First Contact

by dirty little secret

First published

An alien race known as 'Changelings' provides peace and security throughout all of known space. New arrivals, such as Shining Armor, are welcomed by integrating them into the changeling breeding population ... if they can be convinced to do so.

An alien race known as 'Changelings' provides peace and security throughout all of known space. New arrivals, such as Shining Armor, are welcomed by integrating them into the changeling breeding population ... if they can be convinced to do so.

Changelings in this story are anthro. Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight, and the others are all Equestria Girls humans.

Contains: female on female, male on female, futa on male, oviposition, egg implantation impregnation, regular impregnation, parasitic pregnancy, death, brief gore (in epilogue only), translucent body, threesome, partner sharing.
Cover art by threewontoo.

Chapter 1 - Prologue - Chrysalis

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Chapter 1 - Prologue - Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis stared down at the androgynous drone giving the standardized report for this cycle. She put in the extra effort to appear interested in the routine report, as befitted a changeling of her position. Morale among her underlings was already questionable enough at times without her doing anything to make them feel unappreciated. After all, she’d learned that lesson quite expensively, hadn’t she? Appearances were important, even for the supreme ruler of allied space, Queen of the entire Constellate.

“... Production from the Minotaur and Diamond Dog mining colonies are down another ten percent and twelve percent, respectively. This is causing concern from the factory world, Tauros. They claim that their stocks of molybdenum are already depleted, and that lack of raw material will force them to miss their production quotas if supply shortages worsen.”

Chrysalis quietly groaned. She didn’t know what molybdenum was for – who cared about little details like that? But she knew that the planet Tauros, home of the minotaurs, was an enormous portion of the Constellate’s manufacturing capability. If they slowed down production, then delivery of everything from defensive starships to electric toothbrushes could be delayed … which would only further complicate the intricate – and rather strained – relationship between the Constellate and all of its member worlds.

It had been such a stupid mistake. Daily, she found herself wishing she could travel back in time and undo it. Things had been going so well for so long, she’d gotten cocky. She’d gotten carried away. It had always been tradition to broadcast the oviposition of major planetary leaders. It helped solidify relations between everyone in the Constellate, reminded them that they were all one species now, at least from a certain point of view. But in the heat of the moment with the Emperor of the Draconis system, her passion had gotten the better of her and she’d triumphantly yelled certain infamous words about ‘breeding stock’ and ‘my broodmare bitch’.

That little slip-up had greatly reduced volunteers for the changeling breeding program, especially concerning as changelings required the assistance of another species in order to reproduce. As a species, they were extremely adaptable and capable of changing to suit any environment or new species they encountered – hence the name – but they had never overcome that singular, fundamental limit of their own biology. After her broadcast outburst, there had even been whispers of revolt and uprising against the Constellate itself! Luckily, that had died down with time, over the course of many epi-cycles. But relations with many of the worlds under Constellate protection were still tense, despite numerous apologies and goodwill tours.

“... Three new incursions from Predacon Warlords have been successfully repulsed, with no enemy survivors. Minimal losses in the Constellate fleet.”

Ah, some good news for a change! Lately, the Warlords from outside of Constellate territory had been growing bolder. Too bold. A resounding defeat was just what they needed.

Though… Come to think of it, allowing a few Warlord raiding parties to break through into the heart of the Constellate might be just what the various member worlds needed in order to remind them of why they should be so grateful to be a part of the Constellate. Perhaps if she reassigned the fleet and allowed just a few to slip through before being eliminated? Ah, but that was risky… If word got out that it was intentional, that would make tensions flare even worse than ever before…

“... And on the outer rim, it seems that a new species has developed faster-than-light travel and made contact with Constellate representatives. They’ve been entered into processing and will be—”

“A new species?”

The drone stuttered to a stop. It was nearly unheard of for Chrysalis to interrupt a report. He checked the tablet in his hand, as if to make sure of what he’d just said. “Y-yes, Queen.”

She touched a finger to her lips. It had been ages since the last time a new intelligent species was added to the Constellate. This might be just the thing to distract leaders of the member worlds from her regrettable behavior in the past. “Are they biologically compatible?” Almost everything was compatible with changeling biology … but there were outliers. Especially anything silicon-based was difficult to adapt to.

“They … they haven’t finished intake processing yet, my Queen.”

“Show me.”

Hesitantly and very deferentially, the drone stepped forward. He kneeled as he held the tablet up toward her. She didn’t take it from him. He could function just fine kneeling there as a display stand for the moment.

As the drone said, the new species hadn’t finished intake processing yet. They hadn’t been analyzed and categorized. There was precious little data about them yet, aside from a picture. But the picture was promising. A colorful, bipedal species – one white and blue; the other pink, yellow, and violet. They wore bulky and primitive vacuum exposure suits, obscuring almost everything but their faces. How were they already traveling faster than light without learning how to make much better exposure suits out of nanofabric or energy shields? Or perhaps bioengineering themselves to survive the vacuum of space without a suit, as some races in the Constellate had? Oh well, no matter. Such questions would be answered in due time. For now, though, perhaps they could be useful.

“Have them brought to Constellate Prime,” she told the drone, dismissing him.

“But my Queen! They haven’t been processed yet! There could be unknown—”

“I will process them personally.” She grinned, showing her fangs. “See to it.”

“Yes, my Queen.”

As the drone scurried away, Chrysalis ruminated over the picture she’d seen. Far from the worst-looking species she’d ever initiated. She was going to enjoy this. But she’d have to make sure she was on her best behavior, too.


“My Queen, the new arrivals have, uh … arrived.”

Not exactly eloquent. Chrysalis let out a little sigh. As many times as she’d told her drones to think before they spoke, the lesson never seemed to fully sink in. It was somewhat tiresome at times, having to be the brains of the entire Changeling race. She’d gathered the best and the brightest around herself, but that wasn't saying much.

But no matter. It was the reason she would be doing the talking with their new guests personally, not leaving this to the questionable talents of her underlings. She turned toward the huge window behind her, facing out into the expansive view of space her throne room offered. Not to admire the view outside of the massive space station, but to check her reflection. Resplendent, as always. A couple strands of her mane, artfully out of place, hanging in front of her face exactly where they should be; her stylish cream-colored gown exposed a generous amount of cleavage and leg … but not too much. She wanted to entice these newcomers, yes, but she also needed to make a resounding first impression. It wouldn't do to have her first meeting with them looking too slatternly. Elegant seduction would be her goal, and she looked the part perfectly.

“Show them in,” she said without turning around.

The drone left at once, and soon after she heard the door of her throne room opening, followed by quiet footsteps. Still, though, she didn’t turn. It would help the newcomers know their place, and it would help her develop an air of mystery … which would hopefully make her all the more attractive in the long run.

Only after she heard the door close did she turn around and face them. They were alone with her in the cavernous room. And, hm … yes. Much more attractive than their bulky clothing from the photo would suggest. It was immediately apparent that the pink one was female. She’d gotten a lavender gown somewhere along the way to Constellate Prime, and it showed her figure to wonderful effect. Not as tall or as slender as Chrysalis herself, but otherwise nearly a match in looks, perhaps even a bit more curvaceous. And the male… Oh yes, he’d do nicely. This species had oddly flat faces with barely any muzzle to speak of, but the tight-fitting clothing showed his broad chest and firm legs to good effect. Was that what they’d been wearing under the suits, or had he also gotten new clothing along the way? It didn’t look quite like anything she’d seen before in the Constellate, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything – her domain was far too large to know everything about. It could possibly be some new fashion, perhaps from the Griffon planets. They do enjoy tight-fitting clothing like that on the lower half, though typically Griffon males would go topless…

“Uh… Are we in trouble?” the male asked.

An odd choice of first words, but Chrysalis had heard stranger.

“Not at all,” she told them. “Am I correct in assuming that your species only recently developed the ability to travel faster than light?”

The female stepped forward, perhaps a little protectively? “Yes,” she said guardedly.

“We’re the very first ones!” The male stepped around the female excitedly. “My sister invented it all by herself, she’s a genius!”



“Well then it sounds like introductions are in order,” Chrysalis said, taking back control of the conversation. “I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler and protector of the Changeling Constellate and all of the systems within its domain. I’m here to personally welcome you as guests of the Constellate, and to welcome your species into full Constellate membership, should you agree to join.”

“But we … we’re not leaders,” the female said, “we don’t speak for our whole species.”

“You do now.” Chrysalis stared her down, daring her to disagree.

The male interrupted their staring match. “I’m Shining Armor, you can just call me Shining if you want. And this is my fiancé, Cadance.”

Fiancé, hm? That could pose an interesting challenge. No wonder the female was so defensive. Chrysalis smiled as sweetly as she was capable of. She’d seduce him yet. “A pleasure to meet you, Shining.”

“Shining!” the one called Cadance seethed. “You can’t just tell them everything! We … we don’t even know who they are! Or what they are!”

He huffed. “Well you told her my name first.”

“I didn’t—” Cadance paused for a moment. Then turned toward Chrysalis instead. “Why should we even want to join your … your constellation?”

“Constellate. And I’m glad you asked, Cadance.” As much as she was trying to be polite, Chrysalis couldn't help but rub it in a little: for all that names mattered, she knew the female’s name. But on to more important matters. “Joining the Constellate will give your species access to all of the Constellate’s considerable culture and technology, which I’m sure you’ll find more advanced than your own.” Well, not all of the technology, actually. Some things were just too sensitive. But little details like that could be left out for now. “More urgently, you should know that this galaxy is a dangerous place. You’re fortunate that you found the Constellate first, rather than running into a cruel Predacon Tyrant or virulent Eldrazi Mind Contamination hordes. And until your fledgeling home planet is under the protection of the Changeling Constellate, it will be at grave risk of being detected and obliterated by such dangers.”

“Oh…” Well, that seemed to have quieted her down. It seemed she could listen to reason after all.

“Of course … membership comes with a price. You see, we Changelings are biologically incapable of reproducing on our own.” Once, eons past, that hadn’t been the case. Back when there were Changeling kings around for the queens to implant their eggs into. But their lineage was lost long, long ago. “In exchange for the numerous benefits Constellate membership brings, we Changelings only ask for a few male volunteers to assist us with our reproductive cycle.”

“Is that what all of this is?” Cadance asked, her doubts resurfacing. “You’re just here … here to get my fiancé inside of you?”

“Quite the other way around, actually.” Though she was speaking to Cadance, Chrysalis eyed up Shining, already imagining it happening. “A Changeling queen requires a consenting male host to implant her eggs into. Once the eggs have incubated and hatched, the host’s body will expire.”

Shining went pale. “What? You mean, like, dead?”

“Not to worry. The instant it happens, we transfer your consciousness into a clone grown in the intervening time. You’ll hardly feel a thing, and nothing will be different afterwards. We have a long history of practicing this procedure, and it has a one hundred percent success rate.” Well, more like 99.999%, actually. Nothing is certain. But no need to go into pesky little details like that. “For planetary leaders like yourself, the ceremony is broadcast live to every corner of the Constellate. Because, you see, thanks to this procedure, our breeding pools and genetics are combined – we are all one species. That’s how the Constellate can thrive without internal strife.” Another little omission. Without much strife. Again, she could spare those pesky little details for now.

“I… I don’t know.” Shining was backing away, glancing around as if looking for an exit. “It just seems really, um…”

“Honey…” Cadance stopped him by grabbing his shoulders and snuggling close. “It sounds like something we should really consider carefully.”

“You … you want me to do it?

Cadance shrugged.

“But, but… There’s no way I could—!”

“Come on, Honey. It doesn’t sound that bad.”

“What do you mean it doesn’t sound that bad? Did you forget the part where I’m gonna die? Or the part with the squirmy alien eggs inside of me? And, and … I thought we were supposed to be, you know, exclusive. Right? Wouldn't that be a pretty big problem?” Shining suddenly looked up at Chrysalis. “What happens if we refuse?”

“Nothing at all. As I said, Changelings are biologically incapable of performing with a host male who doesn’t consent. Am I to understand you wish to refuse?”

Before Shining could say anything, Cadance stepped in front of him. “We’re not sure yet,” she said, with admirable diplomacy.

Disappointing. Chrysalis had almost been hoping they could begin right here and now. Seeing these two – far more attractive than most denizens of the Constellate – had certainly put her in the mood, and the live broadcast could have been arranged on a moment’s notice. Oh well. She hadn’t gotten to her position by being impatient. She could wait. All things in due time. “Very well,” she said. “We’ll talk again at a later date. For now, my drones will see you to some of our best guest quarters. Feel free to discuss it between the two of you.”

Revealing that the conversation hadn’t been as private as it might have seemed, the throne room door opened at the very moment she dismissed them, and in came half a dozen identical drones to guide the two newcomers on their way and see to any of their needs.

Now it was time for her to wait…


Chrysalis brooded in her bedchamber, sourly watching the live feed from the hidden cameras in the newcomers’ suite. Depressingly, there still wasn't much of interest to see. Had they guessed that they were being watched?

It had been nearly a full epicycle already. They had met several more times. They had sampled what the Constellate had to offer, and they partook readily enough. But Chrysalis found herself not one iota closer to her prize. She didn’t even know where they’d come from yet! Their faster-than-light technology seemed to be of a kind that Constellate engineers had never seen before, though they theorized that it might work on principles similar to what the Cybertronians use. That meant that her astrogators found themselves completely incapable of tracing the newcomers’ origin.

She’d told them to report to her – and only to her – if they managed to locate it. The last thing she wanted was for the two of them to find the location of their home planet and return without joining the Constellate. But how long was this going to take? Would they ever agree?

It was time for something more decisive. A plan she’d been ruminating on for some time now…

Talking to them together seemed to be going nowhere. She needed to split them up, talk to them individually … but they would be instantly suspicious of any effort to do so. Unless it was their idea. She would invite them both to a rather different sort of conversation. One held in the royal baths. The male, Shining, would of course be put off by the idea of meeting in the nude, he’d be sure it was some kind of trick to take advantage of him. So of course he would refuse the invitation. Cadance, however, likely would accept the invitation, though, which would allow Chrysalis to meet with her alone…

Chapter 2 - The Bath - Cadance

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Chapter 2 - The Bath - Cadance

Cadance waited – a little impatiently – in the large, luxurious bath house the drones had directed her to after accepting Queen Chrysalis’s invitation. She’d already changed clothes in the little anteroom preceding this chamber; now she wore only a bath robe. A wondrously fluffy and comfortable bath robe, but only that. Nothing at all underneath. While the drones who constantly attended her and Shining’s every need had at least given her a little privacy to change, they once again surrounded her, just waiting for her to express the slightest whim.

As strange as it all was, a girl could get used to this kind of treatment…

This bath house was the perfect example. While the shower in her guest suite was spacious, comfortable, and perfectly efficient, this place was something else entirely. Like most rooms in Constellate Prime, the walls were made of the natural metallic stone that the giant asteroid was made of, polished smooth except where it was pockmarked here and there with holes filled with some kind of black plastic-like substance. But here in this room, it was accented with silky cream-colored drapes and floors made of some exotic purple-hued alien wood. The air itself – as humid as it was – felt wonderful. So warm and inviting, scented with fresh alien flowers … and maybe a hint of something like cinnamon? Sunk into the floor in the center of the room, surrounded by velvety cushions that somehow repelled any water splashed on them, there was a huge circular tub, already steaming and frothing. She might have already gotten in, except she wasn't sure if that would be seen as rude, to start before her host arrived. The last thing she needed was to cause offense by misinterpreting some cultural norm she didn’t understand.

It was too bad Shining couldn't be here. A luxuriant bath with her fiancé sounded awfully nice right about now. It seemed like ever since they’d left Earth, they hadn’t gotten nearly as much intimate time alone as she would have liked. The ride in the spaceship Twilight had designed had been rough, stressful, and cramped, of course. And ever since arriving at the Changeling Constellate, it seemed like the two of them were hardly ever alone together. These drones were incredibly helpful, but they didn’t seem to understand the concept of privacy.

Still, she could understand why he hadn’t wanted to come. He was still awfully leery about Queen Chrysalis’s intentions toward him, and he was afraid she’d try something once they were all naked in the bath together. For that matter, he’d warned Cadance about coming as well. ‘Why would she invite us to talk in the bath?’ he’d said. ‘You know she’s going to do something weird in there.’

A conversation in the bath would be extremely weird by Earth standards, sure. But from what she’d seen of the Changelings, Cadance suspected it wasn't so weird by Changeling standards. They didn’t seem to care nearly as much about nudity and privacy. Shining was just being paranoid. It was rude enough for him to refuse this invitation. It might be outright offensive if both of them declined. This was obviously supposed to be a more intimate, casual meeting, meant to get them closer and on better terms with each other … probably. And if they refused that, wouldn't it be a sign that they didn’t want to be on better terms? It could even be interpreted as hostility…

They hadn’t come out here to make enemies. It had been quite a surprise, in fact, to find aliens already living and thriving here when she and Shining had arrived. They’d only meant to test out Twilight's new warp matrix engine concept, and they’d only targeted this system because it seemed to be a good candidate for a habitable exoplanet.

It was a good thing they had found advanced life out here, though. Because the warp matrix engine helped them travel across the galaxy in an instant, but it didn’t help any with navigation. Once they’d gotten over the initial excitement, the question of ‘Which one of those lonely glowing dots out there is our sun?’ had become a rather pressing concern. Hopefully these aliens would eventually be able to help them answer that important question.

These aliens, the Changelings, were both stranger and more familiar than she ever would have expected. It had been such a relief at first, to see that they were vaguely human-shaped, not some kind of glob-monsters or something. And, somehow, they were instantly able to pick up the English language and speak it fluently. But beyond that, the sheer alien-ness of them was mind-boggling at times. The strange, jagged horns on their heads, the membranous strands that passed for their hair, their slitted eyes and snake-like tongues, skin that was both hard as fingernails but also flexible at the same time, even breathing through holes in their legs and arms … and who knew what other oddities they might be hiding underneath that clothing!

The drones around her were almost perfectly androgynous. Though they seemed to refer to themselves as male, were they actually male, or did they have anything at all inside those loose-fitting pants of theirs? Drones didn’t seem to have any role to play in the Changeling reproductive cycle, so…? Despite the high likelihood that she might not like the answer, Cadance couldn't help having a little curiosity about it…

Before she could think about perhaps indulging in her curiosity and asking one – knowing them, they’d probably show her without any question – her thoughts were interrupted by the door on the other end of the chamber opening.

Queen Chrysalis strode in, wearing the same cream-colored gown she almost always seemed to be wearing. But not for long. Casually, as if it was completely routine for her, she snapped her fingers at a drone, who hurried over and unfastened the back of her dress. She let it fall to her waspish waist, exposing quite a bountiful pair of breasts with teal-green nipples. But even more shocking was that the middle of her body, all the way from her belly to where her ribcage would start if Changelings even had ribs, she was not covered in the firm, charcoal black skin Cadance had been expecting. Instead, the Queen’s skin was a translucent green covering that made her contours all the smoother and more profound. It was utterly strange … but also oddly alluring at the same time.

Honestly, Cadance had expected more surprises in store as the drone pulled his queen’s dress down over her hips, allowing her to step out of it. But no. The translucent green of her belly narrowed down to a point down between her legs, where it met a pair perfectly normal-looking humanlike pussy lips. How exactly was she supposed to implant eggs with that?

Of course, Chrysalis wasn't about to stop and explain her anatomy … not without being asked, at least. Once her gown was safely in the hands of a Changeling drone, she strode toward the tub in the center of the room, apparently completely confident in her nudity. She stepped in without hesitation, relaxing back against the edge with her arms outstretched on the cushions to either side.

Did she have to keep her arms out of the water so that she’d still be able to breathe through the holes in them? Curiosity about the details of how Changeling bodies worked wasn't quite enough to distract Cadance from the Changeling Queen’s breasts, though. Almost as big as her own, they stood out prominently, dark skin just above the surface of the bubbling water, with the lower part of their curves just barely submerged. Why did she even have breasts? Changelings seemed more insectoid than mammalian. Did she actually nurse her young, or were they only there to entice potential mates?

“Would you care to join me?” Chrysalis asked. The first words she’d spoken since entering.

Oh, right. Of course. She’d been indulging in her own thoughts for too long, hadn’t she? And surely she’d been staring at the Queen’s chest for far too long for any semblance of propriety.

Quickly, Cadance untied the sash around her waist holding the robe closed. She certainly still had some misgivings about being naked in front of someone she hardly knew, much less all the drones around her, who were practically complete strangers – they all looked the same, and they rarely spoke. But this was what she’d come here for, right? It would be terrible to back out now.

Taking a deep breath first to brace herself, Cadance pulled the robe off of her shoulders and handed it to the drone next to her, who was already holding his arm out like a living coat rack. It had been a long, long time since she’d been naked in front of anybody other than Shining Armor. She’d actually shaved herself just this morning, leaving only a neatly trimmed patch of hair just above her own pussy … though she realized now that it had probably been wasted effort. These Changelings seemed completely hairless, and surely they thought her body as strange and alien to them as theirs were to her … with or without hair.

Well, at least it could help her feel a little more confident and prepared for what was to come. She strode to the tub and stepped in, hoping to appear just as comfortable and confident as Chrysalis herself, though she probably didn’t quite pull it off.

At least the water felt wonderful. Standing there in only a bath robe, she’d actually gotten slightly chilly. The hot, churning water in the tub was the perfect cure for that. She sank low into the water, almost up to her neck, and let the jets of water massage her body all over. Clearly, whoever had placed them while designing this tub had known exactly what they were doing…

Smoothly, as if it was no big deal at all, Chrysalis crossed the tub and sidled right up next to her – to the point where their hips touched under the water. “So… About this Shining Armor of yours…”


Cadance wasn't quite sure how it had happened, but over the course of their bath, she’d agreed to conspire against her fiancé in order to convince him to do this initiation ceremony … and Chrysalis’s arm had ended up draped around her shoulders, with the Changeling’s fingers idly twirling a lock of Cadance’s hair.

Feeling emboldened and a little bit overly curious, Cadance rested one hand on Chrysalis’s leg under the water. Not too high … but definitely touching her upper thigh. She gave a little squeeze. The Changeling’s skin was unusually firm, but not entirely unyielding. There was a little bit of give to it, allowing her fingers to sink in just slightly.

They probably should have gotten out of the bath by now. Certainly, their business here was already done. And yet…

Chrysalis turned her head toward Cadance. Cadance had already been staring; it left them nose to nose, almost touching. “You know,” Chrysalis said, “one might almost think you were somewhat jealous of your partner’s role in this ceremony…”

“I…” Cadance knew she needed to choose her next words carefully. “I’m not sure.” She drew ever so slightly closer. “Should I be?”

Chrysalis’s hand drew down from Cadance’s hair to the back of her neck. It would be so easy for her to pull Cadance in for a kiss, but she didn’t. Not yet.

That decision, mercifully, was left to Cadance herself. Goodness … she hadn’t been with another woman since college, since she’d been studying for her aerospace career. It seemed as far away now in time as it was in physical distance – an entire world away. Could she? Did she dare? She’d thought it was only a phase, especially after meeting Shining Armor. But maybe her only problem was that she hadn’t met the right woman?

And who would have thought that the right woman might be an alien Queen? This was probably her only chance. Literally now or never…

Impulsively, Cadance closed the tiny gap, pressing her lips to the Changeling’s muzzle. Chrysalis reciprocated instantly, as if she’d been expecting it all along. Her tongue gracefully entered Cadance’s mouth; one hand held Cadance close, the other suddenly grabbed one of Cadance’s breasts below the water. Cadance moaned into the Changeling’s mouth, only now realizing how worked up she’d gotten, anticipating this ever since Chrysalis walked into the room. Maybe it was a good thing that Shining hadn’t come.

Cadance got her own handful as their kiss briefly paused. The changeling’s tits were amazingly firm on the outside, but still squeezable, except for her nipples, which were absolutely hard.

“I thought your species was monogamous?” Chrysalis asked.

“We make exceptions.”

Without further elaboration, Cadance dove back into the kiss, this time giving her own tongue to explore the Changeling's mouth. The drones around them didn’t react, even when Cadance rose to straddle Chrysalis’s lap, allowing the Queen free rein to grope Cadance’s slightly larger breasts … and then move on to kissing and licking them, causing Cadance to moan again. Was this, perhaps, par for the course, something these drones saw every day? Or were they just that disciplined? Or maybe because they had no reproductive role to play, they were entirely disinterested in such things? They were only a minor footnote in the back of her mind, though. The main thing Cadance focused on was the alien woman whose thigh she was currently grinding her pussy against.

Chrysalis was only willing to be teased for so long, though, apparently. Once she’d built herself into a fervent enough lust for Cadance, she grabbed Cadance by the waist. With truly impressive strength, she hefted Cadance up out of the water, turned her around, and sat her down on the cushions just outside the tub.

Cadance’s heart had already been racing from the illicit makeout session, but being bodily thrown around like that left her completely short of breath. And that was a shame … because from the way Chrysalis was swimming her way up between Cadance’s thighs, it looked like she was about to need all the breath she could get.

“Are you ready?” Chrysalis asked, her face already only a hair away from the prize. While she waited for Cadance to breathe enough to answer, she snaked her tongue out – not touching Cadance’s eager slit yet, but stretching it upward along Cadance’s smooth belly … all the way up to and slightly past her belly button.

Cadance stared down, her pulse ringing in her ears, as she imagined what a tongue like that might be able to do inside of her. Chrysalis had definitely been holding back during that kiss…

As it turned out, Chrysalis’s patience was limited. Giving up on waiting for an answer, she slid her tongue over the surface of Cadance’s pussy lips, making her squirm in place. When Cadance reached down and pulled the Changeling’s head in closer, that was the only answer Chrysalis needed.

Wow … just wow. Not only did Chrysalis have that amazing tongue, but she also had the expertise and the wisdom to know when not to use all of it. She began with a fickle tease, lightly caressing Cadance’s entrance, driving her wild with anticipation. And only then, when Cadance was already on the edge of losing it, did Chrysalis finally plunge the full length into her.

Cadance came instantly. Her love juices squirted across the Queen’s face – luckily, Chrysalis only seemed to relish that. That looong Changeling tongue made Cadance feel things she’d never known were even possible! She could distinctively feel it waving and pulsing all the way inside of her, even as her pussy squeezed down on it in the midst of orgasm.

Chrysalis didn’t stop there, though. She kept at it, pressing right through Cadance’s breathless recovery and adding a finger against Cadance’s clit. That bumped things up even higher – just when Cadance thought she was completely done, she quickly found herself building toward yet another, even more forceful climax.

She held back as long as she could. Honestly, she was almost afraid of what might be coming… But there was only so much she could do when faced with someone as masterful in the art of cunnilingus as Chrysalis…

Right in front of the blandly unresponsive drones, Cadance shrieked and clenched her legs around Chrysalis’s head. She couldn't do anything else – her mind had been completely blown away, leaving only the basest animal instinct. Her body was an instrument, and Chrysalis was the master musician playing her notes perfectly. Cadance’s whole body clenched and unclenched over and over again, instinctively humping her crotch against the Changeling Queen’s face. Her trembling legs locked together behind Chrysalis’s shoulders, pinning her right where she was, ensuring that wonderful tongue would stay inside her as long as possible.

Of course, it couldn't last forever … though she wouldn't have complained if it had. Some time later – possibly minutes, possibly days – Cadance regained her senses and regained control of her body enough to release the Changeling from between her legs. It was a good thing Chrysalis could breathe through the holes in her arms – otherwise she might have caused an interplanetary war by suffocating the Queen in her passion.

For her own part, Chrysalis heaved herself up out of the water, sitting next to Cadance on the cushions, with her legs spread and still in the tub.

It was pretty obvious that she was hoping for some reciprocation. And as Cadance eyed up the Changeling Queen’s naked, dripping body, she definitely felt a burning desire to do so. Enough to overcome her own exhaustion after cumming twice in a row … but the last thing she wanted to do was to utterly disappoint her host. Especially after a performance like that. Who could possibly compete with that?

Cadance glanced away, feeling a little sheepish despite what had just happened between them. “I… I would return the favor, but…”

“But?” Chrysalis raised her eyebrow.

“But I… I just don’t have a tongue anything like that. And, well, it’s been a while – a long while – since I did anything like this with another woman. I’m afraid my skills will be far too rusty to make up for it. How can I possibly do you justice after feeling your tongue so deep inside of me?”

Chrysalis turned and pointed to one of the nearby drones. “You! Bring us the Peacemaker.”

“Yes, my Queen!” Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed out of the room, obviously going as fast as he possibly could.

Cadance stared at Chrysalis. It was hard not to. “The … Peacemaker?”

Before Chrysalis could answer, the drone had already returned, bearing a fancy pillow with golden tassels in his arms. And resting on top of that pillow, there was a very sizeable double-ended dildo. It glistened, obsidian black, with a slight curve to it, highlighting the ribs running up and down its length.

Chrysalis smirked. “I trust you know how to use this?”

She never had, actually. The one girlfriend Cadance had experience with in college hadn’t really been into any sort of penetration, so they’d had no use for such a toy. But Cadance was a smart enough woman to figure it out. Yes … with that, perhaps she had a chance of properly returning the favor.

They were set up before she knew it. They sat facing each other on the edge of the hot tub, each with one leg down in the water and one leg raised on the cushions outside. Cadance inserted one end of the already-warm toy inside herself first, going slowly and carefully, since she was still a little oversensitive from her previous orgasms. But those orgasms had also left her completely relaxed on the inside and totally soaked, so it didn’t take long at all to get nearly half of its substantial length inside herself.

She scooched a little closer, pressing the other tip of it against Chrysalis’s translucent green pussy lips. They looked so soft down there, almost enveloping the dildo’s tip all on their own.

Cadance couldn't help having a little curiosity, though… “How … how are you supposed to implant eggs in Shining Armor, anyway? With this?” She rubbed the toy’s tip against those plush lips.

“My ovipositor only presents itself when it’s needed.” Chrysalis winked and licked her lips. “Now don’t keep me waiting…”

Using a double-ended toy like this was a wholly new experience for Cadance, but she did the best she could. It was almost overwhelming – almost as if she could feel the thing snugly sliding into the Changeling Queen’s inner passage. The feedback she felt against her own inner walls with every slight motion made it feel almost as if the toy really was an extension of herself, allowing her to penetrate someone else like she never had before.

Maybe Shining might be open to experimenting with something like this in the future? She was definitely enjoying it, and it was something she’d want to experience again someday.

Chrysalis’s slight moan, though, brought her back to the present. It seemed like she was doing well so far, despite her inexperience. And as she looked down…

“Oh my gosh!” she shouted. “I can see it! I can see it moving inside of you!”

Chrysalis didn’t even look. “Of course. What were you expecting? For it to disappear somehow?”

Cadance didn’t have an answer for that.

“Now stop teasing and fuck me like you mean it.”

Well, with an invitation like that… No longer holding back, Cadance pressed the dildo deep inside Chrysalis, watching with fascination as one rib after another of it slid through the soft but tight grip of the Changeling Queen’s pussy lips. She could feel the slight vibrations as those ribs did their work … and Chrysalis could obviously feel it too.

Once their pussy lips kissed against each other with the dildo fully hilted inside both of them, they quickly found their rhythm. It wasn't anything overly dramatic – just the slight nudging and rocking of their hips in time with each other. But thanks to the toy’s design and their well-slickened clits rubbing against one another, that was easily enough.

Or, at least it seemed to be enough. Cadance couldn't be sure if the Changeling was faking it for her benefit or not, but Chrysalis’s gradually increasing moans sure sounded genuine. There was a slight buzzing vibration to her voice … one Cadance was becoming enamored with. She could feel the Changeling’s vibrato buzzing even through the toy itself, driving her close to yet another orgasm. She couldn't let go yet, though. She needed to prove herself. She wouldn't let herself finish until Chrysalis did.

That wasn't an easy challenge. Cadance was getting far too into it herself, and every little motion she made moved the toy inside herself as much as it did for Chrysalis. But she soon got the hang of it, squeezing down on the toy inside with every stroke, helping ensure that it would move even more inside the Changeling’s translucent body.

And that was actually quite helpful – she could see the results of her pushing right there in front of her, through the toned green skin of Chrysalis’s belly. It was fascinating, watching it moving in there, being able to know exactly how deep inside she was reaching.

Finally, in pure desperation when she felt that her own climax was unavoidable, Cadance reached out with both hands and grabbed Chrysalis’s tits, squeezing the firm and perky mounds hard enough to overcome the stiff resistance of the changeling’s skin and really knead those breasts like she remembered playing with her college girlfriend.

That did it. Chrysalis howled out a long, shuddering moan, her body convulsing and pulsing around the dildo visibly filling her.

What Cadance hadn’t expected was the effect that it would have on her in turn. She could feel every little motion inside Chrysalis’s body, thanks to the toy connecting them. It felt stunningly like a cock pulsing and cumming inside of her … and that was enough to do her in as well.

Just as her own orgasm hit, she felt herself swept up in Chrysalis’s arms, pressing the two of them tightly together. She moaned out her passion into the crook of Chrysalis’s neck; Chrysalis huffed hot, desperate breaths into Cadance’s hair. And both of their bodies pulsed as one, each one triggered and re-triggered over and over again by the other’s pulsing squeezes. Cadance had scarcely ever felt closer to another living creature in her life. Only the very best of times with Shining Armor could even compare.

And finally, as both of them caught their breath with the dildo still inside them, Chrysalis whispered into Cadance’s ear: “So we’re agreed? You’ll convince him?”

“I’ll—” a post-orgasmic shudder ran through Cadance’s body “—do my best.”

Chapter 3 - An Intimate Conversation - Shining Armor

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Shining Armor fidgeted in his comfortable clothes, in his comfortable armchair, in his comfortable alien suite. Everything outside him was as supremely comfortable as possible. Everything inside of him was as uncomfortable as a bucket of wriggling worms. Despite how wonderfully accommodating their alien hosts had been, this cold asteroid floating out in the middle of who knows what corner of space … it made his skin crawl.

And the worst part was that deep down, he knew they were probably right. Cadance was probably right. He should be able to get over himself and do this, shouldn’t he? It was just one little thing, just one little person. But why did that person have to be him? If it was anybody else, he knew he’d be telling them to go for it, for the good of the whole planet. And besides, it was supposed to be perfectly safe, right? Even if it was so extremely strange, it would only be for a little while. And with someone like Chrysalis…

She gave him goosebumps, too. But he still wasn't sure if it was in a good way or a bad way. He’d never thought that they’d actually meet aliens on this trip, and even if he had thought about it, he never would have expected to meet an alien who was so confusingly hot. He counted himself very, very lucky to have a fiancé as amazing as Cadance, but no matter how lovely Cadance was, he couldn't pretend like he was blind, could he? Chrysalis was taller and perhaps a bit more elegant than Cadance, with a smaller chest that also came with an incredibly narrow waist, which only served to accentuate her generous hips and thighs. In some ways, he envied his fiancé for the opportunity to spend some time with that glorious creature in the nude. And yet … he’d been quite explicitly invited – even pressured – to do the same himself. It should have been a dream come true … except for what he knew she wanted to do with him. What she wanted to do to him. What she wanted to do inside him…

He shuddered a little, and his legs twitched even more, despite the comfort he was surrounded with.

Maybe he should go fix himself a drink or something? These Changelings didn’t seem to have any concept of what alcohol was … or at least why anybody would ever want to drink it. When he’d asked the drones and finally gotten them to understand what he meant, they’d been slightly horrified, vehemently questioning why he would want to ingest a substance so toxic to his species. They’d wanted to give him medical help, rather than a stiff drink. But whatever. Maybe even just a nice cold glass of water would help clear his head…

But before he could muster up the will to actually get out of this comfortable chair, Cadance walked into the suite, with quite a spring in her step. Her hair was still a little damp.

“So, did you enjoy your, uh … bath?” he asked her.

She practically danced through the room. “It was wonderful!” The endpoint of her light-footed prancing was right next to his seat, where she bent down to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Ow!” She recoiled back. “You’re so pokey!”

Shining rubbed his chin. It did feel pretty rough. Normally, he kept himself completely clean-shaven, and kept up with it pretty well – mostly because Cadance said he looked better that way. But ever since they’d arrived here, he’d kind of been slipping. He was pretty scruffy-looking now, he was sure. It had been hard enough even getting a razor here. The Changelings had dealings with plenty of species with fur … but apparently there were very few in the Constellate who wanted to shave off that fur for any reason besides absolute medical necessity. It had, in fact, been from the Constellate’s medical supplies that the drones had finally been able to source a shaving kit for him. But he hadn’t been all that diligent in using it lately. Maybe because it was so obvious that the Changelings didn’t care whether he shaved or not? Even though he knew he ought to be keeping himself nice and smooth for Cadance, he just hadn’t been keeping up with it all that well … and of course, the stress and strange sleep schedule hadn’t been helping.

Cadance was looking down at him oddly. Wait – why was she looking at him like that? He cocked his head to the side a little. “Uh… Need something, Honey?”

“No. Actually, maybe you need something…”


She leaned down closer. He couldn't help but notice the grand view it gave of her cleavage in that tight Changeling-made dress. He was so lucky to be with a woman like her. Unfortunately, the stunning view of her freshly cleaned pink tits wasn't exactly helping his higher brain functions at the moment. He still had no idea what she was talking about.

With one impeccably manicured finger, she traced the line of his jaw. “How about you just relax, and I’ll help you with that?”

“You’ll do it?” He was perfectly capable of doing it himself, of course – she hadn’t done it for him since that time he’d had his wrist in a brace for a week. Why’d she want to do it for him now?

“I just want to do something nice for you,” she said, as if answering his very thoughts. “I want my Shiney-Winey to feel just as pampered as I do!”

Uh-oh… She never called him ‘Shiney-Winey’ unless she wanted something.

But, it did sound nice… And it meant he wouldn't have to get out of this comfy chair just yet…

“Well, um, alright.” He shrugged. “Do you know where the razor is?”

By the time he said it, Cadance was already halfway to the suite’s bathroom. “Mmm-hm!


Shining breathed a deep, relaxed sigh as his fiancé carefully slid the razor down one side of his face. The lights had gone down low – the Constellate’s artificial sunset – and the way she leaned over him as she worked was both sexy and comforting. For the first time since arriving here, he felt like he could completely let down his guard and just enjoy the moment.

There you go…” Cadance wiped the shaving cream off the razor with the rag she’d brought. “Doesn’t that feel better?”

It didn’t, not in any literal sense. As always, shaving left his skin stinging a little and irritated. And it was worse than usual, because this Changeling shaving cream wasn't very good. But being close to Cadance like this and finally letting himself relax and de-stress a little bit very much did make him feel better. He would have said so, or at least nodded his head to affirm her, if she hadn’t already brought the razor back to his face. He had to keep still, or else he’d risk a cut.

Not that Cadance would, if she could possibly help it. But there was always that little worry. Though, actually, she was quite good at this. Which might seem odd at first, until he remembered how often she shaved her own legs, as well as … other areas.

Best not to think about those areas just now. He was already feeling a little horny just being this close to her for so long, practically feeling her breath against him, his shoulder a scant inch away from pressing against her breast. This was supposed to be relaxing, right? He couldn't allow such idle thoughts to get him all worked up, at least not yet. Not until she was almost finished…

“Can you guess what Chrysalis did during our bath together?” Cadance asked as she started on the other side of his face.

“Yeah. She tried to convince you to convince me to—” he paused while she drew the razor close to his upper lip “—to do that whole egg implantation thing so that humans can join the Constellate.”

“That wasn't all she did…”

Shining looked up at his fiancé’s face … instead of staring rather a bit lower, as he had been. “Hmm?”

“She also stuck her tongue so far up inside me that she was tickling my cervix.”

It was a good thing Cadance didn’t have the razor touching his skin at that moment, because he jumped from the shock of her saying something so insane. “R-really?” She had to be joking with him … right?

Cadance kept right along, calmly running the razor along his jawline. “Mm-hmm. And then I fucked her with a double-ended dildo until she screamed. Second best sex of the day!”

Second best? His mind was still reeling from this bizarre confession. He’d been so right to avoid the bathtub meeting! But since when did Cadance go sleeping around behind his back? And with an alien no less! But he still managed to realize that the math didn’t add up. They hadn’t done anything when they’d woken up, since they were so quickly interrupted by a Changeling drone inviting them to that bath. So what other sex did Cadance have today? Holy crap! Was she sleeping with all the aliens now? He’d never considered himself a particularly jealous man, especially when Cadance’s choice of partner brought such intriguing images into his head, but she’d always been so adamant about him being exclusive … the hypocrisy rankled.

He stared up at her, mouth agape, despite her running the razor for the last few strokes up his chin. “Who … who else?

Setting the razor aside, Cadance suddenly straddled his lap and kissed him. Deeply. She was really making the most of his smooth, freshly-shaven face. For a long moment, she simply overwhelmed him with the force and passion of her kiss. “You, silly,” she said as soon as she came up for air.

He looked up at her, aroused and … confused.

She grinned back down. “The sex we’re about to have. I’m completely sure that it’s going to be even better.” Leaning in even closer, she rubbed her thinly-clothed body against his, one hand already reaching for his pants. “It’s not every day that I leave the condoms in their box and let my fiancé put a baby in me.”

Shining’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. “What?” Other birth control options didn’t agree with Cadance – they gave her nasty side effects. Condoms were the only thing between them and parenthood.

She licked his ear before responding with only, “You heard me.” Having successfully unzipped his pants, her hand found its way inside them and began stroking his suddenly very stiff cock.

Despite the pleasure, he shook himself a little. She was acting so unlike herself! She’d never cheated on him before; she’d never had sex without a condom before… “Did she … did she mind-control you or something? What’s going on?

Cadance giggled a little at the sound in his voice. But she didn’t take her hand out of his pants, and she didn’t stop moving it. “I’ve just been thinking, that’s all…” Somehow, the husky whisper in her voice made even that sound sexy. “If you’re going to do this thing with Chrysalis, then I think I want to get pregnant with you before it happens. I know the clone will be just as much you, every way including genetically … but I just think it would be nicer if we could do it while you’re still the original you.” She kissed him again, more slowly and sensually this time. “If you’re doing this Changeling egg thing, then I want you to knock me up now. You are doing it, right?”

There it was … there was the catch. He’d have a night of unrivaled passion with Cadance, fulfilling his longtime secret dream of finishing inside her and getting her pregnant … if he agreed to carry Chrysalis’s brood.

Damn … why didn’t that sound like a bad bargain? He’d already been kind of on the fence about it, hadn’t he? He tried to think back, remember what he’d been thinking about it earlier. That wasn't easy, not with Cadance rubbing his cock and grinding against him. What were all those downsides he’d been thinking of before? He couldn't remember any of them now. When had it gotten so hot in here? It was almost unbearable!

Cadance kissed him again. By mindless instinct, his arms wrapped around her slender body, one pressing her close to himself, the other finding its way up to brush over the back of her neck and through her hair.

And just like that … the decision was made. He wasn't sure if it was truly him or just the horniness talking, but he no longer cared. “Yeah. I’ll… I’m going to do it.” It was only a whisper, but with their faces so close together, a whisper was all it took.

As soon as he’d said it, Cadance started sliding her way down his body, kissing as she went. Even through his shirt, it felt really nice. He could feel the soft heat of her lips and the slight whuffs of her breath. When she reached the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up a little, she started kissing his bare skin. It was enough to make him twitch and tense … and it didn’t hurt at all that his cock, contained only by his boxers, was currently nestled right between her breasts.

Shining shuddered as she continued downward, her hands beginning to pull the boxers downward as he felt her hot wet lips against him lower and lower. He knew what was coming…

Cadance had gone down on him before. Plenty of times. It was one of their favorite things to do together, since she didn’t need to use a condom for it. But this time was different. Despite all the times in the past, he didn’t think he’d ever seen her quite so hungry for it. She had his cock out of his pants in no time, and she had it deep, deep inside her mouth almost before that! There was no subtlety or buildup this time – she simply plunged herself down on him again and again. It was almost enough to make him cum right then and there … though he held himself back, given what he knew was coming next.

Soon, Cadance came up for air and wiped her sloppy lips clean. He was already struggling for breath a little bit.

“Ready?” she asked.

He chuckled a little. “Uh… I think you can tell…”

“Mm-hmm.” In one fluid motion, she unfastened the back of her dress, letting it fall to the floor between his feet.

His eyes went wide when he saw that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Wow… She’d always been beautiful, but right now, he couldn't help but stare. Maybe he was drooling a little? Didn’t matter. Those broad hips… Those big, perfect breasts… Those long pink legs… Woah, and she’d completely shaved, too! She’d really been preparing for this, hadn’t she?

Without giving him time to prepare, Cadance climbed up onto the chair with him, straddling his lap. And before he knew it – distracted as he was by the fantastic pink titties filling his view – she’d lowered herself onto him. His already-slickened cock slid into her effortlessly, and he was suddenly surrounded by his fiancé’s sumptuous snug warmth.

By pure reflex, his hands clasped behind her waist, pulling her closer and pressing her more tightly against himself, plunging his cock as deeply as it could possibly go inside of her as he kissed the uppermost curves of her breasts. This feeling… He’d always thought getting a blowjob was better than sex, and he’d also thought that sex with a condom felt just about like the real thing … that people who said otherwise were just full of it and making excuses to be unsafe. Now, though, he knew how wrong he was. As Cadance started slowly gyrating her hips against him, pleasure like he’d never felt before threatened to overwhelm him. He could feel everything now. So much warmer! So much more sliding! So much more everything!

And Cadance sure seemed to be enjoying it, too. Maybe even more than him! Her hands held his head tightly against her chest as she rocked her hips, and though she wasn't exactly screaming out his name or anything, he could hear in the shuddering of her breath and the trembling of her legs that it was really getting to her. Was doing it without the condom as good for her as it was for him?

Buoyed by that thought, he grabbed more tightly against her back, starting to help her move, while also flexing his hips upward with the same rhythm. With that, he started earning actual little gasps with every push. Already, he could feel his pants starting to get soaked with her wetness – he didn’t care. This was so much more important than a stupid pair of Changeling-made pants.

Suddenly, Cadance threw herself back, stretching her body out as she bounced on his cock. “Shining!” she cried out, clutching at her own tits.

He would have gladly squeezed those for her … if his hands hadn’t been completely busy making sure she didn’t fall off the chair entirely. As it was, he just enjoyed the delicious view of her perfect naked body stretched out in front of him. Her belly had just the slightest bulge to it if she was in the wrong posture, but when she stretched out like this, she looked as thin and lithe as any girl he’d ever seen.

Her hips moved in a blur, going faster and faster, seemingly out of her control. Her voice was a constantly wavering whine, rapidly growing in pitch as she tightened and squeezed him from the inside.

It wasn't until she froze in place, shuddering and squirting onto his lap, that he actually realized what was happening: she … she just came! She’d never orgasmed from only his cock before! She’d always needed a little help from the vibrator or at least rubbing her clit as he fucked her. Wow – was this that much better without a condom? Or was it something mental? Maybe she was excited about getting pregnant from it?

Cadance let out a long, low moan as she rode out her orgasm, then she collapsed forward against him, resting her head on his shoulder, her pussy still twitching around his cock.

He held still for a little while, knowing she’d need a moment to catch her breath. He did take the opportunity to grab and caress her magnificent tits, though – they always felt extra soft and lovely when she was leaning over him like this, and it felt nice the way they moved as her chest heaved with those deep breaths.

“That was good,” Cadance whispered in his ear as she began to recover. “Really good.”

He slid one hand down to her ass and gave it a firm squeeze, and he pushed his hips upward a little, reveling in the fresh feeling of her inner walls sliding against his cock again.

She sat up a little, looking him in the eyes with the most smoldering gaze he’d ever seen from her. “Now are you going to just sit there, or are you going to bend me over and breed me?”

Damn… She really knew him too well. She fully knew what that kind of dirty talk would do to him. And she wanted it anyway.

Shining’s malaise from earlier was already gone, thanks to his fiancé’s invigorating help. Now, though, a bestial strength rose inside him, making him feel superhuman, like he could do anything. And what he wanted to do right now? Impregnate his fiancé like there was no tomorrow!

With an absolute roar, Shining stood up out of the chair, taking Cadance with him. He held her tightly against his body, still inside her, as he strode purposefully – and a little awkwardly, given his unzipped pants – toward their bed.

Only after reaching the bed did Shining finally pull his cock out of Cadance. And then, only long enough to throw her down onto the bed and whip the rest of his own clothes off as fast as possible. Some of it may have torn – he didn't care. He was back on her in seconds, kneeling on the bed and lifting her legs up to his shoulders. She squealed a little as he manhandled her … then moaned deeply when he shoved his cock back inside her ready and waiting pussy.

He absolutely plowed her now, without the slightest hint of subtlety. Her back was pressed against the rubbery Changeling mattress with every thrust he hammered into her. There was just enough of a gap between her contorted legs that he could look down into her face … into her vacantly needy eyes. It was like she’d ascended to some different spiritual plane, but somehow it was all the hotter and made him want to fuck her even harder.

Not that he could, really. He was already giving her absolutely everything he had, his hips smashing against her rippling butt and thighs every time. He could already feel himself getting close, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. He wanted this to last as long as it possibly could. Forever would be perfect.

That is … until Cadance came again. She screamed this time, probably loud enough for any Changelings in nearby rooms to hear it. Her legs shook against his shoulders, and her belly visibly clenched with every desperate squeeze her pussy gave inside.

That was more than Shining could take. Acting on pure instinct, he shoved himself forward, bending Cadance over in half as he pushed his cock absolutely as deeply as it could possibly go, in a deep mating press. Groaning through his clenched teeth, he finally let go. Cadance could only whimper a little in the aftershocks of her own orgasm while he pressed his clenching balls against her and his cock throbbed over and over again. It was like the organ somehow knew that this time was the one that mattered, the one that wouldn't be spat or swallowed or thrown out in a rubber bag. He came like he never had before, to the point where it felt like his soul was leaving his body with every pulse. He was absolutely emptying himself with every thick-streaming shot straight into his fiancé’s womb.

When he was done and collapsed down on the bed next to her, the glow between the two of them was undeniable. Somehow, impossibly, they both knew it with absolute certainty: he’d just impregnated her. He could feel it. He knew she could feel it…

But that wouldn't stop him from trying again as soon as he’d caught his breath – just to be sure.

Chapter 4 - Breeding Stock - Chrysalis

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Chrysalis stretched her body luxuriantly before stepping into the breeding chamber. She needed to be limber and a little warmed up, of course … but it was mostly just because she was really looking forward to this. It had been so long since she’d bred a new species!

Inside, as expected, she found the various cushions and benches for the accommodation of all sorts of different body shapes, several drones as support staff, the floating orbs recording this for holograms from every angle, and – most importantly – the guest of honor himself, Shining Armor. What she hadn’t expected, however, was the other human, Cadance. Also, annoyingly, they were both still clothed, which made her nude entrance appear somewhat awkward in front of the cameras.

She had to watch what she said, though. This was the time to improve relations with the rest of the Constallate, not the time to introduce a whole new scandal. “You brought your fiancé?” There, nice and neutral. No one watching from home could take offense at that.

Shining, however, didn’t respond in the slightest. His mouth gaped open as he stared downward, toward her lower body.

Oh, of course. Her ovipositor. Even the other one, Cadance, was staring at it, though she didn’t seem quite so taken aback. Chrysalis didn’t understand why they’d find it so shocking. She had, after all, absorbed a little of their own genetics into her body during that bath with Cadance, which ensured that her anatomy would be perfectly compatible with human bodies, and it would appear very much like their own. Fashioned out of the same translucent green skin as her abdomen, there hung between her legs an absolutely flawless human-like cock and pair of balls. Probably on the large side for their species, yes, and not technically the same thing, since it would produce Changeling eggs rather than sperm, but there was no reason for them to stare at it as if it was such a strange and threatening thing.

She’d try saying it again. Maybe then it would get through to them. “So, you brought your fiancé?”

Shining still seemed stunned, but at least this time Cadance answered: “He, um… He said he’d feel more comfortable about it if I could be here with him. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” Chrysalis shrugged. “We’re already being watched by billions from all over the Constellate – this is hardly a matter of privacy.”

“Buh-billions?” Shining stammered.

Chrysalis grinned … only slightly maliciously. It wasn't as if she’d never dealt with shy or nervous males before. This was rather common, at least for first-timers. “Relax. You’re in good hands,” she told him as she closed the distance between them. “And I’m sure you’ll find the experience pleasurable once you’re accustomed to it.” She came just a little closer. “You may touch my breasts, if that helps. Your species enjoys that, correct?” She glanced over at Cadance only momentarily, remembering when Cadance had confirmed that fact for her during their bath.

Despite how much he was trembling, Shining did lift his hands up. Chrysalis only had to lean slightly forward in order to press her breasts against his palms. Immediately, as if by reflex, he squeezed.

Not all species in the Constellate had breasts. And certainly Changelings seemed to have no reason for them, since even newborn grubs had no need to nurse. That didn’t mean she had no reason for them, though. They were doing their job right at this moment – attracting and enticing males of any species accustomed to them. And just like with countless others before him, they were fulfilling their purpose perfectly with Shining. He squeezed and rubbed them ceaselessly, for some reason fascinated by their slightly yielding firmness.

“Mmm,” Chrysalis moaned, legitimately enjoying it – another of their functions was to give her pleasure, after all. “That’s more like it, yes…”

Shining gulped. “So, um… I guess it’s time to get down to business, right?” Despite the outward appearance of nervous fear, he didn’t take his hands away from her chest for even a moment.

“As soon as you’re ready,” she purred.

He nodded resignedly and finally took his hands off of her charcoal black tits. He then simply turned around, pulled his pants down, and bent over at the waist. “Okay, I’m … I’m ready. I think.”

She shook her head. It was clear from the strain in his voice that he wasn't ready. And thanks to that little quirk of Changeling biology, her ovipositor would stay soft, limp, and useless until she could clearly sense his consent. It wouldn't even be possible for her to take him until he truly was ready for her. She grabbed him by the shoulders, but rather than attempting to force herself on him, she used her grip to turn him around and stand him back up. Now that he was facing her, it was quite clear that his own endowment was just as flaccid as her ovipositor. She came a little closer, whispering in his ear: “No, you’re not ready yet. But we can fix that…” The whispering wasn't for the benefit of privacy. Those hovering orbs could record even the slightest sound. It was for effect.

And it seemed to be having the desired effect, judging by the goosebumps it rose on his pale skin.

It had even more of an effect on him as Chrysalis slowly sank down to her knees, running her face down along the silky Changeling shirt and then below, against his skin. Just from that, just from the anticipation, he was already halfway hard … but she wasn't about to stop now. Time to earn her prize.

Honestly, she didn’t mind this part in the slightest. Her drones always ensured that any male brought to her was already freshly and diligently washed. And she rather enjoyed the feeling of warm mass as his cock filled her mouth. She very much enjoyed the shuddering sounds coming from above her, telling her just how good a job she was doing as she coiled her tongue round and round his length. She looked up into his eyes … just in time to see Cadance sidling up to him and kissing him.

Oh. Well that was unusual… But she couldn't deny its effectiveness. Though Shining was too distracted to look back down into Chrysalis’s eyes, his cock quickly surged to full hardness inside her mouth, throbbing in time with the odd staccato beat of his multi-chambered heart.

Chrysalis fellated him just a little more, purely for her own personal enjoyment. Ah, the salty taste of human pre-cum… Not bad. She’d rate it as slightly above average, compared to the other species she’d tasted in the past. Plus, it had a really nice feel on her tongue. Maybe someday she’d have a little alone time with him again and taste his full load … but not today. Today was her turn.

Now that he was fully hard and quite obviously ready for her, she pulled back, dragging her lips up his length until she finally separated from his tip with a wet pop.

She met the two humans in the middle of their kiss, joining in shamelessly by pressing her face in and making it a three-way kiss. Shining’s cock bumped against her equally stiff ovipositor as she stroked him with her hand, but he didn’t seem to notice. She wondered if they could taste his pre-cum on her tongue as she snaked it into each of their mouths in turn. When she felt how readily Shining accepted that, she knew it was time.

“You’re ready,” she purred in his ear. “And so am I. Now turn around and smile for the cameras, my prince.”

Somewhat to her surprise, he actually did … without the slightest hesitation or complaint. He was trembling and looked quite nervous. But was he also … excited?

Perfect. The more he got into it, the better it would be for her. Even though she was very cognizant of the cameras watching, she couldn't help but bite her lip slightly as she slapped her ovipositor’s translucent green length down against Shining’s firm ass cheek. Oh yes – this was going to be good! The viewers out there couldn't fault her for just enjoying it a little, right?

Unexpectedly, she suddenly found the other human, Cadance, leaning against her back and watching over her shoulder. Cadance was also clearly enjoying the sight.

A perverse idea occurred to Chrysalis. She nuzzled against the woman’s cheek. “Why don’t you help me guide it in?” That wasn't too offensive, right? As long as Chrysalis avoided shouting out anything about ‘breeding stock’, she’d probably be okay…

Cadance gasped. “Can I?

Without waiting for confirmation, Cadance slipped around to the side and knelt down, taking hold of Chrysalis’s ovipositor easily, casually … as if it was something she did every day. And then, once Chrysalis pulled back just far enough, Cadance guided the tip down toward her fiancé’s unprotected asshole.

Was he still a virgin? At least a virgin in this sense? Most males were, on their first time with her. Though in this one’s case, she actually had some doubts. Anyway, she could rest easy in the knowledge that her drones would have dutifully prepared this specimen with internal cleansing and lubrication – the best that the Constellate had to offer. She slowly but firmly pressed forward.

Shining’s puckered entrance resisted her at first. He obviously wasn't experienced enough to relax and unclench his muscles. But thanks to his preparation, her ovipositor’s natural slickness, and her hidden strength, that resistance didn’t last long. Shining gasped and shook as her tip slowly eased its way inside him. His legs trembled so badly that she was worried he might collapse on the spot … but no. He was stronger than that, and he held firm while she eased inch after inch of her generous length inside.

Finally, after hilting herself and plumbing his depths so carefully, Chrysalis was able to allow herself a little motion. He was delightfully tight inside. And warm. She loved fucking warm-blooded species – it felt so nice! And his clenching might have made the initial entrance just a tad more difficult, but now that she was fully inside of him, it provided a wonderfully tight and pulsating ring of pleasure around her shaft the whole way in and out of him.

Meanwhile, Cadance had stayed where she was on her knees. At first, she’d only watched in rapt fascination … but then her eyes had been drawn downward toward her fiancé’s quite obviously erect cock, her eyes tracking the motion of it as it bounced slightly with every one of Chrysalis’s thrusts.

“Is it okay if I, um, suck him?” Cadance asked.

Chrysalis paused for a moment, hilting herself deep inside Shining’s ass and earning a shuddering moan from him. For the briefest of moments, she considered denying permission. After all, she needed to remain in control. But then she remembered that she was supposed to be projecting the image of a kind and benevolent queen. And besides, it would be pretty hot…

Rather than answering with words, Chrysalis reached down and grabbed Cadance by the hair. With her long arms, she could just reach far enough to force the woman’s head against her partner’s cock. And when Cadance took it in her mouth, it was Chrysalis, not Cadance, who set the rhythm. She gave Shining a reach-around, stroking him with his own fiancé’s head, delighting in how easily his length – only slightly smaller than her own – was able to slide into Cadance’s throat.

And this way, she was still able to set her own rhythm, still able to maintain control as befitted the Queen of the Changelings.

She enjoyed it fully, thrusting to her heart’s content, at exactly the sort of pace she enjoyed most: quick, sudden withdrawing, followed by long, slow insertion that let her savor every last scrap of sensation. With her free hand, she grabbed Shining’s ass and gave it an unforgiving squeeze. Her grip against Cadance’s hair grew even firmer and more demanding, but the woman seemed unfazed and up to the challenge of swallowing Shining’s cock to the utmost. These humans were delightful!

Now she just had to remember not to shout out anything too offensive… Maybe to distract herself, she could talk about something else. “You know Shining,” she whispered, “if I’d known that your fiancé’s mouth was this talented, I would have insisted on trying it myself during our private bath together…”

Wow! If the way his body throbbed on the inside meant anything, he must have really liked hearing about that, hm? Well, why not give him a little more of it?

“She sure enjoyed my tongue, though…” She leaned in close and slithered it from his cheek to his brows to drive home the point. “Do you want to know what her womb tastes like? Maybe someday I’ll let you kiss me and taste her flavor from my mouth.”

Ooh! He was tensing up so much! Chrysalis pumped Cadance’s head harder and faster on his cock. Just a little more…

“Or perhaps you’d like to sample what she did to me with that double-sided dildo… You do seem to enjoy penetration, don’t you, Shining? How about I use it on her and then slide it into you while it’s still slick with her juices…”

That tipped him over the edge! With a suddenness that shocked her, despite her vast experience, Shining’s threw his back into an arch, his whole body shuddering as his body pulsed from the inside out. Chrysalis could feel the throbbing of his orgasm as he pumped himself straight down his fiancé’s throat.

Cadance, though, wasn't holding up quite as well. The extra swelling of Shining’s cock as he approached orgasm seemed to have pushed her to the limit, and now that he was unloading a prodigious prostate-enhanced torrent into her, it was just more than she could handle! Finally overpowering Chrysalis’s grip, she pulled herself back, yanking herself off of Shining’s cock and wetly gasping for air.

Shining, of course, wasn't done yet. Thick streams of cum shot from his madly bouncing tip, painting sticky white lines across Cadance’s face, her still-open mouth, and her dress – all the way from bustline to hemline. Chrysalis grinned in smug superiority as she looked down at the spectacle her breeder was creating. Well that would teach Cadance the value of coming to such sessions suitably nude, wouldn't it? Maybe next time they’d know better.

And Chrysalis was very much beginning to hope there would be a next time. She’d had many, many experiences in the past, but this one certainly ranked within the top dozen or so. As Shining’s orgasm finally subsided and he pumped his last few dribbles out of that still-hard cock, Chrysalis resumed fucking him – this time with a focused passion.

She wasn't playing anymore. Now that his orgasm had finally relaxed his muscles, Chrysalis was free to pound into him without fear of damaging the poor human. And she used that freedom to the utmost. If it hadn’t been for his still-sticky fiancé helping to hold him up from the other side, he probably would have collapsed down to the floor … not that it would have slowed Chrysalis down even slightly if he had. She was too far gone now. It was time. This was going to happen, no matter what.

Don’t scream out anything offensive! Don’t scream out anything offensive! She repeated the mantra to herself over and over as her own body tightened, as her eggs pooled into the human-like balls in preparation. This was the big moment – she had to keep herself completely under control … even in the very moment she allowed herself to lose control.

Thankfully, when the moment came, her snarl of passion was entirely wordless and primal.

She grabbed onto Shining’s hips with all of her strength, possibly bruising the man but no longer caring, and she crammed every last little bit of her ovipositor deep inside his ass, freezing there as she trembled in place. And then it happened: the miracle of Changeling life. Deep, pulsing throbs ran through her ovipositor, depositing egg after egg inside of him, each one awash in the soup of special Changeling sperm that would absorb the host’s genetics before fertilizing the eggs and adding yet another species to the inimitable diversity of the Changeling species. Shining’s body was still pulsing slightly, as if trying to help her pump it into him. His lower belly swelled slightly as she pumped more and more inside him. This was going to be a big one, wasn't it? It seemed almost endless…

By the time she’d finished pumping the new life of the Changelings into Shining’s ass, Cadance was already licking herself clean. Shining collapsed the moment she released him – thankfully, his fiancé was there to catch him and make sure his fall was gentle. Chrysalis herself felt entirely spent, almost ready to collapse as well … though she made sure to stay standing. It was important to project outward strength toward the still-watching cameras.

She was surprised, however, when Cadance leapt for her the moment Shining was safe. Before Chrysalis knew it, the other woman was down there licking her ovipositor clean, despite her full knowledge of where it had just been.

And Constellate’s Grace … that felt divine right after such a hearty orgasm. Enough to send shivers up Chrysalis’s back.

These ‘humans’, as they called themselves, were surprisingly delightful… Perhaps they were worth more than simply a political token. Perhaps it wasn't simply empty rhetoric when she’d said that their species might greatly contribute to the Constellate. She found herself dearly hoping that when her drones finally managed to locate the rest of the humans, all of them would be just like these two wonderful specimens…

Chapter 5 - Epilogue - Cadance

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Cadance grit her teeth and screamed through them: “These drugs aren’t working! Give me something else!” She thrashed against her bed, blind to all else as yet another involuntary squeeze wracked through her body.

“They’re working fine for me.” Shining squeezed her hand from the next bed over, where he was also going into labor … or whatever the Changeling equivalent was. “Just try to relax.”

“Relax? Relax? You … you…!” She had to stop herself from screaming. Or saying something entirely unforgivable to her fiancé. How the heck was she supposed to relax as this baby ripped its way out of her?

He chuckled a little. “How am I the calm one here, when you’re not even going to die from this?”

“You did this to me, remember that!”

“Well, you helped do this to me…” Shining rubbed his distended belly with his other hand. “Feels so weird… I can feel them moving in there…”

Cadance wouldn’t dignify that with an answer. Instead, she lifted her head to peer down at the Changeling Queen between her outstretched legs. “What’s…” She took a deep breath as another pulse hit her. “What’s going on down there? Is it almost over yet?”

The Changeling stared closely down there, much too close for comfort. Despite having Chrysalis’s tongue womb-deep inside her just nine months ago, Cadance felt unnerved at the closeness and intensity of the Queen’s inquisitive stare. Chrysalis glanced up only momentarily to respond. “Are all human females like this? It seems very inefficient to stretch so much. Your species should learn how to incubate in males instead.”

Cadance’s whole body was trembling by now. “Are you … are you a doctor?”

“No.” Chrysalis went back to watching between Cadance’s legs. Cadance growled out in frustration and ache.

To her surprise, her shout was matched by an equal cry of pain from Shining Armor. “Oh! Oh crap!” he yelled out. “Cadance is right, these painkillers aren’t good enough!”

If the Changeling drones administering them had any better drugs, they apparently didn’t see any need to use them. Instead, the swarmed around Shining, taking readings with strange instruments and massaging his swollen belly. “It’s time!” one of them cried out. “They’re hatching!”

Shining let out one last, blood-curdling scream, then went limp as the Changeling grubs ate his body from the inside out. In the tank across the room, his new clone body suddenly twitched to life. Because his new clone body was blindfolded, he was spared the sight of Changeling grubs devouring his body like little wriggling piranhas. Cadance, however, was not. She very much regretted looking, and yet she couldn't tear her eyes away from the gruesome sight. She couldn't move at all, from the shock of what she was seeing. Not until they devoured Shining’s arm, leaving her as the only thing still holding his hand up from the floor. And a grub was working its way up the rest of his arm, eating and growing rapidly as it went!

In sudden revulsion and fear, she threw Shining’s hand – and the grub munching it – into the writhing, bloody pile of what was left of his old body. Would that grub have started eating her if she’d still been holding onto his hand? Would they come across the gap between the beds and eat her anyway? She did not need this kind of stress right now!

Thankfully, the Changeling drones surrounding Shining’s bed quickly took custody of the wriggling grubs … which seemed to instinctively know not to bite fellow Changelings. Once all the grubs were picked up and carried out, they wheeled his bed out of the room as well. To who knows where…

Just in time for the new Shining – still nude and dripping from that gooey green cloning liquid – to come over to her and grab her hand again. She tried not to think about the hand much. He made it easy, kneeling next to her and stroking her hair. “You’re doing great, Honey. Just a little bit more.”

She grit her teeth and stared up at him. “You’re … you’re okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Just kind of felt like a really big sneeze, actually. Now come on, and I’m sure yours will be even easier! No big deal, right?”

Of all the insensitive… She looked down again at the Changeling Queen between her legs. “Do you have another clone of him? Because I’m going to kill this one as soon as this baby is out of me!”


Thankfully, holding her new infant baby in her arms had quickly softened any murderous urges Cadance might have felt toward her fiancé. Flurry Heart – as they’d agreed to name her – just had this wonderful way of calming her down. All the pain and stress was only a distant memory now.

Also, it helped that the tables were now turned. While she cuddled and nursed her adorable little baby girl, Shining was swarmed by disgustingly writhing Changeling grubs. Chrysalis had insisted that he spend time with ‘his brood’. At least now they weren’t quite as ravenous as when they’d first been born, though he was still the victim of a few playful nibbles here and there. Chrysalis looked on with a benevolent smile as the brood had a little quality ‘play time’ with their father.

“Can we go home now?” he asked Cadance, looking up at her with beleaguered eyes.

Cadance shook her head. “We still have no idea where home is… But as soon as Queen Chrysalis’s astrogators manage to find—”

The blaring of an alarm prevented her from finishing.

A Changeling drone rushed to Chrysalis’s side. “My Queen! An unknown ship has emerged from warp space! It appears similar to the vessel these humans arrived in.”

Instantly, Chrysalis was all business. Her smile vanished. “Have they signaled us?”

“Yes, My Queen.” The drone held up one of the small electronic devices the Changelings used, almost like a phone, but apparently with far more functions.

Instantly, Cadance recognized Twilight Sparkle’s voice on the other end of the line, even though she sounded a little disheveled and panicky: “Shining Armor! Cadance! Are you there? Do you read me? Your ship’s emergency beacon seems to be coming from inside that huge asteroid thing. Are you in there?”

Chrysalis snatched the device from her drone, but before she answered, she stared at Cadance and Shining. “How in Hive’s name did she find us before my master astrogators could even locate your home planet?”

Shining grinned and shrugged. “That’s my little sis for ya…”