What Happens in the Cellar...

by ScarletRibbon

First published

After addressing the concerns of the last two years' mishaps, there's no possible way this year's anonymous body-swap sex party can go sideways, right? ... Right?

Granny's hosting another anonymous sex party via the magic of body-swapping! Unfortunately, teenagers are stupid, curious beasts.

Now Granny Smith is stuck in Applebloom's body, and Apple Bloom is in Big Macintosh! If only Applebloom had any idea how to handle an adult stallion's hormones and sex drive in the presence of an estrus-laden filly.

Content Descriptors: M/F, brief F/F, implied F/F/M. Teenage ponies having sex, multiple flavors of convoluted incest, vaginal sex, oral sex, implied anal, self-cest, kinda, voyeurism, size difference, extreme age difference and all that shit you didn't want to think about in the last story coming around front and center.

Written for the Incest is Wincest Double Trouble contest; 2 of 2. 2nd Place


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Inside a small, wooden shack, not far from the edge of the Apple family orchard, there was a chest cooler. It once was full of chunks of ice, but now resembled something more like an overgrown, half-melted snow cone. A fan, held in a soft green magical aura, wafted the cold air around the small room, barely providing enough of a breeze to soothe the three teenaged fillies who were each sprawled out on the floor in various states of discomfort.

"Ugh, I can't stand this heat!" Apple Bloom whined.

"Which one?" Sweetie Belle groaned.

Apple Bloom raised a hoof, waving at nothing. "Both of them," she clarified. "One or the other is easy, but both together? This is hell.” She rolled onto her side to face her other friend. “Scootaloo, can't you use your wings to help Sweetie Belle with the circulation?"

Scootaloo was facing the ceiling, her eyes closed. "No!" she shouted softly, not wanting to actually expend the effort to shout loudly. "That's work, and work means sweat. Sweetie Belle's magic doesn't cause her to overheat."

For her own part, Sweetie Belle was already breathing heavily. She was certainly suffering the most, but had the advantage of controlling the direction of the breeze, which she didn't hesitate to do, wafting the cool air right across her nethers. "Why can't we go swimming?" she complained.

Apple Bloom huffed, her hoof clattering to the floor of the shack. "I already told you," she said, patience wearing thin. "The pegasi took up too much water to supply the clouds yesterday and now the river's mostly dried up."

"Why not go to the pool, then?" Scootaloo suggested.

"No," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said simultaneously.

"Rarity says I can't go to the public pool while I'm in heat," Sweetie Belle explained. "Not during co-ed hours, anyway."

"Applejack says the same thing," Apple Bloom griped. "And Rarity and Applejack never agree on anything."

Scootaloo frowned. "That's true..."

Birds chirped happily in the late-spring air, unfazed by the heat.

"Water!" Apple Bloom rolled to her hooves and peered into the chest. The floating ice mocked her with its coolness. She stuck her lips into the mix and sucked up some cool water before laying back on the wooden floor. "Haaa... I wish this cooler was big enough to soak in."

"We could soak ourselves down with the pitcher pump," Scootaloo suggested.

Sweetie Belle sat up. "What?"

"Like rain!" Scootaloo explained. "You stand under it while somepony else pumps the handle."

"I guess we can do that," Apple Bloom agreed. "Come on, girls."

Without even waiting for their reply, Apple Bloom hopped to her hooves and stepped out into the heat.

The trio moved together across the orchard, awkwardly zig-zagging between the tallest trees to maximize the amount of shade they had. It didn't take long for the big red barn to come into view, and the farm house just beyond that. A large stack of hay bales was pushed up against the barn's back side, looking almost like one of the pyramids from one of A.K. Yearling’s Daring Do novels.

Due to the need to hear each other over the rushing winds, pegasus hearing was much better-developed than the other types of ponies, and as the fillies came around the far side of the barn, Scootaloo held up a hoof and hissed for the others to be quiet.

"—dance, this is a special party! And remember, all of this planning is super secret!" a voice said excitedly from within the big red barn.

That was Pinkie Pie's voice.

Scootaloo looked around quickly, surveying the barn. The loft window was open, and the piled hay bales provided a convenient staircase right up to it. "Come on," Scootaloo whispered.

Following Scootaloo's lead, the three fillies quietly climbed up to the loft. The loft was covered in hay that muffled their hoofsteps and allowed them to cautiously peer over the railing at what was going on down below.

A large, empty cauldron sat in the middle of the barn, where Zecora stood amongst several jars of various materials and three larger, seemingly empty jars. Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Cadance stood around the cauldron as Zecora explained the situation to Cadance.

"To keep the magic working right all throughout the eve and night, you mix six parts dried poison joke with three parts dried up elder oak." She added the specified number of jars of each of the materials to the cauldron as she mentioned them. Apple Bloom, in particular, paid close attention to her mentor's brew. "Then mix ten quarts of fresh-pressed cider, for taste, to offset the two crushed wood spider." She threw two massive, dead spiders into the cauldron, followed by a jar of blue flakes. "Sapphire shards to keep the soul bound, and stir it all up to set the compound. And after it sets we must make it infrangible, with one mane strand each to define what is tangible."

"What's infrangible mean?" Scootaloo whispered.

"It means unbreakable or inviolable," Sweetie Belle replied.

Zecora continued to stir, still continuing. "Once strands from the manes of all the ponies have been plucked, mix them in and then drink and then all can get—"

"PINKIE!" Granny Smith hollered from the barn door, drowning out Zecora and causing everypony in the barn to turn toward her. "I need ya to help Applejack in the kitchen! Poor girl's about to have a meltdown making all them apple sweets."

"I'll be right there," Pinkie said. "We're almost done here."

Zecora stirred the cauldron as Granny tottered away. She addressed Cadance directly. "Where I come from, swapping of forms is tradition, a common ritual for spouse acquisition. I'm proud to have customs to share with you ponies, Love Princess for this year's master of ceremonies!" She sniffed the cauldron one last time and smiled, setting aside her massive ladle. "Mix the manes in and the mixture is done. I'm sorry to go now, but I've got to run!" The zebra began collecting all of her now-empty jars.

"Right," Twilight said, beaming. "Come on, Cadance, we need to go over some of your responsibilities."

Twilight and Cadance walked toward the open barn door, with Zecora following behind shortly, having left behind the three large, empty jars.

"Ah, excellent," Pinkie said deviously, showing no signs that she was being observed by the three fillies. "Perfect distraction timing by Granny Smith, as usual!" Then, she stopped suddenly. Her leg vibrated, then her eye twitched, and finally her tail crackled with static. “Ohhhhh… Interesting!” she cheered.

Humming a happy tune, Pinkie began pouring the contents of the cauldron into the three jars Zecora had left behind. There was still a small amount left in the cauldron when she was done. "Waste not, want not!" Pinkie chirped, producing a fourth, smaller jar from her mane.

"I've seen her do it my entire life, but I still don't know how she does that," Apple Bloom whispered.

"You mean it's not earth pony magic?" Scootaloo whispered back.

"No, dummy," Apple Bloom replied. "Our magic is all about plants and earth and stuff."

"Heh, heh, heh," Pinkie laughed to herself, pouring the last of the mixture into the jar, causing a spinning, sparkling glow within that faded after a moment, and then she twisted a lid on it. "Now to hide this dose in the corner for later."

Once Pinkie had left, hauling all three of the larger jars with her, the teenagers immediately set about locating the hidden jar. It didn't take them long, as Pinkie had merely hidden it behind some crates in the corner, exactly where she'd said she'd put it.

"What do you think the potion does?" Scootaloo asked in hushed tones, staring at the jar of sparkling brown fluid.

"I know exactly what it does," Apple Bloom whispered back. "Zecora's been apprenticing me for years, and I've seen this one written down in one of her books. It's a body-swap potion! Everyone puts some of their mane in it, and then they swap bodies."

"Ooooo..." both other Crusaders oo-ed.

Apple Bloom was the first to pluck a strand of her mane out and drop it into the mix. A slight hissing sound accompanied a bubbling in the mixture as the strand of mane began glowing and then seemed to dissolve into the rest of the liquid.

Scootaloo stared at the dancing glow with wonder. "Wow, that’s so cool!" she cheered, plucking one of her own mane strands.

Sweete Belle frowned. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked. "What if something goes wrong?"

"It's fine," Apple Bloom scoffed. "What's the worst that could possibly happen? Just don't drink too much."

Scootaloo was the first to jump, taking a sip of the mixture as soon as Sweetie's mane had dissolved into sparkles and magic. But nothing happened.

"We all have to drink it," Apple Bloom explained. "It doesn't work unless every mane is accounted for."

"Okay," Sweetie Belle replied. She took the bottle from Scootaloo and took a small sip herself, and swallowed quickly to get the strange taste out of her mouth. "Ugh, it tastes like apple cider mixed with maple syrup.”

Apple Bloom was the last to drink, putting the stopper back on the flask and setting it back in the corner they'd found it in.

And then they waited.

And waited.

"Damnit," Scootaloo whined. "I wanted to use magic."

"I'm okay with nothing happening," Sweetie Belle admitted. "The thought of losing my magic is really scary."

They waited for a few minutes more, but nothing seemed to happen.

"I think something's missing," Scootaloo opined. "It's just not working."

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. "It's hot in here, girls. Can we go soak in the pitcher pump now?"

"Yeah, sure.” Apple Bloom couldn't help but go along with them - the barn was poorly ventilated and was basically an oven. “I was really hoping something would happen, though."

The Next Day

"Okay," Pinkie Pie said, Big Macintosh's deep voice reverberating through the air. "I did what you asked, Granny. I went with the mixed group. And look what happened! I’m Big Macintosh!"

"I see that," Granny replied, looking up and down the form of her eldest grandchild. "Hmm... he's a fine boy. Good and healthy. Was a fun ride a couple years ago, good stamina." She continued to pace around Pinkie Pie, who stood still and let Granny examine the body she was stuck with. "I'll take him."

Outside, the party was just starting, and it was time for Pinkie and Granny to do the 'other' swap - the one only Twilight knew about. Twilight, currently in the form of a pegasus mare named Blossomforth, was standing watch outside of the secluded corner of the barn while all the other ponies filed out.

"All clear," Blossomforth's voice hissed.

Pinkie uncorked the flask and imbibed the sickly sweet apple mixture, then passed it to Granny Smith, who did the same.

"Okay," Pinkie said. "We're ready."

Twilight dropped a small, blue gemstone on the ground and attempted to crush it with a hoof, unsuccessfully. "I can't break it!" she complained. "Blossom's a bit too weak. You'll need to break it to release the stored spell!"

The Pinkie Pie that was also Big Macintosh stepped out of the secluded corner room, peering around to make sure no one could see her. "Okay, let me do it. Big Mac should be strong enough."

Twilight hoofed the gemstone over to the farmer, who proceeded to crush it easily underhoof. A flash of light temporarily blinded Twilight, and when the light faded, she was standing next to the lithe curves of Sweetie Belle.

"What?!" Twilight shrieked. Blossomforth's high pitched voice would have shattered glass, if the barn had any in it.

Sweetie Belle blinked a few times, shaking her head. "What in the doozy?!" the filly spat. "This isn't Granny Smith!"

"Why would you turn into..." With dawning horror, Twilight realized that something was dreadfully wrong. "The girls must have gotten into the potion somehow! Quick, check on Granny!"

"Oh mi gosh!" Pinkie Pie gasped, sounding incredibly cute coming from Sweetie Belle's lips. "She's Apple Bloom."

"Oh, horse apples," Twilight cursed. "Now we need to get you both out of here before somepony sees."

"Why?" Pinkie Pie said, confused. "Shouldn't we be concerned with finding the girls, instead?"

Twilight sucked in some air through clenched teeth. "Yes, but it's also really important that we don't have two teenagers at an adults-only event! Particularly this adults-only event."

"Oooooh, yeah," Pinkie said, not sounding convinced or concerned.

"What in the blazes is going on," Apple Bloom's voice interrupted them. "Sweetie Belle, what are you..." The elderly mare with the young voice trailed off. "Twilight, why do I sound like little 'Blossom?"

Twilight slapped a hoof to her face. "You can't just walk around as your own granddaughter and... do... the things. We can't have children here at all! And I’m sure wherever she is, she has no idea what is going on."

Granny Smith paused for a few moments, looking between the figures of Blossomforth and Sweetie Belle. "I might be old, but I ain't stupid. I don't like it, but I understand what yer gettin' at. And what about the real little 'Blossom and Sweetie Belle?"

"You and Pinkie Pie need to sneak into the farmhouse, hide in the cellar - no one will look there.” Twilight fluffed her wings. “As for the fillies, I'll fly around and see if I can find any sign of them. And if I see any of them, I'll try and bring them to the farmhouse so we can fix this."

Pinkie turned to Granny Smith. "Granny, how sneaky can you be?"

"Uh, don't know..." she mumbled. "At my age, you don't sneak things anymore, you just stop giving a crap what other ponies see or think."

The purple and pink curls of Sweetie Belle's mane bobbed up and down as Pinkie nodded. "Well, we're going to have to find out. We just gotta get across the yard without being seen. We're small enough to crawl under the tables... uh, I think. Should be super easy if we're quick. Try not to bump anypony."

Apple Bloom lay on the rickety wooden platform that surrounded the little clubhouse, the ends of her forehooves dangling languidly over the edge of the platform. The sun was slowly setting over the orchard, bathing her in a warm glow and providing for some gorgeous scenery.

She let out a heavy sigh. She was supposed to be at Carousel Boutique with her friends, but after walking in on Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo doing... that... she panicked and ran off. It was probably best that she give them some privacy anyway.

Still, she hadn't known her friends had that kind of relationship, and it hurt a little bit to know that she'd been kept out of the loop. She wasn't jealous or anything; she wasn't even sure if she was into fillies. Her own sexuality was something she was still struggling to figure out.

When it came to relationships and sexuality, all of the mares she was close to–her teacher Cheerilee, her sister and all her sister's friends–they always seemed so indecisive about everything where dating was concerned. None of them had a steady partner, or even a stable relationship. Dating seemed so... unimportant and transient.

Would it be different if she was a colt? she wondered. All of the stallions in her life seemed so sure about themselves. Though, she had to admit, the number of stallions that had any prominent position in her life was limited: Mr. Cake and her own brother. And that was a pretty small sample.

She thought back to her friends again, their tongues doing—A strange feeling welled up in her chest. Was this... heartache? Was she more jealous than she initially believed?

A sudden dizziness overtook her as her entire body began to feel numb. This was definitely something else. A loud cracking sound echoed in her ears as she suddenly felt herself falling, hitting the ground before she could even flail her legs in a panic.

The ground had rushed up to meet her with unforgiving steadfastness, but hadn’t done any real damage. Her body slowly returned to a more normal feeling and the dizziness subsided, providing an experience that had been far more scary than painful.

As she stood up to her hooves everything was... off. Especially the clubhouse, which seemed much smaller than it normally was.

"What in the hay?" she blurted. What she heard was the low sound of a stallion's voice instead. Had the universe heard her question?

Her heart began to race, thundering in her chest as she peered down at her hooves. Her forelegs were thick and muscular - the same color as her brother. She turned her head to gaze back at the rest of herself - a rippling, muscular frame accented by an orange mane and tail, and adorned with a very familiar green apple cutie mark.

"W-what?! What's happening?!" she shrieked, now realizing that the voice she was speaking with was her brother's own, as well.

This wasn't right. Somepony had to help her. Her friends couldn't possibly help with this; she needed somepony that would know about this kind of situation. Somepony who knew advanced magic, like Twilight or Starlight. And both of them would be at the forbidden party.

Apple Bloom set her eyes toward the farmhouse and began galloping.


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Applejack had never wanted to be royalty. This experience was really helping to enhance that.

"Look, all I'm saying is that I would love it if you could roleplay like you're actually the Princess cucking your husband."

There was something unnerving about being confronted by an extremely assertive Carrot Cake. Applejack had known the stallion her entire life, and he would easily rank in her 'top three most submission stallions' criteria. Yet, here he was, desperately trying to get her to abuse the authority of Cadance's body.

"Sorry, sir," Applejack replied with Cadance's sweet voice. "But that's not the kind of barn I run."

"It's an anonymous party," Carrot insisted. "What's the point in being here if not to loosen up a bit?"

Before Applejack could fire back a biting retort, something bumped into her chair, and another something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention: the yellow flank and cherry red tail of her little sister disappearing under the next table!

Applejack held up a hoof. "Hold that thought." With her magic, she lifted the tablecloth of the table she thought she'd seen her sister scamper under, just in time to catch the pink and purple tail of her sister's partner in crime.

Sweetie Belle? What were those troublemakers up to?

"What kind of barn do you run, then?" Carrot Cake inquired. "You don't have to do the cuck thing! I promise, I'm flexible. We can negotiate."

"Look, sir, you're very handsome—" Applejack balked. She couldn't just lie like that, could she? "—to Cup Cake, but—" No, Horse Apples, that's just making it worse. Now she was really stuck between a rock and a hard place. She needed to peaceably get this stallion to back off so she could figure out what those little nincompoops were up to this time.

"Oh, I'm plenty handsome normally, miss. I'm up for the challenge, though. Would you like to give my silver tongue a test? One kiss, that's all I ask, and if you still want to find another stallion, then I'll concede."

Applejack couldn't focus on the stallion in front of her, scanning the yard until she caught sight of the two youths again, scampering toward the farmhouse. They were supposed to be staying at Carousel Boutique with Scootaloo! What were they up to?

"Yeah, whatever," Applejack said, waving a hoof dismissively. She stood up and spread her wings, but before she could go anywhere, Carrot Cake had grabbed her chin and planted his muzzle upon her lips.

The brazenness of this stallion! To do this to a princess, no less!

...But oh, sweet Celestia did he know how to kiss...

Against her better judgment, Applejack found herself returning the kiss. She needed to find out what those troublemakers were up to, but... it could wait...


White lips pressed together against orange, then separated, before pressing together again, their tongues grappling and releasing. Hooves caressed against teats, teasing nipples.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo breathed heavily, laying side by side on Rarity's duvet.

"Your sister's going to kill us," Scootaloo murmured.

"I don't care," Sweetie Belle replied happily. "I want you to pick up where we left off."

Their tryst that evening had been rather poorly timed. Intense foreplay had led to a much delayed segue into passionate, oral sex. And the end result of the delay was Apple Bloom had walking in on them, throwing off the whole night.

Once things with Apple Bloom had been sorted, the pair needed some time to relax again, and now had started again 'from the top', as Sweetie Belle's music instructor would say.

Top indeed, Sweetie Belle thought to herself, giddy with anticipation as her thigh was tickled by the orange pegasus filly above her.

A moment later, Scootaloo swung her hind leg over Sweetie Belle's frame, and didn't even wait to get settled before Sweetie Belle felt the caress of her friend's tongue against her folds. Instead, Scootloo's own legs stayed straight, her nectar dripping from her snatch and dropping, tantalizingly, onto the tip of Sweetie Belle's muzzle.

The intoxicating smell drove her wild as Scootaloo lathered Sweetie’s own drooling cunny with innocently inexperienced tongue-work.

"Please," Sweetie begged, wanting nothing more than to lap her friend's nectar directly from the source.

Scootaloo hummed a non-answer, blowing lightly across Sweetie's dampened sex, playing a frisson chill up Sweetie's spine. And then, as if only to build further anticipation–for whom, Sweetie couldn't be sure–Scootaloo began to slowly lower herself dripping lips to Sweetie Belle's face.

Scant moments before those divine lips made contact with Sweetie's own, a pain shot down her spine. She winced, closing her eyes as the sudden pain ached in her back. Shifting back and forth to get comfortable again, the pain faded. And she opened her eyes again.

The sound of Scootaloo's scream would have been heard for miles if not for Rarity's soundproofing.

Twilight was glad for two things in the moment:

1) She'd spent the last five years living as an alicorn, and had gotten used to flying.

2) Blossomforth was an athlete and had great stamina.

What she wasn't glad about was that she wasn't getting dicked six ways to Moonday like she'd hoped to be getting at this point in the evening.

Hovering in place above the party, Twilight kept her eyes peeled. If the Crusaders had gotten into the brew, they couldn't have gotten too far. At least, she hoped so. If all three were involved, there was no way to know which filly was still a filly, but at the very least, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were involved, and Big Macintosh and Granny Smith's bodies were unaccounted for, so those were the ponies she was keeping a lookout for.

After a few moments, her keen pegasus hearing blessed her with the sound of heavy, pounding hoof falls galloping in the distance. Twilight spun slowly in place, scanning the surroundings as she homed in on the source of the noise: Big Macintosh galloping clumsily across the orchard. He seemed to be alone, though, which was concerning. The fillies were almost inseparable.

Below her, the party was getting a little restless at the lack of a server for the bar. That was normally Pinkie or Granny's job, depending on what Granny wanted that year. The last thing they needed was a throng of ponies starting to look for Granny Smith, not knowing what was going on. The situation still had the potential to get catastrophically worse.

She hustled back to the ground, touching down just outside the barn door and darted inside. "Pinkie?" she called from the top of the stairs to the cellar.

"Twilight?" Sweetie Belle's voice came back. "Why are you back here?"

"You're a unicorn right now. Do you think you can teleport?"

"Teleport? As a unicorn? Twilight, it takes way less effort to teleport as a unicorn than it does as an earth pony."

Not even gonna think about that right now, Twilight swore, filing that one away for later discussion. "So you can do it?"

A sparkling wave of magical energy manifested next to her as Sweetie Belle popped into existence. "Absopositively!" Pinkie cheered in the wrong voice.

"Okay, good." Twilight tried to ignore the apparent ease with which Pinkie could do that. "I need you to intercept one of the girls; she currently looks like Big Macintosh and coming this way very quickly, from the direction of the CMC clubhouse. I need her to stay calm, and I think it'll be best if it comes from Sweetie Belle and not a random pegasus she barely knows. I also have another growing crisis I need to deal with."

"Another one?!" Pinkie cried. "Well, get going then! I'm on it!" And the little filly vanished from sight in another soft green burst of energy.

Nodding with satisfaction, Twilight stepped outside the barn. The safest pony would be Applejack. Applejack knew the property inside and out, and had more than enough ability to handle a crisis. And Applejack would be Princess Cadance right now, which, as the tallest mare around, made her particularly easy to find.

It was somewhat surprising, then, to see that she wasn't fending off a gaggle of stallions. Instead, she was passionately kissing... Mr. Cake?

"Lunadamnit, Shining," Twilight muttered under her breath.

She quickly fluttered over to the table in question. Mr Cake's hoof shot out and pressed against her chest. His lips separated from Cadance. "Sorry, I'm only interested in this one," he mumbled, separating himself from her lips for a moment.

"That's alright," Twilight growled. "Your first time was in a broom closet at your best friend's house, playing a game of seven minutes in heaven. When you found out who you were with, you completely lost it and couldn't look at her for a month."

Mr. Cake sobered immediately and backed off.

"And you," she said, addressing Applejack. "Your sister's in trouble. I'm handling it, but I need you to handle a different issue."

A flash of recognition crossed Cadance's features. "Okay, I'm listening."

"Serve the ponies at the bar. Once things have died down, or if you run out of cider, come inside and we can figure out what to do next."

"No," Mr. Cake blurted. "No. I don't know who she is," he said, pointing to Cadance, before his hoof moved to point at Twilight. "But I'm certain I know who you are, now. And if it's that serious, I'll serve the drinks. Let the Pink Lady deal with whatever crisis is going on. But I have one condition."

Twilight turned her attention to Mr Cake. "What's that?"

"This is an anonymous sex party. My first time was actually anonymous, and only you and I know the truth about what followed. I want an encore to that."

Twilight flushed a deep red, particularly prominent on her pale-furred form. "That would be acceptable."

“I knew it would be,” he chuckled.

"Thank ya kindly," Cadance said, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I wouldn't mind meeting up with you later, too. And from the sounds of it, I'm sure Blossomforth here could help with that."

Twilight nodded absently, still lost in a pleasant memory.

"Blossom?" Applejack asked. "Hey, we have a crisis, don't we?"

What? Crisis? Twilight shook her head, casting away the lewd thoughts that were getting her riled up. "Right. To the farmhouse."

Apple Bloom's heart thundered in her chest even louder than the crash of hooves galloping unsteadily toward home. Thoughts raced through her mind, careening together and driving her anxiety ever higher.

What happened to me?

Why did I turn into my brother?

What happened to my brother?

Is this all a dream?

Will anypony believe me?

Will anypony help?

What if I'm not the only one?

Is that Sweetie Belle?!

Apple Bloom skidded to a halt mere inches from trampling her best friend. "Sweetie Belle! Ah'm so glad to see you."

"I'm glad to see you, too," Sweetie Belle said excitedly. "But there's a big problem going on. It's very important that you come with me and don't talk to anypony else."

Apple Bloom hesitated. Sweetie Belle recognized her? But she looked like Big Macintosh! "What's going on?" she blurted, falling in behind her friend.

Sweetie Belle glanced back at her and grinned, still trotting forward. "Well, you got into my secret stash, obviously. So which one are you? Apple Bloom? Scootaloo?"

My secret stash? Then... she must be "Pinkie Pie?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Corrrrrrect!" the little filly bounced excitedly, pronking her way forward for several paces.

No, not a little filly, Apple Bloom reminded herself. That was Sweetie Belle's usual teenage size, Apple Bloom was just a lot bigger than she was used to, which made her friend seem so much smaller.

"I'm sorry," Apple Bloom blurted. "I didn't know this was gonna happen."

"Apple Bloom, huh?" Sweetie Belle—no, Pinkie Pie— said, leading Apple Bloom away from party-central and toward the back side of the farmhouse. "Yeah, I suppose that makes sense."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Because Scootaloo would never apologize," she replied, matter-of-factly. "And you didn’t seem surprised to see yourself. Did Scootaloo drink some, too?"

There was no fault in that logic. "She did," Apple Bloom confessed. "We all did, but nothing happened, so we thought we did it wrong or something."

"The potion has to be activated by a spell. We didn't get around to explaining that part yesterday, which means~~~!” Sweetie’s horn began to glow and a drumroll could be heard somewhere in the distance. Then, Pinkie Pie twirled in a circle and came to rest with her hoof pointing straight at Apple Bloom. The drumroll was cut off by the sound of a cymbal crash. “You were spying on us!” Pinkie declared. “That's how you knew to use the strand of your mane, wasn't it?"

Pinkie Pie always seemed like she lived in another universe, and yet her powers of deduction rivaled the smartest ponies Apple Bloom knew. "Yeah, we did," she admitted.

"And so you went after my secret stash..." Pinkie said, turning the corner of the farmhouse.

"You didn't hide it very well."

"Nooo, I didn't, did I?" Pinkie replied, cackling. "But come on, we need to get you inside!"

Rarity had always wanted to be royalty. This experience was really helping to enhance that. She was garbed in royal finery - admittedly, of her own making - and stallions had been groveling at her hooves, begging her to select them - some of them roleplaying the moment, and others just hoping they had a chance. And, using a simple metric, she'd narrowed down the choice to just one.

The stallion seated in front of her was incredibly, ruggedly handsome. His lustrous mane was let down in golden waves, framing the avocado green fur of his sharp features and his five-o-clock shadow. He smiled wide, showing off perfect teeth, and Rarity's heart nearly burst with affection.

On any other day, she wouldn't give this stallion one iota of a glance, as the personality normally attached to it was sadly lacking - a good fit for Rainbow Dash, as she'd insisted, but not for a fine, sophisticated pony such as herself. But whichever suave pony inhabited his frame now knew how to leverage it, and he was winning her over rapidly.

"Oh, sir!" Twilight Sparkle's voice floated from her throat with a giggle. "You are incorrigible!"

"I'm sorry, mi'lady, but I don't even know the meaning of the word." He grasped her hoof in his own. "Shall we adjourn to a more... secluded space?"

"Most certainly!"

Rarity stood, her hoof still in his grip. It was not fitting for a princess to fly unless absolutely necessary, and she would not let this electric energy between their hooves break for any—

Sweetie Belle?

There was no mistaking it. That was her little sister, darting around behind the farmhouse... and Big Macintosh was with her?!

A low growl formed in the back of her throat. Her sister gallivanting around and somehow ending up here of all places wasn't entirely surprising, but that filly was going to be in big trouble. But not nearly as big of trouble as whichever stallion was Big Macintosh right now! If she ever found out who he really was, she'd string him up by his—

"Excuse me?" Zephyr Breeze spoke again. "Miss, are you alright?"

"I... I'm feeling a little ill, and... I... I need to go."


"Please understand that I do like you intensely and I desire to further our relations. If you wish to meet after tonight, go purchase a forest green vest and yellow bowtie from Carousel Boutique and meet me at noon tomorrow by the fountain in the square. I will know you by your attire."

The stallion stared wistfully as Princess Twilight Sparkle - whom he had been so close to laying with - flew away. The poor mare was so incredibly aroused that it was visibly evident in her loins even from his seat as she quickly fluttered away. She had seemed quite sure of herself, and everything had been going quite well. What could have flustered her so badly?

Pinkie Pie led Apple Bloom into the house and stopped at the top of the stairs to the cellar. "Okay, so... you need to stay out of sight, do you understand?"

Apple Bloom nodded Big Macintosh's huge head - Pinkie couldn’t help but note it was so much bigger from this perspective. "

Yeah..." he whispered. "How long do I stay down there?"

"Until you're back to yourself. It will take several hours, so I'll go get you some blankets and some pillows. You fillies all need to lay low until we have this figured out."

Blossomforth and Princess Cadance both approached from the front of the house. "Speaking of fillies," Blossomforth said, "Where are your friends?"

The stallion perked up. "They're, uh... they should still be at Sweetie Belle's place."

"I'm going to go check on them, then.” The white pegasus fluttered away, grumbling under her breath. "'We don't need the perimeter field, Twilight, we've solved all the problems from last year'... yeah, eat my back hoof, Starlight..."

Cadance stepped forward–one of the few ponies who could actually look Big Mac, and by extension, Apple Bloom, in the eye. "Twilight explained to me everything she knows so far. I don't rightly know what got into y'all, but you're going to be in big trouble once this is all over."

Apple Bloom knew that expression and those words, even if it wasn't the same voice. "Ah'm sorry, Applejack. We didn't know it would cause so many problems."

Cadance nodded toward the stairs. "Go on with you. Git."

Apple Bloom tucked her tail between her legs and slowly plodded down the stairs to the cellar. The staircase turned to the left and flattened out for several paces before a wooden door marked the cellar entrance. Apple Bloom stopped at the corner, with the door the only thing separating her from her soon-to-be temporary prison.

She turned back to the top of the stairs. "I'm sorry, Applejack, I won't do it again."

"You've ruined Granny's party, Apple Bloom. Go on and git. And don't forget to apologize to her."

Apple Bloom turned once more to the wooden door and pushed it aside.

Above, Cadance's hooves tapped against the wooden floor, followed by the sound of a door opening and slamming shut with a loud bang. Applejack was livid. Apple Bloom hoped it was just that her sister couldn't control Cadance's magic that well and slammed the door on accident, but she knew it was wishful thinking.

Granny Smith was suffering. Not in the sense that she usually did, with aches and pains throughout her entire body, but instead with the burning heat of a teenage virgin.

Normally, the throes of heat was one of the most welcome parts of these parties, as there was no shortage of stallions ready and able to slake her thirst. Like most of the Apple family, she was a sex fiend with a nearly insatiable drive. It was how their extended family had ended up as large as it was, after all.

Now she was sitting on her haunches, leaning against a cask of cider and grinding Apple Bloom's aching cunny against the cold stone floor of the cellar.

Grind as she might, it wasn't helping to ease the burning desire within. Biting her lip, she let her hoof slip down lower toward her wanting nub, brushing lightly against her clit. The sudden jolt caused her to gasp and pull away her hooves in shame.

She stared at the ceiling, where a single lantern provided the sole illumination for the tiny chamber, watching the shadows dance about, and tried to lose herself in thought.

It wasn't that she was concerned about Apple Bloom's purity, per se; she had once walked in on the poor filly pleasuring herself with her hooves. But she was uncertain exactly how far the young filly had gone, and was desperately trying to respect that. She also knew it was just plain wrong to touch her granddaughter in such a way.

But the hormones. Her judgment was getting clouded, and she could feel herself getting emotional about it, too. The urges combined with the guilt she was feeling about them nearly brought her to tears. This body wasn't hers to—

The old, wooden cellar door swung inward. Granny Smith froze, hoof still at her groin, as the big red head of her grandson turned to look straight at her. His eyes went wide.

"What?" he blurted.

In a sudden panic, Granny scrambled to make herself presentable, but with her very obviously moistened nethers and the strand of sticky marecum stretching to her hoof, it was plainly obvious what she'd just been doing.

"You're... me?" he said, seemingly more shocked by the appearance of her body than the actions it was taking.

"Shut the door," Granny bellowed. It was a habit; one that she'd developed from many years of being a mother and grandmother. In her youthful body, the volume was significantly higher than she'd intended, and the sound rebounding in the tiny cellar rang her own ears painfully.

Big Macintosh covered his ears and cringed, kicking the door closed with his back hoof.

"Sorry 'bout that," Granny mumbled sheepishly. "Not used to this."

Big Macintosh nodded, sitting on his haunches and looking around the cellar - and pointedly not looking at Granny herself.

"Everything's so small," he mumbled.

"You're little Apple Bloom, aren't you?" Granny asked aloud.

The red stallion just nodded, still gazing around.

"You're Granny, aren't you?"

Granny nodded.

"Granny!" Big Macintosh's eyes filled with tears. "Granny, I'm so sorry, I ruined everything."

"Granny, I'm so sorry, I ruined everything."

The big red stallion in the tuxedo before her was slumped over a table, crying into his hooves.

Granny peered around them. Up until only minutes before, it had been a lavishly decorated wedding venue. Now, it was simply the charred husk of a chapel that had nearly gone up in flames.

Several inches of water pooled at her hooves, soaking the recently-smoldering train of her dress, and slowly seeping up to her flank. "This was supposed to be your day, Granny," he sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Wine," she whispered, throwing her hooves gently around his neck and pressing in close. "It's okay. I love you. We'll get through this." Her swollen belly pressed against him, reminding her of the reason they were together. "We'll get through this together."

Those words sent a chill down Granny's spine. "It's okay, Apple Bloom," she said, pulling her grandchild close. "It's okay. I love you. We'll get through this." Tears formed in her eyes as she spoke, her escalated hormonal state kicking in. In spite of the comforting words, her mind was in conflict at the sudden recollection of one of the most important moments in her life. “We’ll get through this together.”

Why does he have to look so much like Winesap?

That night of her wedding had been the most intense rutting she'd ever received in her life, and here she was, locked in a room with a stallion that looked exactly like him, and dealing with an estrus the intensity of which she hadn't felt in nearly a century. And his monstrously stiff erection rubbing against her was not helping.

She was no child. She could control herself. But there was so much shame. Shame that she would ever think about her late husband while with another stallion. Shame that she was even remotely having these thoughts about her own flesh and blood grandchild. And shame that she, even momentarily, had touched her grandchild inappropriately, no matter how bizarre the circumstances that led to it. And shame that, in spite of it all, she still wanted to do more.


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Rarity poked her head into the farmhouse. There was no sign of ponies anywhere, so she slipped inside and locked the front door. There was no way she would risk a scandal and have other ponies barge in on what she feared was going on inside.

The kitchen was empty. So was the dining room. A soft sound of pattering hoofsteps told her that somepony was upstairs, and she intended to investigate that next, but she needed to be sure the downstairs was clear first.

Bathroom? Clear. Living room? Clear. Laundry room? Clear.

That left the hoofbeats upstairs. It didn't sound like anything lewd was going on up there, but she was still terrified of what she might find as she slowly climbed the stairs, taking care to be as quiet as she could.

The hallway at the top of the stairs was empty. Most of the doors stood wide open, with only the two last rooms still closed: the bathroom, and Apple Bloom's bedroom.

Hoofbeats sounded again, followed by Sweetie Belle trotting across the hall, levitating a neatly folded pile of sheets, several comforters and two pillows. What would the filly have needed clean linens for, unless... was she too late?!

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity gasped aloud.

"Huh?" Sweetie's voice floated back as her head popped back through the doorway. "Hey, you're not supposed to be in the farmhouse. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The party has to stay outside."

"Ahrrrrrgh!" Rarity huffed in frustration, stomping the rest of the way up stairs and into the room that Sweetie had just–

She stopped in the doorway. Sweetie Belle was removing perfectly clean sheets from the bed and folding them with her magic, almost like she was performing some routine room service task. "You... What are you...?”

"What, were you expecting something else?" Sweetie asked. "There are some ponies who need these right now, so I'm helping them out."

"Helping them out?!" Rarity squealed. "Young lady, you most certainly are not!"

"Look, not-Twilight," Sweetie Belle said dismissively, pushing past her into the hallway again. "I know you're not her, and you don't have authority here, so if you'll excuse me."

The little brat!

Rarity deflated as Sweetie Belle opened Apple Bloom's room and continued stripping the last bed. "But what about Big Macintosh?” she asked, desperate to understand what had transpired. “I saw you with him when you came to the farm house. He has to be in here somewhere!"

"Oh, no,” Sweetie Belle replied. “He was a stallion who needed to leave the party, something about an anxiety attack. It's a thing that happens. Poor guy didn't know which way was the way to town, so I helped him get out."

That was the way she'd be using it herself later tonight to get back to— "Wait, aren't you supposed to be minding my boutique?"

Sweetie Belle grinned. "Ah, so you're Rarity," she declared. "Look, things have gotten a little screwy, and you're definitely one of the ponies that needs to be 'in-the-know', if you get my meaning. So, here’s the knowledge: I might look like your sister, but I'm actually Pinkie Pie. There's been a mistake with the potions and a bit of a mishap with the Crusaders."

"Wait, then where's my Sweetie Belle?!"

"The important thing for you to know is that your sister isn’t here, she’s safely with Twilight at the Boutique, where she’s supposed to be. Everything else is super complicated, and I'll explain it to you later."

Rarity frowned. When things were serious, Pinkie Pie was never one to be ignored. She trusted Pinkie Pie implicitly, but couldn't be sure if this actually was Pinkie Pie.

"How can I be sure you are Pinkie Pie?"

Sweetie Belle stopped folding the sheet she'd just stripped off of Apple Bloom's bed and stared Rarity straight in the eye. "The Tasty Treat is more than just the name of the restaurant. I know what you did to convince Coriander Cumin."

Rarity raised her hooves in surrender. "Okay! Okay! I believe you, please don't say anything more."

"Really,” Pinkie replied. “I thought it would be fun to go into more detail."

"If my sister is taken care of, then what should I do?"

Pinkie Pie gestured with both hooves toward the party outside. "Get laid!" she said with far too much enthusiasm for Sweetie Belle's voice. "Twilight's already out of commission, so that's a +1 that's needing attention from a mare. Don't let all the stallions down."

Let the stallions down? — "Zephyr!" Rarity shouted. She needed to find Zephyr.

Twilight could handle the fillies, and she knew she could trust Pinkie Pie to preserve Sweetie Belle's innocence.

"Zephyr?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, very suave this year. Do you know who he actually is?"

"Any other year, and I'd tell you to find whoever's mercilessly hitting on Rainbow Dash, but since she's indisposed with the baby..."

"No, I don't mean the real Zephyr, I mean who's really in Zephyr.” Pinkie’s mouth twitched. “He's such a gentlecolt, and so handsome..."

"Sorry,” Pinkie replied. “I don't know."

"Hmm, I need to find him. And promise me you'll stay out of sight? I would hate for my daughter's reputation to be ruined by such a scandal."

"Oh, pfft. Rarity, I am a master at stealth even without a horn. Nopony will see me unless I want them to."

As if to elaborate on the point, Sweetie Belle vanished before her eyes, and the folded fabric floated past her and on down toward the staircase.

"Hmph. Just behave."

"I will," the small voice said, disappearing further down the hall.

Rarity turned to Apple Bloom's bedroom window. This was, of course, the perfect vantage point to scout out the party. Surely she'd be able to see Zephyr Breeze down there somewhere, if he was still around.

But after a minute of searching, there was no luck in finding him anywhere. Still, quite a few other handsome options were available. And with a bit of focus, using Twilight's excessive pool of untapped mana, Rarity teleported herself back down to the festivities.

Apple Bloom had finally stopped crying. She'd gotten so worked up about ruining Granny's birthday that, between it and her confusing hormones, she hadn't been able to stop the tears until Granny had embraced her and whispered assurances in her ear for a time. "I'm okay, now," she said weakly. "Thanks, Granny."

The cellar door swung open unexpectedly, and piles of bedding were tossed haphazardly through the door, before the door slammed shut. "I wasn't listening, I swear!" came Sweetie Belle's voice. "Still trying to find Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, I'll be back when we find them."

Granny grabbed the thicker comforters and began to build a sizable nesting spot for them to lay down in, sparing them from the cold chill of the cement beneath.

"Granny," Apple Bloom asked. "Can you tell me what actually happened? What's this party supposed to be about, and why am I like this right now?"

The room stayed silent for several minutes as Granny continued building a comfortable place to lay down, and then set down one of the pillows and laid down on the ground.

"Well, it's a long story," Granny said, leaning into the pillow.

"I don't think we're going anywhere any time soon," Apple Bloom reminded her. "And it's kinda boring here."

Granny nodded. "I suppose so." Then she patted a spot next to her. "Lay down and I'll tell you about it."

Apple Bloom pawed at the ground to flatten out the wrinkles and spread the fabric around a bit before flopping onto her side, her larger-than-normal form hitting the ground with a solid whump. Granny's foreleg pulled her close.

"A long time ago," Granny began, "long before the feud between the Apples and the Pears, there was a much more tame conflict between my parents and your grandfather's parents."

Apple Bloom snorted. "Really?"

Granny nodded softly. "My parents thought that green and yellow apples were better than red apples, and that's how they raised me. His parents thought that red apples were superior, but for them it was a very tongue-in-cheek kind of superiority. The kind where you know it's little more than a silly joke.

But your grandfather, Winesap Apple, fell in love with me anyway. I was a green apple who didn't think that a red apple was worth her time. My parents were not very good ponies, so I rebelled against them, and went and got knocked up by one of the Pears."

"Was that pony you?"

"Hush, child, I'm getting to that. The fool Pear didn't want to take responsibility for the foal. Winesap, infatuated as he was, swooped in and tried to help. At first, she pushed him away; he was a red apple, and that wasn't acceptable. But he persisted, showing her nothing but love and kindness. And she slowly relented, eventually accepting him into her life. And they were going to marry, soon before the baby was due.

"But Winesap was also a clumsy fool. He tripped on a candelabra during the ceremony, which fell into the drapes and started a fire. Both families were predominantly earth ponies, so there were no pegasi in attendance, and by the time a fire brigade was able to get the clouds down to extinguish the blaze, it was too late; the entire chapel had been irreparably damaged.

"Your Uncle was born not long after that, but we knew we wouldn't be able to care for him, so we sent him to live with your great uncle Orange."

Apple Bloom sat up straighter. "Uncle Orange is a Pear?"

"He is. That's what started the feudin’. The Pears didn't like that we sent one of their own off to Manehattan to live a fancy lifestyle - a lifestyle away from them, where they couldn’t see her. Our lives changed from that moment. But we persevered.

"Your grandfather Winesap loved me. We loved each other a lot, and passionately. Everywhere we could get away with it, in fact,” she added with a giggle. “But then, all of our parents passed away during a harsh winter the next year, so when your father was born eleven years later. With four less mouths to feed and an entire extra farm to sell - we were better prepared to take care of him. And we did just that."

"And then grandpa died when dad was 2 years old," Apple Bloom said softly.

Granny nodded. "He did. Left me to raise your father alone. The Pears told me I deserved it for what I'd done with their child, and I couldn't argue. I believed for years that karma had simply reared its ugly head and banished me to a life of misery!

"I became depressed and reckless, seeking what I thought was love, wherever it could be found. I latched onto every stallion I could find that would give me even a moment of their time. Even then, I didn't understand the difference between sex and love, and all of them used me and then cast me aside. I even took out a loan against the farm just to keep from losing it because of the money I spent in pursuit of false love. By some miracle, I never became pregnant again, but those five years were a dark time for me. It was Tall Oak that finally brought me around, set me back on the right path. And a few years later… well, you know about how your parents got together after that."

"I do," Apple Bloom replied, nodding repeatedly. "But that doesn't really explain the party?"

Granny chuckled; a bright cheery laugh that sounded foreign even to Apple Bloom's ears, despite being in her own voice. "I’d fallen in love with sex, child. By then, I’d realized that sex and love weren't the same, but I still loved to get a good... uh... Well, good sex. But I'm much older now, and things have changed. My birthday parties aren't supposed to be for children, and the reason is that we swap ponies so everyone can share the excitement of rutting each other without knowing who's who."

Apple Bloom nodded in understanding. "That's why there's a body swap, then."

"Exactly,” Granny said, blushing. “Pinkie and I hide away an extra potion so I can take whatever body she gets for a spin. Pinkie then sits out and pretends to be me for the night. I need my body back intact, and there's not much demand for an old maid like me, so Pinkie sacrifices herself for me. It's also the only time I can get bucked by a stallion who won't shatter my spine the moment he mounts up."

"Couldn't you find a stallion like Randolph for that?"

Granny stopped to think for a moment. "What, you mean the Rich family butler?"

"Yeah. Someone your own age."

"Pfft," Granny spat. "No one my age can keep up with the kind of rutting I crave."

"And that's the only reason you're throwing this party?"

Granny Smith nodded.

"I see…” Apple Bloom said, lost in thought.

Silence passed between the two as they each pondered the situation they were in.

"It's okay," Apple Bloom finally replied. "You can... touch me."

Granny blinked. "What?"

"My filly parts," Apple Bloom continued. "You can... touch them. Like you were when I first came in. If you want to."

Her guilt came crashing back. There was no way that she could harm this poor girl. "No, Apple Bloom, no," Granny apologized. "I shouldn't have done that. That was wrong."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "This party is supposed to be for you. You created this party just for ponies to have fun. I think that’s really good for ponies. And I went and ruined it for you. So... I want you to enjoy yourself."

Granny’s defense cracked. The one pony who would be hurt by such an act was there, telling her it was okay. "Are you absolutely sure?" she said, her lip quivering with fearful anticipation.

Apple Bloom nodded. "I am.”

Granny said nothing, searching Apple Bloom’s features for any uncertainty, and finding none. Finally, she allowed the little yellow hoof to slowly slip down toward her gash. It brushed against the darkened lips, bringing forth a shiver of anticipation.

For her own part, Apple Bloom had never seen anything like it. Even with her best friends, she'd never examined their privates before - and most certainly not the way Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had been exploring each other just a scant few hours ago.

Apple Bloom watched in rapt wonder as the little yellow hoof played and teased at the winking nub of her clit. The teats perked up, too, with nipples standing tall and swollen from their small, soft mounds.

She started fidgeting, trying to get a better view of the action. Granny seemed to understand what she was doing, and scooted to the side, leaning back into her pillow and biting on her other hoof. A slight squeak escaped her lips.

Apple Bloom brought her head down close, watching the swollen flesh of her own vulva part for the exploratory hoof. The clit winked in and out spasmodically, a sure sign that Granny was receptive. She stared, enraptured with the swollen red organ that continued to greet her.

The hoof started to dig in deeper, parting those slickened nether lips even further. Instead of fast, teasing rubbing, Granny had shifted to slow pulls, grinding the yellow hoof against the soaked, sensitive flesh, groaning out soft tones with each stroke. Apple Bloom could see into herself as the hoof moved, a narrow, fleshy canal leading deeper into her body's core.

The fleshy walls expanded to admit the foreign hoof, blocking Apple Bloom's view of the tunnel and giving her a moment to observe yet another thing - a smaller hole. She knew from her sex ed classes that this must be her urethra, but she'd never seen anything like it up close.

As she continued to watch, listening intently to Granny's impassioned but cute little vocalizations and the tantalizing sounds that came from her steaming hot crevice, a curious odor assailed her nostril and intense discomfort had made its presence known down at her groin.

Granny was lost in her own masturbatory pleasures, her eyes closed, head back and breathing quickening. Apple Bloom had never brought herself to an orgasm before, but she understood what it was, and Granny seemed to have brought herself right up to the edge.

Apple Bloom tore her eyes away from the erotic sight in front of her, sitting back against one of the cider casks to marvel at the strange sight: a deep red shaft - her brother's stiffened member - stood at attention in front of her. A small bead of fluid glistened around the hole in the tip. Curiously, Apple Bloom lowered her hoof down to touch it. It was firm and warm, and the slick bead of fluid allowed her hoof to glide seemingly effortless across the tip.

And it felt amazing. Apple Bloom slowly ran her hoof along the length of it, staring intently at the hole in the swollen tip that was slowly dribbling fluid. That hole was where semen came from?

She watched in morbid fascination, stroking her hoof up and down the shaft as the fluid pulsed forth with each of her languid strokes. It was like it was alive, and each stroke brought forth a little shiver of delight.

Her eyes drifted closed as she stroked slowly, savoring the pleasure of a new experience and listening to her own gasps of passion as Granny worked closer and closer to that moment.

A voice cried out in ecstasy. Apple Bloom's eyes shot open just in time to see a veritable flood of fluids escape from her own filly sex, splattering against the bedding and making a sizable stain. Granny wasn't slowing down, either, her hoof continuing to make frantic grinding motions on the little nub of her clit.

Apple Bloom stared at that quivering hole, idly stroking her brother's cock. She wondered what it would feel like - to have a part of herself wholly enveloped within another pony, blissfully cleaving onto each other.

And almost without thinking, she stood, her brother's massive tool slapping against her belly in anticipation. Granny opened her eyes as the massive form of Big Macintosh blocked the light from the lantern above.

"Winesap...?" Granny moaned in a near delirious state. "Please..."

Apple Bloom wasn't sure how to proceed, but something was driving her to do it anyway. She bent down and embraced the body below her, kissing the quivering lips of her desperately delirious ancestor. As their lips pressed together, something touched her shaft, manipulating and moving it, until it came to rest against something very warm, and very wet.

Her body knew what it wanted. It knew what to do. Without any consideration for what was about to happen, Apple Bloom pressed her hips forward. Pressure gave way as the comparatively tiny lips of her own vulva spread open for the engorged intrusion.

The x-ray spell Pinkie had put on the door was doing wonders. Her own filly hoof grinded powerfully against Sweetie Belle's delicate folds as she watched one of her wildest fantasies come to life in front of her.

"Nnnnnngh!" Granny moaned out around their connected lips.

There was an impossible warmth wrapped around the tip of her alien appendage. And impossible pleasure flowing in her veins. Apple Bloom pulled back and gazed down at her own face. Never before had she seen herself as beautiful, but in that moment, there was another impossible feeling: the impossibility that she could stop now.

She pressed forward further, the towering flesh sinking into the confines of her own body. The grip of those slickened fleshy walls clamped down on the intruder, squeezing her shaft with a rippling motion.

"Ahhh~~hhh!" Granny moaned out. "So big!"

There wasn't room in her mind to stop. Apple Bloom continued to drive deeper into the very depths of herself, stopping only when she came to a barrier that resisted any further pressure.

Those scant few seconds had been more sensual and more intense than any other seconds in Apple Bloom's entire life. And it was over. There was no more room to move... except back.

"Mmm..." Granny moaned as Apple Bloom began to retreat. The grasping, muscular walls clamped down tightly on her member, sending sparks of indescribable happiness and desire flying through Apple Bloom's nervous system. She thrust forward again. And it felt right. This was what her brother's body wanted.

Out and in, out and in, Apple Bloom began to accelerate her thrusts against the pony below her, and a strange sensation began building up in her core. She didn't know that feeling, but it felt warm, heavenly, and inevitable. Nothing would stop her from finding out what it was.

Granny began gasping for breath. "I'm... gonna..."

"I'm gonna," Apple Bloom agreed, her breath becoming a little ragged. She didn't know what it was gonna be, but there was no denying it.

"Knock me up again, Wine," Granny gasped. The narrow passage clamped down hard around the incestuous cock inside its walls, fluid gushing from somewhere within and warming Apple Bloom's borrowed anatomy with damp, sticky femme cum.

Her grandmother's orgasm quickly brought her to her own peak, and her entire body convulsed - waves of electric pleasure flowing in and out, centered on that alien tool. Pulsing and throbbing within the tight confines, Apple Bloom could feel something moving inside of her, flowing out of herself and into her other self.

"Ahhh!" she cried, releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her thrusting stopped and she hugged her body tightly against herself, unloading pint after pint of seed into those depths before flopping over to her side and staring at the dimly illuminated ceiling.

Both ponies lay on the soaked bedding, gasping for air.

And without a word, Granny Smith burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, Apple Bloom," she said around choked sobs. "I should never have done this. I shouldn'ta let you..."

"No, it's okay, Granny." Apple Bloom said, pulling her grandmother into a tight. "It was amazing! I loved it."

"I'm a terrible grandmother."

"No, you're not. I wanted it."

Granny's sobs softened. "You really did?" she said, eyes sparkling with tears as she looked up at her grandson's face.

"I really did," Apple Bloom confirmed. "And to be honest, I still kinda want to."

Granny shook her head. "I think... I think I need to rest."

The door creaked open ever so slightly, and a white filly stepped into the cellar. "If you don't mind," Pinkie Pie purred, looking up at Apple Bloom, "I'll help you out with another round."


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The Cutie Mark Crusaders all sat together in the clubhouse. Scootaloo lazed about on the floor, humming off-key to herself, while Sweetie Belle was sitting on an ice pack and glowering at the wall. No matter what, she refused to make eye contact with either of the other two fillies. Applebloom refused to sit at all, opting instead to lean against the wall, lost in thought.

Apart from Scootaloo's incessant humming, an unspoken pact of silence fueled a tremulous tension in the air, otherwise broken only by the chirping of birds and occasional flutter of their wings as they nested on the clubhouse roof.

"I think I like colts, now," Sweetie blurted.

Scootaloo's humming came to an abrupt halt. "What?"

Sweetie let out a deep, long-suffering sigh. "I said... I think I like colts."

"But what about us?!" Scootaloo cried. "We're supposed to be together!"

"You wouldn't get off of me when you...!" Sweetie Belle protested, unable to finish her sentence. "I can't even look at you right now!"

Apple Bloom winced like she’d been slapped. She’d refused to look at Sweetie Belle, ashamed to see the state that she'd left her friend in after letting Pinkie Pie get too excited.

Scootaloo rose to her hooves. "I'm sorry, okay, Sweetie? I was really into it. Into you!"

"You turned into an old lady while I was in your..." Sweetie Belle trailed off again, a look of disgust on her face. "And you just think it was awesome because you got to taste yourself."

"Girls," Apple Bloom whispered softly. "Please, don't start this."

"It was your idea in the first place," Scootaloo spat, turning on Apple Bloom.

"I know," she confessed, hanging her head. "And I did a terrible thing. I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle."

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle said, tilting her head.

"You must have been terrified when you woke up this morning, in pain and covered in… the stuff," Apple Bloom explained. "After all that we did..."

"Are you kidding me, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “It's sore, sure, but I haven't ever felt this satisfied before."

"You aren't mad at me?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"Yeah, she's too busy hating me," Scootaloo grumbled.

Sweetie Belle finally moved to face her friends, hopping awkwardly on her knees with the ice pack to turn around. "No, Scootaloo, I... I don't mean that I'm not in love with you, okay? We can still be together, I just need some time. And, while we wait, I just... I kinda want to know now, what it's like to be with a colt. If it feels this good even the next day, it must be amazing when it first happens."

Apple Bloom stayed silent. It was amazing when it first happened. All five times that she'd orgasmed, and in five different holes. It was hard to believe that Granny hadn't put a stop to it sooner. But she couldn't deny that Sweetie Belle was right - her body felt fulfilled and satisfied in a way she'd never known before.

"So, what are you saying?" Scootaloo asked tremulously.

"I'm saying that I want to try being with a colt," Sweetie replied.

"I want to, too," Apple Bloom said timidly.

Scootaloo frowned. "If you girls say it’s as good as all that, I suppose we could try it. Rumble is kinda handsome, and he's got that Wonderbolt energy."

"I've had my eye on Button Mash for a while now," Sweetie Belle added. "His mom has been teaching me how to bake, so I get to go over there a lot. He... doesn't seem to notice me most of the time, but I'm sure if I just shove my butt in his face and tell him what I want that he'll take the hint."

Apple Bloom pondered for a few moments before coming up with her own answer. "I'll try for Tender Taps."

"Isn't he, like, in a world-class dancing troupe now?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yep!" Apple Bloom said, beaming. "But he's coming to town next week! And I'm pretty sure he's into me."

"So, one experience with a colt each before we make a decision," Sweetie Belle declared. "Crusader's honor?"

"Crusader's Honor!"

"And that's how we ended up here!" Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

Nurse Redheart stared aghast at the three very pregnant teenaged fillies in the maternity ward - her amazement directed particularly toward Apple Bloom. "You do realize I'm a mandatory reporter, right?"