
by DrySpell

First published

A special Halloween visit from my sleep paralysis demon.

For months, I've been terrorized by sleep paralysis. For a single morning every month, I'm accompanied by a demon that stalks my dreams.

Well, maybe "terrorized" is a bit of a strong word.

As Halloween night comes around, things get a little more... intense than usual. In a fun way, of course.

Contains: Demons, Stop formatting your spoilers like this, please.,It's honestly the worst, a tiny bit of orgasm denial, kinda. You'll be fine.

Cover Image here by Nire (that rhymes!)

My entry into Brony-Wan Kenobi's Halloween Contest.

Demons on the Mind

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From the moment I opened my eyes, I knew that I was going to meet her today.

There were a few telltale signs. My body was completely numb, all the way down to my fingertips. The heavy drowsiness that would keep my eyes closed spread over my entire body, keeping me still. At most, I could curl my fingers inward a bit.

My bed was in the corner of the room, the furthest thing from the door on my right. If someone were to come inside, from my position, there would be no way to stop them before they reached my bedside. Well, the person I expected wouldn’t be coming in through that door anyway. To my left, there was my window where the early rays of the sun crept past my poorly closed curtains and into my eyes. Unfortunately, I forgot to properly close them last night, and now I had no means to close them on my own. I had to wait.

“The sun’s in your eyes, huh?” The voice came from the foot of my bed. The words slithered on her tongue and crept up my body to reach my ears. Surprisingly, though, they brought a sense of comfort. “Want me to get that for you?”

If I could respond, I would ask her to, kindly. Thankfully, she didn’t need words to understand me. From what I could see, beneath the foot of my bed, sprang a head of fiery curls, accompanied by two wicked sharp horns. Following closely behind was a face that didn't fit her previously mentioned features. Her face was soft, round, and friendly. Though her eyes glowed blue with fierce purpose, her gaze was gentle. Her name: Sunset Shimmer. My sleep paralysis demon.

Once she stood up, my eyes took on a different target. Her clothes, or lack thereof, were something any man would’ve loved to wake up to. All it consisted of was a small, black, patterned thong that tightly wrapped around her large waist and thighs and a similarly patterned bra that covered up her comparatively meager bust.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” said the demon, visibly annoyed. She reached to the side of my bed and closed the curtains shut properly. “I thought you liked girls on the smaller side when it came to breasts?”

I’m a fan of any size, big or small,” I thought. “Besides, I’d like you no matter what body you had. Probably.”

Probably, huh?” repeated the demon with a roll of her eyes. “Anyway, do you want me to do anything else before we… get started?”

Um…” I thought to myself, as much as I could with a mindreader next to me. I recalled my circumstances, scanning over them to make sure nothing would interrupt us during the session. “No, I think everything is fine. We can start.

“Good then,” she said, already through her bra and making her way to my bottoms. At the end of the day, there was little to nothing I could do to stop her if she wanted to start early. I silently thanked whatever granted me the pleasure of knowing Sunset for assigning me a thoughtful demon.

Sunset told me about her circumstances once, a while ago. She worked at a company much like the ones here on Earth. They sent demons of varying occupations to the human world to collect many different things. Sunset was part of the marketing division, whose purpose wasn’t to advertise to other demons but to make humans aware of the spooky and supernatural deeds they performed.

Though, Sunset was a multifaceted, highly talented individual, who possessed more than just one skill, like the common demon.

“Are you thinking about my work right now?” asked Sunset. Once my thoughts were pulled back to the reality in front of me, I realized that I’d stiffened up… more than usual. My pajama pants sat idly at my knees, and Sunset was patiently eyeing my cock, like a lion watching a gazelle. Under her gaze, it twitched and danced. “Are you ready or not?”

I’m ready! Sorry,” I apologized with a downtrodden look. Sunset didn’t seem to mind, grabbing at the shaft with a gentle squeeze.

“So you are.” She began to stroke from base to tip, slowly, but sternly. At the tip, she made sure to squeeze a bit tighter to heighten my pleasure. With her other hand, she reached underneath my leg, grabbing my balls and caressing them. Before long, she introduced her tongue, licking at the tip gently.

I don’t think… I’ll ever get used to this…” My thoughts were jumbled and every lick threw me through another loop. Sunset backed up for a bit, smirked, then wholly covered the tip with her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip. A small moan escaped my lips once she went a bit deeper.

Slowly, her back arched, lifting her impressive ass into the air. The small string of the thong was visible as it went down her lower back and wrapped around her hips. My focus was once again broken as Sunset pulled out another trick up her sleeve.

Once she’d taken the entire shaft inside of her mouth, she moved both hands to the bottom. Her tongue seemingly unraveled, growing greatly in size. It slowly wrapped my shaft in a cobra-like grip. Her tongue, now acting as her hand once did, swabbed my cock with incredible speed.

“Don’t cum yet…” Sunset’s voice came from within me now, much deeper than if she were to whisper in my ear. My body shuddered under her telepathic prowess. “Hold it… Hold it....”

Despite her warnings and pleas, when facing such an intense blowjob, I could only crumble. My whole body shuddered as I shot bullet after bullet of cum down her throat. I closed my eyes tight as more cum dribbled up and painted the insides of her cheeks with sticky white.

The room was bathed in near silence, save for the heavy breaths of the two mixed in with the chirping of the morning birds. Sunset slowly uncoiled her tongue and pulled herself up, careful not to leave even a drop of cum on the shaft. Once she was done, she moved the hair out of her face and swallowed hard. With a gentle breath, she licked her lips and smiled.

“Congrats,” she spoke normally. “You beat your time.”

“Hm…” As a result of being drained, I could feel my senses come back to me. I couldn’t fully speak yet, but I had enough control to say a few words. Sunset hopped off of the bed, her feet touching the cool wood below. “When… again...?” Sunset’s smile faded, and she closed the distance. She bent down and placed a kiss on my cheek, a gesture I was surprised to receive, considering she’d never performed it before.

“Tonight, I’ll come back.” I was a bit confused. Sleep paralysis demons normally worked in the morning, only working in the night for overnight workers and other fringe cases. In my case, she’d never returned in the same month, much less on the same day. Sunset, who undoubtedly heard all of the confusion in my thoughts, simply chuckled and turned away. “Well, I can tell you this. Something special is tonight.”

Without as much as another word, she disappeared with the blink of my eyes. As soon as she left, I regained full control of my body, allowing me to sit up and move around in bed. I would have believed it was all a joke if my dick wasn’t out and sucked.

After making myself decent, I got out of bed and stretched my body. Being conscious for that long without being able to freely move made me feel a little creaky. After a hefty yawn, I made for the door of my room, grabbing the door handle.

Before leaving though, I spared a glance to the wall next to it. The calendar was nowhere near being accurate, with the last marked date being somewhere in August. My mind wandered, wondering what the day was. A quick check of my phone gave me the answer, and also sent a chill up my spine.

“October 31st,” I mumbled. “Halloween.”

Compared to the events of the morning, my day was tame.

I clocked in late and got a pretty big scolding from my boss. Despite him being incredibly loud and annoying while angry, I couldn’t focus on his red-faced rage. Sunset’s words were still resonating in my head.

The hours that normally ground to a standstill were flying by. I guessed that it was mostly in part to the fact that Sunset was all I could think of. This was normal for a little while after encountering her in my experience, but it never lasted this long or to this extent. Today, her features dominated my daydreams.

The time to clock out came incredibly fast, and I nearly left without a word to anyone. I almost felt like I was being pushed home by an invisible force. As I drove home, I couldn’t help but touch my cheek idly. The spot she’d kissed me on this morning almost felt like it was burning.

What did she do to me?

I reached my apartment building, climbed the steps as quick as a bird, and reached my door with impressive speed. I unlocked it with fervor, my hands buzzing as I stuck the key in the keyhole. Once it was open, without a second thought, I rushed into my apartment, making straight for the room at the back.

When I got here though, I felt a strange moment of calm. I was breathing heavily, and the cool metal of the doorknob of my room seemed to calm me down. With a twist and a push, I was inside.

“No one…” I mumbled to myself. No one was around. The sun’s light was deep amber, spilling through the window. It was close to setting, but it was still a bit of time away before it would become properly dark.

I closed the door behind me, then slinked over to a seat on my bed. I laid myself across it, letting my legs touch the floor while I did. With the driving force from earlier gone, I felt a little lost. Laying down, I took some time to catch my breath.

Knock, Knock

The sound of my bedroom door being rapped against shook me a bit. Plenty of thoughts went through my head all at once. Should I answer it? Why would they be knocking at my bedroom door instead of the door to my house? Is it something dangerous?”

But above all, a single, concise, thought rose above the chaos.

I got to my feet, walked over to the door, and pulled it open.

A figure a head taller than me stood there. They were wearing a pair of jeans, boots, and most importantly, a hoodie that covered up most of their face. Still, there was something I could make out clearly. The presence of fiery locks of hair.

“Sunset...” The figure glanced back, then turned forward and sighed. Finally, it pulled the hoodie down. As I thought, the person was the one I’d been expecting.

“Sup,” she said with a friendly smile. “Nice to see you. It was worth it to sneak out.”

“You snuck out?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah. The bigwigs back home would go ballistic if they knew I was visiting the human world without their permission using company tech.”

“Will they be able to find out where you are?”

“Normally, yeah,” she said, playing with her hair. “My boss is a pain in the ass. She’s a vampire who specializes in surveillance.” She met my gaze. “And she’s had her eyes on me for a while. Thankfully, it’s Halloween, so her powers are on the fritz.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Wouldn’t it be the opposite?” I asked. “Doesn’t Halloween make supernatural stuff more common and powerful?” Sunset frowned slightly but continued.

“I really shouldn’t tell you this, but I’ll get in trouble when they find out I’m gone anyway, so I might as well.” She leaned down until we were close enough to feel each other’s breath. “Halloween is a huge calamity for demons. We feel incredibly weak on that day, and all of our powers get cut in efficacy. So, we put on a huge show to keep humans from knowing this and invading us.” She finished her explanation with a sigh, then crossed her arms over her chest. “Anyway, how long are you going to keep standing there? Gonna invite me in or what?”

“O-Oh, yeah,” I said, stepping back. She walked past me, her tail swaying slightly, and made her way to the bed to sit. Her tail wrapped around her waist as she did so. “This is so… surreal.”

“How so?” said Sunset, crossing her legs over each other.

“Everything about this seems different,” I explained. “I didn’t know you were taller than me. I never thought I’d be able to have a face-to-face conversation with you. You look amazing in normal clothes…” I shook my head. “This is just… wow.”

“Would you prefer me in my normal outfit?” Her eyes narrowed and my heartbeat quickened. She reached for her hoodie’s zipper. “Well, there’s only one reason I would have to visit here.”

“Wait,” I said, firmly. She raised an eyebrow but obeyed. I looked at her figure, then approached. “We normally won’t have a moment like this, right? Let me take the initiative today.”

“Oh?” she said, her smile turning devious. “You think you can satisfy me, hm?” She placed her hands on the bed on either side of her, leaving herself open. “Let’s see what you can do, then.”

“Alright. Well, first.” I approached her and met her eyes. Her face was confident, bolstered by the fact that she could hear me as I thought. Thankfully, I knew that she could, and prepared the perfect counter.

“And what would that—” I grabbed her by the shoulders, cutting her sentence short. She was about to ask what I was doing, but I acted quickly. I pressed forward, bringing our lips together in a quick motion. Her lips were just as soft as they looked, and as I kissed her, I could feel our hearts beating in unison. After a few moments that felt like minutes, I pulled away.

“How was that?” I didn’t need to be able to read minds to know what her stunned, rapidly reddening face meant.

“Shut up,” she said, regaining her composure quickly. Though she’d read my mind, I couldn’t help but feel accomplished. “You should be lucky I didn’t make you go crazy with an aphrodisiac.”

“Oh, is that what you did this morning?” I asked, leaning in again. Though she was wary of a frontal assault, she was still slightly startled by the kisses I left on her neck. I pushed into her, leading her to lay down on her back. I pulled down the zipper of her hoodie, revealing the shirt underneath. Through it, I began to massage her nipples. “I couldn’t think of anything but you all day. I even rushed home after work to meet you.”

“Could you not say such embarrassing things right in my ear?” She spoke confidently, but I could hear the jitters in her voice. I went a bit higher, kissing her jawline, and finally her lips once again. Her next words went directly into my head. “Don’t you realize how dangerous it is to kiss a demon? At any time, I could turn you into my fucktoy, and all you could do was regret it.”

I trust you,” I thought, leaning even more into the kiss. “Besides, being your fucktoy wouldn’t be too bad, all things considered.

“You’re such a—” The words in her mind were cut off by a gasp as the hand I was idly snaking past her jeans had reached its mark. Without even thinking about it, I’d reached the part of her I’d only fantasized about. Her tail, which had been swinging around widely before, quickly wrapped around my arm, squeezing it tight.

I circled her clit like I was fiddling with a joystick, eliciting a surprisingly sensual reaction. Considering the way she dressed and acted, I thought it’d take a lot more to get that feeling.

“Dumbass,” called Sunset from above. She was speaking with her voice again. “Succubus is my secondary skill… I haven’t been sexually active in— hnng… years.”

“You looked pretty confident a bit ago,” I said, gently flicking, pressing, and squeezing.

“I didn’t expect you to be good at it,” she responded. “You haven’t been active with anyone but me, either.” I hummed my agreement before I dove past her folds. I quickly searched for the zone that elicited the biggest reaction, finding it quickly as I swathed past. Rubbing as quickly as I could, Sunset pushed herself off the bed slightly. “Mmmh… t-take off my pants, at least!”

“But then I’d have to stop,” I responded, using my other hand to lift her shirt. Underneath was the bra I was used to. “Your tail doesn’t seem too keen on letting me go, either.” I inched it up, then dove onto it with my tongue, licking it fiercely like a half-eaten lollipop. She bit down on her lip, but it was obvious I was having a big effect.

“You! Getting ahead of yourself…” I drove forward, not taking even a single break until I could feel her tighten up. Slowly, she rose higher and higher off the bed, until finally, she fully clenched, her body sputtered and shook, and she came. Even then, I kept going while she did.

Before long, my entire hand was covered in her warm, sticky cum. I maneuvered out of her, causing her to shake a bit more, then pulled my hand from her pants entirely. I pulled away from her nipple just as quickly. Finally, I licked my hands clean.

“Looks like I was enough to satisfy you,” I said with a smug smile. Her hand was over her face, so I couldn’t see everything, but what certainly was visible was a faint blu—

“Alright,” said Sunset, cutting my thoughts off. Before I could even think about asking her anything, she was looming over me, and I was on my back. She pressed down on my neck, just enough to keep me in place without choking me. “No more games.”

In a single moment, my clothes were ripped from my body. The remnants of my shirt and pants were still underneath me. She displayed strength unlike anything I could have imagined. Now effectively in the nude, she snapped, removing the human clothes and returning her to her normal attire.

“I... Sunny?” Her eyes bloomed red, and her expression was serious.

“You said you wouldn’t mind being my fucktoy, right?” Without waiting for an answer, she dove down, pressing into my lips even more aggressively than I did. Her tongue broke through my meager defenses, staging an invasion on my mouth, covering it with her ferocity anywhere it would reach. She pulled away with just as little warning, the saliva dripping down my chest as she did.

In the next moment, a familiar tingling enveloped my body. Though, instead of paralyzing me, it filled me with a buzz akin to the middle of a bee’s nest. It culminated below, making my cock harder than I’d ever felt it be before. Seemingly satisfied with my appearance, she finally peeled her underwear away, revealing her nude form.

“Wow,” I whispered. Just watching her my mind was filled with the desire to fuck her. No… desire didn’t do it justice. I needed to fuck her.

And Sunset, with a smirk, read those thoughts loud and clear.

She lowered herself torturously slowly, only reaching halfway down before she stopped. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t take the whole thing. I looked up and saw her lick her lips and display a devious smile. She ground her hips around just as slowly, then pulled out.

“Now you’ll learn,” she said, grinding her soft pussy lips against my shaft, driving me even crazier. Her smile got even more wicked, and the tip of her tail slowly lined my chest and stomach. “That you should never mess with a demon.” She pulled back, then shoved the entire shaft inside, the combination of tight, wet, squishy, and warm all came together to make me cum.

But despite the feeling bubbling up inside of me, the finish never came. I bit my lip as I realized that Sunset had full control over me at this point.

“Correct,” she said, slowly bouncing her ass up and down. “You want to cum? You’ve got to make me feel it first.” She leaned down, caressed my cheek, and displayed a hint of her gentle look behind the ferocity for a moment. “You can do it, right? Just like before.”

“Of course,” I answered, immediately. My smug look from before returned, and I reached up for her hips. Surprisingly, I found myself able to thrust in with full force, pulling a low moan from Sunset. She wasn’t even attempting to hide it at this point.

My hips took off like an Olympic swimmer at the sound of gunfire. Thrust after thrust, the squishy insides of Sunset’s pussy were rammed hard and tight by my offense. Her breaths became shaky, she leaned forward, and her hands fell to either side of my body. I focused for a moment, quickly sitting up and meeting her chest. In a show of athleticism I know I’d never possess naturally, I flipped her onto her stomach, and loomed over her back.

“Just wait a bit, Sunset.” I leaned down near her ear, my breath tickling her ear and sending a shiver down her spine. “I’ll make you cum.”

“Ngh…”She grunted, grasped at the sheets, then nodded slightly. With that bit of confirmation, I drove it up to 11.

From this position, my hips slapped hard against her ass, each thrust sending a thick ripple through her lower body. The jiggle of her ass was hypnotizing, locking me in a rhythm. Eventually, her tail wrapped around my waist, ensuring that I wouldn’t get away. Not that I had any intention of going anywhere.

Amidst the pumps, I pressed my chest down against her back, snaked my hand underneath her body, and grabbed both of her breasts with a rough squeeze. With my mouth so close to her ear, she couldn’t ignore me.

“Hey, Sunny…” I breathed, a small smile appearing on my face. “I love you.”

“Haaa... mpmf…”

“And I’m not just saying that… cause I’m going to town on you.” I was rapidly losing steam. My hips started to feel sore, my stamina waned. Still, I brought as much energy as I could for the big finish. “You’re incredibly kind and beautiful… I’m glad to have met you, Sunny.”

“I… ahh” Sunset’s voice came from inside my mind. If she opened her mouth, the only things that would come out were moans and groans. “I l-love you too.”

The next moment, cum spurt out from me with impressive velocity. For the first few shots, I was still pumping, sending cum even further within her than expected. Soon though, I pushed in as far as I could for the last few shots. Once cum began to pump out of me, I took deep breaths until it was finally over.

Once I’d been completely drained, I pulled away. Once I did, though, my entire body felt like it shut down. I fell backward, thankfully hitting my pillow properly. The position I found myself in was oddly familiar. Not being able to move anything besides my fingertips? Check. The feeling of absolute exhaustion? Check. A beautiful woman appearing in my room?

“You flatter as easily as you breathe, huh?” Sunset pushed herself up from her position, slowly making her way off the bed. As soon as she got up, it was easy to see my cum dribble down her leg. It was honestly incredibly sexy. “There you go, again. You do know I can hear you, right?”

“Yeah, I know,” I answered with a smile. “But… did you mean what you said earlier? You know, about the whole loving me thing.” Sunset paused for a moment, so I continued. “I wasn’t sure if you were just saying that cause I’m good in bed.” Still, she didn’t say anything. I opened my mouth to continue my nervous tirade, but she sighed to cut me off.

“I snuck out of Hell during my off-duty hours, on the most dangerous night of the year for demons… to come here.” She looked at me, her face red. My heartbeat increased as she spoke, and I could feel my face heating up. “What do you think?”

In a long line of interruptions today, I watched as my door was nearly flung off of its hinges from a single kick. Both Sunset and I canceled our little moment and turned to see who’s boot was put through my door.

A woman, dressed for success in a black suit, wearing a pair of glasses and rocking a pair of sweater puppies that frankly should be illegal. Ignoring Sunset’s glare as I thought that, she also had a very noticeable pair of wicked, black wings sprouting from behind her. Her eyes met mine, and then they flicked to Sunset.

“T-Twilight, hi.” It was the first time I saw Sunset nervous. Well, today was the first time I spent any length of time with her outside of her being my sleep paralysis demon, so I suppose I haven’t seen a lot of her emotions. “Erm… how did you find me?”

“I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy,” she said, adjusting her glasses. “Had I not predicted this and attached a bat to you once you left, it would have been impossible.” The woman lifted her hand, then whistled, immediately calling a bat from a corner of the room to her fingertips. “Now then, how about we get to the matter at hand, shall we?”

“Um, Ms. Twilight, ma’am,” I said, calling attention to myself. “I know I’m just a human and all that, but can’t you let Sunset go? Just this once?” She looked toward me, her red eyes boring into me like knives.

“First of all,” she said, crossing her arms. “The opinions and beliefs of humans are very important to demonkind. To us, you are never ‘just a human’.” I was surprised by her professionalism. Enough to be embarrassed at my current vulnerable state. I felt like I should at least be wearing a suit just to speak to her. “Secondly… I need a reason.”

“A reason?”

“Yes, a reason,” she repeated. Her gaze intensified deeply, her red eyes seemingly beginning to glow. “If you can give me a reason not to fire Sunset, I’ll consider it.”

“Well, I love her now,” I said without pause. “That’s… kinda the whole reason.”

“Yes, I am well aware of your newfound relationship,” she said. “As I said before, I had a bat for surveillance. Still, that isn’t a very—”

“Wait…” I said, pausing to think. “If you had a bat on Sunset, and you expected her to leave, why did it take you so long to get to us? That, and you came in just as we finished...” Twilight was silent, almost deathly so. I could almost hear the sun setting in the background. “Were you, like… peeping?”

“Peeping makes it sound very indecent,” muttered Twilight, adjusting her glasses once more. “It was more like, indulging in the passion between two lovers, I suppose?”

“Wow, you were checking us out,” I said with a laugh. “Well, I can’t blame you, Sunset is a total babe.”

“Dude!” Sunset’s glare returned, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Just sayin’, it’s true.”

“It would have been very awkward attempting to break in between your… session.” She spared a glance at us both still in the nude, then focused again. “It seemed very rude of me, to say the least.” I laughed again, then turned to Twilight with a smile.

“Well, Sunset broke the rules, but you’re a voyeur, so I think we can call that about even, right?”

“Wrong,” said Twilight, regaining her composure. “But… with you knowing this jeopardizing information, as well as being a human and important customer, and considering Sunset is a top-class multi-talented individual the company would love to keep around…” She hummed as if she was fighting herself as she went on. Soon, she sighed. “I guess I can let this slide.”

“Oh, really?,” said Sunset, her nervousness fading. She snapped her fingers, her normal demon attire reappearing on her body. Unfortunately, that meant that the stream of cum leaking out of her was also cleaned up. “I didn’t think that would work, to be honest.”

“Yes, well, you’re not completely out of the woods yet, Sunset,” she warned. “I’ll have you bring your absolute best work starting tomorrow.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she said with a sigh. I’ll put in some extra hours, if necessary.”

“Hm…” I hummed. Immediately my mind was filled with thoughts of Sunset’s job. It never really occurred to me how many other people Sunset must have met and performed for. It didn’t matter to me how many people were before me, but it did put a bit of a sour note on my mood that I wouldn’t be the only one from now on.

Before I knew it, Sunset approached me, leaning down next to my head.

“You know you’re the only one I do that for, right?” She said, a small, yet devious smile growing on her lips.”My normal costume has me wearing a cloak clouded in darkness. Real spooky stuff.” She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “But keep up the jealousy. Kinda makes you cuter, in a way.”

“Haha,” I said dryly. Still, I couldn’t help but be relieved. “So then, I’ll see you soon?”

“Maybe,” she said with a shrug. She made for my door, where Twilight had already created some sort of portal. “I’ll always be your sleep paralysis demon, but...I’ll see where I can make some spare time.”

With those words and a kind smile, she disappeared in a blink of an eye like before. Although this time, my paralysis didn’t go away. Thankfully, I was getting ready to go to sleep. I closed my eyes, the many different experiences I had today dancing behind my eyelids as I drifted off.

Though my body was paralyzed, my mind was calm. I slept thinking of demons as Halloween drifted away into the night.