Loveless Lovechild

by Mani-Roar

First published

Chrysalis's illegitimate son is banished from the hive and forced to find his way alone.

Chrysalis's illegitimate son is banished from the hive and forced to find his way alone. Can he overcome his own nature or will he succumb to it?

Inspired by Dnotive's song Loveless Lovechild:

Loveless Lovechild Part 1

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He opened his eyes for the first time through a viscous gel distorted haze. He was soaked head to hoof in this green mucus as he peered out the open flaps of a translucent clamshell container. He tried to wipe the goo from his eyes to see more clearly. It had some effect, however the blurry haze persisted for some time. Despite the lack of clear sight, he was fully aware of his surroundings, although he lacked any concept of where he was. The walls were not walls, but more like an endless menagerie of twisted spires and corridors he could scarcely see down in the dim green lighting. There were orifices piercing the hallway spires. A violence that made no sense for either construction or biological growth. The many holes were accompanied by a constant buzzing hum, giving the impression of a pony sized wasp nest.

“It’s awake.” Came a gravelly voice from above.

A tall black figure towered over him. The figure was unnaturally slim and tall. His hooves were filled with holes, an imagery similar to the room surrounding him. Was it a disease? An injury? He wanted to crawl out of his birthing shell, but the gangly mass stood in his way. A holey hoof reached out and grabbed him by the jaw. His neck strained as the figure twisted his skull around, carefully inspecting his new born features.

“It seems healthy as far as I can tell. No apparent genetic defects or damaged tissue from the gestation process.” The disfigured figure spoke again.

His jaw was released sharply and he fell backwards, slapping back into the pool of goo that he came from, causing a mound to seep out onto the jagged floor.

“What does it look like?”

Disembodied words reverberated their demand.

“The anatomy is largely Changeling. Wings look functional and capable of flight once dry. There’s a thin layer of mammal fur from the abdomen up to the head. And it has the horn of a unicorn. Possibly magic gifted.”

A whaling screech ripped through his ear drums. He quickly covered his ears with his hooves to block out at least some of the skull crushing noise.

“It’s an abomination. No changeling could look so disgraceful. It is the Prince’s seed. His pony poison has spoiled the child.” There was a short pause filled with a tense release of breath. “It cannot be allowed to roam these halls.”

The words grieved like venom. He could understand them, but he couldn’t fathom what he had done wrong.

“What shall I do with it, my Queen? Shall I dispose of it?”

Panic curled and twisted in his belly. He attempted to rise, but only managed to slip around in the goo.

The spindly one held up his hooves as they reformed into a hook and a dagger. His face was cast in shadow and barely visible.


A single word escaped. The softest word so far.

The stern voice broke through his panic.

“Release it into the wild. If it can scavenge for itself, then it can earn its life.”

The judgment was cast. Before he could protest or beg, the looming one’s hooves returned to normal and bent over grabbing him by the back of the neck. He was abruptly lifted out of the artificial womb and suspended over the warped ground. The air was cold, his damp fur stood on end, and he shivered. Droplets of mucus oozed off his body as he was carried down the dark corridor of the hive. The tall one said nothing else as they traveled towards a small source of light at the end of a long pathway. Other changelings scurried in and out of the warped holes in the ground, walls, and ceiling. As he passed by, the members of the swarm would pause to look at him. They sneered and growled. Some made hissing noises. That low constant buzzing grew louder over time as more changelings joined in to the chorus. The closer they moved towards the light at the end of the corridor, the more eyes he could feel on him. By the time they reached the exit the blinding light of the outdoors forced him to close his eyes, and the buzzing and sneering overwhelmed his auditory system.

Suddenly thrust out into the open air, his eyes opened just in time to see the rocky terrain of the mountain side. He tumbled a few feet before crashing to the ground. A jagged rock dug into his spine. He clambered onto his stomach sloppily. Forcing his new body to work. He tried to stand up, but his legs were so weak they immediately buckled. He collapsed back onto his abdomen and stared up and the giant one who had carried him here. The slender creature looked hideous in the daylight. Greasy black skin covered his body, thin crispy wings on his back, and pupils as wide as the holes in his hooves and as dark as his hide.

“Wha- wha-” He attempted to speak. Unfortunately, forming words was almost as difficult as standing.

“W-What do I do?” His voice cracked as he spoke his first sentence with a high pitched tinny tone.


The gangly one pointed his hoof at the forest beyond and far below the rocky cliffside.

He strained his neck to turn his unsure head behind him. The forest tree line was far away from where he lay helpless. It would be a painful journey to reach the supposed safety of the trees. Or at least the shade they offered. The overseeing, uncaring beast retreated back into the hive before he could ask anymore questions. Suddenly alone, he focused all his concentration on the muscles in his legs and hooves. Wobbling all the way, he gingerly got up on all fours. His walking was slow, but the rhythm came to him naturally.

Shamelessly, he turned around to take one last look at the hive where he was born. The hive looked like a castle made out of jagged knives. The sharp spires were asymmetrical as the unnatural structure protruded out of the ground and ripped into the sky.

It was wrong.

He was terrified to venture into the world alone, but he was not upset to be leaving such a place.

The rocky land did little to aid his movement, except for the occasional loose rock that forced him to trip and slide down the angled ground. The dust he kicked up from walking (and falling) mixed with the goo coating his fur and formed a paste, which smelled terrible and made his skin crusty. By the time he made it to the trees, it was falling off in chunks like dried mud.

He carried on through the forest, getting as much distance as he could from the hive. The endless greenery of the forest was much more pleasant to look at. He appreciated the various types of brushes and flowers that he ran into. There were so many colors to experience. Each time he saw a flower or plant with a new color he hadn’t seen, he stopped to admire it. The forest had many soft and rounded edges, unlike the spikey hive. There were many comfortable grassy spots to sit and rest in. He found a narrow creek and followed the body of water. The sound of flowing water was soothing compared to the buzzing of his birth place. The sunlight bouncing off of the trickling brook made the water look like it was dancing. He leaned over to taste it and it was cool and refreshing. He gulped down sip after sip, not realizing how thirsty he had been.

Then the hunger came.

He wanted to eat so badly it hurt him. His limbs shook and his back shivered. His muscles immediately ached, starved for nutrients his body didn’t have. Looking around, he didn’t see any fruit on the trees he passed, and he had no idea what plants may be edible. He came across a patch of daisies and bent over to taste them. They didn’t have much flavor, but he ate them anyway. It filled his stomach somewhat, unfortunately he was still left unsatisfied. The hunger pains continued after a few minutes. He continued on desperate to find something, anything, he could eat. He feared that eating the wrong thing could end in disaster for him.

He froze for a moment as he heard rustling coming from behind him. There was breathing and low snarling. He snapped himself around to see. There stood a creature that was made of wood. It was shaped like a wolf, but its body and limbs were twigs and logs. Its green eyes stared directly into him. Seems he wasn’t the only one looking for a meal out here.

He broke into a run. Having only walked in his life so far, his movement was sloppy and inefficient. He quickly fatigued as he clambered on through the forest. He didn’t need to turn and look to see if the creature was pursuing him, he could hear it. The creature chased him. Muscles burning, and breath shortening, he was unsure how much longer he could run before he collapsed. Up ahead, there was a break in the trees. Vision focusing, he ran with all his might towards the opening treeline, even though danger ran just as fast behind him. He ran up a small hill and out into an open area. The hill turned to a gorge at the edge with a massive drop off. Below the gorge was a lake with calm, blue water. Next to the lake he could see a small group of buildings. There was a town here. He had finally traveled far enough to run into civilization.

Without a second thought, he dove off the edge and into the gorge. He took a deep breath and held it as he fell closer and closer to the water. The water stabbed him like needles as his belly broke the plane of the lake. He tumbled and twisted underwater, briefly losing track of where the surface was. Only a ball of glittering daylight shimmering above the surface helped guide him to swim up. Eventually, he found the light and clawed his way upward towards the surface. His lungs burned for air as his head sprung out of the lake. He gasped for breath slightly too early causing him to swallow some of the water. Treading water frantically, he coughed and gagged until his stomach muscles hurt. Losing strength, he turned himself onto his back and stretched his hooves out to float. Slowly he drifted looking up at the gorge he leaped off of. The Timberwolf grunted before backing off the ledge and disappearing out of sight. It’s prize lost to the water below.


He knew the name of the creature. He knew many things. Sights, sounds, colors, creatures, and language. He didn’t remember learning them. He had emerged from his shell in the hive fully aware.

His hooves brushed the lake’s bottom, growing shallower as he swam. He turned back over to see he had reached the shore. Back on his hooves, he left the sandy, rocky lake side and found himself back on soft grass. The town stood before him and now his hunger was unbearable.

He marched directly into the town square. There were several ponies wandering around the well in the center of the square. The buildings were white oak with straw roofs. They were neat and symmetrical. Somepony had crafted them with care and design. It was nothing like the tangled mess that the hive was.

“Hello, do you have any food?” He called. Biting back the desperation clinging to his tone.

Nopony responded to him directly. The handful of ponies glanced at him at first, but then stared with horror on their faces.

“A changeling!”

“We’re under attack!”

“He’s come to feed on us!”

Many shouts and cries rang out. Someponies cursed and others just screamed in terror, fleeing the scene as fast as their hooves could carry them.

He was as shocked by their reaction as they were of him. They thought he wanted to feed on them. He was starving, but he couldn’t imagine what horrible monster would want to eat another pony.

“Wait what? I don’t… I’m not going to…” He spoke flustered, unable to collect his thoughts.

His words did nothing to assuage their fears. More ponies came out of the shops and houses, the whole town having been roused. He wanted to apologize and explain himself, but he noticed a group of stallions heading his way. They held tools, pieces of wood, or whatever was nearby that they could carry. Their fierce expressions told him everything he needed to know, yet he froze.

“Please, I need help. I-” He still believed he could reason with them as they interrupted him.

“Get out of here, Stranger.”

“You’re not terrorizing this town, Stranger.”

“Get him before he gets us!”

They jeered at him, hoisting their makeshift weapons high into the air. Without any choice, he ran away from the town. Not stopping until he could hide himself behind the treeline. Fortunately, the stallions didn’t pursue him to the forest edge.

He stared back at the town from the safe haven of the trees and bushes. Although, there was no telling how long until the next timberwolf or other predator came hunting for him again. Once he was able to calm down from the initial shock, the hunger attacked him once more. He worried that he may pass out.

Then he smelled it.

It was sweet and fragrant. The scent wafted all the way out into the forest. Perhaps his hunger heightened his senses. Drawn by the aroma, he looked at the nearest house and found the source of the intoxicating smell. There was a pie sitting alone on a window sill. Steam gently wafted over the crispy lattice. Possessed with desire, he made his way over to the window. He wanted to be careful, but hunger inhibited his ability to be stealthy and cautious.

At the window, he could see and smell it so strongly the flavor was already on his tongue. He knew it was going to be the most delicious thing in the entire world. Without remorse, he buried his face into the pie and greedily tore into the crust and filling. The hot pie burned his lips and throat, but he didn’t care. The heat barely registered as he consumed the whole thing in a heartbeat. He planned to lick clean every last morsel, but he was interrupted.

“Is somepony there?”

Guiltily, he sprinted back to the forest as fast as he could. His full stomach ached from running so soon after eating.

“My pie!”

He collapsed onto the grassy ground to rest. The sugar, bread, and fruit satisfied him greatly. He could feel his limbs and muscles calm down. The burning in his mouth stung, and his stomach complained. Going from empty to full to jostling around gave him some indigestion. However, he didn’t mind in the slightest. He burped with his hoof over his mouth to quiet the sound. A small smile crept on his lips. He was finally fed.

But he was still hungry.

The lingering feeling confused him as there wasn’t much room left in his gut. He would probably regret it if he ate more right now. Which begged the question, what was this hunger? Was it possible to hunger for something other than food? The ponies in the town feared that he wanted to consume them. It couldn’t be. He couldn’t fathom something so horrific. He remembered the Queen, his mother, calling him an abomination. He didn’t know why, but what if there was something dreadfully wrong with him?


He banished the thought from his mind. Traveling through the trees, he found the river and walked along the water’s edge, looking for some type of natural canopy or shelter he could stay for the night. The late afternoon sunset had begun and the chilling wind was picking up. Feeling the thin hair stand on his fur, he knelt down to rest on the rocks by the river. He had never seen a sunset before. The intense red and orange hues filled his vision. The light was gentle, but also powerful. Proof that a natural dichotomy could exist.

“Hey Stranger.”

He jumped from his rock and turned around to face the new voice. His hamstrings stung, being caught off guard by the sudden explosive movement, yet he remained standing.

“Don’t come any closer! Leave me alone!” He flapped his wings like a hummingbird, making a strange buzzing sound.

“Woah, woah, hold on I’m not here to hurt you.” A beige coat and orange maned earth pony stood with her hooves held up in front of her.

Based on all the chasing he’d been through recently, he was hesitant to believe her.

“You’re not?” He mimicked her raised hooves so now both of them looked like they were surrendering to each other.

“No, are you gonna hurt me?”

They held their defensive stand off for a few seconds. His mind raced, trying to figure out if it was some sort of trick. However, she didn’t seem to have any weapon or other ponies with her.

“No.” He dropped his hooves and she followed suit. She boldly approached him.

“I’ve been tailing you since you left town. Sorry for not saying anything, but I just…” She stopped just in front of his face. He leaned back a bit, away from her.

“But what?” His eyes darted around, waiting for other ponies to hop out of hiding from the bushes.

“I wanted to make sure you weren’t dangerous.” She turned her head away from him.

“Am I dangerous?”

“You don’t seem dangerous.”

“How do you know?”

“What’s your name?”

He paused at her question. He didn’t have a name. He struggled to think of something to say.

“Stranger.” His eyes looked blankly at her.

“Stranger? That’s not a very good name?” She shook her head.

“It’s what I am. What they called me.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“Alright, Stanger it is.” She relented.

“My name’s Honeysuckle.” She held out her hoof, but he just stared confused.

“This is where we shake hooves.” She laughed at his confusion.

“Oh.” His face turned a deep maroon on his black furry skin. He shook her hoof.

“So, you're a changeling right?” She got up near his face again. He was starting to get used to it.

“Yes.” He admitted as if confessing a crime.

“You steal the love from ponies, right?”

He looked horrified at her.

“I don’t want to do that. Ever.” He shook his head as a sick feeling crawled down into his stomach.

“Oh.” She looked away disappointed. “I was hoping you could help me.”

“Help you with what?”

The mare suddenly looked like she wanted to cry.

“I- I was supposed to marry a stallion. We grew up together in this village and he proposed to me last summer but...” She stopped to catch herself. Waiting until she could continue without sobbing.

“He ran off to the big city with another mare. No explanation, no goodbye, just poof gone.”

She gazed deep into Stranger’s glossy eyes.

“I hate him. I hate him so much for doing it. But the worst part is, I still love him. I love him so dearly, it disgusts me. I don’t want it. I don’t want this love anymore! Why should I love somepony who ran off with somepony else?”

She grabbed his hoof and held it in hers like he was her saving grace.

“Stranger, will you take it from me?”

His eyes went wide as she persisted and kept talking.

“Take my love away, I beg you. It’s killing me. I don’t want to feel like this.” She finally allowed one tear to flow down her cheek.

The sight of her tears made him jolt.

“I- I don’t know how.” He admitted, wishing he could help.

She stared at him in disbelief. “You don’t? But you’re a Changeling, aren’t you?”

He suddenly didn’t want to be a Changeling anymore. “I-I am. But I’m not like that. I can’t do that. I don’t want to.”

“Oh.” She released his hoof. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to impose.”

She sat down by the riverside and sighed. Wiping her tears away, she looked up at the sunset that Stranger was admiring before she arrived.

Curiosity got the better of him. If he was capable of such things, he suddenly had questions.

“If I somehow took your love from you, would you be able to love ever again?” He asked, sitting down across from her.

“If you don’t know, I don’t know. But I'll tell ya. Even if I couldn’t love again, I’d still let you do it.”

“I’m sorry.”

They watched the sunset together for several minutes. The colors morphed and shifted into different darker hues as the sun continued its journey past the horizon. Stranger appreciated the company in this brief, albeit calming reprieve.

“Stranger, where are you gonna go?”

His sunset induced trance broke and he looked back at her.

“I don’t know.”

She collected a rock from the ground. “You came to town alone. You’re out here alone. Don’t you have a home somewhere?”

She threw the rock into the river, skipping it a few times across the water.

“I don’t even have a name.” He reminded her. He picked up a rock and threw it at the river, just like her. It plunked into the water and disappeared with zero skips.

“Well, that’s not fair.” She picked up another stone and held it out in her hoof so that Stranger could see it.

“If you want a stone to skip across the water, don’t throw it over your head. Throw it low and sideways, and put some mustard on it so it has enough momentum.” She threw the rock hard and sideways just as she described. It bounced six times across the water before petering to a halt and sinking into the lake.

“Mustard?” Stranger looked sideways at Honeysuckle.

“Yeah, as in really hard. Put your muscle into it.” She pounded her hooves together with a grin.

“Oh ok.” Stranger’s expression looked as if he’d been given a striking revelation. “What does that have to do with mustard?”

“You’ve never heard that expression before?” Honeysuckle looked surprised.

“I’ve never been outside my hive before. Until today.”

“So this hive is your home? How far away is it?” Honeysuckle asked genuinely curious. Then she realized the implication that there may be a Changeling hive near her town. She shivered at the thought.

“I’m uh, not allowed to go back.” He mumbled.

“Why not? Are you lost?” She looked at him like the lost child that he was. He shrugged in response. How could he be lost when he had no place to call home?

“Have you traveled far since then?” Her gaze shifted to one of apprehension. She eyed him suspiciously.

“I’ve been walking all day. Sometimes running.” His shoulders trembled at the thought of the timberwolf.

A day’s travel wasn’t exactly around the corner. Still, it was too close for comfort when it came to Changelings having a hive only a day away. And for a rogue one to be wandering around, it made her nervous.

“Were you banished?”

“I don’t know I…” Stranger paused as he rubbed his shoulder. He could feel the short mammal fur on top of his greasy black skin. “Because I’m different? I’m not like other Changelings, so I was forced to leave.”

He picked up a flat stone off of the lake shore. He tossed it sideways with all of his might, just like Honeysuckle had instructed. It made two short hops on the water and then sank beneath the surface.

“That’s so cruel. I can’t believe they would abandon you just because you’re different.” She thought about it for a moment. “I mean, I guess it makes sense coming from those love suckers.”

Honeysuckle’s insult stung Stranger, even though he knew it wasn’t aimed at him.

“No offense.” Honeysuckle grimaced nervously. He nodded softly.

“Why don’t you come back to town with me?" Honeysuckle stood up and offered her hoof to him.

He sharply dropped to the ground and held his hooves over his head, cowering.

“No! They’ll come after me again.” He shivered though it wasn’t that cold yet.

“It’s alright, you’re not dangerous. I’ll show everypony. We’ll make them understand.” She insisted.

She kept her hoof out just above his cowering head. He refused to budge.

“Where are you sleeping tonight exactly? Out here?” She eyed him suspiciously.

“Uh…” He peeked up at her through his hooves.

“That’s what I thought. You’re coming with me, doggonit, I’m not letting you get sick out here alone. The temperature’s gonna plummet as soon as the sun goes down.”

She gently reached for his holey hoof and he gingerly accepted. Her touch was as warm as her smile.

“I promise I won’t let anypony hurt you, ok?”

“Ok.” He said meekly, standing himself back up with her assistance. “Thank you.”

They walked away from Celestia’s setting sun and back toward the town, just off the purple horizon.

“Everypony deserves a little kindness.”

She hummed a pleasant tune as they strolled along the river side together.

“But I’m a changeling.” He stared at the ground as he walked.

“Maybe, but you’re not like other Changelings and that’s good enough for me.” She winked at him and continued humming her tune.

By the time they got back to town, Celestia had finished laying the sun to rest. The full moon was glowing bright blue in the night sky. The center of town was glowing in the light of fire. There were dozens of ponies congregated by the well holding pitchforks and torches.

“Oh no.” Honeysuckle stopped and Stranger tried to hide himself behind her.

“What’s happening?”

“It looks like a search party. They’re probably thinking you’ll try to return to the town while we’re sleeping.” She nervously bit her hoof.

“I did return to the town.”

“Ok, yeah, but not in the way they’re thinking.”

She motioned to the trees. They both nodded and retreated to the tree line out of sight. Anxious of the gathering mob, Stranger whispered to his companion.

“Maybe we should wait until tomorrow? If they find me they might… they...”

Honeysuckle placed her hoof on Stranger’s shoulder. Stranger just stared at the flaming pyres being paraded in the center of town.

“Follow me. Keep low and quiet.” She galloped off and Stranger followed.

“My house is on the outskirts of town. We’ll rest there tonight and explain the situation to everypony in the morning.”

They trotted along the edge of the forest until they came upon a large house with a field of flowers out front.

“Is this your home?” Stranger admired the flowers. Many of which he recognized from the forest. Some of them were new to him.

“Yes, do you like my garden?” Honeysuckle grinned with pride.

“It’s beautiful.”

He followed her into the house. The quaint wooden cottage was warm as there was a fire billowing in the fireplace in the living room.

“Hey Bud, I’m home. Come on out, I want you to meet somepony.”

A small colt came around the corner. He had a brown coat and a dark red mane. He looked up at Stranger with wide eyes and his mouth hung open.

“Hi Bud.” Stranger spoke as softly as he could. He expected the small child to run from him in fear.

“Are you a Changeling?” Bud asked, in a direct, unafraid tone that only children had when encountering something new and different.


“Bud, this is Stranger.” Honeysuckle motioned to Stranger.

“Stranger?” The little colt looked confused.

“Yes, that's his name.”

“Do you steal love?” He continued with his direct line of questioning.

There were a few seconds of silence.

“I’ve never done that.” Stranger looked around the house. The furniture looked comfortable and there was a pleasant floral smell.

“Why do Changelings steal love?” Bud’s next question rang in Stranger’s ears.

“From what I understand, they have to consume love to survive.” Honeysuckle chimed in.

Stranger looked fearful at Honeysuckle. Her eyes were apologetic, but also concerned. He still felt the lingering hunger that wouldn’t leave him. Was that it? Was his body craving the love energy of others? The hunger was much stronger now than it was a few hours ago.

“Survive?” Stranger barely whispered the question. Honeysuckle looked away from him.

“Does that mean that if I don’t take away the love of somepony I’ll.. I’ll…”

“You’re a different kind of Changeling that doesn’t do that.” Honeysuckle stomped her hoof on the wood floor boards.

“Right.” He nodded, agreeing instantly. He didn’t want to become something that caused fear. He looked back at Bud who had walked all the way over to him, inspecting him from head to hoof.

“Why do you have fur? And why is your horn normal looking?” Bud rubbed his hoof on Stranger’s back. He jerked at the touch causing Bud to pull his hoof away.

“Sorry.” Bud's wide eyes were full of innocence.

“It’s alright.”

“Bud, don’t touch other ponies without asking.” Honeysuckle frowned at Bud. “He has a point though. You look much different than the pictures of Changelings on…” She stopped.

“On what?” Stranger asked.

“On warning posters and criminal notices.” She swallowed hard after finishing.

“Oh, I see.” His head hung low.

“Can you perform magic?” Bud was staring at Stranger’s horn. Both Bud and Honeysuckle were earth ponies.

“I don’t know.” He answered honestly.

Bud looked confused.

“How can you not know? You’re grown.”

“Bud, manners!” Honeysuckle chided.

“Actually, I was born today.” Stranger explained.

Both of them looked stunned. Even Bud forgot about his questions.

“How is that possible?” Honeysuckle got up close to Stranger again. She was closely inspecting his every feature.

“Changelings are born in a hive in pods. I woke up today fully grown, as you say.”

“That sounds awful.”

“So cool!

The pony duo said in unison. Stranger couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s cool?” Stranger asked Bud to clarify.

“You bet! I wish I could be grown up already. I don’t even have my cutie mark.” He pouted, pointing to his blank flank. Stranger looked over to Honeysuckle. Her flank had a mark with several thin orange flowers. He assumed they must be honeysuckles. She caught his glance.

“I’m a florist.” She shrugged with pride.

“What’s it like being a grown up kid?” Bud looked directly up at Stranger with glistening eyes. His direct questioning returned.

“Well, I’m still figuring a lot of things out myself.” Stranger admitted.

Honeysuckle chuckled. Both children looked over at her.

“Let me go make us all some dinner while you two discuss what it’s like to be kid grown ups.” She giggled as she pranced into the kitchen.

“Can you fly?” Bud stared straight at Stranger's clear bug-like wings.

“I haven’t tried.”

“That would be so amazing if you could do magic and fly. You’d be like an alicorn!” Bud jumped in excitement.

“That does sound pretty nice.” Stranger grinned at the thought of flying. He hadn’t even considered it when he was chased by the Timberwolf. For the first time the world felt like it was full of infinite possibilities for him.

“What’s an alicorn?” Stranger asked. Bud gasped, making him feel embarrassed for not knowing.

“An alicorn is a super special, super awesome pony with wings for flying and a horn for magic. They’re ultra powerful and basically always a princess.” Bud jumped as he finished.

“A princess.” Stranger was taken aback. “You think I could be like a princess?” His heavily pupilled Changeling eyes glistened with promise.

“You have the wings and horn.” Bud pointed at Stranger. “Anything’s possible.”

He continued to answer Bud’s never ending questions while Honeysuckle made dinner. The more animated Bud got with his questions, the more Stranger began to mimic his energy level. Eventually they got so loud, Honeysuckle shouted at them from the kitchen.

“Quiet down you two. You’re going to bring that search mob over to the house with all the commotion.” Her voice sounded more amused than annoyed.

“Sorry mom.” Bud automatically replied in a rehearsed manner. Stranger’s face was frozen with terror.

“They’re coming?” Stranger’s voice was dripping with panic. He started breathing quickly.

“No sweetie.” Honeysuckle poked her head around the corner. “I was kidding, they’re probably busy worrying over nothing in the middle of town. You’re safe here, ok?” Her motherly smile was soothing and released most of Stranger’s sudden anxiety.

“Oh, ok.” Stranger nodded swiftly and a little too eagerly. Honeysuckle giggled.

“You worry too much. Anyway, Bud I think you were in the middle of comparing Stranger to Prince Shining Armor.” She disappeared around the corner again, pleasantly humming to herself.

“Yeah! Shining Armor is a Prince and he’s not even an alicorn. If you’re powerful and stuff, they could make you royalty.” Bud declared.

The Prince’s seed… his pony poison has spoiled the child. His mother’s words invaded his thoughts.

“They make anypony who’s powerful royalty?” Stranger asked, giving Bud pause.

“Uh… no, not just because of power.” Bud had to think for a moment. “A princess or prince has to have a special…” Bud hung on his words.

“A special what?” Stranger pictured the monstrous Changeling who plucked him out of his birthing chamber. He was very powerful. His mother, the queen, must certainly be powerful.

“Friendship and stuff!” Bud looked proud of his answer.

“Friendship?” Stranger tilted his head as he repeated.

“Yeah, a prince has to be strong so he can protect other ponies from danger. And he has to be good so he can teach ponies friendship. Friendship is what makes us good. It makes us better than monsters like…” Bud stopped suddenly. He stared at Stranger with his mouth open.

“Like Changelings.” Stranger finished.

“Uh… I… you don’t…” Bud stammered.

“It’s alright.” Stranger smiled somberly. “I don’t think I like being a Changeling very much anyway.”

Bud was so quiet, it was startling compared to his exuberance a moment ago. He calmly stepped over to Stranger and grabbed the middle of his hoof which was at about Bud’s head height.

“Since you hate being a Changeling, will you be my friend instead then?” Bud asked, looking up at Stranger’s eyes. His serious expression made it feel like a big ask.

“Yeah, I think I’d like that better.” Stranger shook Bud’s hoof like Honeysuckle showed him earlier. His grin was more genuine now.

“Good.” Bud smiled back. “Hey, do you wanna try and see if you can do magic?” He suddenly changed the subject.

“How do I even try?” Stranger felt his horn. The tall and scary Changeling from the hive did say he was possibly magic gifted.

“Unicorns just think about it and then magic comes out.” Bud said matter of factly.

“I just think about it?” Stranger rubbed his horn as if that would do something.

“‘Yeah, unicorns call it conjugation.” Bud said smartly.

“It’s called Conjuration.” Honeysuckle corrected from the kitchen.

“Whatever.” Bud called back grumpy.

“Don’t you ‘whatever’ me, young colt.” She scolded.

“Sorry mom.” Bud lowered his head and tucked his tail. Stranger focused as hard as he could on his horn, trying to make it do something, anything at all.

“Is there a certain kind of thought I’m supposed to have?” Stranger strained and squinted his eyes.

“I have no idea.” Bud threw up his hooves. “Try thinking about something specific. Like, try to make a buckball appear. Yeah, conjulate a buckball.” Bud pointed at Stranger’s horn.

“Conjure.” Honeysuckle corrected again and chuckled to herself. “And if you do make a buckball appear, please don’t buck it in the house.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Ok mom.”

“Don’t call me ma’am. You make me sound like my mother. It’s honeysuckle, remember?” She teased lovingly.

The scent of dinner was wafting into the living room. Stranger’s appetite resurfaced as a result causing him to be distracted. He closed his eyes and concentrated intensely on making a ball appear.

“What does a buckball look like?” Stranger opened his eyes.

“You’ve never seen one?” Bud looked almost offended.

“I was born this morning.” Stranger reminded him.

“Oh yeah.” Bud felt bad for being so harsh. “So that means there’s a ton of things you don’t know.” He pointed directly at Stranger again causing the young Changeling to blush.

“You’re telling me.”

“A buckball is about this big and dark red like my mane.” Bud showed an estimated size with his hooves. “They’re made of rubber too.”

Stranger closed his eyes again and pictured the ball in his mind’s eye. He imagined it sitting in the living room right in front of him. He tensed and strained so hard and for so long, he started to sweat.

“Hnnng.” Stranger grunted as he focused.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” Honeysuckle called from the kitchen.

Stranger felt a jolt in his forehead causing him to open his eyes. He hoped to see a buckball sitting in the living room but the floor remained bare.

“You did it!” Bud shouted.

“Nothing happened.” Stranger looked disappointed at the hardwood floor.

“Something did happen. Sparks came out of your horn.”

“Really?” Stranger grabbed his horn. It was slightly warmer than usual. “That’s pretty cool, I guess, but I wasn’t trying to make sparks.”

“Yeah, but last semester, a unicorn in my class had the same thing. He was trying to cast magic for the first time and all he could do was make sparks.” Bud started running in circles, he could barely contain his excitement.

“And then, and then, a few weeks later he was, he was casting real spells.” Bud stared enchanted at Stranger’s unicorn horn. He spoke so fast and hyperactive that he was repeating words.

“So that means…” Stranger began.

“Your horn works, you just need practice.” Bud and Stranger giggled together. They went on and on about how cool casting magic was going to be. Stranger let Bud’s energy infect him. The two colts all but danced in the living room in elation.

“Boys, dinner is ready. Magic lessons can wait until after.”

Honeysuckle served dinner and they all sat together at a long table that was meant to seat way more than just three ponies. She served them noodle stew, baked brie, and apple tarts. Stranger was moved by the many rich flavors of the meal. The house was cozy and calm as the three of them ate peacefully.

After dinner they each sprawled out on the couch, love seat, and easy chair. The soft cushions were the most comfortable thing Stranger had ever sat on. He was well fed again. This time the feeling was much more satisfying and relaxing. Free of the indigestion of the hit and run pie he had consumed.

"Thank you." Was all Stranger could think to say. Honeysuckle laughed.

"You keep thanking me, that must be the 6th time since dinner." She smiled from ear to ear.

"Sorry." He turned a bit maroon.

"Don’t be. It's nice to be appreciated by a colt." She grinned, content with herself.

“I appreciate you mom!” Bud muffled around a bulging mouthful of his dessert muffin. Honeysuckle chuckled and fluffed his mane.

"Do you think the town will like me?" Stranger looked at his holey hooves. He looked much different than the ponies in the town. It was no wonder they were terrified of him.

"They will." Honeysuckle confirmed. "We'll make them understand. I promise."

"Yeah they will! You're gonna be a flying magical Changeling. Everypony will see how cool you are." Bud lifted his hooves in the air.

Honeysuckle and Bud had accepted him for who he was. The town he wasn't so certain of.

Stranger walked over to the fireplace mantle. He saw a framed photograph with Honeysuckle and Bud in it. They were hugging a stallion in the middle who looked about as happy as Stranger felt. He longed to look like a normal pony. As he stared at the masculine features of the lucky stallion in the photo, a wave of jealousy flew over him.

His thought was interrupted when Honeysuckle gasped suddenly. He looked over to her and she held both hooves over her mouth.

"W-wood Chipper?" Bud stuttered. Stranger looked at the child who stared at him with hopeful eyes.

"Don't say his name!" Honeysuckle demanded. Bud recoiled, looking very upset.

"I'm sorry, Bud. I just wasn't ready." She apologized to the colt.

Honeysuckle glared directly at Stranger.

"Why did you change into him? Why him?" She demanded.

Confused, he held his hoof to his face. He no longer had holes in it. It was covered in the same bright fur that the stallion in the photo wore.

"I… how did I… I don’t understand." Stranger concentrated on the photo as he picked it up. If he held it at a certain angle, he could see his reflection in the glass. His face was just like the stallion in the photo. He quickly placed the photo down.

"Changelings can change into anypony they see. At least that's what the warning posters said." Honeysuckle's eyes were full of sadness, but she couldn't look away from Stranger. Bud rushed over and hugged Stranger by the ankles. His embrace was tight.

“This means you want to stay right? That’s why you changed into W-” Bud stopped himself looking at his mother’s distraught expression.

“I wasn’t trying to change at all.” Stranger stared apologetically at Honeysuckle.

“Oh.” Bud loosened his grip on Stranger, looking down at the floor.

“But I wouldn’t mind staying. At least a little while. I… if I can.” Stranger’s eyes pleaded with Honeysuckle.

“You can certainly stay the night. We have to clear things up with the town in the morning.” Honeysuckle gave her noncommittal answer. She looked away from the image of her run away fiance.

“Hooray!” Bud shouted. He grabbed Stranger’s hooves and they jumped up and down a few times together.

“Sorry, but can you please, erm, change back from that…” Honeysuckle was interrupted by Bud.

“Oh! Can you change the color? What if you messed with the color?”

“I can try. Though I’m not sure how I did this to begin with.” Stranger admired his pony features.

“Try blue.” Bud ignored Stranger’s doubts.

Stranger imagined himself looking like Wood Chipper in the photo, but also blue. A green flash of flame encircled his body. The effect lasted only a split second, however when it was done his coat was royal blue.

“You did it!” Bud was ecstatic.

“Ok that’s very nice but…” Honeysuckle was interrupted again.

“Do pink!” Bud yelled.

Stranger flashed and his coat turned bright pink. Bud rolled on the ground laughing.

“Wood Chipper’s a mare now, ha ha ha!” Bud rolled on the floor, nearly in tears. “Do green, my favorite color is green.”

Stranger flashed and his pony fur turned forest green.

“Awesome! So cool. Do red next!”

The change was instantaneous, Stranger even added a bluish-green mane to accommodate the body color.

“Ooh ooh now do…” This time bud was interrupted by Honeysuckle.

“Stranger, stop it. Stop right now.” Honeysuckle’s expression was livid. Her face was flush and her eyes were full of desperation and sadness. Startled by her words and tone, his magic exploded making his coat color a wash of cobalt blue polka dots.

Although Honeysuckle still frowned. “Get Wood Chipper out of my house right now or you can leave too!”

“I’m sorry.”

Stranger flashed and he was a Changeling again. He tucked his head into his shoulders, shortening his neck. He wished he could take up as little space as possible in the room and felt like he was only an inch tall.

“I’ll never change again.” Stranger’s strained voice sounded near tears.

Honeysuckle woke up from her trauma induced trance.

“I’m so sorry, Stranger.” She walked over to Stranger to comfort him. She reached for his shoulder but he recoiled from her touch.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to ask you to leave. I know you were just banished from your hive, and you were just born today, and…” Honeysuckle covered her mouth with her hoof. She was filled with regret looking into Stranger’s terrified eyes.

“Oh Celestia, what have I done?” She gingerly reached her hoof out to him again. “Stranger, please forgive me.”

He reluctantly let her rub his shoulder. His fur tingled at her touch. The affection was warm and kind, just like Honeysuckle’s nature, but he was still afraid. Bud reached out to Stranger as well. He rubbed his hoof on Stranger's side, as high as he could reach.

“Mom was really sad when W… when he left. She didn’t mean it.”

Stranger looked down at Bud’s earnest child-like gaze.

“I’m sorry.” Stranger cautiously looked at Honeysuckle. A quick chuckle escaped her pained expression.

“You poor dear.” She caressed his cheek and the anxiety in Stranger’s stomach dropped a little bit more. “You’re not supposed to apologize when you’re the one doing the forgiving.” Her kind eyes were full of life once again.

“I forgive you.” Stranger sighed as he said it. An emotional weight was lifted off his shoulders.

“Thank you. And I’m sorry for overreacting.” She stepped up to the mantle and placed the photograph of her, Bud, and Wood Chipper face down on the shelf.

“I think it’s time for bed.” Honeysuckle said, looking mostly at Bud.

“Aw mom, we wanna try more magic stuff.” Bud complained.

“You can try it tomorrow.” Honeysuckle turned to Stranger. “The guest bed is that door on the left. I think a warm bed will do wonders for you. Get some rest ok?”



Loveless Lovechild Part 2

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Stranger’s first time on a real bed was something out of a dream. He could feel his muscles relax as he sprawled out over the full sized bed. The comforter was so soft, it felt like it was a part of him as he wrapped it around his body like a burrito. The hive was a large corridor with countless Changelings all around. His birthing pod was in the open leaving him exposed. The small guest room bed was tucked into the corner with the door closed. The four walls isolated him, giving him privacy and shelter that was impossible in the hive. He never wanted to go back there.

However, he didn’t know how long he could stay here. Honeysuckle was kind but would she be able to let him live here? He didn’t want to be a burden on her. Yet this place was a paradise, full of joy and love. Love that he could feed on if he really wanted to. The thought horrified him. Even if he didn’t want to, would he be able to stop himself forever? He had cast Changeling magic without trying. He feared that at some point he might suck the love out of Honeysuckle and Bud without even meaning to. There may be nothing he could do about his nature. The hunger was louder now that he was alone. He needed the love energy.

He rolled over in bed and tried to force the thought out of his mind. Soon exhaustion got the better of him and he fell asleep. Unfortunately, sleep wasn’t an escape from his troubles. His mind raced with scattered nightmares. He was back in the hive again. The gangly Changeling stood over him with a hook and blade for hooves.

“I must dispose of it.” The monster said and moved into the light. It was Honeysuckle. She glared at him with that pain in her eyes holding up a flat stone from the lake.

“Put some mustard on it!” She cried and swung the stone.

Stranger sat up sharply in bed. Hyperventilating, he held his hooves to his head. It wasn’t real. None of his dreams were real, but they were so vivid and visceral. Eventually the exhaustion was great enough and the nightmares subsided long enough that he managed to sleep through the night.

The next morning Honeysuckle made them all breakfast and showed Stranger a photo album of her family. She went through the pages and memories of her childhood and history. Stranger sat contently, sipping his orange juice and listening to her stories.

“And this is my cousin Stone Work. He’s the one who married into that pegasus family from Cloudsdale and that has just been a disaster. I mean, they’re good ponies up there but family get-togethers are impossible to organize and his wife’s parents weren’t too thrilled that she had to move down to the ground.” Honeysuckle smiled and sighed.

“Because earth ponies can’t fly. Which makes it hard to even go up to Cloudsdale at all.” Stranger was fixated on the many photos in the album. They showed so many happy and loving memories.

“See, you’re catching on. You’ll be just like every other pony in no time.” She held the album open on the picture of Stone Work.

“I’m sorry that you have to explain all this stuff to me.” He lowered his muzzle.

“That’s not your fault. Everypony’s gotta learn sometime. I think you’re pretty smart for two days old.” Honeysuckle laughed at her own joke.

“Anyway, I have an idea for today. Why don’t you transform into my cousin and we’ll pretend you’re in town visiting?” She suggested pointing at her cousin’s sly mug in the photo. He looked incredibly pleased with himself as he hugged a pegasus mare in the photo.

“And besides, walking into town as a Changeling didn’t go so well the first time.” Honeysuckle bit her lip.

Stranger stared blankly into space. “You don't have to remind me.”

“So I figure I’ll grab the mayor and explain the situation to him. Then you can change back and meet him properly. I know the mayor. He may be stubborn at times, but if we can get him to see you for who you are, everypony else in the town will calm down as well.” She nodded at Stranger, pleased with her plan.

“You think that will work?” Stranger stared at the photo of Stone Work, trying to memorize his features.

“I think it’s the best shot we have. Do you trust me?” Honeysuckle drew Stranger’s gaze from the album.

“I do.” Stranger nodded. Going to the town at all filled him with anxiety, but he knew Honeysuckle would be there for him. He concentrated on the photo one more time. A green light flashed and Stone Work sat at the table next to Honeysuckle. He stood up and walked to the middle of the room. He had a dusty gray coat of fur and a black mane.

“That’s…” Honeysuckle gasped. “That’s really amazing. You look just like him.”

“I wanna come too.” Bud took a final bite of toast and jumped out of his seat.

“No Bud, I need you to look after the house while we’re away. You have a lot of chores I need you to get done.” Honeysuckle closed the album and stood up.

“Aw, but chores are so boring.” Bud complained.

“I know sweetie. I promise you and Stranger can do all the magic and playing you want when we get back, if you’ve finished the chores that is.” Honeysuckle raised her eyebrow at Bud.

“Ok mom.” He said deflated.

“You’re the stallion of the house until I get back, ok?” Honeysuckle smiled brightly at her little colt. He shot up, squaring his shoulders and saluting like a soldier.

“You can count on me.” He said confidently.

“Are you ready, dear?” Honeysuckle’s tone was a bit more serious as she looked at Stranger.

“Y-yes.” He stared at her nervously.

“Let’s go.” She turned and waltzed out the front door. Stranger followed her, but lagged a bit behind.

“Keep your head up, Stone Work doesn’t sag his head when he walks.”

“Right.” Stranger forced his head upright. He rolled his shoulders back and tried to walk more confidently. The tall posture made him feel at least a little bit stronger. Maybe he could convince himself he was brave if he acted like it long enough.

They walked into the center of town without incident. Nopony paid much attention to either of them. In fact everypony seemed content and joyful with their day. Ponies strolled around the well chatting and carrying on with their own business.

In his disguise, Stranger got to see what the town was really like when ponies weren’t in a panic. They walked right past the spot where Stranger was attacked when he first came to town. He swallowed his anxiousness and pressed on with Honeysuckle. They approached a stallion outside one of the larger buildings labeled “City Hall.” He stood outside and greeted Honeysuckle.

“Glad to see you have an escort with you. It’s not safe to be out alone with that wild Changeling around somewhere.” The stallion was a wide framed earth pony. His coat was bright red and his mane was a wavy bluish green. “I got your message, what’s so important?”

“It’s good to see you too, Red Tape. Can we get inside?” She motioned to the door of City Hall.

“Hey isn’t that Stone Work? I haven’t seen you since the last harvest. How have you been?” Red Tape grinned and offered Stranger a hoof shake. Stranger complied and shook his hoof. His arm felt weak in Red Tape’s death grip. His hoof wiggled around like a dead fish.

“Uh, hello… Red Tape.” Stranger did his best to not panic. He recognized Red Tape from when he first came to town. He was one of the scary ponies that chased him away with weapons.

Red Tape’s genuine smile faded a little.

“You seem uh, different Stone Work.” Red Tape stared directly at Stranger.

“Listen, mister Mayor, I can explain everything. It’s a bit of a crazy story, but I assure you…” Honeysuckle began, but Red Tape held up his hoof and cut her off.

“Stone Work, how did that job I got you last summer work out? Were they a good client?” Red Tape tapped his hoof on the beaten dirt of the main street town road.

Panic rose up in Stranger's throat as he forced out a believable lie. “Uh good. It was really good. Thank you for that.” He could feel the sweat build up on his neck.

“Red Tape, please, let’s go inside. I’ll tell you everything.” Honeysuckle placed her hoof on Red Tape’s shoulder, pleading with him to follow.

“I didn’t help you get a job last summer. You’ve been with the same factory for ten years.” Red Tape stared daggers at Stranger. Stranger felt his heart rate beating out of control. Honeysuckle smacked her forehead with her hoof.

“It’s not what it looks like. I swear…” Honeysuckle began, but Red Tape interrupted again.

“He’s a Changeling!” Red Tape shouted and pointed at Stranger. Ponies in the town within earshot turned to look. “He’s come back, everypony to arms!” He shouted.

“No please, don’t hurt me!” Stranger begged and covered his head with his hooves as Red Tape approached him. In his panic, he lost control of the Changeling magic and transformed back to his natural state. The ponies nearby collectively gasped. Some screamed and ran in fright. Several of them answered Red Tape’s call and came forward to surround the Changeling.

“No Red Tape, you don’t understand! He’s harmless! He didn’t come here to hurt us, he just…” Honeysuckle pleaded on deaf ears.

“Get him.” Red Tape ordered. Three Stallions moved to grab Stranger.

“Stranger, run!” Honeysuckle’s voice choked up as she called to him.

He took off running and one of the stallions moved to get in his way. Stranger was taller than this slight pegasus who barred his path. He plowed into the pegasus knocking him to the ground as he ran away from the town square.

“I’m sorry.” Stranger turned back briefly to apologize to the pony he knocked over.

“After him!” Red Tape demanded. The nearby stallions rushed off after the fleeing Stranger.

“Red Tape just listen to me for a Celestia forsaken second, will you? I’m trying to tell you…” She reached for his shoulder, but he slapped her hoof away. Her arm stung at his violent swing.

“Ow, you bastard!” She gripped her hoof in pain.

“You must be a Changeling too.” He pointed accusingly at her. “He’s already brought reinforcements. How many more of your kind have invaded my town? Where are you keeping the real Honeysuckle?” He demanded.

“I am the real Honeysuckle. He’s the only Changeling here, I promise.” She met his fierce gaze with an indignant one of her own.

“Prove it.” He loomed over her, invading her personal space. She held her ground and stood face to face with him. He was physically much stronger than her, but her defiant stare almost dared him to lay hooves on her again. “Tell me something only the real Honeysuckle would know.”

Seething with rage, Honeysuckle struck back with her defense.

“You’re the real father of my child. I lied about it to save your reputation, at your mother’s request.” Honeysuckle’s piercing gaze cut straight through Red Tape. His eyes darted around nervously. Several ponies in the vicinity heard Honeysuckle’s confession.

“Shall I go on?” Honeysuckle asked, her cheeks still flush with rage.

“Ok, ok, you’re the real Honeysuckle.” He held up his hoof in apology. “But why are you helping the Changeling?” He asked, his voice filled with betrayal.

“You hit me.” Honeysuckle’s voice went soft and quiet.

Red Tape sighed.

“I’m sorry. I honestly believed you were a Changeling. But I don’t understand why you would jeopardize the town, your own kind.” Red Tape shook his head disappointed.

“He’s not dangerous, Red Tape. He’s just a child. He was abandoned by them. He’s lost and alone with nowhere to call home. He was just looking for help and compassion.” Honeysuckle held Red Tape’s shoulder. This time he let her. “He just wanted friendship. Isn’t that what everypony wants?” She stared at Red Tape with her compassionate eyes.

“He’s a Changeling.” Red Tape looked away from her gaze. “He steals love.”

“He’s never done that and he never will.” Honeysuckle reassured him.

“How do you know?” Red Tape snapped back.

“I… he…” Honeysuckle stumbled on her words.

“Because he told you so? Are you that naive? You don’t know how old he is or what he’s done.” he gently grabbed her hoof and moved it off his shoulder.

“Why would he lie?” She asked.

“To get access to the town. To find ponies like you and your family to impersonate. To get intelligence for the hive to come and consume us all. How can you not see that?” He scolded her like a child.

Honeysuckle got in his face causing the proud Mayor to back away from her.

“I am not some naive little filly who doesn’t see the world for what it is. I found him alone and starving. I invited him into my home. I broke bread with him. He played with my son. He slept in my house. If he had any ill intentions, I would have sensed it.” Honeysuckle defiantly held her ground.

The dead air hung between the two ponies for some time. Stranger had long since disappeared out of sight past the tree line.

“What would you have me do?” Red Tape asked.

“Talk to him. Meet him. Let him prove to you that he’s a good pony and doesn’t mean any harm.” Honeysuckle pleaded.

“He’s not a pony, he’s a Changeling.” He corrected her with venom on his tongue.

“If he accepts our way of life, does that really matter?”

“Yes.” Red Tape stomped his hoof. Honeysuckle gasped.

“Word will get around. The Changelings will know that we’re soft. They’ll send more Changelings to invade us. They’ll see us as weak and easy targets.” He spoke nervously.

“So you would just let him suffer alone. Even if he’s different from the rest of them. Even if you know he wants to be our friend?” Honeysuckle looked hurt.

“I have to do what’s best for my ponies. His presence puts us in danger. You would let your own son be at risk because of him? My son?” He said accusingly.

“How dare you.” Honeysuckle spat with her own venom. The hostile air was contagious. “You’ve never taken responsibility for him before.”

“Maybe it’s about time I did.” He looked up at the sky. Not able or not wanting to look directly at her.

“Red Tape, I…” She began, but was cut off again.

“I forgive you for showing him mercy. You’re a kind mare. You always have been. We need ponies like you in Equestria.” He met her gaze again with the conviction of a preacher. “But, we also need ponies like me. And what must be done must be done.”


“Go home and attend to our son. Do not interfere with us.” Red Tape ran off to join the search for Stranger. Honeysuckle stood dumbfounded watching him trot away.

“Run fast, Stranger. Stay safe and out of sight.” She prayed to nopony. Red Tape had ordered her to stay out of his way, but she knew she couldn’t stand idly by and watch him be hunted down. She ran off into the forest herself, staying out of sight of the members of the search party.

Stranger ran and ran through the forest. He felt condemned to flee for his life in the woods for all eternity. He managed to conceal himself in heavy brush for a few moments, however his pursuers were closing in on him. Thinking quickly, he transformed into an amalgamation of Wood Chipper and Stone Work. He heard their hooves rushing to his position.

“He’s over there!” Stranger shouted and pointed deeper into the forest. Not paying close attention, the search party ponies nodded at him and continued running in the direction he pointed. Once they were past him, he doubled back and headed towards the outskirts of the town. All he wanted to do was get back to Honeysuckle’s house and take shelter. He stayed in his hybrid pony form in case he ran into anypony else. Even if they figured him out, it would at least take them longer to notice than if he looked like a Changeling.

He darted through the trees. The woods around this town were starting to become familiar to him. He made it to the clearing in front of Honeysuckle’s house and he changed back into his normal self. The garden was as gorgeous as ever. Many buds were blooming in the midday sun. Stranger had spent so many hours of his two days of life running and hiding for his own survival. The only good memories he could recall were here at this house. It was the closest thing he had to a home, yet he dared not call it that.

Bud saw Stranger walking up to the house and waved at him joyfully. Bud was sweating as he attended to the garden. He was adding soil and leveling it out around the plants. It was a duty that would normally fall to the head of a household. However, when a big house has only two ponies they have to make due.

“Hey Stranger.” Bud’s innocent smile brought a smile to Stranger’s face. He waved back and quietly walked up to the colt.

“How did it go?” Bud wiped his brow as he asked, still gripping his gardening trowel.

“Not good. I got found out and chased away.” Stranger’s smile evaporated as he looked down at the busy colt.

“What?” Bud looked exasperated. “Didn’t mom explain it to everypony?”

“She tried. Nopony would listen. They went after me… again.” Stranger clutched his arm, feeling like the world was after him. Like he’d never be safe ever again. Always running. Always hiding.

Bud looked down the road behind Stranger.

“Where’s mom?” He asked, afraid.

“I’m not sure. She told me to run, so I ran.” Stranger glanced behind him to make sure nopony was coming. If they found him here, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

“Is mom safe?” Bud’s widened eyes pleaded with Stranger.

“I don’t know why she wouldn’t be. It’s me they want.” Stranger reassured him. Bud relaxed his posture a bit.

“I have to go away.” Stranger whispered, hating his own words.

“What?! No, why?” Bud cried.

“It’s not safe for me here. I’m not welcome in this town. And I don’t know what they’ll do to anypony who keeps helping me.” Stranger shook his head. “I don’t belong here.”

“But-” Bud began.

“Every minute I’m here puts you and Honeysuckle in danger. I can’t accept that. I have to…” Bud interrupted Stranger.

“Don’t be like Wood Chipper. Don’t you leave us too.” Bud’s words were strained and higher pitched. Stranger looked at him and was equally as hurt.

“Don’t say that. I swear, it’s not like that. I don’t want to go.” Stranger knelt down to meet Bud at his level. Bud did his best to keep himself from crying.

“But, you’re still leaving, aren’t you? It’s not fair. Wood Chipper didn’t even say goodbye. Is it me? Did I do something wrong? Did he leave because of me?” Bud threw the gardening trowel down on the soil in frustration.

Stranger couldn’t offer any comfort to Bud’s pain. “You must miss your Dad a lot.” Stranger said softly. The two colts were at eye level with Stranger seated on the fresh soil.

Bud shook his head.

“He’s not my dad.”

“He’s not?” Stranger looked surprised. “Then who…”

“Mom won’t tell me who my real dad is. She claims she doesn’t know.” Bud picked up the trowel again and started smoothing out some of the soil.

“But, you think she does know?” Stranger asked. Bud slowly nodded.

“I think she thinks… that it’ll make me sad to find out. That I won’t like him. But I think I’d rather just know, you know?” Bud looked somberly at Stranger who simply nodded back.

Stranger never even saw his own mother’s face and she had rejected him immediately. For somepony to act like they want to stay with you and then leave must be heartbreaking. Wood Chipper had done that to Bud and Honeysuckle, and now he was about to do the same. Even if he didn’t mean to. Or want to.

“Wait until mom comes home, at least.” Bud placed his hoof on Stranger’s shoulder. “You can’t leave without saying goodbye to her too.”

Stranger grinned and nodded back.

“Ok. I’ll wait for her.”

Honeysuckle trotted through the forest looking for Stranger. Anytime she heard a member of the town’s search party, she steered clear of them. She walked along the river’s edge where she and Stranger first met and skipped stones together. He was lost and alone when she found him and she feared he would end up that way again. She paused for a few minutes by the river bank. The stress of her long search had worn her out. She needed a moment to gather her strength.


A voice came from behind her. She turned startled to see a short pegasus pony from the town. She stood up and walked over to him.

“Hello Wind Shear.” She greeted him.

“Y-you are Honeysuckle right?” He nervously backed away from her. “You’re not a Changeling?”

Honeysuckle rolled her eyes.

“If I’m a Changeling, you’re screwed.” She said bluntly. He fluffed his wings in front of his face and cowered. Honeysuckle cracked up laughing. Wind Shear dropped his wings and sighed loudly in relief.

“Sweet Celestia, don’t scare me like that.” He said exasperated.

“Where’s Red Tape?”

“Out here somewhere. I kinda got separated from the group.” Wind Shear admitted.

“I need to talk to Red Tape again.”

“Why were you with the Changeling?” Wind Shear asked, ignoring Honeysuckle’s comment.

“He’s just a kid, Wind Shear. He doesn’t mean any harm.” She explained.

“He ran into me.” He complained. “Knocked me down in the dirt.”

“You blocked his path.” She countered.

“He didn’t have to hit me.”

“He was about to be jumped by three stallions, what would you have done?” Honeysuckle threw up her hoof.

Wind Shear thought about it for a moment.

“Did he hit you hard?” She asked.

“No, he just sort of ran through me.”

“And then he apologized.” She reminded him.

“I suppose.” Wind Shear looked at the ground then back at Honeysuckle. “So he’s a Changeling, but like a good Changeling?” He asked, confused.

“Pretty much. If everypony would just calm down for five seconds they’d see that he’s not dangerous.” She smiled. “Can you help me talk some sense into Red Tape? If everypony could just meet him and see…” He interrupted her.

“I can’t go against the Mayor.” He vigorously shook his head. Honeysuckle’s expression darkened.

“So you would still hunt him down, even knowing he’s just a kid who’s scared and alone?” She accused him.

“I… I don’t…” He stammered.

“I can’t make up your mind for you. But if you see Red Tape, tell him this.” She looked defiantly at Wind Shear. “That Changeling colt is under my protection. And if anypony wants to hurt him, they’ll have to go through me.”

“Honeysuckle you can’t say that to the Mayor, he…” Wind Shear began, but she cut him off.

“Look, just promise me you’ll deliver the message.” She stomped her hoof. Wind Shear nodded reluctantly.

“I’ll tell him. But I’m not responsible for the consequences.” He warned her.

“Thank you.” She turned to run off into the woods again, but stopped to say one more thing. “Wind Shear, do what you think is right. Don’t let him decide that for you.”

Wind Shear looked conflicted. In the end, he simply nodded and Honeysuckle ran into the forest.

It was nightfall by the time Honeysuckle returned. She came inside the house to see Bud and Stranger sitting in the living room. They had been playing a boardgame sprawled out on the floor. She let out a sigh of relief and hugged both ponies tightly.

“I’m so glad you’re safe. The mob is still out there looking for you. Oh Celestia I’ve spent all day looking for you in the woods myself. I should have known you’d make it back here.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do.” Stranger apologized once again. Honeysuckle shook her head.

“I’m glad you did. The important thing is that they didn’t find you."

Stranger looked up at her with big eyes. “What should I do?”

“Stay here. Stay with us. We will hide you.”

Stranger looked at Bud and Honeysuckle. Their gentle smiles made him feel at home once again. The town was on a rampage looking for him and he feared what they may do to the ponies who dared to help him. He wanted to stay, however he didn’t want anything to happen to the ponies who showed him so much kindness.

“I should go. It’s not right to stay here.” Stranger looked towards the front door however his heart wasn’t in it to leave. Bud let out a soft sob, looking devastated. Honeysuckle grabbed his shoulder, pulling his attention back to them.

“Don’t go.” She said softly.

“You may be in danger if I stay. Bud may be in danger.” Stranger looked down at Bud. Honeysuckle tightened her grip on Stranger.

“You know, I’m really sick of stallions telling me how to take care of my family today.” She grinned cynically at Stranger. “Nothing bad is going to happen to us. I’ll protect you, I promise.”

Stranger didn’t know what to say so he just nodded. Honeysuckle lit a large log in the fireplace. The warmth of the cozy country house protected them from the cold night out in the forest.

"Can you be my new brother?" Bud tugged on Stranger’s hoof.

Taken aback by the colt’s words, Stranger recoiled.

"I-I don't know how to be that." He looked at Honeysuckle with a panicked expression.

"Nopony knows how to be family. It’s something that everypony learns as they go." She glanced at him. He felt a warmth in his chest that radiated throughout his entire body.

“I’m family?” Stranger’s eyes glossed with emotion as he stared back at Honeysuckle.

“If you want to be.” She replied. Moved by her words, he looked down at Bud who still clutched his hoof tightly.

"I think I’d like that." Stranger smiled. Bud looked up at him and started crying.

"What's wrong?" He worried greatly. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Bud.

"Nothing's wrong." Honeysuckle smiled as a small tear dribbled down her cheek. She got up and walked over to the two of them.

"Please stay as long as you want." Honeysuckle embraced Stranger and the three of them shared their hug. Stranger relaxed into their embrace and let the warmth consume him. It felt comforting. He wanted this to be a place he could call home.

The room filled suddenly with a blistering light. Bud and Honeysuckle let go of Stranger to see he was glowing bright white.

"What's happening?" Stranger shouted as magic roared in his ears.

"It's the Changeling love stealing magic." Honeysuckle's horrified expression stung Stranger. He could feel his whole body radiating with heat. It terrified him. What if he consumed the two of them right here? He tried to stop it, but his body wouldn't heed him.

“Make him stop!” Bud cried out, slowly backing away from Stranger.

“Stranger! Don’t! Please stop.” Honeysuckle begged.

Stranger shook his head to clear the fog filling his mind. Willing the light to go away. He didn’t want to hurt these kind ponies. But the thoughts of their kindness only made the light shine brighter.

"Why would you do this? I thought you were better than this? We welcomed you into our home!" Honeysuckle panicked. Her voice stricken with betrayal.

"I'm not trying to do this. I don’t know how this is happening." Stranger grabbed his horn, but to no avail. The magic wasn't coming from there.

"Just take me, okay? Aim it at me." Honeysuckle pointed at herself. The light began growing from his body, expanding outwards.

"I can't control it at all." He complained, straining against the pull of magic.

"Just look at me, only me. Take it. Let me forget Wood Chipper forever." She pleaded with him.

Stranger glanced behind him over at Bud.

"Don’t you love Bud?" Stranger’s eyes were full of regret. Honeysuckle gasped and covered her mouth. She looked at Bud, her baby. If the Changeling stole her love, she may forget Bud as well.

"You promised you wouldn’t do this! You broke your promise. Red Tape was right about you. I can’t believe it. Get out! Go!" She pointed to the door. "Please, just go. Don't hurt me or Bud. We only have each other." Her tears still pouring down her face.

Stranger nodded and galloped to the door. He ran outside and slammed it shut behind him.

Honeysuckle and Bud embraced each other.

"I don't want him to leave. Not again, Mom." Bud cried into his mother's chest.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She gripped him tightly and they held each other for a few precious moments.

The door burst open again. Stranger quickly closed it behind himself, breathing heavily as he leaned against the wood. He had stopped glowing finally.

"Why did you come back?" Honeysuckle demanded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. There’s a..."

Before he could explain, somepony began pounding on the door.

"We know the Changeling is in there. Give us the Changeling!" Red Tape’s voice demanded from outside. They could hear many ponies causing a commotion just outside the door. The window glowed with the fires of their lit torches.

"Help me, please." Stranger cowered behind the door with his hooves over his head.

Honeysuckle crawled over to him, staying out of sight of her own window. She grabbed him behind the back of his head. She was firm, but gentle. His eyes stared directly at hers.

"You swear it was all an accident? You didn't mean to steal our love?" Her look was dead serious.

"Of course. I would never." He held her gaze unflinching.

"Ok. I believe you." She got up and held the door latch.

"Bud, take Stranger out the back door. I suppose the town will need more time before a proper introduction is made."

Stranger walked over to Bud and they took each other's hooves in their grip. He looked longingly over at Honeysuckle.

"I'll distract them. Just go. Maybe someday we will..." She began, but was cut off.

"The Changeling has Honeysuckle and her kid. We gotta break the door!" Red Tape shouted from outside. Honeysuckle knew he was lying to incite the mob.

“Go now! Hurry!” She braced her shoulder into the door.

Stranger tightened his grip on Bud as they ran towards the back door. They escaped into the pale moonlight and Stranger let go of Bud’s hoof before they got too far from the house.

"I have to leave." He looked down at Bud.

"Will I ever see you again?" Bud asked, full of hope. Stranger could hear the mob banging on the front door from the other side of the house.

"No." He said honestly. "I don't think I can come back here." Stranger felt his heart breaking. His love hunger screamed louder than ever before.

"But-" Bud began, but Stranger cut him off.

"Go help your mother." Stranger turned around and trotted away. Bud watched from the back door as Stranger disappeared past the tree line and into the night.

He ran and ran as fast as he could. His heart pounded in his chest as sorrow gripped him. His hooves got heavier with each step, but he kept running. He ran back up the hill until he was looking out over the gorge again. This part of the cliff had no water below. It was just rocks and trees.

He tested his wings a few times. He could feel himself lifting off of the ground if he flapped hard enough. He settled back down on the cliff's edge looking out. If he jumped off here he could probably fly away over the trees. Or he could fail and come crashing down to the rocky earth. He lost himself to despondency as he glared off the cliff into the abyss. He didn’t care if he flew or not. It was worth a shot. He would leave it to chance. If he flew, he would carry on. If he fell, well, what was the point of his life anyway? He stepped closer to the ledge. The anxiety gathered in his brain as he stared down the cliff. His head spun a little at the dizzying heights. He held one hoof over the edge and began to tilt his weight forward.


He spun around at the familiar voice. Bud stood behind him several feet away.

"I'm going to fly." Stranger said calmly.

"You don't know how to fly." Bud shook his head.

Stranger glanced down the gorge.

"Maybe I do." He dropped his tone.

"Don't do it!" Bud ran up to Stranger and grabbed his leg again.

Stranger rubbed the back of Bud's head and held him.

"Please, stay with me." Bud pleaded. “Don’t go. Not yet. You only just got here. I don’t want you to go yet.”

"Alright." Stranger relented. "At least for a little while." He smiled as he closed his eyes.

A feeling of energy surging made him open his eyes again. He was glowing from head to hoof once more.

“Get away from my Son!” Stranger heard a familiar voice traveling up the hill. He saw Red Tape galloping towards him wielding an axe in his hooves.

"Get away from me quickly!" He screamed at Bud but the little colt just shook his head.

"You need love. If you don’t have love you'll die." Bud stated bluntly.

"Please, Bud. I don’t want to hurt you. Anypony but you. It's not fair." Tears streamed down Strangers cheeks. The magic was consuming him again, and so was the hunger. Red Tape was almost upon them. Stranger feared for his life, and he also feared that Red Tape may miss him and hit Bud.

"I'll give you my love." Bud cried as he held Stranger tighter. "If it'll keep you safe, please take my love. You can have it, Stranger. Just please stay with me."

Stranger wanted to jump off the gorge and spare Bud. However, the young colt's grip was so tight, he didn’t think he could peel away without making the child fall with him. He wanted to run away from Red Tape and escape this crazy stallion with murder in his eyes. Unfortunately, Bud’s grip would slow him down too much. He could neither run, nor jump, nor fly. With no choices left, he embraced Bud back. The blinding glow from his love magic encompassed both of them.

"I'll stay with you, Bud."

"I love you, Stranger."

"I love you too, Bud."

With his eyes closed, Stranger surrendered to the magic he couldn’t control. Red Tape arrived and swung his axe for Stranger’s head. Stranger lost his grip of Bud as an opaque shell covered his whole body. Red Tape’s swing hit its mark, but the cocoon was made of powerful magic. The axe bounced off as if it were a rubber buckball. It flew out of Red Tape’s hooves and went flying over the chasm, out of sight. The blowback forced Red Tape to stumble backwards and skid along the ground several feet away.

Stranger saw multicolored lights bouncing off of a prism from inside his new shell. It was similar to the pod he grew out of but was stronger and richer. Soon the cocoon peeled away in a flash of multicolored light. Stranger stood back on his own hooves. Bud was still right in front of him.

"Are you ok?" Stranger asked.

"I think so?"

"D-did I take your love?"

Bud tapped on his own forehead like he was testing it.

"I don't think so. I don’t feel any different." Bud shrugged his shoulders.

The colt blinked a few times in succession as if his eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

"But you're very different." Bud pointed at Stranger.

"How so?"

"You're all bright and colorful now. You're like half beige and half orange." Bud gasped with realization. "Just like mom!" He shouted with excitement.

He looked at his hooves. Sure enough, they were solid and colorful. No more holes or Greasy skin with spotty fur. It was fitting and somehow perfect.

“She was right.” Came a voice from behind them. Wind Shear and the search party mob approached the three of them up on the hill. Honeysuckle came rushing up from the crowd and scooped Bud up into her arms.

“My baby!” She yelled and gripped him so tight he could barely breathe.

“Hi mom.” His muffled voice came out of her bosom.

“I don’t believe it.” Red Tape stood dumbstruck at the newly evolved Changeling before his eyes. His coloring completely different than the love-stealing Changelings they feared. As if his inner kind heart was now reflected in his physical appearance.

Although the moment of wonderment was abruptly shaken.

“You swung a flippin’ axe at him! You maniac! You were going to kill him. You could have hit my son.” Honeysuckle’s rage was out of control. She looked ready to attack Red Tape.

“I just wanted to protect... I… I didn’t…” He stumbled as the crowded mob murmured around him in disapproval. Red Tape looked directly at Stranger. “You really are different, aren’t you? I… I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” He stared at the ground ashamed of himself.

I told you he was different and you wouldn’t listen to me! Don’t you look away from me, you ba-” Honeysuckle began, but Stranger cut her off, coming to stand in front of her in a protective manner.

“I forgive you.” Stranger said directly to Red Tape. Red Tape’s eyes widened.

“You didn’t want any harm coming to your town. I understand. And I forgive you. Completely.” The secret truth behind the words he used hopefully sinking into the other Stallion.

Red Tape stood marveling at Stranger’s magnanimity.

“You’re a good stallion.” Red Tape smiled with relief. “I accept you as a fellow pony.” He extended his hoof to Stranger in friendship.

“No.” Stranger said suddenly and the town gasped. “I am a Changeling. Nothing will change that.” He accepted Red Tape’s hoof and shook it firmly. Red Tape’s hoof dangled weakly in Stranger’s grip.

“However, I am also myself. I can make my own decisions. I’m still learning, but I know that I am responsible for my own actions. I want to live for myself while extending the kindness I’ve been shown to others. With that being the case, would you allow me to live here? To stay?” Stranger’s eyes looked strong and grown up for the first time.

Red Tape chuckled to himself.

“I can’t think of a reason you shouldn’t.” Red Tape looked at the crowd of his town ponies. Everypony seemed to be in agreement. Honeysuckle ran in between Stranger and Red Tape. She hugged him tightly around the neck with tears of joy in her eyes.

“I’m so proud of you, you wonderful stallion.” She praised him, kissing him on the cheek. “Welcome to the family.” She stood proudly next to him with her son. Red Tape sheepishly backed away, feeling a bit awkward.

"Let's go home?" Bud asked, offering his hoof. Stranger took it into his and nodded. He felt lighter and more buoyant.

"We should call you something else besides Stranger." Bud said as they began walking down the hill.

"Yeah, I think a real name is a good idea." He smiled brightly as the two of them descended down the hill together. “Anypony have any suggestions?”

He was no longer hungry.

The End

Loveless Lovechild Bad End

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The door burst open again. Stranger quickly closed it behind himself, breathing heavily as he leaned against the wood. He had stopped glowing finally.

"Why did you come back?" Honeysuckle demanded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. There’s a..."

Before he could explain, somepony began pounding on the door.

"We know the Changeling is in there. Give us the Changeling!" Red Tape’s voice demanded from outside. They could hear many ponies causing a commotion just outside the door. The window glowed with the fires of their lit torches.

"Help me, please." Stranger cowered behind the door with his hooves over his head.

Honeysuckle crawled over to him, staying out of sight of her own window. She grabbed him behind the back of his head. She was firm, but gentle. His eyes stared directly at hers.

"You swear it was all an accident? You didn't mean to steal our love?" Her look was dead serious.

"Of course. I would never." He held her gaze unflinching.

"Ok. I believe you." She got up and held the door latch.

"Bud, take Stranger out the back door. I suppose the town will need more time before a proper introduction is made."

Stranger walked over to Bud and they took each other's hooves in their grip. He looked longingly over at Honeysuckle.

"I'll distract them. Just go. Maybe someday we will..." She began, but was cut off.

"The Changeling has Honeysuckle and her kid. We gotta break the door!" Red Tape shouted from outside. Honeysuckle knew he was lying to incite the mob.

“Go now! Hurry!” She braced her shoulder into the door.

Stranger tightened his grip on Bud as they ran towards the back door. They escaped into the pale moonlight and Stranger let go of Bud’s hoof before they got too far from the house.

"I have to leave." He looked down at Bud.

"Will I ever see you again?" Bud asked, full of hope. Stranger could hear the mob banging on the front door from the other side of the house.

"No." He said honestly. "I don't think I can come back here." Stranger felt his heart breaking. His love hunger screamed louder than ever before.

"But-" Bud began, but Stranger cut him off.

"Go help your mother." Stranger turned around and trotted away. Bud watched from the back door as Stranger disappeared past the tree line and into the night.

He ran and ran as fast as he could. His heart pounded in his chest as sorrow gripped him. His hooves got heavier with each step, but he kept running. He ran back up the hill until he was looking out over the gorge again. This part of the cliff had no water below. It was just rocks and trees.

He tested his wings a few times. He could feel himself lifting off of the ground if he flapped hard enough. He settled back down on the cliff's edge looking out. If he jumped off here he could probably fly away over the trees. Or he could fail and come crashing down to the rocky earth. He lost himself to despondency as he glared off the cliff into the abyss. He didn’t care if he flew or not. It was worth a shot. He would leave it to chance. If he flew, he would carry on. If he fell, well, what was the point of his life anyway? He stepped closer to the ledge. The anxiety gathered in his brain as he stared down the cliff. His head spun a little at the dizzying heights. He held one hoof over the edge and began to tilt his weight forward.


He spun around at the familiar voice. Bud stood behind him several feet away.

"I'm going to fly." Stranger said calmly.

"You don't know how to fly." Bud shook his head.

Stranger glanced down the gorge.

"Maybe I do." He dropped his tone.

"Don't do it!" Bud ran up to Stranger and grabbed his leg again.

Stranger rubbed the back of Bud's head and held him.

"Please, stay with me." Bud pleaded. “Don’t go. Not yet. You only just got here. I don’t want you to go yet.”

"Alright." Stranger relented. "At least for a little while." He smiled as he closed his eyes.

A feeling of energy surging made him open his eyes again. He was glowing from head to hoof once more.

“Get away from my Son!” Stranger heard a familiar voice traveling up the hill. He saw Red Tape galloping towards him wielding an axe in his hooves.

"Get away from me quickly!" He screamed at Bud but the little colt just shook his head.

"You need love. If you don’t have love you'll die." Bud stated bluntly.

"Please, Bud. I don’t want to hurt you. Anypony but you. It's not fair." Tears streamed down Strangers cheeks. The magic was consuming him again, and so was the hunger. Red Tape was almost upon them. Stranger feared for his life, and he also feared that Red Tape may miss him and hit Bud.

"I'll give you my love." Bud cried as he held Stranger tighter. "If it'll keep you safe, please take my love. You can have it, Stranger. Just please stay with me."

Stranger wanted to jump off the gorge and spare Bud. However, the young colt's grip was so tight, he didn’t think he could peel away without making the child fall with him. He wanted to run away from Red Tape and escape this crazy stallion with murder in his eyes. Unfortunately, Bud’s grip would slow him down too much. He could neither run, nor jump, nor fly. With no choices left, he embraced Bud back. The blinding glow from his love magic encompassed both of them.

"I'll stay with you, Bud."

"I love you, Stranger."

“I… I…” Stranger hesitated on his words. Something about what Bud said triggered a primal desire inside of him. Something he had pushed deep within himself. Telling himself that it wasn’t real - that it wasn’t who he was. But that desire was whispering sweet things to him now. He could feel the love energy flowing from Bud, flowing towards himself. Suddenly, he understood how to control the love magic. It was so simple, it amused him that he didn’t see it before. Without Stranger even having to try, Bud was already emanating his own love energy into him. He immediately became drunk on it. He let the energy rush over his heart, mind, and soul. He was fulfilled, he was powerful, he was complete.

And he wanted more.

“I love you too little brother.” Stranger smirked at the foolish and naive little colt in his hooves. Bud didn’t even have time to look up as Red Tape arrived seconds later and swung the axe for Stranger’s head.

Stranger’s horn glowed with an awesome new light. He turned to Red Tape, letting out a viscous blast from his horn. Not only did he repel the axe away, he sent Red Tape flying into the air. Red Tape let out a blood curdling scream as his helpless body careened over the gorge. His scream grew softer as he fell until he couldn’t be heard at all anymore. Stranger couldn’t care less.

“Stranger, wha- what’s happening?” Bud’s face was still tucked into Stranger’s chest. He heard Red Tape scream, but couldn’t see what had happened to him or where he went. He looked at Stanger’s dark expression and was instantly afraid. The creature who glared at him was no longer the friendly and unassuming Stranger he had come to know. A new kind of Stranger stood before him.

Bud tried to wiggle free, but Stranger tightened his grip on the child.

“I’ll have that love now.” Stranger’s mouth opened unnaturally wide. He looked like a python unhinging his jaw about to consume an unsuspecting rodent. A sparkling violet mist sprung out of Bud’s chest. The purple haze floated gently into Stranger’s greedy, awaiting mouth. He salivated as the translucent love energy caressed his tongue. Filling him completely. He sucked it down like a child gorging himself on Nightmare Night candy.

Bud’s eyes glossed over as the love escaped his body. His breathing turned even and slow while his body relaxed like in a drug induced stupor.

“Stranger why can’t we just go home?” Bud’s words were slow and labored. He was barely able to stand on his own hooves anymore. The fun-loving child disappeared as Stranger consumed his love and let his body fall away from him without a care.

“My baby!”

Honeysuckle rushed up the hill to see her son’s faded expression. She made it to his side just as he lost balance and collapsed on the grassy hill. She scooped him up into her hooves and looked into his dead, unfocused eyes.

“No.” She cried, barely above a whisper. She looked up at Stranger and didn’t recognize him anymore. His features were the same, but his eyes were something new. They were something sinister.

“What did you do to him?” She cried. Stranger smiled like a fat cat with a mouse.

“You swore. “ Her voice wavered as she spoke. “You swore you would never take our love. Why, why Stanger? Why would you do this? I trusted you. I believed you.”

Stranger took a small step back. He looked at Bud’s pale, limp body. Then he looked at Honeysuckle’s broken expression and her pitiful tears. For a moment, he felt ashamed. He truly cared for these ponies. They had offered him so much and asked so little in return. He hesitated, unable to decide what he truly wanted. However, the love magic was intoxicating. He had never felt stronger, more liberated in his life. The bondage he had suffered since birth was released in this new, raw magic.

Honeysuckle cautiously approached Stranger.

“You’re still in there aren’t you? I can see it. I can feel it.” She was right up next to his face, just like when they met at the river. Stranger remained stoic as she eyed him over.

“It’s not too late, Stranger.” She put her hoof on his shoulder. He felt her warm touch once again. “If you can take the love, I know you can give it back.”

Stranger shook his head, even though he knew she was right. He knew he could reverse the spell and send all the love back into Bud. The love energy was fresh, and it wasn’t too late.

“You made a mistake. I get it. You were tempted by your Changeling nature. I understand. It’s not your fault.” Her eyes were glued to his, she refused to avert her gaze. She believed her words, but Stranger now filled her with great fear. “I’ll forgive you. Please, just give me Bud back. I’ll forgive you and we can put this whole mess behind us. I know you Stranger. You’re better than this.”

Stranger could feel the genuine love coming from Honeysuckle, even though it was tainted with her fear. She was ripe, oh so ripe for the pickings. However, he couldn’t bring himself to consume her. He looked at Bud again. Or rather, at the shell of a pony he had become. There was no joy or happiness in the colt’s face. Everything was dulled to nothing. Her words swirled around his head. Everything could go back to the way it was before. He had the power to reverse this. They could walk down this hill together as a family.

Family? He thought as though snapped out of a dream.

“Come on Stranger. I know you’ll do the right thing.”

Stranger could hear the sweet nectar of Honeysuckle’s words. Yet, something was different. Her eyes were afraid. She wasn’t as sure as she was letting on. Something about her words didn’t sit right with him.

“My Changeling nature?” Stranger asked. His voice was gravelly and deeper.

“Yes. It was just a mistake. You didn’t mean it, right?” She asked with genuine terror in her gaze.

“But I am a Changeling. Nothing will change that.” He furrowed his brow, glaring at her with suspicion. “You don’t really love me. You love the pony version of what you want me to be. You could never love a Changeling. You can’t handle what I am.” He accused her.

Honeysuckle shook her head vigorously.

“No it’s not true. It’s fine, you can be a Changeling. Whatever you want just please, give me my son back!” She screamed the the last part of her sentence as she swung her free hoof at Stranger. He caught her in mid air with his own hoof, discovering that his strength outmatched hers. In her hoof, she held a stone. A stone small enough to be concealed, but big enough to do some damage had it hit him. With a flick of his magic, it fell harmlessly to the ground.

“When did you pick that up?” He asked, amused. Honeysuckle’s hoof struggled in his grip, but she couldn’t break free. “Was that your plan all along? To lure me in with kind words and then blind side me with your feeble weapon?” He cackled out loud.

“It was just insurance. I meant what I said.” Honeysuckle was hyperventilating now. She could feel the panic overtaking her.

“Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t. Either way, what was yours is now mine.” Stranger opened his mouth again, willing his Changeling powers to draw out her love. It was almost too easy. The love magic erupted from her chest.

“No please, Stranger don’t do it. I beg you.” Honeysuckle’s tears streamed down her face. She watched helplessly as her love evaporated into Stranger’s hideously unhinged jaw. In her mind’s eye, she saw Wood Chipper. All the happy and painful memories she held onto slipped away into Stranger’s unquenchable appetite. She felt a mild amount of relief watching Wood Chipper go, as a soothing numbness replaced the wound he once opened in her heart.

Then she saw Bud.

“No. No please, not my baby.” Honeysuckle cried on deaf ears. Stranger was too drunk on love magic to care anymore.

She watched as her baby slipped further and further away from her. All the memories and tender moments vanished one by one. She tried to hold onto her feelings for her son, but they slipped away like a river flowing downstream. As the love energy left her body a rising anger grew inside her. Anger at Stranger for betraying her. Anger at herself for being so careless and naive. Anger that Red Tape was proven right. Anger that any attempt at true love in her entire life had turned to disaster. Not only could she not find a suitable husband, she couldn’t even raise her own son without losing him too.

Soon, even the anger died away like the last remaining embers of a fire. She tried to hold onto it, just to feel something. She wanted to feel anything at all, but suddenly she couldn’t even remember what she was angry about in the first place. Everything was gone. Her mind was quiet. Blank. Alone.

With all the love magic drained from Honeysuckle, Stranger gently set her down on the grassy hillside. He could feel himself overflowing with it. He was truly alive. He was invincible. He was unstoppable.

And, again, he wanted more.

Honeysuckle sat on the ground with a blank expression on her face. Her fur and mane were faded now. They barely held the beige and orange coloring that was once bright and vibrant. She turned lazily to see a group of ponies marching up the hill towards them.

“There they are… Oh my Celestia.” A vaguely familiar voice rang out. Wind Shear knelt beside Honeysuckle. She stared at him like a drunkard stares vacantly at the pub wall at 2am.

“Honeysuckle are you alright?” He asked her while cradling her head in his hoof. “Talk to me.”

“Wind Shear.” She spoke his name, but her words were empty. He looked over to where Bud lay in the grass. His eyes were still dead and vacant. A mirror image of his mother’s.

“What did you do?” Wind Shear demanded of Stranger.

He smirked. “What Changelings do best.” Stranger firmed his stance as he stared down Wind Shear.

“You’ll pay for this.” Wind Shear spoke through gritted teeth. “Get him!” He yelled at the mob. They wasted no time as they hurled themselves toward Stranger, weapons, torches, and hooves at the ready.

Stranger wanted to feed on them as well, but they outnumbered him greatly and were armed. He flapped his wings and took off into the sky. Flight came easy to him. He soared so fast, a beam of light trailed behind him. The ponies on the hill watched uselessly as he blazed into the night sky. None of the pegasi in the village, including Wind Shear, could hope to fly that fast. Stranger was so full of magic power that he could use it to propel his quick escape.

“Perhaps we’ll meet again one day.” He taunted down at the mob.

“You bastard!” Wind Shear yelled, but all he could hear was Stranger's distant fading laugh as he jettisoned to the horizon.

“I’ll get him Honeysuckle. I swear I’ll make him pay for this. For you, and for Bud.” Wind Shear swore passionately as he held Honeysuckle in his hooves.

“Don’t worry about it.” Honeysuckle said softly. “It doesn’t matter.” Her dilated pupils looked at nopony. Wind Shear stared back at her horrified. The ponies that Stranger had left in his wake were mere husks of their former selves. Wind Shear wasn’t sure if they would ever be whole again.

Stanger soared through the sky. He marveled at the view from above, feeling the exhilaration of his great speed. The power he had received was massive, but it wasn’t nearly enough. He needed more. He would have to go find more. That was perfectly fine with him. Equestria was an open buffet table of love, and he would never go hungry again.

The End…