Lessons of the Faithful

by Postmodern

First published

Celestia finds out the truth of the tragic events of 300 years ago, and it threatens to plunge her mind into a sexual oubliette. Mary becomes a witness to her lover's agony, as well as a bargaining chip in Twilight's bid for revenge.

Dr. Mary Parvotti and Sun Princess Celestia confront the legendary Twilight at last.

They find out exactly what happened during that fateful afternoon in the Princess' chambers, and while Celestia submits body and soul to Twilight's vengeful rage, Mary tries to reason with the legend, fighting a strange, sexually-charged battle for the future of humankind.

Tags: non-con, futa, virginity, cunnilingus, dominance/submission, cum play, bukkake, squirting, dirty talk.

Derpi ID: 1633769

Chapter 1

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The crisp Atlantic air infused Mary’s nose and throat with a briny ocean melange that called her as surely as a siren might enchant an ancient mariner, and she felt a sharp melancholic pang as she crested the grassy ridge on the path leading to the wide expanse of beach below.

There was always a sense of loneliness when Mary thought of the sea, blue and wild and so, so deep, and as early morning gave shape to the waves cresting out of the darkness in a gentle tide, she thought she understood why past civilizations deified it, and called it mother. The sea was something that seemed to be just on the edge of understanding, a quintessential force of nature that could never be tamed by any human endeavor, and though time had sacrificed some of that mystique on the altar of progress, the breakers coming in still whispered an ancient warning.

I am love and death, and your continued existence is by my leave. Show respect.

Mary’s white sundress was gauzy and translucent in the dawn light, and the sparse vegetation on the trail tickled her sandaled feet. She’d spent no small amount of time considering her outfit for the occasion, but Celestia had convinced her that something simple and appropriate for the setting would be best. The one they were about to meet was not someone who would be impressed by formal attire, which suited Mary just fine. It was one less thing among many to worry about this day.

The doctor heard the clop, clop of Celestia approaching from behind, and the alicorn came up beside her on the pathway, almost close enough to touch. Mary gave Celestia a sideways glance, noting the look of strain in the corners of bright eyes that would normally be smoothed over by a graceful mask of serenity.

The fact that she’d let that mask drop told Mary much, though she supposed it made sense considering who they were up against. There was no need to carry around a useless weapon.

“Hell of a backdrop,” Mary said, appreciating Twilight’s location choice. “Perfect weather, at the perfect time of day. Your girl has a flair for the dramatic, doesn’t she?”

“You should understand the truth of that by now,” Celestia said with a wistful smile. “All the Legends were magnets for the unexpected, her most of all. I suppose that’s why they were the Legends.”

“Past tense?”

Celestia was silent for a moment. “They’re all still active in their own ways, but after Twilight’s disappearance…there was no way things could go back to the way they were. Maybe those relationships will be different now, but that’s contingent upon many factors. No need to think about such problems right this second.”

“Guess so.” Mary composed herself as she looked down at the scene before her. “You ready?”

There was the briefest hesitation before Celestia answered. “Yes. Are you?”

“Fuck no.”

Celestia gave a rueful laugh that was almost swept away by the sounds of the ocean. “I wish I had the luxury of such honesty, little pony.”

Together, the pair began the long walk down to the beach, where a landscape unlike any they’d ever seen awaited them.

As the tough grasses made way for sand on the gentle slope, Mary dutifully scanned their surroundings, taking in the vastness of the sea and sky in her search for anything out of place. After Julie’s torrid baptism, the doctor had gotten into the habit of searching for clandestine recording devices, and although Night Regent Luna seemed to be keeping up her end of the bargain as far as making sure their escapades wouldn’t end up on the nightly news in high definition, today was a day to take especial care.

Obeying Twilight’s demands to the letter, the Canterlot Institute had made sure there would be no witnesses to the critical negotiations about to take place. The location had been cleared of people for miles around. No ships plied the waves as far as Mary could see, and no cameras — flying or otherwise — recorded the event. Even satellites were pointed away from the site. The only record of this meeting would be in the minds of the participants, and though Mary recognized the tragic loss for the historical record, it couldn’t be helped. They could not afford to take chances.

Mary noticed that Celestia’s breeding package was safely hidden away once again, bringing to mind things said during their tumble earlier. She let out a naughty snicker when she recalled that badly needed release of tension, and the Princess gave her a questioning look as they crossed the sands.

The doctor covered herself with a cough, mindful of the gravity of their situation. “Sorry. It’s just…I’m glad you didn’t take my advice about letting it all hang out. Now that I think about it, that probably would’ve sent the wrong message.”

Celestia’s lip curled into a devious grin, though she never took her eyes off their destination. “Indeed? And what message would that be, little pony?”

“The wrong one.”

Celestia chuckled. “I’m glad you understand the difference between fantasy and reality.” But as they drew closer to the meeting spot, the Princess’ expression grew serious. “It appears that dear Twilight is trying to muddle that difference, judging from her welcoming decor. Don’t let her dazzle you. Remember, everything she does has a reason.”

Mary nodded, but her eyes were wide despite Celestia’s admonition. “Is all this supposed to be welcoming, or intimidating? ‘Cause I’m feeling the latter right now.”

The Princess closed the small distance between them, touching Mary’s arm with her own shoulder. “I’m with you. Never forget that. No matter what happens, I’ll keep you safe.”

Mary had no illusions about the dangers they faced, or the likelihood that Celestia could actually defend her if the worst came to pass, but she was still touched by the Princess’ valorous proclamation. “Thanks, Tia. I’ll try to keep it together.” Though even as she said the words, she hoped she’d be able to follow through. Twilight’s penchant for drama was in full effect, based on what Mary was seeing in front of her.

The cooling ocean spray this near the water was a blissful relief from the morning’s heat that threatened to get even more sweltering as the day continued, but the magical decorations floating around them evoked a strangely wintry feel. Hovering at head height, each was about a foot tall, and made of some sort of impossibly flawless white crystal that reflected the sunrise with perfect clarity. Mary found herself squinting, so intense were the sparkles coming off the striking artifacts.

The floating sculptures were varied, depicting items and insignias that were almost certainly cutie marks from ponies past, judging by the rule of three that Mary had learned from Celestia. Here was a series of three diamonds, shining like the most precious cut gems. A few yards away was a trio of balloons, so perfectly rendered that they looked ready to float away at any moment. And then there was the cloud and rainbow lightning bolt, breaking up the pattern, so finely carved that even in monochrome, Mary could tell where one color ended and another began.

There were around thirty of these crystals, strewn in the air above the sands up and down the coast, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Mary recognized some from the Six Legends, though others she was unsure about. But the whole display made her uncomfortable, aside from its natural strangeness, and she struggled to understand why.

“It’s like a funeral,” Celestia whispered. “Oh, Twilight. Is this how you see us?” She was staring at a familiar sculpture, a brilliant eight-rayed sunburst that seemed to shine with its own inner light. The cutie mark might have been cut from living flanks, such was its fine detail; Mary could tell the creator must have had intimate knowledge of the original.

The doctor swallowed in a dry throat as she recognized the truth of Celestia’s words. The Sun Princess was obviously still alive, as were the other Legends, as far as Mary knew. Was this some kind of ceremony, a casting off of all attachments in preparation for serving a higher purpose? Or was she in mourning, remembering bonds that could never be whole again? Mary couldn’t tell. There was only one pony who could answer those questions.

Closest to the water’s edge was a multi-pointed star, surrounded by smaller star shapes that hung in the air in perfect formation. Behind this was another silhouette, fully pony-sized, its top half distorted by the crystal’s reflections. The only detail Mary could make out was its color: a light, pleasing purple, as delicate as the bloom of an orchid.

Mary heard a soft gasp, a sound that might as well have been a wail coming from the Sun Princess. She could sense the tension in the alicorn’s body, the urge to call out to her Faithful Student, to ask a million questions, to hold her and snuggle with her, just as she used to long ago. But before Celestia could say a word, another voice spoke from beyond the immaculate star crystal. It was high-pitched and young, yet strong and unwavering, and it demanded attention.

“Stop. Come no closer. Make no sudden moves. If I see even the smallest flash of magic, we are done. From here on out, you will do exactly as I tell you. Nod if you understand.”

They both nodded in turn.

Mary’s first impression of the great Twilight as the alicorn stepped into view was one of composure. The doctor’s frame of reference was limited, having only seen photographs of other ponies besides the Princess and the Night Regent, but even from her human point of view she could see a clear difference.

Twilight’s coat was a perfectly even shade of violet, and her mane and tail were precisely coiffed, with not a hair out of place. Her alicorn wings were gracefully folded against her barrel, smooth and unruffled, and her stubby horn could almost be called cute if one didn’t think about the power it represented. She was built with the greatest care as an ideal encapsulation of pony kind, with all unnecessary edges sanded away.

That included any hint of weakness. Twilight looked relaxed, in the way that longtime fighters are; Mary’s biologist instincts immediately picked up on the slack in her short legs, making her ready to lash out in any direction at a moment’s notice.

The legend was a good few hands smaller than Celestia, but her sheer presence more than compensated for her lack of size. It spoke of an existence of constant conflict, of personal strength tested again and again until testing became meaningless. Mary could scarcely imagine the arc of Twilight’s life since her self-imposed exile, but those big, dark eyes held a depth of experience that approached even Celestia’s.

The only apparent deference to sentiment was a well-worn saddlebag strapped to her back, just in front of the starry cutie mark that was almost as famous as the Princess’. The bag seemed to be held together with string and a prayer, repaired time and time again, and Mary wondered what kind of hair-raising adventures it had seen. What priceless treasures had it held?

Mary tamped down her curiosity, following Celestia’s example by watching and waiting as Twilight focused on the Princess completely. The doctor had not yet rated a single glance.

“Celestia. I see you did what I asked, without trying to talk your way out it. So you can show restraint, when it suits you.”

Not Teacher. Not Princess. Just a name, without title or honorific. Twilight was speaking as an equal, any deference having been burned out of her long ago.

To Celestia’s credit, she was recovering quickly from her initial disquiet, and her regal countenance effectively hid her grief, for the moment. “Twilight. It’s…”

She paused, and Mary knew she was experiencing the unusual sensation of grasping for the right words. At last, she decided on simplicity.

“It’s good to see you.”

Twilight stared at her former mentor for a long while, saying nothing. Then, she shook her head wearily.

Good to see me, you say.” She stepped closer to the duo, looking Celestia up and down as if scanning for cracks in her armor. Mary was struck by the fluidity of her actions, like each gesture was planned in advance, with zero wasted movement. “I can’t say the same, unfortunately. Although, I am enjoying the fact that you’re still trying to figure out my angle. Any guesses yet? Go on. Give it a try.”

Instead of answering right away, Celestia turned her graceful head to peer at a crystalline depiction of three apples which looked sweet and freshly-picked, despite their lack of color. Mary wasn’t sure if the Princess was trying to stall for time while trying to work out a response, or if she just wanted to hide her expression, but she made a show of closely examining the sculpture. She prodded one plump fruit with a hoof, and the whole formation gently swung in place, as if tied to the air.

“Your control is immaculate, as usual,” Celestia said in a quiet, sad voice. “Rarity wouldn’t have been able to craft such a display, certainly not in a single morning.” Mary noticed the Princess’ quick glance at Twilight upon invoking the familiar name, but the young alicorn simply stared back. She might as well have been carved from crystal herself.

Celestia let out a small sigh. “I know you’ve re-appeared for a reason, Twilight. Of course, I’d like to get to the bottom of that, but there’s more to discuss, isn’t there? We have three hundred years worth of catching up to do.” She paused, and gave Twilight a more measuring look. “Besides, we both know you don’t work angles. You go all in, for better or for worse, and you deal with whatever comes of it. That’s what makes you who you are.”

Twilight began to pace as she stared down the Princess, walking a few yards down the beach before retracing her steps, and the reflected sunlight from the multitude of crystals gave her coat an unearthly luster. “An abrupt change of subject to throw the opponent off guard. A compliment, to endear them to you and get them mentally on your side. Statements of truth mixed in with the fluff, to keep them guessing. You haven’t changed your methods much, Celestia. I’m not sure if I should be relieved or disappointed at that.”


“Why does every conversation with you feel like I’m talking to a hostage negotiator?” The youthful tone combined with the serious subject matter made for an unnerving feeling. “Have you ever been straight with anyone even once in the last few hundred years? Or has running a country drained all the sincerity out of you? Is there any sign of the real Celestia in that flawless body?” She stopped her pacing. “No. I think I saw the real you, that day. It’s no wonder you try so hard to hide yourself.”

Enough was enough. “That’s some bullshit,” Mary growled. “You want to talk about who’s being real? You’re the one showing up out of nowhere with all these demands. What have you become since you left? Are we talking to the real Twilight right now?”

For the first time, Twilight turned her gaze to Mary. The young alicorn seemed to look through her, as if seeing every filthy thought she’d ever tried to hide, even from herself. “Dr. Mary Parvotti, xenobiologist. Congratulations on being assigned such a distinguished post. Guess it must have been fate that you two degenerates should find each other across time and space.”

“Game recognize game,” Mary said, not bothering to dispute Twilight’s criticism. “Now, are we just gonna stand around and insult each other, or should we get down to business? ‘Cause you wouldn’t believe how expensive this operation is. Count yourself lucky the Institute isn’t asking for reimbursement.”

A flicker of something like annoyance passed over Twilight’s face, though it quickly vanished. “Indeed. Let’s get started, then.” And her half-sized horn began to glow.

“Twilight,” Celestia said, immediately on alert as she sensed the flow of magic. “That’s a rather complex spell for just us. What are you doing?” Then there was a twitch in her cheek, and she grunted in sudden pain.

“Princess!” Mary took a half step toward the alicorn, but Celestia raised a hoof toward her to stop her movement. “Just a headache, Doctor,” Celestia said with a smile that was more of a grimace, as her eyes gave a desperate warning. “Stay calm.”

Mary whirled on Twilight, letting the anger and fear she’d been keeping at a low simmer bubble to the surface. “Look, stop! Just stop! Whatever this is, you don’t have to do it, just tell us what you want!”

“What I want is already in front of me. And this is not something I have to do. In fact, I very, very much desire this. You have no idea how much I need it.”

Twilight’s attention was fully upon Celestia as the Princess began to gasp and stumble, trying to stay alert while keeping the agony under control. “To answer your questions, I’m simply picking up an old hobby I left behind a while back. I used to be very good at puzzles, you see. Especially magical puzzles, remember? You used to give me those little brain teasers, and I’d work on them for days.”

“You were…obsessed for a while.” Celestia’s voice was tight with strain. “It wasn’t long before you started making your own. I never could…figure out even one.”

“You do remember,” Twilight said, a hint of a smile playing across her lips. “I especially loved creating magical locks. Think of an incredibly functional kind of puzzle. You can make locks for all kinds of things.”

The intensity of the light from Twilight’s horn steadily grew. “Physical locks. Emotional locks. Spiritual locks.” She paused. “Mental locks.”

Celestia’s rear legs trembled, then crumbled from underneath her, and she hit the ground with a thump as the pain became overwhelming. Mary could only watch helplessly, tears in her eyes, going over option after option in her mind. Every single one led to either her own death, or the deaths of others, and she swore in a voice loud enough to carry over the waves. So much for human ingenuity.

Twilight ignored Mary as she watched Celestia writhe, taking in the alicorn’s torment as if she were observing an interesting chemical reaction. “You should be thanking me, Celestia. I’m going to help you solve a mystery. That’s always been my job, after all. You’ve had gaps in your mind when it came to that day, correct? Gaps that not even Luna knows about. You figured you had a good idea about what happened, but something’s always been just a little bit off, hasn’t it? Certain details don’t quite line up. Am I wrong?”

Celestia struggled back to her feet, keeping her dignity even in the throes of her pain. “I thought I was the cryptic one, Twilight. What exactly are you trying to say? What have you done?”

Twilight’s horn began to pulse with a regular rhythm, and Mary thought she could hear the whirring of gears spinning and the clicking of tumblers sliding into place. “I’ve done a lot. More than you can imagine, and I’m not finished yet. But, what I’m doing now is unlocking your true memory, instead of the altered version that I implanted in your head. And then, we’re all going to take a trip 300 years back into the past. I’m going to make you face the truth, Celestia, and Dr. Parvotti here will be a witness. Now, try to stay still. This is going to feel a little weird.”

The alicorn sisters’ shared vision flashed into Mary’s mind, but before she could consider the meaning of Twilight’s revelations, her world went black.

Chapter 2

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The first thing Celestia noticed was the smell.

She knew something was wrong the moment Twilight cracked the seal of the jar, eager to show off her latest discovery to her beloved teacher. A cloying burst of cassis and honey hit the Princess’ nostrils, saccharine and heady, coiling into her mind and methodically removing every barrier she’d set up inside herself to protect her subjects from her most destructive urges. She let out a small gasp as she realized what was happening, breathing in even more of the chemical in the process, and by then it was far too late. No pony would be able to stop what was about to happen.

Night Regent Luna had ushered Twilight into the Princess’ private chambers without a second thought, having become used to such unannounced comings and goings, and she was still chuckling at the young alicorn's delirious excitement. The two rulers had been discussing the precarious political situation with the dragons for the last hour, and they were both glad for the distraction.

They’d known that Twilight was doing research on poison joke, the dangerous herb found in the Everfree Forest that had led to so many problems in the past. When it came to psychotropic drugs, the difference between being helpful and harmful was often only a matter of degree, and the newly-ascended alicorn was convinced that she could revolutionize the mental health industry in the kingdom if she could isolate and synthesize the compound that gave poison joke its effects.

With her new control of magic via alicorn power, Twilight had finally succeeded in diluting the herb to its essential components, and her delight was obvious as she went on about how she wanted to help ponies deal with their most personal issues…but her voice soon receded into the background of Celestia’s consciousness.

Time seemed to move strangely. The Princess’ heart began to thrum within her chest, so quickly that she thought she might faint, and her body was suddenly infused with a blaze of unbearable heat, strong enough to burn a pony’s willpower to ash. The feelings were familiar to the lusty alicorn, yet ten times more potent, ten times more irresistible.

A matter of degree.

Celestia’s vision began to blur, and she fought to keep from panting as the fumes from the extract did their insidious work. If she’d been just a little less perfect, if she’d voiced a moan or stumbled, one of the others might have noticed something was wrong, but Celestia’s unearthly poise doomed her to struggle alone with the sudden maelstrom within her. And then, distracted by a question from Luna about practical applications, Twilight turned to one of the Princess’ voluminous bookcases, searching the lower shelves for a little-known tome on medical science.

Celestia swore under her breath, watching the innocent wiggling of Twilight’s cute posterior pointed right in her direction. As the young alicorn flipped through pages without a care in the world she arched her purple butt in just the right way, raising her tail and showing off her tiny, unused pussy, a little slit under her dock that had never known the touch of another. Celestia bit off a groan, imagining the tightness, the heat, the stickiness…

It only took a second. Only a moment of lost focus, of desire unshackled, then Celestia felt the heavy weight between her legs and under her barrel as her spell dissolved, and all three feet of pink Princess cock revealed their full majesty, complete with enormous jewels that tumbled within a plush sack, like a thief’s treasure.

Celestia didn’t even register Luna’s embarrassed gasp, so enraptured was she with the feel of her fat breeder in the open air. It slapped against her chest in time with her pulse, again and again, a mortal weapon tempered in a thousand fleshy forges and already splattering precome upon the royal carpet as the unsuspecting Twilight presented herself.

“Hello,” Celestia’s cock said. “It’s been too long. You should let me out to play more often. Although, I can’t complain when you so willingly present me with such…amusements.”

“I…she’s not a toy,” Celestia said, trying to make sense of everything happening to her. “She’s my Faithful Student…a good pony…what a strange mistake to make…”

“Oh, you’re right! How could I have been so blind?” Celestia’s cock had a voice both teasing and demanding, sweet as the finest mead, and just as intoxicating. “She’s been so very faithful, keeping herself pure all this time just for us. Shall we partake? Don’t keep her waiting. Give your student the lesson she’s been asking for. Balls deep.”

“Lesson. Yes. It’s time for your lesson, little pony.” Celestia took a step forward, then another, and before she realized it her nose was an inch from Twilight’s pretty pussy, inhaling all the secret scents wafting from deep inside. Twilight turned her head, looking at her mentor quizzically as she asked a question Celestia couldn’t hear.

“She’s so hungry for knowledge, that one.” Celestia’s cock whispered an insidious hymn as the Princess raised her head, blowing hot wind out of a slack mouth in her desire. “Here’s today’s lecture, then: how much stress can a virgin cunt take before being split in half? Let’s start with a practical demonstration.”

“Practical…demonstration,” Celestia repeated, rearing up in her majesty and landing with all her weight upon Twilight’s back. The new alicorn’s natural sturdiness was the only thing that kept her from crashing to the ground, and she began to struggle underneath the Princess’ barrel.

“Stay still, dear Twilight. Take your lesson.” Sometimes, the younger ponies had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the well of knowledge. Celestia would have thought that her Faithful Student was beyond such childishness, but no matter. She was the Princess, and her job was to keep her subjects on the straight and narrow. She wasn’t about to shirk her responsibilities now.

Twilight would thank her later.

Celestia pushed the head of her cock, as wide as a saucer, against that too tiny slit. It felt like forcing a fist through the eye of a needle, and Twilight’s silly thrashing and whining wasn’t making things any easier, but the Princess’ lust-infused strength was easily enough to keep her student in place as she began to apply more pressure. “Shhh, it’s okay. I know it’s hard, but not all learning is fun. I need to…you need to do this. You have to understand. Let me make you understand.”

The exquisite softness of Twilight’s little cunny against that straining flare was a lightning bolt straight to Celestia’s brain, making the older alicorn grunt with impatience as she flexed her sturdy flanks, mashing herself harder against the delicate folds. The teeny twat was putting up some serious resistance, yet Celestia could feel something start to give. With sensual elation, she spread her Faithful Student’s twitching legs further apart in a bid for more purchase.

Celestia looked down and watched, fascinated, as Twilight’s slight little hole began to stretch wider. The purple nether lips lightened into a pleasing shade of lilac in the struggle to admit the Princess’ bludgeon, while virile nuts ceaselessly pumped out gallons of pre in an attempt to soften their stubborn target. Celestia was somewhat surprised at how much force was necessary, but that was fine. Experimentation was education, after all. It was another data point they could go over in the future. The future…yes. Twilight would definitely need further tutoring on this subject. As much as necessary.

Strange noises began to invade Celestia’s consciousness…was someone calling her name? She thought she heard something like a scream, far in the distance — things were certainly lively around the castle, weren’t they? She smiled warmly, basking in the glow of her subjects’ happiness as her fat prick broke open the pony beneath her. She’d never felt more secure about the future of her kingdom, especially with such a talented new Princess waiting in the wings. But Twilight obviously had much to learn before she could rule. How could she run a country if she couldn’t even take cock properly?

Slowly, gradually, Celestia forced the head of her fat tool into the crushing ring of Twilight’s cunt, and she felt a wild spasm as the first few inches met the barrier of her student’s virginity. The Princess hissed in the beautiful agony, and she struggled to maintain professional decorum, astonished at how much sheer pleasure she was already receiving. Her imagination went wild as she thought of how much better it would feel to bury her whole bone deep within Twilight’s body. Solely in the interest of scholarship, of course.

“It’s sooo fucking gooood,” Celestia’s cock moaned, foregoing all pretense as it reveled in the sensations of Twilight’s clasping pussy. “So good, it’s burning you up inside. But. It’s. Not. Enough. This is an important lesson, one you can’t leave half taught. Now, there’s a tough problem in the way, and the poor thing’s having some trouble. Help her solve it.”

“You’re being…difficult,” Celestia muttered, planting her feet and pushing herself steadily against Twilight’s fragile membrane, causing the pony’s frantic squirming to intensify. “You’ve figured out much harder problems than this before, haven’t you? Here, let’s work it out together. It’s a very simple question, really.”

Celestia bit her lip hard in a perverse kind of sympathy as she felt the first tearing of that barricade under her assault. “Fuck…how does my cock taste, little pony? Is it hot? Is it hard? Does it hurt? You have to speak up. Answer the question, Faithful Student. Solve for x, where x is my dick. Answer the fucking question, Twilight.”

“I don’t think she’s listening,” Celestia’s cock said as it bathed itself within Twilight’s virginal channel. “She’s distracted. See how she’s fighting you, trying to focus on anything except your lesson? What a naughty pony.”

“She’s certainly a handful,” Celestia agreed. She gripped Twilight’s pert tush with both hooves and spread the cheeks open, admiring the destruction of her student’s cunt as it grudgingly yielded to the Princess’ thick shaft. She noticed the poofy ring below Twilight’s tail, pulsing and trembling in distress, and she let a gobbet of spit fall into the dark hole, a slimy precursor to the gaping wreckage her cock would soon make of the young pony’s unspoiled pucker.

That was an advanced lesson, of course, but Celestia thought she could be talked into adjusting the curriculum if Twilight did well here. She had every confidence in her student’s abilities.

Perhaps sensing Celestia’s intentions, Twilight’s pussy convulsed around the invader, trying desperately to refute the Princess’ teachings. Celestia yelped as she fought against the rippling waves pushing her in the wrong direction, even as they threatened to milk her oversized prick into an early dismissal.

“Ooh, she’s…mmm…feisty.” Celestia’s cock moaned as it enjoyed the impromptu massage. “Must be one of those nerds who…always has to prove they know more than the teacher. You need to nip that attitude right…in…the…bud. It’s for her own good. Do it. Do. It.

“This is for your own good, little filly.” Celestia braced herself, holding Twilight by the neck and keeping her face down and ass up in preparation for what had to be done. “You can’t run from this. I won’t let you. Take it like a good p-pony.”

Then she bore down hard, using all the royal power at her disposal to tear Twilight’s hymen to ribbons, obeying the desperate urge to hilt herself fully inside the too small interior. The ring of her student’s cervix gripped the tip of her breeder like a second pussy, but she went further, much further, spearing the back of Twilight’s womb and causing the imprint of the wide flare to make itself visible in that stretched-out belly.


“Take it all!”

“Dance on it, pretty filly!”

“Work that cunt!”

Celestia and her cock sang a shattering chorus as they both reacted to the sudden total immersion. Not a centimeter of flesh remained outside Twilight’s accepting twat, making the young alicorn look like a twitching purple jizz sock stretched around Celestia’s prick, but the silky pressure of those insides only drove the Princess into a rutting frenzy as she pulled herself halfway free, then slammed back in, over and over, finally fucking that teasing little cunny that had always tempted her from afar.

“Good pony. Gooood pony. I’m so proud of you. You’re so smart! Fuck…oh, my Faithful Student…why aren’t the other Elements this dedicated? Maybe they need some remedial homework. I’ll set up a group study session, so I can do their little cunts one by one while you take notes. What a wonderful idea…fuck…s-so good…so f-fucking deep…”

Celestia gave herself up to the rhythm, and the slap-slap-slap sound of her hips against Twilight’s reddened ass echoed loudly in the Princess’ chambers. A distant part of her awareness noticed that the cock sock beneath her was no longer struggling, but she had not the capacity nor the inclination to consider what this meant. The dam within had been breached, and the raging river could only flow in one direction.

The Sun Princess had lived a long life. She’d had sexual partners beyond count, of every orientation imaginable, and had indulged in kinks that would certainly scandalize her sheltered subjects, although ponies with a broader view of royal behavior throughout history might not have been quite as shocked. But the unquenchable flame now roaring within her loins was something she had never before experienced, a devilish goad that destroyed every want, every need, except for the drive for procreation and dominance that was her sovereign right.

The Princess rubbed her cheek against Twilight’s as she claimed the pony’s womb, and she buried her face in her student’s pretty mane, now somewhat frizzy from their exertions. Celestia breathed in deeply, enjoying the clean scent of herbal soap against the musky background of cock and cunt. She realized it was the same soap that the young pony’s recently wed foal-sitter, Cadance used — having had the pleasure of making a direct comparison — and for a moment, Celestia imagined a different alicorn wrapped around her fat prick, taking a railing she’d never be able to get from her poor husband.

Celestia was primae noctis personified, after all, for this and all the nights to come, and she chuckled good-naturedly as she loomed over Twilight, slam-fucking her into the plush carpet while thinking of what might have happened had she demanded her conjugal droit.

“I should have been at their honeymoon,” Celestia whispered into Twilight’s twitching ear, her mind racing with the fantasy. “You’re never too old to learn, is what I’ve always said. I mean, Shining Armor has the experience of a teenager, and Cadance is the Princess of Love, not the Princess of Fucking. I’m sure I could teach them both a few new tricks.” She laughed again. “Now, there’s a nice idea for a new title. I should issue the proclamation tomorrow. May as well stick with what I know.”

Celestia gave her student a teasing lick just inside her ear lobe, and she thrilled at the resulting tremble. “How about you, pretty Princess? Are you feeling the magic yet? Or maybe you’d like to switch, too?”

“Princess of Come Disposal has a nice ring to it,” Celestia’s cock suggested as it gaped Twilight’s cervix. “Give it some thought.” Celestia nodded, already anticipating the coronation activities.

The Sun Princess felt a touch of wetness on Twilight’s snout as she nuzzled her Faithful Student, and she frowned, suddenly concerned. Was there something wrong, or was she just tired? It had certainly been a long day full of excitement for the brilliant young alicorn, and it wouldn’t be the first time she’d become emotional due to overstimulation. They’d need to have a talk about work habits one of these days. Being productive was fine, as long as it didn’t affect your mental health.

Maybe they could put their heads together and think of something that might help. Celestia recalled that Twilight was working on a project that seemed promising. She’d have to ask her about it later.

Right now, there was a more pressing matter to attend to.

Celestia groaned as she sensed the familiar tingle in her balls. She was close, so close. Her thick buttocks flexed and clapped as she picked up the pace, thrusting into that silky, creamy pussy with complete abandon, never wanting the pleasure to end and at the same time reaching for the ultimate ecstasy that she so often had to deny herself. They were facing the balcony, closed against the seasonal chill, and the Princess gazed through the glass of the stylish Prench doors at the glory of her realm, gleaming in the afternoon sun. Her heart swelled with pride at the sight. So did her cock.

“Look at that,” Celestia said as she pounded away, raising Twilight’s head with a hoof so she could share in the view. “There’s no place I’d rather be than here, in this wonderful kingdom, with you. I do hope you feel the same.”

Twilight was so overcome that she didn’t respond. Celestia was touched by her student’s quiet awe, though the squishing sound of her cock reaming the young pony out wasn’t exactly conductive to the mood. Still, at least she knew when to stay silent and just enjoy something beautiful. She wasn’t like Luna, who tended to wax lyrical at such times. The Night Regent could learn much from Twilight about letting a moment breathe.

Where was Luna, anyway? Wasn’t she here a moment ago?

Before Celestia could ponder this, she suddenly felt a burst of magic, sharp and strong. Twilight’s stubby horn began to glow with incandescent light, throwing shadows across the room and making the Princess squint her eyes from the glare.

“Oh, Twilight, you cheeky little filly,” Celestia said as her vision recovered. “I’ve never seen you try so hard to get out of doing classwork. Goodness…we both know you have your own interests, but if you’d put such efforts toward your studies, we’d have been done by now.”

She licked her own muzzle with a long pink tongue, letting drops of spittle wet Twilight’s mane. “Also…you seem to have forgotten one of our earliest lessons. You see, when channeling magic, the horn becomes extremely sensitive to stimuli. One must stay on guard at all times for any attempts to physically disrupt a spell in progress. This is especially important when one is being fucked by one’s foe. Allow me to demonstrate.”

Celestia unrolled her tongue in full. It was disturbingly lengthy, and it twitched with musculature that was strong enough to drive home a railroad spike, yet sensitive enough to make a pony forget their own name. The dripping anaconda coiled around Twilight’s gleaming horn, obscuring the light of the young alicorn’s spell right before Celestia opened her mouth wide to take the entirety of the shaft into her gluttonous maw.

The Princess immediately felt the surge of magic sputter and fade, like a circuit breaker tripping under a heavy load, and she smiled around her mouthful of ivory. There really was nothing like experiencing something directly to get a full measure of its effect, and now that Twilight had felt the disorientation of a magical interruption, Celestia was sure she’d never forget it.

Still, the Princess drove the lesson home, giving a sloppy horn job with as much wetness and suction as she could deliver as her hips worked her fat cock to satisfaction. Cadance had been bigger, filling Celestia’s throat with a length that put Twilight’s to shame, but the younger alicorn had a pleasing thickness that gave plenty of surface area to work with. Celestia bobbed her head up and down in a frenzy, releasing whorish moans as she devoured her prey, even adding the occasional corkscrew motion to truly rock her Faithful Student’s world.

For trying to keep Celestia from busting her nut, Twilight would be punished severely. And she would enjoy every second, whether she wanted to or not. The Princess made a mental note to have Luna clear her schedule for the next few days, as soon as she could find the silly pony.

As it turned out, however, Twilight was not the only one neglectful of past lessons. In her insatiable lust, Celestia herself had forgotten an important corollary: a being of sufficient magical strength can help recover a disrupted spell, using their own power to fill in the gaps. The Sun Princess contained so much mystical energy that even her saliva was infused with pure magic, and now it was acting like a fuse, bridging the short circuit and allowing a version of Twilight’s spell to complete — much weaker than intended, but effective enough.

Lost in her pleasure, Celestia did not immediately realize her mistake. Her cock sensed something amiss, though, and the leviathan writhed inside Twilight’s blown-out womb, unwilling to sink back into the Jungian depths until its hunger had been sated in full. But it had gorged itself too quickly, too thoroughly, and it no longer had the will to fight off the young alicorn’s desperate incantation.

No matter. Celestia’s cock sighed, thankful for the meal, and already looking forward to the next. “I would have loved to stay a little longer, but…mmm…I think it’s time to give you two sweethearts some privacy. I’m sure I’ll see you both again soon. Very soon. This one has lots of friends, after all.”

Celestia’s cock yawned as Twilight’s spell took hold at last. “Never forget what you are, Tia of the Dawn,” it said as it returned to its instinctive place within the Princess’ id. “She won’t.”

The invocation of her oldest name was a shock of cold water, and Celestia choked as if coming up for air at last, gagging like a maiden on the unexpected length in her mouth. She gingerly raised her head, feeling the ridges of the horn against her serpentine tongue as the lavender hardness slipped from her lips, leaving strings of spittle in its wake.

Celestia coughed, blinking tired eyes that had not been so bleary a minute ago, from her own reckoning. She saw that the sun was much lower in the sky than she expected — almost time for Luna to do her job, in fact — and her brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to recall what she had been doing. She had been talking with her sister about…the dragons, yes, and then Twilight had interrupted them for…something…but why was her head throbbing? And what was that annoying slapping sound?


It was like the cry of a mewling kitten, familiar, but…broken, somehow, and it turned Celestia’s blood to jagged ice. Slowly, fearfully, she looked down, and the distorted face that stared back up at her was-


In an explosion of awareness, the events of the afternoon stormed back into Celestia’s memory, including the introduction of the poison joke extract that had started it all. She could do nothing but accept the obscene images flashing into her mind, her horror increasing second by second until she wanted to scoop out her own brain, so desperate was she to avoid the obvious truth.

“Oh, no. What have I…oh, no, no, no-”

Celestia was suddenly aware of the wild thrusting motions of her own crotch in the present moment. She could feel the crushing tightness around her fat cock, and the raunchy smells of sex that permeated the air in the closed chamber made her gag. There was an unpleasant, squishy sensation under her rear hooves, and she stared between her legs at her precious carpets, now soaked through with bodily fluids. They would never be the same again.

“-please, no, no, no, no-“

Even as she moaned her pleading denials, the familiar rumbling in her balls grew stronger. She was…she was about to…

“-no, my Faithful Student…my dear Twilight…what am I doing? What have I done?

It had all been for nothing. The years of personal sacrifice, of self-discipline that would put any warrior to shame, of carefully cultivating her environment and her friendships to minimize temptation…all of it was blown to dust, as fine as the particulates of extract that she could still sense in the air, with faint notes of cassis and honey giving off a darkly decadent aroma.

Celestia and Twilight had both been undone by a single mistake. A simple misjudgment that, if one played back the events of the day, might not happen 99 out of 100 times. Celestia had always been the kind of pony to take all the blame upon herself, and now her panicked mind ranged afield, scrambling for answers that did not exist. If she’d been more involved in her student’s research…if she’d insisted on a more secure container…if she’d reacted faster to those first stirrings of lust…if she hadn’t instructed her sister to allow Twilight into her chambers without question…

“Of course!” Celestia cried, grasping the slim thread of hope as her cock thickened and her nuts contracted, heralding the inevitable end. “This is a dream. It must be. This is a terrible joke, Luna, even for you. Now, wake me up. Luna. Luna. Stop fucking around. Please let this be a dream. Luna, help me! I’m destroying something beautiful! Wake me up! Lulu, help me, pleeeeease!”

Her head whirled as she scanned the room, desperately trying to locate her sister as she held back the oncoming flood with every ounce of determination she still possessed. She had to be close by…she had to be…there! She was near the chamber door, but what was she doing? It almost looked like-

Celestia’s moan of pain threatened to shake the entire castle to its foundations, but nobody outside her chambers heard it. Now that lucidity had returned, the Princess could easily feel the contours of the silencing spell that had been placed around the room, allowing the disaster to continue uninterrupted. She also detected the telltale magical signature of the caster, as familiar to her as her own.

Luna was on her back, her head leaned against the door, almost bent double with her hooves raised to her ears. Her deep violet pussy and asshole were on full spread display, and she had a hoof in each, working both holes in frantic masturbation while her hips jerked mindlessly. Frothy cunt cream ran down one thrusting arm and into the dark rear orifice beneath, lubricating it for a rough pounding as she gouged herself out, writhing like a living sacrifice in her sister’s flames.

“Destroy her,” the Night Regent hissed in a chilling voice that Celestia had hoped never to hear again. “Consume her. The sowing has taken so long…but now is the time for reaping. Take what is yours, Tia. She belongs to you. All of them do. Burn the kingdom to the ground, dear sister, and fuck them on the ashes.” She groaned, and a jet of come squirted from her twitching cunt as she orgasmed endlessly. “And then…and then, Tia…fuck me.”

The light went out of Celestia’s eyes.

There was a power that was stronger than magic. Stronger than the relationship between teacher and student, more enduring than the bonds of sisterhood and friendship, and more potent than the most insidious drug. As Celestia stared at Luna with a dull expression, watching her get herself off to Twilight’s destruction while in the throes of poison joke ecstasy, a corner of her awareness knew that if not for the extract, there would have been some other catalyst. She would never find respite from her carnal urges, not as long as she lived. She knew this as surely as she knew the path of the sun across the sky.

Celestia stopped fighting. The first jet of scalding come swirled through the channel of her treacherous cock, and she let it happen, resigning herself as that ultimate tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her. She succumbed completely, groaning in bliss with slack lips as she held herself deep inside Twilight’s ruined cunt, letting the sensations carry her out of her body and up into the sky…far, far away from the kingdom she cared for and the ponies she loved.

In that moment, Celestia lived for nothing but pleasure, wallowing in her own weakness as she came harder than she had ever come in her useless life. And as she dumped her load into her Faithful Student, feeling the backsplash of sperm from her titanic spending against her snow-white thighs, the Sun Princess understood one thing with perfect clarity.

She could not live without this. Celestia needed to fuck and dominate like others needed food and oxygen. She was a slave who loved her chains, even as they bit into her flesh. She would lie, she would dissemble, she would inflict wounds and she would take them upon herself if it meant she could forget, just for a while, how much of a failure she had become…had always been.

Celestia was an addict. A come slurping, womb pillaging Princess of Disgrace, who didn’t even have the courage to end it all so she could at least spare her poor subjects from the consequences of her all-encompassing greed.

Celestia’s thick cock, immersed in her own come within Twilight’s body, was abruptly rocked by a series of contractions. The older alicorn closed her eyes, nodding in sympathy as the rhythmic motions flowed around her prick, pumping every drop of cream out of her exhausted balls.

Twilight had given up, too. “It’s all right,” Celestia whispered as her student’s weeping mixed with the splattering of their combined spendings. “Go ahead. Let it out. I’ve stolen everything from you, so at least take what pleasure you can.” She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, angry at herself for the tears she had no right to shed flowing down her muzzle. “Never forgive me.”

They were two dead things rotting from the inside out, yet they clung to one another as they gave themselves over to the void.

Behind her closed lids, Celestia sensed a strange brightness. She blearily opened her eyes again, and through the watery haze, she saw that Twilight’s horn was once again glowing. But it flickered strangely, and the shape of the magic was like nothing Celestia had ever seen before. The complexity took her breath away, even in the midst of her horrifying situation; it was like a spell within a spell, within a spell, twisting and intersecting in ways that defied logic. For any other alicorn, it would be like trying to write three different messages in three different languages, at the same time, backwards, all within the space of a normal letter. And not even Celestia could decipher its effect.

She had a good idea of what it might, be, though, and the Princess smiled grimly, not bothering to try and stop the casting. She could, easily — the more powerful the spell, the easier it was to disrupt, and this one would take only the gentlest touch — but she had not the right, nor the will to do so. Whatever Twilight was planning, Celestia only hoped it would slake her thirst for revenge.

“Despite everything, I’m glad it’s you,” Celestia sighed as the light from the young alicorn’s horn cast a beacon, guiding her way home. “I shall always love you, Faithful…no, Princess of Magic. Now, make it hurt. Burn me to carbon, and forget my existence. Let me take all of your hatred, and if you should live, then be the ruler that I could not. Please.”

The blinding flash of the spells’s firing overpowered Celestia’s senses, yet she stared unblinking into that magical brilliance until her consciousness faded.

Chapter 3

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Sun Princess Celestia lay on her side like a sick mare, thrusting into nothing again and again with legs spread while her mighty cock hosed come into the air, covering Mary and the sand between them with fat white ropes. Surrounded by her crystalline creations, Twilight watched the Princess’ orgasm with an imperious expression, allowing the autonomous bodily reaction to take its full course as the effects of her spell faded, returning them all to the present day.

The scalding rain of Celestia’s semen was a hot bath that soaked Mary to the bone, shocking her out of her magical reverie as the thick cream coated her, making the light sundress stick to her curvy body like a second skin. She had been standing when she first saw the flash of Twilight’s spell, but now the intensity of the vision combined with Celestia’s natural response made her pitch backward onto her plush behind, and Mary’s mind reeled as it stumbled through the emotional wreckage of what she’d just witnessed.

Celestia simply stared at the fallen Mary as she unloaded her balls all over the doctor, her face a smooth, blank mask of calm, even as her hips jerked and she groaned with the power of her climax. Only someone like Celestia could keep a modicum of composure after being confronted with such an appalling scene, but what was the alternative? To cry, to scream? To accuse? To lie? A Princess had to be beyond such emotional outbursts, even in the face of tragedy, and so she mustered what control she could while her body betrayed her.

And yet, there was a despairing intensity in Celestia’s shadowed eyes, almost like a plea for help. Mary realized the Princess was trying with all her strength not to look at Twilight as she came. The doctor glanced at the legend to see what Celestia was struggling to avoid, and the problem immediately became clear.

It was impossible to separate the Twilight of the past from the version in the present. Mary felt an ache in her temple as her eyes swam with double vision, overlapping both versions of the young alicorn into a strange amalgam, terrible yet vulnerable. The phenomenon was certainly a strange after-effect of the powerful mental spell, but that didn’t matter. Mary could scarcely look at Twilight without feeling a combination of shame, remorse and heartbreaking sadness, and she hadn’t even been originally involved.

Celestia knew her limitations. If the Princess caught a glimpse of her former student in this state, she would be lost, and all the self-control in the world would not save her.

“Look at me,” Mary rasped as Celestia fought to maintain her sanity. “That’s it. I’m right here. Come all over me. Drench your little pony in your royal love. I want it all, pretty Princess. Give it to me.”

Mary hoped Celestia couldn’t hear her racing heart. Her gentle words sounded hollow in her throat. Nothing seemed adequate to describe the magnitude of those unlocked memories. As an academic, she considered herself a seeker of truth, but when the truth was this destructive…would she want to know, if dropped into Celestia’s hooves and given the choice? Mary couldn’t decide. It was just too much.

For now, the doctor could only guide her lover through her ruinous orgasm, and as she coaxed the Princess along in her crisis, she noticed the twinned version of Twilight looking from one of them to the other and back again, no doubt trying to figure out who was dicking down who in their strange relationship. Mary suddenly felt terribly exposed, like the last human on Earth, and she hoped the the legend wasn’t making decisions about the fate of humanity based on herself as a representative. She didn’t want to deal with that on her conscience, too.

Gradually, Celestia’s wild comeshots began to lose their volume, the strain on her face lessened and her balls squeezed the dregs of their emissions through her turgid prick. As the Princess’s hips gradually slowed their pumping, a pearlescent splash touched one of Twilight’s purple front hooves.

The paroxysm of rage that twisted the young alicorn’s typically impassive features sent a hot spike of panic into Mary’s guts, causing her to stumble as she talked Celestia down, and for a terrifying instant the doctor thought they might both be struck dead out of sheer spite. But the expression vanished almost as soon as Mary saw it, like a fleeting shadow, making Mary question her own vision.

No. She had seen the towering resentment there, and the relief Mary felt at still being alive afterward shamed her. Whatever her job was here, she wouldn’t be able to do it if the fear of having her atoms scrambled by a wroth Twilight caused her to hesitate in a critical moment. They had to assume that they were dealing with a somewhat rational actor, instead of a vengeful demigod on a power trip. Otherwise, they were in for a very rough — and very one-sided — negotiation.

Celestia’s forced crescendo at last came to a tremulous end, and drizzles of cream pulsed out of her massive cock, now soft and quiescent, though no less frightening. The Princess panted like she’d just run cross country as she tried to stumble back to her feet, but her trembling legs failed her and she fell back onto her haunches, spraying sand from the impact of her wide, sun-emblazoned ass. Mary had never seen Celestia show so much weakness outside of the dream world, and she had to keep reminding herself who her partner was. Even now, the Princess certainly had a plan to stave off Twilight’s anger and repair their severed bond. Right?


Twilight strode through a forest of floating crystal as she approached Celestia’s crumpled form, there on the beach. Her sharp eyes flickered from the fat cock still drooling quiet pulses of come upon the sand, to the Princess’ face, reddened from exertion. The double vision was gone now, leaving only the present Twilight, and Mary could see the flicker of resolve in Celestia’s expression as she finally looked up to meet her former student’s gaze. They regarded each other for a while, each lost in their own endless thoughts.

With deliberate slowness, Twilight raised her come-stained hoof. Flecks of sand stuck to the creamy splatter, tacky as fresh pudding, and Celestia followed the appendage like a baby bird, seemingly fascinated by its volume and texture. The younger alicorn brought the hoof to within an inch of the Princess’ mouth, then she waited expectantly, like someone used to being obeyed without question. Much like Celestia herself.

Mary wished she could have heard the mental battle that must have raged in Celestia’s head in the two seconds between Twilight’s provocative gesture and the Princess’ next action, but the result of the internal conflict was clear. Carefully, as if touching a precious thing, Celestia’s serpentine tongue extended, caressing the stained surface as it slurped the issue from Twilight’s purple-tinged fur. The Princess took no notice of the grainy contamination, only looking up at her former student in abject contrition as she shoveled the slimy fluid into her muzzle.

Celestia dutifully swallowed every drop she could reach, showing her empty mouth after consuming each gobbet like a good pony before going back for more, while Twilight ran her other hoof through the Princess’ rainbow mane. The motion looked almost affectionate — an outside observer might think the legend was spoiling a beloved pet. Looks, of course, were deceiving.

“I almost did it,” Twilight said in a soft voice as she stroked Celestia’s flowing locks, allowing the Princess to continue her worship. “There at the end, I mean. Exactly what you thought I was going to do. What you wanted me to do.”

The come was all gone now, yet Twilight slowly turned her wrist, making sure Celestia left no spot uncleaned. “But then, I remembered the spell I’d been working on, the one that I’d decided never to use, unless…there was no other choice.” Her laugh was the sound of falling ashes. “Too dangerous, you see. It’s risky for both the caster and the subject. If I’d messed up even the tiniest bit, I would’ve lobotomized both of us.” She gave another rueful chuckle. “Win-win, right?”

The tide was coming in. Mary felt the spray of the ocean against her skin as she touched her own tongue to her lips, tasting the jelly-like coating of Celestia’s seed. There was something strange in the air — was it the smell of the sea water? Mary couldn’t focus well on such errant thoughts, as she was still feeling the aftershocks of Twilight’s history lesson.

As Mary sat up on the sand she stripped off her useless white lace panties, now completely saturated in her cunt cream, tossing them out into the surf. She wondered if she could risk speaking, then she shook her head angrily at her own indecision. They were here to talk, and since Celestia was…emotionally indisposed at the moment, the task fell to her.

The cornerstone of negotiation was information. So, Mary started with the obvious question.

“What happened to Luna?” The doctor tried to put as much confidence into her voice as possible. She was pretty sure it wasn’t enough.

Twilight turned her head to look at Mary. “After I…adjusted Celestia, I did her, too. It was a little easier the second go-round, since I was able to take my time. I didn’t want to destroy her mind. She was also a victim, after all.”

The implications were clear. “There were a lot of victims that day,” Mary said. No fear. No fear. “A lot of blame to go around, too. The whole thing was kind of a tragedy of errors, the way I see it.”

“Errors. Yes.” Twilight’s reply was more subdued than Mary expected. “But tell me, Dr. Parvotti. From one scientist to another, tell me more about the way you see it. I won’t pretend you’re unbiased, but speaking simply for yourself…what’s your verdict?”

“I’m the last one who should be sitting in judgment over others,” Mary said quickly. That was for damn sure. “The only thing I can say is this: what’s done is done. And as screwed up as it sounds for something so fucked, you just have to…move forward, I guess.”

Mary wiped gobs of semen from her drenched sundress as she spoke. “Not much to say beyond the basics. Live your life as best you can, you know?” She peered up at the young alicorn. “Unless, of course, you’ve already made your decision, and you’ve spent the past few hundred years cooking up your revenge. If so, we’re all kinda wasting our time…but I don’t think that’s the case.”

Twilight’s pert nose wrinkled into a sneer as she pulled her spit-shined hoof away from Celestia’s tongue, causing the Princess to bleat a pathetic whimper. “How perfectly noncommittal. I see you’ve learned a lot from Celestia about spouting platitudes. Let me give you one of my personal favorites, then: don’t underestimate the motivating power of vengeance.” She turned to the ocean, letting the sound of the waves cool her anger. “Imagine they don’t teach that in Sunday school, though.”

Mary started to demur, remembering the whole ‘vengeance is mine’ thing from her long-ago classes, but the remark died in her throat as she caught a glimpse of Twilight’s backside. Celestia groaned, seeing the same thing, and her flaccid cock gave a twitch of recognition.

The doctor had been wondering what kind of equipment Twilight was packing, but it wasn’t the fact that the legend had a cunt that was so shocking. Even calling it a cunt seemed insufficient, somehow, like calling a giant sequoia a plant; this was a gash, a cavernous cooze wide enough to admit a spread hand while just brushing the thick, rubbery outer lips. The blown-out orifice dripped with ribbons of cunt cream, and the silky emissions oozed down her thighs in molten strings, leaving a growing puddle between her legs. As Mary watched, the cherry-sized clitty throbbed, and a fresh stream pulsed from deep inside her ragged slit, splattering upon the sand below.

Twilight gave a half turn backward, knowing immediately what had caught their attention. “You finally noticed. I’m afraid I tend to get…juicy when I’m aroused,” she said, flagging her tail to give the others a better view. “It looks like all of us were affected by our little journey, in one way or another.”

Twilight’s horn flickered with purple light, and the sodden cunt lips opened wider, blooming like a purple rose. The red inside of her channel pulsed with her excitement, and Mary could easily smell the intense musk on the oceanside air. The doctor found her mouth watering, wondering if her guess about the taste of that pussy might turn out to be true. It was looking increasingly likely that Mary would find out, but to what end, she had no idea.

“It took months to put myself back the way I was,” Twilight said as she showed herself off to her guests, watching them both closely to take in their reactions. “As much as I hate to admit it, I have nowhere near Celestia’s skill at bodily manipulation. The process was slow and painful, but I pulled through.”

Twilight sauntered over to where Mary lay, giving a twist to her hips as she walked, knowing that Celestia’s eyes were locked on her exceptional cunt. “I could have fixed my vagina, too, but I didn’t. I left it just as Celestia did, stretched-out and ruined for any penis smaller than a battering ram. This is my stigma, my act of remembrance.” She looked down at Mary, giving her a tight smile. “Do you think I’m being dramatic, Dr. Parvotti?”

“Goddamn right you’re being dramatic,” Mary said immediately. “But I daresay you have a good reason to be, so I don’t hold that against you. Besides,” the doctor added, slipping two fingers into her own cunt as she watched the secretions pool underneath Twilight, “it’s a killer look. You should rock it.”

“A sensitivity superheroine, this one. But you should tell that to the partners I’ve had over the years,” Twilight said as she positioned her nethers above Mary’s face, coming about so her own muzzle was over the doctor’s splayed legs. Mary tried not to flinch as the younger alicorn’s rear hooves dug into the sand on either side of her head. “Bit demoralizing for a lover when they can’t reach the sides. Bit like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Not exactly conducive to a second date.”

“Point taken,” Mary conceded as she stared up into Twilight’s glorious twat. Ropes of cream dripped out of the wide open cunt, splattering the doctor’s neck and upper torso, mingling with the royal come already covering her body and turning her into a double-glazed donut, reeking of sex and the sea. “Looks like we’re finally getting to the part in the negotiation where we talk terms. Although, I don’t think this is what the handbook means when it suggests starting from a position of strength.”

“Then the handbook needs a new edition,” Twilight said as she observed Mary’s plunging fingers. “But, what’s this about terms? You think I haven’t already done what I set out to do?”

“I’m not an idiot,” Mary said, annoyed despite the overt display of dominance. “You didn’t come here just for show and tell. Turning Celestia into a dog begging for treats, while hot as fuck, doesn’t require my presence. Now, what do you actually want?”

Twilight gave a small laugh, and Mary was amazed once again at how utterly devoid of mirth the sound was. “I figured a doctor would have more patience, as it were. That’s a good start, though. You should always be thinking about what I want. Let’s see…”

The alicorn squatted over Mary’s face, bringing the messy gash closer. Thin strings drooled onto the doctor’s cheeks and mouth, yet she resisted the urge to taste the delectable juices. Vorfreude.

“I think we’ll start with cunnilingus, and go from there,” Twilight decided as she settled herself into position. “Right now, what I want is relief, and I’d rather not have that up against my privates,” she said, gesturing with a hoof toward Celestia, who was stroking herself to new hardness while watching the two of them with a needy expression. Her long tongue was lolling, almost touching the sand. “So, get to it. And make it good.”

“About fucking time,” Mary muttered as she extracted her hand from her cunt before reaching up with both hands to grab Twilight’s star-spangled ass, pulling her down to her hungry lips. She started with the marble-sized clit, and she moaned as the gushing cunny sprayed fragrant girl jizz all over her chin. She slurped mouthfuls of cream into her hungry mouth, gulping it down like nectar while rubbing her face all over Twilight’s stretched-out cunt, loving the surprisingly soft feel on her olive skin as her nose tickled the thick anal ring just above. And the taste-

“Grape soda?” Mary sputtered as she extracted her mouth for a quick breath. There was even a fizzy tingle on her tongue…all in all, it wasn’t too far from what she’d predicted. “Okay, no way this is natural. Was this your idea? I mean, I’m not complaining, exactly…”

“I haven’t…goodness, oh, my…I haven’t completely lost my sense of whimsy, Dr. Parvotti. And it does fit my whole theme.” Mary thrilled at the heat in Twilight’s high-pitched voice, while the young alicorn impatiently ground her blown-out cunt against the doctor’s experienced mouth. “Now, if you have time to talk, put that tongue to better use. Do as I tell you…that’s it. Very n-nice.”

Twilight sighed in rare contentment. Mary immersed herself in the legend’s oozing cunt, enjoying the sugary sweetness, and rich, glucking swallows were just barely audible over the surf.

Twilight glanced over at Celestia, still beating her massive meat as she watched her former student gently twerk her cute butt over Mary’s face. The Princess’s ears were flat against her head, and Mary thought she could hear plaintive mewling sounds, soft and sad. Twilight must have heard, too, because she let out a cruel laugh that hitched into a moan as she took her pleasure.

“Oh, poor thing.” Mary could hear the emphasis. “It’s no fun to be left out, is it? But, you’re not done yet. You need to finish cleaning up after yourself…nnn, so good…b-before I grant you the privilege of orgasm.” Twilight ran a hoof over Mary’s body, just avoiding the lines of come still decorating the doctor’s skin. “Hurry, Celestia. Hurry and eat. Make your little thrall sparkle.”

Celestia quickly got to her feet, having at last recovered — physically — from the magical brainfucking she’d endured. Her tail wagged like a Samoyed’s as she padded across the sand to the other two, and her monster cock trailed fat drops of precome as it pulsed beneath her barrel.

Celestia avoided meeting Twilight’s gaze, bending to her task as she ran her obscene tongue along the inside of Mary’s thighs, collecting everything she could slurp up before slipping around the doctor’s reddened cunt. She teasingly avoided the area, making Mary hump her hips in protest as Celestia licked the issue splattered on her mons and belly.

The Princess used her sharp horn to slice open Mary’s soaked sundress, tossing away the ruined cloth before moving on to the doctor’s cute tits, capped with hard brown nipples. She feasted on the layers of spunk and cunt cream covering breasts that gently wobbled with Mary and Twilight’s rhythms, and when those mounds were spotless, her searching tongue slipped across the doctor’s upper chest and neck, looking for more.

Mary’s whole body felt electrified, like a conduit between positive and negative. In her bliss, though, she noticed that Celestia was careful not to touch Twilight’s gushing pussy in any way. The Princess learned quickly, it seemed.

Twilight’s rear legs quivered as she luxuriated in Mary’s service. “Nnn…human mouths are perfect for this kind of thing, I’ve found. Just small enough to get into all the sensitive places.” She followed Celestia’s motions as the Princess laved clean every inch of Mary’s skin she could reach. “I do believe you’ve…ohhh…found your calling, Celestia. What was the title again? ‘Princess of Come Disposal’? As long as I’m giving gifts…oh, eat me, Doctor…would you like that?”

Celestia nodded vigorously as she continued to fill her mouth. Twilight’s girlish titter at the response was loaded with menace.

“Nnn…I’m glad you understand your place. I’ve met a lot of ponies who didn’t, who thought they were smarter, or stronger, or more devious than me. They all learned their lesson, every single one…sometimes too late, but they learned.”

Twilight hissed as Mary sucked her pulsing clit like a lollipop, releasing a fresh spray of juices across the doctor’s body and soaking Celestia’s muzzle in the process.

“Oh…oh, your mouth is so nice, Doctor. But please don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re an equal party here. I’m going to teach you your place, too. I’m sure you’ll be fine, though. And if you continue to…ahhhnnn…please me, I’ll be generous with my rewards. Just like I’ve been with Celestia.”

Basking in sheer pleasure, Twilight spread her purple wings wide, as if everything underneath them served to exalt her and her alone. “I’ve given her something precious, you see: unvarnished truth. I’ve lifted the scales from her eyes, so she can see with her whole heart exactly what she did to me that afternoon. She should be thanking me on her knees every day for such grace…and I’ll make sure she does.”

Mary felt Celestia stiffen, but the Princess continued her dutiful jizz cleansing as Twilight went on heedlessly. “Because you see, Doctor…my gift isn’t really a gift. I require payment for my services, and my price is not cheap. So, let’s make sure we all understand each other, unequivocally.”

Twilight’s face distorted into an ugly sneer as she addressed the Princess, and her voice was that of a ruler passing sentence. “Celestia. In exchange for truth, as well as the continued existence of the human world you’ve grown so fond of, I demand…well, everything. You, and all that you own. I want your kingdom, your treasures, and your magic, on call at my whim.” Twilight paused, savoring the moment. “Of course, ‘everything’ includes your lovers. Starting with one Dr. Mary Parvotti.”

Mary had been wondering all along if Twilight could truly be reasoned with. If there was still some trace of the old leader of the Six Legends, who saved Canterlot time after time from threats far and wide, they might be able to come to some kind of compromise. But as the doctor heard the deep, yet justified fury behind Twilight’s proclamation, she began to doubt that there was any room for such here. Righteous anger was a hell of a drug.

Celestia trembled as Twilight gave her terms, but the schlick-schlicking of her hoof against her fat Princess cock increased in speed and intensity as she greedily slurped down her former student’s juices. Mary could only hope she was just humoring the young alicorn, instead of seriously considering abdicating the throne and becoming Twilight’s slave.

If Celestia was acting, though, she was bucking for an Oscar.

Mary gasped as she struggled to take another breath. Strings of cream extended between her full lips and Twilight’s messy cooze as the legend raised her hips a little to give the doctor some air. “I’m…not a fucking baseball card,” Mary said, mustering all the indignation she could with a chin slathered in cunt cream. “Neither is a kingdom. She can’t just pawn us off to cover a debt. Now, just for the sake of argument — and I’m pretty sure I know the answer to this, but I’ll ask anyway — if I told you to go fuck yourself, what would you do?”

Twilight chuckled darkly, as if anticipating the question. “I’d applaud your misplaced bravery. Then, I’d clap, like this.” She put her hooves together once, twice, three times. “Lastly, I would ask you two questions. First: do you know how much salt is in the ocean?”

Mary hesitated, thrown off by the strange answer. “I…the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

Twilight put one hoof into her gaping pussy, going in almost to the wrist. Mary had a front-row seat, watching the cunt cream ooze around the plunging limb, and rude sucking sounds splurted from the young alicorn’s core as she dug deeper, bringing herself off with practiced efficiency. “Mmm…it’s about…three percent, give or take. Here in the Atlantic, it’s a little higher. Doesn’t sound like much, though, does it? Not…nearly enough to sustain all life on the planet. The balance is…nnn…so, so delicate. Only a little push…and everything…falls apart.”

A growing sense of unease began to form in Mary’s mind, and Twilight moaned shamelessly, getting off on the doctor’s disquiet. “That leads us to the second question. What would happen if all that salt simply…vanished? Mmm…put that fancy Ph.D to use, Dr. Parvotti, and imagine how long it would take for the world to implode. Months? Weeks? What havoc would it wreak on your ecosystems? It’d make for a fascinating experiment, wouldn’t it?”

Mary heard a choking sound as Celestia raised her head, her feast momentarily forgotten. “That’s…you can’t…”

Twilight’s eyes bored into the Princess as her face became a mask of fury. “Silence! You have not been given permission to speak!” With her other hoof, the legend grabbed the back of Celestia’s head and slammed it down to the sand, between Mary’s legs. “Lick her c-cunny! Do it! Let’s see if you can give pleasure, instead of just taking it!”

Celestia whined, but she rushed to obey, sucking the juices out of Mary’s furry cunt with her prehensile tongue. The doctor had been on a hair trigger for a while, and she grunted, not wanting to enjoy that magical tongue. However, she was helpless before such talented munching, sharpened to perfection over weeks of practice. When Celestia encircled her fat clitty and gave it a suck, Mary knew she was lost, and her hips left the ground as she came.

The stream of hot liquid made a hissing sound as Mary fed the Princess with her spicy squirt. It wasn’t quite as voluminous as Twilight’s gushers, but it was more than enough to fill Celestia’s swallowing throat.

Twilight moaned, unable to control the jerking of her ass as she enjoyed Mary and Celestia’s distress. “NNNggg…too fast…I wanted this moment to last a little longer. It’s already done, you know? The desalinization process is in motion. Even if you killed me, you couldn’t stop it. Although I almost want you to try, so I can see the looks on your faces as I stomp them into the dirt. The orgasm from that…would sustain me…the rest of my life…oh, goodness!”

Mary’s eyes strayed to the crystal sculptures floating along the shore, shining in the noonday sun — crystals that, she realized with a shock, were made of pure, ultra-compressed sodium chloride. She imagined similar glyphs all over the world, pulling salt out of the waters in a beautiful apocalypse and turning the world’s oceans into seas of death, with the rest of the planet soon to follow. All while Twilight schlicked over the remains.

“This…isn’t a negotiation. I’m going to r-rape you, Dr. Parvotti.”

Twilight spoke through clenched teeth as she went over the edge, spraying Mary and Celestia with a deluge of sticky cream as she humped the air, covering them both head to toe with her mess. “Aggghhh! I’m going to rape you, and that thing’s going to w-watch! Aren’t you?”

Celestia didn’t respond, still eating pussy as she was ordered to, but there was no hint of resistance in her eyes. Even as Mary basked in orgasmic ecstasy, she despaired. It was a combination of emotions she never wanted to experience again.

No student of yours could ever get away with their innocence intact. Mary wished she hadn’t said such a thing, even as the truth was hoof-fucking herself right above her.

“Get comfortable, Dr. Parvotti,” Twilight growled in her afterglow, sensing Mary’s thoughts. “That goes for you too, creature. You’re b-both in for a long, long day.”