Dash Finds A Normal Video Tape


First published

Surly it's not evil or anything like that...

Dash finds a video tape in Twilight basement and something dark turns her into a shadow of her former self.
Warning: Futa, rape and cuckold

Got pay to write this :rainbowdetermined2:
anon: asking for twidash clop fic with a monster from any item and being cuck related

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"Rainbow Dash! You said you'd help me with cleaning the basement of the library!" shouted Twilight, wearing her purple shirt and purple jeans and black shoes, as she walked down the steps of the basement and could see Dash just going through old boxes rather than helping her get said boxes.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, after I am done looking through all of this," Dash, wearing a blue shirt and brown shorts and blue running shoes, answered back and threw a few books out the box.

Twilight walked up to her, and a dusty old book smacked her in the face. She removed it and looked over Dash shoulder. "Why are you even looking through all of that old stuff anyway? It's just trash and junk from the past owners of the tree library. It has been here for years; it's useless junk."

"Oh, but look at this one!" said Rainbow Dash and took out a big purple book with the title 'Unicorns, Unicorns Everywhere: Oops, all unicorns.' "Never mind, it's another stupid book. Come on, give me something cool, like, I dunno anything but stupid freaking books. How about this one?" She kicked the box away and opened another box. "Score!"

Twilight walked over and could see no books in the box. It was mostly very old video tapes and nothing else. "It's just video tapes; what's so great about them?"

Dash turned in shock as she heard, "What!" She poked Twilight in the nose. "I don't believe I heard the one and only Twilight Sparkle say that!"

Twilight rubbed her nose. "Said what?"

"These are not just 'video tapes' as you call them. They are the best way of keeping memories! They have been the best form of entertainment since the invention of the movies. Well, at least my parents say that. I can't believe you'll say that!"

Twilight gave her friend a "Really?" look and blink, then said, "Okay, kind of shocked you are into old video tapes like this. What do you do? Collect them or something?" laughed Twilight as she walked past Dash and tried to pick up a big box.

"No, I just love old school movies," Dash answered with a blush and helped pick up the box as well. "So I can get a good idea of the oldies, how the first movie makers worked, and how they made these films." Dash started proudly explaining how old movies and home movies are the greatest things ever, not looking where she was going, and the same could be said with Twilight, who toned out the nonsense blabbing, not seeing they're about to walk into a wooden box.


They fell on the ground, the box flying, landing on its side, and spilling a lot of video tapes. The oldest video tape went flying up in the air and fell on Dashie's head.

Twilight got up and groaned as she saw the mess. "Great, now I have to clean up all of this. Rainbow Dash, why can't you-" She looked and saw that the blue pegasus was not paying attention and was busy holding an old video tape with an excited look.

Dashie read the title and gasped. It was a home-made tape with a title that said, 'Watching My Sweetheart'. "This looks interesting," she said as she looked at Twilight, who was not paying any attention to her, but Dash smacked the tape into her face. Making Twilight sigh loudly and read the title.

"That sounds creepy. It is a home movie of someone watching someone else. So?" Twilight said that and got up.

"No, no, no. Twilight, look," Rainbow Dash held the tape to Twilight's face, making her move her head back. "It's one of those home movies where the husband or wife tapes their lover as they're on a date or something romantically like that! We can see what is in the video! Maybe it's a secret love affair! Come on, this can be a good learning experience for you." Dash playfully punches Twilight's shoulder, "To learn what it is like to love someone."

Twilight gave Dash a dirty look. "I know what love is, Rainbow Dash. And I know what a relationship is too."

Dash burst out laughing. "Yeah, right!"

"Why are you laughing!?" blushed Twilight.

Dash wipes her tears away. "Because you are clueless when someone puts the moves on you, that's why I'm laughing. Remember that nerd who kept trying to ask you out but you never noticed him? I was waiting for the whole day for you to finally figured out he was trying to get in your pants. But that did not happen."

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "I have better things to do than think about a relationship or anything. I have the most important thing in my life, and that is to get an education and get into the best college, not some dumb boy who wants to make out."

"Come on, Twi, we both know you are a big softy," said Dash, and he hugged Twilight, who pushed her off, and Dash laughed. "Anyway, let's see what this has. It might have romantic stuff! We can watch it together with some pizza. How about it?"

Twilight looked at her friend, then sighed and said, "Wow, I never thought of you as a big softly in romantic stuff AND collecting old tapes."

"Hey, I can have a soft spot for anything I find cool or fun," Dashie replied. She put her arm around Twilight's shoulders and walked back upstairs.

"If you like, I can lend you the romance books I have from my personal collection." Dash got closer to Twilight's ear. "Got pictures."

Twilight eyes widen and quickly push Dash off of her, making Dash laugh and run upstairs.

Twilight smiled and shook her head as she walked to the basement door, closed it, and followed her friend to the kitchen. Putting the box on the table.

"So are you in or what? It's on me!" asked Dash, jumping on the counter and swinging her legs.

Twilight thought for a moment and answered, "Nah, I need to throw these boxes out and then hit the books. Celestia wants a report done in a few days. Besides, that tape sounds too creepy, like, What if its a perv spying on someone naked or something?"

Dash pouted, "Come on, Twi. You won't know until we watch it. Plus, we never hang out this often."

Twilight just shook her head and took out a bottle of water, opened it, and took a sip. "Sorry Dash. I'm good."

Dash hanged her head in disappointment and whispered to herself, "Like I said, too thick-headed to notice when someone likes you."

"What did you say?"

Dashie heads up with a big blush and says, "Nothing!"

"Okay," Twilight said, and he walked towards the basement door. She turned and told her friend, "By the way, do you need a video tape player? You can't watch that without one."

Dash jumped off and smiled proudly. "As a collector, I have a few old players at home!"

Twilight walked over to her and poke her nose. "So you are an old-school nerd? Huh? I never thought you'd be one."

"And yet you're the one who reads books," Dash teased, and she walked to the back door. "Gotta go. Got things to do and places to go."

Twilight watched as her friend flew out the window and could hear her voice as she shouted, 'Bye, Twi!'
The purple unicorn smiled, shook her head, and walked outside.

Dash flew towards her cloud house. She thought she could have spent some time with her crush, but no. Stupid Celestia is giving Twi too much homework, and it's killing Dash inside.

She landed, kicked her door open, and walked inside. She closed her door, ran up the stairs, jumped into her bed, still holding the tape, and screamed into her pillow. She turned and looked up, staring at the ceiling, and held the tape in her face.

"I wish I could watch Twilight more often; I love seeing her do things. Like cooking, reading, and cleaning. Watching a movie and falling asleep," Rainbow Dash sighed and smiled at the thought of Twilight being cute as she slept.
She looked at the tape. "I wonder if the tape has any of those moments with whoever made it and with their sweetheart."

Dash sat up and took out her video tape player, opening it, placing the tape inside, and pressing play, but she suddenly saw pink smoke coming out and blinding her, and her eyes went slightly lifeless before they went back to normal. "Man, super dust!" she sneezed, closed the door, and turned on her computer screen.

A big smile appeared on Dashie's face, and she could not help but squeal as the tape started to play as she sat in her computer chair.
The movie flickered and started to play, showing...

"...what?" whispered Dash, seeing Twilight and Spike in some library that she had seen before. She could hear Twilight talking about Nightmare Moon. "Wasn't this the day she came to Ponyville?" thought Dash as she kept watching the tape as her eyes slowly went lifeless. She didn't question who was filming the video, as it kept playing. 9:32 minutes later, Dash could see Twilight and Spike walking from AJ Farm. "I remember this. Wasn't this when we met?"

"Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" said Twilight as she looked up in the sky, but soon a rainbow blur smacked into her, both falling to the ground.

"Yeah, it is! Ha!" laughed Dash as she remembered Twi getting all dirty from the mud, but she froze as she saw herself, still on top of Twilight and very confused about how she looked. "Why am I naked?" Dash really started to freak as she saw a long and thick, soft horse cock between her legs. "WHAT!? WHAT THE FUCK!? How do I have that?" She shouted and was not noticing the reflection of the screen showing her eyes were not normal, and her freaked-out expression slowly went back to normal as she blushed hard.

"Lemme help you," said Dash in the video, as her cock got hard and she removed Twi's pants and her panties and rammed her big, thick cock into her, making Twilight scream and beg her to stop.

Dash was not believing her eyes, not understanding what was going on, and she tried to get up and turn off the player, but something made her keep watching. She couldn't look away. The sound of the two moans and the wet slap sounds from her cock slamming into Twilight's pussy, seeing Twilight's cute face as she's being fucked by her.

"I...I need to see this..." thought Dash as her body started to heat up and her heart was beating fast. Not knowing why, she could feel something getting hard between her legs, making her look down and seeing a small tent being made in her shorts.

"D-D-Dashieee, I'm going to cum! CUMMMING!!" cried the Twilight in the screen, her body twitching as her juices shot out and splashed onto the camera lens.

Dash could feel herself cumming as she saw that. She looked down and started to feel fear but was also very excited as she saw a large bulge and a wet spot appear on her shorts, and she felt her cock throbbing as her cum leaked out. She unzips her shorts, and the cum drips on the floor as her boy underwear is wet from the amount of cum she lets out.

"Did I...?" Rainbow Dash whispered as she looked at her hard cock that was leaking with cum and could not believe it. She looked back and saw herself pulling out and walking over to Twilight front.

She pulled her up and smiled evilly, like, "Oops, I guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this? My very own patented Rain-Blow Dry! It was made to dry my balls in the blink of an eye," she said as she pushed her cock into Twilight's mouth and fucked her mouth fast and hard.

Dash could not take her eyes off the screen. She was shocked and surprised by what she was watching, but at the same time she was getting harder, and her cock was getting bigger but wasn't as big as in the video; in fact, it was small. She wanted to question why this was happening, but she couldn't. The only thing on her mind was, "I need to touch my cock."

"This...feels good," whimpered Dashie as she started to play with her hard dick.

Dash on the screen pulled out of Twi's mouth, a lot of cum and saliva connecting her cock and lips. "No no. Don't thank me. You're quite welcome," said Tape Dash as she shot her load into Twilight's face.

"How did that feel so good?" Dash moans as she keeps playing with her cock, her hands becoming sticky with pre-cum. "Oh, this feels amazing!"

Dash watched as her tape self started to fuck Twilight again.

"I can't stop... I want more. I want my cock to be big and thick like the one on screen. I can't help it. It feels so good. I feel like I'm about to..." thought Dash as her eyes went lifeless, a small smile appeared on her lips, and her eyes widen as the screen showed Twilight's fuck face and her cock throb, and she shot her load all over her clothes and hand, even the screen.
"Ooohh," whimper Rainbow Dash as her cock shoots another big load, this time on the computer chair cushion and floor. "That was..."

In the video, Dash came and pulled out, turned to the camera, held Twilight up, and said, "Do you like quick shooters?"

Twilight shook her head. "Pfft! Please. I'll never accept a Pegasus who can't hold it for more than a few seconds."

Tape Dash smiled as she slowly turned to the screen. "She did come in ten seconds flat."

The screen turned to static.

Rainbow Dash sat there for a few seconds and blinked. Then she started to laugh; she laughed and laughed and laughed like she was going crazy.

"That was great! The best porn I've seen, and it was me! I can't believe that!" laughed Rainbow Dash, and then the thoughts from before came back. Her eyes went normal and she looked at her small penis, and then her mind started to fill with doubt, questions, and a feeling of shame and guilt.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!? Why did I think that was hot!? Why do I have a cock now!? And why am I not freaking out!?" Dash shouted in her mind as she felt anger and shame. She walked up and press the eject button of the player, but the tape did not come out. She kept trying, but it wouldn't budge. She tried to push the rewind button, but nothing was working.

"This is not a good joke; come on, stop playing," whispered Dash as she tried and tried, but the tape wouldn't come out or anything. "It has to be a sick joke!"

She gave up, sat on the ground, and pulled her knees to her chest, feeling a mix of feelings. "But I didn't hate what I saw. I was getting excited. I want to do those things. With her. But she will hate me and never talk to me again."
Rainbow Dash sat there in the dark and could feel tears forming, and a few started to fall down.
She could not understand why this had happened. Why did this have to happen? What is going to happen now? She looked at the tape player and gulped as she got back up and pressed play. Soon the screen turned on, and she could see herself, still naked, as she caught Twilight as they fell with the girls as they were looking for the elements of harmony. She could see herself fucking Twilight mid-air.

"No, no, no! Stop! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" shouted Rainbow Dash, covering her ears but still hearing the sounds. The sounds of Twilight getting raped by her. "This is wrong! THIS IS FUCK UP!" cried Dash, but she felt it again. She slowly looked down and saw her small cock get hard again.

"Fuck, what is going on?! I need to call Twilight; maybe she can help," Dash said. She walked away and picked up her phone, but it suddenly started to ring.

She answered.

"Oh my god! Yes!" screamed Twilight over the phone, making Dash drop the phone and cover her ear.

"What the hell, Twi!?" shouted Dash, backing away and falling into her chair. She could hear Twilight in the video calling out to her.

"DASH! Please watch me!"

Rainbow Dash turned and could see Twilight's happy face—the same face Dash loved looking at so much. It was so cute and beautiful. She wanted to jerk off to it.

"What is wrong with me? Why did I just think that?" said Dash, and her head was filled with more doubt and fear. "No, no, I need to go; I need to..."


Dash couldn't help it—the sound of Twi's voice calling her—she couldn't ignore it. She looked and saw Twilight getting fucked on the ground now, while the girls just watched like they were zombies.

"Why aren't they moving or doing anything!?" Dash could see Pinkie was bouncing around, Fluttershy was playing with her big breasts, AJ was licking her lips as she stared at them, and Rarity was playing with herself. Dash couldn't stand it, but seeing her friends watching her fuck Twilight made her come on the spot.

"Oh man, look at you guys. What kind of friend are you if you don't stop your friend from getting fucked in the ass? You can stop me, you know. But you just standing there and enjoying the show, huh?" smirked Dash as tears fell from her eyes as she started to masturbate, staring at her friends and watching Twilight get fuck harder.

"All of you are such bitches," Whimper Dash as her tears continued to fall, her hands were going faster, and her cock was growing bigger.

"YEAH, YOU LIKE GETTING FUCK HARD! DON'T YOU, BITCH!" shouted Dash in the tape, slapping Twilight's fat ass and making it jiggle.

"NO, I don't! NO MORE, DASH! Please, no more! IT HURTS!" cried Twilight.

"YES! FUCK, TWILIGHT! TAKE MY COCK IN YOUR SLUTTY ASS!!" yelled tape Dash as she slammed her cock deep into Twilight, who was crying and begging her to stop, while the others were still not doing anything, but they were touching themselves.

Dash came again, still smiling, but her eyes were showing a different story. She was broken, and the sight of her friends and Twilight not doing anything to stop herself was killing her.

"I need to help her, but what can I do?" Dash said to herself, "I can't let this happen! I'm the element of loyalty, damn it!"

The camera faced each of her friends, all saying, "You can keep jerking off. You just being loyal to Twilight. Showing your love to her by watching her enjoy being fucked by someone else. She's happy. Isn't that what you want?"

Rainbow Dash felt sick, not wanting to hear anymore, but she knew deep down they were right. "I'm her friend, so I should make her happy. If this makes her happy...but what about my feelings?" cried Dash as she started to jerk off again. "It hurts but feels so fucking good. I'm going to lose her, aren't I? I'm going to lose everything if she finds out I'm into this. So, please. Let me enjoy this while it lasts. Let me keep watching her and loving her from afar. Let me keep my friendship with her."

The screen changed, showing her and Twilight again, only fucking on the bridge as Twilight is wearing a Shadowbolt outfit. The skin-tight suit showed off Twi's curly thighs, and her big booty and her breasts were almost hanging out.

"You look amazing, Twilight," moans Dash, her hands not stopping. "Please, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. But I don't want this. Not like this. Just, please let me love you."
Dash continued to watch and could see her tape self fucking Twilight from behind, making the girl moan and beg for more, saying how big and great her cock is.

"It's not big; it's small, and nothing compared to yours," sobbed Dash, her eyes filled with tears.

The video soon showed the two girls kissing and making out, and it didn't stop until the two came.

Rainbow Dash came one last time. Her cock was shooting all over the computer screen, and her face was a mess, filled with tears and snot.

"That...was great," she said as she was still crying, and her smile was filled with sadness and regret but yet happiness.

The tape ended.

"What is wrong with me?" asked Rainbow Dash as she lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. "I'm not going to tell anyone. I can't." Dash picked up her phone, sat up on her bed, and look up what kind of sex fetish she just had. She found what she was looking for. "Cockold?"

She read about it, but she felt like it was right.

"A cuckquean is a woman who enjoys seeing her husband/wife, or boyfriend or girlfriend have sex with other women or men." read Rainbow Dash, and tears fell on the screen.

"That's what I am," she said, not bothering to wipe the tears away. "I'm a cuckquean."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep, hoping to wake up from this nightmare, but she knew it was no use. As she slept, the tape player started to glow from inside, and the computer screen showed a twisted version of Dash, smiling.

The next day, Dash was helping Twilight again, as the basement cleaning wasn't done yet. Twilight opened a box, looked through it, and found more tapes. "Hey, here's more tape. Maybe you'll find something in here you might want to watch," she said, tossing the box to Rainbow.

Dash caught the box, looked inside, and saw the tapes. "Sure, whatever you say," she said as she walked up the stairs.

"Dash?" whispered Twilight, noticing her friend was acting weird and following her. "Are you okay?"

"Of course," said Rainbow Dash, who put on her best smile. "You know me; I'm always okay."

Twilight looked at her, not sure if she was telling the truth.

"Okay, well, then," said Twilight as they went back down the stairs and went on with removing boxes. Dash could see Twilight bending over and looking through the box. Dash smiled as she saw that cute booty in those tight jeans. "Damn, Twi, shut in nerd like you; you made your ass fat," thought Dash as she felt her dick getting hard.

"Oh, I found another one," said Twilight, pulling out another tape and setting it on the dusty floor. Dash kept watching as Twilight kept wagging her butt like she was teasing her.

"Stop that," thought Dash, biting her lip.

"Are you okay, Dash?" asked Twilight, finally noticing the way she was acting.
"Yeah, I'm fine," lied Dash, not knowing how to control herself and holding a box to hide her erection, as she's wearing basketball shorts, as anyone can see her hard on.

Twilight stood up, looked at her friend, and smiled as she walked over to her.
"Hey, you don't look fine. Your face is all red," said Twilight, and she took the box, not noticing the erection, turned her back to Dash, bent over, and started to look inside the box.

Dash cock twitch as 'little Dashie' so close to Twi fat ass, she came a bit.

"Fine," said Rainbow Dash, trying to sound normal, but her heart was beating fast and she could not stop the feeling between her legs; it was painful. She needed release, and her mind was screaming for her to grab Twilight and fuck her. She needed to head upstairs, use the bathroom, and jerk off, but something was telling her to do it here. She could not fight it, and her hands were moving on their own.

Twilight picked up the box, but she suddenly dropped it as her hand slipped. The box hit the ground hard, making a loud bang, and some stuff inside the box spilled out as it tipped over. Twilight cursed out loud and bent over again. Dash dropped her shorts and wet underwear and started to jerk off, as Twilight had no clue what was happening behind her.

"I'm sorry, Dash, I'm so clumsy. Let me pick this up and-"
Twilight stopped talking as she saw something white hitting the ground between her legs and felt something warm on her butt.

"Uh, Dash?" Twilight said as she looked around, but the lights went off as a pink mist appeared above them and disappeared. "Stupid lights. Are you okay, Dash? I saw something wet hit the floor just now."

Dash felt super horny as she was almost caught and kept jerking off, but very slowly, so Twilight couldn't hear her stroking. "Maybe it was a leaking pipe?" she said, and then looked down at her cock, seeing her load blasting out.

"Yeah, maybe," said Twilight as she got up and used her magic to light up the area, but it was too dim to see anything.
Dash was breathing hard, almost coming again, and her balls felt heavy, so full.

"I think there is a flashlight in one of these boxes," said Twilight, and she looked around.

Rainbow Dash felt herself about to cum, and her body was moving on its own. She quickly got behind Twilight and watched as Twilight bent over again and moved her ass side to side.

"Fuck, Twi, just a little closer," moaned Rainbow Dash, and she felt herself losing control as her mind went blank. She couldn't take it anymore and came all over Twilight ass, making Twilight scream in fear as she felt something hitting her ass.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Twilight shouted, turning around and feeling her ass. It was wet, and she looked up, seeing a leaking pipe and not seeing Dash behind her.

"What happened?" she whispered as she kept touching her wet ass and saw the white liquid. "Oh, must have been the water," she asked Dash to help her up, as she could easily twist the pipe and stop the pipe from leaking.

"Sure thing, Twi," mumbled Dash as she helped Twilight up, but now she had a great view of her ass as she was holding her fine legs up.

"I'm not heavy, right?" blush Twilight, "I know I put on some weight lately."

"No, no, you're fine, really," said Rainbow Dash, and she couldn't help herself. She was slowly rubbing her hand on those fine legs, but stopped and touched her dick again.

Twilight blushed more as she felt something was wrong, and her lower part was feeling hot and her panties were getting wet as she realized she had her big ass in Dash's face. "This is not a good time for this; I'm in front of Dash," thought Twilight, pushing the dirty thoughts out of mind but unaware that Dash was jerking off as her togue were out and wanted to lick that sweet big peach of a ass.

"Uh, hey, I can do this myself," said Twilight, as she used her magic to lift herself up. "Sorry for putting my butt near your face."

"It's FFFFIIINNNNNEEE!" shouted Dash, cumming again but spooking Twilight.

"YOU OKAY! YOU SOUND WEIRD JUST NOW!" Twilight shouted, worried.


"OH SHOOT, RIGHT!" shouted Twi as she felt something hitting her backside again.

Twilight moved away and got on the desk nearby, using her magic to twist the pipe, not noticing once that the liquid was really coming from Dash Penis.

Dash was panting, and her cock was finally soft and limp. She quickly got her pants on and hurried upstairs, yelling that she needed to take a huge shit.

"REALLY RAINBOW!?" shouted Twilight in disgust as Dash ran up stairs, her heart racing, not believing she jerk off in front of Twilight and got away with it. She slammed the door, fell backwards on it, and slid down, crying.

"Fuck, what is happening to me?" whispered Dash as her body was still feeling weird, like her skin was on fire and the room was spinning. She could see Twilight's hamper and gulp as her dick shot up. "Am I becoming a perv?"

She got up and looked at her reflection in the mirror, and she saw herself holding Twi's dirty panties.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said, feeling disgusted but not letting go of the underwear.

She slowly brought it close and inhaled.

"It smells so fucking good," she moans, not letting go.

"What the fuck am I doing!?" She screamed and tossed the underwear away. "I need to tell her. I need to tell her everything! Something 'magical' did something to me from that tape!"

She walked to the door but stopped. She turned around, picked up Twi panties, and smelled them one more time.

"Just one more sniff, and I'll tell her," she said, but knew that was a lie.

"Okay, two more, and I'll tell her."

Twilight was done fixing the leak, cleaning up the mess on the floor, putting away the last of the boxes in the hallway, and checking up on Dash, who was still in the bedroom.

"Dash, are you done? You have been in there a long time." she said and tried to open the door, but the door was locked. "Dash?"

"I'm coming..." Dash came inside another set of panties that she took out from the basket and was still sniffing the other one. "Just give me a few minutes," said Dash, jerking off again as the panties were being wiped with her cum, making them dirty.

"Okay? Well, hurry up," said Twilight, leaving and heading back to the kitchen with one of the boxes.

Dash could hear Twilight leaving and started to cry as she blew her load again inside the wet panties. She opened them and saw so much cum that she couldn't put it back now.

"Guess I'll wear it," she said, putting on the dirty panties, and went to wash her hands from the cum, but quickly realized what she had done. "What is wrong with me?"

She left the bathroom and saw Twilight, looking for the flashlight as she needed to see down there, and didn't notice Dash was behind her, not wearing her shorts and only wearing Twilight's dirty cum soak panties.

"I need to head home, sorry," said Dash, her cock cumming as Twilight didn't turn around.

"Okay, that's fine. We're almost done anyway. Can you come tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," said Rainbow Dash, touching herself. "See ya, Twi."

Dash flew out the window super fast, and Twilight turned around and could see a puddle on the floor. She sighed as she feared that she might need to call a plumper.

Dash kicked open her bedroom door, dropped to her knees, and realized what she had done. Wearing Twilight panties like that. She held her head in shame.

"I'm disgusting," she cried.

The tape player glowed from inside, and the computer screen showed the twisted version of Dash, smiling.

"This can't be happening," sobbed Dash.

Soon, the screen turned on, and Dash looked up and saw the video playing. It was her and Twilight in the basement, and it was playing the same events, but...

"...what?" whimper Dash as she saw herself dropping her shorts and underwear, revealing her big, hard cock, and walking over to a bending Twilight and pulling her pants and panties down and fucking her in the ass.

Dash watched as the events in the basement replayed, but she and Twilight were fucking, and Dash could see herself fucking the shit out of her best friend.

"No, please stop. Don't show me this!" cried Dash as she started to jerk off and whisper, "I should have done that! Why didn't I!?"

Dash couldn't help herself and continued to masturbate, watching herself fucking Twilight.
"Please, let me fuck her. I want to fuck her. I'll do anything!" sob Dash as she was on her knees still, begging for the twisted version of her to do the unthinkable.

"Harder!" begged the version of Twilight on the screen.

"Fuck!" Dash came as she watched the video and saw herself and Twilight cumming together, but it wasn't over. Dash watched as herself put her big cock between Twi ass cheeks and started to trust as she did a ass job.

"Damn, your ass is soft!" said Tape Dash, smiling hard as she thrust harder.

"Fuck yeah! Your cock feels great!" moans Twi as she pushes her ass against her. Her purple ass was going back and forth, slapping those cheeks on the dick.

Dash couldn't hold her lust anymore and stood up, walked over to the screen, and started to jerk off to the video.

"Oh fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this," said Rainbow Dash, touching her cock. She couldn't resist, her eyes glued to the screen and her hands touching her own body and rubbing her breasts, moaning as she was close to cumming.

"I'm a cuck," sobbed Dash as tears streamed down her face, her voice weak and hoarse and her cock pulsating, ready to blow.

"Here I come, Twi!" shouted Tape Dash.

"Fuck yeah! Cum all over my ass!" shouted Tape Twi.

"AHH, FUCK YEAH!" shouted Dash, blowing a huge load in Twilight panties again. She fell back into her chair. She looked at the screen and could see Twilight being naked and opening her mouth as she watched herself rub her big cock and blasted ropes of cum on her face. The screen was then Twilight's happy face as it was covered in cum.

"She's so happy! I'm happy...right?" cried Dash as she touched the screen and stroked it as she touched her dick again.
"No, I'm not1," sobbed Dash, and the video suddenly turned off and the computer went dark. "NO! Bring it back; I need it! Please bring it back; I'll do anything!" sobbed Dash, and the glow of the tape player returned.

Dash looked down and saw her cumming cock and looked at the screen; it was her fucking Twilight in front of the bathroom door, and the camera pulled back to reveal herself in the bathroom, jerking off.

"Dash! Help me!" cried Twilight as her hands were on the door. "Please!"

"I'll save you!" shouted Dash both in the bathroom and in real life, but both just jerked off as the evil Dash kept fucking Twi's brains out.

Dash couldn't take her eyes off the screen, and her hand moved faster, her cock hard again, and her balls were heavy.
"Please, I want to cum! I want to cum inside her! I need to cum!" shouted Dash as the evil version of her came inside Twilight.

"Fuck, Twi!" said the Tape Dash, and she and Twilight moaned.

"TWILIGHT! I'M SAVING YOU!!" moaned Dash as her cock erupted, splattering the floor with her hot semen.

Dash cried as she fell backwards in her chair, seeing her weak self also blasting her load and leaning on the door, saying she was going to save her as she opened the door a bit, reached out, and grabbed Twilight's hand. Evil Dash started to fuck Twilight again, while Twi and Dash held hands, both moaning as Twi got fucked in her pussy and weak Dash jerked off with one hand.

Dash was a mess and couldn't think straight; as her cum was still squirting out, she felt so tired. She was a damn mess and couldn't think straight, and her vision was blurry. Her tears filled up as she smiled at the event in front of her. She's so happy. Happy for them. Enjoying their sexual bliss.

She could see herself and Twilight on the screen, cumming. It was too much, and Dash came again. She shut her eyes and open to see the screen change, and she could see herself wearing Twilight underwear and jerking off in the kitchen as Twilight was getting fucked in the ass again but on the table by Evil Dash.

"Damn Twilight, your asshole is so tight! Is it because that loser cuck is watching us!?" asked Evil Dash, turning to Dash as she was on her knees.

"YES! Yes, she's a cuck and a fucking loser!"

"Fuck yeah! You hear that, loser!?" laughed Evil Dash as she slapped Twi ass, making the fat ass jiggle once more and making Dash moan and cum in the video.

Dash smirked as she saw that. She kept stroking but heard her phone ringing, and she picked it up and heard Twilight on the other end, saying she had a gift for her and should bring the tape to her place tomorrow. Dash said whatever and sure and said goodbye and turned off her phone as she tossed it away and kept stroking as she saw Twilight being fucked in the pussy and on her back, while Evil self spoke, "Come on, Twi, throw a bone to the loser. Least blow her."

Twilight shook her head, kept her lips close, and was biting down hard.

"Come on, bitch! Blow the fucking cuck!" said Evil Dash and slapped Twilight ass.

"NOOO!" cried Twilight as her legs were shaking as she was cumming, and Dash could see the Evil Dash smiling as she was thrusting fast and then saw her weak self stepping closer to Twi's face and putting her small cock near Twi's lips, begging for the blow job.

"Suck me, Twi. Please. Let me get off," begs Dash in the video.

"PUT IT IN, BITCH! I'll give you what you want after you do this! BLOW HER!" order the Evil Dash.

Dash was smiling as Twilight had her eyes close, and she slowly opened her lips, showing her white teeth, and the camera panned out, showing her being roasted by both Dash's. Twilight lips sucked on the small horse penis, and she could feel weak Dash cock going in and out of her mouth. Dash was smiling, enjoying her blow job as she kept going in and out, not stopping, until her body shook. Then, Twi's lips were open wide, and Dash could see her mouth filled with her cum, and the evil Dash pulled out and blasted a ton of sperm into Twi's face and body.

Real-life Dash was so turned on and was cumming, and she was now on her bed, under her blanket, jerking off and smiling and laughing.

"Fucking cuck, you got off, didn't you? Bet you loved every second of that, right, bitch!?" laughed the evil Dash, looking at weak and the real-life Dash, as they nodded.

"Yes, I loved it!" sobbed Dash as she came again and passed out, her cock soft but her mind broken and her soul corrupted.

"Good! Let's see what that slut wants tomorrow?" smirked Evil Dash as she started to glitch out as a twisted version of Dash.

The next day, Dash, sitting on the couch, was waiting in the living room while Twilight was setting up a tape-to-DVD machine in the kitchen and making a copy of the tape on a DVD and walking into the living room.

"There, now you can watch the tape in HD now." Dash stood up and was expecting her to give it back, but was shocked to see Twilight putting it in the DVD player and sitting next to her.


"Yeah? Oh, I thought we could watch the tape together like you wanted, and I kind of felt bad that we couldn't really hang out like you always wanted. Sorry." blush Twilight, looking away.

"N-no, it's cool, Twi. We can watch it." Dash tried to act cool as she sat down; her dick was growing, and she saw her evil self in the DVD menu, hiding as Twi pressed play. Dash gulped as her cock fully stood up as Twilight was confused by what she was looking at.

"What?" whispered Twilight, seeing themselves on the couch and Dash having a small boner in her shorts. She turned to Dash and saw that it was true. "Dash!?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself! It's this tape; it made me like this." cried Dash, not wanting to look at Twilight, knowing her friend would never want to be her friend again if she saw her real weak self.

"What are you talking?" Twilight suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly turned around to see Dash, who was looking evil.

"Hey slut," simply said Evil Dash as she pushed Twilight down, ripping her clothes off.

Twilight turned to Dash, crying out for her to save her. "Dash! Help me!" but her eyes went wide as she saw Dash looking at them and jerking off.

Dash smiled. "Don't worry, Twi! I'm coming to save you." as she stroked harder, as Twilight was naked now and Evil Dash was licking her neck.

"Oh, I love the smell of fear on you, slut!" giggled Evil Dash as she was rubbing her cock on Twilight pussy.

"Please stop; this isn't right! We're friends; help me, Dash!" sobbed Twilight as her hands were on her breasts, covering her nipples and trying to push the evil version of her friend away.

"We can still be friends, right? Just one little fuck. I can't resist. Come on," smirked the evil Dash as she was pinning Twilight down and spreading her legs apart.

"Please, no, you're scaring me. Don't do this! Dash!" She turned to the real Dash, who came and returned to jerking off, "Why!? Why are you jerking off to this!?"

Dash got on her knees and crawled to her, tears streaming down her face, holding Twi's hand, and saying, "I'm so sorry. This isn't what I wanted. But... I'm weak, Twi. I'm a weak mare, and I need this. You're so fucking sexy and beautiful when you are getting fuck, I can't help myself. It's the tape! It made me this way!"

"That's a bunch of fucking lies, and you know it! You can control yourself, and you're not weak. You're strong! Come on, snap out of it! We're best friends; you can't let some fucking tape do this to you. We can beat this; I believe in you," said Twilight, smiling.

Dash could see the trust in her friend's eyes, and she was right. She can control herself; this was just a stupid tape.
"I'm sorry, Twi. I'm sorry for everything." said Dash and gave her a kiss on the lips, shocking Twilight, but she didn't hate it as she returned it.

"Isn't that cute?" smirked Evil Dash as she rammed her big cock into Twilight's pussy, making Twilight cry as she kept kissing Dash. "What a sight, seeing two love birds kissing while one is getting fuck and the other is enjoying being a cuck!" she started to trust harder, her balls smacking on Twilight's fat ass and her tits shaking.

"Ah, fuck yeah! Your pussy is so wet! Is it because you like this, being fuck as your best friend kisses you!?" shouted Evil Dash, laughing as she fucked harder, her dick pulsating as she was going to blow.

"You can control yourself, remember," whispered Twilight, breaking the kiss and holding Dash close. "Please help me. I love you!"

"I will. I'm sorry. I won't let this happen anymore. I love you too," said Dash, crying and standing up, turning to the evil.

"Oh, don't mind me. Go ahead and jerk off," laughed Evil Dash, thrusting hard and fast. "You know you want to. Watching your girl get fuck. It's so hot!"

Dash shook her head and took a step closer. "No, I'm done with that!"

Evil Dash turned to her and gave Dash an evil smile. "Then why are you touching your dick right now?"

Dash froze as her hand was indeed on her cock, and she quickly pulled it back and put her arms down, blushing, "I'm not a cuck anymore."

"Aren't you, though? What kind of friend just lets another version of themselves fuck their girl? What kind of friend is that!?" asked the evil Dash, grinning and slamming her hips harder.

"You're not me!" shouted Dash, and the evil version of her started to glitch.

"Come on, jerk off. You know you want to. Do it! Jerk off, you little cuck!" yelled Evil Dash, as her face was morphing and
turning into something else.

"No!" shouted Dash, running towards her, not afraid.

"Do it! You know you want to. Do it, and I'll fuck Twilight forever and ever," laughed the twisted being, as Twilight was screaming in fear and moaning.

Dash stood her ground. "No!"

"Do it, and I'll let you fuck her; I'll leave and never return. Isn't that what you want?" The thing was smiling, waiting for her answer.

"I-" Dash looked back at Twilight, who was holding on to her, crying and asking for her to save her, but Twilight cried harder as he saw Dash's small dick standing up and leaking pre-cum.

"Dash! What are you doing? Save me!" cried Twilight, as she was scared and couldn't hold back and moan.

"Come on, do it." The creature was glitching out, turning into a static monster but smiling.


"Just one more time. That's all. One last jerk off, for the final time," smiled the evil being.

"One last jerk off," said Dash, and Twilight screamed no, but it was too late. Dash backed away, smiling as she touched her cock and saying, "Promise! Last jerk off! Then I'll save you!" She walked behind the doorway and hid there, as the only thing peeking out was her horse cock as she rubbed it.

"Dash..." whimper Twilight, seeing her friend hiding away and jerking off as she's being raped by this static monster.

"Heh, I can see it in your eyes; you want to cum," said the monster.

Twilight was breathing hard and closing her eyes. "No."

"Yes, you do. Admit it, this feels good. Having a monster cock fucking your wet cunt while your love is hiding away like a loser and cuck she is," said the monster, and Twilight was moaning.

"Yes. It feels so good," cried Twilight, and the monster smiled and glitched again. Now Twilight was riding the monster cock, bouncing up and down, and the monster had a big bulge in her stomach.

"Yes, take it all in! Fuck this monster cock, slut!" shouted the monster.

"Dash, please," cried Twilight as she was moving her hips faster.

"She can't save you. She won't. She wants this. She is a cuck. And you love her being one, seeing her weak side like that. Being control over her, you're stronger than her." laughed the monster, and Twilight came, crying and smiling as she felt the monster's hot load filling her womb but also feeling it was true. She turned to the doorway, seeing the small horse cock blasting out a load but still going.

"That's right, bitch. I can give you everything that your lover can't. What's a loser like her? Give me your body, and I'll make you a queen, and we can rule this fucking world, and no pony will stop us." said the monster, thrusting into her, and Twilight was crying and shaking her head.

"I love her, and I'll protect her from you!" shouted Twilight, and the monster laughed.

"You can't protect anyone! While riding me!" laughed the monster, glitching out again, putting Twilight on the floor, and Twilight was now on all fours and getting fuck hard and fast, her body moving as the monster held her waist, and Twilight eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was sticking out.

"See, you're already losing control, and I'm about to cum again. Come on, join me, Twilight Sparkle. You are my whore now." said the monster, and Twilight cried. She was scared, and her body was moving on its own, and she couldn't move. The static monster turned and saw Dash crying as she was peeking out more, her dick blasting out loads, and her hands shaking as she kept jerking off.

"Dash, help me! Save me, please," cried Twilight, as the monster was cumming in her pussy and her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

Dash couldn't stop herself and was going to cum, and the monster was smiling, and Twilight was screaming and crying, her body shaking, and her ass was smacking against the monster.

"See, that's the spirit. Let's do it together," laughed the monster, and Dash cried as she saw her evil self glitching and Twilight cumming together.

"I'm weak," whimper Dash, closing her eyes and tears falling from her, but she heard Twilight's caring words.

"You're not weak. You're strong. So, fucking strong. Please, Dash. Save me! This monster is the weak one, not you." cry Twilight.

Dash opened her eyes and saw the monster punch Twilight in the face, making something in her filled with a burning fire.

"No! Stop that!" screamed Dash, stepping into the room.

"DASH!" cried Twilight, smiling.

"Shut up, cunt!" shouted the monster, and Dash charged and jumped on top of her.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" yelled Dash, and he started to punch the monster.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" screamed the monster, glitching and morphing, and the TV screen was also glitching, and then Twilight was free as Dash pulled the monster off of her and wrestled with each other. Twilight crawled to the DVD player, ejected the disk, and broke it in two, but she became worried as the monster was still here.

"The tape is in the kitchen! Dash!" shouted Twilight, but the monster stretched its hand towards Twilight and pinned her down, kicking Dash to the wall.

"Sorry, but I'm not done yet. Time to breed you, bitch." laughed at the monster, and Dash got up and ran away, making the monster laugh. "HA! What a fucking cuck! Running away to jerk off somewhere else." and the monster glitched out, but It heard Twilight laughing. "What's so funny!?" Twilight pointed to the doorway, revealing Dash holding the tape. "NO!"

"WASN'T GOING SOMEWHERE TO JERK OFF! I WENT TO GET THIS YOU FUCK!" Dash raised her hands and slammed the tape on her knee, breaking it.

"No!" screams the monster, glitching and changing. The static creature was getting smaller and fading away for good. It was over. Dash dropped to her knees and could see Twilight smiling as she lay there on the floor.

"Sorry," cried Dash, seeing how Twilight was raped, and she did nothing.

Twilight shook her head and spoke with a warm smile. "It's okay, you dummy." She raised her arms and asked Dash to take her. "I love you."

Dash started to cry as her cock got hard, and she crawled over to her and started to make love...

Many years later

The cloud stadium was filled with cheering fans as they shouted Rainbow Dash's name, as she became a fan favorite and one of the best flyers of the Wonderbolts and was a big part of the team now. She soars past the crowd, waving her hand at them and making the kids laugh as she makes funny faces. She landed on the platform and removed her goggles and face mask. She waved at everyone as they screamed louder.

"LOVE YOU ALL!" shouted Dash, and a news reporter walked up to her and asked a few questions.

"Miss Rainbow Dash, how is it marrying the new princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle?" asked the female reporter, and the crowd went crazy.

"Well, it's hard since she's always talking to world leaders, but with how she's keeping the world peaceful, I guess I can't blame her." Dash smiled, and the reporter giggled.

"Yes, and you and her have been together for 10 years and 2 years after being married. You two must really love each other, and our female viewers want to know, How are you two still together?" The reporter gave her the mic.

Dash put her mouth near it and answered, "Respecting each other, trusting each other as your apart and love. Accepting their love, no matter what shape it is." Everyone went awwww, but Dash quickly added, "Also, the sex." She winked, and everyone laughed. She gave back the mic and waved goodbye as the show ended. She flew out of the stadium, landed in the flyer doorway, and entered it, seeing her teammates waving at her and giving her high fives. She walked on and saw the lobby. She saw some of the rookies watching the news report of Twilight meeting the leader of the Yak tribe, and the tv showed her and a very tall Yak man standing together and waving. Dash smiled and headed to her private room. She saw her phone on the table and noticed she had received an email and text. She lowered the phone, locked her door, and shut off the lights as she walked over to her laptop and sat down. She opened her email and downloaded a video. She played it.

...Within the darkness, Twilight's moaning could be heard as she was getting fucked by the Yak leader. Dash got naked, and her small cock stood up as she started to jerk off and remember that night..

Dash crawled over and tried to insert her small cock into Twilight, but it went soft and limp. She tried to make it hard but couldn't; she wasn't turned on. She started to cry as Twilight held her in her arms.

"It's okay. We can make this work." She kissed her on the cheek and smiled, not for Dash because the monster was right; she loved seeing how weak Dash was, and she loved cucking her. She leaned back. "Let's visit Big Mac tomorrow, okay?"

Dash started to laugh as she knew what Twilight meant and nodded, as she could hear the monster laughing as it spoke its last dying words before it vanished.

"You two are the worst couple ever!"

Dash was now jerking off fast, as the Yak leader was now behind Twilight and her ass was clapping against his balls. The camera was shaking but was steady enough to show Twilight's face, as her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was sticking out. Her tits were shaking, and the Yak leader was moaning.

"I can't wait to see what the little cuck will think, watching her wife get fucked by me. Oh, she is so tight. Your wife is so damn hot. She is amazing."

Dash was smiling and laughing as the Yak was right. Twilight is amazing.

"I hope your little wife enjoys it." The video stopped after Yak blew his load, and Dash was breathing hard. She opened the text message, and it was another video and a picture—a picture of Twilight holding a big, juicy cock near her face, as the text says.

"I hope u blasted a cute load 4 me. Luv u :)"

Dash pressed the video, and a new video came on, but it was a live stream. Twilight was riding a large brown colt with a fat cock, bouncing her ass, and the colt was grunting. Twilight was smiling, looking at the camera, and moaning.

"Hope you enjoy this Dash!" smiled Twilight, as she loved being in control of Dash and making her weak.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" yelled the cameraman, showing himself; he was a tall blue-earth stallion, and his cock was leaking pre-cum. Twilight turned to him and smiled. She got off the colt and turned around, putting her fat ass towards the camera. Showing her ass, pounding the new fresh cock.

"I love you too, Twi," cried Dash as she stroked harder and came all over her phone screen.

Soon, the cameraman pushes Twilight off and slaps her face, calling her a dirty slut princess.

"Dude!" shouted the colt, who was drinking water.

"What?" asked the man, confused, but he saw Twilight sighing.

Twilight sat up and pouted, "Asshole, you ruin our fun."

Before the man could say anything, Dash burst through the wall, kicking his ass. After the beatdown, Dash kissed Twilight as her interview was playing on the bedroom TV.

"Respecting each other, trusting each other as your apart and love. Accepting their love, no matter what shape it is."

Dash broke the kiss. "Protecting each other. That's what loyalty is." Dash stepped back and walked into a closet, closing it half way as her cock peeked out and watched Twilight fuck the other man. "This is our love," she said, starting to stroke her cock...

-tape ejects-