
by Shakespearicles

First published

Gabby brings back an old Ponyville tradition: Stuffing the bird.

Some holidays are festive celebrations based on genuinely terrible historical events. Gabby decides to bring back one such old Ponyville tradition:

Stuffing the bird.

( And don't forget the gravy! )

Spoiler: It's pretty much just Gabby getting hilariously gangbanged by almost every stallion in Ponyville. (And some of the mares, too.) Exhibitionism. Free Use. Anal. Creampies galore. And a bunch of other stuff.

"I would have been shocked if a story like this didn't appear today." - jakuwolf122

"Very nice story to complement Thanksgiving. Especially considering how well you utilized Gabby's bubbly personality all throughout." - Vis-a-Viscera

"Man was this a lovely little story. Thanks for giving it to us, Shakes." - Mc Duck Fan 10

"First time in a while I've been horny laughing... Good show!" - maxthedralf

"I'm certainly burning in hell now for enjoying this story!" - Shadowblade93


Stuffing the Bird

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Gallus finished packing his bag and said goodbye to his schoolmates before heading home for the holidays. It wasn't Hearth's Warming, no, not yet. It was the other one that came a month prior. It required Gallus to return to Gryphonstone, whether he wanted to or not. Not that there was any sort of celebration, or even a dinner gathering to attend. Grandpa Gruff simply would not allow him to be in Ponyville that day, refusing to budge on the matter or elaborate further.

While Gallus waited at the train station, Gilda drifted down from the clouds to the west. She landed on the edge of the train platform and shuffled with a funny walk to sit on the other bench at the station. "Heading back too, huh?" she asked rhetorically without looking at him.

"Yeah." He looked over at her. She shifted in her seat. "You visiting Dash again?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just stopped there to get a nice tall cup of none-of-your-fucking-business, dweeb!" she snapped.

Gallus rolled his eyes, catching sight of Gabby in his peripheries. She landed by the station post office to drop off her empty mail bag. She saw the other two gryphons there.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" she asked.

"We're heading back to Gryphonstone for the holiday," Gallus said. "Same as you, I assume."

Gabby gave them a confused look. "Holiday? I know Gryphonstone doesn't have many but definitely not this weekend."

"It's not a Gryphon holiday," Gilda huffed. "It's a Ponyville holiday. And we can't be here for it."

"Can't be here?" Gabby asked. "But why not? What holiday is it?"

Gallus shrugged. "I don't know. Gruff just told me I need to not be here."

Gabby looked at Gilda. "I asked Dash about it, but she didn't really know either. Said it's some really old tradition going back to the town founding. So you'd have to ask some pony really, really old."

"Ooh! Granny Smith is really, really old!" Gabby said with excitement. "I'll ask her!"

"Whatever." Gilda leaned back in her seat. "Just be sure to be out of town before dawn tomorrow."

"Granny, Granny, Granny!" Gabby asked excitedly through the farmhouse door as she knocked frantically.

"Hold yer darn horses! I'm a coming!" Granny Smith shouted as she pushed her walker through the house and opened the door. "Now what in all of Equestria is all this ruckus about!?"

"Granny, what holiday is tomorrow?" Gabby asked.

Granny Smith glanced at her calendar and then back at the gryphon and adjusted her glasses. "I'd have thought you of all creatures would know." Gabby shook her head. "Well, it ain't a real holiday. Not no more it ain't. Not fer years. But it used to be called ThanksGryphon."

"I've never heard of it." Gabby said.

Granny pursed her lips for a moment. "Well I suppose they prolly don't be teaching bout it in schools. A real dark patch of history, that, what with the war."


"The gryphon war," Granny said. "Though I suppose they probably called it the 'pony' war over there. I'm a bit hazy on the details. Started and ended before even my time. Nopony is exactly sure what kicked it off. Some arch-duke prolly took an arrow to the knee from some gryph, and then whoa nelly! The whole nation goes to it!"

Gabby listened as Granny continued. "The long and short of it was a senseless war with losses on both sides. But the Gryphon Empire lost, and never really recovered. Of course the Equestrian nobility was still bitter about the whole thing. So as part of the treaty, every year, the Gryphons had to send a Gryphette for a day as tribute. She'd get all trussed up and bound in town square, and every pony was free to use her."

"Use her?" Gabby asked. "You mean like... sexually?"

"Yeah. Mostly."


"Well, at the end of the day, the poor girl would need a shower. The whole affair was quite a spectacle. And all those ponies would be watching and drinking cider all day..." Granny trailed off. "Actually, never mind. Point is, it ain't something the town has done in decades. New Gryphonstone was starting to get uppity about how degrading it was, and the enlightened ponies in office agreed, and canceled the terms. They considered the whole 'gangbang' thing barbaric, no matter how good it was for cider sales every year! Why I remember helping out with my pappy that last time. We got there early to set up our booth. We were practically in the splash zone! Hoowee! I'll never forget the smell! Just remembering it still gets this ol' kitty purring."

"I'm sickened, but curious. I'm considering it. I'm interested. I agree to participate."

"Wai- what!?"

"I volunteer as tribute!"

"I ain't even gonna ask why you'd want to do that, 'cuz yer obviously off yer nut! But it ain't me you gotta convince! You gotta clear it with Mayor Mare! But if you do, it'd be a boon for our sales. So... good luck?"


Mayor Mare just stared at her from across her desk. Oh, why couldn't today have just had a monster attack instead? "I'm sorry, could you explain that again? I think I had something crazy in my ear."

"I want to volunteer as the ThanksGryphon day tribute!" Gabby said.

"Do you even know what you just said? Do you have any idea what's involved?"

"Getting tied up and gangbanged by the entire town?"

"... Okay. I guess you do have some idea." Mayor Mare adjusted her glasses and dug through one of her filing cabinets. She pulled out an old copy of paper. "The treaty amendment said that we could no longer force Gryphonstone to provide a tribute... but... it says nothing about one volunteering. So I guess... if you really want to..."

Gabby's talons were shaking with excitement.

"I'll organize the catering!" Granny Smith said.

"Fine. Whatever." Mayor Mare sighed. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Who would even show up to such a thing in the current year? And besides, the holiday was less than twenty four hours away. How fast could word of this actually spread?

The queue was long enough to double the town's population.

"Wow! Look at all these ponies!" Gabby said excitedly as she was fitted with the traditional but modern wing binders, designed to restrain, but with comfort in mind. The 'stock' was a sturdy platform with a large, metal platter on it, big enough for her to lay on, surrounded with garnishes. Her hind paws were shackled into the spreaders with soft padding, and her talons were carefully bound with cotton rope, again for comfort.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Princess Twilight Sparkle demanded, seeing the gryphon on lewd display in the middle of the public square.

"It's ThanksGryphon!" Gabby said excitedly.

"Oh no..." Princess Cadance muttered.

"I thought ThanksGryphon was abolished!" Twilight said.

"She volunteered," Granny Smith said, as Applejack rolled up to the cider stand with two more kegs, and Apple Bloom was working her way up the queue collecting drink orders.

"Ugh!" Twilight groaned. "I picked a terrible time for your visit."

"What the heck is ThanksGryphon?" Shining Armor asked. Twilight gave him a quick explanation. "Wait, so what, the whole town is just going to run train on her?"

"Yup!" Granny Smith said, setting up the cash register. "It's gonna be spectacular! You might wanna grab a drink, Your Highness."

"And speaking of," Mayor Mare said, "Since we have royalty present, you get first dibs."

"Wait, what!?" Shining balked.

"She's right. That's the tradition," Cadance said.

"But I... but we're married!"

"So is Hondo, and Mr. Cake," Granny said, pointing at the stallions in the line. "So is Big Mac, here."


"Well I... I choose to abstain," Shining said.

"Oh sure!" one of the other ponies shouted. "Just like a unicorn to snub our honored earth pony traditions!"

Cadance took her husband aside. "Remember what I told you when we got married? About being a prince? It's slavery with a crown. We have to abide by the will of the people."

"Okay, fine. I'll do this real quick, and then we're leaving," Shining said.

"No, you have to wait your turn," Cadance said.

"But the mayor just said that royalty goes first."

"Yes, but in order of seniority," Cadance said.

"But how are you...?" Cadance just winked and walked past him. She leaned down in front of Gabby. "It's not too late to back out. Are you really sure you want to do this?"

"Yes!" Gabby said.

"Well, that sounds like enthusiastic consent to me," Cadance said. Her horn glowed, and a magenta spell washed over Gabby's nethers. "My gift to you. It should make all this quite pleasant."

Gabby panted as the effects of the spell coursed through her. She felt like her arousal had been wound up like a spring, ready to go off like a hair trigger.

Cadance strutted around behind Gabby and lifted her feline tail aside with her magic. She bowed down to bring her face to her pussy. She shifted an inch forward and gave her a single, slow lick.

"Gah!" Gabby strained against her bindings as she visibly came from the mere touch.

Cadance stood back up with regal poise. "Thanks, gryphon." She pulled a handkerchief from her bag to dab her lips. "Well, my turn is done." Twilight stepped forward. "No. I'm afraid Shining has to go next."

"Right... because he became a prince first..." Twilight sighed.

Shining sighed, and approached the stock next, rearing up behind the gryphon, and waiting nervously. "I, uh... I'm not used to having an audience."

"Oh, I can help with that," Cadance said. Her horn glowed, prodding his anus a bit.

"H-hey!" Shining yelped. Despite his complaining, his shaft quickly emerged from his sheath and flopped onto Gabby's back with a hefty thwack.

"Oh my gosh!" Twilight gasped and tried to avert her eyes. She tried to, anyway.

"Mhmm!" Granny Smith purred and gave her lips a lascivious lick. "I can see why a princess married you."

"Thanks," he groaned at the awkward praise.

"Go on now," Cadance said. "Don't keep her waiting."

"Okay, okay," Shining said, aiming his dick downward with his magic. "But just to be clear, I'm only doing this because tradition says I have to. I would never normally cheat on my wife."

"Yeah, yeah," Cadance said. "You're medal is in the mail. Now fuck that cat-bird!" Cadance's magic shoved his hips forward to penetrate Gabby.

"Oof! That's a lot bigger than a gryphon's!" Gabby huffed.

"Yeah, that was kinda the point," Granny said as she started filling the first round of mugs. "The gryphettes would go home afterwards and tell 'horror' stories about how big stallions were. And wouldn't ya know it, there would be this uptick in tourism from Gryphonstone. Was great for business. But I guess the fellers on the other side didn't see it that way."

Cadance could see that Shining was barely able to get his medial ring inside her. "Come on, you can go more than that!" she cheered.

"I really can't," he said. "I'm bottoming out in there. It's all she can take."

"For now, maybe," Granny said. "But after six or seven hours I reckon she'll be able to take my whole hoof up to the elbow! That's why Big Mac here has graciously volunteered to go last. This ain't meant to be an execution, after all."

"Eeyup," the red stallion confirmed, carrying the first tray of cider to the customers waiting in line.

Shining continued to fuck Gabby as expediently as possible. But between the crowd, his sister watching, and that winking look that Granny Smith was giving him when she took her teeth out, the finish line was eluding him.

"We don't have all day, dear," Cadance said.

"I'm trying!"

Cadance rolled her eyes. "And as always, I have to do everything..." Her magic enveloped the section of his shaft that couldn't get inside Gabby and stroked him, while more magic cupped his balls and massaged them.

"G-g-g-gah!" Shining's legs trembled as his climax suddenly came quicker than he was prepared for. His eyes went in different directions like a chameleon, but he ended up making awkward eye contact with Twilight as he ejaculated.

Gabby was also looking at her. And looking back at Gabby, Twilight wondered which of them had bigger eyes in that moment.

"Thanks, gryphon." Shining steadied himself and pulled out with a wet plop. He walked off to the side, and Twilight tried not to let her eyes follow the hypnotic sway of his pendulous pride swinging under him like a wet metronome.

Cadance chided him. "Yes, yes, Shining, we're all very impressed. Now reel it in." Shining couldn't look anywhere but at the ground. Twilight felt a nudge. "Your turn."

Twilight only then remembered that she had to go next. "Wait, so do I need to... what you did... after what he did?" Cadance nodded. "Could you do that spell to make it quick?"

Cadance shook her head. "Oh, I don't think you want that."

"I don't want to be back there tongue-punching her box for one second longer than I have to!"

"Hey!" Gabby chirped.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure it's lovely but..." Twilight tried to say before Cadance shoved her.

"Oh, would you just go on!? You're holding up the line!"

"Fine!" Twilight huffed. "Spell please!?"

"As you wish..." Cadance cast the spell again.

"Oooh, not again!" Gabby moaned as her hind legs flexed weakly in the spreader bar. "Hurry! Hurryhurryhurry!" she begged.

"Alright, alright!" Twilight said. She leaned downbehind Gabby and opened her mouth to lick her. The instant her tongue touched Gabby's clit, she came hard. Every muscle clenched and Twilight got a mouthful of spunk.

Twilight grimaced but Granny Smith was quick to say, "Spitters are quitters!"

Twilight looked at Cadance. "She's right. It's unbecoming of a princess."

Twilight winced and swallowed. "Thanks, gryphon."

Cadance gave her her handkerchief.

"Thanks." She jabbed Shining in the side. "And you need to eat more pineapple or something."

Cadance agreed. "Ha! See? Even Twilight says so."

"Fine! I get it! Can we please leave now? I really don't want this to be Flurry's first memory."

"Da!" Flurry said from her carriage.

"Alright! Who's next?" Granny shouted.

Gabby felt the next stallion cumming inside her. This was number fourteen? Fifteen? She wasn't sure. "Thanks, gryphon!" He placed a business card on the stock platform next to her. "And let me know if you're ever interested in buying a sofa... Or quills."

The next stallion stepped up. "You know, if I were running this here shindig, I'd have a fast-pass option! The wealthy shouldn't have to wait in line with the common rabble!" Filthy Rich reared up and mounted Gabby. He started fucking her and chuckled. "Heh, it feels like you've had almost as many stallions in you as my whore ex-wife! Not that I care."

"Hey, that's mean!" Gabby said.

"Well, it's supposed to be degrading," Granny said.

"Yeah!" Filthy said. "You're a slutty... slut... cat-bird!"

"Oh, I get it. Yay! I'm a slutty cat bird!" Gabby said.

Filthy Rich hilted her as he came. "Y-Yeah! That's what you get for fucking my brother-in-law!" he cried. He panted and pulled out. "Woo... Thanks, gryphon."

Granny Smith stepped in for a moment. "Do you need something to drink? Make sure you stay hydrated."

"Water is fine," Gabby said. Granny got her a mug of water. "Thank you." Gabby finished her water and Granny went back to her booth. "Who's next?"

"I hope you don't mind me taking the back door. That's how I do it back in Aaappleoosa!" Braeburn said.

"Oh, uh, sure. Just take it slow," Gabby said.

"Of course! I'm a considerate lover after all," he said, applying a liberal coating of the provided lubricant. Gabby took a deep breath as she felt him push into her puckered o-ring. As promised, he went slowly and gently, waiting for her to get used to the penetration. Unlike her vagina, there was no bottoming out in her rectum, and she actually felt his balls against her pussy. Once she was ready, he started thrusting.

"You know, I've tried the... other way," he said. "Conventional intercourse. But it just feels so unnatural to me."

"Uh huh..." Gabby groaned, feeling his dick polishing the inside of her colon.

"To say nothing of the inconvenience of having it attached to a mare. Such disagreeable creatures! And I reckoned, everypony's got a ponut! Why not just do what you would do with a mare, but with a stallion? But I ain't one a them ho-mo-sexuals! No, no. I just sometime have sex with a stallion and ejaculate while hilted deep inside his ass. And I know how good that feels, because sometimes I like to have that done to me, too! But like I said, I ain't gay."

Applejack brought another keg of cider over to the booth. "Actually I'm pretty sure that's exactly the definition of being gay."

Braeburn huffed. "Well, sure, if you just swirl the facts around and bend over backwards to come to that conclusion, I guess you can make up words to mean anything! In fact, you can just spend the whole day with my father agreeing with each other!" Gabby felt him cum inside her ass. He pulled out a moment later. "Thanks, gryphon."

Applejack watched him leave and muttered under her breath, "At least you still have a father, you dick!"

Granny Smith shook her head. "That poor colt is so far in the closet he's finding Hearth's Warming gifts."

Applejack glanced at the line. "Speaking of dicks, here comes the biggest pair I've ever seen."

"We'll take that as a compliment!" one of the stallions said.

The other stallion tapped on Gabby's shoulder. "Do you mind two at a time?"

"Uh, I guess not," she said.

The two stallions were nearly identical unicorns, aside from one sporting a moustache. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. He's Flimm."

"He's Flam!"

"And we're the gang-bang brothers!"

Flim laid on the stock platform and used his magic to move Gabby over him so he could penetrate her from below. Meanwhile, Flam moved into position to penetrate her from behind.

A random stallion shouted from behind them, "But wait, if the balls touch, that's gay!"

"Right you are, sir!" Flam said. "Which is why we have these patented chainmail scrotum armor!" He presented a modest size pouch. "As you can see, Flim here is already sporting one! Available with either an elastic band or a pull tie to be adjusted for your comfort and, hehe, heft! Donning is easy!" Flam held the pouch in his magic and slipped it over his ball sack, letting the elastic hold it snuggly in place. "And now with double protection, there is no chance of scrotal contact while we double penetrate this gryphon, and thereby avoiding catching the dreaded gayness! Now who wants one?"

"Don't be holding up the line!" Applejack said. "Just do what you came here to do and skedaddle! Go somewhere else to peddle your cheap wares, or else!"

"Or else what?" Flam asked. Granny Smith racked her shotgun. "Excellent counterpoint!" He mounted the Gryphon and penetrated her ass. Each stallion could feel the other moving back and forth inside the gryphon.

Flim looked up at the gryphon on top of him. She reminded him of the rules. "Remember, no kissing."

"I wouldn't dream of it!" Flim assured her. He shifted a bit to the side to look up at his brother, who looked back at him. "Thank goodness we invented this chainmail ball armor to avoid catching the gay."

"Right you are, brother of mine. And what a fine female to test them on!"

"Indeed! An undeniable heterosexual encounter! I can feel you inside her."

"I can feel you inside her!"

"Are you near to climax? You know I can't finish without you."

"And neither can I without you!"

"Shall we on three?"

"Capital idea!"

"And a one,"

"And a two,"

"And ahhh!"

Gabby felt them both cum inside her in perfect synchronization while they never broke eye contact with each other.

"Thanks, Gryphon," Flam said as he climbed off of her.

"Yes, Thanks, gryphon," Flim said, lifting her off of him with his magic to put her back where she was.

Gabby glanced back over her shoulder to see who was next. "Oh, hi Mrs. Cake! I'm actually glad to see you. I could use a break. I haven't felt the touch of a mare in a while."

Mrs. Cake gave her a soft smile. "Not exactly, dear," she said as she strapped on a sizable dildo.


"Oh, don't worry dearie," Cup Cake assured her. "This isn't for you."

Carrot Cake stepped forward and mounted Gabby. He slid into her without to much difficulty and stayed there.

"Um, you can start now-OH!" Gabby was cut off by the extra weight of another pony as Cup Cake mounted Carrot with her strap-on. Carrot whimpered but remained motionless on top of Gabby as his wife pegged him. Gabby could feel his dick pulsing with each of the mare's strokes.

"You don't get to cum until you say the words," Cup Cake said.

Carrot's voice was shaky, and a fair bit higher than normal. "I’m a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout-" Carrot let out a small yelp as Cup Cake went especially deep. Gabby could feel him cumming inside her.

Cup Cake finally pulled out once he was done throbbing. "Thanks, gryphon."

Carrot Cake slowly pulled out a moment later, on very shaky hooves. "T-Thanks g-gryphon."

Celestia's sun was moving across the sky and the line wasn't looking any shorter.

"Skip the line and glaze her wings!" Granny smith shouted. "And get your cider, half-price!" Several stallions took her up on the offer. Now, in addition to stallions stuffing Gabby's pussy, or ass, or both, she now had stallions on either side of her rubbing one out onto her feathers for cheap drinks. "Yeah! Baste that bird!" Granny cheered.

"Not the face, please," Gabby asked. Another hot load splattered onto her feathers, making her look more like a frosted pastry.

"Thanks, gryphon!"

At least the line was going down three times faster.

"Ugh, finally!" the next stallion said as he arrived at the front of the line. "I would have been here sooner, but you know, waking up early, it's for the birds, am I right?" The seafoam pegasus said. "Alright, time to nix this V-card! Check it out!" He reared up next to her to show off his, rather average erection, based on what she had seen all day. "Is this not the biggest dick you have ever seen?" he asked.

Gabby knew how to respond to this by now. "Oh yes. It's bigger than any dick I've ever seen before."

"Would you say that it's... twenty percent bigger?" Zephyr Breeze asked.

"Uh... sure?"

"No, say the words."

"It's twenty percent bigger than any dick I've ever seen."

"UNF!" Zephyr moaned and his dick bobbed under him. "Okay! Let's do this!"

He mounted her and fumbled for a moment, prodding around before finding his mark. It slid inside. "Ha! Perfect! First try! I am the best at sex! I am awesome! Tell me how awesome I am!"

"So awesome."

"Hell yeah! I'm gonna get you super pregnant, and then you'll have to drop out of the Wonderbolts and marry me and- and- ANHGHA!" She felt him cum inside of her in "Ten. Seconds. Flat! I win! Thanks Dashie- uh, I mean, Thanks gryphon." Zephyer pulled out and strutted away like he was the king of the world.

"Good golly that was sad," Applebloom said as she folded up her order pad. The sun started to set. "Last call on cider!"

Behind her, Gabby could hear the chatter of feminine voices. She turned and saw several mares in a group in the line.

"Oh, thank goodness," Gabby said. "I could use a break from all these dicks!"

Starlight Glimmer looked at Gabby, and then at Trixie and Zecora, who shared a couple vials of potion. "Sorry Gabby, but when we heard there was a gryphette bringing back ThanksGryphon, we just had to get this potion from Zecora," Starlight said as the three mares started to sprout futa dicks. Starlight stepped forward and mounted Gabby. "Maybe next year."

"Maybe... maybe I could have that potion next year?" Gabby asked.

"Sorry Gabby," Starlight said. "But the only one putting their futa dick in my pussy is-"

Starlight was cut off as the other unicorn mounted her. "The great and well-endowed Trixie!"

The two mares swapped places a couple times before they each unloaded into Gabby.

Finally there was Zecora. She reared up and flopped her futa dick onto Gabby's back. "Once you go striped, you'll love getting piped." Gabby was quite sure that she wasn't any more fond of getting piped after Zecora finished with her. "This has been a great day given. For that I give you thanks, gryphon." Zecora pulled out and her striped futa dick shrank and eventually vanished as the potion wore off.

Gabby panted as Zecora's cum dribbled out of her well-worn pussy. Applejack started breaking down the cider stand. "Is... was that the last one?" Gabby asked.


Gabby didn't have to open her eyes to recognize Big Mac's voice. "Oh... right."

The stock shook at the red stallion reared up behind her. She braced herself for his namesake. His hooves gently undid the rope on her talons, and unfastened her wing bindings.

"What are you..."

"Don't like 'em." Mac said, getting the bondage out of his sight.

"He doesn't like a partner that isn't in control," Sugar Belle said, walking in front of Gabby. "I suppose that's why he married a unicorn. All his brawn and strength means nothing against magic. I know you agreed explicitly at the beginning of all this, but he insists to hear it from you again."

"Yeah, I still do," Gabby said.

"You should inspect the goods first," Sugar said.

A pair of hooves rolled Gabby onto her back and a red log flopped onto her belly. Gabby's eyes crossed as she looked down at it. "Oh, my word!"

Sugar Belle smirked. "Yes, I said something similar the first time I saw it."

Applejack balked as she carted away the last of the equipment. "Land's sake, Mac! Y'all gonna kill her!"

Sugar Belle just looked at Gabby. "You can still stop now. You wouldn't be the first to shy away. You won't hurt his feelings. He still has me, after all."

"N-No, I... I can do it." Gabby said. "I didn't come all this way just to trip at the finish line!"

Sugar smiled. "That's the spirit." She took her head in her hooves. "Now look at me. I want to see your face when he puts it in."

Gabby's head was leaned back and she looked at Sugar as Mac shifted to put it in. Gabby's breath hitched when she felt the initial pressure. Yup. Her eyes did not deceive her. It was definitely thicker than anything else she'd had stuffed inside her that day. Then he started pushing it in. She could feel each inch sliding inside her. One after another after another. Was there no end to this thing? She finally felt him hilt her. It was the most full she had ever felt. No, wait, that was just his medial ring popping inside her!

Sugar saw the look of worry wash over Gabby's face. "Yes, I thought the same thing, my first time."

Gabby had laid whole eggs smaller than this thing. Her eyes crossed and then uncrossed as she felt a new pressure, and a guttural grunt was pushed out of her as her organs were shoved up against the diaphragm of her lungs, literally knocking the wind out of her by the time she felt his balls against her butt.

"Did she really?" Sugar asked.



Gabby's breaths were shallow as there was very little room for air left in her torso. Big Mac slowly pulled out and her lungs were able to expand.

"A little piece of advice," Sugar said. "Don't try to hold your breath. His dick will be doing the breathing for you now."

Big Mac pushed back in, shoving the air out of her again, before pulling back out. Just as she said, the air refilled her in time with his thrusts.

"Talking will be a bit of a challenge," Sugar said. "So the safe word will be blinking really fast. Or passing out."

Gabby learned quickly, catching air when she could, and just keeping her muscles relaxed as Big Mac rearranged her internal organs.

"You're doing very well," Sugar said. "It's so refreshing to see somebody else try to do this. And how about you, Mac, are you close?" Big Mac nodded with an aggressive snort. She could see the bulge of his flare stretching her abdomen. "Ooh, he sure is. Okay... now you're going to want to hold your breath."

Big Mac thrusted a couple more times before hilting and rearing up, standing upright, with his erection flexing up with him, lifting Gabby along with it, off the stocks to slap her against his belly as he came inside her hard. Her wing sprang open on reflex and her limbs flailed but she was utterly impaled on his dick like a living condom and she was belly slapped again and again as he came.

She was suspended in the air until he softened enough to be lowered back down. Sugar caught her with her magic for a soft landing onto the stock. "Gotcha. And there we go." Big Mac back off just enough for her to catch a breath. Her tunnel vision faded away and she focused on the upside down mare looking at her. "Welcome back to Equestria." Gabby was still trying to catch her breath as Big Mac slowly pulled out of her. "I'll understand if you don't want to do this again next year. But in any case, this was a delight to watch. Thanks, gryphon."

Big Mac pulled out with a very wet plop and a deluge of cum poured out of her. "Thanks, gryphon," he said, before he walked home with his wife.

Out of the corner of her blurry vision, she saw Granny Smith ask her, "Same time next year?"

"I... I don't think..."

Granny put a sac of bits on the stocks. "Your cut of the sales, by the way."

Gabby didn't even have to open it to know it was nearly her annual salary at the post office.

Gabby nodded. "Same time next year."