The Oman Filly Full M-Rated Mini Novel

by Sunny Meadows

First published

Takes place if Flurry Heart was evil so it's a AU story but a sickeningly fun one.

There's only so much love a pony like Flurry Heart can understand and lose. She's pushed so far that she does the unthinkable...find out why she did such an act in 8 parts.

Chapter 0 Prelude The Funeral And Murder Of Cadence & Shining.

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After the Funeral, Flurry Heart waits outside and pretends to cry as Celestia, Luna and Twilight mourn her parents. As this was happening, Flurry Heart had another Flashback to the night she murdered her Parents.

Flashback Two.

Flurry Heart: "Tonight is the night I'm going to kill the both of them hehehe HA!"

She sneaks into her parents bedroom and almost gasps...the both of them are in the same bed. Which meant a possible sister may have been made just like her...for a moment she hesitates, thinking she needs to wait for a sister to be born but she shakes her head and then plunges the knife into her Mother's heart. Her Father wakes up upon hearing his wife scream. Before he can do anything, Flurry takes the knife out of her Mother and stabs her Father ten times in a row. Her Mother, still hanging on after the initial attack, tries to fight back.

Cadence: "Flurry...(Coughing Blood)...Heart what the hell are you...(Vomiting Blood)...DOING!?!"

Flurry Heart then cut her tongue to shut her up.

Flurry Heart: "Killing you of course...I'll see you at your funeral Mother."

She then preceded to stab her Mom ten times in a row. After that she cleaned herself up and pretended to be the victim.

Chapter 1 The Oman Filly's Plans.

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Twilight Sparkle: "Are you alright Flurry Heart?"

Flurry Heart: "...(Sobs) Auntie Twilight I'm not alright. I'm so scared...that I'm going to be next."

Luna: "Don't worry, we'll raise and train you to become very powerful so that the killer won't hurt you."

Celestia: "Indeed. However, for the time being we must look for the killer to bring Cadence, Shining and you justice."

Flurry Heart: "...(Sniffles)...thank you so much but I need to be mourn my parents."

After every pony left, Flurry Heart dropped her act...only for a moment.

Flurry Heart: "...Sigh...Now that I've killed my parents, I can move on to the next stage of my master plan which is to become very powerful. Although, with my parents gone, it's only two down and four little Alicorn idiots to go."

Over the next twelve years, Flurry Heart becomes extremely powerful. To the point of being two times as powerful as all four Alicorns put she moves on to step 2 of her grand plan.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Nyx where training to catch the killer of Flurry's parents when all of a sudden, Flurry Heart burst through the front door crying in horror.

Flurry Heart: "THANK HEAVENS I FOUND THE BOTH OF YOU...(LOUD SOBS AND SNIFFLES)...But Luna and Celestia are...DEAD! I think my parent's killer has struck again. I'm so scared."

Nyx gets Flurry Heart behind her and prepares for battle, just in case of the killer is following Flurry Heart.

Twilight is shocked that the killer has struck again, so she also prepares for battle. However nothing happens so they just lock down the castle for a while and ask Flurry some questions.

Flurry Heart: "...Sigh...ok I think I can talk about it even as far back twelve years ago."

So Flurry goes on to explain everything that she saw that night, including the deaths of Celestia and Luna. The only thing she left out was that she killed them. She obviously changed it to make it look like she was forced to watch from afar. Then after the 'killer' left the scene, she came here to tell them of the massacre.

Nyx: "Mom I need to go out and catch the killer of Uncle Shining and my Auntie in law Cadence."

Twilight: "No Nyx. I need you to keep Flurry Heart safe from the killer."

Nyx was about to protest but Flurry Heart stopped her.

Flurry Heart: "Nyx please I'm scared right now and I need you, my sister, to protect me."

This made Nyx feel better and it changed her mind.

Nyx: "Very well Mom, I'll keep my little sister safe."

Flurry Heart: "Thank you Nyx. Anyway, goodbye Auntie Twilight! :)"

Twilight: "Alright. I'll see you later Flurry Heart! :)"

So with that, Twilight left. Nyx and Flurry Heart played video games. Twilight was starting an investigation because no pony hurts her family.

Meanwhile Nyx was also preparing Flurry Heart's 20th birthday party.

Nyx: "This is going to be a very good birthday party for Flurry Heart."

Flurry Heart then walked in and asked a question.

Flurry Heart: "Hey Nyx, want to play another round of Split Second 2?"

Nyx: "Sure thing Flurry Heart."

They boot up the brand new game on the Xbox Series S and start playing.

One game play later.

Flurry Heart: "Oh my dear lord Nyx that was so extremely awesome, including that Subway chase scene at the end just before the finish line."

Nyx: "Thank you Flurry Heart. I also have something for you. Just let me go get it, ok?"

Flurry Heart: "Very well Nyx. I'll wait right here."

Nyx got Flurry Heart her birthday present.

Flurry Heart froze upon seeing the photo of her long lost parents.

Nyx: "Are you ok Flurry Heart?"

Flurry Heart: "Yes I'm ok Nyx and...(Sniffles)...they look so beautiful. Thank you Nyx."

Nyx: "You're welcome Flurry Heart."

That night Flurry Heart drops her act again.

Flurry Heart: "Naive Nyx. Does she really think I care for my pathetic parents? HA! No I hated them all along. For now however, I'll keep a low profile. Maybe I can get Nyx onto my side as Nightmare Moon once more. Oh yes, she'd be a great ally to my master grand plan."

Meanwhile Twilight was getting nowhere with her investigation. Here is just one of her interviews.

Twilight: "What do you mean there's no trace of the killer?"

Guard: "I swear up and down Princess Twilight, the only one I found that night twelve years ago was Flurry Heart and she was crying. Same thing happened this time with Celestia and Luna. Only this time, she was in a hurry to get out of here to find you and Nyx."

Twilight: "...Sigh...thank you Sir, you may go now."

Guard: "Thank you Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The guard left with Twilight, no closer to finding her brother's killer.

To Be Continued.

Chapter 2 Twilight Sparkle's Thorough Investigation And Flurry And Nyx.

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Twilight Sparkle: "Hmmm okay, the only pony at the scene of both crimes was well Flurry Heart. She's been questioned so many times from age ten to twelve years and earlier today at 20 years of age...but could it be...NO! I can't blame a pony who loved her kind parents so much...right?"

According to Flurry Heart, she couldn't talk about it until about two years after the evil murder occurred when she was still only ten years old. However from what she did say about the whole crime scene, she'd just walked in to see her parents covered in a pool of their own blood. Then with Celestia and Luna's murder, she described the killer as six foot tall with another foot or two added with his or her horn...but for Twilight, this made no sense. Because, A: wouldn't the killer have killed Flurry Heart or forced her to keep silent? And B: despite losing her parents and showing tremendous sadness, the eight year old exuded an eerie sense of calmness.

She wasn't sobbing, crying or in a state of traumatised shock. She was just if she'd lost a toy or something like that.

Twilight Sparkle: "Maybe she's just one tough pony? Why would that be?"

She couldn't figure it out. With no other pony to put the blame on however, Flurry Heart is the only possible suspect. But she's got no evidence, only a gut feeling and a strong hunch. This is at least supported by the fact that she was the only witness alive in both of the crime scenes.

Twilight Sparkle: "Hmmm...maybe she turned herself invisible? Then again, if that was the case, she could've saved Celestia and Luna...maybe she was telling the truth about watching it from afar?"

She didn't know what to think. The only reason she's even thinking of Flurry Heart being the killer is because of Celestia and Luna's deaths. After all Flurry Heart had been trained to be capable of defending herself and others.

Twilight Sparkle: "Maybe the Killer is twice as powerful as Flurry Heart...or maybe infinity?"

Twilight had heard of the infinite great grandmother of god but she'd not believed the story. That is until now. She'd have to go to the titanic to find her, according to the stories.

One trip to Titanic later.

Sunny Meadows: "So let me get this straight. You came down here to accuse me of murder?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Yes I have because you're the only being other than Flurry Heart who's more powerful than Celestia and Luna and they are dead."

Sunny Meadows: "So why not consider Flurry Heart? I mean, I don't know her or anything but she's twice as powerful as you, Nyx, Luna and Celestia put together."

Twilight Sparkle: "Well yes. In fact, even at the age of eight, she was fifty percent as powerful as me."

Then she began to remember on how much joy Flurry Heart had expressed as she was being trained to become as powerful as she is today. Then it all clicked. It was Flurry Heart all along.

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh my dear God! It was Flurry Heart this whole could I have been so naive!?!"

Sunny Meadows: "I really don't know how but you have to stop her."

Without wasting time, Twilight left to warn Nyx of her evil sister. As for Sunny, she stayed behind but she would come to her aid if need be.

Meanwhile with Nyx and Flurry Heart.

Flurry Heart: "Hey Nyx, with Celestia and Luna gone, who will raise and lower the sun and moon?"

Nyx: "I will do it along with my Mom...tell me Flurry, do you love the night?"

Flurry Heart: "Yes Nyx I can't get enough of it...(Innocent Giggles)...sometimes I wish it wouldn't end."

Nyx didn't know what to think. On one hoof she was touched...on the other hoof she was hurt.

Nyx: "You know, that is the desire of who I used to be...(Sniffles)...Nightmare Moon."

Flurry Heart: "Oh sorry about that Nyx and don't worry I'm not going down any dark path."

Nyx: "Ok Flurry Heart and I'm never going to become Nightmare Moon again."

Flurry Heart: "Thank you Nyx and you're a great sister, perhaps the best in history."

Nyx wanted to cry with joy after Flurry Heart said that she's the best sister in history.

Flurry Heart: "Nyx are you alright?"

Nyx: "Yes I'm more than alright. What I just heard was the nicest thing any pony has ever said to me."

Flurry Heart: "Awwww oh Nyx I love having a sister like you."

Nyx: "Thank's Flurry Heart and can I sleep in your bed? I'm feeling cold."

Flurry Heart blushed in surprise this was unexpected.

Flurry Heart: "Um Nyx we're sisters we can't do that...sure you were born from a ritual but you're mothers blood was used for it to work."

Nyx: "What...oh no that's not what I meant...I was talking about the electric blanket."

Flurry Heart and Nyx started laughing at their own humour...then they went to bed. However that night, Flurry Heart got up and went to another room to rant.

Flurry Heart: "God damn it! I couldn't get Nyx onto my side...however I can't bring myself to kill her...NO! What's wrong with me? I killed my parents with ease...maybe I can break Nyx by hehe looking like the victim. So if Twilight finds out, even without Nyx I'll win but if Nyx joins me, my victory will be a certainty. I just hope that she'll continue to my Sister after I reveal my self as the killer, besides she's the only one who cares about me...sure it's based on a lie but she cares I'm grateful for it. Why do I care...what is wrong with me? Why should I care for her of all ponies? sure she's my sister but she wouldn't dare join me...right?"

Flurry then went back to bed to get some more sleep and she dreamed of ruling all of Equestria, with Nyx by her side. She giggled evilly as she slept.

When she woke up the next morning, she decided to make breakfast. Nyx got up shortly thereafter, raising the sun as she joined Flurry Heart at the table.

To Be Continued.

Chapter 3 Flurry Heart Spends More Time With Nyx.

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Flurry Heart: "Hey Nyx, want to spend more time together?"

Nyx: "Sure thing Flurry Heart as you're a great sister."

Flurry Heart and Nyx did everything together, practice magic and etc...including this.

Nyx and Flurry Heart: "Moonrise, moonrise, crickets awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake."

They both laughed at their own inner filly, after all Twilight and Cadence used to do that.

Later that day they were having lunch when Flurry Heart brought something up.

Flurry Heart: "Hey Nyx I have one fear."

Nyx: "What is it Flurry Heart?"

Flurry Heart: "I'm the only being who's four times as powerful as you and Twilight...right?"

Nyx: "Yes indeed but how does this relate to your fear?"

Flurry Heart: "I'm fearing that your Mom will blame me, only because of my power...(Sniffles)...if she does blame me I don't know what I'll do except cry."

Nyx knew her Mom had a very bad habit of jumping to conclusions, so Flurry Heart's fear was fair enough.

Nyx: "It's okay Flurry Heart I also have this fear because of my past as Nightmare Moon."

Flurry Heart knew her manipulation was working so she continued on.

Flurry Heart: "Oh Nyx I never knew."

Nyx: "It's ok, I still love her and as long I don't turn evil I have nothing to worry about."

Flurry Heart: "Ok that's good news but will you be by my side if your Mom does blame me?"

Nyx: "Yes of course, would be ridiculous to think you're the killer."

Flurry Heart: "Thank you Nyx and I know what I said but...I love you as something more."

Nyx blushed in surprise, after all she never got a colt friend. Neither did Flurry Heart as she'd been training for twelve years.

Nyx: "Well I know we are sisters but we can't get each other pregnant, so it's okay I also love you as something deeper."

The two lovers kissed with passion, as this was happening Flurry Heart was thinking about all of this pleasure she was feeling.

Flurry Heart: "Why am I enjoying this? Maybe it's because what are you thinking? She won't love you if she finds out the truth...or will she? Nyx already said she'd be by your side, even if Twilight does find out the truth Nyx won't believe her...unless she actually has evidence but knowing my Auntie she won't. Also I'm actually enjoying this kiss...oh Nyx I love you."

They broke away from the kiss due to a lack of air.

Nyx: "Oh Flurry Heart that was...(Pant)...amazing, I've never kissed any pony like that before."

Flurry Heart: "Yes I can say the same thing as I've been so alone...other then my trainers."

They then looked into each others eyes, the two mares knew exactly what they were going to do that night in bed.

One night of love later.

Flurry Heart: "Want to do it again some time?"

Nyx: "Of course Flurry Heart as I could tell you were moaning."

Flurry Heart blushed and giggled as she had remembered, moaning so much as it wiggled inside of her.

Flurry Heart: "Well hehehe you kept on saying. 'Oh it's so much pleasure that it's giving me.' Also I think we just love playing with our toys."

They burst into laugher and fall on their backs but they continue laughing like mad ponies for hours.

Nyx: "Hehe ha ok I think we can get some sleep now okay?"

Flurry Heart: "Okay you're right...(Yawn)...I'm so tired good night Nyx."

Nyx: "Good night Flurry Heart."

They go to sleep but Flurry Heart gets up to get some food, and talk about herself.

Flurry Heart: "I'm not the same pony that I was over a decade ago. Sure I'm still evil...but I'm conflicted as I love Nyx which means I'll spare Twilight and turn her to stone or something. Only for Nyx as I care for her at least I now care for her, over a decade ago though I didn't but over the years I began to actually like her and lastly...I ended up falling in love with her."

She then walked back to bed to get some more sleep.

The Next Day.

Nyx: "...(Yawn)...good morning Flurry Heart."

Flurry Heart: "Good morning Nyx how did you sleep?"

Nyx: "I slept well thanks and you?"

Flurry Heart: "...(Giggles)...peacefully thanks, now let's get some breakfast shall we?"

Nyx: "...(Giggles)...sure thing Nyx I'm very hungry."

The two of them had a couples type of breakfast, as after last night Flurry and Nyx knew they would be together forever.

After breakfast the two of them got married by lunch time.

One private wedding later.

Flurry Heart: "Oh Nyx I'm looking forward to spending the rest of time together."

Nyx: "So am I and nothing can take our love away."

The two lovers made out and watched Titanic from 1997 and loved it.

Flurry Heart: "Before we talk about Titanic I have one thing to say, I hope your Mom will let us be together."

Nyx: "And if she doesn't then what will happen to her?"

Flurry Heart: "Well that's for you to decide my dear Nyx."

She gave it some thought and then came up with an idea.

Nyx: "I've got it! We will turn her to stone, it's better than...banishing her to the moon."

Flurry Heart was caught off guard as she had not expected Nyx to have the same idea.

Flurry Heart: "Um Nyx did you read my mind? Because I was thinking the same thing."

Nyx: "No I didn't but I'm happy with the idea."

They then started to talk about the 1997 Titanic movie.

Flurry Heart: "I just love the Titanic because the love story between Jack and Rose was interesting."

Nyx: "Yes indeed but oh don't get me started on Rose's Mother and so called boyfriend, oh I'm not talking about Jack who died a real hero."

Flurry Heart: "Yes I completely agree it was a perfect film, well it's almost perfect don't get me wrong it was well put together. However that Cgi pony on the model looks...too video game like."

Nyx: "Oh yes I agree so heavily but other then our nitpicks it was perfect."

Flurry Heart: "So a 10 out of 10 then?"

Nyx: "No it's 20 out of 20 it was made good for it's time."

Flurry Heart: "Aww Nyx I love you so much."

Nyx: "Me too."

To Be Continued.

Chapter 4 Nyx's Betrayal Of Her Mom And She Joins Her Sister Flurry Heart.

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The two are about to share a kiss, when all of a sudden they feel chills immediately crawl up their spines. They look to the door Nyx and Flurry Heart had never seen such concern in their lives.

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh Nyx thank the lord you're alright, because Flurry Heart was the killer this whole time!"

Flurry Heart knew her moment had come, she pretended to cry hysterically.

Flurry Heart: "Auntie...HOW DARE YOU! Sigh...I never should've become so powerful...(SOBS)..."

Nyx's horn began to glow with fury, she glared at Twilight which shocked her.

Twilight: "Um Nyx are you o..."

Nyx: "Mom please just shut up for once!"

They argue for a long while, for half an hour until Nyx has enough and looks away then closes her rage filled eyes.

Twilight: "Nyx no."

Nyx: "I'm sorry Mom but I don't believe you."

She turns around and starts walking towards Flurry Heart.

With Nyx's eyes closed, Flurry Heart gives a wicked smile only for a second. She thinks to herself too.

Flurry Heart: "Oh my god she's joining me...(Evil Laugher)'ve lost Twilight Sparkle."

Nyx: "Also we are in love and you're getting turned to stone by our love."

Twilight Sparkle: "Wait what?"

Before she could say anything else Nyx and Flurry Heart turned her to stone. Then put her in the canterlot gardens.

Nyx: "I'm sorry Mom but I need more time."

Flurry Heart then walks in and comforts Nyx.

Flurry Heart: "I know it's tough but if we didn't, she would've locked me up for something I didn't do."

Nyx: "I know and if she did lock you up, I would've gone with you."

Flurry Heart was confused by this and asked.

Flurry Heart: "Why would you have gone with me Nyx?"

Nyx: "Because where you go I go."

Flurry Heart: "Oh Nyx thank you."

They then made an announcement to Ponyville.

Flurry Heart: "To all of the citizens of Ponyville, Twilight has accused me of being the killer. This hurt me deeply, so Nyx and I have turned her to stone."

Nyx also had a few things to say about all of this.

Nyx: "We will became the new princesses of Sun and Moon, working together on both jobs."

Every pony accepted them as their new rulers, including Nyx. It wasn't like twenty four years ago when she was Nightmare Moon, or at least pretending to be her.

Some time later when Nyx had gone out to get dinner.

Flurry Heart: "...(Evil Laugher) that my plan is complete, I can rule all of Ponyville and then the World."

Meanwhile with Nyx.

Nyx: "I hope that Flurry Heart will like having fish rings and chips for dinner."

When they had dinner they both loved it.

The Next Day.

Nyx: "You're in a good mood today Flurry Heart."

Flurry Heart: "Yes Nyx I'm over the moon with joy, however I miss Twilight, the one who didn't blame me."

Nyx felt bad for Flurry Heart. Deep down however she had her own suspicions. After thinking it over, although her Mom jumped to that absurd conclusion...Flurry Heart is very powerful.

Nyx: "I know Flurry Heart. I miss her too."

Flurry Heart: "Maybe we will give her four weeks."

Nyx wanted to scream. But then she remembered that she was banished to the moon for a thousand years as Nightmare Moon, so she calmed down.

Nyx: "...(Sigh)...alright four weeks but no less or longer."

Almost four weeks goes by and Nyx begins to think about the facts. First of all, they hadn't found the killer yet. Second of all, Flurry Heart seems to not miss her parents, the royal sisters, and Twilight.

Nyx: "I'm beginning to think I made a mistake. However if Flurry Heart was the killer, she could've killed me just moments after my Mom left. So I can't prove that it was her...or can I?"

Nyx knew that she had one power that many weren't aware of. That is, that she can see into the memories of those close to her - even some pony as powerful as Flurry Heart. So that night, she took a chance to prove that Flurry Heart was innocent. By going back to that night however, she'll be in for a shock.

Nyx watching the memories: "Flurry Heart: "Tonight is the night I'm going to kill the both of them hehehe HA!"

She sneaks into her parents bedroom and almost gasps...the both of them are in the same bed. Which meant a possible sister may have been made just like her...for a moment she hesitates, thinking she needs to wait for a sister to be born but she shakes her head and then plunges the knife into her Mother's heart. Her Father wakes up upon hearing his wife scream. Before he can do anything, Flurry takes the knife out of her Mother and stabs her Father ten times in a row. Her Mother, still hanging on after the initial attack, tries to fight back.

Cadence: "Flurry...(Coughing Blood)...Heart what the hell are you...(Vomiting Blood)...DOING!?!"

Flurry Heart then cut her tongue to shut her up.

Flurry Heart: "Killing you of course...I'll see you at your funeral Mother."

She then preceded to stab her Mom ten times in a row. After that she cleaned herself up and pretended to be the victim."

Nyx wanted to cry as the shock of the truth almost overwhelmed her. However she remembered that Flurry Heart was not the same pony as she was back then.

Nyx on the verge of tears: "My Mom was right all along about who she used to be. Maybe she can be redeemed. Perhaps I can ask my Mom to give her a second chance."

Two more days go by and it's time to try to talk to Twilight, alone without Flurry Heart which made her suspicious.

Flurry Heart: "Why don't you want me there?"

Nyx: "Because she'll try to kill you on the spot."

Flurry Heart believed her or so she thought. Later at the gardens she frees Twilight and explains everything.

Twilight Sparkle: "I knew you'd realise the truth."

Nyx: "I'm sorry Mom...(Sniffles)...I really am."

They hug each other but unknown to them, Flurry Heart had followed Nyx by turning invisible. After hearing everything Nyx said about her, she was heartbroken and enraged.

To Be Continued.

Chapter 5 Twilight And Nyx Vs Queen Flurry Heart Part One.

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Flurry Heart can't take it anymore and revels herself, shocking Twilight and Nyx.

Flurry Heart on the verge of tears: "So that's...(Sniffles) it is huh?"

Nyx: "No Flurry Heart it's not like that at all, I want to give you a second chance."

Twilight Sparkle: "I know you have changed so...sigh...I'm willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself my little Mc-Flurry."

Flurry Heart did like that joke, she smiled and extended out a hoof towards her Auntie...only to smack it away glaring. She felt a mix of heartbreak and rage.

Flurry Heart: "Fine. It seems I'll have to rule as Queen Flurry Heart!"

She grins and summons a crown as Nyx looks away in sadness, anger and remorse.

Queen Flurry Heart: "Oh Nyx you could've been so much more. Although it's okay, I'll leave you be. If you change your mind however give me a visit."

She then left thinking Twilight and Nyx would never get to her.

Nyx: "What are we going to do Mom? She's too powerful."

Twilight Sparkle: "She loves you right?"

Nyx: "I don't know I think she does, she had pain in her eyes."

As the two were talking, Queen Flurry Heart plunged the world into infinity night to cope with her grief.

Twilight Sparkle: "Well I suppose we...oh no Nyx look at the sky!"

Nyx gasped in horror. An unending night was both her worst fear and desire.

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh Nyx I don't know what to say, except that I'm shocked and horrified."

Nyx then roared into the sky in a pure unleashed rage, until Twilight Sparkle calmed her down.

Twilight Sparkle: "It's alright Nyx, we will stop her before it's too late...I hope."

Nyx: "Are you kidding me! She's four times as powerful as...well...US!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Well that's true but she wont kill me, because she loves you. As for yourself, well it was obvious...she adores you and the night."

Nyx: "So she's only doing this because she misses me?"

The two began to think of a plan to stop the evil Ruler.

Meanwhile with Queen Flurry Heart.

Queen Flurry Heart: "I really could use Nyx's help right now, however your night is so relaxing."

Back with Twilight Sparkle and Nyx.

Twilight Sparkle: "Yes Nyx and we will defeat her, then bring her back to the good side."

Nyx: "That's precisely what I was thinking. So here's my full proof plan."

Nyx's plan want something like this: she would pretend to join Queen Flurry Heart. Then, whilst Twilight was invisible, she'd reveal herself and knock Queen Flurry Heart out. Then she'd try to reform her.

Queen Flurry Heart: "So you want to join me again?"

Nyx: "Yes my dear love and I don't want the night to end."

Twilight is about to knock out Flurry Heart when all of a sudden she was frozen in place by magic.

Queen Flurry Heart: "There's just one problem Nyx."

Twilight's invisibly spell is undone by Queen Flurry Heart, surprising and shocking Nyx again.

Queen Flurry Heart: "Did you really think you could double cross me?"

Nyx: "I thought it would be a good Idea?"

Queen Flurry Heart: "Well I have to admit that was very clever. However both of you have forgotten about how much power I have. Although, because I love you Nyx, I'll let you go but Twilight - she stays with me."

Nyx was devastated but before leaving she said this to her Mom.

Nyx: "I'll come back for you Mom I promise."

Queen Flurry Heart: "I hope to see you again Nyx just no plans to overthrow me."

Twilight told Nyx to find the Titanic. Flurry Heart had read about the Infinite Great Grandmother of God before but not about where she lives. So she had no idea what Twilight was talking about. Nyx did though, so she set off towards the Titanic to find her Sunny Meadows.

One trip towards the Titanic later.

Sunny Meadows: "So let me get this straight. You fell in love with Flurry Heart, the very pony who killed her parents and the royal sisters?"

Nyx: "Yes I did but she's not the same as she was over a decade ago."

She went on to explain that Sunny Meadows was her last hope in stopping Queen Flurry Heart. Sunny Meadows left Winter Magic in charge as she was going to the surface again for the first time since September 1980.

Sunny Meadows: "Just one question Nyx."

Nyx: "Yes Sunny Meadows, what is your question?"

Sunny Meadows: "May I see what Flurry Heart did to her parents on that night please?"

Nyx: "Of course. Because in the words of my Mom. Know your enemy."

Sunny Meadows viewing the Memories of Flurry Heart: "Flurry Heart: "Tonight is the night I'm going to kill the both of them hehehe HA!"

She sneaks into her parents bedroom and almost gasps...the both of them are in the same bed. Which meant a possible sister may have been made just like her...for a moment she hesitates, thinking she needs to wait for a sister to be born but she shakes her head and then plunges the knife into her Mother's heart. Her Father wakes up upon hearing his wife scream. Before he can do anything, Flurry takes the knife out of her Mother and stabs her Father ten times in a row. Her Mother, still hanging on after the initial attack, tries to fight back.

Cadence: "Flurry...(Coughing Blood)...Heart what the hell are you...(Vomiting Blood)...DOING!?!"

Flurry Heart then cut her tongue to shut her up.

Flurry Heart: "Killing you of course...I'll see you at your funeral Mother."

She then preceded to stab her Mom ten times in a row. After that she cleaned herself up and pretended to be the victim."

Sunny Meadows: "I understand that Flurry Heart has changed but...SHE MUST BE STOPPED NOW!"

To be continued.

Chapter 6 Twilight And Nyx Vs Queen Flurry Heart Part Two The Last Chapter.

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Meanwhile with Twilight Sparkle and Queen Flurry Heart.

Queen Flurry Heart: "Nyx can't defeat me. Neither can you Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight Sparkle: "I know. That's why I told her to go towards the Titanic."

The evil, yet conflicted ruler, wanted to laugh. But before she could, her guard burst in. He was panicking.

Pound Cake: "My dear Queen, we are under attack!"

For once Queen Flurry Heart felt uneasy. Surely Nyx is't behind this...right?

Queen Flurry Heart: "I'll secure the castle. It's good to see you Pound Cake."

Pound Cake: "Same here Queen Flurry Heart."

Queen Flurry Heart told Pound Cake to keep an eye on Twilight Sparkle, then she went off to fight whoever was attacking her home.

Queen Flurry Heart: "Who dares to attack the Castle of Canterlot!?!"

???: "I do!"

The ruler looked up and saw Nyx upside down and burst out laughing. That is until she saw the look on Nyx's face. She wasn't laughing but glaring, as her eyes glowed with rage. Queen Flurry Heart stopped laughing and glared right back.

Queen Flurry Heart: "So you're not joking are you?"

Nyx unfolded her wings, glided down and then said.

Nyx: "No I'm not and I brought Sunny Meadows with me to stop you."

Queen Flurry Heart: "So you brought a unicorn here to stop me?"

Sunny Meadows: "No, she brought the Infinite Great Grandmother of God Alicorn."

Queen Flurry Heart froze. It all came back to her. Twilight talking about the Titanic, the stories of Sunny was all real. She ran away so fast that she dropped her crown behind - she was no longer Queen but still on the run.

Sunny Meadows: "She's getting away!"

Nyx: "I'll go after her. You get my Mom free."

Sunny Meadows want to free Twilight whilst Nyx went after her Lover.

Meanwhile with Twilight Sparkle and Pound Cake.

Twilight Sparkle: "So you're only her Royal Guard because she's nice?"

Pound Cake: "Yes but I know what she did to her parents over a decade ago."

Twilight Sparkle: " did you found out?"

Before Pound Cake could say anything, Sunny Meadows walked in.

Sunny Meadows: "Twilight I'm here to save you."

Pound Cake: "Um who are you?"

Twilight Spakle: "Pound Cake this is Sunny Meadows, the Infinite Great Grandmother of God."

The shocked Pound Cake freed Twilight upon hearing that.

Pound Cake: "Ok, you may go free but let me explain about how I found out the reason why Flurry Heart killed her parents."

Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Meadows: "Please explain Pound Cake."

Meanwhile with Nyx.

Nyx: "Flurry Heart! Please come out. I just want"

She found Flurry Heart looking at a picture of some pony, whilst also crying uncontrollably like a filly.

Flurry Heart: "Oh my first Love I...(Sniffles)...HAVE FAILED YOU!"

Nyx: "Flurry Heart...are you okay? Who is that pony in the photo?"

Flurry Heart showed her the photo of her first love.

Flurry Heart: "This is Midnight...(Sobs) first Mare friend."

Nyx had never heard of Midnight before so she asked for the full story.

Flurry Heart: "Very well but be warned...(Sniffles)'s tragic...Sigh...I met Midnight shortly after the King Sombra incident. Although being four, we both fought constantly over our toys, like the little rubber duckies...(Giggles)...but eventually we became friends. However at six, we fell in love but my Father, he didn't take it very well however my Mother kept him under control...for a while...sigh...but on my eighth birthday he...killed her...(Sniffles) that night I cracked and killed them both. As for The Royal Sisters I wanted NO PONY to take advantage of our love...ever again."

Nyx was beyond shocked with disbelief...this explains everything. With only one question left on her mind.

Nyx: "Why did you kill your Mom if she helped you?"

Flurry Heart: "She would've hated me for killing her husband."

Nyx: "...Sigh...fair enough. But you don't need to be Queen or anything like that. We can live together under the sea as Mer-Ponies. Do you want to live under the sea with me?"

Flurry Heart looked at the photo of herself and Midnight, then back at Nyx and replied with.

Flurry Heart: "Yes my dearest love."

With that, Nyx and Flurry Heart left to live out their lives under the sea. Nyx left a note for her Mom.

Meanwhile with Twilight Sparkle, Sunny Meadows and Pound Cake.

Pound Cake: "That's why she killed them."

He had just finished telling the story, leaving Twilight and Sunny speechless. At the same time Nyx's note came in through the use of magic.

Sunny Meadows: "I'm going home."

She left and Twilight reads the note.

Twilight Spakle: "Dear Mom."

The End.

Chapter 7 Epilogue Nyx's Final Letter To Her Mom Being Read By Twilight Sparkle.

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Twilight Sparkle: "Dear Mom, I've gone to the Sea to live with Flurry Heart, my true love as Merponies. If you want to find us, then look for the Derbyshire shipwreck because that's where we are. But please don't let anypony know in Equestria okay? Anyway Mom, until we see each other again - either on the land of Equestria or the endless ocean of this world. Goodbye, all my love from your truly loving daughter, Nyx Sparkle."