Canterlot Wedding Gone Wrong

by MagicalPony2099

First published

Twilight turns into changeling queen by Chrysalis but Chrysalis doesn't know what's about to happen.

Instead of running away after she saw 'Cadence' using green magic on her brother, she confronts them. But she's fully aware of her situation when 'Cadence' turns her into an changeling queen by being hypnotized from her green magic. Little did 'Cadence' or should I say Chrysalis know that Twilight Sparkle has a secret fetish that wants to be the one in control of everything.

Chapter 1

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Twilight looked through the crack in the door to see that 'Cadence' was with her brother in there. Shining kept getting a headache so 'Cadence' used her green magic to make it go away. But when Twilight saw this, she had two options to choose from. Option one was to run away and confront her friends about this or option two being that she confronts 'Cadence' and her brother in there.

So she chose the second option and opened the door to the room where this imposter and her brother was in.

'Cadence' heard the door opened to see that Twilight was inside with them. "What are you doing inside here?"

Twilight pointed a hoof at her. "I saw you using your weird green magic on my brother which made him go coo-coo in the eyes!"

'Cadence' narrows her eyes at Twilight. "I was only trying to help him calm his headache down."

Twilight narrows her eyes at 'Cadence'. "Well, I don't see how you're doing a very good job."

A vein pop up on 'Cadence''s forehead. "Do you want to run by that me again on what you just said to me?"

Twilight repeated on what she said to her.

'Cadence' laughs out loud. "Oh, I see now it is. You're trying to distract me from fully claiming your brother as my own and using him to your own desires. Is that it huh?!"

Twilight was getting afraid now. "What?"

"Well you know what?" 'Cadence' was now in front of Twilight. "Look into my eyes." Her eyes glowed green as she looked into Twilight's eyes. "You left me with no other choice as I force you to become a changeling queen like I am." Her horn lit up with green magic as Twilight looked through 'Cadence''s green glowing eyes, not moving a muscle. As she not felt what's going on with her at all.

Her entire body began to forcefully change shape while Twilight was kept staring at those glowing green eyes. She didn't feel a thing as everything was changing. Her entire body was changing from her hooves to even her horn changed. Twilight didn't even noticed that she entered a white sphere and after she was put down from 'Cadence''s magic.

Twilight blinked as she looked over herself, she was still purple. But then she felt something that she didn't know she had, she then looked under herself to see that, later she'll learn the proper name to it from Chrysalis herself, her now twitching and throbbing erect cock. Also she felt herself wink, so she still has a vagina. Futanari came into mind on what she became. The cock she has was super different than all of the stallions she saw.

'Cadence' just shook her head. Does Twilight even know that she has a ovipositor that she was checking. Maybe it was time to enact her invasion plan a little early than usual. But then she saw Twilight looking at her with a smile, that smile that Twilight has is making 'Cadence' uncomfortable even in her disguise.

"Thank you." Twilight said.


'Cadence' doesn't know what to do.

"By turning me into this..." Twilight said pointing a hoof at herself. " just fell right into my trap."

Her trap? 'Cadence' thought it was her own trap that she made Twilight turned into a changeling queen.

"Uhh, your trap?"

"Yes, my trap." Twilight stated. "For starters, I was fully aware of what you were doing to me. That hypnotism thing you did, I just played along. I knew it was hypnotism when I looked into your eyes when you did that. And now with all this power inside me. I can finally enact my secret fetish and it was... all... thanks... to... you. I know you're not really Cadence. Just really show your real self." And now being turned into what she is now, she can finally have Shining Armor all to herself, but.. Even though his love for Cadence right now was getting a little weak, she still felt the love he has for his little sister. She also wanted to change some things to Shining after this imposter reveals herself.

Twilight saw a green fire around 'Cadence' to reveal her actual self. A changeling. She knew that those species books helped for this. A changeling queen that she saw.

"Queen Chrysalis of the badlands hive." She doesn't look too happy that she's been caught this early. "Now that I reveal myself to you, what are you gonna do?"

"Where's Cadence?"

"She's in the crystal caverns underneath Canterlot."

Twilight smiled at that. But now she looked at Shining Armor whose just staring blankly into empty space. She knows what to do to him with her new power. "With that out of the way, there's something I must do to Shining." She lit her new changeling horn with magic and casted a spell on Shining Armor. She only used this spell once before when she was just a filly. Back then, she was curious about this spell, but now, she knows full well what this spell does. Because even though she didn't have many friends when she was a filly, that spell helped a pony discovered themselves even better with a new look in life. And she didn't see this pony she helped after that ever since then.

Chrysalis knows full well what this spell is. "The futanari/herm spell?"

Twilight nodded her head. "Yep! Now Shining has both genitals."


"Now, I can impregnate him with my foals... wait... what's the term for baby changelings?"

"Grubs." Chrysalis pointed her hoof at Twilight's ovipositor. "The thing under you is called a ovipositor. It's a cock for changelings that'll be abled to lay eggs inside others, but its only for the queens like myself and the breeders. The male drones only have a regular male cock. That's what mother explained to me before I became a queen of my hive all of those years ago."

"Wait, there is more than one hive than yours?"

"Yes, we have a council that decides what needs to be done for all hives on this planet including my own hive."

"Is there a reason on why you're invading Canterlot?"

"Super low on love. We're desperate for more love."

Twilight is still getting the hang on her changeling side, but she's thinking. She then looked under Chrysalis to see her ovipositor is out. "I think I can help with that."

"You can?"

"Trust me, I got this." And thanks to all those Ponysutra magazines that she borrowed from Rarity, she now knows what to do. She went under Chrysalis and put her ovipositor in her mouth, doing oral on it.

Chrysalis felt this, she never has anyling or anypony doing oral on her ovipositor before. Her cheeks blushed green as Twilight was now sucking her ovipositor. Twilight used her hooves to fondle with Chrysalis's balls as well, making a feel for how heavy and rounded they are.

With all of this simulation Chrysalis is getting, she was getting close to cum. Twilight then used her magic to massage Chrysalis's balls. That made Chrysalis gritted her teeth as she was trying to hold back the incoming orgasm for as long as possible.

Twilight then used her now long forked tongue around Chrysalis's ovipositor, this made Chrysalis couldn't hold anymore longer as Twilight felt the first spurt of cum hit the back of her throat, she moaned as cum was going down her throat.

Chrysalis moaned as she continues to cum inside Twilight's mouth. She wouldn't let her eggs come out yet. And after awhile, Chrysalis calmed down from her climax. But after she got her ovipositor out of Twilight's mouth, she was still hard.

Twilight was struggling to let go and put her ovipositor into Shining Armor's new virgin pussy.

Chrysalis saw this and told her. "Do you want more power than you already got?"

Twilight looked at her and nodded.

"Then just do it."

When Chrysalis said that, the last of Twilight's restraint left. "I'm sorry BBBFF for what I'm about to do." Twilight then went towards Shining from behind him and just put in her still twitching and throbbing ovipositor inside Shining's new unfucked pussy. Shining made no movements or sound except for his breathing. He really was under Chrysalis's mind control. Her balls slapped Shining's ass as she began to fuck him.

Chrysalis got nothing better to do so she's doing the same thing that Twilight is doing to Shining and put her ovipositor into Twilight's pussy. Twilight gasped as she felt Chrysalis's ovipositor going inside her pussy. She even felt the love from this now that she's a changeling. After she goes to sleep, tomorrow she'll object to the wedding and then everything will change. A new rule will be put into place. Also before she goes to sleep, she'll need to know how to fly using her new wings, as well as learn how to shapeshift from Chrysalis.

And after awhile, they both felt they were getting close to their climaxes as well as to release their eggs. So after a few quick and hard thrusts, they both climaxed at the same time.

Twilight felt for the first time, her eggs coming out of her ovipositor and into Shining's awaiting womb. As well as for Chrysalis to release her eggs into Twilight's awaiting womb from her ovipositor.

After both of their orgasms ended, both of their ovipositors slip out of the pussies that it was in and returned back to their respective sheathes.

Twilight smiled as she felt the eggs inside her womb glow. "Don't worry, mama Twilight will take care of you when are ready to be born as well as my BBBFF for my eggs inside of him."

Chrysalis just raised an eyebrow from that. But maybe the invasion plan won't have to be enacted tomorrow. She just have to wait and see.

Chapter 2

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After Twilight learned how to fly with her changeling wings as well as learned how to shapeshift, she shapeshifted into before she was transformed into a changeling queen by Chrysalis, but with the additional of wings into her unicorn form, making her an alicorn, but not an actual alicorn.

Queen Chrysalis looked at her. "Where are you going?"

"To see my parents, the last time I saw them was before I went to Ponyville for the first time. I know that my mother will be happy that she's gonna be a grandmother, but I don't know about my dad. I'll just ask somepony where my parents are at the moment right now." She turned her head towards Chrysalis. "Also, just get my brother out of the mind control for me will ya. This invasion you're planning for their wedding, it doesn't have to be an invasion. You can just surrender and I can just ask Princess Celestia to make a peace treaty between the ponies and the changelings. And we can co-exist together as queens." She smiled. "As well as maybe me, you, my brother over there, and Cadence into a 4-way marriage or a harem. I know Cadence will be asking me on why I'm a futanari as well as my parents. Apparently, my mother turned my dad into a herm while I was watching them having sex when I was just 10 years old during the hearths warming holidays."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Why did I needed to hear this?"

Twilight continued to smiled. "I think you'll see when I object to the wedding later today. Just act in your disguise when you're up there at the alter. And after your reveal to your true form, I'll be doing the same, stopping Celestia from attacking you."

Chrysalis blushed green. "Thank you."

"Now..." Twilight said before kissing her on the lips. "Have fun with Shiny, I know he'll have fun with you." After that, Twilight left the room where earlier both her and Chrysalis were having sex, leaving both Chrysalis and Shining Armor alone in there.

Chrysalis did what she was told and removed the mind control she had on him. She quickly put her disguise as Princess Cadence on before Shining came out of the daze he was in. The only difference in her disguise as Princess Cadence is that she still has a cock and balls. Currently her cock wasn't out of her sheathe after it went back in from having sex with Twilight.

Shining shook his head and blinked. He looked around. "Uhh... where am I? And what happened to me?"

'Cadence' just chuckled at his confusion. "Well Shiny, we're in our room before we get married today and also that's for me to decide and you to find out."

Shining felt something different about him. "Why do I have a vagina and why do I feel somethings inside me all tingly like?"

'Cadence' just shook her head with a smile. "You have to thank your sister on that. She casted that futanari/herm spell on you, making you to have a vagina and as well that now your pregnant with her foals."

Shining's eyes widen that his sister did that to him all before he got married to Princess Cadence. His head drooped down in sadness. "Why LSBFF did you did that to me? Just why Twily?"

"Right now, she's not here. She's on her way to your parents about something." 'Cadence' gave a smirk at him. "She's pregnant as well."


'Cadence' chuckled. "I did."

"Then th..." Shining stopped mid-sentence before looking under 'Cadence' to see that she has a cock and balls. His eyes widen yet again on how her cock was. It was bigger than his cock when fully erect. He has a small cock. He was the laughing stock at boot camp during his training to be a royal guard. Even the captain of the royal guard at the time laughed at him on how small his cock was. And he was even raped by said Captain along with the other trainees. But by the time he was promoted to Captain, he wanted cock inside him and even requesting that he get raped by the sun princess.

Yes, Shining has a rape fetish and it all started from being raped at boot camp. He loves the feeling of somepony's cock inside his ass and feeling full with their cum. He was turned into a cum bucket slut from all of that cum he was getting from being raped.

The thought of being raped by his soon-to-be wife was making his cock come out of his sheathe.

'Cadence' saw the fully erect cock from under him. She coo'd at the sight of his small cock. "Awww... look on how small your cock is."

"I know its small and I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm proud to have a small cock as well as some other ponies with small cocks here in Canterlot. I'm even in the small cock club with those ponies." Shining smiled proudly about having a small cock. "Also, I'm bi. I wouldn't mind to have a harem with others. Even those ponies in the small cock club can join as well. We bonded very well and even had sex with each other. The smallest cock when erect from the club was just 1 inch. Yes, imagine my surprise to see that small of a cock in my ass, but his balls were another surprise. Even though he had a very small cock, his balls were huge, The size of grapefruits they were. And yes, I even invited the whole club to this wedding. Also that pony with the smallest cock told me that he was born with no sheathe, so his cock was just showing to the world. And I planned to marry that stallion as well when I call his name. Twily doesn't know the club I'm in at all. I also have a picture of the whole club plus me in the photo right here." Shining grab the photo out of his pocket dimension with his magic. In the photo, it showed 6 stallions sitting on the floor with their cocks showing all smiling. Shining pointed a hoof to the gray coated buff stallion with glasses in the photo. "That one is the one is who I'll be calling up to get married as well. His name is Henry Jaylily."

While Shining was explaining all of this, 'Cadence' was thinking to just show him her true form and get it over with, but she doesn't know that if she revealed her true self to Shining, he would get mad and demanded on where the real Cadence is at or just be calm and even call her sexy and accept it and that he was marrying a sexy queen that was irresistible to look at.

'Cadence' sighed. "Shiny?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Please don't get mad on what I'm about to do as well as to show you something."

"Uhh, okay?" Shining was just confused. What did she had to show him? And why would he get mad?

'Cadence''s eyes started tearing up with tears. "I'm sorry." She said before being engulf in a green fire, finally revealing her true self towards Shining. And when the green fire disappear from her. She was no longer in her disguise as Princess Cadence, but as her true self, Queen Chrysalis. Queen of the changelings for the hive in the badlands. Her eyes were still flowing with tears.

Shining saw this, this, being. His mind was forming questions. Like 'Where was the real Cadence?' and 'Why did she look sexy?'. That second question in his mind was making him blush red. His mouth was starting to water. The eggs that was inside his womb was glowing bright from the love being absorbed.

He only got to say 'uhh...' before he saw her smirked, but her eyes stop flowing with tears.

"Well, well, well... I can sense your love just shot up from seeing the real me and not in that disguise. I can tell you that the real Cadence is underneath Canterlot in those crystal caverns there, but I had your sister go do something or rather she had go to do something." She chuckled. "My name is Queen Chrysalis. I'm the queen of the changelings for the badlands hive." She looked at him with sexual intent. "Now that I had reveal myself to you, what are you gonna do now?"

Shining just blinked, shaking his head. He turned around and lifted his tail out of the way smiling at her. "Rape me in the ass."

"Alright." She walked towards Shining, but before she mounted him. She had to get her ovipositor out of her sheathe and erect again. "But first before I do rape you there."

He turned back around to see that she was showing her sheathe to him.

"I want you to try to get me hard and erect so I can rape you in the ass."

This was simple to do. So he got to work. He went under her and opened his mouth over her sheathe. He started to suck it, getting a taste of the texture of her sheathe. It was oddly musky that he loved the taste of it. He then used his tongue to lick inside her sheathe.

She moaned as he was sucking her sheathe. She was starting to feel her ovipositor coming out of her sheathe.

Shining's tongue touched something inside her sheathe while licking the inside of it.

"That's m-my ovipositor your tongue is touching, kee-keep going Shiny."

His ears perked up at that. Her ovipositor huh? Okay he thought, as he felt it going inside his mouth as he kept on his oral assault of her sheathe until he felt the whole thing in his mouth, now twitching and throbbing. He tasted the weird blob of precum on his tongue. It was very sweet, like honey. He quickly swallow the precum down his throat. He then moved his head outward, her ovipositor coming out of his mouth. Her precum was green in color and it was pouring out of her ovipositor and onto the floor, making a puddle of it. He started to lick up the puddle of green precum and swallowed it down. He couldn't get enough of this taste at all. He was addictive to it. He wanted more, but before he could get more of the precum, he heard Chrysalis speak.

"Okay, you're welcome for getting addictive to my honey precum, but I still want to rape you in the ass."

Oh. Okay. So Shining complied and lifted his head from under her, he then turned around, raised his tail and just said. "Just rape me, I can take it."

Chrysalis finally mounted him, her front forehooves on either side of Shining's body. She then positioned her ovipositor in front of his puckered entrance and just forced her ovipositor all the way inside Shining's ass, making Shining scream from the pain he was getting from his ass, tears was started to pour from his eyes, but he was liking this, no, loving this being raped from Chrysalis.

She started to pump her ovipositor in and out of his ass, tears kept on flowing out of his eyes, but now it was tears of excitement. Her balls slap his vagina with each of her pumping, making Shining moan from each slap.

Chrysalis was enjoying the tartarus out of this. She felt his love increase from this, his love for the queen. She didn't feel anymore love coming from him for the real Cadence at all, its all gone. The love she feels inside him was from herself, Twilight, and that Henry Jaylily stallion pony. She kept on pumping her ovipositor in and out of his ass. She increase her speed of her pumping.

Shining can feel his walls from inside his ass getting tighter from each pump. He even felt his clit wink as he was getting close to cum from both of his genitals. He guessed that the futanari/herm spell casted on him was permanent. He didn't care about that. He then lit up his horn with magic on her ovipositor and both on his clit and cock.

Chrysalis felt that she was close to cum as well from what Shining's doing as well as for him. And after a few more thrusts, her ovipositor flared up and shot her cum inside his ass and what surprised her the most is that she felt more of her eggs coming out of her ovipositor and into his ass as well. She thought that after she released her eggs into somepony, that was it for a few days, but she was wrong. The love coming from Shining was making her have more eggs from her.

Shining came from both his cock and pussy. Cum shooting out of his cock and onto the floor as well as marecum out of his pussy. His horn stop being lit up with magic. Also, he felt something going inside his ass. He doesn't know what it is, but it felt kinda weird, a good weird, but weird altogether nonetheless. He counted up to 5 that went inside his ass until he felt her ovipositor went out of his ass.

Both him and her fell over, breathing heavily after their climaxes ended. And after a moment trying to catch their breath, they sit up looking at each other, smiling.

Shining was the first one to break the silence. "That, that felt great. Only one question. What did put inside my ass?"

She rolled her eyes at him. "My eggs of course. Changeling eggs to be more specific. Your sister earlier put in 4 eggs in your womb. And before you ask, I transformed her into a changeling queen like me, but she stayed her natural coat color of purple. So that makes a total of 9 changeling eggs inside you. 4 in your womb and 5 in your ass. I can already guess that your parents would be proud to become grandparents for both of their children, you and her."

Shining raised his eyebrows at that. "Huh, so I'm pregnant in both holes?"

She nodded.

Shining just shrugged. "Alright, that's fine. Even though I saw dad still has his pussy like I do now. Me and him have this weird relationship between us where me and him have sex behind my mom's back without her knowing. Also, do you know where Twily is right now?"

She nodded again. "I can sense her going inside the crystal caverns right now. She's on her way to find Cadence. But I don't know about her, because your love for her is gone. I'm gonna show you something." She lit her horn up and showed Shining the invisible strings that's for whose in love with who as lovers. "As you can see, there are 4 strings attached to you, one of them is connected to me right now. And the other 3 are connected to your father, your sister and that Henry Jaylily stallion pony, but the string that was connected to Cadence from you is not there anymore. It was probably got disconnected when I mind controlled you as her and you knew that I wasn't Cadence at all."

Shining nodded his head. "I think it has something to do with that long forked tongue or even that cock of yours that Cadence didn't have. Also green magic, she had blue magic because her eyes were blue. Even though green is my favorite color. I have no idea why I was even interested in her in the first place to begin with, even though I told her I was gay and not interested in mares at all, but over time, I was interested in both mares and stallions, so that made me bisexual."

"You know that I got an army of changelings waiting hidden outside of Canterlot. They're waiting for the right moment for me to give them the signal to smash that shield bubble around all of Canterlot."


"Like I told your sister earlier, my entire hive is super low on love and I was getting really desperate for more love for my subjects. So I planned an invasion during your and Cadence's wedding, but now that you don't love Cadence anymore, I don't know to do with that army right now."

Shining was thinking of a way for the wedding later today. He then looked at her. "Did you send out one of them years ago?"

Chrysalis was thinking back if she did send out one of her changelings years ago. "I think I did, why?"

"Well, he did say that he had a little brother named uhh Thorax I think."

Chrysalis's eyes widen. She knew which changeling she sent all of those years ago. "It was Pharynx that I sent out."

"Yep that's the one. He was one of the trainees that was rough on me."

"Of course he was rough on you, he's the Captain of my changeling army. He doesn't go soft for noling at all, well maybe except for protecting his brother Thorax. The both of them are outside of Canterlot hidding right now. Do you want me to call in the both of them right now to us?"

He nodded.

~Thorax, Captain Pharynx~

~Yes, my queen?~

~I want the both of you to come to me right this instance. Your queen commends you!~

~Yes, my queen.~


"Hurry, disabled your shield then I'll tell you when you can reapply it back. Got it?"

Shining rolled his eyes. "Of course, of course." He closed his eyes and lit up his horn with magic, disabling the shield. Now waiting for her to tell him to reapply back it back.

A moment has past. "NOW!"

He did what he was told. He reapplied the shield in record time, even though he was inside. He had no headaches this time. "There, the shield is back up."

"And now we wait for them."

He nodded. "Yep."

A couple of minutes has passed until a voice was heard. "My queen, we're here like you requested."

Shining knows that voice from anywhere.

"Just come on in you two." Chrysalis said before two changelings went inside the room. It was both Thorax and Pharynx.

"Now why did you called u..." Pharynx said before he stop mid-sentence and he saw Shining, recognizing him instantly. "Cum Bucket Slut!? Wha? My queen, what's going on here!?"

"Calm down Captain Pharynx, I'll explain."



Pharynx's eyes widen as he instantly calms down and was shaking worriedly. "So-Sorry my queen, won't happ-happened again my queen."

Chrysalis nodded. "Good." Then she sniff the air. "Thorax, did you pissed yourself?"

He just nodded.

"I'm sorry about yelling at your brother like that Thorax Timedawn, but he was getting way out of line for a soldier like him. Just comfort your brother while I talk to Shining." She then turned her head towards Shining. "I'm sorry about Pharynx, he's usually not that aggressive towards others."

Shining pulled her into a hug. "It's alright Chrysalis. Sometimes I yelled at Twily for not doing what she was being told, then I always get grounded by my parents for this."

Chrysalis was surprised by the hug, but then she hugged back. Both of their ears heard kissing coming from the front of them, both of them turned their heads as they saw both Thorax and Pharynx kissing each other.

Shining looked at Chrysalis and said. "They're cute together like this."

"Yeah." She agreed with him. "I did always sensed a love connection between the two ever since Pharynx came back from that boot camp thing that you attended all of those years ago." She lit up her horn showing that invisible string between the two male changelings. "See. They both loved each other. Also, why is there a string connected to Pharynx from you?"

"He was my first real love since boot camp. He even went as far as revealing himself to me to admitted his confused feelings towards me. He made the cutest buzzing sounds when we had sex."


"This is gonna be one weird wedding to attend later today. I wonder what Twilight and Cadence are doing right now."

"I wouldn't even tell you if I could. Because she blocked out her signal to me."

"Celestia damn it." Then he shrugs "Oh well."

Chrysalis narrows her eyes at both male changelings then sighs. "You two."

Their ears perked up and stop kissing.

"I want the both of you to satisfied Shining here."

Pharynx's eyes widen as Thorax just look in worrisome, like he won't do a good job and mess up. Pharynx just put a hoof on his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry little brother, you'll do a good job. I had the same look when I had my first time with Shining back at boot camp, but over time..." He smiled gently. "...he showed me how to be better. And I thank him for that. And right now, we're bros of the Timedawn name, we stick together, no matter what. Even if by some fate one of us dies, the other is two times stronger. Right little bro?" He kissed him.

Thorax heard everything his big brother said. He kissed back with determined eyes. He nodded. "Right, big bro."

"Now, let's go and satisfied Shining Armor."


Chrysalis is happy that both brothers are bonding even more. Maybe this invasion won't have to happen at all. Also it was weird seeing both brothers doing sword training a couple weeks back before she replaced as Princess Cadence. Those swords both brothers have, she didn't recognized those or where they came from at at. She looked at Shining.


"Oh nothing, its just that both of them learned to do sword training from swords that I don't recognized at all."

Shining chuckled. "Well maybe during boot camp during the hearths warming holidays that I showed Pharynx this anime called Sword Art Online."

"Anime? What's that?"

"I'll just show it to you during the honeymoon in a hotel room in Las Pegasus."

She shrugged. "Fair enough."

As she said that, both Thorax and Pharynx came towards Shining on both sides of him. Pharynx in the back and Thorax in the front.

Shining then lit up his horn with magic on both the brother's sheathes and their balls. Both of the brothers moan as magic was massaging their genitals. Shining was standing up as he did this. He kept on doing this until both of the brother's cocks were fully out of their sheathes, fully erect. He smiled. "There." He saw Thorax's cock in front of him, it was small like his does. He coo'd softly. "Awwww, it's small."

Pharynx heard that. "Yeah, he does." He was trying to think which hole behind Shining to use. "Can I use both of your holes behind you Shining?"

Shining's ears perked up. "Go ahead."

Pharynx smirked. His horn lit up as he used magic to make a second cock appear.

Shining opened his mouth and used his tongue to start licking Thorax's small cock. Then he patted Thorax to bring his cock inside his mouth. Shining felt Thorax's cock going inside his mouth. It went only by 3 inches inside his mouth. Then he started to suck and move his mouth back and forth of the cock inside his mouth.

But with Pharynx's two fully erect cocks, they were long and big. Longer and bigger than Chrysalis's ovipositor was. Pharynx pushed both of his cocks inside both Shining's ass and pussy.

Shining felt his back holes being filled with cock. His eyes widen as he felt how big and long Pharynx's cocks were. Holy fuck, I never notice how long and big Pharynx's cock has gotten over the years, but now, he's tearing me apart with them. Even though he was sucking Thorax's cock in his mouth, he nodded his head as he decided to fuck it, he was gonna marry both of these male changelings. His harem would consists of Henry Jaylily, his sister Twilight Sparkle, Chrysalis, his dad Night Light, and both Timedawn brothers of Thorax and Pharynx. He know his mom would be betrayed of his dad to be married to him. But that's a risk he's gonna take. But for Princess Cadence, he doesn't love her anymore, not after what he went through with Chrysalis to be mind controlled by her.

Pharynx started to pump his cocks in and out and Shining's ass and pussy.

Shining felt Pharynx's balls slap him with each pump. Shining then let up his horn with magic again, he let his magic massaged the inside of both asses of Thorax and Pharynx.

Both eyes widen from the Timedawn brothers as they felt magic penetrated the inside of both of their asses. It felt cool to the touch.

It wouldn't be long until both brothers came inside Shining. They both grit their teeth as to hold back their orgasms, but then they felt Shining's magic touch their genitals. That made them sent over the edge and started to climax inside Shining.

Shining felt his mouth, ass, and womb to be filled with cum. It was soo much cum that he even felt Thorax's cum go out of his nose as well as for Pharynx's cum to be spilling out his ass and pussy as well as felt his stomach to be filled to the brim of cum that he felt Pharynx's cum going up his throat. His womb was filled with soo much cum that it went into overdrive that the eggs inside his womb was growing in size. He was nicknamed Cum Bucket Slut for a reason after all. Also, he felt his ovary eggs absorbed all of Pharynx's changeling sperm. He didn't know how many foals he'll be birthing, but the number will be very high. He's in the very early stages of hyper pregnancy. He knows that with Pharynx's sperm in those ovary eggs, he'll be pregnant with pony-changeling hybrids. Half pony, half changeling.

He felt himself climax as well. His cock spurt out rope after rope of cum onto the floor below making a cum puddle.

And after awhile, all three of them finally finished their climaxes. Both Thorax and Pharynx's cocks slip out of Shining, cum coming gushing out of all three of Shining's holes, adding more cum to the cum puddle on the floor. Also Shining's cock just went back inside his sheathe. He felt soo full of cum, that there was a huge bulge where his stomach is. He didn't flopped down onto the floor, his super full stomach just let him stayed there. His stomach was started to absorbed all of that cum into the rest of his body.

Shining felt his body started to change. He felt that crotchboobs were growing out of his crotch into a huge size.

But then Twilight Sparkle popped in from using teleportation. "SHE WASN'T THERE!!!"

Everypony looked at her. "After I left to go see my parents, they were surprised at my pregnancy and even more surprised at me being a changeling queen, but were proud. But after I left to go to see Cadence in those crystal caverns, but when I got to the location where Cadence was put in those caverns, she wasn't there at all. I tried to locate her, but..." Her head drooped down in sadness. "...its like she doesn't exist at all. There was only one location she would go, but it was soo cold I almost froze myself. I'm sorry Chrysalis, she's gone. No longer alive." Her eyes started to produce tears. "Why Cadence, why did you do this to us?" She then burst into tears.

Chrysalis walked towards her and pulled her into a hug. She doesn't know what to tell Celestia later today that her niece is no longer alive. She couldn't do her Princess Cadence disguise anymore after hearing Twilight said that. Chrysalis then rock Twilight back and forth. "Shh, shh. I'm sorry about what happened." She then looked at Shining. "Shining, I think you should just cancel the wedding. Thorax, Pharynx you two stay with Twilight and Shining. I'll just have to speak with Celestia about what happened with her now no longer alive niece."

Twilight hugged Chrysalis tighter. "Or I'll just wait until the time of the wedding for to tell her." Chrysalis used her magic to pop up multiple beds. "I think its time to sleep, no doubt that the lunar princess will notice Twilight's nightmares when she sleeps." She then used her magic to lift up Shining onto one of the beds.

Everypony else went to the other beds.

Chrysalis then closed the door and turned off the light with her magic. "Night."

Chapter 3(TBU)

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Celestia heard what Twilight said about Cadence being no longer alive. She just smiled at Twilight. "She's not gone my student."

Twilight eyes widen at that. "Wha?"

Celestia let out a chuckle. "I think you met a clone that she made to throw you off. If she was gone, then I wouldn't feel her life force at all." Then she looked at Chrysalis. "The last time that I saw you was you were small. Me and your mother even made fun of you for how smol you were."

Chrysalis blushed and huffed with her forehooves crossed. "Of course you and her did. I was the laughing stock back at the hive back then. But now that I'm a queen, I don't have to worry about being smol again."

Celestia just smiled. "I know and I'm sorry." But then she sighed. "If you're here, then where's your mother?"

Chrysalis looked down with a sad look on her face.

Celestia gasped as she put her hoof in front of her mouth. "I'm sorry about your loss."

"The whole hive had a burial for mother. I guess she wouldn't want me to mope about her death. Also..." She took a rolled up scroll out of her pocket dimension. "...I guess she wanted you to have this." She gave the scroll to Celestia. "It was the last thing she gave me before she died in her bed."

Celestia took the scroll and opened it up. What it showed made a tear fall out of Celestia's eye. This is what it says.

Dear Princess Celestia of Equestria,

I'm sorry that I don't have much time left as I'm writing this for you. You probably knowing that I'm no longer alive as I died on my bed and wanted my daughter Chrysalis give this to you. I couldn't tell you how much I miss you Tia, with how old I am, as I couldn't leave the hive without starting a coughing fit. So, I just wanted to tell you that I said yes to marry you after our final visit. I love you with all of my heart.

~Love, Queen Libokly of the Badlands Hive

P.S, attached to this scroll is a picture of me. I hope you enjoy it, I know I will in the afterlife.

P.S.S, please take care of my daughter for me. I give you my blessing for you to marry her.

Celestia looked at the attached picture and her eyes widen as she blushed red. The picture in question was Queen Libokly with her head turned directly to the camera as her tail was raised and with a eye wink, her horn was lit as her pussy was spread opened. There was something written on the picture. 'I hope you masturbate to this Molly.'

She felt her clit wink from seeing the picture. But has a determined look on her face. Libby, thank you for everything and I will.

She then looked at Chrysalis. "Chrysalis..."


"...thank you for giving me the scroll from your mother, but now there is another matter I must say."

Here it comes.

"Chrysalis, current queen of the Badlands hive, as crowned princess of Equestria, from this day forth and with the blessings from your mother, I wish to marry you and any others to join in the marriage."

Silence. Then 3 seconds later.

"WHAT?!?!" Came from 3 voices all at once. That was Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, and Chrysalis altogether.

"Princess Celestia, you can't be serious."

"I am."

"Twilight, she's dead serious. I can sense it from her." Chrysalis said. "Also Shining, go find your coltfriend Henry Jaylily and bring him here."

He nodded and left to find his indeed coltfriend Henry Jaylily.

"Twilight get your father here. If we are doing this harem marriage thing with Celestia, we're doing this altogether." She then looked at Celestia. "Right?"

Celestia smiled and nodded. "Yes." She then started giggling. "Hehehehe, this is just soo perfect, my very first wedding."

Twilight just left to get her father.

"I might as well as get both Thorax and his brother Pharynx here."

~Thorax, Captain Pharynx!~


~I need you two to come to my current location at once.~

~On our way!~


"Both of them are on their way right now." Chrysalis said before smirking. "Let me take care of your problem."

Celestia blushed as she felt her clit wink even more. She saw Chrysalis was walking towards her and when she was behind Celestia, she bent her head down, stuck her tongue out and started to lick the inside of Celestia's pussy. Celestia moaned as she felt her pussy getting lick from the inside. Then she felt that long forked tongue reached her cervix, in which she pushed her tongue through into her womb. She felt that tongue lick the walls of her womb, she felt as though she was gonna burst. And as though to seem luck have it, she felt the queen's tongue lick her right ovary tube and kept on continuing until she felt the queen lick her right ovaries. It was at this moment that she felt it, the saliva of the queen's tongue was making Celestia's eggs come out and even the impossible happened. The queen's saliva was impregnating her eggs, this shouldn't be possible at all, but it was happening. She was pregnant from Chrysalis's saliva. She even felt the queen licking her impregnated eggs with her tongue. And after she was done, she removed her tongue from inside Celestia.

Chrysalis just giggled. "I can't believed that I did that, but I did anyway. You're now pregnant with my kin. You should know that changeling saliva inside somepony's womb also counts as sperm, but if you want actual sperm in there, then say no more."

She then mounted up on Celestia's back and slam her now fully erect ovipositor inside Celestia's pussy then in her womb. She then started to pump her ovipositor in and out of her pussy. She did this for about 15 seconds before speeding her pumping up, and after another 25 seconds she came into Celestia's womb. Cum came poring out of her ovipositor and started to fill up Celestia's womb with her cum. After a bit, her ovipositor came out of her pussy and a mess of leftover cum come spilling out of her pussy.

"There now your ovary eggs will get actual sperm and make you even more pregnant."

Celestia doesn't know what to say to that. But then all of a sudden her sister came to the room. "Sister whose this and why do I smell sex?"

"I guess mother forgot to mention of you."

"Mother then wha..." Eyes widen. "Princess Libokly!!! You're her daughter?!"

"She died of the age of 1,539 years old in her bed back at the hive, her room hasn't been touched ever since she died. I'm keeping it that way. She was queen for over 1,000 years, I was born 539 years ago. I became queen only just 29 years ago after she died just 3 years ago. As to why I'm here, there was a wedding that was supposed to happen, but now a different wedding will happen. Tell your sister about this."

Celestia looked at Chrysalis and nodded. "Right." She then looked at her sister. "Luna, the original wedding for Shining Armor and my niece Princess Mi Amor Cadenza, or Cadence as she calls herself, is not gonna happen. But a new wedding will take its place instead. A wedding of 8 will happen, 8 ponies will be married today."

Luna just gave her sister the deadpan look.

Celestia just groan. "You're no fun Luna. This wedding that these ponies or should I say ponies and changelings will be married are: Chrysalis over there, my student Twilight Sparkle, her father Night Light, her brother Shining Armor, Shining Armor's coltfriend Henry Jaylily, the Timedawn brothers of Thorax and Pharynx, and lastly me."

"Sister, why do you now decide to get married after what happened in the parallel Equestria with you and the good Sombra?"

"I'm sorry Luna, but I think it was time to finally let go of past relationships that I had in the past and move on with this marriage of 3 changelings and 4 ponies including myself."

"I'm going back to sleep sister, don't wake me up until it deemed necessary okay?" Luna said before going back to her room to go back to sleep.

"That happened." Chrysalis said. "Was she always like that?"

"No, I think our having sex woke her up from finally going to sleep after her nightly duties."


"We're here my queen." Pharynx said.

"I'm back with my father Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle said.

"I'm back as well with my coltfriend your majesty." Shining Armor said.

Both Celestia and Chrysalis nodded. "Good." Celestia was the first to say that. "Now come on ponies, let's go get married."

And with that, all 8 of them towards the room where the wedding is taking place.


After the music and dance was concluded, Chrysalis saw Pinkie Pie with one of her drones named Doomie, she saw them go someplace else, she even sensed the love those two have. Doomie was the weird one at the hive. She even requested him to have anal sex with her back at the hive for all to see. She hoped Doomie can make Pinkie happy. She then saw Twilight trotting towards her.

"Welll Chrysalis, how does it feel to be married? Also we're leaving tomorrow morning to Las Pegasus for the honeymoon."

She looked at Twilight. "It feels wonderful Twilight."

Twilight smiled. "Good." Then she yawned. "Well, I'm going to bed. Night." Twilight then left to go to sleep.

Chrysalis just smiled as Twilight walked off. But then she heard a voice she hasn't heard in 3 years.

"I'm soo proud of you my daughter."

Chrysalis turned around to see... HER MOTHER!!! "Mother?!"

Chrysalis's mother Libokly showed up.

"Hi my daughter, I see that you finally got married."

"How are you even here, you died in your bed 3 years ago?!"

"Well... a special someone showed up and allowed me to come back to life. Her name was Mia Fey. She was visiting this universe's afterlife only 5 years after becoming a goddess for the afterlife. And I see that you married my friend Celestia." Libokly said before hugging her daughter. "If you need anything from me, just contact me via hivemind. Also, lets just go someplace so that the two of us can have privacy and I know the place in mind." Libokly lit her horn up with magic and made her and Chrysalis disappear.

When they appear again, they were in Libokly's room back at the hive. "I see that you didn't touch anything in here for 3 years after my death Chrysalis."

"Why are we in your room here?"

Libokly just smirk at her. "Well, being dead for 3 years has made me not used the bathroom and I do have to go." As there is a bulge where her bladder is. "I'm not gonna use my ovipositor to go." Even though her ovipositor is fully out and erect. "So just go behind me and put your mouth in my pussy. I hope you're really thirsty."

Chrysalis did as she was told by her mother and went behind her and put her mouth in her winking mother's pussy.

"Here it comes." Libokly said before letting out a sigh and relax as urine came out of her urethra and into Chrysalis's awaiting mouth.

The sudden taste of urine on her tongue was making her want even more. So she gladly drink up her mother's urine. She then start on swallowing down the warm liquid.


Both Chrysalis and her mother Libokly returned back to Canterlot as to get sleep for Chrysalis's honeymoon with the others who married her tomorrow.

"Night mother." Chrysalis said.

"Goodnight my daughter." Libokly said before leaving to go to her friend Celestia to sleep with her.

Well with that, Chrysalis went straight towards where Twilight is sleeping, got into bed with her and fell alseep.