Their Rightful Place

by Omegathyst

First published

With Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch's sex life leaving a lot to be desired, they turn to the source of many wild sexual rumors: a zebra stallion named Zecora. Their relationship and lives are forever changed by what he has to offer [RULE 63]

Featured on February 9th!

Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch, while the perfect example of friends-turned-lovers, have an issue in regards to the bedroom. With their sex life in desperate need of counseling, the two stallions go to the zebra stallion in the Everfree Forest: Zecora. A character surrounded by many wild sexual rumors, the two are ever curious to how he can help them. And with Zecora's very forward approach, their relationship and lives are forever changed...

Cover art by hoverrover
Commission for Magician-Horse!
Contains Lots of Gay Zebradom, Zebrican rhymes, M/M/M sex, slow-burn enslavement/poly romance/feminization, femboys, a deep-voiced dominant zebra stud, and more tags in each chapter!

Luring Loyalty

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"Do you think this is a good outfit to w-wear for when we meet him?"

Rainbow Blitz, checking out himself in the mirror as he briefly analyzed his short but well-kept prismatic mane, turned around and felt his cheeks heating up as he stared at his coltfriend's white flower in his long flowing pink mane, which was paired up with a white skirt while the front half of his body was lacking clothing. Rainbow Blitz snorted and shook his head. Perhaps if Butterscotch had dressed up like that more often, there wouldn't be the problems they were having in the first place.

The Element of Kindness and the Element of Loyalty, having known each other longer than the others, had recently started dating a few months ago. And while Butterscotch's soft personality meshed very well with Blitz' brash demeanor, the same couldn't be said for their endeavors in the bedroom. Rainbow Blitz wasn't as turned on by the femcolt's antics as he quite hoped, and Butterscotch found the blue stallion's approach to sex to be too much. The couple knew that they had barely scratched the surface to even be self-aware of the problems in the first place, but that was only where the weirdness began.

Around the same time they had started dating, the other Elements of Harmony started rambling over lunch about what they were hearing about the zebra stallion that lived in the Everfree Forest. Having all shared an unfortunate first encounter with the zebra, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch were very familiar with him. He went by the name Zecora, and just the mere images of the rumors that were told about him were enough to make both pegasi blush as deep as tomatoes. It had been several years since the poison joke incident, and to say that Ponyville had finally warmed up to the striped outsider was a severe understatement. Several mares had gone up to the Elements of Harmony, claiming they were pregnant with Zecora's foals.

If that weren't already absurd on its own, many other gay couples said that they had their relationships mended in lewd ways by the zebra. Boy Bon and Guyra were closer than ever after seeing Zecora, and hearing their tale was the final straw for Butterscotch's mounting curiosity. He had spent the past several days simply begging for Rainbow Blitz to come with him to get Zecora's help. Rainbow Blitz had felt his annoyance growing by the day, the merciless thoughts and images of Butterscotch leaving him for Zecora doing the opposite of helping him feel more secure in the relationship.

And now? Butterscotch was more dolled up for the zebra than he ever had been for Rainbow Blitz.

"Lose one of those," Blitz grumbled. "We're going to ask Zecora for verbal advice. Nothing more than that. No need to dress like a-"

Rainbow Blitz cut himself off mid-sentence as he saw his coltfriend's ears flattening, the yellow pegasus' green eyes wide as saucers as he looked at Blitz like a kicked puppy. Rainbow Blitz groaned, walking out of the bathroom and pressing his muzzle against Butterscotch's forehead.

"Sorry, you look beautiful as always," Blitz whispered. "I really want us to work out, you know the last thing I want is for someone to get between us, right?"

"I know," Butterscotch nodded. "And I'm not planning on that. We're just going to ask him if those rumors are true, and get some possible help for our relationship. Y-You promise to keep an open mind at least?"

"Well, considering how doing the opposite gave us the wrong impression of Zecora…sure," Blitz relented. "It’s the least we can do for him."

"Oh thank you!" Butterscotch pulled back to look at him with sparkling eyes and a wide grin, reminding Rainbow Blitz why he was putting himself out there. The blue pegasus pressed his lips against Butterscotch's lips, savoring the kiss for a few moments before pulling back. "Alright, let's get going before it gets dark."

"Aren't you going to dress up or something?" Butterscotch scowled in the pouty lip way that Rainbow Blitz loved, and he chuckled as they walked to the door of the yellow pegasus' cottage. Rainbow Blitz opened his wing and rested it on his coltfriend's back before turning to look at him.

"Butters, we don't normally wear clothes," Blitz replied. "This is just a visit to Zecora's hut, not the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Okay," Butterscotch blushed, the two stallions making small talk the whole way to the Everfree Forest, with the femcolt jolting at the sound of every growl and scuffle. Rainbow Blitz laughed, ignoring his growing nerves at all the hidden wildlife as they eventually reached Zecora's hut.

The two stopped at the door, neither lifting a hoof as they looked at each other. Or more accurately, Rainbow Blitz looked at his coltfriend while the femcolt stared at the ground.

"Hey," Rainbow Blitz moved his wing off Butterscotch's back to gently lift the femcolt's chin to meet his eyes. "Even if Zecora can't help us, we can still figure this out. I love you, alright?"

"I love you too," Butterscotch gave a small smile, before slowly lifting a hoof and knocking on the door. "Oh Solaris, I'm getting nervous. Why am I getting nervous?"

"Because we're about to tell a stallion we barely know about our sex life?" Blitz chuckled. "That’s pretty normal, hon-"

The door swung open, and Rainbow Blitz no longer remembered what he was going to say as he stared at the taller and bulkier zebra. Easily a paragon of masculinity, Zecora was a head and shoulders taller than the smaller pegasi. The fact that his entire body was wet and his mohawk was pressed against his face, most likely from coming out of the shower, did something to Rainbow Blitz that was simply unexplainable at the time. On top of that, and Zecora's piercing cyan stare, there was another factor that Rainbow Blitz was woefully unprepared for.

"Greetings to you both," Zecora's deep and sonorous voice went into Rainbow Blitz' ears and vibrated throughout his entire body like that of a siren's call. "For what reason did you choose my lovely hut to approach?"

"Um, c-can we come in?" Butterscotch spoke up first. "It’s a little cold out…"

Some intuitive feeling deep down told Rainbow Blitz that Butterscotch was not shivering from the cold.

"Please do come inside my hut!" Zecora smiled, leaving the door wide open as he took several steps back into his own home. "It looks like something has gotten you two in a rut?"

"More like a lack of rut," Blitz muttered.

"W-What gave you that idea?" Butterscotch asked the zebra.

"Madly blushing and fur ruffled on end?" Zecora described. "Be honest with me and let's not pretend."

"You're right," Butterscotch gulped before he spoke. "Is it…true that you've been sleeping with all these ponies?"

"Not exactly like I can sleep with another of my kind," Zecora waited for several seconds before clarifying. "That was a joke to ease your mind."

"Oh!" Butterscotch let out a forced laugh. "Appreciated, thank you."

"And what about this one here?" Zecora tilted his head as he looked right at Rainbow Blitz. "Are you all quiet because you're still shaking with fear?"

"No," Blitz shook his head, his ears flattening as he narrowed his eyes at Zecora, wrapping his wing around Butterscotch's back and pulling him close. "Are the rumors true or not?"

"Did I strike a nerve?" Zecora's laugh was as infuriating to the blue pegasus as it was addicting, the bigger stallion walking in a slow circle around the two pegasi. "Yes, it is true that I'm a bit of a perv. Mares and stallions alike come to me, and then they cum for me."

"You can't rhyme me with me," Blitz rolled his eyes.

"Have you considered the problem being how you talk?" Zecora stared down at Rainbow Blitz. "Your coltfriend has talked to me more than he's probably looked at your cock!"

"Rainbow Blitz!" Butterscotch gasped as he saw his coltfriend grit his teeth and glare at the taller zebra. "You need to be nice! All you've been is rude to him when you said you'd have an open mind. If you don't change your attitude…I'll…I'll…"

"You'll what?" Rainbow Blitz glanced down at Butterscotch.

"I'll learn from him without you," Butterscotch threatened the blue pegasus, causing cold fear to rush throughout the blue pegasus' body. Without a doubt, Rainbow Blitz knew that leaving Butterscotch to the significantly more handsome and powerful zebra would essentially be the same as leaving the femcolt altogether. Even though he considered Zecora’s remark to be far more rude, he knew that Butterscotch had already made up his mind about how he perceived the situation. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Rainbow Blitz then looked at Zecora’s blank expression.

Strange, shouldn’t he be delighting in this?

“Okay,” Rainbow Blitz sighed. “You don’t have to tell us if the rumors are true, sorry for bothering you.”

“It was merely your approach I wasn’t fond of,” Zecora raised a hoof to stop the blue pegasus from turning around and leaving. “But I will admit I do engage in many forms of love. Whether it was impregnating mares wanting to experience motherhood, or indulging in another stallion’s wood. So with that all out there, what is it that you two need to share?”

“Truth be told, I think you’ve already suspected it,” Blitz sighed. “We’ve been having issues with our sex life…incompatibility issues. I’m plenty accepting of Butterscotch’s less masculine expression, but it doesn’t seem to turn me on like I hoped it would. And he always tells me that I just keep trying to go straight into sex and that I try too hard. I was hoping you’d help us out.”

“There we go, you’ve told me the problem to know,” Zecora let out a small smile as he walked up to his cauldron, sitting on his haunches next to it as he patted the floor in front of him. “Come sit here facing each other for what comes next, getting to the bottom of this may be a bit complex.”

Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch looked at each other, the blue pegasus couldn’t help but scowl a bit at his coltfriend as the femcolt’s threat still lingered in the back of his mind. Butterscotch’s ears flattened as he looked away from Rainbow Blitz and walked towards Zecora. Sitting on the side closer to the cauldron, Butterscotch looked down at the floor as Rainbow Blitz sat across from him. Rainbow Blitz was about to confront Butterscotch on the matter when his eyes drifted to Zecora’s flaccid length, now a lot more clear to see when the bulky zebra stallion was sitting. Zecora’s black flaccid length was huge, over six inches long and nearly as thick as the pegasus’ foreleg. With where Rainbow Blitz was sitting, he was the only one able to get a good look at Zecora’s length as the zebra stallion was turned more in Butterscotch’s direction, his forelegs neatly hiding the length from the femcolt pegasus.

No wonder Butterscotch was considering leaving me for him…what, what am I thinking?! I can’t let that stupid, sexy, smoldering stallion take my coltfriend! I must satisfy Butterscotch, listen to what Zecora has to say, and nothing more!

“Is everything alright over there?” Zecora snapped the blue pegasus out of his thoughts, and before Rainbow Blitz thought it could get any worse, the bulky zebra relaxed a little as he sprawled out. Resting on his forelegs, Zecora splayed out his hindlegs and revealed his length for the two to see. “Hopefully you both know that it’s more than okay to stare~”

“I w-wasn’t staring-”

“Was this why Butterscotch’s threat brought you so much fear?” Zecora tilted his head, that small smile of his growing slightly bigger, just enough for the blue pegasus to notice. “That you had to stay near?”

“That’s not fair!” Blitz protested, his heart skipping a beat as he noticed how higher-pitched his voice sounded with his protest. “It didn’t matter who you were, how was I supposed to feel when he offered to learn sex lessons from another without me?!”

“I suppose that makes some sense,” Zecora nodded, not changing his position even as Butterscotch began to blatantly ogle the zebra stallion’s goods. “But I promise I never meant to say something with offense. Despite whatever he wanted to do with me, I never would’ve done these with just one pony. The both of you are in need of my word, and perhaps you’re in need of a third. Keep your pelt on, Rainbow Blitz, no need to throw any fits.”

“What do you mean by a third?” Blitz growled. “Because if you think you could just touch Butterscotch-”

“Whoever said anything about only touching him?”

Rainbow Blitz shut his mouth, his blue cheeks exploding in a bright shade of crimson as he stared at Zecora without another word. Zecora then turned to Butterscotch, who was blushing even more as Zecora smirked at him.

“Even though you’re the femcolt of the two, he’s way more bratty than you,” Zecora chuckled. “Are you sure that you’re the mare? Perhaps your coltfriend is also one deep down somewhere.”

“Hey, I thought you were going to be help-”

“Shut your muzzle with a sock,” Zecora glared at Rainbow Blitz before giving a single thrust in the air, his cock half-erect and even bigger. “And come over here and suck my cock.”

Rainbow Blitz only meant for his jaw to drop in shock, but what happened was far worse. As he mouth opened, a stream of drool fell from his lips and fell on the floor. His eyes shooting wide open, he couldn’t even make eye contact with his femcolt lover as he was completely entranced by Zecora’s wide victorious grin.

“I didn’t, that was just-” Blitz stammered, his heart beginning to beat like a drum as Zecora laughed a laugh loud enough to echo throughout the hut.

“It’s almost downright pathetic watching your attempts to deny such need,” Zecora rolled his eyes as he brought a forehoof to his twitching length, trailing it down from the tip to his base as he narrowed his eyes at the blue pegasus. “Now why don’t you come over here and work for my seed?”

Rainbow Blitz stood up without a second thought, glancing over at his coltfriend. Butterscotch wasn’t glaring or even frowning. Rather, the yellow pegasus had pushed aside his skirt to expose his below average length, slowly stroking it as he stared right into Rainbow Blitz’ eyes. The message was all too loud and clear without the femcolt even saying it.

With his approval, Rainbow Blitz trotted over and pressed his much smaller hoof to Zecora’s colossal bitchbreaker. Zecora pulled his forehoof back and sighed with a gentle twitch of his ears.

“That’s a good little mare!” Zecora nodded at Rainbow Blitz. “Please treat my length with a little more care?”

For a stallion that essentially told Rainbow Blitz to shut his mouth with cock only a few moments ago, the zebra gave such a polite request to Rainbow Blitz that he was torn between fighting further for a rougher response, or giving in. Deciding not to test the zebra just yet, Rainbow Blitz nodded as he moved his hoof to the side and brought his muzzle to Zecora’s big balls.

While Rainbow Blitz’ balls were the size of limes, Zecora’s balls were the size of oranges. Taking a small sniff of the zebra’s balls was his undoing, an overwhelming assault of musk filling his nostrils in a way that turned him on way more than he was willing to admit. Rainbow Blitz even had to bite his lip to restrain himself from making noises that he considered to be very unbecoming for a stallion such as himself.

“Don’t be shy,” Zecora brought his forehoof to Rainbow Blitz’ mane. “There’s nothing wrong with letting out a feminine cry~”

Rainbow Blitz shook his head.

“Perhaps you just need a little push,” Zecora pushed Rainbow Blitz to his balls, smashing the pegasus’ muzzle against his fat orbs. “Lick those balls of mine and shush.”

Rainbow Blitz was at a point where he couldn’t refuse even if he tried, the smell against his nostrils becoming all too desirable to fight back against. Stifling a moan once more, Rainbow Blitz opened his mouth and ran his tongue around one of the superior stallion’s balls before popping it into his mouth. Sucking on it, Rainbow Blitz wondered how he could’ve possibly denied such a foreign yet mindblowing sensation. It felt like sucking on heaven itself, and Rainbow Blitz could’ve done it forever if Zecora hadn’t gently moved his head to the other ball. Doing the same thing to the other ball, Rainbow Blitz reminded himself to not lose himself to the sensation, knowing that he couldn’t disappoint the brickhouse of a stallion that he was touching. Stopping himself after a few moments, Rainbow Blitz then brought his tongue to the base of Zecora’s cock, slowly licking up to the tip and swirling his tongue around when Zecora looked at Butterscotch, who was also sprawling and shamelessly jerking off his four inch cock with tiny whimpers here and there with one forehoof.

“Tell me Butterscotch, does he also focus on your crotch?” Zecora asked the femcolt.

“N-Not really,” Butterscotch admitted. “Oh Solaris, shouldn’t I be jealous?”

“Jealousy is a poison to any romantic pair,” Zecora noted, before adding. “It might also be a bit of an issue that both of you are the mare.”

“I g-guess that’s where you come in?” Butterscotch shuddered at the thought, precum lubing up his forehoof more as he sped up the jerking off of his dark yellow cock.

“Perhaps if that’s what the both of you w-want,” Zecora stammered a little as Rainbow Blitz began taking the zebra’s fully erect cock into his mouth. With Zecora’s length being nearly a foot long now, Rainbow Blitz stopped at the first several inches before struggling a little, causing Zecora to look down and pet the pegasus’ rainbow mane. “Relax your mouth-cunt.”

Rainbow Blitz nodded with very little movement due to having his mouth stuffed with zebra cock. His dark blue ponut clenched at the air and his erect dark blue cock dribbled with a pathetic amount a precum, the realization that he was indulging in such a different kind of cock hitting him like a mental stack of bricks. Gulping down more of Zecora’s cock, Rainbow Blitz kept going even as his throat began to ache at the sudden intrusion, until his lips were pressed against the base of the zebra stallion’s cock. Rainbow Blitz’ eyes shot wide open as he spit on Zecora’s balls, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the overstimulation that his throat was enduring.

“Alright now,” Zecora used his hoof to lift Rainbow Blitz’ head up by a few inches until Rainbow Blitz stopped and kept his head at the halfway point, determined to keep some zebra dick in his mouth. “Glad you still got the energy for a good plow~”

Rainbow Blitz nodded, and was relieved that when Zecora began facefucking the blue pegasus, that he stuck to only pushing half his length in. With Blitz’ relatively sore throat barely touched by the tip of Zecora’s dick, Rainbow Blitz relaxed and focused on swirling his tongue around the much bigger length while keeping his breathing steady through his nostrils. Doing so served for two benefits, with Rainbow Blitz also being able to savor the musk of the zebra while keeping an intake of oxygen at the same time.

While his eyes were closed, Rainbow Blitz began hearing his coltfriend’s tell-tale mewls as they got louder in volume. He could only imagine the smaller stallion’s legs trembling as he bit his lip, and Blitz’ eyes shot wide open as he felt something land on his cutie mark.

“S-Sorry, I didn’t realize it’d land that far…” Butterscotch whimpered. “Oh f-fuck, you two please don’t stop just because I finished.”

Rainbow Blitz, barely aware that he was reaching the peak of his pleasure, threw his head down further to meet Zecora's thrusts at the realization that his coltfriend came to the sight of him gulping down zebra dick. Letting out a high-pitched whine around Zecora's dick, Rainbow Blitz bucked several times into the air before spraying a pathetic amount of jizz onto the floor of Zecora's hut. Almost passing out into a warm and welcoming post-orgasmic haze around Zecora's dick, Rainbow Blitz felt a sharp thrust knock him back into bright-eyed awareness.

"Close your eyes for I am close," Zecora grinned from ear to ear, pushing Rainbow Blitz off his dick and jerking himself off. "Here it goes!"

Rainbow Blitz closed his eyes just in time to take the rope of cum landing in the square middle of his muzzle, and then another shot of zebra jizz landed far on his back and cutie marks. With both his coltfriend's load and Zecora's decorating his pelt, Rainbow Blitz shuddered and bit his lip at how delightfully used he felt in the moment. Reaching a hoof down to his half-erect length, Rainbow Blitz opened his mouth to let out a little gasp. And when he felt an unsuspecting rope of Zecora’s cum land right on his tongue, the salty and strong taste made the blue pegasus cave as he let out a feminine moan that escaped his mouth before he could stop it. Feeling the hot burn of shock and excitement tangling inside him, Rainbow Blitz gasped as he felt himself reaching an orgasm a second time.

"He even cums multiple times like a mare!" Rainbow Blitz heard Zecora’s laugh while his eyes were still closed. "Do you now understand why Butterscotch’s role is important to share?"

"Y-Yes," Rainbow Blitz turned to look at his blushing coltfriend. "I'm sorry I judged you for liking feminine stuff so much, it's s-so hot…"

"This is a very good start, but you are not finished playing your part," Zecora elaborated, no longer sprawling as he got up on all four legs. Staring down at the bukkaked Element of Loyalty, Zecora continued. "Your homework is to go out and wear a feminine piece of clothing for the week, then we'll see if you've improved your technique~"

"And w-what about me?" Butterscotch whimpered.

"That all depends on what he has to say," Zecora looked at Rainbow Blitz. "Is breeding your coltfriend’s tight little ponut okay?"

"Y-Yes, it's absolutely okay with me now," Rainbow Blitz let out the words before he could stop himself. "I'm s-sorry for being a brat before."

"You are forgiven considering your very erotic form of making amends," Zecora smirked, then walked towards the door as he beckoned the two to follow him with one hoof. "See you soon my friends~"

Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch walked out of the hut, glancing back at Zecora’s intense gaze that promised a far more intense session when they came back…

Interlude: Shower & Shopping Seduction

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The door closed behind Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch with a sound that sent shivers throughout their bodies. Butterscotch didn’t know what expectations to have going into this, dismissing his lewd fantasies as simply hoping for some proper sexual satisfaction for the first time in a really long time. And while thanks to Rainbow Blitz’ initial insistence that the zebra not lay a hoof on him, he didn’t get any intimacy with Zecora, he still got far more than he could’ve ever hoped for that evening. The frantic beating of his heart, coupled with the warmth of his post-orgasmic and dizzy mind, nearly made the femcolt forget that he and his coltfriend were walking in nearly pitch-black darkness in the Everfree Forest. Gasping, pressing his hoof against Rainbow Blitz’ cum-drenched shoulder, Butterscotch looked at him with wide eyes.

“We need to fly out of here,” Butterscotch whispered, and Rainbow Blitz nodded. The two opened their wings, both taking flight at the same time and flying past the trees of the Everfree until they reached Butterscotch’s cottage. Butterscotch landed in front of his home gracefully without a single sound while Rainbow Blitz collapsed in a heap of fur and feathers as he faceplanted into the dirt.

“Are you okay?!” Butterscotch gasped, rushing up to his coltfriend.

“Y-Yeah, just a little…disoriented. That’s all,” Blitz groaned as he began to get back up on all four hooves.

“I think you mispronounced cum-drunk~” Butterscotch giggled, pressing his side against Rainbow Blitz’ as he began pressing his muzzle against the blue pegasus’ ruffled feathers. “We better get you in a shower, even if I end up licking off most of his cum before we get there…”

Butterscotch only heard a small moan escape Rainbow Blitz’ muzzle before he smashed his muzzle right into Rainbow Blitz’ erect wings, running his tongue through the somewhat dried ropes of cum that Zecora had marked him with without a second thought. Seeing his coltfriend cave to Zecora before he did was a surprise to say the least, but Butterscotch wasn’t complaining. If anything, it spurred him on to create a plan that neither his coltfriend or the zebra stud they spoke to were aware of. He and Rainbow Blitz wouldn’t be another one of Zecora’s brief affairs, only lasting for a few weeks before Zecora moved onto his next conquest. Rather, Butterscotch would present himself and Rainbow Blitz to Zecora with the willingness and obedience of sex slaves, and hoped that Zecora would take the bait. He didn’t know if Zecora was the type to treat ponies that way, even with their consent, but Butterscotch would be damned if he didn’t try to hold onto the one that brought back passion to his sex life with Rainbow Blitz.

And the one who helped him discover another aspect that he was completely oblivious to, the realization that Rainbow Blitz was also a femcolt deep down. It explained so much that Rainbow Blitz would be so determined to maintain his cool persona that he’d push down any feminine desires he may have. His position as one of the Wonderbolts only reinforced that, as Butterscotch only imagined how they might react to learning the Element of Loyalty on their team was a submissive femcolt that liked to get dicked down by zebras.

With only a single owl greeting Butterscotch in the language that only the animal whisperer understood, the rest of the animals that resided near the femcolt’s cottage were tucked away and asleep in their burrows or nests. Butterscotch smiled at the night bird before opening the door for Rainbow Blitz, the blue pegasus giving a brief grunt of acknowledgement before walking ahead of Butterscotch and into the cottage. As they made it to the bathroom, with Rainbow Blitz doing little more than standing in front of the shower stall, Butterscotch took the initiative to turn on the water to the hot setting with his wing and waited for the water to warm. As it got close to feeling hot, Butterscotch kicked off his accessories and walked behind Rainbow Blitz, nudging his butt towards the shower stall.

“C’mon now, Blitz, the water is just how you like it,” Butterscotch cooed, and smiled as Rainbow Blitz grumbled incoherently as he walked into the shower stall. Butterscotch closed the screen door to the spacious shower stall, leaving him and his coltfriend in the closed space. Knowing that the blue pegasus was going to do very little to actually clean himself in the state he was currently in, Butterscotch grabbed the nearby bottle of shampoo and went to work.

“I’m not a femcolt.”

Butterscotch’s ears flickered as he heard Rainbow Blitz speak up for the first time since walking into his cottage, and took a deep breath as he thought to himself how to best approach what his blue coltfriend had said. Squirting a generous amount of shampoo into Rainbow Blitz' mane, Butterscotch put aside the bottle and used his wings to start scrubbing as he spoke up.

“So when you were saying that you found feminine stuff to be so hot, was that just a lie then?” Butterscotch tilted his head, even though Rainbow Blitz was looking down and couldn’t see it. “Applejack wouldn’t be very happy to hear that…”

“I m-mean, it helped me to understand why you enjoy it so much,” Blitz elaborated. “And I’d be more than happy to give you that satisfaction. So much so that it’ll put Zecora to shame, you’ll see.”

“Is that so?” Butterscotch held back a chuckle. “Well, tomorrow I still plan on taking you to Elusive to-”

“Oh dear Solaris, please not Elusive,” Blitz begged. “Please let’s just go to a mall in Canterlot or something, I don’t need everypony back here knowing about this, let alone one of our closest friends.”

“Okay, fair point,” Butterscotch shrugged. “So before we go do that, you still have tonight to rut my brains out. You’re the one that got to cum twice after all, and little ol’ me came only once. Then if your pounding is phenomenal, I’ll call it off with Zecora fucking my hole. You’ll still have to wear the feminine outfit for the week, even if it’s just in private.”

“And w-what if my performance isn’t all that you hoped it to be?” Blitz gulped.

“Then I’ll have to let Zecora pound me silly and compare the two sessions,” Butterscotch giggled, finishing scrubbing Rainbow Blitz’ mane as he used his wing to gently lead Rainbow Blitz to the shower water to wash out his mane. Butterscotch smiled down at his coltfriend who was still washing out the shampoo, gently cupping the blue pegasus’ cheek as he continued. “Is that okay with you, sweetness? Or is that too much for you?”

Butterscotch truly meant the words to show Rainbow Blitz that he cared about the blue pegasus’ well-being and didn’t want to pressure him into anything that made him too uncomfortable, but had completely forgotten about one of Rainbow Blitz’ worst traits: his stubbornness. Rainbow Blitz lifted his head and stood up straight, his ears flattened and his eyes narrowed as he stood taller than his femcolt lover. Stepping forward towards Butterscotch until Butterscotch’s plump ass cheeks were pressed against the shower wall, with their chests pressed together, Rainbow Blitz spoke in a deeper tone than normal.

“Is that a challenge?” Blitz growled, and Butterscotch didn’t dare point out that while the change in his voice was stimulating, it wasn’t half as arousing as the naturally sonorous tone of Zecora’s voice.

“Well, I w-wasn’t pla-mmph!” Butterscotch was caught off guard by Rainbow Blitz pressing his lips against his own lips. With the amount of times that the blue pegasus had skipped kissing altogether in order to stick his dick inside Butterscotch’s hole, the sudden spark of romance had caused Butterscotch’s eyes to widen and his heart to begin pounding in his chest as he pressed back into the kiss. Even though he barely moved into the kiss, Rainbow Blitz lunged further into the kiss and stuck his tongue inside. Blitz’ tongue was on a mission, not relenting in the slightest as Butterscotch made no effort to try and overpower his coltfriend. Butterscotch closed his eyes and tried not to sigh. Even still with Rainbow Blitz finally giving him foreplay, did the blue pegasus still try hard like he had something to prove. Butterscotch did want his coltfriend to give it his all, but he wished it was for him and not for the looming threat that was Zecora. As Butterscotch pulled back from the kiss, he looked into Rainbow Blitz’ eyes.

“You’re still thinking of Zecora, are you?” Butterscotch frowned.

“Well can you blame me?” Rainbow Blitz shook his head. “He did nut all over me not an hour ago.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Butterscotch nodded. “Sorry, I ought to give you more of a chance, don’t I?”

“Mmmhm!” Rainbow Blitz smirked as he brought his hoof to Butterscotch’s cheek, trailing it down the femcolt’s face as he leaned closer. “Besides, you seem to be thinking of him too. I ought to fix that~”

Rainbow Blitz began to kiss Butterscotch’s lips again with more care this time, and Butterscotch felt warmth rushing throughout his body as he let go to the sensations that Rainbow Blitz was giving him. Humming happily into Rainbow Blitz’ mouth, Butterscotch lifted a forehoof to press against the blue pegasus’ chest as they made out for several minutes. With both Butterscotch’s meager length and Rainbow Blitz’ average length reaching their fully erect states, Rainbow Blitz pulled back from the kiss and opened the shower stall, stepping out.

“I’ll get the lube~” Rainbow Blitz purred as he walked out of sight from the bathroom, leaving a blushing Butterscotch to sit under the running shower water as he thought of what was to happen in the coming days. If he played his cards right, he’d get dicked down by his coltfriend and the bulky zebra stud within the span of a week. Imagining the two proving themselves to him, Butterscotch closed his eyes and brought the tip of his wing to his erect length, slowly stroking it as a burning desire began to take hold. Solaris forbid he accidentally say Zecora’s name during the pounding, as the femcolt grew more excited by the prospect of the superior dicking that brought pregnant mares and couples back for more. Deep down, he knew that sex with Rainbow Blitz would only serve as a mere appetizer to the main course.

And the fact that Rainbow Blitz was the first of the two to make moves on Zecora made it deliciously perfect for Butterscotch, the yellow pegasus now able to act to his heart’s content.

Rainbow Blitz nearly tripped on his hooves as he scrambled back into the bathroom, a bottle of lube held by his wing as he trotted back into the shower room and closed the screen door behind him with a grin.

“Sorry about that,” Blitz blushed as he opened the bottle cap with his other wing, squirting a generous amount of lube in his hoof in case the water washed some of it away. “I was eager to prove myself to you, d-do you think you could turn around and present your ponut?”

Butterscotch giggled, turning around and moving his soaked pink tail to the side and revealing his glistening wet ponut to his coltfriend. With his head facing away from Rainbow Blitz, Butterscotch allowed himself to roll his eyes and shake his head a little.

Even when he’s trying to be dominant, he’s stuttering and being way too polite. Zecora’s right, he is a mare~

If it weren’t for what, or more accurately who, was coming within the next few days, Butterscotch might’ve been a tad annoyed by Rainbow Blitz’ overly kind demeanor. However, it was better than him trying to fuck with zero romance involved, so Butterscotch waved his plump yellow planets for ass cheeks. He even used his wings to pry his cheeks apart and show off his pretty pink butterfly cutie marks, glancing behind his shoulder and biting his lip as he put on his best show for his coltfriend.

“I hope you pound me extra hard today, sweetie~” Butterscotch spoke higher-pitched in his best mare voice, quickly getting rewarded with a lubed hoof filling up his asshole. Butterscotch didn’t even bother to bite his lip again as he opened his mouth and let out an unstrained moan that would make a whore blush. The yellow pegasus was rewarded with his coltfriend wiggling his hoof deeper, hitting the sensitive prostate button inside him and causing Butterscotch to become dizzy with need. It hadn’t even truly started yet, and Butterscotch found himself more aroused than he’d ever had been in their relationship. His coltfriend, while still a closeted femcolt, was doing his damn best to look like a stud. And while Butterscotch knew better, the feeling of his coltfriend desperately smashing his p-spot with his hoof spurred him on to smash his own face against the shower wall, his face red and hot with his exposed arousal as his tongue rolled out of his mouth. Even if Rainbow Blitz’ performance was lacking, Butterscotch found himself closing his eyes and imagining Zecora’s piercing eyes looking into his once more.

“Heh! Now someone’s excited~” Rainbow Blitz snickered, using the tip of his wing to caress Butterscotch’s erect length, causing the femcolt’s eyes to shoot wide open. “Bet Zecora can’t get you hard this fast, huh?”

“I g-guess I’m pretty aroused right now,” Butterscotch dodged the question, feeling Rainbow Blitz’ hoof leave his slightly gaping hole empty. “Please fill me up! I’ve been good, haven’t I?”

“Hmmm, besides threatening to leave me…” Blitz placed his formerly lubed hoof to his chin, tapping it before shrugging. “I suppose you’ve been pretty obedient and attentive otherwise, and isn’t that how a good femcolt acts?”

I don’t know, Butterscotch thought to himself as he used his wings to clap his own ass cheeks. You tell me.

“Y-Yes,” Butterscotch whimpered instead. “Are you going to keep t-talking the talk, or are you going to fuck me?”

As Butterscotch glanced over his shoulder once more, he was surprised to see Rainbow Blitz looking at the yellow pegasus like he had grown a second head. The wide-eyed reaction only lasted for a split second before Blitz properly mounted Butterscotch, resting his forelegs over the femcolt’s shoulders and bringing his average length to Butterscotch’s hole. The dark blue cock that was about to enter Butterscotch’s depths wasn’t half as big as Zecora’s bitchbreaker, but for Butterscotch’s needy mind and hole, it would most likely be enough to get the job done.

Feeling the pressure of Rainbow Blitz’ familiar cock beginning to enter Butterscotch’s tight walls, the yellow pegasus gave a blissful sigh at the pleasant stimulation. Clapping his cheeks around Rainbow Blitz’ penetrating length, Butterscotch gave a small mmph as he felt Rainbow Blitz hilt all of his dick inside of the femcolt, his lime-sized balls slapping against Butterscotch’s ass cheeks as he gave a grunt.

“Do you want me to start slow?” Blitz asked.

“That all depends,” Butterscotch snickered. “Do you want Zecora to fuck my brains out?”

The question was a trick, for Butterscotch knew that one of Rainbow Blitz’ greatest flaws in the bedroom was that he was a quick-shot. As he looked behind his shoulder, he could see it in Rainbow Blitz’ wide eyes and blushing face. But yet again, Rainbow Blitz didn’t cave, but flattened his ears as he gritted his teeth, pulling out most of his length until only the tip was still inside.

“You’re going to eat those words!” Blitz snarled, thrusting his entire length back with a sharp thrust, the clap of his ballsack hitting his coltfriend’s enormous ass echoing in the shower room. Butterscotch moaned, stopping his monologue. Besides the fact that he was the Element of Kindness, Butterscotch shut up because he loved his coltfriend too much to be too mean. Just enough goading to get him to jackhammer the femcolt would do just fine. Just as Butterscotch had hoped, Rainbow Blitz began jackhammering Butterscotch with the loud plap plap plap becoming music to the yellow pegasus’ ears. It was glorious to feel each attack on his p-spot, Rainbow Blitz’ frenzied thrusts causing his balls to go as far as to slap the femcolt’s much smaller balls, and the rushing fantasies of a fucking session that would put this one to shame. It was no secret that ever since Butterscotch understood his true sexuality, the stallion had fantasized about a much stronger and well-hung stallion completely ruining him into a blubbering and cum-drunk mess that couldn’t think clearly. That wasn’t to say that he loved Rainbow Blitz any less, even continuing to clap his cheeks to spur on the blue pegasus, but Butterscotch would be lying if he wasn’t excited at the idea of having a sexual replacement that was more fulfilling of his desires.

“I’m….hnng, I c-can’t hold it in much l-longer,” Blitz moaned, little gasps escaping his mouth after the confession, slowing his thrusts as he shut his eyes. Butterscotch thought it absolutely adorable to witness what he now knew was the fucking of an inferior pony stallion. Zecora would last thrice as long, perhaps longer, and Butterscotch snickered as he glanced over at Rainbow Blitz even though the blue pegasus’ eyes were still shut, the words he wanted to say to his coltfriend left in his thoughts.

Enjoy your last time fucking as a stallion, soon you’ll fulfill your marish purpose~

The thought completely shattered Butterscotch in the best way possible, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he pulled out most of Rainbow Blitz’ cock before slamming back down on it like a pornstar. If Rainbow Blitz had a chance to last decently long in the shower, that chance was obliterated the moment Butterscotch started to act like a power bottom. Clenching on Rainbow Blitz’ dick with his purposefully clamping walls and thrusting back into him with enough strength to nearly knock him over, Butterscotch was now fucking him, milking the cock with his movements and completely undoing the blue pegasus. Before Rainbow Blitz could hold back, the blue pegasus let out a loud feminine cry as Butterscotch hilted himself on the Element of Loyalty’s dick, the yellow pegasus biting his lip at the overwhelming fantasy taking over.

And yet, despite that and his coltfriend nutting inside him, the poor femcolt didn’t cum. Torn between telling the truth about it and lying, Butterscotch came to the perfect conclusion as he felt the last pathetic spurt of pony jizz coating his walls.

"F-Fucking Solaris, Butterscotch," Blitz grunted. "I didn't know you had that in you, to just start using your ass like that. That felt…phenomenal. Was your orgasm just as good as mine?”

“Er, about that,” Butterscotch felt Rainbow Blitz pull his softening length out of the yellow pegasus’ leaking asshole, before turning around and pawing the shower room floor with one hoof as he glanced down at the floor. “It was really amazing to do that, and I was quite enjoying myself, butI didn’t cum.”

“Oh!” Blitz’ ears flattened as he frowned until Butterscotch looked up, putting back on a smile as he continued. “That’s okay, not every stallion can cum without being touched down there. I can suck you off or give you a wingjob?”

“If you want,” Butterscotch shrugged with a growing smirk, his eyes fluttering as he narrowed his gaze at Rainbow Blitz. “But like I said earlier, your pounding was the part that had to blow my mind and my load. But since I didn’t even cum, you know what that means~”

“Oh n-no,” Blitz bit his lip, his blushing as heavy as when he had the bukkake earlier that night, his tail flickering from side to side as he looked away from Butterscotch. “I suppose that’s only fair considering I got to have a turn with him.”

“You know, if it actually makes you uncomfortable, I won’t do it,” Butterscotch assured him with no hidden motives, placing his hoof on his coltfriend’s shoulder and kissing the blue pegasus right on the muzzle. Feeling the warm touch, Rainbow Blitz looked back up at Butterscotch.

“It doesn’t,” Blitz chuckled. “Besides, I’m sure Zecora won’t be that much better than me.”

Butterscotch nearly snorted.

After a few minutes of finishing up in the shower, soaping each other up in every nook and cranny of their bodies, Butterscotch and Rainbow Blitz had dried themselves off and started making their slow walk towards the bedroom. Butterscotch glanced at Rainbow Blitz beside him, giggling as he could see his coltfriend fighting the need to nod off as his eyelids almost dropped completely over his eyes, only for the blue pegasus to give a sharp huh as he eyes flashed open. Opening the door to his room, Butterscotch allowed Rainbow Blitz to go first as his coltfriend rushed to the bed with renewed vigor, lunging for it and getting underneath the blanket and sheets with a happy hum. Butterscotch shortly followed, closing the door behind him as he also jumped into bed, feeling Rainbow Blitz’ forelegs wrap around his shoulders and resting his head against the blue pegasus’ chest as they both held each other.

Butterscotch grinned as he closed his eyes, ready to wake up to a fun shopping day tomorrow…

“Ugh, that train ride was so long. It’s a good thing that I napped throughout most of it.”

“Hey,” Butterscotch giggled as he and Rainbow Blitz stepped off the train. “You’re the one that insisted we couldn’t just pick out an outfit from Elusive, so this one is on you~”

“You got me there,” Blitz rolled his eyes as he placed his wing on Butterscotch’s back, the two moving past all the chattering ponies and others trying to make their daily commute. “Plus, I’m sure ponies will recognize us in the mall too. Just t-tell them that the outfit is for you, could you?”

“I could certainly try,” Butterscotch winked at Rainbow Blitz, pressing against his side and whispering in his ear as they walked. “But considering how fat my ass is in comparison to your toned cheeks, them believing me would be a long shot.”

“That’s what happens when you hang out with Bubble Berry so much,” Blitz sighed. “Not that I don’t get it. Every time that chubby stallion throws a surprise party at us, it takes every part of my being to not eat all the sweets he makes. So what shop were you thinking of going to?”

“Well, there’s this nice and sensual mare’s shop that Elusive told me about last time he was in Canterlot,” Butterscotch explained. “Don’t worry, the owner is completely discreet about those who visit her store for a variety of reasons. After all, you never know if those ponies want to surprise their partners. So it’s a lot wiser for her to not say anything.”

“That’s very comforting,” Blitz replied as they walked past various shops and restaurants, nodding his head at various ponies who recognized the two, his eyes widening as he saw a tall black building with sky blue windows as well as light blue letters that flashed Nightmare’s Secret in all caps. “Is this the shop? Do you think there’s a lot of ponies in there?”

“Yes and probably!” Butterscotch pressed his lips to his wide-eyed coltfriend’s cheek. “If it’s too much for you, we can definitely take one of my older accessories and use it on you~”

“That’s sweet of you, but it’s okay,” Blitz took a deep breath and braced himself, before looking down at Butterscotch. “I had these expectations already, considering we’re going inside a public place. If anypony asks, I’ll just say I’m trying it out for fun.”

“Which is technically not a lie,” Butterscotch nuzzled Rainbow Blitz’ cheek, before turning his eyes towards the store and wiggling in place. “Let’s go in! You know that I’ll be searching for something myself, so if anypony gives you trouble, you come look for me alright?”

“Pssh, you don’t need to protect me,” Blitz stood up straight, puffing his chest out as he opened his wings and began flying towards the shop. “Let’s get inside! We don’t want to waste daylight now.”

“Hmm,” Butterscotch watched the blue pegasus moving towards the building with increasing speed, smirking as he trotted in his coltfriend’s direction. “That sure got him moving…”

Butterscotch entered the store, his eyes widening at the massive selection of clothing and accessories. With the new additions of plus-sized clothing, the yellow pegasus didn’t have to worry about stuff not fitting around his bigger butt. Just as Butterscotch had that thought, his eyes spotted the wide variety of thongs at a table near the cashier. Gasping and rushing over, Butterscotch lifted a white thong with black stripes that he imagined would be perfectly snug between his cheeks. That and some makeup would be golden, so Butterscotch trotted to another section where they had bows, and picked up a black one before turning around and seeing Rainbow Blitz at the section of skirts with his hoof to his lips. Butterscotch galloped over to where he was and pressed a hoof to a mint green skirt while smirking at Rainbow Blitz’ wide-eyed face.

“You sure snuck up on me,” Rainbow Blitz whispered, blushing heavily.

“Thought I was someone else?” Butterscotch grinned, wiggling his hips from side to side before tilting his head in the direction of the skirt. “This’ll compliment your coat, trust me~”

“If y-you say so,” Rainbow Blitz stammered, and Butterscotch gasped as he saw the socks towards the exit of the store.

“I’ll be right back, there’s one more thing that I need to get,” Butterscotch rushed the words out of his mouth, going to the sock section near the store’s front door and ogling the black and white striped thigh highs that were calling for him. With the ensemble that he had planned, he could very well get the bulky zebra stud to pin him right then and there as soon as he walked in the hut. Tucking in the socks underneath his wing along with the other purchases he planned on making, Butterscotch walked up to the bright blue unicorn at the cash register, placing the selected accessories onto the counter.

“Don’t let him see these,” Butterscotch giggled, pointing a hoof to Rainbow Blitz as he was still heavily blushing at the mint green skirt. “I want to keep them a surprise~”

“You got it!” the blue unicorn began checking out the items and placing them in a bag. “So, your coltfriend has a type for zebras, eh?”

“You could say that~” Butterscotch snickered. “He’s also getting a little something for himself, that’s on me too.”

“Aren’t you sweet,” the unicorn smiled. “He doesn’t normally wear feminine stuff, does he?”

“That obvious, huh?” Butterscotch chuckled. “No, he doesn’t. He’s just trying it out to see if he likes it. Suppose enough of me wearing those outfits got him curious to see what it feels like.”

Butterscotch found himself lying with more ease than he expected, the image of Zecora eyeing them both like his own personal selection of candy causing a small shiver to rush throughout his body. Before his arousal could become too obvious, Rainbow Blitz trotted over to join his coltfriend, placing the mint green skirt on the counter and averting his eyes from both Butterscotch and the unicorn cashier.

“No need to be shy!” the unicorn assured Rainbow Blitz as she began checking out the skirt and placing it in a separate bag than the items that Butterscotch picked out. “Well, it’s kind of cute, actually. I was thinking that he would be the shy one here.”

As the unicorn pointed a hoof at Butterscotch, that got Rainbow Blitz’ attention as he snapped his gaze to the cashier.

“Hey!” Blitz gasped, causing the mare to laugh at the blue pegasus’ deliciously scrunched up expression. “I’m not shy at all! In fact, why don’t you give me that bag and I’ll wear the skirt right here.”

That got the glances of a few nearby customers, but Butterscotch could tell by his coltfriend’s intent stare into the cashier’s eyes that onlookers were the last thing on the blue pegasus’ mind. The blue unicorn’s eyes lit up as a small smile graced her lips, retrieving the mint green skirt back from its bag and hoofing it over to Rainbow Blitz.

“Be my guest~” the unicorn purred, before glancing over at Butterscotch out of the corner of her eye. “That’ll be 25 bits.”

“Thank you for your kind service, Miss-” Butterscotch gave the mare the right amount of bits plus a decent tip as her amber eyes lit up with the unspoken question on the femcolt’s lips.

“Blue Moon,” the unicorn introduced herself as she took the right amount of the bits for the register and kept the remainder to the side. “And thank you, it’s been a while since I’ve come across mares as entertaining as yourselves.”

“N-Not a mare,” Blitz grumbled as he used the tips of his wings to place the mint green skirt over his toned cheeks, gently pulling his rainbow tail through the tail-hole built into the skirt. “This is j-just to prove that I’m not shy, that’s all.”

“Uh-huh,” Blue Moon and Butterscotch said almost in unison, smirking at Rainbow Blitz and his adorably flustered face. Blue Moon then gave the bag of Butterscotch’s new accessories to the yellow pegasus with a wink. “You enjoy those new accessories alright?”

“Oh believe me, I will~” Butterscotch promised, taking the bag with his wing and glancing over at Rainbow Blitz in his new getup. “So much for keeping this a secret from the others~”

“What do you mean? I can just take this off when we get to the train station,” Blitz pointed out as the two walked out of the store.

“Really? The super cool Rainbow Blitz is going to chicken out when it’s convenient for him?” Butterscotch narrowed his eyes at his coltfriend, testing the waters to see if he’d get the intended reaction out of the blue pegasus. “Huh, at least I can wear what I want without any sha-”

“Shut up,” Blitz stammered. “I’m n-not a chicken, I’ll wear the skirt. But you owe me.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Butterscotch wrapped his wing around Rainbow Blitz’ back, more than happy to present himself as the ‘stallion’ of the two for a change. “I’ll make sure Zecora gives you a special reward for going all out~”

Kindling Kindness (Zecora's Long Night Part 1)

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Butterscotch stared at himself in the mirror, grinning from ear to ear as a small blush was visible on his cheeks.

With a black bow in his long pink mane, black eyeshadow, all four black and white socks riding up his legs, and a black and white thong that was barely visible between his fat cheeks and behind his pretty pink tail, Butterscotch looked exactly like a zebra mare should. Biting his lip, he turned around and walked out of the bathroom, watching as Rainbow Blitz’ jaw dropped at his femcolt lover’s getup. Butterscotch had successfully kept the outfit a secret all week, all the while Rainbow Blitz was teased and flirted with for the mint green skirt that he wore. Everypony from the other members of the Mane 6 to members of the Wonderbolts had eyed him up and down, teasing him playfully and leaving the blue pegasus as a blushing mess. Not one of them made any mean remarks, and Rainbow Blitz eventually took to wearing the skirt like a fish to water, almost as if he was wearing any other outfit that he’d normally wear. Rainbow Blitz, with his jaw still dropped, slowly walked up to Butterscotch and placed his hoof on the yellow pegasus’ foreleg sock.

“Y-You’re really getting into this,” Rainbow Blitz gulped, his eyes glued to the socks that his coltfriend was wearing.

“And should there be a problem with that?” Butterscotch pressed his muzzle to Rainbow Blitz’ muzzle, staring into his coltfriend’s deep red eyes. “You had the chance to put on makeup too, y’know~”

“I’m just w-wearing this for the homework assignment,” Rainbow Blitz stammered, staring over his shoulder at the skirt he was still adorning. “It’s not like I’m a femcolt or anything like that.”

“Sure,” Butterscotch giggled, pulling back from his coltfriend’s face and walking around behind the blue pegasus, catching Rainbow Blitz off guard as he swished his long pink tail to lightly smack Blitz’ ass. Rainbow Blitz gasped and jumped forward, before scowling and turning to look at Butterscotch over his shoulder with his ears flattened.

“H-Hey,” Rainbow Blitz stammered.

“Look at you, you can’t even protest this properly anymore!” Butterscotch laughed. “Something tells me that you knew the whole time that I was going to let Zecora fuck my brains out, and you still tried to pound me in the shower anyways. It’s like you love the idea of having your coltfriend taken in front of you.”

Rainbow Blitz bit his lip, blushing as he looked towards the door. Over the course of the week, as Rainbow Blitz became more hard wearing the skirt, Butterscotch had come out of his shell more and more, not even trying to hide anymore that he had a master plan to get underneath Zecora in more of a long-term sense. It was one day when he caught Rainbow Blitz in the bathroom furiously jerking himself off two nights before that confirmed Butterscotch’s suspicions. The yellow pegasus had that intuition what Rainbow Blitz was thinking about, and wasn’t afraid to express himself openly anymore.

“Well,” Butterscotch walked ahead of Rainbow Blitz, intentionally swaying his hips so Rainbow Blitz could see the way that the zebra thong moved along with his coltfriend’s fat ass cheeks. Glancing over his shoulder, Butterscotch made sure to move his tail out of the way to fully show himself off as he batted his eyelashes at Rainbow Blitz. “Are you coming? You seem to be staring at the door an awful lot, so we might as well get going~”

“Y-Yeah, let’s get going,” Blitz kept blushing as he rushed to the door, letting Butterscotch open the door for him as he didn’t look back at his coltfriend. Butterscotch chuckled, following him and closing the door by pulling it shut with his tail. The two walked quietly throughout the Everfree Forest, with Butterscotch wrapping his wing around Blitz’ back and kissing the blue pegasus’ cheek every few minutes until they had reached the hut. Butterscotch grinned from ear to ear as he left his coltfriend’s side to rush up to the door, knocking on it several times before returning to Rainbow Blitz’ side and staring intently at the door.

“Well that’s a knock earlier than expected,” they heard a familiar deep voice on the other side of the door, shivers down their bodies and mutual blushes adorning the pegasi’s faces as the door opened and revealed Zecora with a coy smile. “Just the two I suspected. Oh my, is that a zebra mare outfit that just caught my eye?”

“It sure is!” Butterscotch beamed, skipping past Zecora and into the hut with the strong hope that the striped stud was eyeing the thong nestled between his cheeks. “I know you said that you wanted to test out Rainbow Blitz’ technique, but I was hoping that you’d test out mine first? He got to hog all the attention last time, so…”

“Hey!” Blitz protested, rushing into the hut to scowl at Butterscotch as the yellow pegasus turned around and smirked at his coltfriend. “It’s not my fault that I lost that bet! You were the one slamming your ass on my dick like you were ready to milk it for every drop!”

“Calm down now,” Zecora snickered, closing the door behind him with his strong hindleg as he walked towards the two bickering next to his signature cauldron. “What’s this I hear about a bet and a plow?”

“You see,” Butterscotch walked up to Zecora, his heart thundering in his chest as he managed the courage to gently press his forehoof onto the zebra stud’s chest and look into his deep cyan eyes. “I told Rainbow Blitz if he could pound me beyond my wildest expectations, then I wouldn’t take a pounding from you. Y’know, to give him some proper motivation and all. But alas, he didn’t even make me cum! At least he knows how to wear a skirt properly!”

“That’s very telling what you just explained to me,” Zecora leaned closer and briefly broke eye contact to glance at Rainbow Blitz. “Sit in the corner over there as still as a tree. Despite that fetching appearance you’ve managed to pull, you need to watch how this femcolt gets dominated by a real bull~”

“Yeah right!” Blitz tried to scoff as he sat in the corner anyways, sounding more feminine than he was comfortable with. “Of course he’s going to cum. It’s not my fault he squeezed the cum out of my dick before I could make him nut!”

“You keep telling yourself what you want to hear,” Zecora shrugged, walking past Butterscotch and sitting down and spreading his hind legs apart to reveal his length just like last week as he eyed the dolled up femcolt. “Now why don’t you sample the taste of my spear?”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Butterscotch reassured the zebra stud, biting his lip as he trotted over to Zecora and lying down on his stomach, staring at Zecora’s half-erect length. He didn’t just ogle for long, pressing his muzzle against Zecora’s cock and taking a deep inhale of the musk with his nostrils. The strong scent of raw masculinity flooded the pegasus’ nostrils and sent a warm flood of excitement throughout his body, causing his pretty pink tail to flag up like a mare’s tail would. Butterscotch began peppering Zecora’s massive balls with kisses, and then the base, until he was kissing all the way up to the tip of the stud’s length. Hearing Zecora’s relaxed sigh and feeling the subtle twitch of his cock bounce against Butterscotch’s muzzle spurred the yellow pegasus to exceed the zebra stud’s expectations and perform better than Rainbow Blitz had. Giving Zecora’s tip a quick lick, Butterscotch moved back down to the stud’s balls and proceeded to latch his muzzle around one, slathering it like he was tasting his last meal. The yellow pegasus didn’t relent until he heard a sharp gasp from Zecora, the zebra gently pressing the top of Butterscotch’s mane with his hoof. Butterscotch took the gesture as a cue to switch, and essentially made out with the other ball with as many feminine moans he could get out during the ball-washing. With his eyes closed for a while, Butterscotch fluttered them open and looked at Rainbow Blitz’ dropped jaw and red face in the corner.

“H-He never sucks my balls like that,” Blitz crossed his forelegs and scowled, although Butterscotch noticed his blue donger erect and glistening at the sight of his coltfriend going down on a zebra stud.

“You didn’t suck mine like this either,” Zecora snickered to Blitz before patting the black bow on Butterscotch’s mane. “Get up and take a breather. You’ll get more time in the night to suck my dick, now I want you to perform a sexy trick~”

“L-Like what?” Butterscotch felt his heart drop a little, having been ready to deepthroat the stud like many mares only dreamed they could. But with Zecora tempting him with the offer of doing something for the zebra stud that Rainbow Blitz hadn’t done yet, Butterscotch couldn’t help but open his mouth and stick his tongue out in the lewdest way possible.

“You turn around and face me with that zebra thong,” Zecora lifted a forehoof to do a circle gesture to make his point. “And then grind against my big fat dong~”

“Ohhhhh fuck!” Butterscotch whined, standing up on all four hooves and showing off his striped socks before slowly turning around and presenting his fat ass to Zecora. Using the tips of his wings to pry his yellow-furred cheeks apart and exposing the striped thong snug between them with his ponut outline clearly visible behind the clothing, Butterscotch glanced at Zecora over his shoulder with bedroom eyes. “How is this for my special stud?”

“You look like the stuff of a wet dream,” Zecora’s ears flickered as he grinned deeper than before. “Perform well and you’ll definitely earn my cream~”

“And Rainbow Blitz?” This time, Butterscotch didn’t even look over his shoulder as he began to clap his cheeks for both Zecora and his coltfriend. “Are you ready to see these cheeks hug superior cock?”

“Hnnng, if you don’t do it right now, I’ll do it for you~” Blitz tested his coltfriend, and Butterscotch suspected the more honest threat came from the likelihood that the blue pegasus was stroking himself off already. Butterscotch laughed, walking backwards until his ass was right above Zecora’s erect cock. Squatting and lowering himself down towards Zecora, Butterscotch’s eyes shot wide open as he gasped at the feeling of such a hard and dominant cock pressed firmly against his ponut with only a thin layer of fabric between them. The sensation was painfully teasing, and yet Butterscotch succumbed to the delicious feeling as he lifted his ass up and down on Zecora’s length. Butterscotch picked up the pace of the movements after a few seconds, and let out a moan as he felt the sudden and sharp sting of Zecora’s hoof smacking his ass cheek.

“Look at how I do this you blue cuck,” Butterscotch could hear Zecora talking to his coltfriend. “Even sitting down do I arouse this mare for a good fuck. Whether it’s sitting in a hut or rolling in the mud, I make sure she knows I’m the stud~”

“Nyeah!” Blitz moaned, and Butterscotch gave a long moan as he realized just how painfully turned on both him and his coltfriend were. Zecora gave one last sharp smack to Butterscotch’s other cheek and a grunt at the friction before gently pushing Butterscotch away and standing back up.

“You lick your coltfriend’s hole until he is perfectly lubed for a good breed,” Zecora ordered Rainbow Blitz. “Then if I have more in me can you receive my seed.”

Rainbow Blitz didn’t need to be asked twice, the blue pegasus frantically rushing up to all fours as he trotted to his place in between Butterscotch and Zecora, using his teeth to pull down Butterscotch’s thong. Revealing the yellow pegasus’ painfully hard yet smaller length, Rainbow Blitz barely noticed it before stuffing his face in between his coltfriend’s cheeks and rimming the stallion’s hole. Butterscotch knew damn well that he could’ve pre-lubed himself before they had left, but he had left it all up to chance in hopes that Zecora or Rainbow Blitz would do it for him, and the femcolt was not disappointed. With his plans of having the two working in tandem to satisfy his need to be fucked into a coma, Butterscotch stifled a victorious chuckle. The suppressed chuckle was replaced with a gasp as he felt Blitz’ tongue wriggling inside the walls of his asshole. The sensation was delightful, especially given what Butterscotch was preparing for. Butterscotch gave a needy hnnng as he backed his ass up further against his coltfriend’s anal attack, starting to thrust into it until he felt Blitz slip out of his bussy entirely.

“That’s quite enough of your cuck service,” Butterscotch heard Zecora speak to Rainbow Blitz before he suddenly felt the weight of a far stronger stud mounting him, pushing Butterscotch down into a position where his head was firmly against the floor while his ass was still up, the zebra’s head hovering over Butterscotch’s own head as he pressed his firmly erect length against the femcolt’s drooling hole. “Are you nervous?”

“Not at all, my stud~” Butterscotch whined, wiggling his fat dumptruck of an ass to entice the stallion above him. “My only problem is that you just won’t put it in already!”

“Always feeling like you’ve got to be the one at the helm,” Zecora tsked. “Don’t you realize this is my realm?”

“Wait,” Butterscotch’s heart dropped at the zebra’s implications. “You don’t mean-”

“A rabbit could’ve had the intelligence to realize your plot,” Zecora confirmed the yellow pegasus’ worst fears. “You’ll know who the real master is when I keep hitting your special p-spot~”

“Wait, I wasn’t trying to pull any sort of evil-AHN!” Butterscotch cried out as he felt the intrusion of a cock much wider than he was used to. With Zecora’s length being nearly as wide as a soda can, Butterscotch wasn’t able to control his ear-splitting scream. With a mind-numbing mixture of pain and pleasure wracking his senses, Butterscotch felt his entire body shaking as he instantly reached orgasm from the penetration. With only a third of Zecora’s length inside his tight ass, Butterscotch let out a feminine cry as pathetic spurts of pony seed spilled onto the floor below the two. As he glanced over at Rainbow Blitz, he saw the wide-eyed pegasus was furiously jerking himself off as he watched the yellow pegasus cum quicker with the zebra stud than their time together in the shower. Butterscotch didn’t get to look at his coltfriend for long when Zecora used his forehoof to press it against the femcolt’s cheek, pressing the femcolt’s face to the ground and holding the pony beneath him in place. Without another word, Zecora pushed more inches of his length inside Butterscotch, and the pony moaned sporadically like a whore until the zebra stud had over half his length inside.

“C-Can’t take anymore inside,” Butterscotch whined.

“Perhaps another time you’ll be able to take all of this,” Zecora began to pull out until just the fat tip of his length was inside the femcolt’s ponut. “Now continue in your cries of bliss…”

Butterscotch almost immediately obeyed Zecora’s command as the zebra stud slammed most of his length back inside. The amount of cock inside Butterscotch as well as the thickness of Zecora’s length kept him from being aware of his senses, the only feeling that encompassed everything around him was the weight of a zebra stud on top of him and the bitchbreaking superior zebra cock ruining his asshole for anypony else, especially his coltfriend. With an average length usually inside Butterscotch’s hole, Butterscotch was usually able to clap his cheeks, clench his walls, and even sometimes power bottom like he had with Rainbow Blitz in the shower. But this time, none of the yellow pegasus’ sexual tricks were possible at that moment. Butterscotch could barely take the savage pounding, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his tongue lolling out of his mouth as a stream of drool escaped his mouth and onto the floor. The only thought that ran through the sub’s head was that he wished he was able to hilt all of Zecora inside him, if only to feel the zebra stud’s superior balls slap against his pathetically small pair of balls.

“Oh…oh fuck!” Butterscotch heard Rainbow Blitz cry out in the corner, and could only assume the blue pegasus had reached his orgasm. Zecora chuckled, the sonorous sound undoing Butterscotch as he spurted a second time all over the floor. Zecora began properly jackhammering the femcolt, his thrusts becoming a blur as he grabbed Butterscotch’s mane in his teeth and began grunting.

“Nyeah! Yes!” Butterscotch wailed. “Y-You were right! I’m just a little zebra cumdumpster! That’s my place! THAT’S MY PLACE!”

Zecora snarled as he sank as much of his fat cock inside Butterscotch as possible, his muscles slightly relaxing as he reached his orgasm. Shooting load after load of his seed inside Butterscotch’s depths, Zecora rubbed Butterscotch’s fat ass cheek with his hoof, placing his hoof over the femcolt’s butterfly cutie mark and giving it a smack as he pulled his softening length out and walked around his cauldron.

“You two better prepare for a long night of devotion,” Zecora told them, as he walked to a shelf of potions in the corner and grabbed a big vial of deep red liquid. “For I have my best Zebrican potion~”

Butterscotch laid on his side now, catching his breath as he glanced over at the taller zebra stud. Zecora had popped the corkscrew off the vial he was holding with his forehoof, spitting it onto the floor and tilting it back and drinking all of its’ content. Zecora set the empty glass vial onto the bottom shelf where several other empty glass vials were.

“Typical ponies fail to have great sex,” Zecora began to explain as he walked towards Rainbow Blitz recovering from his orgasm in the corner. “They’ve never experienced the beauty of Zebrican magic and its wonderful effects~”

Butterscotch looked over and gasped as he saw Zecora’s once flaccid length return to its fully erect state. Zecora walked towards Rainbow Blitz with a chuckle, and Butterscotch knew that it was Rainbow Blitz’ turn to experience more of the zebra’s brand of fun…

Rutting Rainbow (Zecora's Long Night Part 2)

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Rainbow Blitz watched as Zecora walked towards him, the zebra stallion smirking as his barrel of a cock slapped against his own belly. Just when the blue pegasus thought that Zecora was going to push him down and fuck him senseless like he’d done to the drooling Butterscotch at the other side of the room, Zecora walked down the hallway and past the pegasus as the big stud went into his own room. With him off to do Solaris knows what, Rainbow Blitz glanced over to Butterscotch.

“Was h-he everything you had hoped for?” Blitz asked, and wasn’t surprised in the slightest to see Butterscotch nod his head before the blue pegasus had even finished his sentence. He watched as his femcolt lover began to close his eyes and rest, and watched as Zecora walked back into the room with a paint bucket and paintbrush he was holding with his muzzle. Setting the bucket down, Zecora dipped the paintbrush in the black paint before turning to Rainbow Blitz. The blue pegasus’ eyes shot wide open as he looked down at the bucket back to the brush Zecora was holding with his teeth, realizing just what Zecora had planned for him. Extending one of his long blue wings towards Zecora, he watched as the zebra stud began moving the brush up, down, and around the blue pegasus’ wing. Rainbow Blitz watched in awe as Zecora painted stripes throughout his wing until his entire right wing that was once purely blue was adorned with stripes throughout. He watched as Zecora walked back to the paint bucket, dipping the brush again and walking back to Rainbow Blitz. The blue pegasus naturally opened up his left wing for Zecora to do the same swiping motions to it until he had finished that wing as well. Rainbow Blitz had remained quiet throughout both wing-stripings, and watched as Zecora placed the brush on top of the bucket before turning to the striped pegasissy.

“Keep those wings out to let that paint dry,” Zecora ordered. “Hopefully you’ll keep them that way the next time you fly~”

Rainbow Blitz bit his lip and gulped at the thought, heat rushing to his face and another part of his body as he imagined flying with the Wonderbolts while being completely striped and out as a zebra’s fucktoy to anyone he met. The blue pegasus expected to feel shame at everypony knowing, but was caught off guard by the warmth in just how right it felt. He watched as Zecora brought the paintbrush towards him again, and this time, Rainbow Blitz stretched his hindlegs out from underneath his skirt and towards the zebra stud, watching with wide eyes as Zecora gently swiped up and down one leg before turning to the other and repeating the same motions. Rainbow Blitz could feel his heart thundering in his chest at the marks, what was happening between the three of them becoming all the more real. His thoughts were running wild, only stopping altogether when he felt Zecora step close to him, their chests almost pressing against one another as Zecora began working his brush down Blitz’ forelegs and then his chest. The zebra stud’s muzzle was so close to his, and Rainbow Blitz felt his head spinning with a hot need to do more than just be fucked by him.

Zecora was an Adonis, the ultimate paragon of masculinity with his bulky stature and even stronger presence before the inferior pegasi before him. Rainbow Blitz could only imagine not just wearing the skirt that he guessed would be coming off before long, but aprons and frilly maid dresses as he cooked and assisted Zecora in whatever he needed throughout the day. It only just occurred to Rainbow Blitz that despite the insane amount of mares and stallions Zecora had laid with, the zebra stud must’ve had a lonely life in the hut isolated from civilization. The epiphany struck Rainbow Blitz’ mind like a gong, and he watched as Zecora gave the final brushes to his face and ears, staring into the big stallion’s piercing cyan eyes before the zebra gave a gentle blink as he had finished his handiwork. Stepping back to the bucket and placing the paintbrush on it, Zecora’s eyes lit up as he looked up and down at his artwork adorning most of the blue pegasus’ body. Granted, Zecora still had to do Blitz’ back and his ass after taking the skirt off, but Rainbow Blitz wasn’t thinking about that in the slightest as he proceeded to get up and move towards Zecora. While he was moving fast towards the bulkier stallion, trotting towards him on his much thinner pegasus limbs, time felt like it was moving slowly as he stood on his hindlegs and tilted his head up to press his lips against the zebra stud’s lips. He briefly looked into Zecora’s wide-eyed face before closing his eyes and pushing himself further into the kiss. His wings were completely erect, and Rainbow Blitz didn’t care, his only focus on what the strong stallion before him planned to do. Feeling Zecora reciprocate the kiss was more than he could’ve ever hoped for, and Rainbow Blitz was about to press his tongue in when the zebra stud beat him to it. Feeling Zecora’s much thicker tongue twirl against his small tongue, Rainbow Blitz’ eyes rolled to the back of his head as he found himself subtly humping the air at the pure dominance the zebra stud was able to display with his tongue alone. He let out a soft whine as Zecora separated the kiss they were sharing, the big stud tilting his head with an unreadable expression as he stared down at the blue pegasus.

“What a funny colt you are,” Zecora pressed a hoof on Rainbow Blitz’ shoulder, the paint on it dry enough as he pressed his muzzle against the blue pegasus’ muzzle. “Who knew you wanted to be my true star?”

“I still love Butterscotch,” Blitz didn’t hesitate to clear that up, glancing at the cum-drunk stallion and not quite certain if he was listening in to their conversation or not. “And yeah, this was clearly all his idea…but I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t the best thing to happen to me. To share a lovely stud such as yourself with my dearest friend…well, the idea makes me happier than you could know.”

“Sounds like you two want me for more than just a fling,” Zecora began to walk around Rainbow Blitz, eyeing the pegasus’ new stripes before leaning towards his skirt, sinking his teeth into the fabric and yanking it down. Rainbow Blitz let out a small gasp as Zecora breathed on his rainbow tail. “You must have a little bit of patience and show me what you can bring~”

“You’re right,” Blitz gulped, nearly cursing at himself for his antsiness. How could he expect to so quickly earn the near-exclusive rights to Zecora, to have him all to himself and Butterscotch, when he hadn’t even shown his full potential to the zebra stud? Rainbow Blitz knew damn well that he had a lot to live up to, with Solaris knew how many other zebras and ponies of both sexes that he had bedded, endless kinks that they must’ve fulfilled for Zecora. Rainbow Blitz scowled, determined to not let his thoughts spiral and get the best of him. The blue pegasus even took a page out of Butterscotch’s femcolt book, flicking his tail to the side and prying his cheeks apart with the tips of his wings to show his big blue ponut off to the zebra stud. If he’d been told that he’d eventually turn into a femcolt with Butterscotch to become the lovers of a zebra stud, the blue pegasus would’ve laughed in that pony’s face. But now, Rainbow Blitz threw his head back with his tongue lolling out of his mouth as a blissful shudder raced throughout his body. He could feel Zecora’s hot breath on his exposed ponut, and Rainbow Blitz bit his lip and whined as he felt the zebra stud’s long and thick tongue tracing the outline of his hole. The touch was equal parts dirty as it was sensual, and given that he had tried so hard to be the dom in his relationship with Butterscotch, it was his first time ever being rimmed.

The slow circling of his ponut turned into rapid circles, and Blitz was so captivated by the foreign sensations that he didn’t expect it to get far better than it did. Zecora had slipped his tongue inside the pegasus’ ponut swiftly and started to thrust his tongue in and out the stallion’s hole. Rainbow Blitz gasped, throwing his ass further into the deliciously perverse eating out of his asshole. Imagining himself as a mare getting her hole properly warmed up, Rainbow Blitz let a feminine moan slip out of his mouth that turned into a sharp yelp as Zecora smacked the blue pegasus’ rainbow cutie mark.

“That’s a warmed up mare,” Zecora snickered as he’d finished eating out Rainbow Blitz, standing tall on all four hooves as he began to mount the blue pegasus. “Now we shall continue this little affair-”

“Wait!” Blitz gasped, feeling the tip of Zecora’s superior length pressed firmly against his ponut as the zebra stud stopped upon the word. Blushing, Rainbow Blitz looked over his shoulder with his ears flattened as he admitted what it was he wanted. “Could…Could I lay on my back? I want to look at you…I’ve…never bottomed before. I th-thought it would make me less of a stallion.”

“And what is wrong with whether you’re more like one or the other?” Zecora dismounted Rainbow Blitz, trotting to face the pony. Cupping Rainbow Blitz’ chin with his hoof, Zecora pressed the tip of his muzzle against Rainbow Blitz’ muzzle as he continued. “Let’s be real with one another. There is not going to be another Rainbow Blitz to ever live, so why don’t you show me and the rest of Equestria what you can give?”

Rainbow Blitz felt his eyes starting to well up with tears, the crashing realization that he had been too afraid to be himself for years becoming overwhelming. Butterscotch, even if it was in an unorthodox way, was never afraid to go after what he wanted. Rainbow Blitz recalled every time that Butterscotch’s unapologetically free self got to him, the sinking jealousy ripping him to pieces. But Rainbow Blitz had no doubt how instrumental the yellow pegasus was in helping him realize his true self, and the Element of Loyalty knew he had to properly return the favor.

“Is there a favor you can do for me?” Rainbow Blitz asked, waiting for Zecora’s small nod before continuing. “I wouldn’t dare leave Butterscotch out of my first time with you. Even if he’s got a devious bone or two in his body, he led me here. Could he be on top of me, and you could take turns…y’know?”

“Say no more,” Zecora grinned, the idea clearly more appealing to him than Rainbow Blitz had thought it’d be. “You two will have a lot in store.”

“Hm?” Butterscotch barely lifted his head, his gaze focusing on the two as his ear flickered with interest. “Did you two mention me?”

“This wonderful coltfriend of yours wants to reward you for bringing me to him,” Zecora used his forehoof to beckon Butterscotch to stand up on his wobbly limbs as he trotted over to the other two stallions with a glint in his eye. “But something tells me he really wants me to fill the both of you to the brim~”

“Oh my,” Butterscotch squeaked, his ears flattening as he sheepishly turned his head to his coltfriend with a heavy blush on his face. “You’d want to share your first time with him…with me? Even though I didn’t do the same?”

“You were wanting more excitement in the bedroom,” Blitz shrugged. “And I was kind of a dick because I was in a lot of denial. You didn’t outright cheat on me, and did everything you could to make our relationship right. Why wouldn’t I share this with you?”

Butterscotch’s smile widened from ear to ear for a split moment before he rushed in and pressed his soft lips against his coltfriend’s lips. Rainbow Blitz felt a special warmth flood his entire building as he felt a different sensation from kissing Butterscotch. While his kiss with Zecora felt like he was a mare being seduced, his kiss with Butterscotch was a filling completeness of having his best friend to share this moment. No doubt about it, while Zecora was a very important element in their relationship now, no one could emotionally replace the other pegasus he had grown up with in Cloudsdale. As their lips parted, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch both stared deeply into each other’s eyes before Zecora cut in and leaned towards the yellow pegasus.

“Forgive me if there’s something I have missed,” Zecora smirked. “But I don’t think we have kissed~”

Butterscotch lunged for Zecora’s lips, and Rainbow Blitz felt his stiff length throb at the sight of Zecora’s tongue slipping into his coltfriend’s mouth. With his hole lubed and his skirt on the floor, Rainbow Blitz found it difficult to remain where he was and not whine for Zecora to dick down the two of them. He watched Butterscotch’s pitifully small length reach its erect state once more by the time Zecora pulled away from the kiss and giggled at the two femcolts in his presence.

“Now that the specifics are out of the way,” Zecora nodded his head pointedly at the both of them, watching as they both took the hint and got into their positions. Rainbow Blitz proceeded to lay on his back with his forelegs pressed against his chest and his hindlegs splayed out, while Butterscotch laid on top of the blue pegasus with his forelegs pressed against his coltfriend’s forelegs. Their ponuts were perfectly aligned for Zecora to take turns sticking his dick in each one, and the two femcolts also had their twitching lengths smooshed against each other’s as Zecora continued. “It’s time to use the both of you and play~”

Even though Rainbow Blitz didn’t get an explicit answer from Zecora in regards to his show of affection, his hopes were up pretty damn high considering how the zebra stud had handled the whole situation. Zecora had pressed his erect length against both their ponuts, rubbing it up and down to tease the two lovers as to which hole he was going to penetrate first. Rainbow Blitz let out a sharp cry as he realized that Zecora had chosen his hole first, his ponut unprepared for the superior length of a zebra to enter it.

“AH…s-slow down please?” Blitz whined, already gasping and panting from the intrusion. “Oh fuck, I don’t know how I’m supposed to go from not h-having anything in there to that.”

“I am so sorry for that,” Zecora pulled out right away, rushing over back to his shelf and returning to the blue pegasus with an opened vial of white liquid in his forehoof. “Drink this and you’ll get a much looser hole in ten seconds flat.”

Rainbow Blitz didn’t think twice, taking the vial in his mouth and gulping the whole contents down. Just like Zecora had promised, ten seconds later Rainbow Blitz felt his ponut becoming much more relaxed, and was far more hopeful when Zecora lined up his fat zebra cock to the blue pegasus’ ponut. Even though the pressure was still very much there when Zecora started sinking the tip back inside Rainbow Blitz’ hole, the Element of Loyalty barely felt a fraction of the pain before as the penetration was far more welcoming. Rainbow Blitz let out various gasps and squeaks as Zecora continued until his length was over halfway inside him.

“So this is how far I was able to get inside your dear lover earlier before,” Zecora had explained. “But you will actually be able to take more. With the potion inside you, you’ll be able to take a really good screw.”

“No fair!” Butterscotch whined, wiggling his fat cheeks against his coltfriend’s far more toned cheeks. “Can I get that potion for my hole too?”

“Considering how you tried to be the master of me,” Zecora slapped Butterscotch’s jiggling flank, causing the femcolt to let out a sharp cry. “You ought to be the last one making demands out of us three.”

“Y-Yes, Master,” Butterscotch whimpered. “I’m lucky to even have you still f-fucking me, thank you…”

“That is a far better attitude to hear,” Zecora chuckled as he began to pull out most of his length out of Rainbow Blitz’ hole before stopping. “Now let me pound your naughty coltfriend’s rear~”

Zecora then slammed the same amount of his length back in, before pulling back, and then pushing even more of his length inside Rainbow Blitz. With eight inches deep inside Rainbow Blitz, the blue pegasus’ eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he saw a clear imprint where his stomach was. Attributing the lack of pain to the white potion he had drank, Blitz went back to focusing on the mind-shattering feeling of his hole being filled so thoroughly. His hole wasn’t too loose, still able to properly clench on Zecora’s fat cock, so the blue pegasus did the best he could to impress the zebra stud. Each time he heard a satisfied grunt from the zebra so thoroughly filling him, it made Rainbow Blitz’ heart skip a beat as he let out a long stream of feminine moans that would’ve shamed him before. Butterscotch fluttered his eyelashes at his coltfriend with a deep grin that Rainbow Blitz barely noticed as his eyes started to roll to the back of his head.

“You’re getting a little loud over there, Blitzy~” Butterscotch snickered. “We better fix that…”

Rainbow Blitz was in way too much pleasure to hear his coltfriend’s words, let alone process them, only letting out a squeak as Butterscotch lunged in and pressed his lips against his coltfriend’s lips again. Rainbow Blitz felt Butterscotch flagging his tail about, and could only assume he was going back to his typical ways trying to seduce the zebra stud.

“Such a needy femcolt you’ve brought to me, Blitz,” Zecora growled. “So badly does he want to do bits…”

Zecora proceeded to hilt his entire length inside of Rainbow Blitz, causing the blue pegasus to howl into his coltfriend’s mouth. All the while, he could feel Butterscotch frantically rubbing his pathetic length against Blitz’ length while swirling his tongue in the blue pegasus’ mouth. Rainbow Blitz almost wanted to insist that Butterscotch soon get a turn based on how needy the femcolt was acting, but he knew that the yellow pegasus was fighting for control again, and only a strong stud such as Zecora was able to properly put him in his place. Once Butterscotch slowed down in his movements, did Zecora suddenly pull out of Rainbow Blitz completely and ram half his length inside of Butterscotch. Butterscotch’s eyes shot wide open and he pulled back from the makeout session to let out a blissful howl, his length eagerly throbbing against his coltfriend’s stomach. The euphoric look of Butterscotch’s head raised towards the ceiling with his eyes nearly crossed and his tongue lolling out of his mouth did wonders for Rainbow Blitz. He knew damn well that he’d never be able to get Butterscotch that excited, but being at the bottom and watching his lover take superior cock was an experience he wouldn’t trade for the world. Rainbow Blitz smirked, an idea formed in his head as he lunged for his coltfriend’s neck and bit the side of it. He heard Butterscotch’s howl raise an octave as the sudden bite and Zecora’s relentless pounding became too much for the yellow pegasus. Rainbow Blitz felt the hot ropes of cum land on his stomach and his chest, and bit his lip to prevent himself from demanding that the zebra stud return to fucking him. Unlike his cumming mare of a coltfriend, he would be patient despite the fucking that was taking place on top of him. He waited until Butterscotch stopped cumming, and for Zecora to slip his length out of the yellow pegasus, before the zebra stud himself spoke.

“I’m very close and would like to know where you want it,” Zecora groaned. “All over the both of you or in Rainbow Blitz’ tight little slit?”

“Hnng,” Blitz bucked his hips. “Well, you haven’t made me cum yet…”

Zecora grinned, stepping forward and slipping his fat length back inside the moaning blue pegasus. With a few sharp thrusts, Rainbow Blitz also came, spurting his jizz on himself and Butterscotch as he gritted his teeth and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. To say that the orgasm was euphoric was a terrible understatement, causing stars to enter the Element of Loyalty’s vision as he damn near passed out. Almost right after did Zecora hilt Rainbow Blitz once more, and the blue pegasus got to experience the feeling of jizz flooding inside his ponut for the first time. The new sensation was warm and welcoming, and Rainbow Blitz gently pulled Butterscotch in for one more kiss as he felt Zecora pop out of his hole.

“Let’s get into my shower,” Zecora insisted to the exhausted pegasi. “I may still need to cum for another hour.”

Butterscotch slipped off Rainbow Blitz’ body and shakily stood up on all fours, following Zecora into the hallway. Rainbow Blitz quickly jumped up and felt his body also shaky from the pounding, but wouldn’t dare miss more action as long as his coltfriend and zebra lover were still going.

Galloping into Zecora’s room, Rainbow Blitz felt more life in his heart and limbs than he did in a very long time…

Congratulating the Cumsluts

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Zecora felt another body stirring on each side of him, the unfamiliar warmth more welcoming than he would've expected. With all the ponies that had come to him and cum for him, never did he have any of them spend the night, let alone kiss any of them. In his culture, kissing was sacred and it wasn't to be done with anyone besides the one you were courting. Zebras simply didn't kiss on a one-night stand, and it left Zecora torn on what he was going to do going forward. Opening his eyes, he stared down at the sleeping forms beside him.

First was Rainbow Blitz, one of the most toned and athletic ponies that Zecora had ever met. He was sure that with more time, the zebra stud could use that to his advantage and train the blue pegasus to clench himself on Zecora’s cock with his strong muscles. It also helped that the newly transformed femcolt had the most beautiful mane Zecora had ever seen. With a rainbow-colored mane that put most mares' manes to shame, Zecora knew that a lover like him would always be the main attention in the room for his appearance alone. The fact that his strong personality shined brighter than his looks only made him more appealing in Zecora’s favor.

Second was Butterscotch, his long flowing pink mane the perfect look for a mare. It truly emphasized the sweet and feminine persona Butterscotch put on, but Zecora knew there was more than meets the eye with the yellow pegasus. He was looking to make himself the ring leader, having both the zebra and his own coltfriend become studs at his beck-and-call. Zecora had no room for the absurd notion of a pony trying to dominate him, but he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't the least bit attracted to the pony's fat flanks decorated with adorable butterflies. And of course, the idea of breaking the yellow pegasus’ mind until he was just as obedient as his coltfriend was the most delicious part. He knew that outside of the Element of Kindness’ tendency to manipulate situations in the bedroom, the stallion lived up to his element and would be a wonderful coltfriend to bring back home to show off to his family someday.

However, Zecora had become used to year after year of having his own hut and bed. With only himself to worry about, it was both a blessing and a curse as he found himself used to the quiet of his home in the Everfree Forest. But with the warmth of both pegasi snuggled against his sides, Zecora found it impossible to deny how better it felt to have them in his life. The longer he thought about it, the less reasons he really had to deny himself something like this. Even the past flings he had seemed to appeal to him very little in comparison to the very different personalities of Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch. Nodding to himself, Zecora pressed his lips to each pegasus’ forehead before he silently slipped out of bed without waking either of them up. Stepping out of his room and walking down the hallway, Zecora walked towards his shelf of potions and reached for a pile of mixed greens in the corner. It was enough meals to last him the day by himself, but with two guests, he would completely deplete his supply and would have to go out to Ponyville for more. The zebra stud shrugged, taking three bowls from the stack next to the greens and setting them on the floor. As he began to disperse the greens evenly in the bowls with his forehoof, giving his guests’ bowls a little more than the amount in his bowl, his ears flickered at the sign of hoofsteps. Glancing over and watching Butterscotch enter the room, the pegasus’ flickering eyes trained their focus on Zecora as he finished setting up their breakfast.

“M-Morning,” Butterscotch’s eyes widened as he stared down at the bowls. “You made us breakfast?”

“Made is a bit of an overstatement here,” Zecora shrugged. “But I certainly did my dear. Go on and sate yourself, and then I’ll take you two out to restock my shelf.”

As Butterscotch gave a small “thank you” and proceeded to pick the bowl up with his forehooves and stick his head in the bowl, munching down the greens, Zecora tilted his head as he frowned at the yellow pegasus.

“You should know that I’d never just kick you two out without even making a meal,” Zecora explained himself. “I’m sorry I have yet to explain how I feel.”

“It’s okay,” Butterscotch said after gulping the bite of greens he was chewing. “You have every right to be skeptical, seeing as how I was trying to be sneaky and all.”

“It’s not that big of a deal, so long as I still got to make you properly squeal~” The frown on Zecora’s face gave way to a deep smirk as he narrowed his eyes at the yellow pegasus, watching as Butterscotch’s eyes shot wide open and he nearly choked on his greens. “I’ll explain everything once our dear Blitz comes into view, because otherwise he’ll have little clue.”

Still, Zecora walked over to Butterscotch, sitting on his haunches and holding his own bowl with his forehooves as he sat right beside the smaller pegasus. With the room going silent except for the two eating their food, Zecora closed his eyes and embraced the warmth of Butterscotch’s pelt against his own. It was only when he heard the last bowl being moved did Zecora open his eyes and stare at Rainbow Blitz, who had picked up the bowl and began eating.

“Good morning to you,” Zecora set his bowl down, having already finished his breakfast. “You don’t mind that we go to the marketplace in a few?”

“N-No,” Blitz shook his head, gulping down his bite as his ear flickered. “Thanks for letting us stay the night, and giving us breakfast…”

“Not a problem now that I’m no longer waiting,” Zecora smiled. “We can start talking about the idea of the three of us dating.”

“Really?” Blitz’ jaw dropped. “I know you weren’t bothered by me bringing it up, but I wasn’t expecting the conversation to happen this soon.”

“What can I say? The two of you really blew me away,” Zecora beckoned Rainbow Blitz with a hoof, waiting for Rainbow Blitz to walk over to the zebra stud’s other side on three legs as he held his bowl with one forehoof. Sitting down and resting against Zecora’s free shoulder, Rainbow Blitz looked up at Zecora as he continued. “You both must be ready for what I crave, for in mind and body you both must be my slave. I understand this would be a big life change for the both of you, but I’d ask you both to consider it given all we went through.”

“Well, what about my animals?” Butterscotch asked.

“And the Wonderbolts?” Blitz added.

“I will never ask the two of you to give up the passions you love most,” Zecora assured them. “But you will both move in with me and I will be a generous host. Eris can take care of your creatures every now and then, and Blitz can take time off to be in our new den. When his fellow Wonderbolts see him in his new stripes, they’ll know exactly his types. All I ask is that I become the most important center of your lives, and you both may end up becoming my femcolt wives~”

“Hnng,” Rainbow Blitz bit his lip as he pressed himself firmly against the zebra stud’s rugged figure. Zecora watched as the blue pegasus turned to look at his coltfriend, not even hiding the blushing look on his face. “Butterscotch, please tell me that you also want this! After roping me into this stud’s hut, I just need to keep getting a good rut~”

“Did you just rhyme?” Butterscotch asked.

“I’ve g-got to be a good zebra mare for him, don’t I?” Blitz tried to explain himself. “So, do you want to do this?”

“I’ve never felt our relationship be more whole with him involved,” Butterscotch smiled at his coltfriend before looking up at Zecora. “Very well then, I’ve already given up the attempt to control you both. But how should we begin to prove ourselves to you as your pair of coltfriends/slaves?”

“What a wonderful initiative you brought to me by asking about today’s plan,” Zecora lifted his forelegs, wrapping one around each femcolt pegasus as he pulled them closer to him. “For you will both be wearing collars and leashes over the course of the shopping day’s span~”

“Oh my Solaris!” Blitz moaned, burying his muzzle in Zecora’s shoulder and smelling the intoxicating aroma. “I c-can’t believe this is happening…”

Before Zecora could come up with some smooth remark to get the femcolts’ hearts racing even further, he felt Rainbow Blitz’ left wing extend around the zebra stud’s back in a soft embrace. Feeling Butterscotch’s right wing doing the same and overlapping over Rainbow Blitz' wing, Zecora felt a blush rushing to his face for the first time in possibly years. Feeling like a young colt all over again from the surge of happiness throughout his whole body, dizzy as a small smile appeared on his lips, Zecora kept his forelegs around his new coltfriends as he felt both their wings resting on his back. The big zebra stallion couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this free and full in his heart, and had started to care less about restocking his hut, at least right away…

Perhaps he could stay with the two in this exact position a little while longer…

After at least an hour of Zecora embracing the two and talking about sweet nothings and trivial events in the past few days, plus the time it took for the trio to get ready, the hut to Zecora’s door opened. Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch walked out together, the two femcolts now fully striped from their muzzles down to their delicious butts, adorning hot pink collars with red hearts that were attached to the same long leash that split off at two ends for both of their collars. Zecora walked out behind them with the handle of the leash held in his muzzle, watching as his two new pets walked ahead slowly so as to not yank the handle in his mouth. Zecora hummed a tune to himself, feeling life flowing in the air around him to the birds singing in the Everfree Forest. The zebra stud didn’t usually hear such cheerful tunes in the forest, but it only enhanced the scenery around him as he gave a nod at the two pegasi looking over their shoulders for the go-ahead. Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch turned their heads back to the forest ahead of them, trotting as Zecora walked behind them at a similar pace.

The trio continued to Ponyville, entering the town without stopping in their tracks. Even though many ponies were already a part of Zecora’s sexual endeavors, it still didn’t change the fact that they had stared at Zecora and his new coltfriends with their eyes nearly popping out of their heads and their jaws dropping to the ground. Several of the other ponies that Zecora knew weren’t aware of his nature had given sour looks, but didn’t come up to him. Zecora gave a muffled chuckle, well aware that any pony that would’ve tried to throw him on his ass would’ve been in for a rude awakening. Entering the marketplace, Zecora landed his smug gaze on the many shop owners that weren't able to tear their eyes off the suggestive display. Finding the pony he was looking for, with their wide diversity of fruits and vegetables on display, Zecora stopped and spit the leash handle out of his mouth and held it around his forehoof, giving it a gentle tug and stopping his striped coltfriends in their tracks. With Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch stopping and smiling at Zecora at the same time, trotting back towards him, Zecora gave them both a kiss on the forehead before turning to the earth pony mare gawking at the trio.

“Would you do me a favor and close that mouth of yours?” Zecora asked, not raising his sonorous voice as he leaned forward and smiled even wider at the shop owner. “Or should I perhaps look around at other stores?”

“N-No, that won’t be necessary!” the mare scrambled to say something before Zecora’s femcolts could beat her to it. “What can I help you with, today?”

“Just the week’s worth of enchanted mixed greens will do,” Zecora explained. “Please and thank you.”

“Enchanted?” Butterscotch peeped up, pressing his soft muzzle against the crook of Zecora’s neck.

“Oh don’t worry you pretty little pet,” Zecora snickered as he glanced at Butterscotch behind him, feeling Rainbow Blitz taking the stud’s other side and also pressing his muzzle against Zecora’s neck. “You need not fret. They’re merely enchanted to get rid of the use of a fridge to keep them from expiring right away, so do with that information what you may.”

“I didn’t know you were so resourceful,” Rainbow Blitz chuckled, hamming up the femcolt voice more than he would’ve ever considered weeks ago. It brought a delightful snicker to Zecora as the mare quickly turned her tail to them and got a huge bag of greens together. If Zecora had to guess from how much she was putting in there, he swore he saw the shop owner put an extra two scoops in the bag before turning around and placing the bag in front of him with a painfully wide grin.

“Don’t worry about the bits this week!” the shop owner rushed the words before waving at the trio. “You three have a great day!”

“Huh,” Zecora blinked his eyes rapidly at his luck, before watching Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch rush over to the bag to both pick it up at the same time. Watching them stop and stare at each other awkwardly, Butterscotch gave a small nod before picking up the bag and looking up at Zecora.

“What now?” Rainbow Blitz asked. “Back to the hut?”

“I suppose that works just fine,” Zecora shrugged. “But I’d like to show off what is mine. No need to rush, I’d like to make every pony in this marketplace blush~”

"O-Okay, Master," Blitz nodded, walking back in the direction from which they had arrived at the marketplace at a far slower pace than before. Butterscotch, with the grocery bag held by his mouth, walked to his coltfriend so the two pegasi could walk side by side. Putting the leash handle in his mouth so that he could follow the two, Zecora felt his heart warming up witnessing the sight of the two femcolts getting close enough so that their pelts were brushing together. Watching as their tails flicked to the side almost in unison, Zecora blatantly eyed his coltfriends' ponuts and sets of inferior balls in comparison to his. For the rainbow-tailed pegasus in front of him to ever think that he could be a proper stallion in the bedroom was laughable, and Zecora felt plenty satisfied to show the Element of Loyalty a far more fitting place.

There was no doubt a similar satisfaction with Butterscotch, having claimed a heavenly femcolt that was no doubt the wet dream of many stallions across Equestria. To stare at the yellow pegasus' jiggling fat cheeks that were decorated with butterfly cutie marks was an arousing sight beyond any mare's behind that Zecora had looked at. The fact that he had both of them as his coltfriends, regardless of it ended up being several months or even years, was a dream come true…

“Hey! Is that…Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch?!”

Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch stopped at the same time, blushing heavily through their striped fur as they saw four familiar stallions approaching them from across the marketplace. With the tallest of them, the purple alicorn Dusk Shine, staring with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open as he trotted ahead of their friends. He wasn’t ahead for long when Bubble Berry zoomed ahead of him, stopping right in front of the two pegasi with an open-mouth grin that was fitting of the chubby pink stallion.

“Wowee! So that’s what you two have been up to the past two weeks!” Berry chuckled, his fluffy pink tail twitching as he wiggled in place.

“Wait,” Butterscotch took the bag out of his mouth and held it with his wing as he tilted his head at the Element of Laughter. “How did you know it was two weeks? Granted, all of you knew about Rainbow Blitz’ skirt, but…”

“What can I say?” Berry fluttered his eyelashes, cupping his face with a hoof as he wiggled from side to side. “I just have a sense for this kind of stuff.”

“Ya don’t really need a sense,” Applejack laughed, walking up to Rainbow Blitz and eyeing him up and down before staring into the smaller stallion’s eyes. While the orange stallion was no Zecora, Applejack still had a perfectly sculpted and burly figure that was fitting of an earth pony and was superior to the delicate striped figure of Rainbow Blitz. “After all, it’s pretty obvious that Rainbow Blitz over here was always meant to be someone’s bitch. Ah just thought after our spats, it might’ve been me…”

“Wait, really?” Blitz gawked.

“Nah,” Applejack chuckled, shaking his head. “You look super cute in your new getup, but ya ain’t my type. Congrats anyway, Zecora.”

“Your congratulations are much appreciated, Applejack,” Zecora responded after putting the leash handle back on his forehoof. “Glad you appreciate how much Blitz looks like a snack~”

“The stripes look quite lovely on them,” Elusive trotted to stand beside Applejack, the svelte unicorn pressing his hoof on one of Butterscotch’s stripes as he traced it. Butterscotch didn’t protest, only holding his breath as he felt his closest friends ogling his new look. “Plus the collars are a wonderful touch, darling. These two look like proper submissives, and it’s even better than I could’ve imagined for either of them.”

“Guess everypony at least suspected you were a bottom bitch deep down,” Butterscotch glanced at Rainbow Blitz out of the corner of his eye with a growing smirk, watching as the blue pegasus bit his lip and squirmed a little. Gently pushing his way in between Applejack and Elusive, the Prince of Friendship didn’t look as smug or cheeky as his companions beside him, giving a gentle smile at the two smaller pegasi like he was staring at a lovely garden.

“I always knew you two needed something added to your relationship,” Dusk spoke to Blitz and Butterscotch. “Since I’m no Bolaris, it was hard to figure out what it was. I’m relieved that you two found your answer.”

“W-Wow, that’s really sweet of you,” Butterscotch stammered, his voice raising up by an octave as he stared at the ground briefly before looking back up at his friends. Even though Zecora knew that the four stallions’ main focus would be on their best friends, the zebra stud was pleasantly surprised to see they had acknowledged him as well. Due to the concerning level of discrimination he had to deal with upon moving near Ponyville, it was a massive turn of events to not only be welcomed as an equal, but as a highly valued member of pony society. He had received the blessing of all the Elements of Harmony, including the Prince himself, and Zecora let out a massive exhale that he didn’t even realize he was holding in. It wasn’t just his superior sex drive or prowess that brought everypony to see him, but the fact that he was able to be an essential addition to a relationship that needed healing, and to be the main drive to getting a certain prismatic femcolt to understand his true self. Walking up to his two coltfriends till he was right in between them, Zecora smirked as he smacked one of Butterscotch’s striped fat flanks with his tail and waited for Rainbow Blitz to turn his head towards the zebra stud before pressing his lips against the blue pegasus’ lips. Rainbow Blitz gave a muffled sound of surprise before closing his eyes along with Zecora, the two gently savoring the lip lock before they parted lips and Zecora turned his head to Butterscotch. Butterscotch smiled and leaned forward, meeting Zecora and kissing him as well. Zecora kept the kissing mild for the sake of their witnessing friends, and still found all of them blushing at the sight except for Bubble Berry, who was bouncing up and down with his signature grin.

“Oh my Solaris!” Berry squealed. “The three of you are so cute, I could die!”

“Please don’t do that,” Applejack deadpanned as he stared at Berry briefly before turning to look back at the three stallions. “Well, what does this mean for y’all? Are you two livin’ with Zecora now? Is Eris going to be stepping up with the animals?”

“Er, something like that,” Butterscotch chuckled. “I certainly won’t complain if any of you four have extra time on your hooves as well.”

“We’ll be happy to let you know if we do, darling,” Elusive nodded, before glancing at the three stallions beside him. “Shall we get going?”

“Sure,” Dusk nodded before looking at the romantic trio with a nod. “I hope with how much more time you two will be spending with Zecora, you’ll still have time for us?”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Butterscotch reassured Dusk Shine, and both him and Rainbow Blitz stepped forward to hug their friends briefly before stepping back and looking at Zecora. As their best friends walked away further into the marketplace out of earshot, the fat-flanked yellow pegasus fluttered his eyelashes as he looked up at Zecora. “What now, Master?”

“Now?” Zecora chuckled as he stared at the two. “I bring the both of you home for a good plow~”

The two pegasi didn’t hesitate to gallop ahead of him, and Zecora was barely fast enough to place the leash handle back in his mouth as he galloped right behind them. Surely next time he’d be by himself in Ponyville, he could guess that some of the many stallions and mares he had bedded before would try to talk him out of committing to a pair of femcolts and closing his doors for the foreseeable future, but Zecora couldn’t see himself being swayed even if they tried every trick in the book. For the many reasons Zecora was already aware of, the two femcolts eagerly rushing back into the Everfree Forest to get rutted were leagues ahead of any lover he had previously experienced. Listening to their giggling as they made it back to their hut, Zecora stopped and let go of the leash handle as he watched Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch bolt inside the hut, Butterscotch tossing the grocery bag to the floor. Still connected by the leash, Rainbow Blitz turned to look at Butterscotch before the two rushed into a lip lock like their lives depended on it. Moaning in unison, it didn’t even take the pegasi two seconds before their tongues got involved in the kiss. The show they were blatantly putting on for Zecora was easily getting to him, and Zecora closed and locked the door behind him before laying his back against it, splaying his hind legs as he slowly jerked off his monstrous length until the femcolts’ eyes popped open and realized what he was doing.

Breaking the kiss, with a strand of saliva briefly connecting them before they turned to Zecora, the two pegasissies both laid down and rested on their stomachs as they crawled forward and pressed their muzzles against Zecora’s wide bitchbreaker. Kissing both sides of it, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch closed their eyes and inhaled the scent of pure masculine strength that they could never dream to achieve. Their closest hope was to properly worship it for what it was, and Zecora petted both of their manes as the two femcolts started licking his length with their eyes rolling to the back of their heads. Seeing their euphoric expressions, striped bodies, and pink collars all at once as they worshiped his cock exceeded any wet dream he could’ve ever had. Watching as Rainbow Blitz took one of the zebra’s balls into his mouth and Butterscotch started kissing up to the tip of his cock before opening his mouth and inhaling the first three inches of his cock. Zecora watched with a contented sigh as Butterscotch took over half his length before stopping because of how much was in his mouth. Zecora recalled Butterscotch trying to take it all in his mouth in the shower the night before, and was delighted to see him still trying with his pathetic erection throbbing as he took a superior cock in his mouth. Rainbow Blitz switched from the ball he was currently sucking on to the other one, the two femcolts both gently moaning as the privilege to service a zebra’s cock was raising their arousal to new heights.

“That’s right,” Zecora hissed, slowly bucking his length further into Butterscotch’s mouth. “Let your arousal and dedication to me take flight~”

As he watched the two eventually trade places, with Rainbow Blitz taking Zecora in his mouth with his signature speed and eagerness, and Butterscotch giving Zecora the ball treatment that impressed the zebra stud the first time he did it, this continued before Zecora pulled Rainbow Blitz off his cock. Jerking himself off as the two femcolts kept their heads pressed against his dick with pleading eyes, the two pegasi closed their eyes just as Zecora began to cum all over their muzzles and manes. When the last rope of hot white cum landed on the two, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch smiled at Zecora with their fur matted with zebra seed.

“Thank you, Master~” the two almost said in unison, and Zecora felt a sense of fulfillment as he had the two right where they were supposed to be.

Their Rightful Place.