Sensual Solace

by Omegathyst

First published

Thorax and Ember had both been competing for Spike's affections when the young drake decided to start dating Gabby. Having both been rejected, Thorax and Ember take solace in each other with lewd results...

After the Legion of Doom had been defeated, Spike had finally decided to start dating his longtime friend Gabby. The problem? Two of his closest non-pony friends, Thorax and Ember, had both been pining for the young drake for a while. With Spike taken, Thorax and Ember bury their competition for him under the hatchet and take solace in each other. However, their stronger friendship ends up having some lewd results...

This was written for manta999 as a part of Summer Sin 2022 story exchange! Also, my 75th story!
Cover art by Azurllinate!
Contains Bisexual/Submissive Thorax with a hint of femininity, Tsundere/Dommy Ember, strictly monogamous relationship, coping with rejection in different ways, rivals to friends to lovers, femdom, brief male on female, blowjobs, rough sex, interspecies sex, loss of virginity, and impregnation. While Thorax is also attracted to the same sex, there is no M/M sex scenes in the story.

Confiding in One Another

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Flying towards the Castle of Friendship, Thorax felt his heart swelling up at the thought of the letter that he read shortly before making the trip to the pony-filled town. This time, Spike had actually written a letter to him. With the knowledge that Spike would be shortly moving to Canterlot upon Twilight’s coronation, Thorax had a gut feeling that Spike had made a decision. With him and the fiery dragon Ember competing for Spike for months now, Thorax felt his body lighter than ever as his heart thundered in his chest. Landing in front of the castle door, Thorax looked up at the sky and felt his body run cold at the sight of a familiar creature zooming in.

“Ember?” Thorax gasped once the dragon was within earshot. “What’re you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Ember growled, landing near the other side of the door. “Spike sent me a letter, but I didn’t think you were going to be here.”

“Same here,” Thorax huffed, glancing at the door. “You don’t think he’s going to-”

“Reject us both?” Ember spoke over the changeling. “Why else would he bring us here? Dragons don’t share, after all.”

“R-Right,” Thorax slowly nodded.

Before Thorax could speak, the door opened and Spike walked out. Thorax and Ember both ceased talking right away, both staring at him.

“H-Hey guys,” Spike fiddled with his claws and created circles in the dirt with one of his feet. “So, I take it both of y’all received my letter…”

Spike drifted off, leaving Thorax to lean in closer to the short dragon and for Ember to snort smoke from her nose and narrow her eyes at Spike. Spike looked at both of them and gulped, stepping back towards the door.

“And so I just wanted to tell you both that I…um, started seeing someone that lives in Griffonstone and we’ll b-be moving together when I go to live in Canterlot,” Spike explained, then flinched upon seeing Ember’s gritted teeth. “W-We decided this just a few days ago! And I sent the letters the same day! Tomorrow is the day I’m moving out, so I wanted to let you both know and-”

“Well, now we know,” Ember hissed, turning around and spreading her wings wide. “I don’t want to hear shit when your little griffon affair goes sideways. Or of course, when you outlive her, have you even thought about that?”

Thorax looked at Spike, feeling his heart hurting inside his chest as Spike looked down at the ground.

“That’s what I thought,” Ember leaped into the air and flew off, leaving Spike to slowly meet Thorax’s eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Spike started shaking. “You both m-mean so much to me and I-”

“Can I ask something?” Thorax interjected.

“Y-Yeah, of course.”

“Is it a guy or a girl griffon?” Thorax asked.

“Her name is Gabby,” Spike told him. “I think I could date another guy, but I’ve just spent so time with Gabby that…well…y’know-”

“I get it, and I hope she feels as strongly as you do,” Thorax gulped. “I think I just need some time to process all of this, get some air.”

“Of course,” Spike lifted a claw towards Thorax’s shoulder and stopped, looking up at him. “Can I hug you?”

“You never have to ask,” Thorax smiled, feeling tears falling down his face as Spike embraced his tall figure. Thorax lifted a forehoof and wrapped it around Spike’s shoulders, pressing his muzzle against Spike’s forehead. The bug king would be damned if he didn’t allow himself this moment, knowing that it was the closest he was ever going to be. Spike pulled away from the hug, patting Thorax on the shoulder before he walked towards the Castle of Friendship.

“I’ll send letters, I promise,” Spike said before walking back inside the castle.

Once the door shut and a minute had passed, Thorax let the floodgates release as his body shook with quiet sobs. Occasionally lifting his head up, he saw no ponies or other creatures walking around Ponyville. Thorax wiped his eyes with a forehoof and took several deep breaths before getting up and flying away. Even though some time had passed, Thorax still looked high up in the sky and down at the ground, but he could only see residents of Ponyville. As he flew past Fluttershy’s cottage, Thorax heard a loud scream, causing hundreds of birds to ascend to the sky in a hurried panic. Turning to see Ember swinging her fists into the trees, Thorax flew down and rushed over to Ember.

“Ember!” Thorax shouted. “You’ve got to stop, you’re scaring Fluttershy’s animals!”

“Why would I give a flying FUCK!” Ember screamed, turning away from Thorax and swinging her fists at another tree, fire escaping from the corners of her mouth. “How are you not mad?! He’s led us on for who knows how long for some griffon that’ll use him for every bit he owns! You know how griffons are!”

“I think this one is different though, Spike wouldn’t date her otherwise,” Thorax explained. “Screaming and snapping at everyone isn’t going to make this better.”

“So being all sweet even when your heart is being stomped is a better alternative?!” Ember growled. “I bet you even hugged him too!”

“Well technically, he hugged me, so-”

“WHATEVER!” Ember shouted, stopping her attack on the tree as she sat down, burying her face inside her wings. “I’m just tired, Thorax.”

“I know,” Thorax sighed, sitting down beside her. “I am too, watching all of my people start families of their own? It really stings, even Pharynx starting dating someone!”

“Don’t even get me started on how many drakes won’t look twice at me,” Ember huffed. “Drakes can’t stand when a dragoness has a backbone, they just want one that’ll just shut up and take care of the eggs.”

“Permission to be honest?” Thorax whispered.


“Um, a ‘backbone’ might not be the only reason you’re not getting any prospects,” Thorax chuckled, slowly inching away from Ember. Ember moved her wings away from her face and turned to look at him with a piercing glare. Thorax flinched, and Ember stayed in that same tense position before she relaxed her muscles and sighed.

“You’re right.”

“Listen, it’s just that-wait, did you just agree with me?” Thorax gasped.

“I did,” Ember nodded, looking away from Thorax and back at the tree. “Am…am I that unbearable to be around?”

“No, of course not,” Thorax placed his hoof on her shoulder. “Ember, it’s incredibly admirable when you’re willing to fight for what’s right for your tribe. But not every moment has to be a fighting one. What is there even to fight? Tears?”

Ember gritted her teeth, feeling the moisture in her eyes welling up. Covering up her face with her wings again, Thorax pulled his hoof away.

“Hey, there’s no shame in crying,” Thorax told her. “You don’t have to fight your feelings all the time, even if…this situation may encourage just that. You can just let it out for a little bit, and then go from there. That’s what I did.”

Ember slowly lowered her wings, exposing the tears dripping down her face as she stared at the dirt.

“I really did love him,” Ember croaked.

“So did I,” Thorax agreed. “Let me fly you back to the Dragon Lands. I know it’s a long flight back, but I can’t let you do it alone.”

“Are you sure?” Ember asked.

“I’m sure,” Thorax smiled. “It’ll be good to have some company, even if it’s in silence.”

“Oh thank Celestia.”

“What the-” Thorax looked around the forest until he looked up at the nearest tree, with a branch that had yellow eyes staring right at the two. “Discord?”

“The one and only,” Discord rolled his eyes as his body turned from being a branch back to his real form, landing in front of the two. “Please, next time you two have a therapy session, refrain from scaring the shit out of my marefriend’s animals?”

“You’ve got some nerve spying on us and-”

“That won’t be a problem, Discord,” Thorax interrupted Ember. “C’mon Ember, let’s get going. We should leave now if we want to get to the Dragon Lands before dark.”

As Thorax and Ember left the Element of Chaos and took to the sky, Ember glanced at Thorax until he spoke.

“He’s the Element of Chaos, Ember,” Thorax explained. “He could’ve rearranged your insides if he wanted to, and not in the fun way.”

“Oh,” Ember gulped. “Well, thanks for covering me back there.”

“No problem,” Thorax told her, feeling the warm summer air underneath his wings and his heart glowing with his own warmth as he flew beside Ember. Even with their one mutual friend not really in the picture anymore, Thorax just knew his friendship with the Dragon Lord would grow to be better than ever…

Several days after Spike’s rejection and his conversation with Ember, Thorax rested on the moss bedding in his cave with his eyes closed deep in meditation. The chatter of his subjects outside just melted away into a warm pool devoid of any thoughts. Slowly breathing in and out, Thorax stayed in that same spot as a changeling flew into his cave.

“King Thorax,” the changeling squeaked. “You’ve received a letter!”

“If it’s from Spike, just place it over there,” Thorax sighed, pointing a hoof towards a nearby boulder. “I can get to it after a little more time.”

“Um, it isn’t Spike sir,” the changeling trotted up to him and dropped the rolled up scroll at Thorax’s hooves. “It’s from the Dragon Lord, see?”

Thorax noticed that the scroll was rolled up with a royal blue ribbon, unlike the letters he received from Spike. Pulling the scroll towards himself, Thorax opened it and read the letter in full.

“So?” the changeling tilted his head.

“It’s an invitation to the Dragon Lands, Ember wants to talk,” Thorax explained, standing up. “Let Pharynx know I’ll be out for a few hours, you guys just go about your day as usual, okay? It’s nothing urgent.”

“Yes sir!” the changeling nodded and turned around, flying out of the cave and towards Pharynx’s home. Thorax tucked the read letter underneath his moss bed and flew out of the cave, waving and making small talk with his subjects as he left the Changeling Hive and made his way to the Dragon Lands.

After two hours of flying in the summer heat, Thorax landed in the dark brown canyons of the Dragon Lands. Out of breath, Thorax gasped for air as he trotted towards the spot that he knew to be Ember’s cave. Just as Ember’s cave came into his view, he saw Ember slowly walk out of her cave, standing on the cliff that served as her balcony. Thorax gasped and panted, wondering why Ember just stared at him for several seconds with her intense red eyes before she suddenly sprang to life and jumped off the cliff, flying towards him.

“You’re exhausted, Thorax!” Ember gasped. “C’mon, there’s a lake nearby where you can drink. I can carry you if you’re really tired.”

Thorax nodded, shapeshifting into a smaller version of himself so Ember could pick him up with ease. Closing his eyes, Thorax took several deep breaths as he felt the wind flow past his body for a few minutes until he felt dirt underneath him. Waking up to a big lake full of water, Thorax leaned forward and took several gulps as he felt a gentle rub down his back. The rubbing sent warm ripples throughout his body, and Thorax finished drinking the water when he looked up at Ember.

“Woah!” Thorax gasped. “S-Sorry, I didn’t realize you were uh…rubbing my back. It’s very unlike you.”

“Er, well, don’t get used to it,” Ember blushed, pulling her arm away as she crossed her arms and stared down at Thorax. “I was just…keeping you from passing out on me, that’s all.”

“Uh-huh,” Thorax got up. “So, you said you needed to talk?”

“Yes,” Ember nodded. “Drink up some more if you need to, because I’d rather talk back in my cave than here.”

Thorax shapeshifted back into his full size, and drank several more gulps of water before he got up and joined Ember, the two flying back to her cave. As Ember flew into her cave, Thorax landed on the cliff right outside the cave entrance as he stared at Ember.

“So,” Thorax took several steps forward. “What is this about?”

“Well,” Ember sat down and spoke, and for the first time, Thorax saw Ember curl her tail around her claws as she stared at the ground. Her expression was soft, like a little filly looking for the right words. “How have you been since we last talked to Spike?”

“I’ve been good, keeping up with my meditation and taking care of my subjects helps a lot,” Thorax smiled. “How about you? Are you doing alright?”

“It’s h-hard to explain,” Ember stammered. “Did you have a certain idea of what it would’ve been like if you’d gotten together with Spike?”

“Of course,” Thorax replied. “We’d spend a lot more time with each other of course, plenty of cuddling and going out on dates when neither of us were busy with responsibilities. Why?”

“Oh,” Ember blushed as she gave a small smile. “I’m going to sound like a total pervert now, aren’t I?”

“Why do you say that?” Thorax asked.

“Y’see, my idea of being with him was throwing him around my shoulder, pinning him against the wall, sinking my claws into him as I licked every inch of him,” Ember growled, gripping the dirt with her claws as she stared up at Thorax. “And y’know what it was? It was that gentle smile he gave me, it just unleashed this desire from the depths of my being…kinda like your smile.”

Thorax felt heat rushing to his face and throughout the rest of his body, finding himself unable to move as Ember’s small smile turned into a wide predatory grin. Getting back up on her two feet, Ember walked forward until her muzzle was pressed against Thorax’s muzzle. Thorax didn’t notice Ember’s tail behind him until it was too late, her long tail snaking around his shoulders and bringing him closer.

“If you don’t want this…” Ember whispered in Thorax’s ear. “...I suggest you run away while you have the chance~”

Thorax felt his hind legs buckling beneath him, leaving him leaning against Ember’s tail for support. As he stared into Ember’s fiery gaze, his legs splayed out spread-eagle like a mare, revealing his six-inch lime green cock starting to get erect. Ember felt her mouth salivating as she moved her tail away, causing Thorax’s back to land on the ground. Ember lowered herself until her muzzle was pressed against the tip of his cock. Feeling Thorax wiggling in her grip, Ember let go and got up, watching Thorax’s every move. As she saw Thorax make no attempt to get up, Ember chuckled as she resumed her position, wrapping one of her claws around Thorax’s changeling meat.

“E-Ember!” Thorax squeaked.

“Yes?” Ember smirked as her motions only sped up. “Did you want me to stop?”

Thorax shook his head, and Ember’s eyes lit up as she replaced her claw with her muzzle, bouncing her mouth up and down on Thorax’s cock as she moaned and growled around his length. Thorax squeaked and gasped, gently placing his hooves on Ember’s head as he started thrusting into the molten-hot depths of her mouth. Several minutes had gone by, and Thorax felt his orgasm rushing into him as any second he could-

Ember removed her muzzle from Thorax’s cock, getting up and smirking as he wiggled some more, thrusting his cock in the air as pre-cum leaked out of it.

“Ember!” Thorax moaned.

“Hmm?” Ember glanced down at him. “If you want to feel dragon pussy, you’re going to have to beg for it~”

“Please!” Thorax gasped. “Please ride me and take my virginity, I want to be fucked by a s-superior Dragon Lord, please!”

Ember’s eyes widened, had he truly never…?

“You sure you want your first time with me?” Ember asked him.

“YES!” Thorax howled enough for any nearby dragons to hear. “Please treat me the s-same way you described treating Spike. I want it, Ember. I feel like I’m about to burst!”

Ember rushed over to Thorax, straddling his hard cock and pressing his leaking tip to her hot and wet entrance. Resting her claws on Thorax’s shoulders, Ember began to lower herself on him, gasping and feeling her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she felt the sensation of his cock filling her insides. After she got all of him inside her, to the point where Thorax’s lime-sized balls were pressed against her ass, she lifted herself up and slammed herself back down on his cock. The two both gasped, and Ember couldn’t resist repeating the motion as she felt his fullness inside her. Her mouth around Thorax's cock couldn't even compare to how her hot dragonhood felt around it, and Thorax couldn't imagine any creature's insides comparing for that matter.

“You like t-that?” Ember sputtered as everything spiraled in her sight from the cave walls to just barely seeing Thorax’s tongue rolling out of his mouth, there was only the months worth of built up lust clouding her senses, only magnified by Thorax’s high-pitched moans and poorly timed thrusts. As he didn’t answer her, Ember lifted one of her claws and tightly gripped Thorax’s left antler. “Answer me~”

“Y-Yes, Miss Ember, I love it!” Thorax moaned. “L-Let me show you how good it feels~”

Ember barely processed his words as Thorax lunged from his spot, knocking Ember over so she was in the same position that Thorax was in before. Pressing his hooves into her wings and pinning her, Thorax smirked as he jackhammered into Ember’s pussy, listening to Ember’s once confident speech devolve into a string of incoherent gibberish. Pounding away at her, Thorax knew that her blowjob left him with little time before he finished. Leaning towards her, noticing that she had no nipples to play with, Thorax settled for the next best idea and sunk his teeth between her neck and left shoulder, causing Ember to start howling and writhing, sinking her claws into the back of the Changeling King’s neck as she felt her dragonhood seizing around his cock. Thorax chuckled as he gave one final thrust inside Ember and blew several loads inside of her chamber. Gasping, pulling out of her confines and removing his hooves from her wings, Thorax gasped as Ember lunged forward and pinned him. Moaning loudly and wiggling in her grip, Thorax gave a silly grin as he stared at Ember’s intense yet unreadable expression.

“I hope you aren’t too mad about my spontaneous change of positions?” Thorax said, very aware of Ember’s claws on his shoulders.

“N-No,” Ember admitted. “It was enjoyable to say the least…but! Next time I’ll be on top the whole time, giving you a proper punishment for defying your Dragon Lord.”

“Next time?” Thorax’s eyes widened. “You’re not worried about me getting you-”

“Oh please!” Ember rolled her eyes and smiled. “We’re two different species, there’s no way you could possibly get pregnant!”

“Um, but c-changeling semen can impregnate anycreature with changeling eggs,” Thorax explained.

“Oh…oh fuck,” Ember’s eyes widened, the Dragon Lord remaining silent for a few moments before she shrugged. “Eh, fuck it then. Might as well keep going if you very well gave me a clutch of eggs, on one condition!”

“Anything, my Queen,” Thorax nodded.

“You will be their primary caretaker, got it?” Ember told him.

Thorax nodded, feeling his insides getting mushy and warm at the thought of the strong dragon above him taking away much of the stress plaguing him the past few months. With the two bickering over Spike, he never would’ve expected them to make up, let alone reach a point where she dominated him and got impregnated in the process. Smiling as he placed his hoof over Ember’s claw, he saw Ember’s expression soften once more before she pressed her muzzle against his own muzzle. The two closed their eyes, embracing the moment that changed their lives forever…