Fire on the Runway

by Prince Polaris

First published

Jumbo is used to being asked to help move things off of the runway due to his size, but this particular obstacle is just as big as he is. And angry.

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Jumbo is used to being asked to help move things off of the runway due to his size, but this particular obstacle is just as big as he is. And angry.

What's a Plone, a Planepony, an ex-747 to do?

What happens when a dragon lands at the airport, demanding to be brought to the one aircraft that happens to be pony shaped? And when she finds him, what can you do other than hide and watch the show?

The spirit of horse seggs has posessed me once more, and in less than one day I went from having this idea to writing it, and now I'm publishing it! Woohoo!

I wanted my 30th published fic to be the cute one I'm planning for the holidays, but... oh well. Happy early hearth's warming, those of you who followed for the clop!

Contains: Two very large creatures having hot messy sex, I dunno what else to tell you. No super weird fetishes this time, at least nothing as insane as some of the things I've written.


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"Oh, I used to love this place!" Discord cried, wearing a wide smirk as he looked down at the airport. Teleporting away and then teleporting down next to the angry-looking pony standing beneath him, he growled, "Before you ponies paved it over!"

"Look, just get out of here!" Barked the stallion in return. "If you touch anything, I'm calling the police!"

Of course, that just brought forth a laughing fit from the odd creature in front of him, which only soured the pony's mood even further.

"You know what? I think I will touch something!" Discord chirped. "And maybe it will touch you back!" he hissed, snapping his fingers, then teleporting away before the stallion could say anything.

The stallion opened his mouth for a retort, but he wasn't quick enough. A flash of magic shone through the hangar doors behind him, and then he heard the creaking of metal...

Suddenly feeling more nervous than angry, the pilot turned around and carefully pushed the door open, just far enough to peer inside at his jet.

But it wasn't his jet anymore.

The Plane-sized stallion inside the hangar was just starting to open his eyes, looking dazed and confused as he slowly focused his gaze on the little pony in front of him. His large mouth opened, and he sleepily asked "Wuh....?"

But by that point, the stallion had already sprinted off to get away from him.


A few years later, not much had changed about the way Jumbo woke up. He let out a sleepy grunt as he slowly opened his eyes, scrunching up his snout just a little. Despite Discord's defeat, and later, reformation, anything that he turned into a Pony was left be, rather than turn them back and effectively kill the pony they'd become. And that included Jumbo.

Rather than owning him, the airport now considered him an Employee. He could still fly ponies from place to place using the passenger compartment in his belly, but most ponies didn't exactly want to climb inside another pony just to get somewhere. And those that did tended to be weird about it...

So, Jumbo became a mascot of sorts for the airport, as well as helping out around the place. He'd gotten pretty good at picking up busses and cargo trailers whenever they got stuck, and he could be pretty quick to put out a fire if he needed to.

The inside of his hangar looked more like a bedroom by now. Half of it was taken up by a _massive_ bed, comprised of hundreds of used mattresses sealed up to make one really large one. He even had his own computer, made with a high-power projector that shone the display onto the doors of his hangar when he closed them.

He communicated with the computer using a car-sized mouse and an equally oversized keyboard, built just for him to work with. But today, he didn't feel like messing with it...

The big Plone groaned softly as he rolled onto his belly, stretching _just_ a little. He'd have to go outside to properly stretch, so he pressed the button for his hangar doors and slowly stood up, making his way outside.

Once he was out, Jumbo was able to properly get a good stretch in, his wings whirring as they folded to their full lengths and twitched a little. He didn't exactly have any bones to crack, but there were a few metal creaks as he stretched and gave himself a bit of a shake.

After he was done with that, he looked back at the hangar, then back out at the airfield again. Seems like it was quiet today... and it was! Well, for the next 30 seconds or so.

Just when Jumbo was considering laying at the end of the runway to let the sun warm him up, he heard an alarm begin to sound from the other end of the airfield, followed by the ATC sending him a radio transmission. "Jumbo, we need your help on runway two, there's... something on the runway".

He frowned slightly, though he didn't question it as he began to walk. "All right, I'm coming..." he said, sending it back.

The Situation

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Jumbo didn't really question it as he began to walk around the main airport building, being careful not to step on any equipment. He still felt awful about accidentally crushing that one filly's suitcase, but at least he had been able to make it up to her by letting her sit on his head as he walked around the airport for a bit.

He felt less bad about the time he squashed one of the luggage carts, because it happened to be the one with the really loud exhaust that always woke him up when it drove by. Thankfully, no squashed ponies so far, and hopefully never.

As Jumbo walked around a hangar, he was finally able to get a look at Runway #2, and what he saw was enough to make him stop in his tracks. The runway was indeed blocked, but it wasn't blocked by any sort of vehicle or pony or even an errant timberwolf, no.

What stood at the end of the runway was a large, green, angry-looking dragon. As Jumbo watched, it seemed like the dragon was arguing with a few ponies in front of her, and he winced slightly as he watched her jab a finger at one of them. She was pointing at him, but any further and she would've stabbed the poor pony with her claw.

It seemed she wasn't happy with what they were telling her, because the dragon snarled, and turned herself a little. Her tail whipped through the air, the tip moving fast enough to become a blur, and Jumbo gasped as the dragon's tail slammed into the wing of the jet that she was blocking. The wing wasn't severed entirely, but from the way it fell to the ground and crumpled, barely still attached to the plane, it was clearly ruined.

Now the dragon raised her voice, barking loud enough for Jumbo to hear, "There! I'm not in the way if your stupid fucking plane can't take off, now am I!?" And that voice... sounded like a Dragoness rather than a dragon.

But now, Jumbo began to scowl. Sure, that airplane wasn't sentient like he was, but to a planepony, normal aircraft were special. Perhaps they weren't alive, but Jumbo still found the other jets at the airport to be cute, and he did his best to help take care of them. They were his family, of sorts, and this creature had just broken one of their wings.

Stepping out from around the hangar and onto the runway, Jumbo opened his wings in hopes it would make him look a bit larger as he raised his own voice, something he rarely ever did. "And what do you think you're doing here hurting my friends?" he said, shooting a glare down the runway at the dragoness.

Something that gave him pause however, was the way she looked over at him. Rather than returning his scowl with a snarl of her own, her voice swapped to a more smooth tone as she gleefully said "Oh, good! Finally, he shows up!"

Coming to a stop behind the other ponies, Jumbo continued to frown as he said "What do you want, dragon? There's nothing here for you, just go home!"

"What, they didn't tell you?" The dragon hissed. as she began to step closer to Jumbo. The Plone didn't have much of a choice but to start backing up, trying to keep his touch look despite feeling increasingly nervous.

It seemed like she could tell he wasn't genuinely ready for a fight, and her smirk only grew wider as she said "I came here looking for someone your size, hun..."

"I... why? W-What do you want, then?" Jumbo asked, his mind racing as he struggled to come up with anything. She wanted to... to fight? She couldn't kidnap him, right? He was too big!

"Oh please, don't tell me you can't smell it" She hissed, rolling her eyes a little. She reached out with a claw and poked his chest with the blunt side of it, saying, "I have a proposition for you, hun".

She saw his ears perk a little, so she smiled slightly as she said "You fix my heat... and I'll leave, without damaging anything else, got it? Hell, if you do a good enough job, I might just drop off a few gems so you can fix that thing...~" she hummed, taking another few steps closer.

This clearly took Jumbo almost entirely by surprise, the Planepony stammering a shaky "W-Wait, I... you... heat? Like, Estrus? I... I can't just..."

"You can't what?" she asked, frowning at him. "Don't even try to tell me you have a marefriend, there isn't another pony anywhere nearly as big as you, and the one that is close to your size is... too small for my taste".

"You better not have done anything to Arcturus..." Jumbo said, matching her frown with one of his own.

She scoffed, saying, "Probably scared him, but no... in fact, he's the one who mentioned you..." she added, her grin returning somewhat.

Jumbo had run out of room to back up. Either he hit the hangar doors or he stopped, but when he did stop, the dragoness only leaned closer, until....

Losing his balance, Jumbo was forced to sit down in front of the building, wincing slightly as he heard his flanks impact the ground hard enough to shake the building. His tail was almost touching the door, but thankfully it seemed to escape being scratched for now.

Only problem was, now the dragon was looking down at him. For the first time in his life, Jumbo felt... small. Not only did he feel small, but the situation was bringing up all sorts of strange feelings in him, strongest of all being a tightness in his chest, like he was nervous and excited all at once.

"So how about it?" She said, dropping her voice so that Jumbo was the only one who could hear her. "I get my heat fixed... you get to feel what it's like being balls deep inside someone..." she said, bringing her snout within a few feet of his. And at their size, that wasn't much.

Jumbo nervously said "B-But... P-Ponies are gonna see..." as he glanced behind the dragoness. His cheeks were gradually turning redder and redder, which was only more and more obvious due to his primarily white paintjob.

The dragon smirked more as she realized she had him. He wasn't even objecting to fucking her; only that other ponies would see it. And unluckily for him, she didn't care at all who saw it. In fact, she'd rather show off just how easily she seduced the airport's so-called protection.

"You think I care about that?" She hummed, her smirk looking a bit less snarky and a bit more playful as she fluttered her wings on her back. The dragoness looked down just in time to watch as Jumbo's sheath began to bulge, a sign that he was getting turned on despite the audience.

"I... I... y-you're sure?" Jumbo asked, his voice a bit weaker. He felt somewhat pathetic for giving in so easily, but... he couldn't help it, this turn of events was so hopelessly arousing, and the dragon was right. When it came to actually having sex with someone... he was still a virgin.

"More than sure" The dragon hissed, sitting down in front of Jumbo. Reaching down with her front legs, she cupped each of Jumbo's balls in her hands, shivering slightly as she picked them up off of the pavement they were resting on. Black and a bit less glossy than the rest of him, the stallion's sack was incredibly heavy, though not so much for the dragon. "You're fuckin' huge...." she whispered, not bothering with the act for now as she softly fondled his nuts, even bringing her snout down to press her nose against them and take in a deep breath.

It was odd, he smelled like a male, and yet... metallic, too. She couldn't resist snaking her tongue out of her mouth and giving each of the orbs a slow lick, even though tasting him sent fresh waves of heat through her. Jumbo couldn't look anywhere else other than down at the Dragoness as he felt his cock spilling from its sheath, completely uncontrolled in the face of the dragon fondling his balls and even tasting them.

Just like his sack, it was massive. One of the most embarassing photos that existed of Jumbo (in his opinion) was a picture of the stallion snoozing while sleeping on his side, sporting a fully hard morning wood. Some of the airport ponies had driven an airport bus right up to his cock and parked the bus in front of it, before then staging a photo with themselves in front of the bus- which did nothing to hide the even larger cock behind it.

And now, Jumbo felt someone grab it for the first time. He jumped slightly as the dragoness grabbed the base of his cock with one hand, and she began to rub it slowly as it emerged from its sheath and hardened. "Fuck... if only I'd known about you sooner..." she whispered, moving her other paw to his cock so she could slowly stroke both sides of it. She smirked up at him for a second, saying, "By the way, I dunno if you're a noisy one or not, but if you end up moaning my name? It's Smoky~".

"S-Smoky... I uh... Jumbo" The stallion weakly said, followed by a shudder as the dragon squeezed his cock and slowly slid her hands up to the tip of it. She grinned hungrily as his cock erupted with precum, and she wasted no time using her hands to begin spreading the gallons of slippery fluid all over Jumbo's cock. Naturally, this was more pleasure than Jumbo was used to, and he bit his lip somewhat and squirmed as the dragoness felt up his cock.

But that was only the beginning. When she felt it was covered enough, she flashed him a toothy smirk to show off her teeth, and she said "Don't you dare cum, I just want a taste, got it?"

He didn't really get it, meekly saying "I-I'll try..." as he watched her bring her head up to the tip of his cock. Surely she didn't mean to....

Oh, but she did. Jumbo couldn't look away as the dragoness closed her maw around his flare, and though he was expecting pain from her teeth, he surprisingly didn't feel much of anything in the way of pain. Instead, it felt really good having her tongue coil around his flare and lick up all of the precum, and his hips uncontrollably bucked as he let out a soft whimper of pleasure.

Smoky assumed this was Jumbo's first time getting sucked off, so she knew he wouldn't object as she recoiled her tongue and plunged it inside of his cock. The stallion gasped, but as he uselessly squirmed and pawed at the ground with his front hooves, Smoky continued to wriggle her tongue as deep as it could go down Jumbo's cock.

It was hard to tell, but she wasn't even sure she could reach his medial ring, let alone the base... the thought alone sent shudders through her, because usually she could get all the way inside a dragon's cock. She took her time pulling it back out, drinking in the taste, and when she finally unplugged his cock, she wasted no time suddenly stuffing it deeper into her maw.

Jumbo's backed up precum gushed free as soon as Smoky's tongue pulled out, and the dragoness used that splurt of fluid to help lubricate his cock as she began to stuff it down her throat. She had to stand up partway to get her neck lined up, but the dragon stubbornly pushed further and further until she felt his medial ring meet her lips. She could feel Jumbo starting to flare, but she really wanted to feel what it was like taking his full length.

Her snout scrunched in a soundless growl as she reached down and grabbed his hips, before pulling on his flanks, ramming the rest of his cock down her throat and smushing her snout into his crotch. The dragoness was thankful for the cock muffling her, because she uncontrollably moaned a silent moan as she swallowed around his length. Shudders ran through the bodies of both creatures, but for different reasons. Jumbo was desperately trying to hold off an orgasm as he struggled not to look at the bulge his cock had created in the dragon's throat, and Smoky was struggling to ignore the fierce heat of her nethers demanding that she get Jumbo's cock inside of her now.

Reluctantly, Smoky began to pull off of Jumbo's cock, but he nervously stammered "I-I'm really close..." as she felt his length buck and throb inside of her. When she felt his flare expanding further, she pulled herself all the way off with a loud pop! and a shaky groan, his flared length flinging precum all over her. Ignoring it, she snarled threateningly at him as she pressed her claws to his neck, glaring down into his eyes.

"Don't you dare..." she growled, watching the sudden terror in the stallion's eyes. For just a moment, it seemed like the threat might actually be what sent him over the edge, but after a few tense moments he nervously began to nod as he said "I-I, I'm good, i-it's, I got it..."

Pulling the claws away, she said "Good... I wouldn't actually hurt you, but I wouldn't be happy..."

Nervously nodding a little, Jumbo said, "W-What, um..."

"What now?" She hummed. Taking a few steps back, she smirked, then she said "Lay down".


"Now. On your back."

Jumbo whined faintly, but he carefully stood up on shaking legs and laid himself down, his face burning red as he realized it meant his cock was left standing almost straight up in the air. Not like it was something he could worry about for long, because then Smoky stood up too.

He opened his mouth to ask what she was doing, but before he could put together any words... she stepped over him, and sat down. There was a cute squeak for a moment as her ass descended towards his snout, but then Jumbo couldn't see anything anymore.

He might have refused to open his mouth at all, but when Smoky's pussy squished against his maw, some of her juices had gotten into his mouth, and... Jumbo liked it. That sexual frustration from getting edged so hard had to go somewhere, and Smoky was taken by surprise when jumbo's front hooves lifted themselves up off of the ground only to grab onto her flanks.

He began to lift her up, and she opened her maw to yell at him, but then Jumbo pulled her back down onto his face, mashing her pussy right against his open maw. She gasped, and then she yelped as his tongue suddenly dove deep inside of her soaked folds, and she began to realize what a mistake she might've made.

Jumbo was stronger than she thought... she tensed her muscles, but she could barely pull away as the stallion hungrily began to lap up her gushing juices, exploring her with his tongue in ways that were far more pleasurable than they ought to be. In addition to the pleasure of his tongue inside of her, something about being trapped and held down against his face was... it was hot! It made her squirm, moaning a little and fluttering her wings as the stallion explored her tightly clenching pussy.

On Jumbo's end, he was actually having fun with it. It felt nice having his hooves gripping the dragon's flanks, and he even began to squeeze and fondle them a little as he mashed his snout against her pussy, steadily learning exactly what made the dragon squirm.

When his nose brushed firmly against her clit, Smoky tried her hardest not to react, but she couldn't help quivering with a gaspy, squeaky moan. Hoping that he hadn't noticed, she let herself relax a little, but then Jumbo moved his snout and pressed his tongue right against the sensitive nub, making her tense up a little.

She tried to stand up again, but he only pulled her right back down onto his face so he could begin grinding his tongue right against her clit, making the dragon twitch as another squeaky moan escaped her. She couldn't stop herself from grinding down against his snout as he began to alternate between plunging his tongue into her depths and dragging it across her clit, and the dragon only grew noisier as she got closer and closer to an orgasm.

But that would ruin her plans! By this point she wanted desperately to cum, but she was determined to pull away and hold it back until she had Jumbo's cock inside of her, her eyes refocusing on his precum-soaked length as it bobbed and twitched in front of her, mesmerizing her somewhat as she imagined how it would feel inside.

She gasped sharply when she realized she was on the verge of an orgasm, and as severely tempting as it was to cum all over the big stallion's snout, she summoned her self control and pressed her tail to the ground, using its leverage to pull away from his snout and break his grip on her flanks.

Before he could grab her again, Smoky spun around and pressed a paw to his neck, pinning it to the ground as she panted heavily, the dragon shivering and twitching as the near-orgasm faded. She wanted to be mad at him, but the dragon couldn't help but smile when she looked down at the Plone, and the big sheepish smile he wore.

"W-What...?" He asked. "You... eheh... you uh, taste really good..."

Extinguishing the Situation

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Smoky coiled the tip of her tail around Jumbo's cock, using it to line his shaft up and press the flare against her drenched folds. "Y-You... you almost made me cum, you fucker..." she huffed, feeling her cheeks start to turn somewhat red.

"Oh..." Jumbo said softly. He hesitated a bit, but he reached down to her flanks again to gently set his hooves on them. Before he could even attempt to move her hips though, Smoky dug her claws just slightly into his neck.

"Nuh uh, I'm the one on top~" she softly hissed, pressing a little closer to him. "Ever kiss someone your size before?" She asked, bringing her snout closer to his.

The moment she heard the "N-" start to leave his mouth, Smoky pressed her snout to Jumbo's, snaking her tongue out to find his and wrap around it. While she did though, she suddenly lowered her hips, and for a moment she feared that Jumbo was actually too big to fit inside of her.

Thankfully though, her pussy gave way, and Smoky saw stars for a moment as the stallion's throbbing length began to sink inside of her. Unlike dragons, this cock was just as wide at the tip as it was at the base, and in fact, the tip was a bit wider thanks to his flare that never fully went down. Smoky could feel it spreading her insides open to make room for itself as she slowly sat down on his cock, shivering and repeatedly clenching around him as she did.

Both creatures moaned into the kiss as they took in the pleasures, Jumbo struggling to even process how good it felt. Smoky's throat had felt incredible, but this was somehow even better. Her pussy was tight, and even despite that it was repeatedly squeezing and clenching around his cock, almost trying to pull him deeper inside of her even as she worked his cock into her.

Jumbo felt the tip of his cock press up against something deeper inside of Smoky, and to his surprise, the dragon suddenly began to pull back off of him. Before he could worry that something went wrong, she rammed her hips back down and moaned into his maw, kissing him with even more force as she began to put everything she had into riding him.

Neither of them were really able to hold back their orgasms, so Smoky went all out; half snarling and half moaning into the messy kiss as she rode the stallion as quickly as she could. Jumbo found himself moaning just as much, and while he tried to press back against her tongue with his own, he wasn't able to resist the strength of her lewdly squirming tongue squeezing and grinding against his.

Of course, on some level, the two creatures were aware that the kiss was mostly to keep their moans between them rather than out in the air, but they were both focused more on how good it felt. Smoky was overjoyed to not only have a male pinned beneath her to finally sate her heat, but one that was so huge and virile. Jumbo on the other hoof was nearly overwhelmed with how amazing it felt to finally have a mare riding him, or... a dragon, riding him.

Not like he minded, though. The closer Smoky got to an orgasm, the hotter she grew on the inside... Jumbo could handle it, and the burning heat on his cock actually felt pretty good, making it even more satisfying every time she sheathed it back inside of herself after it was exposed to the cold air.

When Jumbo's cock began to flare again, it was pretty much over for Smoky. She managed to keep going for a little while longer, but Jumbo's flare mashing her g-spot on each thrust quickly overwhelmed the dragon, and suddenly, as her pussy tightened even further, she rammed her hips against his with all of her strength one last time.

Jumbo felt the pressure against his flare again, but it gave way almost immediately, and he felt his cock lurch even deeper inside of Smoky as their hips suddenly slapped together with a loud, wet clap. He tensed up and squirmed as he realized he was finally balls deep inside of her, and right as Smoky's orgasm began to hungrily milk his cock, he felt his length bulging with cum.

Both creatures hit their orgasm at almost the same moment, a powerful jet of Plone cum blasting into Smoky's womb with enough pressure to demolish a building. Of course, to the dragon, it was immensely pleasurable finally getting the thick cream filling she had been so desperate for, and she could only grab on tightly to Jumbo and weakly hump against him as her inner walls began to milk his orgasm, repeatedly clenching and squeezing around him.

In between the mostly-muffled moans and cries of pleasure from the two creatures, Jumbo was cumming hard enough for it to be clearly audible each time his cock fired a spray of his cum into the needy dragon... his orgasm continued for long enough that he lost track of time, and it wasn't until Smoky began to pull back from the kiss that he realized that the clenches of her pussy were growing weaker and coming to a stop.

Their kiss finally broke with a soft pop, and Smoky gazed down at Jumbo with a genuine, happy, satisfied smile as she weakly said "Y-You... are an incredible creature..."

Jumbo couldn't help but grin, and yet... as his cock flexed gently inside of the dragon, he couldn't help but squeeze her hips a little bit... rub them softly... bite his lip as his cock throbbed hard enough to make Smoky gasp a little...

A rush of arousal was building up inside of Jumbo, and while he didn't fully understand why, he decided to roll with it. It took a burst of strength to actually pull it off, but Jumbo grunted as he lifted himself up enough to clear his folded wings, rolling over... and on top of Smoky. The dragon let out a squeak as the ground was swapped for the sky, and Jumbo's grinning snout looking down at her. "My turn then~" he hummed, grinding his cock into her as he tested the new position, already starting to adjust the position of his hooves to line things up more properly.

Smoky's eyes widened as she realized what was going on. She'd woken up the stallion's instincts... and he was going into rut. "H-Hey, wait, I uh..." she began to say, struggling to decide whether she wanted to submit to whatever he was going to do, or whether she wanted to try escaping.

But she took too long to decide. Jumbo placed a hoof just past her shoulder to hold her in place, and he spread the stance of his hind legs to push hers out of the way, allowing him to grind his cock just a little deeper than it already was. Smoky couldn't help but gasp and then moan from the extra pleasure, but then Jumbo took her by surprise as he suddenly pulled back and thrusted.

His cock pulled free from her womb, only to plunge right back inside as the stallion groaned with pleasure a little. Jumbo shuddered with pleasure and excitement at the feelings, which he couldn't even describe. He began to slowly thrust into the dragon, just feeling it out for now. It felt good, but in a primal way? Every so often he got to experience something that made him feel more like a pony; swallowing ponies down his throat was kinda like eating, right?

Flying through a bank of clouds to break them up made him feel like a pegasus, kinda. But this... being able to thrust his cock into a tightly-squeezing, heated, soaking wet pussy... watching the dragoness squirm and bite her lip as he buried his cock inside of her... thinking about how good she tasted and how much he liked her hips pressed against his...

More than anything else, it made him feel alive. Much too deep into rut to stop now, Jumbo pressed closer to Smoky and moaned onto her neck as he began to speed up his thrusting. It was gradual, as the stallion tried out harder and harder thrusts, but for Smoky it was a different type of arousing entirely.

When Jumbo held Smoky down onto his face and refused to let her go, it had sent all sorts of confusing signals through the dragon. With other dragons, Smoky was always the one pinning down a smaller drake to ride him, and yet, having this stallion take control away from her... it was... hot! And now, he was holding her to the ground and fucking her!

Sure, Jumbo didn't know the real reason behind why, but he took it as a good sign when Smoky arched her back and let out a shaky whine, clenching down around his cock. He continued to pick up speed, but by now, his cum had started to leak back out of the dragoness.

Every thrust Jumbo made brought some of his cum back out of Smoky, and it began to make a mess as he continued to buck into her. It splattered between their crotches, on their thighs, it coated his balls, which were still heavy and full of cum... as he picked up more speed, it even began to splatter as high as their chests, coating a good portion of their tails as well.

Of course, neither of them cared about the noises as the loud plap,plap,plap,plap turned into a messier, louder, wetter slap-slap-slap-slap-slap as their cumsoaked hips crashed together again and again. With Jumbo going balls deep on every thrust, it was inevitable that he mashed his hips against Smoky's each time he hilted, and she could even feel his nuts slapping against her tail on each thrust.

And he just kept going! Every time Smoky started to acclimate to the pony's speed, he would start to ram into her just a little faster, a little harder, pressing his chest more firmly against hers to keep her from budging. She began to struggle to keep quiet as he started to properly fuck her, and in an attempt to 'distract' herself, she lifted her head to look between them...

She blushed hotly at the sight, their hips shaking as they crashed together, his cum-soaked length pulling back into the light before he rammed it back inside of her, his balls swaying behind it as he did... naturally, the attempt backfired as she clenched tightly around him and squealed with pleasure, thrashing just a little bit on the ground.

And then, Jumbo bit down on her neck. Smoky almost screamed as the bite sent a shock of pleasure and arousal through her, the dragon shaking underneath the planepony as her wings shot out to either side across the pavement. She clamped down tighter around Jumbo's cock as well, but that only spurred him to ram harder into her.

As Jumbo steadily worked towards orgasm, he began to reach the limits of his strength. That was a good thing, because as it was, he was already shaking the airport slightly simply from the force of his hips ramming Smoky into the ground. By this point though, the airport had ceased to exist to Jumbo. All that mattered to the big Plone was breeding his mate, pouring all of his strength into fucking his mare silly, stuffing his cock into the heated oven that was her pussy and drowning the fires of heat with his cum.

Sure, Jumbo couldn't get Smoky pregnant, and she wasn't a mare either, but his instincts didn't seem to care about that. As he moaned onto her neck and drove his cock into her, it began to steadily flare, signalling to her that he was close. Not like Smoky was paying much attention by this point.

Much in the opposite to Jumbo's instincts, Smoky's had awoken in a different way. She was discovering that a Stallion in rut behaved an awful lot like a pent up male dragon... biting her neck, holding her to the ground, fucking her with all of his strength... and it was all something Smoky hadn't actually gotten to experience before. Not only was she being properly submissive for the first time, but she was finding out that it was hot.

Two creatures with switches, one who'd never gotten the chance to dom, one who'd never gotten the chance to sub. And as Jumbo mercilessly plowed Smoky's depths with his swelling flare, the dragoness was helpless in the face of her rapidly approaching orgasm.

Jumbo's orgasm seemed to take him by surprise. He was so focused on fucking Smoky that he didn't even notice his cock had fired its first torrent of cum until he was pulling out of Smoky for a thrust, his cock suddenly much more sensitive than before. Every shred of instinct that he had commanded him to bury himself as deep as he could go, and he listened without delay, making one last final literally-ground-shaking thrust inside of the dragoness.

All of that cum that he had flooded her pussy with was shoved straight into the dragon's womb thanks to Jumbo's flare acting as a piston, all while his second spray of cum was also gushing into her, flooding her with such an intense tsunami of cum that the dragon came before Jumbo had even hilted completely.

As their hips slapped together with one last final crash of metal and scales, Smoky threw her head back and screamed, blasting a plume of bright magical fire across the runway as her climax completely overwhelmed her. Thankfully, nothing was actually in the path of her fire breath, because everything it touched was scorched and blackened to ashes.

The dragoness' tail whipped into the air as her orgasm took hold, and it whipped its way around Jumbo's tail, tying them together as her tail attempted to keep him held down and keep his cock hilted inside of her. Of course, it meant a little more than just keeping his cock inside... but Smoky was a little bit beyond caring if Jumbo knew what doing such a thing actually meant.

Jumbo actually released Smoky's neck as he pressed tightly against her, hugging the dragoness as closely as he possibly could. His entire body was involved with this orgasm; his hips pressed against hers every time his cock fired a blast of seed into her, making it shift and grind against her inner walls, and he moaned and squeezed her tight as his balls tensed for another.

The same went for Smoky, whose instincts commanded her to milk her mate dry. Her pussy gripped his cock tigtly and squeezed it with powerful milking motions, helping each bulge of his seed to fire deep into her body with even higher pressure than it already was. Both creatures were entirely consumed by their orgasms and each other, twitching and shaking and grinding together as the pleasure raged through them.

Even the end of their orgasms was a slow burn. The huge torrents of cum being fired into Smoky didn't just stop, they grew shorter and weaker, gradually coming to a stop as Jumbo's grinding grew more gentle and slow. The same went for Smoky, whose pussy squeezed less tightly as her orgasm trailed off as well. Even after it all ended, the two were left panting, tightly embracing and shivering every so often.

Well, Smoky was panting, Jumbo was simply running air through the vents in his body to try cooling himself off. The dragoness was the first one who managed to speak, wheezing a faint "P-Please don't pull out..."

Jumbo didn't even try to talk yet, just giving her a tired nod followed by a gentle nuzzle to her neck. Then a kiss, in the spot where he'd bitten her earlier.

For the first time, Jumbo had actually managed to empty his balls. Being a planepony, some sort of magic handled the job of refilling them, but he was going to need to drink a lot of water and probably some other minerals or lubricants to help his body refill those massive nuts.

He closed his eyes to rest and enjoy his afterglow... it felt wonderful, a soothing, warm calmness radiating throughout his entire body. He had a soft, beautiful, warm dragon to settle onto, and a heated pussy to hold his cock snug and contain the steady flow of his slippery precum drooling from the tip.

The same went for Smoky, who couldn't possibly be any more satisfied than she already was. The burning heat was finally gone, she'd been more thoroughly fucked than she even thought possible, and she had a big, warm, surprisingly soft pony on top of her, as well as a massive cock keeping her pussy filled and her womb plugged. She wasn't used to having such a large amount of cum inside of her, but it was actually pretty comforting.

She never even realized she was nodding off... it turned out to be Jumbo who noticed, but not even he managed to avoid the encroaching sleepiness. Afterglow gave way to sleep, and nopony dared even consider disturbing the two creatures after the show they'd just performed, intentionally or not.


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The true consequences of Smoky's trip to the airport weren't fully known for quite a while. The two had been left to sleep their arousal off overnight, and the next morning they were ordered to get washed off before any discussions with the airport's administration.

After her day with Jumbo, Smoky was suddenly much more cooperative with the ponies she had been previously arguing with. She paid for the repair of the plane she had damaged with some of her gold, and she promised not to damage any more airport property.

....on one condition.

That she got to visit Jumbo whenever she wanted.

Perhaps not so surprisingly, Equestria's largest stallion shyly agreed to those terms. They had met on rocky ground metaphorically, but... well, a carnal fuck session was certainly one way to open up to another creature, and Smoky was more than happy to be Jumbo's relief if it meant she got to have more of him.

It wasn't like Ember really cared. Dragons of Smoky's size tended to cause more problems than anything else, perhaps because most of the dragons her size tended to want to lay around in their caves all day where Smoky still enjoyed flying about and abusing her size to get what she wanted out of the smaller dragons.

She turned over a new leaf when she was around Jumbo, though. She learned to enjoy helping the ponies at the airport, and unlike Jumbo, Smoky actually had hands. Jumbo was stronger, but Smoky seemed to have found her place in the world. Jumbo was certainly much happier with his unofficial dragon girlfriend, but... there wasn't much in the way of privacy for them.

After all, they couldn't fuck in Jumbo's hangar. If Smoky came hard enough to scream fire again, she'd burn a hole through the wall, or worse. Not to mention how much cum got all over them... or how loud they could get...

The solution wasn't perfect, but it worked out for them. There was an older runway not far from the airport that had been swallowed up by the forest over time, allowing for a bit of privacy yet also enough room for the couple to bang without destroying part of the airport. Yeah, the pavement in front of that hangar? Jumbo had kinda imprinted Smoky's ass onto it... she was impressed, but it also meant that whole section had to be replaced. Oops.

Another problem happened to be just how many witnesses there had been to Smoky's visit to the airport. Multiple ponies who saw, multiple camera angles that saw, and naturally that footage was eventually leaked to the internet...

Smoky didn't really care, and Jumbo decided to take the stance that he wasn't going to try to stop ponies from watching, but he would prefer it if they stayed hidden. And maybe Smoky was rubbing off on him, but perhaps he enjoyed the thought of knowing ponies were watching just a little bit.


Lightning crackled across the sky and thunder followed as the storm continued to rage above. "Hehe, I've only gotten to fuck someone during a storm a few times, but it's fun~!" Smoky hummed, having to raise her voice a little over the noise.

Jumbo sheepishly smiled back, saying, "I'm used to hiding from the storms, but... I'll admit it sounds fun..." Thankfully, the stallion's headlights did an okay job of cutting through the fog and the rain. He could already see the old runway in front of them...

Smoky stepped onto the pavement first, then she turned around, smirking at him as she said "Go ahead and lay down, big boy...~"

Jumbo wore an eager grin as he laid himself back on the old runway, shivering a bit as the cold rain hit his entire underside all at once. Not even the torrential cold water could make his already-hard cock go down, though.

Smoky eagerly giggled as she climbed overtop of the Plone, but Jumbo didn't even give her a chance to sit down before he grabbed her ass with both hooves. She let out a cute yelp as Jumbo yanked her down onto his face, and she managed to squeak out a "Y-You're on!" before his tongue plunged into her and made her moan instead.

Unlike the first time she sat on his snout, Jumbo had to work to make the dragoness cum. She didn't just sit there on his face, she bent over and laid herself across him, maw open, smoothly sheathing his cock down her throat as she slid her front legs between his thighs.

Her hands slid beneath his balls, which she took hold of, one in each paw. She began to fondle them as she sank her nose to the base of Jumbo's cock, making him moan softly inside of her. Sixty-nining had become as natural to the pair as the actual sex... Jumbo absolutely loved the taste of the dragoness, and while she was slow to admit it, Smoky very much enjoyed having the stallion's huge cock down her throat.

Lightning slashed across the sky again, and the resulting thunder boomed through the couple, the vibrations feeling especially pleasurable. Not only that, but it made both of them moan, introducing even more vibrations. As Jumbo set to work swapping between massaging Smoky's clit and licking the inside of her pussy clean, Smoky began to bob her head on his cock, sucking on it firmly and swallowing around it as well to add extra tightness to his cock.

Each time the thunder cracked, the two of them moaned in response, and they sped up a little bit, growing more and more eager for orgasm. By the time Jumbo's cock began to flare, Smoky was mashing her snout into his crotch again and again, holding his balls close just so she could feel them against her nose when she hilted him.

Jumbo wasn't exactly moving faster, but he was more forceful with his tongue as he dragged it against her inner walls and mashed it against her clit, eager to taste the rush of her juices when she hit orgasm. Like usual, as the two of them got closer, they struggled to hold back as they attempted to make the other cum first, but this time the weather took over.

One last boom of thunder, and the vibrations shook both of the creatures so deeply that they hit orgasm at the same moment, Jumbo's cock bulging out Smoky's throat with cum as her pussy clamped down onto his tongue and flooded his maw with her cum.

Jumbo had since learned his lesson about being gentle with Smoky when she came on his face, so he pressed his tongue against her clit as well as inside of her, using it to slowly massage her pussy as she quivered and moaned around his cock, her walls repeatedly clamping down around his tongue as she rode out the pleasure.

Of course, the same went for Smoky. She'd learned to hilt his cock as deep as it could go when he came, and there she stayed, snout smooshed against his crotch as she held his balls to her nose, huffing their moist scent as her stallion pumped fat gushes of his cum down her throat.

The thunderstorm continued to pour rain over the two as they came down from their shared orgasm, and to Jumbo's surprise, Smoky began to stand up right about the time they ended. Seemed she had something in mind, though...

"I'm guessing we're alone for once..." Smoky said softly, as she laid herself down on top of Jumbo. She'd had plenty of practice with her stallion by now, and she didn't even need her tail to line up his cock and bury it inside of her in the first attempt, softly moaning as she snuggled down against him and clenched around his length.

"Hhhfff... Oh, Smoky...~" he groaned softly, placing his hooves on her hips and rubbing them. The dragon gently hugged onto him, and she smiled down at him.

"R-Remember you wanted me to try taking it slow for once...?" She asked softly. "Well... I didn't really want ponies seeing me try this, at least not for the first time..."

Jumbo smiled, and he gave the dragon's flanks a gentle squeeze as he ground his cock up into her, but then he slid his hooves further up to hug her instead. "Well... go ahead~" he hummed, giving her the green light to close the gap between them for a kiss.

The thunder boomed again, but it was just a little quieter this time. The rain would keep pouring for the rest of the night, hiding Smoky and Jumbo from the world as the couple started their makeout session, which soon turned into a steady lovemaking once Smoky began to slowly ride Jumbo's cock.


Smoky's wish for privacy was granted, but only in the technical sense. It wasn't a pony watching them from the broken windows of the old traffic control tower... it was Equestria's other planepony.

Prop shuddered as she carefully pulled the cum-drenched dragon-styled fleshlight off of her cock, letting it quietly plat to the ground in the center of the large puddle of cum she'd managed to milk out of herself. Watching the 69 had been pretty damn hot... she really needed to find a dragon of her own to seduce. Or just plow Tinker.

She was a bit more modified than Jumbo was, though. Her body whirred and clicked as her softening cock was packed away inside of her, replaced with an already sopping wet marehood that winked hard enough to make her shiver as soon as her body finished swapping bits. She poured lube all over the silicone cock that she'd brought for herself, and she moaned faintly as she pressed it to her marehood and began to sit down, gradually sheathing the toy inside of her clenching pussy as her legs shook slightly.

When she reached the base, she allowed herself to rest on it, shivering and biting her lip a little as she turned to the window again. Just in time to watch as the hot dragoness began riding Jumbo, slowly and sensually...