Twilight's old doll. (Progress: Chapter 4)

by DizzyPaws356

First published

Twilight found her old rag doll. What she expected was something horrifying

Twilight Sparkle just finished a good book about ancient spells. When she finished she decided to check her basement for any old books she has not read in a long time. Her and Spike head downstairs to see what they can find. When Twilight Sparkle comes across a box shoved in the back, she walks over to it and check it out. Inside lies her old pony doll. Twilight remembers all the old fun she use to have with it. Spike asked why not keep it on her bed or something. Twilight replied telling spike that she is to old for it and placed it back into the box. Unknown to Twilight, the doll was not done with her.

Please enjoy the story for the idea not for the grammar.

Twilight's Old Doll

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Made by: DizzyPaws356

Twilight's Old Doll

Twilight Sparkle closes the book she has been reading for the past week, "Okay Spike I am all done with this book." she said with her head held high. Spike walks over and picks up the book, "It look you long enough." he said rolling his eyes. Twilight smiles, "Well it was so good I had to re-read it." she replies as she looks at the book shelf behind her, "I feel like re-reading something that I haven't read in a long time." she continues as she looks over the book shelf. Spike is putting the book where it belongs and he looks over at her, "Well we can check the basement, very likely some of those books have been there scene we moved in." he says to Twilight as he walks next to her, "That's not a bad idea Spike." she replies to him as they head down the stairs to the basement. Twilight and Spike search the basement for a box of books. After some time of searching Twilight comes across a box that is half open with her old ragged doll hanging half out of the box.

Spike looks over at her as she picks up the doll with her magic, "Hey Twilight what is that old ragged thing?" he asks as he walks over to her. In Twilight's hooves is a rag doll. It's mane and tail is messed up frayed strings, the coat was patchy and a bit rough, one of her button eyes is hardly hanging on by a string. Twilight mind fills with all of the fun they use to have. The books they read, writing stories together and the nights spent with each other. She just looks at the old rag doll that has been in the box for years. Spike looks at her, "Hey Twilight why did you put your doll in the box and leave it anyways?" he asked as she holds the ragged doll in her hooves close to her, "Well it was when I started to study magic. I didn't have much time for her and when we moved into this library I guess she ended up back here." she replies to Spike as she places the doll back into the box, "I would love to keep playing with her, but we have a lot of studying to do." she adds as she closes the box and pushes it back into the pile of boxes.

Twilight and Spike walks back the upstairs, continue to search for a book to read. After a good hour Twilight picked out a book. Starting to get dark, Spike starts to walk upstairs, "Well Twilight i'm going bed." he tells her with a yawn before getting out of sight, Twilight replies, "Okay. Good night Spike.", After an hour of reading the book she picked out, she hears a sound outside as if somepony is walking around her house. Twilight picks up her head to peek out the window, but does not see anypony out there. Then she hears steps, as if it was walking to the front door. She gets up and heads over to door, opening the top part of the door, "Hello? Anypony out here?" she asked, but no reply. She uses her horn to light the area up a little better. Even with the light of the horn still no pony was seen in the area. She closes the door slowly and walks back to her desk.

As Twilight makes it to the book she remembers that it is vary late, "Well I guess I should get some sleep so I can wake up early tomorrow to read." she tells her self as she places the quill into the book to keep track of where she is. Twilight walks up the stairs to her bed. Resting her head on the soft fluffy pillow she pulls the blanket over her with levitation magic and she slowly falls asleep.

When the sun rises and shines into Twilight's room, filling it up with light, she starts to wake. As she rubs her eyes with her hooves, to help wake her up, she hears spike downstairs walking around. Standing up to brush her hair and make her bed. When she finished she heads down the stairs, "Good morning Spike." she looks at him with a smile, "Morning Twilight. I got up early and wanted to start cleaning." he replies as he picks up a few book that where sitting out from resorting them and some scrap papers with empty quills, "Do we need more quills?" Spike ask as he throws away the trash. Twilight Sparkle looks around her supply desk, "I think so." she replies as she keeps looking though it, "You can go and pick them up later." asking as she walks to her book she left on the desk last night.

When Twilight makes it to the desk she sees that her book is gone, "Spike did you pick the book up that I was reading?" she asked looking for it, "No. Did you misplace it?" he replies as Twilight looks around. She moves everything around on the desk, "Spike, I don't misplace my books." she tells Spike still looking. Spike looks at her, "Then why do we have books all around the place..." he asked as she looks back at him with a glare, "I just can't find it." she replies to him as she keep looking. She looks behind the desk and finds it, "How did it get down here?" she asked herself as she picks up the book. Twilight places the book back on the desk and flips the pages to get to where she stopped on last night.

#When it gets around noon Spike walks past Twilight, "I'm going to go pick up our order of quills and scrolls." he tells her walking out the door. Being deep into her book Twilight just nods and keep reading. After an hour and half she starts to hear hoof steps from upstairs, "Spike?" she asked turning her head to the stairs. The sound of hoof steps stopped. Twilight turns around and walks to the stairs slowly, "Spike?" she asked again steadily walking up the stairs not knowing that Spike left. Step by step, she makes her way to the empty room upstairs. Looking around the room and not seeing anything she starts to walk around the room to see if anything has been moved.

After a few minuets of looking around the room nothing seemed to be moved. She walks back down the stairs. When she looks around the downstairs, the front door opens up. Twilight sees Spike walking with the new supply of scrolls and quills, "Did you just get home?" she asked with her head tilted. Spike looks at Twilight, "Yea? Why did you need something?" he asked as he places the scrolls and quills on the table. Twilight rubs her hoof on her chin, "I think i'm going crazy..." she replies as she walks to the desk where her book was waiting for her, sitting down and starting to read again. When the day slides past Twilight the darkness of night slowly sneaks up on her and fill the room. Her horn glow lightly and light the candle sitting on the edge of the desk.

Spike tells Twilight that he is going to bed and walks back up the stairs. When an hours past by she hears the hoof steps again. She looks over at basement door where the sound is coming from, "Hello?.." she says slowly closes her book. Slowly, step by step, she walks to the door as she is still hears the sound from under her. Twilight opens the door with a creek. Gently steps on each step on the stairs. The closer she got to the bottom the farther the sound went. When she made it to the bottom she use a illumination spell to light the room enough to see, " Is any pony down here?" she asked looking left to right, but no pony was seen or replied. slowly checking the basement step by step, she made a compete circle around the basement, she ended up finding nothing.

She turned around to the stairs, but stopped by seeing a gray patchy coat with a few spots missing. It's dark brown mane was messy and party tangled. One of the ponies eyes where purple and the other was blue. It looked like it was living in the darkness for a couple of years. Twilight backs up some at first sight, "H... Hello?" she said still looking at this messy pony. It walks slowly to her, "... Twilight..." it said in a low strange tone. Twilight backs up down the steps till her flank hit a box behind her, "Who are you?" she asked hoping it would stop walking to her. It stopped just about two feet form her, "... I've missed you... Don't you remember Twi... Don't you remember me Twilight?" it asked more as it straighten up. Twilight filled with fear of what mite happen. It slowly walks to her after a minuet of no reply, "I was your best friend Twilight..." it says as it sits down just out of hoofs reach.

For a minuet Twilight sat quiet looking over the ragged pony, "Are you my doll from when I was little?..." she asked with a shaky voice. It just nodded with a smile, "You do remember me..." its said lunge forward to give Twilight a hug. The feeling of the ragged coat and messy mane made Twilight have short flash backs of when she was little and having fun with the doll. Twilight was sad that she let her doll alone when she was young. She slowly held the pony back, "I'm sorry I let go when I was young... But I needed to because I needed to study and I had no time to play..." she adds letting go of the pony. It lets go and backs up, "But we are best friends... Remember?" it asked as It tilted its head to the side. Twilight looked down, "Well I grew up and I have a lot of work to do... I'm sorry." she replies to the doll as she slowly tries to walks past it.

When she makes it to the first step the pony remains where it is sitting, "Well... Good night..." she told the pony as she makes her way up the stairs. She takes the last step to make it upstairs. Twilight looks over her shoulder to see the pony sitting in the darkness. Once she turns her head back to the room she hears, "Twilight..." as its standing right in front of her. Thrown off guard, thinking it was still in the basement sitting in the dark, she almost fell back down the stairs, "Hum... Yes?" she replies looking at its ragged coat and tangle mane, "Can I sleep beside you for one last night? I'll never bother you again..." it asked as it looks at Twilight's eyes. Taking a moment to think, "I don't see why not..." she replies. The pony giving a creepy smile, "Thank you Twilight..." it tells her as they head upstairs. Twilight moves the blanket and crawls in bed as the pony crawls in after. She tries to fall asleep with this strange pony with her. The feel of the rag like coat and the messy string like mane made it a little hard to sleep with, but the old sensation bough back so many good memories. Before Twilight knew it, she was fast asleep.

The next morning Rainbowdash knocks on the door, "Twilight! Are you home? I want to borrow the new Daring Doo book again if you don't mind." she yells as she knocks on the door more. Only able to wait a few minuets, she opens the door, "Twilight? Hello?" she ask looking though the place. It was dimly lit from the shades being down, "Hey Twilight you home?" she keeps asking as she looks around one more time before walking in. Rainbowdash makes her way up to Twilight's bed room, "Hey Twilight..." she stops in mid-sentence from what she is seeing. Twilight's face is pale with dry blood around her mouth. Some of it got on the blanket and sheets of her bed. As Rainbowdash slowly walks closer she sees the doll with its hooves lightly stained with blood leaning on her. Rainbowdash is shocked in fear. When she turns around to go tell some pony, but she stops to see the ragged pony with the messy mane between her and the door, "Don't leave Rainbowdash..." it said with a deep toned voice.

Twilight's Old Doll: Meeting Rainbowdash.

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Twilight's Old Doll: Meeting Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash standing still looking at the ragged pony between her and the door, "Who are you?..." she asked backing up. The pony slowly walks to her, "I'm Twilight's best friend..." it tells Rainbow Dash with a creepy smile and slowly following her. Rainbow Dash lifts herself off the ground and quickly flies though the window, the shattered glass falls on the ground below. The gray ragged pony makes her way to Twilight's motionlessness body, "Don't go anywhere... I'll return with another friend for us to play with..." it tells Twilight's body as it leans down and gives her a kiss on the forehead of the pale face.

Rainbow Dash speeds though the morning sky leaving a streak of a multicolored steam that slowly faded away. When she makes it to a good distance away from Twilight's house, she hides in a cloud. As she looks around the area to see if it followed her. She does not see the pony in sight. Sitting on the cloud she felt a sharp pain on her hind leg. She quickly jumps to her hooves, "Ouch!" she yells out as she looks back. One of the shards from the window made its way into Rainbow Dashes left hind leg just below her cutie mark. There was a stream of blood sliding down her cyan coat.

She attempts to pull the shatter glass out her leg. When she was able to pull some of the glass out, the shards are dripping in blood. She let go of the shard to watch the plate of glass fall to the ground below. The feel of blood leaking out of her hind leg worried her. Quickly thinking she flies to Fluttershy's hut and knock on the door loudly, "Fluttershy!" she yells out loud having a strange feeling as if somepony was behind her. Not wanting to look behind her, she opens the door and run in. As she closes and locks the door behind her, Fluttershy walks down from her bedroom, "What are you doing here so early Rainbow?" she asked rubbing her eyes from just waking up. When Fluttershy finished rubbing her eyes with her hooves, she sees the sheet of blood covering Rainbow Dashes hid leg, "What happen Rainbow?" she asked running over to her.

Rainbow Dash looks over to Fluttershy, but feeling light headed from lost of blood from the shatter glass she tires to tell her what happen, "I... I went... I went to Twili..." she falls to the floor before finishing. Fluttershy quickly picks up Rainbow Dash and yells to Angle to grab the First-Aid kit. After a few minuets of wrapping Rainbow Dash's bloody wound, she rest her on the couch. Fluttershy hears a knock at the door, "Coming." Fluttershy replies as she makes place a warm towel over the wound. Clip, clop, she walks over to the door and opens it, "Hello?..." she asked in her shy voice. Seeing that no pony is at the door so she closes the door and turns around, to her supersize, Rainbow Dash was missing.

Fluttershy ran over the couch where Rainbow Dash was resting, but the first thing was seen was a peace of sting resting on the pillow. She picks it up with her hoof and looks at it, but has no clue what it is. After looking at the string for a few moments she looks around the room seeing one of the windows open. Looking outside, she finds more of the same type of string leading in a path that looks like it leads into Ponyvile.

Some time later, Rainbow Dash wakes up. As she open her eyes the room is vary blurry. She sits up slowly feeling the pain of the wound sliding against the floor. Shaking her head to help wake her up she hears a sound of brushing. When she opens her eyes again she sees the ragged pony sitting on the bed with Twilight lying down on the bed, but her head was in the lap of the strange pony. It was brushing Twilight's mane gently and slowly, but sound rang loud into the ear drums of Rainbow Dash. With each stroke it got louder and louder soon making Rainbow Dash holding her hooves to her hears to stop it, "Whats wrong Rainbow Dash?... Do you not like the sound of brushing Twilight's mane?" she asked as she stopped the bush half way though the purple hair. Rainbow Dash looked up. The pony was looking at her with a tilted head, "What do you want..." Rainbow Dash asked in a shaky voice as she tries to stand. Her legs wobble violently as if they where telling her to stay on the floor.

"I just want meet all of Twilight's friends..." it replies slowly letting go of the brush and resting Twilight back on the pillow. Rainbow Dash knew she is to weak from blood lost to fly away, "She told me a lot about you... Your fast... Your loyal... And you love to do tricks..." it said in a strange tone. Rainbow Dash tries to stumble to the door, but before getting in hoof reach, the door slams shut. The sound of the sudden slam stuck her ears like a thunder clap. She grabbed her ears from the pain of the ring and fall to the floor. The ragged pony walks over to her, "Why do you want to go Rainbow Dash... We haven't played yet..." it ask when it just stand above the colorful tail. The shadow of the pony towered around her hiding her from the little light that dimly lit the room, "Let's play Rainbow Dash..." it said as it slowly pulls on the tail of Rainbow Dash leading her to the bed where the remains of Twilight rest watching.

Rainbow Dashes heart beats heavy onto her ribs. The gray pony pulls her up on the bed Rainbow dash looks into the blue and purple eyes of the ragged patched pony looking down at her with a creepy smile, "What do you want to play first?..." it asked as she starts to burst Twilight's tail. The ring returned to Rainbow Dashes ears, but this time not as loud. After a few momnets of hearing the sound of the brush running though Twilight's tail, "Your mane looks messy... I'll fix it..." it tells Rainbow Dash as she slowly feels the brush slowly glide though her multicolored tail. The feel of the brush gave her a strange feeling. It made her feel good by how genital glide though her unmade mane, but also a fear of not knowing that the ponies next move would be.

Rainbow Dash tries her best to take a glimpse of Twilight. Her face was still pale. The blood still outlined the rim of her mouth. Rainbow Dash looks up to the hooves of the pony gently gliding the brush though her mane now. They where lightly stained with blood like the rag doll that was leaning on Twilight early this morning. Rainbow Dashes mind and heart sink in fear. Looking up into the eyes of the pony that is brushing her hair, "... Wha... What happen to Twilight..." she asked in a scared and shaky voice. The pony smiles and looks over at the pail faced mare, "Well... I didn't want her leave me... And now we can sleep with each other every night..." it replies to her as she looks over at Twilight. It smiles and runs its hoof though her mane, "Now we are friends forever and we will never separate..." it says as she continues. Rainbow Dash looks at it, "Why am I in this..." she asked with a scared tone.

It looks back to Rainbow Dash the creepiest smile she has seen form it, "Well Twilight told me how much of an amazing friend you are... So why not let you join us...." it added as it starts to stand up and looks out the window, "I think it's a good time to read a book..." it tells Rainbow Dash as it starts to head downstairs. After a few moments Rainbow Dash shaking as she stands, her legs about to give out, Rainbow Dash made her way to the window she broke though. Looking down from the height of the window an the lack of blood made her think that it was miles over the ground that is threaded with a thin glass here and there. As she hears the sound of the ragged pony walking up the stairs she throws herself out of the window. The fall that felt like forever, was only a few moments, the wind flow though her colorful mane and tail as gravity pulled her closer to the ground.

When the cyan body finally lands, she is in a patch of bushes lining the rim of the house. When she opens her eyes, she sees that she has made it outside. Her cut on her leg starts to bleed some from being scratched by a few branches of the bush. She slowly crawls out of the bush and attempt to stand. When she tilted her head up the pony was standing face to face of her. She set out a loud scream before falling silent.

Fluttershy being down the street of the sound, she hears Rainbow Dash's screaming as she is following the strange sting leading her the same way. Hearing the sound of Rainbow Dashes scream, she runs to it as fast as she can. When she makes it to Twilight's house, nothing seems to be wrong, other then the door being partly open with a dim light glowing though the crack was strange. She slowly walks to the door thinking Twilight was to busy reading to see the door wasn't closed. Making her way to the door, "... Hum... Twilight your light is on... And your door is open..." she said as she slowly opens the door. As Fluttershy opens the door the light quickly moves up into the bedroom.

Twilight's Old Doll: Meeting Fluttershy.

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Twilight's Old Doll: Meeting Fluttershy.

Fluttershy watches the light rush to the bedroom, "... Hum Twilight are you still up?" she asked in a vary timed voice. A shadow of a pony appears upstairs in the light before it goes out making the house dark. Fluttershy screams and runs back to her house. Shutting the door and runs up to her room. She hides under the blanket, but after sometime she falls asleep. When she wakes up after a good dream of her and Angle help feeding the other animals, forgetting what happen that morning.

Fluttershy gets up out of bed and walks to the kitchen, "Wake up my little friends. Its time to eat." she tells all the animals that start to walk out of their little homes inside Fluttershy's cottage. She pulls out a box of food and start to fill each bowl one by one as all the animals start to eat. "Angle time to eat." she said getting a bowl of carrots. After waiting a minuet she looks around not seeing Angle. By now he should have been next to her eating. "Angle? Where are you?" she asked looking around the room, "... Maybe he went out for a morning walk..." she told herself as she put the food away.

When Fluttershy finishes feeding all the animals at her cottage she looks at the calendar, "O dear. I need to get over to Rarity's place and pick up Opalescence." she says as she quickly makes her way to Rarity's house. She knocks on the door, "Rarity i'm here." she said opening the door. Fabrics are flying though the air as thread weaves in and out of some cloths sitting on the poniekins. Fluttershy watched Rarity as she creates a few new dresses, "I'm sorry darling, but just give me one moment. I'm in the swing of things." she tells Fluttershy as her horn glows as the cloths and fabrics get tied together in an assortments of lovely pasterns and designs.

As Rarity finished up all the dresses, Opalescence walks out from the other room with a little coat on. Fluttershy flies to her and picks her up, "Hello there Opel. How are you feeling today?" she asked finding a string sticking out from the coats pocket. The string matched the string she found before Rainbow dashes scream. Fluttershy just pets Opalescence, "Hum... Rarity? Have you seen Twilight Sparkle or RainbowDash at all today?" she asked in a scared voice. Rarity places the new dresses on the rack with the others, "I haven't seen her in about a week. She came in with a little tare in one of her dresses. She was trying to write something down quickly and her quill got her dress. I fixed it up as fast as I could for her. Why is something wrong?" Rarity asked looking over to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy just looks at the string she found in Opel's coat. Rarity walks over to Fluttershy, "Well darling? Is something wrong with Twilight?" she asked looking worried. Fluttershy pets Opel as remembering what happen this morning, "Well yesterday Rainbowdash came in here with a cut on her flank. It was pretty deep to. When I finished wrapping her up somepony knocked at the door... But nopony was outside. When I turned back Rainbowdash was gone. There was a strange trail of strings leading to Twilight's house. When I got close I heard Rainbowdash scream. The door was open and the light was on. I asked if Twilight was still up, but she didn't reply. I wanted to check to see what was going on so I went inside." she stopped shaking lightly from remembering the figure that showed in the bed room. She knew there was no way for it to be Twilight or Rainbowdash.

Rarity walks over to Fluttershy, "Who was it darling?" she asked looking at her. Fluttershy tries to think of who it could be, "I don't know. I haven't seen anypony like it." she said placing Opel on the floor, "I am sure it was just a bad dream, but are you okay enough to cut Opel's hair? I should be getting a big order soon. The park in Canterlot is turning 100 in a week and a lot of ponies are going to be there." Rarity tells Fluttershy, "I should be okay. I do love helping animals so it should help me get my mind off of last night." she replied. Rarity smiles and gives Fluttershy a hug, "Thank you so much. I would do it myself, but you know how much she hates me trying to cut her hair." Rarity tells Fluttershy as she makes her way back to the dresses she has been working on.

Fluttershy takes Opel to her house and starts to cut her hair. As Fluttershy makes Opals hair look better by getting rid of the knots and a few longer strands that seem to grow faster then some parts then others. When Fluttershy finishes cutting Opals hair she picks her up and places her in a basket. As Fluttershy makes her way to Rarity house she remembers that she hasn't seen Angle all day, 'Where could Angle be? I haven't seen him all day.. I hope he's okay...' she tells herself when making it to the door, ' I should also check up on Twilight to make sure she is okay as well.' Fluttershy adds in her head. Opal just jumps out of the basket and walks into the boutique. Fluttershy mind tries to wrap around what could have happen to Rainbow Dash and Twilight. She turns around to see Twilight's house on the corner.

Fluttershy takes a minuet to think if she should or shouldn't go check out the house. After some time of thinking of it, she slowly walks over to the house. When she makes it to the front door she knocks slowly, "Hello... Twilight?.." she asked in her shy voice, but no reply. Slowly she walks into the dark house. Looking left to right in the house nothing to be seen. A light catches her eye that gleam from the small study room near the back. Fluttershy makes her way to the light. When she makes it she slowly peeking into the room seeing Twilight facing the window, "Twilight are you okay?" she asked slowly stepping in, making her way till she is just out of hooves reach.

When Fluttershy places her hoof into the purple shoulder of Twilights. The Purple body fell over facing up showing the pale face with the blood covering the mouth. Before Fluttershy can scream the feeling of something hits her on the back of her head. She Watches Twilights face as her eyes slowly shut more and more between every blink. Before finally closing, she sees a hoof standing next to Twilight.

As Fluttershy's eyes slowly open after some time has passed. Everything starts off being a blur as she try to focus. When her sight comes to, she sees Twilight and Rainbowdash sitting at a table with a teacup in front of both of them and a tea kettle in the middle of the table. Fluttershy tries to take in what she is seeing. Twilight's pale face with blood covering her lips and Rainbowdashes neck dripping blood from right under her jaw, Fluttershy is frozen in fear of seeing what has happens to her friends. She hears somepony slowly walk from behind her to her side, "Aren't they so pretty..." the ragged pony asked looking at the two dead bodies. Fluttershy didn't know what to say so she just nods slowly. The ragged pony smiles and slowly runs her hoof though Fluttershys soft straight hair.

Fluttershys heart races around her ribs. The raged pony walks to Twilight grabbing the tea kettle. It slowly fills her tea cup, "If your wondering what happen to them, i'll tell you..." it said finishing the cup. As the pony makes it way over to Rainbow Dash, "... Twilight let me spend the night with her one more time before I had to go, but she made her mind up and never wants to let me leave now..." it said when finish filling the cup in front of Rainbow Dash, "... I asked Dashie if she wanted to join us as well, but she ran... I had to go and get her and she found out she really likes to spend time with us... So she wanted to stay after I asked her again and she said yes..." it added smiling as walks over to Fluttershy's side.

Looking back and forth between the two friends that has falling pray to this pony. She thinks of what she has to do to get out or to at lease survive. The pony runs her hoof though Fluttershys mane once again, "... Your mane is so soft... Can I braid it?.." it asked slowly getting the mane ready to get braided. Fluttershy just nods. Slowly the ragged pony starts to braid Fluttershys pink mane. Once finishing, it smiles, "... It looks so pretty..." it said in a creepy voice. Fluttershy slowly looks at the pony. The mane was ragged, the coat was missing patches and the eyes, one blue and one purple. but looked as if they where life less.

"... Would you like some tea?... I know how much you love to drink tea with your animal friends... I made the tea my self..." the ragged pony said as reaches for the kettle,"Hum... No thank you.. I had some before I came..." Fluttershy tells the pony as it looks at her, "... Please... It"s vary good. Twilight and I use to make it when we where just little filly's..." it told Fluttershy with a little bit of a depress face, "I guess I could have a slip..." Fluttershy replies to the ragged pony. It smiles and pours the tea into Fluttershys cup. She watches the liquid slowly slide out of the kettle and into the small cup, some of the steam dances out of the top of the cup to show it is still warm.

The pony finishes pouring the tea into the cup, "... Their is more if you want some more..." it tells Fluttershy as she picks up the tea. The steam slides into Fluttershy's nose giving her the aroma of a soft tea. The smell of the hot tea was
oddly great. It's easy to tell that the tea was well made. Fluttershy picks up the cup, sips the tea and places the cup down, "That was vary good..." she tells the pony, "Would you like some more?.." it asked holding the kettle. Fluttershys vision slowly starts to blur out again. As her vision starts to get fizzy, her legs go numb and she falls off the chair and on to the floor. Her vision and her mind slowly slip away as she falls into the darkness.