashing into the prop castle.

Cadance looked up, and saw Lightning standing with his friends, Starla’s droid, Pyron, and Saber.

“And just when the show what about to get cool!” said Rainbow.

Up on the Crystal Palace Terrace, Flurry Heart was frightened and crying. “Make it stop! Make it go away!” she wailed.

Celestia held her close, and Castor and Leilani comforted her.

“Don’t worry, Flurry, everything will be okay.” said Castor.

“Yeah, mother and father won’t let anything bad happen.”

Celestia was proud of her children for being so brave. Then she looked up at Glaceia and asked, “That creature down there, do you know of it? How did the two monsters combine?”

“No, but I have heard the stories.” replied Glaceia. “My mother told me she was once cornered by Flareice, until she was saved by The Great Hero who challenged it head on.

The creature seemed strong and merciless, until the hero decided to weaken her by using two monster badges to only capture part of her malicious essence, causing her to split up into two weaker creatures that he defeated.”

Glaceia looked over the edge, “Now that the creature is whole again, her power is immense.”

Celestia felt a little worried, but she had confidence in her friends and family.

Cadance regrouped with her friends as the monster glared them down.

“Give up while you can! We out number you.” Lightning shouted.

Flareice laughed, “Now what’s a ballet without backup dancers!” and she summoned forth a swarm of both Fire and Ice Guards.

“Oh, great! That’s all we needed.” Groaned Dyno.

“Let’s get in there and bust some moves of our own.” suggested Myte.

Lightning agreed, “Let’s go!”

Pyron held his sword up and began to parry the attacks of the guards that came his ways.

Three ice gaurds came at Applejack and threw their spears at her, one by one. She backflipped three times, and disappeared up and over, into the orchestra pit.

The guards picked up their spears and leapt up to go in after her, only for the twins to jump out at them by surprise.


The guards were blown into shards.

Applejack leapt up shouting, “Yee-Haw!”

“ARIBA!” the Twins hollered with her.

“Two seats up front!” Rainbow hollered as she lifted two seats and threw them at the guards that came for her.

The rest of the fighters stood near the burning stage to confront the monster.

Lightning scanned her with his visor and read that her power levels were very high. “We’ll try taking from different sides.”

The gang agreed, leapt up, and zipped off in different directions.

“You can’t be serious…” sneered Flareice. She could already feel Lightning about to come near her, and she pirouetted majestically causing him to miss his attack, and she kicked him hard.

Then she felt Starla’s droid trying to sneak up on her from the front, and she bent over backwards avoiding the attack, and then breathed a thick layer of ice flames over the droids’ eyes.

“No! I can’t see!” Starla wailed at home, and to make matters worse, her shouting awoke baby Twinkle, and she was crying from her room.

Starla couldn’t just leave the battle, but the sound of her child wailing hurt her just as much. Still, she had to stay and continue to fight-- Starfleet Priority.

“Sorry, sweetie…” she said to herself.

“INSECT SCIMITAR!” Saber drew out his sword, and began to slash at her, but she served and dodged his every attack with her skilled dancing and movement.

She gave her head a large shake, thus flicking her solid ice hair at him, bashing him in the face and sending him crashing into the front row of seats.

“Watch your step!” the monster teased.

Cadance threw her shurikens at the creature, only for her to spin, twist and leap out of the way of them all, and then rushed forth bashing her hard in the gut and sent her slamming onto the ground.

Grand Ruler kept watching from above while maintaining the barrier. “Come on, don’t give up!” he called to the fighters. How he wished she could be down there to aid them, but he had to ensure the destruction would not spread.

“Here comes my big move!” the monster shouted, and she leapt up high into the air, “STAR EXPLOSION!”

“LOOK OUT!!” Lightning shouted.

The others all huddled close to him just in time as the monster came crashing down hard on the ground…

KAPOW!! A large explosion engulfed the area, taking the remains of the stage, and all the seats and things inside the barrier with it.

“NO!!!” shouted Grand Ruler. He struggled to maintain the barrier.

Celestia held the children down as they all and Glaceia covered their eyes from the resulting brightness.

When the lights dimmed down and the smoke cleared, the theater was in a total wreck-- chairs busted up and fallen about, the remains of the stage, props, and wooden planks scattered about and a few flames burning about.

The monster stood tall and took a bow to no one in particular. “And with that, the curtain falls, and victory is mine.”

As the last of the smoke cleared, she looked behind her, and couldn’t believe her eyes-- a large barrier of Uniforce reinforced by extra magic from the others dispelling, revealing the fighters were all safe and sound.

“You won that act, but the show’s not over yet.” teased Lightning.

Their majesties and Glaceia were ever so relieved.

The monster was infuriated. “I suppose I could use an encore, and no fooling around this time.

“You got that right.” said Starla.

The monster jumped forth and the fighters all attacked as well.

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE” Saber shouted as he unleashed his electricity.

“FROST-FIRE WIND!” The monster shouted as she sent another burning whirlwind out, which absorbed the electrical currents, strengthening the twister.

KAPOW!! Another big explosion ruptured making it look as if the fighters had been struck, but really, they had all split off at the last second, scattering about the field.

“Get her!” shouted Lightning.

“Huh???” The creature looked up just in time as Lightning soared in and gave her a huge punch to the face.

Starla’s droid crept up and kicked her hard in the back.

Pyron then leapt in. “Take this!” and he slashed her with his sword multiple times making sparks fly.

Finally, the monster grabbed him by the wrists and looked ready to knock him away, but Rainbow Dash soared in and headbutted her hard in the gut of her armored vest, sending her crashing hard along the ground.

“I’ll show you all!” Flareice bellowed, but as she stood and prepared to leap up high, Applejack used her rope, and Saber used his chain-and-sickle to bind lasso her legs together.

“You ain’t going no place but down!” hollered Applejack.

“You got that right,” agreed Saber. “That’s what happens when you blow out a good deal of your energy.”

“What makes you think I have?!” bellowed the monster, and her two-toned hair magically rose up strong. “Take this all of you… FLAREICE BERG!”

POW!! She fired a strong wave of flaming and icy winds forcing the two fighters to duck down.

“Fire two!” shouted Flareice, and she prepared to unleash another wave…! When suddenly… “G’AAH!!”

Cadance had zipped past her, slashing the monster badge on her head in half with her kunai.

“NO!!!” Flareice wailed as the badge glowed brightly, enveloping her body in a bright light, and when the light had faded, she had split apart into Flare-O-Rina and Twinkle-Froze. The two of them still looked weakened and beaten up from the battle.

“Just you wait!” bellowed Flare-O-Rina.

“We’ll get you all yet.”

The Twins and Saber disagreed.

“Why don’t we bring the curtain down on this show.” suggested Saber.

The twins agreed, and they along with Saber powered up their finishers.

“SUPER SHOCK SLASH!” Saber slashed his electrified blade at Flare-O-Rina.

“BOOM-BOOM FLARE!” The twins unleashed their fiery wrath on Twinkle-Froze.

The two monsters exploded, and the guards were imprisoned as the two badges broke.

“YES!!” Grand Ruler, and he dispelled the barrier.

The children cheered with glee while Celestia and Glaceia sighed with relief.

“Alright! We did it!” cheered Lightning. Then he noticed Starla’s droid was standing perfectly still. It didn’t move or make a sound.

“Starla? Are you in there?”

His wife did not respond…

The second the battle had ended, she dropped her controls and dashed upstairs to tend to the baby, only to finally realize that Twinkle had stopped crying.

Upon entering the Nursery what she saw melted her heart.

Shining Light had been awoken and disturbed by Twinkle’s cries, and when their mother didn’t and couldn’t come up straight away, Shining Light had fluttered up and into the crib and was gently rocking his little sister in his arms and singing soft little Las to her to her.

Little Twinkle had calmed down and was slowly drifting off to sleep with a big smile on her face.

Shining Light even gave her a big kiss on her little head.

Starla couldn’t help but shed a tear.

When everyone headed back to New Canterlot Palace, Starla told everyone what she had seen.

“Now that, is just the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard of.” Applejack said with a sniffle.

“You raise your son well, Lightning.” said Grand Ruler.

Lightning smiled, feeling such warmth in his heart, but then his smile turned to sadness. “I’m just sorry about what happened tonight.”

“Don’t worry about the theater,” said Shining Armor. “We’ve already got plans to rebuild it, and all the families and folks that came to see the show are getting a half refund on their tickets.”

Lightning shook his head, “It’s Goldwin. I feel just terrible for him.”

Everyone felt the same way.

Professor Brain had recovered the clone panel from the wreckage, or rather what was left of it. It was damaged beyond repair.

“Poor guy,” said Dyno.

“Now he’ll never be able to go outside again.” added Myte.

“I wouldn’t say that.” said Celestia. “On the contrary, he did have his first night of freedom by helping with the ballet didn’t he.”

Cadance already noted that, “And the panel is broken, but it can be built again, only better than ever.”

“Ah, I see…” said Rainbow. “So, there’s still hope for Goldwin to roam free yet.”

Grand Ruler nodded. “We will learn from this and build upon it. We’ll find someway to give him the life he deserves.”

Starla turned to the droid to see Goldwin standing on his pedestal at the end of the throne room, and looking out the window at the night sky.

He had a soft smile on his face, having had his first taste of real freedom, and knowing there was hope for him yet.

“Someday…” he thought “Someday, it’ll really happen, and I look forward to it.”

As the scene panned out, he softly sang the verse of his song again…

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world
I hear it as it calls.

I hear it… as it calls.


In our next episode: It’s time for the promotion exams to commence, which arouses many groups of protestors to form one of the biggest and most dangerous disturbances, all lead by Brick Wallen, and Blitzy Heart gets caught in the middle of it all while helping others out.

Will the protestors have their way? Will Blitzy Heart be able to escape her fate?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starflet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Promotional Protest: Part 1”)

Episode 11: Promotional Protest: Part 1

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The big day had arrived, all Starfleet officers and cadets were up at the crack of dawn and reporting to town halls, test centers or wherever else the Promotional Exams were being held, buy most of the major exams were being held in New Canterlot.

First came the written exams: A ten-page assignment requiring multiple-choice answering, filling in the blanks, and even writing up opinions of what to do in certain situations.

To further keep things fair and in order, all the cadets were required to use specially enchanted quills that would be able to tell if someone was trying to cheat on their exam-- copying, hiding notes, or using special magic.

How much of a score was required depended upon the rank and position a Cadet or Officer was aiming for.

Cadets just graduating to full-ranked Lieutenant required a Seventy-Five Percent minimum. Other positions and ranks required higher.

These written tests were only part of it. Then came the field tests, which Lightning and his friends oversaw for many officers.

All Cadets and officers were required to go through simulating experiences…

-Monster battles
-Obstacle Courses

…And a final verbal revaluation, in which the subject was brought before Lightning or one of the others and asked simple questions.

Lightning asked, “If I were to assign you to a superior officer, would follow their orders?”

“Yes, sir”

Starla then asked, “If I were to appoint you as the head of a unit, would you treat all your subordinates with respect and discipline only when necessary?”

“Yes, General. I would.”

Buddy asked, “What does a true Starfleet Fighter stand for?”

“Fighting in defense, maintaining peace and order. Never for power, fame, or glory, Sir!”

With so many officers and so many to train, observe, and question, the exams went on for days and days, and then it would take just as many days for the tests to all be carefully graded and the results mailed out.

Some ponies were not the least bit pleased with all the fuss, especially Brick Wallen as he saw Sun Setter taking her field test from far away.

He was still very enraged that she chose to be with Starfleet instead of him.

“She’s a fool! An Idiot!” he grumbled. “Well, she’s going to realize the mistake she made putting her loyalty with these losers.”

A pony passed by behind him carrying a basket of flowers, and as she did, he felt her pass him a little piece of paper. Then she just stopped waiting for the traffic light to change so she could cross the street.

The note read…

“We’re all set and ready to go…

Just give the word.”

Brick grinned, and he quietly slipped a little green ball into the mare’s basket, which was the signal she needed to know. She nodded at him, and then crossed the street when the light turned green.

“It’s time!” thought Brick.

Swift Star could only watch helplessly from his single-room home. His head had healed nicely, and his stiches were gone, but his arm was still in a sling and would be for another few days until the doctor gave him the go ahead, and he was still ordered to stay away from battles and stress, and that included the tests.

He wasn’t even allowed to go on patrol, which meant all he did all this time was sit at home or just go for plain walks.

He had read every book and magazine he had; he had done a few jigsaw puzzles, and he was growing very annoyed.

“Ugh! I’ve never been so bored in my life!” he groaned to himself. He began to pace around the room again hoping to relieve his boredom, but to no avail.

How he wished he was out there taking his test, and then at least he would relieve some of his anxiety.

He was so frustrated he felt like hitting something, and he almost slammed his bad arm on the table, which he stopped at once.

“I’m losing my mind.” he said to himself. “Maybe I should just go for another walk and clear my head.

Yeah, go for another walk… like I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before!”

Seeing it better than staying cooped up all day, he headed for the door, and when he opened it, he received a big surprise…!

There stood Blitzy, and she jumped when he opened the door before she even knocked.


Swift’s cheeks went pink at the sight of her, “D… D… Doctor Heart…? Um… why are you here?”

Blitzy cleared her throat and said, “I came to check up on your arm, and see how your head is coming too.”

Swift’s heart began to race, and he thought, “She’s here… in my home… with me?! This is so neat!” He felt like he was floating on air.

“So, can I come in?” Blitz called to him, snapping him back into reality, and he let her in.

Swift was soon sitting on his bed which made good for an exam table, she felt along his head to check for swelling, and the feel of her hand against his-- even wrapped in a rubber glove-- he could still feel the warmth, and it sure made his temperature rise, but he managed to keep still.

“Looks good, there’s no more swelling. Now, let me kiss you.”

He blinked in near shock. “What? What did you say?”

Blitz looked confused, “I said, “Let me check your arm.”

Swift felt stupid, but with Blitzy’s help they looked at his arm, and while Swift assured her it didn’t hurt nearly as much anymore, Blitz was taking no chances.

“In a few more days we’ll take the sling away, and you should be all better.” She gave him a soft smile, making him blush again, and as she gathered her things up, she seemed to be slowing down, which made Swift think something else was up.

“Doc… is there something wrong?”


“Why did you come here to see me when I could’ve just come to the hospital?”

“Lightning asked if I’d check on you, that’s all.”


Swift was starting to feel a bit disappointed, but as Blitzy turned to leave, she stopped just before the front door.

She turned round an asked, “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I really need to talk to someone about this, other than Lightning.”

Swift invited her to sit down at the table.

“I just don’t know what to think or how to feel about all this…

I’ve seen Starfleet, and it’s not what I thought it was, and I’ve seen the things Lightning does and how appreciated and needed he is.”

Swift could get what she was saying, “You don’t want to try and get him away from all this anymore?”

“Yes… No…” Blitz paused, “I just don’t know anymore. I mean, I’m leaning to the fact that he belongs here, but there’s a part of me that’s saying “You’re a fool. Don’t give in.”

She grabbed her hair and grumbled softly. “What’s wrong with me?”

“I don’t think anything’s wrong.” said Swift. “You’re trying to look for a quick answer to this hard question because you feel compelled, still, but just now you’re starting to realize that there’s so much more to things than how you thought.”

Blitz was astounded by his deep, strong speech again.

Swift continued by saying, “This sort of thing you can’t get a fast answer to, no matter how much you want it. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself and see if you can overcome yourself.

That’s the biggest problem we all have; combating against ourselves and trying to decide what is truly right or wrong, and in the end, it’s up to us and only use to make those decisions and let it shape our lives.”

Blitz clenched her fists softly, but she knew Swift was right.

She looked at him deeply, and Swift became lost in her eyes again, and she became lost in his too.

They both just kept staring at each other, until the moment was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.

Swift got up and answered. It was Lightning with Krysta.

“Just here on my lunchbreak. I thought I’d see how you’re doing.”

Then he could see Blitz over at the table. She got up and came to the door to leave, “He’ll be fine in a few more days.” Then she left, walking down the street.

“Oh, rats!” Swift grumbled in thought “I thought we actually had a moment there.”

Lightning noted the way Swift looked at Blitz as she walked off, and this confirmed Krysta’s theory.

“See, I told you.” she whispered into his ear. “He’s got the hots for her.”

Lightning nodded, but he didn’t say anything about this.

“Gad to see you’re getting better, Swift. I’ll still hold off your test until your fully approved to take it.”

Swift nodded, “Thank you, Sir.”

With that, Lightning left down the street to talk to Blitz leaving Swift to shut the door and punch it softly with his good fist. “Blitzy…” he said as he envisioned her again.

By now, he was reaching the peak of his crush. “Maybe I should ask her out, and finally clear the air of this.”

Then he felt ready to smack himself for thinking that. “What am I thinking? She’s more than five years older than me, and it’s against hospital policies for a doctor to date her patient.”

Now he was stuck with a hard question he couldn’t get a quick answer too. “…Sometimes I hate being right.”

Lightning saw Blitzy turn a corner, and he zipped round the corner to catch up with her, only to find she was nowhere to be seen.


“Where did she go?” wondered Krysta.

Suddenly, Lightning saw a small black bag just lying on the sidewalk. It was Blitzy’s doctor bag with all her tools in it, and now there was no doubt in his mind. “Something must’ve happened to her. It’s like she just was just transported away.”

“But how, she has no magic to do that with.”

“Lightning…!” someone called to him. It was Mykan Stevens.

*Mykan’s POV*

I had been flying around looking for Lightning or somebody, and it was a good thing I saw him and Krysta.

“Thank goodness I found you.” I could barely speak; I was all in a panic.

“Mykan what’s wrong?” he asked me.

I told him that I was on my way to school to teach my class that afternoon, “And when I got there, Cheerilee and the students, they weren’t there.

I just walked inside, and nobody was there at all.”

Lightning and Krysta thought this was becoming quite suspicious.

“Maybe they just stepped out for a while?” suggested Krysta, but I shook my head. “I saw them. As I flew in, I could see Cheerilee and some of the kids through the windows, but when I walked through the door… they were gone.”

Lightning looked down at Blitzy’s bag.

Just then, Starla appeared in the forum of a hologram. “Lightning, you need to come back to the palace, now, we’ve got a big emergency.”

Lightning could already guess what it was. “Alright, I’m on my way.”

Starla vanished.

“I’m going too.” I insisted, “I want to find out what this is all about.”

Lightning agreed, and then Krysta teleported us both to New Canterlot.

Once there we found the entire unit waiting for us, and their majesties briefed everyone on the strange occurrences.

Grand Ruler explained, “In the past few hours we have been receiving emergency reports. Ponies and other creatures have been apparently vanishing from every corner of the planet without a trace.”

He showed magical images of many of the missing beings. women and children, teachers, doctors, scientists, and creatures of different trades.

Rarity gasped, “Not the fashion ponies! I know them all.”

Spike calmed her from going into a panic. “Take it easy. We’ll find them… I hope.”

“Maybe they just walked through the inivisports by mistake?” suggested Applejack.

Artie shook his head, “Not likely. Everyone was told to keep away from them, and there haven’t been any signs of alien attacks either. So, they’re ruled out.”

“It’s not just beings that are vanishing.” said Dyno.

“Si, a lot of tools were taken from our mines as well.” added Myte.

Everyone one of us gawked at the Twins and began to compare stories.

“We sent out for a delivery of Flour Bags today,” said Pinkie. “But they never arrived, and we’re starting to run low. We can’t bake our goods without flour.”

Buddy then remembered, “I was shopping at the market for more seeds and plants to put in my garden, but the pony said someone had bought out her entire stock.”

Suddenly, Captain Shaina entered with a small stack of papers. “Latest reports, your majesties.”

Then she left.

Celestia looked over the reports. “More stores and shops have been reported on missing their stocks of inventory, and others report their deliveries didn’t make it.

-Groceries stores
-Hardware departments, and more.”

Her husband checked the papers. “What in the universe is going on?”

Lightning began to sense a sinister plot. “Food, plants, building supplies, tools, medicines…

All these things and all these people disappearing at once. It sounds like someone’s gathering all these things for some kind of trip or something.”

“Sounds like more than just a trip to me.” said Starla. “Hasn’t anyone noticed that no Starfleet Ponies have been abducted?”

Their majesties checked over the reports again and confirmed not a single Space Pony was reported missing, but it still didn’t help with much of the current situation.

“Who would want to take all this,
And kidnap beings that others would miss?” asked Fluttershy.

“I don’t know, but we better hop it,
Find out what they’re doing and stop it.” said Rhymey.

“Our thoughts, exactly.” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed.

“But what about the exams?” asked Rainbow.

“Never mind that,” said his majesty. “Other officers will be assigned. Right now, you all have some investigating to do. We’ll give you your assignments and offer any available search teams that we can.

We’ll get to the bottom of this. We’ve got to.”

*POV Pause*

Meanwhile, Blitzy awoke, and found herself in a dark chamber along with so many other civilians-- women, children, and all the various missing creatures.

Children were crying and scared, while their moms or teachers comforted them.

“What am I doing here?” asked a Minotaur.

“I was just out walking and then… Here I am,” said a pony.

“What’s going on?”

“What are we all doing here?”

Several children huddled around Cheerliee in fear, and she comforted them, though she was in fear herself.

Suddenly, lights lit up all around revealing everyone standing in a big white room, with no doors or windows. Just white squares everywhere, all along the ceiling, walls, and floor.

“Welcome, one and all…” a voice called.

“Who said that?” hollered Blitz.

Then, on one of the walls appeared a holographic image of none other than Brick Wallen, whom many recognized at once.

“Now, calm down.” said Brick. “You’re all safe. You were teleported here by my friends, who studied hard in magic.

We’re all in a secret bunker, underground outside of New Ponyville. that I built over a year ago for a project I’ve been planning, and we’ve chosen you all to help us with a daring and great project I know you’re going to love, and not even Starfleet will be able to stop us.

…They don’t even know we’re here.”

He chuckled softly. The image faded, and then some of the white glowing squares on the wall changed their lighting to reveal pieces of a large picture, with a magical animated story.

This story was generated by unicorn ponies that were standing with Brick in a dark room that none of the captives could see.

As the animation progressed, Brick laid it all on the line…

“Many of us are sick and tired of Starfleet; always making the rules, acting like they own us all, and always wrecking our lives.”

He was still angered that Sun Setter chose Starfleet over him.

“Well, we have the answer to all your problems.”

The people were confused now.


“We don’t have problems.”

“What’s he talking about?”

Brick explained, “We’ve all decided that if Starfleet won’t go away, we’ll do what others would do, and leave the planet. We’ll start our own society, on another planet we know of, and you’re all invited to participate.

After all, we need important others-- like doctors, teachers, strong types, to help make it possible.

We’ll live happy and free, and no one will ever tell us how to live again.”

The captives could already tell that he was insane.

“No way!” the Minotaur growled. “I like it right here on United Equestria.”

“This is my home, and I won’t leave it!” insisted Cheerilee.

The children all squealed. “WE WANT TO GO HOME!!”

The more the captives protested, Blitz could see their seriousness and how their lives that they loved were being threatened. This put her more in mind of the way she acted before-- wanting Lightning to be taken away from it all.

“Come on!” Brick bellowed “I’m offering you all the chance of a lifetime. We’re going to be free! We’re going to show who’s really in charge.”

The captives wanted no part of his crazy scheme!

“Let us out of here!”

“You’re crazy!”

“Your plan will never work!”


Brick clenched his fists.

“They’re not buying it.” said one of his friends.

“Oh, they will.” said Brick. “I hoped it wouldn’t come to this but, so be it. This will get their minds off their ideas… literally.”

He pressed on a switch on a remote control…

…At the same time, gas began to spew into the room with the captives.

“Gas!” cried Blitz, and before anyone could panic, they were all knocked out cold.

“Suckers.” said one of Brick’s friends. “Good thing I took those magic classes on potions.”

Brick gave him a smirk, and said, “Give them the other gas.”

“With pleasure.”

More gas filled into the captives’ room forming a non-lethal, bluish mist. The cloud softly curled over the captives, much to Brick’s delight.

“When they wake up, things will be different.

Meanwhile, we still need more supplies and we’ve got round up a few more people.”

“Leave that to us.” one of the friends said, and the group of other friends grinned wickedly.

With all the officers’ children at daycare or at home with other relatives, and with other forces looking after the exams, the team split into groups assigned by their majesties.

The first thing was to question all the business owners, shop dealers, and any eyewitnesses who had either seen things or beings vanishing, or if they knew something was wrong.

Mykan assisted in the search as well-- questioning people and taking their stories, but so far it was the same story everywhere.

“He was walking along, and then he just disappeared.”

“One minute she was there, the next she wasn’t.”

“They were supposed to come to work, but they haven’t been seen for days.”

Many of the citizens were very worried for their friends, loved ones or co-workers.

The officers tried to scan the area for any traces of magic, but they could find nothing. Even Krysta couldn’t detect anything. “Whatever was here that yanked them away was fast. It just happened and then it was gone.”

“Well, that doesn’t help much.” said Starla.

Lightning agreed, “We’re not beaten yet. We’ll try Plan-B.”

Starla and Krysta nodded, and all the others had the same idea too.

The team tried to scan for the life-sign readings of the missing ponies, like Cheeriliee, or Blitzy, or anyone who’s DNA or vital signs were on record.

Even Mykan was given a special pair of sunglasses to wear which serves him as the same functions of a Starfleet Visor, and they made him look snazzy too.

“Come on, Cheerilee, where are you?” he said as he searched all around, but he, like the others, couldn’t seem to detect anything, as if whatever the captives where the signals couldn’t get through.

As the search continued, Swift had gone out for a walk, not knowing of the danger at hand.

“Gee, the streets sure are quiet.” he said. “Then again, a lot of the officers are at the exams. I wish I was there too.”

He was so lost in his daydreams that when he turned a corner, he bumped into Pyron and Glaceia who were out for a stroll themselves.

“I am too,” said Pyron.

“Me too,” replied Swift. “To be honest, that’s the most exciting thing that’s happened to be in over a week.” he implied to his arm and his being off duty. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

The couple didn’t know what to say to him.

Suddenly, there was a cry out for help.

Swift couldn’t resist the urge to rush in to answer the call.

Pyron and Glaceia watched him head to the other side of the street where an Earth Pony mare was crying out by her fruit stand, which was empty.

“What’s the matter?” asked Swift.

“You’ve got to help me!” wailed the mare “I just turned my back to get something, and I turned around again, and all my fruit was gone-- vanished.”

Swift was about to examine the stand when two guards came along.

“Hold it, right there.” One of them said, and then he looked at Swift and said, “You’re supposed to be off duty. We’ll take it from here.”

Swift tried to protest, but the guards insisted he leave.

Swift stormed off in a huff.

Pyron and Glaceia felt bad for him and hurried to catch up with him.

Swift was so mad he kicked a small rock on the ground and sent it rolling down the street.

He was so upset he decided to sit on a bench to calm down, and what timing he had…! The moment he sat down, the bench vanished, and took him along with it.

Pyron and Glaceia saw it.

“He’s gone!” cried Glaceia.

“But… where did he go?” wondered Pyron.

Because Swift had Starfleet training, the force of the sudden teleportation didn’t knock him out.

“What the…?!”

He looked around to find himself in what appeared to be a massive room with the bench he sat on, along with piles and loads of all kinds of goods…

Food, ingredients, tools, plants and trees, medical supplies, hardware, and many more things.

“What’s all this?” he wondered in shock.

While Brick and his friends were shocked in the control ops.

“You idiots!” he balked at his friends. “You weren’t supposed to take that bench with someone sitting on it.”

The teleporters gave him a straight look.

“How were we supposed to know he’d sit there are the last second.”

“Yeah, these targets take time.”

Brick then noticed Swift’s cast, “Hey, that’s the guy from the hospital.”

He remembered arguing with Sun Setter outside of Swift’s room.

“Oh, great! You guys just captured a Starfleet pony! Now he knows where we are, and he’ll report to the rest of the force!”

“Wait a minute, look.” said another friend. “He’s not wearing one of those… transforming… badgey… thing-a-ma-jiggies.”

Brick saw this and he felt his good luck smiling upon him again. “Well, that’s something. He can’t alert his friends, but he knows what’s going on. We can’t let him leave here.”

His friends agreed.

“But what are we going to do with him.”

“We don’t want any Starfleet ponies coming with us.”

“And we can’t brainwash him either, he knows how to resist it.”

Brick gave them all a look-- a nasty, wicked look which told them all enough.

“No way!”

“You wouldn’t?!”

Brick held up his hand, “I wouldn’t, and you wouldn’t… and we don’t have to.”

He pressed on a switch which opened a door to the storeroom, much to Swift’s confusion.

“Hello?” he called. “What is this? Where am I?”

He got no answer, and he wasn’t sure whether to go through the door or not either. He didn’t have to because in marched Blitzy.

“Doctor Heart? What are you doing here? What’s all this about?”

Blitzy didn’t answer, she just glared at him with a look of fury in her eyes, the kind of look that said she hated his guts and was looking to take him down, which gave him a shivering feeling.

Blitz was suddenly joined by more ponies and other creatures filing into the room with her, and they all had the same snarling expressions as she did.

“You’re Starfleet!” Blitz growled.

“You’re not one of us!” yelled the Minotaur.

“You must be eliminated!” bellowed a griffin.

The crowd of creatures began to march towards him chanting. “No More Starfleet! No More Starfleet! No More Starfleet!”

To Be Continued…

In our next episode: Swift must manage to outmaneuver the brainwashed civilians and escape his fate from the insane ponies. Meanwhile, it’s Touch-and-Go for Lightning and his team to put an end to Brick’s plans before he leaves with the stolen goods and the missing citizens.

Is Swift doomed to meet his end? Will Brick surrender his plans?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Promotional Protest: Part 2”)

Episode 12: Promotional Protest: Part 2

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“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

During the promotional exams and field tests, many civilians across Equestria began to mysteriously vanish along with many supplies and goods from businesses all over. As Lightning and friends began investigation, an off-duty and irritable Swift Star found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time as he was transported to Brick Walden’s holding bunking, surrounded by brainwashed civilians wanting to dispose of him!


Swift found himself backed up against the wall as the brainwashed civilians continued to creep forth wanting to finish him.

He hollered at Blitz, “Doc, what is with you? Snap out of it!” but Blitz only growled and lunged at him, forcing him to leap up onto a big stack of crates.

“Let’s get him!” Blitz yelled at the rest of the folks, and they all growled and glared at Swift and began to climb up the stack or just hover up to the top forcing him to leap away again.

Even without his energizer, he could tell, “They’ve all be brainwashed.”

Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind by the Minotaur and held tightly. “Let me go!”

“You’re not going anywhere, Starfleet Slime,” the guy growled at him “…Except down!” and he began to put pressure on him, squeezing him harder and harder.

Swift had no choice-- civilian or not. He gave his head a huge jerk, bashing his captor hard in his huge face, causing him to let go as he was sent crashing hard into a pile of supplies.

“Ohhh!” Swift groaned as he held his head. “Talk about a thick skull!”

The civilians all looked furious and rushed to tackle him. Swift knew he couldn’t fight them, and he didn’t have his energizer to transform or help him reverse whatever brainwashing it was.

His only chance was to escape from the room and try to figure out who was behind all this, and the door was still open in the back.

“Coming through!” he shouted, and he rammed his way past everyone knocking them all about like bowling pins, right for the exit.

“Don’t just stand there! Stop him!” Brick thundered over the intercom.

“That voice…!” Swift said to himself. “I’ve heard that voice before.”

Suddenly Swift found himself confronted in the corridor by Cheeilee and her students. They, too, like the others, were brainwashed and looking to really harm him.

“Seriously?! Minors too?!”

The poor brainwashed children just eyed him, and then began to charge, forcing him to dash down the other way.

Suddenly, he found himself surrounded at both ends by more civilians, forcing him to run through the nearest door he could find, which turned out to be his mistake…!

The door slammed shut and he found himself surrounded in a closed-in room with no other way out.

“Looks like you’re stuck.” Brick announced over the intercom.

Swift looked up, and he could see no cameras, no screens or anything. “I know that you, Wallen!” he bellowed. “Let me out of here!”

“And let you warn your buddies, and try to sabotage our plans? Not on your life, just like how you and your Starfleet don’t stop messing up my life and the lives of others.”

That was more than enough for Swift to get a picture of what was going on. “You’ve gone mad!”

“…No! It was you and Starfleet that did this! You took my fiancée away from me, which nearly as bad as all this pushing us around and treating us like criminals.”

“First of all!” Swift protested. “We didn’t take Sun away from you, she came to us, but you decided to toss her out.

And Two: Maybe if you didn’t act like criminals, thinking only for yourselves, causing scenes and disturbances, we wouldn’t treat you as them. Like just now, kidnapping all these creatures, and stealing all these items, and for what?!”

Brick only chuckled, “Why should I tell you? You’re not going to be around to know anyway, and by the time any of your Starfleet Pals figure this out, we’ll all be long gone.

For that matter… so will you.”

Swift didn’t like the sound of that.

He was about ready to ram the door down when he heard the angry civilians pounding at the steel.

“What’s the matter?” Brick taunted him. “Aren’t you going to try to bust the door down? Are you going to hurt those innocent civilians? That’s not very “Starfleet” of you is it.

I’m sure they’ll eventually break the door down, and when they do, they’ll do me a huge favor and dispose of you so you can’t squeal.”

Swift was really in a fix now. How was he going to get out of this and warn the others of what was going on?

He didn’t need his visor to scan the material on the walls. “They’re so thick, readings can’t get through.”

Then he realized there was one possible thing that could alert Starfleet, and so, he began kicking at the walls over, and over in rhythm.

Brick saw this on his screen. “Look at him. He thinks he can kick his way out from that?”

Neither he nor his friends knew what Swift was really doing by kicking walls like that.

Meanwhile, Pryon and Galceia had seen Lightning and Starla with Krysta, still investigating within New Ponyville, and they told the officers everything.

“You’re sure?” Lightning asked.

“We saw it ourselves.” replied Pyron, and he pointed down the street, “The Lieutenant sat on the bench that was over there, and then just vanished.”

The trio observed the space where the missing bench once stood.

“Did you see anyone else in the area?” asked Starla.

“No.” answered Glaceia “We have no clue as to what happened. He just vanished.”

“Well, things don’t just vanish for no reason.” said Krysta.

Just then Applejack came soaring in over the town at an alarming speed.

“Applejack!” Lightning shouted, but she didn’t answer.

Starla noted her flight path. “She’s headed for New Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Lightning!” someone called, it Was Buddy Rose flying overhead, “Applejack may have a lead. Head for the farmlands!”

With a lead in sight, the trio told the couple to get someplace safe. “Leave this to Starfleet.” Lightning said.

Once the friends had arrived at the farm, they found both the Apple Family and Buddy’s family looking grim, and for good reason.

All the Apple Trees were bare, and some were even missing along with entire fields that were full of crops, including from Buddy and Tree Hugger’s personal gardens.

“I can’t believe this!” cried Applejack.

“All my beautiful flowers!” peeped Buddy.

Even Tree Hugger couldn’t hold back her sadness as she sat on the porch with Seedling in her arms and DD standing next to her.

“They all just vanished.” said DD. “I was doing some sprints around the acres, when I saw things just disappearing.”

“I knew I could feel some negative, cool waves in the air.” Tree Hugger said, which was her way of saying she felt something was wrong.

“That ain’t all that’s gone…” said Pear Butter. “Our livestock, it’s all gone.”

Bright Mac confirmed this. “The Cows, the Hogs, The Sheep… all of them.”

“Eeyup. Even many of our farmhands just up and went poof.” added big Mac.

Applejack clenched her fist tightly. “Let me get my hands on whoever did this!”

“Save some for me.” added Buddy. “Nobody messes with my garden!”

Applebloom shivered with worry. “What if I’m next? What if someone else I know is next? Who’s doing this?!”

Applejack calmed her sister, “We’ll find out who, and they’ll pay for it.”

“…If only we had any leads.” muttered Krysta.

Brick’s team was taking inventory with more supplies they had confiscated.

“This is going to do great.”

“We’ll start a great new world with all this.”

As for the new civilians being brought in, Brick’s friends gassed them with their special potion to make them Starfleet-Hating beings, just like the rest.

When Brick asked for an update, one of his friends told him.

“Just a little bit more supplies and people, and we can get ready to leave.”

Brick nodded proudly. “Good. The sooner I put this stupid world and Starfleet behind me, the better. Sun Setter will regret what she did to me!”

He was so busy taking stock of his progress, he still didn’t bother much with Swift, who was still kicking the walls, and the civilians were still trying to kick the strong door down to get at him!

The door wouldn’t stand too much longer, but Swift just kept right on kicking.

“Lightning!” hollered Spike as he and Rarity came flying in and landed by their friends.

Rarity puffed and panted, “Oh, my goodness, I thought I’d never be so tired from all that flying.” She looked at her wings and noted, “They could use a good massage.”

Spike rolled his eyes, but then he noticed the condition of the lands. “Whoa! I’ve heard of fast harvests, but this is nuts.”

Lightning cleared his throat, “Do you have something?”

“Oh, right…” said Raity. “We were soaring over the meadows searching for life readings, and we found nothing, we did, however, pick up something else.”

The couple urged the friends to follow them out into the meadows, and with their visors, they decided soundwaves of vibrations far below the ground-- like something was banging hard on something solid.

“Hey, I recognize this area.” said Starla. “There used to be an old Diamond Dog cave below here, but it was mined completely dry, and the Diamond Dogs relocated under Starfleet’s orders.”

Lightning remembered, “We had the caves and mines sealed up. Looks like someone had some renovation ideas. If they would want to store all that stuff, all those creatures, it’s the perfect place for it.”

He sent Krysta to round up the rest of the team, and she teleported off.

“We’ve got to find the entrance.” said Buddy.

“It was sealed up when the cave was made off limits.” said Applejack.

It wouldn’t take long to find with their scanners, but they had not gone unobserved…

Brick saw on the screen, “What?! How did they find us?!” he bellowed.

His friends began to panic.

“They’re going to bust us!”

“We’ve got to get out of here!”

“Shut up!” Brick bellowed. “I’m not giving up! Not now that I’ve come this far! Get everyone ready to leave. I’ll keep them distracted.” and he went off by himself.

Swift was growing exhausted from all the kicking he had done, and he couldn’t do it anymore.

Finally, the door to his cell burst open and the angry civilians all roared while glaring at him. He was totally backed up against the wall, and Blitzy was closing in on him with the same look of brainwashed fury in her eyes.

“Stop!” one of Brick’s friends shouted over the intercom. “We’re moving out. So, shake a leg and help us get ready.”

All the civilians complied and rushed back into the corridor… except for Blitz.

“No!” she shouted at Swift. “You are mine! I will destroy you!”

She suddenly tackled him to the ground reaching to strangle him.

Swift was so wiped out from kicking the wall so much, he barely had enough strength to push back and keep her at bay, and his cast didn’t help either, but it gave him one last idea…!

“Doc…! Look at this! Look at my cast! Try to think-- you gave this to me.”

Blitz only growled and roared while still trying to get at him, but she took one look at the cast, and began to feel strange.

“No!” she groaned. “I hate Starfleet! I would never help you! You deserve no mercy!” but she couldn’t deny the images in her head.

Her memories were very faded because of the potion she had inhaled, but now they were beginning to clear up. She could see herself putting the cast on Swift’s arm in the hospital.

Swift could feel her grip starting to weaken, which gave him the edge to turn the tables…!

He flung his cast off and quickly rolled to the side allowing him to get on top of Blitz and hold her down by her arms.

Blitz went crazy trying to struggle free, but the images in her head were still plaguing her as they became brighter and clearer.

“Think, Doc!” Swift said to her. “Think hard. You’ve been brainwashed! These creeps are trying to use you in their plans. You hated Starfleet, but you came to accept it. I helped you!”

Blitz shut her eyes tightly shaking her head about. “No…! No…!!”

Her memories showed of Swift taking her on the tour, and all the things he said about her past life and how her disliking Starfleet and wanting to take Lightning away was wrong.

She also recalled the many things she had witnessed, and how it softened her attitude towards the force and made her question her own needs.

“Come on! Come on!” cried Swift. “Keep going!”

Finally, Blitz remembered going to see Swift that day, and asking him what to do about her feelings.

“You can’t decide one way or the other if you want to change your groove, but in the end, you have to pick a way… and from that you’ll know how you’ll want to shape your life, just like the rest of us have to every single say.”

That was all she needed. The effects of the potion had completely lost to her will.

“Doc… it’s alright.” said Swift. “You’ll be alright.”

“…Swift?” she peeped softly. “I remember!”

Unable to control himself, Swift hugged her, making her blush, “Welcome back!”

“Um… what are we doing here?” Blitz asked.

“It’s a long story, but right now I’ve got to get you out of here, and we’ve got to get to Commander Lightning. He must know about this scheme.”

Meanwhile, the team found the old entrance to the mine, which was supposed to be buried under loads of rock, earth, and growing from the meadow. Now it was just enchanted to look that way to confuse people.

“Looks like someone thought this could be a great place for a hideout.” said Lightning.

Starla scanned the supposed cover with her visor. “I’m getting a single life reading from inside… Brick Wallen.”

Lightning’s anger already began to rise. “Let’s get him!”

The team agreed, and they all rushed into the cave, finding the entrance interior didn’t look much like a cave now, but rather with steel enforced brick walls, electrical lighting, and a doorway at the end.

“A real fortress.” said Buddy.

“How in the hayfields did this all get done?” wondered Applejack.

“…Oh, wouldn’t like to know!” hissed a voice over an intercom; a voice that Lightning recognized. “I know it’s you, Wallen.” he called. “We’re on to your little game, and now the fun’s over. Come out and give yourself up.”

“I got a better idea…” chuckled Wallen. “You and your messed up posses there can about face and get out of here, and let me do my thing in peace, so everyone can be happy for a change.”

Spike and Rarity gawked at each other in confusion, wondering how he made any sense.

Lightning bellowed, “If this is how you want it, Wallen… I don’t have time for games. We’re coming in!”

The team prepared to race for the doorway, forcing Wallen to activate a special trap he had installed.

As the team ran closer to the door, they all vanished through a portal warp and ended up back at the entrance of the cave.

“What was that?” asked Rarity.

“Feels like we were warped.” said Spike.

Lightning scanned the door with his visor. “It’s got a warp portal in front of it. If we run into it we’ll just get sent back again.”

“He stole a warp portal too?!” exclaimed Starla.

“How low is this guy going to go?” wondered Buddy.

Brick laughed and said, “The only place I’m going is as far away from you, and your twisted Starfleet ways as possible, and I’m not going alone.”

This made the group realize, and Applejack exclaimed, “…You took all those people and all them things from all over to take them with you on some crazy space voyage?!”

“It’s not crazy, it’s genius!” snapped Brick. “It’s something that needs to be done, for the people, for all our sakes! We’re sick of you Starfleeters messing up our lives!!

We’re all set to leave through another portal I have in this fort, and I won’t have you messing things up.”

The team sighed. “Just like every other, he’s gone nuts.” muttered Spike.

“And just like every other,” said Lightning “…He badly underestimates us.”

He motioned for his friends to stand well back for what he was about to do, and he began to charge up.

“What are you doing?!” cried Brick.

“Showing you how flawed your plans are…” replied Lightning. “UNIFORCE”

POW!! He fired his massive blast right at the portal by the door, and then ducked down as the blast vanished and came back out again from the exit portal behind and into the entry portal…

And again…

And again…

And again…!

“What’s going on?!” cried Brick from within his lookout.

The blast just kept going and going and going, until… KAPOW!! The portal couldn’t handle the constant heating and pressures, that it just exploded which also took the door down.

“No way!!” cried Brick.

The team had already infiltrated the fort, which was shown to be only a few corridors leading to several large storage areas where Brick’s friends were all busy transferring all the stolen goods to the surface to be transported away.

“Everybody, Freeze! You’re under arrest!” shouted Lightning, and all the ponies dropped what they were doing and fearfully raised their arms up.

“Nobody move!” demanded Starla, but suddenly she was grabbed from behind by a large minotaur. She quickly wretched away from him, but then she and the others were confronted by hordes of brainwashed civilians and the children too.

“Okay! This is officially miles over the line!” protested Applejack.

“Down with Starfleet! Down with Starfleet!” the civilians chanted.

“What are you going to do now?” one of the criminals taunted.

“You wouldn’t beat up innocent civilians, would you?” teased another.

The friends, and even Starla smirked, “We don’t have to.” said Lightning. Then he and all the others activated their energizers, firing magical beams at the civilians, instantly counteracting the dying brainwashing potion, much to the thieves’ outrage.

“You’re all too soft.” said Spike. “That potion you used was only temporary, and easy for us to counteract!”

Rarity snuffed, “It’s time you all answered for what you’ve done!”

The thieves knew they were finished and decided to come quietly.

As for the civilians…

“What’s going on?”

“Where are we?”

“How did we get here?”

They all seemed back to normal, and it was just a matter of escorting everyone home.

Brick couldn’t believe this! “I’m getting out of here!” he wailed to himself, and he left through a secret exit to get back to the surface because he didn’t have another warp portal.

The second he got outside, he was confronted by Swift, with Blitz by his side, and the rest of Lightning’s unit.

“Brick Wallen, you’re under arrest!” declared Swift.

The next thing Brick knew, he was in an interview room, the next day, where Lightning and Starla spoke severely to him.

Lightning was reading to him all the charges he was convicted for…

Multiple Counts of Grand Theft and Robbery,
Illegal trespassing and construction,
Misuse of Magic.
Attempted Murder

…And Several misdemeanors.”

Lightning glared at the furious pony. “You, sir, are going to jail for a very long time, and so is everyone else involved in your scheme.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Brick said nothing, as was his right to remain silent.

“Do you have any idea how ridiculous and flawed your plan was?” asked Starla. “You used teleporting spells all over to kidnap all these people, you stole all these goods, plants, and livestock, just to make your own community on another planet.”

Brick smugly snuffed, “Great, now we all know.”

“Don’t get smart with us.” said Lightning. “You should’ve known that with your rush job, building that fort in the cave, your plan would have holes in it, but thinking isn’t really one of your strong suits.”

He then motioned for Starla to use her magic to bring up an image of the planet Brick had chosen to migrate to.

“This is the planet you chose?”

“Yeah, and it would’ve been perfect.” replied Brick.

“No, it wouldn’t.” said Starla. “That’s the Planet Luminous, where all the warping fairies live. That planet has been classified as a special preserved world by Starfleet. No one is allowed to establish colonies on it.

You would’ve been caught anyway because you didn’t do your research.”

Brick’s lips curled into a sour expression.

“We’ve dealt with your kind before.” said Lightning. “If you wanted to leave United Equestria, all you had to do was file the correct reports out and you could’ve made proper plans, but even then, it would be under Starfleet surveillance and escort.

And even if you did manage to get away from Starfleet, what would happen if you or this colony of yours was suddenly attacked by evil forces, or some great disaster happened?”

Brick closed his eyes cringing angrily. He honestly didn’t have an answer.

“That’s what we thought.” said Starla. “You spend so much time hating on Starfleet, you don’t think straight, and you don’t see things as they really are. That, or you just don’t want to.

The sooner people like you stop wailing on us, the better.”

With their work now done, and Brick’s future already well ahead of him-- in prison-- the couple got up to leave.

“Well, it looks like you got one thing you wanted from this.” said Lightning. “You’re going to get off United Equestria.”

Brick didn’t feel the least bit pleased, knowing he was going to be surrounded by Starfleet guards and other prisoners for a long time.

Then it was off to the property detail where all the rest of the unit had been working tirelessly since yesterday, sorting and going through all the stolen things.

“How’s it going?” Lightning asked.

“Everything’s counted and clear,” said Fluttershy.

“Ready to ship everything out of here.” added Rhymey.

Artie checked off his clipboard. “A one hundred percent full recovery.”

Pinkie wiped her sweaty brow, “It was hard to get all these things here. Now we have to ship them out.”

“Gee, that could take time.” groaned Rainbow.

Krysta giggled, “I wouldn’t worry about that.” and she whistled, and a swarm of her fairies came flying in ready to take the supplies back where they belonged.

Meanwhile, Dyno and Myte were at work with their team of experts to destroy the remains of the mine and the fort so no one could ever use it again.

“Ready?” asked Dyno.

“Vamaos! Let’s go.” said Myte.

Together, the twins pressed on the plungers detonating the charges set, and the mine was blown into an avalanche of debris.

“Why didn’t we do this a long time ago?” wondered Dyno.

“Eh, who knows.” said Myte. “Just glad things are getting back to normal… at least this way.”

All the supplies were returned, and all the children were back home or in school, and all the grownups were at work… including Blitz.

She was at Swift’s home again, giving him a clean bill of health. He didn’t have to put his cast back on.

“Awesome.” said Swift as he moved his arm around. “This feels so great, but you know, I could’ve just come to the hospital.”

“It’s no problem.” said Blitz. “I was on my way there anyway, and thought I’d save you the trouble. and…” she paused. “…I… wanted to thank you for saving me.”

Swift couldn’t help but blush. “It’s not a problem. I was just doing my job, even if I was off duty.”

They became lost in each other’s eyes again and all went quiet. You’d think their faces would start moving closer towards the other, but there was a knock at the door anyway.

Swift clenched his teeth and held in his frustration. “Come in. It’s not locked.”

Lightning entered, “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“No, not at all, sir.” replied Swift, still suppressing.

Blitzy explained how Swift’s arm was fully healed. “He’s ready to get back on duty.”

Lightning was very pleased. “I’m not surprised. After all, you went into action when you were told not to…!”

Swift felt that strike him.

“However,” continued Lightning. “What happened to you was just by chance, and you helped us a great deal in tracking down everything and the civilians.”

He then held up a small box with a silver medal on it. “That is why, I hereby promote you, Swift Star, to the rank of Senior Lieutenant, as well as all the entitlements, duties and responsibility associated with that rank.”

He placed the medal in Swift’s hand, and Swift was absolutely astounded! “Promoted?”

Blitz was astounded by herself. “But he didn’t take the promotion exams.”

Lightning smiled, “He doesn’t have to anymore. Remember, you also get promoted for accomplishing incredible feats or serving your planet incredibly like you just did.

Also, given how much you studied, and how well you do your best to follow regulations, and all the support you show. I’m sure you would have passed with flying colors anyway.”

Swift didn’t know what to say, but he did salute with pride, and Lightning saluted back.

Blitz was so proud of him, and she looked at Lightning, and seeing how proud he looked, tall and strong in his uniform, she felt it was time to state it.

“Lightning, can I talk to you… in private?”

“Sure.” Replied Lightning, and he gave Swift the order, “As for you, Lieutenant, rest up, and report to duty in an hour.”

“Yes, sir.”

With that, Lightning and Blitz left, and Blitz gave Swift another smile. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

Her smile made Swift feel like he was glowing. He couldn’t help but wait until she left and then start dancing and strutting around.

Outside, Lightning asked. “What’s up?”

Blitz still found it hard to say but managed to get it out. “You were right. You aren’t a disgrace, you’re better than anything I could ever think of.”

Lightning gave her a playful look.

“I see now… Starfleet is wonderful in its own way, and your rightful place is here. I can understand why you abandoned the Harmonian Ways.

I accept you’ve forgotten who you used to be.”

Lightning’s expression changed. “I haven’t forgotten, Blitz. I want to show you something.”

Soon they were off to New Canterlot, and Lightning brought her to the grand cemetery, honoring the most beloved, well-known ponies, soldiers, and friends through the ages of Starfleet and Equestria.

Blitz didn’t really like being in such a place as it brought on bad feelings.

“Here…” Lightning said as he brought her to the Harmonian Monument he had set up in honor of the memory of Harmonius and his family.

“Oh, my…” Blitz said in astoundment.

Lightning looked down at the stone. “I could never forget Harmonius, and all that it was about. It’s part of who I am, and always will be.

Sometimes, I can still hear them crying out for help and to be saved, and it haunts me to this day, but I also can feel their spirits guiding me, and knowing they are resting in peace since I won their revenge and defeated the monsters that did this.”

Now Blitz felt even more ashamed of the way she had behaved. She was all wrong about Lightning and his honor.

Lightning placed a hand on her shoulder. “At least… there’s one name I can cross off the long list of names in my mind on this grave now.”

Tears filled her eyes, and she placed her hand over his. “I’m so sorry… Sorry, I’ve been such a pain.”

She looked deeply into his eyes, and he could see she was sincere. “Can we start over?” Lightning asked her.

His response was his friend hugging him warmly, and softly sobbing into his shoulder.

He hugged her back, and a small tear fell from his own eye as the winds softly blew around them.

Then, they both knelt by the monument to pray for their people, and their families, singing it in their minds.


I know how the doves do fly,
I see them in the sky,
Feeling as the wind they blow,
And think about my family history.


Souls and Spirits,
of the past and present days
Guide us and help us,
learn us of our people’s ways


The simple ways of our brethren
The simple ways of our brethren
The simple ways…
…of our brethren

The two felt themselves in a peaceful fantasy scene in their minds…

Both of them were dressed in Harmonian robes with Blitz wearing a long white flowing dress, and Lightning wearing a short robe with a golden edged white vest. They were standing in the bright meadowy fields with lush grass and trees in the distance-- a view of Harmonius in their minds.


I am linked by my past,
My peoples’ spirits thrive,
Deep within my heart,
I keep them all alive,

…I am Harmonian!


The mighty universe,
It gives and it will take,
The life from some, and to another,
Our memories will help keep it awake.


The simple ways of our brethren
The simple ways of our brethren
The simple ways of our brethren
The simple ways…
…of our brethren

The scene faded away, and the two were still singing in their minds as they awoke and got to their feet.


I know how the doves do fly,
I see them in the sky,


Feeling as the wind they blow,
And think about my family history.


In our next episode: Rarity discovers that some members of the fashion world consider her a laughingstock due to her being a hybrid, which triggers a dragonic temper. This certainly doesn’t help when Flareous sends a monster that heats up everyone else’s tempers and makes fire spread everywhere.

Will United Equestria burn to the ground, and will Rarity overcome her rage?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “A Fiery Fashion”)

Episode 13: A Fiery Fashion

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One evening at Carousel Bouquet, Rarity was holding a fashion shoot to unveil some of her latest designs.

Glaceia was invited to partake as she made a new gown inspired by her. It was an icy blue gown with crystal gems beaded all around the edges, the hem, and vertically up and over the shoulders, with a lovely white silky sash going over the shoulder, around the waist, and tied in a big bow in back with plenty of slack to reach near the bottom.

Rarity announced to the crowd. “I dub this masterpiece, “Shivering Light.”

The crowds were enamored by the sight, but none nearly so much as Pyron, who had a front row seat. He felt like fainting at the sight of how beautiful his love looked.

She saw him and blew him a kiss.

Spike chuckled as he held little Twilight in his arms, and even more so when his daughter started imitating Glaceia by blowing multiple baby-kisses at nothing.

Rarity saw this and smiled at her family.

Then she brought all the models out onto the set to conclude the shoot. So many pictures were being taken, and reporters were already writing up stories for fashion magazines and newspapers.

“And now…” Rarity said as she took center stage before the models. “To collude the performance of this wonderous, most elegant unveiling, we salute to the glories of fashion.”

She turned to the models and conducted them, “Salutea Fashionista!”

The models all raise their arms and repeated, “SALUTEA FASHIONISTA!”

Rarity began to weep tears of joy and dabbed her eyes with a hankie. “Unbelievably Moving!” she sobbed. “Bravo!”

Then she excused herself to go dry up.

She reached backstage and blew her nostrils, feeling better.

“You were wonderful, Rarity.” said Spike. His wife kissed him lovingly on the mouth. “Thank you, love. I just love all this, it’s so much I can barely…” she felt she was going to cry again, but she didn’t.

Especially when little Twilight let out a little yawn.

“Uh, oh. It’s way past nighty-night time.” said Spike. He offered to take her in and put her to bed. “Say night-night to mommy.”

Rarity bent down and pecked her little darling on her head. “Goodnight my precious sweetheart.”

Rarity then proceeded back up front to give her comments to the press and re-explain some of her creations.

Spike couldn’t be prouder of his wife.


Keltar was, once again, talking into his mystery orb in his room. “Just have patience, the day will soon arrive. We’ll bring down these two miserable kings one way or another, but only when the time is right.”

No one’s voice could be heard over the orb, but Keltar seemed to hear it.

“No! Don’t make a move until we’re both ready.”

Suddenly, the door to his room burst wide open making him jump in fright. There was a guard at the door. “King Flareous would like to see you, immediately.”

Keltar got a hold of himself and balked, “Please don’t ever sneak up me like that again!” while silently tucking the orb behind his bed pillow and out of sight.

He pulled himself together and made his way to the door, while the guard had some suspicions.

Soon Keltar reached Flareous who sat on his throne. “You called for me, sire?” he asked as he bowed.

Flareous gave him a sour expression. “I’m not pleased, Keltar. I am not pleased at all, and do you know why?”

Keltar nervously answered, “Because you haven’t beaten Blizzord, your son is still not home, and Starfleet is still not working for you?”

Flareous leaned forth with a wicked expression on his face, “Precisely…” then he flared up and raged “…AND I AM TIRED OF WAITING AROUND!!”

Keltar shuddered in fear.

“I’m beginning to think that maybe I should take matters into my own hands.” said Flareous. “Perhaps I should truly venture to United Equestria and confront Starfleet myself.”

“Sire, with all do respect, I would not advise this. You are much more needed here. I would hate to think of what would happen is something ill-fated should befall you.”

Flareous growled, “I want my son back, and I want Starfleet to fight for me.”

“Sire, perhaps we can try our initial plot to convince our enemy to come to us, just like we do with the Iceinians.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a monster badge. “I just may have the creature that can do this.”

Since the guard who escorted him was still present, and he didn’t want to risk exposure of his little secret, he motioned him to take the badge.

Once placed on his head, the guard transformed into a vicious, red dragon, with sharp spines running down from his head across his tail.

“A Dragon?” Flareous asked in confusion. “This is your big plan?”

“This is no ordinary dragon, my king.” explained Keltar. “Not only is Dragust capable of vicious fire attacks, but he can expel toxic fumes from its nostrils. Anyone that inhales it will become viciously hot-tempered and make fire spread.”

Now Flareous seemed intrigued. “They’ll roast their own planet into a wasteland, and if they wish it to cease… they bow to me.”

He gave the go ahead, and Dragust bowed and prepared to leave. “It shall be done.”

“You go with him, Keltar” said Flareous. “We don’t want to overdo it and destroy my future army… not too harshly.”

Keltar bowed, but secretly thought, “Not as harshly as what you’ll be getting soon enough, you disgrace of a monarch!”

The right thing to do was wait until it was daylight on United Equestria, when more people would be up and about.

The latest magazines and papers. Were thrown at the boutique stoop, and Spike came to the door and got them.

He could see Rarity’s face on the magazine cover and couldn’t resist reading the article about the Fashion Show, only to discover what the stories read were not very nice towards Rarity at all.

“How did a creature of freak-nature manage to produce fashionable clothing for lineups.”

“You may laugh at this creature due to her weird species, but you’ll love all over her clothing designs.”

“Look at the Fashion Freak.”

“It’s harder to look at the clothes when Rarity is half-and-half.”

“Dragon, Pony, or Fashionista-- Make up your mind.”

Spike had never seen such outrageous defamation before. “I can’t let Rarity see this.”

He took a huge breath to burn the magazine and the paper.

“Spike?” Rarity said from behind, making him jump. “Oh, Rarity. I… uh…”

Rarity could see her picture on the magazine cover. “Oh, good! It’s out already.” She reached out to see it, but Spike pulled it away. “Rarity, no! You don’t want to look at this.”

“I beg your pardon. Of course, I want to see it-- all the reviews of my marvelous work. Now, let me have it… please.”

Her husband nervously shook his head.

“Spike, what is with you?” she asked impatiently. “Why are you trying to stop me?”

Her husband found himself trapped. Even if she didn’t see it now, she would find out later for herself, so he let her have the magazine.

Meanwhile, Pyron and Glaceia were walking arm in arm down the streets. Glaceia was wearing her regular outfit and armor, but as Pyron gazed at her, all he could think about was how lovely that gown from last night looked on her.

“You looked so dazzling last night.”

Glaceia blushed. “I never felt so lovely. A pity I could not keep the gown, nor buy it.”

“It is on display in the shop. Let’s drop by and look at it again.”

The store was just around the corner, Glaceia couldn’t get there fast enough, but as she and Pyron got closer, Spike came bolting out the door carrying Twilight in his arms.

He ran right past the couple, nearly running them over.

“Spike?” called Pyron.

“Run!! Spike called “Run now!”

The couple was confused. “Run? From what?” wondered Glaceia.

Suddenly, the doors to the shop burst open in a fiery explosion making the couple jump, and there, emerging from the smoke was a snarling, growling, and very furious Rarity, who had smoke coming out her nostrils and jaws, and her eyes were glowing with a blazing look of rage.

Pyron and Glaceia were frightened by the sight of her, especially when she let out a massive roar, shooting a huge stream of flames in the sky.

The alarms sounded and Rarity took off into the sky with a look of horrible wishes to burn up everything in sight.

Luckily, help arrived on the spot immediately. Lightning was on patrol with Rainbow Dash and Rhymey.

“Rarity, stop!” shouted Lightning, but Rarity flew around breathing more flames into the air.

“Whoa! What’s with her?” Rainbow wondered. Whatever it was, she decided not to question it yet, and she rushed in to detain her.

“Rainbow, wait!” shouted Lightning, but Rainbow had already rushed in.

Rarity saw her and shot more flames at her as if she were an enemy. “Yikes! What gives? I thought we were friends.”

Rarity only continued to roar and lunged for her, but Rainbow zipped out of the way. “Don’t make me tackle you!”

Lightning and Rhymey came up to Rarity with Rainbow on the other side.

“Engage detainment barrier!” hollered Lightning.

The others nodded, and all together, they tapped on their energizers casting Rarity in a soft field of energy, which Lightning reinforced with the Uniforce.

Slowly, the sphere descended to the ground with Rarity still raving and thrashing about inside.

Pyron and Glaceia breathed in relief, but Rarity’s behavior still baffled them.

“I’ve never seen her so mad.
Why is she acting so bad?” asked Rhymey.

“I’ve never seen anyone this outraged before; not even my own father.” said Glaceia.

Rarity gave another roar and tried to burn the barrier down, but it was too strong.

Spike, seeing it was safe to return, he came back with little Twilight in his arms. The baby cried at the frightful sight of her mother’s fury, and Spike comforted her. “Shh… it’s okay, sweetie. Mommy’s going to be just fine.”

As he rocked her and comforted her, he explained about the magazine and all the horrible things they said.

Rhymey examined the magazines, and he was outraged.

“Who would say such things like that?
Who would be such a low-down rat?”

Spike was just as outraged. “I tried not to let Rarity see it, but she did anyway…”

In a flashback, Rarity took one look at all those horrible things said about her. “This… is what the fashion world thinks of me?!” she was beginning to quiver, which Spike took notice of.


His wife was growing madder and madder. “They call me a “freak… They insult my fashion… HOW DARE THEY!!”

“Oh, no!” Spike cried when his wife’s eyes began to glow with rage.

“And that’s when she just exploded?” asked Lightning.

Spike nodded.

“I can understand her outrage,” said Glaceia “But surely there is no need to be this infuriated. Getting angry solves nothing. We both know this.”

Pyron agreed, but Spike told them. “Rarity can’t help what she’s doing. It’s called the “Dragon’s Rage.”

Dragons are often prone to fits of bad attitude, especially anger and heated rage, and when we get super angry-- I mean, really ticked off, well…” he motioned over at Rarity still thrashing about in the barrier. She was basically in a type of rage-hypnosis-- she didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.

“I thought since she was only Half-Dragon, she could never be affected.”

“Well, obviously, she did.” said Rainbow.

“Really, Spike. You should’ve known better.” scolded Lightning.

Pyron had never seen such rage-filled eyes, and being a Molticean, he knew lots of flaring up. “I hope she will calm down. I can’t believe she would behave this way.”

“Hey, wait,” Rainbow said to Spike, “If this happens to dragons, how come you’ve never flipped out like this.”

“Well, isn’t it obvious?” said Spike “I know how to keep my rage in check. I don’t want to fly into any fits like this.”

“Well, lucky we detained her like this.” said Lightning. “But how long does it take to stop?”

“Just give it time.” replied Spike. “It’ll wear off and she’ll be okay.”

Lightning agreed, “In the meantime we best keep her detained. We can’t let her run loose in this condition. Who knows what she may do?”

Still, nobody liked seeing Rarity in the barrier, or the way she was still roaring and billowing flames about.

Meanwhile, the alarms had long since ceased, and the citizens all resumed their normal routines…

…Which were soon to be disturbed again!

Dragust hid from around a corner in an alley, snickering wickedly.

“Okay, do your thing.” said Keltar.

“My pleasure.” hissed the monster. He crept slowly up and unleashed his gas out into the street.

Passersby inhaled the fumes and began to cough and gag, while at the same time the Gas Alert sounded-- warning that an unknown, unhealthy substance was in the air.

Lightning and the others heard the alarm and could tell it was coming from within the town. They had to check it out.

“We can’t just leave Rarity here.” said Spike.

“You watch over her.” Lightning immediately said. “No matter what happens, don’t let her get loose. If she escapes the barrier, you are ordered to imprison her.”

Spike didn’t like the idea of that.

Lightning then told Pyron and Glaceia. “You better stay here with him.” before he and the other ponies headed off.

The couple looked at each other, and then at Spike who kept gawking at his wife in the barrier and how furious she looked.

Poor little Twilight was still fussing. “I better put her inside. She needs a rest. Keep an eye on Rarity, will you?”

Pyron nodded and watched as Spike disappeared into the shop, going past Rarity who roared at him scaring the baby even more, making her cry and wail.

Glaceia felt shivers run up her back by how frightening Rarity was.

Pyron held her close. “Just stay with me. She can’t hurt anyone while she’s stuck in there.”

“I hope she stays that way.” but Glaceia’s hopes were dashed when the barrier started to flicker as it grew weak.

“Oh, no!” cried Glaceia.

Pyron reached for his sword, and just in time as the barrier ceased and Rarity stepped forward. She spread out her wings and roared viciously at the couple.


The pony trio arrived on the scene, already transformed, and wearing respirator masks. They took one at all the gas around them.

“What is this stuff?” Rainbow wondered.

“Whatever it is, it can’t good if it set off the alarm.” said Lightning. “Put on emergency purifiers.”

Rhymey nodded and went for the nearest lamppost to initiate the controls, when he was suddenly confronted by a bunch of angry-looking civilians; all had the same snarly expressions, and same glowing eyes as Rarity.

Before he could even question a thing, the ponies all roared and unleashed fiery waves at him, forcing him to leap high up into the sky as the flames destroyed the lamppost in a big explosion.

“Rhymey!” hollered Lightning, then he found himself faced with more civilians, and his visor showed him they were not themselves. “I’ll bet this gas is the culprit, and I’ll bet I know who’s behind this.”

He was forced to leap away when the civilians’ unleashed flames at him, and Rainbow too. “Whoa! They’re all as flipped out as Rarity is.”

“You’re correct about that!” hissed a familiar voice.

The friends turned and saw him wearing a cloth over his mouth and nose…!

“Keltar!” sneered Lightning, and standing next to him was Dragust, who was immune to his own gases and wore no protection.

“You’ve just had a sample of Dragust’s power, now it’s time to get really fired up.”

“Ah, yeah.” chuckled the monster, and he flew way up high. “Have a taste of my BURNING BREATH!” he unleashed a strong fiery wave straight for the citizens.

“No!!” Lightning shouted and flew straight in the path of the fire setting up a uniforce wall to take the hit.

“What’s wrong with you!
You could have hit the civilians too.” bellowed Rhymey.

“That was the idea,” hissed Dragust “But it looks like I may not have to.”

The trio looked down to see the seething, angry civilians raging and thrashing about, and the more they shouted and bellowed, the more flames they unleashed.

The barriers protected the buildings and the people inside from the flames and the gas, but those still affected and trapped outside weren’t so lucky!

So many explosions knocking some of the folks down and setting fire to tables, hedges, and other things.

The trio was horrified, while the villains laughed. “Looks like they’re doing a good job hurting themselves.” gloated Keltar. “We could be persuaded to spare them… if you agree to come with us and serve King Flareous.”

The trio was instantly disgusted.

“We already told enough times,” Lightning balked “We will never join forces with you.”

“Oh, well…” said Dragust “You were given the chance.” and he rushed through the air, smashing into the trio, hitting them hard and making sparks and big explosions.

The trio groaned and got back up on their feet.

Dragust took in a huge breath, “CURSED GAS” he expelled more fumes from his nostrils into the air forming a massive cloud that would slowly spread all over.

“This is bad!” cried Rainbow. “We’ve got to stop that gas.”

Rhymey agreed and added,

“We also must detain the civilians.
And furthermore, stop the villains.”

“Right!” agreed Lightning. “I’ll handle the chumps. Rainbow, you deal with the cloud, Rhymey, the civilians.”

The trio split up, and Lightning confronted the dragon. “All right, Snout-Face! You’re mine!”

“Oh, yeah!” shouted Dragust. He flexed his claws ready to take him on.

He swung right, and left, but Lightning dodged them, and punched him hard in the face sending him up high into the air.

“Ohhh!” groaned Keltar.

The brainwashed civilians continued to roar and unleash more fire, until, one-by-one, Rhymey used his magic to encase them all in domes like Rarity’s, preventing them from causing any more damage.

There were lots of civilians though, and it was hard or him to rush about and seal them all in, especially when they tried to shoot their flames at him, forcing him to dodge or defend himself.

“Now try this.” shouted Keltar, and he threw a bunch of stones on the ground summoning the Flame-Gaurds. “Stop him!”

This was all Rhymey needed, distractions!


With his weapon and his slick skills, he managed to stave off some of the guards while encasing more of the civilians inside barriers.

:DRILL QUILL" Unleashing his feathers, enhancing them with magic to make the stronger, he took out more guards, only to then be ambushed by several guards at once, with other civilians by their sides. He couldn’t attack without harming the civilians.

Luckily, Rainbow came swooping in and kicked the guards out of the way, giving Rhymey an opening to create more barriers.

Rhymey nodded and Rainbow, and she winked back at him through her clear visor. “Now to take care of this cloud.”

The gas cloud continued to spread, and Rainbow could only think of one way to disperse it quickly. She began to fly round, and around the entire area in speedy circles, creating a tornado that began to suck up the gas like a vacuum, up, up, into the sky.

“Hey, you can’t do that! It’s cheating!” wailed Keltar.

Rainbow didn’t even hear him, and she powered up her inner aura and soared straight at the airborne twister, passing straight through it and KAPOW!! The gas and the twister exploded in a puff of magical rainbow-colored smoke.

“All right!” Rainbow cheered, but suddenly she was attacked from behind by a flame attack, sending her crashing to the ground.

“Rainbow!” cried Lightning, and his distraction allowed Dragust to punch him hard in the chest and sent him crashing into Rhymey, and they both stopped by Rainbow.

Then they looked up, and even the villains looked up too, and they saw Rarity, escaped from her barrier and still in her rage.

She spread out her wings, roaring and unleashing more flames into the air.

“Wow!” exclaimed Keltar “She hasn’t even been infected.”

Dragust had never seen anyone so furious before. “Well, maybe there’s one person ready to join the army.” and he foolishly flew up to recruit her, but Rarity took one look at him and unleashed more fire at him, forcing him to dodge.

“Hey! What’s the big idea? I’m just going to take you to Motlic.”

Rarity flexed her claws and lunged forth, striking him hard and sending him crashing down hard into an unburned newsstand. Papers and magazines went everywhere.

Keltar cowardly hid behind a house, “Okay. This is getting a little too much for me.” And he quickly left through an invisiport and was gone.

“Lightning!” Spiked called as he arrived on the scene in his Dragon Knight form.

“Spike, what happened?” asked Lightning. “I thought I told you to detain her.”

Spike quickly explained himself, “…I came out of the house just in time to see her take off for here. I left Pyron and Glaceia with the baby.”

Rarity landed on the ground and right by her feet was a magazine with all the slanderous things said about her, which further enraged her.

“Hey! Who are you roaring at? bellowed Dragust, and he took in a huge breath, “BURNING BREATH”

Rarity counted his flames with a giant burst of her own flames, resulting in an explosion that knocked the two of them away, and the others off their feet.

Rarity got back up onto her feet puffing and panting, while the monster was already worn out from his battle with Lightning and having trouble getting up.

“Rarity…” Spike called looking up, and he could see how tired she was, but her eyes were still seething with rage, but hardly any smoke was coming from her mouth or nostrils anymore.

“They’re both puffed out,
Let’s move out.” said Rhymey.

Lightning was about to give the team the go ahead, but Spike had already rushed ahead with his sword at the ready.


With a huge slash of his sword, he struck Dragust hard, blowing him up, destroying the monster badge and imprisoning the guard.

That wasn’t his main concern as he quickly rushed up to Rarity, powered down, and held her by the shoulders and stepped on both her feet, preventing her from moving or fighting.

“Spike!” Lightning called.

He didn’t bother to look at him and said straight to his wife, “Rarity, Rarity, calm down!”

She roared loudly at him, but no flames came at him-- she was all tapped out, hence why she was growing weaker, and she couldn’t break free from such an easy entrapment.

“Rarity, come on. I know you’re in there. You’ve got to snap out of this! You don’t have to be angry anymore.”

Rarity’s roars were quieting down to low growls.

The others all felt maybe this was it-- she was finally going to snap out of her rage fit.

Spike looked deeply into his wife’s eyes. “Rarity, come back to me. Make yourself normal again. I’ll help you… I love you.”

Rarity looked deep into his eyes, and her eyes were staring to shift slowly from raging to normal.

Finally, Spike moved in and placed his lips over hers, which made her eyes bulge and all her thoughts and consciousness became clear, especially in a series of flashbacks or every time she and Spike kissed.

Spike broke away from her lips and could see his wife was normal again.

“Spike…” she peeped softly, and then she passed out from extreme exhaustion in his arms.

Spike her close, and a tear fell from his eye in relief.

The others felt touched and relieved, and then proceeded to survey the area and help the civilians.

As for Keltar, he was brought before Flareous upon his return.

“So, another plan bungled?” the fire king bellowed. “I have no Starfleet troops, I still don’t have my son, and we’ve lost another monster, costing me more resources than ever!”

“Sire, I can explain!” whimpered Keltar.

“What’s there to explain?! That you ran from battle like a cowardly ember in a rainstorm? Sometimes, I wonder why I ever made you, my advisor. Get out of my sight before I decide to reconsider and roast you to ash!”

Keltar bowed nervously and dashed for his room.

He took a minute to catch his breath, and then his anger showed. “Hot-Tempered fool!” he grumbled. “I’ll show you who’s going to be roasted to ash soon enough.”

Seeing he was totally alone, he got out his orb, making it glow and began to speak into it again.

“Are you there? Hello? It’s me again.”

Still no voice could be heard to anyone, except for him.

“Yes, another plan was fluked. Flareous is raving mad. How’s everything on your part?”

He waited and got his response. “Good! It should be too much longer. Bot Flareous and Blizzord are as good as history.”

On the other side of the orb, the one revealed to be talking to him was none other than Smark. “I’ll deal with Blizzord on my end, you just continue to bring down Flareous.”

“No problem.” agreed Keltar. The call ended, and the two aliens snickered sinisterly.

That night, the damages were all cleared up.

All the civilians were back to normal once the monster had been beaten, but not a single remembered much, and those who were injured were healed easily.

As for Rarity, after a good long rest, she felt better, but she hardly remembered anything except being outraged at the insults thrown at her.

She felt most ashamed when the others told her what happened.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity.” Spike said “I should’ve told you about the Dragon’s Rage from the beginning, but I just never thought you would…” he couldn’t finish.

Rarity felt hurt, not for his not telling her this, but thinking of all the damage and destruction she could have caused and trying to hurt her friends and her family in the process.

“It wasn’t your fault, Rarity.” said Rainbow. “Well… okay, maybe it was a little.”

Rhymey gave her a small nudge with his elbow telling her to hush up. Then he said calmly to Rarity…

“You were not yourself,
You were furious and mad,
I know things are harsh,
I know they seem bad.

But you’re normal now.
You’re here with your friends.
We’ll help you deal with this,
on each and all ends.”

Lightning agreed, “I’ve had severe words with the writers of those magazines and headlines. I showed them all the kinds of damage they did with their hurtful words, and they’re all getting a severe talking-to from their bosses, and or government officials. The stories are all going to be rescinded, and you are going to be compensated.

They should have known better than to make fun of you like that instead of focusing on your fashion show.”

Rarity felt very relieved to hear all this, but she still felt ashamed and somewhat afraid of herself. “When I saw those horrible words… I just felt so… angry! I… I…”

“Shh… Shh… take it easy.” Spike said as he comforted her. “You’re going to have to watch your temper, just like I do.”

Rarity agreed, but she couldn’t fight back her tears.

Glaceia then came over with little Twilight.


One look at her daughter and seeing she wasn’t scared of her, Rarity smiled while still shedding, and she scooped the baby in her arms, and she and Spike cuddled with the baby together for a peaceful moment.

“I am glad this is over.” Glaceia said softly.

Pyron agreed, “We’ve learned a lot of how dangerous it is to say hurtful things at someone, and what dishonest actions can lead to.”

The couple hoped someday they could use this to convince their fathers to cease their warring ways. So did the fighters. It was still a long road ahead.


In our next episode: Everyone is in for a Chili feeling at the annual cookoff fair at New Sweet Apple Acres, where Swift and Blitzy seem to grow a little thing going, but Blizzord has an idea to cook up a storm of his own-- a surprise that freezes everyone in place, and its up to the heroes to stop this plot of brining everyone back to Iceinia.

Will our heroes succeed in thwarting this deadly plot?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “A Chili Gut Feeling”)

Episode 14: A Chili Gut feeling

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The rooster crowed, and the sun began to rise over New Sweet Apple Acres, and yet both Applejack and Buddy’s families, as well as other farmers from the area were already wide-awake and busy with final preparations.

The field was packed with loads of stands being set up, as well as a dance floor with a stage in back, a daycare area with a playground, and even a medical tent.

“Well, that should just about do it.” said Bright Mac.

Pear Butter giggled with glee, “This is so fabulous.” and she looked under the big archway which read “Annual New Sweet Apple Acres Chili Cookoff.” Where the first prize was 1000 bits.

Pear Butter sniffed the air, “I can almost see and taste it all now.”

“Eeyup.” agreed Big Mac, and he licked his lips while smacking them in a tasting way “I can just about taste it too. I love the Chili Cookoff.”

Apple Bloom chuckled, “Just you be sure you don’t overeat again like you did last year, remember?”

Big Mac did! He ate so many different bowls of Chili, he got a real stomachache, and he was passing so much gas for a week, he made flowers wilt, and apples go rotten.

Big Mac felt embarrassed.

“Just try and control yourself, that’s all we ask.” said Buddy.

“Come on, y’all. Daylight’s coming in.” hollered Applejack. “We still got much to do, and the chefs will be here any second.”

“I think they’re already here.” said DD, and she pointed way out beyond the sealed gates. Many of the attendees were camped out by the gate, so anxious and excited for the Cookoff.

This urged the farmers to set up even faster.


Blizzord ordered more attacks on Planet Moltic, but the guards were moving slower weakly, and taking too long to load all the launchers or get more ice-meteors and missiles ready.

“What is the matter with all of you?!” he bellowed. “I demand that you get those objects ready, and now!” and he raised his trident and fired ice beams at the restless guards, frightening them to work harder and faster.

Smark nervously approached the annoyed king. “Um, begging your pardon, sire, but don’t you think you were a little hard on them?”

Blizzord furiously glared at him and shouted, “MAYBE I WASN’T HARD ENOUGH!!” His loud, booming voice sent the little alien rolling along the floor and hitting the wall.

Blizzord angrily grumbled, “What sort of an army have I? What is it that they need?”

Smark got up and explained, “Sire, they need rest, food, and time to plan out their work better.”

“No!” snapped Blizzord. “I need more soldiers, more workers, more resources, and there’s only one place I’m going to get all that-- United Equestria.”

He turned and looked sharply at Smark. “Well?! Do you have any ideas at all how to get me all this?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” replied Smark, and he clapped his tiny hands summoning his latest monster.

In walked a humanoid Bumblebee like creature. He was tall with four arms and two legs. He was icy blue with dark blue stripes all around him with two large antennae on his head with large pincers on his mouth, and he had evil looking wings too.

“I am Freezzzz-zzz-zze-Bee.” he said in a typical insect lisp. “I’ll get you more followerzzz-zzz-zzz!”

Blizzord grinned wickedly. “If I remember correctly, you can shrink down to the size of a regular insect while maintaining your normal super strength and speed. You can unleash Icy-Stingers, and…

…Your Snow Pollen-- anyone who touches or ingests it becomes frozen on the spot.”

Freeze-Bee fluttered his wings, making a buzzing noise, and then turned to face Smark for a demonstration.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Smark wailed.

“SNOW POLLEN” Out from behind the monster blew a swarm of tiny white flakes, and the moment they touched Smark, he found himself stuck in place. “I… can’t… move!”

Blizzard laughed wickedly. “Smark, I believe you’ve found just what I need. With this, I can easily expand my army and resources.”

He then instructed Freeze-Bee, “Go to United Equestria, and bring me back all the servants and soldiers that I’ll need.”

Bee bowed, “My pleasure… Zzz-Zzz-Zzz!”

The two went off leaving poor Smark still frozen where he was. “Help! Don’t leave me like this! Hey!!”

The fields were bustling with ponies and other creatures.

The playgrounds were full of children playing, under the watchful eye of their parents, and even Applebloom and DD.

DD could only playfully scoff. “Nearly three whole years of training for Starfleet, just so I can play babysitter.”

“Aw, go one.” said Applebloom “Who wouldn’t want to look after all these cuties?”

She referred to the infants all playing in a shallow ball pit, while the big kids played in the playground. Babies, like Twinkle Star, were kept in a special playpen where adults could keep watch over them, like Rhymey and Buddy, while their wives had entered the cookoff.

Krysta and her fairies even performed light shows for the children to watch; doing all kinds of fancy tricks and flight formation patterns while sprinkling their sparkles and light beams around.

Meanwhile, the dance area was going wild already, especially with Applejack leading the square dancing.

“Step right up, and join your hands,
Spin yourselves right where you stand
High-five left, and high-five right,
Now give a hug and make it tight.”

The dancers all did as they were told, and Lightning and Starla were among some of the couples.

“Whoa!” Starla exclaimed as Lightning dipped her down.

Her husband chuckled. “This feels great. We haven’t been able to do much of this since Twinkle was born.”

“I just hope she and Shining Light are okay at the daycare.” said Starla.

Spike and Rarity came dancing by, “Really, Starla. I know how you feel but cut loose a bit.” said Rarity.

“Yeah, if we can handle Twilight at the daycare, you don’t have to worry either.” added Spike. “Besides that, the best part’s coming soon-- The Chili tasting!” He hungrily licked his lips, and Rarity rolled her eyes.

Applejack continued to speak-sing…

“Now break it on up with your arms up high,
Cheek-to-cheek, and thigh-to-thigh,
Now step right up for a Do-Si-Do,
Front and back, and away you go.”

Swift Star just stood outside of the dance floor, having no one to dance with, and watched all the couples go about.

Then he decided to head off and check out of the rest of the grounds, and he bumped into someone.

“Oh! Please excuse me.” he said, and then realized who it was-- “Doctor Heart?”

Blitz was surprised to see him here as well. “Hi…” she said almost nervously, making him blush softly. “I didn’t know you were here.”

Swift chuckled nervously. “Well, first promoted since I was dayed off-- Uh… I mean… first day off since I was promoted.”

Blitz couldn’t help but giggle at him.

“So… how come you’re here? Shouldn’t you be working at the hospital?”

Blitz motioned over at the medical tent on the far side of the ground. “I’m working there today. Lightning and Dr. Penny thought I should come. Have some fun whenever I have a break.”

They both ended up staring at each other for a moment, and both began to feel warm inside, only to suddenly turn away and feel very embarrassed.

“What am I doing?” they both thought, and they couldn’t seem to fight their obviously growing feelings towards each other, even if Blitz was about six years older than Swift.

Swift could barely realize what he was doing next when he asked her, “Um… Doc…?”

“Please… just call me “Blitz” or “Blitzy.”

“Okay… Blitz… I was wondering if you’d… if it’s not too much…”

Suddenly, there was an announcement over the intercom on the grounds. “Attention Please. Dr. Heart, you are needed at the med-tents. Paging Dr. Heart.”

“Gee, I better go…” said Blitz, “Why don’t we meet up later.” she said to him.

Swift felt his heart racing and answered. “Yeah, sure…” then Blitz ran off leaving Swift frozen and stiff where he stood while thinking to himself. “We’re going to meet up later. That’s practically a… date?”

Lightning and Starla saw the whole thing while they danced, and they both smiled with hope in their eyes.

Little did anyone notice, Freeze-Bee had already entered the area. He remained small so he would not be easy see, and alarms wouldn’t be triggered as easily.

“Look at this place.” he said to himself. “It’s chuck-full of being-zzzz to take back to King Blizzord.”

He didn’t dare use his Snow Pollen just yet not wanting to alert anyone to his presence, the sudden smell of chili cooking tingled his antennae. “I think I know just how to do the job now.” he snickered.

There were lots of stands in the field with ponies and other creatures cooking and selling their very own chili, and soon it was time for the judging to begin.

The judges were none other than Mykan Stevens, who was always invited as a regular, and Pyron and Glaceia as special guests.

*Mykan’s POV*

The crowds cheered, and I felt very flattered as I bowed, and as one of the judges, I wore a sash, with the coveted blue ribbon, as well as an envelope containing a cheque for the prize money.

“Thank you so much.” I said to everyone. “I really coming here to judge the contest every year, because not only do I get to sample all the wonderful concoctions you’ve made, but this also helps with my research and studying of your world, so that one day both your world and mine can co-exist in peace.”

I received a standing ovation for such a thought.

“Yes, and that is also why I have personally asked that Prince Pyron and Princess Glaceia be my two guest judges this year, so that they, too, may sample all this food and learn more about the world they have come to befriend.”

The couple bowed or curtsied to the cheers. To them, it felt so nice to participate in a festival such as this due to their former lives of battling or being cooped up inside.

“However,” I announced, silencing the audience. “Do not forget, as well as the three of us, there is one other judge you must impress, and he’s not easy.”

Chills ran down everyone’s spines and I dramatically pointed across towards, “…Big Macintosh!”

Everyone shuddered in fright as Big Mac stomped onto the grounds, like a mean desperado looking to cause a fight-- even if it was all just for show. He rolled his eyes back and forth eyeing the stands and the crowds, and then he reached in back of him pulling out his special bowl, and spoon, which made everyone gasp.

“Why is everyone so afraid?” asked Pyron, and I explained to him, “It’s alright, it’s just for show. Big Mac is well respected in this contest. He’s got such good tastes that he just puts on a little show for everyone.”

“Ah…” said Glaceia “I see he obviously plays his role well.”

The tasting was on. We, the judges, only had to taste a spoonful of each and everyone’s chili. We didn’t want to overfill ourselves, and we, again, reminded Big Mac not to overstuff himself.

The rules were fair and simple for all the cooks; they were allowed to make chili in any way that they could, even with added in foods, but no one was allowed to use any magic of any kind. This contest was strictly for ordinary culinary crafts.

The Apples, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, were cooking a batch of the late Granny Smith’s special apple-flavored chili, and with a large picture of Granny, dedicated to her memory.

“Mmm… This tastes sweet.” I commented, making the couple blush, and Bright Mac looked at Granny’s picture, “I’m sure Ma would’ve loved that comment.”

Tree Hugger was serving vegetarian chili, which tasted so meaty and yet it had no real meat at all.

Glaceia found it rather tasty.

Fluttershy was trying a rather unusual recipe that she and Angel made-- Pet-Food Chili-- which had all kinds of kibble, carrots, and a bit of birdseed in it, making it look rather… questionable.

She told the skeptical customers…

“It might look like a big messy waste,
But give it at least one little taste.

I’ve tried it before, and found this to be true…
This recipe is good for pets, and me and you.”

Meaning it was good for both pets and the people, which prompted people to try some.

Pyron was rather skeptical about tasting it, but he did so under obligation, and he was quite surprised. “This is lovely.”

Fluttershy smiled, and angel tipped his little chef’s hat and bowed.

“Hey, muchaos, come on over here…” called Dyno.

“Si. Try some of our Salsa Chili, great for eating with tacos.” added Myte.

All three of us tried some tacos, and the chili sure gave it a zing with the shredded cheese.

Meanwhile, Big Mac sure lived up to his reputation when sampling the food.

“Too salty.”

“Needs more pepper.”

“Not awful.”

“Eh… rather unusual.”

He loved his own family’s chili of course, but he wasn’t allowed to play favorites among his own kin and had to judge everyone fairly.

“Hey, Big Mac…” Pinkie Pie called “Come on over here and try my “Chili Surprise.”

Apple Spice held up a tray of regular cupcakes. “Get ‘em while they’re fresh.”

Big Mac was most confused. “Cupcakes, In a Chili contest?”

“Try it.” said Pinkie. “Spice and I spent weeks trying to get it right.”

Her husband nodded.

Big Mac picked a cake up, and given the size of his mouth, he plopped the whole thing in and gulped it down. It just tasted like an ordinary cake.

“Hey! What’s the big idea entering these in a Chili Cookoff?!” he scolded.

“Wait…” Pinkie said, and then she counted backwards from three, and the moment she said “One” Big Mac gasped, and he felt this spicy sensation strike his tongue and down his throat.

“Whoa! Hey! What the--” he fell on the ground gasping and wheezing from the heat of the taste as if he had just drunk a bottle of hot sauce, and finally. “WHOOOOOO…!! He stuck his head up high and seemed to breathe a small jet of fire from his mouth, aweing and frightening the crowds.

Big Mac bolted up on his feet and shouted, “YEE-HAW!! That was a humdinger of a surprise!”

The couple and I lined up along with many others to try the cakes, and Pinkie and Spice shared a soft kiss for their success.

*POV Pause*

Many picnic tables were spread about in the grounds where the goers could sit with their food and drinks and enjoy things more.

All blissfully unaware that trouble was sneaking about.

Freeze-Bee fluttered about, unseen by all. “This will do nicely.” he chuckled. “SNOW POLLEN”

He unleashed loads of his spores all over the foods and in the drinks of all the goers. No one could see them due to them being so tiny, but he knew they would be just as effective.

“Zzz-Zzz-Zzz! One taste, and they’ll all be mine for the taking.”

Swift sat at a table with a bowl of Chili in front of him, but all he did was pick at it with his spoon. His mind was really wandering.

He didn’t even notice when Lightning, Starla, and Krysta came over and asked to sit with him.

“Uh… Swift…?” Lightning said to him. “Are you going to eat that or just pick at it?”

“Hmm…” was all Swift said.

Krysta fluttered before his face waving at him, and he still didn’t respond. It didn’t take much to know, “He’s got it bad.”

Starla nodded, and Lightning softly shouted, “…Ten-Hut!” causing Swift to jump in fright and flick his chili on Starla’s face.

“Oh!” groaned Swift. “S…S… Sorry, General. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Obviously.” Starla said as she wiped her face. She couldn’t help but taste the chili too. “Mmm… not bad.”

Just then, Blitzy came along on another break from her duties at the med-tent. She had a bowl of vegetarian chili from Tree Hugger. “Hi…” she said to everyone, making Swift’s heart race again.

“Um… hi, Doc-- I mean… Blitzy.”

Lightning and the ladies saw this as a perfect time to slip off.

“Hey, where are you all going?” asked Swift.

“Um… going to check on the children in the playground.” said Starla.

“You know kids-- can’t always be without Mom or Dad.” teased Lightning.

Krysta could only giggle softly.

As the friends headed off, Starla had a strange feeling in her stomach.

“Are you okay?” asked Lightning.

“What was in that chili?” Starla wondered.

Other ponies were already starting to feel the same chilling feeling in their stomachs too after eating a spoonful of chili or sipping drinks, or just a lick of an innocent ice-cream.

Blitz and Swift sat at the table just looking down at their bowls of chili, wondering what to say to each other.

“So…” Swift suddenly said, “Are you enjoying the festival?” He couldn’t bring himself to look up at her, feeling too shy.

“I haven’t seen much of it yet.” Blitz answered. “You know more of it than I do. What’s it like?”

“Well, there’s… um… well... there’s chili of course.” He felt stupid for saying such a thing. “I must sound like a total idiot.” he said in thought.

“I can see that.” chuckled Blitz. Then she started to feel awkward too. “What’s wrong with me? I’m falling flat on my face.”

Suddenly, they looked up at each other and became lost in each other’s eyes, yet again.

Their lips curled into soft smiles. “Why don’t we just eat before it gets cold.” Blitz suggested, and Swift agreed, but then… just as Blitz raised the spoon to her face for a taste…

…Swift noticed something happening, and he quickly slapped the spoon away from her, getting it all over her white coat.

Angrily, Blitz asked, “What was that for?” and Swift quickly exclaimed “Don’t eat a bite, it’s dangerous!”


Swift pointed behind her, at all the ponies that were starting to look and feel sick after sampling the food, not just strange feelings in their stomachs, but many were stuck where they were on the spot, unable to move at all.

Mykan was stuck, Pyron and Glaceia, Big Mac, and so were many of the customers and tasters.

Even Starla was frozen stiff. “I… Can’t… Move!” she groaned.

Lightning and Krysta looked all over to see more ponies freezing up on the spot, and unable to move an inch.

“This is evil work. It has to be.” said Krysta.

Lightning agreed, and he flew up high in the air. “EVERYONE…!!” he called “Evacuate the grounds at once. Evil is attacking! Repeat: Evil is attacking! Get off these grounds!”

Hearing his call, and knowing he would never jest, the crowds turned into a giant stampede, running for the nearest way out, only to suddenly run into a horde of Ice-Guards blocking the way.

Applejack tipped her hat down while fuming angrily, “Go ahead, fellers! Make my day!”

All over the grounds, the ponies and Spike powered up.



“Dragon Power!”

“Power On!” Even Swift transformed too.

No one noticed Applejack silently slipped away.

Starla was frozen stiff and couldn’t transform, and Lightning scanned her with his visor. “Your involuntary muscles have been frozen. That’s why you can’t move.

Try and power up your aura, that might get you going.”

“I’ll… try…” groaned Starla.

“Try all you like; it won’t do any good.” buzzed a sinister voice. Lightning looked up, and he saw the massive monster come down and land on a table, frightening the massive crowd of civilians.

“Who are you supposed to be?” asked Krysta.

“The name is Frezz-zzz-zze Bee, and King Blizzord will be pleased when I bring him this new colony of drone-zzz-zzz!” he referred to all the civilians and other sentries he had frozen.

Lightning’s eyes narrowed in anger, and the monster ordered his guards. “Get them!”

The guards began to move forth, forcing the civilians back by threatening with their spears pointed at everyone.

“Do something! Stop them!” wailed Blitz.

Swift shook his head, “We can’t. There are too many civilians huddled together, we might hit them.”

Seeing this, Krysta whistled for her fairies. “Get these civilians out of here!”

The fairies swarmed in to obey their queen, but the monster wouldn’t hear of it.

“ICE STINGERS” unleashing several narrow icicles from his behind, Bee shot straight at the fairies and other civilians too, forcing Lightning to rush up and block the shots with a wall of Uniforce.

“Are you crazy!” he bellowed.

Bee chuckled, “No, just in a hurry… to get you all back to Planet Iceinia. King Blizz-zz-zzord shall reward me well when I give him these new servants and fighters for his cause.”

The Ice-Guards moved in closer.

The little children in the playgrounds began to cry in fright as the monsters approached. Rhymey and Buddy stood their ground, while DD and Applebloom huddled all the children close to them.

“Stay behind us, kids.” said DD.

“We’ll keep you safe… I hope.” added Applebloom.

All the toddlers huddled close, including Shining Light.

“Don’t try anything!” buzzed Bee. “One move from anyone, and I’ll unleash my wrath!”

Suddenly, his legs were lassoed by a big rope-- Applejack’s rope-- and he was sent soaring far across the open fields away from the festival grounds. “Take that, Bug-Breath!” Applejack hollered.

The Ice-Guards were distracted, and this served well for the fighters.

Rhymey and Buddy kicked several of the guards away.


More of the Ice-Gaurds decided to just take those of us who were still stuck back to Iceinia. They moved in and grabbed me, lifting me up first. I still couldn’t move, and there was only one hope for me.

“SWORD OF PURE SOUL” My magical sword appeared, and its incredible, enchanted powers could already sense something wrong with me, and cast a bright light upon me, blinding the soldiers.

All at once I could feel the evil spell on me dissolving and I gained my mobility back. I grabbed my sword and slashed at the guards’ ice-spears, breaking them all to bits, and then I leapt in and hacked at the guards, knocking them to bits too.

The crowds were amazed by my battle skills-- Not bad for auxiliary Starfleet Fighter.

Still, many more guards surrounded me, and I couldn’t take them all on by myself, but help came in the nick of time…

Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the Spanish Twins leapt in and made quick work of the chumps.

“Thanks, a bundle guys.” I called them.

“Hey, friends stick together.” Pinkie said with a wink, and the Twins nodded at me.

*POV Pause*

Swift leapt up into the air and began to punch and flip more guards over, while Blitz watched and thought he looked really cool doing it.

She was so lost, she didn’t realize when one of Krysta’s fairies came along, “Excuse me…” and warped her away to safety.

All the fairies were working hard to transport everyone, affected or not, away from danger.

One of the fairies was about to warp Starla away, but her magical aura began to flare up helping to counteract the spell and regain her mobility.

She stretched out and flexed her fingers before dismissing the fairy. “That will be all.”

The fairy shrugged, and then headed off.

The monster was still out there, and Starla knew what she had to do.

Freeze-Bee landed with a huge crash in the open fields, and Applejack landed down to confront him and scolded, “Buster, you got some nerve messing up the festival like this.”

Bee got up snickering, “I’m no “Buster.” I’m a Buzz-zz-zzard, and I’ll show you why.”

Applejack rushed for with her fist ready to punch, but the monster dodged, and she missed.

“SNOW POLLEN” he sent his larger spores straight for her, which were strong enough to freeze her with the touch…!

Applejack quickly zipped out of the way, and she appeared behind Bee to kick him in the back, but he quickly reached behind and grabbed her foot with two of his arms, he then flipped her over his head and slammed her hard on the ground…

And again…

And again…

…But on the fourth attempt, Lightning came rushing in and headbutt the evil Bee hard, sending him soaring up high and crashing down hard.

Starla, Spike, Rarity, and Krysta arrived on the scene.

“Applejack.” cried Rarity, as she rushed over to help her up. “Are you alright, darling?”

“Me? He couldn’t hard enough to tickle…” Applejack said, in a dizzy, weary voice. She recovered quickly.

The team regrouped to face the monster, only to find he was gone!

“Where did he go?” asked Spike.

“Keep sharp now.” said Starla.

Suddenly it began to snow on everyone. “How can it snow at this time of year?” wondered Spike.

Lightning gasped and realized, “Wait a minute…” and before he could say anything else, he can the others were frozen dead still, save for Krysta who was small enough to avoid being hit by the flakes.

“Lightning!” cried Krysta.

“Not again!” groaned Starla.

Bee came fluttering down cackling wickedly. “Feeling a little cold inside, are we? My Snow Pollen is even stronger when I use it while in full-sizz-zz-zze. I doubt you’ll be able to escape it this time.”

The fighters tried and tried, but it was harder to power up their auras this time to melt the pollen’s effects.

Bee moved in closer to ensnare them all. “I’ll just take you all to Iceinia and be back to get more of you.”

Before he could reach for them, Krysta came soaring in and kicked him hard in his huge face, sending him crashing along the ground.

“You leave them alone!” Krysta shouted.

Outraged, Bee aimed his backside at her. “ICE STINGERS”

Krysta managed to easily outmaneuver the bombardment and soared her way to strike again, only for him to magically shrink down right in front of her so he was the same size as she was.

“So that’s how you snuck into the festival!” snapped Krysta.

Bee snuffed and put up his dukes, all four of them. “Maybe you’d like to fight someone your own siz-zzz-zze! At least now you can’t outmaneuver me!”

The two glared at each other furiously and rushed forth.

Krysta fired a blast from her wand, which Bee dodged. He swung his fist at her, which she caught in her free hand, only to get punched hard in the face by another of Bee’s fists.

She recovered quickly, and then zipped over and kicked him hard in the gut.

With loud roars, the two charged at each other, engaging in a long bout of furious and swift punches and kicks, neither one of them getting an opening, until… WHAM!! They both hit each other hard causing them both to crash onto the ground.

Bee managed to get up while Krysta struggled. Bee saw his chance and changed back into his large size, with his big shadow looming over her. “Feel lucky that my king has need for you, or I could just squash you like the insect you look like now.”

“Don’t even think it!” sneered Lightning.

Bee turned round to see Lightning and group were slowly gaining their mobility back by powered up their inner auras stronger than ever.

“I don’t believe it!!” cried Bee, and he quickly unleashed his, “SNOW POLLEN!”

“Not this time!” growled Lightning, and with a loud roar, he changed into his Enticorn form. Thanks to his incredible bright energy, the snowflakes vaporized before they could even reach him and the others, and helped all the fighters gain their full mobility again.

Krysta fluttered up to the group, and they all glared the monster down.

“I think it’s time to exterminate this here pest.” said Applejack.

“I could not agree more.” said Rarity.

Lightning nodded and used his powers to cast Uniforce bindings around the creature’s legs, holding him down.

Rarity used her magic to bind the monster’s four limbs together.

“You think you can hold me down?!” he bellowed, and he prepared to shrink again to free himself.

“Oh, no you don’t!” shouted Applejack, and she lassoed him with her rope, and with a huge yank she slammed him several times like how he did to her, and she threw him up high.

“My turn!” said Spike, and he took in a huge breath, “DRAGON FLAME!” unleashing his huge fire stream into the air, hitting the monster hard and making huge explosions.

“Get him, Starla!” hollered Lightning.

“With pleasure.” his wife replied, and aiming her bow she powered up her finisher. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!”

POW!! Her fiery shot bound straight at the monster, striking right through him, blowing him up, breaking the monster badge, and imprisoning the guard.

With the monster gone, the effects of his snow wore off, causing everyone still affected to return to normal.

“They did it!” cried Swift. “Lightning and the others did it!”

The ground erupted with cheers of joy and rejoice.

Once everyone had returned to the ground, since no real harm was done, and the bad guys were all gone, the people agreed not to let what happened that day cancel the rest of festivities.

*POV Continued*

The four judges and I were ready to announce the winners of the Chili Cookoff.

“The winner is…” I called out and then paused just for anxious dramatics “…Pinkie Pie and Apple Spice, for their Chili Surprise Cupcakes.”

The crowds applauded, and Pinkie leapt up for joy, twirling her husband around in the air to the point where he was about to blow chunks.

Even the losing chefs applauded, for they were more than impressed by the couple’s recipe and felt they deserved it.

I bestowed the ribbon upon Pinkie and gave her the cheque for the prizemoney.

“Well done, Pinkie.” I said to her, and the next I knew Pinkie grabbed me in a huge, thankful hug, nearly crushing me.

Then she dropped me flat on the ground. “Whoops… Sorry.”

“No… problem…” I groaned.

Suddenly, Big Mac groaned too, and he held his bloated stomach.

“Oh, no!” said Bright Mac.

“Honey, you didn’t!” said Pear Butter. Her son nodded, “Eeyup. I’ve done it again.” His stomach gave a sick gurgle, and he belched loudly-- he had eaten far too much again.

Rather than bring him to the med-tent, he just went straight home and to bed.

“He just doesn’t learn.” I said, and I made sure to note this for my research on the intelligence and behaviors of the ponies.

*POV Ends*

As the day began to grind to a close and the sun began to set, the festival wasn’t closed just yet. It was going to continue through the whole weekend.

However, several of the families were preparing to head home, as their very young children were getting sleepy.

“Did you have fun today?” Starla asked Shining Light. Her little son nodded, “But I didn’t like that awful monster.” Then he let out a huge yawn, and Lightning was carrying baby Twinkle who was fast asleep. “I think it’s time we got home.”

“But I’m not sleepy.” yawned Shining.

“Oh, yes you are.” teased Starla, and when her son tried to protest, she picked him up and he fell asleep in her arms.

Rhymey and Fluttershy were leaving too with Button Fly, and they watched as Pinkie and Spice headed home, with Biscuit Pie, and the prizes.

This made Angel hang his head miserably.

“Oh, don’t feel too bad,
You tried your best and should be glad.” said Fluttershy.

Rhymey agreed and added,

“You may not have won the contest,
But your chili really tasted best.

You sold many helpings and more,
I’ve never seen people eat so much before.”

Hearing this and remembering all the comments the tasters gave did make Angel smile.

It was a shame; they and most of their friends were really looking forward to staying longer for what happened next over at the dance area.

“All right, y’all…” Applejack announced, “The night is beautiful, and the starts are shining. What do y’all say we have a little slow dancing?”

The band played soft and lovely music for many of the couples to dance to.

Buddy and Tree Hugger…

Bright Mac and Pear…

Even Pyron and Glaceia were enjoying a lovely dance.

Once again, Swift was standing on the sidelines. “What a day.” he said to himself, and then he found himself looking out into the crowd… for Blitzy again. “Snap out of it.” he whispered quietly. “It’s not like I’m just going to turn around and bump into her.”

Funny, because the moment he turned round to head off, he bumped right into her as she approached him, and he nearly knocked her down with his super strength.

“Oh!” he cried. “S-S-Sorry!”

Blitz brushed herself off, “Think nothing of it. We really have to stop running into each other like this.”

Swift chuckled nervously. “So, how come you’re here?”

“I was told the fireworks were going to start soon, and this was the best place to be before they happened.” She fibbed slightly on that. “…Also… I…” she paused trying to find courage of how to say what she wanted, “…I wanted to thank you for saving me today. If it wasn’t for you, I’d have been frozen too.”

Swift shook his head, “I’m just doing my job. That’s all it is.” though he really felt flattered by her thanking him.

They just stood there on the sides watching the couples go by, and the music sure was beautiful.

Both felt their hands twitching, and in a flash, at the same time they both turned to each other and asked, “Would you like to dance?”

They both blushed realizing the awkwardness of this, but then smiled, and without saying anything, they suddenly found themselves sharing a slow dance on the floor, which Applejack and Buddy noticed, so did Krysta as she and her fairies sat on the stage.

Blitz and Swift never felt so warm, so light before. All they could do was gaze at each other while moving slowly across the dance floor.

Then, the music ended softly, and their faces began to move towards one another… Applejack saw it, so did Buddy.

“Go on…!” Krysta muttered softly, but just as their lips were about to make contact… the skies lit up with fireworks, startling them.

The crowds all began to cheer at the sight of the pretty colors and lights in the skies, save for the other three-- Applejack, Buddy, and Krysta all sighed in annoyance.

Applejack went backstage where Dyno and Myte were at the firework controls. “Are you guys crazy?!” she scolded, making the Twins confused. They were told to start the fireworks at the end of the song.

Nevertheless, the fireworks were lovely, and even Blitz and Swift couldn’t help but cheer for joy, though these constant interruptions were starting to annoy them, because there was no way they could hide their obvious feelings from each other any longer-- even if they missed another kiss.

But what would they do about it now?


In our next episode: Pyron and Glaceia are feeling in the dumps of their eventual departure, which prompts the team to put together a memorial trinket for them both. Meanwhile, Flareous and Blizzord’s actions cause an incredibly massive meteor to make its way towards United Equestria, prompting everyone to take a deadly mission to stop it.

Will Starfleet successfully stop this massive life-threatening rock?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Future’s on the Rocks”)