
by gman1311

First published

Princess Celestia is flung through time and space and is sent to a harsh and unforgiving planet named Pandemonium. As she’s about to suffer a fate worse than death, she meets a Woman named Specter.

Due to a magical mishap, Princess Celestia is flung through time and space and finds herself on a completely different planet, known as Pandemonium. A world where only the strong survive while the weak are enslaved, devoured, experimented on, or worse. The Alicorn would have met such a fate but is saved by a mysterious woman called Specter.

Now, these two must Travel Across a post-apocalyptic planet. One is looking for a way home, while the other seeks revenge. But such things aren't so simple.

MLP X Dungeon Fighter Online Crossover! For now, this will remain as a Oneshot. Depending on how well received it is, I'll do my best to make this a full story after finishing my first story.

Also! I don't own MLP or any of its characters; same with DFO!

One Shot (could change in the future)

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"What happened?" Princess Celestia thought to herself as she slowly woke up. The horrendous smell and how rough her bed felt were the first to hit her senses. "Did Lulu pee the bed again?" That wasn't right, she and Luna were grown mares, and this wasn't her bed. Although it did smell like ammonia, was she in the wrong part of Manehatten again? The Alicorn lifted her head and opened her eyes. "What in Tartus?"

At first glance, anyone would have mistaken this place for Manehatten; it had skyscrapers and concrete streets. That's where the similarities end, this place. The site looked like it's been abandoned for thousands of years. The roads were cracked, broken, or missing chunks. Lampposts couldn't be found anywhere on the street but sticking out of random buildings. The skyscrapers themselves had almost everything removed from them to the point where sompony could see the steel beams. Dead bodies were littered everywhere, ranging from skeletons to fresh ones!

"Oh, dear Faust!" The Sun Princess placed a hoof over her mouth, not wanting to lose the continents of her stomach. Not wanting to look at the horrible sight anymore, Celestia looked at the sky. The sky was nothing but an endless sea of dark gray clouds. It looked to be nighttime, but she couldn't find her sister's Moon anywhere. She couldn't find her Sun anywhere as well... Sun. Her Sun. Celestia couldn't feel the Sun through her magic! The Alicorn quickly got to her hooves and started tapping the base of the horn with one of her hooves.

Thankfully, her horn was still there. It still didn't explain why she couldn't feel the Sun's pull. Was this Discord's doing? Discord? Twilight? "AH!" The Princess sat on her haunches and held her head with both hooves in pain. "It...Was the both of them." She didn't remember how it truly went, but her faithful student was trying to show her something. Then the Spirit of Chaos came along, and the two got into an argument, then darkness.

Maybe she fell unconscious and is now in the dream realm. Lulu is most likely playing a prank on her. Yes, that must be it. Taking her hooves off her head, Celestia smiles gently. "Alright, Lulu, that's enough. You could have done better at giving me a nightmare. Like adding cake-eating chickens to my dreams." The Alicorn shivered in fear at the very thought of chickens. If those creatures weren't responsible for why cakes exist, she would have banished them long ago.

The Princess sat there waiting and waiting, but nothing came. "Lulu?" Why was Luna ignoring her? Surely she still couldn't be mad when she replaced the standard ink with invisible ink. Right? As the Alicorn thought about this, she could hear paw steps from behind her. Out of instinct, she shot to her hooves and turned around. "W-whos there?!" Why was she so nervous? It's just a dream, but why did it feel so real?

A couple of meters away were twelve creatures. These creatures reminded the mare of Abyssinians, but twice the size. These creatures were bipedal but could run on all fours if needed. They were all cat-like, except one who had a hound's head. Their fur was disgusting, covered in muck, dirt, and other types of filth; Their fur color ranged from dark orange to faded black. They wore old clothes that were dirty as their fur; they were filled with holes and had been patched multiple times. If Rarity were here, she would have fainted on the spot. What worried the Alicorn was the fact they carried crude weapons. Most of them carried clubs, while the fox carried a spear.

The fox creature stepped forward and said, "Food!" The others followed behind, saying the same thing. They all looked hungry; considering they were malnourished, it wasn't a surprise. Usually, Princess Celestia would have gone with diplomacy first, but these creatures saw her as nothing but food. So the most logical choice right now would be to stun these creatures and then assess the situation.

Princess Celestia frows her brows and lights up her horn. As usual, her horn is surrounded by a golden light."I'm sorry, but I must do this." She readies one of her strongest sleep spells, then a stinging pain shoots up her horn, causing her to cancel the spell. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" The Princess screams in pain as a golden lightning bolt comes out of her horn and strikes one of the cat creatures.

The pain was gone, much to her relief, but she was horrified at what she had just done! The creature she had just struck with lighting had its clothes turned to ash, and fur, skin, and muscle melted off. The organs inside quite literally exploded out. The creature didn't even have a chance to scream as it died. There was nothing but a chard skeleton and piles of gore around its skeletal paws.

"Oh no, please no!" How could she do such a thing!? The spell was meant to stun the creature, not turn him into a pile of gore! The Alicorn put such things behind her after the three tribes came together; no longer did she or her sister have to shed blood! No, this had to be a dream! "Luna! Please stop. I've had enough!" Princess Celestia screamed up to the heavens, but no pony answered back.

Then she felt more pain, not from her horn but from her right hind leg. While she was panicking, the fox creature threw his spear at the Alicorn. Unlike the stinging pain she felt from her horn, this pain was dull and throbbing. How long has it been since she been wounded in such a way? A little bit over thousands of years since she saw her blood flow like that. This isn't a dream, she would have laughed, but she was in danger. Where in Equis was the Alicorn sent to?

First, she needed to remove that spear if she wanted to run away. Once again, her horn came to life, the pain came back, and golden lightning came out of her horn. This time it struck one of the females; the lightning killed her in the same gruesome manner. What was going on?! Every spell she has attempted thus far has only resulted in lightning. Celestia was about to chastise herself again when she noticed something.

As these creatures slowly walked toward Celestia, she noticed a blank look on their faces and a red glow in their eyes. "They're being mind-controlled! But who would do such a thing?" They were unfazed by their comrade's death, it was unnerving, and she heard one of them say. "Food for the master." One replied in a dead, monotone voice. Princess Celestia felt conflicted; she wanted to help these creatures despite being hurt. Reasoning with them wouldn't work, and her magic wasn't working properly. Running away wasn't the right thing to do either! "What am I supposed to do!?" She said out loud.

"So this is where all the noise was coming from—a bunch of vampire thralls and a talking horse." Celestia heard a feminine voice coming from behind her. As Alicorn was about to turn her head, something white rushed past her head. That's when she saw it; one of the creatures had an ivory-colored sword sticking out of his chest. The sword reminded the princess of a white fang for some reason. This white fang was attached to a translucent wire that anypony could barely see. Again something rushed past her at high speeds, not giving her time to react. She only blinked once and found that two more were decapitated, spraying blood everywhere.

What Princess Celestia saw amazed and horrified her; standing between the two headless creatures was a figure that even towered over her. This new creature held a massive curved obsidian sword, which should be impractical for anypony to use. Yet, this creature used it effortlessly. The beast swung its blade once, removing all the blood from the sword, and turned to face everypony else. "It must be a low-grade vampire if it's only capable of making shitty thralls." This creature was definitely a female, and she sounded annoyed.

Celestia could only describe this creature as beautiful. Yes, it was strange that she was hairless, except for the mane on her head. This swordsmare had a long luscious white mane that shone even in the dark. The princess couldn't see the creature's eyes because of its sunglasses, but she could tell they were tiny compared to a pony's. The facial features reminded her of a monkey's, but it was far different, like how small her nose was. It was cute! She even wore red lipstick, adding to the cute factor.

What the creature wore could only be described as lewd. She wore a black latex one-piece that hugged her curves just right and barely held her..."OH SWEET FAUST, ARE THOSE HER TEATS?!" They were at least a D cup, and why were they so big? The Alicorn shook her, trying to keep her mind on track. This creature also wore fishnets, high heels, and an assortment of jewelry. She wore a black leather coat with red fabric lining the inside of it over her shoulders. Celestia also noticed something else about this creature. A pendant glowed red on the back of her left claw; it gave off an eerie feeling.

The Princess seemed to notice something wrong with the other creatures again. After nearly half of their group melted, stabbed, and decapitated, they finally showed signs of aggression. The tall, lanky female creature raised an eyebrow at this as they barred their fangs. "Oh? So when real danger comes along, you'll get aggressive? Come then." she beckoned for them with her claw (or paw?).

They obliged her and ran forward with their weapons raised. The tall creature casually swings her blade and slices the first two before her. After dispatching two of them, she sprinted ahead and sliced one of the cat creatures in half while it had its weapon raised. Its organs hit the ground with a meaty slap as the mysterious mare cut it in half. At this point, one could see that they were outmatched and should retreat. But the mind control compelled them to keep fighting, even if they were all cut down.

Celestia watched on as the mare moved with such grace and speed. They were all cut down one by one; she even ended up in the air after kicking one of them into the air. Their one was only left, the fox creature stood there struggling against the mind control, but it was futile. That's when the Princess remembered that she was just standing there gawking at the whole situation; she needed to say something! "Wait! Don't it; he is under mind control." Her words fell upon deaf ears.

The creature threw her white fang at the fox beast; it missed and was implanted into the ground. Or it seemed like that; the fang was attached to a wire and using that same wire, the mare pulled herself out of the air and down to the fox. The mare held her blade in a reverse grip as she moved at high speed. Once she was in close range, the mare sliced the creature three times. Due to the high speed, the slim creature slid behind the fox, but she wasn't done yet. Now back on solid ground, the mare sprinted forward again and sliced upwards, which caused her to jump ahead and land a few feet in front of it.

It was over. The mare swung her blade, removing any blood trace, and began to sheath her weapon. "Trash." Once her weapon was fully sheathed, the fox exploded into a spray of blood and small chunks. In less than a minute, all of these cat-like creatures were dead. Not a single ounce of regret showed on the features of the creature. "How could somepony do such a thing so casually!"

"What are you supposed to be?" Princess Celestia lets out a startled whinny as she finds the creature in front of her. How did she get there so fast, without the Alicorn noticing her?! This creature was taller than her, as she stood at 6'8, while the sun princess stood only at 5'4. The mare stared down the princess with its unreadable expression. "You're hurt." she pointed at the spear sticking out of Celestia's hind leg.

Princess Celestia put on her best smile, which she usually used in day court. "Thank you for your concern, but I can tend to it on my own." The mare in front of her didn't believe a single word of this. So instead of saying anything, she placed a hand on the princess's back to prevent her from fleeing. "W-what are you doing! Release me!" Again her words fell on deaf ears as the mare used her other hand to yank out the spear. This caused Celestia to scream out in pain. "AAAAHH! WHAT IS-" Before she could say anything else, the creature shoved something in front of her muzzle.

"Drink this; it'll close your wounds." she held a small vial filled with red liquid.

Not keen about drinking something from a stranger, the Princess moved her head to the side, not wanting any. "Get that away from me!" Was this mare crazy or something? It could be poisonous for all she knew! Even though her Alicorn physiology would have taken care of it.

The creature lets out a sigh, knowing she would have to do it the hard way. Opening the vial, she places the red liquid in her own mouth and grabs the rowdy miniature horse by her mane. "What are you-" The creature bent down and brought Princess Celestia into a kiss. The princess was confused and tried pulling away, letting out angry muffled screams. Pushed as she might, Celestia couldn't pull away.

The mare's tongue was small compared to her’s but surprisingly strong. As she had her tongue pushed out the way, the Alicorn could taste something sweet; it reminded her of oranges! Celestia found that her legs finally gave out from under her, and the strange creature continued to push further. This continued for a few more seconds until she felt liquid going down her throat. The creature rubbed Celestia's neck, making sure it went down properly.

The creature pulled back after a few seconds, leaving the Alicorn red in the face and a lipstick mark on her mouth. Celestia just sat there panting, trying to come up with something to say. Then something came to mind. "WHAT THE BUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She nearly used her royal Canterlot voice. The tall creature was unfazed by this and stared at the embarrassed Alicorn. "You go from slaughtering innocent creatures to violating my mouth! Don't you see the problem?!"

After adjusting her sunglasses, the creature brought her attention to Celestia's lower region. "You say that, but you're clearly excited... I thought you were female." The Princess brought her attention downwards and found out that her tower was in full view for everypony to see. She quickly crossed her hind legs, trying to hide her shame!

"I AM! It's just that we Alicorns have this condition when we ascend."This brought back some awkward memories after Twilight's accession. It was made worse when Twilight would go in full mast when she was around! The creature tilted her head in question because she didn't know what an Alicorn was. "Never mind that! We're talking about you! What is your name so that I can report you to the...Proper authorities" Those words died on her lips because she realized this place was in anarchy.

To her credit, this made the strange smile. "You really must be new here if you had the gall to say such a thing." The mare squatted in front of the Princess of the Sun and gave her a gentle smile. "You can call me Specter, and welcome to Metro Center. It's one of the many shit holes on this godforsaken planet." Specter's smile grew wider as the realization dawned upon the Alicorn. "Outside a few locations, it's survival of the fittest. The weak are eaten, enslaved, experimented on, raped, or worse."

Princess Celestia felt her mouth dry up at those words; this couldn't be real. Was she no longer on Equis? Specter continued with the explanation. " Good thing you aren't weak, just naive. " The woman brought her attention over to Celestia's flanks. "and slightly fat, but I'm sure you'll lose weight once you're on the Metro diet." It was refreshing to have somepony speak her mind in front of her; but she did not appreciate being called fat!

Specter slapped Celestia's flank with her left hand and gave her a toothy grin. "By the way, you owe me ten gold because your wound is all fixed up, and potions aren't cheap!" Celestia kicked back out of instinct and was bewildered that this creature's mood switched from serious to lighthearted in seconds. But this mare was right, her wound was fully closed, and she was grateful for that.

"I see; I'll be sure to repay you." After, paying ten gold was relatively cheap, considering she ruled over Equestria. That reminded her; what planet was she on? "Um, Specter, what world am I on?" Maybe it was close Equis?

Specter took off her glasses, showing off her ruby-colored eyes. Celestia was right to assume that her eyes were small compared to one of her little ponies. "I wouldn't call it a planet, more like a piece of the planet that's drifting through space." Celestia's eyes went wide; this world was drifting through space!? "Most call it.." Specter needed a few seconds to remember what the place was called again. Then it came to her. "Pandemonium."

Metro Center