A Draconic Sparkle Love

by Mystic Sunrise

First published

When your girlfriend can have six heads, it makes dating and marriage weird. Twilight and Pearl don't care.

Several years have passed since Pearl became an alicorn, and quite a bit has changed since she and Twilight returned from the Blight. But one thing will not leave the young alicorn alone.

The dream she had that first night in Tiamat's realm will not leave her alone. Everything has been happening as she dreamed it. All but one that is.

Good thing time is not a problem for her and Twilight.

Anniversary Questions

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"Do you ever regret us being together?"

The unexpected question brought Twilight out of her daydream, as she blinked upwards at Pearl's head. The mare bore a concerned expression, one that was shared by all of her heads. "What do you mean, Pearl?" Twilight asked.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean, Twily. It's our anniversary. Four hundred and ninety-nine years together and counting."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Yes, and? I admit it's not as hectic as they usually are. Flurry must be keeping Kohaku on a short leash." She giggled as the White head grumbled something under her breath. "Sometimes, I wonder if you care more for him than you do me."

The dragoness blushed, while her sisters rolled their eyes. She always got the short end of the stick, as she flicked Twilight's snout with her tongue. "As if. No matter what I may or may not feel about him, you are my mate, Twilight. Never think otherwise."

Pearl's Black head nodded, as she slid over as well. "And I'll eviscerate anyone who says otherwise! You know us better than that." All of Pearl's heads nodded vigorously, and Pearl herself snorted out a stream of flame to show what she herself thought of it.

Twilight nodded, as she kissed the Black's snout. "Then never once think that I ever regret any of this, Pearl. As hectic and crazy as it has been, I wouldn't change any of it for all the books on Equus."

The Green head sighed. "You and books. You should have been the Princess of Books, not Friendship."

Twilight nodded smugly. "it's a fault of mine, sue me. You signed up for this when we started dating. Don't complain about it now."

Pearl shook her head in exasperation. It was days like this when she wondered if having this many heads was worth the headaches they gave her.

Twilight, though, frowned. "What brought this on, Pearl? You're never like this on our anniversary. The last time I remember you acting this strange was before you first asked me out. It cannot be that, can it?"

Pearl shook her head. "No. You've been throwing up the last few days, right?"

Twilight nodded, feeling her belly. "Yes. It's probably nothing, but I have an appointment in the morning just to be sure." She smirked. "It'll take a lot more than this to put me down, though. Alicorns can take much more than a little stomach bug, Pearl. You know that."

All of her wife's heads giggled. It was true. Pearl had survived things that should have killed her if she had still been a Pegasus, but had only given her bumps and bruises. "Well, we did just use that spell Kohaku gave us," the Blue head replied.

Twilight nodded. "I still must thank him for giving us it as well." She rolled her eyes. "But I seriously doubt that I am pregnant, Pearl. How likely is it to work on the very first try? Even Kohaku couldn't say for sure if it would work the first time."

Pearl groaned. And ponies thought she was stubborn. "Still. Maybe it is nothing, but I am not going to take chances. If I have to tie you to the bed, I will." She shook her head. "But that's not everything."

Twilight's ears fell. She could feel that they were not telling her something. "Pearl. What are you not telling me?"

Pearl's heads all shared worried looks, but it was the White head who replied. "Do you remember the prophetic dream we had that first night in the Dragon Queen's realm?"

Twilight blinked as she searched her memories. She had in fact almost completely forgotten about that dream. It didn't seem relevant anymore. "What of it? You are no seer, Pearl. Spending so much time with Kohaku had an added benefit outside of what we all saw."

Pearl nodded. "I know. Gods, I usually don't even think about it now. What's the point? It's happened just about as I dreamed it," She sniffed as her pony head fell. "All but one thing. Haven't you noticed how odd the Aether has been recently?"

Twilight tapped her chin. "Yes, but what of it? It could mean anything, Pearl. Or it could mean nothing at all. None of us know for sure how the Aether works, or why things happen as they sometimes do."

Pearl shook her head. "Something's coming, I'm sure of it." She growled. "No. I know it. Something is coming. We have to be ready for it. I have to be ready for it."

Twilight blinked. She had not expected that. "And what do you mean 'You' have to be ready, Rosie?" She flew up and caressed her wife's cheeks. "If something is coming, then we will face it together. All of us."

Pearl shook her head. "You can't, Twily. I won't let you. I can't let you."

Twilight frowned. "And why not? I will not let you do this-"

"Because if you go out there, you will die!" Pearl roared, sending birds fleeing for safety for miles around.

Twilight flew back in shock and horror, watching in sorrow as Pearl's head fell, her tears falling at last, and each of her heads wept as well, none bothering to hold back how they truly felt. Even the normally heated Red head could not hide how she felt.

"If you go out there, you'll die, Twily," the Black head sniffed, "I can draw you a damn picture of the thing that will rip you apart. Down to the second, we know when and how it's going to happen."

Pearl herself nodded. "I've known. I've always known this was coming. Gods, I hoped I had been wrong. But it's happening. All of it."

Twilight's hooves flew to her mouth in horror, dawning realization finally coming to her. "I die protecting you, and you will always blame yourself for letting it happen. Oh, gods, I'd forgotten you told me that morning. Pearl, I am so sorry."

Pearl nodded. "There's more. You were pregnant when we flew out to fight this. We didn't know until it was too late." She shook her head. "I can't lose you, Twily. Not now, not ever. So please." She leaned all of her heads close, each of them pleading. "For my sake, for our daughter's sake, don't go out there."

Twilight's heart fell right out of her at the pleading looks she was getting. "Pearl..."

The Green head shook her head. "No, Twilight. If not for our sake, then for our children's. We lost so much once. Don't do that to us again."

The White head nodded. "If we have to have Celestia and Luna do something drastic, we will. Pinkie Promise us you won't follow us. Please."

Twilight looked into the eyes of all of them. Each of them was begging her. And Twilight knew in her heart that this was something Pearl would never joke about. She finally sighed in defeat and went through the motions. "I promise, Pearl. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."

Pearl finally allowed herself to relax, as Twilight landed on her Black snout. "Thank you, Twily. And I will hold you to that when the time comes. Don't think I won't."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she relaxed as well. "Noted, Rosie," she snarked back, earning a giggle from all of her wife's heads.

As they lay back down and watched the sunset, Twilight allowed her mind to wander back and remember how it had all come to this moment right now.

Pre-dating Butterflies

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Pearl wasn't convinced that this was a good idea, but she was rapidly running out of ideas, and she couldn't take waiting any longer. Things were happening too damn predictably now.

Princess Cadance seemed to guess her thoughts, for her smile softened as she enjoyed the afternoon tea they were sharing at the Rose Garden Cafe. "Pearl. While I enjoy an afternoon tea as much as the next alicorn, I doubt you called me out here just for this." She giggled. "Your poker face is terrible."

Pearl grumbled into her coffee, fighting back an eye twitch. Damn it. She thought she had gotten better at that. Apparently not. "No. I need help, and you're the only pony I can think of that can help."

Cadance smirked. "Love trouble?" Pearl nodded. "Then the first question is. Does Twilight know how you feel about her? And don't insult me by pretending otherwise. I've seen how you look at her flank."

Pearl blushed. Damn it all. Was this a Princess of Love thing, or was she that transparent? "No, she doesn't. I've loved her ever since we got back from the Blight. Before that in fact. Stupid time dilation."

Cadance nodded. Very rarely did Twilight or Pearl ever talk about their journey to the Scar of the Destroyer, a haunted look coming to their eyes anytime somepony asked them about it. "I assume it was the age difference before this?"

Pearl nodded. "Yeah. Alicorn or not, I sure as hell wasn't going to try anything at that age. Even I knew better than that. So here I am."

Cadance giggled. "A wise choice, Pearl. I can't say how Twilight feels. But I know she loves you. Never think that she doesn't. Flurry Heart at least thinks you two should get together." She rolled her eyes. "She won't stop gushing over you two."

Pearl rolled her eyes as well. "I blame her spending so much time with Kohaku. His most annoying habits are starting to rub off on her I think."

Cadance still wasn't sure how she felt about that. While she trusted Kohaku to keep his paws to himself (and there would be hell to pay if he didn't), it still made her uneasy to see them together with Sweetie Belle, though even that was starting to become rare.

Pearl shook her head, trying to stay on track. "So what am I supposed to do? I've never had to worry about this before now, and now it won't leave me alone."

Cadance's smile softened as she took Pearl's hooves in her own. "All I can say, Pearl, is to follow your heart. You will never know if you do nothing. And that is far worse than doing nothing. Too many ponies make that mistake. You never know. It could lead to something beautiful for the both of you."

Pearl giggled, taking another sip of her drink. This had been the easy part of this. Now came the hard part. A part she had dreaded for years.

Twilight looked up with a smile as Pearl returned to the library. "I assume from you all but prancing in means that your tea with Cadance went well then?"

Pearl nodded. "Yeah. I think Sweetie Belle might be in for a shock though. I saw Kohaku go into Carousel Boutique, and he didn't look like his usual self."

Twilight frowned. She had noticed the gulf between the two beginning to widen for several weeks now. "Did you say anything to him on the way in?"

Pearl shook her head as she took a seat at the table. "No. Kohaku didn't even see me, and he had the look of someone on a mission." She rolled her eyes. "You know what he's like when he's in that kind of mood. I can't take hiding my Dragon Form forever."

Twilight chuckled. "Indeed. I'm sure he will be back to his normal self soon enough. And you will soon no longer have to. He is almost old enough now that dragons will no longer be a threat to him." Her brows rose. "Did you learn what you wanted from Cadance? I doubt it was just a simple tea break."

Pearl nodded. "Yeah. Love trouble is kinda her thing. I can't take this anymore. Eternity is too damn long to be alone. For either of us."

Twilight's ears twitched. She had seen the looks Pearl had given her, the number of nights she had stayed over at the castle, the times they had fallen asleep together recently. It began to click as she walked over and looked Pearl in the eyes. "How long?"

Pearl's ears fell. "Since we got back from the Blight. Before that maybe, I'm not sure. Damn time dilation and all that nonsense. Time doesn't mean a thing to us now, but I can't wait any longer. Another century won't change how I feel about you, Twilight."

Twilight made a mental note to ask about part of that later, but for now, focused on what was important as she smiled. "Pearl Rose. Are you asking me what I think you are?"

Pearl smiled widely, fighting down the butterflies in her stomach. "Twilight Sparkle. Will you go out with me?"

Twilight didn't respond for a moment. Her head was saying she needed time to think about this, to process the very idea. In her heart though, she already knew the answer as she took Pearl's hooves in her own and smiled gently. "Pearl. I would be honored to."

Pearl squeed as she threw her hooves around her fellow alicorn, Twilight returning the hug a moment later.

First Date

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Over the years, Ponyville had grown used to seeing Princess Twilight and Pearl together. In the aftermath of Pearl's reveal as a newly born alicorn, the small town had seen the princess teaching her young charge all she knew of magic at least twice a week, and none could miss they seemed to be spending more and more time together recently.

But for those who saw the two sitting together at the Rose Garden, it felt like something much more than usual this time. None had missed the looks the former Pegasus had been giving Twilight for years now, and those close to the two could only smile knowingly.

Twilight sighed as she caught the many looks they were getting as their late lunch arrived. "I don't like ponies staring at us like this, Pearl."

Pearl only smirked. "Let them. I never cared about the rumors when I got this," she tapped her horn. "Why should I now? Mom and dad are gonna be over the moon when they hear about this. They've been bugging me for months now."

Twilight rolled her eyes. Her parents were no better it seemed, on top of the constant teasing from her brother and Flurry Heart as well. "We are a long way from that, Pearl. Don't rush it."

Pearl rolled her eyes as she took Twilight's hooves. "Twilight. Time isn't a problem for us, remember? I can take my time."

Twilight smirked. "That is true. But you are also impatient, Pearl. How many times have you gotten into trouble because you jumped in before you looked?" Pearl blushed, earning a giggle from Twilight. "But you're right. Why rush this? Us?"

Pearl blinked, hearing more to that than the princess had said. "What do you mean?"

Twilight sighed, squeezing Pearl's hooves. "I've had a feeling about how you've really felt about me for some time now. Perhaps even longer if I am to be honest. At first, I thought it was a normal fillyhood crush. Gods know, I know what that is like."

Pearl smiled. "And? How did Princess Celestia take it? Pretty good guess that's who you were crushing on."

Twilight chuckled. "As can be expected. By the time I confessed, I already knew it would never work between us. But I could not take holding back any longer. Princess Celestia was gentle in letting me down, explaining why it would never work. Unicorn or otherwise. It did not change anything between us."

That was a weight off of Pearl's shoulders in some way. "And how many buckets of ice cream did you drown your sorrows in?"

Twilight scoffed but was still smiling. "Quite a few, if I'm honest. Spike can tell you the exact number. This was something even I did not want to record." She chuckled. "The two of us still laugh about it occasionally."

Pearl giggled. She made a note to ask Spike more about this later. "Well. You are my first crush, Twilight. Ever. Even in Baltimare, I never found any mare as beautiful as you. And I grew out of those pesky feelings I had for Kohaku years ago. I want this. Us, to work, damn it. I can't take eternity alone."

Twilight couldn't fail to notice Pearl's wings twitch at the mention of the kitsune, and could only wonder what it might mean, as she shook her head. "And what about your other heads?"

Pearl blinked. "What about them?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Pearl. I've known them long enough to know they're separate enough from you that I will be hearing from all of them at some point. If we are going to be something that we both want, then I need to spend time with them as well. Whether you are in command or not, it isn't fair to them to leave them out of this."

Pearl huffed, her other minds slowly awakening inside of her own. "Fine. Don't blame me for anything they say then. I can't control that and believe me, I've tried. I don't know how Tiamat does it."

Twilight giggled as she began to dig into her meal. "Noted, Pearl."

Pearl chuckled as well before she did the same.

"That went pretty well for a first date," Pearl all but squeed as she all but bounced alongside Twilight as they returned to the Castle of Friendship.

Twilight chuckled, laying a wing on the younger mare. "Indeed. I almost expected my friends to try and do something. I told them about us of course."

Pearl nodded, not surprised. "Maybe they are finally growing up. Took them long enough. It's not like we need their permission anyway."

Twilight nodded. But as they passed Carousel Boutique, the front door swung open, and Kohaku came out and walked right past Pearl and Twilight. He didn't even stop and acknowledge them before heading straight for the Everfree Forest.

Pearl was shocked to see tears streaming down her best friend's face, as Rarity appeared at the door, a forlorn expression on her face. "Rarity. What happened?" Pearl asked.

Rarity shook her head sadly. "Sweetie and Kohaku just broke up. Apparently, she has feelings for Button Mash, and instead of confessing them, she hid them from Kohaku. It finally came out."

Twilight's ears fell. She didn't know the colt in question particularly well, but he seemed pleasant enough. "I'm assuming that since everything is still in one piece, it wasn't messy?"

Rarity could only shrug, as Pearl struggled to free herself from Twilight's wing. "I assume so, darling. I didn't hear any of it, and only know about any of this since Kohaku told me on his way out."

Pearl wasn't listening as she lifted Twilight's wing with her magic. "Let me go, Twilight," she snarled.

Twilight shook her head firmly. "No, Pearl. Let him go. Kohaku needs time to process all of this. You will never find him in the Everfree if he does not want to be found. He will come to you when he is good and ready."

Pearl wanted to argue, to go after her best friend. But the look in Twilight's eyes said that this was not up for debate. She also knew that when Kohaku wanted to be alone, not even the Apple family could find him. "Fine. But I don't have to like it."

Rarity chuckled. "I assume from how the two of you are interacting that your date went well? Should we be expecting wedding bells sometime soon?"

Twilight's face turned beet red, as did Pearl's. "R.Rarity! It was just one date. It's way too early to even think about that!"

Rarity giggled as the two continued on their way, their tails slowly interlacing. "Whatever you say, darling." Plans were already forming in her head for the two.

Friend Worries

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Pearl huffed as she sat there, her head on the cafe’s tabletop, staring at her slice of pumpkin cake.

Twilight chuckled as she looked at her marefriend. It had been almost six months now since the pair had started openly dating each other. Part of her still couldn't believe it, but she wouldn't change it for anything. “Okay spill. What has you so down? I assume it’s the same thing you’ve been fussing about lately. Kohaku.”

Looking up Pearl sighed. “Am I really that obvious?”

Twilight nodded with a smile, taking a bite out of her salad.

“I don’t even know why I’m behaving like this. He’s a royal pain in my flank and has been for years.” Sitting up she crossed her front legs.

“And yet you love him like he’s your brother.” Twilight giggled watching Pearl’s face go red.

“Yeah, the one I never asked for.”

“If your this upset with him, why not go talk to him.”

“I would LOVE to, but I can’t find him.” Twilight almost heard her neck crack at the sudden twist looking at Pearl. “In fact, nobody has seen him at all. He’s been gone for nearly six months now.”

“Well, I knew he was keeping himself out of sight since he and Sweetie Belle broke up.” Taking a sip from her glass Twilight looked out toward the Everfree Forest. “But he’s been gone this long?

Pearl nodded slowly with a sad sigh. “I never thought I’d miss him this much.”

“Did you ask everyone? What if he went up to the Crystal Empire to…” Pearl’s raised hoof silenced Twilight.

“Already thought of that, Cadence hasn’t seen him at all ether. Even Flurry’s been asking for him.” Pearl groaned. “I don’t know why I'm so worried, I know he can take care of himself. But I just…”

“You want to be there for your best friend. To console him during this time.” Pearl nodded slowly as Twilight moved around and wrapped a wing around Pearl. “I think he just needs time to himself. A broken heart doesn’t heal overnight. I’m sure when he’s ready, he’ll come to you.”

“That’s the same thing Cadence said.” Pearl took a bite of her cake and then leaned into Twilight’s embrace, ignoring the myriad of looks they were getting. Even after six months of this, ponies were still shocked to see the pair together like this. But didn't care. She had the mare of her dreams. What else did she need? “But what if I don’t see him for years?”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “That might be the case, Pearl. Remember he doesn’t see time the same as us. He was born with the prospect of immortality. I'm starting to understand that viewpoint. It’s taking a while but I feel like I'm standing still while everypony else is rushing about like mayflies. I’m just grateful that I don't have to spend that time standing alone anymore.”

“Well unlike you and that three-tailed pain, I’m still moving at pony speed. But I have gotten a better understanding of why some ponies look at him the way they do. Because since I can transform into a dragon, they’ve looked at ME like that. It’s empowering. How the hell can he stay so damn humble about it? I have to fight like crazy not to let it go to my head.”

“He’s had seventeen years of practice. Remember how swelled he was at fourteen?” Twilight giggled.

Pearl groaned. “Don’t remind me…” She sighed. “I’d go looking myself, but the Everfree is so damn big, and Sweetie just sorta dropped in on him. Good luck if I could do that.”

Twilight nodded. “It would be for the better, Rosie. I remember thinking we would never find you when you first flew into it on your first day in Ponyville after storming out on your mother and I."

Pearl blushed at the use of her pet name, and the memories. “Someone was looking out for me. Probably why I didn’t hate on Kohaku more than I did. He got me back alive and safe. Annoying me to no end on the way back obviously.”

Twilight giggled. She had heard the story of course, but it was still funny even after so long. “If it makes you feel better, I had nothing to do with that. Only your time at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Pearl snorted, being sure to aim the lightning away from anything. She was still peeved about that whole thing, no matter all the good that had come from it since. “So what about you?”

Twilight blinked. “What about me?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean, Twily. You’ve been spending a lot of time with Celestia and Luna recently. And the sun and moon have been acting odd lately.”

Twilight nodded sheepishly. “Yes. They have been giving me lessons on how to raise and lower both the sun and moon.” She shrugged. “I still need more practice as you have seen.”

Pearl blinked. That was unexpected. “Why? Isn’t that their job? Should we be worried about them?”

Twilight chuckled as she took Pearl’s hooves with a smile. “No. Whatever this might mean, they are fine. Cadence was offered the same chance, but she declined. I’m rather enjoying it.”

Pearl relaxed. “Good thing they’re not asking me then. Doubt I could keep myself focused for long enough.”

Twilight giggled. “Oh, I don’t know, Pearl. You’re a lot better than you used to be. I remember a filly who could barely lift a teacup, let alone focus on anything. Now, look at you.”

Pearl pouted. She hadn’t been that bad with her magic. Had she? With a grumbling look, she turned her head to the side. “Well, Kohaku has been helping me focus when it comes to magic. He had been teaching me some of his techniques to not let my mind wander like it used to.”

Twilight smiled when she heard this. “Well, he is far better at that than I am.”

“You’d never know it by the way he acts sometimes.” Pearl turned her head to the Everfree. “But like he said. As a hunter, you either focus, or you starve.”

“And you thought taking lessons from him would be hell.” Twilight nuzzled Pearl softly.

Pearl only smirked and nuzzled back. “I never said it wasn’t. He’s not the most patient of teachers. Good thing I can give it right back just as much if I want.” Smiling wider she looked back to Twilight. “You know, there’s this special little Hotspring he and I go to at times. It’s very private and beautiful. How about we take our date there.”

Twilight finished her drink and set it down as Pearl did the same. “A hot spring sounds wonderful. Lead the way.”

Multiple Headaches

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Twilight sighed as she relaxed in the hot spring as Pearl dived off a cliff into the water next to her. "I had no idea such a place was this close to Fluttershy's cottage. She's never mentioned it before."

Pearl giggled as she surfaced and allowed herself to float serenely. "Tell me about it. Kohaku took me here before I left Sweet Apple Acres. I'm sure you know that story." She shivered. "I still didn't need to see what I did that day, thank you very much."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I had nothing to do with that, Pearl. Kohaku knew what I had asked of him. How he did it was all up to him. But why did you not say something sooner? I wish I had known about this place years ago."

Pearl shrugged. "I don't know. Fluttershy knows about here. Maybe I just wanted this to be a special place for just the two of us. I was young and dumb at the time."

"You've dropped the dumb part at least. For all of our benefits," an acidic voice added.

Twilight blinked, as Pearl sighed. That wasn't Pearl's voice coming from the alicorn. "Pearl? Is that you?"

"Not quite," a venomous voice replied. "But it's time you met us properly."

Twilight frowned. She was not liking any of this. "Who are you? What have you done with Pearl?''

A new voice giggled as an icy blast escaped Pearl's mouth. "Oh come on, Twily. You know who we are. You were there when we were born."

Twilight's jaw dropped as she began to understand just who these were. "You're Pearl's other heads. Since when could she do this?"

Pearl giggled. "For as long as she has had us," the acidic voice replied. "Now you know. If we are going to be more than just girlfriends, then we deserve to know each oher's secrets."

Twilight blushed as Pearl swam over, before smiling and taking her hooves in her own. Perhaps it was the steam from the hot spring, but she could see images of each of Pearl's heads smiling at her. "You're right. And this explains so much now."

Pearl grumbled. "I am not that bad, Twily."

Twilight booped her nose. "Yes, you are, Rosie. That goes for all of you." She squeezed Pearl's hooves as she looked deep into her eyes. "Don't ruin this for us by rushing into things. I don't want to spend my eternity alone." She caressed Pearl's cheeks. "I want to know all of you individually and as a whole. Love me not because you are all part of the same whole. But because you genuinely do love me, and I you."

For a moment, Pearl didn't say anything, before smirking. "Then get ready for all kinds of insanity. You asked for it now," a thunderous voice giggled, with echoes of all five heads behind her.

Twilight smirked. "I deal with Discord on a daily basis. I think I can handle the six of you, Rosie."

They all giggled as Pearl blinked rapidly, feeling her other minds retreating for the moment and smiling sheepishly. "Oh, I hate it when they do that. Sorry, Twilight. I can't control when they do that."

Twilight nodded, unsurprised. "Did you hear everything that was said then, Pearl?"

The alicorn nodded. "Yeah. All of it. Benefit of us all sharing the same body I guess. Very little we can hide from each other, and it's just easier not to after a while."

Twilight chuckled. Interesting. "So is there anything else I should know about today? Any more dragon-related surprises?"

Pearl giggled as she ignited her horn. Twilight watched in surprise as a rock off to the side shimmered before opening revealing a refrigerator stocked with all kinds of various things. "Nope. But there is this. A little surprise I had in mind."

Twilight blinked as a drink was handed over to her. Taking a sip, she was surprised that it was in fact her favorite drink. Judging by Pearl's sigh of contentment, hers was the same. "Where did all of this come from? What is that rock?"

Pearl giggled. "It's not a rock. It's a closet shaped like a rock. Kohaku keeps a supply of drinks, snacks (vegetarian and vegan), towels, and," she smirked knowingly, "will-o-wisp lanterns if we're ever out here after dark. Like anything would go after him. But me? Well..."

Twilight nodded. "So this explains why you sometimes come back late. This would also explain the lights Fluttershy occasionally sees from her home in the forest."

Pearl nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "And judging by these? Kohaku's been here recently. These weren't here the last time I was here. Go figure. Even wherever that furball is, he still knows about us. Why am I not surprised?"

Twilight giggled as she leaned into Pearl with a sigh, Pearl wrapping her wings around the elder mare and kissing her forehead. "Then I say we stay out for however long we want to. Neither of us needs to be anywhere else today. Why waste this chance?"

Pearl smirked as she stroked Twilight's mane. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Pearl sighed as she flopped onto her bed. As much as she wanted to be spending the night in Twilight's bed, feeling that beautiful body against her own, Luna had arrived and carted Twilight off to Canterlot for something. That she hadn't asked for Pearl as well meant that it wasn't something to worry about.

"Interfering busybody," came the voice of her Black head in her mind.

Pearl's eyes twitched. "Oh. Quiet you. You all just had to come out today didn't you?"

"It was going to happen no matter what. Deal with it," came her Green head.

Pearl groaned. She hated when this started up. "Well. Try not to ruin this for me. Any of you. I can't lose this. Lose Twilight. Eternity is too long to be alone. I can't get rid of you. But I can cut you all out."

That shut her heads up. "Do you really think that little of us that we would ever do that?" her Blue head asked. "Whatever else we are, we are still you."

"And I don't know about the rest of you. But I wanna spend more time with Twilight," her White head giggled helplessly, earning a giggle from everyone as well.

Pearl rolled her eyes as she pulled her blanket over her. "We can start figuring it all out in the morning. Right now? It's been a long day, and I need my sleep."

Her other minds nodded, retreating into their own spaces in her mind, giving her peace at last. Sleep was not long in coming after that.

The next morning, Pearl awoke with a groan as Celestia's sun showed through the window. "That's the last time I stay out so late," she grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "When do I get this 'alicorns don't need to sleep' thing?"

As usual, the universe refused to give her an answer. Snorting, Pearl thought back to last night. Hopefully, Twilight was back from Canterlot by now. She was curious as to why Luna had called her away as she had. Stretching, Pearl went to set her hoof down.

And stopped as she felt something furry underneath it. She frowned. She didn't have anything below her bed. Just a solid cloud. So what the hay was that supposed to be? Looking down, she soon smiled.

Curled up next to her bed, his four tails laid up over him like a blanket, lay Kohaku. He didn't even move as she removed her hoof from his back. A contented smile was on his face as he dozed.

She blinked. Wait. Four tails? When the hell did Kohaku get his fourth tail? And why did he seem to look different? Maybe it was too early, but Pearl swore her friend looked different in more than one way.

Shaking her head, Pearl rolled her eyes. This wasn't the first time she had caught her best friend curled up next to her bed, and she had long ago grown used to it. Fortunately, her parents had also grown used to the sight, and no longer threatened unholy retribution on the boy if he so much as touched their daughter.

Giggling softly, Pearl silently glided over to her door, opening the door as quietly as she could. "Sleep well, you oversized furball," she whispered with a smirk, before closing the door behind her and heading for the Castle of Friendship.

Once he was sure she was gone, Kohaku opened his eyes and smirked knowingly.

Meet the Girls pt. 1

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Pearl sighed as she walked back up the stairs to her room. Her belly filled from breakfast. Nothing ever beat mom’s home cooking.

‘I wonder if I should get a place of my own.’ her thoughts all mingle as she held her hoof on her bedroom door. ‘I am of age after all. But then again I’d be giving up a lot. Meals like that for one. But it would make things easier if I invite Twilight over to my place rather than me always going to her place. Even if it is a palace.’ With another sigh, Pearl put that aside and braced herself to deal with the annoyance she missed for six months.

Swinging the door open she looked about at her bed, finding nothing there. “Oh great. I miss him so much I must have hallucinated.” Walking into her room she heard the sound of her personal shower running and steam rolling under the crack of the bathroom door. “Or not. Typical.” Huffing Pearl walked over to the door and pounded on it for a moment.

“Dammit, Kohaku you best not be using all my hot water!” Waiting for several minutes she shook her head and as much as she hated barging in on him. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Swinging the door open she walked in and stopped dead in her tracks. Pearl felt as if she could have dropped dead on the spot. Her heart fluttered and half stopped at the sight in front of her.

Standing in the shower was not the small plump three-tailed pain she knew. This was a Kohaku totally alien to her. By her estimate, he now stood as tall as Princess Celestia. Four flames circled the shower head as water rained down on the large fox. His face in direct path of the water with his eyes closed. The image reflected something she once saw in a playfilly magazine.

Her eyes slowly looked him over. No longer sporting any baby fat, he was nothing but sleek and lean, and well-defined muscle. His plush fur hugged his body as water rained down as he stood there. Four tails fanned out behind him. One of his massive front paws pressed against the tile wall.

Taking a deep breath she felt odd seeing her friend like this. It was one thing seeing each other like this as children. But she was a full adult now, and he was reaching that age too. Looking him over again, Pearl smirked. She had long since outgrown the disgust she had for the male body. Well, his at least. But even she had to admit he was attractive.

Kohaku had shown her images of his four sisters. She felt a tingling sensation when she saw just how otherworldly beautiful they were. But they had the bulk of their father. Not so with Kohaku. It seemed he shared the sleek and lean shape of his mother. Pearl blinked when heard the voice of her white head screaming inside of her head.

‘Let me at him... Oh please let me at that gorgeous hunk of a fox!!!’ Pearl was thankful she felt the restraint of her other heads that let her keep her mouth shut as her White head tried to push her way to the front. Letting out a small cough, Pearl leaped back as she saw his head swift to her direction faster than she had ever seen him move before. His eyes were half glowing bright amber. No longer round and bright, these eyes were sharp and angular. Eyes of a hunter and warrior. Only for the briefest of moments, she understood why many dragons feared his kind.

But as fast as that feeling was, she saw his face soften and a familiar smile came across his muzzle. “Hey Pearl.” His head tilted to the side for a moment as his smile widened. “Did I miss breakfast?”

And just like that. The old annoying eye twitch returned. “Call ahead next time, and you might not. Mom and dad don’t exactly keep your favorites in stock,” Pearl grumbled. “You’re lucky I didn’t step on you.”

Smirking, Kohaku shut off the shower and with a quick flash of foxfire, dried and swiftly dressed. His loose-fitting green and amber plaid shirt shimmered a little. “Like you haven't done that before,” he chuckled playfully nudging Pearl’s shoulder with his own, ignoring her eye roll.

Pearl watched as he sat himself down at the large picture window and folded his front legs on it and just stared out at Ponyville. Opening her mouth to chastise him she caught the glint in his eyes, how sad they looked causing her to close it and walk to sit next to him. “So where have you been the last six months?”

“I went home.” Leaning down he rested his head on his front legs and just stared out at the line of trees.

“OH don’t give me that, the Apples and Fluttershy haven't seen you for months either,” Pearl growled. Only to see his face turn her way.

“No Pearl, I went to my birth home. The very heart of the Everfree Forest. After that, I have little to no memory of what I did or where I went.”

Biting her lip, Pearl turned away and thought for a moment. Turning back she opened her mouth only to be interrupted.

“No, I haven’t been back to the farm yet. Or to nee-chan’s cabin.” He didn’t move. Kohaku could have been a stuffed statue had it not been for his tails swishing back and forth. “I’m not ready yet. My last actual memory was walking into the gates of our old temple home. Then, I’m waking up here in your bedroom. I think I’ve been acting out of pure feral instinct.”

“I do have this vague memory of seeing you and Twilight at our hot springs last night though. But it was probably just a dream or something.” His eye glancing back at Pearl’s blush, Kohaku smiled. “About damn time, I was wondering how long you were going to drag your wings.” A light chuckle brought a smirk to her face. “So how long now?”

“About six months or so. We got together…” Biting her lip Pearl looked away.

“The day I and Sweetie Belle called it quits. It’s okay, you can talk about it. I’m not depressed about it anymore.” Looking out the window again, Kohaku sighed. “Father used to say, broken hearts heal stronger when you have the love of family and friends. And mother always told me, when one path fades, another brightens. It took a while, but I finally understand what they were talking about. I’ll go back home when I’m ready, right now. I just need to be around my best friend.”

Pearl smiled and shook her head. “Fine, you can stay here as long as you like. But you're on your own for meals.” Pearl smirked and punched his shoulder with a hoof.

“Deal.” Kohaku chuckled rubbing his shoulder a bit. Looking at Pearl, Kohaku blinked. “Say, Pearl? Did you shrink while I was away? I remember you used to be a lot bigger.”

Pearl blinked as she looked at herself. “Um. Nope. Kinda feels like I’ve gotten bigger actually. Maybe it’s my alicorn growth kicking in or something. You on the other hoof…” She sighed. “You’ve changed, and in more ways than one.”

Shaking herself for a moment Pearl rested a wing on his back. “But let's not worry about that right now, I’m just glad your back. Stay as long as you need. I have so much to tell you about me and Twilight. OH, and you’ll never guess what she got me. An actual working tv set and tape player. Sunset and the others said they would send me copies of the new Gundam show airing.” Squeeing a bit she wiggled in excitement pointing to the box in the corner.

Kohaku smiled as he sat there, his gaze out the window as he listened to Pearl and all that she had been doing for the last six months.

“... And then I came here,” Peal sighed as she lay her head on Twilight’s shoulder. “That’s the first time Kohaku’s sat through one of my fangasms and didn’t grimace at something.”

Twilight nodded as she wrapped a wing around her marefriend. “He is still going through so much right now, Pearl. That he did not notice how much he has changed shows as much.”

Pearl nodded. “And it’s days like this I’m glad that I have more than one head. My White head tried pushing me out of the way, and there’s no way I can explain that yet if it happens. How much longer do I have to keep this hidden? It’s driving me crazy!”

Twilight sighed as she kissed Pearl’s forehead. “Not much longer, Pearl. You said Kohaku gave you a certain look when he first saw you?” Pearl nodded. “Then it might be that he is almost ready. But I suggest you wait until he is fully himself again. Remember how he is right after mating season?”

Pearl shivered. “Do I. And I thought you looked bad after not sleeping for several days straight.”

Twilight pouted, earning a giggle from the read head. “And what of your White head?”

Pearl shrugged. “What about her? Unless she really tries to, she can’t force me aside. None of them can. Not unless they all combine too.”

Twilight frowned. “You never told me they could do that, Pearl.”

Pearl shrugged. “Why? They barely do anything unless I bring us all up. And I prefer it that way. I’m not gonna spontaneously turn into my Dragon Form if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Twilight relaxed slightly. The thought had crossed her mind after hearing that. “You already know that I want us all to work, Rosie. That means I want to spend time with each of them. Individually if possible.”

Pearl blinked. “I’m not even sure I can do that, Twily. I’ve never tried to. Never had to honestly.”

Twilight grinned as she took Pearl’s hooves in her own. “Well. Good time as any now isn’t it, Rosie?”

Pearl rolled her eyes but was smiling all the same, before closing her eyes. In all the years since they had become friends, Kohaku had taught her some of his meditation techniques. As he said, it came in handy listening to her ramble for hours upon hours about Gunpla and other things.

While she did not ramble, thank you very much, Pearl had finally asked him to teach her some of them for when she needed to listen to him ramble on about his favorite things.

Twilight stepped back as Pearl began to glow and grow. She could only hope the room was big enough for this. Her and her big mouth as Pearl continued to grow.

After a moment though, she stopped and the glow around her faded, revealing a white dragoness perhaps several times Princess Celestia’s size. On her forehead was Pearl’s own head.

The pair opened their eyes and looked around with a pout. “Hey. Where did that hunk of a fox go? Let me at him. I’ll show him such a good time, I’ll make him forget that lil two-timing bitch,” the dragoness huffed, while Pearl nodded.

Twilight’s mane popped out in several places as her eyes began to twitch. What the hay was that supposed to mean?!

A second later, Pearl began glowing once more, and when it faded, her blue dragon self stood there with an eye roll. “Sorry about that, Twily. She’s got her head in the clouds. He’s not that good-looking,” she puffed while Pearl shook her own.

Twilight shook her head as she sat down and crossed her legs. “Will someone please explain what the hay is going on?!”

Pearl sighed. “You wanted to meet the girls, Twily. Now’s your chance. Give my White head more time. We can keep her till last.”

Twilight frowned. “Then why were you acting so differently, Pearl? That wasn’t just her talking. That was you as well. I saw it in your eyes.”

Pearl slowly glowed as the red dragon soon took center stage and smiled at Twilight. “Allow me to explain if I can. We are all me. Just, different aspects. Personalities. Different parts of the same pie so to speak.” Pearl’s head slowly nodded. “And it seems my White head, is all my feelings and attractions to Kohaku amplified.”

Twilight tapped her chin. It made sense she supposed. “Then what are you? And if one head feels that strongly about Kohaku. Is there one like that for me?”

Pearl glowed once more as her blue reappeared. “That would be me, Twily. All those years of looking at that beautiful flank of yours, the hours we spent together in the library during one of your lessons. All the thoughts of what I wanted us to be. Damn what anypony said about it!”

Twilight blushed. Her flank wasn’t that good-looking. Was it? “You actually paid attention all that time? You were not the most attentive of students, Pearl.”

Pearl snorted. “I wasn’t that bad, Twily. Just that you can really drone on and on when you’re in the mood. But I was paying attention. Hard to believe as it is.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. She had doubts about that. That was three heads, for she had a good idea of what the red head represented. “And the others? Or do they not really care?”

Glowing once more, now the black dragoness stood before her, and Pearl’s own eyes showed with thoughts of something other than Twilight. “Oh, we do care. We all care about you, Twily. We couldn’t change it even if we wanted to. I’m just more into other things. Warhammer, DnD, all the cool stuff green me doesn’t get.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as the green dragoness butted in next. “Says you, blacky. At least Gunpla doesn’t need paint unless I want to!”

Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple. “The things I do for those I love.”

After a moment, Pearl frowned. "So why me?"

Twilight blinked. "What do you mean, Pearl?"

The dragoness rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb, Twilight. You know what we mean. Why us? You never showed any interest in mares before now. Let alone us. So what changed?"

Twilight's ears fell. Damn it. There was a question she hoped Pearl would never ask. But she could not answer now as she sighed. "As I said before, Pearl, I had a feeling that you felt that way about me for some time now. All the time we've spent together. How you looked at my flank."

Pearl blushed as she switched back into her blue form. "I wasn't that obvious, was I?"

Twilight giggled, patting the dragon's snout. "Very much so, Pearl. And you're right. I never paid much attention to other ponies that way." She sighed. "Flash and I will never work." She smiled as she flew up and caressed Pearl's cheeks. "I have seen you grow from a filly who let her emotions run hot, but still cared about her friends. To a beautiful young mare who does not let anyone step all over her, but still has a kind and loving heart. Anypony would be lucky to be with you, Pearl. Never think otherwise."

Pearl's blushes would have made her red head proud. Well, when it was put that way...

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "And if I am being honest? I'm lonely. Not in that I never get out with my friends. We do that all the time of course. But I want someone there beside me. Someone I can spend all of my life with. Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich getting together got me wondering the same."

The blue nodded. "There are not that many available alicorns to go around, and Discord is married to himself basically."

Twilight giggled. "Exactly. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are not interested in ponies that way. I've asked Luna about it since I knew Princess Celestia's answer already. She is not looking for love. Now or anytime soon, though she does like mares that way at least."

Pearl rolled her eyes. She wasn't shocked if she was being honest about that.

Twilight tapped Pearl's horn. "Now. Since we are talking about this it seems, what about you, Rosie? I know you've had a crush on me for years. But why now of all times? And what did you mean by that century comment a few months ago?"

Pearl gulped. Crap. She wasn't ready for that question. But the look she was getting from her teacher said that this would not wait. "It's that damn dream. Remember the one I told you about in Tiamat's realm?" Twilight nodded unsurely. "That's why. I've seen this. Us. All of it. Kohaku and Sweetie falling apart..." She shook her head. "We weren't meant to be together for another century. After our friends and family had passed on, we would drown our sorrows together. Over time, that would become a true love for each other, and we would finally spend our eternities together as wives."

Twilight nodded. Pearl had told her everything about that dream. She still couldn't believe it herself, even if it was not something she thought about much. "How? Only an alicorn or a seer can have something like this. And you were neither at the time, Pearl."

Pearl shrugged her whole body as she shifted back into her white form. "I don't know. There's only one fox I can think of that I can ask about it, and she's, well..." the dragoness bowed her head, Pearl's ears falling as well.

Twilight nodded somberly. "Kohaku could let you meet his mother's echo so you can ask. As Tiamat said, it is the closest you will ever come to meeting the real Kiyoko Starsong. But I would not push it if I were you."

Pearl's head nodded. She had figured that might be the case.

Twilight landed and looked the dragoness directly in the eyes. "Now. I know that you are all of Pearl's feelings for Kohaku rolled together. But is there any room in your heart for me? Or will Pearl have to keep you out of all of this? What we are hoping to make together?"

The dragoness's eyes dropped. "I can't help how I feel. You know that. I've felt this way for years. That never went away. It never will." She smiled, before flicking Twilight with her tongue, a rather odd feeling for the alicorn. "But I love you, Twily. Never think I don't. We can't change that even if we wanted to."

Pearl herself nodded. "You're just going to have to work a little more with us, Twilight. It's a lot easier when it's just the two of us and not a certain hunky chunk of a fox. Damn it. He makes that look so good," she giggled helplessly.

Twilight rolled her eyes. Just her luck. "Well then. Get comfortable you two and put Kohau from your mind." She put on her best teaching smirk. "Don't make me flunk you both. You may not be my student anymore, Pearl. But I am still your teacher. You both know I want us all to be together." She smiled, caressing the dragon's snout. "So show me. Show me that you're not like other whites. And I will show you something that not even Cadance knows about."

The pair blinked as Twilight ignited her horn. "Like what?" they both asked, both of them excited at what this might be.

Twilight only smiled wider. "You'll see. Let me show you a different world. A world beyond Equestria or the Crystal Empire. Let me show you how much I love you both. For now and all time."

Before either Pearl or the dragon could ask what she meant, the three of them blinked out of existence.

Dragon Wooing: White

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Pearl groaned as the light from the teleport faded, shaking her head irritably. "Warn us next time you do that, Twilight!"

Twilight only smirked. "Learn how to yourself, Pearl, and I won't have to do all of this myself. I've been trying to teach you in case you forgot." She giggled at the blush the two gained at this, before gesturing around them. "But look around you two."

The dragoness did and blinked in surprise at what she saw. All around them was nothing but the infinite vastness of space, the sky filled with stars brighter than anything in Ponyville. As she craned her neck, she saw that they were atop a mountain, with nothing to break the cloud layers below. "Where are we?"

Twilight tapped her snout. "The top of the Throat of the World. Only alicorns ever come up here. Luna says it has the best view of the sky in all of Equus. I'm inclined to believe her now. Very few have ever been up here. Not even Cadance or Flurry Heart have."

The white's breath hitched as her blush deepened, as did Pearl's. "You're really going all out for this, aren't you?"

Twilight nodded, tenderly stroking the dragon's cheek. "Because I want you both to know just how much I care about you. I know whites are not the most intelligent of dragons. But I refuse to think that about you. You have never shown any of that, and I love you both for it."

The dragoness sighed, as Pearl's ears fell. "Do you know what it's like being the low girl on the totem pole? Because I am. Oh sure, the others never say anything about it, but it's there all the same. I can't help being who I am," she sniffed.

Pearl nodded sadly. "I wanted someone there to prop me up, to be there whenever I needed it. No matter what I did or how bad things got."

Twilight's heart ached as she flew up to Pearl's head and cradled it in her hooves. "Then let me be that rock, Pearl. Let me be your support. Both of yours. You don't need anyone else. Let me be the one you can both go to whenever you need it. No matter what you have done. Now and forever."

The dragoness giggled, flicking her tongue along Twilight's back, earning a moan in response. "You sure, Twily? You know how high maintenance we can be."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she looked into the dragon's eyes and smiled. "I deal with Spike every day. I think I can handle you for eternity. If you will have me that is?"

The dragoness and Pearl thought on it for a time, allowing Twilight to relax and settle herself down on Pearl's snout as they watched the heavens dance above them.

"You sure you aren't cold?" Pearl asked after a while, nuzzling Twilight as the alicorn lay her head against her own. "I can take way worse than this. But what about you?"

Twilight giggled. "Yes, mom. I'm fine. It's going to take more than a little cold to get rid of this alicorn."

"Where are we anyway?" The dragoness asked, looking up.

Twilight tapped her chin. "Far north of Yakyakistan. There is no one for hundreds of miles in every direction as far as I know. Prince Rutherford doesn't even know we are able to do this. Yaks think this mountain is cursed."

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Curses aren't real. How long can we stay out here though?"

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not sure. With Starlight taking over the School of Friendship, I have more free time now. But with my luck, Equestria will need saving if I am gone for too long."

The dragoness rolled her eyes. "They would have to be very stupid to think they could get away with it. The country is still standing even after all of this. Somehow. But it is."

Twilight chuckled. "I know. And there is also how I am going to try and get your other heads on board with this, Rosie."

"Who says I'm on board with it?" her dragon asked.

Twilight smirked as she leaned down and looked into her eyes. "Don't pretend you're not enjoying this, whitey. I can see it in your eyes. Whatever else you represent, you love me just as much as your sisters."

She blushed but didn't respond. She did in fact love Twilight. As much as any of them did. Her heart would always go for somefox else, but she couldn't deny the love and attraction she felt toward the alicorn. Not that she would admit it of course. Not yet anyway. She was going to draw this out. Have some fun.

Pearl, meanwhile, scrunched her nose. "And just how are you going to do any of that, Twilight?"

Twilight only smirked. "Well. First off, we need to visit a certain place. And you need to be a pony for this, Pearl."

She blinked. "Why?'

Twilight tapped her snout. "Because you will not fit through the World Mirror otherwise. And I won't cause a panic at Canterlot High even if you could fit through in this form. Sunset would tan my hide if I did. Once was enough, thank you very much."

Pearl and her dragon shared a confused look. "And why are we going there again?" Pearl asked, now with the green's voice echoing alongside her own.

Twilight just smiled wider. "You'll see. I'm sure you'll all love it."

Twilight smiled as she and the white dragon Pearl snuggled close. Pearl’s head snaked around Twilight’s body as their eyes drifted into the heavens. Twilight was cold, she couldn’t lie about that. But at least Pearl kept the wind at bay so she was at least comfortable. Above them, the sky danced with brilliant colors of all shades and hues. It wasn’t until a blanket flopped down in front of the princess that both her and Pearl looked up.

Standing there atop the snow was a stone gray kitsune, her nine tails swished behind her. On her stoic face was an expression of annoyance.

Twilight blinked as she and Pearl looked at each other for a moment. The vixen before them was familiar, though neither of them had ever seen her before. But what sent red alarms in Twilight’s head was that while she and Pearl had sunk deep in the snow, This vixen didn’t. She was standing atop it as if she weighed nothing at all.

“Seriously. You would think a princess would know how cold this mountain can get at this time of the night.” The vixen sighed and with a wave of one of her stone gray tails, covered Pearl with a dragon-sized blanket. “White dragons are not known for their heat, even a white pony dragon can catch a cold at this time of the year here.” Taking a few steps back, her massive paws left not a single trace she looked back.

“There’s going to be a small blizzard up here in the next few hours. You might want to find a suitable sleeping place before that happens. But until then I guess you can still admire the view. Just keep warm. You two are as bad as my little brother.” Before either could utter a word the vixen vanished just past a small ridge, but not before they saw a pack of yaks running away at full speed.

Pearl finally found her voice. “Was that… one of Kohaku’s sisters? Are they all like that?”

Twilight sighed as she snuggled in close under that large blanket, surprised at just how warm the thin fabric actually was. “I think so. Kohaku has a picture shrine in his room of his whole family. I only saw it once and I think he mentioned her name was Mitsuko. As for if they are all like that? Probably. He said they all have a fierce personalities, but also can be rather protective. And by the way, the yaks reacted. We just discovered the source of the mountain’s ‘curse’.” Twilight giggled a bit.

“Well, I don’t like them talking to me as if I’m some child.” Pearl huffed and slightly pouted.

“I don’t either, but compared to them.” Twilight nuzzled Pearl’s neck. “We are children. Don’t you at least feel better that she’s looking out for us? This blanket and the warning about the snowstorm. Because I am.”

Huffing loudly dragon Pearl lowered her head. “I would have preferred Kohaku telling me… Oh, I'm so sorry. I..” they both started, before a hoof placed on the dragon's and Pearl’s lips silenced them, both of them blushing at the contact.

“I’m not upset. You can’t help how you feel about him. But you're wrapped around me. So I know where your heart is.” Twilight smiled as Pearl blinked in confusion for several moments before getting it.


Twilight giggled. As different as she was, the white was so much like Pearl in many ways. “As beautiful as it is here, I don’t think we should stay all night, Rosie. Your body can take the cold far better than I can, but even now I can see you are both starting to feel it as well.”

The white pouted, earning a coo from Twilight. She was built for the cold. How was she beginning to feel this?

Pearl was much the same. Even the heat provided by her red head could not keep them both warm. She nuzzled Twilight. “Can we stay here till the storm begins? I’m loving this too much.”

Twilight smiled tenderly, kissing her horn. “Of course, Pearl.”

Pearl awoke once more with a snort, shooting Twilight a glare as the elder mare poked her. “Hey. I’m trying to sleep here. Rude much?”

Twilight shook her head. Snow was coming down heavily now. So much so that Pearl couldn’t even see the end of her dragon’s snout. The alicorn was shivering noticeably. “You can sleep all you want, Pearl, once we return to Ponyille. We slept longer than I wanted.”

“Where’s your blanket?” the white asked, looking up. Even she was having trouble seeing Twilight now.

Twilight patted her withers. “I still have it, as do you both. But I can’t see a thing around us. There is no way we will find someplace to stay the night now. We need to leave. Now.”

Pearl nodded, before changing back into her pony form, being sure to unleash as much of her red head’s heat into herself as possible, pulling Twilight close. “Can you get us back?”

Twilight nodded, happy for the warmth. “Yes. If we had waited too much longer, then I am not sure if I could concentrate enough for the spell.”

Pearl nodded. “Then get on with it. I’d rather not freeze to death. My fires can’t keep this up forever. Especially for the two of us.”

Twilight nodded, igniting her horn, before the two of them blinked out of existence, but were sure to leave their blankets behind.

“Next time, I’m picking where we go. Someplace warm,” Pearl grumbled, scooting closer to the fire that roared in Twilight’s fireplace. “A volcano sounds nice.”

Twilight sighed, as she sipped her cocoa. “Is that you or your red head talking, Pearl?”

Pearl shrugged. “Both of us. She’s my core self. Everything you see every day, and everything you’ve known and loved since I moved to Ponyville.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well. Pick someplace less flammable, please. I am all for someplace warmer. But I am drawing a line here, Rosie.”

Pearl giggled as she lay a wing around Twilight. “Fine. I think you got my white wrapped around your hoof at least. Oh, she won't admit it of course, but I can feel something from her.”

Twilight chuckled. She wasn’t sure about her just yet, no matter what last night had shown, but she was willing to wait and work on it. “Then what do you have in mind?”

Pearl smirked. “Remember what you said last night? We’re going to Canterlot High. I’ve got a Gunpla club meeting tomorrow. And then I’ve got my Vanquishers, and Stormdrake Guard to pick up. Damn Celestant-Prime is still not back in stock," she snorted.

Twilight’s ears wilted. Darn it. She had in fact forgotten about that last part. “And what does that have to do with me? You know how I feel about Warhammer in general.”

Pearl’s smirk grew as her voice changed. “Too bad, Sparky. I’m not asking you to love it. But stop acting so high and mighty about it. It’s a game. Not reality. Use your brain.”

Twilight wilted under the acidic glare she was getting. She knew whose voice that was. She also knew she was acting silly over a game. She had seen Pearl’s models and the sheer amount of love and effort that went into them. As much as she put into her Gunpla in fact. If not more. She had seen Pearl's Fists of Sigmarite army grow from just a silly idea the filly had once had, to a rather impressive army.

She also maybe have read the Stormcast Eternals battletome while Pearl was out one day, so she had an idea of which units Pearl was talking about. But she would never admit it. Oh no. Her pride as a ptincess of Equestria, and the Princess of Friendship, wouldn't allow it.

Pearl’s smirk slipped a little as she poked her with a wing. “I can give you a spare model. I know I've got a spare Vindictor or Knight-Incantor around here somewhere or at home from the Getting Started magazine. Already used the Liberator though. My very first model too. Guess I always wanted you to do an army too. With your attention to detail, I’m sure you’ll make mine look simple by comparison.”

Twilight giggled. And just like that, she had an idea. Whether it was workable or not though, time would tell. “I doubt that, Pearl. You’ve had years of experience compared to me. But I admit that I have been curious. And despite what you might think, I was paying attention when you explained Age of Sigmar to me. On top of what you gave to Spike. He and Shining seem to enjoy that game.” She took her hooves in her own. “You can be passionate when you put your mind to it, Pearl. That is why I love you.”

Pearl blushed. “And your willingness to learn something new is why I love you, Twily. Part of it anyway. I’m sure we can find you a Gunpla kit to build as well. Even if it’s your only one ever. That’s what Entry Grade is for really. Might as well make it count.”

Twilight nodded. It was a good start as any, as they relaxed once more, Twilight pulling her marefriend close as they watched the fire.

Shock and Surprise (Alternate Universe)

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“Are you sure we’re heading to the right location?” Twilight asked, looking around.

“Yeah, pop said we’d find it at the end of this street,” Pearl smirked back at Twilight. “He said we know when we find it.” Pearl sighed a bit as she walked with Twilight, their arms linked with each other. “I can’t wait to see sis again. It’s been a while, we have so much to catch up on. Glad I don’t have to explain if I start breathing fire or something though.”

And oh boy had that been a crazy weekend. Just back from the Blight, and still working on how not to set everything on fire, or any number of painful injuries.

“That’s true. I’d love to know how our counterparts are doing together. Twi has been rather quiet about it for several years now.” Twilight giggled a bit before stopping and blinking. Before them stood a huge oak tree. Twice the size of her old Golden oaks. “Oh wow.”

“I guess we found it.” Pearl let out a slow whistle. Walking up Pearl saw the sign outside. “Everfree Imports. Your one-stop shop for exotic plants. I guess this is Kohaku’s shop that pop mentioned. I wonder why my counterpart would be here?”

“Well, we do know they share a friendship, not unlike you and your Kohaku.” Twilight playfully nudged, which earned her a playful glance back.

“Well let’s not loiter out here.” Pearl chuckled and opened the door.

As the pair walked in, the light scent of fresh burning incense filled their noses. A pleasant mix of cherry blossom and lavender. Along one wall was shelf after shelf of potted plants. Along another was several rows of potted baby trees. A small bell over the door rang out in a pleasant echo through the whole shop.

Pearl smiled and nodded. This was a very cozy place, she had to give it to Kohaku’s counterpart. He knew how to make something like a shop feel like home. Walking up to the counter she blinked. On a table behind the counter was a huge red pillow bed. Inside were two sleeping kitsune kits. One white, one black. The white one had markings much like Kohaku, but these were crimson. She was mewing lightly laying atop the black one playfully chewing on his ear as they slept.

“Oh, they are so adorable.” Twilight smiled, waking up beside Pearl.

“I wonder if they’re Kohaku’s kids?” Pearl giggled a little.

“OH they are.” a voice came from a nearby door. Both Twilight and Pearl turned their heads to see Pearl’s human counterpart standing there. Dressed up in jeans. High Top sneakers and a pink kimono top. Walking over she lightly brushed the white one’s head. “Sakura dear, please stop chewing on Athrun’s ear.” as Human Pearl spoke to the young vixen, the kitsune looked up yawned, and just nuzzled her brother before falling back asleep. “So how can I.. Sis? OMG is that really you?” Leaping over the counter, human Pearl wrapped her arms around her pony counterpart and hugged her tight. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Hugging back Pearl smiled. “I’ve missed you too sis.”

“You’ve grown so much.” Human Pearl smiled, taking a step back, and looked her younger counterpart over. “I barely recognized you.”

“Yeah a lot’s changed since last time,” Pony Pearl gave a chuckle. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

“So? Where is my counterpart? I’m sure I told her I was coming today.” Twilight didn’t fail to notice the short dark painful look that crossed human Pearl’s face for a brief moment.

“OH... I’m sure she’s… somewhere.” Human Pearl chuckled nervously, taking a step back and leaned against the counter.

“Oh never mind about that Twily. We’ll find her. After all these two are as inseparable as we are.” Pearl laughed, failing to notice the look on her counterpart’s face. “So as those are Kohaku’s kids, who is the mom? Sweetie Belle? Flurry? Or someone else.”

“About that..” Human Pearl chuckled nervously for a moment as the bell to the shop rang out.

“Pearl dear. Oh, there you are.” Pony Pearl turned around to see her human mother Cirrus standing there “Oh Rosie dear. I didn’t expect to see you.” Rushing forward Cirrus gave her second daughter a huge hug. “Your father mentioned you arrived. I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the house to greet you.”

“Well, he did say you were running errands.”

“Yup. Last on my list is to collect my sweet little grandbabies.” Cirrus smiled.

“Grandkids?” Twilight and pony Pearl mentioned together.

Pearl looked back at her human counterpart. “You mean you and Twi already have kids together?”

“Not, exactly.” Human Pearl nervously chuckled.

“Pearl. You haven't told them?” Cirrus crossed her arms.

“Not yet.” Human Pearl sighed.

Pony Pearl blinked for a few moments. “Tell us what?”

Twilight looked back at the three of them before steadying herself on a bonsai tree as tall as she was. “Oh my.”

“What?” Pony Pearl looked at her Twilight for a moment. “Will somepony tell me what’s going on?”

“I’m sure your sis can tell you everything dear. I would but I'm in a rush.” Cirrus smiled as her human daughter walked behind the counter. “He is coming back tonight right?”

Human Pearl smiled and nodded as she scooped up both the kits in her arms. “Yes, mother, his trip to the Crystal City was only for a few days. I have no Idea what prompted Flurry to buy that snake but she should have listened to Haku when he was explaining how to properly care for it. But he’ll be home tonight.” Walking up to her mom she smiled. “Here we go. They just ate not too long ago so they shouldn’t be hungry.”

“Thanks, dear. Well come to grandma sweeties” Cirrus smiled taking the kits in her arms. Both smiled and started to lick her cheeks as Cirrus hugged them. “Well, you girls have fun. And Rosie dear we expect you and your Twilight for dinner tonight. Pearl dear. Try not to overwork yourself.”

“Yes, mom.” Walking over human Pearl kissed the heads of her two sweet kits and then her mom’s cheeks. Watching her mom walk out the door she sighed with a smile. Turning around Pearl blinked at the sight. Her pony sister looked at her as if they had both been hit by a truck being pushed by a train. While Twilight was trying to work things out in her head.

“You… them… they…trees… fish…” Pearl muttered before falling flat on her rump. Her eyes were completely vacant.

“I take it…” Twilight started but was silenced by human Pearl’s hand as she nodded.

“Yes. You got it right Twilight. Those are my kits. And their father is certainly Kohaku,” Blushing a bit she smiled and looked out the window. Watching her mom grow smaller in the distance. “My husband.”

Human Pearl hummed softly as she walked about the kitchen of the spacious loft apartment over the shop. Twilight and Pearl seated on the sofa. Pony Pearl slowly breathed into a paper bag.

“Here drink this Rosie. It’ll help.” Human Pearl handed her little sister a cup of fresh brewed tea.

“Uh, you sure that’s safe?” Twilight looked nervously at the cup which only got a laugh from Pearl.

“Relax. I’m not as bad in the kitchen anymore. Haku has been giving me lessons.” Human Pearl chuckled shaking her head slowly sitting down in a large green recliner. “It may have taken several attempts. And setting fire to his tails a few times. But I’m at least halfway adequate in the kitchen now. Kinda helps when you have two kids you have to feed.”

Twilight smirked. “Maybe you can teach my Pearl then. Only Sweetie Belle is worse in the kitchen than her.”

Pony Pearl snorted, setting the bag alight with her fire. “See if I do anything nice for you then, Twily. I’m not that bad.” She frowned at the laughter she got in return. “Moving on. How the hell are you and Kohaku together? With kids? I grew out of those damn feelings years ago.”

Human Pearl growled, punching one fist into her other hand. “My Twilight, she…” She stamped a foot. “It was new year orientation at Canterlot High. I dressed up more than usual, since I wanted to do something special afterward, just the two of us.” Tears began streaming down her face. “She asked me why I was dressed up. That was all I could take. One too many damn times she couldn’t see past her own damn nose at the obvious! I said one thing, and she said something else. By the time we were done fighting, I wanted nothing to do with her ever again! She could die alone for all I cared.”

Twilight’s heart clenched in horror. “I can guess what you did next.”

Human Pearl nodded. “I confided in Haku. I think I spent quite a few days with him, without going home, because mom and dad came looking for me. One thing led to another and, well… I never looked back. I think it took seeing us together for Twi to finally realize what she’d done. Everything she’d lost, and everything she would never have. Her friends really let her have it from what Sunset’s told me.”

Pony Pearl’s heart dropped right out of her. “Will you two ever get along again then?”

Human Pearl paused for a moment, before sighing. “We are on friendly speaking terms, and I still care about Twi. But we will never be what we used to be. That died a long time ago.”

Twilight sighed. This was way outside of her comfort zone to try and help with. “Sunset’s never said anything about any of this. Neither has Twi.”

Human Pearl nodded. “I don’t think they want to remember it. Twi comes into the shop now and then. Haku never treats her any differently, and we still see each other for Warhammer.”

Pony Pearl shook her head. There was that at least.

Human Pearl smirked, seeing just how the two of them were leaning on each other, how their hands were clasped. “And took you two long enough. Here I was thinking it would take a miracle for one of you to confess.”

The two blushed, earning a giggle. “Piece of advice, sis? Don’t make the same mistakes Twi and I did. Don’t throw away everything you both want over something stupid. Looking back at it now? I shouldn’t have exploded as I did. It hadn’t been the first time Twi was so preoccupied with school she ignored me. We always made up later.” She sighed. “It doesn’t matter now. I have all I could have ever wanted, and Twi? Well,” she giggled. “You’ll see.”

“I couldn’t have said it any better myself.” A familiar voice came from the doorway. All three turned to see Kohaku standing there. His black denim jeans, a loose-fitting tank top, and a jacket tied around his waist. Nine tails swishing behind him. “You certainly have a way with words dear.”

Getting up, human Pearl smiled and leaped up, wrapping her arms around her husband's shoulders. Only then to be supported by one of his arms wrapped around her waist. The other hand grasped hers. “Comes with experience. As if you ever had any wise words to say.” Pearl giggled tapping her husband's nose before they kissed. Both of Pearl's legs bent up for a moment before she was set down on the ground. Staggering for a moment she let out a low woof before supporting herself on the back of the sofa.

Pony Pearl blinked watching that as her white dragon head swooned and passed out with hearts in her eyes and her tongue hanging out. Leaning into Twilight she smiled.

“Well, I won’t bother you, girls.” Kohaku chuckled catching Rosie’s glance. “I see… so that’s how it is huh?” with a smirk he looked back to his wife. Reaching out he fingered the Tiamat pendant around her neck. “I guess you two are more alike than I first thought. I’ll be in the shower.” Kohaku called out as he strolled through the room and left it soon after.

Pony Pearl sighed, eying the rings on her fingers, one color for each of her dragon heads. There was that same damn annoying habit of his, knowing more than he let on.

Human Pearl blinked. “What the hell did that mean, sis?”

Pony Pearl shook her head. “So you know my dragon heads right? My white is all of my pesky feelings for my Kohaku rolled into one. She just overreacted to what you two did, and I think your Haku saw all of it.”

Human Pearl nodded while playing with her pendant. She was still annoyed that she didn’t get all of what her counterpart did out of their trip to Tiamat’s realm. Oh sure, her and Twi's trip hadn’t been a cakewalk, but it had been less life-threatening.

Pony Pearl noticed that the border, while once was all multi-colored, was now almost pure white with shades of green, red, and black. The blue faded into the color of sky rather than the sapphire it used to be. She was about to mention it when a look from Twilight shaking her head silenced her.

“I do have one question.” Twilight leaned back and sipped on her tea. “Something that’s been bugging me. If those kits are his and yours… why..”

“Aren't they human? Yeah, I'm still not a hundred percent certain on that either.” Human Pearl chuckled remembering the day her twins were born. “They came out human. But an hour later. They were as you saw them.”

“How did your doctor take it?” Pony Pearl smirked.

“Thankfully my doctor is Kohaku’s sister Riko. I think any other doctor would have questioned reality. I still laugh at the thought of it.” Human Pearl laughed along with her sister and Twilight. “If you stay the night I’ll let them get to know their auntie Rose and I hope, future auntie Twilight. Plus, I can help you with the gift I have. One bonus to being the wife and mate to Kohaku, I take frequent trips to the orient and I get early access to some of the best models.”

Walking over to the closet, Human Pearl pulled out a large box of the master grade XGF-02 Gundam Lfrith and then handed it off to her pony counterpart.

Pony Pearl bounced excitedly in place, even as her green ring began to glow. “Finally! I never thought they’d make one. Please tell me there’s an Aerial coming?!”

Twilight sighed but smiled. “And we’ve lost her. Typical.”

Pony Pearl just smirked. “And don’t you forget it, Sparky. You’re in my world now. Do you want me? Work on it. Show me you care enough.”

Human Pearl was confused. While that was definitely sis’s voice, it also wasn’t at the same time. “What the hell does that mean?”

Twilight pinched her nose. “It’s her green head. She’s taken over. She is all of my Pearl’s love of Gunpla rolled into one. Each of her heads is now a fully separate and individual personality.”

“Since when the hell could they do that?” Human Pearl replied, scratching her head.

“For a few years now,” Pony Pearl replied. “You’ve seen us all. Whether you knew it or not. Seeing you and Twi together, how jealous we were we couldn’t have the same because we were too young. You saw the looks. How we went gaga for every big Warhammer or Gunpla release.”

Human Pearl thought for a moment. This explained a lot actually now that she thought about it. Neat.

Twilight, meanwhile, poked her Pearl. “Don’t ask me to do a Master Grade, please. I remember how much trouble you had with your first one. And that was with experience I don’t have.”

Pony Pearl snorted. Figures. “Then if you want something that’ll still look good, but not take a huge amount of effort, look at one of the Entry Grade kits. Or a High Grade if nothing else.”

Twilight nodded. “Then help me with it, Rosie. There are too many to count, even for me. None of them really stood out to me if I’m honest.”

Human Pearl smiled as she sat back with one leg crossed over the other, watching and listening to the pair going back and forth. “Well, I do have an option that might help you get a little better.” Running her hand across the table she opened a hidden drawer. “I have a gift for you as well Twilight. I wasn’t sure if it would fit you. But I thought for a beginner, it should work.”

“Hey isn’t that?” Rosie smirked looking at her human counterpart who nodded. “Sexy,” she giggled.

Holding out the box she passed it to Twilight. “It’s not the most exciting kit around, but it’s still fun if you ask me.”

Twilight wasn’t even sure what she was looking at as she turned the box over. “What is it, exactly?”

“It’s the Reborns Gundam,” Pony Pearl giggled. “A two-in-one Gundam, and my favorite from 00.”

Twilight frowned as she turned the box over. She vaguely recalled Pearl gushing over this same mobile suit soon after her first trip to this world. She also saw what she meant by a two-in-one. Weird.

Human Pearl saw the look in Twilight’s eyes, and smiled. “It’s not as hard as it looks to put together. It’s the change from Gundam Mode to Canon Mode that makes it look like it.”

Twilight nodded, seeing the look in her Pearl’s eyes. She wanted Twilight to do this. Not just for what they were now, but for all of the years the princess had put up with her hobby.

And who was she to say no? “Okay. I’ll do it. How hard could it be?”

Kohaku smiled as he stood in the doorway. On his shoulders slept his two young children. He watched as his Pearl was about to scream trying to guide Twilight in assembling the Gundam model. Shaking his head he walked off down the hall.

Pony Pearl stretched and looked up. She caught the sight of Kohaku santering off. Quickly excusing herself she followed down the hall. After a few moments, she came to a tree-top balcony and followed out. “Hey there. I take it your still not into that stuff?”

“No. I am. Hell, I have my own set of model kits.” Kohaku smiled patting the banister next to him as the younger Pearl walked up and leaned against it. “Of course, some of them aren't actually Gundam.” Shifting a bit he let his daughter roll down his arm and into young Pearl’s who caught little Sakura easily. “I take it you were blindsided by what you learned today?”

“That’s putting it mildly. My white dragon still hasn’t woken up.” Pearl huffed as she cradled the little white kitsune. Her hand lightly brushed through the silken fur. Pearl smiled listening to the little girl purr. “So I take it unlike my Kohaku, you never lost your attraction to.. Well me?”

“Nope.” Kohaku lifted his head up to the sky. His body shimmered as he changed into a ten-foot-tall kitsune. His nine tails swished behind him. “But I never expected to. No matter who she loved. And I'm pretty sure your Kohaku feels the same.”

“Psh.. yeah right.” Pearl blinked, this being the first time she saw this Kohaku’s full form. Already she could see the similarity between her Kohaku and this one. The thought made her nervous. “I…” a paw finger on her lips silenced her.

“I know what you're going to ask. And I can’t give you an answer.” Looking down at Pearl, Kohaku sighed. “Mother won’t either so don’t ask. She’s not an oracle any longer.” removing his finger Kohaku turned his face back to the moon. “My only real advice to you. No matter what mistakes Twilight makes, she will make the same mistakes. Forgive her. She loves you. Even if it’s in her own way. “

“Is that the same advice you gave YOUR Pearl?” Pearl smirked but frowned seeing him sigh.

“I tried. If not for my pushing, she and I would have been living in the orient now. Thousands of miles away from Twi and anything that reminded Pearl of her.” Kohaku smiled. “I couldn’t save a relationship but I did save the friendship. And never once did I think she settled on me. Nor do I doubt her affection. But I never wanted her to live life with regret.” Reaching down he placed his passive paw on her shoulder. “And we don’t want that for you and your Twi. so when the time comes. I hope you remember this conversation. And never forget how much you love her, or she you.” Turning away, Kohaku sat as silently as a statue, staring out at the moon.

Pearl stood there. The little vixen in her arms chewing lightly on her shirt. Even now, in this world. Kohaku was the brother she may not have wanted. But she was thankful he was the brother she needed.

Shock and Surprise (Canon)

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“Are you sure we’re heading to the right location?” Twilight asked, looking around.

“Yeah, pop said we’d find it at the end of this street,” Pearl smirked back at Twilight. “He said we know when we find it.” Pearl sighed a bit as she walked with Twilight, their arms linked with each other. “I can’t wait to see sis again. It’s been a while, we have so much to catch up on. Glad I don’t have to explain if I start breathing fire or something though.”

And oh boy had that been a crazy weekend. Just back from the Blight, and still working on how not to set everything on fire, or any number of painful injuries.

“That’s true. I’d love to know how our counterparts are doing together. Twi has been rather quiet about it for several years now.” Twilight giggled a bit before stopping and blinking. Before them stood a huge oak tree. Twice the size of her old Golden Oaks Library. “Oh wow.”

“I guess we found it.” Pearl let out a slow whistle. Walking up Pearl saw the sign outside. “Everfree Imports. Your one-stop shop for exotic plants. I guess this is Kohaku’s shop that pop mentioned. I wonder why my counterpart would be here?”

“Well, we do know they share a friendship, not unlike you and your Kohaku.” Twilight playfully nudged, which earned her a playful glance back.

“Well let’s not loiter out here.” Pearl chuckled and opened the door.

As the pair walked in, the light scent of fresh burning incense filled their noses. A pleasant mix of cherry blossom and lavender. Along one wall was shelf after shelf of potted plants. Along another was several rows of potted baby trees. A small bell over the door rang out in a pleasant echo through the whole shop.

Pearl smiled and nodded. This was a very cozy place, she had to give it to Kohaku’s counterpart. He knew how to make something like a shop feel like home. Walking up to the counter she blinked. On a table behind the counter was a huge red pillow bed. Inside were two sleeping kitsune kits. One white, one black. The white one had markings much like Kohaku, but these were crimson. She was mewing lightly laying atop the black one playfully chewing on his ear as they slept.

“Oh, they are so adorable.” Twilight smiled, waking up beside Pearl.

“I wonder if they’re Kohaku’s kids?” Pearl giggled a little.

“OH they are,” a voice came from a nearby door. Both Twilight and Pearl turned their heads to see Pearl’s human counterpart standing there. Dressed up in jeans. High Top sneakers and a pink kimono top. Walking over she lightly brushed the white one’s head. “Pearl dear, please stop chewing on Sasuke’s ear.” as Human Pearl spoke to the young vixen, the kitsune looked up yawned, and just nuzzled her brother before falling back asleep. “So how can I.. Sis? OMG is that really you?” Leaping over the counter, human Pearl wrapped her arms around her pony counterpart and hugged her tight. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Hugging back Pearl smiled. “I’ve missed you too sis.”

“You’ve grown so much.” Human Pearl smiled, taking a step back, and looked her younger counterpart over. “I barely recognized you.”

“Yeah a lot’s changed since last time,” Pony Pearl gave a chuckle. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

“So? Where is my counterpart? I’m sure I told her I was coming today.”

Human Pearl sighed, pinching her nose. “Trouble at school. Bad enough that she said she doesn’t know when she’ll be back.”

Twilight frowned. That was never a good sign in her experience. That Sunset hadn’t said anything at least meant magic wasn’t involved.

Pony Pearl, meanwhile, was still cooing over the kits. The white one which shared her name lifted her lil head and started to stare at her. “So whose the mom, if Kohaku’s the dad? Sweetie? Flurry Heart? Somebody, I don’t know? I’d almost say you. But…”

Human Pearl gagged. “Gah! As if. In my worst nightmares maybe. Twily would tan my hide if I was though.”

“Oh come on, Pearl. Auntie Twilight isn’t that bad,” a new voice giggled behind the pair, earning an eye roll from the redhead.

Twilight’s eyes widened. She knew that voice as she turned to see… “Flurry?!”

Indeed it was Flurry Heart, and aside from being older, was the spitting image of her niece. Twilight blinked as she saw that along Flurry’s neck was a crescent-shaped scar, half hidden by her short sleeve designer shirt.

Flurry grinned widely. “Hey, Aunt Twilight. I didn’t know you were coming today. It’s been so long.”

Twilight could not respond. There was only one reason why Flurry would have that mark on her neck, and only one creature was able to give it. “But. But. But…”

Pony Pearl rolled her eyes. Typical. She also knew what the mark meant, and couldn’t be happier in fact. Less of a headache for her finally. “So then I take it?”

Flurry nodded as she walked over to the kits, taking them in her arms. “Yep. Thanks for looking after them, Pearl. I know how hard it is to look after kits.”

Human Pearl chuckled. “I've had to deal with Kohaku my whole life, and he was much worse even when he was older. These two are perfect angels by comparison. I can always ask mom if I need help.”

“You… them… they…trees… fish…” Twilight muttered before falling flat on her rump. Her eyes were completely vacant. She tried to say more but was stopped by a raised hand by Flurry.

“Pearl’s got it right, Aunt Twilight. These are my kits, and their father is certainly Kohaku.” Blushing a bit, as her kits purred and nuzzled their mom’s neck. “My husband.”

Human Pearl hummed softly as she walked about the kitchen of the spacious loft apartment over the shop. Twilight and Pearl were seated on the sofa. Twilight slowly breathed into a paper bag.

“Here drink this Twilight. It’ll help.” Human Pearl handed her a cup of freshly brewed tea.

“Uh, you sure that’s safe?” Pony Pearl looked nervously at the cup which only got a laugh from Pearl.

“Relax. I’m not as bad in the kitchen anymore. Kohaku has been giving me lessons.” Human Pearl chuckled shaking her head slowly sitting down in a large green recliner. “It may have taken several attempts. And setting fire to his tails a few times. But I’m at least halfway adequate in the kitchen now.”

Pony Pearl smirked. “Maybe you can teach my Twilight then. Only Sweetie Belle is worse in the kitchen than her.”

Twilight snorted. “See if I do anything nice for you then, Rosie. I’m not that bad.” She frowned at the laughter she got in return. “Moving on. How is Flurry Heart with Kohaku? His mate? They’ve spent time together in Equestria. But nothing even remotely like this.”

Human Pearl sighed a bit and shook her head. “I have to say it caught me off guard too. Flurry always liked him. But when she turned sixteen things kinda changed. She started to be just a bit more flirty. He laughed it off a bit but knowing him as I do. I could tell he was interested.” Looking out the window of the shop apartment Pearl smirked watching everyone passing by. “Two years later they officially started dating. Two more years they got married. It was after her Honeymoon that the scar on her neck appeared.”

“And the kits?” Pony Pearl scratched her head.

“Yeah, I was wondering about that myself. I expected them to be…”

“Human,“ Human Pearl finished Twilight’s sentence. “Yeah, I thought so too. According to Flurry, they came out human, but not long after that, they turned into what you saw.” Turning back Human Pearl smiled. “I was half shocked myself and I was there for the birth. In fact, they named me and Twi their godparents.” Human Pearl smirked, seeing just how the two of them were leaning on each other, how their hands were clasped. “And took you two long enough. Here I was thinking it would take a miracle for one of you to confess.”

The two blushed, earning a giggle.

“So why are you running the shop and not Kohaku? You think since it’s his place he’d be here.” Twilight smiled holding her Pearl’s hand.

“Yeah but he’s up north helping his mother-in-law with some problems they are having.” Human Pearl crossed her arms and leaned back. Laying one leg over the other. “He wouldn’t say what was happening but from what Shining said, it’s serious enough to warrant Kohaku’s aid. Gods forbid Kohaku’s father has to get involved. If it was I’d grab Twi, Flurry, and the kits and hall ass out of the country.”

“As for the shop. I like helping him out when I can. It’s an easy and peaceful way to kill time. And it gives me time and the opportunity to work on the newest models in peace without Twi trying to organize the parts by size. Twi also knows she can find me here if I'm not at home or at an event."

Twilight giggled. That sounded about right, as Pony Pearl looked at her sis’ pendant, which was now almost entirely blue, with shades of red, green, and black. The white was almost gone now but was still there highlighting the other colors.

Human Pearl sighed, toying with it. “It started to do this not long after Twi and I finally got together. My lightning’s gotten such a boost that I’ve taken lessons from Kazumi so I don’t accidentally hurt someone, while my freezing breath is kinda lackluster now. I mostly use it to flash-freeze groceries and leftovers. I was so glad when my training with Kazumi ended. She was not the most patient of teachers. But thankfully she was a very effective one.”

Pony Pearl eyed her own blue ring, which seemed more vibrant recently compared to the other four. “I bet she was much better than what I’m going to be going through. My Kohaku is going to be teaching me.”

“If he’s anything like his father, you are lucky.” Human Pearl smiled eyeing the rings. “He’ll no doubt be strict, but not as militaristic as Kazumi is.”

Pony Pearl nodded. “Once he’s back to normal anyway. At least I can dish out as much as he gives if I want to. I’m not sure if I can do the same with his sisters. We met Mitsuko, I think it was, last night. Or she came looking for us.”

“His sisters are like that.” A familiar voice came from the stairs. All three turning saw Twi standing there looking rather ragged. Moving up she leaned into her Pearl as she sat down. “But most of them are more down to earth, unlike Kade who’s a bit more wild.”

“Hey, sweetie.” Human Pearl smiled kissing Twi softly. “You okay?”

“Just a bit winded. Starlight suggested I go to the hospital. But I just need some sleep later.” Twi smiled. Pony Pearl smirked up at Twilight who had the same reaction. Feeling bad, just sleep it off. Anything to avoid seeing the doctor unless she was missing body parts.

“Well, let's head to the house. I’ll close up shop.”

“I have to say this place is larger than I thought it would be.” Pony Pearl smiled as she leaned over the banister of the second floor.

“It was a wedding gift from Kohaku. His sister Mitsuko built it. Just as she built her brothers which is next door. Although I think his might be a bit larger.” Human Pearl huffed a bit. “OH yeah. I have a gift for you Rosie. Come on I have it in the living room.”

Pony Pearl bounced excitedly in place, even as her green ring began to glow as she grabbed the Master Grade XGF-02 Gundam Lfrith. “Finally! I never thought they’d make one. Please tell me there’s an Aerial coming?!”

Twilight sighed but smiled. “And we’ve lost her. Typical.”

Pony Pearl just smirked. “And don’t you forget it, Sparky. You’re in my world now. Do you want me? Work on it. Show me you care enough.”

Human Pearl was confused. While that was definitely sis’s voice, it also wasn’t at the same time. “What the hell does that mean?”

Twilight pinched her nose. “It’s her green head. She’s taken over. She is all of my Pearl’s love of Gunpla rolled into one. Each of her heads is now a fully separate and individual personality.”

“Since when the hell could they do that?” Human Pearl replied, scratching her head.

“For a few years now,” Pony Pearl replied. “You’ve seen us all. Whether you knew it or not. Seeing you and Twi together, how jealous we were we couldn’t have the same because we were too young. You saw the looks. How we went gaga for every big Warhammer or Gunpla release.”

Human Pearl thought for a moment. This explained a lot actually now that she thought about it. Neat.

Twilight, meanwhile, poked her Pearl. “Don’t ask me to do a Master Grade, please. I remember how much trouble you had with your first one. And that was with experience I don’t have.”

Pony Pearl snorted. Figures. “Then if you want something that’ll still look good, but not take a huge amount of effort, look at one of the Entry Grade kits. Or a High Grade if nothing else.”

Twilight nodded. “Then help me with it, Rosie. There are too many to count, even for me. None of them really stood out to me if I’m honest.”

Human Pearl smiled as she sat back with one leg crossed over the other, watching and listening to the pair going back and forth. “Well, I do have an option that might help you get a little better.” Running her hand across the table she opened a hidden drawer. “I have a gift for you as well Twilight. I wasn’t sure if it would fit you. But I thought for a beginner, it should work.”

“Hey isn’t that?” Rosie smirked looking at her human counterpart who nodded. “Sexy,” she giggled.

Holding out the box she passed it to Twilight. “It’s not the most exciting kit around, but it’s still fun if you ask me. A bit sticker-heavy if you wanna be totally accurate. But that's really about it.”

Twilight wasn’t even sure what she was looking at as she turned the box over. “What is it, exactly?”

"It's the Gundam Ground Urban Combat Type from Breaker Battlelogue," Pony Pearl giggled. "You don't have to add the marking stickers if you don't feel like it. You just need to choose whether the Exam System is active or not. It has stickers for that mode."

Twilight frowned as she turned the box over. She vaguely recalled her Pearl talking nonstop about this series several years earlier. She had not paid much attention at the time though. Gundam just was not her thing.

Human Pearl saw the look in Twilight’s eyes and smiled. “It’s not as hard as it looks to put together. Plus you have us. You'll be fine."

Twilight nodded, seeing the look in her Pearl’s eyes. She wanted Twilight to do this. Not just for what they were now, but for all the years the princess had put up with her hobby.

And who was she to say no? “Okay. I’ll do it. I mean. How hard could it be?”

Gunpla Building Fun

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Having watched Pearl build kits over the years, Twilight had a sense of the steps involved as she snipped out pieces C1 16, PC 4, A2 46, and A2 47 for the body. They went together easily.

But when she tried to add the combined pieces to the front, she could see how loose they were. There seemed no way they could stay together once assembled, as she started on the back.

To her surprise, once the front and back clicked together, everything held together. The bottom was still loose, but it wasn’t like Twilight was going to play with it.

“Is it supposed to be that loose?” Pony Pearl whispered as Twilight struggled mightly to get sticker 8 on correctly. She knew this pain all too well.

Human Pearl shrugged. “I don’t know. I never built this one. Should be fine though. Unless she plays with it a lot when you get back to Equestria.”

Twilight tuned them both out as she finally got the darn sticker aligned correctly. No wonder these drove Pearl mad all the time. Every other body piece came together easily at least.

Now came the head, and the big choice Twilight had to make. Did she want… whatever the EXAM System active was? She could only guess that’s what the box art showed.

Looking at the marking sticker sheet, she could also see just how much work was needed to make this look as accurate as possible. Just what she loved then.

And as she looked over the normal sticker sheet, Twilight knew what she wanted out of this, as she began to assemble the head. The muzzle attachment to the backpiece was simple enough.

But as she tried to attach sticker 5 to the eyepiece, no matter how hard she tried, she just could not get the darn thing to line up. Again and again, Twilight almost had the sticker aligned correctly.

But even as she removed her fingers, the sticker moved. She grit her teeth, however. She would not be beaten by something like this. Her pride as a princess of Equestria would not allow it.

Finally, though, the eye sticker went on, and Twilight breathed an audible sigh of relief, before adding the back and front headpieces, along with the front and back camera stickers.

As she added the v-fin, Twilight could begin to understand why Pearl always lost herself in this. There was something soothing about seeing a model come together, piece by piece.

From the corner of her eyes, Twilight caught Pearl smiling, and it made her feel even better, even as she started on the right arm. This would be worth it in the end, she swore.

“You’re going to add every single one of those stickers?” Pony Pearl groaned as Twilight added another one to the left arm.

Twilight gave her a look. “What of it, Pearl? I refuse to leave anything half done. Especially this.”

Pony Pearl snorted. “Yeah? Look how much trouble you had getting the v-fin to look good. It’s a miracle you didn’t break it, and we don’t have an extra lying around either.”

Twilight frowned as she added the last sticker to the forearm. “Don’t take that tone with me, Pearl Rose. I can stop this right now, and we can call it a day. Your choice.”

Pony Pearl winced, as her sister rolled her eyes. This had been going on for almost an hour now. While she admired Twilight’s dedication, even she thought this seemed a bit much.

Twilight now turned her attention to the weapons for the Gundam. The 100mm Machine Gun seemed woefully out of place on a futuristic mech such as this, but what did she know? It went together easily enough at least, as did the Beam Rifle.

Now came the part that Twilight had dreaded since she had started, as she began to sub-assemble the 180mm Cannon. Did she want it in the Weapon Container or not?

Yes, the Shield could theoretically hold it up with the bipod deployed, but it did not look very stable, and Twilight did not want to risk damaging any of her kit by accident.

Once she had sub-assemblies, a, b, c, and d, put together, she quickly moved on to the Weapon Container. With a little bit of wiggling, Twilight was able to fit all the pieces together.

Now came the hard part, she gulped, as she snipped out the weapon rack and extra ammo pieces. The ammo fit on easily enough, and the weapon rack fit nicely inside as it was now.

But would it fit with everything on it? Praying that this was not a mistake, Twilight slowly added each sub-assembly to the weapon rack. When all were on, she carefully slid it into the container.

To her immense relief, and an audible sigh of relief from both Pearls, it all fit snugly inside. Closing the hatches, Twilight was also relieved to see it all fit together rather nicely.

Human Pearl smirked as the princess quickly went to work on the hands. “See? No problem. You need to relax, princess. You make Twi look normal like this.”

Twilight bit back a retort. Oh, how she hated when people compared her and Twi like that, as the two of them shared an annoyed look. Something that went all the way back to the Friendship Games, and it still irked both of them to no end

For all they had in common, they were very different in a lot of ways. Something Twilight had told Twi when the girl had broken down in tears when she’d compared all she’d done to what the princess had.

Twilight had never thought she’d need to comfort herself, but she’d held the girl for as long as she needed, letting her get all of her emotions out, before gently but firmly reminding her that they were not the same person, no matter what they looked like, and that comparing herself to the princess was not fair to either of them.

It had only seemed to click after the mess at Camp Everfree though, but once the Rainbooms had finally visited Equestria during Spring Break, they were able to chat and get along as though nothing was amiss.

Much to Sunset’s annoyance, it must be said, but neither Twilight nor Twi really cared. And Twi was more than happy to remind Sunset of that every chance she got. Part of her was still sore about her treatment during the Friendship Games. Maybe it was Midnight Sparkle exerting what influence Twi let her have. She wasn't sure.

With the hands finished, with the left holding the Machine Gun and the right the Beam Rifle, Twilight allowed herself to smile for real. This was fun, now that she was deep into it.

“We’ll be here all damn day, Twilight, if you keep this up,” Pony Pearl hissed, not bothering to hide her mounting annoyance at just how much detail Twilight was putting into this.

Twilight shot her a scathing look, as she attached the finished right leg to the already-finished waist unit. “Do not start with me, Pearl. You know how I am. You signed up for this. Take it or leave it.”

Pony Pearl snorted, a small cloud of gas escaping before quickly being sucked back into her mouth. Maybe, but this was driving both her and her green head insane. It was just one damn model for Celestia's sake!

Human Pearl, meanwhile, only giggled. She knew this feeling all too well as Twi pulled her close. She couldn’t count the number of times Twi did this same damn thing with something from school, and how much it drove her mad with the amount of detail she seemed to put into it.

It was part of why she loved her. But gods, could it be infuriating some days. Sis was beginning to see it as well. “I like it. Looks a lot better with all of the marking stickers on anyway.”

Pony Pearl shot her a scathing look. “You are not helping.”

Human Pearl and Twilight both giggled, leaving Pony Pearl red in the face. Twilight did admit that the Gundam looked much better with the stickers on, as the left leg began to come together.

Pony did her best to calm down. She did want this, and Twily’s Gundam was looking amazing with each passing moment. Oh, why did she have to fall for a neurotic mare again?

‘You know why’ came the voice of her blue head in her mind. ‘This had nothing to do with that dream. You’ve wanted this for as long as you’ve known her. Damn the differences.’

She smiled. That was true, she guessed. She had always wanted this. Maybe even back before she and Twilight had even personally known each other, she wasn’t sure.

So she would shut up, and deal with this headache. For both of them. For everything they wanted to create together. Now and for all time.

Several minutes later, and with a bit of fiddling to get it into the socket on the waist, Twilight smiled widely as she set the Gundam down. She was glad she had added the marking stickers before she attached the leg though. With it all together, there was not a lot of room to work.

Human Pearl sighed in relief. “See? Wasn’t that bad, was it? Took a lot longer than I thought it would, but it looks great. Especially for a complete newbie.”

Twilight blushed. “Thanks, and it was fun to do. I can see why so many people do these. Even though I probably will not do another one myself.”

Pony Pearl nodded, as she pulled Twily close. She wasn’t surprised by that if she was being honest. “It went a lot better than mine did, that’s for sure.”

Twilight giggled, booping her nose. “I seem to remember all of us having to calm you down before you exploded more than once, Pearl.”

Pony Pearl pouted, earning a laugh from everyone.

Kohaku chuckled as he stood at the entrance to the living room of his best friend. Walking in he saw how frustrated Pony Pearl had been at Twilight’s attempt to put together her Gundam model.

“OH hey there. Things finally okay with my sister-in-law?” Twi turned her look over at Kohaku who nodded.

“Yeah, things are going okay. Your brother said hello and wants you to visit more often.”

“Is that why you're here? To deliver my brother's desire for me to visit more? You know how demanding my job at the school is.”

“Yes, I know.” Taking a sniff he blinked and walked over to Twi who blinked and leaned back. Everyone else finally took notice.

“What are you doing?” Both Pearls blinked and asked in unison as Kohaku was almost nose-to-nose with his wife’s aunt.

“Pearl. I’ll tell Riko to expect Twi tomorrow at her clinic.”

“Will everyone stop suggesting I need to see a doctor? I’m just tired from overwork.” Twi huffed as Kohaku placed a wrapped gift on the table.

“That may be, but you are also pregnant.” Kohaku sighed as he wiped out his phone and started to dial as he walked out. As everyone looked on with wide-eyed shock.

Twi finally found her voice. “I’m what?!”

“So this is what Twilighting looks like,” Twilight said with concern as she watched Twi breathe heavily into a paper bag, her eyes twitching uncontrollably.

Pony Pearl rolled her eyes. “Oh no. You are much worse. A lot better than you used to be at least.”

Twi groaned as she shot them a look. “Very funny. Oh, how I hate that term and Pinkie Pie coming up with it. But I can’t be pregnant. It cannot be that easy! We only used it once.”

Human Pearl pinched her nose. “Who has the better nose around here? You or Kohaku? As much as he loves a good prank or a joke, he would never joke about something like this.” With a sigh, she sunk a little bit into her chair. “And we kinda used it more than you think, or rather I used it.”

Twi shot her a look. “Regardless, Riko said there was no guarantee it would work. This has got to be some kind of joke you’re all in on.”

Human Pearl just smirked and poked her wife. “Well, it’s not, Twi. And we’re going first thing in the morning, whether you like it or not. Even if I have to have you dragged kicking and screaming to Riko’s clinic.”

Pony Pearl sighed. “I’ll help. Guess all the fun stuff is off then?”

Human Pearl nodded glumly. “As of now? Yeah. I am not missing out on this, and someone needs to calm this knucklehead down when we get big news.”

Twi slumped in defeat. She knew it was pointless to argue with Pearl when she had her mind set on something. It was part of why she loved her, but what also drove her up a wall.

Twilight tapped her chin. “Not to intrude, but just how would you be pregnant? I know there are several ways to do so in this world, but it cannot be that simple.”

Twi nodded. “It isn’t. There was no way we were going to get men involved in this, so that removed most avenues of success. But there was one way…”

Human Pearl nodded. “I had to do a bit of convincing, but Riko gave us an old family spell from her library. It cuts out any male involvement and would give us children that were truly our own. Helps that I’ve been friends with the family my whole life, and know better than to abuse that trust.”

Twilight and Pony Pearl looked at each other. The thought had begun to cross their minds as well, to one day have children of their own, and this offered a chance for that. But…

Twi saw the hesitation and raised an eyebrow. “What is it? I know Equestria has Kohaku and his family. How you survive it, I have no idea. One is bad enough, and that’s in human form. It's even worse when they're in their natural form, or gods forbid, mad. At you or not."

Twilight nodded, holding Pearl’s hands. “Yes. But they are all ascended kitsunes, and there are many places each of them could be. Not just in Equestria, but across the world as well.”

Pony Pearl nodded. “And even if we went looking, there’s no guarantee our Riko would show herself to us. We met Mitsuko last night, or she came looking for us. I’m not really sure. As for our Kohaku, I’m sure he knows where they all are. But until he’s fully recovered, I’m not opening that can of worms.”

“Mating season?” Human Pearl smirked quirking an eyebrow when her pony self shook her head. She knew what he was like during that time. It had scared her that very first time.

“He and Sweetie Belle broke up.” Pony Pearl’s white ring flashed violently as her voice changed as her fists clenched. “If that prissy two-timing little bitch shows herself around me….”

“Pearl,” Twilight warned as she placed her hand on her Pearl’s bringing her back. The white ring shimmered back to a dull glimmer only for the blue to shimmer brighter.

“I am sorry love,” Pony Pearl’s head nodded slowly as she leaned into Twilight.

Twi and Human Pearl giggled together. “I certainly don’t miss those mood swings.”

“How do you handle it?” Pony Pearl smirked up at her counterpart.

Twi and Pearl looked at each other before chuckling. The two spent the next hour or two telling pony Pearl the pains they had together as Kohaku went from best friend to beloved brother figure. “It’s why I was so disgusted when you suggested I had kits with him. The Idea of doing that to someone I consider family. Way more than him being a boy."

Raising her hands Pony Pearl laughed. “Nuff said.”

“Seems like you two are sharing that same relationship.”

“Starting too. Not that I want it mind you,” Pony Pearl huffed.

“Said the girl who slept maybe all of ten minutes during the six months he was gone because she was so worried.” Twilight playfully poked Pearl who grumbled as Twi and her Pearl laughed with Twilight.

When her laughter died down Twi looked outside the window. “Wow, it’s that late already?”

“I guess we should get to bed. Twi’s a pain in the ass to get up early in the morning.”

“OH don’t I know it. My Twilight is just as bad,” giggled Pearl with her Human counterpart as they walked out of the room.

“We are not!!” Twi and Twilight called as they chased after their respective Pearls.

Sigmarite Love

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Pearl grinned as Twilight finally dragged herself down into the kitchen. “Well look what the cat finally dragged in. Sleep well?”

Twilight nodded, yawning as she did up her hair. While she much preferred this body compared to how she had once looked, it still surprised her what she needed to do to look presentable in the morning.

Luckily her lipstick and eye shadow was second nature now. Her shirt had a pocket holding a tube of her favorite Fuschia color lipstick, and an eye shadow pallet always in the correct and proper color tone, with a proper applicator. Fortunately, Rarity had been happy to show her how to use them.

“Like a log,” Twilight grumbled as Pearl handed her a cup of coffee. “Where is everyone?”

Pearl shrugged. “They were on their way out as I was coming down. Twi still didn’t look happy about any of this. Not like she has much of a choice though.”

Twilight chuckled. She could understand that feeling. “And what about us?”

Pearl’s black ring glowed. “Now we see if you can sit and do one model. Seeing as how last night went… Lucky for you, I still had that Vindictor. I think I gave the Knight-Incantor to Spike.”

Twilight nodded. That helped her idea along then. “That explains why he’s been so busy lately. He seems to be looking at the Radiant Sons of Sigmar.”

Pearl blinked, as Twilight suddenly realized what she had just said out loud, before smirking knowingly. “You’ve read the battetome then?”

Twilight nodded sheepishly, unable to hide it any longer and seeing no point in doing so now. “Yes. It wasn’t long after you first returned to Equestria with it. I was curious, so I read it. I didn’t think you would be mad that I did, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to admit that I had.”

Pearl giggled. “Well I’m not mad, that’s for sure. I’d have been more shocked if you never read them at all. Did you have a Stormhomst in mind? Even if it is your only one.”

Twilight nodded. “I do actually have one in mind, but I’m not sharing just yet. What about your Warhammer group? I can’t pass off as Twi.”

Pearl gulped. Now they came to a sticky point she’d avoided talking about for years, but it was time to drop the act. “You won’t have to. Mass memory manipulation is your friend here.”

Twilight frowned. She knew the magic in question. “But who cast it? It takes an incredible amount of magic to do it on a large group of people, and then to keep it running for any length of time.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Who do you think? Kohaku and his family worked it once my coming here became frequent. I think they got divine help since they’ve never had to renew it as far as I know. To the rest of the world, sis and I have always been twin sisters, as have you and Twi. Only our families, your friends, former Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, and his family know the truth. Plus one other, but she’s an exception I think. For some reason.”

Twilight’s frown grew. While she understood the need for it, she still didn’t like the idea of doing it to so many people. Or the whole world.

Pearl saw this and shook her head. “Moving on. I can’t help if I don’t know which one you have in mind. I brought my paints and tools, but…”

Twilight smiled widely as she took Pearl’s hands. “It’s all I need, Pearl. But I have a question. Why did you choose the Fists of Sigmarite?”

Pearl shrugged, her own voice joining that of her Black head. “Not sure really. Sis has her Astral Templars, so I wasn’t gonna do them. Hallowed Knights was my other idea, but didn’t feel right.”

Twilight chuckled. “Somebody else was already doing them?”

Pearl giggled. “Nope. Only a few of us play Stormcast Eternals besides me and Sis. They play Stormblood Guard and Knights of the Aurora. So those were out also. Here I am then.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. Typical. “Well then. I know which ones to avoid if I ever decide to do more than one model. I’m almost thinking about it as well.”

Pearl squeed. Finally.

No matter how often she visited, or how much time passed, seeing Canterlot High still made Twilight’s head spin as Pearl led her down a hallway. “Twi doesn’t mind us doing this?”

Pearl shook her head. “It was Vice Principal Luna who first had the idea actually. Principal Celestia really couldn’t say no. All she said was that the school still be standing when we were done and that no magic be involved.”

Twilight chuckled. That sounded about right. Princess Luna, as Shiny had confirmed, was an unapologetic nerd. When her duties allowed of course. “Has magic ever been used?”

Pearl shrugged as they came to the Meeting Room. “Unless I totally missed something? No.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time, Pearl,” a new voice behind them giggled, causing Twilight’s eyes to widen in shock. She knew that voice. Even after all of these years, she couldn’t forget it.

Turning she saw… “Crystal?!”

The young woman smiled widely. Stand her next to Flurry Heart, and you could be forgiven if you thought they were twin sisters. “Oh hey, princess. Didn’t know you were coming today.”

And just like that, the familiar eye twitch was back as Twilight groaned. “Crystal. What have I said about using my title like that?”

Crystal smirked. “Nope. It’s the only way I can keep you and Twi apart most days. I’m sure she’s told you about that.”

Pearl was lost as she looked between the two. “Did I miss something here? When did you two know each other?”

Crystal could see how the two were leaning on each other, how their hands were clasped, and her smirk fell away, even if she was happy for them. “She hasn’t told you yet?”

“Tell me what?” Pearl asked with mounting annoyance.

Twilight sighed as she led the three of them to the side. “I didn’t tell you the full story of my first time here, Pearl. About who helped me.”

Pearl gave her a look. “It was your friends and Flash, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Well, yes. But they weren’t the only ones.”

Crystal nodded. “I was an exchange student here at the time. I was the only one Sunset and her goons could never find anything to blackmail me with. No matter how hard they tried. During the Fall Formal, I wasn’t a mind-controlled zombie either, and I still don’t know why.”

Twilight nodded, smiling at the memories. “You also taught me how to dance, after I knocked Flash out. And gave me a place to stay, even though you didn’t know me. It only got more intimate after the Battle of the Bands.”

Crystal blushed. “Very intimate. I had to go home before Senior Year for some reason, and it all fell apart.” She took Twilight’s hands in her own and smiled. “You were the first girl I ever loved, Twilight. That will never change. And I’m happy for both of you. I really am.”

Pearl digested this for a moment. So this was who was in the photograph Twilight never let her see. “What about Flash?”

Twilight winced, as Crystal giggled. “He dumped me after Camp Everfree. We’re still friends, but I think he knew it would never work between us. For obvious reasons. I tried with the Flash in the Crystal Empire once I heard Crystal had returned home, and it worked for a while. It only took your confession for me to realize I was waiting for something that would never come, however.”

Pearl nodded, for she had met the Pegasus. “He’s married to the Crystal Guard basically. Good luck with that. A nice stallion though.”

Crystal rolled her eyes. “And for some reason, I’m not under the mass amnesia everyone else is about you four. Mr. Forestsong says I have divine protection or something.”

Pearl pinched her nose. If any version of Kohaku said that, then she was inclined to believe him. Whatever it might mean.

Crystal looked around, noticing who wasn’t there. “So where are your counterparts then? They never miss a meeting.”

Twilight nodded. “A very impromptu doctor’s appointment. They should be back tonight, I hope, with good news.”

Crystal pinched her nose with a groan. “Alright. What did her Pearl do this time?”

Twilight giggled as Pearl bristled at the implication. “Nothing serious, Crystal. Just something Twi wasn’t expecting, and they’ll be coming home with big news I feel.”

Crystal wasn’t sure about this but decided it wasn’t her place to ask as she saw the backpack the princess was carrying. “So what are you doing here, princess? Come to the fun side at last?”

Pearl giggled as Twilight groaned. “I’m not sure yet, Crystal. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to try at least one model. Who knows? I might do more,” Twilight finally replied.

Pearl patted her back. “And I had a spare Vindictor, so we saved a trip. Twily still won’t say which Stormhost she has in mind. Me?” She patted her bag. “Time to put the Great Stomp campaign and Season of War: Thondia to good use.” She smirked at Fluttershy, who was unloading her things. “Maybe my Kraken Blades will finally let me beat Fluttershy’s Orruk Warclans. I’m tired of losing.”

Twilight nodded as they finally entered the room, seeing most of the group had already arrived. “I’ve read the battletome, and I have an idea.”

Crystal beamed. With how much these two truly loved each other (something everyone else soon caught onto as well, sharing knowing looks), she had an idea of what it might be.

Pearl was going to be so surprised and elated if she was right.

Twi huffed as she sat there on the exam table. Her arms crossed and tapping her foot on the table legs. For the last hour, she had been poked, prodded, and had enough blood drawn to satisfy Dracula’s thirst. She looked over at her wife Pearl who was just sitting there with a smirk on her face.

“You're enjoying this aren’t you?” Twi grumbled.

“You bet I am.” Pearl smiled and leaned back in her chair. Crossing one leg over the other, making her skirt ride up a bit for Twi’s enjoyment. “Now just relax. In a few moments, we’ll have confirmation of our being parents.”

“Teh. This can’t be happening. I won’t believe it until I see the results of all these blasted tests.” Looking at Pearl, Twi bit on her lower lip. “And why couldn’t Riko do these tests herself? But no. She had one of her nurses do it.”

Pearl nodded slowly. She didn’t enjoy it either. Watching one of the many male nurses around the clinic poke and prod her wife was as uncomfortable as it could be. She still didn’t understand why Riko insisted on only male nurses. But then understanding any of that family was impossible.

At the sound of the door opening the pair watched as Riko strolled into the room. Her doctor's coat hung open on her slim figure. One folder under her arm and one open in her hand. “Well, congratulations. Your pregnant.” Riko smiled at Twi. “You two are to be mothers.”

“Is that really what the tests said? I’m pregnant?” Twi groaned and bowed her head slowly.

“Hmm? OH, I haven’t read the results yet.” Riko giggled. Which sounded like spring water over reeds.

“Then what’s that open folder?” Pearl poked the pink folder.

“Oh, another case I’m working on. One second.” Leaning out of the door Riko hollered out. “Sebastian! Prep Mrs. Robinson for her operation. I’ll be there shortly.” Leaning back she shut the door and set the folders down.

“So if you haven't read the test results why did you know how to congratulate us?” Twi folded her arms again and dug her nails into her own arm.

“Simple. I could smell it on you from the moment you walked into my clinic.” Picking up the tan folder she had under her arm and handed it to Twi then looked to Pearl. “Seriously. As long as you’ve known our family you still don’t trust our noses?”

“I do. She doesn’t.” Pearl rolled her eyes.

“Ahh. Now I understand why little brother made this appointment for you two.” Pointing at the folder Twi was now holding, Riko crossed her arms and leaned back like Pearl. “That’s your proof. I wish you would have just trusted our noses.” Turning back to Pearl. “You had to mate a science nerd, didn’t you? I’m surprised you didn’t have to club her over the head just to get her here. I know how hard it is to get her to any appointment. I can count on my tails the number of times she came here of her own free will.”

“Yeah, we almost came to that. But I’m not about to risk the health of our first child by doing so.” Pearl just nodded as her wife Twi mouth read the results again for the tenth time. Going over every single line of every single test to make sure nothing had been missed.

It remained the same, as she lay a hand against her womb with a defeated sigh. “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mom. What if I mess this up? I don’t want our child to hate me, or worse.”

Pearl’s heart fell right out of her, as she lay a hand over Twi’s. “You think I know what I’m doing? You know how many girls I scared away when we were kids. How much I wanted this even then.”

Twi smiled. It was the only thing Pearl ever talked about sometimes at that age. So much so that it had sent Kohaku running for the hills so he wouldn’t have to listen to it some days.

“You two are going to be just fine.” Riko giggled a little, having heard the stories herself from her little brother. “I know how well you two handle my niece and nephew. You show them love yet are not afraid to discipline them should they need it. And knowing how rambunctious little Pearl is I assume it’s quite often. Not unlike how Pearl here was in her younger days.”

Twi giggled nudging Pearl who grumbled and blushed with a smile.

“Plus you have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips with Kohaku, Flurry, and your parents.” Getting up Riko gripped the door handle. “So I suggest you go home and rest up. See Alexander before you leave and he’ll have all your meds and a list of dietary requirements ready. I have a cist to remove, ta,” the door closing behind the doctor.

On a whim, Pearl had brought her Fists of Sigmarite paints with her, and having primed it in Equestria, the model was as ready for Twilight as it could be.

Looking around, Twilight only recognized Fluttershy, alongside Crystal and Pearl of course. Thankfully, no one seemed all that surprised to see her here.

Again, she wondered just how this world’s Kohaku had reworked everyone’s memories. But that could wait for another day as she turned back to her Vindictor.

Having removed the shield from the left arm, she now had a much cleaner approach to the left shoulder pad, as she grabbed the Retributer Armor gold paint.

Starting from the head down seemed a good start, so that’s what Twilight did as she got to work. Thankfully, the entire helmet was meant to be in gold, so this was a relatively easy process.

Next came the back and chest, and now Twilight really needed to concentrate, zoning out all other noise, as the large surfaces were easy. What wasn’t were the areas under the arms.

Luckily those were meant to be in gold, so once the chest and back were done, finishing up the arms was quick as well. Only carefully painting the right hand tripped Twilight up. But she hoped it could be cleaned up later, as she moved onto the shoulder pad trims.

Quickly, she settled into a rhythm, and Twilight was soon smiling. Even at this early stage, as she finished the left leg, she could see why Pearl was so into this. It was relaxing in a way.

Across the room, as she finished up another Vanquisher, Pearl watched Twilight’s Vindictor begin to come to life, as the princess finished up adding Leadbelcher to the spear.

Fluttershy saw it too and smiled. “Is that what I think it is?”

Pearl shrugged. “Maybe. I’m not gonna ask Twily though. Could still be Hammers of Sigmar, though I’d hope she wouldn’t pick something that easy.”

Fluttershy smirked. “Says the mare who took forever to even pick an army at all.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Point.

Twilight heard none of this, though she could see the smiles beginning to form on everyone around her as they seemingly put together just what she was doing. All but Pearl that is.

Just how she wanted it. Whether she did more Stormcasts or not, was still up in the air. But Twilight was enjoying this, as she added Screamer Pink to the spear’s shaft.

“Think she’ll ever catch on?” Crystal asked as she worked on her Deathwatch next to her.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Pearl can be remarkably dense when she wants to be. All these years of having to deal with her as my student has taught me that.”

Crystal giggled. “And you love her anyway. I know how alicorns work, Twilight. So I know you’ll both be happy.”

Twilight smiled as grabbed the Corax White. Now came the hardest part, as she bit her lip and set her brush into the pot. Grugni’s mark on the right pad was simple enough.

But it was the Redeemer symbol on the left shoulder pad that worried her the most as she began to very carefully paint the symbol. Years of fine quilmenship were being put to the test.

But if there was one thing Twilight was proud of more than anything else in her life, it was her ability to write or paint in this case, in between the lines. Nopony had ever beaten her at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns at quilmenship.

Your life literally depended on the correct placement of lines or the drawing of certain symbols. While nowhere near as extreme here, Twilight would be damned if she let her workmanship slip.

Thankfully, all those years of work paid off, as the Redeemer conclave symbol was brought to life, and no paint spillage onto the black. She was rather proud of herself.

Giving the symbol time to dry, Twilight finally turned to the shield, a piece she had been avoiding till now. Time to change that.

With no real idea of what color the central face and the rays coming off of it were meant to be, she went for the gold once more. Pearl’s own Fists of Sigmarite were no help here.

Again, thankfully, years of careful spell work paid off, and Twilight only needed to clean up two small areas, before painting the rim of the shield in gold as well.

Finally, Twilight allowed herself to breathe as she thoroughly cleaned her brush for the last time, and allowed herself to relax.

Pearl’s breath hitched as Twilight added the shield to her Vindictor, at last confirming what she’d begun to expect a little while earlier. “No way,” she squeed.

Her black and blue rings flashing brightly, Pearl felt herself, and her black and blue heads swoon and pass out with hearts in their eyes and their tongues hanging out, the combined joy overwhelming her. Only the intervention of her white head kept Pearl upright.

Fluttershy looked on with worry. “Are you alright?”

Pearl nodded as she walked over to the princess. “I’ll be fine,” she replied with a cold voice.

Twilight noticed the change immediately and frowned as the white ring glowed brightly. “What happened?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “You drove three of us madly in love and over the edge. They’ll wake up eventually. Me and Greeny are in the driver’s seat till then,” she giggled.

Twilight sighed. Typical. “And her? She didn’t say anything last night.”

Now the green ring glowed brightly. “You had me last night, Twily,” ‘Pearl’ giggled, taking Twilight’s hands, as the white’s joined with her own. “Now comes how long before you put a ring on us?”

Twilight blushed furiously, as ‘Pearl’ and Crystal giggled.