Bimbo Dash

by Wolfeh05

First published

Rainbow Dash becomes a bimbo for a day.

Rainbow Dash saves the lives of two unicorn mares, which "reward" her by mind controlling her and transforming her into a bimbo.

This was a commission for JBlaser.

The day Rainbow Dash's life changed

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"...I said, it muuustt be pudding, right?", laughed Pinkie pie.

"Pinkie Pie, you're so random", replied Pinkie's friend, the rainbow maned pegasus, Rainbow Dash. She was chilling with Pinkie and right now, they were headed towards SugarCube Corner. The two friends helped AppleJack a few hours ago, so they decided to grab some sweets and plan some pranks. As they were laughing and talking, Pinkie's tail started twitching. Rainbow looked at it, and then at Pinkie.

"Is this what I think it is?", asked Rainbow while quirking an eyebrow. She knew Pinkie's tail was a mystery on it's own, so while she didn't exactly knew what every tail twitching meant, she knew it meant something.

"My tail is twitching! My tail is twitching! I think somepony might be in trouble!", screamed Pinkie. Rainbow instinctively looked around. The only thing that caught her eye was a huge sign that hung above two talking ponies. They were oblivious so they didn't noticed when the sign appeared to be falling straight on them. Rainbow instantly flew towards the ponies and pushed them away. At first, the ponies gasped as they didn't know what happened, but after they saw the fallen sign and the pony that saved them, their eyes widened in awe. Not only were they saved, they were saved by Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolt wonder, the Element of Loyalty, the hero of Equestria! The two unicorns squeaked and twiddled their hooves like fangirls.

"OH MY CELESTIA IT'S RAINBOW DAAASHHH!", squeaked one of them.

"We're, like, the biggest fans eveeerrr!", replied the other one.

Rainbow Dash studied them closely. Even though she had a best friend that was literally a fashion icon, she never understood said subject. So she didn't knew if the two unicorns were wearing "trendy" clothes, as Rarity called them, or their clothes were extremely ridiculous. One had twintails and was wearing a bright pink v-neck dress with a belt, pink high heels and heart shaped earrings. The other had curly hair and was wearing a glittery black long sleeve crop top, a golden skirt, black high heels, golden bracelets and a beret. Not only that, but their makeup was also pretty strange and excessive, the type that would give Rarity a run for her money, but at the same time, even her friend would call it garish: one of them was wearing pink lipstick, light blue eyeshadow, a heart mark on her cheek and black mascara, and the other one was wearing bright red lipstick and winged tipped mascara. Rainbow shook her head.

"Heh, thank you. I always appreciate when I met fans", said Rainbow somewhat nervously while scratching the nape with a hoof.

"As a sign of our gratitude, would you like to have, like, dinner with us?", replied one of the unicorns.

"Yes, please accept, Rainbow Dash!", said the other one, batting her eyelashes.

At first, Rainbow wasn't so sure so she looked back at Pinkie. The pink pony was getting close to them, bouncing happily. She was close enough to hear their conversation.

"It's ok Dash, go have lunch! I'll go back to Sugarcube Corner and I'll meet you there after you finish!", said Pinkie as she waved goodbye to the three ponies.

The restaurant they went was almost empty, but the food was delicious. Rainbow Dash ate her daisy sandwich and salad while telling her two fans about her adventures. She didn't find it strange that the unicorns appeared fascinated about her, they were practically eating her up with their eyes. Rainbow finished her meal and got up to stretch a bit. She turned towards the two mares.

"Thanks for the meal girls. It was delicious!", replied politely the pegasus mare.

The unicorns got up and flanked Rainbow Dash. They put a hoof on her withers and batted their eyelashes at her.

"We don't think lunch is enough for you. Would you like to join us...home?"

"Yeah, you deserve a better reward."

Rainbow's eyes widened at those statements. Sure, she swung both ways, but she didn't hop in a random stranger's bed, let alone a fan's bed.

"Umm, I am sorry, but I have to refuse. Not to mention, my friend is waiting for me-"

"Oh come ooonn, please Rainboooww", pleaded one of them.

Rainbow gently pushed them away. "I am really sorry, but no. Also, no offense, but I don't even know your names."

"I am Pom Puff."

"And I am Cherry Star."

"Umm ok, nice to meet you, but I still won't accept", replied Rainbow while slightly frowning. The two unicorns frowned too, then looked at eachother.

"Is she, like, refusing us, Cherry?"

"I think she is, Pom". The two turned towards Dash and with an air of finality, said:

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Dash?", replied Pom Puff. Dash really didn't like her tone of voice.

"Yes, so now please excuse me".

But right when Dash was about to take flight, she noticed that she couldn't move. As it downed on her that she was gripped magically, she tried to look at the unicorns. Their horns were glowing and they had a sinister smile on their face.

"We're sorry Rainbow, but like, we reaallyy tried to be nice", said mischievously Cherry Star.

"Totes. It's your fault for refusing us. We even gave you the opportunity to change your mind.", smiled casually Pom Puff.

The two quickly cast a spell and then their magical aura fizzled out. Rainbow thought this was her chance, but to her horror, she realized she couldn't move her body. The two unicorns giddily looked at each other, then at Rainbow. She wanted to know what happened. Were they controlling her? Pom and Cherry appeared to know what Rainbow wanted.

"Haha, what? You think only your purple friend can do manipulation and control spells?", Pom airly laughed. "Come on, let's get outside, we'll talk more. After all, we wouldn't want anypony to know about our little secret, right?". They lead Rainbow Dash outside the restaurant and towards a small alleyway. Cherry continued their conversation:

"If you really want to know, it was actually YOUR friend, Starlight Glimmer, that taught us this spell. You see, we were ponies from her small little village. After she came to Ponyville as Twillight's protege and had the task to make some friends, we agreed to become her fake friends just to appease the princesses and we also promised that we would never told any other pony about her dark past. In return, she had to teach us a small control and manipulation spell. Pretty neat, huh? Not to mention, we're more talented than we look."

As they were near the end of the alleyway, they thought if they should teleport in order to avoid somepony seeing them with Rainbow Dash. But they decided to just act natural instead. It would've been more suspicious if they suddenly teleported without a word, rather than having Rainbow Dash walk with them. Since she didn't look distressed, most ponies would assume that she went with the unicorns willingly. So they existed the alleyway and went towards a modest house. Pom Puff opened reverently the door for Rainbow, then entered after Cherry Star. The mares lead Dash towards their bedroom, and after they all entered, they closed the door behind them and the two unicorns began searching for something. The frightened pegasus was sitting near the door, shivering like a leaf, while her eyes were pouring cascades of tears down her face. Her mind was racing with scary thoughts: she was about to either get tortured, raped or murdered by her two "fans". Pom and Cherry blissfully turned towards Dash and their eyes widened at the pegasus. They began to giggle at her distress.

"Geez, calm down Dash! We're not gonna hurt ya! We're just gonna transform ya!", said Pom Puff.

"Yeah, into us! Oh and since we're all alone now, I think we can let you talk for a bit", completed Cherry, while looking at her best friend, signaling her to use her magic too in order to let Rainbow speak. The pegasus took a deep breath and began to verbally assault the two mares with a barrage of words.

"What in Celestia's name do you think you're doing?? Let me go this instant! Plus, I don't wanna be transformed into a stupid tramp!"

Pom and Cherry looked at Dash, then at each other and started to laugh.

"What? You think that, like, just because we look like this, we're just some stupid floozies?"

"Wanna hear something funny? It was, again, the hoof of your dear friend that made us like this. See, at first we really liked Starlight's idea of equality, but after a while, it became boring. What was the fun of NOT being special, when we have a lot of things created to make us special? We don't all use the same, identical products, right? We don't all eat the same food. Look at you, for example: you like being special, right? You love your friends and family, but you couldn't stand the idea of getting lost in the crowd. So everybody has their own way of looking, feeling and being special."

Rainbow Dash listened to them closely. Even though she didn't like it, the two unicorns had a point. She would be apologizing if she forgot she was actually kidnapped.

"Ok but still, I do not want this. Please let me go and we'll forget that any of this happened."

Pom smirked at her. "Nuh-uh, not a chance. We're gonna have a special day...and probably even night, together!"

Just as Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to retort, the unicorns used their magic again to make her unable to speak, then went towards their wardrobe and vanity desk. They returned with clothes, accessories and makeup. Rainbow Dash was made to walk first towards a bathroom, where the bimbos washed her hair with shampoo, conditioned it then dried it. After that, the pegasus mare was put on a chair while the other two mares worked their magic. She couldn't do anything, she just had to endure her transformation. The pegasus hopelessly looked as the mares diligently worked on her. They gently brushed her freshly washed hair, which smelled and looked amazing, and then tied it in a ponytail. The unicorns hmmed a bit, as if something was missing, then Pom Puff started brushing Rainbow's bangs more. She retrieved a hairspray from her vanity desk and started spraying the pegasus. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but cough at the amount of hairspray she inhaled. At least this part was finished. But next came the clothes, and the unicorns picked the most slutty, girlish and gaudy clothes Rainbow had ever seen. Again, all she could do was look while she was dressed in a pink crop top, followed by a black skirt with a belt. In a way, Rainbow thought that those looked nice on her, especially as they framed her
athletic build, but then the unicorns approached with a pair of pink stockings which the pegasus found really distasteful.

But her eyes really widened when she saw the shoes: a pair of golden high heels. Rainbow rarely wore shoes, let alone high heels. In fact, she believed that not even Rarity owned heels that tall. But the mare just sighed and allowed the bimbos to put the shoes on her. Then, the accessories, of course: golden hoop earrings, a silver pendant and she was made to lift each hoof for the bimbos to put on her golden bracelets. Even if she couldn't see herself, Rainbow believed with all her heart that she looked like a prostitute. But she gritted her teeth a bit when she saw what was next: her makeup. She closed her eyes as Pom Puff and Cherry Star assaulted her with brushes. Pom focused on her eyes: she expertly applied pink eyeshadow with a small brush, then after she was happy how it turned out, she picked up eyeliner in her magic and with clockwork precision, applied a thick, black line on Rainbow's eyelids. After a bit, she took a tube of mascara and applied multiple coats on Dash's eyelashes, until they became spider leg lashes. As Pom Puff nodded in approval and took her makeup to the vanity desk, Cherry came closer and made Rainbow pucker up, because it was time for lipstick. The mare reluctantly did what she was supposed to do, and Cherry applied a neon shade of pink on her lips. The bimbos ended their new companion's transformation with some perfume that Rainbow found pleasant, but too cloying. They took a step back while looking at their creation. Their new bimbo friend was ready.

Pom Puff and Cherry Star looked proudly at Rainbow Dash. They did an amazing job on her. The pegasus was made to walk towards a huge mirror. The unicorns flanked her as their eyes beamed.

"What do ya think, Dashie?", asked Pom Puff gleefuly.

Dash's eyes widened in shock. She barely recognized herself. She tried to protest but she couldn't move her lips due to the control spell the wicked unicorns put on her.

"Come on, let's get some pictures! ", said Cherry Star giddily. She went and picked up a pink and black camera and told Dash to sit near the vanity desk. She pouted a bit as she realized something was missing. The unicorn gasped as she had an idea.

"Come on Dashie, pose for us! Act like a model!"

Rainbow Dash's brows slightly furrowed in confusion. She only knew how to do awesome poses, not feminine ones. That was Rarity's job and occasionally Fluttershy's. The mares rolled their eyes a bit and instructed Dash: the pegasus sat sultry on the floor, eyes half lidded and lips puckered. She didn't look like a model, she looked like she wanted to invite a stallion in her bed. Next, they asked her to slightly lift a forehoof while her hindlegs were wide opened. Again, she looked like a slutty ballerina. After that, they made her sit on her forehooves, head bend slightly to her right and eyes averted, while her rump was high in the air, both cutie marks visible from how wide apart her hindlegs were. She was almost in a split. Rainbow Dash felt extremely humiliated and embarrassed, while the unicorns were gawking at her.

"Ok enough of that, how about a little trip?", said suddenly Cherry Star. Rainbow tried her best to look at her while her eyes widened. She really didn't want to leave anywhere with these mares.

"Yeah, we're gonna go to our favorite club in Manehatten!", Pom Puff almost screamed in happiness. Rainbow Dash was the only one that paled when she heard that.

"Yeah but first, we reeallyyy need to teach you how to walk in heels.", grinned Cherry. So after they tried their best to explain and also showed the pegasus how to walk by showing her themselves, they were ready to go. As they left the house, Pom had an idea.

"You should exercise your walking here, Dashie. That way, ponies will also see how amazing you look!"

Dash tried her best to shake her head vigorously. She did NOT want to do that. It was one thing to walk in high heels in a home, but completely another to parade in a town full of ponies. But unfortunately, she had no choice. So she was made to strut like a shameless tramp until they arrived at the Ponyville train station. She had to endure all the strange, confused and lustful gazes ponies she knew and the ones that didn't, gave her. Rainbow hoped that dressed like this and with this makeup she wore, ponies would believe she is a new mare. It wasn't actually a long stroll, but for Rainbow, it felt like forever.

", not only is she suuppeerr blaand and boorinng, but she also sits so strange!"

"MMyeaahh, and her friend is soo annoyyingg. Ohh and also, have you seen that mute pony with neon blue hair?"

"Yeaaahh, DJ Pone or something like that. Oh, she kinda reminds me of you, Dash!"

Rainbow Dash apathetically turned her head and eyes towards the two ponies. Not only she was dressed like a cheap floozy, but she was also forced to endure the two unicorns' rude gossip. She hated to admit, but she couldn't wait to arrive at their destination, only because she couldn't stand the mares. Rainbow sighed in relief when she noticed the train started to slow down.

"So, like, what do you say, Dashie?", asked enthusiastically Pom Puff. Dash quirked an eyebrow at the club and also at the strange name of the club. What in Celestia's name was a "Belle Jument"?

"Oh I bet she will love it!", laughed Cherry Star while looking at Rainbow Dash, then at the entrance of the club.

She gestured towards the other mares then at the door. "Shall we?"

As they got close, the bouncer pony looked at the three mares then did a double take while his eyes widened. No, it couldn't be...

"Excuse me, but are you...Rainbow Dash?", he asked the pegasus mare in a somewhat confused tone. She looked like her, true, but he didn't actually believed it was her. Even if he didn't know Rainbow Dash well, he doubted that she would dress a slut.

"It IS Rainbow Dash indeed! She is just so enthused to be here that she can barely talk. Riiight, Dashie?", said Pom Puff with a wicked voice.

The pegasus mare glared at her "friend" and companion but then looked at the bouncer and slowly nodded while batting her long eyelashes at him. The bouncer took a step back and blushed. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the other unicorn started talking.

"We caaan't wait to get in, so please be a dear and, you know, let us in?". The bouncer silently nodded and stepped aside.

He hungrily watched the three mares as they stepped right past him, especially Rainbow, which seemed to walk like a model, with her head held high and her hips swinging left and right.

The two unicorns sat at a table and watched Rainbow Dash as she danced on the dancefloor, almost all eyes on her. As Pom Puff and Cherry Star sipped their cocktails, they noticed that even stallions that came with mares had their eyes trained on Rainbow. But then, their eyes shifted on three stallions that sat in a corner and watched the pegasus dance, as they whispered to each other. The mares smiled at each other and then got up from their seats, deciding to join the pegasus. Despite how it looked, Rainbow wasn't actually having so much fun. Sure, she loved being the center of attention, but not dressed and dancing like she was now. Even Rarity would scoff at her very unsexy, in fact extremely raunchy dance. Her eyes widened a bit when the two other mares flanked her. She just knew that something was about to happen.

"Hey Dashie, aren't those stallions cute?", pointed Cherry Star while dancing.

"Yeah, wanna have some fun?", asked Pom Puff while eying the stallions. They noticed too that the three mares were glancing in their direction while giving them sweet eyes, so they decided to act: they confidently trotted towards the mares.

"Hello there, sweet things. I see you're having fun", said one of them, while trying to sound casual.

"Oh yes, we really are, mister. But I'm afraid our friend here is starting to get tired", said Pom Puff with a half lidded stare while pointing at Rainbow. The mare in question was sweating, but not because she was getting tired. She did NOT want to have fun.

"How about you cute mares join us at our table there?", asked another stallion.

The mares eagerly nodded as they pulled Rainbow Dash along with them. The stallions ordered alcoholic drinks for all of them, and the fun continued as the mares drank, laughed and talked with the stallions they just met.

As they stumbly got out of the club, the stallions ordered a cab and all six ponies were heading towards a hotel room. Rainbow Dash wasn't as drunk as she seemed, and her mind was racing. She didn't know what to do to get her autonomy back and she was scared out of her wits. The pegasus knew what was coming and was not looking forward to it. Her heart sank as the chariot stopped in front of a hotel. The stallions then stepped out and helped the mares, not only because they were drunk, but because it was gentlemanly to do. They quickly booked a room. As the mares climbed the stairs in front of them, they couldn't help but stare at their rumps. They could not wait for their fun night to continue in the hotel room.

Rainbow tried her best to walk as slowly as she could, but it didn't really help that she was basically pushed from behind by the stallions and now, they were sitting in a spacious and beautiful hotel room. She didn't have more time to admire the room since the mares tackled her to the bed, giggling.

The stallions looked at the giggling mares and bit their lips. Sweet Celestia, these mares were hot. Their clothes and makeup drove them crazy. They really wanted to have them and could not wait any longer. They jumped in the bed playfully and started laughing while at the same time hugging a mare. While Pom and Cherry looked lustfully at the stallions, Rainbow only had panic in her eyes, but the stallions didn't seem to notice or simply didn't care.

"I love a shy mare, and doooon't you worry none, I'll take you to heaven and back, rainbow cupcake. I can see you're stiff with anticipation and desire, so I won't deny you for long."

Rainbow Dash wasn't, in fact, stiff with desire and anticipation. She was scared, repulsed and seething with anger. It didn't help that she had no means of expressing her feelings, so she just tried her best to glare at her two "friends", who in turn locked eyes with Rainbow and winked at her.

The worst part was that Rainbow didn't really know for sure if they genuinely thought that the pegasus would enjoy these activities, or if they were just sadistic and wanted to hurt the mare. Her train of thought was interrupted when the stallion sat above her, opened Dash's legs as far as he could and lined his stallionhood with her silky entrance. Rainbow's eyes widened a bit when she was gently penetrated by the big stallionhood, then rocked back and forth as the pony picked up his pace. Rainbow wanted to shout, to squirm, to punch this stallion and the mares next to her, but all she could do was silently look as the he was fucking her roughly now, almost drooling on her while his eyes appeared glassy. It was obvious that he didn't gave a flying feather about her pleasure, but even if she liked it or not, Rainbow's pussy started to get wet.

She tried her best to move her head to look at the other two mares, and she saw them enjoyed themselves immensely: Pom Puff was on her belly, eyes rolled up in her head and tongue hanging out while the stallion pumped in and out of her. She was pushing her hips back in time with the stallion, the plap-plap of their bodies colliding together the loudest sound in the room.

Next to her, Cherry Star was giving her stallion a blowjob. And "blowjob" was an understatement, as the pegasus mare continued to look: the unicorn was actually deepthroating the large dick of the guy expertly. Her nose was pressed on the stallion's underbelly, while her tongue gently caressed his big, inflated balls. Rainbow Dash was low key impressed, since she remembered only seeing lewd scenes like this on clop magazines.

Rainbow was again distracted when the pony above her grunted, tensed up and then fired rope after rope of thick, potent cum. The pegasus widened her eyes with concern at that, even if she had no means of telling the stallion to not come inside her. She gritted her teeth and hoped that she will at least be released in time to take an anti pregnancy potion.

Her stallion then sighed deeply and collapsed next to her. He kissed her forehead, spooned her, then seemingly felt content with just falling asleep. Rainbow just couldn't help but think: did stallions just went after any mare that lifted her tail? Did she, Cherry Star and Pom Puff really looked that attractive? Because she just thought that they looked ridiculous dressed like this and wearing this clown makeup. The boys must probably liked them since they didn't even undress them, but maybe they were so horny that they simply didn't care. Slowly, Rainbow Dash's thoughts drifted away as she was taken by the gentle embrace of sleep.

The next day, Rainbow woke up after hearing ponies talking next to her. She blinked a few times to focus, and noticed that Cherry Star and Pom Puff were talking to each other, almost whispering. When they noticed that the pegasus woke up, they turned towards her and smiled. Rainbow Dash still couldn't talk, but her face seemed to express "What now?", and the other two mares read her expression perfectly.

"Mornin' Dashieee, did ya enjoyed yourself?", asked Pom.

The pegasus just glared at her, as if saying "are you serious right now?".

"I bet she did, but like, right now, we have to tell ya that our fun must end."

When she heard that, a chill ran up Rainbow Dash's spine. Was she going to be killed by these mares?

The unicorns seemed to sense that. They quirked an eyebrow and then started to laugh.

"Gee Dash, calm dooowwnn. We're not going to hurt ya, girl. In fact, we're gonna take you home!", replied Cherry Star, giddiness still in her voice.

Could Rainbow actually believe that? She wanted to hope, but these mares deceived her already.

But the unicorn mares actually kept their word. They took Rainbow back stealthily to their house, removed her clothes, then washed her body and makeup. They also provided Rainbow with an anti pregnancy potion. Then nodded to each other and told the pegasus.

"Ok Dashie, like we said, we're gonna let you go, but unfortunately, we have your memory a bit. We will always keep you in our hearts, but unfortunately, that can't happen for you too."

Rainbow started sweating a bit, but nodded. Anything to be away from these ironically creepy, wicked and smart mares. If she couldn't remember them, then even better. The unicorns nodded again, took the pegasus towards the edge of Ponyville, then activated their horns.

Rainbow Dash gently opened her eyes. She couldn't help but notice that she was sprawled on the ground. The next thing she noticed however, was that she felt a bit tired, like she flew for two hours straight. She inspected her body for any damage, and she was happy when nothing was amiss. The pegasus stretched her limbs a bit, straightened herself up and with a humorous tone, bordering on confusion, she said:

"Man, Pinkie Pie can throw one hell of a party!"