Did you think you were in control?

by Spyder27

First published

All relationships have their problems. But hey. As long as you get used to the cycle, it'll all be fine in the end, right...?

All relationships have their problems. But hey. As long as you get used to the cycle, it'll all be fine in the end, right...?

As a warning to readers, this story is likely going to contain some pretty mature themes. This is going to be a multichapter story with themes such as abuse of alcohol and drugs, references to self harm, suicidal ideation, manipulation, toxic relationships, gaslighting, abuse, verbal degradation, sexual themes, and objectification. It might include more as the story goes on, so be warned that if any of these things don't vibe well with you, then click off this fic immediately.

Cover art is made by Raika0306 on Deviantart~

Run, Rabit. Run...

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Adagio’s eyes look down at the bar, her red gem glowing in the dim light of the establishment. The leather jacket she has on her back successfully keeps the cool air at bay. Normally, she would be annoyed by the atmosphere of the bar, but today is different. Her magic made sure of that… All she had to do was cast a simple spell and make everyone else focused on themselves rather than bothering her. It is truly what a tired siren needed after a long day. A drink to herself, away from her two friends.

“Heh. This world never fails to bore me,” Adagio simply sighs to herself, shaking her head before taking another sip from her glass. If only that one wizard never got involved… The great Adagio Dazzle would still be in her home world, making others bow to her will. The thought brings a smile to Adagio’s lips. Now, she’s stuck in this world, only able to make a handful of people do her bidding at a time. The best thing she can do now is try her best to live in this wretched plane of existence.

Adagio raises her hand to the barkeeper, asking for another drink. Without a question, the man pours her a glass of whiskey, placing it in front of her. There’s almost a blank expression in his eyes as he moves, Adagio happy that her spell is still affecting the people around her. Before Adagio can take a drink from the glass, the door to the bar opens to interrupt her. Her eyes look towards the entrance, seeing the figure of a woman walking inside. Fiery red hair shines in the light. Eyeshadow surrounds this stranger’s cyan eyes. Red lipstick as dark as her hair makes her lips stand out. Adagio can’t help but raise an eyebrow, intrigued by this stranger.

A leather jacket similar to Adagio’s own compliments the stranger's blue jeans and her boots. Her fingerless gloves make her look like a biker, intriguing the siren even more. The patrons in the bar don’t give her a single moment of attention due to Adagio’s spell. Unfortunately for her, Adagio had already reached her limit of individuals she can control. In any other circumstance, she might be tempted to use her magic to learn more about this individual. Technically, she can still do that. She would just have to use her conversational skills instead.

Letting out a low sigh, Adagio lets go of the bartender’s mind to avoid suspicion from this new stranger. The individual walks toward the bar, sitting down a couple of seats away from the siren. A floral scent barely registers in Adagio’s senses. A small smirk comes to her face, enjoying the smell and what it implies. In a way, it makes her wonder what this stranger uses in terms of hygiene products. Briefly licking her lips, Adagio hums lightly, trying to influence this stranger’s mind. Her cyan eyes look towards the siren, but Adagio can tell that she isn’t affected by her magic.

‘Huh. I haven’t encountered this before… How is she resisting it?’ Adagio can’t help but question reality for a second, finding this whole situation odd. ‘Alright. Time to use the old fashioned way.’ Taking a sip of her glass, Adagio meets the stranger’s gaze, giving her a smile. “You know, the good drinks are about three miles West of here,” Adagio comments with a small shake of her glass. “So, it makes me wonder why exactly someone like you is sitting here.”

“Someone like me?” the stranger replies with a small chuckle. “What does that mean exactly?” The woman turns her body towards Adagio after ordering a drink, seemingly interested in what Adagio has to say.

“Someone beautiful, that’s what I mean,” Adagio comments in a more condescending tone than before, making fun of the stranger for a brief moment. “Still though. You have a unique aura to you. Take that as a compliment.” Adagio finishes off her glass, placing it back down on the bar. Indeed, Adagio meant her statement as a compliment. It’s not every day she finds someone who is able to withstand her magic. This is probably the second individual she has met in her life that has done that; though just because she is immune to her magic doesn’t mean that she can’t be manipulated like everyone else.

“Thank you. Some people have said I’m unique before. It does confuse me sometimes, though.” Adagio finds the stranger’s statement amusing, wanting to know more about her.

“Then what brings you here? I assure you that there is nothing unique about this establishment. It is five minutes away from falling apart.” The stranger looks interested in Adagio’s statement, her eyes briefly looking around the bar before going back to her.

“I’m just out on a ride. Figured I would take a break before going out again,” she mentions with a slight shrug of her shoulders. The stranger takes a sip of her own drink, raising her eyebrow at Adagio’s empty glass. “Aren’t you going to get a refill? It feels lonely to be the only one drinking at the bar,” she jokes with the siren, chuckling at her own quip.

“No. I already had two glasses. If I have another…” Adagio chuckles before staring into the woman’s eyes, “then I might be in the mood to make a mistake.”

“As long as the mistake is fun in its own right, then… I don’t see much problem with it.” The woman gives the siren a teasing wink, both of them feeling interested in this conversation. Nothing about their exchange is particularly extraordinary, but the people involved are pretty… unique.

Moving to the seat next to this woman, Adagio gestures for the bartender to top off her glass without taking her eyes off of this stranger. “In that case, what is the name of the mistake of the night?” Adagio asks with a soothing tone, briefly dragging her finger under the woman’s chin. Their eyes never break from each other’s, ignoring the surroundings to focus on the subject of intrigue.

“Sunset Shimmer. What about your title? Someone so interesting must have one, right?” Sunset asks her with a small nudge, her energy matching Adagio’s own seductive act. In a way, it impresses Adagio. No one has quite matched her energy like this.

“Queen of the Sirens. But you can just call me Adagio Dazzle.” Taking a sip from her glass, Adagio can’t help but feel her curiosity build by the minute. Every action this girl takes makes Adagio’s nerves light up with excitement. Finally, something interesting. She could hardly take the boredom anymore. Adagio moves her hand up to Sunset’s shoulder, feeling the jacket’s material. “Tell me, Sunset. Do you have any interesting stories? Someone of your caliber must have some, right?” A part of her statement was meant to be a manipulative tactic, but Adagio is also genuinely wondering. At least, a small part of her. Not enough to care about this person, but… it would be nice to make a mistake or two. After all… She has all the time in the world.

“Nothing in particular actually. I’ve saved my friends from a she demon and a nature worshiper. Just normal life experiences. What’s your story?” Sunset raises her eyebrow to tell Adagio it is her turn to talk. In a way, Adagio can’t help but find Sunset’s humor admirable. Who could predict she would have such an imagination.

“I have a couple of stories. Depends on which world you want to hear about.” Emptying her third glass, Adagio smirks slightly, her fingers gently lingering on Sunset’s cheek. “Would you like to hear them someplace more private?”


The door slams open, Sunset’s back pressed against it. Her leather jacket falls off her shoulders as their lips connect once more. Adagio’s hands explore Sunset’s body just as the two of them barely close the door. Practically throwing off her own jacket, Adagio grabs Sunset’s shoulders, finding their way to the hallway. In their fight for power, they are barely able to coordinate their efforts to remove their clothes. Sunset’s jeans hit the floor, her leg wrapping around the siren to pull her closer. Despite the dimly lit apartment’s interior, Sunset can still see all of her target’s body. Surely this is a mistake, but… neither of them could care.

Sunset’s hand moves up to Adagio’s necklace, only for the siren to grab her wrist. “Hands off the goods,” Adagio mentions by breaking their passionate kiss. Sunset simply smirks before moving her hands down to Adagio’s shirt, quickly pulling it off the siren’s body. Adagio’s perky breasts make Sunset smile with a content look on her face. Without so much as saying a word, she lowers her mouth to Adagio’s nipple, playing with the other one in her fingers.

“What about these goods?” Sunset asks, pushing Adagio against the opposite side of the hall. Slipping her hand under Adagio’s shorts, raising her eyebrow when her fingers don’t feel any soft fabric. Instead, she can only feel the soft flesh of the woman in front of her…

Adagio can’t help but feel impressed. Here is a woman who has matched her, beat for beat. No matter what Adagio throws at her, Sunset keeps up this fight for control. If anything, Sunset has thrown it right back at her, forcing Adagio to keep up for the first time in her life. Unlike other nights of passion, Adagio is having… fun. Every part of her is lit on fire right when Sunset’s fingers enter her, hungrily exploring her most vulnerable depths.

A chuckle escapes the siren’s lips, undeniably enjoying this struggle for power. It has been centuries since she’s had to fight someone like this. Sunset’s eyes look up at Adagio’s, the two of them feeling the most passion they’ve felt in years. The excitement in Adagio’s mind is barely able to contain itself.

Slipping off her pants, Adagio pulls Sunset up, passionately kissing her. Her hands guide Sunset further down the hall, their feet practically slipping over each other. As Adagio’s hand slaps Sunset’s behind, she uses her other hand to close the door behind them, leaving their clothes spilled out all over the floor…

Continuing the Chase

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Chapter II: Continuing the Chase

Adagio opens her eyes slowly, feeling the effects of sleep finally leave her. She halfway expected to wake up with the girl from last night wrapped around her body. However, it seems that she didn’t want to stick around. Looking over to the side of the bed she used to be in, Adagio can’t help but chuckle lightly at the ordeal. She didn’t even get the phone number of the bitch. Although, it is entirely likely she doesn’t even live in the city. Sunset did say she was out on a ride after all. Still. She would miss having someone like her around. Last night was an experience that she wouldn’t soon forget.

Her eyes notice a small piece of paper laying on the pillow next to her, almost glowing in the light of the sun peeking in through the blinds. She gently raises her body onto her elbow, leaning over to grab the paper. Curiosity set in as she unfolded it. No matter how she looks at it, Adagio can’t help but wonder what could be on the paper. No one has left a note after their one night stands with her before. Yet here is a note, seemingly from the woman last night.

Adagio’s eyes look down at the writing, quickly scanning the letters with unparalleled curiosity. “Hello, Adagio~ Last night was a lot of fun. Maybe we could do it again sometime?” Under the simple message, a phone number is written down, with a heart at the end of it. Adagio can’t help but chuckle slightly, shaking her head. Now she has her phone number and the idea of giving Miss Sunset Shimmer a booty call is… tantalizing.

Even though she’s just another useless mortal, she at least made Adagio feel good. Made her have fun with the chase… It’s been years since someone has made her feel like that. Could anyone really blame her for smiling at the idea?

“Alright, Shimmer. I’ll bite,” Adagio whispers with a smirk, hiding a double meaning behind her statement. Turning around, Adagio grabs her phone, looking back down at the note to add her phone number into her contacts. Her thumbs quickly type in a message to verify if it is actually Sunset’s number. The skin of her chest almost tenses up due to the cool air, but she makes sure to finish her message before daring to get out of bed.

Adagio quickly pulls out a shirt from her dresser, throwing it on over herself. She neglects to put anything else on, her hands instantly grabbing her phone again. Sending a message to the siren group chat, Adagio can’t help but wonder how Aria and Sonata are doing. Surely they would tease her for fucking someone without stealing some of their cash, but hey. They don’t need to know that piece of information. All they need to know is the basics of how her life is going.

Not even a second passes before her phone pings with a message from the group chat, making Adagio check to see who messaged her. In no way is she surprised when she sees Sonata’s profile picture beside the message. She is the most active on the chat, always sending some memes or life updates.

“Good morning! I’m doing alright, thanks for asking, Dagi! Nothing really new around here. Boring, honestly.” Right after her message, Sonata sends a gif of a famous movie actor rolling their eyes. “Are you ready for the new day?” Adagio can’t help but find Sonata’s endless optimism amusing, typing in another message to respond to her.

“Not really. But can’t avoid it any longer, can I?” Adagio sees the read notification of both Sonata and Aria. Again, Aria is lurking on the group chat without messaging. She does this often, never failing to get on the nerves of Adagio. “I can see you, Aria,” Adagio messages the chat, trying to get her attention. Without getting an answer, Adagio rolls her eyes, typing in one final message into her phone. “Anyway, I have to go to work now. I’ll talk to you girls later.” Without so much as waiting for another message, Adagio turns off her phone, tossing it on her bed. Work is going to be stressful, but… Adagio has a couple of ideas on how she can relieve her stress afterward.


Walking out of the office building, Adagio finally lets her hair down. A smile is barely present on her face as she takes in the night air, walking down the sidewalk in her high heels. Once again, she is done with a long day’s work. However, she doesn’t feel the same sense of dread that she did last night. An atmosphere of fun is in the air, so why not enjoy it?

“God, life is a joke, isn’t it?” Adagio asks herself, shaking her head. “Banished from Equestria, I now have to serve a life of boring little tasks, just hoping to get done with each day. It’s all so pathetic.” Taking her phone out of her pocket, she can’t help but chuckle to herself, tapping the newest contact added to her phone. “It can’t hurt to call, could it? I bet she’s also just as bored as me.” Sunset Shimmer seems like the type of girl to enjoy a couple nights out in a row. Adagio tried to rationalize it in her mind. She did message Adagio back, so clearly she was serious about that note.

Chuckling to herself, Adagio can’t help but find her hesitancy trivial. Without wasting another second, her thumb taps the call icon, bringing the phone to her ear. A ringtone plays for a little too long, making the siren tap her foot.

‘Come on. Don’t tell me you’re asleep. It’s only eight.’ Adagio’s irritation grows slightly with each second that passes by. Finally, the call is answered, making Adagio’s face perk up.

“Hello? Adagio?” Sunset’s voice asks through the call. The siren can’t help but feel a little flattered that she already added her to the contacts. Especially for someone who is supposed to be a booty call.

“Hey, Shimmer~ Missed you this morning,” Adagio teases her with a seductive tone, leaning into her phone. “What are you doing right now?” She can only hope that Sunset says she’s free. In a way, she wasn’t lying when she said she missed Sunset. She can barely contain a chuckle when she remembers what happened last night. If only they could do it again.

“Nothing currently. Just wasting time watching a movie in my apartment,” Sunset answers Adagio’s question with a bored tone. “Are you bored too? I assume that’s why you called, isn’t it?” Sunset asks with a playful tone to her voice, seemingly much more interested than she was a few minutes before.

“So what if I am? Would you like to ‘waste some time’ with me?” Adagio tilts her head, waiting for an answer from the other end of the line. For some reason, Sunset decides to hold her tongue, only the sound of breathing on the other end. Adagio can’t help but wonder why she’s taking so long to answer such a simple question. Is she genuinely trying to get under Adagio’s skin? Well, two can play at that game.

“Do you have any alcohol?” Sunset asks with the same playful tone, seemingly trying to prolong answering Adagio’s question.

“Of course. What else would make the night fun?” Thinking to herself, Adagio tries to remember what drinks she has back at her apartment. “It’s mostly whiskey. I trust you wouldn’t have a problem with that, right?”

“No no. I don’t have a problem with that at all. I just can’t get too drunk because I don’t want a hangover. I have to meet my friends tomorrow morning after all.” Taking a deep breath, Sunset takes another moment to think about it, leaving Adagio unanswered for a few seconds more. “Alright~ I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”


The TV’s blue light shines in the dark room, but there is hardly any sound coming from the device. Instead, the room is filled with the noises of shuffling. An empty whiskey bottle lies down on the coffee table. Shoes and socks are dropped to the ground with a thud, barely louder than the sound of gasps and sighs. Lips press against each other, lighting the nerves in both of their bodies… Undoubtedly it is a bad idea to do something like this after downing a whole bottle of whiskey, but neither of them cares.

Adagio’s hands quickly unbutton Sunset’s blouse as Sunset works on Adagio’s pants, barely able to escape each other’s kisses. The movie is just an excuse… The real entertainment of the night is right in their arms. Adagio grabs at Sunset’s breasts, breaking the kiss to stimulate Sunset with her mouth. Every second that passes by increases the tension in the room. Through a bated breath, Sunset tries to hold back any sound that wants to escape her lips, tapping Adagio’s shoulder.

“Lift your leg,” Sunset whispers in a hurried manner, trying her best to not break the momentum. Adagio complies without taking her lips off of Sunset’s chest, allowing her to finally push Adagio’s pants to the floor with her foot. Adagio’s spare hand returns the favor, pulling down Sunset’s garments in one slick movement. The heavy breathing is enough to overpower any sound coming from the TV. Thankfully, the blue light is enough for the two of them to see what they’re doing, reflecting off of their skin.

Bringing her lips to Sunset’s neck, Adagio bites down, unable to hold back her desire for power. Power over this one individual in her arms… Sunset gasps to the sensation, clearly surprised by Adagio’s decision. In a way, Sunset’s reaction is cute… All it does is make the siren want to mark her even more…

“That is for making me wait so long,” Adagio growls before biting Sunset’s neck again. Her hand moves between Sunset’s legs, taking the chance to turn the dynamic in her favor. Adagio can’t help but feel amused when she feels a moist sensation, satisfied that her play thing is already excited.

Sunset grabs Adagio’s shoulders, pushing her downward. A smirk is on Sunset’s face, despite her heavy breaths. “And this is for making me drink way more than I wanted,” Sunset states with a teasing tone, pushing Adagio’s head down to her thighs. Sunset’s palm presses against the back of Adagio’s head, urging her to get closer to Sunset’s vulva. Despite her urge to fight against Sunset’s control, another part of Adagio urges her to play along. It can help her get the upper hand… The overwhelming desire to taste her is also a bonus.

“Fuck you,” Adagio whispers before hungrily pressing her lips against Sunset, using her tongue to expertly take in as much as possible. Using her hands to prop Sunset’s behind up, Adagio’s tongue moves up and down in a slow, methodical pattern.

“Ah… T-that is… Yes, that’s right. Keep going at that speed,” Sunset states while trying to compose herself, opening her legs wider. Her hand holds Adagio’s head in place, both of them delving deeper into the passion. Adagio’s tongue digs deeper, holding Sunset against her mouth. At some point, consideration for neighbors is thrown away, moans filling the room.

Surprising Adagio, Sunset’s hand pushes her head away. Before she can register what is happening, she is forced against the other end of the couch, Sunset’s hand moving down to Adagio’s vagina. Sunset licks Adagio’s neck, just as her free hand grabs the siren’s breast. Every action Sunsets takes is clearly trying to overwhelm Adagio. She would have to try a lot harder than that…

Adagio’s lips let out a low groan, finding herself at the mercy of Sunset. Any other time, she would be completely willing to fight against it, but right now? She can’t help but enjoy the view of Sunset’s body pressed against hers as tightly as possible. Every lick makes the nerves in her spine go on edge, adding to the intensity of Sunset’s fingers working their magic.

“Should I stop?” Sunset whispers in a teasing tone, knowing Adagio’s answer already.

“Just fuck me already.”


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Chapter III: Vixen

The side effects of drinking include a blurred sense of reality, nausea, and impaired judgment. Adagio knows this all too well… However, there is one side effect of life that she is trying to avoid more than any other. Boredom… In Equestria, there was no shortage of interesting things to do, but here? Adagio’s magic is nerfed to all hell and everything is so… bland. Drinking helps her avoid this side effect to some extent. Recently, there have only been three things that have helped her escape boredom. Alcohol, using her magic on others, and of course… Sunset Shimmer.

For the past two weeks, Adagio hasn’t been able to get her off her mind. Sunset’s alluring personality makes Adagio want to spend more time with her… Or, more specifically, spend more time trying to dominate that seemingly indomitable spirit of hers. She tends to make everything a fight for power with Adagio. Admittedly, this is something that Adagio isn’t used to. It has been so long since someone has even tried to match wits with her and give her a power struggle. Despite the fact that it’s just one big game for her, Adagio can’t help but find it intriguing beyond measure.

Not to mention the fact that Shimmer is somehow resistant to her magic…

The sound of thunder cracks the sky outside Adagio’s apartment, breaking Adagio from her train of thought. The cup of coffee in her hands is far warmer than the weather currently going on outside. A part of her can’t help but wonder if the weather is going to cause a problem for the night’s plans. Once again, Sunset is coming over for a night of fun, but she is much more cautious than Adagio is. If the weather gets much worse, she might end up canceling their plans. To Adagio, this might as well be a damnation to boredom. Lord knows she can’t exactly get Sonata and Aria to come over this late at night.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Adagio lets out a low sigh, thinking to herself. In a way, the sound of rain is calming and inspires creative thought. Usually, Adagio would use this time to think about what she would do if her magic was back to its full potential, but tonight is slightly different. Instead of daydreaming about power, Adagio’s eyes look into the void, thinking about her life currently. Yes, there is a lot to be bitter about, but… she would be lying if she said she didn’t have some fun here. She has some hobbies and people to keep her interested. It’s not an absolute hell at least… She still wants to go back to Equestria, but this world is beginning to be… tolerable.

Adagio’s phone buzzes, making her look to her right. The screen flashes with the icon of a text message. Adagio picks it up, unlocking her phone to see this mysterious message.

“Hey, Adagio. I don’t know if I’m going to come over. It’s pretty bad weather,” Sunset’s text tells her, a nervous emoji accompanying the message. A sour expression paints Adagio’s face, clearly annoyed that her worries came true.

“Are you sure? You can stay the night, you know~” Adagio texts her back, using a winking emoji to try and flirt with Sunset. No matter how she looks at it, she finds it incredibly enjoyable to catch Sunset off guard.

“I don’t really feel like having sex tonight, Adagio,” Sunset texts plainly. These sorts of bland statements always make it sound like the sender is annoyed. While Adagio may not care who she annoys, she does care when it comes to select people. Sunset is one of them…

Taking a deep breath, Adagio can’t believe what she’s about to say. She never thought she would send something like this to someone she considers a plaything, but… Adagio genuinely wants to spend time with her tonight. Anything would be better than being left alone tonight. Even if all they do is hang out. It’s weird. She didn’t think she would ever be in this situation.

“We don’t have to fuck,” Adagio types into the text box, hitting the send button before she can rethink her words. Adagio hesitates to text anything else, not wanting to seem too desperate. She doesn’t need Sunset to come by. She doesn’t need that at all… However, the typing bubble that shows Sunset forming a response only serves to make Adagio a little more excited.

“Really?” Only one word is texted back as a response. There isn’t even an emoji to accompany it. Instead, the one word stares Adagio down. Adagio can’t help but wonder why it is hard to respond to messages like these. Perhaps it is due to how easy it is to give off the wrong impression.

“We don’t have to. We can just hang out,” Adagio hesitantly types in, finally sending it with a shake of her head. Why is she doing this? Even she doesn’t have an answer for that.

“Alright. I can come by. I won’t be able to leave until the morning when the rain slacks off.” Sunset follows up her message with a thumbs up emoji, making Adagio somewhat glad. At least she’s coming here. The only question is how long she needs to wait for her to get here.


“I have to say. I’m surprised you weren’t more pushy about banging tonight. I thought that was the only thing that interested you about me,” Sunset states as she sits down on the couch. Adagio walks into the living room with a bottle in her hand and two glasses in the other.

“Many things about you interest me, Shimmer,” Adagio answers in a teasing tone, yet remaining serious about what she said. “Such as your personality among other things.” Sitting down next to Sunset on the couch, Adagio sets the glasses down before opening the bottle. The liquid pours into the glass, the only sound accompanying the rain. The warm light of the lamp next to the couch is just enough to make anyone forget about the storm for a while. Tonight has been a night of many firsts. It is the first time she has actually hung out with someone without the intention of scamming them out of something. It is also the first time she genuinely wants to talk with someone. Maybe it is due to her urge to learn more about Sunset’s will… Whatever it is, it makes Adagio feel a little confused.

“Thank you,” Sunset whispers after taking the glass from Adagio, taking a sip of the drink. “You never told me your story, you know. When we met, you told me you’d talk about your story if we went to your apartment. Instead, we just spent the night as if we were rabbits. Come to think of it, that describes every night we’ve spent together.” Sunset shrugs slightly, leaning back against the couch.

“Do you regret how we spent that night?” Adagio asks her with a chuckle, pouring her own drink.

“Obviously not. I just can’t help but wonder about your story. Where are you from?” Sunset’s eyes are focused on Adagio, making sure to let her know that Sunset is interested in hearing whatever she may say. Is she really willing to listen to tales of madness? That’s what they are these days… Any word Adagio mutters about her past is usually seen as virtual insanity. This woman clearly doesn’t know what she is asking. To her, Adagio is just another woman, same as her. In a way, it always amuses the siren whenever someone asks her about her past. It’s fun for her to see the reactions people give her. However, she might lose her play partner if she tells Sunset her actual story. However, she could always play it off as a joke…

It can be fun…

“Truth is… I’m a siren from a place called Equestria, a world filled with talking ponies.” Chuckling to herself, Adagio turns her gaze to Sunset, suddenly feeling surprised. Instead of a look of shock or confusion, Sunset looks at her with a mix of surprise and understanding. Her mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out for a couple of minutes.

“You’re… You’re from Equestria too…?”


The cold dark room only adds to the mysterious atmosphere of the rain. Fortunately, Adagio has someone to keep her warm. The TV has long since been turned off, leaving only the light of the moon to illuminate Sunset’s face. Her eyes are closed and she has been asleep for a couple hours now, but Adagio can’t find the will to fall asleep. Instead, her thoughts race in her mind, thinking about what happened tonight. Sunset’s head rests on her chest without a care in the world, but Adagio can only think about what she said earlier. Something that surprising is surely to stir a reaction out of any individual. But why is it occupying her own thoughts so much? It turns out that she’s from Equestria too, making Adagio wonder exactly how she got here and how many other people in this god forsaken world could be from their home.

“Honestly, I would be lying if I said I’m not interested in returning to Equestria,” Adagio whispers to Sunset, despite knowing the latter is fast asleep. Running her fingers through Sunset’s hair, Adagio takes a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. “My power was essentially taken away from me by that wizard… I was sent here as some sort of eternal damnation. Funny. You’re apparently here because you lost faith in your princess.” Adagio briefly visualizes Equestria once more, trying to remember the appearance of the princess Sunset served. That princess was so young and inexperienced when Adagio was banished, but now she is a seasoned ruler. Who knew? “And from what you said tonight, the portal is broken. I guess it was too much to hope for a way back.”

Not a single reply escapes Sunset’s lips. Only the sound of her breathing and the feeling of her body reminds Adagio of her presence. Nights like these are usually full of interesting thoughts, but… not like this. Not thoughts that make Adagio question where she needs to go.

“You’re so… interesting. You’re just a plaything in my eyes, but… at the same time, you’re something more. Something that I can’t help but investigate,” Adagio whispers, looking back down at Sunset’s sleeping face. “You’re so interesting that I want to understand everything about you. You’re something I want to understand…” Pressing her lips against Sunset’s forehead, she can’t help but smirk, thinking of the future. “You’re something I want to own…”