A 'Rare' Experience

by DerpingtonMHooves

First published

A story about an unexpected pair coming together through very unexpected means

:UPDATE: 6/19/2012:~ Ok so... to everyone that has be watching this story and reading it.
1.) Thank you so much for all the comments and feedback.
2.) I do still plan on finishing this story AND once it's finished, I may even create a tumblr for it to add pictures to the story, but again, MAYBE
3.) I do not have any means of being able to type out the second part to chapter 7 other than right into this site... but we
ll see
4.) there is a 50% and 33% of the characters in this story are going to either die or come back

This is a Fanfic (or as many would like to call it a Clopfic) between Derpy Hooves and Rarity and their love for each other from the very beginning to a point in which they both find that they couldn't live without each other. This story does contain sexual themes that are not suitable for children under the age of 18, please only read this Fic if you think you are able to handle it.

So more about this Fanfic, well I've envisioned it being 10 chapters long... a lot I know, but I've got plenty of time to kick out a chapter here and there. However it's only fair that I warn you that it may take a while for the chapters to come out because I am working on another Fic that came to mind, and it will be much more... Intense, compared to this story. I hope you all enjoy the read, I know I enjoyed writing it,

The Obedient Victim

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A ‘Rare’ Experience

Part 1: The Obedient Victim

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author’s note: This story is inspired by my deep seeded love for Ditzy Doo aka Derpy Hooves. I’d also like to give inspirational credit to the creator of the “ask lil’ miss rarity” Tumblr blog, If not for her (Lil' Miss Rarity) I would have never look at Rarity in this way… Ever!

It was a beautiful autumn afternoon in the wonderful land of Equestria. The ponies of Ponyville where out and about, enjoying the cool crisp air; many were on their way to either watch or partake in “The Running of the Leaves,” all except for Ditzy Doo. Ditzy was frantically trying to finish up the last of her rounds, delivering the mail of other ponies to their rightful location. She only had a few more packages to deliver, all of which were addressed to Miss Rarity’s boutique which was on the complete opposite side of town from where Ditzy happen to be. So, Ditzy Doo made her way to Rarity’s place.

Rarity was rushing around the store in a panic, “Where, where did I put it…” she muttered looking under piled up fabric, throwing it all aside, “I know it’s around here somewhere!” Sweetie Belle innocently walking in to see her sister in a panic, “Hey sis’ is everything ok? Whatcha looking for?” Sweetie asked watching her sister dart from one side of the room to the other. Rarity only glances at her for a moment then replies “Have you seen mommy’s whip anywhere? I’m in dire need of it, and I’ve looked everywhere!” Sweetie Belle ponders for only a moment, “OH YEAH! Hey sis’ I think it still in my room from our last session.~” She quickly trots off to her room in search of her sister’s whip; finding it under her bed, Sweetie Belle quickly grabs it with her mouth and gallops off back to her sister. “I found it sis’, it was under my bed.” Sweetie Belle hands it over with a look of wanting on her face; Rarity happily takes the whip from her, giving her a small kiss on the forehead, “Hmm, looks like somepony want to have another go,” Sweetie Belle is quick to interrupt, nodding her head at a breakneck peace, “Oh yes can we? I don’t have anywhere to be today, and no pony else is around to play!” Rarity only laughs for a moment then nods, “Ok Sweetie, go get dressed and then meet me back out here.”

Moments later Sweetie Belle came back into the main room wearing a very provocative outfit made solely out of black leather. Two leather straps run from the back of the leather panties, crossing over one another at her mid-back, and then coming over her shoulders, hooking to the front of the panties. Under the leather straps is an all leather vest with a large zipper in the front, the midsection of the vest being just mesh netting allows for the visibility of Sweetie Belle’s sweetly cream white coat. And to finish of the outfits was a leather collar with multiple hoops and hooks in several different locations. “My my my, somepony is ready for their punishment for hiding my whip from me.” Rarity mocked giving Sweetie Belle a quick look over. Filled with joy and anticipation, Sweetie Belle bit her lip and nodded; knowing that now in character she was not to speak unless told to. “Mmmm, good,” Rarity giggled to herself and patted the top of one of her bare manikins, “Well hop on up here and we’ll get started.” Without hesitation the eager Filly leaps on top of the manikin and then lies on her back.

Horribly lost and confused, Ditzy Doo was now flying around aimlessly doing her best to get her bearings, it did not help that she was flying upside down; unable to figure out where she was on her own, she made the decision to stop and ask some pony where she was and where Rarity’s boutique was. She found a pony that was on her way to watch “The Running of the Leaves.” The pony was more than over joyed to help the lost mail mare and help her on her way. With the exchange of thanks, Ditzy Doo was back on track and on her way once again to make her final delivery and then go and enjoy the race. Setting off to the East, Ditzy quick remembered she was told to head south and then quickly darted to the right and was then truly on her way.

Back at Rarity’s place, a gagged and blindfolded Sweetie Belle lays belly up, each leg tied to the legs of the manikins; her vest opened out to revile her creamy white coat. Rarity slowly walks around her, lightly tracing Sweetie Belle’s bare chest with the tip of her hoof grinning in satisfaction as she does so; Sweetie Belle’s reaction only adding to the satisfaction as she moans softly biting down on the ball gag placed in her mouth, drool running down the side of her face as she lays there. “It is time for us to begin your punishment hun.” Rarity smacks her hoof with a riding crop, the sound of it cracking against Rarity’s hoof causing Sweetie Belle to jerk a little and moan. Rarity lightly tipping the side of Sweetie Belles right flank, indicating where she’s going to strike her; the few taps cause the muscles in Sweetie’s flank to visibly tighten as Rarity gets prepared to smack her flank hard. With is single lighting fast motion, Rarity slaps the crop across the Filly’s flank with a thunderous clapping sound only to be followed by the shrieks and moans of the little Filly; the point of impact quickly becoming noticeably red as the patch of flank already starts to become inflamed. “Tsk tsk tsk, such a fair flank, it’s about time we’ve broken it in. Wouldn’t you agree darling?” The Filly quickly begins to moan with pleasure, nodding as she does so. Laughing to herself, Rarity kisses Sweetie Belle on the forehead and mutters a sweet nothingness into her ear, causing her to blush bright red. Rarity then places the head of the crop under the Filly’s chin, effortlessly raising it without words. “Such a good Filly, mommy is so proud.” Rarity chuckles as she slowly drags the head of the crop from the top of Sweetie Belle’s chest, down to her lower stomach; the Filly moaning the whole time as she feels the leather head running against her coat.

Sweat runs down the Filly’s forehead as she nervously wait for the next strike, “Oh my, I just don’t know where the next best spot would be,” Rarity giggles, toying with the vulnerable Filly as she lays there in wait, “so I think I’m going to make it a surprise.” She finishes grinning to herself, eyeing Sweetie Belle’s body from top to bottom; the Filly’s body tensing up waiting for the next strike from the riding crop, and without warning Rarity strikes the Filly’s bare chest with a thunderous crack echoing throughout the halls. Sweetie Belle crying out through the gag as the heat from the strike rushes over her whole body like a flood rushing through an empty valley, free to flow without anything is its way. The moans of the little Filly fill the air with the sound of music to Miss Rarity’s ears, “Awwww, how cute, little Sweetie Belle is enjoying herself,” Rarity mocks as she watches a large red mark appear on the Filly’s chest; placing her hoof only about an inch above it, “oh my, that one is really warm. Let me cool that off for you.” Rarity leans over the little Filly and begins to lick her chest in long, slow strokes of her tongue. Sweetie Belle arching her back and lifting her chest as she moans in pleasure at the feeling of her sister’s tongue sliding across her chest.

Moments pass, and more striking blows where given, though they were not meet with the same kindness as the first two were. This time Rarity took it upon herself to restrike any spot the moment it starting turning red. This quick abuse was met with crying tears, but only because that was the Filly’s body’s natural reaction to the pain, deep down inside Sweetie Belle loved every moment of this punishment. Rarity raised her hoof to go in for another blow, but then a knock came at the door which quickly broke her concentration; and then she realized… she was doing all of this in the main entry room. Panic rushed over her as the pony on the other side of the door spoke, “Spe…speshi…special de..delivery for Miss Ra…Rarity… yeah that’s it, Special Delivery for Miss Rarity!” It was Ditzy Doo; she had finally arrived with Rarity’s packages. Rarity thought for a moment and took a deep breath before answering the down so that only a small part of her face was visible, “H-hello, yes what is it?” Rarity was quick to question trying to get the mail mare out of there as quick as possible. “I… have these things for you.” Ditzy said very slowly trying not to stumble over her words; and then the mail mare turned around grabbing a hold of her delivery bag in her mouth and forcing her way into Rarity’s home as she walked backwards through the doorway. Rarity was now in full panic, the mail mare was sure to see her sister tied up, “E-Excuse me? I did not give you permission to enter my home!” Rarity snapped at the cock eyed pony. “I have… boxes for you.” Ditzy held up a clipboard with her mouth; waiting for Rarity to sign her name. Ditzy soon noticed the wounded filly tied up on her back, with multiple slash marks and cuts out of the corner of her good eye. The mail mare drops the clipboard from her mouth as she screams and turns around, only to be met with a wall after a few feet. Rarity panics not really sure what to do with a blacked out mail mare that just saw her sister tied up and beaten. “Sweetie…. Sweetie Belle, we’re going to have to cut our session short this time.” Rarity states as she removes the blind fold, ball gag and other bindings, letting the filly free from her lifeless table. “Awww, but why sis’ I was having a lot of fun?” The sound of disappointment loomed in her words, “I know Sweetie, but mommy has a very, Very unexpected guest that she must tend to,” Rarity’s eyes quickly shifting to the passed out pony sprawled out on the floor “but, you know what? I could really use your help get her to ‘The Room.’ Then I’ll be sure to reward you later.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes lit up with joy, “Ok sis’ I’d be glad to help!” and just like that Sweetie Belle did whatever she could to help her older sister.

What may have seemed like hours later, Ditzy Doo slowly began coming-too, her head pounding and her ears ringing with a sharp buzzing sound. As she began to open her eyes she noticed that it was still dark, which scared the pony greatly. However, when she went to touch her face, she found that she was unable to move at all, and when she screamed all she heard was the sound of her muffled voice. She began to run her tongue over a sphere like object in her mouth; the object was covered with several small holes and wouldn’t move when she tried to push it with her tongue. The sound of a door creaking open then slamming shut startles the restrained mare more so then she already was. “Hello there Miss… Hmm… now that I think about it, I don’t even know your name.” A disembodied voice rings out in the enforced darkness around Ditzy Doo; then all of a sudden the gag is removed from her mouth, gasping for air before she lets out a terrible scream for help. Rarity places her hoof against the mare’s mouth without a word, and oddly enough she got the point and stopped screaming and instead startd to whimper softly. “Good girl, you seem to already know your place. To be honest I’m really surprised,” Rarity was a little confused but didn’t let it get to her, she knew that if this pony was already this obedient, then she was going to have quite a bit of fun “so tell me, what’s your name?” Ditzy Doo paused, still whimpering, too afraid to answer her captor. Rarity let out a little sigh as she gets her whip ready, “I asked you a question hun… WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!” Rarity yells as she cracks the whip across Ditzy’s bare body, leaving the mare screaming as the whip cuts across her chest leaving a small gash. Ditzy Doo stutters under the pain, “M-my name… is D-D-Ditzy Doo.” Rarity smiles as her new toy obeyed her; Rarity started to place the gag back into Ditzy’s mouth, “That a girl, see that wasn’t so hard. Now we are going to have a lot of fun together, and you maybe not at first, but I promise you’re going to love this.” Rarity gives the frightened pony’s chest a quite lick, making sure to tend to her fresh and bleeding wound, Ditzy back arching in pain as Rarity’s tongue runs over her cut.

Rarity walks over to her small table of toy, and on the table were an assortment of; gags, whips, chains, blades, needles, and other items that have a questionable purpose. She picks up a much smaller whip made of multiple strips of leather and walks back over to the still struggling mare. “Oh my, it looks like someone isn’t enjoy my hospitality, well that’s just rude.” Rarity quickly whips Ditzy’s left and right flank in rapid succession. The restrained mare moaning in pain as her flanks are brutalized over and over again, her flanks starting to burn as the heat starts moving from her sore flanks up her back and down her legs; fill her body with an unexplainable feeling… a feeling of, desire. Rarity pauses for a moment to notice that her toy is already starting to enjoy herself; Ditzy is moaning into the gag, struggling less with each passing second and instead almost seems to bucking her hips slightly as if begging for more punishment. Pleased with this sight, Rarity decided to remove the brutalized mare’s gagging, hoping to hear the sounds of moaning and begging. Sure enough, as soon as the gag is removed Ditzy let out a very loud moan, drool running down the side of her face as she begins panting hard. “Well, I must say I’m really surprised you like it this early in the fun…” Rarity laughs a bit to herself as the mare continues to show signs of pleasure and excitement. “So, does my new pet want more?” Rarity mocks as she starts to walk back over to her take of toys; Ditzy nods silently beginning to calm down a bit. Rarity places the whip back on the table and ponders what to use next, “Oh dear! Do you want to play with something hot or cold Ditzy?” She calls out over her shoulder wait for a response, “The… h-hot one. I like warm things.” Ditzy Doo is hesitant to reply but her mind is too clouded with pleasure to really care.

With a squeal of joy Rarity started heating up some needles for the next bit of fun, “So Ditzy… do you like jewelry?” Rarity asked walking back over to the now more relaxed pony, “I… think so, I’ve never had any for my-,” and in mid-sentence Rarity drives a white hot needle through the top of Ditzy’s ear, causing her to scream out in pain as the tip of the needle burns through her flesh not only once, but twice in a single push through. Rarity leaves the needle in; a slight smell of burning flesh starts to fill the air, “Pl-please… take it-.” Interrupted once again but a needle being pushed through the left side of her lower lip; her screams only become worse as her tongue touches the hot tip of the needle. A few moments and many needles later Ditzy was on the edge of consciousness, her face riddled with needles, the pain and heat that are enveloping her face is too much for her to bear; moaning with each feeling of the needles moving as she breathes heavily, her mouth kept open by the fact that she had a needle driven through her tongue as well. “You truly are a really fun partner Ditzy; I really want you to know that. So, I’m going to reward you.” Rarity speaks softly into the mare’s pulsing ear before grabbing some ice and starts cooling off the needles, removing them and replacing them with studs and rings. The mare was unable to much of anything but whimper and moan at the pain of the needles being pulled out of the bloody holes and then have another piece of metal going right back through the open wound; but for some reason it burned a lot more than it should have causing the mail mare to jerk back and forth. Rarity was unhappy with this sign of disobedience striking the pony across the face, “Hey! You’re doing so well; and you not about to fuck it up now” Rarity rams a barbell through the hole in her ear “oh, and yes these are cover in a hint of salt water.” She giggles as she pushes a stud through Ditzy’s lip. After a half an hour of removing needles, Ditzy Doo was quick beginning to fade out of consciousness as Rarity starts back towards her table of tools and toys. The last thing Ditzy heard was the sound or raddling chains before fading completely out of consciousness and slipping into the darkness of her surroundings.



Part 2: Together Forever

Together Forever

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 2: Together Forever

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author’s note: Well everyone, its winter time and that means cold, snow, and of course an increase in generosity. Please enjoy ~

It’s been a few months since Ditzy Doo knocked on Rarity’s door that faithful autumn afternoon; but winter has made its way to Ponyville, covering the lively color filled landscape with a thick white and grey blanket of gloom. The frigid winter air filled the basement of Rarity’s boutique; Ditzy could do nothing but sit in a corner wrapped up in small scrap of fabric doing her best to keep warm in the stone chamber. Shivering in the dark, Ditzy’s attention is quickly caught by the sound of the large metal door to the basement unlocking and slowly creaking open. Rarity’s sweet and soft voice echoed throughout the chamber, “Come on Ditzy, I need you upstairs for a moment.” Her tone was commanding and Ditzy knew she wasn’t being asked, rather she was being told. On very weak legs Ditzy began to make her way to Rarity, finding her leaning against the door frame with a somewhat of a heart-warming smile running across her face, “Let’s go.~” Rarity turned towards the stairs making her way up the dimly lit stairwell.

Ditzy’s eyes were quickly met with an intense blinding from Celestia’s sun high in the sky causing her to shut her eyes tight and look away. Rarity gently took hold of Ditzy’s chin and gave her a small kiss on the cheek; her soft velvety lips pressed against Ditzy’s bringing a smile to her face. “I want you to live here Ditzy, and I mean up here with me, not in the basement.” Ditzy’s eyes lit up with joy but didn’t speak and only gave Rarity a smile in return. “However,” Rarity paused giving the grey pony a very stern look, “there are something’s you’re going to have to do for me if you’re going to say up here with me.” Ditzy’s face quickly grew cold with bit of fear in her eyes as she watched her captor pace back and forth in front of her. Ditzy didn’t really care what she would have to do so long as she didn’t have to spend another night in the cold basement, alone in the dark. “Now, we’ve spent months in my chamber and it was fun and all; but now it’s about time we taught you the arts of pleasuring ponies…” Ditzy sat down and listened to Rarity as she went over a few rules that she’s to follow. “You’re also going to have to take care of somethings around the shop, and I would love to have you help me with my dress; nothing is truly better than the smooth silky feel of your coat…” Rarity’s hungry eyes slowly cast over Ditzy’s body, from head to hoof. Ditzy blushed, flattered by the look in Rarity’s eye.

Ditzy suddenly realized something, “B-But Rarity… what do you w-want me to do when other ponies come by?” Rarity’s eyes widened with the same realization, what was she going to do with her new obedient pet; her head darted form side to side as she looked around before spotting it, “Ah ha!” Rarity rushed off into her wardrobe room and came back out with tight form-fitting black and white maid’s uniform, “Go try this on for me, and quickly, there is much that needs to be done today!” Rarity waved her away with a commanding authority. Ditzy was more than happy to obey, and bowed to her master before starting to dawn the uniform. Ditzy’s face grew red as she worked her way into the uniform, the skirt squeezing her flank tightly; clinging to every curve of her slender body, defining much of the obedient pony’s body. Rarity walked around Ditzy a few times, taking much pleasure in the sight before her, “Yes, yes this will do very nicely. I will let you know when I plan on having guests over, and you will make sure to be dressed in this uniform an hour before they arrive until an hour after they’ve left. Am I understood?” Ditzy nodded to show her understanding and begin to show off her body, posing in many different positions for Rarity’s pleasure. “There is one more rule dear, and this one is the MOST important…” Rarity pressed her nose against Ditzy’s causing her to cower against the wall, “you are not to leave the store unless you are with me and told that you may leave. Understand?!” Ditzy quickly nodded in understanding, she dare not to cross her master’s wishes, “Good, now change out of that outfit we have much to do… Sweetie Belle Please get the equipment ready”, “Yes Rarity, right away” Sweetie Belle’s faint voice caught Ditzy’s ears as she started to slowly strip out of the uniform, Sweetie’s voice seemed to have come from a few doors down the hall.

Rarity began to lead the gray Pegasus into a dark room; the sound of raddling chains filled the room. The sounds are also accompanied by a soft whimper and moaning sound. Rarity quickly flips the light switch; brightness quickly engulfed the room, revealing a truly unexpected sight. Before Ditzy was a faint yellow colored Pegasus laying one her back, her wings tied tight against her body, while her legs were forcefully spread by two metal bars; the Pegasus was bound, blind folded, and gag… it was quite clear that she had no idea where she was or what was possibly going to happen. The yellow Pegasus’ light pink hair draped over her face, sticking to the drool running down her cheeks as she let out soft moans of terror. Sweetie Belle pushed over a cart of “tools” next to the table and waved Ditzy over; Ditzy Doo was hesitant at first but knew she would be in for some serious punishment if she didn’t do as she was told, so she made her way to over to the struggling Pegasus. Ditzy cast her eyes over the vulnerable pony before reaching over to the cart and grabbing a riding crop; she gently placed her hoof against the side of the pony’s cheek and brushes her long hair off of her face. The Pegasus was quick to jump at the feeling of Ditzy’s unseen hoof touch her; Rarity watched in amazement at how well Ditzy was doing without any sort of direction, rather she was just acting on some kind of instinct. The yellow Pegasus bucked slightly against her restraints trying to struggle free, and just as soon as Rarity opened her mouth, Ditzy had already slapped the crop against the Pegasus’ flank leaving a large red mark that began to swell and puff up. Without words, Ditzy showed some kindness as she began kissing the wound, giving it a few licks now and then leaving trails of saliva on the yellow Pegasus’ firm swollen flank. Rarity’s mouth hung open slightly, stupefied by how knowledgeable Ditzy was after only a number of times she put Ditzy in the same situation the Fluttershy was now in (and yes, that tied up Pegasus if you haven’t yet guessed, is indeed Fluttershy), Rarity watched Ditzy work and began to think that she wouldn’t have to spend as much time teaching Ditzy as she thought. Crack after crack of the ridding crop against Fluttershy’s body finally broken the Pegasus’ will as she began to moan louder and louder with each striking blow.

Hours past and the room that was once filled with the sound of raddling chains and faint whimpers, now was filled with the sounds of moaning and the crack of a whip. Fluttershy’s body was beaten and bruised, covered in cuts and markings all over her body and legs. Ditzy had finally stopped her assault on the beaten Pegasus, and lied down her whip before approaching Fluttershy’s head; Ditzy slowly removes the gag from Fluttershy’s mouth which was quickly followed with gasps of air and coughing before Ditzy connected her soft lips with Fluttershy’s. She gave Fluttershy a long and deep passionate kiss, saliva still connected between their lips moments after the kiss is broken. “W-Who… who are you? Where… where am I…?” Fluttershy was still trying to shake the overwhelming need for more sexual stimulation. Rarity quickly stepped in, placing a hoof on Ditzy letting her know that she’s done; Ditzy bowed to her master and left the room to the sound of a cracking whip and cries of pain and pleasure.

A while later Sweetie Belle led Ditzy to Rarity’s bedroom, “My sister says cause of today, you’ve earned this.” Sweetie Belle handed Ditzy a key to the room and walked away into her own room; unsure of what else to do Ditzy unlocked the bedroom door and slowly opened it, peering into the room she found that it was a large well decorated room filled if many wondrous things. Her attention was quickly caught by Rarity, who was lying on her bed, “Ditzy, come here would you dear?” Ditzy was eager to obey and quickly made her way over to Rarity’s bedside, sitting in wait for her master’s next command. Rarity looked down on the gray Pegasus, “Come up here, you are sleeping here tonight, with me.” Ditzy’s face became red quickly as she slowly got into the bed, calmly working her way under the sheets with Rarity; unsure of how to lay with her master, Ditzy turned away from Rarity and faced the wall before getting hit upside the head. “What do you think you’re doing?” Rarity demanded an answer “never turn your back to me!” Ditzy quickly rolled over and was met with another sugary sweet smile stretched across Rarity’s face. Once again Rarity pressed her velvety soft lips against Ditzy’s before bidding her a good night’s sleep. “Good night Ditzy, I’ll see you in the morning… and just so you know, we’ll be together forever.” Rarity yawned softly and slowly drifted off into sleep with her legs wrapped around Ditzy’s body. A small tear rolled down Ditzy’s cheek as she thought to herself; never has she been shown this much love in her entire life and to be told that she will be together with the pony that’s shown her this love forever only made her happier. Ditzy gave Rarity a small gentle kiss on the forehead before drifting off to sleep herself.

Part 3: A Night on the Town

A Night on the Town

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 3: A Night on the Town

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author’s Notes: Well, some friends of mine that read the first two Chapters said that I was being a tease by not having any sex in them (and more so with Chapter 2 ending with Derpy and Rarity in bed together) hah, sorry about that. But don’t worry its really going to pick up from here on out. Please enjoy Chapter 3

Celestia was setting the sun on what was a very long day for both Rarity and Ditzy Doo; one of Rarity’s more… “Picky” client from Canterlot placed a large order for a few dozen dresses to be made for an upcoming wedding that spring. What would have been a few simple hours of work became an all-day project, seeing as Rarity couldn’t resist playing with her new mannequin; running her hooves up and down Ditzy’s legs. Caressing the grey Pegasus’ body as she draped fabric after fabric over her, but never the less the dresses were completed. Rarity was exhausted and relaxing quietly on her fabulous hand crafted couch, leaving Ditzy to clean the work room. Rarity opened one eye just enough to peer over the couch and watch her forever loving pet sweep the floor and dust the shelves with her wings; Rarity’s gaze drifted catching sight of the Pegasus’ flanks squeezed tightly against the seams of the maid uniform. A quick smile darted across Rarity’s face as she took a sip of a glass of water that had been sitting next to her. “Hey Ditzy dear,” Rarity’s voice cut throw the silence with such elegance, Ditzy immediately froze in place as a wave of pleasure swam over her body, “I was thinking… we should go out and do something fun tonight. I’ve cooped you up in here much too long dear; you could really use the time out in the fresh air.” Rarity ran the tip of her hoof around the lip of the glass leaning back with both her eyes closed. Ditzy’s mouth only hung open slightly in shock and surprise, “Y-yes, of course Mistress.” Her voice cracked with the unmistakable presence of joy clinging to her words. Rarity rolled herself up with a big yawn, stretching her hooves to the sky and arching her back slightly.

Ditzy’s gaze wondered over her slender body quickly day dreaming about the first night she and Rarity sleep together in Rarity’s bed. Rarity’s hot breath and soft moans as Ditzy kissed every inches of her body. “Y-yes Ditzy right there, that’s a good g-girl~” Rarity’s voice trailed off as she ran a hoof through Ditzy’s mane. Ditzy’s mouth firmly presses against Rarity’s soft pussy lips, slowly flicking her tongue up and down against the moist entrance. Even down to the very tas- *THUD* Ditzy’s thoughts were quickly interrupted by a shirt hitting her in the face; as she pulled it away she was quickly meet with the ice cold stare of Rarity.

Quickly blushing Ditzy’s eyes meet the floor, staring for a few moments before looking back at Rarity whose gaze had become much warmer and welcoming. “Come now, throw that on darling I want see how it fits. Ditzy unraveled the shirt and slipped it over her head the fabric was cool to the touch sending a shiver down her spine as she shifted her wings through their appropriate holes in the back of the shirt. “H-how does this look?” Ditzy does her best to hide her face as she blushes, the shirt falling to one side and exposing her shoulder. “Mmm~ Simply marvelous, that shirt was made for you~!” Rarity was pleased with what she was going to have hanging off her hoof while they were out on the town. Circling Ditzy slow just to get one last final look before the set out, “I love it, absolutely perfect,” Rarity planted a small warm kiss on Ditzy’s cheek before the both of them started for the door. “Sweetie Belle, Ditzy and I won’t be back for a while. Make sure not to stay up too late, I’ll check on you when we get back.” Hollered Rarity throughout the house until a small soft voice broke the silence, “Yes Rarity, I getting ready for bed right now. You two have fun and I’ll see you in the morning.” Sweetie Belle’s voice was like a hushed whisper traveling through empty halls. With a little smile Rarity opened the door to the outside, a place that even though hadn’t, seemed to have changed. Ditzy hadn’t seen the outside world in months, filled with wonderment and fear Ditzy clung close to Rarity; keeping her head down as they made their way crowds of unfamiliar ponies. Her heart felt like it was sinking, all these eyes… they felt like they were focused on her. Ditzy squeezed Rarity’s dress as they moved. The feeling didn’t go unnoticed, Rarity’s attention quickly shifted and slowly came to a stop on the side-walk; She looked into Ditzy’s eyes as she placed her hooves on her shoulders, “Are you okay? Do you want to go back home?” Rarity’s voice was softer than it had ever been in Ditzy’s presents, but Ditzy whipped her eyes and shook her head, “I-it’s just a little scary is all.” She tried to smile but it was only able to perky up one side of her face.

They continued on doing a little window shopping looking through all the different shop, the mood quickly changed from a fearful start to cheerful outing filled with much laughter as the two made their way down the nearly vacant streets of Ponyville. “HEY! HEY RARITY!” a voice boomed out of the darkness, startling both Rarity and Ditzy. As the Sky blue Pegasus raced around the corner, Ditzy quick hid herself behind Rarity trying her best to keep out of sight. “Hey Rarity, whatcha doin’ and *giggles* whose that?” The Pegasus giggled pointing at the grey Pegasus hiding behind Rarity’s flank. “H-Hey Rainbow dash, this is a good friend of mine, Ditzy Doo.” Rarity said moving to the side to better reveal Ditzy to the Rainbow manned Pegasus hovering above them. Ditzy blushes bright red keeping her head down yet rolling her eyes up to gaze upon the mare floating above her. “Hi, I’m the most awesomest pony in all of Equestria, but I bet you’ve heard of me.” The pegasus sneered flipping her mane back keeping an eye on the nervous pony below. Ditzy only took a few steps back and shook her head, blinking out a few tears as she tries to hid her self once more. “WHAT?! You’ve never heard of me? Rainbow Dash the greatest flyer in all of Equestria?! And why don’t you say anything huh, are you stupid or something? What-ever I’m outa here, catch you later Rarity.” The blue Pegasus bolted out of sight leaving Rarity and Ditzy alone on the street vacant of all other ponies.

Ditzy quickly broke into silent tears, Rarity was quick to try and calm her down, “Hun no, no please don’t cry. Don’t listen to that tom-boyish brute, she doesn’t have a clue in the world what she’s talking about.” Rarity gently placed her hoof on Ditzy’s cheek; Rarity spied an alley way not to far from them and lead Ditzy down the alley. It was dark and Ditzy could hardly see her hoof in front of her face; it quickly reminded her of Rarity’s basement which actually started to calm her bit knowing that she was in the dark with her master and lover.

“Let’s stop here for a second.” Rarity took Ditzy by the hooves and slowly sat her down on the cold stone ground, caressing Ditzy’s legs in an effort to calm her down. Ditzy’s sobbing had slowly start to shift into a string of soft sighs and quite moans as Rarity’s gentle hooves glide across her legs. “Hey hun, you feeling any better?” Rarity easily parted Ditzy’s legs rubbing the inside of her thighs, “M-Mistress… what if somepony sees us?” Ditzy’s voice was hushed and masked by her heavy breathing as Rarity leaned forward in the dark, lifting Ditzy’s shirt off and removing her own dress. Rarity’s actions were quick, fluid and smooth, starting with a few kisses on Ditzy’s belly working down to a slow but effective licking of Ditzy’s already moistening pussy lips. Soft moans filled the alley way as Rarity worked her tongue over her love’s sensitive little pleasure bud, kissing her sensitive clit from time to time. Small squeaks of pleasure escaped Ditzy’s lips as Rarity pressed her mouth firm against her tight pussy, kissing her sweet moist entrance before driving her tongue deep into Ditzy’s box; skillfully licking every inch of the Pegasus’ trembling walls that her tongue could reach, Ditzy’s legs wrapped around the back of Rarity’s neck forcing her mouth closer and her tongue deeper. Rarity licked and slurped making sure to leave no spot of her love’s pussy untouched, tickling Ditzy’s clit with her upper lip in an effort to further stimulate her partner’s sex.

What seemed like hours of licking, kissing, sucking, and caressing continued until Ditzy’s will was completely bent; panting heavily, the cold dark alley had grown warn from the heat radiating off the two horny ponies. Ditzy’s whole body tighten up as she reached the edge of her limits, her walls gripped Rarity’s tongue like a vice as the pleasurable wave of ecstasy and orgasm wrecked through Ditzy’s body. Going numb with pleasure, Ditzy let out a terribly loud moan that seemed to echo off the alley walls as she splattered Rarity’s eager mouth and face with her sweet and succulent juices. Ditzy collapsed to the ground panting as Rarity removed her tongue and slowly began licking her face clean, “There, don’t you feel better now dear~?” Rarity’s smile was quick to warm Ditzy’s heart, “Yes Mistress! That was amazing!” Ditzy slowly got up, her back legs almost giving out from numbness. “Well, it’s late hun, let’s go back home.~” Rarity helped her stand up and get her balance, then they slow made their way back to the boutique for some well-deserved rest.

Part 4: With Friends Like These

With Friends Like These

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 4: With Friends Like These

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author's Note: Ok so... I'm sorry but this may be/ will be the most brutal of any chapter in this story. After this chapter it's really going to start to calm down and the relation between these two will start to change. Please enjoy the read of chapter 4.
P.S. Because of last Saturday's Episode (1/21/2012) Derpy Hooves is now cannon and can't be switched between Ditzy and Derpy, sorry for the name switch confusion. I'm just trying to keep it all in check.

Celestia raised the sun once more on the cool crisp dawn of the beautiful spring morning. Beams of light shot through Rarity’s blinds, casting over Derpy’s face; one eye slowly peered open then quickly shut tight for a moment, the light blinding the poor Pegasus. Blinking rapidly Derpy, quickly getting use to the bright sun shine, slowly rolled out of bed making sure not to interrupt Rarity’s beauty sleep. Making her way to the kitchen, Derpy ran into Sweetie Belle as she was sleepily stumbling from her room. Derpy paused and bowed gracefully to Sweetie and was given a joyful filly smile in return. “Good morning ma’am.” Derpy greeted softly head still bowed before the filly, “Oh no no no, you belong to my sister Derpy, not me. You don’t need to say ‘hi’ to me like that.” Sweetie Belle’s voice was sweet, yet soft and trailing off, still trying to shake off the sand-pony’s spell. Derpy smiled and continued on her way to the kitchen, Sweetie Belle following in curiosity; Derpy didn’t mind, she enjoyed being surrounded by ponies that loved her. A few moments passed and Derpy was already putting the final touches on the breakfast buffet for her ever so beautiful lover.

Rarity rolled over slowly with a bright smile, “Good morning hun!~” Rarity’s voice was soft and sweet. However instead, her hooves were met with the silky smooth feeling of her sheets, rather than the warmth of her lover’s soft coat. Disappointed by her pet’s absence, Rarity slowly crept out of bed and made her way into the hall. Her nose was quickly met with a wave of smells that made her mouth start to water; and slowly she made her way down the hall towards the kitchen. Everything was set out for Rarity’s enjoyment, and hardly soon enough as Rarity slowly passed through the door way rubbing her eyes with her hooves, ”W-what is all this?” Rarity’s gaze hovered from one end of the table to the other. “Surprise!” Derpy leapt on to Rarity giving her a big hug, “I thought you’d like something yummy to eat.~” Derpy said softly before planting an even softer kiss on Rarity’s cheek. “Well it all looks absolutely marvelous darling.” Rarity sat down at the table and started to grab herself a plate loaded with a few different things to eat, “Mmm… these muffins are simply divine!~”

Derpy smiled and blushed knowing that she had done well, and received her lover’s praise. “Oh, by the way Derpy,” Rarity swallowed her mouth full of food and whipped her mouth before continuing, “I’m having my friends over later tonight. You know what to do right?” Rarity’s face was very somber, still harboring the work of the sand-pony. Derpy never took anything her lover said lightly, still now and forever in a submissive role to her love. She calmly nodded before leaving Rarity to her meal and heading back to their room to change. Hours had passed and all of Rarity’s guests had arrived. Rarity was nervous at first as to how her friends might react when they saw the Pegasus moving around her home. Derpy was also a bit frightened and uneasy see so many other ponies in her lover’s house. “Your home is lovely as ever Rarity.” Commented a purple unicorn before taking a sip of her drink, “Yeah Rarity, this party is great, but I think it could use more cake. Do you think it could use more cake? Cause I think it could.” Rambled an extremely pink pony as she engulfed a very colorful cupcake. Derpy slowly looked around the room, half-way hidden behind the kitchen door frame; trying her best to stay out of sight. As she looked around the room, she realized she actually recognized the two pegasi sitting across from Rarity; one was the pale yellow Pegasus with long flowing pink hair that Rarity had her practice on, yet the other was the brutish looking sky blue Pegasus that had yelled at her and insulted her while she was out with Rarity a few nights ago. Derpy’s emotions were mixed with; happiness, anger, sadness, longing, desire, and fear. Not really sure how to act, Derpy remained hidden from sight and watched over the party. Moments past and she still had yet to be noticed. Feeling as if she was “in the clear” she turned and proceeded towards the bed room; but just as she was making her way there, she heard Rarity call out after her, “Oh Derpy dear, I have some friends here that would like to meet you!” Derpy froze, stricken with fear. With a very uneasy feeling, Derpy began to slowly make her way out into the gathering room.

Keeping her eyes fixed to the ground, Derpy presented herself before Rarity’s friends; eyes beaming down upon her, Derpy’s whole body became tense as if the room itself had closed in around her. She immediately jumped when Rarity’s hoof gently landed on her smooth flanks that were squeezed tightly into her maid’s outfit. “This is my darling friend Derpy Hooves,” Rarity said calmly as she wore a soft smile, “she’s been staying with me for some time now.” The room was filled with a mix of the other ponies reactions, some ‘awww’d’ while others ‘squeed.’ Derpy’s face grew crimson with embarrassment, as she threw one hoof over the other, “I… is there anything I can get anypony?” Derpy’s face was still lite up like a red bulb as she asked her question quietly. “Oh yes… I would love another glass of punch… if that would be alright….” The very timid, pale yellow Pegasus stated, trying to hide her face by not looking directly at Derpy. “Oh Fluttershy, she would be more than happy to fetch you something to drink!” Rarity announced as she tapped Derpy on the flank, giving her a silent order to go to the kitchen. “O-Oh yes… absolutely miss,” Derpy bowed her head to Rarity’s friends as she carefully walked backwards into the kitchen, “would anypony else like anything while I’m in there?” They all gave slight shakes of their heads before Derpy vanished behind the door frame once more. Derpy returned moments later with the drink and the party continued; Derpy spent most of her time seated at Rarity’s side, keeping her eyes fixed on the other pony’s hooves.

The party had continued late into the night; once the party was over however, Derpy was left to clean the room as Rarity told her she had some business to take care of. A couple minutes past before a knock came at the front door. Derpy paid little mind to it, know that she was not to answer the door unless told to. The knocking continued, and began to grow much louder as if the pony on the other side of the door was growing very impatient. Rarity’s voice soon boomed through-out the house, “DERPY, COULD YOU PLEEEEEASE GET THE DOOR!!” Shocked by the sudden out burst from the other side of the house, Derpy quickly rushed over and opened the door. Standing before Derpy was the same sky blue Pegasus that had insulted her a few weeks ago. Derpy froze, her anger started to slowly fill her up, from the tip of her tail, to the tips of her ears. Derpy rage was growing, however, just as she was about to lash out against the hovering Pegasus, Rarity gracefully made her way into the room, “Rainbow, I’m glad you could stop by after the party, I need to talk with you about some business matters in Cloudsdale.” The Pegasus entered the house nudging Derpy, causing her to stumble back and fall on her plot. “Yeah, sure thing Rarity… ‘ts not like I have anything better to do right… like practice my flying.” The two continued down the hall way as Derpy seat there and watched as the two left her sight. Derpy resumed cleaning for several minutes before her train of thought was interrupted by a loud crash followed by an even louder scream. Derpy frantically dropped everything she was doing and rushed down the hall screaming for her lover, “R-Rarity?!... Rarity… a-are you ok?!... RARITY ANSWER ME PLEASE!!” Derpy’s heart was racing in her chest as if it was getting ready to leap right out and hop across the floor. Slowly Rarity stumbled through the doorway, bleeding from her leg; hold a studded whip in her mouth as she slowly made her way over Derpy. Panting slightly, Rarity placed a hoof on Derpy’s cheek, “Derpy dear… they hurt mommy… how does that make you feel?” Derpy’s eyes widened and grew dark with hate and rage. Rarity planted a long passionate kiss against Derpy’s soft supple lips, using her tongue to push the whip into Derpy’s mouth before breaking the kiss. “Go darling, show her how hurting mommy made you feel.~”

Biting hard into the whip Derpy stormed her way into the room to find that the Pegasus and been tied down and strapped down to a table with leather straps and bindings. Her eyes were covered by multiple leather straps, crisscrossing over her face. Several straps were strung across her mouth, holding it open as drool poured forth down the sides of her face; the Pegasus was completely immobilized, trying to thrash and struggle against her restraints. Anger and joy both filled Derpy’s mind as she stood over the helpless pony as she struggled, watching each and every muscle twitch as tears started to creep out from under the straps. Derpy’s bite on the whip grew tighter and tighter, her teeth digging into the latex handle. As soon as the Blue Pegasus let out a slight gasp, Derpy brought the studded whip clean across her victim’s chest; gashing open the pony’s flesh and coat. The sight of the crimson liquid running down the blue Pegasus’ side engulfed Derpy with thrill and adrenalin; hit after hit against the bound pony, muffled squeals of pain erupting through the straps over the Pegasus’ mouth. The beating continued for what seemed like days, but was only mere minutes.

Blood was pooling beneath the table, the Pegasus’ struggling had since stopped and breathing was slowed. Derpy’s rage had subsided, and she thus let the whip fall with a splash as it landed in the shallow blood pool. Rarity slowly walked in clapping her hooves together, “Very good Derpy… very good indeed,” Slowly trotting through the blood flowing towards the drain in the center of the room, Rarity made her way to Derpy’s side, “how did that feel? How did it feel to let out all that anger, to teach another pony not to mess with you or push you around?” Opening the cabinet across the room with her magic, Rarity brought forth an iron rod with an iron plate that read “D.H.” and placed it in Derpy’s mouth. “This is my gift to you Derpy… this branding tool represents my trust in you, and my love for what you’ve become and what you’ve done here this night.” Derpy’s eyes welled up with tears as she received such a meaningful gift from anypony, let alone the pony that she loved so much.

As Derpy admired her gift, Rarity began to unstrap the Pegasus from the table, “I would like to thank you once again Rainbow… no other pony would have been able to take such a brutal and relentless beating, not even me.~” Dazed and disoriented the Pegasus stood up, blood trickling down her: face, chest, belly, legs and feathers from her wings fell onto the blood stained floor. “I-it was n-no problem at all Rarity,” stumbling side to side trying to grab a hold of something to steady herself, “j-just… don’t ask me to do that again, ok?” the Pegasus looked over her shoulder, one eye swollen shut and the other bruised and blood-shot, “Well… next time don’t insult my love.” Rarity played it off almost as a joke as she crooked her head to the side and closed her eyes while smiling. Rarity helped Rainbow to the door, leaving Derpy to clean up what was left of the mess. Derpy’s mind was at ease once more, as if the entire event that had taken place just mere moments ago never happened.

Rarity came back into the room to get Derpy and they both made their way silently to bed room. Smiling as she stared into Rarity’s eyes, Derpy began to slowly undress Rarity with her mouth only. Once full undressed Rarity made her way onto the bed to enjoy her own private little strip tease from Derpy; watching as the Pegasus wiggled her body side to side as she worked her way out of her tight uniform. Rarity was pleased with the show, enough so to cause her to start pleasuring herself as she watched. Slowly picking up the pace as she rubbed the tip of her hoof against her quickly moistening lips, soft moans from both ponies filled Rarity’s room. Once undressed, Derpy threw herself into Rarity’s loving embrace; the two of them quickly nuzzled together and began drifting into a sweet slumber.



Part 5: Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 5: A Day at the Beach

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author’s note: Chapter 5 is done… and to be honest, this was the most difficult chapter to really get all my thoughts straight. So hope you all enjoy this read.

The heat of the summer sun baked down on the ponies below, keeping most of them cooped up inside trying to keep cool. Back at Rarity’s boutique, Rarity was putting the finishing touches on a new swim suite for Derpy for their daily outing at the beach. “Hey! Hey sis’ you almost ready?” Sweetie Belle’s voice was louder than Rarity would have like, “Sweetie dear, would you mind lowering your voice? You’re starting to give me a headache.” Rarity had placed one hoof against the side of her head, rubbing her head trying to suppress the on-coming headache. “Oh… sorry sis’, I’m just really excited.” Sweetie Belle sat down kicking her hooves slightly against the ground. “There, all finished!” Rarity held up the slim looking black two piece swim suite with a proud look on her face. Rarity made her way in the kitchen to find Derpy packing up the lunches for the beach, “Here Derpy, this is a little something I wiped up for you to wear at the beach.” Rarity gave her the swim suit and told her to go try it on. Obediently Derpy started to slip her body into the stylish yet comfortable top and bottom pieces of the swim suit; letting out slight coos of pleasure as the suit hugged her body tightly and caressed her body with slow smooth strokes as she walked, “A lovely fit if do say so myself.” Rarity was pleased with the results of her work; as they finished packing up the lunches, the three ponies made their way out the door and out towards the beach.

Making their way down the street, Rarity quickly placed a beautiful large pink and white sunhat that matched perfectly with her white and pink trimmed swim suit on top of her head. “My word, this sun is absolutely scorching, Celestia must be in a foul mood today….” Rarity wiped a hoof across her brow, keeping what little sweat there was out of her eyes. About an hour and a half later the two ponies and filly finally made it to the beach, to find that it was filled with the vibrant colors of all the other ponies. “Oh my it seems as if we weren’t the only ponies with the same idea.” Rarity’s voice fell soft as her eyes scanned the sands of the beach, looking for a spot for them to lie out. After spending a few minutes walking around, they found a nice open spot near the water. “Here we are, this spot looks perfect.” Rarity instructed Derpy to lay out the blanket. Sweetie Belle was getting very antsy and could not stop bouncing, “Oh oh Rarity, Rartiy can me and Derpy go play now? Hm… can we, can we?” Sweetie Belle was already getting her sand-shovels and sand-buckets ready without giving her sister a chance to say one way or another. Rarity just smiled and sat in her chair, giving Sweetie Belle a nod of approval. With a quick turn, Sweetie Belle took hold of Derpy and rushed off down the beach giggling. Rarity was happy and content with her two loves as she watched them play. Sitting under a large umbrella something had just dawned on Rarity as she jumped from her chair calling out, “Sweetie Belle, Derpy darling… come back in, you two forgot the Sunning-oil.” With a visible sigh and a roll of her eyes, Sweetie Belle got up out of the sand, and they both made their way back to the blanket.

As the pony and filly came trotting up the beach, Rarity lied down her on her stomach and undid the button of her swim suit allowing it to fall open at her sides. “Oh Derpy, could you be a sweet heart and get my back?” Rarity asked is the very soft voice handing the oil to Derpy. Without hesitation Derpy took hold of the bottle of oil and began to squeeze some out on Rarity’s cool flawless back, slowly rubbing down Rarity’s back. Working the oils around her back and legs, deep into her flesh, “Oh yes Derpy, make sure to leave no spot untouched by your hooves.” Derpy was very precise; she made sure that every inch of Rarity’s body was lightly covered with a fine coat of smooth glistening oil that made her coat shine. “Me next, me next, me next!” Sweetie Belle bounced up and down with excitement as she watched her sister getting rubbed down by the gentle Pegasus. Derpy’s face grew crimson red with blush as she began to slowly apply the chilled oil to the little filly’s soft body, “Ah! That’s really cold Derpy.” Sweetie Belle giggled softly between her reaction and her initial response to the feeling of the oil on her coat. Derpy was extra gentle; there was something about Sweetie Belle’s small soft tender body that just stupefied Derpy do a point of wordlessness. “P-ple… uhm… please roll over….” Derpy’s voice so almost completely inaudible as she nervously watch the filly’s body move around in front of her. With a smile Derpy continued to rub the oils over the filly’s ribs and belly, and then moved to the inside of her legs.

Once the ponies were properly protected from the sun, they went off and continued to play in the sand; building sand-castles, digging around, and burying each other in the sand. Sitting in her chair, Rarity watch with joy as she began to realize to herself, “Wow… she’s just amazing, no one has ever been able to win Sweetie Belle over like this.” Rarity’s emotions started to over whelm her slightly as she watched; whipping a tear from her eye Rarity lied back and smiled at the pleasant thought as she basked in the sun.

Hours had passed and the sun had become a large orange-ish red ball of fire that hovered slightly above the horizon; the tide was also beginning to rise dramatically compared to where it was when they got there. Sweetie Belle and Derpy had chosen to go for a short swim while the sun was setting. But as the Celestia set the sun, the shore became harder and harder to see and both ponies were starting to get exhausted as they tried to fight the tide to get back. Sweetie Belle was struggle to keep her head above the water as she gasped for air, “D-Derpy… help me, I ca-…” Sweetie Belle’s voice was quickly cut off as her head dipped below the water, resurfacing shortly after with a violent cough as she spit out a mouthful of water before gasping for air. Derpy looked back to see the young filly bobbing up and down in the water, gagging and gasping for air. Panicked, Derpy swam as fast as she could towards Sweetie Belle; her cries rolling off the waves as she pleaded for her life, “Please Derpy, save me… Please!” Tears rain from her eyes without hesitation, her voice cracked and shattered and the back of her throat started to swell from yelling. Faster and faster Derpy swam, cutting through the tide with all her might just to try and get to the little filly as her head submerged once more. Rarity set her book down for just a moment after hearing what she thought was Sweetie’s voice, to pay witness to the horrific sight of her young sister being raped by the waves of the sea as they trashed her side to side before pulling her under with an over powering force. “OH MY CELESTIA, SOMEPONY HELP MY SISTER!!” Rarity’s voice carried for as far as there were ponies to hear her; frozen in shock, Rarity just stood in horror and watched as her love did all she could to get a hold of Sweetie Belle.

Derpy dove deep into the water and grabbed ahold of Sweetie Belle’s hoof and pulled her back up to the surface. Gasping for air, Derpy swam harder than before trying to get her and Sweetie Belle back onto dry land. Derpy was worried; Sweetie Belle wasn’t moving or responding to her, she feared the worst. After finally getting the motionless filly to dry land, Derpy quickly placed her on the sand before place her ear to Sweetie’s chest. Rarity and many other ponies came rushing over to the filly; Derpy’s face grew as cold and hard as stone, Rarity feel to her sister’s side, “Sweetie Belle please…. Please come back to me. It’s going to be okay, I’m right here just come back to me.” Sweetie Belle didn’t respond; she lied there limp and pale, her body folding over and Rarity lifted her into her arm and pressing her against her chest. “No… no.. no. no nononononononono… NO, DAMMIT CELESTIA NO. WHY, WHY DID YOU TAKE MY SISTER FROM ME?!!” Rarity shouted and cursed the sky before bring her head down against Sweetie Belle’s forehead, sobbing and gasping for air as her cries continued to draw all the air from her lungs.

Derpy leaned over Rarity as she cried, hugging and embracing her tightly in an attempt to calm the distraught unicorn; the other ponies that had gathered around could do nothing more than embrace each other and cry for the filly who’s life had just been lost. Rarity brushes a delicate curl of Sweetie’s hair out of her face as a tear drop landed on her cheek with a splash from the impact. Derpy wrapped her wings around Rarity as they both cried for their lost love one.



Part 6: Re-stitching the Seams

Re-stitching the Seams

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 6: Re-stitching the Seams

Author: Derpington M. Hooves
Author’s Note: This chapter is admittedly kind of slow and dark, but after the loss of a love one, things slow done dramatically. I was also thinking about adding Zecora to this chapter… but then I thought, “These people aren’t going to want to read a whole bunching of rhyming.” So I think I was right. Please enjoy the read, there is still a lot to come in the future.

Weeks had passed since the loss of Sweetie Belle, and yet it seemed as if a perpetual dark cloud was hung over Ponyville. Rain had flooded the gutters on most everypony’s house and/ or place of business, flowing over into the streets. The mood around town matched perfectly with the weather; not a single pony laughed, nor smiled, nor gave cheerful greetings to each other as they passed. The rain fell fast and hard, creating almost a pure sheet of water from the sky; falling so fast, that no Pegasus was able to fly high enough to remove the dense cloud coverage.

Back at Rarity’s bouquet things were slow, quiet and dark. Rarity hardly got out of bed, save to go to the bath room or just to stretch her legs. Day in and day out Derpy was always by her lover’s side; continuously keeping an eye on her well-being, Derpy would try to make sure Rarity didn’t slip too deep into an unhealthy and dangerous state of depression. It was getting easier to keep Rarity’s spirit and mood up, but that was after the first few days after Sweetie Belle’s death.

Rarity had gone into an emotional breakdown, which sent her spiraling into a deeper and deeper state of depression. This state caused her to inflict serious wounds to her own body; wounds she tried to pass off as acts of pleasure. Derpy had believed her for a while, allowing her love to take out some aggression on her; but the moment Derpy awoke to find Rarity slumped over in the tub bleeding from her from legs and out of the side of her mouth, Derpy knew something was very wrong. After a few days in a hospital bed with Derpy by her side, Rarity once more realized how much she actually needed this Pegasus in her life.

After being released from the hospital, Rarity’s wounds healed nicely with minimal scaring along with her attitude. Derpy once again was by her side through everything she did, and Rarity didn’t want it any other way. Derpy gave her baths, sitting in the tub with her; yet there was one particular evening that will forever remain in Derpy’s memory. It was a rainy and cold evening much like the many before it. Derpy had begun to draw Rarity’s bath together, complete with; warm water, bath beads and oils. Walking back into Rarity’s room, Derpy noticed that Rarity had been sitting up and staring out the window for some time, “… Is everything ok Rarity? Is something bothering you?” Derpy’s voice was soft, she knew what was bothering her but was somewhat hoping that it was something else. Rarity turned slowly with dead eyes and an emotionless face, looking straight at Derpy.

The room grew cold and the air grew heavier before Rarity let out a long sigh while moving the hair out of her face, then gave a soft smile, “Is it bath time already Derpy dear?” Derpy stared intently at Rarity, trying to assess the mood in the room before replying. “Y-yes, I thought I’d throw in a few oils for you this time.” Derpy walked over and let Rarity roll over and climb on her back, Derpy then carried her to the bath. Getting in the bath with Rarity, Derpy squeezed some liquid soap into her hooves and started to slowly lathered Rarity up. Trying to clean and massage Rarity’s back, hoping to relax more and more. As Derpy continued giving Rarity a rub down, she couldn’t help but notice that Rarity was intently looking at her scared legs. “What are you thinking about?” Derpy’s voice carried the sound of worry as she stopped rubbing Rarity’s back before pouring warm water down her back, rinsing her off.

Rarity didn’t answer her for some time, before finally letting out a little sniffle. Her horn started to glow, and within a few seconds an embroidery needle and some thread floated before the two ponies in the tub. “Do you trust me Derpy? And I mean do you really truly trust me?” Rarity’s bottom lip was quivering as she tried her hardest not to cry. Derpy looked at her with confused, yet frightened eyes. With a long tight hug, Derpy finally responded to the question, “Yes, I trust you with all my heart! But Rarity,” Derpy stopped for a moment once again looking deep into Rarity’s eyes, “promise me that no matter what you do, right here, right now… promise that you’ll be here every time I wake up.” Derpy’s eyes were starting to well up while waiting for a response from her love.

Rarity latched herself to Derpy’s body with the tightest hug she had ever given and the tightest hug Derpy had ever gotten. “Derpy, I promise to never hurt you with a loss as great as this. Never will I leave your side, just as you have yet to leave mine. I love you Derpy, you mean the world to me. More so mow than ever before.” Both ponies began to cry loudly and hug even tighter, eventually turning into a long passionate kiss. After a few minutes of pushing against each other’s tongue, Rarity finally broke the kiss, “I need you to let me do this Derpy… for Sweetie Belle.” Derpy nodded and gave her lave a hug, Rarity returned the gesture with a soft heart-felt smile, “Thank you hun.” Rarity threaded the needle with magic and began to guide the needle in and out, across her scars; perfectly and painfully re-stitching her once open wounds.

Finally having finished the long and emotional bath, both Rarity and Derpy began to dry themselves off; Rarity trying to do her best to be careful of her new stitching, a symbol of her love for her lost sister and the pain that was felt from the event. That day had ended shortly after with Derpy getting Rarity ready for bed.

That day was forever burnt into Derpy’s memory, which she also ran through her head many times since then. Derpy was cleaning up around the bouquet by this point, staring out the window from time to time watching as the rain fell and the thunder boomed. She couldn’t help but to some-what miss being outside on her own, free to go where she please; but she quickly shook the thought from her head, for she was with a wonderful unicorn that loved her and that’s all she ever wanted. Suddenly a knock came at the door and Derpy didn’t hesitate to answer it, think that anypony that was out in this weather had to be insane and would surly get sick. As she swung the door up, she was met with a hooded figure standing in the door way. Derpy took a few steps back, and slowly with some hesitation invited the figure in; with a bow of its head the figure proceeded through the door and into the store. “I have come for Rarity.” The figure’s voice suggested that she was indeed a female pony. Derpy tilted her head to the side and squinted, trying to make out the pony’s face through the large cloak like hood; however, all she could make out was that the pony’s coat was a mid-tone of purple. The figure removed her hood and spook once more, “It’s a pleasure to see you again Derpy, my name is Twilight Sparkle. We meet a few months back at that diner party, remember?” Twilight paused to talk off her rain jacket, which Derpy quick took from her and hung up on a nearby coat rack before Twilight could continue, “but as I was saying, I’m here to check up on Rarity. I heard things have been really hard on her.”

Derpy nodded and showed Twilight to Rarity’s room, knocking on the door Derpy paused and waited for Rarity to call out to them. “Come in….” Rarity’s voice hardly made it through the door; Derpy slowly opens the door allowing Twilight to step in. Twilight walked slowly to the side of Rarity’s bed, “Rarity… how are you feeling? Me and the other girls have been worried sick about you. Fluttershy has been a nervous wreck, Pinkie is bouncing off the walls more than usual, Apple Jack and I have been keep our level heads… and no one as really seen much of Rainbow Dash because of these clouds.” Rarity reached out and placed a hoof on Twilights shoulder and leans over, whispering in here ear so that Derpy couldn’t hear. The conversation didn’t last long and ended with Twilight blushing crimson red, “O-oh… oh my, well I’m really glad someone is taking care of you like that. Just… just let me know if you ever need anything and I’ll be right over.”

Moments past and Derpy showed Twilight out, “Derpy, please keep me informed about Rarity’s condition and if there is anything that you may need from me.” Twilight offered with a smile, but was only given a partial smile in return. She understood though, these two ponies had been through a lot together, and neither was in an up-beat mood. Twilight made her way out and back to her home. Derpy headed back to Rarity’s room to check on here, “Rarity… you alright?” Derpy asked quietly trying to wake Rarity if she was sleeping. “No… can you come lay with me Derpy hun?” Rarity rolled over and motioned for Derpy to lie next to her. “Of course Rarity, I wouldn’t love to anything more.” Derpy gently climbed into bed next to her lover and gave her a sweet smile. The two cuddled closer and closer, until both their legs were wrapped around each other tightly. “Hey Derpy…? Why do you say, I mean… why don’t you just leave me here by myself?” Derpy looked at her with the most serious face Rarity had ever seen, “And go where? I had nothing before I had you… why would I give that up?” Derpy kissed her passionately, “I would never leave you Rarity. You and Sweetie Belle are like family to me… in fact, get your needle again.” Rarity was somewhat puzzled but used her magic to summon forth her needle and thread. “Now, make a stitch across my leg as well.” “Derpy… I… I can’t d-“ “Just do it.” The two argued a moment before Rarity finally made the stitch in Derpy’s leg. “There, this is to remind me of Sweetie Belle as well, but also to remind you that I will always love you no matter what happens.” Rarity’s eyes welled up as she blinked away a tear from each eye, and then embraced Derpy tightly before slowly drifting into a deep sleep. Derpy soon followed, rest her chin on Rarity’s nose.



Part 7: Rekindled Fires

Rekindling the Flames: Part I

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A ‘Rare’ Experience
Part 7: Rekindling the Flames

Author’s note: Ok so… RAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!... ok, so my laptop has been broken for far too long now; and Dell couldn’t care any less trying to get it fixed. So finally I’ve gotten some stuff worked out and now I can work on this Chapter; and believe me full heartedly when I say, I’m so sorry its taken so long for this chapter to come out, I’ve got a bunch of you tracking and watching this story and then this happed. But anyways, rant over, this chapter is going to be a lot about the growth of Rarity’s love for Derpy Hooves and what happens because of it. Please enjoy this chapter, and again, sorry for the wait.

The birds had all gone to sleep, and the sun had all but sunk down behind the mountains that peered over Ponyville. The autumn night had grown colder as the wind howled outside; it was getting closer and closer to the annual Running of the Leaves Festival. Back at Rarity’s boutique, things had gotten much better; business had picked up a great deal, and Rarity’s name was starting to spread all over Equestria and catching the attention of some very wealth and important ponies. Derpy had become far more independent and was give much more “freedom” around the boutique. Along with Rarity, Derpy had also starting grabbing the attention of other important ponies for her modeling work she was doing in Rarity’s advertisements for her shop. Things were looking up for the two ponies, that was for sure.

“To us!” Rarity’s voice trailed off through out the halls with the sound of joy and endearment, as Derpy’s and her glasses clanked together with a chime. Both ponies knocked their drinks back, downing them in a few seconds each. Rarity placed her glass down and began to re-fill it, “You know… it’s getting close to our anniversary…” Rarity’s voice was calm as she slowly shifted her deep blue gaze upon Derpy’s soft lips; part of her wanted to just lean forward and give her a big kiss, but that didn’t seem too lady like by Rarity’s standards. Derpy blushed slightly while smiling and turned away to watch the fire in the fire place. Rarity looked over as well; her face was met with the relaxing and inviting caress of the warm fire. “Rarity?” Derpy’s voice was soft in the dimly lit room, her eyes focused on Rarity’s hind-legs, “I need to go out tomorrow…” Derpy looked away, finding it harder to speak. Rarity placed a hoof on Derpy’s shoulder and gave her a gentle smile, “Derpy, if you ever want to just go outside, or in to town you are more than welcome to do as you wish.” Derpy looked back to see Rarity’s big blue eyes well up with tears of joy.

The mood in the room was perfect; low lighting, a warm fire, two ponies that couldn’t get enough of each other, and all the time in the world. Rarity watched as Derpy took another sip of her drink, “Hey Derpy…” Rarity slowly circled the tip of her hoof around the rim of her glass, “Derpy… I don’t really know how else to say this to you, so I’m just going to be blunt about it…” Derpy swallowed what was left of her drink, then set her glass aside before looking back at Rarity. Rarity’s eyes were darting from side to side as he looked into each of Derpy’s eyes as she tried to work up the nerve to tell her what was on her mind. “I… I love you Derpy, without you I would be no where… or even dead.” Rarity completely dropped her guard in front of Derpy. Whether it was because she was drunk or whether it was because of all the emotions she was feeling towards her lover, it was clear that Rarity felt safer and far more open than she had ever been. Derpy froze, staring at Rarity; shifting her gaze from Rarity’s head, then forelegs, then tail and so on. “R-Rarity… I know you love me… I’ve known since the first time we were together.” Derpy leaned into Rarity and wrapped her wings around her love. A few tears ran down Rarity’s cheeks before she spoke. “Thank you Derpy. You’ve made me happier in a year than anything else has in my whole life.”

The two ponies finished their drinks and stumbled off to bed. Rarity was clearly drunk as she swayed and stumbled down the hallway giggling, using the wall to hold herself up. Derpy helped her lover into bed before climbing in herself and snuggling up close to Rarity to keep them selves warm.

Dawn broke on the cool autumn day, the birds flew about singing their songs, and the chatter of the ponies in Ponyville filled the air; it was only a few more days until the Running of the Leave Festival, but more importantly was that it was a few more days until Rarity and Derpy’s one year anniversary of being together. Like every morning Derpy was the first one up and started towards the kitchen to make breakfast. As she made her way down the hall Derpy’s gaze passed Sweetie Belle’s room. Tearing up, Derpy rushed down the hall and into the kitchen before sobbing loudly. A few minutes passed before Rarity woke to find Derpy with her head lying on the table, “Is everything alright Derpy?” Rarity asked as she placed a hoof on Derpy’s back, “Yes… I just walked past Sweetie Belle’s room is all…” Both ponies sat in silence for a moment before Rarity got up, “Well she will forever be remembered in our hearts, and forever loved by her family and friends.” Rarity whipped a salty tear from the corner of her eye before trotting behind Derpy and placing her fore-hoof on Derpy’s back.

Chapter7: Rekindling the Flames
Part I