
by sissygriff

First published

Sandbar and Gallus has a unusual night routine, where one night they were offered something really unusual.

Sandbar and Gallus have been best friends since they started at the school of friendship. The two had a lot in common like talking about their relationships like how Gallus had been doing with his girlfriend Smolder and how Sandbar still couldn't hold a boyfriend, how the two are two of their gym class, and the one thing that they wouldn't tell a living soul.....except for there close friend in the young six

They like to dress up in girly sissy dresses and diapers and do weird sex shit for random creatures on the internight every night. They get good money and they love doing weird sexy things and love the comments they get being called sluts and diaper-wearing whores.

But on the night of their one-month mark off of being streamers, they get a very unusual request but if they agree they'll get a large sum of money. It's something they never thought of doing but might be glad to do so.

Warning this fanfic has ABDL with diaper using and other weird shit with diapers, bondage, deep-throating dildo, and other things with those, male-on-male action, spanking, daddy and slave play, and more fetishes.

If you don't like any of this just don't read it and please don't dislike it if you don't read it so other people who like it can read it and decide if they want to dislike it.

All characters are 18+

pre-show prep (Updated)

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The night just came as the sun set out to the east with the full moon rising shining his pale white light on the lands. The school of friendship was silent with all students out hours ago and the facility where out partying by now. But for the six creatures that call the school dorms home, Four out of six of them were out and about having fun and living their best life.

But for Sandbar and Gallus their night was going to be very hard work, as the clock slowly ticked to eight.

"You almost ready Gallus?" Sandbar asked as he set up the cameras

Sandbar was making sure the cameras were in place pointing at some angles but making sure the computer could see the whole room. The earth pony pulled at the trim of the petticoated skirt of his adorable yellow and green dress, it looked like something a baby would wear. Didn't help with the pink ocean-themed diaper that is visible under the skirt, but it went well with his long girly socks and cute Mary Jane shoes.

"Almost just going make sure everything is perfect." Gallus replied standing a few feet behind the pony

The blue griffon was making sure the rack of paddles where in order from softest to hardest. Gallus is wearing a lovely tutu top with a fancy white trim and fluffy pancake tutu showing off his adorable dark blue diapers with images of griffon ballerinas. He also had on some cute white short socks to go with his pink ballet slippers.

The two made sure they were ready with their racks and shelves set up with sex toys and bondage gear, packs of diapers with diaper changing supplies at the ready, their phones put away out of the frame of any camera along with anything else of theirs, some snacks to eat during the night, and of course condoms and lots of lube. The room looked like a private room of a hostel, not the empty unused dorm room they got ahold off. The dorm was empty for about two months and the young six got the key to use it as a storage room.

But The girls didn't need the room and Sandbar and Gallus were happy to take it and use it as their studio. The two had a love for ABDL and crossdressing and found out about a website called "Sissy slut-cam". A streaming website where males and females will dress up in cute adorable outfits and do videos to a specific fetish or many. After a few days of finding the website Sandbar and Gallus were talking about joining it as a couple of cam boys.

Unsure about doing it at all, it was about them putting themselves out there to use their bodies for the pressure of random horny sex craze weirdos. But after just doing one livestream where all they did was wear just diapers and did some requests from a few viewers, like using the diapers, jerking off in them, and even asking for Sandbar to wrap his messy diaper around Gallus's head.

It was just one stream but they fell in love with in, and so did their viewers.

They went by the team user name "SBFF" A.K.A "Slutty best friends forever". It was a weird and unethical pass time in some eyes, but their viewers loved watching the two make their sexy request for money and the two didn't thing it was wrong and their four close friends thought it was perfect for the two sex-filled fuck-boys.

Sandbar stood in front of a mirror making sure his outfit was clean and perfect, as Gallus went over to their snack table and took a cupcake they bought from Sugar Cube Conners, and popped it into his mouth. They usually make their own cupcakes and put some laxatives in them for when some viewers requested for them to poop their diapers on camera.

"Is all the gear ready?" Sandbar asked walking over to the computer

"Yup, all in place and are in order." Gallus answered licking the frosting off his claws

"Oh, don't eat the cupcakes just yet there-" Sandbar was cut off by a very loud stomach rumble.......but not from hunger

"Very spiked...." Gallus mumbled hugging his stomach

Gallus squat down as Sandbar giggled watching how Gallus began to grunt and even started to fart. Soon Gallus felt his stomach empty and its content dumping out into his diaper. Giving the dark blue diaper a dark brown hue and some of the griffon ballerina fated away. Gallus squats there making sure he was done before standing up and waving his claw in front of his face being dramatic.

"Pew thought that was going to be even crapper hehe!" Gallus joked laughing at his forced pun

"Hehe, sorry about that. I asked Miss Cake for some of her laxative fill cupcakes." Sandbar followed up, "Like the ones Miss Pinkie Pie had us make.....but I didn't know how to explain why I needed them....and lied saying I was having problems going to the bathroom and didn't go for days....and so she jam-packed each cupcake with a lot of laxatives."

Sandbar walked over to the extra diapers to help change Gallus, but Gallus grabbed his arm.

"Now, now this isn't a bad thing." Gallus began to say letting go of Sandbar's arm and going over to a mirror to look at the soiled diaper with his outfit, "Tonight marks off one month of being team SBFF...."

Gallus trailed off turning around to look at his backside lifting the back of his tutu to get a better look at his diaper. It was full of warm brown messy shit as he pressed his right hand against the diaper biting the inside of his cheek. Gallus loved the way diapers squished right after filling them.

"And I'll bet our viewers who love it if we tell them that we got bored and started the fun early!" Gallus spoke with a mix of excitement and lust in his voice, "And I'll beg our viewers would love to punish us for starting the fun without them!"

Sandbar thought of it thinking about how their viewers might pay for them to punish themselves for having some fun without them, it was perfect. Sandbar smiled brightly as Gallus continued to check himself off in the mirror. Sandbar quickly went over to the snack table to down a cupcake and within a matter of seconds his diaper was full. Sandbar joined Gallus in the mirror the two of them looking at their adorable dresses and soiled diapers, they looked so cute together.

"Don't we look like a couple of eager whores?" Sandbar teased

"Just like the adorable sluts we are!" Gallus blurted out voice filled with lust

As the two cheek themselves out doing some poses; a mix of sexy and cute, Sandbar noticed the time seeing they had about ten minutes before they started.

"I'll check on the queue to see how many are waiting." Sandbar said

Sandbar walked over to the computer seeing their user page. It was at the waiting screen with the chat box already on with many people online, many new but many of them followers and high payers. Sandbar giggled seeing there were about over 600 viewers, waiting and chatting asking for the two to start.

[Diapersniffing420: Come on we want to see our favorite diaper wearing whores and there adorable diapers!]

[DaddyHippoG2$: I got a lot of money ready for my sluty sugar bitches]

[PonyFucker404: Ohh, I wonder if they're finally going to fuck each other tonight!]

[RealMoneyDmToKnowHow: I hope they'll wearing just diapers tonight!]

[GriffonRapist716: I wonder how far they'll go for 300 bucks]

Sandbar giggled looking at all their viewers, maybe it's safe to call them simps. Gallus walked over to lend in to look at all the thirsty creatures waiting for the two to start their live-stream.

"See any of our high payers?" Gallus questioned, lust and greed filling his eyes seeing all the comments and viewers joining

"Just the usual." Sandbar answered, "Is this what being a hooker feels like?"

The two looked at each other at that question, They just stood there both looking confused but Gallus beak crueled up into a smile. Gallus covered his mouth starting to giggle as Snadbar began laughing. Then the two friends burst out into laughter at the thought of just being hookers, no they were way past the point of no return. After a couple of minutes of laughing over the dumb question, they collected themselves.

"No, no we're way past hookers!" Gallus giggled as he wiped tears out of his eyes

"Yeah, I know." Sandbar responded, "And besides we get paid better than any Hooker I meet."

Gallus froze in place seeing Sandbar blush, just confessing to being with a hooker.

"Wait you been with a hooker before?" Gallus asked

"Yeah, a male hippogriff that knocked me out halfway through and robbed me." Sandbar answered, "He wasn't even that damn good."

"When was this?" Gallus asked

"Last month." Sandbar replied

The two stopped talking hearing a ding from their computer and seeing it a minute before they had to start. They looked at the camera feed from the computer before going live making sure their make-up and outfit were in place. They made sure to hide their soiled diapers out of view with only the other cameras showing the messy diapers but to look through those the viewers would have to spread ten bucks to unlock the angles getting them an extra 200 to 500 bucks a stream that they spend on make-up and outfits.

They were happy to start their special one-month stream. They both felt butterflies in their stomachs and rising heat in their dicks that were trapped behind the soft pillowy walls of the messy diapers. Sandbar gulped looking at all the viewers and then at the eager Griffon, brushing some of his mane out of his face.

"Ready slut?" Sandbar joked moving the mouse cursor to hover over the 'start stream' button

Gallus took a deep breath, grabbing a small pink bow he left on the desk. He was always scared to turn on the streams mostly because he didn't know if any watchers were his friends back from Griffonstone, his fellow students, or even his teachers. But He took a long deep breath through his nose and put on a large goofy flirty smile on his face

"Ready whore!" Gallus exclaimed putting a pink bow on his head

The two took a deep breath ready to start the show.


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Time seemed to freeze as the screen turned from black to a 10-second countdown. It was only a matter of seconds now before hundreds of paring eyes would be staring at the pony and griffon duo. They had done this a bunch of times to the point where this was normal for them, but the butterflies were still there.

Gallus loved their little streams, whoring themselves out to the ocean of weirdos that watch them. It wasn't what he thought his life would lead to but he was ok with it. His girlfriend Smolder didn't mind since her boss/mistress did worse. And Gallus does remember Grandpa Griff always saying, "You'll either die young doing something idiotic jackass sunt or grow up into a whore!". Gallus would love to see the old bastard's reaction after he sees his streams, who knows maybe he one of the many viewers. Silently laughing at what Gallus becomes, or just jerking off at Gallus and Sandbar's many sexual acts.

Sandbar on the other hand was always afraid of starting the streams. His whole love his parents told him he'll do many wonderful things for his life....he shuttered at the thought of them finding out his secret. He loved doing the streams usually doing a sweet innocent persona that Gallus persona, a flirty sex-craze griffon as if he was the lead woman of a night-club. Sandbar was always worried about what each night would bring because usually their viewer's requests would be geared at him a lot of the time. But he couldn't deny that he loved it.

The countdown reached zero and Sandbar gave a nice innocent smile as Gallus gave a lovely lust-filled smirk. The viewers started going wild seeing their favorite couple of whores. Sandbar gives a cute little giggle as Gallus gives a flirty princess wave, both of them keeping their messy diapers out of frame.

"Good evening gals and's your favorite duo....." Gallus whispered with his voice nice and smooth and full of lust

"And master, mistresses, mommies, and daddy!" Sandbar cheered

"We're so sorry for taking so long...." Gallus trailed off

Gallus giggled as he stood and sat on the desktop with his back turned at the camera. He sat his messy diaper down letting out a loud squishy crinkle.

"but we had a little fun before the show....oh doesn't this make us so naughty...." Gallus flirted with the watchers putting his left claw on his cheek, "I mean it's is a very special month on this website and we get so many lovely weirdos that love to watch us carry out their fantasy!"

Gallus loved to flirt with their followers and new viewers, it was such a rush. He knew that at least one of them or four of them were his girlfriend Smolder and his other three friends. they were lucky to have such supporting friends.

Sandbar also stood up to show his messy diaper and giggled as he twisted his hips to get his skirt to dance and his diaper to crinkle and squish.

"We need someone to punish us for starting the fun without you lovely viewers!" Sandbar cherred giving a cute face, "Should we start the request?"

"Of course, tonight wouldn't be fun without them." Gallus agreed

The two saw the live chat light up with many comments about what they'd do with the two.

[Tutucutie44$: OMC we better see some cute little cuck dicks!]

[Yaksucker55: I hope you two like eating messy diapers....hehehe]

[FuckMaster69: Can't wait to see some pony and griffon action tonight!]

Sandbar went to the option menu and allowed the viewers to pay for requests, they were able to turn requests down but lose the money. They have lost some good offers due to the request going against their rules.

The rules were simple but some viewers forgot about them, even though the two posted it on their front page.

{Rule 1: No request that will make us have sex with each other.}

{Rule 2: Nobody harm that involves cutting, burning, raping, or drowning}

{Rule 3: No snuff request, this is the wrong website for that fucked up shit}

{Rule 4: No having us reveal anything about our lives including our real names, just be lucky we allow ourselves to whore ourselves out to you}

Sandbar and Gallus only had to wait about two seconds before the first request. It was from someone named 'Ballerina-Maid33' A.K.A Smolder. Gallus and Sandbar didn't show any sign of knowing who this viewer was but put on smiles seeing the 50$ request.

"Seems like our favorite ballerina is back." Gallus spoke up, "What does my favorite mistress have for us today?"

Gallus clicked on the request and the two gulped and blushed reading it.

[Ballerina-Maid33: Hiya boys, congrats on one month of being adorable sissy and my three friends were bored and remembered about your special show. And after a while of thinking about what to ask, from having you two jerk off, to having the ponyboy deep throat the griffon bitches tail, and even have you two cum into some fancy wine cups and make you two drink them.]

Gallus pulled on the collar of his dress as he read the request and Sandbar blushed covering his face with their viewers asking for him to show his adorable blushing face. They hated it when their friends asked for a request, it felt extremely awkward. On their ten streams, Gallus decided to have an auction for one lucky viewer to get a private after-show allowing the viewer to FaceTime the two. In the after-show, the viewer could ask for anything without needing to pay first.

Unfortunately for the two boys, their friends bought their first after-show stream with the help of Yona's rich family money. And so when the two set up the face-time they were in shock seeing their friends and wanted to stop. But Silverstream had to remind them about paying for a show and they wanted a damn show. But that will be a story of another day.

[Ballerina-Maid33: But the four of us decided on something simple that we're surprised no one asked for that doesn't go against your rules.........we want you two to kiss each other for ten seconds like your lover's!]

Sandbar yelped and blushed more and Gallus stood up after reading that without yelping or being shocked at this. This was the same girlfriend who put Gallus in a Bluetooth-controlled chastity cage and used it to mess with him during school.

"Well doesn't go against our rules....." Sandbar trailed off not sure

Sandbar was gay, anyone could tell he was gay. Heck in public sometimes people would mistake him and Gallus for being boyfriends, but Sandbar saw Gallus as a best buddy more than a lover. Sandbar gulped as Gallus walked over to him with a sly smile on his beak. Gallus grabbed Sandbar's arm making him turn and face the blue griffon. Sandbar blushed brightly as Gallus stared into his eyes.

"What...what.....what are you doing!" Sandbar yelped out from confusion, fear, and horniness, "I thought you said you were straight!"

Sandbar was in full-on panic mode and started to piss his diaper making it start to leak. Gallus just giggled looking at his pony friend, Gallus wished he could see the girl's face. He wished they were in the room, all bound to chairs and forced to watch the two make out.

"Fun fact my little friend...." Gallus followed up on Sandbar's panicking body bopping his nose, "Me and my girlfriend are both Bi...."

Before Sandbar could say anything, Gallus pulled Sandbar in for a deep non-gay kiss, it was more of a revenge kiss out of spite. Sandbar yelped and whimpered feeling the griffon's beak on his lips. Gallus wrapped his arms around Sandbar and moved them to make it look like they were having a moment. But he was kissing Sandbar to piss off Smolder not giving him a real kiss so it wouldn't mess with their friendship.

It went past ten seconds and the live chat was going wild begging for the two to start having sex right there right now. But Gallus saw a message from his Miscord seeing it was a message from Smolder which read in a non-threatening loving way.


Gallus stopped and pulled Sandbar away who was now a babbling blushly mess.

"Sorry about that. I just didn't know what came over me!" Gallus teased, knowing full well what he just did

Sandbar shook his head to regain his sanity. He couldn't believe what just happened and made a mental note to have a word with Smodler.

"Well, that was......quite the thing....." Sandbar mumbled distractedly

Gallus giggled and wrapped his arm around Sandbar's shoulders.

"Well, why don't you read the next request cutie." Gallus spoke up walking his claws on Sandbar's chest, "Who knows maybe someone might ask for you to show your adorable messy diaper butt!"

Gallus Tackieled Sandbar chain making him giggle a little.

"Alright, alright." Sandbar spoke up normally then spoke again in a sweet voice, "Maybe I'll give them a look for free."

Sandbar brushed his mane out of his face and went over to the computer and turned to show his backside. He lifted his skirt to give their viewers a good view of his messy-filled diaper. The audience could see that he was starting to leak and some comments were made.

[Diapereater33: Awww, it's leaking💞]

[MaidloverDucker: He better lick up every single drop]

[PonyLover68: Show us your blushing face Slut!]

Sandbar started to purr with all the comments, loving the ones that belittled him. But Sandbar started to feel more embarrassed and tried to put his skirt back down but Gallus quickly cut in and lifted back up.

"Come on sissy, our lovely creeps deserves to see what we did without them!" Gallus teased

"Come on this isn't fair....." Sandbar squeaked

Gallus didn't even pay attention, he was a showman or show-Griffon. He loved to show the creeps and weirdos that pay their hard-earned money a very good time. The viewers could've bought dinner, a new computer, or even a new house for themselves. Thankfully for Sandbar and Gallus, the viewers decided to give them large sums of money to do weird sexual acts for their amusement.

Gallus began groping Sandbar's padded behind making the light green earth pony whine from embarrassment and shock.

"May, may I know you were a fudge packer but isn't this a bit much?" Gallus joked once again taking an easy shot

Sandbar covered his face with his hands starting to whimper, but he couldn't help but think of how sexy this was. And at Gallus's little joke, Sandbar couldn't help but giggle a little, he was gay yes, and loved it when others would joke about it. The pony was a glutton for punishment from being spanked, belittled, and of course, being made fun of and being the butt of jokes. He loved being viewed as only an object it got him off.

The live chat was having a field day seeing Gallus grope his friend wanting Gallus to give them a hard smack. But the boy's ears perked up, and Gallus looked over to see a new request.

[DeepthroatingYak9: I have 80$ bucks for the griffon whore to take the hardest paddle and turn that sluty pony's messy ass as red as lava!]

Gallus's beak curled up into a cruel smile. Sandbar just stood still as Gallus walked over to the paddle rack and grabbed a black paddle with gold trim with rubies encased in it. The paddle was a gift from Smolder, it was a paddle made for dragons making each swing with it a harsh wacking. Gallus loved it because since he or Sandbar didn't have scales the paddle would hurt them even at the weakest of hits.

"Took you, kind master, we have been waiting for a punishment request..." Gallus whispered in a smooth flirty way

Gallus brought over a chair and placed it in front of Sandbar. Sandbar bent over using his arms to hold him up as Sandbar promptly presented his soiled diapered ass. He began to wiggle it a little letting its contents shoash around as the diaper crinkled and squished as it wiggled for their creep and followers.

"Ready for your spankings you little slut?" Gallus questioned in a teasing belittling way

Sandbar gulped and nodded his head and tightly closed his eyes. Gallus just used half his strength to swing down the paddle. Once it made contact with Sandbar's padded ass he let out a loud yelp with tears forming in his eyes and the room echoed with the sound of the smack and the diaper squishing.

" the little prissy sissy boy already crying from one little smack?" Gallus belittled resting the paddle over his shoulder like a sword

Sandbar whimpered keeping his eyes closed. He felt his asscheeks burn and sting no doubt already turning a shade of pink.

"Want another one?" Gallus asked

Sandbar wanted to nod no but knew he couldn't until his ass was nice and red. He felt another swing and then another. Only after about five swats Sandbar behind was glowing red, thankfully no blood this time. Sandbar stood up and rubbed his bottom, the solidness turned cold and shifted around his diaper.

"Umm....does our kind and caring daddy's and Mommy's would allow a change?" Sandbar asked needing a change looking over at Gallus

"I don't know will they allow it?" Gallus quickly interjected looking over at the computer

They started to get lots of comments torn between either allowing them a change or not allowing them wanting them to get a rash. But then they got a request with a large sum of money.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: 400$ just for you two, you two deserved a new fresh diaper.]

Gallus and Sandbar were now both blushing, they had never seen a username with their team name. They felt overjoyed by that and Gallus just smiled and blushed and Sandbar smiled and giggled.

"Why, thank you so much, daddy!" Sandbar flirted with joy filling his voice

"Such a kind and wonderful daddy you are!" Gallus blurted out feeling frisky and embarrassed calling someone daddy

The two love these kinds of viewers they like to call, "SweetCreeps". They were usually someone with lots of money and made requests for Sandbar and Gallus to relax, change their diapers, and even let them take a minute break. But then they'll ask the two to do something really dirty.

The two took their time changing making sure to show each second of their change. Sandbar stood and took off his messy diaper and took a fresh one just wanting to make this quick. But Gallus allowed the diaper to fall to the ground and it let out a loud squishy Thump!

"What are you doing?" Sandbar questioned sitting down on the fresh powdered diaper

"Just giving daddy a show!" Gallus dramatic cheered

Gallus threw his dirty diaper out and walked over to the diaper shelf making sure his bare ass and privates are showing, walking past Sandbar.

"Besides I thought you loved pleasing our Daddies!" Gallus teased

Gallus swings his tail to wack Sandbar's dick making Sandbar yelp. But to the earth pony's dismay and embarrassment, his cock shot up. Quickly getting hard and he quickly used his skirt to cover it up making Gallus smile.

"What's wrong? I thought you loved it when a real man touch your itty bitty sissy dicky!" Gallus mocked in a playful way

But this time Sandbar was ready as he finished putting his new diaper on.

"Well too bad there isn't a real man in here!" Sandbar fired back

"Woof, since when did the pussy hater get his claws?" Gallus then fired back again

Gallus put on his diaper quickly as Sandbar stood up. The two went back to the computer with fresh diapers on their adorable sissy asses.

"Freshly diaper and ready for action Daddy!" Gallus teased placing his hands on his hips

"Would Daddy like us to do anything else?" Sandbar asked holding up his head as he leaned on the desk

Just a few seconds later they got another request, one that made them both blushy brightly and squeal like surprised school girls.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: I got 700 dolllar's each for something that does goes against yours rules. But I could bump up the price.]

The two looked at each other seeing the live chat lit up begging for Gallus and Sandbar to accept the request from '$SBFF-Daddy$'.

"Should we?" Gallus trailed off

"Why not, it is a special night." Sandbar said

The two nodded and looked back at the computer screen.

"Alright Daddy, your sissies are ready!" Gallus quickly cheered

[$SBFF-Daddy$: What a couple of eager sissy's. Are you two sure are ready?]

The pony and Griffon looked more eager and nodded yes.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: Good boy's. If I'm going to be honest, I like the pony sissy and I saw how many times he has been used by you griffon. So this time my little good pony sissy is going to get rewarded.]

Sandbar eyes lit up and Gallus gulped.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: Hehehe, I like that look in your eye pony. Alright first thing first to get this unholy party started, I want Ponyboy to take the biggest longest dildo and shove it down the griffon's throat!]

"WHAT!!!" Gallus shouted

"Of course Daddy, right away!" Sandbar answered quickly

Gallus just stood there playing with the trim of his tutu with a look of worry. Gallus was always the one who would take charge and always lead. Even the viewers would have Gallus dominate Sandbar about 78% more (Ocellus helped them find that answer when the girls asked the two who were in charge during the streams).

"Oh, sweet fuck! Ok, ok Gallus you're going to be ok.....maybe it'll be fun................why am I getting more horner than usual......oh sweet hell am I a sub......." Gallus thought in a panic

Gallus looked over at Sandbar seeing him grab an 8-inch pony dildo. Gallus gulped and started to sweat from exidement biting down on his cheek thinking about having that thing down his throat.

"Well fuck I'm a sub...I might be a switch...." Gallus thought as Sandbar walked over

Gallus looked ready and willing as Sandbar held up the dildo.

"This one I'd like to call Diego..." Sandbar whispered from friskiness holding up his favorite dildo, "Don't worry, I personally licked clean each inch of him...."

Gallus still felt ready to deep throat it but rolled his eyes at what Sandbar said.

"You need a boyfriend like yesterday." Gallus joked

Sandbar just smiled sweetly and held up Diego making Gallus shiver and whimper.

"Why in all the hells do you have that?" Gallus shivered in fear and disgust

"Hehehe Don't worry Digeo is quite lovely to suck on!" Sandbar purred

Sandbar giggled and gave the large dildo a lick making Gallus shiver in disgust. The live chat buzzed with comments asking for the pony to lick the dildo to lube it up, but thankfully didn't for Gallus's case. Gallus closed his eyes as tight as he could and took a long deep breath and opened his mouth. Sandbar smiled as he pressed the tip of Diego onto Gallus's beak.

"Just think of it as a really, really big hot dog." Sandbar tried to kept Gallus calm

Gallus closed his eyes as the first inch entered his throat feeling the need to gag and take it out. Gallus tried to think of it as Smolder forcing his tail down his throat, he didn't know why that but it felt better that way. Soon more of the rubber cock when down his throat, he started to tear up from it and his eyes showed fear. Gallus tried to stand still as his panicking eyes landed on Sandbar who was humming to ignore Gallus's cries. Soon it was fully in and the balls resting in Gallus's beak and biting down on it reminded Gallus of a ballgag giving him something to think about.

Gallus shuttered feeling the 8-inch dildo or Diego in his throat feeling like a long rubber snake. Sandbar clapped his hands looking at the poor embarrassed Griffon, as Gallus moned and whimpered biting down on the rubber balls. Gallus sat down on the floor wanting to puke, but he couldn't help but agree that this was hot.

"Is this to daddy's amusement?" Sandbar eagerly asked almost begging

[$SBFF-Daddy$: Very then you'll hate this part but I want you to be bound tightly to a chair. Don't worry your reward will come soon my pretty little pony fuckboy]

Sandbar just giggled and blushed giving his light green cheeks a hot pink warmth. Sandbar grabbed a desk chair and proceeded to place it in the middle of the room and sat down. Then Gallus walked up behind him both waiting for '$SBFF-Daddy$' next order.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: Bind his upper torso tightly, then make sure his hands are bound tightly behind his back, then ankles bound to the chair legs. Chop chop whores everyone else are waiting to see the pony's reward.]

Gallus took the rope and began tying Sandbar up tightly. Gallus was pretty good at tying people up thanks to some helpful training from Sliverstream. So Gallus made quick work thankful for getting to tie up Sandbar to get his hyped up horny mind off the fact that there is still an 8-inch pony-themed dildo down his throat........that Sandbar calls Diego.

Once bound tightly Sandbar wiggled and struggled showing that he wasn't going anywhere.

"All bound and ready Daddy!" Sandbar teased loving to call someone daddy

Soon the next message came shocking the two and making the two sissies blush and purr of embarrassment.

[$SBFF-Daddy$: Good now it's reward time. I want the griffon slut to reach into the pretty fuckpony diaper and jerk him off!]

Sandbar gulped feeling his cock get hard making him whimper. Gallus froze at the request, the money was good better than good actually. But the thought of giving his best friend a handjob felt both so damn wrong and so damn sexy, something right out of a porno. Gallus looked at Sandbar as he bit down harder on the dildo feeling frisky with worried eyes, without words Sandbar knew Gallus was asking if they wanted to do this.

"Alright.....this is going to be so fucking weird....." Sandbar trailed off as Gallus sat on the floor next to him, "But why does this feel so hot...."

Gallus moaned as he reached under Sandbar's skirt and up the leghole of the diaper. Gallus shivered and whimpered, he took a deep breath before grabbing Sandbar's cock making the pony yelp loudly.

"OH FUCK GRIFFON CLAWS FEEL WEIRD!!!" Sandbar yelped from embarrassment and fear

Gallus just rolled his eyes at Sandbar yelping but he couldn't help but whimper as he began to stoke. If he didn't have an 8-inch dildo in his throat he would start making fun of Sandbar's yelp but he knew this was weird. Gallus's ears lowered and his eyes read "I hate this but this is so fucking sexy!" and the viewers would agree.

[ChangelingFreak44: Oh dear lord this is soo sexy!!!]

[DiaperEater949%$: Moan louder, we have been waiting for this for a long time!]

[The-Element-of-fucking: Come on, We all want to see both of you enjoy it, so start enjoying you griffon whore!]

[Ballerina-Maid33: Oh my, holy shit this is awsome and I'm damn well recording this for later!]

Sandbar bit down on his inside cheek hard drawing a small amount of blood as Gallus began to go faster. But deep down in his heart, Sandbar was disgusted by this, having his best friend jerk him off for some random creep off the internet. But for Sandbar his mind was always weirded to please people and he waited to please this $SBFF-Daddy$.

"Yeah, yeah....come on....almost there....." Sandbar panted

Gallus moaned from embarrassment and a bit of friskiness from jerking off another guy.

"Yeah almost.....'Loud reliefed moan'!!!" Sandbar moned loudly as he came

The sissy Griffon groaned as he took his claw out of Sandbar's diaper. Gallus was grossed out seeing his claw was covered with his friend's seed. Gallus wanted to take the dildo out and puke but he had to untie his friend first. So he just waved off the cum on the carpeted floor.

Once united and under the blizz of cumming Gallus had to help him stand up.

" you soo...soo much Daddy....." Sandbar spaced out

Gallus rolled his eyes and they widened when he saw the deposit of money from their very helpful viewer. They were still in for a long night including the after-show for one lucky fuck-duck.