Best Way to Unwind...

by Some Leech

First published

After a long, arduous day, Anon returns home for some much needed rest and relaxation

Life on Earth didn't change much after finding a portal to Equestria - that is beside having all the talking ponies around. Having a full time job, Anon finds most of his days the same: he gets up, goes to work, then eventually heads home to relax. The only real difference between his current situation is that he actually has somepony to come home to...

Kinks Include: Male on Male, Interspecies (human on pony), Oral, Anal, and Lots of Cuddling

Artwork by AnonTheAnon (Twitter @RealAnonTheAnon)

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Blowing Off More Than Steam

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Stumbling just within the foyer, awkwardly kicking his shoes off, Anon sighed. Working a single shift was hard enough, but pulling a double had left him feeling beyond exhausted. As he shuffled through his home and toward the bedroom, wishing for nothing more than to change out of his work clothes, it was all he could do to place one foot in front of the other.

Though it took him mere moments to reach his chamber, the sight of his soft, comfortable bed proved a tempting one. After the day he’d had, despite not having any dinner in his belly, he was tempted to skip eating and just hit the sack. It wasn’t like he’d had to cover for his coworker, but the extra cash would be appreciated - not because he needed the money, but because he had certain obligations that needed to be filled.

After slipping out of his slacks, he kicked the garment to the side, stepped forward, and fell face first onto his mattress. Dinner and a shower could wait for a bit; all he needed was a few minutes to rest his eyes while off his feet. With his head resting on a pillow, sighing in contentment, he only eventually became aware of the soft sound of approaching hooves.

“Hun?” a familiar voice called out, causing him to peek toward the door.

Backlit by the hallway light, a silhouette with golden, cat-like eyes peered in at him. Nearly a year prior, such a sight would have set his nerves on edge, but that felt like a lifetime ago. The portal connecting Earth to Equestria, a land filled with intelligent, talking, and oftentimes magical ponies, had been open since he was a little kid, giving him plenty of time to get used to the colorful, quadrupedal denizens of the far-flung land - as such, having grown up around a good number of them, he was comfortable around them as he was his own kind.

Inching into the room, the figure at the door studied him. “Long day?”

“Yeah,” Anon grunted, rolling to his side to face his guest, “something like that.”

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he got a better look at his not-so-little visitor. Though he’d seen Sky, his lover and roommate, more times than he dared to count, the sight of the bat-pony rarely failed to bring a smile to his face. Wriggling over and making some room, he invitingly patted the empty mattress beside himself.

Glancing over his shoulder, the stallion scrunched his snout. “But dinner -”

“Can wait,” Anon softly interrupted, the corners of his lips turning up. “I’m going to have to reheat it anyways, so there’s no rush.”

With a heavy sigh, shaking his head and grinning to himself, Sky trotted around behind him and crawled onto the bed. The sensation of soft, warm fur against his back was joined by the pony’s subtle scent. He would never have thought he’d be granted so much comfort by someone so different than himself - then again, he would never have guessed he’d end up dating outside of his own species.

Gingerly pressed to the man’s shoulder, affectionately kneading the tensed muscles on his upper back, Sky squirmed against his lover. “Better?”

“Better,” Anon quietly affirmed. Reaching back and softly caressing the stallion’s thigh, he couldn’t help but smile. “Your day go well?”

Sky nodded, tightening his grasp and pulling his mate closer. “It wasn’t too bad, but it got better once you got home.”

Leaning in, the pony planted a kiss on his neck - a kiss that, in stark contrast to the relaxing massage, sent an excited shiver up his spine. He’d never hid his sexual preferences from anyone, discovering he liked guys and girls at a relatively young age, yet he’d had no way of predicting his interests extended to anyone other than humans. Twisting in place, he flipped onto his other side to face the stallion.

“What’d I do to deserve you?” he whispered, peering into his mate’s glimmering eyes.

Sky felt the blood rushing to his face, his cheeks darkening, yet he didn’t look away. “Funny you should say that - I ask myself the same thing every morning when I wake up beside you.”

There were a hundred things he could have said, waxing poetic about how lucky he was to have found such an exotic, handsome, and caring mate, yet actions spoke louder than words. Closing his eyes, he shifted his head forward and kissed his coltfriend on the lips. When he’d been younger, he’d often wondered how his romantic life would play out, who his special somepony would be, and he couldn’t be happier with the mystical creature who’d waltzed into his life.

Truth be told, he would have been happy to have anypony in his life to reciprocate his love, and Anon had always done that and more. From the instant he’d literally bumped into the man, his interest was piqued - from there, things moved at lightning speed. A chat and a coffee was swiftly followed by a date, then a second and third, until they were nearly inseparable.

A hot breath washed over his face, an arm crept around his back, and a warm, thick tongue pressed into his muzzle, as his kiss was returned. Stars above, had he known Anon would take such an impassioned turn, going from dead-tired to heated at the drop of a hat, he wouldn’t have started making parfaits before checking on his lover - that said, he was not about to complain. With a hushed, pleased hum, he abandoned his thoughts of a warm meal and focused on the man who’d won his heart.

Slowly, their hooves and hands wandering over one another, they ground their chests together and basked in what they afforded one another. In spite of the differences of their stature and form, being roughly comparable in mass yet with Anon normally towering over Sky, they’d found something that transcended what set them apart - nevertheless, there was one dissimilarity which could and often would make their exchanges a bit lopsided.

Anon faltered, feeling something soft and exceedingly warm grinding against his belly. It had taken him some time to acclimate to the lack of Equestrians’ attire, seeing ponies and creatures of all sorts traipsing about in the buff, and longer still not to get aroused when seeing his mate getting excited. Composing himself and continuing to make out with the stallion, he glided his hand downward and to the pony’s groin.

Back when he’d first started courting Sky, he’d been a bit anxious about the possibility of becoming intimate with a pony - fortunately for him, a combination of his instincts and a wealth of information on the internet prepared him for the fateful occasion. As his fingers gingerly wrapped around the semi-rigid stallionhood, he bit back a chuckle.

He’d been a bit surprised to discover Sky was comparably endowed as himself, being slightly longer but less girthy, though that wasn’t all that important. While he was a switch, the dynamic between him and his lover led to him being almost exclusively the top - a development he was completely happy with. Tenderly stroking the pony’s length, earning himself a hushed whimper, he pulled away.

“I’m guessing sausage is on the menu?” he giggled.

Fidgeting and impulsively bucking his hips, Sky’s blush deepened. “W…well I was making you dessert,” he began, lowering a forehoof to rub the growing bulge in his mate’s pants, “but it looks like you handled that for me.”

He hadn’t planned on things taking such a salacious turn, yet he wasn’t one to let such an opportunity slip through his hooves. As much fun as it would be to stay where he was and get a hand-job, something that was way, way more pleasurable than he would have ever thought, he couldn’t bring himself to stay where he was. Pushing himself back, creating a small gap between himself and the man, he inched toward the foot of the bed.

Slowly, passed Anon’s face, broad chest, and flat abs, until he was face to face with his lover’s nethers. Though he couldn’t speak for every stallion in Equestria, realizing it was a bit of a heated topic, he’d fallen head over heels with what humans had to offer. Lowering his muzzle, maintaining eye contact with Anon, he grabbed his lover’s fly between his teeth and pulled the zipper downward.

Even though the man’s pants and underwear, the ambrosial musk tickled his sinuses and caused his heart to flutter. Reining himself in, he paused to let Anon unbutton his slacks. Given unfettered access to his mate’s goods, seeing the tip of manhood peeking out at him, he buried his snout in his coltfriend’s groin, drew a deep breath through his nose, and shuddered.

Luna preserve him - he really was hopeless. He’d gone from happily preparing a meal to wantonly sniffing Anon’s package at the drop of a hat! Seeing, feeling, and smelling the wondrous cock against his face, his desires grew too strong to bear. Opening his fanged maw, he wrapped his lips around the rounded glans and treated himself to a taste of the stud’s equipment.

Reaching downward, Anon drifted his fingers through Sky’s luscious mane. Being on the receiving end of a blowjob was just what he needed to blow off some steam, but this wasn’t just a blowjob - this was a blowjob from a pony. Having fuller lips, a larger tongue, and a slightly higher body temperature than a human, equines were, in his opinion, staggeringly good in the sack - at least his was, that was for sure.

As if the skilled snout around his dick didn’t feel amazing enough, the sight of watching Sky sucking him off was the stuff wet dreams were made of. The dim light glistened off his slickened length, slipping in and out of his mate’s muzzle, while his hips twitched with anticipation. He’d had no way of knowing he’d end up getting frisky so soon after work, he struggled to maintain his composure from the amorous assault.

They’d consummated their feelings for one another more times than he dared to count, in a number of places and in all manner of sinfully delightful ways, yet the bliss of such encounters never faded in the slightest. Subconsciously pulling on the base of the stallion’s skull, he hissed and bucked into his lover’s face. Even with his best efforts to control himself, there was only so much he could endure before he took action.

Spurred on by his impulsive thrust, Sky didn’t protest in the slightest - in fact, he sharply inhaled, gave a small groan, and drove his face forward. As the entirety of his length was entombed, slipping into the snug confines of the stallion’s gullet, he winced. It was hard to pick the best part about having a roll with a pony, but the snouts were a darn strong contender.

F…fuck,” he murmured, feeling Sky’s tongue slither down to his balls, “I swear to god, you’re incredible at this - better than any human could be.”

The compliment was everything Sky could have wished for and more, fanning the flames of his growing lust and filling him with determination. Anon may not have realized it, but he’d gone to great lengths to please him. On the relatively rare occasions when their schedules clashed, he’d routinely practice fellating or riding a dildo he’d stashed away. The rather surreptitious masturbation was a bit shameful, but his ability to throat a dick had grown by leaps and bounds.

Having made a point to grind his nose to the man’s crotch, torquing his head from side to side, he withdrew and took a sip of air. He had no doubt that he could bring Anon to climax through oral alone, having done so on several occasions in the past, but there was more than one way to skin a cat - specifically, if he played his cards right, they could both get their rocks off. Waiting until just the right moment, ignoring his turgid stallionhood, he continued working the throbbing dick in and out of his muzzle.

Seconds dragged into minutes and longer still, while he pushed his lover closer to the limit. It was only through patience and perseverance that he’d learned to tell when Anon was getting close, but he’d done just that. The panting breaths above him, the slight tremor in the man’s legs, and the amount of pre-cum coating his palate to eventually told him exactly what he needed to know; the iron was hot - it was time to strike.

Abruptly rearing back and pushing himself up, leaving a glimmering strand of saliva and pre connecting him to his mate’s jerking dick, he flashed his teeth at Anon. This was a game they played all too often, not dissimilar to cat and mouse, and he liked to think he’d gotten quite good at it. As he shifted his weight and rolled to the side, landing on his back nearly on the center of the mattress, he kicked his legs up and wiggled his tush.

“About that dessert ~” he hummed, peeking over at the bipedal stud, “how about you make a little contribution.”

The cool air against Anon’s length was heartbreaking, bordering on tragic, but all hope was not lost. No sooner had the lilting invitation left the stallion’s lips than he realized what he was being asked for. With a deep, overly dramatic sigh, feigning disappointment, he shook his head and pushed himself into a seated position.

He could have drawn things out, maybe even made the erotic bat-pony beg, although there was little point. They were both worked up, the dinner was already cold, and getting a bit of relief would be the perfect way to cap off their evening. As he swung his legs off the side of the bed, getting to his feet and lazily strolling to the headboard, he softly tsked to himself.

“Let me guess,” he mused, reaching back and grabbing a bottle of lube from atop his dresser, “does somepony want a cream filled sweet?”

Though he and Sky stifled a snicker, turned on and amused by the wondrously bad joke, things took a turn when he pressed the head of his cock to his lover’s silken, winking pucker. Sky gnawed his lip, his tail flicking to the side, as he gently prodded the pony’s entrance. He knew full well just how amazing the stallion’s depths were, so it took everything he had to restrain himself - sadly for him, what sliver of control he had melted when he shifted his attention to his mate’s face.

The look of unabashed desire in Sky’s eyes was awe-inspiring, sundering his resolve like a hammer-blow. Without so much as saying a single word, the lustful expression asked - no, demanded he take action. Popping the cap of the bottle in his hand, he squeezed a liberal dose of slick, syrupy lube over his manhood and the stallion’s backdoor.

He honestly couldn’t say if he showed any sign of it, but his anticipation reached a fevered pitch. The sight of his lover on his back, the dim lighting, and the steady escalation of their passion had erased all his weariness of a long, toilsome day, replacing it with barely contained excitement. Tossing the bottle aside, grabbing the pony’s fetlocks, he cautiously drove his hips forward and plunged into his coltfriend’s trembling, velvety entrance.

Sky’s eyelids fluttered, he fought back a whorish moan, and his stallionhood slapped against his belly, while the thick slab of manhood ground into his depths and over his tender prostate. Unlike a pony’s endowment, bearing a blunted tip, Anon’s tool was seemingly made to bring pleasure. Doing what he could to stay relaxed, he savored every girthy, vascular inch of dick that slowly filled him.

Even with his mate’s slow pace, the intrusion couldn’t have lasted more than a minute or so - still, it felt like a blissful eternity. The sensation of a warm waist pressed against his backside snapped him from his stupor, prompting him to look up at the man looming over him. It was a glorious sight, something he’d gotten off to more times than he could admit, yet he had one small request.

Uh -” he bashfully murmured, looking away as his blush returned with a vengeance, “c…can you take your shirt off?”

Before could even finish speaking, Anon paused and started unbuttoning his shirt. It may have been him, but watching a human undress had to be one of the hottest things on the planet; something about how they concealed themselves, strutting about with their bodies almost always covered, drove him up a wall, and his lover was well aware of that fact. As the man undid and flung his shirt to the side, revealing his upper half, he instinctively clenched around the length in his ass.

“Better?” Anon sweetly asked, grabbing his fetlocks.

Better,” he repeated.

And with that, his hind legs being parted ever so slightly, the man rolled his hips back, steadied himself, and started thrusting. A throaty moan escaped him while his p-spot was stroked by the fat manhood sheathed inside of him. Though he had used toys which were thicker or longer than his mate, nothing - nothing compared to the real thing.

Hoofjobs felt great, having a pony suck him off was fantastic, but actually rutting a stallion easily sat at the pinnacle of every sexual experience he’d ever had. Staggeringly tight and hot, Sky’s pucker milked his shaft with each backstroke. Maybe all equines were like his coltfriend, perhaps his lover was a sexual savant - regardless, he couldn’t be happier that he’d broadened his horizons and started dating the winged Equestrian.

The silken walls around his shaft clung to him, fighting every backstroke while relaxing to embrace his plunges. Though he was reluctant to admit it, having tasted such sinful fruit, some part of him knew he could never go back to loving a human again - a sentiment which Sky had mirrored before. He was made for his coltfriend, his coltfriend was made for him - like lock and key, they completed one another in every conceivable way.

Keeping his eyes trained on the pony’s face, he drank in the stallion’s bliss-wracked expression. Though the physical pleasure he felt was immeasurable, there was one thing that served to heighten the experience into the stratosphere - knowing he was getting his lover off. He’d initially been anxious that his carnal prowess would be called into question because - well, Sky was a small horse - thankfully, and much to his relief, his fears were unwarranted. Increasing his pace, angling his cock to directly accost to the stallion’s love-button, he drew one hand down to his mate’s groin.

Sky barely noticed the slender fingers moving against his inner thighs - that was until they wrapped around his drooling length. Try as he might, the additional stimulation proved too much to bear. Bucking up and into Anon’s hand, his stallionhood leaking like a faucet, he inadvertently fucked himself on the man’s pistoning shaft.

He’d heard about how remarkable handjobs could be, but the tales didn’t do them justice. His endurance waned, the pitch of his mewling increased an octave, and he was sent skyrocketing toward his limit, as Anon’s digits played over his cock. While he had hoped to climax alongside his lover, he ultimately didn’t have much choice in the matter.

On and on his exotic stud went, pushing him to the edge, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Ordinarily speaking, he and Anon had comparable stamina, with fate deciding who would outlast who, but the man’s dirty trick had put him on the backhoof. With his stallionhood beginning to flare, pulsing in tune with his thundering heart, the man slowed.

The sudden change of pace was jarring, likely because his mate wanted to prolong the moment, but it gave him an opening. While he may not have had hands, he wasn’t without his own wiles. Putting on his best come hither look, extending his wings to his sides, he stared up at the man’s smug face and pouted. It may have been a bit underhoofed, but all was fair in love and war.

Anon faltered, his motions nearly halting, while he peered into Sky’s eyes. If there was one thing he’d always had a profound weakness for with amorous affairs, it was a touch of romance. Leaning in, bringing his free hand behind his lover’s head, he all but draped himself over the pony and brought them face to face. This, being able to look at one another, was exactly why he loved missionary so much.

“Sweet Luna ~ I love you,” Sky breathed, expectantly pursing his lips.

Fucking harder and faster than ever, Anon’s ambitions were his own undoing. “I love you to…”

A pair of hooves crept over his shoulders, leathery wings folded around his back, and he grunted into Sky’s maw, while they hotly made out. He’d always been a sucker for kissing, no matter the circumstance, yet doing so while in the throes of passion was unparalleled. Grunting into the stallion’s maw, he lost himself to the fiery moment.

The drumbeat of flesh upon flesh was punctuated by their groans and whimpers of delight, as their bodies grew entwined. Sky’s forelegs crept over Anon’s shoulders, and his leathery wings folded over the man’s back, while a pair of plump, ripe balls rhythmically slapped against his tush. They both knew things would eventually come to an end, but they’d be darned if they weren’t going to enjoy and appreciate one another during such lustful exchanges.

With their worlds revolving purely around each other, the flow of time seemed to slow. As their movements grew frantic, each slipping past the point of no return, it was Sky who ultimately broke their kiss. Feeling the manhood pulsing against his inner walls, teetering on the cusp himself, he threw his head back and gave voice to his desires.

Breed me,” he wailed, his stallionhood flaring and threatening to burst at any moment.

Anon didn’t say a word, opting to guide Sky’s head to himself to peak in the best way he knew how. With one final, unstoppable thrust, hilting himself in his lover, he deeply frenched the pony as he climaxed. Having such an incredible orgasm would have been incredible in and of itself, yet the hot, sticky sensation of seed gushing against his belly made the instance border on the divine.

The second Sky felt Anon’s scalding seed surge into him, bathing his interior and flooding into his depths, he was rocked by pure, unadulterated ecstasy. As he brayed into Anon’s mouth, his climactic howl muffled only slightly by his lover’s tongue, his mind went blank. The mess he was making, the meal in the kitchen - heck, even the sliced fruit sitting on his kitchen counter, none of it was important; his only concern was suffering through the throes of bliss alongside the man - his man.

Growing still, the pair heaved air into their lungs and reveled in the warmth they afforded each other. Heaven knows how many times they’d shared such earthly exchanges, or how many times they’d do so in the future, yet each was just as magical as the last. Their lips parted, silly smiles adored their faces, and they stared longingly at one another, left in the silence of what they’d wrought.

“I…I really did mean it,” Sky rasped, stroking his mate’s chest.

Positively beaming, Anon leaned in and pecked the stallion’s cheek. “I know, and I love you too…”

Tomorrow, much less years ahead, was a mystery for them both, yet they took strength in the almost mystical relationship they’d found. Two parts of a whole, the pair were inseparable and, though they didn’t openly confess it, each thanked their lucky stars they’d crossed paths. Holding one another, they rode out their euphoric glee and kissed, knowing that their future was brighter together…