Tyrants Path

by Nanuqsaurus

First published

A prehistoric monster lands into Equestria, and it isn't the only one.

Time travel is often a subject of debate across physicists and science fiction nerds alike. To travel to the past is a dream of many, and to see creatures that are bone and now flesh would be breathtaking.

Unfortunately, those in Equestria don't share the same kind of dreams when a five ton carnivore with bone crushing jaws pops up and wreaks havoc to the quiet town.

And the poor predator has to adapt to a brightly colored, singing, dancing town and try to help the little one trapped there.


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Equestria welcomed another day as the sun rose, chasing away the nights cool air. The warm sun captured all it its loving embrace, feeding the plants and the creatures that feed upon those plants, and alerted those who happened to work in the day that it was time to rise. And, upon the Crystal Castle that rests on Ponyville...the sunlight happened to flitter through a window...and stab Spikes eyes.

His eyes slowly opened, before shutting, the young drake wincing in pain at it momentarily blinded him. He gave a groggy grumble and attempted to scoot away, the sunlight still giving its alluring touch on his face.

He scooted again. And again. Then mumbled a soft, "Mom, I get it, stop the sun so I can sleep." He scooted a third time, only to yelp as he fell out of his bed, his blanket coming with him and temporarily trapping him within its warm confines.

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up." The drake spoke, scratching his face as he reset his bed, tucking its sides in, before looking around, giving a loud tongue click as his beauty sleep was ruined.

He stretched out, his wings stretching with him, before he sat in front of a mirror, checking over himself. He had become more lanky as the years went on, his wings growing with him and tucked onto his back. His spines were still rounded and his face rounded out a bit more than his scrunched, baby face from before. He stretched his long tail out, letting it slide along the ground, his digitigrade legs stretching out a bit and flexing his three toes out.

He looked over himself and scratched his cheek, flicking away some skin he has shed in the night, it matching the rest of his beautiful purple scales, before standing up and walking towards the door, though a bit more carefully.

He didn't have the flat feet of his baby form, he couldn't expect to walk the same way. He smiled and flicked his forked tongue out, before walking down the hallway, his footsteps echoing off the halls.

Time for breakfast.

Twilight rose softly as she woke, yawning loudly as her beautiful mane was currently sticking out in random directions. She ignored her bed head and stretched, giving a satisfied groan as her back popped loudly, her wings stretching out as well.

She got out of her bed, far more graceful than Spike, and started stretching her stiff body out, twisting and turning this way and that, before settling on the floor.

The Alicorn mare sniffed the air, before smiling to herself. Spike was making pancakes! Her brain filled her with images of the breakfasty, syrup covered goodness. She opened her door and hummed a soft tune to herself as she walked down the halls.

She suddenly stopped, before a tingle went up her spine, a sense of unease filling her body. She felt something was wrong, the hairs on the back of her neck rising as she looked around.

Nothing was out of place. No impending doom to speak of. No animals attacking or rampaging. No monsters that needed soothing. No Equestria breaking threats to solve.

Not even Discord pranks to clean.

So, why was she so nervous? The cold sweat ran down her body, her hooves felt clammy, and she wanted to curl up a bit into herself, her eyes peering to and fro, trying to spot the issue.


And, just as quickly as it happened, the feeling was gone and her body went back to normal, the alicorn blinking in confusion. Something was up, but she couldn't place her hoof on it. Whatever the case was, she was sure it could wait after breakfast.

A near panic attack really worked up an appetite.

She trotted down the stairs, her mind lingering on those feelings. It was so odd. It felt like something was out of place for just a moment, then the next moment, everything was fine. She would have to investigate this after breakfast.

"TWILIGHT! THERE ARE NO KIDS PAPERS TO GRADE, YOU SHOULD BE DOWN HERE!" Spike called out, hearing her hooves round the corner and go into the kitchen. Spike turned to her, seeing the puzzled look on her face and raised an eyebrow at her. "You okay, Twi?"

"I have a funny feeling...feels like it's in the pit of my stomach."

"Twilight, we have a restroom nearby, you don't need to tell me about-"

"Not that kind of feeling." Twilight interrupted his joke, before resting her face in a hoof, drawing Spikes curiosity. "It felt so cold. Like the walls might crush me or close in on me, and a sinking feeling in my stomach. I felt... anxious. Confused. Scared."

Spike stared at her as she spoke, before giving a surprised sound as he realized he had been cooking the same side of the pancake for too long. It hadn't been burnt, but it did feel harder than the other side. He sighed and slid it onto his plate, turning off the stove in the process.

"Well, hopefully breakfast takes that off your mind." Spike said as he prepared to drown his pancakes in syrup.

"The strange thing was...it felt like the thing I was scared of...or felt wrong about wasn't in the castle. Just felt like the area around Ponyville."

Spike had a face of concentration as he absolutely covered his pancakes in syrup, before giving Twilight a soft, worried glance.

"Twi, I really don't think you should check it out. If it bothers you this much, it must be something you shouldn't mess with."

"Which is all the more reason I should investigate." Twilight said, making Spike sigh into his food, the young dragon taking a bite of the syrup covered pancake. "Spike, if something...or someone is trying to stop me from investigating something, I should investigate further into it. It could be evil or might be something in trouble, I have to seek it out."

Spike looked at her, before mulling into his food a bit. He stopped and looked back at her, giving the alicorn a soft look. "Well...you should at least bring one of your friends along with you. Just in case."

"Planned on it."

It looked around, confused. This was not its territory. It was somewhere new. Somewhere strange. The sights and sounds were unfamiliar, and the smells were so strange and strong.

He huffed, shaking his head as he stared at the trees, then down lower, to the grass. He had never seen grass before. He was curious, and he gave a low, throaty rumble as he stared at it.

A branch snapped and he looked up, cocking his head curiously as he saw something...furry? Yes, furry. It had horns, great splitting ones, and a strange head and neck. He peered at it and walked forward, curiosity lingering in his mind.

The creature peered up at him, before giving a strange call and panicking. The sight made him pause, then he looked around. He must find an open area, to figure out where he was. And once he figured that out, he could get back to his territory.


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Twilight hummed as the grass brushed against her hooves, trotting along the path. Next to her stood the local wilderness expert, Fluttershy, and the strong, dependable Applejack had joined with her. Twilight, herself, carried some packs, full of notes and writing utensils, Fluttershy had brought some medicine in a small pack, in case anyone (or any animal) was injured, and Applejack carried only her trusty Stetson.

Right now, they stood outside the trees of the Everfree Forest, Twilight scanning the treeline, her eyes narrowing a bit. The silence unnerved Fluttershy, making her scoot towards Twilight.

"Are ya sure ya felt somethin?" Applejack asked her, her green eyes trailing along the treeline. She then turned over to Fluttershy, raising her eyebrow at her antics. "Fluttershy? You okay?"

"There's no birds." The shy mare pointed out, making the other two mares strain their ears to try and hear anything.

She was right, there was no birds. No deer or timber wolves or bears or any animal sounds. Just the trees creaking as they waved in the breeze.

It was unnerving.

"That is...strange. Nothing bad so far. Maybe we should check on Zecora, see if she's alright." Twilight offered as she started walking into the forest.

Fluttershy stuck close as she peered around, trying to spot any of her animal friends, failing whilst following Twilight.

As they traveled through the forest, Applejack peered around, before looking back at Twilight, "So...why didn't ya invite the rest of the girls?"

"You mean, why didn't I invite your girlfriend along with us?" Twilight teased with a smile, making Applejack blush and sputter. "She said she was going to hang out with Spike and teach him more about flying today. Rarity was busy working on a new dress, and Pinkie is planning a date with Cheese Sandwich."

Applejack was still blushing from the comment, though knew Twilight was telling the truth. She missed her rainbow haired renegade...but, she can manage just one afternoon without her.

Twilight stopped as she sniffed the air, then looked over to the trees to her left, stopping in her tracks. Fluttershy stopped with her, though Applejack smacked into Twilight and sent both tumbling to the floor.

Applejack helped Twilight up, giving an apologetic and embarrassed look, before following her gaze, giving a soft gasp. "Well...Ah reckon we found your disturbance."

What they were staring at was a cause of concern. The trees nearby had been blasted smooth, and a light layer of sand covered everything. The ground had been splattered with it, almost as if a haboob had swept through the area.

The strangest part about this? It was in the middle of a clearing, in the Everfree Forest, well known for its healthy soil, trees, grass and ferns. Not sand from the desert.

Twilight walked over, peering at the sand, before bringing out a map from her backpack with some magic. Her wings adjusted a bit as she grabbed a pen and paper, starting to draw what she had seen, trying to pin-point exactly where they were.

Fluttershy peered at the ground, kneeling down as she observed the ground. "Twilight?" No response. Fluttershy turned and shook Twilight, shaking the poor mare out of her concentration.

Twilight gave her a soft look, confused, before following Fluttershy's hoof, eyes widening at the sight.

A massive, three toed footprint. Well, not just one, a trail of them, the pads making distinct lines in the sand. It appeared so bird like, but much larger than any bird they had seen.

"Fluttershy, have you ever-"

"This is the first time I have ever seen something like this." Fluttershy answered, so curious and scared...and yet, so excited. Perhaps a new species? A new species to make friends with!

"Ah think you guys need to see this too." They looked up at Applejack to see the trees around her had been crushed or pushed out of the way.

Twilight studied the trees for a moment, grimacing, and spoke, "Has to be several tons to push these trees out of the way. Maybe a dragon?"

Fluttershy shivered a bit at the idea of a dragon, she may have conquered that fear, but the idea of a dragon rampaging throughout the forest made her shiver a bit.

"We should check on Zecora."

Spike stretched his wings out, on all fours as he flexed them out. Although he preferred walking on two legs, he seemed so panther like on four limbs, and if you asked a certain griffin and quite a few mares, it made him look rather...feral...and handsome.

Of course, they would never tell him unless he asked about it.

"Spike, dude, if you wanna flex in front of a lady, try to make sure she is single first."

"Up yours, Dashie."

Both wore a friendly smile, and despite the teasing and words, they were quite close friends. The drake stretched out while the mare rested on a cloud.

"So, what's the lesson this week?" Spike asked, making Rainbow Dash snicker loudly.

"Lesson? Okay then, today, we are going to try the dive and pull out of it into a glide." Rainbow Dash said, peering down at Spike. Spike squinted at her, before looking at his wings.

"You...want me to parachute using my wings at the end?" Spike asked her, making Rainbow Dash nod. "Isn't that the first step of flying? Gliding?"

"Sort of. I was watching animals like hawks recently and how they fly after stuff, and noticed they dive after stuff and pin it or grab it out of the air. I want you to do the same, but instead of slamming into something, I want you to grab an apple tied to a balloon." Rainbow Dash explained, pointing towards Scootaloo, who had volunteered to help them out today. "Scoots here has set it up."

"Well...okay, but are you sure we shouldn't practice flying and diving a little more first?" Spike asked her, before having his shoulder punched softly by the rainbow maned mare.

She said nothing, only giving him a reassuring smile. Spike mirrored that smile and gently fist...er...hoof bumped her. She moved her cloud out of the way and relaxed a bit, getting a good spot as Scootaloo set it up.

Spike jumped into the air and started flying into the air, his wings flapping together as he started to climb into the air, Scootaloo walking over and standing next to Rainbow Dash. The mares watched him climb into the air, before Scootaloo turned to Rainbow Dash.

"So, what are the odds he smacks into a tree?"

Rainbow Dash gave her a look, before looking back up at Spike who levelled out, humming softly. "3 to 1."

"THIS IS A REALLY BAD IDEA!" They faintly heard Spike, before Rainbow Dash turned to Scootaloo, giving a smirk.

"4 to 1."

Spike gave a soft huff, the cold air from above making his breath turn to steam. He shook his head as he peered down, his slitted pupils tightening as he stared down at the apple, trying to get a good distance.


Spikes head turned to the noise, his right ear frill twitching as he saw a tree roll down the hill...right...to them!

His brain reacted instantly and he started to dive towards Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, a nictitating membrane sliding over his eyes to protect them as he dove.

A pair of blue eyes watched from the treeline, eyes following Spike. The creature cocked its head and gave a low rumble, curious, before slowly poking its head out of a treeline.

One like him? No, it was different. New place, new thing, but thing seems...familiar. It would investigate...and be more careful, the trees in this land were not as sturdy as those in his own.

Rainbow Dash squinted as Spike dove towards...them? Why would he be diving towards them? That's the moment she heard a rumbling and branches snapping, making her look over her cloud.

A tree, barreling down towards them, Rainbow Dash herself would probably be fine. However, Scootaloo, who was currently starstruck by the purple and green blur racing towards them, was in the way and would be crushed.

She reacted without thinking, racing out of her cloud in an instance. A rainbow blur had hit Scootaloo, faster than she could process, and both she and Rainbow Dash were sent to the side.

It was too late, the tree was already upon them, and would crush them both in just a moment...had it not been for their purple savior.

In a blur, Spike had spread his wings out and reached out, his pupils slits as his wings caught air and slowed him down. He grasped both mares into his arms and kicked off of the ground with his powerful back legs, launching back into the air and soaring away from the tree. Half a second later, the tree slammed into where they once were and slowly skidded to a stop.

Scootaloo opened her eyes and stared up at Spike, who panted as the adrenaline wore off. He started to glide towards the ground, his wings folding around them like a bat, tumbling with his passengers, rolling a few times before he hit a tree with his back.

Spikes vision swam with dots and his back ached, his spines were stabbed into the tree behind him. He slowly pulled his spines out of the tree and lifted a wing, giving a sigh as he saw Rainbow Dash hugging Scootaloo.

"I take it the tree wasn't part of the lesson?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head and chuckled, before getting up, wiping some stray dirt off of Scootaloo's face, the young mare hugging RD so hard, the mare thought her bones would pop. Spike got up and winced, looking down at his arm and wiping some sharp rocks off of his scales. He flexed his wings and wiped some dirt off of them, and shaking off any debris off of himself.

"Well, nothing like saving lives to work up ones appetite." Rainbow Dash said, looking down at Scootaloo.

"Well, we could pop by Pinkies? To give Spike a treat for...saving our lives and junk."

"O-oh, you don't need to-"

"Spike, dude, shut your mouth, we're getting you a treat."


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"Rainbow Dash, seriously, why do we keep training near the trees? I mean, that one looked pretty badly eaten by termites, it's a miracle no one was hurt." Spike asked her, staring at the plate with a cupcake covered in gems.

"You're always going to come across obstacles while flying, including trees, pegasi, griffins, even other dragons! Gotta be prepared for anything! We just happened to get unlucky today." Rainbow Dash said, Scootaloo being too busy in her own cupcake (without gems, just sprinkles) to even talk.

"Unlucky?! You two almost died!"

"We didn't though." Rainbow Dash countered, stirring her sweet drink with a hoof. "Look, Spike, no one was seriously hurt, all you need is a shower and a good nights rest. I mean, you took the brunt of the impact and look at you! Barely even a bruise!"

"Still, it was too close."

"Spike, tie the knots out of your mane, me and Scoots here are fine! You saved us." Rainbow rested a hoof on Spikes clawed hand and gave him a reassuring smile. "You made sure no one else was hurt. We are all fine, and it's thanks to you...and that awesome move I taught you!"

Spike smiled and rolled his eyes, relenting, and took a bite out of his cupcake, crunching on the gems. Scootaloo put her own cupcake down, then scratched her chin with her hoof.

"It is weird though, that tree looked totally fine when we got there. Wasn't shaking in the wind, but it did look sort of dead." Scootaloo then looked at Rainbow Dash, perking an eyebrow, "Why didn't you invite Applejack? Afraid we might tease you two because you're dating?"

Spike chuckled a bit, though Rainbow Dash only gave a smirk, "Nah, said Twilight invited her on some sort of mission...not a friendship mission. Those dudes are up to something though."

"Yeah, Twilight said something gave her a bad feeling in the forest." Spike mentioned, both of the mares staring at the drake. He absentmindedly took a bite of his cupcake, then continued, "Twi seemed pretty shaken up by it too, but it's nothing they can't handle."

They sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company, before Spike scratched his chin a bit. Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow and started to lean in, making Spike hum softly.

"We...were training on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, and that is where Twilight felt a disturbance. You guys don't think..." He trailed off, worry etching over his features.

Rainbow Dash punched his shoulder playfully, drawing him out of his musings and rested an elbow on the dragon. "Spike, dude, calm it down. If Twi says they got it, then they got it!"

Spike hummed a bit, before staring out the window, appearing deep in thought. He then tapped his claws on the table, before looking around, "Where is Pinkie?"

"So, how are you going to tell the group about the plans the author has for them?" Cheese Sandwich asked, taking a bite out of...well, a cheese sandwich.

"I'm not gonna tell them, cuz it is really cool to see a dinosaur." She replied, eating some hay fries.

"Good point...couldn't somepony get hurt though?"

Pinkie swallowed, phrasing, and replied, "Possibly. Depends on how the author feels any given day. Anyway, he should get off his lazy plot and start writing the fun stuff."

Twilight scanned the ground, watching the prints. It was clearly a bird like animal, multiple tons, perhaps five or six? It was also pretty fast for its size, 25 to 30 miles just by power walking. Surely an endurance walker, no doubt.

"Twi, Ah have a bad feelin 'bout this." Applejack spoke to her, making Twilight pause. "Maybe we should find Zecora and get out of the forest."

Fluttershy was flittering above them, giving a hum of curiosity, poking her head into random trees and branches. "Twilight, something scared all the birds away."

"That's...bad, right?" Twilight asked, making Fluttershy glide down and landed next to them.

"Well, except for predatory birds like hawks and owls, birds don't tend to go silent when a predator or prey animal is around. Like cougars won't even make a bird go silent during a hunt, but this is...new." Fluttershy mumbled out to Twilight, making the alicorn stop and look at her.

Twilight blinked once, then twice, then thrice, before leaning in and asking, "Do...you think it is bad?"

Fluttershy looked around, humming softly in thought, before looking back at Twilight, saying, "Well, it isn't a dragon, at least...not a flying one, and we haven't seen smoke. It can't be a ursa major, the prints are too small and bird like. And it can't be the cockatrice because they just don't grow this big."

"Wait, gals." Applejack tried to interrupt, but Fluttershy and Twilight were far too into their conversation.

"Well, we haven't discovered all of the Everfree, perhaps it is a creature from deeper in the forest?"

"Maybe. I dunno, Twi, this is a pretty big animal. We should have heard about it by now."

"Maybe one if Discords pranks?"


"Couldn't be. He was with me when it happened, we were doing chores together."

A sharp whistle cut the conversation short, making both Twilight and Fluttershy jump and twirl to Applejack. They gave her a confused look, until she spoke, "Isn't this the way to Zecoras house?"

That made them look at each other, before taking off on a sprint, dedicated to find out if their friend was alright. However, far behind them, a rumbling could be heard.

It was on their scent. It was curious. They smelt...sweet? Yes, sweet. He kept walking forward, releasing another rumble.

They were tracking him? HIM? This was HIS territory, and they were...usurpers? Invaders? Threats? It did not matter on the specific wording, but he pressed on, following them.

Spike hummed as he stared at the tree. He had made up some excuse about forgetting to do paperwork while the kids were on holiday break, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo didn't question it, allowing him to go back to the tree.

He leant down on all fours, moving almost exactly how a tiger moves in its enclosure. He stalked around, staring at the tree, before tracing his hand against it. Something moved it. Not the wind, and definitely not its own weight.

He moved it a bit, noticing a large part of the bark had been rubbed down, quite thoroughly. The thing scratched itself? He noticed the feather and gave a curious hum, leaning down and inspecting it.

A griffin? Maybe they scratched themselves on the tree (like he does sometimes), knocked it over, and got embarrassed and ran? No, no, no. Griffins were strong, but not this strong. It was definitely a feather though, not fur, so it couldn't have been a bear.

Spike sniffed the tree, before reeling back, scrunching his nose. Meat. Whatever this thing is, it was definitely a meat eater. Spike stood on his two legs again and started walking up the hill, careful not to trip in the gouges the tree left in its tumble.

He got to the top of the hill and sniffed the air. The scent was faint, but it absolutely the same animal. A deep, primal pit in Spikes brain shot a spike of fear throughout his system, though he didn't know why. It screamed at him to turn away, the pit pulls at his brain to try and scamper away from this things territory.

He pressed on, however, and walked into the trees, sniffing the air. He almost looked like a dog, sniffing the air, pushing his nose to the ground, padding around. That is, until he stopped, and smelt something he would never forget.


Spike slowed down, straining his ear fins to try and hear something, anything, that would help him. Just water, water...dripping? Yes, it was dripping.

Spike continued walking on all fours, before standing up, stopping in his tracks. He saw it...a blood splatter on the ground. His heart raced as he ran forwards, praying to Celestia, Luna, anyone.

Don't be Twilight don't be Twilight don't be Twilight don't be Twilight!

As he jumped into the clearing with a massive tree in the middle, his heart both sank and jumped for joy.

For one thing, he was happy it was not Twilight, bleeding, dead or dying in the middle of the forest. However, what he did see did not fill him with any confidence.

A bear. A dead bear. A dead bear hanging in the branches. Its back and chest had been crushed in by a powerful force, and the position in the tree definitely suggested it was placed there after death. It also seemed that whatever had attacked it had done so by surprise, as the bear had no blood or feathers on its claws.

Man, Spike needed to stop reading so many detective comics.

He backed away as he heard a branch snap and decided that right here was the last place he should be. He got on all fours and started running back the direction he cane, not noticing the large, three toed footprint he nearly tripped in.


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The trio of mares had walked deeper into the Everfree, trying to find their zebra friend. A few trees were knocked over in the path, as it seemed the creature they were inspecting the prints of was dazed and confused, trying to find its way out.

"We're almost there, girls. Hopefully Zecora is okay."

That is the moment Fluttershy let out a bloodcurdling scream, making both Twilight and Applejack jump. They turned, giving her a shocked look, before following her eyes. Twilight turned white as she saw what was hanging in a tree, Fluttershy had backed away and tried not to puke at the sight, tears streaming down her face, and Applejack gave a grossed out expression.

Impaled on the thick branches was the lifeless carcass of a moose. Its intestines had been hanging down the branches and its blood was dripping down. The kill looked recent, judging by the lack of scavengers and blood dripping from it.

The antlers had been snapped off and its head was crushed, along with its neck. One of its legs had been severely injured, nearly torn off in the scuffle, having deep stab wounds from the creatures teeth in it.

Twilight turned to Fluttershy, covering her eyes and moved them faster, "Did you recognize him?"

"Y-yes, that was Barney. He-he was so nice! Always brought flowers when the other animals got sick..." Fluttershy said through sobs, though the sounds of branches cut her sadness in half.

They hurried along as a quicker pace, before a roar echoed out behind them, a throaty hiss and warble ending at the end. Twilight tugged along Applejack and Fluttershy, panting a bit.

"We have to get to Zecora! Now!" She shouted behind them, when another roar echoed out. The sounds of bones snapping was quickly left behind as the creature tugged Barney off of the branches, eating meaty carcass.

Once it was done, it sniffed the air and gave a throaty hiss, huffing loudly. It had been here before, and they were trespassing on his territory. He roared a challenge and started walking after them, his tail slapping a tree and knocking it over.

Unknown to the predator, it was being watched by blue eyes in the treeline. The new entity scratched her chin with a hoof, before quickly disappearing into the darkness. She would need to help.

Spike froze when he heard a roar from deeper in the forest. Spike had just walked out of the treeline when he heard it. Again, that deep pit in Spikes brain told him to run, as far and as fast as he could.

It was the same part of his brain that told him he needed to hunt sometimes, though it was satisfied with the gems he caught instead of...living things. And right now, it was screaming at him to run, as a larger predator had staked its claim to this area.

However, his thought process was interrupted when he tripped into something wet. He lifted his foot and gave a confused look at the sight of the muddy puddle he stepped in. Only, it wasn't exactly a normal puddle

A large, three toed footprint mirrored Spikes on foot. It was pressed into the mud of what was once a puddle, the claws clearly visible, and the toes splayed out to support the animals weight. Spike inspected the footprint, before another roar rang out.

"I...better tell Rainbow Dash to get everypony inside." Spike mumbled to himself, walking away, his tail slowly rising off the ground.

That was the exact moment Rainbow Dash bolted in, smashing into Spike by accident, the two tumbling down in a mess of limbs. Scootaloo skidded to a stop a few seconds after, giving a giggle at the display.

One both were up on their feet, Rainbow Dash glared accusingly, "You said you had paperwork to finish!"

"I didn't want you to chase me and try and stop me! Wait...why are you here?" Spike pointed back, his eyes hardening a bit, staring at them suspiciously.

Rainbow Dash brushed some dirt off of herself, giving a slight sigh. "I thought...the tree might have been pushed instead of naturally falling over."

"Actually, she said she wanted to check out the tree so she could carve her name into it." Scootaloo said, before shrinking a bit when Rainbow Dash shot her a look. "We heard the roar and got a bit distracted, but I was worried the tree was pushed over by something and told Dash a bit ago."

"Well, you heard the roaring, I should tell you the rest." Spike said as he started walking to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo giving each other looks.

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air and floated alongside Spike, Scootaloo trotting next to the dragon. They walked in silence for approximately 25 seconds, (though to Rainbow Dashes internal clock, at least seven hours went by), before the rainbow haired mare peered at Spike, asking, "What did you see?"

"The tree was definitely pushed by something big and heavy." Spike said, his eyes staring ahead, the slitted pupils of his emerald eyes scanning the town, as if to try and spot any imperfections. "It was worn down, seems like whatever it was was scratching itself."

"Was it a bear?" Scootaloo asked, giving Spike an alarmed look.

"I thought it could be, but then there was a feather on the ground. It is too large to be pushed by a griffin, and I don't think a cockatrice has gotten enar Ponyville since...well, Fluttershy." Spike then looked at Scootaloo, temporarily forgetting Rainbow Dash was there. "I did find a bear...but...not like you think."

"Wait, hold on dude, you're telling me a bear didn't push it over, but you did find a bear? So, how do we know that the bear didn't knock the tree over and scare the bird?" Rainbow Dash interrupted, making Spike give her a worried, and somewhat fearful glance.

"The bear was dead." That stopped the two mares, the drake slowing down a bit to stopping, five feet away. "It was strung up in the tree branches. Crushed by something strong. Whatever pushed the tree decided that a full grown bear is a good food item and is saving it for later."

They stood in silence for a few moments, before Spikes step quickened, "Rainbow Dash, you should warn ponies and meet us back at the castle. Scootaloo, you and I should try and find Pinkie Pie and Rarity."

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment, before opening her mouth, "Spike, you better make sure Scoots gets home safe after." Spike gave her a smile, which made Rainbow Dash zip off.

"Soooooo..." Scootaloo started, she and Spike walking towards the town. "How are we gonna start this off?"

"Well, as far as I know, Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich are on a date and...Rarity is doing something at her shop. Let's go see Rarity first."

"Yup, a good plan...so, Sweetie Belle was wondering if you were seeing anyp-" Scootaloos words died in her throat as Spike shot her an incredulous look.

"You think that you should talk about this? Right now?"

"...Not really, no."

"Good answer."

Twilight and Applejack dodged under a tree, Fluttershy flying ahead of them. A few moments later, they heard the tree snap and a bone shaking roar echoing out. Twilight looked around, peering for anything.

They couldn't lead this thing to Zecora, but they couldn't outlast the beast, it was keeping pace and Twilights legs were burning, Applejack showed no sign of tiring, other than the heavy panting coming from her, and Fluttershy was using all of her strength to not just speed out of there.

Twilight looked left and right, panicking a bit, before spotting it; a bramble patch! She used her magic to catch the other mares attention and veered off towards it, the creature behind them stunned by the glow of the mares horn.

The beast slammed into a tree as it turned, giving a loud call of pain, before shaking its head. It rumbled softly as it sniffed the air. It walked towards the bramble patch, sniffing into the vines, careful not to hurt its snout. It peered inside with its blue eyes, growling, before huffing loudly and walking around the brambles.

What it had not seen was the trio veering to the left, behind a dead tree, watching as the animal investigated the brambles. The creature walked over to the tree they were hiding behind, its shadow casting across the trees and it rumbled, its jaws opening a bit to show its teeth, strong enough to puncture into bone, hovering right over Fluttershy's head.

Fluttershy clamped her hooves over her mouth, stopping herself from screaming, and Applejack held the stetson over her face, trying to hide it. Twilight was thinking of ways to escape, dozens of ways ending with their brutal deaths and not many good options.

It snapped its powerful jaws shut, shaking its head, before walking away, having not detected the mares. Twilight, having thought of an idea, opened her mouth, before something tapped her leg.

She made to scream, only for a hoof to cover her mouth, Applejack and Fluttershy jumping, Fluttershy only giving a whimper as she twirled to look.

Their worries and fears melted when they realized it was Zecora, her hoof covering Twilights mouth. She made a motion to her lips with her free hoof, a universal shush sign, before jerking her head the direction of her house. The trio nodded wordlessly and started walking with her, finally having a safe refuge to fall back to.


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Knock knock knock.

Spike waited a moment, his tail waving around anxiously, before knocking on the door thrice more. "Rarity! Come on, element of generosity! Grace us with your presence!" He called out, Scootaloo rolling her eyes.

"Could just barge the door in."

Spike stared at her, giving her a soft glare, which made Scootaloo roll her eyes. Spike knocked once again, huffing loudly, snorting some smoke out of his nostrils. "Barge the door in? We aren't savages."

"If you knock any harder, you might break it in anyway." Scootaloo mumbled out, making Spike glare at her again. "What? Just sayin'!"

"Are you acting like this cuz we are in a panicky situation or because you like pushing my buttons?"

"Bit of both." Scootaloo answered honestly, stretching out a bit. "Now, hurry up and get your girlfriend out here, Spike."

"We are not dating." Spike grumbled out, ignoring the look from Scootaloo. "Tartarus, I don't even have a crush on her anymore."

"Then it should be no problem to get her out."

Spike raised his fist to knock again, before it opened, a slightly annoyed Rarity poking her head out. Spike panicked and stopped his fist, drawing his hands up and jumping back in a dodging move, lifting one leg in fright. He wiped his chest, standing normally, and glared at Scootaloo, who was snickering loudly behind him.

"Spike, darling, a mare needs some time off from her dresses. And as much as I love gem hunting with you, I really want to train the others." Rarity gave him a soft look, in which a younger Spike would have melted at the sight of her beautiful eyes and soft, posh voice.

Instead, this Spike raised his hand to stop her and shook his head, speaking, "No, this is an emergency. Twilight might be in trouble...well, the whole town might be in trouble."

Rarity dropped whatever she was holding behind her, (Spike just now having noticed her horn was aglow during this conversation), and asked, "How big of an emergency."

It was at this moment that a roar echoed out of the forest, the birds flying off in different directions. Her cat shrieked inside and ran to hide under something, the normally prim and proper cat not caring about its looks as it scrunched up.

"Pretty big." Scootaloo said, her wings fluttering in anxiety.

"Very well." Rarity gave a determined look and a confident smile, closing the door behind her. "Let us go then!"

She walked past Spike, the drake giving a soft smile, before chuckling. "Uh...Rares."

"Yes, Spikey-wikey?"

"You forgot to put the "closed" sign up...and you didn't lock your door."


Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack found theirs heads bouncing back and forth as Zecora searched through her vials, potions, knick knacks and whatchamacallits. Twilight opened her mouth a few times, trying to speak, though words failed her.

Applejack, however, had no issues starting, "Zecora, we are so happy you're safe!"

Zecora stopped through her search, only to smile at the trio, turning with a potion in hoof, "It is good to see you my friends. I had feared you had met your collective ends."

The zebra had always rhymed, though the trio didn't seem to mind it. Fluttershy then asked her, "Zecora, how have you stayed safe? We saw Barney and...and..." She couldn't finished her sentence, tears flowing from her eyes as she silently wept for her fallen friend.

"We had feared you suffered the same fate." Twilight finished, pulling Fluttershy into a comforting, and much needed, hug, the timid mare giving her a sad smile in response. "We were worried you might have been hurt."

"Ah, such a heartwarming thought. I am glad your journey had not ended in naught." Zecora spoke as she tipped the potion into the massive cauldron in the middle of the room, adding it into the bubbling concoction. "Although, I too had fear, I had to plan your rescue by ear."

"That reminds me, Zecora, have you ever seen an animal like this before?"

Zecora thought for a moment, before shaking her head, "I have never seen such a beast. It seems to me that it rather enjoys a feast. This one is not a foe that you can quell...but you can overwhelm its sense of smell."

"A completely new animal? Wait...sense of smell?' Twilight peered at Zecoras brew curiously, before wrinkling her nose in disgust when she caught a whiff of it. "Oh, sweet Celestia, what is that smell?"

"Wait...Shy, ya heard that thing sniffin in the forest, right?" Applejack asked, making Fluttershy nod. "Maybe it uses its nose ta hunt stuff? Kinda like when Winona catches a smell of somethin she likes and follows it around for awhile!"

"Yeah...with something that smells that awful, we could keep it away from Ponyville." Twilight scratched her chin, before Zecora sat next to them.

"I am afraid it will take some time for this brew...perhaps you can find something to do?" Zecora said, before a roar echoed out through the forest, all the mares turning towards it.

"Wait..." Fluttershy spoke, dread creeping into her voice, before she continued, "Ponyville is that direction."

"You don't think..."

"Ah do think. Knowin our luck, that thing is heading straight for town!" Applejack jumped up and went to open the door, before looking back at them. "Well, Ah can buy some time while Zecora makes her stink bombs! Give it something to hunt!"

Twilight stood up, then trotted over to Applejack, giving her a smirk, "Then I can double that time. Fluttershy, you stay with Zecora and fly us the finished concoction when she is done."

Fluttershy gave a terrified look, then asked, "Wait, what? What do you want me to do? I don't want you girls to get hurt, but that thing is so...frightening, what if I freeze up? What if I drop it? What if I-"

"Fluttershy." Twilight cut the shy mare's words off, before giving said pegasus a soft, reassuring smile. "I have faith in you."

That phrase cut down all of Fluttershy's fears and left a swelling feeling of warmth and determination. "I'll do my best, Twilight."

With that, Zecora and Fluttershy would stay behind as Applejack and Twilight would run for town and distract the beast. Said beast, who was moving closer and closer to Ponyville, following his nose of the three invaders. Perhaps he could destroy their nest and force them to stop coming to his territory.

Spike walked towards the outskirts of town, his tongue flicking out for a moment to taste the air. His spines straightened up in fright as he caught a familiar scent of the predatory creature. He kept moving though, Rarity following behind, looking at the back of Spikes head.

"So, Spikey-wikey...seeing anypony at the moment." Rarity asked curiously, Spike stopping mid step and giving her a glance over his shoulder. "Apologies, just trying to break the mood."

"What mood? We're trying to find Pinkie and meet Dashie at the castle once we are done. There is no mood." Spike said as he continued walking, his tail waving to and fro lazily as he walked.

"Well, when you were younger, I could barely get anywhere without you hopping along with me. Now, you seem...distant."

"Well, I grew up. Decided you needed space. Realized that you weren't the mare for me." Spike spoke, before stopping for a moment. Did he hear a scream? No, no, he must be imagining things. "Besides, we both know I wouldn't be the one for you."

"Still...you seem like you are upset with me." Rarity spoke with such concern that it made Spike pause.

He sighed softly, before crossing his arms, giving her a soft look. "I am not upset with you. I just...didn't think you'd want me around as much."

"Oh, Spike, I-"

That is when Spike stopped and looked over to see a picnic blanket set out under a tree, cutting Rarity off by making her bump into his back. He barely moved and started walking towards the blanket, seeing two ponies lying on it.

"Welp, here come your friends." Cheese Sandwich said as he spotted Spike, Pinkie stretching and sitting up a bit.

"Yeah, it's a shame they had to cut our nice day short. Same time next week, Cheese?"

"Of course, Pie!"

Spike blinked as Pinkie stood up and stretched out, popping her back and giving a happy hum. She then shook herself and walked over to Spike, speaking, "Hey, Spike! Ready for the fight with a dinosaur?"

"Dinosaur? What dinosaur?" Spikes eyes narrowed suspiciously, before a roar echoed out from the town, along with a scream that broke after it.

"That one!"


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Spike ran on all fours, almost looking like a cheetah with his leg movements, springing forward towards the commotion. Pinkie Pie and Rarity had trouble keeping up, shouting after him in alarm. He skidded to a stop, his wings tucked against his back as he looked around, taking in all of the carnage.

"Spike! You may have forgotten, but us mares can't run as fast as...you..." Rarity was patting her mare, searching for any imperfections when her words were stopped by the scene in front of them.

The street had been absolutely thrashed, light poles bent and smashed, some shops had been crushed in, windows shattered, and three toed footprints were littered across the ground. Some market stalls had been torn apart, though, luckily, there was no bodies and blood, meaning that Spikes plan had worked.

Rainbow Dash sped through, before turning on a dime and landing next to them, looking around the ruined square. "Well, we were planning on meeting at the castle, but I think here is a good place."

"Spike, it looks like your birthday that one time! Remember, you turned into a giant Godzilla monster and destroyed the town." Pinkie recounted, before withering at the memory when a hurt look took over Spikes features.

"Spike." Rarity called out, breaking Spikes train of thought. "What is the plan, exactly?"

"I...actually hadn't thought that far ahead." Spike mumbled out, before a throaty rumble echoed out down the street.

Another scream echoed out as a grey mare rounded the corner, before speaking in a language Spike did not understand, "I left Japony to get away from this!" And that is when the beast rounded the corner.

It was colored in brownish red color tones, perfect for a desert life style. Its jaws opened to show off its teeth as it gave a throaty hiss and rumble mixture, showing off teeth perfect for crushing bones, and even metal. Its throat had a gular pouch, colored a brownish red, and its eyes had keratinous growths on them.

Its smallish (though very strong) arms, flexed a bit, the palms facing each other as it took another step. Although it had three toes touching the ground, it technically had four toes, as the fourth toe had turned into a dewclaw.

This animals name is Tarbosaurus bataar. Of course, bataar is a misspelling, as the last name should be "баатар" or "baatar", which meant hero. A smaller relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, around 10 feet tall and 34 feet in length, and with jaws built to handle insane pressures and its strong bite.

Of course, this beast was neither hero nor villain at this particular moment, just a really smart animal.

Its blue eyes scanned the street, before landing upon Spike, the feathers on its neck, head, and back moving a bit, as if it had hackles to raise. It twirled its head curiously as it spotted Rainbow Dash as well, cocking its head as if were a curious puppy, slowly walking towards the group.

Spikes wing extended as the group took a step back, the Tarbosaurus' eyes training back onto Spike. It rumbled loudly, the primal pit in Spikes brain telling him to back down and run.

Of course, Pinkie Pie hopped over to the Tarbosaurus, the tyrannosaurid peering down at her. "Hiya! Welcome to Ponyville! I am Pinkie Pie and I-WOAH!"

Spike tackled her out of the way as the beast bit down on where she used to be, catching nothing but air. It raised its head and roared, a throaty rumble ending as it walked forward, eyes trained on Spike.

It roared, angry, then started to do a fast paced walk towards them, Spike pushing Pinkie and yelling out a command to run. Another rush of air told Spike he had narrowly missed another bite, the Tarbosaurus letting out a roar of anger.

He grasped onto Pinkie and Rarity, ignoring their yelps and jumped into the side alley, narrowly dodging a bite aimed at them. Rainbow Dash, having flown above the creature, threw a rock at its head, catching its attention.

"COME ON, YA BIG STUPID LIZARD!" She called out, drawing the dinosaurs attention. "YEAH! TALKIN TO YOU, YA BIG DRAGON REJECT!"

That is when she saw the Tarbosaurus' eyes narrow at her, glaring at her. He looked left and right, making Rainbow Dash smirk, until she saw it snap its powerful jaws onto a lamp. It took a moment before it wrenched the thing out of the ground.


It adjusted, before flinging its head with the lamp, throwing the metal at Rainbow Dash, who dodged it last second, giving a sound of disbelief. She turned to see the dinosaur looking around for something else to throw, making her disappear in a blur of rainbows.

The Tarbosaurus flicked his head back up with a cart in his mouth, only to be confused when she disappeared into some rainbow light. He returned his gaze to the alley, to see the purple creature had disappeared, along with the mares, and gave a huff of irritation. He started walking along, sniffing the air, rumbling softly.

Spike wiped some dirt off of Rarity's body, giving an apologetic look. "Sorry, if I could have warned you, I would have."

"Well, you saved our lives. I am sure I can deal with a dirty coat while you do that." Rarity gave him a genuine smile, only for Pinkie to pat Spikes back.

"Good job saving me too, Spikey!" Pinkie explained, making Spike glare at her. "What?"

"Why did you approach that thing?"

"I wanted to give it a Ponyville welcome!"

"You wanted to give...what amounts to a building sized carnivore...a party?" Spike rubbed the bridge of his snout, feeling a headache come on.

"Well, yes, but-"

"Pinkie, darling, perhaps we shouldn't invite the dragon to eat cake until it explains itself?" Rarity mumbled out, making Pinkie rub her chin in thought.

"It isn't a dragon." Spike spoke as Rainbow Dash zoomed into the room, panting a bit. "Whatever that thing is...it's dangerous."

"Sorry, I had to lose that thing. So...why are we hiding in the Cakes shop? Isn't there a window right there?"

"It was the closest hiding place I could think of!" Pinkie exclaimed while Spike scratched his cheek, humming in thought.

That was the moment the Tarbosaurus walked by the shops window. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash gasped, and Rarity opened her mouth to scold them. Spikes hand grabbed her mouth and forced her head to the front of the store, ignoring her half a second glare, before her eyes widened.

The creature stopped mid pace and gave a soft rumble. Although the trio of mares couldn't hear it, Spike could. He felt it through the pads of his feet, and whispered to the others, "I think he knows where we are..."

"How can you tell?" Rainbow Dash whispered back, only for the Tarbosaurus to lower its head and stare into the shop, its eyes piercing into them through the window.

It lifted its head up a bit and snorted onto the glass, fogging it up with his breath, giving a curious throat rumble. He spotted Spike and roared at the glass, the walls muffling the roar. It cocked its head, before its head snapped to the right, giving a soundless hiss, before walking off, roaring loudly.

Spike removed his hand from Rarity's mouth and all four sighed, before they heard a familiar yelling outside. Spike slowly walked over, his three toe claws clicking on the ground.

"Spikey, don't!"

"I have to make sure." Spike responded, trying to stop Rarity's fears from rising any further, though his own primal feelings told him to stay with the others. He poked his head out, before suddenly tugging the door open and running outside.

"Spike!" Rainbow Dash called out, before speeding out after him. Rarity and Pinkie were close behind, worry etched on their faces.

Twilight trotted down the street, giving a grimace as she saw destruction. Luckily, no one had been injured, but she could tell that whatever wrecked the street had been very upset. She noticed the three toed footprints on the ground and gave a soft noise of apprehension.

"Don't you worry none, Twi." Applejack spoke, making Twilight stand up. "It'll work."

"I know it will. Just worried about the others." Twilight sighed softly and stared at the street. "We should find this thing."

"Well, knowin them...we should follow tha chaos until we bump into one of 'em."

"The animal or the others?"

"Do ya really need to ask that?" Applejack gave her a deadpan look, making them both giggle.

That was when their mirth had been interrupted by a dash of rainbow light and a broadcasting roar echoing out. The two mares nodded.to each other and started running, galloping towards the noise.

They ignored the random pony or griffon peeking their heads out and galloped past them. Applejack stopped, giving giving a look around the carnage. "Uh...Twi, wasn't there a streetlight here?" Applejack asked, turning to Twilight, who was busy staring up. Applejack followed her gaze and gained a concerned look when she spotted the streetlamp...buried into the side of a business. "Oh."

They heard another roar, making them both jump. It was far louder than before, Twilight giving a soft gasp as she realized where they were. "That's the same direction as Sugarcube Corner!" Her horn lit up, making Applejack blink in surprise.

In a flash, they disappeared and rematerialized in near the sugar shop, just down the street from it. And the sight made Applejack and Twilights hearts drop, staring at the massive beast. The Tarbosaurus male was staring deep into the shop, its gular pouch vibrating a bit as it gave a rumbling growl.

"HEY!" Twilights voice boomed out, making Applejack jump, the noise catching the Tarbosaurus' attention. Its eyes narrowed, and, in the daylight instead of the darkness in the forest, she was able to see long scars tracing down its side, and scars on its snout from being bitten in an intraspecific event. She even noticed the feathers on its head, neck, and back, though it was thin instead of the shaggy feathers of a flightless bird, perfect for the desert heat of its home.

It cocked its head, then glared, having recognized Twilight and Applejack, its blue eyes narrowing at them. It took a step towards them and gave a loud hiss.



"What was the plan for when we met this thing?"

"Distract it."

"Right...and...how do ya reckon we do that?"

"I...didn't plan that far ahead."

"So...we should probably run, right?"

It started walking towards them, releasing a bellowing roar from its chest, challenging the alicorn and earth pony mares.



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Applejack jumped to the side, the Tarbosaurus' jaws snapping just inches near her face. She skipped backwards, cursing under her breath as Twilight flashed her horn, dragging the earth pony back as its jaws snapped where she was again, narrowly missing her.

The theropod roared angrily, the noise shaking their very bones as it walked after them. "THA ONE TIME YA FORGET YA DANG ROPE!" Applejack yelled to herself, Twilight giving a squeak as it bit behind them.

"Do you think right now is the best-" She ducked down as she heard the sheering of metal, a lamp being tossed where she was a moment ago, smashing into the ground and careening into a shop. An angry roar followed and Twilight dared to look back, continuing, "is the best time to berate yourself?"

"Well, I might not get 'nother chance ta do so!" Applejack slid into Twilight, pushing them both into an alley. The creature smashed into the side of one of the buildings and roared in anger, trying to follow them. It snapped its jaws as it got stuck between the buildings, its arms held at its sides, glaring down at them.

He glared at them, a nictitating membrane sliding across his eyes, making Applejack shiver. "That is just plain creepy."

"Spike does the same thing."

The Tarbosaurus moved its head between the two, staring them down, before slowly back up and pulling itself out of the alleyway, rumbling loudly. It then roared at them, before backing away and walking to the right, its tail slapping the aide of a building, smashing a window in.

"He just walked away?" Twilight asked herself, slowly moving forward. She scrambled back when a small tree slammed into the alleyway.

"This thing is relentless!" Applejack gritted out as she backed up into a fence, the branches of the tree pushing closer to them.

"Tool use without hands! That is amazing!" Twilight squeaked out, before the tree was pushed further, cornering them.

"Uh, Twi...could ya stop studying this thing and GET US OUTTA HERE?!"

"Oh...right." Twilights horn lit up, the predators round pupils growing in size as it was curious, before the two mares were blipped out of view.

The Tarbosaurus walked back, giving a confused rumble, dropping the tree from its jaws. His prey was here, but now it wasn't? This world confused him so much. He was about to continue the search when Spike rounded the corner, catching the multiton predators eyes.

Spike stopped, his eyes turning to pinpricks as he watched the Tarbosaurus turn its head his direction. It rumbled to him, slowly walking forward, twitching its head to and fro. Spike just stood still as the tyrannosaurid approached, sniffing the air.

However, the primal part of Spikes brain stop sending the run signal, the drake calming a bit as the Tarbosaurus took another step towards him. The Tarbosaurus raised its head, showing off its bright red throat and gular pouch, giving off an ultrasonic boom.

A sign of kinship, perhaps? Or maybe it was trying to communicate with him? Spike backed up, making the Tarbosaurus lower its head, cocking its head curiously. Spike mirrored the movement, before the Tarbosaurus' membranes slid across its eyes, making Spike do the same.

It took another step when Rarity, Pinkie, and Dash rounded the corner, making the feathers on its neck puff out, a threatening hiss echoing out from its throat. Spike held his arm out, the Tarbosaurus' head flicking back to Spike, rumbling louder than before.

"Nopony. Move. A muscle. I saw this in a movie once, it's eyesight based on movement." Pinkie Pie mumbled out. That was when it walked forward and roared at them, making Pinkie Pies mane fly into Rainbow Dashes face, the athlete sputtering loudly. "Of course, not everything on TV is true...RUN!"

Twilight rubbed her head as she saw the others run from the beast, it roaring in anger, chasing after them. She turned to Applejack and sighed, speaking, "I don't know how to distract this thing without one of us being hurt."

"Well...we've seen that thing in action...any weaknesses so far?" Applejack asked Twilight, who was currently resting her chin in her hoof.

"Well, we know its strengths. Jaws strong enough to crush metal. Insane eyesight. Sense of smell far better than anything I have ever seen. It is smart too, bulky..."

"I said weaknesses, not strengths, Twi!"

"Well...it has tiny arms? It isn't really fast...well, we can outrun it for awhile, it seems to be an endurance predator...it doesn't...IT DOESN'T HAVE MAGIC!" Twilight gasped and smiled, turning to Applejack, "Did you notice how it reacted when it saw my magic!"

"Well, there was a tree in mah face, I didn't get a good look at it." Applejack said, giving Twilight a deadpan look.

"I have an idea! We can distract it until Fluttershy gets here!"


"Simple! I use magic!"

Spike panted as he grasped his thighs, his wings tucked against his back. Of course, he could FLY out of danger, but that would have left the others to the Tarbosaurus' clutches. That was something he refused to do.

"So, any ideas?" Rainbow Dash asked, before glancing at the alleyway entrance, the Tarbosaurus' body silhouetted in the light of the alleyway. Pinkie raised her hoof, making Dash roll her eyes, saying, "On that does not involve a surprise party?" Pinkie hoof lowered and she scratched her chin, humming loudly, giving a glance at the Tarbosaurus, currently at the mouth of the alleyway.

He was sitting there, staring into the alleyway, watching them like a hawk. Seeing them turn to him made the tyrannosaurid glare at them, rumbling as a challenge. When they turned back, he only huffed out of his snout, lifting his head a bit and looking at the walls of the alleyway they had scampered into. He could just smash throu the buildings, but he could injure itself doing so, and he couldn't afford an injury right now.

"Well, perhaps we could...I don't know...distract it?" Spike offered, making the group turn to him. "It doesn't have magic, could just use magic to levitate something and catch its attention, sneak out and regroup with Twilight?"

Rarity's horn lit up for a moment, making the Tarbosaurus stare at her, its eyes widening. Spike watched curiously, before it gave a surprised hiss and looked out of their vision. It backed up, giving a confused roar at the object, a few rocks in blue hues and a lamp float towards the Tarbosaurus, pushing it back, making the tyrannosaurid give a fearful hiss. The group scampered out of the alleyway, ignoring the tyrants roars, whipping his tail around a bit as the floating objects drew closer and closer. Of course, when they flung themselves at the creature, it reared back, preparing to take the hit...only for the objects to bounce uselessly off of its face and chest.

A bead of silence. Then a roar of anger.

The Tarbosaurus was ready to give charge, the group scrambling for cover again. He roared and put his big foot in front of the alley, cornering them, his jaws opening as he delivered an angry rumble. Spike put his arms over the mares, stepping in front and giving a growl of his own, the Tarbosaurus taken back.

The hatchling was protecting the mammals? And staring down HIM? A small swell of something grew from the Tarbosaurus' chest. Was it...respect? Respect, yes. However, the mammals stepped into his domain and tried to take HIS kills, they needed to be punished.

A bright light shone behind the Tarbosaurus, making it look up. Its round pupils grew in size, seeing a bright, purple light arching over the sky. The Tarbosaurus gave a throaty rumble of curiosity, walking towards the light like a moth drawn to the flame.

"Twilight?" Spike called out, the alicorn mare using her magic to have a light arc through the air. The Tarbosaurus gave a curious rumble, before it looked at Twilight, seeing her horn alight.

She then moved her head back and forth, her horn growing brighter, the tyrannosaurs head following her horn. She then shot a light down the road, the Tarbosaurus walking after it, giving a curious rumble as it followed.

"See, I told you it would work!" Twilight exclaimed, the Tarbosaurus cocking its head like a curious puppy. She squeaked when Pinkie slammed into her with a hug.


"Pinkie, darling, perhaps we should wait until after we make sure the area is safe before we celebrate?"

"Twi, do you know what that thing is?" Rainbow Dash asked, standing next to Applejack, the farm pony giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, the rainbow maned mare giving a bright blush.

"Where is Fluttershy, is she alright?" Spike asked, the group crowding around her. They stopped when the massive carnivore roared as the light dimmed, though he was still chasing it, his eyes tracking its every move.

"Girls, Spike, we have a plan."


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"Twi, this is an awful idea."

"RD, it'll work."

"I dunno, Twi, playin tag with a dragon ain't my idea of fun."

"It isn't a dragon."

"Spike, if it walks like a dragon, roars like a dragon, destroys towns like a dragon..."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Spike, you did destroy the town on your birthday."

"Can we get back on topic here? Pinkie, you have a question?"

"When do we get to offer him a cake?"

"Pinke, now ain't exactly the time to ask that."

"Okay, everypony...and dragon, ready?"






The Tarbosaurus rumbled as he followed the light, stopping when it stopped, and following when it went. It twirled around in the air, before a loud sound caught the Tarbosaurus' attention. He rumbled loudly as he stared at the mares, currently stepping over a fallen trashcan, his eyes narrowing at them.

"Hey, AJ?" Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack, the mare turning to her marefriend.


"Remind me to smack the shit out of Twilight when this is over."

"You'll have ta get in line...also, language."

The Tarbosaurus hissed and walked over to the two, snapping his jaws where Rainbow Dash was, a streak of rainbow shooting past his head. The Tyrant roared and snapped into the air, twirling around, Applejack having to duck down to avoid being bowled over by his tail.

Rainbow Dash raced around the corner, before poking her head back, the mare giving a raspberry. Her eyes shrank, before she ducked out of the way, a wagon smashing against the wall. She poked her head around, spotting Applejack, and gave a nod.

Applejack nodded back, before picking up the lid to the trashcan, tossing it at the tyrannosaurid, the Tarbosaurus turned to her, roaring in anger. She gulped loudly, before yelling out, "I HATE THIS PLAN!" She scrambled out of the way, the Tarbo snapping after her.

She ducked under his jaws, feeling its hot breath on her back. She jumped over a stall, the Tarbosaurus just smashing into it, the tarp on top covering his face. He roared in confusion, Applejack giving a high hoof to Pinkie Pie, who hopped on in. The Tarbosaurus shook his head, roaring in anger, throwing the tarp off with a shake of his head.

The Tarbosaurus watched the pink mare and gave a confused rumble. He looked around, before walking over to the mare. Wasn't he chasing the orange one? It matters not, the little ones were scurrying everywhere, he would take the nest down!

She giggled as she hopped, the tyrannosaur following, sniffing the air and giving a loud, throaty rumble. She smelled like...sweets? Yeah, something sweet. He quirked his head to and fro as she reached into her fur, before pulling out a cupcake. The tyrant twisted its head to and fro, confused, before Pinkie spoke, "Cupcake?"

He roared in her face, his jaws snapping at her as she hopped back. He snapped again and again, before she hopped into an alleyway, the Tarbosaurus making to follow, before the top of a trashcan was thrown at his head. He growled angrily as he turned to Rainbow Dash, who blew a raspberry at him.

His eyes narrowed, moving one step towards her, jaws opening to release a roar. "Now!" He tried to move his foot, only to feel a tug. His roar turned into a surprised yelp, falling and hitting the ground.


He roared in pain, looking down to see the ponies and dragon had pulled the rope Twilight had conjured up, tripping him. Rainbow Dash floated down and smiled in front of the downed animal, it giving a rumble of pain, "Did I mention how much I loved this plan?"

Spike snorted and rolled his eyes, Applejack sighing softly, "No, sugar, ya did not."

"I don't know, Twilight. It may be a brute, but it didn't hurt anypony. I feel wrong just harming it like this." Rarity spoke, before turning to the Tarbosaurus, the animal catching its breath as it stared at them all with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure we are safe?"

"I wouldn't stand near it." Twilight called out from the other side of the street. The group looked at her, before looking at the five ton predator, speed walking over to her. "It has small arms and can't get up, but it still has jaws are strong enough to break metal."

"So, what will we do with it?" Spike asked as he turned to his older sister. She only sighed softly as looked at the group, musing.

"Well, we can't exactly run it outta town. Plus, it might hurt Zecora if we put it back in that Everfree." Applejack said, the Tarbosaurus adjusting onto its belly.

"We can't keep it here! What are we gonna do with it?!" Rainbow Dash hissed out, not noticing the tyrannosaur huffing loudly.

"Well, why don't we ask the princesses?" Pinkie asked, making the group turn to her. "We can't keep it here, at least not forever, and we can't set it loose. Besides...I wanna feed it a cupcake, and I can't do that if it's in a cage."

The Tarbosaurus took the moment to regain his breath, before pressing his small arms against the ground. He adjusted his legs, before using his small, but very powerful, arms to push his upper body up, the rest of his body following. He shook his body free of the dirt and rocks that rested in his feathers, before looking at the group. He walked over, his shadow stopping the convo as he loomed over them, giving a throaty hiss out as they looked at him.

"Uh...Twilight, I thought you said it couldn't get up because of its small arms."

"So...turns out, that things arms are small, but really powerful...we should-"

The tyrants head shot forward, jaws wide open, aimed straight for Twilight. She used her magic to snap its jaws shut, the Tarbosaurus giving a muffled roar in surprise and started shaking his head, tossing Twilight along. She screamed in surprise and fear, Applejack grabbing her tail in her teeth, being dragged along with her.

Rainbow Dash rushed forward, wrapping her hooves around AJ, her wings flapping uselessly as she tried to slow them down. Rarity gasped in surprise, before lighting her horn up, catching the Tarbosaurus' attention. He swung his head towards Rarity, using the trio of mares to smash into Spike and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie hung on to dear life, where as Spike was thrown, the teenaged dragon smashing into a stall.

"Spike!" Rarity yelled out, the drake slowly getting up, his emerald eyes spinning.

"Remind me to thank Twilight for a lovely outing..." Spike rumbled out, getting up. He hissed in pain and looked to his arm, a sharp rock jammed into his bicep, blood dripping down his arm and fingers. "Oh, that can't be good."

Smelling blood, the Tarbosaurus tore his eyes away from Rarity's light, then snorted as he spotted Spike. He opened his jaws and snapped Twilights magic, sending all four mares to the ground. He stepped over and snapped his jaws at Rarity, before slowing down in front of Spike. He leant down and peered at the drake, his jaws opening as Spike scooted back into the rubble, the tyrannosaurid giving a throaty rumble.

Something smashed into the pavement, drawing both Spike and the Tarbosaurus' attention. Spike sniffed the air, before reeling back, gagging loudly. The Tarbosaurus gave a loud groan, a hiss echoing out as he shook his head, roaring into the air.

Spike scrambled away, blood dripping onto the pavement, rubbing his nose and giving a hiss of his own. "Oh, buck me that is disgusting!" He grabbed his snout and spewed out a little fire to stop himself from vomiting.

The Tarbosaurus seemed to agree and pushed his snout into the dirt. Another smash, closer to the Tarbosaurus made the large tyrant veer away from the ponies, roaring in disgust and anger.
Fluttershy came into view, flittering down and giving Spike a worried look. She ran over, ignoring her friends faces and sat next to Spike.

"Oh dear, oh dear, I am so sorry Spike! Are you okay?" Fluttershy peered at the rock, adjusting it, before pulling it out from between Spikes scales. Spike hissed, Fluttershy offering soft apologies as she pulled some alcohol and wipes out, wiping away at his wound.

"My my, how you have grown, Spike. It was not
so long ago you were just a little tyke." Zecoras cool voice rhymed out as she trotted over to the injured drake. "Do not worry, young drake, you will not become its meal. Now, we shall trust Fluttershy to help you heal."

Spike smiled and lifted his arm, blood dripping from the misplaced scales in his arms, Fluttershy quickly cleaning it up. "Ow! That stings."

"Sorry, I have to clean it so it doesn't get infected...and don't worry, Rainbow Dash told me mares dig scars." Fluttershy mumbled up, making the young drake chuckle.

A loud roar echoed out behind them, interrupting the reunion, the Tarbosaurus turning and roaring at them. Zecora pulled another vial of the glowing pink liquid, Rarity giving a weird look at it.

"Even though that liquid smells atrocious, it is a rather lovely color." Rarity told Zecora, who quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Gals, focus." Twilight said as the Tarbosaurus shook his head and lurched towards them. Zecora readied the vial, then handed it to Twilight. Twilight took it in her magic and tossed the vial, smashing it on the ground, the Tarbosaurus skidding to a stop and giving a loud gag.

However, he just stepped over the stink spot, shaking his head as he continued. Another vial smashed, though this time, the Tarbosaurus did not even stop, continuing to build speed.

Applejack grasped Rainbow Dash and pulled her close, narrowly avoiding a cart that was kicked her direction. "Twi! This ain't workin!"

"I know, I know!" Twilight looked around, before spotting Spike. He sniffed the cleaning alcohol and made a face, his snout scrunching up at the smell. Fluttershy, despite the danger looming, giggled at his antics. If a lightbulb had appeared above Twilight and lit up, nopony would be surprised. "Zecora, hand me a vial!"

"Be careful princess Twilight, if you miss, we may not see the night."

"I won't." She pointed her horn towards the Tarbosaurus, lighting it. His eyes narrowed as his jawa opened, before the vial flung forward. It sailed through the air, before smashing in between the tyrants nostrils. He flung his head back, roaring in confusion and surprise, before smashing his snout into the dirty, trying to get rid of the horrid smell.

Spike crinkled his nose and made a gagging sound, the Tarbosaurus fairing far worse. He wretched and gagged, flinging his head to and fro. He roared and walked off, walking right over the group and down the road.

"Good job, everypony! It is heading to the forest!" Pinkie yelled out, the distant roar confirming her statement! "Aww, I forgot to feed him a cupcake..."

The Tarbosaurus huffed angrily and in disgust as it walked into the trees. He looked back, his gular pouch vibrating with a growl, staring back at the village called Ponyville. His eyes softened as he stared into the trees. More familiar territory. He will defend his home...though, he was curious about the purple one...

A loud, deep, throaty song echoed out from the forest, the Tarbosaurus perking up in recognition, before hissing out loud. He walked into the forest, smashing a branch with his tail, getting back into his territory.

The Pull

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Zecora watched the treeline from the safety of the castle, giving a soft sigh. She slowly walked back in, seeing the Elements of Harmony speak to each other, arguing with each other. Zecora turned to Spike, who was being fussed over by Fluttershy. She walked over, Spike spotting her and giving the zebra a smile.

"Hey, Zecora! How are-ffsss!" He hissed the last part out and looked at Fluttershy, who gave an apologetic smile. She applied the new gauze, making Spike sigh softly.

"I must thank you for inviting me to your home, though, I must admit, I much prefer my own." Zecora rhymed, smiling at the young drake. "I am sorry you had to experience that pain. Though, it is our safety you did attain."

"No problem, Zecora." Spike scratched the back of his neck, staring off to the side, smiling a bit. "You'd do the same for any of us."

Their conversation was interrupted as Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof down, glaring, "Why are we arguing about this thing? We should just put it into a hole until we can find out where it came from! Then, we can put it back!"

"We have no idea where it comes from! I would need days of research to even find out what it is! And it certainly won't be happy in a hole in the ground!" Twilight argued, rubbing the bridge of her nose with a hoof. "It's clearly carnivorous, what do you plan to feed it?"

"Fish." Fluttershy spoke, making the mares turn to her. "We could feed it fish. Plenty of room to walk around. Maybe even enrichment while we find out where it came from." She spoke, giving Spike a smile, before turning to the others.

Applejack blinked, before responding, "Fluttershy, I thought you loved animals."

"I do. Bears don't just eat plants though, they eat animals, like fish. Sometimes deer eat meat too, but that doesn't make them monsters. Just makes them animals." The group stared at the pink haired mare, Fluttershy trotting away from Spike, towards the group. "We could look at zoos, Twilight can use her magic to lift the creature into it, we can keep it there until we bring it home."

Spike took this moment to perk up, his feet pressing against the ground. Several booms ran through his feet and up to his inner ear, making his mind immediately scream at him to run. He stood up and walked over to the window, clenching his hurt arm a bit when the pain flared up. He stared out into the trees of the Everfree forest, his tree toed claws clenching against the ground as he heard...no, felt the rumbles through his toe pads.

He walked over to the door, not noticing Zecoras watching him, before he mumbled something about air and walked out of the room. Twilight took this moment to speak, not noticing Spikes departure, "Well, we would need to give it fresh water and give it a suitable place to sleep...this is also going to take a lot to stop curious ponies from accidentally falling in or freeing the creature."

"We can get Mayor Mare to talk to the town." Rainbow Dash offered, making the rest stare at her. "In case this thing escapes our plan...whatever that is, we need ponies to be safe and out of the way. We got lucky last time."

"Lucky?" Rarity hissed out, before pointing to the empty spot where Spike qas a moment ago, "My brave Spikey-wikey got hurt! I would hardly call that lucky, Rainbow Dash!"

"Spike's tough, he can take anythin that thing dishes out. Saved me from the giant Timberwolf that one time, ain't that right Spike?" Silence met her, making Applejack peer around, "Spike?"

"Wait...where is Spike?" Twilight asked, making Zecora clear her throat, the other sturning to her.

"Although I know of his luck, let us not count our apples before we buck." Zecora said, nodding her head towards the door that Spike exited. "I may be able to keep pace, but I believe our scaly friend needs some space."

Spikes clawed into the dirt, nervous as he stared into the trees, his tail waving to and fro. He felt the booms through his feet, his instincts telling him to run and hide...but he only walked forward. Something was drawing him in, as much as he wanted to run. He couldn't help it.

Was it curiosity? Maybe he was just going crazy? Maybe Discord was pulling an interdimensional prank on him?

Whatever the case, he felt a strange pull and had to investigate. He ran into the forest, feeling a strange pull as he peered into the trees. No, no...something was definitely calling to him. He dodged a tree, hissing when a bush brushed against his arm, and jumped over a fallen log.

The trees overhead gently swayed in the wind, Spike slowing down as he entered an opening in the woods. He heard loud yelping in the distance, likely the Timberwolves were hunting something...or something was hunting them.

In any case, he paid very little attention to the noise and walked into the clearing, studying the trees around him. They had been blasted, becoming smooth in a single area. Flecks of desert sand were everywhere, the ground having a mountain of it, along with the snapped branches of something big having moved through the area.

Spike rubbed his chin as he knelt down, inspecting a strange, wooden structure. It look almost like...a nest? Yes, a nest. There was only one egg inside, with familiar looking feathers between the twigs and leaves. Perhaps an owls feathers? Or a hawks?

In any case, he peered at the small hill of sand, giving it a confused look. He couldn't tell where it came from, or why it was in the middle of the forest, a place where no sand should be. Maybe mud and dirt, but sand?

He would have to tell Twilight about this.

He scanned the area again, his gaze passing over the nest, before something caught his attention, his slit pupils turning back to the nest. He walked over, peering into it, giving a surprised gasp at the sight.

An egg. It was pretty big, but the brown dots on the white shell were definitely unmistakable as a birds egg. He looked around, trying to spot the parents. "Hello? Anyone there? You forgot your egg...and...your nest on the ground! Hello?!"

No birds came to answer, making him frown. Abandoned? Yeah, most likely. And with how dangerous the Everfree was with that...big guy lurking around, Spikes protective side took over. He grasped the egg and slowly clutched it, adjusting so it would rest against him, safe and warm against his scales. He gave a look around, his heart sinking, before pressing an ear fin against the egg. He strained for a moment, trying to hear anything.

A heartbeat met him, making him sigh as he pulled his head away. Poor guy, probably abandoned by his parents...or worse, they didn't want to leave him and were attacked. In any case, like with Peewee, his lovable Phoenix, Spike took the egg as his own and started walking home.

Had he looked down, he would have noticed a four toed footprint on the ground, and the familiar three toed footprint the nest was next to. He, however, did not and walked back home, the pull slowly disappearing from his mind.

Had he stayed, he likely would have found out the nests parents...and left it where it was. Fearing Twilight may be upset with him, he hurried his pace and walked faster back to town, his theropod like feet leaving prints in the dirt as he walked back. "Don't worry, little guy, I'll keep you safe until we find somepony to care for you."


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Spike stared at the egg, curled around it like a dog curled in its bed. He stared at it, ignoring the words of the women around him. Fluttershy had joined him, staring at the egg with him, their eyes filled with curiosity as they inspected it, the group of mares behind them were currently arguing about what to do about the planned trap.

Spikes eyes flicked over the eggs features, noting the strange flecks on its surface and dark colors, his tail slowly waving behind him lazily. "Hey, Fluttershy, do you know what this belongs to?"

"Well..." began Fluttershy, cocking her head and inspecting it at different angles. "It looks almost like a...emu egg. However, it is such a strange shape, it cannot be an emu egg, it looks more like a...well, I don't quite know."

Spikes eyes travelled along its surface, before pulling it closer to him, keeping the egg nice and warm, his tail curling around him. "Spike, are you sure this is a good idea?" Fluttershy asked, to which Spike gave her a soft look.

"He...or she was abandoned, in their nest. Besides, Peewee was abandoned by his parents, but I raised him until I could return him, maybe I could do the same here?"

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof on the table, catching the twos attention, Spike pulling the egg closer unconsciously, trying to keep it safe. He nuzzled into it and watched the table, seeing Rainbow Dash glare at the others. "Well, where else do you plan to put that thing?!"

"Not in the middle of town, Rainbow Dash! We want to make sure it doesn't attract attention." Twilight spoke out, making Spike grasp the egg. He made to leave the room, only to hear Fluttershy follow him.

Spike turned to her and smiled, before smacking his face against the door, giving a yelp of surprise, making him reach up with a free hand and rub his snout, more shocked than actually hurt. He looked at Fluttershy, who giggled behind her hoof and gave a soft noise of irritation. He opened the door and walked towards his room, Fluttershy following behind him.

"We could set 'im up at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack offered, the others turning to her, Rainbow Dash crossing her hooves and staring at her in surprise. "What?"

"I mean, Applejack, darling, we aren't opposed to the idea just...surprised that you said it." Rarity clarified, making Applejack shrug.

"I mean, we got an open field Mac and I haven't decided to plant anythin in yet. We could just dig 'im a nice hole, fill it with tha good stuff, and wait until we find the varmint a new home." Applejack proposed, Twilight scratching her chin with her hoof.

"Well, to be honest...I can't really find any faults in your idea. How about it, Fluttershy? Fluttershy?" She turned to see Fluttershy and Spike gone, giving a soft chuckle. "Always gone when I need her. Let's come up with a plan to lure the creature in. What do we know about it?"

"It's fast." Rarity spoke, making the others nod, the mare humming in thought. "And quiet, fast and quiet."

"It's really smart and strong." Rainbow Dash said, her back aching from her position, adjusting and sitting up to get comfortable. "It tore a lamp post out of the ground like it was nothing and threw it at me when it couldn't reach me. It also tried digging us out with a tree when it got stuck in the buildings."

Applejack spoke, adjusting her hat, "Great sniffer on it. It was able to track us in tha Everfree by smellin us."

"It eats bones!" Pinkie spoke up, giving a smile as she nodded to herself, the others staring at her in horror. "I mean, with the way it was bending those lamps like toothpicks witn its teeth! Definitely eats bones! It reminds me of this one time, when I-"

"Pinkie. Focus." Twilight said, making the pink mare blink. She nodded, embarrassed, and sat back down, trying to think of some way to help.

"It likes Spike." Rainbow Dash added nonchalantly, putting her cheek in a hoof. She jumped a bit when Twilights head snapped to her.


"Well, when everyone was trying to talk to it, it acted differently around Spike." She explained, shrinking back a bit from Twilights stare. "All it did was make noises at him, the dude only attacked when Pinkie got close. The thing was also way less aggressive to Spike compared to the rest of us."

"Now that you mention it...the beast did seem placated around Spikey-wikey." Rarity added, looking at Rainbow Dash. "It may have tried talking to him."

Twilight hummed in thought, her wings fluttering as she stared at the table. Her mind ran through all the things that would happen if Spike were included. All of them horrible, gruesome, gore filled. Spike being eaten alive, crushed by the beast whilst it walked, tail whipped and becoming crippled. Yes, his bones were insanely tough, he was a fire breathing dragon, and he was taller than her and the others now when standing bipedally, but he was still her little brother, and she worried about him.

"We could ask Spike to-" Rainbow Dash started, scratching her chin with her hoof.

"Absolutely not." Rarity cut her off, slamming her hoof on the table, making Rainbow Dash jump. "Spikey-wikey has been injured enough today. We should let him rest, he has done enough."

Fluttershy took this moment to re-enter the room, with a picture in hoof, stopping when everyone turned to her. She blushed and walked over to Twilight, giving her a picture of Spike curled around the egg, keeping it warm.

Twilight smiled and used her magic to teleport the picture away, giving Fluttershy a hug with her hoof, ignoring the surprised squeak from her. Pinkie raised her hoof, giving soft "OOOH OOH" sounds with her mouth.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"Why don't we just invite him over with some food and trap him then?"

Twilight blinked in surprise, before giving a smile to the crazy, cotton candy haired mare. "Pinkie! That's a great idea! We'll use food to lure it in and trap it!"

"Well, what kind of food will we use, Twi? I mean, no offense Pinkie, but I don't think pies are gonna cut it." Rainbow Dash said, seeing the pink mare rummage around under the table.

"What about cupcakes?"

Rarity only smiled, rolling her eyes playfully, before replying, "You could bring us some snacks, dear, but I don't think the brute will like cupcakes."

"What about ice cream?"


"How about cotton candy?"


"Yeah, Twilight?"


"Oh, right."

"So...what exactly is the plan?" Applejack asked, making Twilight smile softly.

"Well, we'll start with..."

Spikes eyes closed as he slept peacefully, his wings rustling a bit as he curled around the egg. His body kept the egg safe and warm, his body coiling around it to. His snores were a bit loud, the egg not seeming to mind the noise.


The egg adjusted a bit, rolling in the soft blanket and against Spike. He adjusted, though his mind did not stir. The egg settled again, movement seeming to calm down.

Tap tap tap.


The eggs shell started to push out a bit, the shell cracking noisily. Spikes ear frill twitched, though he only adjusted and kept snoring, the egg started pushing out more and more. Suddenly, a crack appeared, part of the shell opening to show an eyelid. The nictating membrane slid back to show a green eye, a soft chirping being heard, the egg pushed out more and more.


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Spikes mind was filled with soft feathers and gems as he slept, smiling as he heard a soft voice float through in his dreams. His long tongue slipped out and tasted the air, in reality he tasted nothing, but in the dream, he had a large ruby in his hands, licking it happily. He heard the mares voice again.

He looked around in his dream, confused, before seeing feathers float down. He peered up at a shape, his wings stretching out as he flapped up to her. His body adjusted in the waking world, rolling a bit to fly faster. He was almost there, he could almost tell what her face looked like, she was -


Spikes eyes flew open, the dragon jumping up and giving a surprised yelp. His claws dug into his bed a bit, his tail whipping around like an agitated snake, his eyes scanning the room. He looked down to see remnants of a shell, his heart dropping.

Had he crushed the egg? How could he have crushed the egg!?! That poor baby lost its life because he rolls around in his sleep.

That is when his frills picked up the sound of claws scratching the ground. He twirled his head around, scanning the room, his wings folding back a bit as he crawled down from his bed.

A soft chirp filled the air, Spike feeling something grab and tug his tail. He looked around, confused, before turning around, his eyes widening at the sight.

What was currently grabbing and tugging his tail was a small theropod dinosaur. Its jaws were lean, its legs were long, its arms held familiar two fingered claws, and its body was covered in a fuzz of feathering, making it look akin to a young duckling or chick. It seems Spike had found the egg of a Tyrannosaurid, Tarbosaurus specifically.

"Oh horsefeathers..."

The creature lifted his tail and dropped it, giving a throaty chirp of happiness, before biting and tugging on his tail, as if it was trying to play tug of war. It twirled Spikes.tail around in its jaws, giving a playful growl at the dragon, the hatchlings own tail waving and twirling around as it played with Spikes.

Spike lifted his tail up, the Tarbosaurus being lifted, giving a loud growl as it tried to tug at his tail even more. Spike slowly pulled the young Tarbosaurus off, the hatchling peering up at him with its big, green eyes, curiously cocking its head like a puppy does.

"This is not good, this is very not good. This is...ungood." Spike mumbled to himself as he started pacing around his room. The Tarbosaurus stood up and started to follow him, cocking its head as it followed. It seemed Spike picked up a bad habit from Twilight, though, likely not extreme enough to create grooves into the ground.

"A baby! A baby of that thing that attacked the town! I can't believe it! Twilight isn't going to believe this! Oh my Celestia, what am I gonna do? Twilights gonna kill me..." Spike mumbled to himself, before sitting there and clutching his head in his clawed hands. He heard a soft chirp, looking down to see the hatchling staring up at him.

It cocked its head up at him, before slowly walking up to him, slowly pressing its head against him. It started nuzzling into him and gave a soft, throaty purr. Spike reached down and scratched its head, the little Tarbosaurus giving happy chirps, its tail waving happily.

"Well, we better tell Twilight about you." Spike said, the small hatchling pulling away, looking around the room. It suddenly rushed forward when it saw a gem on the ground, grabbing it and chewing out it a bit. "Little buddy, you can't be doing that." He walked over and pulled the gem out of the hatchlings mouth, hearing it chirp at him.

"Well, you eat meat, so, I should ask Fluttershy if she has any fish for you." He said, the hatchling starting to follow him. He opened the door, peeking his head out. "How am I gonna explain this to the others?"

The hatchling darted out of the room, running out into the hallway. Its green eyes peered around, before it put its nose to the ground and started sniffing, its feathery coat puffing out when it caught a scent, the hatchling following that scent.

"No, wait, little guy!" Spike called outz scrambling after it on all fours. It seemed the little hatchling was built for speed, already running around the corner. It started drifting on the crystal floor, bumping into a wall, then scrambled back onto the trail.

"Oh no."

Fluttershy hummed as she walked up to the castle of friendship, shuffling through her bag. In it, was a few fish she had brought from home. Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash were always at their positions, making a nice home for the strange creature.

She walked up to the door and raised her hoof to open it, only to hear cursing and some growls behind the door. She smiled knowingly, it seemed the egg had hatched, and whatever was inside was already causing trouble.

She opened the door, only for her smile to fall into a surprised look. She gave a surprised squeak when the hatchling jumped onto her, its jaws opening to show sharp teeth, its green eyes peering into her beautiful blue eyes. It opened its jaws more and lunged forward, Fluttershy giving a scream.


"You are just the cutest little baby!"


Spike scratched his scalp as he watched the hatchling lick at Fluttershy's face. It then grabbed her mane and chewed on it, tugging her mane playfully, it giving playful growls and rumbles.

"Aww, look at your little claws! And you have such beautiful eyes." Fluttershy said as she stood up, cradling the little hatchling. It gave a confused chirp, though cuddled into her fur, giving a loud, rumbling purr. "Spike, look at him. He is so cute!"

"Fluttershy, you know what that is, right?"

"Of course, but look at his little face." She said, holding the hatchling out to him, Spike blinking in surprise. "I bet he's hungry. Don't you worry, mama Fluttershy has something special for you."

"Mama Fluttershy?" Spike asked, Fluttershy ignored him as she walked, too enraptured by the cute hatchling to pay him any mind. Spike followed her, his nose crinkling as he smelled her bag. "Fluttershy, your bag smells like a river."

"Well, I did ask Mr. Bear to help me catch some fish from a river. Such a sweetheart." Fluttershy said, before walking to the kitchen. She pulled out a bowl, then pulled a smaller fish out, looking at the Tarbosaurus hatchling. "We should name you too, huh. You would like a name, right?"

The hatchling peered up at her, cocking its head as it watched her pull out the fish. She put the bowl in front of it, watching it peer at the fish, cocking its head to and fro, before biting on, twisting its head to try and pull it apart.

"This changes things."

"Not really. You may uh...need to help him out with that."

"What do you mean?"

"Spike, you have fangs and claws, I don't."



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Twilight adjusted a bit as they stared at the field, Big Mac and Applebloom sitting by her side, Applejack and Rainbow Dash walking around for a bit in the empty field. Applejack knelt down, giving the ground a determined look, before shaking her head, standing up. She continued on, Dash giving a bored look around, making to open her mouth, before Applejack raised her hoof, cutting off Rainbow Dash.

Twilight leaned over to Big Mac and asked, "What is she doing?"

"Well, right now, AJ is tryin to find a nice spot to plant ya critter, which won't ruin the field when we fill tha hole back up." Big Macintosh explained, Applebloom yawning a bit.

"It is a tad borin."


Twilight sat there, her eyes traveling to the distant treeline, her jaws clenching a bit as she saw something move along the treeline for a moment. She stood up, squinting a bit, before suddenly yelling, "Something is coming this way! Something big!"

Applejack and Rainbow Fash shot up, Rainbow Dash giving a startled yelp and jumping into the air, her wings flaring out as she steadied herself. Applejack grabbed a rope into her mouth and readied herself, twirling it around.

The trees rustled softly in the breeze, Big Mac pulling Applebloom behind himself and whatever was coming. A tree shook softly. Then violently, before falling over, something large heading this way. Twilight readied herself and lit up her horn, glaring at the treeline.

It suddenly burst through the treeline with a thunderous call, making Twilight, Big Mac, and Applebloom jump in fright. Applejack took a step back, Rainbow Dash hovering over her girlfriend, her eyes narrowing at the beast.

That is when everything changed.

Spike gave the fish a soft, sickening look, before looking at the hatchling before him. Said hatchling had really only gotten a small amount of meat from the fish and tuckered itself out. It peered up at Spike, opening its jaws and giving soft, chirp like whining sounds, clearly still hungry.

Spike peered back at the dead fish, almost as if its eye stared at him. He gave a soft, sick look, his tongue flying out wordlessly, before he leant down, digging his claws into the fish. He gave a grossed out look as he felt blood cake his claws, before he ripped off a piece of flesh. He pulled it in front of the hatchling, watching it snap the strip of meat up in its jaws.

The Tarbosaurus hatchling started to swallow the strip of meat down, before opening its jaws, giving a loud chirp, Spike feeding it another, which its swallowed down as voraciously. "Fluttershy, why can't I use a knife?"

"Well, if you use a knife, you may accidentally feed him a bone when you slice it up. I am sure he hatched last night, so, your claws and jaws will have to make use of the fish."

"I am not putting my mouth on this thing."

"I didn't say you were putting your mouth on the fish now. However, if we don't find his papa, he may not learn how to hunt for himself. You will have to teach him how to hunt."

Spike looked at Fluttershy, mortified, before looking back at the hatchling. "Fluttershy, I know dragons are omnivores, but I get my stuff from gems and bones Celestia gives me sometimes! I am practically a full vegetarian! How can I teach him how to hunt if I cannot hunt?!"

"Simple. I will teach you."

Spikes ear fins perked up, making him look at Fluttershy in shock, his hand holding the piece of flesh in front of the hatchling. Instead of eating it, he looked at his "father", then over to his "mother", confused. Was his mother angry at his father? No, something was up though.

The hatchling grew curious, before looking back at the strip of fish, his stomach rumbling at him. He can be curious later, right now he was hungry.

The hatchling jumped up and grabbed onto the piece of meat, dangling for a moment as Spike kept a hold. It tugged his hand down a moment and gave a muffled growl, the hatchling playing tug of war with his "father". Spike let go of the strip of meat, the hatchling shaking his head with it, as if it were a squeaky toy its jaws.

"Sorry, I must have misheard you, it sounds like you said you wanted to train the hatchling and I how to hunt. Like, hunt animals."

Fluttershy smiled, before sitting on her rump, looking at the hatchling. "Not the hatchling. You."

"Why me?!"

"Spike. Dragons are omnivores, and you cannot hope to stay only on plants and gems. As sad as it is, you eventually do have to eat meat, and we will accept it. I already have." Fluttershy stared at the hatchling, "The dragon we kicked out of the mountain, there were bones he would chew on that we found. And bears hunt other animals, yet I help take care of Mr. Bear. I was afraid you might become like them, hunting animals, that you might hunt us..."

Spike sat there for a moment, then spoke, "Sensing a 'but' in there, Fluttershy."

"I...realized that it was Spike I was thinking about." Fluttershy finished, flashing him a small smile, one which made Spike give a honest smile. "Our Spike, who risked his life to save an entire empire. Our Spike, who saved Thorax. Our Spike, who became the king of the dragons, but gave it up to a friend. Our Spike." Fluttershy listed off, looking back at Spike, sending him a smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts. "I realized you would never hunt us, never hurt us on purpose, and you even changed back to your normal self after rampaging throughout the town."

Spike looked at the fish, it suddenly looking more appetizing, before tearing off another strip and throwing it to the little hatchling, who jumped to try and catch it, only for it to smack against the hatchlings face. The little Tyrannosaurid shook his head, before gorging himself on the meat that had unintentionally fallen to the floor.

"So...you said you wanted to name him?" Spike brought up, the little Tarbosaurus yawning and stretching out. He nuzzled into Spikes arm, before biting down on his arm, giving a playful growl. "He seems to like biting."

"I'm not naming him. You are his dad, Spike, you should name him." Fluttershy spoke, making Spike raise his eyebrow. "You were the first thing he saw, so he imprinted on you. He thinks you are his dad."

Spike looked down at the little Tarbosaurus, the hatchling giving a cute, squeaky yawn. Spike smiled, scratching the sleepy little hatchlings head, making jmit rumble cutely as it rested against him. "How about...Chomper? You seem to love biting things, so it fits."

It shook its head, waking itself up, then bit Spikes hand. Luckily, its teeth were not sharp enough to actually cause Spike any harm, giving a playful growl. Spike pulled his hand up and smiled, saying, "Chomper it is."

"Well, we should go check on the girls and see how they are doing. Perhaps, if we can find this things dad, you won't need to teach him. We could, hopefully, return them home, or something close to it."

"Well, we should probably follow them. They didn't leave that long ago, maybe we can catch up to them."

That had been twenty minutes ago, Spike sniffing the air and giving a soft grunt. "Man, Big Mac needs to take a shower. I can smell him from here." Fluttershy giggled, Chomper hanging on her back, sleepily nuzzling into her hair.

All three jerked up when they heard a roar, Chomper jumping off of Fluttershy's back and hiding underneath her belly, his instincts telling him to hang close to his parents. Spike hung his hand out and peeked around the corner of a tree, seeing the girls, Big Mac and Applebloom backing up a bit. Spike ran around the corner, his instincts screaming at him to run, but he got on all fours and ran towards Twilight, protective instincts kicking his fear out the window.

Spike was too late, the being burst out of the trees and was upon Twilight already, a scream cutting through the air, along with a throaty roar.

That would have spelled doom for Twilight...if it weren't for the fact that the scale covered beast stepped over her, ignoring her completely. Spike dragging his claws into the ground to slow himself down, stopping with a befuddled expression.

What had stepped out of the tree line was a massive Saurolophus angustirostris, a Mongolian dinosaur, much like Tarbosaurus. Its head possessed small, mostly hollow crest, perfect for its calls to other members of its species. Its massive hands...well, fleshy hooves had one massive nail on the end, and its feet looked a lot like Chompers and Spikes. The massive beast stood on its hind limbs and gave a deep, resonating call. Twilight, the bookish mare, took out a notebook with her magic, quickly scribbling out a sketch of the beast.

The Saurolophus walked between the two, dating mares, paying them little attention, before stopping in front of an apple tree. The beast lifted its massive arms up and raised its body up, taking some leaves from the apple tree and chowing down on them.

The Saurolophus stopped its chewing and looked down at the ponies, twisting its head to and fro. It gave a low, sing songy rumble from its throat and crest mixture, before returning to eating the leaves, Fluttershy coming around and giving a soft gasp at the massive Saurolophus.

"Woah. Chomper, look, a new friend."

Twilight perked up and looked at Spike, confused, "Fluttershy just said Chomper. Did she already name the animal?"

"Oh, uh...no, I named the hatchling." Spike said, scratching the back of his neck.

"What hatchling?"

Chomper took that moment to scramble out from under Fluttershy, scampering away from the Saurolophus, running up to Spike. Fluttershy walked over, Applebloom giving a squee as she saw the adorable hatchling, the baby Tarbosaurus looking around at the new people, confused.

"Yeah, about that egg I brought back."

Applejack walked over, stopping as she stared at the hatchling, before frowning, "Spike, please tell me that ain't what I think it is."

The Saurolophus decided it was done munching on the leaves of the tree, then stood up on its hind legs. It gave a great, bellowing roar, making the party shrink down a bit, before walking off. The Saurolophus shook its head, giving a low boom that Spike and Chomper felt in their toe pads, before walking off into the forest.

Rainbow Dash zoomed by and stopped in front of Chomper, whose pupils rounded as it saw her rainbow mane. Chomper walked over to her, resting his bottom jaw on Rainbow Dash, peering up at her with big ol' puppy eyes, confusing the rainbow maned mare.

"Uh, what's with the baby bird?"

"His name is Chomper." Fluttershy spoke, walking over and smiling at the hatchling, who was enraptured by Dashies mane.

"Spike, this a baby of that thing that attacked Ponyville."

"I know."

"A baby. Of that giant that decided to rip apart some streets."


Twilight rubbed her forehead with a hoof, giving a loud groan, before Chomper bit onto Rainbow Dashes hoof, gently, not causing any harm to her. Rainbow Dash was confused, then looked at Spike, raising an eyebrow.

"Spike, can you tell your kid that I'm a taken mare?"

"Chomper." Chomper let go and looked at Spike, running over to him. He looked over and saw Twilight, cocking its head like a puppy, then to his "dad", smelling a small bit of anxiety coming from him. Chomper nuzzled his head into Spikes hand, giving loud, happy chirps, the dragon scratching the hatchlings head and smiling.

Twilight walked over and sat next to Spike, Applebloom hopping over and leaning down, speaking to the hatchling, "Why, hello there Chomper! You are a cutie, ain'tcha?~"

"I will admit, he is a cute little thang." Big Macintosh said, Applejack leaning down with Applebloom. Chomper backed up, confused, before looking at Applebloom.

Chomper launched forward and bit down, making Applejack and Applebloom jump back in fright. In Chompers jaws was Appleblooms bow, the little hatchling running around Spike with muffled squeaks and chirps, ready to play.

"Yeah, he likes taking stuff off of ponies. He tried taking a hat from a stallion who was shopping for pears earlier." Spike explained, Applebloom pouting and giving a soft noise about her bow. "He also likes chewing on gems, but he can't eat them."

Twilight sighed, watching the hatchlings antics, "Spike. You hatched the bird thing and named it. You know when you name things, you grow attached to them." Spike shrunk down a little, his hand claws gripping into the dirt a bit as he was scolded. "This...Chomper can't stay here, he needs to go back to his mother."

"Father." Fluttershy corrected, making Twilight look at her. "The animal is a male, male animals tend to be brighter than females, typically, in bird species."

"Wait...there might be another out there?" Rainbow Dash asked, making Fluttershy nod.

"And...whatever that thang was." Big Macintosh said, pointing his head towards the big herbivore that passed through.

Twilight stopped when the hatchling approached her,.the bow in its mouth. It dropped the bow in front of her, its tail wagging happily as it looked up at Twilight, giving her big puppy eyes. She sighed softly, before looking at Applejack, "We better make the hole bigger than we planned. We'll keep an eye on...Chomper, until his parents are found."

Spike gave a fist pump, having won the argument against Twilight without a word, Chomper running back to Spike and giving a happy chirp. "He...is rather adorable." Twilight said as Chomper snuggled against Spike, the excitement of meeting everyone tiring the youngster out. "Just...make sure Pinkie doesn't throw him a birthday party, he may be a bit overwhelmed."


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Chomper was dozing off on Spikes back. On his "fathers" back, make that. His eyes struggled to stay open as his head bobbed a bit, struggling to stay awake, the little hatchling yawned squeakily, not hearing Fluttershy and Twilight giggle at the hatchlings antics. Chomper suddenly sat up, shaking his head, then gave Spike a throaty chirp, wondering where his father was taking him.

"Remind ya of somepony?" Applejack asked Twilight, making the bookish Princess smile at the sight.

"Make that somedragon." Rainbow Dash said as she rummaged through Applejacks shed.

"I remember the night we watched the shooting stars, he could barely keep himself awake on the way up." Twilight spoke, the dragon turning back and frowning a bit.

"Not in front of the kid. I don't want him hearing any embarrassing stories about me just yet."

"Then you better help us dig this hole. We would ask Twilight, but she seems more interested in Chomper than helping us." Rainbow Dash spoke, Spike grabbing Chomper, waking the young hatchling, and setting him down in front of Twilight.

Twilight gave the hatchling a smile, the youngster giving her a wide stare, confused at his "aunt". He looked back at Spike, giving a throaty chirp, which Spike only scratched his scalp. "Stay here with your auntie Twilight. She won't bite..." Spike looked up at Twilight and flashed her a teasing grin, "Though, she may try to put you to sleep with her study materials."

Twilight puffed her cheeks out, her wings rustling, making Spike chuckle. He walked out to the spot, giving a soft eye at the padded footprints of the Saurolophus in the dirt, his eyes narrowing at the prints. He kept walking, following Applejack and Big Mac, the stallion humming softly.

"So, you and Fluttershy..." Big Mac said, making Spike look at him, quirking an eyebrow.

"Dontcha even try, Mac! You'll give Bloom a new idea fer a new love potion."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Big Mac mumbled out, Spike scratching his cheek as he wondered what they were talking about. "Don't ask."

Twilight leant down and peered at the little hatchling, it yawning and curling up, watching his draconic adoptive father walk out with the two strong ponies. Chompers eyes fluttered down, before suddenly raising back up, the hatchling trying his hardest to stay awake. Twilight pulled out her notes and a quill, writing down what she saw, drawing diagrams of the youngster.

"Wasting no time, I see." Fluttershy said as she sat down next to Twilight, the hatchling perking up at her voice. Chomper gave a happy chirp towards her and scampered over to her, nuzzling into her and giving a happy, throaty croak. "You are such a little cutie, Chomper."

"He imprinted a Spike, right?"

"Yes, and we fed him some fish earlier." Fluttershy said, rubbing the hatchlings back as he curled up beside her, giving soft snores when he finally fell asleep. "I...had a talk with Spike. He'll need to learn how to hunt for them both."

Twilight stopped writing and shot up, staring at the pink haired mare in surprise, Fluttershy seemingly not noticing her stare. "Fluttershy...are you crazy?!"

Spikes head shot up as he heard the yelling, his face, hands, and arms covered in dirt as he stared at her, Bic Mac and AJ pausing for a moment to stare at Twilight as well. The alicorn mare just smiled sheepishly and lowered her voice, the three returning to digging soon after. Chomper jumped at the yell and scrambled under Fluttershy, frightened at the sudden bit of noise, Fluttershy leaning down and nuzzling into the hatchlings head.

"Are you crazy? Spike has never eaten meat before! He barely even chews on bones!"

"Twilight, the little guy is a carnivore." Fluttershy said, the hatchling sitting down under Fluttershy, dozing off, trying its hardest to stay awake. "We cannot teach it to be a vegetarian, and he needs to eat meat. He has also printed on Spike, so Spike needs to teach him."

"But Fluttershy-"

"Twilight." Fluttershy spoke, her voice cutting off the princess in the process. "Spike is a dragon. He is the closest thing the hatchling has to a parent right now. Spike needs to learn how to hunt so he can grow healthy, and the hatchling needs to learn how to hunt so he can survive."

Twilight sat there and stared at the notes she was taking, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Fluttershy was right, as she often was when it came to animals and other creatures. Fluttershy put a hoof on Twilights shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I don't like it, but, you're right Fluttershy." Twilight finally said, Fluttershy scooping up the young Tarbosaurus and setting him on her back, the youngster sleepily nuzzling into his "mother". "I have no clue how the youngster will react to an adult of its species if it imprinted on Spike."

"If this hole does not contain the beast, let us hope he is not ready for a feast." Zecora said, making Twilight jump in fright, before peering back at the zebra mare, smiling sheepishly. Zecora peered at the hatchling curiously, before rhyming, "Why, my dearest Fluttershy, what is that babe that has caught my eye?"

"This is Chomper." Fluttershy said, the hatchling just nuzzling into his mother more, his fluffy feathering keeping him comfy from the soft breeze blowing by. "He hatched yesterday, from what we can tell. He is the little one of the creature that attacked recently."

Zecora raised an eyebrow, before peering back at the hole the others were making, Applebloom running up and hugging the zebra, the shaman smiling and petting the young mares mane. "Perhaps that is why it pressed the attack, it may have wanted it hatchling back."

"Spike found the egg after the creature attacked." Twilight said, putting her notes in her bag, smiling at them. "Speaking of, I should probably help them with the hole."

"Remember; we need the hole to have a natural source of water, plenty of room to move in, and to provide enrichment for the animals!"

The Tarbosaurus rumbled noisily as he walked through his territory. He made it back to the nest, giving a saddened sound at its emptiness, his tail waving back and forth. The egg may have been snatched whilst he was patrolling, or perhaps the small ones took it as revenge, he did not know. What he did know was that he was very upset and would be getting revenge.

He walked towards the edge of the forest, hissing a bit as he watched the toen, the small mammals moving around, busying themselves. He opened his jaws and released a throaty rumble, before returning to the trees.



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Spike sat there, clicking his long tongue in thought as he stared down at the massive hole. At the bottom, grass, flowers, and some trees had been planted, making the hole seem more natural, and a part of the river that beavers had once dammed up now flowed down the side in a waterfall. The excess water would be drained into a hole on the size, leading to an underground reservoir, which the Apple Family would use in crops. Hopefully, the beast would like its new, temporary home.

Spike looked towards the forest, his wings tucked against his side, the soft, cool breeze brushing against his scales. He watched birds fly off in the distance, humming in thought, before looking back at the hole.

"I don't know, maybe we should make it bigger."

"We should make it twenty percent cooler."

"Now what does that even mean?!"

"I really doubt the big one will want something cool."

Fluttershy turned to Spike, watching him, seeing him stare into the hole. She slowly walked over to Spike and sat next to him, wrapping her hoof around him, drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry Shy, I have a lot on my mind." Spike mumbled out, staring into the hole again. He looked back to see Chomper chasing a light that Rarity was casting from her horn, snapping and biting the at the little light. "He happens to be one of those things."

"Yeah. We have to reintroduce the hatchling to the adult slowly, so we don't freak out Chomper." Fluttershy said, before resting her hoof on her chin. "Though, we have no clue how the adult will react to you, Spike."

"What do you mean?"

Twilight trotted over, ready to congratulate the group on their work, when she saw Spike and Fluttershy sit together, stopping in her tracks, her wings flaring out a bit. She slowly walked over, straining her ears a bit to overhear. Zecora watched from the sidelines, humming in thought as she looked between Twilight and Fluttershy, rubbing her chin with a hoof.

"Well, Spike, Twilight and Rainbow Dash filled me in after I came in with Zecora. It isn't just normal for a carnivore to do that. It sounds like it was trying to communicate with you." Fluttershy pointed out, before scooting closer to Spike, looking down into the hole. "Maybe you should try talking to him?"

Spike sighed and ran his hecks through his spines, making them flick back up, before saying, "Well, I just dragonnapped his kid, so I don't think talking will really work out."

"We'll find a way. We always do, despite how I might act sometimes."

Fluttershy only smiled, before placing her hoof on his hand, her gaze returning to the apple orchard and slowly setting sun. He looked at her, his eyes widening a bit, before blushing and gently adjusting his hand to grasp her hoof. Although Fluttershy was blushing wildly, she didn't retreat into her mane and just watched the hues of the pink and orange sky with Spike.

Twilight started walking away from the duo, her mind conflicted at the sight, her ears downturned and wings rustling a bit. That was when Chomper ran up to Twilight and gave a loud, throaty chirp, catching her attention.

She looked down to see Chomper, who was currently holding a tennis ball in his jaws, staring up at her. It seems Applejack dug out a toy that belonged to Winona and Chomper was currently playing it. He dropped it at her feet and stared up at her, giving another chirp, his tail waving to and fro.

She smiled, before grasping the ball in her magic and tossing it, Chomper chirping excitedly as he chased it, snapping his jaws after it. Twilight looked back at Spike and Fluttershy, who were leaning on each other, then walked back to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who were watching the two.

"Ah, young love, ain't nuthin like it." Applejack spoke, making Twilight blink, Rainbow Dash snickering at the words.

Chomper took this moment to reappear, running next to Spike, sitting next to him, the young drake scratching the youngsters back with his free hand.

"Our little Spike is growin up." Applejack said, making Rainbow Dash roll her eyes.

"He's already grown up, AJ!"

"That's not what I meant."

"He finally found a mare that likes him and you're too busy thinking about how tall he is."

Twilight blinked as she watched the bushes on the other side of the hole rustle. She squinted a bit, before seeing the bush stop, the fur on her neck standing up as she stared at the bush.

"Hey, gals, what is that?"

The bushes shook again, much louder, catching the others attention. Spike grasped Chomper and slowly walked backwards, his wings flaring out and shielding Fluttershy through instinct, his lips peeling back to show his fangs.

"Is it the big guy?!"

Zecora pulled Applebloom close, straining her ears as she adjusted on her hooves, ready to run, before saying, "The birds do not flee, and I do not see its shape near the trees!"

Chomper gave a soft chirp, his eyes scanning the treeline, sniffing the air, before wilting a bit into Spikes arms. That is when the beast jumped out of the bushes, feathers fluffing in the dying sunlight, staring at the group, their shocked faces the first thing it saw.

Only for it to get distracted by an ant on the ground, using its long tongue to flick out and try to lick it up, confusing the group.

"Uh, Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, who quietly took out a notebook and starts drawing the beast, its one fingered arms flexing a bit as it chased the ant.

Standing on two legs, covered in fluff and having a face disk, with one clawed arms, and a small head with a long tongue, this was the famous Shuvuuia deserti, which meant "Desert Bird", a small theropod that was best suited for hunting colony bugs, much like anteaters. It stood around 3 meters in length, was covered in feathers, and its hands had one large, powerful claw.

Fluttershy subsequently squee'd at the little creature, making it jump up and stare at her, wary, before giving a soft, squeaky chirp. Spike sat down, confused, the rest of the group walking over to inspect it.

The Shuvuuia gave a squeak, before jumping on a log behind it and scampering off into the jungle, the group not noticing the pair of eyes watching from the treeline, narrowing in on Chomper and Spike. A soft huff was released, before something darted out of the bushes, watching Spike as it took cover behind a tree.

It will stalk them before making its next move.

Spike took a glance at the setting sun, before nodding to himself, looking back at Twilight and Zecora. "We should head home and get ready for when we spot the big guy again."

"Agreed, let's get some of those stink bombs, Zecora. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."


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Spike watched as Chomper slept in his old bed, his chest rising and falling as he slept. Spike rested his hand into one of his hands, watching the hatchling as he slept. He looked back at the paper he was writing, quill discarded for the moment as he thought about what he was going to say. His claws tapped away at the desk, Chomper not even waking from his rest, seemingly not minding the sound.

The door opened a crack, then opened wider, Twilight poking her head in to see the young drake and his hatchling sitting at his desk. Chomper lazily opened an eye, before going back to sleep, adjusting in the bed to get more comfortable. Twilight trotted in, giving a soft noise as she sat down next to Spike.

"Trouble writing to the Princess?" Twilight finally asked, making Spike nod in reply. She wrapped a wing around him and smiled a bit, Spike lifting a hand up and resting it on her wing. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Well...since we have no clue if this plan will work, we will probably need guards to help us out." Spike explained, before picking his quill up and humming softly, before putting it back down. "I just can't word it right."

Twilight thought for a moment, before looking at Chomper, snoring in his sleep, giving out cute squeaks. She smiled, then looked back at Spike, giving a teasing smile, "You could start it off by calling her mom."

Spike turned white, then gave her a glare, the young drake hissing out, "You swore you wouldn't tell anyone."

"Just joking, Spike." Twilight said, giving a nervous smile at Spikes glare, then rested her hoof on her chin. "Perhaps you should be up front and direct? Dancing around the subject won't help us."

"I know." Spike said, before stretching out a bit, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "I just can't word this in a way I like."

"You'll figure it out, you always do." Twilight spoke, before squeezing Spike in a tighter hug. He smiled at her, then looked back at the empty scroll. "Though, I will have to proofread. I really don't think you want to let it slip you had a son before you got married to Fluttershy."

Spike rumbled a bit and gave her a side eye, then said, "I'm not into Fluttershy like that. I mean, yeah, she's beautiful and smart and...has a nice smile. And she always makes me feel warm and - oh my Celestia, do I have a thing for Fluttershy?" Spike rested its forehead in his hands, giving a soft groan. "I really should not even humoring that thought."

Twilight giggled, before resting her head on Spikes shoulder, making him peer back at the paper, studying it for a moment. Twilight took this moment to study his face, silently missing his young, boyish face, and although he was now quite handsome and he had grown well, she silently wished for the days where he would peer up at her in wonder, and she could just pinch his cute little cheeks and tell him how adorable he was. She missed the days where he would fall asleep on her back, or would get so excited over a new comic or a gem he could eat.

She smiled, before patting his face with a hoof, giving a hum, "You gotta stop growing up. What happened to my little drake who wanted to snack on gems and nap all day?"

"Got his heart broken and grew up."

Twilight smiled sadly, before rubbing his back, careful not to injure him and his wings, her own wings pressing against her. He cleared his throat a bit and sat up straight, starting to write down the plans, before Twilight gave a smile.

"You should talk to Celestia and Luna more often." Twilight said, making Spike hum softly.

"I'm a single father, I don't have time for that." Spike joked, Chomper giving a squeaky yawn, stretching a bit. The youngster shook a bit as he stretched, before shaking his head, looking at Twilight and Spike. "Speaking of, hey Chomp, ready for bed time?"

Chomper stretched out a bit, before giving a sleepy chirp. "Guess that's a yes." Twilight answered for Chomper, who stood up and gave a soft chirp, walking over and nuzzling into his aunt, loving her soft fur. Twilight smiled and used her wing to cover the youngster, hearing it rumble happily as it nuzzled into her warm body. "I remember when you used to do this."

Spike took this moment to scratch behind the little Tarbosaurus' head, making him rumble even louder. Spike pulled his hand away, then lifted the scroll, trying it up and stamping it. He started to breathe a hot flame across it, the smoke swirling out of the window and away.

"Now we wait." Spike said, before turning and slowly pulling the reluctant hatchling away from his "aunt", the youngster curling up in Spikes arms. "In the meantime, this little one needs to go to bed."

Twilight slowly left the room, seeing Spike open the blanket and let his little one clamber in. He started to slowly climb in, adjusting so he and the young Tyrannosaur would have enough space. Twilight smiled at the sight, before slowly closing the door behind her. As they settled into bed, Spike looked at the Everfree forest, his slitted pupils searching the treeline. Tomorrow was the day.

Tomorrow, they would capture the Tyrant.

The sun just starting to appear in the horizon, and yet, the Apple Farm was as busy as it ever was. Spike and Fluttershy watched the hatchling as he chased butterflies around, snapping at them a bit. Spikes eyes darted towards Fluttershy, admiring her beauty a bit, before her head would shift, forcing him to look anywhere else instead of her. She noticed him looking, but said nothing, only blushing a bit and smiling when she caught the end of his eyes moving.

"Are you sure you have all the stink bombs we'll need, Zecora? I don't want to use them all and the thing won't budge." Rainbow Dash asked, making Zecora smile at the rainbow haired mare.

"Do not worry, my rainbow friend, this day will not see your end." The zebra mare rhymed to her, before looking around a bit, her eyes scanning the group. "Has anyone seen Spike? I do not wish to harm his little tyke."

"Playing wit Shy and the youngin." Applejack said, walking with a barrel on her back. She shifted it downwards, wrinkling her nose as it slid off her back and landed next to the trio. "Woo doggy, these smell worse than the time Granny tried to use an 'alternative' soap."

Zecora and Rainbow Dash peered in, giving a disgusted look at the dead fish inside the barrel, Spike humming as he slowly stood up, clicking his tongue, Chomper snuggling into Fluttershy's legs as he looked into the hole, seeing Twilight inspecting it.

"So, what else do we need?" Spike asked, making Twilight hum softly, the Alicorns wings shuffling a bit as she thought.

"Source of freshwater that reconnects to the underground streams and won't flood the hole, but right now we have a pond at the bottom that he can drink from. Bait ready?"

"Ready and stinkin." Applejack said, peering into the hole, her eyes scanning the bottom. "You sure the big guy ain't gonna notice this big hole?"

"By the time he notices, it'll be too late. Rarity and I will lift him up and into it, and hopefully place him down into it without further issues." Twilight said, before hearing the bushes rustle, giving a soft murmur, "What is that?"

Spike whistled, catching the others attention and motioned them to move. Applejack too this chance and would grab a fish from the barrel, giving a disgusted look, before throwing it near the bushes, before pushing the barrel onto its side, dumping the rest into the hole. applejack started to back up, pulling the lasso out with her teeth and getting ready. Spike grabbed Chomper, unintentionally pulling Fluttershy behind him, his wings flaring out and keeping Fluttershy and Chomper hidden.

Zecora adjusted her bag a bit, giving Twilight a look, to which she responded, "Rarity isn't here, we need her for this plan to work."

"We should back up."

"We cannot give away the plan. Twilight, you will have to do the best that you can." Zecora rhymed out, Spike flicking his tongue out a bit. He grew confused look.

"It isn't him."

Out of the bushed burst three of the little theropods, Shuvuuia. They gave loud chirps, screeching as they ran past the group, panicking loudly as they ran by. Twilight readied her horn, ready to fire magic off and protect them in case the beast came out of the treeline.

The bushes rustled again, the group on edge, Rainbow Dash giving a huff as she stared at the bushed, Applejacks grip tightening on her lasso, Spikes pupils slowly turning into slits, Twilights horn glowing even brighter, Fluttershy hugging Chomper closer. Chomper himself sniffed the air, only to give a frightened sound, pushing further into Fluttershy's body.

And out of the bushes it jumped!

A lizard.

A 12 inch long skink, to be exact.

Immediately, the groups tension released and breathed a collective sigh of relief, though the hatchling, Chomper, pushed further into Fluttershys body, giving a soft squeak of fear. The skink gave a lazily crawl, before the bushes shook again, catching them by surprise as a blur shot out.

Suddenly the skink was gone in a snap of jaws, predatory, owl like eyes scanning the group. The skink gave a pathetic hiss before a snap of bones was heard, the creature throwing its head back to eat the skink whole. Chomper hid under Fluttershy, who stared in fright at the creature before her, limbs locking up a bit.

The creature was colored dark with spots, almost like the mixture of an owl and roadrunner. Its head feathers were combed back, long hook like claws on its second toe, wings and tail fan being slightly lighter colors or brown and white. Its skull was slender, its shape was form fitting, and its eyes had a predatory look to them.


Its head feathers shot up once it spotted the group, toe claws tapping a bit on the ground. It cocked its head, the morning rays striking upon its form, pupils constricting a bit, claws on its hands being shown as it took a step towards the group, once hidden by its wings. Its beautiful blue eyes watched the group, pupils constricting a bit when landing on Spike, before moving onto Fluttershy, nostrils flaring a bit. The Velociraptor gave a throaty call, another one of its kin popping its head out of the bushes, feathers on its head alert, before combing back down as it stepped out. They ignored the fish in front of them, walking towards the group.


"Don't move. They may not be antagonistic, we just need to remain calm." Twilights horn stopped glowing as she stood tall, staring at the two predatory dromaeosaurids, her wings pressing against her sides.

This ones feathers were lighter, its frame was slightly more bulky, and its face was decorated with three long scars, and its right arm was missing some feathers. It walked forward, giving a soft chirp towards its companion, the duo watching the group of friends.

The Big One slowly circled around, footpads landing on the ground, the first one, whom we will name Blue Eyes, quietly circled around the other way. Spike felt a primal part of his brain react, and for once he listened to it; he gave a low, throaty hiss, which made the Big One pause for a moment. Her eyes locked onto his, before she gave a throaty trill, before walking past him, giving a wide berth. Her eyes locked onto movement under Fluttershy's legs, stopping for another moment and giving a soft hiss at the sight of Chompers snout. Fluttershy saw her head move down, jaws opening a bit, before something shot through her system.

She stomped her hoof in front of Chomper, interrupting The Big Ones gaze, giving a soft huff through her nostrils. She stood back up and slowly kept walking, inspecting the group. Blue Eyes gave Rainbow Dash a gaze, sniffing her once he saw her wings, to which she responded by stamping her hooves and giving the Velociraptor a glare.

"Try somethin!" She hissed out, Blue Eyes giving a hiss back, though made no movements towards her. He kept walking, clicking his jaws together, watching Applejack with a wary eye, seeing her tighten her mouths grip on the lasso. She saw her muscular legs, giving a loud huff, walking around her, before his eyes landed onto Zecora. He sniffed towards the Zebra mare, only to give a shriek of disgust when it smelt the bottles she was carrying.

It seemed that even the cork couldn't contain the smell.

Blue Eyes shook and scampered away, jumping onto a rock nearby and giving a look around, the Big One giving a throaty sound. The wind shifted, Blue Eyes sniffing loudly, before his head turned to the ground. He gave a loud, bird like call, the Big One looking at him. He then jumped off the rock, running off after the Shuvuuia, the Big One looking back at Spike, her head feathers flaring upwards, giving a throaty trill again.

Spikes eyes constricted into slits, Chomper quietly slipping out and hiding under Spike. Spike gave a throaty rumble, which Chomper matched, the Big One staring at them both, before following Blue Eyes.

After a minute they disappeared into another bush, the bushes rustling loudly as they left the group. Fluttershy finally let a breath out, then smiled to her friends, saying, "That went well."