The Blade

by Smaugfire2317

First published

Tirek launches a huge attack on Equestria, The Main 6 were being hold back while Celestia heard of a warrior who could stand against the centaurs power and decides to call upon him.

Tirek launches a huge attack on Equestria, The Main 6 were being held back while Tirek became even more powerful while Discord tells Celestia of a warrior who fought many battles and was powerful enough and could stand against the centaur's power and decided to call upon him he was given many names, some called him the Blood warrior, some called him by other names while the most common name he was was.......”The Blade”.

Edit: Techno released a video in which he died from stage four cancer. Its sad to see our favourite youtuber die like this but we all wish him the best for his family and we hope he is resting peacefully. I created this story because I admired him and so on but now this story is more then just me admiring him and now we have to move on, now that Techmo ia gone, we have wish the best for his family and support them in any way we can. Technoblade may be gone but he will always remain in our memories and hearts cause TECNO BLADE NEVER DIES!!! ❤❤❤❤ R.I.P King we will miss you.

The message.

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Ponyville is in shambles as fires expanded, buildings collapsed, ponies ran for their lives, and the battle raged on between the Elements of harmony and Tirek the magic eating centaur during the battle, Twilight assigned to protect her home from threats was having a hard time defeating Tirek as he came prepared, very well prepared this time.

His first plan was to take magic from small parts of Equestria undetected then started attacking areas to get Celestia and the Main six’s attention and now here they were fighting for their lives while Tirek was gaining the upper hand on the ponies since he started analyzing their moves, tricks and countering them easily giving the Main 6 a hard time to defeat him.

“Tirek, stop what your doing NOW!!” Twilight yelled while the centaur looked at her annoyed.

“Oh please! Like I will stop. Look at you and your pony friends, exhausted and tired from fighting while you are still combating my power. I gotta admit this is just amazing entertainment” Tirek responded with a grin while pointing at Twilight and her fatigued friends, Rainbow Dash looked to still have enough energy to fly and attack Tirek but not at full speed, Applejack was the same, sweating and shaking due to the hits she took from Tirek’s magic, Pinkie was still the same, Rarity’s mane was scorched by the fire while she herself was knocked to the ground, Fluttershy was next to her trying to heal her wounds and Twilight still at full strength, standing strong in front of her friends as her horn glowed, readying her next attack.

“You won’t get away with this Tirek!” Rainbow Dash blurted.

“Yeah, we will fight for Equestria till the end and until you are defeated!” Applejack joined with determination in her voice, but Tirek just laughed.

“What are you laughing at you MEANIE!!” Pinkie asked with venom in her voice. Tirek simply looked at her with a glare and a smile.

“I am laughing because of how dumb you six are, you don’t even realize that I trapped you!” Triek explained as the Element bearers looked behind them to see the only escape route blocked. Tirek took this distraction as a chance to attempt to blast them as they were distracted but Twilight used her magic to shield herself and her friends retaliating against his attack, blinding him.

Twilight took the chance to escape. Using her magic she teleported her friends to safety as they hid inside the castle of friendship. Twilight was trying to think of her next move when her thoughts suddenly stopped as she saw a familiar face running towards her, he was a small dragon with purple scales and Twilight realized who it was.

“Spike!?” Twilight called as she ran towards the drake putting her hoof around him. “What on Celestia are you doing here?! I thought you went to safety with the other ponies!” Twilight looked at Spike with a disappointed look in her eyes.

“I know I know I am sorry, but I got worried about you so I went to find you I thought would be hurt” Spike replied while still given a stern stare by Twilight who then took a deep breath.

“Spike you shouldn’t be here but now that you are, you have to take refuge somewhere when I and the others have created a plan,” Twilight reprimanded him, to which he nodded as Applejack intervened.

“Well, you got a plan Twilight?” Applejack questioned the purple alicorn.

“I am not sure what to do now and at this point, I’m not sure what we should do next,” Twilight expressed while trying to take a breath as the mares looked at her.

“What do you mean you don’t know what we should do next!? We are tired and exhausted and at this point, none of us can stand against Tirek except you!” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Hey! I am trying my best to keep everypony safe!!” Twilight argued back.

“And look how that’s going for you!!” Rainbow spatted while Fluttershy watched the two arguing, Applejack wanted to join in the argument but was too tired to even say a word this time, Spike and Pinkie just watched and at this point, Fluttershy tried to break it up.

“S-Stop please-” Fluttershy uttered but the two mares couldn’t hear her while they kept fighting.

“You know Twilight if you weren’t being so cautious over everything maybe we could have a better CHANCE!!” Rainbow screamed.

“Well, at least I wasn’t going straight at the enemy like an idiotic mindless coward!!” Twilight screamed back.

“I wasn’t trying to--,” Rainbow dash said but she didn’t get a chance to say more as Fluttershy cut both of them off.

“STOP IT!!” Fluttershy growled as Twilight and Rainbow had their eyes on her, being given the glare. “Arguing with one another isn’t going to help us, we need to focus on what’s happening right now so Please stop fighting and do something!!” Fluttershy said, her voice now a bit tense at this point. Twilight and Rainbow were shocked by the shy mare’s outburst, being compelled to pay attention.

“Sorry flutters, I guess I went a little overboard” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Me too sorry Rainbow” Twilight apologized, now thinking clearly she started to think about their current situation. “But we need to think of something to stop Tirek we can’t just leave him there and let him destroy more of ponyville!”

“I know, why don’t I use my party cannon and blast at him multiple TIMES I AM SURE HE WILL SURRENDER THEN!” Pinkie pointed.

“Pinkie you tried that a few minutes ago and it didn’t, work what makes you think it will work this time?” Rainbow asked her only to be given a shrug by her getting annoyed at her friend’s lack of common sense. To be fair though, it's pinkie pie, she never makes sense.

“Maybe write a letter to Princess Celestia maybe she knows what to do” Spike suggested.

“Good idea Spike! Quick do you have a piece of paper on you?” Twilight asked to which Spike nodded as he took out a quill and began writing as Twilight dictated until he was finished he then read out the letter.

Dear Princess Celestia

While we were sent to defeat and capture Tirek, he came prepared and seemed to best our methods of fighting him, and due to this, it has become hard for us to defeat him, he even managed to make us tired and weakened, and Rarity was badly hurt and knocked out we need your help maybe give us an idea on what to do with Tirek or send some pony to hold him off

Your Faithful student
Twilight Sparkle

As Spike finished reading the letter, he then used his fire magic and send the letter to Celestia and at this point, Twilight hoped that the Sun Princess could save them and stop Tirek once and for all.

“Now that the letter is sent, we need to take cover and avoid Tirek while also distracting him at the same time” Twilight stated.

“And how do we do that?” Fluttershy questioned.

“I know how to follow me and I will tell you what to do,” She said,” And Spike, get somewhere far from this place I don’t want to get hurt alright?” Twilight said as everyone nodded. They then followed Twilight while Spike went off to take shelter.

Canterlot Castle

Princess Celestia sat on her throne while reading Twilight’s letter she was now in a huge predicament. Tired and out of ideas, she can't do anything they are tired while Tirek is probably planning his next move. She was completely clueless about how to help her student and her friends until Discord teleported into the throne room.

“Is everything alright Tia?” The lord of chaos asked.

“Twilight and the others are stuck and they haven’t defeated Tirek” Celestia answered to which Discord looked at her surprised.

“What do you mean? I thought their power of friendship overpowered Tirek by now how is this possible?” Discord questioned. He was certain that the power that reformed the most chaotic being could deal with the centaur.

“That’s the problem, Tirek has come prepared for them and he ended up tiring them out and now they don’t have the strength to fight him” Celestia stated now serious. “We need a plan and fast”

“I suppose I could intervene and assist them in Battle” Discord made his case while summoning himself a set of shining knight armor and a sharpened sword ready to fight.

“No you can’t, Tirek could end up catching you off guard and might end up stealing your magic thus worsening the situation,” Celestia said. “I could send my guards to help them but even they wouldn’t stand a chance, do you have any ideas Discord?” She asked looking at the Lord of Disharmony deep in thought. A few seconds passed and a lightbulb appeared on his head.

“I got it!” He said “I have heard of a warrior who has been capable of fighting dangerous creatures” he stated, “he has fought off dragons, and even fought entire armies alone” Celestia tried to imagine a being so powerful that could defeat an army by themselves, but failed. “Creatures feared him due to how skilled he was, and with his riches, he could afford any weapon.”

“But who is this mysterious warrior you speak of?” Asked Celestia, dumbfounded by Discord’s description.

“They gave him many names that, while a bit barbaric, did fit him; However, most people who knew him in person, or more likely in battle, called him ‘The Blade’” Discord explained.

“And this person is strong enough to defeat Tirek, you say... Just how strong is he exactly?” Celestia asked.

“Strong enough to defeat Tirek, strong enough to cheat death multiple times using magical artifacts more valuable than this entire palace” Discord stated.

“Well if this warrior is half as strong as you say, send a letter to him and let's hope he can help us,” Celestia said with her spirits raised by this great news.

“You can count on me,” Discord said as he disappeared using his magic, leaving Celestia alone.

She looked outside wondering how Twilight and the elements were doing, hoping they were alright.

Frozen Taundra

Discord teleported into the snowy biome, noticing the snow here being white as marble, and yet, no pegasi were in sight working on keeping it that way. Alienated by this place’s weather, he decided it was best to not think about it.

He then began to search for the cabin ‘The Blade’ resides in. He continued to walk as snow fell until he finally saw the cabin in the distance.

“(Why does he live in such cold areas, not even ponies or other creatures could survive in this cold)” Discord thought as he walked towards the Cabin, knocking on the door hoping someone was inside until the door opened to reveal a man... pig...? A creature.

He wore a bejeweled crown, a white button shirt, a red royal gown, black pants with a red obi belt and black boots. He also seemed to be wearing a pig mask, its eyeholes staring at Discord, his stance and expression almost impossible to determine. Was he waiting for an attack? maybe sizing him up? or getting ready to attack himself?.

“Why on earth is there an animal hybrid in my home?” The man said, weirded out and seemingly moving back while resting his hand on his waist... right over his sword.

“Excuse me, but I have a name, thank you. And I am not an animal hybrid, I am a Draconequus” Discord spoke annoyed.

“Bruh what kind of creature's name is Draconessues? Sounds like you just made that up didn’t you?” The man said with the slightest bit of confrontational tone, to which Discord felt a little irritated but decided to play along

“First off, it is not Draconessues, it is Draconequus. And my name is Discord, Lord of chaos and Disharmony” Discord introduced himself.

“YOOOO guys take a look at this animal hybrid, his name is Discord and he is my new best friend, be nice to him. Also the same name for the app where a child constantly annoys me. How funny is that?” The man said looking to the left which made Discord confused.

“Who are you talking to?” Discord questioned ‘Is this really the warrior that people speak of and fear? To me, he sounds and looks like a furry who doesn't take anything seriously’

“My chat, of course. I am living so my chat can see my screen, and oh my god many people are making fun of you in the chat,” He said. “Anyways I forgot to introduce myself, my name is technoblade I am an anarchist who despises government and I am a skyblock and bedwars champion and winner of the potato war, you may address me as your lord and savior the blood god,” He said nonchalantly, which made discord question whether he was kidding or being serious.

I need to send this Phil he is gonna have his mind blown.’ Technoblade thought.

“Nice to meet you I suppose.” Discord replied with his arms folded while Technoblade looked at the live chat. He saw one of his viewers donate to him, saying something. He quickly held the chat so it wouldn't scroll past.

“Thank you for the 5 dollars, uhh ‘Smaugfire2317’ ‘Sup Techno hope you're having a good day I would like you to know that the creature you are seeing right now is Discord from the My Little Pony cartoon series also BIG FAN’” He read out loud, leaving discord confused as to where from.

“My little pony? Oh, wait, the cartoon my sister watches ah yes I know that show I guess. I only watched the first two seasons but I think you must be Discord, the lord of Chaos who caused chaos right? What do you want from me? Also, how did you get here? Did Dream download a mod that added you here or something?”

“First of all, Yes that's me, the one and only, second, I have no idea what you are talking about, like, what’s a mod?, and third, I need your help” Discord exanswered.

“for what? help you take over Equestria? Sorry but I am not in the mood for taking over a nation yet. Even though I have tens of wither skulls and soul sand to summon withers, I am enjoying my retirement from being an anarchist” Techno stated, a matter of factly, having over 2 stacks of wither skulls and more bones than he knew what to do with.

I’m reformed, so no taking over... (yet). I am on the good side now and I need your help in saving Equestria. A centaur named Tirek is attacking Equestria and Twilight, Fluttershy and her friends are tired and are about to lose. I need your help in saving them, especially Fluttershy, she is my best friend” Discord explained. He shuddered to think about losing Fluttershy, but as time passed, that future seemed the most likely. He needs techno’s help or Equestria is doomed.

“No way, did you hear that chat! Imma going to Equestria meaning I will be on show. I can just imagine my sister’s face when she sees my character on the show, she is gonna freak out and Hasbro Studios will be like ‘What the heck why is there a man wearing a pig mask in this episode whoever added this I want them fired and doxxed.’ Their faces are gonna be priceless lmao!!” Techno babbled. He was going to be able to brag to everyone on the server about how he appeared on TV, and on a multi-million show, no less!

“Are you done yet?” Discord asked, frowning at him.

“Yeah, Yeah, I’m done, no need to be so upset. Just let me go get my stuff and I’ll be ready,” Techno said as he went back inside his house to get his stuff while Discord waited outside as he watched the snowflakes fall. His eyes wandered around the forest. it was nothing like forests back in Equestria, he saw animals milling around caring for themselves.

His eyes wandered around the compound that Technoblade called home. He could see multiple farms in the distance. However, one thing caught his eye. It was a pony, but not quite right, it was tall and had armor on it as well as a saddle. ‘Don't think about it, Don't think about it, Don't think about it’ he repeated in his mind trying to get his thoughts away from it.

‘(What did he mean by “Cartoon” and what did he mean by seasons?
are we..are we nothing but a show to him? If we are nothing but entertainment to him then what is the meaning of existing…? he must be from a different world where we are nothing but a show to him and his people. I better not think about this, otherwise, it will mess with my head and our reality)’ Discord wondered. His thoughts were brought to a halt, however, as he then heard the door open to see Technoblade with his glowing netherite armor, his enchanted weapons, food, and potions; Already in his inventory.

“I am ready, let’s go.” Technoblade requested.

“About time, it's freezing out here. Let’s get going,” Discord said before snapping his fingers teleporting him and Techno out of the frozen north.


The voices demand blood.

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Canterlot Castle

Discord and Technoblade teleported into the Castle where they were met by none other than the two Royal Sisters and rulers of Equestria, Technoblade looked at them and easily recognized who they were cause you know, he watched the two seasons of the show.

“I have returned and I brought him with me, so what is your opinion,” Discord said while Celestia took a look at the man.

“So you must be the warrior Discord spoke of, correct?” Celestia asked the Pig Anarchist.

“Yes your majesty, the name’s Technoblade, I am known for in battles by many people as “The Blade” plus I am also a skyblock and bedwars champion and winner of the potato war,

“Pleasure to meet you, my name is Princess-”

“Princess Celestia, I know. And the other alicorn sitting next to you is your sister, Princess Luna, Princess of the night,” Techno communicated.

“How do you know us? Even though we just met?” Luna asked, surprised.

“I make it my business to know” Technoblade lied. The real reason he knows them is that they are nothing but a show created by Lauren Faust and because of that he decided to just lie.

“Tirek is located at Ponyville which is a little far from Canterlot, my student and her friends are holding them off” Celestia stated.

“But not for long sister, though I fear that they are about to be defeated soon and we better be quick” Princess Luna reminded. “So let’s hope that whatever weapons or magic you have access to, it could come in handy against the centaur while we send our guards to help Twilight and her friends. Is that understood, warrior?” Luna questioned in her serious tone only to find Techno distracted as he looked at something which the sisters thought was outside.

“Are you even listening?!” Luna asked, getting bugged.

“Oops sorry I was busy looking at the donations my Fans were giving me in the chat, what were you saying again?” Techno asked to which Luna face hoofed herself then she spoke.

“Discord, what does he mean by donations and chat exactly?” The night princess questioned.

“It’s best if you don’t wanna know, and if I told you, you would not understand and it will mess with your head” Discord answered.

“So what were you saying again?” Techno asked.

“What Luna is trying to say is that you will be going to fight Tirek while she sends her guards to help Twilight, Fluttershy, and her friends recover then once they have convalesced, they will join you in the fight” Discord explained to which Techno understood.

“Oh right, and I have a question for you Mr. Animal hybrid, you simp for Fluttershy right?” Techno asked, to which Discord looked at him with shock.

“What? What do you mean by I simp for Fluttershy? I would never” A lie, apparent to everyone.

“Bruh are you sure? Cause you just told me that Fluttershy is your favorite and that she is your best friend, not to mention I can tell you are scared of losing her judging by your face, and to me, that’s simping. So you simp for Fluttershy” Techno stated to which Discord started to get nervous and annoyed.

“I do NOT!” Discord argued, trying to deflect the claims which were very obviously true. I mean, imagine hanging out with a woman, what a simp, amirite?.

“Are you sure, cause I think you do, and look even the royal princesses agree with me look at them” Technoblade said as Discord looked at the Princesses only to find Celestia smiling and nodding while Luna was trying to hold her laughter this made Discord upset he then looked back at Techno.

“Tia, Luna, you can’t be serious, I don't simp for Fluttershy!” Discord said hoping that they would agree with him and not with the human.

“To be fair, I agree with him, you are pretty much obsessed with Fluttershy a lot,” Celestia said while Luna started chuckling.

“Bruuuhhhh, see they agree with me and chat, everybody put ‘#DiscordsimpsFluttershy’ right now; quick chat, quick!!” Techno said while Discord and the Princesses couldn’t see what he was doing, Techno could as the entire chat started spamming the sentence Techno wanted.

“Literally Everyone agrees with me so just admit you simp for her” Techno said then Discord became furious.

“Okay, I am Leaving!!” Discord said angrily before teleporting out, leaving the royal sisters and Techno alone after that hilarious scene, they both became serious again and looked at Techno.

“Alright ignoring that, you know what you must do right?” Celestia asked with a stern voice.

“Yes I do, now where is he at so I can kick his butt,” Techno said with a determined look on his face.

“We will use our remaining magic to send you to Ponyville which is where Tirek is lurking, make sure to bring him down while also helping my student and her friends get to safety. We wish thee the best of luck, noble warrior,” Celestia said as she and Luna then began to light their horns. They glowed brightly; they then shot the spell at Technoblade who took out his sword as the teleport spell blasted him sending him to Ponyville. The area where Techno stood was empty and the sisters then got back in their seats.

“Sister, are you certain and sure that he will defeat Tirek after all, he has harnessed a lot of magic in Equestria, and were you sure to trust Discord on bringing him?” Luna questioned her sister who then looked at her before taking a deep breath.

“Well, Discord said that he is the only one who can stop and defeat him, let’s just hope that he does the job quickly,” Celestia said concerned. All they could do is trust Discord’s word and hope...

“Me too sister, as much as we don’t know him, I hope he saves Equestria from this threat with whatever items he has at his disposal” Luna declared, hoping to get a look at his glowing armor after the battle.


Techno was teleported to Sugar cube-corner... Well, what’s left of it that is. He looked at his surroundings to see buildings were destroyed, some were on fire and that’s all he could see.

“Wow, talk about a perfect cutscene for a final battle in movies. Am I right chat?” Techno asked his chat. They all agreed with him.

“Kick his butt techno!!”

“Blood for the blood god!!!”

“Tirek wouldn’t stand a chance against ya”


“Wait, who was that one guy who said E? oh god, now that I've told you guys, you'll spam E in chat... Anyways, that’s right chat, now let’s go I got a centaur to fight,” Techno said as he drank a potion of swiftness giving him super-speed and a potion of leaping giving him the ability to jump high as he explored the area. He saw lots of buildings destroyed as he stood on a still-standing building.

“Alright everyone, it’s been a few minutes and I don’t see this guy. Where is he at? Cause I’m having a hard time trying to find him” Techno spoke as he took out his spyglass trying to find him while also looking for any clues as to where he had to search; Until he heard something.

“Help!!” Techno looked east to see a small dragon trapped under huge pieces of what’s left of the building; he then saw the roof was about to collapse on the dragon.

“Hold on, I’m coming!!” Techno told him as he jumped off and ran as fast as his legs could. He saw that the roof was just about to collapse; he then took out an ender pearl and threw it in the dragon’s direction, he then teleported right next to the trapped baby dragon.

“Hold on and stay still,” Techno ordered him as he pushed the pieces of the destroyed house off of the dragon and then grabbed him by his left arm. He then quickly took out a fishing rod and shot it at the standing building which he was on a few moments ago and then launched himself in the air just as the roof collapsed breaking into small pieces. Techno then put the dragon down.

“Are you alright kid?” Techno asked while dusting himself from the ash and dust.

“Yeah I am fine, but that was awesome!” The dragon said with joy as Technoblade gave him a smile on his face.

“I know right!? That is one of the coolest things I have ever done and it always satisfies me, every time,” Techno bragged while the dragon looked at him wondering who he was and how he got here.

“Who or what are you? You don’t look like a pony or any creature I have seen” The dragon asked, baffled by his appearance.

“Oh right my name is Technoblade, I have been sent here by Celestia to fight this Tirek guy but I don’t seem to find him anywhere, do you know where he is?” Techno introduced himself and asked the drake as he looked at him waiting for a response.

“Wait, you are the person Celestia sent us to help!? That’s great! Do you have any powerful magic you use against Tirek? Or do you have a-” The baby drake spoke but Techno shut his mouth cause he was speaking too fast he couldn’t understand him.

“Woah Woah calm down, easy with the questions kid, you didn’t even introduce yourself to me,” Techno said to which the drake finally calmed down.

“Right sorry, my name is Spike, Spike the dragon” Spike introduced himself while letting out his hand which Techno shook. “And what I was asking was if you have any powerful magic with you or you have anything that could hurt Tirek?” Spike questioned him.

“I don’t have anything to do with magic, but I do have magical artifacts with me such as Totems, right chat?” Techno said to which the chat started agreeing with him.

“Yup definitely”

“Lol Spike doesn’t even know what’s happening from Techno’s Pov”

“What can we expect, he is a cartoon character while Techno is a real person controlling his Minecraft character in a cartoon, a FREAKING CARTOON”

“E moment”

“Magical artifacts?, And Chat? What do you mean by those?” Spike asked, confused.

“You will see when I use them. And about the chat... forget what I said about that or you'll be so confused,” Techno remarked.

“Oh, Okay,” Spike said as he and Techno then stood there for a few seconds then Techno spoke.

“Oh right one more thing, do you know where Tirek is?” Techno asked while looking around.

“Sorry Mr. Technoblade, but I haven’t seen him since he first attacked ponyville” Spike replied only to see Techno with a disappointed look on his face.

“Well, I guess I better find him myself then,” Techno said, but then he and Spike heard an explosion coming from the east side of town. The two started running in the direction of the blast. Techno noticed Spike was following him.

“Why are you following me?!” Techno yelled.

“My friends are there! For all, I know they could be in trouble. I don't care if they tell me to get to safety. I want to help them!” Spike cried out. As soon as he said that Techno was surprised by his bravery, he was a bit hesitant in bringing Spike with him since he is just a baby dragon but then he remembered a few episodes of the mlp in which he was given this excuse every time by his friends and Twilight and was always left alone all the time while they went out on adventures making him feel useless. Techno then looked at the chat as they were also persuading him to bring Spike with him.

“Bring Spike with you Techno!”

“Yeah I feel bad for him being alone all the time and being left out by his friends”

“Show the Main 6 that Spike is more than just an assistant!”

“To that one guy who keeps saying E, stop it!”


After a few minutes of thinking, Techno stopped running and looked back at Spike who caught up with him.

“Alright, Spike grab on to me,” Techno told the little dragon.

“What? But I thought you were telling me to go to safety like Twilight” Spike said then Techno put his hand on Spike’s shoulder.

“Look Spike, I can tell by your face you want to help them I know you want to, I can also tell how you have been left alone and how it has influenced your need for approval. you didn’t get the attention that a child needs, and, whenever you tried to stand up for yourself and show everyone around you how strong you are, they never cared because you were a child. But you must understand that this is very dangerous, you could die, and I applaud your bravery, that's why I'm compelled to help you make a name for yourself” Techno explained while Spike looked at him as his eyes glimmered with emotion but he didn’t cry and gave a nod of agreement.

“And since you are so eager to save your friends, I’m gonna let you prove to them how important they are to you that you would rather risk your life for them,” Techno said as Spike gave him a hug, something he wasn’t expecting but he hugged him back. ‘Is this what it feels like to be a dad?’ he thought as a deep paternal instinct was awoken inside him that made him want to protect spike. The chat watched in awe and sent a group of messages

“That’s sweet”

“Omg, Omg, Omg, Omg Spike is hugging him!?”


“Everyone stop spamming E and start spamming techno support!!!”

“Thank you Techno,” Spike said with happiness and a determined look on his face while Techno gave him a chuckle.

“No problem Spike now come on, let’s go now,” Techno said as Spike got on his back his arms wrapped around techno’s neck while Techno used his fishing rod to climb up the standing buildings while also parkouring like a pro while it took almost a few minutes to get there, they eventually come to the area where the explosion was heard.

Spike then got off Techno’s back and tried to scan the surroundings to see anything. His efforts paid off as he saw something that got his and Techno’s attention.

“Look over there!” Spike pointed as Techno looked to see a huge Centaur standing in front of six ponies who were –once again– trapped in another dead end.

“Twilight!” Spike cried but Techno prevented him from moving.

“No. We can’t just go in there like that; we need a plan,” Techno enunciated

“Like what?” Spike asked as Techno looked at him”

“Alright here's how it’s gonna work: I will distract Tirek with my arrows, fireworks, TNT, and harming splash potions to get his attention, when he is distracted,” He says as he opens his inventory and takes some potions and golden apples as well as a crossbow, leaving Spike confused as to where they came from "you will run towards Twilight and her friends using the speed and invisibility potion while healing them with the healing potion and golden apples, they’ll recover quickly after eating them. Then once they have been healed, they will assist me in the battle. You can also do some work by shooting him in his big, trademarked by Hasbro face, got it?” Techno explained making sure Spike has got everything understood.

“Got it, though I have a question, what is this extra potion and why is it black?” Spike asked.

“It's a blindness potion, just in case he sees you, throw this splash potion on him to blind him. I really hope you have a good throwing arm, you'll need to hit him high enough so that he breathes the smoke in the potion” Techno answered.

“Alright, got it,” Spike pointed.

“Come on Spike, we got some ponies to save... the voices demand blood,” Techno said, his eyes glowing red, Spike noticed and got a little intimidated and decided to not think about it as they began the plan.

Meanwhile with the Main 6 a few hours earlier

The Main 6 secretly followed Tirek along the way while they were all running as quickly as they could to catch up with the centaur, rarity was falling behind as she was too weak to run quickly, Rainbow Dash noticed and went back to fetch up Rarity.

“Come on rarity, keep up would ya!” Rainbow Dash called up.

“Excuse you Rainbow, but I just got up thanks to Fluttershy here, and do you expect me to just keep up with you girls while I am trying to run while recovering from my injuries!?” Rarity pointed out.

“Yes, Rainbow could you go easy on her please?” Fluttershy joined in, hiding behind her mane as she noticed Rainbow looking back at her.

“Sorry Rarity, I guess I am not in a good mood today after everything that has been happening” Rainbow Dash replied a little ashamed of herself.

“Could you two stop talking and help Rarity keep up with us!?” Applejack cried out, hearing her plea, Fluttershy and Rainbow both hold Rarity on one of her hooves each and start catching up with the others until they manage to catch up with Tirek. The centaur began to blast down some of the houses and shops, trying to find where they were hiding.

“Princess Sparkle! I know you and your friends are here, don’t try to hide from me!” Tirek yelled. “You can run, but you can’t hide. Come out before I burn this place to the ground!” Tirek warned them.

“Oh no this is bad we need to do something quickly before he finds us!” Applejack said as she looked towards Twilight who was deep in her thoughts as she tried to think of a plan. She then got an idea.

“I have recently learned a spell that can create clones of us. I'll use this spell on us and then we could confuse Tirek while we attack him. Maybe try and get him pinned down?” Twilight suggested.

“That could work, but it is also pretty risky. This is our only chance until help arrives,” Rainbow Dash said.

The Main 6 went out of their hiding area to confront Tirek once more, as the centaur looked behind him, he saw the ponies he had been waiting to destroy.

“Finally, you decided to come out, did you come here to surrender your magic to me? How thoughtful of you” Tirek said with a grin as he towered over Twilight and the Element bearers.
“We're not here to surrender Tirek...” Twilight spoke.

“Then what are you here for?” Tirek asked while readying his magic to attack them once more.

“This!” Twilight yelled as she used her spell casting a huge cloud of smoke that surrounded Tirek who looked amused as if he thought she was trying to blind him.

“Hah! Do you think that smoke will help you? Fair play Twilight but that isn’t gonna stop me!” Tirek taunted while laughing as he thought she was being stupid but then he heard someone speaking which ceased his laugh.

“It wasn’t a spell that summoned smoke Tirek..” Twilight said. “It’s this” The smoke faded away only to see hundreds of clones of the Main 6 all glaring at him, Tirek’s eyes widened in surprise as the Rainbow Dash and Applejack clones charged at him punching and kicking him. The Twilight clones then used magic to blast Tirek from behind for which he let out a roar of pain.

“Grraggh!! Get off me you pests!!” Tirek yelled as he blasted his magic at the clones which faded as they were hit by the magic. However, there were too many of them, prompting him to create a blast to knock the clones off him. He then looked behind to see the Pinkie clones who all had their party cannons aiming at him.

“SURPRISE!!!” The pinkie clones said at the same as they shot cannonballs at Tirek’s stomach who just ignored the pain... until one of the Pinkie clones shot the cannon at his...well, groin, causing him to recoil in pain.

“Oops sorry! I was just trying to aim for your stomach,” The Pinkie clone said as the other pinkies giggled at her. Tirek, now furious, fired a magical blast at the Pinkies who all retreated leaving their cannons destroyed. While he was busy dealing with them, a bunch of Rarity clones blasted at his horn with a rather strange battle cry.

“That’s for ruining my mane!!” They all said at the same time, Tirek then gave them a look of anger and hate as he charged his energy at the clones.

“Uh oh,” They said before getting blasted by Tirek and then fading away.

Meanwhile, the real Main 6 were watching the battle as their clones were slowly being beaten down by the magic absorbing centaur. They knew this would not last long and they needed a new plan fast.

“Now what genius?” Rainbow dash asked Twilight who put her hoof on her lip trying to think of another solution.

“We need to think fast, ah’m not sure how long our clones will hold him off so we need to think straight” Applejack noted.

“Yeah, otherwise we’re sitting ducks!,” Rarity said. As if on cue, she then heard quacking noises only to find Pinkie wearing a duck suit. Wait what?

“Pinkie, not that kind of duck, like we will be unable to fight. That kind of duck!” Rarity spoke.

“Oh, Okie Dokey,” Pinkie replied, taking off her duck suit as Rarity groaned wondering why she was even talking to her in the first place.

“I got it, girls, while the clones distract him, we should-” Twilight tried to speak but she was cut off by none other than Tirek.

“ENOUGH!!!” Tirek let out a huge blast of magic blasting the clones into nothing while sending the Main 6 flying as they ended coincidently blasting into a shattered building where they were all badly hurt. Including Twilight, they all fall to the ground injured as Tirek walks towards them victorious.

He laughed like a maniac while the element users looked at him with a defeated look on their faces. All except for Twilight who refused to give up just yet. She weakly got up, spread her wings and created a shield to prevent him from hurting them.

“Still refuse to give up huh, wouldn’t expect less from you but... now you and your friends are goners and I think it’s time to say GOODBYE!!” Tirek said as he charged his magic one more time aiming at the Main 6.

“You won’t get away with this...” Twilight said weakly as she ceased the magic barrier out of exhaustion and waited to meet her fate. The attack never hit, however, as something hit Tirek from behind, hurting him badly.

“What the? Who dares try to attack me?! Show yourself!!” Tirek demanded.

“Up here..” The voice said as Tirek and the exhausted girls looked to see two figures standing. Twilight recognized the other to be Spike while the other figure next to him was a man, it looked to be a human she saw in the world Sunset shimmer resided in.

“What on Equus are you supposed to be!?” Tirek asked while the man remained quiet until he spoke.

“Just a guy sent here to fight ya” The man replied.

[CHAPTER COMPLETED AND EDITED (by your boi technofan)]

Blood for the Blood God!

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Tirek saw the man and Spike on top of the building just a few kilometers away from him, he glared at the man only to be given a snicker from him. Meanwhile Twilight and the Main 6 watched in surprise and shock as the man stood in front with Spike behind him, Twilight looked for concern and worry seeing him with the mysterious person she wanted to get up and fly towards Spike but she couldn’t due to how weak she is right now”

“What are you smiling at?!” Tirek demanded, his voice now rough.

“Oh, nothing, just nothing. You must be Tirek, correct?” The man asked.

“Why yes, I am. Soon future ruler of Equestria! And those trying to oppose me will be destroyed!! Now, who do you think YOU are?!” Tirek said.

“Alright first off my name is Technoblade, I am an anarchist who hates government blah blah blah I already said twice and I don’t even feel like saying it again, to put it short, I was sent here by Celestia to fight you and save this place from your tyranny” Technoblade explained while Tirek looked at him dumbfounded.

“You, defeat me!? You can’t be serious. I have almost all of the magic in Equestria! what makes you think you can stand a chance against me!?” The centaur questioned.

“Meh I don’t think I can, I know I can” Techno replied while the Centaur began to laugh thinking this is gonna be too easy for him meanwhile Techno’s Chat looked at him annoyed and they pretty much wanted Techno to kick his centaur ass.

‘Bruh he doesn’t even know who he is even messing with’

‘I know right!? Techno ignores his stupid laugh and fire at him already!’

‘The voices demand blood, Techno. Blood for the blood god!!”

After hearing the last comment from the viewer, Techno became motionless as he took out his crossbow, put a firework on it, and then shot that firework at Tirek as it contacted his chest before creating a huge blast hurting the centaur and ceasing his laugh once more.

Tirek groans at the explosion “Why you little-! You made a big mistake trying to attack me! Now you will pay!” Tirek said before he could say anything, Techno threw a potion of weakness which for some reason weakened his magic as when Tirek tried to blast at him, it had little effect.

“Wow, is that all you got? Let me tell ya something Tirek” Techno said as he began to make his speech while Tirek looked at him with rage in his eyes.

“Techno? Are you ok?” Spike asked as he nudged Techno’s shirt.

“Yes, I’m fine. You know what to do, as soon as I begin to attack Tirek, you make your move. Now go...” Techno told him to which Spike nodded as he stepped back. Techno began to speak.

“...Let’s get straight to the point..” Techno said.

“I have always been waiting for challenges in my life. Despite them being too easy or too hard. I’ve faced off against many foes, defeated creatures who I believe are stronger than you, faced someone as strong as me and won, and the list just goes on and on,” he said while taking a dark looking chest from his inventory

“As the years went by, I pretty much became one of the most powerful warriors in history. So much so that I was given the title The Blade for a reason. I took on people who had better weapons than me, tried to trap me with the deadliest things in existance and I escaped death multiple times. And now here I am, facing one of the enemies of Equestria, who I am eager to know how strong he is since I can tell by your face you look pretty tired. So this means that the ponies already have weakened you significantly” he takes a deep breath as he reaches into the dark chest and takes out the souls of the damned and the skulls of demons “Do you understand how strong you need to be to fully defeat me? Yet, you seem pretty confident that you will” Techno said, his voice monotone while Tirek smirked at him.

“Easy for you to say, I am strong, look at the so-called elements of harmony who I have defeated with no problem, how does that not prove that I am strong? Or are you too scared to admit it?” Tirek said with a grin, but that grin was gone once Techno spoke again.

“That’s what they all say when they become powerful like you, but if you think you are powerful, prove it...” Techno voiced, lowering his head to avoid making eye contact.

“I’m sorry what?” Tirek looked at him confused and surprised.

“Prove to me you are strong enough to survive! I challenge you to a fight to the Death!” He screams as he raises his head high enough to look at the centaur while pointing at him, the whiplash caused by this making his cape flutter for a second. The challenge caused everyone present to look at him in shock, confusion, and horror.

They just met the guy and now he is challenging Tirek to a duel, Twilight and Rainbow couldn’t believe it and soon Applejack joined them.

“Has he gone nuts?!” Rainbow Dash said in shock in her voice.

“Yup! He has alright, he has!” Pinkie replied before taking out some movie glasses and popcorn ready to watch the chaos about to unfold. Seeing her friend like this, Rainbow Dash refuses to look or even reply to Pinkie knowing that speaking to her was no use.

“Ah can’t believe it, Twilight, who do you think is gonna win? The man or Tirek?” The cowgirl asked the Princess of friendship, who then looked at her with insecurity in her eyes.

“I don’t know Applejack, I’m thinking that Tirek might win, but I shouldn’t underestimate the man, we don’t know what abilities he has” Twilight stated to which Applejack agreed with a nod.

“Um, I just hope he can save us from Tirek” Fluttershy said meekly while hiding behind her hair.

“Challenge accepted! Heh, I bet you won’t even last a second!” Tirek said, still looking confident. Meanwhile, Techno’s chat began to watch as the blood god prepared to fight the centaur.

‘Get ready ladies and gentlemen, it’s happening!’

‘Dude, this is Technoblade we’re talking about, challenging him is pretty much suicide!’

‘Tirek, you made a big mistake challenging him’


‘For crying out loud stop with the E!!’



While they were all chatting, a group of famous YouTubers themselves joined the chat and began to speak.

“Beat the fuck out of him Techno!!” Said Philza, his speech full of Dadza energy and pride.

“Go Technoblade kick his ass POGCHAMP!!” said the annoying, obnoxious, loud-mouthed bother, oh sorry, yeah, the story. Tommyinit.

“Yeah! Go Techno! Show him what you got!” Said KarlJacobs.

“Come on Techno, the egg believes in you!, also LANGUAGE!” Spoke the muffin-loving and swear-hating Badboyhalo.

“Shit’s about to go down!!,” Sapnap said.

“Technoblade, I have an offer for you: If you defeat Tirek, you will win $50,000!!” Said none other than the youtube millionaire Mrbeast. Techno was aware of their messages but remained silent as he stared at Tirek with no emotion on his face while Spike readied himself in position.

“Are you gonna say something or what?!” Tirek yelled out. However, his screams went ignored when everyone saw him making a weird structure with some sort of brown sand.

“Are you certain you can defeat anyone you see including me?” Techno asked.

“For the last time, yes I can. And if you keep talking to me like that I will be even more eager to put you in your place like I did to the elements of harmony” Tirek said.

“We heard that!” Rainbow Dash shouted but Applejack then put her hoof on her mouth preventing her from speaking.

“Rainbow, there’s no need for even arguing now. All we can do is stand by and watch the fight” Applejack told her to which she let out a groan of annoyance and then got back on the ground.

“Because if you wish to defeat me...” Techno said as he put the last wither skull on the build, summoning a huge black skeleton creature with three skulls and glowing eyes. Tirek looked a little intimidated by the creature’s appearance but had his guard up as Techno said once more.

You should train for another one hundred years!!

He said as he jumped on the wither letting out a banshee-like roar as it charged at Tirek. All the while shooting skulls at him; Tirek was hit multiple times by the skulls. He tried blasting it, but the creature was fast and evaded the attacks. While he was blasting them, Tirek felt a huge amount of pain even though he wasn’t hit.

“Graaghh!! Why am I feeling so much pain!?” Tirek asked himself.

“Don't like the way your body rots and decays? Shouldn't have messed with me and my wither” Techno answered as he fired fireworks and threw splash potions of harming at Tirek, knocking him back into a building.

While Techno was charging at him with full force, Spike drank the potion of speed and invisibility and ran towards Twilight and her friends while bypassing obstacles on the way Spike managed to pass them and now was with Twilight and the Element bearers he drank the milk removing the potion effects as Twilight jumped and got frightened a little at seeing Spike appear right in front of her.

“Spike!? What-but how?!” Twilight questioned the drake bewildered at what she saw.

“Oh that? I used an invisibility potion which made me invisible” Spike replied.

“But Spike, I thought you left by now?! What on Equus are you doing here you could have gotten hurt! And you're too young to be out here by yourself! '' Twilight said, however, Spike simply looked at her enraged at what he was hearing.

“So?” Spike responded.

“Spike, what do you mean ‘SO’?! you could have been hurt and, for all we know, we could have lost you!” Rainbow Dash argued.

“And do you even know how much you mean to us? Yer putting yourself in a dangerous environment where you could get seriously hurt!” Applejack joined in and at this point, Spike has had enough.

“Do you even care for how I feel!?” Spike screamed, perfectly timed with a building exploding behind him, making the mares be taken aback by Spike’s outburst.

“Spike, don’t yell at me like that-” Twilight growled but Spike cut her off.

“I asked you a question. Do you even care for how I feel?!” Spike asked, which caused Twilight to stop talking and look at Spike with confusion.

“Spike, darling, what do you mean by that?” Rarity asked, to which spike looked at her and then at all of them as the battle between the Blood God and the centaur continued in the background.

“I am tired of you girls telling me this every single time, whenever you all go on an adventure or a special event, you leave me behind! all the time! You’re always like ‘Spike you can’t go, you're just a baby dragon’ You gave that same excuse so many times, and because of that I started wondering if my friendship with you was all a lie or what?” Spike yelled with rage in his eyes, making The Elements shocked by what they were hearing.

“Spike! What are you talking about? We bring you all the time!” Twilight protested and Spike glared at her.

“Ok, then name the places you brought me with then,” Spike asked her as Twilight tried to speak, but she couldn’t think of one time she brought Spike with her neither could her friends they were all lost in their thoughts.

“We...We” They tried to mutter but they couldn’t they realized that they haven’t brought Spike with them in like almost forever.

“See, I told you, you don’t bring me with you guys and I even missed important things that you girls have been through as well!” Spike said.

“Spike, how long has this been happening?” Fluttershy asked the drake.

“Before Twilight became a princess...” Spike uttered as everyone looked at him in surprise and shock as he continued. “ I wasn’t allowed to come with you to Canterlot to spend Twilight’s birthday there, I didn’t get to go see the National Dessert Competition in Canterlot, I was explicitly not invited to the Crystal Empire to welcome Ms. Harshwhinny, even though it was partially due to me that the Empire was saved in the first place, I didn’t get to tag along when you girls went out to seek Daring Do author A.K. Yearling!! Then I didn’t get to watch the tryouts for the Equestria Games, and I wasn’t even allowed to welcome Pinkie’s sister to Ponyville. It was always the same thing every time: ‘be a good boy and look after the library’. Oh, wait, these aren’t the only ones left, there’s even more!! “ Spike spoke out. Now they were speechless while Spike persisted in speaking.

“Ignoring all of that, the reason why I am here is that I want to help you...I just hate seeing you all having to deal with such dangerous threats like Chrysalis, Sombra, Discord, and Tirek. It's just I can’t help but only watch as you fight to risk your lives for Equestria’s safety meanwhile, I'm afraid that something will happen to you all...” Spike muttered, his voice filled with sadness. Twilight was now filled with guilt and shame. So were her friends. She then weakly walked towards Spike putting her hoof around him.

“Spike, I...I am so sorry, I am such a fool to not think that I would leave you alone, but you have to know I am doing it for you-” Twilight tried to say, but Spike finished the sentence before her.

“Safety I know, Techno gave me the reason as to why you sometimes leave me out like this, you just want to protect me since I am too young to be out here just like you said since you fear my life, but you’re not the only one who is worried for someone's life, I am as well. Techno let me help him ‘cause he knew how much you girls meant to me, and not just you girls but everypony and creature we’ve met. And you were just about to meet your demise by Tirek!” Spike sounded sad as Twilight and the others listened to him as if he was giving a speech.

“If Techno and I didn’t intervene, then...I don’t know what I'd do next! For all I know I would watch you all die in front of me as I stood there like a fool” Spike said his voice now upset and low as if he was depressed. Twilight, noticing this, pulled him in for a hug.

“Oh Spike, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way, we all didn’t want to make you feel that way” Twilight said, her hooves wrapped around him tightly while the dragon hugged his sister figure back.

“She’s right sugar cube, we’re sorry for making you feel that way, we weren’t thinking straight,” Applejack said with sadness.

“And I guess we were all too busy with our own activities that we didn’t have enough time to pay attention to your dear. I deeply apologize for that” Rarity voiced while hugging Spike before stepping back.

“Do you think you can forgive us, Spike?” Twilight asked as the mares gathered around the dragon waiting for his response.

“I’ll think about it, for now, we need to help Technoblade with Tirek” Spike stated, to which Twilight and the others nodded. I mean, what did they expect? They couldn’t just assume to be forgiven right away, that's not how friendship works. Now they needed to help fend off Tirek, but the problem is they were weak and they couldn’t do much.

“And how are you going to do that Spike? All of us have multiple injuries and I doubt we can help right now” Rainbow protested.

“Don’t need to worry about that; I got these!” Spike said, pulling out a potion of healing and six golden apples, much to Applejack's confusion as her mind raced for questions at seeing a golden apple, something that is probably not possible.

“What in tarnation is that Spike?” Applejack questioned, looking bewildered at the sight of the golden apple.

“Techno gave me these, he said that you girls need to drink this potion and eat these apples to heal your wounds” Spike answered handing the mares the golden apples while giving Twilight the potion of healing, she took a sip of the potion and ate the golden apple. As the girls and Spike watched, Twilight’s wounds were slowly fading away, much to their surprise.

“How do you feel, darling?” Rarity asked the princess of friendship.

“I feel...great! I don’t feel any pain anymore, you girls should do it as well!” Twilight said out of amazement as the girls ate the golden apples and drank a sip of the potion of healing and noticed their wounds were also gone, the apples and the potion’s effects did the job successfully.

“Sweet! We're not hurt anymore!” Rainbow said, stretching her wings and flying up.

“WOO!WOO!Forsomereason,theweirdappleismakingmefeelsoenergeticandILOVEIT!!” Pinkie yelled so quickly that Spike and others didn’t understand what she was saying.

“Thanks, Spike, the potion and the apples worked!” Twilight said rubbing, his head. Spike removed her hoof from his head while making a ‘stop iiittt’ face.

“Don’t thank me, thank Techno, he was the one who gave me these items to heal you, now we need to help him stop Tirek!” Spike remarked while pointing to the battle that had moved a couple of streets away from them.

“Well, come on girls! We got Equestria and ponyville to save!!” Twilight said, her face full of determination.

“RIGHT!!” The Main 5 yelled as Spike watched his friends smiling. But he knew they needed his help as well, he wanted to prove to them that he wasn’t just gonna stand there and watch them risk their lives again; He needed to show them that he would really do anything to save and protect his friends. He rushed to Twilight, who was about to fly off and find Tirek and managed to stop her.

“Spike?” Twilight called looking at him with confusion. “What are you doing? Aren’t you-”

“I know what you're gonna say...” Spike expressed, Twilight was surprised by his statement. “You do so much to protect me. When it comes to Equestria, you and the girls are almost at the sight of defeat or death. I want to help you Twilight. I want to prove to everypony- no, everyone that I am more than just your assistant. I am your friend, your friend who is willing to protect Equestria just like you. Please, I am not a baby dragon anymore. I’m growing up. Just let me show you that I can do more than just work for you” Spike begged, looking the alicorn in the eyes, who looked at him with shock. Spike was expecting Twilight to refuse, but this time... her answer was different.

“Alright, Spike I will let you” Twilight replied. Spike at first thought she was messing with him but then realized she wasn’t joking and, out of excitement, Spike jumped on her back.

“Remember to stick with me, try not to get close to Tirek, and stay far away from him,” Twilight said as her protective instinct kicked in, ready to protect Spike at all cost.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Spike replied, taking out a crossbow in his hands and some arrows.

“Is that another weapon Technoblade gave you?” Twilight asked the dragon with a disapproving look about him using a weapon.

“Yeah, now let's go kick some centaur a-” Spike cried only to stop at the last word his eyes widened, realizing what he was about to say; He was met with a glare from Twilight, who was not happy at all.

“Butt, I meant to say butt,” Spike said nervously while profusely sweating.

“You're lucky, you know how much I hate hearing you swear, Spike, and trust me, you won’t like me when I am angry” She added.

“Yeah, I know. Now come on, let's go” Spike reminded her as he wrapped his arms around Twilight’s neck while she flew faster; joining the Main 5 as they charged towards the fight happening between the pig blood deity and the centaur.

Meanwhile with Tirek and Technoblade

The Battle between Technoblade and Tirek raged on, Tirek had the advantage when it comes to power and size since he had absorbed almost all of the magic in Equestria, but, as he kept blasting at Technoblade. Unfortunately for Tirek, he had multiple advantages against him. Those being agility, the wither who kept blasting him, and knowledge thanks to his fans, Techno analyzed Tirek’s movements and tricks, returning balls of black magic back at him while using his shield.

“Argh!! Why aren’t you being hit!?” Tirek demanded to which Techno smiled at him.

“I guess you could say that despite having beaten me in size it turns out to be a huge disadvantage for you isn’t it? How embarrassing is that? Not to mention you’re having a hard time hitting the wither as well, even if it is a huge target” Techno spoke before launching himself off the Wither who kept on blasting wither skulls at Tirek. Techno took out his netherite sword and slashed it on Tirek’s arms creating a huge cut, making Tirek infuriated.

“Enough!!” Yelled the centaur as he created a huge beam only for Techno to dodge it, but the Wither wasn't so lucky and got hit before disappearing, leaving a glowing star that radiated energy on the ground. Seeing this made Tirek grow confident that he could stand a chance against The Blade.

“Looks like your skeleton creature is gone. Now it’s just you and me!” Tirek said with a grin until he was hit by purple magic from his back. He turned around to see none other than the Main 6 and Spike charging towards him.

“You have got to be kidding me! How many times do I have to deal with you ponies!?” Tirek yelled out of annoyance. His face looked pissed, seeing he had to deal with Twilight and her friends again. Techno took the opportunity to lunge at Tirek taking out his axe and slicing his beard and some of his hair before landing with ease where he was joined by the Mane 6 and Spike.

“Great, now not only do I have to deal with you ponies but now this stupid pig mask-wearing creature!” Spoke the irritated Centaur.

“Nice haircut Tirek, I wonder what style you were going for” Techno taunted, Tirek noticed some of his beard was cut off while Techno continued. “And you still look like a boomer even without your beard, how hilarious!” Rainbow and Pinkie held their giggles, almost laughing at Tirek’s face while he looked furious.

“What!? Why you!” Tirek snarled furiously at his enemies while clenching his fists.

“It's over, Tirek, give up!” Twilight spoke up like a true leader, her friends following suit while Techno stood behind them, being... well... Techno; looking at his chat and thanking donators in a voice low enough to go unnoticed.

“I don’t think so, I still have enough magic to crush you all into tiny pieces. And once you are defeated I will defeat Luna and Celestia and take their magic and rule Equestria under an iron FIST!!” He said.

“Well, we have something that you don’t!” Spike cried out.

“And what is that little dragon?” Questioned Tirek.

“Friendship! We got here this far because of our everlasting bond between our friends, and together we were able to accomplish everything with their help, something you will never understand because you don’t have any friends” Spike expressed in a cold yet passionate tone while everyone including Tirek was surprised by the dragon's words.

“Yoooo! Spike being savage! nice one!” Techno commented to which Spike nervously thanked Techno for the comment.

“That’s it I am tired of your nonsense! Time to finish this!” Tirek said getting into battle position the others followed suit as they got ready for the Showdown that will decide Equestria’s fate.

To be continued

[CHAPTER COMPLETED AND EDITED (by yours truly, technofan)]


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The showdown had begun. Tirek was now using his full power and magic as he went on the offensive blasting magic projectiles at the Mane 6, Spike, and Technoblade, who in turn retaliated back. Techno, Applejack, and Rainbow being the Main fighters when it comes to close combat.

Techno also had some ranged weapons like a crossbow which he shot fireworks out of. The same being with Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and Spike. While Fluttershy was mostly support since she isn’t much of a fighter but still managed to give Tirek a hard time. The Battle looked to be equal as Applejack and Rainbow Dash were shrugging off hits from Tirek’s magic and the others were dodging.

At this point Tirek hoped to at least knock out the fast pegasus and the cow pony first, but as he blasted them once more, he noticed they were taking the hits but they weren’t doing that much damage to them like earlier.

“How are you two still standing strong?! That Blast should have destroyed you by now!” Tirek complained, looking furious.

“Hey! How are we supposed to know? I thought the same thing when we got hit!” Rainbow replied before punching Tirek right in the face, however it didn't seem to do much as he just shrugged it off and continued fighting.

“Don't mean to be a nerd, but the golden apples you ate gave you absortion to certain types of damage like magic” Techno revealed, which made Tirek angrier seeing as how the Main 6 were more resistant to his attacks.

“Ggghhh! Then I will just have to-” Tirek yelled but was interrupted by a huge punch from Applejack who charged at him, jumping from a building and hitting him in the chest. Tirek recovered quickly and tried to blast at the element of honesty but Twilight’s and Rarity’s magic beam hit his chest knocking him into another building giving Applejack time to flee, Spike also shot a couple of arrows at his arms and legs to at least pin him down despite not doing much damage to the centaur and While Technoblade threw explosive TNT at Tirek which exploded on impact.

Technoblade watched as they were blasting Tirek, he went towards Applejack who met up with Rainbow and they were about to join them but he was able to stop them by calling their names which got their attention.

“Hey! What is it?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “Also, how do you know our names?”

“Uhhh, Spike told me?” Technoblade answered which made the Rainbow believe him.

“Anyway, what is it you need? We were just about to go and help the others out” Applejack asked the anarchist.

“I think you should drink these before you go, they will help you” Technoblade explained, taking out potions of swiftness and strength. At this point, his viewers already knew what he was going to do.

“Yoo he is gonna potion buff them!”
“Now that should be helpful.”
“I know right lmao”
“Stop with the fricking E Already!”
“I wonder if hasbro will sue him”
“I am so done with the people saying e”

Applejack and Rainbow looked at the potions and they were handed by Techno to Applejack.

“What are these potions exactly?” Rainbow asked her eyes gazing at them to which Techno responded.

“These are the potions of strength and swiftness or speed, they will make you twice as fast and twice as strong. Both of you drink it and watch the magic for yourself,” Technoblade said as Rainbow took the potions and drank it leaving some for Applejack who also drank them after finishing drinking, they felt their visions zoomed out and they felt themselves stronger.

“Alright, let's do this!” Rainbow said with determination before flying with incredible speed mixed with the swiftness potion effects.

“Thanks for the potion. Now, come on!” Applejack called out as she zoomed off trying to catch up with Rainbow while Techno smiled before he took out his fishing rod and began to swing his way toward where Tirek was fighting Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

Tirek created balls of magical energy to fire at Twilight but was interrupted by the Element of laughter, who shot multiple colorful cannonballs at him while laughing. Irritated, Tirek blasted at Pinkie Pie as soon as the attack hit, and an explosion was caused, but the laughter didn't stop.

“BEHIND YOUUU!!” Pinkie cried out as Tirek turned around to see the party pony, who somehow evaded his attack. He blasted her again but then heard her voice from his right; she was standing making a goofy face to annoy him, and, fortunately for Pinkie, it did the job making Tirek more annoyed as he kept blasting at her and she kept evading to different places. Suddenly Tirek had enough and created a huge beam, and turned to make sure she didn’t escape it. After that was done Tirek looked around him to see everything was destroyed.

“There’s no way you survived that one” Tirek thought, but he heard the same voice again, and he looked to see Pinkie waving at him, confusing him.

“How are you even doing that-” Tirek said but was once again cut off by Rainbow with a stronger punch which actually hurt Tirek.

“Well duh! she’s Pinkie, even we don’t know how she does that” Rainbow responded but Tirek blasted her away with his magic and turned to face Twilight and Rarity as he charged a beam and pointed it at them. They however, weren’t going to give up so easily and so they blasted back, causing a beam clash between the two. Twilight and Rarity were struggling to push the beam back while Tirek pushed harder. He made a twisted grin seeing they were about to lose, but Spike saw his two friends in danger and took out the potion of blindness he still had in his pocket.

“Hey, old man! Try this!” Tirek didn’t have time to react as Spike threw the potion of blindness directly at Tirek’s face. He wasn't even able to see the projectile, as it impacted before he had turned around. His vision was pitch black and he could not see anyone or anything at all.

“What have you done to me!? Show yourselves this instant!” Tirek yelled, walking towards another direction in which he thought his enemies were. Unbeknownst to him, he was walking in the opposite direction. The main 6 and spike took this opportunity to rendezvous with technoblade.

“Where is Tirek going?” Rarity said looking confused.

"It's almost like he can't see us," Fluttershy presumed.

“That’s because he can’t see us!” Spike replied, making the mares stare at him.

“Spike, what did you do to him?” Twilight asked the drake.

“I threw a potion of blindness at him, which disabled his vision” Spike explained, making everyone understand while Techno gave him a proud look.

“Looks like you’ve got a good throwing arm, good to know; I must admit you might probably be good with other stuff,” Techno said to Spike, who in turn thanked him.

“Alright y’all, enough with the chit-chat we need to find Tirek before he gets too far” Applejack reminded.

“Not to mention we have to be quick as well, I’m not sure when the potion’s effect will fade on him, so we better be quick” Technoblade added to which the girls and Spike nodded. Techno then picked up his netherite axe and then said. “Anybody wanna play hide and seek with Tirek?”

“You're kidding, right?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“No, I’m serious. We play a little trick on him with the old school ‘hit em in the back’ technique again and again until he stresses himself out” Technoblade explained.

“It’s a good tactic and could help us get an edge. And it’s more effective since he is affected by blindness” Twilight spoke, but Rainbow didn’t have the same opinion.

“Come on, that sounds way too lame, isn’t there a tactic that is much better than this one?” Rainbow dash complained while Applejack looked amused at the pegasus.

“Well, you got a better plan, Rainbow?” The element of honesty asked, to which Rainbow immediately groaned in defeat.

“Well let’s go now. If I have to guess Rainbow’s tactic, it’s gonna be reckless and less effective,” Technoblade said truthfully to which everyone except Rainbow agreed. They started to follow The Blade with Rainbow Dash behind them still looking a bit irritated about what Techno said.

Tirek started destroying buildings while still blind trying to find them thinking they were hiding. Of course, he kept blasting in random directions as he could not see anything.

“Where on Tartarus are you, cowards!? You DARE try to hide from me again!?" Tirek yelled as he kept blasting in random directions, getting more furious. But then just as he was about to blast again, he felt something hit him in the back.

"What the?! Who is there?! Show yourselves at once!!" The magic-eating centaur roared in anger, this anger increased when he felt a powerful magic bolt hit him from behind. He turned around to trace the source, but forgot that he couldn't see a thing because of his blindness.

The girls kept ambushing Tirek from behind, taking turns each to hit him as he started to struggle more. Spike fired a constant stream of arrows at Tirek while Technoblade helped him shooting fireworks from his crossbow. Seeing as Tirek was beginning to lose, the girls were finally thinking they were about to win, but Technoblade knew this wasn’t the end, and he could tell that with Tirek now using his full power, it seemed to make him a lot more resistant to the girls' attacks. They needed something else.

“(Great, this boomer old centaur isn’t going down because of his magic making him a lot stronger and tougher, despite us getting him to the ground. I know this isn’t working, if only we could have taken him down quick as a bang….)” Technoblade thought, before repeating the last word in his mind.

“Or, we could blow him up with an explosion,” Techno said with a smile forming on his face as he then checked his inventory to find that he had stacks of TNT and 2-4 stacks of obsidian which was strong enough to stand against TNT. With this in mind he began to make the plan inside his head while the girls were still attacking Tirek. Unfortunately for them, the blindness potion effect ran out meaning Tirek could finally see. The first thing he does is block an incoming attack from Rainbow before throwing her to the ground. She tries to fly, but is unable to and crash-lands a couple hundred meters away.

“Finally! About time that potion effect faded, now I can get to the fun!” Tirek said as he was ready to have another fair round with the Elements of Harmony. Applejack tried to punch him. Tirek slammed the ground before she could even get close, making her jump back. Twilight began to blast magic projectiles. Much more powerful bolts were shot at Tirek, with Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy being the distractions. One by one, Tirek knocked the three away and blasted magic at Twilight and Spike (Who was on her back of course). As they both got hit, Twilight took the brunt of the impact and was blasted away with Spike, landing on the ground far away, kicking up dust from the impact. As the dirt cleared, they could see Tirek running at them. Fast.

“Spike run!! Go find Technoblade quick” Twilight knew he would reach her quickly enough, so she pleaded for Spike to run away.

“But what about you!?” Spike asked with fear in his voice.

“Don’t worry about me, go find Technoblade! He probably knows something that can stop Tirek. Now GO!” Twilight yelled as the baby drake nodded and sprinted as fast as he could. Just as twilight wanted, tirek didn’t pay attention to the dragon and focused on the Princess of Friendship.

“Looks like you have nowhere to go Sparkle..” Tirek declared with a grin “You should be the one to go down first”

“That’s what you think!” Twilight yelled as she teleported behind Tirek and fired another projectile at him causing him damage and pain, resulting in him kneeling down. But he ignored the pain and slowly got up, staring at twilight with pure hatred in his eyes. She didn't back down, however, instead she held her ground and inspired her entourage to do the same.

“Why can’t you just surrender and make this easier for the both of us? You are all asking for death” Tirek yelled in rage.

“You know that we would never give up that easily Tirek, like we said earlier, we will fight for Equestria till the end, even if we lose our lives we will never let you succeed” Twilight replied with determination in her voice, almost as if she was giving a war speech with the girls agreeing with her.

“Then I will just have to destroy you!! Let’s Finish this RIGHT here!!” Tirek yelled as he made one more assault against the Main 6. But unknown to them, however, someone was planning something explosive.


Spike managed to flee from the scene and looked for Technoblade as he called out to him in every direction he could. He managed to see him in the distance, he was just standing there…menacingly. Seeing him, Spike ran up to Techno who saw the dragon coming toward him and gave him a concerned look, noticing he was scared.

“Woah what happened Spike, everything alright?” Technoblade asked to which the dragon gave a shake of his head.

“No, the blindness potion effect ran out, Tirek can see again and he is fighting Twilight and the others. You need to do something! Even I can’t do anything about it” Spike begged as he looked at him, for him to pat his head.

“Don’t worry, I expected the potion effect to wear off soon but I have a plan, and I need your help with it” Technoblade as he then began to explain the plan in detail. Spike listened carefully, making sure to not miss a single detail. Soon, Techno finished explaining the plan while Spike still looked nervous.

“Are you sure it’s gonna work?” Spike asked. “What about Twilight and the others an-” he tried to speak, but Techno cut him off.

“I’m sure Twilight and the others can hold him off but we need to begin the plan. Now come, we don’t have enough time,” Techno said as Spike followed him to the entrance of Ponyville which wasn’t far from where they were, the dragon then looked at Techno who began to take out stacks of obsidian and TNT from his inventory. Meanwhile, Techno’s chat had millions of people watching his stream. As they looked on in excitement, Technoblade was gonna do something that would defeat Tirek easily.

“Oh Tirek is sooo dead”
“I know right! He is done for, Look at how much TNT he has!”
“Welp I can’t wait for everyone SPAM BOOM TIREK IN THE CHAT”
“Boom Tirek”
“YOOO, Techno! blow him up with as much TNT as you have in your pocket!!”

"Yeahhh! Fucking Technoblade is gonna blow him up!" Cried the annoying Tommyinit.

"Tommy for fucks sake stop ruining everything," Said Wilbur Soot.

Spike and Technoblade began to build the trap as Techno built the walls out of obsidian, while Spike placed the TNT as fast as he could. It took a while for it to be built, but it was successful as Spike and Techno looked to see a huge obsidian box, a button inside and a lever outside. The contents of the box being hidden by the huge black structure.

“Well, now what?” Spike questioned.

“Now you stand next to the lever and wait while I go and get Tirek to chase me, and once he and I are in, you're gonna press the lever and lock us both inside” Technoblade explained, much to Spike’s shock that he was going to be inside alone with tirek.

“What?! You're gonna be inside as well! what if something bad happens to you?!” Spike asked but Techno didn’t seem to mind and continued.

“You’ll see for yourself. Now go stand next to the lever, I have a centaur to get,” Techno said before running back to the area where the Mane 6 and Tirek were fighting, while Spike went towards the lever looking rather scared. He was worried about Twilight and the girls but he knew he could trust Techno with the situation and just hoped they would be alright.

Tirek had just managed to defeat Twilight again as she took one more hit from his magic before getting knocked down to the ground, her body was covered in bruises and her left eye could not be opened, Tirek looked at her victorious and then turned to see the Mane 5 looking all injured and beaten as well. He was filled with satisfaction before turning to face Twilight.

"About Time you collapsed. Look at you and your puny friends looking all defeated and injured again, how embarrassing" Tirek mocked while Twilight glared at him.

"Even if we are defeated, you will never get Equestria for yourself. Not to mention, you’re missing someone!" Twilight argued in a painful tone.

"Well, I will defeat that pighead soon. Once I am done with you six, of course. It was nice knowing you all, and how about I finish this right here?" Tirek said as he once more charged up his magic and aimed it right at Twilight, the girls could do nothing but watch in horror as they were about to watch her friend get killed. But it never came, as something hit Tirek from behind which made the centaur look frustrated. He turned around to see Technoblade on his wither looking at him as his boar skull mask was preventing him from seeing what he was feeling. Was he nervous, serious, angry? We may never know.

"You again?!" Tirek said before blasting a ball of energy at Technoblade and the wither only for Techno to use his sword to deflect the ball back at him, hitting Tirek in the face.

"Aww, that was a cute attack. Where did you learn it from?" Technoblade asked in a mocking tone while Tirek stood in front of him, standing strong.

"You finally decided to show up, now let's see if you can survive!" Tirek roared before charging at him, but Techno and his wither began to attack him from two sides, Techno took out his Trident and threw it at the Centaur's left arm, impaling him. Tirek felt the pain due to the withers effects, and the Blade's attacks, but ignored them and blasted Technoblade. The wither took the hit but remained alive and charged itself to become stronger. It rammed into Tirek, knocking him to the ground. The Wither let out a banshee scream right into Tireks ears, who blasted the wither away and turned his attention to Techno.

"You have been my most interesting foe yet, but let's put a stop to this" Tirek said in a serious tone while Techno looked amused.

"Is that supposed to scare me? Cause it’s not working at all, you just sound like a nerd" Techno said as he looked at his Trident which still had some of Tirek's blood on it.

"Ew boomer blood" Upon hearing that, Tirek felt insulted and fired a magic beam at him. He managed to dodge it, but the same couldn't be said for his cape, which got burnt, leaving only half of it.

"Stay still, you!" Tirek yelled.

"You better catch me first, noob!" Techno mocked before using his fishing rod to swing across, giving Tirek no choice but to chase him leaving the injured Mane 6 alone with no clue what to do now. That is, until a group of Royal guards arrived at the scene and made their way towards the mane 6 helping them recover. With them were Shining Armor and Princess Cadance who were then joined by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Shining and Cadence got the news of Tirek attacking Ponyville as well as defeating Twilight by Luna. Worried, they decided to come and help.

"Oh my goodness, what happened here?" Cadence asked as she looked at the destruction all around.

"Tirek happened…" Luna said coldly to which the two looked at the destroyed buildings, they knew this was that bad but what caught their attention was Twilight as she was being carried by the royal guards with the other girls as well. Shining looked at his sister before rushing over to make sure she was ok, Cadence joining.

"Twily! What happened?! Are you ok?!" Shining asked worriedly while Twilight looked at her older brother.

"Tirek beat us, we tried our best to stop him but he was too strong. We were saved by technoblade when he showed up and made him chase him away from us until you came," Twilight said weakly while Shining Armor and Cadance comforted her.

"I'm sorry to put you in this situation Twilight, I wasn't aware that Tirek came prepared and I sent you and the girls to deal with him unaware he had learned from his previous battle with you all, Once again I am deeply sorry," Celestia said apologetically while Twilight looked at her Teacher.

"It wasn't your fault Princess. Just because you sent me and the girls to deal with Tirek doesn't mean it was your fault. It was also ours" Twilight communicated.

"Yeah and to be honest when we were fighting Tirek, we all weren't cooperating much and we kinda argued on how he should have been dealt with" Applejack joined in after being recovered

"We’re the elements of Harmony and Equestria's protectors; it's our job to keep our home safe from dangers and kicking their butts out of here!" Rainbow Dash pointed out. After hearing the mares' responses, Celestia looked pleased with herself and her friends. Then Luna remembered something.

"Wait, where is The Blade? Isn't he with you?" Luna questioned.

"Oh he was, he just got Tirek to chase him for some reason but we don't know why," Fluttershy said.

"Probably he has a plan that involves the element of surprise. If you ask me, he is a talented Youtuber after all!" Pinkie said, making everyone confused.

"What is a Youtuber Pinkie dear?" Rarity asked her, clearly showing her uncultured side. Who doesn't know about youtubers, amirite?

"Oh, you won’t get it, trust me" Pinkie replied. But talking about technoblade remembered twilight about somedragon very important.

"Wait, where is Spike?!" Twilight asked worriedly as she tried to fly but was stopped by her sister in law and brother.

"Twilight No! You're hurt! You can't fly yet!" Cadence argued.

"What about Spike!? What if Tirek has him?!" Twilight argued back.

"Twilight calm yourself! We’re sure Spike is safe and sound and Techno must have got him somewhere safe, so stay calm! He is fine now, calm down!" Luna cut in, making the purple alicorn calm down. She was scared that Spike was out there alone, wondering how they're doing right now. She hoped at least Technoblade could do something to stop Tirek for good.

The Chase was on as Tirek chased Technoblade through Ponyville trying everything he could to stop him. But the Blade proved to be too quick and too smart as he kept reflecting his attacks back at him while weakening him with potions of weakness. They slowly made their way into the obsidian chamber to which Spike was waiting patiently upon. Seeing he was getting close, Techno dashed towards the chamber, AKA trap he created.

“Get back here and face me instead of running away!” Tirek yelled, But the blade paid no heed to his words.

“How about no? Also, stop screaming in my ears old man” Techno replied while still shooting him with arrows, Tirek taking the hits and still remaining focused on beating his opponent. He created a huge fireball and charged at him. Techno, knowing he couldn’t block or reflect that, took out another ender pearl and threw it at the direction of the chamber and landed it right where he wanted.

Spike saw Techno go in, before The Blade called out to him. “Wait for the signal!” He said. Tirek was so focused on defeating him that he didn't notice the telltale signs of a trap. As he went in, he couldn't see anything from the darkness. Nothing but an ominous shadow standing in front of the exit.

“Let’s do this…” Techno said in a monotone voice as he lunged at Tirek and created a cut on his chest, punching him in the face. Tirek attacked back, grabbing the blade’s leg and throwing him towards the wall only for Techno to recover and take out his fishing rod. He wrapped it around Tirek’s arm as he then swung around and kicked him in the face while throwing his Trident as well, only for Tirek to knock the weapon away to a corner, sending techno into a rush to grab it.

Tirek took the opportunity to blast him. Techno took out his shield and raised it, but it wasn't enough and he was launched towards the wall where the button was. Tirek looked satisfied, happy, sadistic even. He was prideful in his victory against the best Celestia could send against him.

“Ha! I win! Now... what should I do with you first?” Tirek said, mocking Techno. The Blade didn't react however, just looking at him with a smug smirk.

“Well let me guess…is it to blow me up?” Techno questioned to which Tirek nodded, while charging another blast.

“Oh, thank you for guessing, and yes that’s exactly what I am gonna do with you. But first!” Tirek said, looking at Techno with a grin. ”I hope you don’t mind if we get out of this chamber and you give me your magic.” Tirek added to which Techno smirked.

“I don’t think so. NOW, SPIKE!!” Techno yelled as Tirek looked behind to see the chamber’s exit closed, trapping him inside; he attempted to blast the obsidian walls but they didn't budge. He looked towards techno, trapped inside Tirek’s hand. The Blade just smiled and stared back.

“What did you do?!” Tirek said but Techno gave no answer. “Tell me!”

“Alright since you asked for it,” Techno replied. “Also,as Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars would say...” Techno said while Tirek waited for him to finish. 3 words was all he needed.

“IT’S A TRAP!!” Techno yelled pressing the button with his arm, which was freed earlier, and the sound of something igniting could be heard. Tirek looked shocked realizing he just got played.

“Why you little, I will destroy yo-” Tirek said as he was cut off by a huge explosion as TNT from every side of the trap exploded, silencing him while Techno was quick enough to have two totems of undying in his hand just as he was caught in the Blast.

To be continued....

Aftermath of the fight.

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*Back with the Princesses and then Elements of Harmony*

Celestia and Luna have been keeping in check on both themselves and the area they were surrounded in. So far, Tirek was not seen anywhere, making them think The Blade was still dealing with him.

Celestia took one last look at the sky in vain before going down to meet with her sister.

"Did you see anything sister? Is Tirek around?" Asked the Night Princess to her older sister.

"No, All I have seen so far are more destroyed houses, but no sign of Tirek or The Blade" Celestia answered much to Luna's dismay. She had had enough with Tirek's rampage and wanted to put an end to this.

"But, I did see something that caught my attention" Celestia said to Luna, who then looked at her with interest piqued, but before she could ask more, Twilight came towards them after having recovered from her injuries along with cadence.

"Sorry if we bothered you in something Princesses" Twilight said apologetically. “But we wanted to talk to you about Tirek and Technoblade”.

"No need for a sorry Twilight, now what do you need?" Celestia asked the Princess of Friendship to which Cadance spoke up.

"We were just wondering When we should start looking for Tirek and The Blade? Cause it seems a little too quiet around here..." Said the Princess of Love.

"And Spike! He’s out there somewhere too, I hope he’s okay" Twilight said worried; she hoped Technoblade had got Spike somewhere safe and was fending Tirek off.

"So far, I have looked all over Ponyville and I haven't seen either Spike, Tirek, nor The Blade'' Celestia answered, making Twilight distressed and Cadence frustrated.

"But I did see this huge black cube-shaped structure which was standing on Ponyville's entrance" Celestia added to which Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"A huge black cube structure? Now what would something like that be doing here?" Luna asked the Solar Princess.

"I'm just as confused as you are Luna but I think it has something to do with Tirek and the Blade" Celestia said. "We will get moving-"

Celestia was then cut off by a sound of what seemed to be Explosions coming from the direction of Ponyville's entrance; many ponies looked confused and scared by the sounds.

"That does not sound good," Rarity said.

"You don't say? Of course that doesn't sound good!" Rainbow replied.

"Where in Tarnation is that coming from?" Applejack said.

"Is that supposed to be a good or a bad sign?" said a background Royal Guard whose name was not relevant enough to remember.

"Probably both, but we need to get moving and investigate the sounds before something bad happens!" Shining armor declared, the royal guards nodding with him.

"Wait! One of us needs to check first, is anypony willing to scout?" Twilight asked, she knew Rainbow Dash was still recovering from her injuries so that leaves her out, Fluttershy obviously would not do the job with her lackluster flight skills, so who would? Until a voice spoke up.

"I will take a look" The voice came none other from the Princess of Love, Cadence, who raised her hoof up and with a serious look on her face making everyone look at her with bewilderment—and in the case of twilight and her brother—worry over her safety.

"Cadence, are you sure you wanna do this? I could accompany you if you want, you can't go alone" Shining armor spoke, not wanting Cadance to go off on her own.

"I agree with Shining, it's not safe. It’s possible Tirek defeated The Blade and is baiting us"

Twilight presumed the Cadance then looked at her husband and sister in law.

"You both don't have to worry about me, I can hold my own against him, but someone needs to make sure what's going on; which is why I decided to volunteer" Cadence declared, prompting a response from Luna.

"Alright make sure to be careful, and notify us on any activity while we try to make our way towards the black structure Celestia mentioned" Luna said in a serious tone, making sure Cadence understood her task. The pink alicorn was about to fly off before her husband stopped her with his foreleg

"Be safe.." He said to his wife, receiving a smile and a nod.

"Don't have to say it twice" Cadence said before she kissed Shining on the cheek before flying off, all while raising Shining’s anxiety levels.

Cadence flew to the skies towards the direction of the explosion as quickly as she could. She was being cautious of her surroundings making sure that she hadn't missed anything while looking for any signs of Spike, Tirek or The Blade. No luck though, only the explosions getting louder as she approached the black structure.

"(I must be close, if the disembodied sounds of explosions are any indication)" Cadence thought as she kept flying until she reached her destination, finding a huge black structure as well as explosives that were blowing and destroying the ground underneath. With further observation, she noticed a purple juvenile dragon running away from the chain of explosions escaping the structure from below.

"It's Spike, what is he doing here?" Cadence wondered but she would ask about that later as Spike was in trouble. She dived towards the dragon as the blasts from the TNT caught up to him, sending him flying in the air. Cadence then dashed towards him grabbing him with one of her hooves, saving Spike from having his first ever flight be his last.

"Cadence…?" Spike said, looking up to see the Princess of the crystal empire right in front of his face.

"Hey Spike, you alright? I managed to spot you as you were being chased by the explosives. That reminds me, WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING HERE YOUNG DRAKE!?" Cadence then had to deal with a very nervous and anxious dragon trying to recount everything that had happened as they made their way through the air and to the others.


*A few moments Earlier with Spike*

Spike sat and waited as he looked at the huge cube shaped obsidian block with nothing much to do but play the waiting game. When he closed the door upon hearing technos voice he listened closely for something to happen and unfortunately for him, he heard Techno say this.

"IT'S A TRAP!!" Spike heard techno yell the three words out before proceeding to back away from the obsidian cube.

"Oh shoot! Better get away quick!" Spike said as he ran away from the cube, he knew that Technoblade was gonna blow this place up and so started running as far as he could but as he did, the TNT set off as the blast immediately grew bigger and bigger until they almost caught up with him.

"No no! Not now!" Spike said with panic in his voice as he ran as fast as his little legs could take him but the blast caught up sending him flying in the air.

For a moment Spike was enjoying the feeling of being in the air by himself thinking this is what rainbow experiences flying but his mood switched to horror as he was now flying straight to the ground.

"Oh Celestia, this is gonna hurt!" Spike said as he closed his eyes and braced for impact but all of a sudden he felt as if someone was holding him. Spike turned his face up to find Cadance looking at him with worry.

"Cadence…?" Spike asked.


"So you helped The Blade in building the obsidian cube!? I find that hard to believe considering how big it is" Cadence said who looked surprised that spike was able build something like that but at the same time found it hard to believe it"

"Guess you could say I am a handyman huh?" Spike said, chuckling to himself. "Bet Twilights not gonna believe me when i tell her this"

"Knowing her, she probably would be in denial" Cadence spoke truthfully while giggling at the thought of Twilight refusing to believe Spike built that huge cube.

"Hey! There they are!" Spike said pointing at sight of Celestia,Luna,The Main 6, Shining armor and the royal guards who then saw them as well,Cadence then got down and landed as Spike got off her back and upon doing so Spike was tackled into a hug by Twilight who was happy to see him.

"Spike! You're okay! Thank Celestia you're alright! For a second there I thought I lost you!" Twilight said as her hold on Spike was so tight that Spike was struggling to breath.

"Twi-light, yo-u-r squ-eezing Me! I c-an't breathe!" Spike wheezed out making Twilight release him from her hooves.

"Sorry Spike, I was so happy to see you that I couldn't bear it" Twilight replied giving an embarrassing look before shining armor came up to them.

"I suppose you were ok and nothing happened?" Shining armor asked Cadance who gave him a 'What do you think?' Look.

"Shining, you really need to stop being so paranoid sometimes," Cadence told her husband.

"I know I know, I am paranoid yes at times but at least you're alright" Shining armor said before turning to spike.

"And i'm glad to see your ok too little bro, Get over here!" Shining said with a smirk before grabbing spike and started noogieing him.

"Ah! Come on! Not again" Spike cried out. He was not much of a fan getting noggied by Shining armor who then proceeded to let go of him while Spike gave him a frown.

Princess Celestia, Luna, and the other elements arrived with the royal guards behind them. Cadence had returned safe and managed to find Spike, much to the elements’ happiness who then approached Spike making sure he was OK.

"Spikey wikey are you alright? Thank goodness! we couldn't stop worrying about you" Rarity spoke in delight while giving Spike a small hug.

"Yeah I’m fine, Told you I could handle it" Spike replied, puffing out his chest after being let go from Rarity's hooves before Applejack approached and spoke up.

"We're glad you're alright sugarcube, you were quite brave in shooting arrows from the crossbow at Tirek, may not have done that much but still" The element of honesty said, her voice infused with encouragement.

"You put up a good fight there, you know? I gotta say that was almost as awesome as when I fought Tirek" Rainbow Dash said with pride but also acknowledgement.

"Cadence aside from finding Spike, which I'm glad you did, what else did you see?" Celestia spoke up, asking Cadence.

"And what were those explosions we heard, and why have they stopped?" Luna added, voicing the safety concerns of all the guards present.

"Well, to make it quick, the explosions came from the black structure I saw and Spike told me that the structure was actually a trap he and Techno created to trap Tirek, which proved to be a success" Cadence explained to which Spike nodded with satisfaction.

"You built that?!" Twilight asked, looking shocked that the tiny dragon helped make such a prominent engineering impossibility, making Spike simply chuckle at her lack of faith in a dragon’s abilities.

"Of course I did, it took a while but we managed to build that trap quick and fast" Spike told his sister who seemed to be having a hard time believing it, while Spike simply looked at her, having expected such a reaction.

"I’m curious if we could go look, that is if Tirek is already defeated and down to normal size" The element of kindness said with curiosity and slight fear.

"And that is exactly what we are gonna do now Fluttershy" Celestia said. "Everypony! Let's move; we need to be sure that Tirek isn't planning on getting away from Equestria and back into hiding. Keep an eye out for anything that's suspicious, understood?" Celestia said in a low royal tone.

"Yes Princess!" Everypony said in unison.

"Good let's move" The Ruler of Equestria commanded as she and others began to approach the black structure which was standing perfectly still despite the ground around it having been decimated, defying all known laws of physics. Technoblade however, does not care for what ponies think to be possible. He’s just cool like that.