Greatest Fear: Volume 4

by Natedogg2006

First published

Sweet Apple Acres. A beautiful place, which sadly contains nearly everything Rarity finds to be most scary. So why has she been spending so much time there? Applejack knows it's strange. So why doesn't she just ask?

Halloween is coming, and unlike most years Sweet Apple Acres has plenty of help preparing for their annual traditions. Even more than they had even considered it turns out. Rarity has been coming around lately, claiming a need for inspiration. But rules are rules, and if you're going to be staying at the farm, you're going to work. Applejack figured this arrangement would be short lived, and yet the fancy girl seems to always come back. It's nice, for both of them. Just as long a things don't get too scary.

Like last year, I really wanted to show Halloween some extra love. Not sure how many more of these I have in me, but I'll keep showing love for my favorite holiday for as long as I can.

This year, the fear of doing the one thing you know you really want to do. It's amazing what some people will do to pretend they will do that thing, only to never do it. Why do we hurt ourselves indefinitely when we know the potential pain will be over so much faster. Aren't human emotions great. Wish Rarity and Applejack luck, because they both need to get passed that fear if want to move forward.

Gore tag for one little scene with blood and amateur surgery. Very mild, but nonetheless you've been warned.

Happy Halloween everyone!

So Scary

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Their eyes were locked in an epic stalemate. One vicious beast, one innocent young lady. She knew in her soul, that if she so much as blinked, her fate might just be sealed. She took one careful step back, hoping against hope that it would not antagonize such a formidable foe. In desperation she let her eyes wander ever so slightly, hoping to discreetly spot her only hope for escape. That's when she heard it.



All decorum left Rarity in a moment. She shrieked nearly her entire lung full of air, then immediately used the rest to turn and run with all the strength in her dainty body. But she was certain it wouldn't be enough.

With all her might she charged through an opening, sure she felt the hot breath of her vicious pursuer on her heels. With more stamina than she thought she had left, she felt her feet hit the rungs of the fence as she began to climb frantically. She managed to clear the obstacle quickly, but not cleanly. To her horror, she clipped her toe on the last rungs, tumbling over as she desperately fled. As she fell, she heard the absolute last thing she wanted to hear in this most bleak of situations.


Rarity fell over a fence into a huge puddle of mud.

Applejack laughed so hard she nearly fell over.

A hog squealed from the other side of the fence, only now realizing Applejack had closed the fence behind him.

This was truly, the worst, possible, thing!

"Must you take so much joy in my anguish?" Rarity attempted to glare at the hysterically laughing farmer, though mud dripping from her previously immaculate hair did much to dampen the effect.

Applejack managed to force her laughter to cut short, but still smiled a bit too brightly for Rarity's liking as she found her way around the pigpen and over to her friend. "I'm sorry Rares, but that scream you let out was just too much."

"I was running for my life. Who knows what that brute might have done if he'd managed to catch up."

"Oh, You mean Bacon. He's an ornery son of a gun, but he's got another hundred pounds before he's a real threat to anyone. We'll have him minding his manners well before that." Without hesitation she reached down and offered a hand to the mud covered girl.

Rarity looked away, pouting. "I'm a mess Applejack."

Applejack rolled her eyes before reaching down to grab Rarity's hand. "When has that ever bothered me?"

The farm girl lifted her friend from the mud, and held onto the delicate hand as she began leading her back across the farm. Rarity felt her fingers wrap around Applejack's as she did. Both of their hearts beat a little faster, but this was not enough to be scary.

The two girls made their way slowly across the wide area that made up the main farm of Sweet Apple Acres. While the orchards made up the majority of the land, it also took a considerable amount of equipment and overhead to keep the farm running. So the two still had a fairly long walk back to the farmhouse where it looked like Applejack was leading them.
Rarity let herself be led, as there was a considerable amount of activity around. Though it was considerably more crowded around the farm than it normally was, Applejack still seemed to handle it so naturally. Rarity had to admire the air of authority the farmer had when on her farm. Her every step seemed to radiate a feeling of authority, control, .....

Rarity stopped her line of thought as she felt her pulse rising. Way too scary.

"I really don't see why I had to be the one to handle that vicious beast. You have so much help here these days, why couldn't I just help Granny Smith in the kitchen like last week?"

"Because, this week Granny is teaching Applebloom all the special recipes for the Halloween festival. It's a big thing for Applebloom now that she's old enough." Applejack said this while stopping them and gesturing to an old truck loaded with new fence posts, spools of wire, and several young men sitting in the bed to pass them by.

"Oh," Rarity responded with some mild embarrassment. "I certainly wouldn't want to interrupt such a momentous coming of age." Though she was sure the Apple family wouldn't mind her presence, she still didn't want to feel like she was intruding. Her distress was mild, but she still felt better as Applejack gripped her hand a little tighter in reassurance as they again made their way across the yard.

Her heart beat jumped up a little more, causing her to separate their hands. She needed a less scary topic.

"But you've had so much help on the farm recently. Isn't there anyone else who could take on pig duties?"

Applejack had to suppress a chuckle at Rarity's turn into her mock indignance. She knew the fashionista wasn't as upset as she let on. Although considering the state she was in, it was probably less of a front than it had been recently. Even if she was doing this willingly, Applejack still felt she'd have to think of something nice to do for her to make up for some unfortunate incidents in the past weeks. A few things came to mind. Despite appearances, Rarity was actually easy to please. And depending on what she did, perhaps even what she might get her, Applejack might also get to enjoy....

Applejack felt her heart beat jump as thoughts started trying to come to her. She knew too well what thinking in that direction led to. She'd still do something nice for Rarity, but she'd have to draw a line. Losing herself like that was... scary.

"Yeah, all this help has been nice. And I know we have you to thank for it." She tipped her hat to her friend, a gesture that still managed to generate a smile. "Seriously, we can't thank ya' enough for finding that program. We're helping people start new lives while gettin' the farm on sturdier footin' than its been in ages."

"If that's the case then I must reiterate: Why do I need to be chased by the pig?" Rarity's voice dripped with venom.

Applejack laughed nervously. "Well, half a' that is Granny obviously."

Rarity rolled her eyes as she parroted an oft repeated line on the farm. "Those who don't work shall not eat."

"Yeah, that whole thing. But also, the new hands are also really good at their jobs."


"Bacon's already learned not to follow them when he knows the gate is open. You, however, well how could he pass up a cute little thing like you." Applejack tried to give her as placating a smile as she could manage, while also hoping her compliment was casual enough.

Rarity let out a breath, sounding defeated. "If it manages to help me think of new designs, I suppose I can push on a while longer. My dry spell can't go on forever after all. I'm certain something will inspire me soon." Rarity gripped a fist, making a display of determination.

"Guess I'm glad 'rustic' is in this year," Applejack said with a smirk. "But hey, if you do end up stuck forever, you can always come work at the farm." Applejack found it much easier to smile placatingly at the glare Rarity shot her.

"You're so funny," Rarity replied deadpan as they passed by a group of workers as they seemed to be piling hay bails. She had to marvel at the ease they did the task. "I guess at least you didn't make me help set up the maze. Mud will come out in a shower, but I'd be picking hay out of my hair for weeks if I did that."

Applejack scoffed. "Yeah, also those bales weigh about as much as you do."

Rarity glanced side long at her with incredulity. "I've seen you throw those things like pillows. Do you really expect me to believe that?"

Rarity suddenly felt her breath catch. In a moment Applejack had taken an extra step to cut in front of her. A firm grip settled on her waist, and lifted her oh so casually from the ground. Rarity could only look on in awe as Applejack lifted her up, staring into her eyes as she smoothly spun her around in mid air. A turn and a half, and Applejack gently set her down at their destination.

Rarity's mouth felt dry as Applejack had lifted her onto the porch and up to the threshold of the Apple home. And the winning smile she was flashing up to her was doing nothing to give her her voice back either. She turned quickly, suddenly hoping the mud on her face was thick.

"Well... color me impressed. You certainly are..... an impressive specimen, aren't you. " Rarity struggled with her composure.

"Hey Rarity," Rarity could hear the smug in Applejack's voice. "You gonna open the door?"

"Of course," Rarity responded, struggling to open the door as she remembered she had hands. Applejack wasn't playing fair. That had been several steps too far and she knew it. She got through the door, not holding it open for her companion.

Rarity stormed through the house. She'd been coming out to the farm enough in the past weeks that she knew the way without Applejack's help. She could have waited, but she really didn't want to look at her for at least a few minutes.

Though in her heart she knew the real reason she'd been coming to see Applejack nearly every day, she also knew there was no way she could take that next step. If she was honest, she didn't even know if there was a step to take. Even if it felt like those steps had literally just been thrown at her face. She knew Applejack hadn't done it for the reasons she felt she had. Rarity could accept that, but she needed to be dramatic about it for a little while though.

"Hey there Miss Belle. Looks like AJs been puttin' ya' through it again huh?"

Though Rarity was still struggling with her composure, she knew better than to snub the Apple family matriarch. She stopped at the door to the kitchen and forced on a warm smile. "Hello Mrs. Smith, Apple Bloom. I'm afraid this is due to my own clumsiness. I'm not quite spry enough to jump a fence cleanly it seems. How are things going for you two?"

Apple Bloom cut in, obviously enjoying herself. "This is so cool. The Halloween party tomorrow is going to be the best ever. You're gonna be here with Applejack, right?"

Rarity once again hoped the mud was hiding her face well enough. "I'm not entirely sure. I do have to get back on track with my own work after all."

Apple Bloom looked somewhat dejected as Granny Smith raised an eyebrow as if appraising her. "Aww, I was liking havin' ya' around though. Applejack always seems happier when you're here."

Rarity's composure struggled against her again as an opening and closing door signaled the girl in question approach. "We'll see, but for now I must go freshen up." She gave a slight curtsy before turning to leave.

"Make sure Applejack don't let ya' outdoors too much longer today. You're lookin' a little red there." Granny made sure she heard this before she got away.

Moments later Applejack took Rarity's place at the door. "Rarity already head for the shower?"

"Yeah," Apple Bloom responded, still sounding a little distressed. "You're not being mean to her, right?"

"Now what gives ya' that idea?" Applejack asked in confusion.

Granny cut in to respond. "Poor girl looked scared. Are you two... OK?"

Applejack felt her pulse pick up. "Umm, yeah I reckon. She's just still dealing with her artist block ya' know. She did tell me the other day that working with you around the house has given her some ideas. But, ya' know that means she won't be hanging out too much longer."

Apple Bloom looked even more disheartened. "Awww, that's too bad. I really thought you two would..."

"What Apple Bloom is saying," Granny cut in, "is she's welcome here even if she ain't lookin' fer' 'inspiration'."

Applejack forced a smile at the words. "I'm pretty sure she knows that Granny."

Granny Smith gave her a serious look. "Well, go make sure she knows it."

Knowing better than to disobey her grandma, Applejack nodded her affirmation and went the same way Rarity had.

Applejack was sure there had to be a deeper reason for Rarity to be coming by the farm nearly every day. But subjects like these were far out of her area of expertise. It was a delicate situation, the type she was never good with. She knew a lot of people had trouble being truthful with themselves, and she knew she couldn't trust herself to not be honest. If she was blunt with the truth, like she usually was, she might just scare that truth back into a corner where it would never come back out. No, she had to be careful. She didn't want to scare Rarity away, even if not being true to herself was scary.

She'd made it to the bathroom of the old farm house. As it was long since updated, she often joked with Rarity that it must be her favorite room in the entire property. To make it safer for Granny Smith in her old age, it was by far the most modern designed. She tried to focus on safe jokes like that as she knocked.

"You ok in there Rares?"

"I'm perfectly fine Applejack, nothing to worry about." She still sounded scared. Applejack decided on something to calm her down.

"Hey. Since you've already had a rough day, I figured ya'd prefer an easy job once you're done in there." She felt like she might as well be speaking to the door for how much she imagined Rarity might be closing her off right now.

Rarity scoffed. "Yes, but 'easy' for you is rarely ever easy."

Applejack tried not to wince at the tone. "How would ya' like ta' come check the fence line with me?"

A long ride around the property on an atv. Rarity would have to cling to Applejack, but it would give her a chance to feel in control of the interaction. Fearing the response, Applejack held her breath.

"I.... thought that was an end of the day chore?" Applejack calmed. If Rarity was asking questions, then she was still interested. In sticking around at least.

"Tomorrow is Halloween, we're gonna be setting up around here mostly. So work out in the fields is mostly done. We got the yearly party for the community to set up for after all. What do ya' say? Take a ride with me?"

There was hesitation from behind the door, but then a tentative response. "I guess, I have been wanting to try out that atv. It looks fun, if a little scary the way you always ride it around."

Applejack smiled, and decided to test the waters. "Plus, it'll be great after a shower. It'll dry your hair and give it an authentic wind blown style. It'll look great on ya'."

Rarity giggled at the very safe compliment. "Well, it is me. I can make any style look good after all."

"That ya' can, "Applejack replied casually. "I'll go get ya' some extra clothes. Hopefully I can find ya' something nice and fancy."

Rarity giggled again. "Considering your closet, I won't hold my breath."


Showers were good for regaining one's composure. Applejack may have taken things too far, but Rarity could now see that it didn't matter that much in the end. As the hot water of the shower washed over her body she reassured herself with the truth of the situation. And that was that no matter how far they pushed each other, nothing would ever come of it. Right now her only concern was that Applejack was clearly more bold than she had ever given her credit for, and Rarity could not stand for being bested so thoroughly. Even if she still wasn't sure if Applejack was even playing the same game she was.

It was as she let the water soak into her hair once more that she heard her opportunity not come knocking. The door to the bathroom ever so gently opened and closed. Though she did want to enjoy the cleansing feeling a while longer, she decided her retaliation didn't need to wait. She took a deep breath. This was going to be scary, but worth it.

Rarity turned the shower off suddenly. Even more suddenly she threw the curtain of the shower aside. In an instant, she was standing naked in front of Applejack. And despite the farmers usual resolve she now very closely resembled a deer caught in the headlights of a semi.

"Oh, Applejack. Didn't realize you'd stepped in." The color filling in behind Applejack's freckles made it all the harder for Rarity to maintain her resolve.

Applejack fought hard to keep her eyes on Rarity's face as her brain tried to catch up after what just happened. "Oh, uhhh.... yeah. Didn't mean to intrude, I, uhhhh.... clothes. Yeah, just wanted to get you some clean clothes and get your dirty ones in the wash for ya'. That's it. That's all. Didn't mean ta' catch ya'.... you know."

"Know what?" Rarity asked innocently while stepping out of the shower. She knew herself that she was probably blushing as hard as Applejack, but that the farmer was probably too far into shock to notice. "Are you OK darling? You look a little flushed."

Applejack didn't even bother making an excuse. She turned tail and exited the steamy room with a slam of the door. Rarity was glad to note though, she didn't go much further than that.

"Sorry. I didn't mean ta' intrude."

"Oh Applejack. It's not like we haven't had to share facilities before. We're both women, it's not like either of us has anything the other hasn't seen." Her heart was beating like crazy, but she could weather this scare now.

"Yeah," Applejack replied shakily. "Still rude ah' me to just walk in like that. But I hope ya' like what I found for ya'."

Rarity had almost forgotten that Applejack had gone to get clothes for her. This would be something she'd normally dread from her rarely fashionable friend, but this time around it had been far from her mind. Though as she turned to where Applejack had been standing, she was delightfully surprised.

Elegant autumnal patterns met her discerning gaze. Picking up the garment, she was taken aback at the quality of the fabric. As she let it unfold in her grasp, she was taken aback at the style as well.

"Applejack, this might be the prettiest sundress I've ever seen. It has such an understated feel of elegance and fits the season so perfectly. This isn't nearly your normal style, where did you ever find it?"

"It was my mama's."

Rarity's breath caught. "Applejack, you can't expect me to wear something this precious. I...I couldn't possibly. I mean, it's so...."

"Clothes are clothes Rares. Only reason no one else is using them is they don't fit no one else here. I'm happy they finally get some use honestly."

Rarity was stunned. She now felt bad at the stunt she'd pulled on Applejack. She made her way to the door, pressing her forehead to it while holding the beautiful garment to her chest. "You're entirely too nice to me Applejack."

On the other side of the door, Applejack leaned with her back against the aged wooden panels. She carefully controlled her breathing as she stared at the ceiling still trying to clear her thoughts. "Nah, it's fine Rarity. You've been doing so much here anyway. And I appreciate it. It's been nice having ya' around, even if it's not for the best of reasons."

Rarity felt her breath catch again. "Well, if this beautiful dress doesn't inspire me, I'm not sure anything will."

Rarity hadn't come to Sweet Apple Acres hoping to become inspired by its rustic beauty as she'd told Applejack weeks ago. And they both knew the other knew it wasn't true. Neither could remember when this game had started, but both knew they weren't brave enough to end it either.

"I'm, I'm gonna go get the four-wheeler ready. Feel free to take yer' time, I'm in no real hurry today."

"Thank you so much Applejack."


A while later, both girls felt the wind in their hair as the engine of the farms atv roared beneath them. Applejack sat in front, hands gripping the handles and maintaining focus despite the situation. Behind her, Rarity had her arms wrapped around Applejack's midsection, and probably clinging on a little closer than was strictly necessary.

The silence between them was companionable as Applejack focused on driving and Rarity took in the beauty around her. All the beauty around her.

"I love this place," Rarity said softly as the wind rushed past.

"What was that?" Applejack asked above the wind and motor.

"Your farm is beautiful darling."

Applejack grinned at the praise at the place she called home. "Yeah. I realized you'd never seen the back forty. These are the older orchards, so it's a lot more natural out here." Thinking about it for a moment, Applejack turned the handlebars of the vehicle. They slipped off the worn trail just past the barrier fence of the orchards and onto a much rougher path. This gave way quickly to a small hill that the powerful engine crested in moments. It took them just a little higher than the trees giving them an unrestricted view of the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres.

As the atv came to a stop, Rarity felt her eyes widen. Reflexively, she began to stand in her seat, taking in the scenery.

"Oh, my, goodness." A feeling of awe settled over Rarity as her chauffeur killed the engine. Without realizing it her arms came back to wrap around Applejack, settling on her shoulders and draping her hands over her chest. "Applejack .... this is just. I have no words for this."

Applejack desperately hoped Rarity couldn't hear how hard her heart was beating in her chest right now. She felt terrified, but the trials of the day made her feel like she could press on.

"Rarity?" She managed to keep most of the shake out of her voice.

"Yes darling." In her distraction, Rarity let her voice be dreamy.

"If... when you get inspired again, are ya' gonna stop coming around here?"

Rarity was pulled out of her day dream with one icy stab. She felt Applejack tremble slightly below her, and realized all too quickly how closely pressed to her she was. And at the moment, she didn't know if pulling away or staying where she was was the scarier option.

"Applejack... I don't, I don't know how to answer that."

Applejack felt Rarity start to tremble as well. "You know you'll always be one ah' my best friends. You could come back here, any time ya' want. I, I'll always be here. Waiting. "

Rarity felt like she could barely breathe. If she listened, she was sure Applejack was the same. Both girls were paralyzed with fear, but currently there was no running away.

"Applejack .... I. I....."

Then there was a loud crash.

Having been certain they were alone just moments before, both their heads snapped in the direction. Not far from where they were stopped, the pickup truck from before seemed to have also come to a stop. On its side.

Then came the scream.

"Someone's hurt," Applejack exclaimed.

"Let's go." Rarity was already seated, holding firmly to the driver. The motor of the vehicle roared back to life and they sped off quickly.

Within minutes they were on the scene. Whatever those who were in the truck had been doing, it looked like they had mistakenly tried to take a shortcut, on some very uneven ground.

"I'm sorry Mac, I know you said not to cut through the trees." One of the men looked on the verge of tears.

"No time. Get pressure on this." The imposing young man was commanding the scene. Applejack made her way over.

"Mac, what happened?"

Without looking up, he answered. "Truck tipped over some roots. He got thrown from the bed, with barbed wire over his shoulder."

Braving the unknown, Applejack reached down to pull the other men's hands away from the one lying on the ground suppressing sounds of pain. A deep wound was revealed, one that started gushing blood again almost immediately.

"Oh god." Mac reapplied pressure while Applejack could only gawk. "What can we do?"

To Rarity's shock, no one could answer. "What do you mean, 'what can we do'? This man clearly needs to go to the hospital."

"We can't do that Rares." Applejack spoke in a hollow voice.

Shocked and now even beginning to feel appalled, Rarity responded. "Whatever you might be liable for, he needs a doctor. There's not a lot an amateur can do for him now. Letting him die would surely be the worst case scenario would it not?"

"Rarity, it ain't that simple." There was some snarl in her voice, but everyone seemed on edge at that moment. "He's part of the program. It's a great program, but I'm sure you know there's a lot of people who ain't fans. If anything goes wrong... Well it won't be just him that's affected."

"Dammit," Mac growled, uncharacteristically losing his cool. "Two more weeks, and he was gonna be able to bring his family over."

There was another pause. Once again, it seemed only Rarity was able to break it.

"Applejack, I need your shirt and your belt."


"You're shirt and your belt. The flannel will work." Hiking the dress she wore up over her knees, she got down opposite of Mac. "Is there a first aid kit?" He nodded his head. "Get it now." He moved quickly, leaving Rarity alone next to the man.

Applejack was now in just her white tank top and pants, offering Rarity what she'd requested. "What you need these for Rares?"

Rarity took the flannel button up and, after considering only a second, put it on with the opening on towards the back. "It's not my dress after all. Besides, we need to try to keep this process at least a little clean." She looked up to where Mac was struggling to get stuff out of the still tipped truck. "You three," She shouted at the other workers who currently could only stand around looking concerned. "Help him, and get that truck back on its wheels. We'll need to be able to get him back out of here."

They all instantly sprang into action. Within moments Mac was making his way back over, a decent sized med kit in his hands. The others stayed, working out how to fix their situation.

"Good." Both Apple siblings crouched down opposite of Rarity. "I need something from each of you." She pulled a small kit from somewhere.

"Where was..."

"No time." Opening it, she pulled a needle and a selection of thread. "Mac," she offered him the needle. "Can you make this into a small hook needle?"

Taking it, he nodded. From his belt, he took a set of utility pliers. With the skill of a craftsman he twisted the needle and nipped the tip. From another slot on his belt he produced a small flat stone. With a few swipes he managed to put a new edge back on it. A few more, and it shined like it was tipped with a diamond. This took but a few minutes.

While he did this, Rarity turned to Applejack. "Hopefully this kit has enough of what we need. Applejack, sanitize this as best you can." She offered one of the lengths of thread.

"I got ya' Rares." Together they searched through the kit, pulling out anything they could that would sanitize. Supplies in hand, Rarity now turned to the injured man.

"What's your name dear?" Rarity asked as comfortingly as possible.

"Javier," he replied, still wincing in pain.

"Well, Javier, I'm going to need you to endure this, and do your best to hold still." Taking Applejack's belt, she placed it folded at his lips until he got the message and bit down. "I'm afraid this is going to hurt quite a lot."

Gloves from the kit on, she went about cleaning the wound. Javier twitched a little, but managed to stay composed. Wound cleaned and with the siblings tasks completed, Rarity threaded the needle expertly. With steady hands, she plunged it into flesh.

"Applejack, Mac, hold him." They complied. Her dainty fingers worked quickly, mending skin to skin. Applejack could only gape as it looked like Rarity didn't so much as blink during the whole process. Though it didn't look professional, within minutes the wound was closed. They wrapped it up with what was left from within the first aid kit.

By this time the other men had returned, their task apparently complete.

"Mac, take him. Though remember, his life is still the most important thing. We all did our best, but if it looks like it's getting worse..."

Mac nodded.

Before he could be taken away. Javier reached out, taking Rarity's hand. He said something in a language Rarity couldn't quite place. Applejack smiled as she translated. "He wants to know, the name of the 'angel' that came to save him."

Rarity smiled despite the situation. "You can just call me Rarity."

The men took him, each saying things in their native language that sounded like praise. They all piled into and on the truck and sped off. Leaving the girls alone.

Both seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the same moment. They passed each other the last of the alcohol pads they could find and both did what they could to clean up.

"I'm afraid your shirt might not have survived this darling," Rarity remarked as she removed the garment.

Applejack managed to chuckle at the attempt to break the tension left from the experience. "Like you don't know I got five more just like it."

Rarity laughed too. "That," she said as she hefted herself onto the back of the atv, legs dangling from the rear panel. "Was really scary."

"I'll say. Applejack said this while also sitting down. She kicked her leg over the seat, careful not to kick Rarity in the process. They now sat back to back, just inches apart.

That was apparently too far for Rarity. In her sudden exhaustion, she leaned back. Applejack didn't start at the contact. She only pushed in, finding a comfortable pressure for the both of them. They both lulled their heads back at the same moment, looking up at the sky. They were both somewhat surprised to learn that the sun had set among all the excitement. The stars were not yet bright in the sky, but the sunset was largely over.

"I honestly don't know if this place is more beautiful in the day or night." It was all that felt logical to mention at the current moment.

Used to this view, Applejack found her gaze drifting to the face next to her own. "Amazing."

"It really is."

"Not that," Applejack said, sitting up just a little. "You." Pressed together as they were, Applejack could tell when Rarity's heart started to beat faster.

"I, I just did what I could." Her voice sounded small at the moment.

"A few hours ago you ran from an undersized pig like it was the devil itself. Just now you looked into the eyes of a dying man and made him feel hope. Rarity, you're amazing." Applejack felt heat start to come from the cheek still pressed to her neck.

"The way you run this place, that's amazing. There's so much going on and so much depends on you, but you'd never know the way you carry yourself. I may seem confident, but I can assure you, most of the time it's all show. That's why I'm here." Rarity felt Applejack's heart pick up its pace, along with her own. "I thought, if I could be around you more, maybe that strength would give me strength, and maybe I could...."

There was a long pause. The still of the country night made it almost hauntingly silent if not for the noise of their beating hearts.

"But I can't. I'm not strong like you."

"You're plenty strong, and way braver than ya' give yourself credit for." Applejack took a few deep breaths, an action that made Rarity's breath catch.

"Please don't Applejack, I'm not sure I can handle it."

"I know ya' can. And right now I think I'm more scared than I've ever been. But even so, I think I'm more scared that I might never know."

Rarity was caught off guard as Applejack swung herself from her seat, going around the vehicle to look Rarity in the face. Both girls trembled, but both seemed to find stability as their hands seemed to find each other.

"Rarity. I think I might be in love with you. And I think you might feel the same way about me."

Tears broke from Rarity's eyes and flowed as freely as the next words she spoke. "Of course I love you. I couldn't tell you because I'm scared of how much I love you. I love you, and I love this place, and I want so much to stay here forever but we're so different and I don't want to lose this feeling in my heart and what if..." Her rant finally came to an end as a rough hand was placed gently on her cheek. Rarity stared in awe at the look of pure joy in Applejack's face.

Neither girl wasted any more time. Rarity leapt forward, immediately wrapping her arms around Applejack's neck and bringing their faces close. Keeping her from falling from her seat, Applejack wrapped her arms around Rarity's body, holding her up so that they could stay face to face. Their lips met, and their grips tightened. Their hearts beat hard and fast, but the fear had passed. After a time neither could estimate, they finally parted. Both panted, Rarity's coming out shakey as her body shuddered.

"I don't want to stop, but I think I have to. Because I'm really scared of what I'd let you do to me out here alone."

Applejack chuckled in a way Rarity had never heard her before. It sent an excited chill all through her. Even more at the now husky voice Applejack responded in. "There'll be plenty of time for that later. Right now I do think we need to pump the breaks just a little. I still need to get back to the farm and make sure everything and everyone is OK."

Rarity swooned into the embrace, resting her head on Applejack's shoulder. "So responsible, so dependable. I love you so much."

"Yeah, but I'm gonna be a little selfish right now." Rarity rubbed their cheeks together to prompt her to go on. "Before we leave, I have to ask you one question. Can I bring you as my date to the festival tomorrow?"

"You want to show me off as your girlfriend for the first time in front of all your family, all our friends, and a good portion of the town."

Rarity felt Applejack's cheek heat up. "Yeah, that's pretty much why."

"Hmmm, facing all those judging stares might be a little scary." She said this playfully." Will you be there the whole time, giving me strength?"

Applejack pulled her head back, only to bring it back and plant one more kiss on Rarity's lips. "Of course. "

"Then nothing could make me happier."