The Ball Of Fate

by Archy

First published

A feline gets a rather cursed ball of yarn.

The market was always bustling, Hypr liked to visit it quite frequently. Today however there was a different stall, one had he had not seen before sporting various balls of yarn. Perhaps a chat with the stall owner would shed some light on them.

Story commission for Hypr.

Please note this story contains fats, weight gain, public embarrassment and transformation.

Cover art from lupin-quill.

The Ball Of Fate

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He had been casually sitting there a moment ago, just throwing the yarn ball up and down for something to do, bored.

Hypr had picked the thing up from a small market stall, which they visited most weeks to get some groceries for themselves, nothing extravagant, just the weekly sundries that they needed to survive. This week however while looking around they had noticed a new stall, somewhat tucked in between two larger ones that they frequented. It had been another cat, only selling balls of yarn of which no one else really seemed to be interested in. Out of curiosity Hypr had approached and struck up a conversation.

‘Nice yarn.’ they had begun.

‘Indeed, special import, I travel around all the towns. If you want to buy some, I won’t be back for another year.’ they had replied. ‘Try this one perhaps, it’s exceptionally soft.’

And that had been the whole conversation really, Hypr had felt the ball, liked it and asked how much. More than standard yarn of course but they liked the feel of it. He was now sitting at the end of the market on a bench as others passed him by still throwing the ball up and down in his claws. He was thinking about what to do with it when he got home, hardly noticing that there was a faint glow to the yarn as it went up and down in front of his eyes.

His shirt started to feel a little tight on his chest, Hypr was a little on the big side but always wore extra large clothing to accommodate. However just a few moments later he was feeling his body start to press quite tightly into his clothing, his stomach started to appear from beneath his shirt, fluffy white chest beginning to pour outwards. Hyprs eyes went wide, what on earth was happening!?

What was happening was the ball of yarn was affecting his figure wildly. Immediately the throwing ceased and he gripped the ball tightly, unknown to him with it now out of his vision, this just accelerated the process.

There was a light popping noise as his belt on his pants gave way, the buckle coming apart to let his middle expand as the restrictive clothing struggled to fight with what appeared to be a growing mountain of flab that was rather rapidly expanding outwards. Other creatures had stopped to stare, fascinated with what was going on. There was something else too, Hypr was changing. Not just in size but in species, their body was starting to contort and twist, features not so much vanishing but certainly changing. He felt his whiskers retract, his paws clumped together and were getting stubby. With a last ditch effort he threw the ball of yarn while he still could off to the side but the magical effects had already taken hold greatly, even without holding it there was little that Hypr could do to stop everything that was happening.

‘D-Don’t just…mff…stand there, help!’ he said, but nobody stepped forward. What would they have done anyway? There were no magic users around. Just a small but growing crowd of fascinated creatures who were watching as Hypr was expanding and changing right before their very eyes. They seemed to be waiting for something though, some smirking, others smiling, a few with a look of horror on their faces. Then it happened.


His clothing started to give up the fight. First the pants went, already starting to fail from the useless belt that wouldn’t hold anything back.


His top was next, to be honest, it was barely hiding anything else at this point, it had pushed up towards the top of his chest and stretched itself out as much as it could, before flying off in a comical style fashion towards the crowd. Almost completely naked now, just Hypr’s underwear had held up, but this likely wouldn’t stand up to much punishment either.

‘C-Can you guys stop staring? Oh…g-gosh…’ he tried one more time to get rid of the crowd, but more of them were just stopping by to watch everything unfold. Hypr had mostly been paying attention to the rapid weight gain, but more and more of his body was changing into something else. He no longer had claws, but hooves. His tail remained, as well as a few other features but mostly he began to look more horse-like for sure. His face had elongated somewhat, mouth becoming a maw. A plethora of other things had changed too, but he caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of a store window a few feet away. No longer a cat, Hypr was looking more and more like a pony every second that passed.

The new form had a side effect, as his pants gave way he had to shift his weight forward off the bench, sitting upright wasn’t comfortable anymore so with some great effort, Hypr heaved themselves somewhat up and over their own expanding belly and onto their four legs. He gave a sigh of relief when the hooves touched the floor, which were quickly parted by belly fat that now formed a stable but wobbly bed beneath him.

The seat behind him, despite being made of metal, was creaking under the weight of trying to support a pair of large, wobbling butt cheeks that were now completely spread over the entire bench. They were rapidly jiggling outwards, covering the entire thing and rising upwards over the back of it which failed to stop them getting ever bigger. There was then a rather satisfyingly loud CRUNCH as the legs gave way and the structure that Hypr had a short time ago been sitting on collapsed under the sheer weight of his ass. There was a slight grasp from the crowd, reminding him that he was still being watched.

‘I…mff…bigger…’ was all Hypr managed to say as his body continued to grow, the cursed yarn magic starting to wear off but still going as his body blew out of all reasonable proportions. There was a ping as the underwear finally snapped in half, a few giggles from the crowd at the final bastion of the clothing defence giving up and leaving a now totally naked cat-cum-pony wiggling and jiggling in front of a crowd of onlookers. It gave a good show of the newly formed cutie mark, a pineapple that was planted right on his butt.

He had stopped caring about the staring, all it was now was attention, pairs of eyes to watch his giant fat body grow. He was even enjoying it, switching his attitude from embarrassment to completely relishing in the situation. He blushed, biting his lip and even attempting to wobbling himself a little for their entertainment, but really he wanted to feel his blubbery fat slosh against himself. It felt wonderful, every fold and fattened jelly-like flesh pressed lovingly against his whole frame. The transformation into a pony just made everything feel better, the body shape just lent to the feeling too. He loved the giant fat ass, taking up the entire rear portion of his body, gently touching the floor and rising over the back of his head. The massive belly wasn’t to be forgotten too, a soft and plush mass beneath him that he could easily lean on and practically use as a somewhat mobile bed.

The magic however had worn off, he spied the yarn ball some distance away under a bush. Did they all do this? He was never going to catch up with the salesman at this size, they had probably long left anyhow, it was late morning and the market was starting to pack up. Most of the staff owners as well had come to observe this massive, fatty pony who had suddenly grown into an immense size right before their eyes. Hypr was still taking it all in, enjoying the new form which was immensely satisfying. Reality was kicking in, the crowd still around him gawking and staring. Suddenly he had a moment of confidence and clarity.

‘Well, what are you guys staring at? Let me through.’ he simply said, with that commend the crowd parted somewhat, enough to form a gap for him to waddle out of to head home. Movement was…going to be a problem, at least until it wasn’t. Hypr wanted more, and more meant pretty soon any locomotion under his own power likely wouldn’t be a problem. He shifted his weight to the side, picking up the yarn ball that was now spent of its magic. Even though the salesman was gone he was sure he could find some way of getting another one. Now he had gotten a small taste of the power of these things, there was a great hunger that wasn’t emanating from his belly, although it was growling. He’d have to feed that pretty soon too.

At a very slow pace that he could just about manage, Hypr shifted his weight forward and started to make for home, head filled with thoughts of just how he could bulk himself up. Immobility seemed like it would be a lovely idea, considering how good all this felt.