Beast Banging

by Nagiman

First published

Endy loves animals, like really "Loves" animals. So what happens when he finds out about other things that can improve that.

Endy has always loved animals, to the point of having it as part of his job to work with them. He's also a big horn dog as well, willing to spread his cheeks or someone else's to get his rocks off. Things take a change with a simple E-mail and things get crazier than he could have imagined when his love life breaks wide open. Soon he finds himself spiraling into something much more than just carnal lust.

Contains - Bestiality, Sloppy Sex, One Horny Rabbit, Gay / Straight Sex, and a Big Crush

Each chapter has most of these elements and will have different things themselves. Written for my friend Endymion, starring his Male Rabbit Boy, Endy.

Spike The Wonder Dog

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The evening started to fall on Ponyville, with the bright orange sun setting in the distance behind the trees of the Everfree forest. A gentle breeze flowed through the springtime air, cooling the warmth of the day into a chill night. At the edge of town, Endy the bunny was returning from a long and hard day of work at Fluttershy's Animal Sanctuary. He spent most of his time around animals and when new ones showed up there he was always rang up first by the shy pegasus pony to come and do studies on it. Being a Zoologist brought many to his door or took him to places to study some of the newest finds or even find new notes on ones that everyone knew.

As he turned the key to his home, the lock retreated with a 'kerchunk' into the wooden door. Opening the door and walking into the house, Endy could feel the carpet against his feet as he slipped off his shoes. The warm and fuzzy floor soothed his aching toes as he curled them in the short hair of the rug. He stretched his arms out as he walked further in, looking through the kitchen archway out into the backyard through the glass door. The lack of barking and seeing the large two-headed Orthros made him feel a bit disappointed but knew that the hound was having a good time with Smolder for the weekend away. It was always strange to come home to him not there but he could get over it with some self-loving usually but tonight he was too exhausted to do that.

Walking down the hallway to his bedroom, he flicked on the lights to the bathroom and kept walking to his room. The bedroom had a king-sized bed draped in bed sheets with animal pawprints patterned across the white sheets. A small bedside table sat with a picture of Orthros and Endy next to it, along with a bottle of lubrication as well. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he threw it on the bed and started to undress. His red shirt and blue shorts were removed and thrown haphazardly at the laundry basket, leaving Endy in his blue boxers with white bones on them. One large bone was centered on the front of his groin with small ones all over the fabric. Once he was undressed he went to the bathroom and gave himself a quick wash with a cloth to clean up any dirt that was on his face or paws before he returned to the bedroom. Pulling the blankets back, he crawled under them and picked up his phone.

"Geez, so many messages from today. Must be super popular." He snickered to himself as he started to go through his messages. "Spam, spam, I'll have to reply soon to that one, that's a scam. Oh... something from Erica. Haven't heard from her in a bit." Pressing on the screen, he opened the email from his female rabbit counterpart as they were usually mistaken for each other.

"Hi, Endy, been a while. Been doing work for myself and have gone professional with it. Wanted to share with you some of the work cause I know you have those times without the big guy. So enjoy." The email ended with a winking emoticon and some hearts and dog heads with a video attached to the file.

Endy clicked on the video and turned his phone to get the full visual of it. Turning up the sound as a short intro started with some music and a logo for a company. Soon enough Erica was on screen dressed in stockings and evening gloves that looked like dog paws with her collar on. She crawled around on the floor as if she were a dog like she had done in their pet play or group time with Orthros, minus the goofy-looking paws, with a leash attached to her collar. Endy stuck a hand under his boxers, with his eyes starting to droop as sleep started to take over his body more. After a bit of teasing from the female rabbit, a large purple dog with green mohawk-like hair on top of his head walked on screen. Before Endy could continue his eyes closed fully and he passed out, letting the phone slip from his hand onto his bed as he drifted away to dreamland.

The night passed away, giving way to the day, with the sun rising in the sky and the sound of the buzzing alarm clock going off to wake Endy from his slumber. Sitting up in the bed, he let out a yawn and stretched his arms before slapping the top of the clock to put it back to sleep. The strong, red glow of eight brought the bunny to full attention as he was shocked that he had fallen asleep. Looking around quickly, he found his phone on the floor from him turning in his sleep. Picking it up it still had some charge left to it, so he took it with him to the kitchen and plugged it in while he started to get some breakfast going. Trying to remember a bit of what he was watching last night as he cooked up a few eggs and some bacon on the stove, his eyes glanced back at the phone with a bit of wonder.

As he set his food on the table, his curiosity grew one more, and so to settle it, he took his phone off charge and unlocked it to see what he was watching. It opened to his email where he pressed on the video attachment again. He set his phone in a way so he could eat and watch it again to see what it was. The familiar sight of Erica in her little dog getup putting on her little show once again, then his eyes grew wide as he watched the purple dog walk on screen that towered over her. It was such a large dog and one that he had never seen before. He wanted to... no needed to meet him, up close and personal. Stopping the video before the action started, he replied to the email.

"Hey Erica, great video. I was wondering if we could meet up so I can see that dog up close and maybe "study" it for myself. Just let me know if that is possible." He sent his message and set the phone down, with his mind wondering what breed of dog it was. It certainly wasn't a common one at all or they had dyed the fur on it and put lots of makeup on but most dogs wouldn't sit through that. Hell, most others struggled to even get a collar on them. Digging into his food, he just imagined how things would play out if he was able to get up close to the pooch. When he finished his food and put dirty dishes into the sink, his phone vibrated to a notification coming in from his email. Rushing over, he picked it up and read through the reply.

"Hey, glad you liked the video. We can certainly do something this afternoon if you're fine with that. Originally we were going to do a solo shoot but we can change that schedule around. Meet us at the large hill near the market." Shaking in place in excitement, Endy struggled to get his reply sent but managed barely to get it out as he danced around his kitchen in his boxers in glee. He was going to see that big dog up close and get some personal time with it to boot. Running down the hall to his room, he went to get dressed, as they would be meeting in a few hours and he wanted to be ready yesterday with the adrenaline pumping through him.

With minutes to go before the meet-up, Endy finished locking his front door and slipping his key into his blue shorts. Figuring it would be a more casual thing, he had put on his favorite purple ballcap, a black t-shirt, and his black shoes with red accents, along with a special collar that he had been saving. It was red leather, with a small gold loop and a slightly bigger tag hanging off it than his other collars, with 'Sexy Bitch' engraved on the metal. The sun shone down on the white rabbit as he took off with a sprint toward the hill with high hopes for the day.

As he got closer to the location, he noticed a bunch of stallions dressed in suits, sunglasses, and earpieces standing around the area, forming a barrier-like formation. Looking at them as if something serious had happened in the area, he approached cautiously, going to walk by them on the path to see if he could run into Erica. Before he could even take a step by them, a hoof was planted into his chest with a scowl forming on the big brown stallion's face. "Sorry Sir, this place is off limits to the public. I have to ask you to please leave the area immediately."

Endy took a step back as he rubbed where the stallion had planted his hoof, confusion on his face as he had plans with his friend here. Did this stallion mean they wouldn't be meeting up or was something much more serious going on than he expected? "Did something happen here? I'm supposed to meet my friend here in a couple of minutes. She was adamant about getting together."

Looking the rabbit up and down, the stallion held his stance with his hoof out. "Sorry, that's confidential. You'll have to talk to your friend and locate somewhere else."

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dialed Erica's number. It rang a few times before it was picked up with a cheery hello from the other side. "Hey, Erica, looks like we'll have to schedule for somewhere else. Some guys are blocking my way into the hill. They say the area is off limits to the public."

Giggling came from the other end as Erica tried to control her laughter. "Don't worry about them, just give me a minute and we'll meet you."

As Endy hung up his phone he stood waiting for a bit until he saw the stallions stop what they were doing and listen to their earpieces. The one who had stopped him, nodded his head as he listened in before changing his strong and stoic demeanor to one that was much more humble and apologetic. "I'm sorry sir, please head on in. Ms. Erica is on her way to meet with you." He stood aside with his hoof held out as to gesture for Endy to enter as if it were some big fancy building.

"Good to see that things are settled." He gave a smile and wave to the guard as he proceeded into the hill area that was surrounded, now unimpeded by the stallions. Still, he felt a little strange that things changed quickly and that the guard referred to his friend as Ms. Erica. He figured that she had something to do with it but there wasn't any way that she'd have funds to do something like this, especially for a public area. As he walked past, he looked back, getting a view of the guard's big sack, giving him a smile as he imagined what that dog would be like. Ignoring his thoughts, he retrained his focus on getting some action with that big dog that he had seen on the video and prepared himself mentally to enjoy some time with him. As he reached halfway up the path, he still hadn't seen Erica at all, then his vision went black as a pair of scaly hands covered his face. "Hey, what's going on here?"

"I'm gonna have to ask you to hold still. We can't have random strangers sneaking around here. Now hold still or else I'll have to get a bit rough with ya." A sharp tone with a hint of seriousness pierced the air as the hands held tightly over Endy's head. Slowly the figure made him walk a few steps before stopping and letting go. A fit of laughter came from the figure as he couldn't keep his face straight anymore.

Turning around, Endy was face to face with a big purple dragon with a green fin running down the center of his head who was nearly on his knees laughing at him. Confused at who the big dragon was, the colors seemed a bit familiar to him but didn't click as to who he was. "What's going on here? I thought Erica was supposed to be meeting me?" Holding up his hands and shaking his head, Endy was lost in total wonder of what was going on with this simple meet-up. From the trees, the sound of a female laughing caught his ears before Erica walked out from behind the tree line.

She was wearing a short blue skirt and pink tank top, with a similar-looking collar that Endy was wearing. Her red eyes matched his, along with the height and length of her ears. If looking from a distance, you'd swear that the two were twins and not just friends. Erica clutched her stomach as she howled in laughter and walked toward Endy. "O-oh s-so good to s-see you a-again E-Endy." Her words stammered out as she chuckled away, gasping for air as she struggled to speak. Planting a hand on Endy's shoulder she sucked in as much as she could while trying to stop the fit of giggles. "S-sorry, a-about that. I-it was S-Spike's i-idea."

Spike wiped away tears that had rolled down his cheeks from the laughing spree, as he spent a few moments composing himself back to a much more proper professional-like manner. "I do apologize. Seemed like a fun way to introduce myself. Though Twilight usually says the direct route is the best, I think it's more about just having a moment. I'm Spike, the Ambassador of Friendship and Erica's partner in crime or should I say doggy style." He held out his claw to Endy, taking his hand in his and giving it a firm shake before letting go.

"Oh, so you must be the dog's owner or handler then. I must say I haven't seen such a breed before and his size certainly is impressive. Where did he come from?" Endy brightened up as the laughter died down more from Erica.

"The Dragonlands is where he's from, though I'm not the handler, that's Erica's job. Though she's more into handling him in other ways." He gave a wink and chuckle before being swatted with a white hand to the back of his head.

"He knows what you mean, considering he's the one who owns that Orthros I've talked about. Endy's here to enjoy some time with him, you big lug. We're going to film it too and see how the audience reacts to it. We might be getting a good viewing if things go right." Erica scowled at Spike, with her foot tapping against the ground with her hands on her hips. Turning to her friend she took him by the hand and started to drag him into the trees on the hill. "I'm so glad you contacted me after watching the video. I hadn't released something like that to friends as it is making us money from our new home website but I figured you'd be one that I could share it with without it being spread around like wildfire."

Endy let out a small nervous chuckle, knowing that he didn't watch the full thing, having only watched the first thirty seconds of it. "Ya, it was great. So, how long have you and Spike been working together then?"

"A few months now if I remember correctly, though she's been banging the big boy just a bit longer than that. She's always howling for more." Spike walked on the opposite side of Erica, putting Endy between them.

"Oh, so you know that she likes it "ruff" too." Endy nudged Spike with his elbow as the pair started to chuckle at their terrible puns while Erica rolled her eyes at them, shaking her head in annoyance at the childish teasing.

Crossing her arms, she walked close to Endy and gave him a hip check right into Spike, causing them to trip over each other. "Oops, seems that I slipped a bit. Are you two okay?" She gave a smug grin at the two of them lying on the ground. "Now if you're both done with the puns, we're already here if you didn't notice the film equipment." She pointed over behind her, a couple of lights, a camera, and a small basket filled with snacks and drinks.

The males pulled themselves up and dusted themselves off, as they got in line and stood with Erica looking at them with a much more serious face on her. Walking back and forth, she eyed them for a little bit, holding an air of tension for just a few moments before she broke down laughing. Spike and Endy looked at each other with a bit of confusion as they thought their little puns were going to get them seriously talked to by the female rabbit. Soon enough, the laughter became infectious and they started to join in.

After a little bit of laughing, Endy started to look around for the canine that he was going to be spending some time with, but couldn't find hide or hair of the hound. Walking around a little, he looked for some sort of cage or place the dog could have been waiting away at. "So, where's the big guy at? Is he waiting in a car or with one of those guards?"

Erica pointed to Spike with his thumb, "He's the dog, Endy. He'll make sure you have all the fun you want."

Looking at Spike with a raised brow, Endy gave him a side eye before looking back at Erica with a confused look. "How is he the dog? He's clearly a dragon by anyone with open eyes. The only thing I see that stands out on him is that collar but considering we're wearing them too, it doesn't jump out."

"Hey, don't say I'm not a dog. I'm pretty sure my tongue can do a good number on you. She did tell me you like it wet and wild." Spike crossed his arms, feigning anger from the comments but playing along with Erica's little game.

"I'm sure you're great at pet play and all that, but I was hoping to meet the big dog from the video Erica sent. If this is some kind of joke to get me out here, that's fine and all but you could have just asked. Though I'm pretty sure a dragon cock is something new to try." Looking over Spike once again, Endy could feel a slight tingle in his loins, as he never slept with a male dragon before, so it would be at least something to make up for the lack of the canine companion he hoped to have had fuck him.

"Okay, okay, fine, you're right Endy, he's just a dragon. Spike, could you go get the big guy? We don't want to waste all this good sunlight for the shoot and have to use the lights, it makes it look bad for some angles." Erica pushed at the dragon, getting him to walk off into the trees. "Sorry about that, just wanted to have a little fun with you since it's been a while."

With his back turned to the trees and focusing on Erica, Endy let out a sigh and wiped his brow. "Okay, that's fine. I just didn't want to have wasted my time coming out here and not get to meet that big guy. So what's his name?" A flash of light sparked behind Endy's back and where Spike had once been, the large purple dog was.

The canine walked out behind Endy and gave his leg a little rub with his paw to get his attention. Looking up with his big green eyes the dog smiled with his big fangs. "Hey, my name is Spike. We've already met." He took a seat and held his paw up to the white rabbit whose face was now drained even further of color, his eyes turning into shocked saucers.

"Wait, so you weren't kidding when you said he's the dog?" Endy held one finger pointed to Spike, as he looked at Erica dead on. Her head just nodded up and down with a smile across her face, her arms crossed with a hand held out pointed to Endy with an air of 'I told you so' about her look. "So then, you aren't a dragon but a talking dog?"

Spike shook his head, giving his collar a jingle as he did so, his ears flopped with the movement as well, sending them flapping in his face. "Nope, I'm a dragon. I was raised by Princess Twilight Sparkle, so I've had plenty of time around magic and tons of spells. I found an old tome that had some interesting shapeshifting spells in it and learned from there after I started dating Erica. We tried it and found it worked well in turning forms around, so now she gets to have the big dragon or the big dog whenever."

Endy stood still in silence, his eyes locked on the talking dog form that was Spike. His mind was in disbelief that such a thing was possible but also was thinking through what other things he wasn't aware were possible. If Spike could become a dog, did that mean others could do the same if they could learn magic? Would his crush, Smolder, be able to do such a thing as well since she already had the skill to separate Orthros? "I... well... that's..." he muttered as he tried to find words that matched his excitement but failed to find something that would fill in the gap. All he could feel was his erection starting to press against his shorts as he liked the view of the large dragon-dog. He was shorter than Orthros but that was comparing apples to oranges since Orthros was a double-headed dog breed and not a single dog, like Spike had taken on. Still, it was going to be interesting for him to have sex with this dragon-dog hybrid creature.

"So, Endy, are you still down to bone with Spike or do you want to sit aside and watch us? From what I can see, I know your answer already." Erica winked at her male counterpart as she knew the tenting of his shorts said all she needed to know.

In his mesmerized trance, he was looking over the dragon dog, taking in his large height and very toned muscles, just simply impressed with the type of specimen he was at a glance. Shaking his head clear of the fog that was clouding his thoughts, he turned to Erica and nodded. "Ya, I think I'm more than ready to try this big guy. I just need to know what I need to do since you said you're going to film this. Never done anything that was supposed to be professional before." The twitching of his dick in his shorts made him want to strip right there and get to it, but he had to hold himself back for the sake of being professional and not ruining Erica and Spike's job for the day.

Erica walked over and wrapped an arm around Endy's shoulders, leading him off just a bit, and putting him in a position that was off-camera. "Normally I know you'd just want to get right into it, I know what you're like when it comes to Orthros. In the professional realm, things need to go a bit more planned, however, we can do some improv for this session to let you have a bit more freedom but we want to have some sort of standard going on too. So, Spike will just act just as any ordinary dog to keep that illusion, what do you think you'd like to do to fill in your side?"

Lowering his head and holding his chin between a couple of fingers, Endy thought for a little bit as to what would make sense for what they were going to do. His body ached to just get started but his mind fought hard against taking on baser instincts. "Could we do something like I'm a professional dog walker and I'm gonna sleep with my client's pet out in the woods? Act as if I've already stripped before heading into the trees, 'cause I like to be nude walking him, then let him use me like his bitch once we've found a good spot?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Simple, doesn't require much thought, and keeps you in a position that you'd be good in. Good thing Spike likes being on top of things and isn't a bottom like you are when it comes to big dicks." She stuck her tongue out in a teasing manner and pressed her finger into his chest. "We'll go with that idea, I've got a leash here that you can use as well." She went to the basket with the snacks, dug around, pulled out a long black leash, and handed it to Endy. "Alright, you'll want to strip down then and we'll get shooting." Erica walked over to the camera and stood behind it, watching as Endy undressed.

Spike was entranced by the male rabbit stripping down in front of them. He'd seen other male genitalia before when he was much smaller, when stallions walked around, their balls at his face level but never had it been in an intimate moment. Seeing this rabbit undress down to his cute boxers covered with hearts and collars, then his throbbing white cock with reddish-brown tip. The plump but smaller balls, swinging as he moved around a bit held his sight for a bit as his heart rate picked up. Sure he was being professional but he felt something a bit more from watching Endy strip. When the male rabbit had finished taking off his clothes, leaving only his cap and shoes on, Spike's tail wagged against the ground as instincts took control of it.

Standing there nude, Endy felt the breeze tickle his nethers, just like it did when he slept with Orthros in the dog park. It gave him the thrill of feeling as if they'd be caught doing something they shouldn't be. "Alright, I think I'm ready to get this underway." Letting out a sigh, he cleared his mind to focus on the task at hand. Spike had walked over to him, the dog's head level with his chest, making it easy to attach the leash to his collar.

"Okay, I'm gonna start recording, just pretend the camera and I, aren't here and do what feels natural to the scene at hand. Spike and I won't be able to talk to guide you through things, so you're on your own to feel things out." Erica pressed the button, turning on the camera's red light, indicating that the filming was going, and followed it up with a thumbs up to the pair.

Spike rubbed his head against Endy's leg giving him a slight nudge and comfort that things were good to go, and licking his lips just a bit at the sight of Endy's dick up close while he wasn't paying attention. Looking down at the canine, Endy nodded his head and took the lead, guiding both him and Spike into frame of the camera, with Erica only giving hand signs that they were in view. "I'm so glad that I've finally got some time with you Spike. I've been dying to see how good you are. Too bad it isn't every day that I get to walk you. So, what do you think? Is here a good spot to finally drain those balls of yours?" Endy restrained himself as best as he could from sounding cheesy but still had it come out that way, even though his mind was flustered with the eagerness reaching an all-time high.

Getting up on his rear legs, Spike, wrapped his front paws around Endy's neck and lapped away at his face, planting sloppy wet licks of slobber against his cheek, while his tail wagged. Even without speaking, Spike was feeling a bit eager to see what it was going to be like with another male. Figuring it wouldn't be too different when it came to doing anal with Erica, just with a second penis being involved instead of a wet pussy.

"Okay, okay, I think that this is the place then," Endy said with a giggle in his voice as the tongue tickled along his neck as he gently pushed the dog down. Getting down on his knees, he undid the leash from Spike's collar and attached it to his. Passing the lead of the leash to Spike, he handed control of things off from there to the hound and was ready to follow through. "Alright boy, go on and make me your bitch in whatever way you feel is good."

Spike approached the bunny and pushed with a paw against his shoulder, guiding Endy to a position where he was lying down with his erection standing stiff and tall. When the rabbit was in the position he wanted, he climbed over him, giving his face a few long licks, leaving a nice wet patch of fur on Endy's face before he turned around and faced his cock. Following through the act of being a dog, Spike sniffed around with his wet nose against the dick, getting a few silent chuckles from Endy as he could feel the movement against his nose. When he finished giving it a smell, he pressed his tongue against the shaft and proceeded to lick it slowly, coating it in a thick layer of his spit, each time his tongue stroked it.

Endy let out a loud moan as the tongue-work of Spike gave him shivers of delight with how he was going from base to tip. His hands dug into the grass as they tried to grab something to keep him from flying away from the pleasure. As he opened his eyes to see Spike, the large green fuzzy balls swung in front of his face, the musky smell of them drawing his attention to them. They were huge, much bigger than Orthros, and certainly not something he'd be able to stick in his mouth with how big they were. Reaching up with both hands, he held them still, his mouth starting to water as he lifted his head enough to plant a wet kiss against them. The firm feeling of the dog's nuts and the salty, furry taste of them sent waves of bliss through the rabbit as he started to make out with Spike's jewels.

The feeling wasn't new to Spike as he'd had his balls fondled quite a few times, but the sensation of licking dick was a change of pace. The taste of pre-cum that leaked from Endy's cock, gave a pleasantly sweet and salty flavor as he licked at the tip for a bit, taking in all he could before returning to the shaft. With a slight move of his head, he was able to reach Endy's sack and give it a few licks as well. Spike had given a hefty amount of slobber from all the licking that he had done that Endy's crotch was becoming soaked with the liquid; matting his fur and having it turn the breeze from a cool tickle into a cooler tease as it made him throb even more.

Underneath Spike, Endy was so lost in his make-out session with the large balls that he didn't see Spike start to get hard, missing out on the glorious unsheathing but as his hands moved around the orbs, he bumped into the red rocket that was now outstretched. Pulling back to view his work and take a look at Spike's total package, Endy was thrown into shock as the cock matched the sack with how big it was. He was lost in thoughts of if it would even fit in his ass with how big it was. He'd done it with different animals, different breeds, and different toys, but only a few were holding a candle to Spike's size. The girth required both of his hands to wrap around near the base where the knot was slightly inflated. The veins were bulging out and could be seen easily by his eyes. It was smooth to the touch and twitched as he ran a few fingers along the underside of his cock, feeling it bounce with a fair weight against the tips. "I'm surprised at how big you are boy. Guess you are pent up and need this drained badly."

Taking the compliment, Spike stopped his licking of Endy's dick and pulled his groin away from the rabbit's face, only to turn around and pin him to the ground with his heavy paws. Holding the bunny by the wrists gently so his nails wouldn't dig in, he assaulted Endy's face with his tongue, giving it a big coating of slobber as he licked away at it like an enthusiastic dog would to its owner. His tongue was soon met with Endy's as the two of them started to lick each other's tongues in a pseudo-dog kiss. The big dog's tongue overpowered the smaller rabbit's tongue as they twisted them around against each other for a few moments before Spike went full in and pushed his right into Endy's mouth, turning their tongue licking into French kissing. Both let out low moans as they swapped spit, embracing their make-out and enjoying the feeling of each other's tongues.

Spike broke away from the French kiss and used his teeth to nibble on Endy's neck a little, giving wet tongue kisses as he moved around after teasing with his large fangs. His mouth got lower with each one until he was at Endy's nipples where he rolled his tongue around over top of the first one for a bit, soaking the surrounding area before moving to the next one. It wasn't a breast but the foundation of teasing a sensitive area was ingrained in him, so he followed what his instincts told him to do and was rewarded with gentle moans from the rabbit. His dick throbbed, aching for attention but he wasn't done with the foreplay yet, he wanted to keep it going for just a bit longer, so, he lowered his body and rubbed his large cock against Endy's, giving light little humps against it and feeling the small dick throb against his.

"Such a horny alpha aren't you. I can tell with the way you move." Endy felt great with the sensation of the large cock grinding against his, and even the tit teasing from the canine's maw was a nice addition to it. He was very content with the current situation until Spike moved back to his face and started to lick away at it again, this time a bit more forcefully. Making sure Endy didn't have the time to even respond with licking the large tongue, he went wild in covering his face with a thick sticky layer of spit, leaving not an inch free of his mouth fluids. That was more than enough to put Endy on edge as he wanted Spike to go to town on him now from just the foreplay.

After a few minutes of more licking, Spike stopped his facial assault and took the leash in his mouth, freeing Endy from his weight. He started to walk a bit away from Endy, letting the rabbit have a bit of space and time to recover himself from the slobber attack that he had provided before he tugged on the leash. Giving it a few more tugs, he got the bunny onto his hands and knees, getting him to crawl toward his backside where he had lifted his tail and presented the large pink pucker nestled between green fur. He swayed his hips side-to-side while his tail wagged away, tempting the rabbit to approach closer to his asshole, begging him to give it a good licking.

Getting closer to Spike's ass, Endy gave it a sniff like a dog would, taking in the smell of Spike's musky rump before he got inches away from the tight hole. "Such a naughty dog, wanting your bitch to please your prostate." Taking a finger, he rubbed it around the ring's outer edge, tickling both the fur and the flesh at the same time before he moved it more to the center and felt the coiling skin. It was a little rough but still smooth, with the edges of the folds making small bumps in the movement of his finger. Licking his lips, he readied himself to devour Spike's asshole, as it wasn't the first time he'd rimmed a dog, and knowing that it did give them a bit more pleasure. Pressing his lips against the hole, Endy made out with it for a little bit, taking in the taste of the dog's anus as he licked the ring by swirling around counterclockwise with his tongue.

As the tongue roamed around his butthole, Spike let out a low howl as he enjoyed the work Endy was putting into his rear. Erica had rimmed him before but not at this skill level that Endy was performing at. The tongue work was near flawless, with each flick of it hitting just the right way. Even the prodding of the tip of the tongue into the hole was well done, as it wiggled slowly into the hole before fully penetrating it. That's when Spike let out a loud howl of delight when Endy finally was in his ass and licking the insides. His tail wagged like crazy, just like his heart rate spiking to that of an earthquake as he nearly fell onto his face from how weak his legs turned at that moment. The organ prodded around his colon, pressing onto sensitive spots that he had never really felt the pleasure of having pleasured by anything.

Endy swirled around his tongue inside the tight warm hole a few more times before he pulled out with a wet slurp sound and kissed the hole again. Next, he took hold of Spike's tail, holding it at the base so it wouldn't lower down as he held up both his index and middle finger and started to push them against the slick, wet hole. Twisting them back and forth, he wiggled them into Spike's ass, watching as the hole spread open as they moved in until they fully sunk right in. Once he got his fingers in, he rubbed them around where Spike's prostate should be and was rewarded by the dog's tail going wild and his leg shaking, with the sound of a howl letting loose from the canine. Cracking a smile, Endy kept up the teasing on the prostate, making sure that he'd enjoy the small amount of time that he had with Endy.

From the sideline, Erica watched as the pair continued their sexual fun, with a smug smile on her face as she just nodded. She knew that Endy was very good when it came to pleasing a male dog, especially after all that time with Orthros. Though for her to watch Spike getting pleased by him was a bit odd but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary for what they were shooting. She even felt a tingle of her start to build up but she kept her composure and focused on keeping the camera on them as best as she could.

When Endy felt that he had given Spike enough teasing from his fingers, he pulled them out and stuck them in his mouth, licking clean any juices and spit that had gotten on them, taking in the taste of Spike's rear one last time. Getting on his knees, he sat behind the dog, using his hands to caress the tone thighs and rear, moving to his fuzzy balls and giving them a light stroke as he admired the hound's physique. "I think it's time your bitch got to work pleasing that big, thick, throbbing cock of yours. It looks too good to ignore any longer." He licked his lips as he pulled the cock back between Spike's legs, holding it with a single hand near the middle of it. The knot had grown larger, being half the size of Spike's balls. Pre-cum dripped from the tip and landed on Endy's arm as he held onto the dick. Lowering his face, he brought his mouth close to the throbbing red rocket, sticking out his tongue and licking the little bit of pre-cum that was forming again and tasting what this dog cum was going to be like. It was much sharper than Orthros' jizz but still sweet.

Spike wanted to say how much he enjoyed that rimming and anal play but had to hold his tongue. His mind was fogged with how great it felt having Endy do that to him. He couldn't imagine that another man could do something like that but now he was thinking that there was a little something more to this whole gay sex thing. It wasn't going to be like if he was just doing anal with a woman, it was going to be something different entirely. As soon as he thought things couldn't get any better than that, his dick was enveloped by the warm, wet maw of the rabbit as he started to suck on the tip of his dick, using his tongue to lick around the cock, teasing it as his head started to bob slowly.

The sweet taste of dog dick made the rabbit hum in blissful joy as he started to fall into what was his normal tempo. His mouth was occupied with cock so he wouldn't need to think of anything to say as he sucked away. His head started to move a bit deeper, as spit coated the penis and leaked down Endy's chin as he slurped at the fluid. The throbbing of his erection brought his free hand's attention down to it, as he gripped hold of his pecker and started to masturbate as he gave the big dog a blowjob. His tongue lapped away at the veins that poked out from the flesh, giving a bump to the smooth texture, while his hand holding the dick stroked at the portion near the knot that he couldn't get his mouth down to. Spike's musk filled Endy's nose as he breathed heavily through it, not wanting to remove the cock from his mouth for even a second.

Spike's rear leg, twitched as he lifted it a bit, feeling of the rabbit sucking away at him was vastly different in skill to what Erica could do. The way he moved his head, moved his tongue, and even stroked his member, was such a tease but all too good. He knew he wouldn't be able to last from the way this bunny boy was giving him the works. It was as if Endy was a trained professional in the art of oral pleasure. Soon he could feel the blood pumping into his dick, pumping up his knot even further as it grew with every few seconds that Endy kept up his work. After a few minutes, his knot had reached full size, equaling the size of his balls, and even lifting them from the sheer size. He wanted to scream out that he was going to cum but could only whine. His eye twitched as he was ready to burst right there but didn't want to make such a short scene, but that prostate teasing from before had made it a bit too hard to maintain that plan.

Sloppy slurps, gurgling from choking, and spit dripping everywhere from the messy way Endy was blowing Spike was all that could be seen or heard by the trio. It was a chorus of pure pleasure as Endy kept stroking his cock, pleasing Spike's, and giving Erica a show that was something to behold. The twitching of Spike's cock and the sight of the large knot gave a big warning to the bunny, but he wasn't going to be deterred from drinking down all the dog spunk he could. He wanted to taste what Spike could fully put out compared to Orthros and some of the other animals he'd sucked off. For Spike, he was ready to burst like a balloon, as his whines became higher pitched.

After just a bit longer, Spike couldn't hold back anymore and released all his cum in a fountain of pure bliss. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, as drool poured out onto the ground below. His eyes rolled back as he pumped all the puppy batter out of his sack and into Endy's waiting maw. On the other end, Endy was drowning in the amount of dog jizz that Spike was putting out. It was a copious amount that caused it to spill out down onto his chest as he swallowed as fast as he could. Bubbles formed at his nose from the amount that backed up and started to look for a different escape method, and more formed around his cheeks. The taste had a spice to it that made it warmer, but the natural salty and sweet taste kept it from being too hot. It was thick and creamy as he drank it down, filling his stomach with the big load that the dog was putting into him. Endy moaned around the cock as he kept up his futile efforts to drink it all down.

A minute later, Endy couldn't take any more and let the cock go, as it sprung from his lips and sprayed his crotch with a few shots of cum before returning to Spike's underbelly. Finishing the gooey semen that was left in his mouth, he panted away as he breathed hard to return all the oxygen lost from his time spent wrapped around the cock. One hand scooped up more of the cum that was on his chest and face and slipped it into his mouth to clean off his fingers. His heart rate was through the roof, as he'd never seen a dog put out that much, only bigger creatures like horses and elephants having done something as big. The surprise was most welcome as he had gotten something much better than he had expected going into it. He smiled at Spike who was stuck in a stupor from his orgasm, just standing there with his tongue hanging out. Crawling over to Spike's head, he planted a kiss on the dog's snout before saying, "That was a big one boy. It looks like you need a quick break before we continue draining those balls of yours. Though I'm not sure you want your bitch to sit pent up either."

Spike was still slightly in a daze but had recovered enough sense to hear the rabbit teasing him just a bit. His eyes sharpened as he looked the rabbit eye to eye before grabbing the leash in his maw and tugging on it. There was a tree close by that he had led Endy to before he dropped the leash and let out a low growl. The lack of being able to tell Endy what to do directly was a bit infuriating as he just wanted to get things going again while he recovered from his orgasm. He wanted to taste the white cock just a bit more before he put his in Endy's ass.

Taking a hint, Endy turned himself to show his butt to the camera with his hands at the base of the tree. "Like this boy?" he asked as he looked at Spike, trying to figure out why they had come over here. He received a spiteful growl from Spike, which he took as a big no. "Okay, okay, just keep calm. Do you want me against the tree?" The dog nodded his head a little, giving him a clue. "Against the tree but not crouching, right?" Again he got a similar nod from Spike. Standing up, he kept his rear-facing toward the camera and Spike as he looked over his shoulder down at the purple canine. "Is this what you want?"

Growing a bit frustrated but understanding that they were stuck in these roles, he gave a low growl once again, getting the rabbit to flip himself around this time. When he was in the position he wanted, he let out a cheerful yelp, along with wagging his tail. His tongue hung out of his mouth, drooling more as his excitement rose his heart and started to pump blood down to his cock to start growing it again. Approaching Endy, Spike opened his mouth wide enough to slip his dick in and started to lap away at the mix of cum and spit that was on there. It was odd and strangely arousing that he was wanting to suck this cock and not out of necessity for the film. He wanted to do so much more but was restricted by his form and the camera, but he felt like he needed to give this rabbit just as much back as he was going to give and more.

As Endy leaned against the tree, he moaned out, "Good boy, that's it. You're pretty nice for licking my dick more. So generous of giving your bitch some fun." His hand ran over Spike's head, giving him an encouraging pet as he stroked down the back of his head, and around the back of his ears. The sloppy wet tongue was rubbing the bottom of his shaft, and flipping around to the top. It was very warm inside the mouth and the tongue work was pretty amazing. Endy's balls ached with the want to release, from all the licking and masturbating that had occurred, he wanted to nut so badly but wanted to do it with Spike at the same time. He focused his thoughts on holding it in as much as he could while Spike started to deep-throat his dick and slobber over his balls with his tongue tickling them just a bit.

With her hand down her skirt, Erica was just entranced by the display the two were putting on. Spike had always told her that he'd do a gay shoot if she wanted to do something like that for the channel but she didn't think he'd get this into it. He always talked more about pussy than dick, so the sexual desire he was putting on was certainly an eye-opener for her. Though she wouldn't admit that it was getting her blood pumping and caused her to soak her panties from getting her horny watching live.

More and more spit had built up on Endy's cock, with it dripping right from Spike's mouth, down to the ground and on his balls and legs as he bobbed his head. The tongue whipped around, stroking and lapping at the length, giving the best blowjob a dog could give without the use of real hands. Spike could feel the twitching in the throbbing cock, knowing that Endy was going to cum soon if he kept going. The feeling was strange at having it bounce around on its own in his maw but was welcoming to the idea of him getting a mouth full of the rabbit's sperm but the whole premise was that Endy was the bitch, not him. His big tongue licked away at the tip for a bit, which made him pick up that Endy was enjoying it the most as he moaned the loudest when he focused his work there. Spike knew that every male had that one sensitive spot that just drove them wild, and he certainly found the bunny boy's place. He kept up his work in that area, getting more tastes of the pre-cum that leaked out.

"Oh fuck, boy. I don't think I can hold back any longer," Endy moaned out as his hands tried to dig into the tree for support, his legs feeling like jelly as he could feel the urge to blow getting closer. That's when the warmth around his dick had stopped and he looked down. Spike had pulled off from giving him a blowie and picked up the leash again, a slick toothy grin coming from him before he tugged on the leash sharply, pulling Endy to the ground swiftly from it. Landing with a thud, Endy couldn't get a grip fast enough and ended up on his knees with his face against the ground, butt high in the air. As he got his wits about him, he lost track of where Spike was before he felt the fussy paw brush against his butt.

As Spike prodded his paw around Endy's white rear cheeks, Erica moved the camera around to get a better shot of the action. Poking his paw around, he slid it down and pushed against Endy's nuts a few times, seeing the small sack swing a little from the force. Soon, he was sniffing around Endy's rear, smelling the soap that the rabbit had used in his shower. It was a soft subtle scent of bacon that others wouldn't notice but to a dog, it was clear as day. This rabbit certainly knows how to make a dog happy, Spike thought to himself as he wagged his tail more from the smell. As Spike brought his head closer to Endy's rear, the white hands had reached behind and pulled his cheeks apart for him, showing off the tight, little, pink pucker that waited for the big, throbbing, red rocket. Knowing that the leftover cum and spit on his dick wasn't going to be enough lube, Spike opted to lick away at the tight hole and return the favor that Endy had done to him.

Endy shivered in delight as he felt the rough tongue stroke against his little asshole, along with the sticky wet saliva that came with it. Each time it was raked across the little pink pucker, he shook, his eyes rolled around, and his tongue flopped out as he enjoyed the nice sensation on his rear. He was even given a little tease as Spike licked the back of his sack and his perineum, coating those with spit as well and mating the fur as he got a bit adventurous with his analingus. "Damn, that's a good boy. Getting your bitch all hot and bothered with just your tongue. Can't wait to feel your big fat cock in there." He let out another moan as he felt the tongue pierce into his anus and start to lick away at the insides with the wet nose pressed against the spot where his cheeks met.

The tongue rolled around inside, soaking the walls with a hefty amount of slobber as Spike licked away as if there was peanut butter smeared on the inside. He was feeling great about eating out the rabbit, as it was certainly much different than eating out Erica's pussy. It was tight, warm, and dry until he licked a spot, with the walls of the colon squeezing down on his tongue now and then as Endy clenched from the pleasure he was getting. Spike placed a paw on Endy's cheek and rubbed it around as he ate away at the ass, getting it soaked, with more of his spit dripping out from the side of his mouth and spilling down the inside of Endy's cheeks and thighs.

Both slowly forgot that they were even on film as they became blissfully lost in a vision of bestial lust with each other. Endy moaned and encouraged the dog to keep up his oral assault on his anus. Grass was being torn up, as Endy let go of his cheeks, letting them close on Spike's face as he took to grasping the ground to keep himself from falling over from the intense pleasure his prostate was receiving from the tongue. Then in an instant, it was gone and the weight of the dog came bearing down on the back of the rabbit as the two front paws used his back for leverage. Spike's cock was now resting just between the white cheeks, the tip sticking out between the mounds, with the knot on the other side. Taking a slow pull back and then pushing forward, the canine started to use Endy's ass to pleasure his pecker and smear the cum and spit on his taint and the cheeks.

The large canine let out a howl as he hotdogged the bunny's butt, enjoying the soft feeling of his cheeks and the fuzzy warmth the fur provided. Taking each moment in as he pumped his dick between the white warmers, while his balls swung and tapped gently against Endy's. His tongue hung out and drool dripped down onto the back of the rabbit as he looked down at his bitch enjoying the teasing. Soon he picked up the pace just a bit, giving it a bit more of a forceful feeling as he made the cheeks jiggle just a bit with his humping, and enjoying the sounds of the lustful moans below him.

Endy enjoyed the feeling of Spike's cock rubbing his ass, the smooth flesh mixed with bulging veins tickling his taint and humping his cheeks, it felt heavenly. Even with his weight, Spike, wasn't as bad as Orthros when he would try the same style of position. As Endy was becoming a bit more accustomed to Spike's moves, his body perked up, as he felt the small tip of the cock prod against the tight butthole, then the rearing charge that brought in more of the size, stretching his anus to a whole new level. His eyes turned to pinpricks as spit foamed at his lips as he bit down on them, his arms turning to stone as his fingers dug into the dirt. The size was painful to start with but it wasn't fully in, Spike had stopped and given him a break at the middle of his dick, letting him adjust to his size. "Holy sweet fuck, that's huge!" Endy exclaimed as he felt the wave of pleasure wash over him, soothing the painful penetration of the big canine.

The small hole was tight, as it clenched and pushed against Spike's dick, trying to move it out but with no results. He was firmly planted in there and was set on letting the rabbit adjust to his size just like anyone else would get. For Spike, he was enjoying the moans coming from below him as his dick was massaged by Endy's asshole as time slowly passed by, waiting for the moment he could move once again so he could squeeze more of his fat cock into his ass, wanting to be able to knot him. Leaning down, he nibbled gently on Endy's ear, giving small licks where his teeth had teased, making sure that the bunny bitch was comfortable and still getting some contact from him.

"Keep going, I want to feel it all in there. Your bitch wants to feel your knot in his little ass." Endy prepared himself for more of the cock to go in, as he felt ready to take it. Having waited a couple of minutes with the current size stuck in, his butt was already getting numb to the stretching. The dog let out a bark to show he understood what he wanted before he felt it push further in, sending waves of pleasure through him as it went deeper, reaching the full size of his girth before he felt it stop with the fuzzy legs pressed against his cheeks. "Oh ya, that's the stuff. Nothing beats a good canine cock," he whispered to himself as waited for Spike to keep going.

Spike was in heaven with how tight Endy was, his dick was practically being milked just for being in that pink pucker. The walls sucked his dick like it was a sucker, begging for him to go deeper, even though he was already hilted against Endy's rear. Taking a few seconds to take in the wonderful sensations and adjust himself, he moved his paws from Endy's back to his side, assuming the doggy-style position fully. Pulling back, the cool air tickled his shaft that was exposed from the warm sleeve he had just been in, each second as he pulled back being more tantalizing as he wanted to put it back in soon. When his tip was the only thing left sitting in the hole, he slowly pushed it back in, getting a long and grateful moan from Endy as he did so. Once again when he reached the end, he felt just as good as the first time and went with the slow pace to start with, repeating the full penetration for a bit.

Happy with the slow pace of the giant cock gaping his asshole, Endy just couldn't help himself as he reached between his legs with one hand and started to jerk off some more, feeling the aching of his nuts and throbbing cock begging for sweet release. His hand moved in time with Spike's dick, going from his tip when Spike was at the edge of his ass, and to the base when Spike was fully in. It was more than enough to have him begging for more as he drooled over the ground, with the feeling of Spike giving the back of his head some licks. The pace then increased just a bit, with Spike no longer going for just the tip but keeping a fair amount of dick in his little asshole, not quite a run speed but just around a job with it maintaining a steady pace.

The two continued, enjoying each other as they had some of the best doggy anal sex they could have possibly imagined. Endy enjoyed the size and speed that Spike was giving him with each pump of his penis into his little pucker and Spike was happy to have such a tight ass that was taking his size like a champ with no complaints, only moans and praise. From the sidelines though, Erica was now hyper-focused on the action, as she watched her lover pound her friend with benefits, leaving her wanting to have some of that dick in her right at that moment but was left with just her fingers. "Fuck, he's so hot right now. What I wouldn't give to have some of his cum in me. Can't believe how into it he is." She had zoomed the camera in to get a good shot of the anal penetration, seeing in real time the knot slowly growing and tugging on Endy's asshole. With the camera set, she pulled her tank top off, and started to grope at her bare breasts, adding more to her growing urge to join in but also give some self satisfaction at the least.

As Spike continued his anal assault, he could feel that he was starting to get close to blowing a load, his knot having reached the three-quarter mark in size and now unable to come out of Endy's ass. So he was reduced to lesser but fast past humping of the rabbit. His hips rapidly slapped Endy's cheeks, creating a small clapping noise, as he went all in on his feral side. His balls swung and slapped against the rabbit's with each pump, and the burning through his muscles ached him onward. Soon, he was whimpering as he reached the full size of his knot, stretching Endy's butt to the limit as he just needed to blow right there.

Endy was in a blissful state, as he was ready to blow his load too. The knot had pushed him over the edge and was pressing the right places to drive his prostate wild. Stroking his cock furiously, he was ready for one of the best orgasms of his life with the intense amount of pleasure flowing through him. "That's it, go on boy, give me your puppies. Pump your bitch full of that thick creamy cum. Don't hold back." He was begging for it badly, then his wish came true as he felt the rush of a big, thick load of dog spunk fill his insides with their sticky, gooey goodness. He cried out in pleasure as when Spike started to fill his ass, he sprayed the ground between his legs with his jizz, as his orgasm took hold. Not stopping his stroking, he kept going as his dick unleashed a good amount of the white liquid onto the ground, feeling his balls drain.

Spike howled as he drained his nuts once again, with the bunny's butt just milking his cock for every last drop of semen he had. Filling the hole with all that he could give at the moment, he could smell Endy's cum, driving his sex drive more, causing him to thrust a few more times to send as much of his cum as deep as he could get it. He leaned his head down to meet with Endy's and started licking at the side of his face, which got the rabbit's attention who turned his head and returned the favor by licking each other's tongues. He'd never been this attracted to a male before, but this bunny was something else and he just wanted to keep going with it. Just one more time for the camera at least, that way he could have his balls completely empty before they parted ways.

As the two sat there, kissing away, knotted together, it was minutes before it started to shrink enough for it to pop out. When it did, it spurted a few drops of come on Endy's perineum as it retreated between the canine's legs. Right behind it was a rush of the cum, slipping out of the gaping hole that leaked down Endy's thighs and onto his sack, which the bunny happily reached behind and took a few fingers covered in to lick clean for that spicy taste again. Both were near exhausted from the anal session but still conscious with heavy breathing as they calmed down just a bit. Their lustful instincts still demanded more from both of them.

Endy rolled onto his back, feeling his knees aching from being stuck against the ground with the dog's weight on them. He lay there looking at the sky for a bit before turning to Spike with a smile on his face. "Think you got one more in there? I'm good for another round of butt bumping." He pulled his ass up and spread his legs, putting his gaping ass on display with cum leaking out of it onto the grass. His rump was at the perfect height for Spike to go for a missionary-style position.

Staring at Endy's position, Spike stood there, drool dripping out of his mouth, feeling his lungs on fire as he was starved for oxygen. It was already an intense session for filming but here was this bunny, ready, willing, and offering to indulge in his wish of going one more time without him having said a word. He was more than willing to do it too, he just needed a small break before he went one more round in that tight little butt. So he approached the rabbit, standing over him with his front paws just between Endy's arms as they were busy holding up his rear for him. He leaned down and started to lick at his face, with Endy taking the hint that he was going to need just a bit, so he returned the favor by opening his mouth to French kiss the hound once again. Their tongues wrestling around much slower than before but still fun enough for the two, while down below Spike had lowered his body enough for their dicks to touch, as he gave small thrusts to rub them together.

Taking the hint, Endy used his hand to grab both dicks and started to stroke them together. The feeling of the two dicks rubbing against each other was simply magical, as he always loved the feeling of the bigger dick conquering the size of his. Simple frottage was also a good exercise break to keep them both in the mood as well. With his other hand, he wrapped it behind Spike's head and kept the hound from pulling away from their make-out break, wanting to taste all of his slobber as much as he could. This was the most beautiful and blissful sexual encounter that he ever had, he even had forgotten that Erica was watching them with a camera and filming it.

The feeling of the smaller dick being pressed against his re-erecting cock was a pleasant feeling for the canine, as he never rubbed cocks together before. It was different and enjoyable as he pressed his snout against Endy's more, forcing his tongue deeper into the rabbit's maw. He felt a bit more powerful with the slight size comparison through the frottage as he grew larger with each stroke. Soon he was standing at full mast, ready to go for the second round in that tight bunny butthole and bust another round of baby batter. Endy let go of the two when he felt Spike ready to go, letting him go of the furious tongue twisting and pumping of their peckers. Now free from the grasp of his partner, he reared up a bit, waiting for Endy to raise his ass once again so he could penetrate in.

"Here you go boy, put another round of puppies deep in there for me," Endy said as he spread his legs and raised his back end. Watching the dog walk forward, the red rocket bumped against his small sack before it curved down along his cheeks then spread them open as it poked into his leaky cum filled asshole. The intense spreading feeling came back, driving Endy wild with that full feeling once again as the dick went in deep with ease. Even in a stretched state, that cock was more than enough to give him a reason to keep moaning as he felt his lower half push toward his chest. With a few humps pumped into him, he was able to let go of his lower half and caress Spike's face, as the hound went to work. "Fuck, I wish we could do this forever. Your cock just fits so perfectly in my butt, and the feeling of your cum is wonderful." He looked into the dog's eyes, watching the green orbs focus on his face as he was given another pounding.

Spike gave the bunny a toothy smile as he agreed, he wished he could keep going too but even his body was starting to wear down after multiple orgasms. As he thrust his dick into the slick hole, he lowered his head and started to lick Endy's chest, teasing his nipples with the rough surface of his tongue, each time he pumped in he would lick the right, then as he pulled out he'd switch to the left. He took his time with each thrust and made it calculated so he could give that little extra to his current lover. Never once did he lift his head from his task, running his tongue between Endy's chest as he swapped sides, making sure to coat the rabbit in more of his saliva. His dick throbbed as it pumped slowly, enjoying the feeling of the tight hole for the last time it would for the day. His large orbs, tapped against the soft round cheeks of the rabbit's rear, his legs holding them both up and wearing him down further, and the feeling of Endy running his hands around his body, giving him just a bit of encouragement to continue.

Erica watched in a bit of disbelief as her boyfriend was showing signs of being heavily Bi at this time, something she never expected from him. She bit her lip as she rubbed her aroused pussy, wanting to see them go even further, but the sensual loving that they were engaged in, despite it breaking the immersion was just so damn enjoyable to watch. She looked on as Spike picked up the pace a bit, moving his tongue work to Endy's neck where he seemed to tenderly nibble away at his fur, with the male rabbit moaning out and grasping the ground with one hand as the knot started to grow in his ass once again. For her, it was a sight to see and had her start to think about some things that she'd have to bring up later, for now, she was just going to enjoy the show.

The feeling of the growing knot giving slight tugs on his hole was starting to drive Endy wild, mixed with the licking he was getting, his dick had reached full erection and was aching to be handled once again. Aching balls, backed with throbbing and twitching just made it worse as he yearned for Spike to lick it again but couldn't with how they were positioned. Using one hand he started to stroke his dick just a bit before getting growled at by the hound, causing him to stop his attempts to masturbate while being fucked. Spike was his alpha and was going to keep being it until things wrapped up, so he was going to take orders through those sounds he produced. With each thrust and tug, now, the knot kept growing, pushing against his colon and prostate, teasing the rabbit with boundless pleasure, as Spike became faster and shorter with his movements. Grabbing hold of Spike's front paws, he looked up at the dog who was now panting hard, and said, "Do it, fuck me like you mean it boy. Fuck me til we howl at the moon."

Looking down at Endy, Spike gave a nod, knowing that it was going to be now or never, so he put his full weight into things, as he rapidly humped away. His knot reached near full size once again, blocking the hole and preventing any more cum from leaking out temporarily. The tight hole was now seizing on his dick, clamoring for it to shoot more doggy spunk in it. Spike could feel his legs burning, as the muscles reached their peak and started to wane with his movement, his chest heaving as he panted hard for all the air he could take in, and his mind fighting hard not to speak as he wanted to scream out loud how good it was fucking this rabbit. His balls swung hard, slapping against Endy's cheeks, making slick sounds from the cum that had leaked out and now was stuck on his sack, with his ears filling with the gleeful moans and curses of pleasure from Endy as he worked hard to orgasm for the last time.

Endy was losing himself in the throes of ecstasy as the knot pushed his nerves to the limit again, sending him reeling in pleasure as his hand gripped tightly around the front paws of the dog. His lower half bounced back and forth in the rapid thrusts, his dick slapping against his groin with balls flopping around with the motion, and his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted, with the odd drip of drool landing in it. The final thrust pushed deep into his ass, the knot fully locking the two together as another round of warm doggy jizz sprayed out and coated his insides with a fresh coat of the sticky white fluid. "Yes, yes, yes, fill my ass with that sweet gooey puppy batter. Breed my butt and give it all the cum you have left boy. Don't stop filling it." Endy howled as loud as he could, joining in with Spike as the two enjoyed the creampie that the canine was creating. His mind was lost to the animalistic passion that they started to drown in, as the last orgasm from Spike was being pumped into him.

It wasn't long for Spike to push out the last of his spunk into Endy, as he already had drained most of it from the previous orgasms, so mostly it was just him seized and shooting blanks or small droplets after the initial first few ropes of cum. Even still, he was drained, with little energy left to continue, even standing but his body was urged on by his mind to finish this whole ordeal. The camera was still rolling, and Endy was playing with himself but he was going to make that rabbit cum one more time with what little he had left, all he had to do was wait for his knot to shrink down so he could pull out. In the meantime, he started to give small licks to Endy's face, splashing bits of slobber on it with careful licks to not encourage the rabbit into another make-out session.

After a few minutes, his knot let go of the tight butthole, letting a strand of cum attach from his dick to the hole it came from. As Endy lay there panting, covered with slobber, he pressed his tongue against his neck and dragged it down across his body, going all the way down to his groin and bumping his head against the erect cock. Lifting his head just enough to not pull it back, he ran his tongue down across the top, getting the taste of the pre-cum that was leaking like a faucet at this point from the rabbit. Reaching the tip, he started to lap away at it, bouncing the dick with each stroke of his tongue, getting the taste for him once again. Spike had decided that he enjoyed it too much, that he loved doing this intense sex with another male, one that seemed to know just how to please a dog just right. Now he wanted to return the favor just right by indulging him with what seemed to make him the most happy.

It took Endy a little bit but he managed to bring his wits about him to watch as Spike started to lick the whole length and his balls again. The strong tongue put pressure in just the right spots to cause him to grasp the ground as his body wanted to turn over. The energy from him was fading as he could barely keep his eyes on the canine, with lids getting heavy as rocks. He wanted to pet Spike, to give him that last bit of encouragement but all he could muster was a smile, as he watched on as best as he could. The wet sensation that soaked him being focused was more than enough pleasure as he understood why he was growled at for masturbating. Spike was in the same mindset as him, making sure he was able to shoot out the load that was aching in his balls.

Running his tongue over the sack and pulling a nut into his mouth, Spike suckled on the orb as if it were a dog treat, enjoying the taste of the sweat that had built up on it from their intense sex. His tongue tickled the edge of Endy's dick as he sucked on the nut, making sure not to give up attention on it either. When he felt ready, he went back to licking the dick, doing a long stroke followed by a few tip licks before repeating, making sure that he could hear the faint moans of the rabbit as he did so. Flicking the tip of his tongue against the tip, he made his way around it in a circle, making sure to get under the little lip of the head, hitting those harder-to-reach sensitive areas. He could see the cock throb and twitch as he moved back down, each time with it being stronger in movement. Spike knew that he was close, very close, but not that he would blow after the next few licks. When he reached the tip and did his little flicks, Endy released the pent-up orgasm, sending his semen flying up into the air, and landing on his groin, with small bits landing on Spike's muzzle.

It wasn't huge like Spike's, but it was big enough to make a small mess of the hound's snout. With no energy left, he couldn't even say sorry for the mess, all he could do was lay there. He felt a nudge at his side that pushed him over, then the feeling of the dog curling up against his body, pressing his cum covered cock against his now flaccid dick, then the snout of Spike pressing against his chin. The canine proceeded to hump instinctively, pumping himself against Endy and the air for a little bit. With his eyes closed, he smiled as he felt a few more licks go over his face, and then everything was silent.

An hour later, Endy woke up in a small tent, his body having been washed down and clothed once again. His head throbbed as pain started to pulse through his body, sending his ass into a frenzy of soreness. He rubbed his bottom a bit, trying to remember why it hurt, and then the sound of a familiar voice came to his ears. "I see you're awake finally. You'll feel that for a few days, maybe a week. I know Erica was about that when I gave her anal for the first time too."

Looking around, Endy noticed the purple dragon sitting just on the other side of the tent entrance, eyeing him down. "Jeez, I feel like hell and heaven at the same time. Can't remember what happened after you started pounding my ass." He started to crawl to the dragon and the afternoon sun. Getting a hand from the drake, he was lifted to his feet, his collar jingling as he was lifted and dropped with a single arm.

"I don't remember much either, but I can tell you it was something great based on the footage we got. Erica seemed pleased with it too. She wasn't expecting too much from me but was certainly impressed." He crossed his arms as he gave the bunny a bump with his hips. "Said you were pretty good too for your first time in front of the camera."

Endy rubbed the back of his head, giving a little laugh at the compliment. "To be honest, I started to forget it was even there to begin with. Say, Spike, would you be... y'know..." he shyly said before being stopped with a hand held in front of his face. In it was a folded piece of paper, with his name scribbled on it. He took it and held it for a little bit looking at it in confusion as to what it was.

"Erica wanted me to give you that information. It's the site that we upload our content on, said you'd enjoy it greatly. She also left a few discount codes in there too for the marketplace. As for me, I left my number in it after opening it. I'm sure you wouldn't mind having some alone time together without a camera on us. Hard to convey things pretending to be a dog." Spike gave the rabbit a wink before he started to fold the tent together.

"Ya... that would be great..." he said as his face started to turn red. He was imagining some time with the dragon at his place, and all the things they would do together. Then buzz of his phone brought his attention back to reality. Pulling the device out of his pocket, it was a text from his long-time crush and besti-buddy Smolder.

'Hey, think I might have to bring Orthros back a bit early. A slight emergency came up, will bring him back in a few once I clean up.' That was what the text from Smolder read.

That's when the idea hit Endy like a brick to the face as he remembered that Spike used magic to transform, so maybe Smolder could do it too, considering she had split Orthros with it. "Spike, could I ask you for a little favor?"

"Um... sure? What is it?" He looked at the bunny with some confusion about why he would want a favor from someone he just met and had epic sex with.

Endy rubbed his elbow and looked away from the dragon, his face filling with red, as it seemed he was asking the world from Spike even though it was something simple. "Could you maybe like, write down that spell you used for me? I've got a friend that I think would be able to use it as well. She's pretty good at doing some stuff and was wondering if she'd be able to do it."

Rolling his eyes with a grin on his face, he could tell that Endy was just being a tad bit pedantic about asking for something that was easy to give. "I can give it to you, not right this instance, but I can send it via text later when I get back home. So, is the lucky lady someone good, cause I wouldn't want it to be used in the wrong hands."

"Ya, Smolder's really nice, I don't think she'd do anything bad with it, other than a prank here and there." He blushed as he rubbed his arm harder.

"Wait..." Spike exclaimed as he turned to face the rabbit dead on. "You know Smolder? I haven't seen her since I lived in Ponyville when Twilight started the Friendship School. Can't believe she's got some latent magic power in her." Spike put on a big grin of pride until Endy's ask came and slapped him hard. "If you want the spell for her, then does that mean she... y'know..." he rambled, rotating his hand in a small circle.

Endy's face lit up, knowing exactly what Spike was getting at. "Ya, Erica and her sorta became good friends with me and well, we started doing things with Orthros after doing some pet play. It's a long story but yes, she does like the animal business too. I was just hoping that maybe she'd be able to become a hot dog with that spell too."

"Well now, I most certainly can give you that spell, but as I said, it'll come later today. I still have to get this loaded into the car and head back to Canterlot. I'll be waiting for a text from you, that way we can plan something out." He approached Endy with the tent under his arm. Bending down just a bit, he ran his tongue across Endy's forehead and then planted a kiss. "See you later, sexy bitch. Can't wait to pump some more puppies in ya." He walked off, leaving Endy standing there, blushing and with an expression of surprise from the final lick from Spike being in dragon form.

With new information in hand, and soon to have much more, he took off in a sprint toward his home. He needed to prepare to give some special information to Smolder and get himself ready for most likely a pent-up Orthros that was coming home early. A big smile glowed on his face as he held tightly to the folded paper, and a long wet lick line across his forehead, Endy was certainly excited for his new friend and lover, along with what surprises Smolder could bring if she was able to master this transformation spell. He wondered what she would look like, maybe something tall, or maybe she would be a bit more voluptuous in form, or maybe fluffy like a Bernard. Endy just kept thinking of every way she could end up changing if the spell worked for her, each one making him even more horny than the last idea.