The Thousand Year Itch

by Breathtaking Carnality

First published

Captain Celaeno gets tentacled by an ancient water spirit.

The adventure is over!

After an arduous three-month journey, Captain Celaeno and her crew have finally found the Amulet of Kagu, an ancient talisman that once belonged to a legendary pirate known to manipulate water. Feeling spent after the big adventure, Celaeno takes some much-needed relaxation time in one of the hot springs on Kagu's Island.

Turns out, Kagu’s spirit resides within the amulet, and he’s feeling lustrous in more ways than one.

Kinks: Non-con | Maledom | Vaginal Grinding| Anal| Vaginal | Triple Penetration | Fingering | Very hot sex in the literal sense | Borderline mind break (it's not extreme but it's there) | And Tentacles!

Special thanks to Vis-a-Viscera for pre-reading!

No, don't plunder THAT booty!

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It started in a tavern back in Ornithia.

I won a poker game against an old seadog. If I lost, I would have had to strip off all my clothes and prance around the Pigeonhole naked. That didn’t happen—thankfully—because I was smart enough to see his every sleight of hand, and by the end of the game I had earned the map to the Amulet of Kagu, a treasure thought to be lost forever.

Although there are many variations of the story, my favorite iteration goes like this: Legendary pirate Captain Kagu saved a tribal civilization from total destruction by annihilating an Ornithian fleet that would’ve slaughtered them and colonized their land. The tribe was so grateful that they crafted a special talisman—a sapphire-studded porcelain amulet—with the ability to manipulate water.

This was the legend, with some stuff in-between. One thing led to another, and well, the old salt got power-hungry and ravaged Madam Harpy’s all-girl fleet just to prove that he was the superior buccaneer. His biggest mistake was making them part of his crew. Most of the girls weren’t happy to have been taken advantage of so easily.

Captain Kagu was stabbed several times and left on an island. Some stories say it took days for him to die from his wounds, while others say that it was instant. Some say that he rode away from the island using the ocean’s waves, but me? I think that’s dogshit. How do I know?

I was wearing the Amulet of Kagu.

Kagu’s Island—that’s not its name, that's just what I started calling it—wasn’t a sight for sore eyes. There was lots of greenery, and the active volcano in the center of the island made it look straight out of a brochure. The real kicker was the copious hot springs that dotted the landscape, something I had been eyeing since our arrival.

We found his skeleton in a cave somewhere beneath the volcano. Based on the various incisions across his bones, I could pretty much confirm that he was stabbed to death and possibly lasted a few days before passing out from blood loss. Hey, the scurvy dog got what he deserved, what can I say?

That said, the journey proved to be an adventure worth a story all its own. Friends were made, and friends were lost. At one point I got kidnapped by an enemy fleet also searching for the treasure and barely escaped with my life—all very exciting stuff that I was now very glad to be done with.

The point was, the journey was over, and I could finally relax.

“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff,” I said as I lowered my naked body into the hot spring, the soreness in my muscles already dissipating.

A thin cloud of steam floated through the air like a transparent mist, fireflies hanging overhead like moving stars. In the distance, beyond the chirping of crickets, I could hear the remnants of cheering and laughter back at camp.

A smile spread across my face as my eyes drifted closed, and I sank to my chin. After a three-month arduous journey, I was ready for a vacation.

I lose myself to relaxation, my mind floating in space.


My eyes shoot back open, and the first thing I notice is a blue ethereal aura coming from the amulet. I sit up straight and reach a talon toward my neck—only for a tendril made of water to shoot out of the spring and wrap around my wrist.

“What the!?” I shouted. It had a peculiar feel to it, like it wasn’t water but instead a hot gooey substance. Instinctually, I stood and took a step forward so that I’d have the leverage to yank my talon free, but that got thwarted when another tendril wraps around my other wrist; the two pulling my arms over my head and lifting me into the air so that my toes barely graced the surface of the pool.

“Hey, put me down!” I shouted, although I’m not entirely sure what at. “Let me go or-mmmmmm—”

My voice gets muffled by a third snakey appendage clapping against my beak, wrapping around my head. I kicked my legs out, trying to rotate my body in the hopes that I’d slip free, and I could run for the sword laying atop my folded clothes just a few feet away.

The hot spring bubbled, glowing a vibrant shade of dark blue. Four parallel pillars shot up in front of me like geysers, twisting together to take form into something bipedal. Something that resembled a parrot. Someone I could only assume to be…

Captain Kagu. I think in disbelief.

Sheepishly, the first thing I noticed was the giant schlong dangling between the spirit’s legs, privately noting that it could split me in half, although I quickly avert my gaze up to the menacing glare in the form of two bright turquoise eyes. He looked to be made of water, although I could make him out clearly. If he were alive, I’d describe him as a hunk. He had a handsome face and chiseled physique, although that didn’t matter much now since he was a ghost.

“What scoundrel dares to take me amulet!” A menacing voice full of mysticism echoes around me. The tendril covering my beak snaked down to my neck.

I look around, pretending to search for somebody else in the vicinity. “Uh, I don’t know. Guess I’m your culprit?” I say, giving him a smile that’d put even the most ill-tempered of pirates at ease. “Not sure, I don’t think this piece looks good on me. What do you think?”

“Avast ye bilge-sucking whore!”

The tendril around my neck squeezed tight, constricting my windpipes.

“Ye stole from me!” he continued. “Am I wrong?”

The tight grip around my neck loosened, and I took in greedy gulps of air. “Technic… technically it’s not yours any longer. I think it stopped being yours after you died.”


Pillars of water shot up from the pool, and the spirit grew twice in size. He wasn’t Storm King big, but he was certainly wouldn’t-want-to-challenge-you-in-a-fistfight big. “I am not dead. The ones who attempted me murder tried removin’ the amulet from me neck, but it can only be done by either my own accord or if me mortal body were to suddenly become deceased. Me soul is attuned to the amulet, therefore I never died! Now, a lassy has picked it up. That ‘piece’ dangling around yer neck still belongs to me!”

My smile returned to my face. “Well, technically it belongs to the Laysen Tribe, but they’re long gone, and with your mortal body dead, all it’s doing is collecting dust. Buddy, pal… ol’ seadog. Your stuff is up for grabs now. Deal with it.”

The tendril tightened around my neck again, and something told me he really didn’t like that.

I kick my legs out, doing everything I can to slip out of the grip of the tentacles. They felt slippery, but their grip was so tight that I wouldn’t be surprised if they left imprints.

I gasp for air, not choking thankfully, but my neck was being crushed enough to render it extremely uncomfortable.

I felt something tug at my pegleg and look down to see another twisting upward toward my thigh. I try scraping it off with my other foot, but all that succeeds in doing is getting it wet.

“Ye ‘av seen battle,” he said. It slithered up my inner thigh, and my lungs clenched as it passes over my pelvis, barely inches away from my vagina. It trailed up my body, dampening the feathers along my belly and chest. My head flinched back as the tip rubbed against my cheek.

“Hey!” I shouted. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Yer strong, too. ‘Av a sturdy physique, nearly rock solid. Though yer still the most beautiful lassie I’ve seen even beyond me thousand-year rest.”

My eyes widened at the implication of his words. “What? What are you—”

“Simple. I ‘av no use for the amulet other than to store me spirit. Ye, however, still ‘av a mortal body. A very precious, fine mortal body.”

“You’re disgusting!” I shouted.

Kagu laughed. “Ye act as if ye has say in the matter! I’ve been asleep for a thousand years with nothing else to do. Now hold still, and the amulet will be yers soon afterward.”

“Hey! What are you—”

The tendril around my neck silenced me again, although this time not by crushing my windpipes. It slid up my face, shoving its tip into my mouth.

“Mmmmmmm!” I screamed, trying to call for help, although I didn’t think I could be heard through all of the laughter and cheering back at camp.

The tendril rubbed against my tongue subtly, the hot water scalding my tastebuds. It slipped in past my nebula, miraculously not choking me until it entered my gullet.

“That be it, take it all in.”

The one rubbing against my cheek trailed down my torso and pressed its length up against my vagina, sliding back and forth.

“Mmmm!” I moaned, my face flushing a deep red that only a cocktail of embarrassment and ecstasy could coax from my beak.

The one in my gullet pulled back into the entrance of my mouth for a few seconds so that I could breathe before reinserting itself. Based on his comments about how my body felt, I figured he was deriving some tangible pleasure from this, although he could also be ravaging my throat just to shut me up. It was probably both. Either way, I wasn’t a big fan of it, and neither was I a fan of the gooey tentacle grinding against my pussy, no matter how good it felt.

A warm, itchy feeling spread through my loins as it slid back and forth between my inner lips, grinding against me with enough force that I lifted into the air. The walls of my vagina stung from the heat, steam wafting from my pussy as it made loud sloshing noises. I could feel it pulsating, swelling, calling for more attention that I didn’t want.

I didn’t mind the idea of calling for help, but I would also be embarrassed to have one of my sailors see me stuck in such a predicament. I had already allowed them to become imprisoned, now, consider what they will think when they see their captain getting fucked by a horny ghost that’s been dormant in the treasure clutch we’ve been seeking for the last three months.

Glancing down, I realized that Kagu was stroking his cock in front of me. A morbid image of how I looked from his perspective projected into my mind, then I completely erased that thought. I didn’t want to portray any sign that he was completely dominating me.

The tendril slid down my pipe one more time and pulled out. I can tell that he was taking as much time as possible because he was slow to leave.

Finally, it pulled out, leaving me with a soar throat and taste buds singed off my tongue. Unable to stifle a moan, steam escapes my mouth like a dragon prepping a fireball in its chest, my face feeling hot from a combination of arousal and the hot water.

“I hope ye knows how sexy ye looks,” Kagu said. I’d punch him right in the face if I knew for sure it wouldn’t go through. “Even Madam Harpy lacked yer physique. How convenient, just what I like.”

The water snake between my thighs receded, and I had a moment of relief before Kagu disappeared. Before I could react, something pressed against my back. His arms close around me, right talon grabbing a chunk of plumage on my chest, left rubbing my vagina.

His tongue ran along my neck, starting at my armpit, moving up to my cheek, and ending inside my ear. He nibbled on my earring a little, then removed his right hand from my plumage, forcing my face toward his. His beak slid into mine, kissing me passionately, tongue feeling strangely realistic against my own.

I peeled my head back, taking a sticky trail of spit with me, and moaned, “S-stop.”

He responded by sticking his middle finger into my vagina. I howl, spraying spittle from my beak.

He leaned into my ear and whispered, “Hope ye likes it in the arse.”

My heart leaped in my chest, and I struggled to pull my wrists free. A fresh tendril wrapped around my peg leg and pulled it back. Swiping my tail out of the way, he placed one hand against my butt and used the other to guide his cock into my hole.

The insertion was slow. I clenched my eyes shut as my asshole clenched, stifling a pain-filled scream that came out as a pathetic squeal. He pulled back out with a squelch and halted. I waited there in anticipation, knowing that he was stalling just to catch me off guard. Whether my guard was on or off, he would have caught me either way when he rammed into my cheeks full-force, thrusting violently

Unwanted pleasure filled my body, coming out of my beak in the form of hefty moans. A strange feeling buzzed in my chest—fear. Not fear of being raped but fear of one of my sailors coming to the hot springs looking for me and stumbling on their captain being tentacled and buttfucked by a thousand-year water spirit.

I could hear their laughter in the distance. It sounded faint, but if I screamed loud enough they could probably hear. I’d rather they not.

His thrusting turned tepid. I could tell that he was taking his time. I’ve taken it beneath the tail before, and it’s been my experience that the guy usually finishes fast when he’s in it for pleasure. That’s not saying he wasn’t, but I could tell that he got off from toying with me, as every time he pushed in he would halt for a moment before pulling out. I think he wanted to make sure I felt every moment. I did, and I wasn’t very fond of it. I couldn't help but yelp with every clash against my cheeks, quite enough to be hiccups. The rapscallion probably found it adorable.

Damp with sweat, the green feathers on my crest drooped over my eyes, adding another nuisance to an otherwise embarrassing situation.

“Heave…” I gasped between moans. “Stop it…”

As if I uttered some magic word, his pace quickened, quickened, quickened; placing a hand against my thigh just above my pegleg. He pressed his body to mine, laying his chin against my crest and pivoting into my tail hole nonsensically.

Whatever rhythm he had, it was all gone now. I was nothing but a trophy to him—another lassy to add to the fuckpile. Finally, his hips slammed into my cheeks, something warm shooting inside of me and leaking down the walls of my anus. Looking down, I saw a thick, blue luminescent fluid dripping into the hot spring.

He pulled out, shooting more of the hot luminescent cum across my back and ass. “Oh, that was good,” he said, caressing my thigh. “Yer much better than Madam Harpy. It’d be a shame to leave now when the rest of yer holes are prepped and tender-like.”

He licked the inside of my ear again before dissipating into the steam. The tendril entwined around my pegleg receded so that my leg swung back and forth like a pendulum. I decided to use that as leverage to swing my entire lower body forward, literally trying to throw myself out of my tentacle shackles.

Surprisingly, it worked! I crashed into the boiling water and almost immediately move toward the surface for air. However, something entwined around my neck, pulling me back under. I throw my talons up to the tendril, trying to peel it off as eddies escaped throw the cracks of my beak.

My legs kicked up, feeling the outside air, although my entire upper body is submerged. I didn’t dare open my eyes, knowing that if I did all I will be met with is stinging pain.

Suddenly, the tendril unraveled from my neck, and I didn't waste time swimming back up. I broke through the water’s surface, taking in greedy gulps of air. Without a moment’s hesitation, one thought crosses my mind:

I have to get out of here.

I lurched toward the pool’s edge, eyeing my sword and clothes. Just as my entire upper body clambered over the warm limestone, something landed down atop me hard, forcing out a loud huff. I lifted my head back up, reaching an arm out toward my sword's hilt, whatever good that will do me, which was just a few feet away.

If Kagu noticed, he didn’t seem to care. He slammed a hand against the back of my head, grabbing a lock of my crest feathers and pulling my head back, then guided his cock between the folds of my slit and slid in with ease.

“Ah!” I screamed, my juices dripping into the water. “Heave! You already came, what else do you want?”

“To enjoy yer body.” I felt his tongue sliding up the back of my neck, forming a valley in the feathers that were soggy and clamping to my skin. The green feather on my crest annoying bounced up and down as he humped me, my asscheeks jiggling subtly with each clash of his hips.

Steam rose from my body, some escaping my mouth with each breathy moan and mixing with what was already clinging to the air.

My pussy made a disgusting shlicking noise that overlapped the sound of our legs splashing in the water. I tried kicking them out from under me, but he just placed his knees against the back of mine.

I could feel my walls tightening around his cock, expanding with every insertion. He pulled out and prodded the tip at the opening, reinserting by an inch and swaying his hips back and forth subtly. My pussy pulsated at this, my loins heating to a stomach-aching degree. My beak opened into a silent scream as he slammed back in.

I reached for my sword again. He let go of my crest feathers and stuck two fingers into my open mouth.

“Agh!” I gagged.

He pulled my head back, digging his claws into my inner cheek so that I tasted copper.

“Yer tight. Tighter than she. Ye feel nice on the inside, as if ye hadn’t fucked before. Although, ye ‘av clearly seen action, little whore. I bet ye would even miss me after. Lucky for ye, I’ll reside in the amulet forever, ready to fuck yer arse when it needs a good fucking.”

That didn’t sound promising.

“Get the fock off of me,” I mumbled through his fingers.

He tsks. “Still not learning? Good on ya, I like a girl who’s stubborn.”

He pulled his dick out with a wet slurp, flipping me onto my back. Before I had time to do anything, he laid down on top of me. I shot him the most heinous glare I could muster, letting him know that I wouldn’t break that easily.

“Hahaha!” he laughed. “Yer a darling when angry! Unfortunately, that frown off yer face has to go.”

As if on cue two gulp-worthy tendrils hovered along either side of his head, staring right at me. “Ye don’t wanna call for daddy? Fine. It wil gonna be less fun for ye.”

One of the water tentacles slithered down to my crotch, sliding up and down my folds. The other slithered across my chest and prodded against my beak. Kagu let out a dark chuckle and guided his penis back into my vagina, his little minion doing the same.

The combined efforts of the two was so painful that I couldn't help but let out a loud scream, the one prodding at my beak taking the opportunity to slam into my mouth.

“By the way, yes! They do feel pleasure, ‘case yer wondering.”

Although I was, I glared back up at him anyways, beady tears forming in the corner of my eyes—moreso from the pain than the rape.

It was an odd mixture. It felt good to have him inside of me. Each thrust increased my appetite for more. Having two appendages inside the same hole amplified that. No longer did I think about the soreness of my muscles; it felt as if I was floating on a cloud of pleasure. A storm cloud with a nail bed that I could fall threw it at any moment.

The tendril rammed down my throat at a ludicrous speed, forcing out a glick, glick, glick. I tried grabbing onto it with both of my talons, but they passed through. It tasted like water—hot water. Although, as its pace quickened it pulsated and throbbed the way a penis would. The oddity was that it felt solid when touching me but a liquid when I touched it.

I placed both talons against his shoulders in an attempt to push him off, but they phased through. Kagu lets out another dark chuckle. “Ye isn’t a quick learner.”

A third tendril emerged from the water and entered through my tail hole, the spirit now penetrating three different holes. Pleasure coursed through my veins, my loins screaming, “Yes, yes!” as he scraped against the walls of my openings, my stomach aching with an overstimulant of horniness. It was amazing, painful, and demeaning all at once.

I squirmed beneath him, the beads at the corners of my eyes turning into rivulets. No, I wasn't crying. Not harshly, anyway. It was more like the pain was so unbearable that I needed some way to filter it out.

He dug a talon beneath my ass, clutching an entire handful. His fingers pressed it against it in concentric patterns, enjoying the soft, cushiony yet firm film.

My throat began to get deepthroated at an unforgiving speed. A weird squelchy noise escaped my beak as I simultaneously gagged and choked. Finally, it pulled out, shooting strings of luminescent ghost cum onto my face. One spurt, two spurts, three—how does it do that if it’s made of water?

A morbid part of my mind laughed. Magic, duh. Ancient tribal magic sure is weird.

A new feeling arrived, this one building up gradually with every pump. It was a feeling deep within my loins, the part that screamed “Yes, more!” no matter how many times I sent mental signals to tell them to shut up. It was a feeling so hot, so knee buckling, so fatigue-enducing, that I saw no other alternative than to quit struggling and let him take me in the hopes that it would stop.

I lay on the ground, arms sprawled out, steam wafting off my body. Spitty moans escaped my beak, my face hot enough to be a cherry red.

Kagu placed both talons along either side of my hips, his pelvis slamming into me sporadically. The tendril in my anus pulled out, firing ropes of blue cum across my torso. The one inside of my vagina also pulls out with a disgusting schlllllick and shoots even longer ropes of cum across my body, some landing on my face.

Kagu didn’t give in right away. I can tell he was holding back because he maintained a constant speed, treating me less like a living being and more like an object that he can use and abuse.

“Please…” my voice cracked. “No more…”

This seemed to be exactly what he was looking for, as he slams into me one last time, a hot goo warming my belly. Simultaneously, I climax.

My juices squirted through him, into the water. My thighs quivered uncontrollably as he stayed inside of me, letting it all flow into my womb just to show that he was the one in charge. After a minute that felt like ten, he pulled out.

Covered in water, sweat, and ghost cum, I lay on the limestone, my chest rising and falling. My body felt like it was floating, like captaining a ship pent me up so much that a good screw was exactly what I needed to get my endorphins flaring. Never have I hated my body more.

“That was good,” Kagu said. “I look forward to doin’ it again. Enjoy me amulet.”

His spirit faded away, his noodley sidekicks dropping into the water with a loud splash. I lay on the ground for several minutes, breath gradually dying down.

Finally, I sat up. I stared down at my torso covered in ghost goop, at the sapphire-studded porcelain gem dangling against my chest.

I sighed. “Three whole months…”

Clasping my hand over the talisman, I break it away from my neck and toss it on top of my clothes.

Feeling pain in places that I shouldn’t feel pain, I place a hand against my stomach with the urge to vomit. It brushed through something gooey, and I stare down at ghost jizz sticking to my hand. I couldn’t exactly go back to camp looking like this. In fact, I will probably never tell anyone about what just happened ever in my life. I’d have to come up with a good excuse for the crew as to why their captain took so long to return.

I sighed again, once more lowering myself into the water to wash off. “I’m ready for a vacation.”