Not-So-Safe Sex

by AtomicClop

First published

With Kirin, "safe sex" takes on a whole new meaning...

Gallus develops a crush on the first Kirin to join the friendship school. As luck would have it, she likes him, too. However, "safe sex" isn't as straightforward when your love is a Kirin.

Interspecies friendship will never be the same

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"Who's that?" Silverstream whispered.

Gallus looked up from doodling in his notebook. Professor Dash stood at the door, talking to Headmare Starlight.

A strange creature stood behind Starlight, looking at their cloven hooves. A gnarled horn glowed, levitating a bookbag.

Starlight trotted in and the creature followed just behind her. "Good morning!" Starlight called. "It's my pleasure to introduce our new student, Miss Danger Close. She's our first student from the Kirin Lands. Please help her feel at home!"

Silverstream leaned to Gallus. "A kirin? Don't make her mad."

Gallus wasn't listening. He was staring at the new student. Her coat was a wonderful soft-tan color, her mane and tail-tuft an understated teal, and the smooth scales on her forehead and back a lighter tan. Her magic aura and eyes were a wonderful amethyst.

Silverstream reached out and used a single claw to close Gallus's gaping jaw. "We lost him," she said to Ocellus.

At Buckball League that afternoon, Professor Applejack classified Danger Close as a unicorn, much the same way Gallus found himself classified as a pegasus.

Gallus's team was eliminated quickly, since he kept missing his defensive catches. He was too busy staring at Danger Close in her gym shorts and jersey—number 99—to pay any attention to the game.

Danger Close's team was eliminated in the second round.

She exploded when she missed the game-winning catch. Literally exploded. She turned black, her eyes glowed like a unicorn hopped up on too much Crystal Empire meth, and eldritch flames ran down her back.

Her gym clothes burned to ash.

After about fifteen seconds, she got herself under control and returned to her normal form.

Gallus was even more interested in her, now.

With their teams eliminated, they all sat on the bleachers, watching the remaining teams play.

"Go talk to her," Sandbar said.

"What?" Gallus replied.

"You've got a crush," Sandbar said, elbowing Gallus in the ribs. "It's her first day, go introduce yourself."

Gallus nodded and flew to Danger Close, on the other side of the bleachers. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Not at all."

Oh. Oh wow. Even her voice was gorgeous. Gallus's wings locked up and he crashed down on his butt. "Danger Close, right?"

She nodded with a little smile. "And you?"

"Gah... gah... gah..." he coughed and choked. "Gallus. I'm Gallus."

She looked up and down him, and brushed a forehoof against his feathers. "Nice to meet you."

Gallus and Danger Close lay on a picnic blanket in an isolated clearing in White Tail woods. Warm sunlight shone down on them.

They laid snout-to-beak, Gallus on his right side and Danger Close on her left.

They kissed, their tongues brushing each other's. Gallus's eyes were closed and he let his other senses wash over him. Danger Close's wonderful smell, so feminine and soft. The feel of her muscles as he ran his claw up and down her flank, from her withers, down her ribs, to her butt. He squeezed her butt and she shuddered in pleasure, kissing him more desperately, her taste so strange and wonderful on his tongue. The soft fur of her mane brushed his own chest and neck with an almost tickling feel.

Danger Close ran her hoof up and down his flank, rubbing under his wing and tracing the curve of his thigh.

They kissed deeper and both of them opened their eyes, staring into each other's, and they both gave a tiny nod of permission to each other.

Gallus's claw moved down, around her thigh, and rested lightly on the soft fuzz of her pubic mound. Her hoof traced around his thigh and brushed his cock, which was poking from its sheath.

They broke their kiss, panting, staring at each other, eyes wide.

His claw began a soft massage of her mound and she moaned, then began to gently run her hoof up and down his shaft. He hardened quickly, his full length escaping its sheath and his balls throbbing, and her first flows moistened his palm.

Without a word, she pushed him over, onto his back, and sat up, looming down over him. Her movement broke the contact between his claw and her marehood, so he brought his palm to his nose, sniffed it, and gave a cautious lick to the drops of her fluid that wet him. "Wow! You taste good."

A blush washed over her light tan face and she looked away for a second, then looked down at his crotch. Flat on his back, he was fully exposed to her in the bright light of the sunny day.

"I've never done this before, Gallus," she said.

"Honestly? Me either."

Danger Close leaned down and booped his balls with her nose, then ran her tongue from the base of his cock towards the tip.

"Hey!" She said, sticking out her tongue and crossing her eyes to try to look at it. "What the heck?"

"Ah, yeah..." Gallus said, covering his eyes with his dry hand. "Ah, griffons have barbs on our cocks. It's a cat thing."

"Ooooo... Oh, hey, I'm not sure... if it hurts my, uh, insides, I might nirik out."

Gallus winked at her. "I thought about this ahead of time!"

Danger Close raised an eyebrow.

"I dropped by the nurse and talked to her. Redheart gave me a box of extra-strength condoms. I used one to, ah..."

"To claw off?" Danger Close said with a smirk.

"To claw off," Gallus sighed. "Yeah, last night. You can't feel the barbs through the condom."

She booped his balls with her nose again. "Aren't you clever."

"I thought so," Gallus replied.

Danger Close turned around, lowering her forequarters and raising her butt, presenting to him. Gallus rolled over onto his paws and grabbed the box of condoms from the bottom of their picnic basket. His cock hung underneath him, hard and throbbing and ready. He didn't particularly like the idea of wearing a condom, instead of getting the full experience, but he'd seen what happened when Danger Close was mad, and didn't want to risk his dickbarbs doing that.

He opened the condom, pinched the tip, and rolled it down his shaft, all the way to the base.


"Yeah," she said. "I have an asbestos dildo and popped my own cherry years ago. Uh... sorry if you wanted to do that."

Gallus blinked. He was a little disappointed, but it was still sex with an extremely cute creature. It would be good enough. He hopped up, putting his claws on her butt and positioning his paws until his tip almost touched her. Her pussylips spread wide in anticipation, dripping with her excitement. Her clit pulsed, red and ready.

He slid in.

"What—" Danger Close said, sudden panic in her voice.

With a plunk-thonk! sound like a mortar firing and a flash like an exploding propellant charge, Gallus found himself flung away at nearly mach one.

Danger Close flopped onto her back and fanned her pussy with both forehooves, trying to quench the sudden itchy pain. The blue dot of Gallus was well on its way to the horizon. "Dang, I must be allergic to latex."