Butterfly's Story

by RainbowFucktory

First published

Flutterhy's daughter's story, and how she was abandoned by her mother at a young age.

Having been born with her father's chaos magic, ponies around her feared that she would not be able to control it once she got older and turn evil. After Fluttershy and Discord divorce, things only get worse for Butterfly as she's given up to a foster care. As she gets older, she finds her mother once again, and things take a turn for the worst.

Blissful Butterfly

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Fluttershy held the warm bundle in her hooves, stroking the babies mane gently as her husband Discord leaned over the hospital bed and smiled. "She looks so much like you Fluttershy." he whispered. "Honestly, I was expecting her to be a horrific combination of both of our species!" he chuckled. This made the yellow foal in Fluttershy's arms start to cry. Fluttershy was quick to scold him for being loud. "Discord! you made her cry!"

He laughed and wrapped his spiny red tail around her and the baby. "You know I'm just joking. We need to give her a name, any ideas?" Fluttershy thought for a bit, looking down at the yellowy pink pony and cradling her. "Well, you did say she looked a lot like me. I think we should name her after something like Fluttershy. It would be cute."

Discord looked around the room. He had no idea what that could've been! he was never one for coming up with good names. "Uhhh.." he stammered before both of his eyes met Fluttershy's flank. On it where three pink butterflies, and Butterfly did rhyme with Fluttershy, he thought it was good enough. "That's it! Butterfly! we can name her that." he suggested. Fluttershy returned a warm smile. "Butterfly is a beautiful name for her. Haha, Butterfly and Fluttershy, it's perfect! thank you Discord." Fluttershy beamed before nuzzling him.

"Anything for you, love." Discord sighed. He was still stressed out from having to watch Fluttershy give birth, and was relieved it had all gone to plan. Just then, Nurse Redheart pushed passed the curtains and rushed into the hospital room to check up on the baby. "The results came back positive, she is perfectly healthy, Fluttershy. You did a good job. Did you pick out a name for her so I can sign the birth certificate?" she asked.

Fluttershy looked at her and nodded. "Yes actually, we decided to name her Butterfly. Butterfly Shy." Nurse Redheart grinned. "Lovely." she said, before scribbling down the credentials. "You and the baby should be out of the hospital by tonight. Do you have everything set up for her at home already?"

"Well, of course!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "We got her crib and her room painted a nice light purple, Discord even bought her some stuffed animals earlier today for the occasion."

"Then i'd say you have nothing to worry about." Redheart responded and left the room to discharge Fluttershy from the facility. Discord and Fluttershy exchanged a loving glance at eachother. "Oh Discord, this has been the happiest day I've ever had. I can't believe we now have a daughter! this is so exciting, isn't it?"

Discord looked down at the foal as it opened it's deep blue eyes. It looked almost identical to it's mother, besides the tufts of mane sticking out of her head baring a more hot pink. Out of her back sprouted two tiny wings, as delicate as Fluttershys were. Discord's face fell as he turned to his wife. "Well to be honest Fluttershy, I kind of wish it was a boy instead. Actually no, scratch that, I wish it looked exactly like me so I could feel more attached to it."

"WHAT! GRR DISCORD YOU'RE SUCH A LITTLE-" Fluttershy stopped herself when she realized she had woken up the foal. It stared back at her in confusion, eyes bright and wide. Fluttershy huffed in frustration. "You know what. I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that."

As the years passed by young Butterfly grew up into a happy foal. She was now five years old and was adored by both her parents greatly. Despite being more like her mother, Butterfly felt closer to her father Discord. She didn't really know why, maybe it was a telepathic thing the two shared with each other. Fluttershy taught her almost everything about animals and gardening, which became Butterfly's two greatest passions in life. Usually she would help her out by planting new seedlings into the dirt or by nursing little critters back to health. Her favorite animal were bunnies. Baby bunnies.

"Hey Butterfly, want to know how to do something cool?" Discord asked as the two made their way into Fluttershy's backyard. "Oh yes I do!" Butterfly giggled and chased him. She latched onto his tail and Discord tried to shake her off, it was a common game they'd play while Fluttershy stirred tea in the kitchen. "Alright, Alright. But you have to get this right or you could hurt yourself, ok?" he said, setting the young filly down and whirling his hands to create a dark ball full of chaos magic.
"Move your hooves around like this. That's right, maybe a little more, perfect. This my friend, is how you create a ball of chaos. See?" he demonstrated. The black energy levitated higher into the hair as Butterfly watched with dilated pupils. "Woah.." she breathed, not able to take her eyes off the anomaly. "Daddy, that's so cool! I wanna try!"

"Standing on her two backlegs, similar to her father had she waved her hooves around, creating a tiny pink smoke cloud. "Look, I'm doing it!" she laughed in amazement. Eyes twinkling with wonder. As Fluttershy blew the steam from the teacup, she caught the silhouettes of both her husband and daughter playing together outside. "I wonder what he's doing with her.." Fluttershy whispered, edging closer toward the window.

"Oh sweet Celestia he's not!" Fluttershy gasped in alarm as she caught sight of Discord and Butterfly playing around with chaos magic together. How could he be so inconsiderate? chaos magic was extremely dangerous, and Fluttershy told him to keep Butterfly's powers a secret. If anypony found out she had them they could be banished from Ponyville for life! throwing the teacup back onto the table, not caring if it spilled or not she raced out the door and called out to them.

"Discord, Butterfly! what do you two think you're doing? Discord I thought I warned you about this. Butterfly is too young to do magic yet! you know how dangerous that is? not only for her but other ponies around her? if she can't control it properly we could get in a lot of trouble!"

"Why do you think I'm trying to teach her?" Discord growled. "If she doesn't learn at a young age she will never know how to contain it. Mind you she's not just your daughter, she's also mine. I can do and teach her what I please."

"It's not right!" Fluttershy protested. Butterfly felt bad now, and hit behind Discord's leg. She never liked it when her mom and dad argued, no matter what it was. "I-I'm sorry mommy..." she whimpered. Discord took a step closer to his wife which made Butterfly fall to the ground. "You know what's going to happen if I don't teach her in time?" he threatened. "She'll be a freak like me, and she will turn evil and use those powers for bad! what do you not understand?"

"How dare you say that about my Butterfly! she's a normal pony like everybody else!" Fluttershy shot back, running over toward the filly and scooping her close with her wing. "Just go away Discord, you're making her upset!"

"I am?" he scoffed. "Sorry. Weren't you the one who came out here and trashed our fun?" fluttershy gave him the stare and he stomped away mad, fed up with her for the day. "I'm sorry Butterfly. It's not you it's just- your father has been mean lately. He thinks you need to learn this magic of his so you're more like him or you'll turn evil."

Butterfly pushed away from her in surprise. "W-What!? so if I don't learn all daddy's magic I will be evil?" Fluttershy straightened herself up. "No! he's lying and you know it. Your not a monster, your my beautiful daughter who I love very much. You know what. I'm going to divorce him so it'll just be us."

"What's divorce mean?" Butterfly asked as Fluttershy sat up. Fluttershy lowered her head in shame. "You'll find out soon. It just means breaking up with your special somepony for a while because of family problems."

"But married ponies can't break up! only coltfriends and marefriends can!" Butterfly gasped in horror. She didn't want daddy and mommy to split up! she loved them both! would she have to choose? she really hoped not.

"It's an adult issue Butterfly. Go to your room and play while I get the papers figured out. You don't need to worry about it." trotting away and leaving her daughter all alone, Fluttershy re-entered the cottage and trailed upstairs.


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"I'm divorcing you and kicking you out of the house for good Discord!" Fluttershy shouted, squaring up to him despite him always being taller. "I knew I shouldn't have married Satan's brother!" Discord didn't care though. "Oh yeah? well have fun dealing with Butterfly all by yourself, I will come back and I will make her evil just like me!" he growled as Fluttershy pushed him out the door.
"Threats, threats, threats, that's all you ever say to me. Never step a foot or claw on my property again or I'll call Celestia to deal with you!" she said as the draconequus flew off without another word. Butterfly had been sitting on the couch in the livingroom crying her eyes out. "Mommy, I don't want daddy to leave forever! I love him! he has to stay with us or I won't have a dad anymore!"

Fluttershy breathed heavily before slamming the door shut and tearing off all photos of her and Discord hung up on the wall and discarded them into the trash. "Forget him Butterfly, he was hurting us. It's better off this way." she couldn't help but sniffle, she really wanted her and Discord's relationship to work out. But of course her friends had been right all along in the end, marrying another species was always a bad omen. It was the very reason Rarity kept turning down Spike and why he killed himself afterward.

"Mommy I think I did something!" Butterfly gasped as she levitated the couch off of the ground. Fluttershy whipped her head around to see a glowing pink aura surrounding the two. "Oh my gosh stop that!" Fluttershy gasped and ran up to Butterfly to pull her down. In an instant the pink aura vanished and the couch fell. "What was that? what did you just do?" her mother demanded.

"I-I don't know. I was sitting here crying and then all the sudden before I knew it the couch started floating. Hey, do you think if I can find a way to make myself float in the air I won't ever have to learn how to fly?" she asked innocently. Fluttershy got angry. "This is your chaos magic stuff again! no, don't ever use it again in this house you hear me?"

"But-but it's just fun mommy! I promise i'd never hurt anypony with it!" she begged. Fluttershy turned her tail on her and snatched her telephone to tell her friends about the news and why they have to be careful of her ex-husband now. "Too bad, I don't want to see anymore of that. You don't understand Butterfly, I could have you taken away from me and you could be locked away in the Canterlot Dungeons if anybody finds out about this." she ranted, dialing the phone numbers of all her friends.

"It's just not fair.." Butterfly sighed and watched as her own hooves slowly stopped glowing pink. "I liked using my powers..but daddy made it so mommy thinks I'm evil. Now I probably wont even be allowed to touch animals anymore! grr, I wish I was just normal like everypony else!" she cried and hid under her bed sobbing. "Why did I have to be born different from the other fillies?"

"I just don't know what to do with her Rainbow! Discord has taught her too much. I don't think it's a good idea to send her to school yet until we get these powers figured out." Fluttershy explained on the phone. Rainbow Dash had offered to come over, feeling bad for having such a personal conversation on Cloudsdale's phoneline in public. "Hey, what about this Shy, I come over to your cottage and take a look at Butterfly herself? I mean, she can't be that far gone."

"It's not that Rainbow.." Fluttershy teared up. "Discord threatened to hunt us down and steal her away from me..he said he'd turn her evil once he got the chance. What if he tries to kidnap her? he knows where I live now, he could be camping out in Everfree waiting for the time to strike for all I know!"

"Alright, alright!" Rainbow yelled. "I'll come over and stay at your house for the night. Nobody is going to steal my bestfriend's daughter. Ill see you around 1:00 PM, okay?"

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded, slowly setting the phone back down.

"I'm here Fluttershy!" Dash called out, shutting the door from behind her. Butterfly, hearing her aunt Rainbow's voice perked up with excitement. "Mommy, you never said she was coming!" Butterfly exclaimed. Fluttershy stroked her mane, which was the same manestyle Scootaloo had. It had been Rainbow's idea to style it that way, and Butterfly ended up loving it so much she kept it. "Yes, she is. We're going to have a talk downstairs so I need you to dry your tears."

"Ok, I will!" Butterfly agreed and grabbed a tissue box. "Can we play after?" She asked. "I really wanna show Rainbow Dash-"
"That you can float in the air and turn the vases in my house upside down?" Fluttershy frowned. Butterfly nodded but her mother shook her head. "Maybe another time. Rainbow can only be here for so long."

"Fine." Butterfly sighed and followed her mother downstairs. "Oh hey, what took so long?" Dash asked, plopping down on the green armchair and kicking her legs back. "Nothing, I was talking to my daughter upstairs." Fluttershy said. "AUNTIE!" Butterfly brightened, running up to Dash and hugging her tightly. Rainbow let out a "Ouuf!!" sound in alarm before melting into the fillies warm hug.
"Aww squirt.." Rainbow said. She had nicknamed Butterfly after her sister Scootaloo. She thought it suited them both. Rainbow hadn't been the same since Rainbine, her older sister had killed Scootaloo in a school shooting. She needed a replacement.
"So basically what happened was you thought breaking up with Discord was going to solve the chaos magic problem?" Dash rephrased. "Fluttershy, getting rid of him isn't going to change anything. This is a problem of Butterfly's. He had a point, without him around Butterfly is never going to learn how to control it."

Fluttershy threw her hooves up in the air. "So then what do I do Dash? he threatened my family! I will never let him into his house again!"

Rainbow looked down at Butterfly who smiled back at her. Not really paying attention to their conversation and just enjoying the sound of Rainbow Dashes voice. Dash rubbed the back of her head. "I-I'm sorry Fluttershy, but if you want to keep her safe and her magic thing a secret i'm afraid you don't have any other choice than to give her to a new home. Like a new mom."

Fluttershy was quick to shut down the suggestion. "No! I can't do that, Butterfly is my only daughter, I can't lose her. Then I will have nobody left. You know how the fostercare system is! they could send her to the wrong home, or hurt her. Why would I want to throw my responsibility on some other mare who won't even be familiar with what's wrong with her?"

"It's the only way." Rainbow pressed. "It's going to be hard on you but this is for you and Butterfly's safety. Listen up, I know a girl who runs a fostercare in Ponyville, and she might understand what Butterfly's going through. She's a human, not a pony and she loves kids. She'll take in any oddity like Butterfly, I heard she even took in a talking breathing tree once."

"Tree? well if she is okay with living trees then.." Fluttershy thought, looking at Butterfly as she used her magic to lift up the top of Dashes mane. "I guess so. Fine. I will do it." Fluttershy gave in. "Ill get rid of her."

"Good." Rainbow said. "It's the right choice." and with that she got up and left the home. "Bye Fluttershy. Bye Butterfly."

"Mommy, what's a fostercare?" Butterfly asked, tugging on her wing. Fluttershy sighed. "It's like a hotel that you stay in for a very long time. Pack your things Butterfly, we're leaving soon." Fluttershy stopped her when she caught Butterfly trying to slip her miss dolly into her bag.
"Only things you really need Butterfly. Here, put this apple in here instead." she handed it to her and took the doll away. "Fine.." Butterfly said annoyed.

Given up

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The moon was rising into the sky by the time Fluttershy had dragged her daughter over to the building address Rainbow had left behind. It was a bubblegum-shaped home full of candy theming. It looked more like a candy shop than a fostercare. Fluttershy thought to herself as they approached it's front door.

"Is this it? Oh my goodness it looks so cool in here!" Butterfly gasped, admiring all the candy-coated windows. "Is that real candy mommy? oh let me inside, let me inside!"

"I have to knock." Fluttershy clarified and slammed her hoof repeatedly on the door. It alerted who was inside and quickly the lady running the place opened up. "Hi Fluttershy! I'm the fostermom, is this the little foal your giving to me?" she asked, turning to the cowering Butterfly, who had hidden behind her mother's tail out of pure shyness. "Well, yes. Her name is Butterfly. I can't keep her anymore so you need to take good care of her, okay?"

Butterfly stopped at the "I can't keep her part." what did her mom mean by that? was she getting rid of her just like she did to her daddy? "Wait! mommy, what do you mean I'm being giving away? you aren't leaving me are you?" she cried out, hugging her mom tight so the big bad pink girl couldn't take her away. "I don't want this human to by my mom, I want you!"

"Oh I see she's a little frightened." The fostermom observed and knelt down. "It's ok little one, i'm taking care of you. Your other mommy can't anymore so she has to give you to me forawhile, okay? I have some kids inside that are around your age. They will love you."

Fluttershy departed from her daughter, kicking her away from her leg. "Promise to be good for me Butterfly and maybe we can see eachother again when you are older. But remember, don't you EVER and I mean EVER go looking for your dad. You have to hide from him for the rest of your life, you got that?"

"O-Ok.." Butterfly cried. Not wanting to face the reality of waking up without Fluttershy. What would happen to all her animal rescues? or her garden? she would never be able to do any of those things ever again now. "I love you mommy." Butterfly choked out. Fluttershy took one last glance at her and hid behind her mane. "I love you to Butterfly, be good." she then flew off into the night, never to be seen by her daughter again.

Butterfly sunk down next to the human girl who was now supposed to be her caretaker. She scrunched up her nose. She hated humans! she didn't want other ponies thinking that girl was her mommy! she knew her real mommy, and she would never forget her either. Why would she want some random fillies to play with when the only ponies she ever loved to be around where her own parents? now they were all seperated, and it would never be the way it used to!

"Come inside now. You have to meet your new siblings." The lady said, and escorted her inside. Butterfly turned away from the raining outdoors and stomped inside, sniffling as she sat down. The candy place didn't look so welcoming now. She didn't want to be in a forever hotel without her mommy. It didn't feel safe anymore.

"Violight, Tree, Carrot Dash, come downstairs this instant!" Fostermom called out. Butterfly heard some rustling upstairs before an energetic bundle of three all came crashing down the steps. All eagar to see the new pony. "Oh boy! a new sibling!" Tree exclaimed. Did that tree just..talk?

Violight and Carrot Dash stopped at the bottom of the steps and circled Butterfly. "This is our new sister? but she's so small!" Violight, a light purple unicorn with a light blue mane topped with pink and yellow streaks similar to Twilight Sparkle's complained. Carrot Dash, the other fostersibling looked more like Rainbow Dash as a filly, except she was all orange and had a dark green, blue, and hot pink mane. Butterfly was saddened that they didn't look anything like her. They didn't even have the same eye colors. Theirs were magenta, hers were a deep blue.

"Ugh, I don't want this runt in our house." Carrot Dash sneered. Fostermom ignored them and walked off. "Too bad, she has been welcomed into our house and that is where she will stay. Now get to know each other while I cook dinner."

"I will never accept you as my sister." Violight growled. "Yeah, you're just a clingy nobody who got thrown in here because your mommy didn't want to. Stay away from us! we already have to deal with Tree, now we have two freaks in our family. I liked it more when it was just me and my sister." Carrot Dash laughed, pushing Butterfly over. Butterfly, having bad cordination tripped on her hooves and fell down.
"S-Stop laughing at me!" she demanded. "Why are you being mean to me when I just met you guys?"
"Why do you think?" Violight grinned and ruffled up her pink mane, ruining it. "Come on Carrot, let's get out of here."


A month passed by and Butterfly was confident to say that her two sisters wanted nothing to do with her at all. They were a bunch of bullies, constantly picking on her and kicking her down. She missed her old home so much, with Fluttershy she was the only pony there. No sibling to insult her or call her a mean name. She was tired of being called runt and weak! she didn't understand why they got such a sick enjoyment out of making her miserable, but atleast her only fosterbrother, the talking Tree was nice to her. He would look out for her and when it got hot in the house he'd rustle his leaves to keep her cool. He was her only friend.

What Butterfly didn't know, was Violight and Carrot were extremely jealous of her looks and because since she was new fostermom gave her a lot more attention. When they were first dropped off they got all the love, being first to eat and be tucked into bed, loved and fondled over, something their past parents would neglect to do for them. Today, Carrot Dash had caught Butterfly sulking on the pink lolipop-themed balcony again. Just sitting there sad.

"Butterfly! all you ever do is sit by that balcony and stare at nothing all day, what is wrong with you?" Carrot questioned rather rudely, scaring Butterfly from behind with her harsh tone. Butterfly turned around and shrunk under her older sister's glare. "S-Sorry!"

Violight followed her sister upstairs. "That's all she can do now that her mommy abandoned her. She didn't want her no more so now Butterfly understands how useless she really is."
"You're LYING! SHE DIDN'T ABANDON ME!" Butterfly cried. "My real mommy loves me more than the whole world! and i'm not useless! Tree likes me!"
"Then why are you here? do you think she's just going to show up one day and come back for you?" Carrot challedged in a mocking tone. "Yes..she has to!" Butterfly replied. Violight nudged Carrot's shoulder. "Come on, let's go downstairs and play. Without Butterfly."

"But fostermommy said everybody has to be included in games!" Butterfly protested, chasing the two downstairs. "Yeah right, your no fun to play with! hey Carrot, I dare you to try and fly before Butterfly can. I bet with how small her wings are she could never beat you." Violight pointed. Butterfly felt anger swell up in her chest. You don't know that for sure, Violight!

"I can fly! I just don't know how to use my wings." Carrot turned toward her. "Then learn how, idiot." Tree came up from behind and waved his branches. "I know you can do it, Butterfly! just believe in yourself! flap your wings really fast."

"Ok Tree." Butterfly agreed and turned to her rude sisters. "Just watch me!" she said. with all her effort she flapped them fast, pushing herself up into the air. It took a lot out of her, but she was able to do it. Flying side to side she giggled. "I'm doing it! I'm learning how to fly!"

"That looks so easy." Carrot grunted, flapping her orange wings to try and catch up to her younger sister. However, as she attempted to hoist herself up into the air she tumbled and faceplanted. Violight cringed as Carrot Dash tried again and again, never really able to get flapping as fast as young Butterfly and falling to the ground in every way imaginable. "Ugh, just get me time to flap my wings harder!" she said, as Butterfly had already fully learned how fly at that point.
Ignoring her older sisters struggles, Butterfly became fully immersed in seeing what her young wings could do. She spun upside down like Rainbow occasionally did. She learned how to fly up into the air and how to land. "It's only my first try!" Butterfly gasped, however Carrot Dash had enough of her success.

"THATS IT!" she shrieked, jumping into the air and grabbing Butterfly by both wings before tossling her to the floor. "You cheater! you're just trying to make me look bad! i'll rip your little feathers out, every single one of them SO YOU CAN NEVER FLY AGAIN, you hear me?"

"Wh-whuh? but I was just flying like you told me too!" she cried, trying to squeeze out of her older sister's grip. "Let's punish her for being a stupid cheater." Violight piped in, and together both of them beat the shit out of poor Butterfly. They punched and kicked her in the chest and sides, leaving bruises on her yellow coat. Tree saw what was happening and hopped over, he was a bit slow because jumping with just a stump for legs sucked.

"Hey! quit it you two!" he demanded. "Butterfly was just doing what you told her, and now you're beating her up?" Carrot stopped and turned toward the talking tree. "You know WHY we both hate you two so much? because before you two freaks got here it was just me and Violight. we were loved and we had a chance of going to a new home. But NOO! you two have to be cuter looking and nicer than us. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"

Butterfly scrambled to all four of her hooves and rushed out the door as Violight made an attempt to reach her. "Let her run away. We taught her a lesson." Carrot Dash smirked as Tree hobbled after her. "Wait, Butterfly!" he called out, finding her outside the fosterhome and crying.

"Oh Tree...I just want to go home to my real mommy!" Butterfly cried into her arms, crouching up into a ball of sadness. Tree leaned over her protectively. "I'm sorry they did that Butterfly. You are a really good flier, don't listen to them. We can tell fostermommy everything."

"She won't believe us Tree. She never does." Butterfly exhaled, trembling. "All I wanted was to impress them, I thought Violight would be proud of me, It's not my fault I laughed a little when I saw Carrot Dash fall on her butt multiple times. She laughs at me when I mess up."

Meanwhile, Violight and Carrot Dash were thinking of a way to get revenge on both of them. "Hey Carrot," Violight smirked. "I got an idea. Let's lure Tree over to our rooms and then beat him up. I'll tell you what to do next."

"Hmm, ok then." She agreed. About an hour later, Butterfly heard branches snapping. She knew right away it wasn't just any tree outside, that was her brother! he was in trouble! "TREE!" she gasped, flying fast downstairs to see what was happening to him. She had an idea of who, but couldn't confirm until she saw with her own two eyes. As she predicted, Carrot Dash and violight where standing over him, almost all of his bright green leaves were surrounding him.

"YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Butterfly screamed. She knew the only way to save him was something she promised her real mom she would never use again, but if she didn't she feared her little brother might die. Glowing pink, she used her magic to lift them into the air while she dashed in and grabbed him. "Tree are you okay?"

"Too weak. Can't move." He breathed and passed out in her arms. Butterfly held him close as she let her other sisters go. Suddenly, a bright white flash appeared out of nowhere. Was her flank glowing? turning toward it in confusion, her eyes widened as the white glow faded away, leaving behind something that was not there before. Her cutie mark! it was two blue hearts on top of each other, one light blue and one dark blue. It was only the outlines, they weren't colored in. In fact it was super generic, but Butterfly loved it.

"Oh my gosh, I got my cutie mark!" Butterfly gasped. "WHAT!" Violight and Carrot dash exclaimed in disbelief, quicking rushing over to her to inspect both flanks. Carrot and Violight were extremely jealous but tried to play it off as being disappointed by it. "Really? two stupid hearts? lots of ponies have hearts on their flank, it's nothing special at all."

"You don't like them?" Butterfly frowned. "B-But you bullied me for being a blank flank when you guys are too! I thought you'd atleast be proud of me."

"Seriously? US ever proud of you? as if." Violight retorted. Suddenly fostermom appeared and saw the damage they had done to Tree. "Butterfly!" she gasped in horror. "You did this to him didn't you? I saw you just push your sisters away."

"No I was-" Butterfly got cut off by her angry mother. "Your just picking on them because you have your cutie mark and they don't. It always happens in fostercare homes like this." Butterfly became irritated by her fostermom's stupidity. Did she never look at her flank before? she never had a cutie mark until today!

"Yeah Butterfly!" Her sisters chimed in, playing along with their mother's misinterpretation. "Be nicer!"


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"Now you four, you have to be on your best behavior. There will be ponies coming down here interested in adopting you four. Act nice, be cute, and eventually one of them will buy you. Fostermommy explained. Butterfly frowned. "But I don't want to be adopted! I know Fluttershy will come back for me!"

"No she won't." Violight growled under her breath, fed up with Butterfly being whiny. As the day progressed, nobody that came wanted any of them. Butterfly even bit one of the parents that held their hoof out to her while she hid under a table. That was the breaking point for everybody there.

"Why doesn't anybody want us!?" Carrot Dash complained. "I bet it's because Butterfly yells at them all to go away!" Butterfly rushed in to defend herself. "N-No! I never said they shouldn't take you away, I just want to stay here. Why would that make them all hate you?"

"Because nobody wants you Butterfly!" Violight yelled. "And do you know what happened to unwanted fillies like you that never get adopted?" Butterfly felt her stomach drop. "Um..what?"
"They get thrown in the river!" she laughed, Carrot joining in. This terrifies Butterfly. "WHAT!" so if she didn't get adopted in time they'd drown her!? how was any of this fair at all!?

"Hey kids!" fostermommy said, returning into the room with a wide smile on her face. She looked happier than usual, her bubblegum pink hair straightened and pretty. "I got a game you and your sisters can play." She turned to Butterfly. "It'll cheer you up, I promise."

"A game? like what kind of game?" Butterfly asked, leaning in closer to her fostermom. "Oh well, you know Butterfly. Your a big girl now and your the most mature out of all your other siblings. Your the only one with a cutie mark and the only foal here who knows how to fly. I'm sure you'll love this the most. "

Butterfly felt a twinge of excitement race through her. Her fostermom thought she was the most mature out of all her other siblings! so she really did like her afterall! she sat down with her mean sisters, not even caring if they gave her rude looks or not. "Now everybody!" fostermom clapped her hands together. "Get in line."

Carrot Dash rose her hoof up. "Pick me, pick me first!" Butterfly was a little annoyed but decided to let her go incase she messed something up. "Okay Carrot, come here." Fostermom instructed. "Okayy, now what do I do?" Carrot asked. "Well, it's quite easy. All you have to do is..SUCK MY DICK!" she lifted up her blue dress revealing a massive penis and forced Carrot Dash to suck it.
Carrot Dash gags. Her lips and tongue feel wonderful around foster mom's cock. She firmly grasps both sides of Carrot's head, and then starts pushing herself into the filly's extremely tight throat. Carrot gags hard, but her foster mom doesn't let up.


Carrot's eyes start to redden, and she squeezes them shut in pain. Still foster mom push forward.


Foster mom puts one leg up on the couch, giving her the perfect angle to fuck directly down into Carrot's throat.


With one final thrust, foster mom push passes the entrance of Carrot's resistant throat and buries all 10 inches of her massive thick cock in her tight throat.

"OOOHH YESS!" She yells in pleasure, her cock completely sheathed in the fillies slimy, warm throat. Carrot's lips sputter against the base of her foster mom's cock, spreading throat-juice all over it. She looks up at her foster mother, making eye contact. Wondering why the woman who gave her so much love and happiness was doing this to her. Foster mom stared down into her foster daughter's eyes, she can tell carrot is confused by the look of anger shown on the older woman face.

In one swift and brutal motion, foster mom rips her cock out of the filly throat and mouth completely.


Carrot retches violently, her body heaving. Foster mom stares down at her as she held her in place by her mane.

After a coughing fit, Carrot looks up at her foster mother in both fear and confusion, her chin covered in throat-juice and her eyes a little bit red. She only had one thing to say. "Why! Why are you doing this?"

"You wanna know why!" Foster mom growled. "Because you little shits didn't get adopted, AGAIN! And I'm fucking sick of having to take care of you fucking brats, every day. You all have been nothing but a burden to me since DAY FUCKING ONE!"

"B-but I thought you loved us?" Carrot cried. Tears rolling down her face. "You said you loved us; you were kind to us and treated us like family."

"Loved you!? Ha! I never loved any of you, not even for a second. I LIED TO ALL OF YOU! You foals were nothing but a means to an end nothing more. All that nice attitude crap was all just an act I had to put up for this fucking job. Until you fuckers get adopted. Today was supposed to be the day that I would finally be free from you all, but news flash, NOPONY WANTED ANY OF YOU!" She turns her attention to the other three still sitting there frozen in both shock and fear. "TODAY WAS AN ABSOLUTE DISASTER and no doubt word will spread far and wide about you fuckers being the absolute worst foals in history, which means nopony is going to adopt you and I'M FUCKING STUCK WITH YOU!" She turns her attention back to Carrot. CRACK. She slaps the filly hard across her wet cheek. Knocking her down onto the couch.

As Carrot laid there writhing in pain. Foster mom unfastened the bottom half of her dress, letting it fall to the floor and kicking it away. She now stood there bottomless. She picks Carrot up by her mane, sitting her up straight, so she can line her cock with her mouth. "Damn kids!" foster mom growled as she got her dick in position. "I fucking hate kids! But at least you all will be good for something. Cause I plan on raping all of you every day from here on out." She then turns her sights to Tree, she then reaches out, and picks him up off the floor. "Except you! All you're good for is being fucking firewood." She said before throwing Tree into the nearby burning fireplace. Where he screamed in pain as he was burned alive. (He died in seconds)

"NOO TREE!" Butterfly screamed as she watched her only friend burn. She couldn't believe he was dead!

With that done she turned her attention back to Carrot.

"Get ready Carrot. I'm gonna make your throatpussy my personal fleshlight."

"No please don't-" CRACK. Foster mom slap her hard again. "nnnyuuhhh~" GKKKK. GLK. GLK. GLK.

Foster mom cuts off Carrot's pain response by violently pushing her way into the filly's freshly deflowered throat. She slowly but brutally facefuck her with long strokes, bottoming out in her throat repeatedly, but never leaving her throat. Carrot's tight throat convulses, trying to resist her rapist, but this only results in pleasuring her foster mother's cock even more. Carrot's strong gag reflex makes her involuntarily squirm and heave her entire body. Soon Foster mom starts rapidly pistoning her cock in and out of Carrot's face.


It's brutal for her. She can't even retch or gag because the cock is filling her throat. All she can do is accept the pain of her sensitive throatpussy being raped. She coughs up throat-juice as her foster mother jackhammer her throat, and it spills onto her chest, soaking into her fur.

As foster mom fucks Carrot's face, she takes a moment to appreciate the whole experience. Her loud gulk-ing as she violently fucks her throat. The sound of her balls going *splat-splat-splat* against the filly's wet chin. The feeling of her silky, creamy throat pleasuring the full length of her cock. She savors the fact that Carrot hates this.

Violight's mouth dropped to the ground in horror at what she was witnessing. She couldn't believe her once sweet and kind foster mother was doing that to Carrot and that she plans on doing that to her as well.


"Your throat is so fucking good," foster mom says, feeling Carrot's tight, underage gullet convulsing around her cock. "I'm gonna pump your juicy little throat full of my fucking cum."

With that, she starts violently pistoning her 10 inch cock in and out of Carrot's throat, from tip to base, repeatedly breaking her way past her ultra-sensitive throat barrier.


Carrot feebly tries to push away, her sensitive throat clearly overwhelmed from the pain. But the older woman just grabbed her head and kept skullfucking her with reckless abandon.


The sounds were like music to Foster mom ears. Carrot stared up at her in submission with her cold eyes welling in tears which streaked down on her cheeks and soft whimpers coming out as her mother just kept throatfucking her and using her mouth as her own personal sex doll. Finally, foster mom felt the surge of lust as she came close, and gritted her teeth and moved her hips frantically into the young filly's mouth. Her cock throbbed inside of Carrot's mouth as the older woman shook and violently thrashed on top of her, her lips and mouth still clenched around foster mom's member.

“GRRAAGGHGHGHGHGHHHHH,” Foster mom growled. “Make me cum you bitch!”


"Oh, FUCK I'm gonna cum in your little throat!" She throatfucks her with no regard for her breathing or gag reflex. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK, I'M CUMMING!!!!"

Foster mom fucks her cock all the way into Carrot's unconsenting gullet and held it. Carrot coughs, her soft gullet tightening around the woman's cock and pushing her over the top. She starts pumping ropes of cum deep into her throat.

"Ahhhh! AHHHHH!" She screams as she cums.

With complete disregard to Carrot's well-being foster mom shoves the struggling filly's face all the way down her dick, burying her swollen cockmeat deep in her throat as it starts to shoot jizz into Carrot's stomach.

Jizz and snot shoots out of Carrot's nose and onto her foster mom's body as her throat is stuffed so full of her own spit and her mons cock that is has nowhere else to go. Tears roll down the sides of her face as she looks up at her foster mother with a completely dominated expression. Foster mom clasp the back of her head to keep her from retreating, then suddenly pulls her cock out in one swift motion making a messy "pop"

"HUUUUUHHHHHH" Carrot has a huge intake of breath when foster mom finally removes her dick from being planted into her throat. Multiple Strings of spit and jizz hang in a line connecting her mouth and foster mom's throbbing cock as she finally gets the break of air she needed when she was too busy blowing jizz out of her nose.

"EWW I HATE THIS!" Screamed Violight. She then ran towards the door, trying to open it and escape, but it was lock tight and so were the windows. There was no way out, they were completely trap. Violight tried banging on the door in a feeble attempt to break it down. Carrot Dash was choking on cum while Butterfly just sat there stunned and watched.

"YOU'RE NEXT BUTTERFLY!" her foster mom screamed and grabbed her tail lifting her up. "I'm going to fuck your little pussy!"

Butterfly knew she had to escape before her mother did something to her! Fluttershy would never do something like this!

"Stay away from me!" she wailed, using her chaos magic to keep herself inbetween her sadistic foster mom. "Don't touch me!" blasting her out of the way with pink magic. Remembering what her father taught her about teleporting. She used that knowledge to teleport out of the house and instantly ran into the Everfree Forest, not looking back to see if she was being chased or not.

Violight, who was at the window trying to break it open. Saw Butterfly making her escape. She bangs on the bullet-proof glass trying to get the pegasus attention. "NO! WAIT! BUTTERFLY! DON'T LEAVE ME! TAKE ME WITH YOU!" She cried out but Butterfly didn't even stop. She just kept on running til she was out of sight.

"DAMN, BITCH!" Foster mom screamed, as she stood up. She was absolutely furious. "SINCE WHEN COULD SHE USE MAGIC? FUCK THAT HURT!" She turns her sights to Carrot still laying on the couch, then to Violight standing by the window shivering in fear. She heard what Violight said earlier and since Butterfly was nowhere to be seen it was without a doubt that she managed to escape. "FUCK, and I really wanted rape her too!" Foster mom shrugs. "Oh well, so be it. I'll just settle for what I got, you two will be more than enough to satisfy my needs every single day." She focuses her sights on Violight and began walking towards the young scared filly. All while stroking her still hard cock. "Looks like you're up next instead, Violight and since that freak both escape and hurt me, I'm going to take out all my frustration and anger on you, BY RAPING YOU UP THE ASS WITHOUT A HINT OF MERCY!"

Once in range foster mom grabs Violight by the foreleg and drags the kicking and screaming filly over to the couch. She then lifts her up and tosses her over the side of it. Her hind legs hanging off the edge as she layed on her stomach. Foster mom wasted no time getting in position behind the filly.

Violifght tried to look back at what her mother was doing in fear but just got her head slapped back down against the cushion, caussing her pain. “P-please, I-I’m sorry i-if I did anything..bad…Y-you have to do this, please!” She sniffled, as tears flowed down her cheeks onto the couch.

The woman just grinned evilly as she leaned herself forward over the filly, letting her feel his long rape stick against her back, matting her mane with pre and saliva. She ran her tongue over her cheek, tasting her salty tears.

“I’m going to rape your tight filly asshole.” She told her bluntly, pulling her hips back and yanking her tail out of the way. “And I’ll make sure you will have nightmares of this for the rest of your useless life, rape bait.” She stated, rubbing her tip along Violight's fur to make sure she was dry as possible for entry. "For a very long time, I thought of doing this to you girls, and since nopony wants you, you can spend your days serving my cock. It's all you're good for."

The filly started shaking in fear, feeling a unfamiliar blunt objected between her flanks, lip quivering. “Ahh! No, I'll do anything you want, just don't do this, please.” She whimpered out, hoping that he’d at least do that.

She was answered with a punk right against her underage cunt, making her let out a scream of pain. “STOP YOUR FUCKING BEGGING!” She growled into her ear, savoring the look of horror on her face. "The only thing I want you to do is take my big cock in your tight virgin ass, bitch," Foster mom said. "Whether you like it or not doesn't matter, as long as you're living under my roof, you're my property to be used for my pleasure. So shut the fuck up and take this dick!"

Foster mom rears her hips back and mercilessly shoves herself in. Her cock tears through Violight's anal ring and into her sweet virginal flesh, stretching it out roughly. The young filly screams out in agony. It felt as if she was being torn in half, a ripping sensation that causes her to shriek in pain then weakly sob while the blonde woman sighs in relief. "Aaaahhh...that's good. I'm going to have so much fun with you." She is barely giving the filly enough time to fully absorb what just happened before she already starts moving her hips again. Pulling her cock out till only the tip remained inside, then in one motion, she shoves virtually the entire length of her throbbing shaft into Violight's virgin asshole.


Foster mom begins raping Violight's ass with reckless abandon, her downward thrusts crushing filly's crotch against the side of the couch. Violight starts screaming, shrieking, but she might as well have been silent for all the good it does.

"Yeah, you're a tight slut." She said with a chuckle as she kept thrusting like a jackhammer on crack.


"AHHHHHhhhhhhhh! OWWWWWwwwwwww!"

Violight could only feel agony, her shattered hips, making it so her mother shoved her fuck rod into the screaming foal before he bottomed out against her intestines. Good thing foster mom haves a lot of powerful healing potions. So she wouldn't have to worry about any permanent damage.

"STOP!" she begged, as she continued to be violated by her evil mother's cock. "OW OW STOP THIS HURTS!" Violight cried at the top of her lungs, but nobody listened. Butterfly was gone, Carrot, was passed out on the couch in front of her and her futanari rapist ignores her cries completely, concentrating on fucking the shit out of her.

“Oh..baby I know it does, but don’t worry it’ll feel good for me and eventually you will learn to love this feeling.” Foster mom said quite confidently.

The woman pushed down on the back of the head of the filly, using it as support as she hammered into her, grinning lustfully down at her, watching her squirm and cry under her as she had her fun, doing what she always wanted to do these damn kids.


Foster mom claps her pelvis against Violight's little asscheeks, thrusting in and out of her tight, creamy asshole and bottoming out on each thrust. The filly shrieks into the couch in pain as her foster mom continues to have her way with her.

Finally, after far too long, Violight felt her foster mom shudder, a huge cry of pleasure rips from the woman's lips. She spews her load deep into the filly's abused asshole, shuddering with pleasure as the foal quiver in pain. Shoving Violight's head down against the couch, foster mom withdraws her cock from the filly's gaping, tortured asshole, and walks away from the wreck she has turned her into.

Violight just laid there unmoving and still in pain from the brutal pounding she had just received. Large amount of cum leaked out of her gaping asshole and spilled on to the floor. She was glad that it was finally over. At least for now. So, she just used the moment of peace she was given to try and rest. Even as her foster mother rapes her sister's pussy right in front of her. Causing Carrot to scream and beg for mercy. Violight just ignored them and focus on getting as much rest as possible before it's her turn again.

Trap in a house with their crazy sadistic mother. The two fillies blamed their shared misery on one pony.

Butterfly, this is all your fault!

Butterfly continued running deeper into the forest Forunately, nobody cared enough to go after her. Butterfly slowed her pace, panting from being out of breath. Adrenaline pulsed through her as she collapsed. Did that really just happen? she started to break down realizing her sisters were brutally assaulted by her fostermommy and knowing her only friend Tree was now dead. "Maybe now mommy will finally want me back.." she whimpered. All of the sudden raindrops came down from the sky and soaked the broken filly.

"Well, I guess I have nowhere else to run. I'm going to have to live in the forest forever now.." she cried as thunder came crashing down, lighting her up with white. "Eek!" she screamed, running deeper into the trees, not caring how muddy she got. Having nobody else but herself now, Butterfly knew she had to fend for herself, no matter how hard it would be. She had seen how heartless her siblings were, how her father threatened to turn her evil all for his own gain, how her fostermommy was violent, and worst of all Fluttershy, who had left her in this abusive hellhole.

"If only she knew what she put me through, I hate the world! I shouldn't have hearts on my cutie mark! I don't deserve them!" Butterfly cried out in rage. "I hate you Fluttershy, I hate you fosterhome!"

As Butterfly grew older, now a teenager she had been living in Everfree forest for all her life. She knew every tree and every shrub of the place, and was used to it's eeriness. Nothing to her was more horrific then when her fostermom lashed out at her and her sisters like that, and nothing would ever tug on her heart more than her little brother's death. Everytime she passed an old oak tree in the woods it reminded her of him, and it made her feel like her heart was about to shatter into a million pieces.

Now having nopony but herself to look out for her, Butterfly gave up on her life and hated the world. She never saw too many ponies venture into the darkest depths of the forest where she lived, but it still angered her from what she had seen. Nopony ever cared about her! they all thought she was a monster, just because she was too small, or because of her stupid chaos magic. She barely ever even used it unless she was in trouble, and oh right, she wasn't some overlord trying to take over anything!

"Why would I want to rule a world full of ponies who I hate?" she snarled. Her only thoughts where to get revenge on her biological mother and her foster sisters for all the pain and suffering they put her through. She swore they would get it coming, no matter at what cost!

Deciding to leave the forest for a change she heard some ponies gasp. Turning to her right, she caught a shadowy figure outlined near an old shrub. "No..could it be?" she perked up with happiness. As much as she hated her mother, if she were here looking for her maybe she would forgive her after all. "Fluttershy! it's me Butterfly, oh I missed you sooo much! I don't even know where to begi-"

"Wha? Butterfly?" the dark figure, or rather figures echoed. Butterfly closed her wings as her face fell. She knew those voices, and they weren't Fluttershy's. There, standing infront of her were her old foster siblings, who still hadn't been adopted and lived at the fosterhome. They were teenagers like her, but most of them were half-adult sized ponies. They even had their own cutie marks, but Butterfly thought they were lame. She was picked on for hers when Carrot dashes was a carrot with a rainbow pretuding out of it? it looked retarded. Butterfly thought angerily.

All of the sudden, all the built up sadness and rage for her two fake sisters came out at once, and Butterfly got the scariest chaos magic. "UFF I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY REAL MOMMY!" with her magic she twisted it into a sharp blade and started stabbing Violight to death, whilst hoisting Carrot dash into the air and forcing her to watch.

"OH MY GOD BUTTERFLY STOP THIS!" Carrot Dash wailed but their screams were drowned out in the dark trees. Violight shrieked out in pain. "YOU'RE INSANE!" she screeched but it only made Butterfly stab faster. "YOU COULDN'T HAVE JUST BEEN NICE TO ME COULD YOU? of course you COULDN'T. THANKS FOR THE TRAUMA YOU SICK FUCKS!" Butterfly growled, slicing apart Violight's stomach as Carrot Dash vomitted everywhere. This can't be happening!

Then once she got bored of the brutal stabbings. She switched it up and cut off both their legs! orange and light purple legs fell to the ground and Butterfly exploded them with her dark powers. blood splattered from onto the ground turning the grass a crimson red. Then she said, "Since you bullied me for learning how to fly I'm going to take away your special abilites too!"
With the magical blade she slashed off Violight's horn. Then grabbed ahold of Carrot Dashes wing with her bare hoof and slowly tore. Carrot Dash wailed in agony as the wing was torn from the muscle, cartilage splintering and bones snapping. "STOP PULLING ON IT!" she begged. "IM SORRY BUTTERFLY I WAS WRONG ABOUT YOU!"

"IT TOOK ME PULLING YOUR WING OFF TO ADMIT THAT!?" she screamed enraged. "I DONT BELIEVE YOU, SORRY!" but Butterfly knew she wasn't actually sorry at all! she liked blood and death like me in real life. Then she did the second one and took a huge chunk of flesh on Carrot's side with it. "TAKE THAT." she grinned sadistically as it fell to the floor. "ALSO YOUR CUTIE MARKS SUCK SHIT!" she started up and sliced off both of them. Stomping on the torn pieces of flesh she dug up a dirt hole and buried them in it before spitting on the bloody chunks!

For some reason this killing was giving Butterfly deja vu. Had she killed somepony before? why did all of this feel so familiar..or so good? she dropped both of them realizing the severity of her actions. "Oh Carrot and Violight i'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking, please forgive me!"

However, Carrot Dash had died from the blood loss as fresh blood spewed out of her sides and cut of wing parts. Violight had died after Butterfly slit her throat without realizing in her rage fit. "Oh what have I done?" Butterfly sobbed, falling to her knees. "I killed the only remaining siblings I ever had!"

Little did Butterfly know that fostermommy was arrested for child abuse charges and was now in jail forever. So she would never find out about the deaths of the children she loved to abuse. Feeling like a montser Butterfly raced out of Everfree forest covered in blood and into Ponyville. "Im just like my father Discord!" she cried.

New life?

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After Butterfly's violent killing spree, she decided to change up her looks so nopony would recognize her. She dyed black streaks in her pink mane to represent the darkness in her heart and becomes emo. She wanted Ponyville to know she shouldn't be messed with, and how much she hated everything! She was so dedicated to this thought, she bought goth makeup and it runs down her eyes. She also purchased glasses on the side because she couldn't see well without them, being secluded in the dark for half her life and all.

"I hate myself. I wish I was never born!" Butterfly muttered when she bumped into a familiar face. "Get out of my way!" she snarled, before freezing up. Wait...she knew this pony! no..it couldn't have been.

"AUNTIE RAINBOW DASH!?" Butterfly exclaimed, dropping her razor. "I-Your still around?" Rainbow acted confused, not recognizing Butterfly with her new changes. "Huh? Do you know me or something? hey wait, I don't remember being an aunt."

"Wait, you don't remember me? Dash, it's me Butterfly. Fluttershy's daughter!" Butterfly explained, clinging to the hope the cyan pegasus would remember her name. It had been so long since she was last in Ponyville, she wouldn't blame Rainbow for forgetting everything about her. She knew she wasn't good enough to be memorable.

"Hey wait, I remember you now! you were the foal with the chaos magic my friend had to give up." Rainbow gasped. "I-how did you find Ponyville? you were sent away to a new family and everything!"

"No, I wasn't!" Butterfly groaned. "I was stuck in that shithole until I had to run away! My foster mommy nearly violated me and my sisters.." her eyes grew crazed remembering their gruesome demises. "Bullied me until I eventually ran away..."

"Aw! that sounds terrible Butterfly, sorry to hear about that. But why did you turn emo because of it? you know that's not exactly considered cool around here anymore? maybe you should ditch the edgy makeup and black hair. The glasses are pretty nice on you though so make sure to keep those."

"You can't tell me what to do! you don't know what it's like to be me or see the things I have!" Butterfly shot back. "Nevermind that, d-do you still have my mommy's phone number? Fluttershy's? please tell me you do!" Butterfly pleaded. If Rainbow still did, she could get back in contact with her! and tell her everything that happened after she decided to throw her out of her life.

"Oh yeah actually, we still talk." Rainbow smiled and reached into her mane to grab a notebook and quill. She scribbled some numbers down and passed them to the emo pony. "It's Fluttershy's phone number. You can call her using my phone." Rainbow explained and tossed it to her. Rainbow Dash threw it at her so Butterfly had to grab it before it fell to the ground and shattered.

"Oh thank you Rainbow Dash!" Butterfly beamed. It had been so long since she actually smiled, she had forgotten what it felt like. "I'll call her up right away, oh Fluttershy, how I've waited for this day! there's so much I have to tell you! you were right, we are going to be able to see each other again, I knew I shouldn't have ever given up!" she said aloud as she grabbed the phone. "Come on answer me...answer me.."

"Hello?" a soft voice picked up. Butterfly felt her wings sprout up with glee. "MOMMY! it's really you! I-I missed you so much!" Butterfly started. "Do...you have the wrong number? wolf sisters, is this you prank calling me again?" Fluttershy asked.

'Wolf sisters- wha? no! Fluttershy it's me your daughter BUTTERFLY. You better remember me!" she said. How could Fluttershy forget her own voice? she guessed it had changed a lot since she was a foal, it wasn't nearly as high-pitched. "I've been looking for you my entire life! well sort of, I got stuck living in Everfree for a long time but forget about that, can I meet you up somewhere? I really want to see you again."

"O-Of course! oh Butterfly I'm so sorry about what I did to you when you were just a foal. Rainbow Dash told me it was the only way and I was overcome with paranoia. I didn't think there were any other options. Let's meet eachother at the Icecream Shake Parlor, alright?"

"Sounds good!" Butterfly agreed and hung up, passing the device back to Dash. "Thanks Rainbow, you're a life saver. I have to get to the Ice cream parlor now, do you know where it is?"

Rainbow thought for a moment. "Oh yeah! it's two lefts and a right. It's shaped like a giant orange and pink milkshake with a straw and cherry coming out of it so it's hard to miss. I'll catch you around later Butters, alright?"

"Okay, bye." Butterfly waved before following Rainbow's directions. Surely enough, there was the Ice cream parlor, she hoped she didn't get there before Fluttershy. She knew she lived farther away then the other ponies. It would be really awkward barging in without ordering anything and sitting there waiting aimlessly.

"Butterfly! Oh it's really you!" Fluttershy called out in joy and hugged her as she opened the glass doors. Butterfly was overcome with happiness, finally reunited with her mother. "Oh, Mommy! it's really you!"

"You've grown so much!" Fluttershy observed checking her out. "Hey, what's with the black streaks in your mane and the glasses? you didn't have these before." Butterfly blushed. "Oh uhm...I decided to change my look a little. I hope you don't mind."

"Hm, well I never imagined you as an emo before, I guess that will happen if you have no parents. How was the foster home? did they treat you well?"

Butterfly felt the urge to smack the milkshake she had got received off the counter. How could Fluttershy be so moronic to ask her something like that? did any pony ENJOY being stuck in a foster home? "Not fun at all! they bullied me and I was ignored every day. They didn't even congratulate me when I got my cutie mark.." she said, revealing it. "It's two hearts, see?"

"It's beautiful! and it suits you too. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to see you get it, I would have been very proud of you. I'm sorry I messed up your life at such a young age, it's messed with my head for years. I knew I should have just followed my gut and kept you, but I was so scared Discord was telling the truth when he said he'd return for you."

"Hey speaking of him, are you married again?" Butterfly asked. Really hoping Fluttershy and him made up and got back together. It would be a dream come true if Discord and Fluttershy loved each other again! "Oh yes actually, I am. I managed to get my life together after our departure and I was able to settle into a better life."

"Really? So dad is back!? that's great!" Butterfly cheered and jumped out of her seat with joy. "Take me there right now, I want to see him!"

Fluttershy's smile faded a little. "Well, it might not be what you're expecting but we'll talk about it once we get there. I'll pay for our drinks." she offered, grabbing a few bits out of her purse and settling them down on the counter. As they walked back to Fluttershy's cottage, Butterfly was struck with memory after happy memory. Fluttershy's cottage was so much nicer then that dirty old bubblegum house. Her house was lively, full of creatures of all kinds and it was a bright healthy green.

"I missed this place so much!" Butterfly smiled. "Hey, do you still have the backyard? now that i'm back I could probably continue my gardening." she asked, really hoping Fluttershy hadn't dug it up once she wasn't in the picture anymore. "Of course, but Butterfly," Fluttershy breathed, latching onto her hoof and yanking it. "Listen to me."

"What? what's wrong? why can't I go inside?" she paused, staring at her mother with concern. Fluttershy nudged her head near the door. "Look, things have changed since you were last here. There's new people in the house, and well, Discord is not going to be here. But, your stepdad will be!"

"What do you mean?" Butterfly yelped. "I wanted to see my real dad, not some replacement!" Fluttershy kept a confident grin. "Don't worry, You'll love him. He's nice like me. I promise." As much as Butterfly wanted to take her mother's reassurance, a twinge of bitterness made her think otherwise. She didn't want a stepdad, she wanted Discord. She wanted him to finish teaching her about her powers now that she was old enough. Didn't Fluttershy know if she didn't learn more ponies could be...oh right, she had to keep that a secret. Nopony could know what she did to her sisters.

"I guess we'll see," Butterfly murmured. This new dad better has been as good as her old one! she remembered what having a new mom was like, awful. She got stuck with a neglectful predator who wasn't even a pony! She HATED humans! it didn't help the only one she ever knew was her stupid foster mom either! opening the door, the two yellow pegasi entered.

"Oh my goodness, Fluttershy split into two!" two anthropomorphic wolves gasped. Butterfly had no idea what they were doing in her mom's house. She knew Fluttershy loved animals, but furries? Where did they even come from?
"Mom! Who are they?" Butterfly pointed. "Why are there furries here?"

"Oh, aha, I almost forgot to tell you. These are your new step sisters. I got them right after I gave you away. Don't worry, I know they look scary but they're very affectionate! This is the blue wolf sister and that's the pink wolf sister. Yes, those are the real names."

"But-but the last time I had siblings they were bullies and super abusive toward me! I don't want anymore!" unless they were like Tree.. her thoughts finished. Having her trust broken over and over, meeting new ponies-or creatures felt like a nightmare. Why couldn't Fluttershy have just waited for HER to return? why did she need all these new kids?

"Oh, I've always wanted a pony for a sister!" the blue wolf sister exclaimed and both of them rushed up to her and tackled her to the ground. For a second Butterfly thought they were going to maul her to death but all they did was lick her all over like puppies who didn't know what stop meant quite yet. "Please don't lick me!" she said. Their sharp claws digging into her fur hurt!

"UGH! Who is THAT!?" a sarcastic voice gasped from across the room in disgust. Butterfly turned her head to see a pompous-looking cat perched up on the worn sofa, looking at her with disapproval. She recognized it as Opal, who was Rarity's cat. "Why is Rarity's cat here?" Butterfly asked. She never liked her, but she didn't remember her being able to talk either!

Fluttershy looked visibly annoyed at Opal being there. "Your new sister, bitch!" she screamed at the cat and grabbed her by the tail. "YOU CAN NEVER JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT CAN YOU!?" Opal dangled and looked scared as Fluttershy slammed her into the microwave and turned it on. She immediately exploded as blood dripped out of the microwave.

Butterfly didn't really care about the siblings, she just wanted to get to the part where she met her dad. "Hey Mom, this is nice and wall, but where is my stepdad? I want to see him," she asked, trying to advert her eyes from the blood-soaked microwave as tufts of white fur fell out of it.

"Oh, he's coming upstairs right now! He just wanted you to get to know his daughters first. He wants to make sure everybody gets along in love and harmony!" Fluttershy explained as she turned to the staircase. Butterfly's eyes widened when she realized it was Rarity's brother! She didn't know him that well but of all people, him? And he was a human too! NOO!
"Yeah, who the fuck is this." Rarity's brother said. "I don't want it," he said arms crossed! Butterfly gasped. Making there was some kind of mistake, this COULDN'T have been her dad, she wouldn't entertain the thought for merely a second! "Who's this?" Butterfly demanded. "Why is Rarity's brother here!?"

"I'm Fluttershy's husband who the fuck are you and why do you have black hair like me." he said so mad. "WHAT! NO-MY MOM MARRIED YOU!?" Butterfly stammered. "But-But whyy!? your not like my real daddy at all! and your a stinky human!"

Fluttershy piped in, oblivious to Butterfly's devastation. "Isn't it obvious? she's your new daughter! we've been reunited after years. Oh yeah your stepdads name is valdroxx by the way."
BUT BUTTERFLY THOUGHT THAT NAME WAS DUMB! THE FUCK DID VALDROXX EVEN MEAN?? IT WASNT EVEN A WORD! "GRR but mom he's ugly!" Butterfly argued. "I don't want him taking care of me. He'll be just like my fostermom!"

"Butterfly!" Fluttershy scolded. "You haven't even met him yet! he's not abusive like your fostermom. He's sweet and funny and way better than Discord and his carrot-sized penis." "Well I guess I'm your new dad now," he told Butterfly.

"Now while you two meet, I have to clean the blood out of the microwave. I will be right back!" Fluttershy waved, walking off and leaving Butterfly alone with her stepdad. Valdroxx then said to Butterfly. "I already hate everything about you. You aren't my seed you came out of your mother and that goat thing with wings."

He then beat the shit out of Butterfly with his bare fists! and this hurt worse than any weak ass punch Butterfly's fostermom could ever throw at her. "Valdroxx I was here before you!" Butterfly said. "No you weren't I dated Fluttershy back in highschool but I got arrested."

Just then, valdroxxes sister Rarity comes in. "Oh hello Butterfly darling, you've grown so much! do you remember me? I was Rarity. Fluttershy has to go out today for dinner with her friends so I will be the babysitter. Would you and your sisters like to go to the mall with me this afternoon?"

Butterfly shot up with excitement. "Oh yes Rarity, I love shopping at the mall!" she couldn't wait to go back to the goth store to buy some more grunge clothing. She could already imagine all of the outfits they had lined up in the stores, just begging for her to buy them!

But valdroxx refused to come with them he fucking hates Butterfly that much. He can't even look at her and he goes back on his computer as they leave. It made Butterfly a little sad, she felt hated all over again like in the fosterhome but pushed the saddening thoughts away. Maybe her sisters wouldn't be that bad, even if they weren't ponies.

"So how did you get that cutie mark on that massive, plump, youthful ass of yours?" Rarity asked Butterfly as they walked up to the mall parking lot. "Oh! well...I don't really want to talk about it." Butterfly sighed, and that's when she looked up to see the mall. It was white with rainbows all over it, and looked massive from afar!

"It's huge!" Butterfly gawked in amazement. "I love it!" dashing into the giant building, she raced into the petstore, animals were her favorite thing in the world. "Oh, I can't wait to see all the cute animals!" she grinned, not realizing that Rarity and the wolf sisters didn't follow her in. " But as she walked past the animals were repulsed by her. They growled in cages and birds died on their perches as Butterfly approached. She saw their little bodies fall to the floor and was so confused.

"Wh-what? why don't they like me?" she said to herself. Was she too scary with all this goth makeup on? they used to love her before! Then some broke loose from the cages and bit her all over. "ow, ow ok I'll leave!" she told them, hoping they'd understand. "I guess I'm too ugly for even animals to like me.."

Deciding to check up on her older sisters, who she hadn't really gotten to talk to yet, she caught them hanging around one of the clothes stores. "Oh! there they are!" she said and hopped up the stairs, trying to reach them. "Oh Butterfly dear! there you are, we're just looking for some dresses. Yes I make my own but sometimes..when there are too many orders I have to buy some and pretend I made them. Don't tell anybody or else."

Butterfly shrugged. "Oh, okay. Well I guess I'll just look around while you do that." She didn't even know where to start! the clothing store was massive! dresses and shirts of all kind were at all turns. She then saw the wolf sisters tear apart an entire clothing department fighting over a yellow and pink dress. "No I saw it first!" one said.

"No you didn't, I did! let it go!" the blue one argued. They tossed and pulled at it like a game of tug of war. Butterfly wanted to step in and stop them, but memories of defending Tree infront of her fostersisters flashed through her mind, and she froze up with grief. "Please don't.." she whispered but they didn't listen to her. Suddenly, as the pink one stepped backward, her tail swished back and forth in and knocked over a huge clothing racket. It smashed to the floor and all heads turned toward the fighting duo.

"Just get another one you two!" Butterfly complained. The clerk came up and was furious. "ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF MY SHOP RIGHT NOW! YOU ARE BANNED!"

Butterfly flattened her ears in fear. Rarity was going to kill her for this! "No, please, it wasn't me it was them! don't ban me and Rarity, we weren't a part of it!" but the clerk didn't listen. "If this is a family, then yes, all of you still get BANNED."

Upon hearing the word "banned" from her favorite clothing shop Rarity raced over and saw the mess left by the wolves. "BUTTERFLY!" she shouted. "You caused this mess with your chaos magic didn't you!?"

"She did! we saw her do it." The wolf sisters lied. "Wh-you liars!" she turned to them. The dress they made all that fuss over now lay torn on the floor, unwanted. Before she could get a response Rarity slapped her hard across the face. She hit as hard as her brother too. "HOW DARE YOU! I brought you here, treated you right, and then you get me banned from my favorite clothing shop! go wait by the food court while I call your mother!"

"Sorry.." Butterfly teared up and trotted out of the store, refusing to let the rest of her new family see her burst into tears. Curling up next to the garbage cans she wept. She felt so alone. Not once did anybody she stayed with ever love her. She was hated by everybody and blamed over and over! all because she was born with a power she couldn't even control!

"YOU KNOW WHAT! IM TIRED OF EVERYPONY TREATING ME LIKE THE GARBAGE IM SITTING NEXT TO!" Butterfly screamed, flying upward so she was above all the other shoppers. "If you want me to be evil, I WILL BE EVIL!" using her chaos magic, she warped a massive electric pink beam and brought it down on everybody. Shoppers screamed and turned tails, but everything was already exploding.

Objects of all kinds go flying, forcing the wolf sisters and Rarity to have to take cover as everybody is thrown around objects crashing into walls. Some even were knocked over. Butterfly never felt as powerful as she did now! now she was godlike. Trying to calm down, she took deep breath, watching debris fall from the ceiling. It snapped and fell, crushing some ponies under it.

"Oh no..I'm going to get it now!" Butterfly gasped. "Why can't I ever control my anger? now I destroyed the only mall in Ponyville!"

Fluttershy, who had gotten Raritys call arrived at mall. Seeing it destroyed, in panic she rushed in, trying her best to avoid the fallen rubble and destroyed things. "B-Butterfly!? YOU DID ALL OF THIS!?" she gasped, seeing the pink sparks come out of her daughter, her magic not yet wearing off.

"I-mom, I got upset! I'm sorry! everybody was being mean and blaming me for stuff I didn't do and-ugh! I just lost it!" she explained. flapping toward the ground to meet her mothers level. Fluttershy was livid. "YOU KILLED PONIES! we're going to get sued millions of dollars in damage now because of you! how could you? I leave you with Rarity for three hours and I come back to this?"

"I said I was sorry!" Butterfly wailed. "I wasn't thinking clearly!" however, of course, Fluttershy wouldn't believe her. "No you are not! now Rarity will never want to babysit you or her brothers kids ever again and it's all your fault! I thought I told you since the day you were a filly ponies can't see you using chaos magic publicly, now look at what you've done!"

Feeling the shame seep into her, Butterfly lowered her head and some tear drops hit the shattered floors. "I understand.." but Fluttershy wasn't done! "No, you need to be punished for this! a simple grounding won't do. As punishment you are sleeping in the SAME BED as valdroxx."

"NO MOM! NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!" Butterfly screamed. "I can fix the mall with my magic, just give me a chance!" But Fluttershy continued. "No. Also he sleeps without his shirt on always. Nothing that fucking fosterhome did to you gives you an excuse to hurt all these innocent ponies and bomb an entire mall!" having enough, she dragged Butterfly by the wing all the way back home.


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After forcing Butterfly into her husband's room and slamming the door she broke down crying. She knew deep down, even if Butterfly was now a young adult she was still too hard to handle. She was no better than when she was as a filly. She wanted to love Butterfly, she really did, but with her chaos magic, it was ruining everyone's lives. "The wolf sisters are so much better behaved then you could ever be!" she yelled at Butterfly, before stomping down the stairs.

and valdroxx saw Butterfly. "hey butterfly get under the covers with me." wink wink. BUTTERFLY WAS SO FUCKING MAD. "NO! I WONT!" but he grinned loud. "Oh yeah? well YOU HAVE TO SLEEP NEXT TO ME ALL NIGHT HEHEHE." and Butterfly wants to put a gun to her head as he says all this. So then he grabbed her and made her sleep next to him spooning position. "you love this don't lie." he said and butterfly doesn't.
So because she's so disgusted sleeping next to him in this super suggestive position she finds a razor she hid under her pillow from earlier and cuts her wrists vertically. The blood spilled all over the sheets staining them forever with red but it gave him an erection. so he raped her. "SORRY THAT YOUR FOSTERMOM FAILED TO TAKE YOUR VIRGINITY BUT I CAN!" "EWWW!" butterfly said trying to get away but couldn't.

The wolf sisters, watching from the doorway as he fucked her were laughing so hard. "Hahaha! well at least you aren't blood-related! DO IT HARDER on her!" they begged. Finally, Butterfly kicked him in the stomach and ran. "Fluttershy loves me more than she could ever love you Butterfly!" he called out but Butterfly refused to listen.

The next warning Butterfly found out he told Fluttershy everything he had done to her, but warped it in a way so Butterfly looked like the bad pony. As Butterfly sat down to eat her eggs and bacon Fluttershy slammed her hoof on the table, making the spoons and plates clatter. "Butterfly! you have to be nicer to Valdroxx or I will ground you for 6 months!"

"HE RAPED ME!" Butterfly said but Fluttershy smiled. "He was supposed to. That was the punishment. He said he loves you so it doesn't count as abuse." But butterfly knew he meant this in a sexual way and Fluttershy just didn't understand.

"Anyways Butterfly. Pinkie Pie's daughter wants to meet you at Sugarcube Corner tonight. Is that okay with you?" Fluttershy asked, eating a sausage off her plate. "Whatever. I guess. As long as I don't have to be around my stepdad ever again." she muttered with hatred.

"Hi Butterfly! it's nice to meet you, my name is Sperm pie, Pinkie Pie's one and only daughter haha!" Sperm pie, a pony not too far off from Butterfly's age giggled. She looked almost exactly like Pinkie, except her mane had black and white streaks in them.
"Oh..hey.." Butterfly turned away, feeling shy. She wasn't that good at making conversation with other ponies, and after last night, she wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Sperm Pie however returned with a warm smile, as big as her mothers always were. "Hey! don't be sad, we're going to be bestfriends! eh, you kinda look weird though I have to admit."

"Don't talk about my look!" Butterfly snapped. She hated when ponies picked on her. "Sorryyy!" Sperm laughed at her. "I just said that to get your attention, here, before you got here I baked you this pie, it's really good, I promise! and I'm sure it'll cheer you up too! try it, taste it." she said.

Buttefly stared at her stunned. A pony, giving her a gift? nobody was ever that nice to her before. "Sperm Pie! you shouldn't have, this is so nice! thank you!" she said. Maybe she would have a friend afterall! smiling wide, she was about to reach for it when Sperm pie slammed it straight into her face. Completely piefacing her. For some reason as some of the pie bits flew into her mouth they tasted weird..what did Sperm DO TO IT!?

"Haha I guess you could say you just got CREAMED Butterfly! get it, because I'm a clopper?" Sperm Pie giggled, jumping around her, unaware to the distraught Pegasi's hurt feelings by her mean prank. Wiping away a huge amount of pie splatter off her face, Butterfly growled. "THAT WASN'T FUNNY! what's even in this stuff? this doesn't taste like pie!"

"Oh..well.." Sperm Pie said as the biggest shit eating grin pierced her lips. "I masterbated into that pie awhile back and it's full of my sperm. The reason it's yellow and not white is because it dried kind of and it smelled really bad in my room so I decided to just give it to you."

"YOU THREW A CUM PIE IN MY FACE!?" Buttefly cried in anguish. She should've known better! of course she was only invited here for a sick prank! nopony really liked her! "Sorry Buttefly! but nopony really wants to be your friend! you're hated by everybody!" Sperm told her. "Now go home, Butterfly!"

"Fine, I guess I will then!" she sobbed, running back to her home. She felt completely broken by all the ponies hating her. Everytime she tried to be nice everybody treated her like she was better off never being born in the first place! Sperm Pie didn't even know her before that incident, were there rumors going around that she was freak now or something? oh right, she destroyed an entire mall, of course there were!

"Butterfly, the reason I was so worried about your chaos magic is because it can be used to kill ponies. You weren't my first kid, I had a son at one point named Jeffrey and he maimed and killed tons of ponies. When I realized you were just him reincarnated I didn't want you anymore, but I couldn't tell you that because I didn't want you to hate yourself for what you did in your past life."

"So everybody hates me because I'm a serial killer reincarnated!?" she cried. "You're lying! you just don't want to admit that you failed me as a mother!"
"No really you're Dahmer. Butterfly Shy Argueta Dahmer." Fluttershy said and walked off. This made Butterfly feel even worse. Her full name sounded so stupid! So that's why killing her sisters and that entire mall felt so familiar! She had done this kind of thing before! realizing she was destined to be hated ever since she was born she becomes depressed.

"Nobody will ever see me for who I really am.." she huffed, taking off her aviator glasses. If those were how everybody made the connection with her dead brother / old self she didn't want them anymore. Suddenly, an unfamiliar pony came into the home.

"Oh no, a robber!" Butterfly thought scared, hiding under the bed. However, as the pony approached her, she knew it had to be one of Fluttershy's relatives. "H-Hello?" she asked.

"Hi Butterfly. My name is Fluttershy's Evil Doubleganger. I know it sounds evil, but trust me, the most I am is mean. I've wanted to meet you all your life, but Fluttershy kept me away from you since you were a baby. She hates me like she hates you and I know what you've been through. Growing up is hard, but I want you to know I care about you, even if I don't know you that well."

Butterfly shot up from under the bed. "R-Really? and you're telling the truth? no tricks, no pranks?"

"Of course not. I don't think you're even that evil. You're just misunderstood. I know I'm not really supposed to talk to you but if you ever want my number or anything feel free to ask. I am your real aunt, not just a fake family friend like Rainbow Dash is."

"Yeah, I hate her now." Butterfly admitted. "She convinced Fluttershy to give me away. I will never forgive her."

"What the!? Evil doubleganger!? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING TO MY KIDS!?" Fluttershy boomed from across the room and ran up to her. "Get out! Butterfly felt angry at Fluttershy. They looked like twins! except evildoubleganger Fluttershy had a neon yellow mane with purple eyes and green eyeshadow. Why did Fluttershy treat her family like trash?

"Mom!" she shouted. "She wasn't doing anything bad she was just trying to talk to me!" she came in, trying to defend her moms sister as best she could.
"You're worse than I could ever wish to be, Fluttershy!" Evil doubleganger Fluttershy said. "Your daughter cuts herself and cries herself to sleep almost everyday! and I heard about that twisted punishment you gave her. You and your husband should be ashamed!"

"Blah blah, GET OUT!" she said, shoving the evil doubleganger Fluttershy out the door. "I don't get it, why is she called evil if she's nicer then my real mom?" Butterfly thought to herself. She held on to hope, maybe if she could secretly visit her, they could become closer. She never even knew she had a real aunt before!

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT MOMMY!?" Butterfly yelled. "She UNDERSTOOD ME! you and Valdroxx DONT! no matter what I did here everybody hated me. I never got to see my real dad, my sisters treat me as terrible as my other ones. the only brother I loved was KILLED right infront of my eyes! and my fostermom didn't love me, you obviously don't either! I guess I was wrong about you!"

Then, Fluttershy snapped. Something about what Butterfly said broke her. All her efforts to try and love her uncontrollable daughter, all the times she had tried so hard to add her back into her life, it wasn't her fault it wasn't working out! she wished Butterfly was removed from her life entirely. "I'm going to have to make a call.." she realized and ran over to the phone.

"This is the only way to fix Butterfly." she said. Meanwhile, Butterfly finally figured out how to call Child Protective Services. She may not have been a filly anymore, but she could still file a case for the punishments her parents did to her. But then! valdroxx grabs the phone out of her hooves and throws it on the ground. "YEAH NO WAY YOU'RE CALLING CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES ON ME FUCKER!"

"Oh no valdroxx saw me!" Butterfly gasped as the phone broke into a million pieces. "I hate you so much! I wish I didn't live here!" Butterfly told him. "Yeah well, YOU'RE NOT ESCAPING MY HOUSE!" he said back and grabbed a cloud couch, throwing it at her. It was so massive it knocked Butterfly out of the house and broke her nose.

So then Valdroxx and the wolf sisters stomp on her. Fluttershy watched with no remorse, her eyes full of hatred for her daughter. "You've broke our family Butterfly! you deserve all of this!"

The cloud couch damaged her and she was too weak to use her powers. "Please stop!" Butterfly begged but all she got was another kick to the hindleg. Then, they push her into freezing cold water and Butterfly felt as if she was about to pass out.

"SAY GOODBYE BUTTERFLY!" Fluttershy screamed as suddenly a giant pink helicopter was flew over Buttefly's head. Weakly, Butterfly lifted it. "Wh-why is there a helicopter? is it coming to rescue me?"

Her predictions were proven very wrong as it came down and crashed right ontop of her. It crushed her entire organs, tearing her in half and Butterfly let out the biggest scream. "AHHH!!!" she know knew the pain her sisters felt when she killed them.
Suddenly, the My little pony cartel come out of the helicopter with their biggest weapons and push the entire helicopter off of her, ready to get to work. They had been payed to be here, afterall. El Cadance stepped out, massive tattoos all over her. She quit being a princess so she could start a cartel.

They then cut off all her front hooves and start shoving box cutters in her throat and its so painful for poor Butterfly. "STOP ARGHH AHHH!!" she gurgled. Helia, another member grabbed a sickel and carves off both Butterflies cutie marks. "These are the most generic, lame ass cutie marks i've ever seen!" she said.

So then the mlp cartel smash her aviator glasses and they crash to the ground. They then hook Butterfly up to an IV so her body cant go into shock and she has to feel all of this pain. "PLEASE!" she begged but they ignore her. So then the mlp cartel blasts funkytown and it ruins butterfly's ears. She then dies.