White Dragon

by Blaze-saber

First published

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

For hundreds of years, the White Dragon has appeared throughout history. Sometimes, he's a great hero that protects the weak. Other times, he's a dastardly villain who cares only for himself. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but one thing is clear. He has a great power within him.

But in recent years, the White Dragon has not been seen. Many believe he finally died, whilst others believe he is waiting for the right moment to show himself to the world.

Flash Sentry is just a normal kid, surrounded by very un-normal people. And whilst he wishes he could help those in need, he lacks the power to do it. Until now. Whilst attending a job interview, young Flash finds himself thrust into a world of adventure he never thought possible. He must learn to control these new powers and work with his new partner, or the world may end up doomed.

Chapter 1: The End of the Sliver Draco; the Beginning of the Search

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Explosions could be heard, as white spaceships blasted off the planet as it began to break apart.

Several more ships were flying around, black ones that were raining lasers down upon the ships that were trying to launch. A few of the white ships exploded, but some were able to escape. And before the black ones could aim at them, they were attacked by white ships that had already launched.

The planet had once been a beautiful place. Full of many forests and grasslands, tranquil oceans and breathtaking landscapes. But that had all been lost in the war, for it was now an inhospitable rock that would never hold life again.

The entire planet had become a battlefield.

On that battlefield, a lone figured had just been thrown through the sky before they crashed landed in a pile of ashes. This figure was dressed in a full set of armor, most of it being made of a silver cloth that looked like it was a bunch of scales sewn together. Gold metal armoring was wrapped around his shoulders, neck and down the front of his chest and back.

He had metal gauntlets around his arms, which were mostly silver but had gold at the back, with the same design being on his boots. And finally, his helmet was silver and shaped like the head of a dragon. That dragon's mouth acted as the visor, with gold glass filling it.

The armored figure got up, holding onto his side before he looked at his hand and saw that he was bleeding green blood. He groaned and as he did, light came out of his back and started forming gold and silver dragon wings. But these wings exploded into lights before they could fully form, the figure falling onto one knee and huffed.

It was in that moment that something came crashing down in front of him, scattering the ash.

That something was a large cloud of black smoke, which began to swirl around into a tornado before someone stepped out of it. A figure dressed in similar armor to the figure, looked down at the injured warrior.

Their suit was dark blue instead of silver, with black metal armor covering the same spots as the first. Their helmet was also different, looking more like a snake then a dragon, with two large curved horns sticking out the top.

The silver figure clenched his fist before letting out a mighty roar, then charged right at the black one. The black one did the same and both armored figures ran at the other, the gauntlets on their right arms either glowing or giving off black smoke as they did. That light and smoke spread up their arms and covered their hands, then extended to form blades that looked like they belonged on the end of something's tail.

The moment they clashed, a pulse was sent out everywhere that only caused more damage to the area around them. The silver figure then pulled his left arm back as a transformed into a blaster, which they aimed at the black figure before firing.

The blast was at such a close range, that the warrior didn't have time to block it. The laser sent him flying backwards and he crashed into the base of a mountain. As he did, the silver warrior placed his hand on the side of his helmet. "Zena...prepare the...ship. We need to...leave." He panted, clearly exhausted from his fight. "He's more powerful...than I anticipated..."

"I'm locked onto the Silver Draco's signal," a voice replied before the white armored figure was blasted from behind.

"AUGH!" He was thrown forward and slammed into the ground, rolling along it until he came to a stop. He groaned and picked himself up, then looked around to see what had hit him.

Sticking out of the ground was a long black metal cord, with a spinning drill on the end of it. It spun fast as the tip fired a laser, which the armored figure leapt to the side in order to avoid. It then tracked back into the ground and as it did, the dark armored figure pulled himself out of the rubble.

He walked towards the silver figure, the same black cord sticking out of his back that was connected to the ground. The end and the drill eventually pulled itself out and tracked into him, exploding into a shadow when it touched his back.

The silver figure raised his arms, forming a blade and a shield, but the dark figure suddenly exploded into a cloud of shadow that shot towards him.

The silver warrior slashed at the clouds as they surrounded him, forming a tornado, but the blade did nothing against the darkness. Instead, the silver figure was stuck by something and cried out as he was knocked staggering back. He tried to protect himself with his shield, but the darkness managed to bypass it and hit him again.

He was fighting a losing battle, unable to get a single hit in whilst his enemy constantly landed attacks. Nothing he did worked.

Then, figure appeared in front of him and thrust his arm cannon into his chest before firing. This blasted him out of the shadow cloud and sent him flying, as pain rocked his body. As he flew through the air, the battlefield began to break up.

Eventually, he came crashing down on the side of a cliff overlooking a massive trench.

He groaned as he tried to pick himself up, only to get slammed by the dark shadow and knocked over the edge. But before he could fall, the black figure materialised and grabbed him by the neck.

Now held over the edge, the two armored warriors stared one another down. "The Silver Draco was a fool to pick you," the black warrior announced. "But no matter. Soon it shall have a new host. And with the Silver Draco and Dark Wyrm, I'll become the king that rules this world."

"What...world?" The silver warrior announced. "This war has...destroyed it. There's nothing left...to rule?"

"With the power of these two relics, I'll be able to reforge this planet in my image." He reached out and formed a blade, "you failed. You failed as the Silver Draco. Failed to defeat me. And failed to save this planet."

"Maybe," the Silver Warrior choked through the grip, "but I saved my people!" Then, he clenched his fists. "And...I'm not...done..." The Dark Wyrm then saw his body glowed bright and before he could stop him, a sudden burst of energy exploded out of the Silver Warrior and knocked him far away.

As the silver warrior started to fall over the cliff, a large spaceship that looked like a dragon colored white and blue appeared.

It flew into the trench and caught him. A platform then lowered him to a cockpit where a white robot help them up and over to a metal chair. "We must go now," The robot spoke in a female voice. "The leaders decided to destroy the planet in hopes of slowing him down."

"Let's go...Zena," he breathed out as he rested on the chair before the robot went over to the controls. A holographic screen appeared before her, as the spaceship then lit up its eyes before turning upwards to the sky. Its dragon wings expanded out before taking off to space, as a powerful beam shot down to the planet below.

The ship made it out of the atmosphere and left the planet's orbit, as Zena pulled up a holographic screen of the planet.

Both her and the silver armored warrior watched, as the planet was completely destroyed in a massive explosion. Larger ships appeared on the other side, likely the ones that blew it up, as some of the debris went flying towards the dragon ship.

It crashed into the ship, doing damage before Zena was able to stabilize it. They then saw the larger ships started planting devices into space around what was left of the planet.

When the last one was placed, they activated and formed a massive energy sphere, which started shrinking. As it did, the remains of the planets were crushed together, forming a massive sphere of molten rock.

"Are they...?" Zena started scanning what they were doing. "They're using what's left of the planet to seal away the Dark Wyrm. Not only that, but the destruction of the planet also damaged it," She then turned to the Silver Warrior. "This will give us time."

He nodded before flinching, holding his side in pain. "Take us to an habitable planet...and fast..." As he said that, the lights inside the ship turned red.

"Oh my..." Zena gasped before pulling up a holographic blueprint of the ship, which showed a few spots that were in the red. "We will have to use hyperspeed to get to the planet of your choice, because our ship has taken major damage from the debris of the planet."

"I already have...just the planet...i-in mind..." He gasped before he put in the coordinates. Their spaceship then fired up its engines before taking off in hyperspeed.

The spaceship soon reached the Milky Way galaxy and the planet known as Earth.

However, the ship showed no signs of slowing down when it entered Earth's atmosphere. Pieces of the ship started to fall apart as it was burning up, with those inside attempting to brace themselves for the impact.

The spaceship soon crash landed in the mountains of China, a massive explosion occurring as the ship smashed into the side of the cliff. The explosion caused the snow above the mountains to come loose, threatening to fall at any moment.

Within the ship, sparks flew as Zena emerged from some of the wreckage. She got up and quickly made her way to the chair that held the Silver Warrior. Once she removed all the wreckage on top, the armor on the figure started to disintegrate and vanish to reveal a lizard like alien with bright blue scales underneath.

"You're vital signs are weak and you had lost too much blood," Zena told the alien as he was panting heavily. "I'm afraid you don't have much time."

"I...kn-know...but th-the Sliver Draco will...choose another..." the alien wheezed before he let out a heavy cough. "Y-You need to repair the ship...a-and wait for its new host to come here...no matter wh-what..." With that, the alien closed his eyes and his arm slid off the arm of the chair, lifeless.

The eyes on Zena went sad at the sight of her fallen master. She then heard something from his back. It sounded like a small baby creature before she saw a small metallic claw climb up to his shoulder and pull itself up.

It was a silver dragon, with golden light coming out the gaps of its armor. It had golden eyes and once it was on his shoulder, Zena held out her hand.

The metallic dragon jumped on to it, Zena carrying him outside the ship before placing it on the ground.

"Go, find a new host and train him or her well." She told the small little dragon. It stared at her for a moment, then turned to fly off using its little metal wings. She let out a sad sigh before her arms transformed into tools and she began to work on repairing the ship.

As she did, the snow above them finally came loose. Within seconds, it began to fall and create an avalanche.

Zena saw this and gasped before rushing into the ship, slamming something on the console and causing it to light up. Whatever it was, caused a small force field to form at the mouth of the newly made cave. Seconds later, the snows came crashing down and covered the cave entirely.

When the snow finally settled, it completely hid the cave and the ship lying in wait within. Lying in weight for the next wielder of the greatest weapon in the universe. Lying in wait, for the White Dragon.

Chapter 2: A New Dragon Spreads His Wings

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Three-hundred years later, in a city known as Canterlot City, many people were going about their lives. In a nice city like this, you would have guessed that it's a complete and normal place. Well you be wrong.

From a world called Equestria, magic started to appear in this world and things turned from normal to abnormal. It was all thanks to a unicorn from that Equestria called Sunset Shimmer. She had stolen a crown with an Element of Harmony in it from Princess Twilight.

One thing led to another and after retrieving her crown, Twilight managed to redeem Sunset Shimmer and she made some friends after. This team of girls later gained magical abilities from geodes found on a camping trip and have been using these abilities to take care of these magical mishaps. These girls were also a band called the Rainbooms, comprised of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and this world's version of Twilight Sparkle.

But at this moment, we're focusing on a teenage boy with orangy yellow skin and blue hair. He was wearing a black jacket with a shield on the shoulder of the sleeve with a lightning bolt in the center of it.

Said boy was climbing up a tree until he stuck out his arm to reach a white cat. "Here Opal, come here." He called out in a soft calm tone. Opal slowly made her way over to him.

"Be careful, Flash!" Sweetie Belle called out from below.

"That's it, here kitty." He repeated before he was able to gently pick up Opal. Flash carefully made his way back down the tree before landing safely on the ground. "Here you go, Sweetie Belle." He handed her the cat.

"Thanks, Flash." She smiled. "Rarity would have freaked out if she found out Opal was up a tree."

"Just make sure there are no dogs around when you go out with her." Flash told her before he realized what time it was. "Oh man, I got to go. I promise Micro I would help move some equipment for a science experiment."

"Okay, see ya!" Sweetie told before she left with Opal. Flash then picked up his guitar case before making his way over to his friend's place. As he walked, he noticed Applejack using her magical strength ability to help move a piano up some stairs.

He let out a sign when he saw that before he continued on. As Flash walked, he noticed other members of the Rainbooms doing their own thing around town. Fluttershy was talking to some animals at the animal shelter while Pinkie Pie is using her confetti explosion to entertain some guests at a party.

Flash didn't want to admit it, but he had felt jealous about their powers. Ever since he was a little kid, he had always dreamed about helping others but has always felt powerless to do so. Sometimes he wishes that he could have power so that he can help others as well.

Soon after he reached Micro's place, him and Sandalwood were helping him move a few boxes into the garage of his house. "Hey dude, where do want these?" Sandalwood asked as he was carrying at least two boxes.

"Over there is fine." Micro told him as he pointed at a table in the back.

"This should be the last of them." Flash grunted as he carried at least three boxes in before he sent them down. "So, what exactly is this equipment for anyway?"

"Just a secret little project of mine." Micro answered before he went over to a fridge. "So, any of you guys got any plans for later?"

"Well I was going to help Wallflower with some gardening later." Sandalwood answered as Micro handed him a soda can. "What about you, Flash? What you have plan?"

"Well, I'm not sure." Flash admitted as he leaned against the wall. "Twilight is coming by my house for a study section tomorrow. Other than that, well I'm trying to look for a job so I can get enough for college. It's not for me, it's for Scootaloo."

"That's just like you, Flash." Micro commented, which confused Flash. "You always take time out of your day to help others without anything in return."

"He's right." Sandalwood agreed. "You always do and now, it's our turn. We're going to help you find a job."

"Thanks guys." Flash smiled. Later, all three of them were looking through newspapers to try and find a job for him. They put a red X for a job that didn't seem to fit him or he didn't like. They soon had a bunch of newspapers scattered around, with a bunch of Help Wanteds crossed out. "What about one of those Cafe entertainers?"

"There's not enough cafes around for that." Micro pointed out. "There has to be something for you."

"That's easier said than done, dude." Sandalwood sigh as he was flipping through the channels on the TV. He continued this until Flash stopped him on a particular one that was showing a commercial of Dusk Industries.

The screen showed the company's logo, as a man's voice began to speak up. "Technology. It's the future of mankind." The log vanished to reveal a gray-skinned man with black hair, wearing a black business suit. "Here at Dusk Industries, we are creating the future...today."

The screen changed to show a bunch of high-tech tractors, which were moving over a wasteland and somehow turning it into a green wonderland. "From the food you eat..." The screen then changed to show several cooling towers, giving off harmful smoke, which suddenly vanished as the skies became clearer. "To the air you breathe."

The screen changed again, showing the man walking down an abandoned street. And as he walked passed the boarded up buildings, they changed to become flourishing businesses with many people working there. "Dusk Industries is changing the human experience. And we need your help. Though it's the technology that helps us improve the world, it's the humans that make that world worth living in. Some come a play your part in Dusk Industries. We have openings for people of all ages and skill sets. Come join the future, and help make it a reality." With that, the man smiled as the company logo appeared again before the commercial ended.

"That's it!" Flash exclaimed after seeing the commercial. "That is the perfect job for me!"

"Yeah, dude, it's perfect for you!" Sandalwood agreed. "That company makes great money, you'll have great tech they give out to the employees, and they're alway helping people!"

"So by my calculations, you not only get good money for Scootaloo, but you'll also get amazing technology early and help many others as well." Micro calculated.

"So it is settled. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to dusk Industries and get a job there!" Flash declared before all three of them did a high five.

Within the center of the city was a tall building that looked taller than the rest with the Dusk Industries' logo on the top front of the building.

Inside was the man from the commercial looking unimpressed as he walked through the halls. "Mr. Sombra! Mr. Sombra!" A teenage girl with pure white skin, dark brown hair, wearing glasses, a white shirt, and a light brown skirt called out as she ran to catch up.

"What is it, Raven?" Sombra asked as he stopped to look at her.

"The stock market has risen forty five percent and your five o'clock appointment had to cancel on short notice." Raven told him.

"That's fine, I was going to ask you to clear my schedule." He told her, which completely confused her. "I have something more important to deal with."

"Wh-What do you mean?" She asked as she followed him into the elevator. "What's more important than the company?"

He looked at her before he scoffed and grin. "I suppose you've worked here long enough to see it." He stated before he took out a key that looked like it was made out of a metallic metal and with a light at the blade of it.

Raven watched as he placed the key through a slot on the control panel. The digital buttons on the control pad lit up before it turned into a red dragon head before he pressed it. Raven then felt the elevator going down and she remained silent as she waited to get to the floor he wanted.

Soon the elevator stopped and the doors open to reveal a large area filled with a bunch of scientist in different sections of the area. Raven followed Sombra out of the elevator and she can see in the different sessions of the area that the scientists are working on what she thinks are projects.

She saw a couple of scientists setting up a test dummy before another one held up a large device before pulling the trigger. She then sold the device hitting the test dummy with some sort of energy before it was lifted off the ground.

She then saw another scientist in a different part of the area put on a strange headband with lights around it. After he put it on, she saw a few microbots move on their own before forming a hand.

"I've never been to this part of the company." Raven whispered in amazement at the projects she was seeing. "But why are we doing here, sir?"

"These projects are mere toys compared to what is really important." Sombra told her as they reached the end of where they're going. She was confused as they only reached a wall before he pulled out the same key from before and pressed it against the wall.

She was surprised when the wall lit up and a secret door open up to them. When they walked through, she saw a larger lab filled with many scientists working. She saw that some of them are doing some diagnostics while others were running simulations. At the center of this lab was a table surrounded by some kind of force field.

On that table, was what looked to be a small dragon model that looked like it was made from a metallic metal she had never seen before.

"Wh-What is that, sir?" Raven asked, as Sombra approached the scientists.

"Any progress yet?" He asked, sounding impatient.

"Uh, nothing yet sir." A scientist with green skin and lime green hair answered him. "It still hasn't responded yet." Sombra then looked at the small metal dragon on the table.

"Even after seventeen years, you still won't wake up." He growled before he turned back to Raven. "What you see here is the future. Do you know throughout history there have been stories of dragons throughout the world?"

"Yes sir." Raven replied. "But, what does that have to do with that?" She asked as she pointed towards the thing on the table.

"It all started in China and people there said that one man was chosen by a strange little dragon that gifted him power." Sombra told her with a grin on his face. "What you see before you is that very dragon." Raven was surprised by what he just said before she walked up to the thing on the table.

"This is that same dragon?!" Raven asked in shock. "But it looks so brand new!"

"That's because I believe it is not from our world." Sombra told her as he walked up next to her. "But when I found it, it somehow locked itself up. I've been working tirelessly trying to make it up and once it's reawakened, I have big plans for it." He then looked up at the scientists around him. "Get back to work, you'll have five minutes until you're off."

As the scientists got back to work, the one who summer talk to you before grabbed Raven by the arm and pulled her into a closet. "Okay, we don't have much time." He whispered to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked before he quickly covered her mouth.

"Be quiet." He shushed her. "My name is Chemical Shock and that thing Sombra is obsessed with is very dangerous. I ran a power simulation of that thing and it has so much that it could destroy the world." Raven's eyes went wide when he told her that. "And what's worse, he didn't find it. He killed the one who really had it and stole it from him when he died." He then heard her muffle under his hand before he removed it.

"What does he plan to do with it once he gets it to wake up?" She asked in concern.

"All I know he plans to make something similar to it so he can sell it to the highest bidder and I won't let that happen." Chemical told her. "I plan to sneak it out of here tomorrow, but I'm going to need help. Will you help me?"

Raven didn't know what to do. She thought it over and this company has helped many people. But if what this guy said was true, then this company had been nothing more than a mask behind something sinister. "Okay, I'll help." She told him. "So, how do we get that thing out of here?"

The next day, Flash drove his car to the front of Dusk Industries. He got out and was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. "Okay, you practiced this and now time to get that job." He said to himself before he took a deep breath and let it out.

He was about to head inside before someone bumped into him. He looked and saw a woman with grayish white skin and and gray and purple hair. "Sorry about that." He apologised as he helped up the woman. He then took another look at her and something about her looked familiar to him.

"It's okay, I'm fine." She told him before she got a good look at him. "Wait, aren't you Flash Sentry?"

"Yeah, but how did you know that?"

"My daughter told me all about you." She told him. "You may know her from school, my daughter is Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh I thought you looked familiar. You look just like her, or she looks just like you Mrs...?"

"Velvet, Twilight Velvet." She introduced herself. "Now what are you doing here?"

"Oh uh, I'm here for a job." He answered her. "I'm doing this to get a little extra money for my little sister."

"Oh, that's really kind of you." Velvet smiles. "Come on then, I was about just to get into work when I bumped into you anyway."

"You work here?" He asked as she gave a nod in response. "That's so cool." They both walked into the lobby and he was surprised to see it was bigger than he thought it was.

"You can take a seat over there well I'll tell the front desk about you." Velvet told him as she pointed to a small pit with a round couch. Flash walks over to the couch and waits for about a few minutes before she walked over to him and gave him a nice little resume. "You'll be called up in about fifteen minutes. Good luck." She headed towards the elevator as he began to fill out the resume.

Meanwhile, at the lab part of the company, Raven was waiting for Chemical. "I can't believe I'm gonna do this." She said to herself before Chemical stepped towards her. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I was putting the finishing touches on our plan." He stated before he pulled out a model that looked similar to the dragon in that lab. "You'll switch out the real one in there with this fake." He handed her the fake before passing her a remote and rubber gloves. "The remote will deactivate the force field for a minute. You'll have that long to replace it. Also, that thing gives off a nasty shot. Use the gloves so it doesn't give you away."

"Uh...okay, let's do this." Raven nodded before he pulled out the same key Sombra had and pressed it against the wall. Once it had opened up, the two of them slipped inside and was running to put their plan into action.

Raven hid behind some counter islands in the lab as Chemical casually strolled over to the other side of the lab. He went over to a computer before it started typing on the digital keyboard. He pulled up the security network before being out a USB and plugging it in. He then pulled up the security footage and smiled as he was now going into a loop.

Once he pulled out the USB, he pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button on it.

The scientist in the lab then heard loud commotion coming from outside. Soon, red lights started blurring before the scientists ran out of the lab to see what was happening. Once they were out of the lab, Raven quickly went over to the small silver dragon on the table as she put on the rubber gloves.

Once gloved, she hit the remote button and the force field vanished.

She placed a small box on the table before carefully picking up the metal dragon and placed it in the Box. After placing the fake on the table, she picked up the box with the real metal dragon in it and quickly walked out as the force field reappeared.

She walked out to see a bunch of scientists trying to get a glider board under control as it was flying out of control.

As Raven made her way to the elevator, Sombra came in and was not happy for what he was seeing. "What is happening here?!" He demanded.

"Uh... everything's under control!" One of the scientists assured him before the glider knocked him back. Raven cringed when she saw the glider hit a few scientists before it blasted down the floor.

Flash had completed his resume and was now waiting for him to be called on.

He saw the elevator coming down and saw Raven exiting the elevator once it reached the lobby. Just as she was walking down the stairs, the out-of-control glider burst through the ceiling and started to cause a ruckus.

"Would everyone please evacuate from main lobby. Please evacuate from the main lobby." The intercom blurred out as everyone in the main lobby started to leave.

"Aw man." Flash sighed as he got up. He was about to follow everyone out before he bumped into Raven and she dropped the box. "Oh sorry about that." He apologised as he picked up the box before she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the building. He didn't even notice he dropped his resume and the glider was shooting lasers when it destroyed said resume.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" He asked before she pulled him into an alley.

"I'm sorry but this is really important." Raven stated. "I need you to look after for me. Mr. Sombra will probably want me to come by after that little incident in there. Whatever you do, do not let anyone have that box and do not open it." Before he could ask anything, Raven took off and left him with just the box.

Flash looked at it before he realized that he doesn't have his resume with him. He realized that he dropped it back inside and already knew that it was probably destroyed. He let out a sad sigh before he walked to his car and drove away.

Flash soon parked his car in the driveway of his home before he got out and picked up the small box Raven told him to protect.

Once he got inside, he found Scootaloo already on the couch and watching tv. "He bro, did you get the job yet?" She asked before Flash sat down in a chair and placed the box on the table.

"Well, I was waiting in the lobby when a high-tech glider burst out of the ceiling and went nuts." Flash told her. "I dropped my resume and got destroyed during the commotion."

"That's rough." Scootaloo frowned before she noticed the box on the table. "What's with the box?"

"Some woman just dropped it and told me to keep it." Flash explained. "She told me to not let anyone have it, and didn't even tell me what's in it."

"So, you have no idea what's inside it?" Scootaloo asked. "Did you not open it?"

"She told me not to." He told. "It must be very important if she doesn't want me to open it."

"That is very peculiar though." They both turned to the front door and see Twilight there.

"Twilight, I almost forgot we were supposed to do our study session today." Flash frowned when he saw her. "At least I know that your mom works at Dusk Industries."

"Good to know, but I will ask later about that." Twilight replied before she sat down on the couch. "Right now, do you really think it's a good idea to keep something that might be dangerous?"

"I'm not sure myself." He stated before he noticed Scootaloo opening the box. "Scootaloo!"

"Sorry!" She flinched, causing her to open the box all the way and they all saw a mechanical dragon that was the size of a squirrel inside. "Whoa, so cool!" She reached to try and grab it before she felt a nasty shock the moment her finger touched the thing. "Ow!"

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as Scootaloo shook her hand before she picked up the small mechanical dragon.

"I'm fine, it's just that this thing shocked me a little."

"Well, whatever that thing is, you shouldn't be playing with it." Flash told her as Twilight walked over to Scootaloo.

"Here, let me see it for a second." Twilight asked as she held out her hand for it. But the moment Scootaloo was about to hand over to her, Twilight received the same shock when her finger touched it. "Ow! What was that?"

"Hey, that's enough." Flash spoke up before he quickly grabbed the small mechanical dragon, only to receive a shock from and nearly dropped it. "Gah! Whatever this thing is, we shouldn't be messing with..." He trailed off when they noticed that the mechanical dragon started to lit up before its four legs started to folded out and stood up in the palm of his hand.

"How did you get it do that?" Scootaloo wondered as it was making some sort of noise, like it was excited or something.

"I don't know, but it sounds happy or something." Flash mentioned before he gave a little smile towards it. "I...I think it likes me." That theory went out the window when it suddenly pounced on his face, causing him to scream in shock. "Gah! What's it doing?!" The two girls screamed when they saw it pounce on his face as Flash stumbled backwards while attempting to pry it off his face. "It doesn't like me!! Get it off!! Get it off!!"

"Flash!" Scootaloo cried out as she raced over and helped him try to get it off his face. The mechanical dragon started to make noise before it turned and shock Scootaloo like before, causing her to stumble backwards and fall onto the couch. "Twilight, do something!!"

"Hang on!" Twilight used her magic and her magical aura covered the mechanical dragon as she attempted to help pry it off his face, but it seems to have a tight grip on his face as it wasn't budging. The mechanical dragon looked at her before it fired a bolt of electricity at her, causing her to be sent flying back and crashed into a chair. Scootaloo has a duck as the electricity flowed through the house until it went up to the power lines and took out the power on the whole block.

"What's it doing?!" Flash exclaimed before it started to crawl off his face and climbed under his shirt. Flash felt it started to crawl around his body before he let out a loud grunt of pain as Twilight recovered and walked over to him.

"F-Flash...are you okay?" She asked before she started to feel around his body for the small mechanical dragon that attacked them. "Where...Where is it?!"

Flash breathe heavily as he wondered the same thing, he may not see it but he can feel it. His eyes widened with horror as he figured out where it is. "It's inside me... Oh god, it's inside me!!!"

"It's inside you?! How's it inside you?!"

"It...It must have went up his butt!!" Scootaloo exclaimed as Flash groaned in pain before he fell to his hands and knees.

"Something's w-wrong..." Flash groaned before his eyes suddenly turned into dragon eyes and glowed a golden yellow. Twilight and Scootaloo saw something expand on his back before something was stretching out from under his clothes. Soon a pair of dragon wings ripped and burned through his clothes before they flapped and pinned him against the ceiling. The two girls watched in shock and horror as some sort of white liquid started to form on his body as it began to burn away his clothes. Flash tried to move his arms, but it felt like something else was controlling them as more of his clothes started to burn away.

They then saw the white liquid become solid and look like dragon scales just as silver armor boots and gauntlets started to appear on his legs and arms. The boots look to be like dragon feet while the fingertips of the gauntlets became sharp as claws just when silver armored shoulder pads appeared on him. "What's going on?!" He cried out as armor appeared down his chest and it looked to be the stomach of a dragon while a white crystal was in the center of his chest. Flash soon felt it crawling up and cover his head just as his voice was becoming disoriented. "No, no, no, no!!" He soon covered his face just as a helmet started to form on his head.

The girls were soon blinded by a flash of white light before the wings suddenly vanished and he crashed onto the floor. "Flash?! Flash, are you all right?!" Twilight asked with concern just as he slowly picked himself off of the floor. The two girls took a step back with wide eyes at the site of what Flash has become.

"Whoa..." Scootaloo breathed out as Flash slowly walked over to a mirror on the wall to look himself over. He sees in his reflection the entire armor and the full head helmet look to be the head of a dragon while there was a gold visor in the mouth of it.

"What the..." He breathed out as couldn't believe his eyes. "This...This is out of this world..." He suddenly turned around when he heard a female robotic voice.

"Hhhhhoooooost acquired."

"Who said that?!"

"System configuration initializing."

"Do...do you both not hear that?" Inside the helmet and under the visor, Flash could see it was scanning both Twilight and Scootaloo.

"We don't hear anything." Twilight replied before he heard the voice again.

"Analyzing host."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scootaloo asked Flash.

"I...I don't know..." Flash replied, sounding unsure. "There's some voice in my head."

"Hello, Flash Sentry."

"What is happening?" He asked before the lines edged in the armor from the boots to the gauntlets and chest plates lit up in a golden light.

"Beginning systems check, in 3..."

"'Systems check'?" Flash repeated before a sudden flash of light happened on his back. The pair of dragon wings from before then appeared when the light died down, as well as some thrusters on his back.

"2... 1. Thrusters engaged."

"Flash, what are you doing?" Twilight asked as she and Scootaloo backed up a little.

"I'm not doing anything." Flash replied as the wings raised themselves up high. "But it's going to be okaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!" He screamed as he flew through the ceiling and the roof. Twilight and Scootaloo looked up at the hole that was just made and saw him flying through the sky until he was out of sight.

"Twilight, what just happened?" Scootaloo questioned. "Because I don't know either be frightened or amazed about what we just saw."

"I...I have no idea..." Twilight said, sounding just as confused. "We... We got to tell Sunset and the girls!"

Flash was yelling at the top of his lungs as he was suddenly blown through the roof of his home and was flying through the sky. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!?!?" He shouted as he tried to reach for the wings.

"Please remain calm." The robotic female voice told him as a sudden image of himself in the armor showed him keeping his arms down. "Please keep your appendages down as we exit the atmosphere. I'm now adjusting the pressure for your protection."

"'We'?! Are you that robotic dragon on my back?!" He asked before he realized what she just said. "What do you mean exit the atmosphere?!" Soon he came to a stop and the view he saw really took his breath away. He saw the rest of the planet with the sun shining down on it. "No way?" He could hardly believe it. He was actually in space.

Flash didn't know it at the time, but he had just stepped into a whole world of strangeness. One that would change his life forever.

Chapter 3: The Great Wildfire of London

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Flash could hardly believe what he was seeing right now.

A moment ago, he was in his house with his sister and Twilight. And now, he was wearing a white and silver suit with dragon wings in his back and a dragon like helmet on his head as he was floating in space. "Am I dreaming or something?" He asked in awe, as he was amazed by the view.

"It is a site to behold." He heard the voice again.

"Okay, who or what are you?"

"Like You said before, I'm the dragon on your back." The voice told him. "I am called S.L.V.R Draconet Z771."

"Slvr Drac-what?" Flash tried to repeat, which caused the female voice to let out a sigh.

"Just call me Silver Draco." Flash then saw a few schematics of the armor, front and back, appear in front of him. "Now running diagnostics. Hmmm." His arms started to move on their own which really surprised him. He then suddenly did a few flips while in space and this made him to really freak out.

"What are you doing?!" Flash asked as he tried to stop. "How are you doing this, Silver?!"

"We're linked. It happened back down on Earth after I scanned your DNA." She explained. "And I'm just making sure that everything is in working order, which they are. Except I damaged my memory core and I can't remember how."

"Okay, but can we do this back down on Earth?" He asked. "I'm starting to get a little nauseous up here."

"Acknowledge, re-entry systems engaged." Silver stated before the wings on his back vanished in a flash of light.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Flash cried out before he began to fall back down to Earth. He started yelling as he entered the Earth's atmosphere, his body becoming covered in flames. But for some reason, he couldn't feel the heat at all. Silver soon made him go into a position, as if he was skydiving, before he saw he was heading straight towards the ocean.

Just before he could crash into the water, a quick flash of light from his back caused the wings to reappear and he hovered just above the water. Flash was taking a few deep breaths, as he looked at himself in the water. He was amazed to see the armor suit on his body.

"This is insane." He commented. "And a little warning next time you decide to do something like that."

"Apologies, but I was doing what you said about out of this world." Silver explain.

"It was a figure of speech! I didn't mean it literally!" Flash exclaimed before sighing. "Look, how about we head back to civilization and have Twilight take a look at you. She's smart, so maybe she can find how to fix your memory core thing?"

"Okay. If you insist." Silver replied before she made Flash go up straight and took off into the sky. He didn't think it was possible, but he was suddenly even more amazed than he was before, as he flew through the sky at what felt like mach speed. He wondered if this was how Rainbow Dash felt when she first had her wings.

Flash flew through some clouds before he noticed some buildings below, but not the ones he recognized. He saw a giant ferris wheel and Big Ben, which are only seen in one place. "How are we in London?! We've only been flying for a couple of minutes! And this city's in England! We need to be in America!"

"You said take us back to civilization and this was the closest one." Silver explain.

"Unbelievable...we need to be in America, in Canterlot City!" Flash told Silver before they heard a loud boom coming from the city. "What was that?!"

"Scanning for the source." Silver stated as Flash saw something on the visor on the inside scanning the city. Then it zoomed in on a bank with smoke coming from the bottom.

"Someone's robbing a bank?" Flash asked before he knew what to do. "We have to stop whoever it is!"


"Call it a test run to see what else this suit can do." Flash answered before he blasted off to where the robbery was happening.

At said bank, a big burst of flames destroyed part of a wall before someone came through said hole. She was woman in a black suit of leather armor, with flames printed on the front and back, with high tech red gloves and boots and a matching full head helmet. She was carrying a large duffel back and once she was outside, she sat it down and unzipped it to reveal a bunch of cash.

"I knew today would be a hot day for a withdraw." She joked, smirking under the helmet. But just as she picked up the bag, she saw someone in a white and silver armored suit do a superhero landing across the street from her. "And just who are you?"

"First off, why did you make another hole when you made one to get in?" He asked as he pointed to another hole next to the one she made. "And secondly, I don't think that's how you make a withdraw."

"One, I love to make an entrance and an exit darling." She told him before setting down the bag. "And every bank is fully open to a withdraw, but only to Wildfire!" Flash saw her hands being covered in flames before he suddenly got blasted by said flames. The blast sent him back and crashed into a wall.

"Did she just refer to herself in the third person?"

"She just blasted us with fire from her hands and that's what bugs you?!" Flash looked up, as her boots started to erupt flames from the bottom. She took off into the sky, with the bag full of money slung over her shoulder. "And she can fly."

"It's most likely the gloves and boots she's wearing." Silver pointed out before she showed a schematic of Wildfire. "They seem to generate a high temperature while the suit and the helmet protects her from it."

"Well then," He pulled himself out of the wall. "Let's go after her." In a flash of light, his wings appeared on his back before he took off into the sky to chase after her.

Wildfire looked back as she flew, spotting him coming after her. "Well, well, well, things just got a little more interesting." She joked before she fired things up and went a little faster. As the two of them flew through the sky, civilians on the ground saw.

"We're not going to catch up with her!" Flash told Silver. "Does this suit come with any bells and whistles?"

"Why would we have instruments attached?" She asked, causing Flash to roll his eyes. "But we do have this." She made his arm point forwards and aim straight towards Wildfire. Flash then watched, as his arm began to shine bright before transforming into a arm cannon with the end of it looking like a dragon head.

"Okay, that's awesome!" He exclaimed before saw that it was powering up.

"Neutralizing target in three..."

"Wait, what?!"


"Wait a minute!!"

"One." Just as it was about to fire, Flash used his other hand to push the cannon. It fired a blast and just as the orb of light was near her, it exploded that the blast knocked her out of the sky. "Why did you do that?"

"You said you were going to kill her and we're trying to stop her!" Flash exclaimed.

"Isn't that the same?"

"No! We are not trying to-" Before he could finish, he was blasted out of the sky by a fireball and crashed in the middle of the streets. As he got up, he noticed some people were staring at him. He then turned his attention towards Wildfire, who was standing in front of a crater where she crashed from.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" She shouted in anger. "You could have killed me!" She tightened her fist, as flames covered it. "Now you're going to burn!!" She shot a stream of flames right towards him, but he quickly tucked and rolled out of the way.

"She's clearly trying to destroy us, so we must destroy her first." Silver explained as she transformed his right arm into the arm cannon again.

"No, we're not!" Flash told Silver, as he kept the cannon down. "That would make us as bad as her!"

"Who are you talking to?!" Wildfire shouted at him before she fired again, a pair of wings appearing in a flash before they were used to block the flames.

"It's a long story!" He responded when the wings lifted up. "Now, give up or you're going down!"

"I don't think so. After all, you have a bus to catch!" With that, Wildfire blasted off into the air. Flash was confused by what she meant, only to hear a bus horn from behind. He quickly turned and saw one coming right at him, not having enough time to move.

A quick flash of light happened on his back as a dragon tail extended out from behind him and an energy blade appeared on the end of it.

The tail put itself in front of him and started to cut the bus in half down the middle. Flash was both shocked and amazed by this, as were some of the people who quickly got out of the way on the bus. Soon both halves of the bus went past them as the people on board looked at him when the tail retracted in a flash of light.

"Silver, did we just cut a bus in half?!" He asked before he noticed the people around him had their phones out. "Oh great, now I'm internet famous for cutting a bus."

"And Wildfire is getting away." Silver pointed out as he saw her flying away.

"Let's go after her, but we're not killing her!" Flash told Silver before the wings flapped and he flew after her. Little did he know, one of the people recording what happened was actually Vignette.

After he flew away, she stopped recording and posted the video online. "Wait till the girls back home see this." She smirked as she sent the link to someone.

Back in Canterlot City, Twilight and Scootaloo were making their way to Sugarcube Corner.

"So how are we going to tell them?" Scootaloo asked Twilight. "That a small metal dragon from a box he got from some lady jumped and attached itself to his back and put him in a suit before he was blasted off to who knows where?"

Twilight groaned. "I'm not sure how to tell them. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened, even though I witnessed it myself."

"Anything that happens in this city usually doesn't make sense." Scootaloo reminded. "Let's just hope Sunset can make heads or tails of it." They entered Sugarcube Corner to find the rest of the Rainbooms sitting at a table. Pinkie seemed to be enjoying a milkshake, as were Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"Hey Twilight, how are you?" Sunset asked when she saw her and Scootaloo. As the two walked over, Rarity got a alert on her phone.

"Well me and Scootaloo just saw something that was not of this world." Twilight stated as she and Scootaloo sat down. "Well, what happened was-"

"Girls, you must see this." Rarity interrupted, as she saw something on her phone. "Vignette just sent me a link to a video she just posted over in London." They gathered around and were shocked to see what Vignette sent. They saw a white and silver armor man with dragon wings on his back cutting a bus in half with a dragon tail. Twilight and Scootaloo instantly recognize the armor because it's the same one Flash that appeared on his body.

"That look so awesome!" Rainbow commented which caused the others to look at her with a raised brow. "I mean, that looked nuts."

"Yeah, looks like more equestrian magic is running amok." Twilight replied sheepishly, only for Sunset to shake her head.

"I don't think it's equestrian magic." This surprised the girls. "To be honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at." This just made Twilight and Scootaloo wonder. If it's not equestrian magic, then what else could it be?

Meanwhile, at Dusk Industries, within the lab where Silver was kept, Sombra stood over the table where the fake Silver Draco laid with an angry look on his face. He was told by the scientists that the Silver Draco had no energy signature on it. Said scientists looked nervous, as Sombra picked up the fake and didn't get a shock when he touched it.

"It's fake." He growled as he squeezed it tight, ignoring the pain as he did.

"We're sorry sir..." One of the scientists begged in a scared of tone. "It must have been stolen during-" Sombra threw the fake near them, the lot of them flinching when it hit the wall.

"No excuses!!" He shouted with rage. "I want to know who stole it. Track them down and kill who ever has it!! I will not have something so important be taken away!!" Another scientist sudden entered the lab and sounded out of breath.

"Sir, there's something you should see!" She cried before he followed her. They soon came into a monitor room, where a bunch of people were on high-tech equipment with a big monitor placed on the wall. "Someone in London just posted something online and we believe you might want to see it."

One of them pulled up the video on the main monitor and what Sombra saw caught his full attention. He saw a man in white and silver armor, as he cut a bus in half with a dragon tail. Sombra hadn't seen that armor in the seventeen years. "That's it! That's the Silver Draco!" He shouted. "That's the power of the Silver Draco!"

"What do you need us to do?" A scientist asked, Sombra glaring at him.

"Hack into London's security cameras across the city now!" He ordered before they all quickly got to work. "If you see anything that shows him using the suit's abilities, do everything you can to scan them!" He then looked at one smaller monitor showing the armored figure. "If I can't get any of it directly, I'll just study you."

Back in London, Wildlife continued flying through the sky as she shot fireballs right at the pursuing Flash. He was doing evasive maneuvers to avoid the fireballs and to catch up with her. "We're going nowhere with this!" He shouted.

"Yes, this is getting a bit annoying." He heard Silver say. "May I suggest neutralizing her now?"

"That's a big no!" Flash responded before he noticed some clouds up ahead. "I've got an idea. I'll need that arm cannon, but turn down the power just a bit." He extended his arm out as it transformed into the weapon from before. It then blasted a few orbs of light right at Wildfire.

Wildfire dodged as many as she could before the two of them flew into the cloud. She could barely see anything through the cloud, as Flash managed to get above her and shot down to tackle her. The two of them fell out of the sky and crash landed on the ground. "Not fun..." He groaned before a blast of flames shot him.

"Now I am really miffed!!" Wildfire shouted, as she unleashed a bombardment of fireballs right at him. "You could have just walked away, but instead you decided to play the hero!" She fired a more powerful blast that sent him flying back. "And now, you're gonna burn!!!" Another blast shot him and caused him to crashed into some power lines.

When he hit them, the cables snapped and landed on top of him whilst the electricity was still on. Thousands of bolts of electricity surged, through both of them as Flash began to scream in pain. Wildlife smirked under her mask as she watched the armored man getting electrocuted. However, Silver suddenly had flashes of people fighting in some sort of style kind of like a dragon.

Those images shot through Flash's mind before Wildfire blasted the power lines off of him.

"I could've let those power lines kill you, but I rather burn you to death than electrocute you." She told him as she walked over to him and grabbed him by the throat. "Goodbye." Just when she was about blast him, he suddenly pushed her back with the palms of his hands right towards her stomach.

This caused her to skid back before he was doing awesome acrobatics and unleashing multiple punches and eventually spin kicked her the ground. As she picked herself up, she saw him take a fighting stance like a martial arts master. "Where the bloody hell did that come from?!" She exclaimed.

"Not sure myself." He stated as he was just as surprised as her. "Silver, did I just do kung fu?"

"I think you did."

"Was it because of those images I saw appear in my head?"

"I'm not sure but-look out!" She warned him, as Wildfire shot a big fireball right at him. Flash manage to backflip to dodge the fireball before the arm cannon was equipped and he blasted her a few feet back just before she hit a car. She quickly recovered before she got behind it and blasted the car right at him.

Flash quickly raised his arm up, as it was covered in a bright light. As he brought his arm down, he cut the car in half and she saw his arm has transformed into a blade that looked like the end of a dragon's tail.

"Did your arm just transform into a sword?!" She asked in shock.

"Yeah and I'm both amazed and shocked as you are!" He responded before he used said blade to block a fireball she shot at him. As he continued to block fireballs being shot at him, the local police created a barricade in the area they are in.

"I will burn you to ash!" She shouted before he had his left arm transform into a arm cannon and blasted her back.

"She really needs to cool off." Flash commented.

"That's a great idea." Silver cried before she showed a schematics of her gloves and boots. "If we can short circuit the gloves and the boots, she won't be able to generate fire anymore. Lucky for us, they're not waterproof."

"Then let's go for a dip." He quipped before the wings appeared on his back again and he flew straight towards her. Once he grabbed hold of her, he flew straight towards the water behind them and dive down. The police officers looked over the railing as they were surprised of what he did before he quickly flew out of the water with her and landed on the ground safely.

As she huffed from that sudden action, she tried to throw a fireball right at his head. But to her shock, her gloves and boots bagan to let out sparks. "You...You damaged my tech!!" She shouted with disbelief.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He quipped as he pulled her over to the police. "She's all yours officers." Just as one of the police officers cuffed her, a news crew got through the barricade and went over to him.

"I'm Gayle Gossip, reporting live next to an armored hero who has just stopped the notorious robber known as Wildfire." The reporter said into the camera before she turned to Flash. "Tell us sir, who are you and why did you pursue her?"

"Well uh...I did it because I always wanted to be a hero like my father." He answered. "My father was a police officer and he always helped others no matter what. I looked up to him like he was my hero. He died when I was young and while my little sibling was still a baby." He sounded a bit sad at the memory of that day. "As for who I am..." A sudden flash of images from before appeared again before he heard two words repeat over and over again. "White Dragon?"

"You heard it here first everyone, Wildfire was stopped by the one who calls himself the White Dragon." Gossip spoke into the camera as the officers drove away with Wildfire in custody.

"I think it's time to go, Silver." Flash whispered before the wings flap to take off and took to Canterlot City.

That news report was sent all around the world and it was already becoming a major sensation.

People couldn't seem to stop talking about White Dragon, the video, or the news report. Some would have called him an alien invader, or some mutant that escaped a lab. Meanwhile, at Dusk Industries, Sombra was making his way towards the lab with a flash drive in his hand.

The scientists kept quiet when he came in and went over to the main computer. Once he was there, he plugged in the flash drive and video footage of White Dragon from different angles appeared on the screens. "I want you all to analyze the footage and find a way to mass produce the same power as this 'White Dragon'." He ordered the scientists in the room. "I don't care how long it takes, just do it."

"Yes sir." They all replied before they quickly got to work. Sombra took one last look at the armored figure and had a dark look on his face.

"Whoever you are, the Silver Draco may have chosen you, but it belongs to me." He growled in a dark tone. "And I will get it back."

Flash soon was back in the United States as he was flying through the skies. He soon reached his house and landed in the backyard. "That was insane!" He exclaimed. "It only took us like a few seconds to get here from London!"

"Indeed, and that's just the start of what we can do together." Silver told him before Flash realized something.

"I should probably tell Scootaloo and Twilight then I'm okay." He said as he went up the back door of his house. The moment he grab hold of the doorknob and hold it, he accidentally ripped off the door off its hinges. "Oops..." He stepped inside and tried to put the door back.

When he thought he had it back on and turned to walk, it fell to the ground and made him flinch a little. He then casually strolled into the living room before he cringed at the hole in the ceiling. "I should really fix that before mom gets home." He carefully picked up his phone, trying not to accidently crush it, and dialed up Twilight.

He waited for a few seconds before she finally picked up. "Flash?"

"Hey Twilight, I'm back at my house." He explained before he heard her let out a sigh.

"Oh thank god...Scootaloo and I are on our way back now." She told him. "We saw you on the news after we saw a video of you cutting a bus in half. How did you even get back here so fast?"

"It was because of Silver." He answered. "Oh and uh...Silver is short for Silver Draco which is the thing that was attached to my back from earlier. She said her memory core was damaged and I told her that you're smart enough to take a look at it."

"I will try but I hope you're wearing clothes after what happened when that armor appeared on you." Twilight joked.

"Okay, and I was thinking that we could see what I can do with this armor on." Flash told her as he was making his way up the stairs. "And I have a feeling that you are too because this is your kind of thing."

"Okay, but I feel I should tell you that not even Sunset knows what's on you." Twilight told him. "I didn't tell her or the girls yet. But I think we should once we figure out what this Silver Draco is."

"Good idea." He nodded as he entered his room. "So tomorrow after school, will test out what else I can do and maybe figure out where Silver came from."

"Let's go to the abandoned warehouse downtown for that." Twilight suggested. "See you when we get there."

"See ya." Flash hung up. He pulled open a few drawers before pulling out some pants and a shirt. As he sat them on the bed, he felt something pop out from his back before a small holographic dragon with metal wings hovered in front of him. "Silver?"

"Hey there." It responded with Silver's voice. "I found out I can do something when I was checking my systems. Pretty neat, huh?"

"That's cool, but can you get this suit off of me?" He asked her. "Because I need put on some clothes after you kind of burned off my other one."

"Oh sure, just give me a second." Silver told him before she closed her eyes and looked like she was concentrating. Within seconds, the armor and the helmet started to disintegrate before he was fully out of it. Thankfully, he was still in the underwear that wasn't disintegrated with the rest of his clothes.

"Thanks." He told her before began to put on his clothes. "It's weird, you're right here in front of me but I can still feel you on my back. And you're smaller. Did you shrink when you took off the armor or something?"

"Probably." Silver shrugged. "So you sure this 'Twilight' will be able to fix my memory core?"

"Trust me, she's one of the smartest people I know." Flash assured her. "But I'm curious. Those images we saw before. You think those were your memories when we got shocked?" Silver only gave an unsure shrug. "Well it must be because those images look like it was from ancient China and the guy was doing kung fu. You think you were attached to the guy before and you must have passed the knowledge on to me?"

"I'm not sure...I don't remember anything." Silver replied in a sad tone. "I don't remember if I have a family or where I'm from." Flash felt sorry for her as he pulled her in close.

"It's okay, Silver." He assured her in a comforting tone. "We'll help you find out who you are and where you came from."

"Hey Flash, we're here!" They heard Scootaloo's voice downstairs.

"Come on, let's introduce you to my sister and Twilight." He told Silver before they made their way downstairs where Twilight and Scootaloo are. Little do any of them know, something bigger was coming to Earth. And it wasn't as friendly as Silver.

Meanwhile deep in space, from within the remains of the planet that was destroyed long ago, something dark and red started to glow within the core. Sounds of shuffling could be heard before a dark figure lifted its head. "I can feel it." A venomous voice was heard. "A surge of energy...Light Years away from here...It has a new host..."

This dark figure became a dark cloud before it started to seep through the cracks. Soon the dark cloud covered covered what's left of the planet before it started to move it out of orbit. "I am coming for you...Silver Draco...coming for you..."

Chapter 4: The Hunt is On

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Flash was seen laying in his bed, sound asleep before a sound of an alarm was heard and woke him up. He groaned a little bit as he set up and pressed down on his alarm clock, only for him to accidentally crush it. "Oh man, I forgot about that…" He said to himself as he remembered he has superhuman strength, ever since Silver Draco attached to him. He gets out of bed and stretches his arms before he notices Silver was nowhere to be found.

Got out of bed and looked around for her before he had a thought about where she was. He walked up to the mirror and turned around before he lifted up his shirt and saw the metal wings were attached to the rest of the metal dragon. He saw that it had dug into his skin while most of its body was sticking out. "Morning." He heard Sliver's voice in his head.

"Morning, Sliver." Flash responded before the metal Wings popped off and formed the small holographic dragon. "You think you can dial it back on my strength a bit? I destroyed my own alarm clock."

"But if I do that, you'll be acceptable to any danger that we may come across."

"The only danger around here is my mom if we hadn't covered up those holes we made when you kidnapped me." Flash retorted as he went into his bathroom. "If she had seen them, I would have been dead. I'm just glad Scootaloo went to her Apple Bloom's place for a sleepover." He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste before all of the toothpaste was squeezed out when he grabbed it. It splat on the mirror before he carefully wiped a bit of it on his toothbrush.

"Why, is 'my mom' very dangerous?" Sliver asked as she floated over to him as he began to brush his teeth. Because we can easily neutralize her–

"NO!" Flash quickly interrupted her. "We are not destroying my mom, we're not destroying anyone! Are we clear?"

"Fine, fine, we won't do any neutralizing." Sliver stated in an annoyed tone as she crossed her arms. "But we should be on alert. I can't shake the feeling that something is coming for us and I do not want to take any chances."

"Look, right now I have to get ready for school and then after, we have to meet Twilight at a warehouse to see what else we can do." Flash reminded her as he was finished brushing his teeth. "Plus, we have got to find a way for us to use that armor without burning my clothes off." After finishing up in the bathroom, he got dressed for school as Silver hovered over him.

"I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is coming and–" Before she could finish, Flash quickly grabbed her and placed her in his backpack. "If this is how you treat your friends, I hate to see how you treat your enemies!" Flash just rolled his eyes before he went out of his room and down the stairs.

After a quick breakfast, Flash was in his car and driving to school as he placed his backpack in the passenger seat next to him. Silver unzipped it a little before she popped her head out. "All I'm saying is that there's a 87% chance of a possible threat to come right at you. She told him as he just rolled his eyes. "I looked into your head and saw some memories of the dangers you're in while at school. This fall formal with his Sunset Shimmer girl, the Battle of the Bands where you were under the control of three girls called the Dazzlings, and of course during Camp Everfree. There was also the fight with Wildfire the other day in London. Your world is filled with many dangers and I'm just wanting to protect you. But luckily for you, I have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal."

"Look, we can't just assume everything is a threat trying to kill us." Flash told her. "If you did see my memories, then you would know that there's always a way to resolve things without violence. After school, Twilight will explain to you about things like that while we've seen what we can do and check out those 'weapons' you were talking about."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when a bazooka crazed maniac comes right at ya." Sliver said before she went back into the bag and zip it back up. Flash soon drove into a school's parking lot and got out with his bag.

"Just stay quiet and try not to draw too much attention." He whispered to her before he entered the school.

"Okay, I'll try." He heard Silver reply. "Oh what's this? Oh a journal, neat. Dear journal, I can't get over how amazing the Rainbooms are whenever they work together. All seven of them are beautiful in their own way. Fluttershy is always kind to all both humans and animals while Rainbow Dash can be a little self-confident sometimes, she can be really loyal to others. Applejack is super strong and it's always honest when it comes to it while Rarity makes amazing clothes as she's always generous to others. Pinkie Pie can be really fun and throws the best parties as she makes everyone laugh and Sunset has come very far since the Fall Formal and it's amazing how she can be sincere about others now. But out of all of them, Twilight is really beautiful, super smart, and only knows what to do when things are tough. All of them have amazing singing voices and it's always great to hear them sing whenever I do my homework." Flash blushed a little after hearing Silver read his journal entry before he went up to a wall and slammed his backpack against it. "Ow!"


In class, Flash brought his backpack as it was sitting under his desk while he was paying attention to his teacher. "The integral measures the area of the curve from point 'A' to point 'B'." The teacher told the students. "Copy these equations down, this is all going to be on your final."

"The equations are lies, Flash!" Sliver stated as she was moving around in his backpack while he tried to keep it still. "This creature has no idea what they're talking about. Don't trust it." this caused a couple of students sitting next to him to give him an odd look.

"I left my iPod on." He told them as he acted casual.

"No, you didn't. Don't lie." Sliver told him before Flash kicked his bag. "Ow! Stop doing that!" After the school bell rang, Flash was walking towards his locker before he accidentally bumped into Trixie. "Ah, we're under attack! Sliver started to fly in his backpack as he held on tight to keep her from attacking Trixie.

"Sorry, looking after a little project for Micro." Flash explained with a nervous smile.

"Whatever." Trixie said as she just continued on while Flash had an irritated look on his face.

"Okay, that's it!" He grunted as he made his way towards the soccer field and hid under the bleachers. He then sat down his bag and unzipped it. "Out, we need to talk about this!"

"Talk about what?" She asked whilst flying out the bag.

"You! You need to stop talking whilst we're surrounded by people!"

"Look, I don't know why but I have this feeling like something big and bad is coming this way." Sliver told him. "I don't know what it is but I can't shake the feeling off. I don't know why my memory core is damaged, but I have a feeling it was done by someone on this planet."

"And I'm sorry to hear that. But you need to realize that if people find you, I'm gonna get in real big trouble. So you need to stay quiet and stop disrupting my life."

"Well too bad because now I'm a part of your life. In case you forgot, I'm attached to your back and there's no way for you to remove me unless you want your spine to be taken out as well. Like it or not, you and I are stuck together and I am going to protect you from anything that might harm you!"

"Well I didn't ask you to attach to my back. And I didn't ask for your protection. And yes, things around here get a little crazy. But I don't need you buzzing in my ear every minute about possible dangers. I'm a big boy and I don't need you badgering me."

"You know that big boys don't say stuff like 'I'm a big boy.' And I'm not buzzing in your ear, this is me buzzing in your ear!" Silver then flew up to his head and started making loud buzzing sounds into his ear.

"Augh!" He grabbed the robot and threw her away from him, Silver slamming into the bleacher and crying out as she fell to the ground. "DON'T DO THAT!"

"Hey you started it!" She retorted before she started zapping his feet.

"Gyah!" He tried to kick her, but she leapt into the air and fired another bolt. "Stop that! If someone sees you, we're screwed."

"Ha, like that will ever happen!" Sliver exclaimed. "Besides, I'm just trying to prepare you for whatever happens–Gah!!" A soccer ball came out of nowhere and knocked her down to the ground. Flash quickly rushed over and saw her eyes swirl as her body twitched.

"Hey, do you mind passing the ball back?!" He heard Rainbow Dash call out before he quickly put Silver back in his bag and zipped it up.

Raven pulls up to a house before pulling out her phone. She pulls up her text messages and finds one that was sent by Chemical Shock. "Okay, this is the place." She said to herself before she got out of her car and walked up to the front door. She then rings the doorbell and waits for an answer before she hears someone on the other side unlocking the door before opening it.

"Good, you got my text." Chemical said before he yanked Raven into his house. "Now what did you do with it?!"

"Can you calm down first and tell me why you asked me here?" Raven retorted before Chemical quickly went over to his living room table and opened up his laptop. He then typed in a few keys before he turned it around and showed an online newspaper with 'White Dragon' as the headline with White Dragon on the cover of it.

"This! This is why I texted you!" He exclaimed. "This full body armor came from the little metal dragon you were supposed to take away and hide! But it looks like someone found it and has managed to activate it!"

"Look, I wasn't able to hide it but I gave it to someone." Raven explained. "I didn't have time to get away with it so I gave it to some teenage boy with blue hair and I told him not to open the box!"

"Unbelievable!" Chemical complained as he started to rub his forehead. "Teens these days don't do what they say! This teen boy you speak of is probably the guy who now has the metal dragon on his back and will be hunted down by Sombra if we don't get to him first!"

"Look, just take a deep breath and calm down." Raven told him before she sat down next to him. "We'll just go out and look for him. Once we tell him all about that thing and tell him how much danger he's in, he'll understand or something like that."

"Are you sure?" He asked only for her to shrug her shoulders. "Okay, can you describe more of him so it'll be easier for us to find him?"

Meanwhile, Flash and Twilight were in his car after school was over as he was driving to the warehouse Twilight told him about. In the backseat is Scootaloo as she insisted on coming because she wanted to see what the armor could do as well. They soon pulled up to an abandoned warehouse as there were a few abandoned barrels and broken windows around. There were also a few old abandoned cars as well. The three of them soon stepped out of the car as Twilight pulled out a few things from her bag.

"Okay let's see, energy reader, power scale, and of course my aerial drone camera." Twilight said to herself as she was taking it through her bag.

"This is going to be so awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly. "I mean, we saw what you did online when you were in London. But seeing what you can do in person is going to be so awesome!"

"Yeah, I guess that it is kind of exciting." Flash said before Twilight walked over to him with a tracksuit. "What's this for?"

"Well since I know that you don't want to have your clothes disintegrated when you transform into that armor, I brought my dad's tracksuit for you to wear." Twilight explained. "My mom has been trying to get rid of it for years now, so we'll both be doing my dad and my mom a favor."

"Okay, thanks." He said before he took the tracksuit and went behind some large crates to change.

"Hey Twilight, why did you bring your camera drone?" Scootaloo asked. "I thought we were keeping this a secret."

"When doing an experiment, a good scientist always documents their findings." Twilight stated. Later after he had put on the tracksuit, the three of them went to the roof of the warehouse as Flash was seen standing on the edge of the roof. Twilight had turned on her camera drone as it started to fly in the air. "Okay Flash, now just transform into that armor so we can get started."

"Okay, you heard her Silver, let's armor up." Flash said as he waited for the armor to appear, only for nothing to happen. "Oh wait, Silver's still in my bag. Could you get her out sis?"

"Sure." Scootaloo went over to his bag and unzipped it. Inside she found Silver looking a bit upset with her arms crossed. "Hey Silver, it's time to show us what you can do."


"What do you mean, no?"

"I'm not giving him my awesome armor. He doesn't appreciate me."

"What's taking so long?!" Flash asked as Scootaloo brought over his bag.

"She said she won't give you the armor because you don't appreciate her." Scootaloo told him.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked before Scootaloo reached in the bag and pulled Silver out.

"I'm not giving him the armor!" She cried, "He doesn't want it so he doesn't get it." The girls looked confused, whilst Flash frowned.

"Come on, enough playing around. Armor me up."

"So I'm just supposed to do whatever you tell me to do? Yeah, no. I'm not some puppy you can order around. You don't appreciate me, so you don't deserve me."

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate you, it's that you can be overprotective." Flash explained. "Plus I was only trying to protect you when I told you to keep it down. If anyone found out about you, they would dissect you."

"Ha, you sound like you care. Got a funny way of showing it. You tried to kick me!" Twilight and Scootaloo were shocked by this.

"Only because you tried to zap me," Flash countered.

"Only because you threw me against a bleacher!"

"Only because you were screeching in my ear!"

"ENOUGH!" Twilight cried, "you're both acting like babies."

"He/she started it!" They both cried, pointing at each other. Twilight groaned and couldn't help but facepalm.

"Look, can you just armor him up so we can see what you can do together?" Scootaloo asked, only for Silver to cross her arms and look away.

"Okay, if that's the way you want to play it…" Flash said before he started to walk away from the edge.

"Flash, what are you doing?" Twilight asked as he looked like he was about to do a running start.

"You're bluffing," Silver told him. Flash smirked and looked at the edge, taking several deep breaths. The girls also thought he was bluffing, before he started running. They expected him to stop right before the edge, but he didn't and leapt over it.

"FLASH!" They screamed, as Flash flew through the air.

Silver quickly flew over and attached herself to his back. Then in a bright light, the suit started to materialize on his body as it started to burn away the tracksuit. One the flash of light happened, a pair of dragon wings appeared and he started to fly in the air. Flash cheered before laying down to Twilight and Scootaloo and landed on the building. "You sneaky son of a gun."

"I knew you couldn't resist." He commented in a smug tone.

"Okay, now that you're all suit up, we can start testing how you in the suit work." Twilight said as they began to test out his new abilities. Twilight started by using her magic to levitate a few cars and through them at Flash. Flash caught each of them as she began to stack more cars on top of them until they're at least twenty or thirty cares.

Later, Scootaloo set up a few glass bottles along a railing as Flash ready the dragon arm cannon. He took aim at one of them as Scootaloo joined Twilight behind a wall before he fired a blast. The force of energy pushed him back a bit and the blast took out all the glass bottles along the railing.

As Twilight was writing notes on their progress, Scootaloo was riding on his back as they were flying in the air. Later, Silver detached herself from his back as she sat in front of Twilight while Flash and Scootaloo were trying to figure out what else he can do. "So, this holographic form of yours looks like it can go through things yet it feels so solid whenever one of us touches you." Twilight pointed out. "Can you explain to me how that is possible?"

"Well, I'm not sure myself but I think you can call it 'hard light.'" Silver told her while Scootaloo started poking Flash on the back. "It's more complicated than it sounds if I try to explain it to you."

"That's okay, but do you think you can pull up a blueprint of yourself?" Twilight asked. "I want to see if I can fix your memory core." Silver nodded before she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she projected a holographic blueprint of herself except the writing on the design of her was in a language not of this world. This caused Twilight to blink a little before she let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, I don't think I can fix your memory core if I can't read that."

"Yeah, I figured that. I tried changing it so you could read it, but no luck."

"Hey Silver, what can this suit do besides having blasters and fly?" Flash asked before Silver thought for a moment. Silver then flew over and retouched herself to his back before a quick flash of light appeared on his left arm and it became a claw with four pincers. "Whoa! What can this do?!"

"Try picking up that steel beam over there." She instructed. Flash decided to humor her as he walked over and used the claw to pick it up. The pincers opened when he reached down to grab it before they slammed down and crushed it.

"Awesome!" Scootaloo cheered. "What else can you do?!" Silver detached herself from his back and floated over to her.

"Well like I told your brother, I have an arsenal of weapons at my disposal. Not only that, but I can add more with just a simple thought from him. Whatever he can think of, I can create."

"Really?" Flash asked before he started to think about something. "Silver, I want to try it out. I think I have a couple of ideas that might be useful." Silver floated back over and reattached herself to his back. She then saw his ideas and she was intrigued by them. Flash then balled up his fist as it got covered in a bright light. Once it died down, it was a white rocket with golden outlines. His left leg then got covered in a bright light before it turned into a big drill.

"Wow, that's very creative, Flash." Twilight complimented. "Where did you come up with that?"

"Saw it on a TV show from Japan." Flash answered her. They then started to make new things like a gatling gun on his right arm, a rocket launcher on his right leg, and other things he could think of. Twilight then heard her phone start to ring before she took it out of her pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hey mom." She said to whoever was on the other side of the call. "I'm just with Flash Sentry and his little sister for a little experiment. What? You really mean it? Sure, I'll ask if he would like to come. Thanks again mom, love you!" After she hung up her phone, she walked up to Flash with a bright smile. "Flash, I have some big news for you."

"What's up Twi?"

"My mom's boss is hosting a party tonight and since my mom is one of his top workers, she is invited to go." Twilight told him. "She was told that she can bring me along since I've been intrigued about his work for some time and she said I can bring anyone I like to bring."

"And you want to bring me along?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"You wanted to work at Dusk Industries, so I thought this might be a perfect opportunity for you to meet the CEO of it." Twilight explained.

"Wow Twilight, that's very kind of you!" Flash exclaimed as he carefully gave her a hug. He realized what he was doing as he quickly pulled back and blushed under the mask. "So…uh, what time is the party?"

"Just around ten, be sure to wear a black suit." Twilight told him with a smile.

"Sure, I'll see you then." Flash replied before Silver detached herself from his back and floated over to Scootaloo.

"I know what you're going to ask, and it's a long story." Scootaloo said before Silver could say something. "I'll tell you about his feelings for her, and his feelings for another girl also named Twilight."

At the top floor of Dusk Industries, Sombra was watching the footage from London as he watched White Dragon fight against Wildfire in his office. Sombra remembers how the host of the Silver Draco used to fight before and can tell the difference to this new host. "Did something happen to her memory when I took her?" He asked himself before he tightened his grip on his own hands.

The doors to his office then opened as someone walked in. It was a man with pure white skin, dark blue hair with black streaks, and green eyes. This man was also wearing a black leather jacket and torn jeans as he walked over to Sombra. "You called for me?" He asked.

"Yes I did, Shade Prowler." Sombra responded as he stood up from his desk. "No doubt that you've heard the news about a hero that goes by the name 'White Dragon.'"

"Yeah, I heard he cut a bus down the middle in half before taking down some hot chick." Shade said as he sat down in a chair and put his feet up on the table. "But something tells me that you didn't call me just to fanboy about him, right?"

"That's right, you know that the Silver Draco is mine and was recently stolen." Sombra mentioned in an angry tone. "So tonight, I'm hosting a little party and that's where you come in. You helped me get the Silver Draco and now I need your help to either take it back or study whoever has it now more."

"If you are going to hire me to do it again, the payment will be doubled then it was the first time." Shade mentioned. "Plus I think I might need better equipment."

"I'll pay you whatever you want, and as for your equipment." Sombra said as he went over to a bookshelf and pulled out a book like a lever. The bookshelf then split open to reveal something inside. "I already took care of that. Just be ready when to take care of this new White Dragon." Shade looked at what was in the secret compartment and had a grin on his face.

Soon night falls as Flash is seen wearing a black suit he wore during the Fall Formal as he is driving to the address where the party is being held. Soon he parked in front of a building where he saw lights shine bright at the penthouse of the building. He steps out of the car before he hears a familiar voice call out to him. "Flash, over here!" He turned to see Twilight wearing the dress she wore during the party at Camp Everfree. With is her mother, Twilight Velvet and a man with dark blue skin and hair while he has yellow eyes.

"Hey Twilight." Flash greeted as he walked up to her. "I can see your parents are here too."

"You must be Flash Sentry." The man said as he walked up to Flash and shook his hand. "I'm Night Light, Velvet's husband and Twilight's father. They both told me a bit about you."

"Well it's nice to meet you, sir." Flash responded with a smile.

"My wife told me you tried to apply for a job at Dusk Industries before a little incident happened. You would've loved to work there."

"Alright honey, why don't we just go up and enjoy the party." Velvet suggested. "Maybe you can meet Sombra there and see if you can get a job from him."

"That would be nice, thank you." Flash walked over to Twilight as her parents went inside. "I got to say, your parents are really amazing."

"Thanks Flash, but I can tell by the lump on your back that Silver is tagging along." Twilight mentioned before the lump started to move and Silver popped her head out from the back of his shirt.

"I'm just here to keep an eye on him and want to see how a party goes." Silverstream explained herself. "I saw his memories of parties being thrown by a girl with cotton candy for hair. So, I kind of want to know how this party is compared to one of hers."

"Anywho, let's go in and have fun." Flash suggested as Silver quickly went back down and the two of them joined Twilight's parents inside. They took the elevator up to the penthouse where a bunch of people were enjoying the party while music played. Some of the people were talking amongst each other. Two of the people in the crowd are Raven and Chemical Shock, but Chemical looked a bit uneasy.

"I don't like this…not one bit." He whispered to Raven. "We should be finding that kid who has the Silver Draco, not here."

"Look, just stay cool." Raven whispered as she gave him a glass of champagne. "I know that finding him is important, but you need to act casual so Mr. Sombra won't expect us. So relax and just have fun with it." Chemical took a deep breath before taking a sip of the champagne while looking amongst the crowd. His eyes then caught sight of Flash walking in with Twilight and her parents before he did a spit take.

"Th-That's him!" Chemical exclaimed as he shook Raven and pointed to where Flash is. "That the guy you gave it to!" Raven looked to where he was pointing and her eyes went wide.

"You're right!" She said before the two of them tried to make their way to him. They made their way through a crowd of people, bumping or parting ways through the crowd as they tried to make their way to him. But the moment they got to the spot where they saw him, he was nowhere in sight.

Meanwhile, Flash was with Twilight as they were talking in private by the bar. "I got to say, your mom's boss really knows how to throw a party." He complimented.

"I know, but I was really hoping we could see Mr. Sombra." Twilight said as she looked around the place. "You would have thought the host of the party could at least come to his own party."

"Yeah, I wonder where he is." Little do any of them know that Sombra was in a room with a two-way mirror looking down at the party. He then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Everything is in place. Are you in position, Shade?" He spoke into the phone.

"Just give the word and I'll do my thing." Shade replied before Sombra looked back at the party with a small grin on his face.

"Do it." With that, an explosion burst open the door and startled everyone. Everyone looked and saw someone emerging from the smoke of the explosion. It looked to be a man wearing a full body black suit with purple lines on the body. There appears to be white armor up his arms and legs while he wore a black helmet with a white mask on his face.

"Hey you!" A security guard called out as he walked up to the black figure. You're not supposed to be--" The moment the security guard grabbed hold of his shoulder, the black figure grabbed his arm and put them over before breaking his arm and punched his lights out. Some of the people were frightened by what this man did before this man touched the ground and his hand glowed before something began to spread out along the ground.

Something then began to crawl along the ground before reaching towards the elevators and other exits. "What's going on?!" Flash asked as he, Twilight, and her parents witnessed what was happening.

"It looks like he's using nanotech to block off the entrances." He heard Silver tell him in his head. "And before you ask how am I seeing all this while being under your shirt, I'm seeing through your eyes."

"Alright, here's how this is going to go down!" The armored man spoke up. "All of you are my hostages and let's just say I'm doing this to draw in someone! For every hour this person doesn't show up, I'll start killing all of you one by one!" He then ball up his fist as it began to transform into a rifle gun. "If any of you try to be a hero and take me down, I'm taking you down!"

"We need to take care of this."

"But don't transform me into that armor right in front of everyone." Flash whispered to Silver. "We need to keep it a secret."

"If you're talking to Silver about how to transform with no one knowing, I think I may have an idea." Twilight mentioned before she started whispering in his ear.

"So, you all might want to get comfortable." The armored man told them. "Because after an hour, one of you is going to be dead soon." Twilight's parents pulled her in clothes before they noticed Flash sneaking up behind the black armored figure. Flash then charged right at him before the black armored figure quickly got him by the throat. "Oh, trying to play the hero aren't we?"

"I don't know who you're trying to get attention…but I really doubt he or she would like this…" Flash told him as he was getting choked.

"I hope they don't like this. That's why I'm doing it. If they're really the hero they pretend to be, they'll show up."

"Hero?" Flash asked, but had a small incline he knew what this guy was talking about. He reached up and grabbed his fingers, barely managing to loosen their grip so he could take a small breath. "You're after...that dragon thing...aren't you?"

"Yeah, I heard he was the top news and I want to see how good he is." The armor figure walked up to the windows. "But maybe I should do something to get his attention, like this!" He then threw Flash out the window and Flash began to fall.

"Silver, now!"

"You got it, Flash!" Silver replied as she began to form the armor on him. Back in the penthouse, the armored figure looked along the crowd as he let out a scoff.

"Let this show that being a hero gets you killed." He told them before he was suddenly blasted from behind and skid across the ground. He quickly got up and saw White Dragon flying into the building before landing on the ground. "Well, if it isn't the man of the hour."

"You know, that kid was lucky I was flying by when you threw him out that window." White Dragon said as he acted cool. "But now that I get a good look at you, you look like a knock off of Batman and Deathstroke fuse together."

"The name's Dusk Hunter, and now that you're here," he put his hands on the ground and started to absorb the nanobots on the entrances and absorbed them. "I can finally get my payment." He quickly fired a couple of grappling hooks to the walls behind white dragon before he quickly zipped right at him and kicked him right out the building. The two of them soon landed on a different rooftop as White Dragon crashed while Dusk Hunter landed safely.

White Dragon quickly got up before his arm transformed into an arm cannon and took aim at Dusk Hunter. He began to wrap it fire while Hunter was doing somersaults to dodge each blast before his own arm turned into a blaster like White Dragon. Hunter then started firing back and blasted White Dragon into a wall. White Dragon groaned before Hunter quickly charged at him, ready to deliver a punch to the gut before White Dragon quickly flew up and dodged the attack.

"Man, this guy really packs a punch." He commented as Hunter created a jetpack before blasting off to chase him. "How is he doing all of this?!"

"It looks like he's controlling nanotech with just a simple thought!"

"Great, now how do we take him down?!" White Dragon looked back and couldn't see Dusk Hunter in sight. "Where'd he g--" Hunter came down on top of him as the two of them were heading straight for the park. They soon crashed into the river before quickly recovering. The two of them then got into a battle stance before they began to fight. They each formed a blade on their arms as they clashed.

Dusk Hunter then spun and kicked him in the ribs before forming a blaster on his arm and shot him a few feet back.

White Dragon barely managed to stay upright before looking down at the water they were in. "Silver," he whispered, "do you think that suit's conductive?"

"Only one way to find out," Silver replied before his sword started sparking. Flash leapt into the sand and stabbed the river, unleashing bolts of lightning that charged the whole thing.

Dusk Hunter saw this coming and leapt into the air, avoiding the lightning surge. "Nice try." His suit opened up at the hips and shot out a pair of cables, which flew past White Dragon and embedded themselves in something behind him. They then retracted at high speed, Dusk flying at the armored teen before smashing his feet into his chest.

"AUGH!" White Dragon was pushed backwards by Dusk, until eventually he ran out of cable and stopped. The hero just kept going, flying through the air with little control. The wings on his back formed in the flash of light that stopped him in mid air. "This guy is on a whole new level…" He groaned while holding his side.

"I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed." Dusk Hunter mentioned as he looked up at White Dragon. "The last guy who had the Silver Draco was better than you and put up more of a fight."

"What?" Flash could hardly believe what he was hearing. "You know about Silver?" Dusk said nothing and Flash raised his arm cannon. "You better answer me? What did you do to Silver?"

"Why, is there something wrong with that thing?" Dusk asked before letting out a scoff. "Must have done too much damage when I killed that police officer." He then took a knee before his boots turned into jets and blasted right towards White Dragon.

As White Dragon started to shoot at Dusk, Dusk created a shield to block each blast before knocking him down with said shield. That hit symptom flying and crashed onto a rooftop. "He…He knows me and someone who I was once attached to?" Silver spoke up with disbelief.

"And he also said that you were attached to a police officer." Flash pointed out. "He definitely knows more and we need to find out what!" Dusk Hunter then landed on the roof as White Dragon stood up. "Alright pal, I want answers!"

"Maybe you can get them in the afterlife." Dusk told him before he charged right at White Dragon as his hands looked electrified. He then grabbed him by the throat and by the back as he began to electrocute both him and Silver.

Both of them screamed in pain, Silver trying to free herself and generate a weapon. But before she did, images suddenly flashed in the forefront of her mind. That image was the White Dragon, but not Flash. Whoever this was, they were fighting against someone else and showing a lot more skill then Flash currently had.

The image then changed to show Silver on the shoulder of someone. They were wearing a police uniform, but their faces were still blurry.

Flash finally managed to pull Dusk's hand off of him and kicked him in the chest, knocking the man back as the charge stopped. Flash groaned and looked at his back. "You okay?"

"I…I just…We need him to shock us again!"

"Say what?!"

"The electricity that he hit us with cost some memories to come back to me! Like how we got electrocuted when we fought Wildfire back in London!" Silver explained. "Maybe if I absorb more electricity, you'll survive and I'll get more memories back! And probably unlock something that's been hidden because of my memory loss!"

"No way. I am not letting myself get zapped." As he said that, Dusk charged forward and swung his katana around. Flash started avoiding the swings as best he could, summoning his crab claw as he did. When Dusk tried for a downward swing, Flash used his claws to catch the blade. "Gotcha!"

"Do you?" Dusk's shoulders suddenly opened up, a pair of small nozzles folding out. The next thing Flash knew, a white liquid shot out and hit him.

"Gaaah!" He staggered back, as the slimy goop began to harden and trapped his arms to his chest. "Gross!" Dusk then started slashing at him again, Flash barely able to avoid the swipes. He couldn't summon his wings and though he could feel the rock-like substance slowly breaking as he forced it, he couldn't do that and protect himself at the same time.

"Do something?" Silver cried, as Flash leapt back.

He almost lost his balance as he landed, the White Dragon continuing to struggle against the concrete. "Wait!" He then had an idea, "oh yeah!"

Dusk Hunter prepared to charge at him. But as he did, the White Dragon's right leg suddenly glowed and transformed. When the light faded, a white box could be seen around his lower leg which had a gatling gun stuck to the side.

"What the–?!" Dusk exclaimed before the gatling gun on his leg started firing. Dusk Hunter started running as he tried to dodge the bullets being fired at him before he ducked behind a wall. "The hell was that?!"

"Just something I thought of!" White Dragon shouted. This allowed him to finally break out of the rocky substance, as his gatling leg vanished. His right arm then transformed into the rocket fist he had practiced with earlier. "Now start talking or you're going to get a rocket to the head!"

"Look, it's nothing personal but I was hired to get the Silver Draco back!" Dusk shouted from behind the wall. "The guy who hired me prefers to be called Umbra Lord instead of his real name when I talk about him!"

"And who's Umbra Lord?!" White Dragon demanded. "Not only that, but who was the police officer that had Silver before me?!"

"If I talk, I'm dead! He made that very clear!" Dusk retorted as he started to make something in his hand.

"Well maybe I can make you take the--" White Dragon started before Dust Hunter threw a grenade before it exploded and caused a smoke screen. White dragon looked around frantically as he kept his guard up.

"This isn't good," Silver stated as Flash staggered around. "This stuff is confusing my sensors. Get out of it before-" She didn't get to finish, as Flash was suddenly shot by something from behind and blasted forwards.

"This is not good!" Flash grunted as he looked around frantically. "He's using this smoke to hide himself and attack us from the shadows! Please tell me we can create some sort of fan to get rid of it!"

"We can…" Silver started before they got blasted again. "If he can stop blasting at us!"

Flash picked himself up again and pointed both his blasters forward, constantly spinning around as he tried to figure out where Dusk was. But when he finally sensed someone approaching, the figure moved too fast and Flash couldn't react in time.

"Augh!" He was punched in the face, forcing to stagger back as he fired his blasters. But they missed and Dusk got in close again, dealing another two punches to his gun before leaping up and stamping on Flash's chest.

The armored teen was knocked back and tripped over something, knocking him to the ground as he groaned. "Get up!"

"He's too strong," Flash groaned. "His fighting skills and his tech together are too good." It was then that he realized what they had to do. "We gotta take the tech out of the equation."


"Can you create a weapon that can unleash an electromagnetic pulse?"

"Yes. But making one that won't affect me will take a few minutes." Flash picked himself up, "Can you hold out without me that long?"

Flash took a deep breath, "Let's find out." White Dragon then stood his ground as he either took a hit from a blast or dodged it. There were a few good hits getting to him as he waited for Silver to complete the pulse. "How much longer, Silver?!"

"I don't know. I'm working on the fly here." Flash groaned as he dodged another blast. As he did, he found himself staggering into a trashcan and accidently put his hand in it.

"Ew," he pulled it out as he sensed footsteps behind him. An idea formed in his head and he pretended to be having trouble, falling to his knees and panting.

"Awe," he heard Dusk's voice, "Are you tired. Don't worry, it'll be over soon."

"Yeah," Flash nodded as the presence got closer. "FOR YOU!" He grabbed the can and swung it around, sending the trash flying right into Dusk's face.

"AUGH!" He cried, feeling old banana peels and other gross stuck to cover him. He wiped something off his helmet and as he did, he saw Flash holding the can up before slamming it down on top of him. "HEY!" He was stuck inside the trash can, unable to continue to produce the smoke.

This allowed Flash to run away, "Silver!"

"It's ready." His arm transformed into some kind of railgun, lightning sparking between the prongs. "But it'll take time to charge. About a minute." Flash nodded. But as he did, Dusk let out a mighty roar and ripped through the can.

His back then morphed into a rocket and exploded, propelling him forwards. Before Flash could react, the mercenary tackled him and grasped him around the neck. "Looks like I underestimated you." Dusk commented. "You're better than I thought you were. But, all good things have to come to an end." Flash then felt another surge of electricity course through him as he began to cry out in pain.

Silver screamed with him as she began to have more memories flash in her head.

Most of them were too blurry to make out, but one in particular was clearer than the others. It was an image of the White Dragon, fighting what appeared to be a black version of himself. The two were locked in combat, frozen as they leapt at each other ready to destroy one another.

Flash screamed out as he continued to be electrocuted. Dusk laughed and formed a blast on his arm, which she raised up to stab down into him. "Say goodbye."

Flash took a deep breath and smirked, "Goodbye." The next thing Dusk knew, the EMP arm was thrust into his chest and fired.

The pulse blasted Dusk Hunter backwards, sending him flying backwards as he screamed. It also caused his tech to completely fry, the nanobots that made up his suit beginning to disconnect and all off him like sand as he was thrown through the air. By the time he crashed into the ground, he was only wearing his helmet and a black jumpsuit.

He groaned as he laid there, whilst the White Dragon fell backwards and landed on the ground to hold his head. "That…wasn't...fun…"

"You can say that again." Silver agreed. "Let's hurry up and ask him some questions. Because right now, I have plenty for him." Soon they had Dusk Hunter sit up while his arms were tied up. Silver detached herself from White Dragon's before she hovered in front of him with a glare. "Start talking, right now!"

"Look, I was hired to take you back to Dusk Industries after I killed your new host." Dusk Hunter told them.

"Someone from Dusk Industries hired you?" White Dragon asked in shock. "But what do they want with Silver and who is the police officer you mentioned before?"

"I can't really remember his name. At the time, I didn't really care." Dusk answered, Flash frowned, wishing he could have gotten some more details. "Look, it's something personal, kid. But hey, maybe you should work for the guy. They pay well and you'll live while also keeping a very powerful weapon."

"After hearing what you just said about Dusk Industries, I would rather be a foot massager to an angry bear than work there." White Dragon told him in an angry tone before he turned to leave.

"Your loss." Dusk shrugged before he stood up. "The CEO of that place pays six figures, but I guess some people choose to be poor." A sudden smoke bomb suddenly dropped which got both Silver and White Dragon by surprise. When the Smoke cleared, he was gone.

"Did he say six figures? Nah!"

"Flash, are you okay?" Silver asked with concern after hearing how angry he sounded.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good…" He replied before he suddenly got a text message from Twilight. "Twilight just texted me. She wants me to meet up at her place for a little talk or something. She has some spare clothes waiting for me there."

"What do you think she wants to talk about?"

"Let's go there and find out." He told her before she reattached herself to his back. His wings then formed before they took off.

Meanwhile at a lab at Dusk Industries, Sombra enters just as the scientists are finishing up something. "Well, did it all come through?" He asked them before one of them walked up to him with a flash drive.

"White Dragon may have knocked out the camera with an emp, but we got enough valuable data." He told him before Sombra took the flash drive. "Do you want us to get to work on this project now sir?"

"Yes, program each bot with the data from this flash drive and be sure to leave nothing out." Sombra told them as they all quickly got to work. He then took another look at the drive as he had an evil grin on his face. "Soon, they'll know who the king of this world is."

White Dragon soon landed behind the house of Twilight's before he saw some of his clothing and shoes sitting on top of a recycling bin. He walked over to it as Silver detached herself from his back as the armor disintegrated when he grabbed his clothes. After putting on his pants and shirt on, Silver quickly climbed into his shirt and reattached herself before he walked around front. "I really should talk to Twilight about what I just found out." He whispered to Silver after he rang the doorbell.

"Maybe after you talk to her about Dusk Industries, we should talk about that memory about that other White Dragon and that thing in black armor." Silver mentioned while sounding concerned. "Just the thought of it, gives me the chills."

"Okay…" Flash replied before the door opened up and he was greeted by Twilight, only she looked a little nervous. "Hey Twilight, are you okay?"

"Just come in and well…let's just say that it's not easy to say." Twilight told him before she stepped aside. Flash walked in and saw her parents, Scootaloo, his mother: Misty Veil, Raven and Chemical Shock.

"What's this about?" He asked before Chemical walked up to him.

"Nice to meet you, Flash Sentry." Chemical said. "Or uh…White Dragon…heh…We really need to talk." Flash was shocked by this and knew that this was going to be a long talk.

Somewhere in the mountains of China, inside is a familiar dragon-like ship that didn't look all that frozen. Inside, a familiar robot wearing some rags as a hood over her head looked to be powered down before a red light started to lit up on a console. The robot soon powered up as the eyes turned on before it walked over to the console. It soon tapped a few buttons before the screen lit up and saw a very familiar energy signature.

"Is…Is that the Silver Draco?" It spoke in a female voice. "At long last, I finally got a lock on where it is!" It then started to type in a few things on the console. Once I defrost this ship, I'll make my way towards you, my new master!" As it continued to type in somethings, the lights on the ship started to light up while it slowly defrosted.

Chapter 5: Revelations

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Thanks to Dusk Hunter and his plan, Sombra was able to get enough data on White Dragon for another plan to get the Silver Draco. He soon entered a large factory line before he walked over to a mainframe computer. "The Silver Draco may not be at full power, but it's still plenty strong." He said as he began to type something on the computer. "And just like all heroes, they can't help but help all those in trouble. So, this will definitely draw you out and bring me the Silver Draco."

As soon as he was done typing, the machinery on the factory line started to activate and began to work on something. Sombra had an evil grin on his face as the machines created robotic limbs and torsos before combining to each of them. Once one of the machines attached a head to one of the robots, the robotic eyes glowed red as it was powering up.

Meanwhile at the Sparkle residence Twilight, Flash and Scootaloo were being looked down by the grown-ups with thousands of daggers. Twilight explained that Chemical and Raven came up to her at the party after Dusk Hunter went to fight White Dragon and her parents overheard them why they asked about Flash and the Silver Draco. "This is aggressively uncomfortable." Scootaloo whispered it to her brother and Twilight.

"Look, just come clean and tell us about this 'Silver Draco.'" Misty told them as Raven came in with a pot of tea. "Miss Raven and Mr. Chemical told us about it, now you just need to explain to us how it ended up with you."

"Well, Raven sort of gave it to me when the building was sort of being attacked by an out of control Glider." Flash started explaining as he rubbed the back of his neck. "She told me not to open it or to let anyone have it before I decided to take it home."

"Then Flash told us about the box it was in and I just grew curious as to what was in it." Scootaloo added.

"That's when she opened the box and we saw the Silver Draco." Twilight chimed in.

"But when I reached to touch it, it shocked me and it activated." Flash continued. "We didn't know that it would jump on and latch onto me."

"What do you mean by 'latch onto you'?" Chemical asked before Flash stood up and turned around. Flash then lifted up the back of his shirt before the grown-ups gasped to see the Silver Draco had most of its body dug under his skin while the back of it was sticking out. They could see lights going down his spine while Chemical let out a gag. "I shouldn't have asked!"

"Well that's just rude." Flash heard Silver say before she detached herself from his back and her holographic form covered over to the table. "You humans do things I find disgusting yet you don't see me complaining."

"So, this thing is supposed to be the Silver Draco thing?" Night Light asked as he leaned down to get a closer look at Silver.

"I mean seriously, you just take off your clothes before going into a--" Everyone quickly shouted as Twilight covered Scootaloo's ears. "What?! I was just stating the facts!

"Well, it's clear that it doesn't know boundaries, especially when there's a child in the room!" Velvet exclaimed before she looked back at her daughter and Flash. "And what exactly happened after it latched on to you?"

"Well, Silver sort of transformed me into some armor, the one from the news and she thought I asked her to take me into space." Flash explained as he looked at his mother nervously.

"That explains about the boards on the ceilings." Misty mentioned before she looked at Silver. "So, how long have you been on Earth?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest." Silver replied before she looked at Flash. "But thanks to that electric shock we got from Dust Hunter, I got back some of my memories. Although one of them is very confusing." She then projected the memory of someone wearing the armor fighting against someone with black armor.

"Well, that's a familiar figure." Flash mentioned when he saw the figure wearing similar armor before he looked at the black armored figure. "But who's that guy in black?"

"I'm not really sure, but it kind of gives me a bit of chills when I look at it."

"Okay, that's enough!" Misty spoke up before she picked up Silver. "I'm gonna have a little talk with this thing, and you can examine my son to see what else this thing did to him." She told Chemical nodded before he began to examine Flash. Misty took Silver into the kitchen and set her down on the center island counter. "Tell me, do you remember me?" Silver looked at her for a moment before she gave an unsure look while she shook her head as Misty let out a sad sigh.

Somewhere in the city, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were walking from Sugarcube Corner and having a conversation on an interesting topic. "I'm telling you that White Dragon has to be some sort of robot from the future!" Rainbow exclaimed. "How else was he able to create all those weapons to beat Wildfire in London?!"

"I don't know, but I doubt that he's a robot from the future." Applejack argued. "He must be some type of alien from outer space or something." Before Rainbow could argue back, they heard an explosion not too far from where they were. Concerned for anyone that might have been caught in that explosion, the two rushed down the street and saw a large hole in the side of the bank. Just as they entered through the hole, they quickly ducked down when they saw a laser blast being fired at what looked to be a robotic version of White Dragon. The robot itself had glowing red eyes with blasters attached to its arms. "What in tarnation is that?!"

"Don't know, but we gotta get those people out of here!" Rainbow pointed out a few people that were ducked down on the floor. "I'll get them out of here while you call the girls and tell them what's happening!" She told Applejack before she used her super speed to zip around the bank and get people to safety. Applejack took out her phone and started texting the rest of the Rainbooms just as Rainbow got the last of the civilians to safety.

But just when Rainbow ran back in, one of the robots knocked her off her feet and she was sent flying into a table. "Rainbow!!" Applejack called out when she saw what happened. The robots then walked up to the knocked out Rainbow Dash before aiming their blasters at her. Before they could fire however, Applejack used her strength to throw a big piece of rubble at them and knock them back. She then rushed over to Rainbow Dash and helped her up. "Let's get out of here!"

She carried Rainbow Dash over her shoulder just as the robots recovered from that surprise attack. She managed to get out of the building before she quickly took cover behind a car when the robots started to fire at her and Rainbow. "This would be a good time for White Dragon to show up! Where is that varmint?!"

Back at Twilight's house, Twilight is seen sitting on the roof of her house with Spike laying on her lap. She pets him while she lets out a sign before she looks up at the night sky. "I thought I might find you up here." She turned to see Flash climbing up before sitting down next to her. "Your folks said that you sometimes come up here when you have a lot on your mind."

"Yeah, I guess I do." Twilight replied. "I'm just a little worried about what my parents do now that they know about Silver."

"Hey, I'm sure they'll understand once they get to know Silver." Flash assured her. "I mean, they were a little shocked when I told them that Dusk Hunter was hired by someone in Dusk Industries."

"He was?!"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you about that." Flash rubbed the back of his neck before he looked at her. "I was just as surprised as you are when Dusk Hunter told me that."

"But the only person who would have enough money to do that is Sombra." Twilight mentioned just as Spike looked up at them.

"But why would a CEO of a famous company that helps people put people in danger?" Spike asked.

"Chemical explained everything about silver and why she was there in the first place, but you can hear it from him later." Flash said before they looked up at the night sky. "It's a very nice night."

"Yeah, it is." Twilight agreed before she looked at him. "Hey Flash, you ever think how things would have been if things were different?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if Sunset hadn't come to our world and magic never came to our world, do you think things would be different?" Twilight elaborated. "I didn't tell my parents about my magic, or that Spike can talk now because I was afraid they might never let me see my friends again or take Spike away."

"Hey, don't worry." Flash told her with a warm smile. "I'm sure that your parents wouldn't do that to you. Your parents seem to care for you and everything. Your parents would understand if you tell them about everything that has happened involving magic." He was then surprised when Twilight quickly pulled him in for a hug before he hugged her back.

"Hey Flash, we got a…" Silver called out when she flew up to the roof but trailed off when she saw them hugging. "Do you both need some privacy or something?" They both looked at each other before they broke away from their hug with blushes on their faces.

"Oh don't mind them, they were just having a little moment." Spike told Silver. "So, why did you come up here anyway?"

"Okay, I'm going to ask about the whole talking dog thing later. But right now there's trouble happening uptown. There's been some explosions happening and I believe we are needed." They were both shocked to hear this before Twilight got an alert on her phone. She pulled it out and saw it was a text from Applejack about robots attacking a bank uptown.

"Oh boy, it looks like Silver is right." She spoke in a worried tone. "Applejack just texted me about some robots before she sent another text saying that Rainbow got hurt and they're pinned down!"

"Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can help." Flash mentioned as he stood up. "I'll meet you and the rest of the girls there."

"But how am I supposed to get there?" Twilight asked as she stood up. "I can't ask my parents to drive me there."

"Twilight, I get that you're afraid that your parents will never let you see your friends if they find out that magic exists and you have it. You can't let fear stop you from helping those you care about." Flash then jumped off the roof before Silver quickly attached herself to his back and transformed him into the armor while spreading the dragon wings. "Time to take a leap of faith, Twilight." He then took off to help out Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Are you really going to ask your parents for a ride?" Spike asked Twilight as she thought it over.

Meanwhile, Applejack throws a mailbox at one of the robots before quickly talking down when they return fire. "Dadgummit, how many of these things are there?!" She grunted before she looked over at the unconscious Rainbow Dash. "Come on Rainbow, I really could use your help right now!" Just as the robots advanced closer, White Dragon was seen flying in as he extended his two arms forward. Then in a flash of light, they connected to become a battering ram which he used to knock a few robots back before landing in front of the car AppleJack and Rainbow Dash were hiding behind.

"Not cool firing at a couple of girls, even if you are a bunch of robots." He exclaimed before he saw the robots taking aim at him. In a quick flash of light, the wings on his back quickly transformed into a shield and placed itself in front of him. "Oh thanks, Silver."

"No problem. But it seems your friend has a major injury." White Dragon turned to see Applejack next to an unconscious Rainbow.

"Is she okay?!" He asked Applejack.

"She took a pretty big hit to the head, but she's still breathing." Applejack replied. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem." He replied before he got blasted into a wall. White Dragon recovered before he saw that the robots had blasted towards his feet while his back was turned. "That came out of nowhere. Stay down till I finish off those robots!" Applejack nodded in response before he launched himself off of the wall and his hands transformed into blades in a flash of lights. He then manages to slice three of them in two before roundhouse kicking four in the heads, causing them to fly off their bodies. Silver detected a danger from behind before she created shields to block the attacks.

More robots closed in before a bright light covered his shoulders and soon appeared a couple of rocket launchers that aimed towards the robots. Soon missiles in the shape of dragon heads were launched right towards some of the robots and destroyed them before his right arm transformed into an arm blaster in a flash of light. However, that didn't seem to slow them down as their arms folded out to become blasters themselves and aim towards him.

"These things are relentless! Is there no end to them?!" White Dragon got ready for the countertop, only for it not to come. Both he and Silver saw the robots were just standing there and doing nothing. "Uh, why aren't they attacking?"

"White Dragon," each of the robots spoke with a familiar voice at the same time. "I knew you couldn't resist."

"Sombra." White Dragon grunted as he clutched his fist while Applejack was surprised when she heard the voice as well.

"I prefer if you called me Umbra Lord," Sombra responded through the robots. "But now that I have your undivided attention, we have business to discuss regarding my Silver Draco."

"It's not exactly yours, if you stole it from someone that was killed by someone you hired."

"You honestly don't have the slightest clue of what you possess, do you? The Silver Draco has been on this planet for many years, and you're not the first person it latched itself onto. The stories of a dragon around the world came from that very thing on your back. It holds very powerful weapons and its power could take out an entire city with just a thought. Just imagine that very power in an army."

"Is that what you were doing with Silver in the first place?" White Dragon grunted. "You've been trying to get that data out of her so you could create a whole bunch of copies of the power she has?!"

"Well, aren't you a clever boy." Umbra Lord responded. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Surrender now and give me the Silver Draco back or I will take it over your dead corpse. These robots were programmed to anticipate each of your moves and you have zero chance of succeed."

"I think you already know my answer to that." White Dragon then took a battle stance and was prepared for a tough and long fight. He then saw each of the robots power up their blasters before firing. The blast however didn't hit him as they were blocked by multiple diamond shields that created a dome over him. He quickly looked over his shoulder to see Rarity, Fluttershy and sunset had arrived as Rarity was using her magic to keep the shield up. "Talk about timing."

"So you're White Dragon?" Sunset asked as she walked up to him while Fluttershy went over to check on Rainbow Dash. "What's going on here?"

"Well other than your friend got injured and a bunch of robots are on a rampage, I can only say nothing much else." White Dragon told her with a shrug.

"Isn't she your ex-girlfriend and why does her hair look like bacon?"

"But why are there robots attacking in the first place?" Rarity asked as she struggled to keep the shields up.

"Let's just say that they're here for me and I'm not going to let them have their way." White Dragon told them before he noticed cracks started to form on the shields. "That's not good. Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out. Silver, do you think you can give Sunset a weapon to use?"

"Let me see what I can do."

"Who are you talking to?" Sunset asked before White Dragon took both her hands, causing her to blush a little. She was then blinded by a flash of light from his arms and when the light died down, she was suddenly wearing bracelets with a gold and white pattern on both her wrists. "What are these?" She then noticed the bracelets blinking before they suddenly transformed into arm blasters. "Whoa!"

"Those are to help get us out of the situation." He told her before he looked towards Fluttershy. "Stay down and keep that rainbow head girl safe until it's all clear." Fluttershy nodded in response as Applejack walked over and stood by his side while he looked over to Rarity. "Get ready to drop the shield on my mark. One…" Applejack cracked her knuckles as she prepared to fight. "Two…" Before he could get to three, a pink explosion destroyed a few of the robots before they saw Pinkie Pie charging in and throwing cupcakes at the robots.

"Let's light them up!" Pinkie exclaimed as she used her magic to charge up a cupcake before throwing it. The cupcake then exploded and took out a few robots as she continued to bombard the robots with her cupcakes and explosions.

"I…guess that's our three." White Dragon shrugged before Rarity dropped the shields. His arms then transformed into blames in a flash of light as he charged forward and slashed down at least five robots while Sunset used the blasters he gave her to shoot down six more. Applejack used her super strength to throw a manhole cover to decapitate seven robots in a row while Rarity used her shields to cover Applejack's back before using them to crush the robots together.

White Dragon and the girls fought off the robots and looked like they were winning, only for more robots to come flying in. "Oh come on!" He complained as they continued to fight and destroy the robots. This went on to what felt like hours as he and the girls were getting a little tired. "How…many robots did his company…make anyway?!"

Soon more robots came flying in and started to overwhelm them. One of the robots caught Applejack's fist when she tried to throw a punch at one of them before it threw her right towards a car. Another group of robots were able to smash through Rarity's shields before one of them grabbed her by the throat while Sunset was being backed up into a corner by a group of them. White Dragon saw that they were in trouble while a bunch of the robots were approaching Fluttershy and the unconscious Rainbow Dash but wasn't able to help them as a bunch of robots dogpiled and started beating on him.

"Hang on!" Sunset called out when she saw him in danger. She then aimed the arm blasters at the robots on top of him and started blasting them off. However, her guard was down and one of the robots took this opportunity to kick her right in the ribs and sent her flying into the same car Applejack was knocked into.

"Sunset!!" White Dragon called out before more robots piled on top of them and began to beat down on him. He then looked over and saw the rest of the robots powering up their blasters as they aimed at the girls. "Silver, they're going to kill them!! Do something!!"

"I think I can handle all these robots, but only if you let me take full control of your body."

"F-Fine, whatever! Just hurry!!"

"Initializing host control in 3… 2… 1!" There was a sudden burst of white energy that knocked the robots on top of White Dragon away. White dragon then began to move very quickly as his arms were now blades and he had a tail down his back as he began to slash down each robot at a fast pace. The robot that was choking Rarity soon got impaled by his tail before being thrown around and used like a hammer to smash a few more robots. His arms were then transformed into blasters in a flash of light before he began to fire multiple blasts and destroyed the robots.

"Whoa, look at him go!!" Pinkie exclaimed as she and the girls watched White Dragon take on the robots. They then watched as a pair of wings appeared in a flash of light before he flew up and a pair of arm blasters appeared in a flash of light. He then used said blasters to destroy more robots. It seems like he was winning as he had the robots almost all destroyed as there were two robots standing on a nearby rooftop. They seemed to move a machine with a claw at the end of it aimed towards White Dragon. They then fired the claw right at him and when it latched on to him, hundreds of volts of electricity ran through the cord connected to the claw and electrocuted him.

Both Flash and Silver screamed in pain as electricity ran through them. Silver started to see more images of her past as she saw herself attached to different men and women throughout the centuries. They had the same armor in different styles on them while they seem to have different styles of fighting. There was one that was still blurry as it was with a teen boy about Flash's age but she can tell that they were close. But one image in particular really got her attention as it was with the fight between the silver armored warrior against the black armored warrior.

Soon the lights edged in the armor went out as white dragon fell and crashed off of a car and onto the ground. "White Dragon is down!! White Dragon down!!" Pinkie exclaimed before she and the others quickly ran over to him.

"Do you think he's alright?" Rarity asked as Sunset checked.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling there's going to be more on the way." Sunset mentioned as she looked up. "We need to get out of here, now!"

"I don't think we'll be able to get away from them, especially since Rainbow is unconscious." Applejack pointed out before a large van drove up.

The side doors then opened up and revealed Twilight and Scootaloo inside. "Get in here, quickly!" Twilight called out as more robots came down, just down the street. Applejack quickly picked up White Dragon while Fluttershy and Rarity carried Rainbow Dash over to the van. Once they got inside, they saw Twilight's parents, Misty, along with Raven and Chemical at the front seats.

"Close the door and hang on tight girls!" Chemical called out as he put the van in gear and drove off. The robots soon took flight and started to chase down the van. "Is he okay?!"

"Can't tell, he has all that armor on!" Sunset mentioned before they quickly held on when Chemical took a turn to avoid a blast from the robots. "So uh…nice to see you again Misty!"

"Yeah, last time I saw you, you nearly got my son in trouble for something!" Misty told her which made Sunset look away with embarrassment.

"I was going through a phase?"

"It's very nice to meet the girls Twilight made friends with!" Velvet spoke up before Chemical took on another turn to avoid another blast. "Although I kind of wish it was under different circumstances!"

"You can say that again…" Spike said as he stuck his head out of Twilight's bag and looked a little nauseous. "How many robots did Sombra make anyway?"

"Wait, Sombra, as in Mr Sombra, founder and CEO of Dusk Industries?!" Rarity asked with a shocked look on her face.

"Tell y'all later!" Applejack spoke up as they all tumbled forward when the robots aimed at the back of the van and fortunately missed. "We could use some help right about now!!" A robot took aim right at the van and was ready to fire before a golden laser shot down and destroyed it. Soon more golden lasers fired down and destroyed the rest of the robots before a large shadow cast over the van.

"What the hell is that?!" Raven exclaimed when she looked up to see a giant flying ship in the shape of a dragon flying over them. The head of it looked down and opened its mouth as a tractor beam started to come down and brought up the van.

"What's going on?!" Scootaloo asked as she held on to her mom.

"We're caught in a tractor beam by an alien spaceship and I have a bad feeling about this!" Chemical exclaimed as the van entered the mouth and it closed up. The ship itself then took off at high speeds as it suddenly vanished from the sky.

"NO!!! NONONONO!!!!" Sombra shouted with rage before he punched a nearby wall.

"Is…Is everything okay, sir?" One of the scientists asked before Sombra grabbed a lamp and nearly missed them when he threw it.

"Find where that damn ship went now or you all are fired!!!" Sombra demanded with range before he marched off.

Meanwhile inside the dragon-like spaceship, the group huddled together in the back in hopes of staying together. It was dark and they couldn't hear anything outside the van except for Chemical's heavy breathing. "We've been abducted by aliens!" He breathed out in a panic.

"Shhh! Chemical, calm down!" Raven whispered harshly. "You might let the aliens know we're still in here!"

"I'm hyperventilating!!" He shouted before Applejack quickly put his hood up before pulling the strings to close the hood. This caused him to choke a little before he glared at her. "I said I couldn't breathe and then you put this thing over my mouth?!"

"Just stay calm and hopefully whoever abducted us won't know we're still in here." Night Light whispered as they waited for something to come for them. They soon heard moaning before they noticed Rainbow Dash was coming too.

"What happened…?" She asked as she sat up and held her head. "It feels like my head just went one-on-one with a steel pipe."

"Rainbow, glad that you're still alive." Fluttershy whispered with relief. "But you're going to have to keep it down because we're in a--"

"Whoa!" Rainbow shouted when she saw who was next to her. "Is that White Dragon?! Awesome!!" Everyone in the band quickly shushed her before a robotic arm burst through the back of the van and grabbed White Dragon's leg. They all then saw him being dragged out of the van very quickly. "What was that?!"

"We're in an alien spaceship and they just took White Dragon!" Twilight shouted before she ran out the van. The others soon followed and followed the scuff marks that were left behind by the dragged away White Dragon.

"Wait, since when are we in an alien spaceship?!" Rainbow questioned as they ran past a corner.

"We'll tell you everything after we get White Dragon back!" Sunset told her before Twilight quickly put her arms out to stop the others. She then gestures to an open doorway with lights coming from the room. They carefully looked into the room and saw a robot with a female figure removing the claw off of White Dragon before hooking him up to some odd machine. They saw the robot touch its head to his as if it really missed him before it took the wings from his back and walked over to a console.

"What hay is that thing doin'?" Applejack whispered as the robot plugged the wings into a console before typing something. Then right above White Dragon, something came down that looked to be liquid metal before it started to cover his head and travel down his body. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other before they carefully snuck their way over to him. They then noticed that he was strapped onto the machine before they tried to get him out of it. However, the sound of a weapon powered up before they looked and saw the robot with angry eyes had a weapon pointed towards them.

"Whoa, hey no need to bring a blaster into this!" Twilight quickly told the robot as she and sunset put their hands up. The rest of the girls and the adults ran over before they saw the robot's other arm transformed into a blaster and aimed towards them.

"Who are all of you and what are you doing here?!" The robot demanded in a female voice. "Answer me or be destroyed!"

"Okay, first of all, it's really exciting that you are an alien robot and welcome to Earth." Chemical told the robot with a nervous chuckle.

"Second of all, we were helping him get away from the robots that were trying to kill him." Raven quickly added as Misty pulled Scootaloo close. "So please, lower your weapons because we mean you no harm."

"Move to the corner and stay there until I'm finished." The robot told them as they quickly complied. They moved over to the corner before she put away the blasters as they saw then turned back into her arms before she went back to typing something on the console. They then noticed the edges on White Dragon vanish and could guess that his armor disintegrated but couldn't tell with the metal covering his whole body, including space. "Vital signs, good. Bring waves stable. Huh, that's odd…"

"What do you think it's doing to him?" Scootaloo whispered.

"I think she's running diagnostics on him or something." Twilight guest before they saw his head started to move. Muffled sounds can be heard underneath as he sounded confused before the robot noticed him moving.

"Looks like the Silver Draco's healing process is complete now." The robot said before she pressed up on the console and the metal covering his body lit up before the metal on its head started to move down. The Rainbooms, except for Twilight, had shocked looks on their faces when the face of the White Dragon was revealed to them.

"Flash?!" All six of them exclaimed in shock.

Flash blink of your times as his vision was a bit blurry while his head was hurting a little. "What's going on…?" He groaned before he stepped out of the machine. He then got a look of where he was before looking down at his body. "What is this stuff on me and where am I?"

"Uh, Flash…" He heard his mother's voice before he turned to see her, his sister, Twilight and her parents, along with Raven, Chemical and the rest of the Rainbooms here as well. Flash then felt a cool air hit his face before he realized that he was not in his armor or his helmet.

"Okay…uh, I can explain…" Flash told the girls before the robot walked up to him.

"Flash Sentry, I am Zena and it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She said with a small bow. "I have waited for over three-hundred years to finally see the new wielder of the Silver Draco, however I'm surprised that it has chosen a young one such as yourself."

"Uh, okay…? Wait, what happened to Silver?"

"I am running some diagnostics on it, but something about it seems a bit off." Zena explained as she gestured to the small wings on the console.

"Well if you know so much about it, do you think you can fix her memory core or something? It got damaged somehow."

"Thank you for that information." Zena thanked him. "I run a repair cycle for it. In the meantime, you and your comrades are free to explore the rest of the ship. Just try not to blow it up."

"Thanks…?" Flash replied before he looked towards the others. "And I guess I'll give us some time to tell you how this happened."

Sombra was seen painting around his large office as he had a furious look on his face. He had just been told that the ship that picked up the van that had White Dragon in it had vanished and was unable to be traced. "Enough games…" He growled in a dark tone before the doors to his office opened up and a couple of scientists were bringing a containment unit in. "Is it ready?"

"Y-Yes, but--"

"Then get out!" Sombra quickly ordered as the two scientists quickly complied. He then walked up to the containment unit and placed his hand on a scanner. Once it had confirmed it was him, it opened up to reveal some sort of EXO armor inside that looked similar to White Dragon but it looked to be made of some sort of black metal with a red visor. He then pressed a button on the arm which made it fold into a small spine and a mechanical dragon head which he took out. "Now is as good a time as any to test out the prototype."

"So after it went into you, it just formed that armor from before and just kidnapped you?" Sunset recapped after she and the girls got the explanation from Flash, Scootaloo and Twilight, as well from Raven and Chemical while the entire group was exploring the ship.

"That pretty much sums it all up." Twilight confirms as she rubs her arm. "It was really a sight to behold when we first saw him transform."

"It wasn't exactly pleasant for me on my end." Flash mentioned as they entered a room.

"Wish I was there to see it, and I mean you fighting Wildfire in London." Rainbow mentioned before they all gasped in surprise as the room they were in was bigger than they expected. Along the walls were what they believed to be trophies from different alien races that were either horns or weapons while there was also a small pod on a pedestal. "Just look at this place!"

"Do you think Zena got all this stuff?" Scootaloo asked as she went over and looked at a large sword on the wall.

"I don't, but maybe it's best that we don't touch anything like she said." Misty mentioned as she pulled her daughter away from the sword.

"But this stuff is pretty magnificent if you look at it." Rarity mentioned as they were all examining all the trophies along the walls. "I wonder what kind of fashion aliens even wear in space."

"That's what ya wondering after looking after all this stuff?" Applejack questioned. "Ya should be wondering what kind of alien species are out there."

"Yeah, looking at the stuff makes you think that if Iron Man and Batman got hitched, all of this would be their baby." Pinkie told them.

Batman and Iron Man are fascist compared to all of this!" Chemical quickly replied as Spike went up to the pod and gave it a sniff.

"I wonder what this thing is." Spike said before he noticed a button on the bottom of the pod. He grew curious as he pressed the bun and the pod opened up to reveal an orange-coated dog with purple ears and small horns on the side of its head while it was licking itself. The dog noticed the pod was open before it gave a frightful scream when it saw Spike. The two of them then treated screens before the orange dog growled at Spike.

"Close it or I'll bite your head off!" The orange dog demanded in a female voice.

"Okay, sorry for disturbing you!"

"Whoa wait, did you just talk back?" The orange Dragon asked as Spike nodded in response. "What happened to your horns? Did the Keeper of the Silver Draco get you two and remove your horns?"

"I never had horns before, or at all for that matter." Spike told her, which got her by surprise.

"Wait, are you saying that you're not a dranine too?"

"Spike!" Twilight called out before she raced over and picked him up. "Zena told us not to touch anything!"

"A humanoid?" The orange dog said before she looked around and saw the others as well. "Are we not on Dragyrm Five anymore?"

"'Dragyrm Five', is that an alien planet where this ship is from?" Flash asked the orange dog. The orange dog got a good look at him as she noticed the suit that covered his body.

"Hey you, turn around." She told Flash. "If you're wearing their traditional battle suit, I want to know if you have it."

"What, you mean this?" Flash turned around and she could see the Silver Draco in his back.

"So Tamx'ko finally bit the dust hasn't he?" She said before she stood on her back legs as she gave a small bow to him. "It's a very special honor to meet the new holder of the Silver Draco. I am Smolder, the Dranine from the planet Dralando."

"Nice to meet you too, I guess?" Flash replied with an unsure tone. "But who's Tamx'ko and how do you know about Silver?"

"Oh him, he was the first one to ever use the Silver Draco so long ago or sometime ago." Smolder said as she scratched her head. "I have been in that stasis pod for a very long time so I have no idea how much time has passed."

"Oh but you're so adorable." Fluttershy said as she picked up Smolder and cuddled her in her arms. Smolder had a look on her face that said to keep it together and not bite Fluttershy's face off. "By the way, why were you in that pod in the first place?"

"Oh I wish I could tell you, but this collar around my neck has a bit of a dampening on my Powers a bit, as well as my memories." Smolder mentioned as she pointed to some sort of high-tech dog collar on her neck. "I tried to get it off, but you know, I only got paws and no hands. Maybe if you get it off me, I might be able to tell you more."

"I don't know about this…" Velvet spoke up with concern. "What if there's a reason she has that collar on?"

"Oh but I can't say no to her cute little eyes." Fluttershy said as she held Smolder close.

Smolder's right eye twitched when she heard the word cute. "Yeah…just get this collar off of me. There's a button on the back that you can press to release it." She used her tail to point to the button for Fluttershy. Fluttershy was about to press it before a familiar hand went in and slapped her hand away from it. Fluttershy let out a yelp when that hand slapped hers before they looked back and saw Zena by the door.

"What happened to not touching anything?" Zena asked as she walked over and grabbed Smolder by the collar. "Especially this little troublemaker right here."

"Gah, Zena… you are a real buzzkill…" Smolder complained before she stuck out her lizard like tongue at her.

"Why, what would happen if we took the collar off of her?" Raven asked Zena.

"Well if you must know, this form of the Dranine species seems harmless at first but it's only to draw in their prey before they pounce." Zena told them as she placed Smolder down. "Here's the true form of her species when they do pounce." She then projected a holographic image from her eyes which really got the group by surprise. The holographic image looked like Smolder, but she looked larger with scales all over her body with only a bit of fur on her claws with purple skills running down the back of her head and her back. "Smolder here was sent by her ruler to kill Tamx'ko and take the Silver Draco from him. But she failed miserably and that collar keeps her from changing forms."

"Again I say, you're a buzzkill." Smolder repeated before Zena pressed the button and closed the pod.

"Now, follow me as the repair cycle on the Silver Draco has been completed." Zena instructed as she gestured for them to follow her. They followed her back into the room where Zena was doing diagnostics and repairing Silver before they noticed a few lights going down the room.

"What's all this?" Velvet asked as she noticed that the lights were in the center of a few columns.

"You'll see." Zena replied as she was typing something on the console before each of the columns lit up. Then one by one, each of the columns had different men and women appear wearing clothing from around the world over the years.

"Whoa, who are all these people?" Scootaloo asked as they saw these holograms.

"These are all of the people I chose to wield the power I hold." They heard Silver answer before they saw her standing on the same console. "I've been on this planet for over 300 years and I have met so many people during my time. These people you see before you, are the ones I've chosen to be the wielder of a great power that I have. Mostly from China." Silver then hovered off of the console and over to them as each of the people in the columns were covered in a flash of light before they were placed in similar armor that Flash had worn, but in different styles.

"You mean, you were attached to all of these people throughout the years?" Twilight asked as she was amazed by this information.

"Well yeah, but there's one you and your sister should see most of all, Flash." Silver mentioned before she looked towards Misty. "Am I right, Misty?"

"What's she talking about, mom?" Scootaloo asked as Flash was wondering the same thing.

Misty looked at her two kids before she let out a sigh. "I guess you have the right to know…" She said before she followed Silver. "You see, before you kids were born and when we were your age, there was a hero called 'The Silver Defender.'"

"Oh yeah, I remember him." Nightlight spoke up. "He was a hero among heroes, at least that's what everyone said about him. He pulled out at least sixteen people out of a burning building and put it out in ten seconds."

"I always fantasized about marrying him when I was your age Twilight." Velvet admitted with a small blush.

"Okay, but why him up now?" Flash asked before they stood in front of a column with his father, Trail Blazer, in it. "Wait, you… you mean…?"

"My husband, your father, was the Silver Defender." Misty told them as the holographic image of Trail transformed into armor that looked nearly similar to Flash's in a flash of light.