A stain on her pride

by Questionmark x3

First published

Nightmare moon was defeated and through her endless mercy, Celestia has allowed her sister to rejoin her as rulers of Equestria, but there was a catch. She had to tend to her sisters needs. A very awful task for Luna and a very enjoyable for Celestia

Nightmare moon was defeated and through her endless mercy, Celestia has allowed her sister to rejoin her as rulers of Equestria, but there was a catch. She had to tend to her sisters needs. A very awful task for Luna and a very enjoyable for Celestia.

At a Gala in Canterlot Castle Luna will learn how Celestia wants her to behave and who *really* rules Equestria.

Featured fetish: scat, punishment for speaking up, assertive Solar Sister

If this isn't your fetish that's fine, but don't downvote it without reading, that's just bad manners.

Another heads-up, I did write this story in one go, so don't expect a masterpiece, but rather a one-shot story.

A disgusting task

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The gala in Canterlot Castle this year was a very special one. It was the first one that the newly reformed Princess Luna would join and therefore became quite a popular event, which filled with only the most elite stallions and mares. With celebrities such as Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis and anyone that had any sway in politics in the capital of Equestria. With most of the common nobles and politicians occupied in meaningless talk among each other, the two ruling sisters, Celestia, the princess of the Sun, and Princess Luna of the Moon stepped down the long stairs covered with red carpet, as they were announced by a royal guard. Their bodies were wrapped in the finest silk money could buy. Celestia's midnight red dress and a black waving dress. The two of them were gifted with the shiniest golden and blue-metal high heels that clicked on each step against the stairs. Both sisters carried two bracers on each upper arm and a small royal crown on each head. The two gorgeous-looking women were whispering about something with each other, judging from the look they gave each other.

"This is not a discussion, Luna. You better remember our agreement. You have to support me in my politics, or you break our deal; that is the only reason you are not in prison. So better swallow the sour pill, will you?"

"You are horrible! How can you ask such a thing of me!?"

"Don't start again with this Luna, I am not joking anymore. One more word and you will regret it."

"I will do no such thing-"

Celestia closed her eyes, sighted, and stopped as they had almost reached the last few steps of the stairway, holding her sister back with one hand, while hovering over the microphone from the announcer and speaking.

"Good evening, my dear subjects, I thank you all for coming and supporting the royal gala." Most chattering stopped as the guests all looked up at the Princesses on the stairs. With Tia taking up most of the spotlight as usual, Luna wanted to hush off to avoid any unwanted eyes, but was held back by her elder sister who looked back at her with a smirk now on her face, before whispering. "Don't think I won't enjoy this, just remember this could have been avoided."

The sun princess turned away from her little sister, and before she could answer her solar opposite. Now facing the many guests that eagerly awaited her speech. "As I was about to say, this was supposed to be a Gala to donate money for the peasants, but Princess Luna here wants to make it about herself, isn't that right little sister?" suddenly, the spotlight shined bright on the blushing dark alicorn.

"She forgot her place, but as gentle as I can be, I can also be assertive. So please don't be disturbed when in a few moments, Princess Luna, my sister, will eat some, let's say, fine baking if you catch my drift. It will be a lesson for her and a great show for you all." most of the room remained alarmingly silent that it almost made her break a sweat before speaking once more. "This will not leave this room, cause if it does, each of you lords and ladies will not gain a sizable junk of bits deposited to your bank accounts. Tax free of course. I think I made myself clear." Her majestically sweet voice spoke and soon afterward the room began to fill with claps and the guests returned to their conversations.

"Now since that is cleared, come Luna, I found the perfect spot where your moonlight will shine on my anus, it will be like a dream when you eat my shit~." Like a dream was also Luna's expression as she just stood there, trying to comprehend what had just happened. A tight grab on her underarm bracer by her sister, Celestia pulled her down the remaining stairs as the lunar princess tried to talk the white-furred goddess out of this and over to the before-mentioned spot. Quite a few ponies did pass them and Luna could recognize a very much blushing Twilight Sparkle who desperately tried to avoid the blue alicorn and even seemed to be interested on what would happen next.

The younger alicorn had to follow her sister who had put a collar on her neck with a little bone hanging on a chain. It connected to her sister's hand in which she was pulled behind her to the perfect spot. As soon as the two had arrived on the table, Celestia pulled most of the things standing on the table off it and placed her big sunbutt on the edge of it, lifting her red dress to reveal her puckered grey anus. Not wearing anything beneath the dress was nothing new to Celestia, but the attention was currently on the rather large butt of hers. With ease the sun princess pulled her cheeks apart for her little sister to dive in. "Come now Luna, your dinner awaits~". The solar princess unleashed her genitals in all their glossy glory. Her moist pussy was a sight to behold, as it was crowned by a bit of pubic fur featuring her cutie mark. Her large doughnut looked like it was trying to contain something, as it was swollen and sweaty as the chain around Luna's neck pulled her in and between the cheeks of her sister.

"Sister please, stop this madness!" Luna tried her best to pull her head away from her sisters buttocks, but couldn't ignore how many people in the room looked at the two of them, some with a glass of wine in their hands, to enjoy the sick display.
Celestia looked back at her sister, raising an eyebrow before speaking up. Not without using her magic to shove her sister closer to her steaming butt-cheeks.
"Let me say it, only once. Put your pretty lips on my shithole Luna, now!"

After this stern and direct order, Luna was too much put in her place to argue with her sister and had to accept that she was the lesser in this situation. Hopefully it would be over quick.

With her face so close to her dear sister's splinter, it wasn't long before she was forced to put her pristine blue lips against the fleshy grey ring and get the first taste of her sisters sweaty ass. The smell of shit soon found its way into her nose and made her reek her nose. The submissive younger alicorn began to extend her tongue from between her lips, using it to lap around the edge of Tia's donut. "A tasty meal for you is about to be ready, sis. Here is a first taste~". Tia used one of her hands to pull her sisters horn from her butt, giving a huge intake of air to Luna and fill her lung, but not for long till her horn was pulled back down, but this time her eyes got to see something large stretching Celestia's donut and staring right back at her. A large brown log had started to make its way to her splinter. It poked out around the corners and for a second, the younger sister made visual contact with the slimy tip of it. The stench of the brown mass made its way into her nostrils, almost making her eyes water.

"Put your lips around the tip, Lulu, show us how you service my shit, before you swallow it.Now." with a tug around her collar Luna was yanked forward and her lips opened in an O form in shock of the sudden motion and the tip of Tia's turd slid right in to make itself at home. Luna almost fainted, feeling the texture of the log leave its brown oozing cream across her lips and her tongue. Said tongue got its first taste of her sister's shit and almost threw up, but there was no way Tia would let her sister off with only the tip of her shit staining her mouth.

After a few minutes passed with Luna not moving on her own, afraid that the shit would spread around her mouth, she felt the solar princess's gentle hand grab her own blue horn, pulling her away from her tasty treat. With Luna's lips staying in the same O form as before, the log was let go rather easily, but not without having left quite the mess coating the younger alicorn's formerly blue lips. A fact that many of the guests were quick to acknowledge as the blue alicorn's eyes opened and she saw many of their faces, most with expressions of disgust, some pointing at her and some trying to keep the smell that came from her to a minimum around themselves, by pinching their nose shut, either via magic or with a clamp.

A hand was placed below her chin, it was that of her solar sister that made her look directly at her. Her usual warm smile, turned into a more wicked grin. One of her fingers rubbed itself across the fresh chocolate on her lips and collect a nice small junk of it, holding it in front of her sister's face, while admiring the brown cream before making sure to press her finger against her cheek and letting her horn glow bright, which would indicate a powerful spell being cast, but nothing changed, or? "This will be a nice reminder for you sister, who is the one with all the power. I hope you like your gift, i certainly do~" the spot she had chosen for the small bit of crap, just over her upper lip had been sealed in place. Making sure she would have something that would always remind her of it. A burst of magic from Celestia made a handheld mirror appear in front of Luna for her to have a nice and clean look at her makeup. The brown lips were not the worst, but the new barely noticeable dot of brown above her lip was what got her. She desperately tried to scrub it off, but nothing, but the scat on her lips was moving under the pressure of her fingers.

"Celestia, you can't be serious! How can you do this to your sister?"

The elder alicorn rolled her eyes before she stood up from her sitting position on the edge of the table, her magic hovering an empty dog bowl next to one of the legs of the fancy table. "It's your majesty, or Princess Celestia to you." Tia did not even look at her sister as she started to crouch on her heels, just barely over the dog bowl. A faint sound left her butt as she held up her dress as best as possible in such a position as to not get it dirty. Luna had a first-class seat in the first row to watch her sister's large donut stretch once more around the large stuck log and with a *thump* noise the brown log fell out of the elder sister's tailhole and curled together in the bowl below that was steaming from the heat it produced now all in the open.

Once Celestia had finished with the hard part, she let out a moan, as her divine cunt started to dribble some piss on top of the foul dish, much to her little sister's disgust. The moon mare had managed to take a seat at the table, just to recover from her previous misadventure. Next to her were a few cleaning tissues stained brown from how much she tried to clean herself. Just as Luna thought it couldn't get any worse, Celestia hovered the dog bowl in her yellowish magic and placed it on the table in front of her, going so far as to shove it just a little bit closer with one of her fingers. "Bon appetit, little sis. I made sure to eat just the finest baking to produce this for you, it would be really insulting if you did not eat all of it."

With most eyes in the room on the lavender-blue alicorn she had no other option, but to grab the fork to her right and cut right into the steaming, piss-drenched meal awaiting her. A large chunk of it found itself soon on her fork and even sooner between those brown-blue lips of the night goddess. Slowly but surely the scat in the dog bowl became less and less, and Celestia's warm smile became just so much more genuine as she enjoyed putting her sister in her place.