Sunscribe's Pest Pet

by KitoKitoKito

First published

Sunscribe wasn't exactly expecting a one-night stand to turn into something much more permanent... though she certainly won't complain about her new "pet~"

Sunscribe has worked as the royal scribe for the Equestria princesses for a good amount of time, taking up the position right out of Princess Celestia's magic school. It's no secret to the two princesses exactly what Sunscribe tends to get up to when night falls; it wasn't uncommon for her to bring many guests to the royal castle to her room for an incredible night of kinky fun. She was never the type to take things easy - sometimes, those who went into their room wouldn't come back out, at least, not in the same way. The scribe wouldn't hesitate to engage with any kink she could find, no matter how it tended to turn out for the submissive party.

Today, a certain changeling by the name of Storm Drain, recently out of a home, visited the castle to request help in finding new lodging. She was granted a temporary stay in the castle for one night... and it might've just stayed as one night, had Sunscribe not noticed how flustered the little changeling got at every glance they shared.

Storm Drain's stay was about to get extended quite a lot, but not as a guest; rather, as a pet.


Hello everyone! This story is a commission from Charmyte, an ongoing one - when I found out she had such a cute changeling OC, I just knew I had to write about them! At the same time, this is one of my first times writing about my own OC, Sunscribe! I hope you all enjoy this story - it's ongoing, and it may continue to be expanded even after I finish what I currently have planned! It'll be mostly episodic, not plot heavy - just kinky fun!

Note: This story centers heavily around a kink known as toilet vore! It's definitely an uncommon and weird one, a kink that comes from a fascination with and excitement from being flushed down the toilet/flushing a submissive party/prey down the toilet. I'm quite a fan of it myself! I decided to include this little description of it, since this story centers around it heavily, and I doubt there are many fics on this site that contain it :P If that sounds gross or too weird to handle for you, skip this story! Though, if you're unsure about it, and you like the other kinks this contains (listed below), then consider giving it a try!

Kinks included: Toilet vore, watersports, micro/shrinking, piss drinking, pet play, cruelty, teasing, degradation, sub/dom, elements of BDSM, mayyyyybe some vore down the line!

If you're interested in commissioning me for a story of your own, send me a message and we can discuss the details! I'm open to almost any kink and scenario!

Want to support me and read releases of this story early? Check out my Patreon!

Thank you all, and enjoy! Follow me if you want to see more kinky clopfics~! <3

Chapter 1 - Bug Disposal

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Sunscribe huffed as she lay in bed, back hooves spread apart. The sun slowly rose as the purple pony lifted her head to look at the mess - her slit and sheets were covered in femcum. This was far from a rare occurrence, but today was particularly bad - she’d been so horny, she couldn’t count the amount of times she’d orgasmed that night. The runes on her hooves lost their glow and ceased their spinning; her hair went from a dark blue and purple gradient, floating magically in the air, to its normal, more bright hues of pastel red and pink, matching the sunrise. Slowly, she stood from her bed and threw off the sheets, wiping herself with a corner of one; she’d call a servant to clean it soon enough, but first…

Her horn glowed, and a series of magical actions were put into motion. Her desk moved. A tile in her floor lifted, revealing a box with a combination lock of 25 dials, all spinning, clicking into place. A lid raised, revealing a smaller box, with a key lock. Three books floated off her bookshelf, revealing a fourth tome, opened to show a key taped to the cover. It was peeled away, slotted into the lock and twisted; the box opened. Finally, within it was a book, a simple, unassuming book, with a solid purple cover. No title, no image; just purple. It floated to the desk and opened to a new, blank page, with a quill soon following it. Sunscribe sat before it, and focused her magic on writing.

All this happened within the span of only seconds. Sunscribe was more than a little protective of her diary, and its contents - it held not just her most personal, private secrets and details, but also many trade secrets and plans for future books. By day, she held a noble royal position, but by night, she published smut under the name Moonscribe. She was popular with many different species who enjoyed the more intense side of provocative fiction - her unique abilities gave her access to a wider range of experiences than most. Many of those experiences were recorded in this very diary, to one day be turned into published works, and she wouldn’t be wanting her competition to discover them.

It was not every day that she would write something new here; rather, only a day worth recording would find its way into those pages. Two other diaries sat stashed around the bedroom, hidden well, both pertaining to different times of her life - one marked a time before her attendance in the school of magic, one marked her time while enrolled under Princess Celestia’s tutorage, and the newest one, which she now wrote in, marked the present. A time when she was working as the royal scribe for the Canterlot princesses.

Today was a day off; she was not the only scribe in the castle. She had plenty of time to recount last night’s fun. Using magic to confirm the door was locked, she began.

Day 158; Title: A New Pet

Dear Diary,

Today was a fairly normal day in the castle; I sat off to the side of Princess Celestia, silently writing every bit of her conversations as they transpired in the day court. However, near the end of the evening, things became a little different. The last one to approach ended up being a changeling, one newly transformed into a lighter, more bright appearance than those of the more black-and-brooding changelings of the past. She revealed herself to be a plumber working in Canterlot; I can’t remember what her request pertained to, but it ended with her staying a few nights in the castle to help resolve the issue. It sounds like her home won’t be livable anymore, due to some sort of accident with the plumbing, ironically enough.

It was nice of the princesses to offer her a place to stay… but that wasn’t what had me intrigued. Rather, I couldn’t help but notice the changeling’s eyes often darting towards me, meeting my gaze, then blushing and averting her attention. Few ponies have the expertise that I do in the craft of figuring out if a pony - or changeling, in this case - is horny. I can say with 100% certainty that I was making her heart race. It helped that her blush grew significantly when I flashed a sultry smile at her.

I slipped an invitation to my bed chambers under her door, one that held the very explicit promise of some deviant fun. She accepted.


Storm Drain’s hooves shook nervously as she stood before the scribe’s bed chambers. She’d had to make quite a trip through the dimmed hallways of Canterlot Castle, up multiple flights of stairs; were it not for the presence of calming royal guards, she’d likely have abandoned the journey.

The one who invited her had her room located in a more removed location from the rest of the servants. As she claimed, in exchange for less pay, she was given a larger space, one with more private amenities; still, the wooden door was unassuming. The changeling lifted a hoof and gently tapped on it, hoping not to wake anypony else. The dark and quiet of the halls made her nervous, as though she were doing something wrong; it filled her with a sense of mischievous trepidation.

Moments later, the wooden door swung open, and on the other side, a pony awaited the changeling. “Good timing, Storm Drain~ Come on in~” She beckoned the changeling to enter; Storm, face red, followed.

The room was dark, lit only by the soft glow of candlelight. Immediately, the changeling could tell she was looking at a pony much different from the one she’d seen during the day. She had the same pastel-purple fur, the same horn, the same slightly taller-than-usual body type, as though she were halfway to being an alicorn, even though she lacked almost every other characteristic of that species.

But there were some noticeable differences. Her pupils glowed with a light golden tint; her hair had gone from light and sun-like to dark and mystical, stars seeming to shine through the dark blue hue as it waved in a celestial wind. Most noticeable, though, were her hooves. Her ankles seemed to have small runes, glowing with the same golden tint as her eyes, all slowly moving, circling around her hooves like they were animated on a movie screen. During her scribe duties, she wore silver shoves to cover them; now, they were free to be shown to the world.

“Woah…” The changeling muttered, in awe at the transformation.

“Like what you see~?” Sunscribe chuckled at the changeling’s expense. She was used to such a reaction. “You don’t look too bad either, though, you know~”

The visitor blushed a tad harder, warm from the compliment. Her chitin was a dark purple, her stomach a nearly-black red, her wings, tail, and ears all colored with vibrant scarlet, as were her eyes, white pupils floating in the loving sea of ruby. She looked as though she’d been born in a gem mine, rather than a hive. “T-thank you,” she replied, quiet, still nervous. She’d had to muster quite a lot of courage to engage with this event; she was far from inexperienced, but something about Sunscribe drained her of any dominant confidence.

“Well, then…” The scribe motioned to her bed. “Would you still like to spend the night with me~? I will warn, I don’t get tired out very easily - it’s rare for a cutie such as yourself to leave my bed before I’m fully satisfied~”

Her voice was soft but firm, like yarn being wrapped around Storm's neck and threaded into a tight leash, held in the pony’s teeth. “Y-yes, I do!” She quickly responded, stepping forward.

“Good~ Though, first…” She turned backward; her horn glowed with magic matching her hair, looking as though it’d been weaved from the night sky. A door opened behind her, revealing a sizeable private bathroom. A sink, a large bath, and a raised-cistern toilet, with a long chain hanging from the elevated tank. “I hope you don’t mind if I take a moment to empty out my bladder. It’s practically bursting~”

The changeling stared at the porcelain toilet; she shivered with lust. Sunscribe clearly noticed. “N-not at all!”

“Then just wait there for a moment~” She sauntered into the bathroom and put her front hooves against the wall, her back hooves sitting spread in front of the toilet bowl, firmly planted on the ground. The changeling stared at her magnificent flank; not super large, but very fluffy and smooth. The pony didn’t close the door, even as a golden trickle sprouted from her slit and tittered into the toilet bowl. “Ah, that feels wonderful~” She spoke with audible satisfaction, words curling up; the pitter-patter of urine hitting water snaked into Storm's ears. She bit her lip as she stared at the sight. She could only see a tad bit of the stream from her position, but it still made her feel intensely lustful. It was so perfect, so enticing.

“Enjoying the view~?” The changeling suddenly looked up to see Sunscribe staring back at her, a smug grin on her face as she peed. “Your eyes were glued to my stream there~”

“O-oh, I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to s-stare!” Storm spouted, backing away, flustered.

“Don’t worry, cutie - I don’t mind~” She stopped peeing, quickly turning and sitting on the seat, spreading her hooves, privates now fully revealed to the changeling. “But if you’re going to watch, then you should come and get a closer look~”

“U-um,” the changeling responded, retreating even farther, mind becoming a jumble of horniness. “I-I don’t know…”

“Then I’ll make it easier for you~”Storm watched as wisps of magic solidified in the air, braiding together around her neck, making a translucent, magical collar; comfortable, but firm, with a long leash attached. Sunscribe beckoned with one hoof, pulling the changeling closer using the solid magic; Storm quickly began to walk to meet the pace of the pull to avoid being dragged across the ground, forced to approach against her will… but she wasn’t resisting. She admired the quickly constructed magical leash; she felt her control over the situation slipping away, but she didn’t mind.

Soon, she was sitting right in front of the pony’s toilet, looking into the bowl, the once clear water turned to a dark gold. The bitter smell of her urine was somehow intoxicating; Storm stared at the waste, then up to the slit now so close to her, then up to the face of the pony, looking down on the changeling with the eyes of a predator looking upon successfully-captured prey. Her smile remained smug and dominant. “Ready, little bug~?”

Storm Drain gulped. “Bug” was far from a polite thing to say to a changeling - it was normally used in more mean-spirited context - but Sunscribe said it with loving tenderness, like she was addressing a loved one… no, more like a pet. It made Storm feel small and degraded, but still warm and comfortable; she liked it a lot. She nodded her head, and looked down to her slit.

And then, the scribe pissed again, the trickle arcing from her hole and pittering into the bowl. The bug watched with enraptured silence and awe, her eyes twinkling as she examined each little ripple and splash, the sound now much louder since she was so close to it. It seemed the pony would never fully empty her bladder; the changeling saw the height of the liquid rising as she filled it further.

“Mmm~” Sunscribe moaned in pleasure. “Feels… so, so good~” The bug’s tail swayed behind her; her breaths grew heavy. “Ah~” Finally, her stream reduced to a whimpering trail, and then to only a few errant drops. She reached a hoof up and held the chain of the toilet in her wrist, wrapping her arm around it, but she didn’t tug it. “You know… I’ve had my toilet modified a bit.”

Storm Drain tilted her head in curiosity, looking to the lustful eyes of Sunscribe, the leash still tight around her neck. Their golden glow was just as soothing as it was terrifying.

“It has a much bigger drain than most… the water rises much higher… the bowl is wider and taller… and most importantly, the flush is long and powerful~”

“Mmmurrr…” The changeling’s wings buzzed as she listened, letting out a sound almost like a purr, without meaning to. She dripped precum onto the floor.

“You like the sounds of that~?” Storm felt a hoof on her head; Sunscribe slightly pushed her down, towards the water, but not far. She held the changeling firmly there. “I wouldn’t mind giving you a bit of a… closer look~” She chuckled. “You certainly wouldn’t be the first little bug to go down my toilet - it’s perfect for disposing of cute little pests~”

Storm Drain responded with heavier huffs, eyes widening. She felt a bit of fear creeping into her mind… but still, she didn’t resist.


The bug knew what was going to happen if she gave any sign of willingness here; there would be no going back after that. This evening would turn into something entirely different than a simple one-night stand; she would not be leaving this room in the same condition she entered… she might not even be using the same entrance.

Her heart beat out of her chest; butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She felt an instinctual response in her stomach, one born from the threat of a powerful predator. She felt it would be safest to say no, that she shouldn’t easily turn herself over to this pony… but she couldn’t help it.

She nodded.

Immediately, she felt the energy in the room change; it felt more hot, more sultry, more lustful. Sunscribe seemed much bigger, much more dominant, much more dangerous; her gaze felt like it would melt the bug into a pile of sludge.

“Hehe~ Then I’ll make sure you get as close of a look as you possibly could~”

SPLASH! Sunscribe firmly dunked the changeling right into the toilet, her head sinking so far down the large bowl that she was almost entirely submerged, her snout deep inside the drain. She immediately squirmed and struggled; she felt her lungs quickly draining of air. She had expected this to an extent, but still, the sudden, forceful shove made her panic. Despite Storm's efforts, Sunscribe was immovable - her hoof stayed planted firmly in place, the changeling’s resistance giving not even a moment of leeway.

The water was warm, warm as a hot spring, almost soothing; she could feel the bitter taste of urine on her lips, could smell it through her nostrils. The sinister chuckling of the domme above her made its way to her ears, muffled by the water; Subscribe didn’t hesitate to flush.

She was not over exaggerating the strength of the swirl. The bug felt her snout being pulled into the drain, stuck deeper inside the pipes, though her head prevented her from slipping any further. Urine swirled around her head, a whirlpool slowly speeding up, spinning rapidly around her chitin. The water began to swirl away, rushing past her body with terrifying force, lowering further and further down, until finally, the current rushed past her snout. She took a large breath, inhaling a great deal of piss along with air, coughing it all right back up; she found herself being lifted back out by the leash, though Sunscribe’s hoof remained on her head. Storm looked her in the eyes as the bug heaved, water slowly filling below them. Yellow liquid dripped from her head; her blush was far more pronounced.

As she panted, regaining her breath, the pony spoke. “You know… you look a lot cuter with your head in the toilet~” She giggled. “I suppose that isn’t a surprise, though, considering that’s where I tend to put most bugs who make their way into my room~ It’s much more natural for you, don’t you think~?”

Storm Drain continued to breathe heavily; she shook with lust. The bullying was so, so hot. “Mmm… I-” She tried to speak, only for Sunscribe to dunk her right back in. The water was still warm from recent use; the domme flushed immediately, and the changeling felt herself being pulled down yet again. She didn’t struggle this time; she just let it take her, let it swirl her, felt the strong hoof on her head, imagined that smug smile… she felt her head spinning with lust as though her brain had been placed in that toilet’s amazing current.

She was pulled up yet again. “Sorry, bug, were you trying to say something? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of the flush~” She laughed lightly. “I can barely help myself - you just look so perfect in there. I knew from the moment I saw you in the throne room, this is where you belong~ Though, you know…” She smiled slyly. “It’s missing one thing.”

Storm Drain looked at her with curiosity once again; she made no attempt to speak as she filled her lungs. Her tail wagged.

“It would just be so much cuter… so much more adorable… if you were more like a normal bug. A tiny little pest… crawling around on the floor… just waiting for some pony to scoop you up and properly dispose of you~ Perfectly…” She leaned in and whispered, “Flushable~”

“Eep!” The changeling let out a horny, scared little sound, trying to back away, only to be pulled back by the leash. Sunscribe stepped off the toilet; she walked to the bug’s backside, putting a hoof to Storm's chin, turning the bug’s face to look into it, towering over her from behind. She wrapped the other hoof around the sub’s body, pulling her closer, cuddling her prey against her fur, rubbing her wet pussy against the chitin.

“What do you think of that, little pest? Being a small, helpless little bug in my hooves, just desperately hoping I spare you~” She moved a hoof to Storm's slit and lightly rubbed, digging in and caressing her clit. Her voice was quiet and silky, as though she were chanting a spell. “Watching my big, smug smile, my gigantic form, my magic scooping you up and floating you to the bowl… dropping you in with a little splish… sitting on the seat, and letting my steaming urine trickle over top your small body…”

“Mmmm!” The changeling squirmed in her grasp; sweat dripped down Storm's head, moans and small horny sounds steadily escaping her lips.

“And then… when I’m done… just like I did with those swirlies, I’ll grab the chain…” She whispered quieter, right into Storm's ear, the toilet still standing tall in front of them. The moody lighting and long shadows made it far more imposing, reminding the changeling of a grave. “You plead, begging me to take you out, not to do what I’m about to do~ You know you won’t survive a flush; you know the current is too strong, the drain is too big… but no matter what, you can’t do a thing. Your wings are too wet to fly, the toilet is too tall to climb or swim out. And your words, to me, are nothing but the cute little sounds of a desperate bug-pest begging for its life~ But I don’t listen. And you know what I’d do~?”

Storm Drain panted faster, heavier; she closed her eyes, still squirming, but not trying to escape the pony’s grasp. Her body burned with passion. “W-w-what?” She squeaked out.

“Flllrrrshhh~” She drew out each syllable. “Down the drain the little bug goes~ Never to be seen again~”

“Ah~!” The bug moaned, her body shaking, so near to an orgasm.

“That would be the end~ I don’t know where these pipes lead, but I do know that they’re long and small. You’d drown far before you reach the sewers, or wherever this leads.” She chuckled. “No coming back. Gone forever. Flushed down the toilet, just like any other pest, disposed of with no remorse~ Doesn’t that sound just wonderful~?”

Storm's head was foggy with lust; she was no longer thinking rationally. She was a horny mess, like putty in Sunscribe’s hooves. She knew she shouldn’t… but now, the desire to be disposed of, covered in her urine, down her toilet… it was overwhelming. “I-I… I-I could t-transform… t-to a s-smaller size,” she said, voice stuttery and high-pitched.

“Hmm… I don’t know~ I’m worried you might chicken out right at the very end. It wouldn’t be any fun for me if it didn’t end with a proper disposal.” Her horn began to glow; Storm could feel her magic surrounding her. “I happen to have a spell that makes it so I can control changeling transformations… but only if the changeling gives me permission~ Once you do, though, I’m fully in control - until I deactivate the spell, you’ll be completely surrendered to my will. It won’t matter much though, since you’re about to be flushed anyways~ What do you say~?”

Under any other circumstances, Storm would never accept such a thing. Her changeling powers were as basic and natural to her as breathing or walking, and they were a core part of how she functioned. But she didn’t want to accidentally go into fight-or-flight and transform herself so she could escape… she really wanted this to happen… even if she might have second thoughts when she hit the water. And it was true - she was going to be flushed anyways… so did it really matter? Why not give her domme full control over her life for the last few moments of it? It made everything so much hotter… “A-alright!”

“Good~” Storm felt a weird change inside her, an odd warmth in her body. She could tell the spell had worked. She tested it by attempting a minor transformation, only to find that she was incapable. Sunscribe was in control. “Hehe~ It always feels so good to take control of cuties like you. You’re like my little toy now~”

“Mmm…” The bug responded. Surprisingly, she was liking the sound of that label.

“Alright, I’m not waiting any longer~” Storm felt herself beginning to change, beginning to shrink; slowly, but surely, Sunscribe’s hooves became like those of giants, hugging Storm's tiny body. She continued to shrink, till she was barely the size of a plushie, and then further, and further.

Storm Drain stood on the tile floor and looked up at Sunscribe. She was massive. The changeling was about as wide as one of her hooves now - very tiny, very vulnerable, very weak. Just like a bug.

“Hehe~ What’s this~? Have I just found a little bug in my room~?” Sunscribe licked her lips. “How gross. I can’t have any pests like this crawling around my living space, now, can I~?”

Storm Drain suddenly felt far more terrified. She tried to scamper away as the enormous pony tilted her head down, opening her mouth, using her teeth to pick the bug up by her wings. Sunscribe spoke, muffled, “I think I know just what to do with a bug in need of disposal~”

The changeling struggled, still full of lust, but now feeling true fear of what was about to happen. She’d already viewed Sunscribe as a predator, but this size difference sent her into fight or flight. Instinctual terror of this dominant force washed over her. She squirmed as she was brought closer and closer to the toilet; it was much larger now. The drain was so intimidating. She had no chance of surviving a flush; she’d known that from the beginning. She was helpless.

“In you go~” Sunscribe released her grip; Storm attempted to buzz her wings and escape, but she hit the water too fast. They were too heavy to fly with, too soaked with water. It was cold, frigid; she swam for the edge, but it felt so far away. And even if she reached it, the toilet was too tall - she would only slip off the wet porcelain.

Sunscribe laughed; the bug looked so pathetic in there. Storm looked at her smug smile with pleading eyes as she sat on the toilet seat, just like earlier, hooves spread, pussy showing. “You know, it would be really wasteful to flush without doing my business first, don’t you think~? I better make sure this flush counts~” She sighed in relief, and a trickle of golden urine streamed from her slit. Storm tried to swim away, but she aimed far too well - the little changeling was hit right on the head, covered in the warm liquid, pushed down by the force of the now huge stream. It warmed the water; she kept pulling herself up to breathe, only to get a mouthful of piss and be dunked right back under.

“My, that always feels so good~” She let the last of her urine fall to the toilet water, and she grabbed the chain, licking her lips as she watched her bug sputter for breath. Storm turned to look at her… and only then did see she wear her hoof was located.

“W-w-wait!!” She quickly shouted. “P-please d-don’t flush!!” She begged, trying to swim towards the edge in some hope that she might survive. “I-I changed my m-mind, please d-don’t flush me down the toilet! I don’t want to be f-flushed!”

“What’s this~? Is my flushable little bug getting cold hooves~?” Her smile grew; her eyes were full of sinister lust. “I don’t know… should I really take you out? All I see down there is a bug~ Just a pest, wandering around where she doesn’t belong~ A pest that needs to be… flushed out~”

“I-I’m not a bug, I-I’m a changeling! P-please, please don’t flush! I can be your toy, or your pet, or something! I promise I’ll do a good job, you can even keep your ability to transform me, j-just please, please don’t flush!!” She looked at the drain; it was so big, so dark. She was so scared, so terrified, so desperate to cling to life… but at the same time, she was so incredibly, deeply horny, so much so that she didn’t know if she really meant what she was saying anymore. Her face was still entirely red; she was barely resisting the urge to jill off. Her body shivered, her wet wings buzzed, her lips trembled.

“Hmm…” Sunscribe pretended to consider it. “I don’t know… a bug for a pet doesn’t sound too appealing to me. I think I’d rather just flush you away~ Watch you swirl around and go down the drain, knowing you’ll never come back~ Drowning in the pipes, fully dominated by myself~”

“Mmmmurrrrr!!!” The bug squirmed; she felt so incredibly hot and horny. She knew there was no saving herself. Still, she squeaked out one last word. “Please?”

The domme chuckled. “Bye-bye, little bug~”



“Ahhhh!” Storm screamed in fear as she watched Sunscribe pull the chain. The water slowly began to spin; she tried to swim against it, but to no avail. It flung her around like a piece of paper in a tornado, pulling her in big circles all around the bowl, her vision spinning, her body tumbling over itself. She caught glimpses of the pony above her, waving bye-bye with a single hoof, smug smile only growing; her waving hoof soon went to her pussy as she rubbed her slit, so extremely turned on by the sight of the little bug flushing below her.

Storm Drain could see it all; she watched the one who’d dommed her so perfectly masturbate to her swirly fate, still putting together the image of her face even as it was blurred and flung around her vision. The water lowered; she was being pulled closer to the drain! She gave it one last push, one last attempt to escape, but it was fruitless. She was a goner.

“Bye-bye~!” Sunscribe repeated, shaking with an orgasm as she watched Storm's little body being flung into the drain by the current, slurped up without remorse, her little cries of terror fading as she was sent through the pipes. She moaned in pleasure, flinging her head back, squirting into the toilet bowl as it swirled the rest of her urine away.

She panted, breathing heavy and hard; she was so turned on, still so horny. She watched the toilet water rise; she reached down, putting a hoof into the drain and feeling around, but she felt nothing. No trace of her bug; not even a hint that she’d ever been there in the first place. Just like any other piece of waste, she was gone, flushed away, never to return.

She flushed again; no clog. It was perfect. She couldn’t help but masturbate again, right away; it was so hot! She’d never felt so powerful before. There was just nothing that could beat the absolute pleasure of dominating a cutie like Storm so hard that they ended up down her toilet by the end of it. She huffed and panted; eventually, she moved to her bed, only to repeat it, using toys to pleasure herself as she remembered the sounds of the cute little pleas, the pleas she’d taken so much pleasure in completely ignoring.

It was going to be a long night of pleasure.


As you’re aware, diary, the runes on my hooves come with the curse of me being unable to sleep, and also being insatiably horny until the sun rises; I couldn’t count the number of times I orgasmed last night, all to that little bug being flushed. I’d do anything to do it again - I might have to learn a shrinking spell so I can do it to other ponies. I wonder if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would notice a few guards or servants missing~

That’s all for now. I’ll turn this into a story another night.

Sunscribe magically shut the journal, and automatically began the complicated process of putting everything back in place. She’d remember that night fondly for a long, long time - she’d hardly experienced such great pleasure in her whole life. She looked down on her cushy chair; her right hoof and the chair itself were covered in her femcum. One of the advantages of writing with magic - you could masturbate at the same time. She’d hardly realized she was doing it. The servants were going to be busy today… and probably a bit confused, too.

Something soon caught her eye; the sight of a small spider, crawling up the leg of her desk. Bugs were pretty common in the castle… though she did always prefer to keep them out of her room~ She concentrated her magic on the spider and floated it up, walking it over…

…and she opened a window, floating the little arachnid down to the ground a few stories below. There was only one bug in this world she actually cared to flush… and that bug was already gone~

She grabbed a book from her bookshelf, a random copy of another writer’s work, one by the name of Bassipons, another smut writer she heavily enjoyed. And just as she prepared to sit back and enjoy some casual reading…

…she heard a little splish, coming from her bathroom.

She put the book back down and wondered over to the restroom; she already had an idea of what she was about to find, though she hardly believed it. Could it really be?

Indeed, as she looked in the bowl, she was greeted to the sight of a changeling with dark purple chitin and red eyes, shrunken down to the size of a bug. She immediately recognized her.

“S-sunscribe!” Storm shouted from the bowl, treading water, blush growing on her face. “O-oh, please don’t flush again, i-it was so hard to swim back up!!”

The pony chuckled; she reached for the chain and wrapped her hoof around it. “Well, when you say that, it just makes me want to do it more~”

“No, no no no, please!! I don’t have the strength to do that again!!”


“Ahhh!” Storm screamed out, closing her eyes, but no flush came. She slowly squinted out, only to see that Sunscribe wasn’t holding the chain anymore, rather just laughing at the sight of the scared changeline squirming and shaking in her toilet.

“Don’t worry, little bug - I’m not going to flush you again. Not yet, at least~” Her magic surrounded the Changeling; she lifted Storm out of the toilet and wrapped her in a towel, drying her off. She’d cast another spell along with the one that gave her control over Storm's transformations - at that same moment, she’d made it so the bug could breathe underwater. It didn’t guarantee she’d survive - the shock of being flushed or being banged around the pipes could still do it - but it gave her a chance. She was honestly happy to have the little bug back - she quite liked the idea of having an adorable pet like her.

“Mrrmmrmrmmfff!” The bug squacked as she was dried off, eventually released from the towel. “T-thank you,” she said, clearly exhausted. “I-I though that was the end…”

“Well, it almost was. You’re lucky I decided I like you so much~” She floated the little bug over to her room. “It’s a good thing you decided to come back up the same way you went down. The moment I gave you the ability to breathe underwater, I decided that if you survived, and you didn’t choose to come back to me, I was going to have to go hunt you down and flush you again, making sure it was permanent that time~” She laughed, lighthearted, though Storm found her words terrifying… and hot.

“Haha… W-well, I can’t transform back to my normal self while you have control, so I didn’t have that much choice… and honestly, I was kind of hoping, maybe I could actually be your pet?” She blushed and looked away; Sunscribe sat her on the desk. “I, um, you just make me feel so hot and flustered… a-and being flushed by you, so mercilessly… it was so amazing. I-I’d love to be your little toy, m-maybe more permanently… even if you decide to permanently flush me one day.” She bit her lip and looked to the pony, hoping she’d accept - she wasn’t sure if she could ever go back to her normal life after this experience. She also had a feeling there was a good chance she could be put right back down the drain at a moment’s notice.

“I’ll happily take you as my pet~” She rubbed the little bug’s head, petting her. “You’re really cute when you’re flustered and scared. I already have lots of ideas for all the things I could do to you~ And I’m a smut writer - having a changeling as a toy would be very helpful for my research~” She narrowed her eyes, still smiling. “But I’m going to be using you pretty hard, almost every single night, for hours and hours~ Are you ready for that~?”

Storm Drain didn’t hesitate. “Yes, mistress!!” She happily responded, practically jumping for joy.

“Good. And I imagine you’ll find yourself down my toilet many more times… but just remember to swim back up, ok~?”

“I will, don’t worry!!”

“Good! Then, in that case…” Sunscribe grabbed Storm by the wings, using her teeth, once again, and immediately walked towards the toilet. The bug was filled with dread as she dangled above the water; the pony released her grip and watched her fall down. “I was about to read a book, and I don’t want to deal with any pests right now… so bye-bye~”


Sunscribe didn’t even watch as the toilet swirled her little pet away; she just walked right back to her book, opening it again, giggling to herself over her own mercilessness. This was going to be a fun time.