Trixie's Here

by JiggyWiggy

First published

A guy with no friends or money finds himself in some sort of predicament with Trixie.

An ordinary guy who works at retail and lives by himself in his apartment witnesses an event that nobody ever has witnessed before.

Thinking that his day was going to be normal as always was a major understatement.

Chapter 1

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It was a cool evening in the summer of 2012, I had arrived at my house from my work shift and took a quick shower before changing my clothes into something more comfortable.

I lived in a pretty small apartment which I could barely pay the rent for with my minimum wage job that I was working. My job wasn’t that much special anyway, as it just mostly consisted of me working long hour shifts at my local grocery store, I absolutely hated it as I had to constantly deal with misbehaving, annoying customers, or anything else that normally came with working a job like this.

When I originally moved into my apartment a few months ago, I set up a little desk for myself which I placed my gaming laptop on with a bunch of other stuff as I didn’t have much space to place anywhere else.

After showering and changing my clothes, I decided to relieve some stress and sat down next to my computer to play some games with a few of my online Steam friends.

I turned on my computer booted up the game and got in a call with one of my friends. Our little 1v1 match went smoothly except it also got heated from time to time.

“Yo dude, Good Game.” My friend said in the voice chat.

“Yeah, I totally beat your ass,” I replied.

“Oh, fuck off you were spawn-camping like a pussy.” He replied.

“Salty much?” I teased.

“Yeah, yeah piss off,” He replied again “Hey, umm… I found something from our group chat, you wanna see it?”

“Uhh? Sure, what is it?” I spoke.

“I’ll send it to you.” He said, “Just hold on a sec.”

“Erm... Okay?” I said confused.

I took a quick peek at the corner of my screen and saw a message pop up that was supposedly sent by my friend, I quickly clicked it without thinking much of it as it seemed to be harmless, as I did click on it my entire screen turned black.

Confused I clicked on it again to be greeted by a blue unicorn cartoon pony with a white mane and a wizard hat looking at me from the screen.

I let out a small giggle as I had seen the character before on the internet as there was an entire sub-genre of people who liked this cartoon for some reason even though it was a show meant for five-year-old girls and was meant to advertise toys.

“Haha... dude what the fuck is this brony shit you just sent me?” I replied in a harsh tone “Please don’t tell me you’re one of them,”

A few seconds passed and I got no reply from my friend, “Dude? You still there?” I said as I tried to check if I was still on the call with him, but to my dismay, I wasn’t even able to move my cursor on the screen.

At first, I thought that my computer was infected with some sort of virus or malware that was preventing me from being able to get into my laptop at all, which only made my fear go up due to the fact that this computer was the only thing that was able to keep me happy from my monotone life and having it be damaged could mean getting it fixed and that would mean a lot of money which I did not have at this moment.

“You fucking asshole,” I muttered to my friend as if he could still hear me. “Why did you send me a fucking virus link? You got nothing else better to do?”

As soon I said those words I quickly looked at my screen and saw that the cartoon pony’s eyes had moved and now were completely directly staring at me.

“What the fuck?” “Is this an animated gif or something?” I thought.

I looked at the pony on my screen for a moment when all of a sudden, the power went out in my apartment which left my room in complete darkness except for the laptop screen that was acting as a source of light for me.

“A power outage?” “This never happens over here ever,” I said to myself.

I looked back at the screen and saw that the blue pony with the wizard hat was now grinning at me, with the red text “TRIXIE’S HERE” underneath her head.

Completely creeped out I got off my computer and quickly walked out of the room to get a flashlight that I kept in my closet, which I sometimes used when I arrived home late at night as the streets weren’t always lit up that well.

I also grabbed my cell phone off the desk to call some sort of management that could fix this electricity issue, but as I grabbed my phone, I realized that there was no signal.

“Fuck...” I breathed as I walked back towards my desk to sit down next to my computer again, but as I took a glance at the screen, I saw that the pony wasn’t on it anymore.

This only creeped me out more as I quickly shut down my laptop and closed it completely, a creeping but stupid thought was telling me that this link was the reason why this happened in the first place, but a rational piece of mind was simply laughing at me as why would I be scared over something stupid like a freaking My Little Pony character.

I sighed as I sat back down on the chair and thought about what I should do next but as I sat there for a few seconds, I felt air blowing down my neck at first, I thought that it was just wind from outside as I had left the window open but this statement was quickly disproven as I turned and saw that same pony now in MY ROOM with ME.

My legs instantly gave out and I fell off the chair, at first, I thought I was dreaming or that I was hallucinating but this statement was quickly disproven as the pony spoke, and what was even more weird was that she was speaking in fluent English.

“Why are you so scared of Trixie?” The blue unicorn pony with the wizard hat spoke in a clearly feminine-sounding voice.

“W-what.. W-why... How are you even real?” I spoke in a trembling voice.

“What do you mean?” “Trixie’s always been real.” The pony said.

The unicorn started to walk towards me as I stumbled fell on my back and started to whimper.

“This is not real,” “This is not real,” I kept muttering to myself “Please get away from me!”

As I said the last sentence, I felt something soft touch my back and I noticed that the pony was now standing on her forelegs and was hugging me.

The embrace felt warm and comfortable but it shouldn’t have as it was a completely supernatural scenario that was taking place in my apartment.

“Trixie won’t hurt you.” “Calm down human.” She muttered something along those lines.

The whole fiasco soon came to an end as I woke up during the morning in the middle of my living room floor, my head was starting to pulsate in pain and my limbs felt like they were all cramped in some sort of way.

I got up from the floor to see that the power had come back and that the supposed pony creature was not there anymore.

“Must’ve been a sleep paralysis thing or something,” I said to myself.