From orphan to emperor

by Asher Blade

First published

A human orphaned by the forces of Equestria come for revenge

Ponies have long enslaved the humans of Equestria. They are about to learn all evils will come back to hunt them. A Young boy orphaned due to an attack comes back as a grown man, and he wants what was taken from his he wants his humanity. He comes to take back his freedom and all of humanities freedom.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

the spark

Third-person pov

“Kill the men and take as many woman as you can!”

A royal guard could be heard yelling out over the screams of the humans trying to fight or run from the ponies of Equestria. For three thousand years, the humans of Equestria have been forced to be slaves to the ponies and other races. Among these humans was a mother and her son. A boy no older than fourteen ran with his mother but looked back at his father, and a few of the other men tried to buy them time to run. The boy lost sight of his father as his mother managed to run them into the forest.

“Scarlett AH!”

They didn’t stop running as a magic blast hit the woman, who let out a yell. Calling out to try and find her daughter. She fell to the ground, stunned, and the mother ran deeper into the forest, hoping to find a place to hide her son. She jumped into the creek nearby, hoping to hide their tracks.

“Buck it! Shoot them!”

A moment later, four arrows ripped through the mother's chest. She fell dead onto the boy’s body, and he fell, hitting his head on a rock. He passed out with two of the arrows in his chest. Not deep enough to kill but deep enough to make sure it would leave two nasty scars.

“Bucking horses they always have to run.”

The two pegasus guards above the trees flew off. They had no idea the boy was alive or how deep revenge would sink into his bones once he woke up. An hour passed with the boy still out cold. An older man walked through the forest, worried about the smoke he saw a few hours ago. The man walked out of the forest and walked up to the creek, following a small path. The man stopped when he saw the mother and son water running around the bodies. He looked down at the dead mother and son. He nodded his head and was about to move on but stopped when he saw movement on the boy’s chest. He looked at the bodies, and he saw small chest movements. He pulled off his long coat showing a long katana on his side. It had an ornate dragon-carved handle and a small red gem in the center. A horned demon face was carved where the guard should be. The sheath was a slick black and was scaled pattern.

He jumped into the water and grabbed the dead woman’s body. He pulled her off the boy and saw two shallow wounds on his chest. He had two six-inch wounds on his chest.


The man leaned down and patted the boy's cheek. Some color came to the boy’s face, and he breathed a little more. The man looked back at the woman and sighed as he picked the boy up. He climbed out of the creek and laid him down on his coat. The boy's black hair was soaked, and his pale skin with almost white from the cold water. A reverse crescent moon-looking breath mark on his right shoulder. He nodded and looked down at the ragged pants and rope belt the boy had on.

“I’m sorry boy. Maybe if I had been here a few hours ago I could have helped.”

The man picked the boy up and started to walk back to his home.

Alexander pov two hours later

I opened my eyes and looked up at a stone roof. Not the dirt one I knew. I tried to move and stopped, and I grabbed my chest.

“I see you’re up.”

I jumped and looked over at the light. I saw a man with a sword sitting against the wall. I was scared as I looked at the man. He was old with grey hair tied back in a ponytail. He had a scar going over his face ending at the edge of his eye. I moved as far from the man as I could. I looked around and didn’t see my mom. “Where is my mom?” The man looked right at me. The look on his face was one I'd seen many times.

“The ponies got her son. You were the only person I found alive.”

I nodded my head and stood up, still holding my chest. “The village?”

“Gone and many were died. But, it looks like many of the ponies that attack were killed or wounded as well. So, they made them pay a price for that attack.”

I nodded and sat back down, still scared as I looked at the man. The man looked back at me and then nodded as he grabbed the handle of his katana.

“Boy take this.”

The man threw the katana over, and I missed grabbing it. It hit my chest, and I grabbed my chest again. I held the sword to my chest as a few more tears came to my eyes. “Why?” He stood up and set the iron sword on his side.

“Your coming with me to my village. It’s in a cave system and I live with a human friendly pack of diamond dogs.”

“How many other humans?”

“There are twenty of us with you.”

I nodded and stood up, holding the sword.

“Keep that sword close boy. I’ll be teaching you how to defend yourself from this world.”

“Okay.” He nodded, then turned away from me as he started to walk. I walked out behind him, stopping once I saw another cave farther down a path. He walked down the path, and I ran behind, scared that the ponies may still be around. I got beside him and then noticed a few scars under his sleeve.

“Relax boy I will not harm you. I know what it is like to live like that.”

I looked up at him and nodded as we walked into the cave. I looked around as we walked deeper into the cave lighted by crystals. I saw a large diamond dog with a woman talking with each other. I smiled as I walked into a large area and looked at the diamond dogs and humans walking around and talking to each other.

“Boy, what is your name?”

I looked back up at the man. “Alexander.” He smiled for the first time before he looked ahead again.

“You can call me Slasher.”

The third-person pov first year of training

“Way are we doing this?”

Alexander dropped the pick-ax from his hands and looked at Slasher. Slasher struck the stone and stopped to look at Alexander.

“You need to build up your body and we need to expand the village. Two problems one go, always try to do that when you can. Besides, remember you need to get stronger to protect yourself.”

He turned back and started to work again. Alexander sighed and nodded before he bent over and grabbed his pick-ax. Alexander started to work again, knowing his teacher was right. And he knew one day he would have to fight the ponies as his father had. But, unknown to even this boy, he would do more than face the ponies who had destroyed his home. This year Alexander would solely work on his body. Strengthening it, building a strong base for his future. Days were spent chipping away at the stone or cutting wood for the older dogs of the cave. Over that year, Alexander did gain muscle but had toned up more.

Second-year beginning of training

Slasher is working away at their now expanded cave room, setting up the training room he’d been making for Alexander. He’d made a hole in the roof letting in light and had set up a system to collect rainwater.

“What are you doing in here Slasher?”

Alexander walked in stone ax on his shoulder, wood under his arm. Slasher smiled as he looked back at Alexander.

“Finishing our new training room.”

Alexander looked at him for a second before Slasher walked over to the right wall and pulled on a rope. He revived the hole he’d made, lighting up the room by showing a set of homemade wooden swords, training dummies, and sets of stone weights. In the center of the room was a large pit with stones acting like guard reels. Inside the pit was some of the rainwater that had fallen this morning. Alexander looked stunned as he looked around at all the work Slasher had to have done to make this room.

“Is this what you were doing when I worked with the others young dogs?”

Slasher smiled as he looked at Alexander, then grabbed a wooden sword off the rack.


Alexander dropped the wood to grab the wooden sword as Slasher grabbed another sword. Slasher grabbed another wooden sword and charged Alexander. Before Alexander knew it, Slasher slammed the butt of the sword handle into his stomach. Alexander dropped to the ground, dropping the ax and sword to the ground. Alexander grabbed his stomach, and dry heaved as he lay on the ground. Slasher nodded his head as he looked down at Alexander.

“It’s going to be a long year.”

Third-year of training

Alexander stood wooden sword in his hands as he looked at Slasher. Slasher had started to teach Alexander sword and knife combat. Alexander’s arms and chest were bruised up, proving how relentless Slasher was when fighting.

“You had enough for today boy?”

Slasher mockingly asked, trying to trick Alexander into attacking again. Alexander fell for it and charged Slasher's anger at being beat, again and again, boiled over. Slasher laughed and sidestepped and cracked Alexander across the back. Alexander fell face-first to the ground.

“That going to get you killed boy. Letting your anger make you charge in is a death senteance.”

Alexander looked up at Slasher, annoyed, but he knew he was right. If he kept charging in the blind, he would die. Alexander gripped his wooden sword handle tighters as he stood up.

“One more time.”

Slasher smiled, seeing that Alexander had regained some composure as he looked at him.

“Fine but don’t blame me when you can’t sleep right for the next month!”

Slasher and Alexander charged one another, ready to attack. Three months passed like this, and to Slasher’s amazement, Alexander had learned to predict each attack Slasher threw and how he would move or react to the counterattack. After nearly one hundred battles, Alexander had gained a skill Slasher had spent his life trying to master. Slashers and any of the diamond dogs warriors after only ten or twenty sparring matches. Slasher began to wonder if he had found a young prodigy swordsman. He had learned how to fight timber wolves and manticores. Slasher had to wonder what would happen as he got older and kept up on his training.

Fourth-year of training

Alexander stood in the center of the pit as rain fell around him. He stood at the ready, a well-used training sword in hand. At all four edges of the pit stood four of the largest diamond dogs of the cave. Behind them was the Alpha, a much older pitbull diamond dog, and Slasher stood. At fifteen, Alexander had become one of the strongest fighters in the caves. The alpha had chosen not to leave his pack to any of his sons as each had lost to Alexander in sparring matches. The Alpha respected the boy’s skills and learned to outfight anything in the forest. Slasher threw a rock into the air. Alexander lowered his stance more as the rock hit the water. All four dogs jumped at him, hammers and clubs at the ready as they fell onto Alexander. Moved forward and jumped in the water. Alexander struck the first dog in the chest with a forward thrust as he hit the water. Alexander sent him back into the sidewall of the pit. Alexander turned, moving fast as the largest dog swung his club down onto Alexander. Alexander moved closer and turned his sword as he moved under the strike. Alexander slammed the butt of the sword into the dog’s underjaw. His head flew back as Alexander turned and then struck the third dog in the ribs full force. Alexander dropped low as the last dog tried to hit him in the head, scared of the human in front of him. Alexander threw his wooden sword up and caught the dog's forearm, making him drop his club. Standing up straight, Alexander was about to finish the fight before the alpha yelled.


Alexander stopped his sword an inch away from the dog’s face. Alexander lowered his sword and looked up as the alpha walked over to the side of the pit.

“You’ve won Alexander. Your the strongets in the whole of the westsern Everfree forest.”

Alexander smiled, then slid his wooden sword back onto his side as he looked at the Alpha.

“So, I guess I’ve gained everything I can here.”

Alexander grabbed a crack in the pit from his past fights. Alexander jumped and used his arm to throw himself up with his right arm. Slasher never did figure out what made Alexander so talented, but he knew he’d taught him everything he knew.

“Alexander, you’ve surpassed all of us. What will you do now?”

Alexander looked at his teacher, and a smile grew across his face.

“I think I’ll go and become the strongest fighter. Then I’m going to go and find the guards who killed my family.”

Slasher nodded as he knew this day would come, but the Alpha seemed to have a thought in mind. Slasher smiled at that, having expected it at some point.

“Well if your going to do that you’ll have to know how to read and write. Knowing how to get money will come with this.”

Slasher pulled out two letters from his long coat.

“One is a letter proving my freedom. Now as long as you can keep them thinking you're my son you can’t be sold or taken as a slave. That the old letter the new one is calling in a favor a noble owes me for saving his family back during the last human rebellion twenty years ago. Fancy pants is a great stallion he will honer the request inside but you have to listen to what he tells you to do like me. Other nobles won’t let you live in peace at first but once they realize their is a way to best you head on all you have to do is play the long game.”

Alexander nodded and took the two letters.

“We also have a gift for you.”

I looked back up and stopped as I looked at the new wooden sword. It had a sheath black with a bright cherry handle.

I took it and slid it under my rope belt on my side before I looked over and saw the sword Slasher had given me in the arms of the Alpha’s youngest daughter arms. I looked down at the small pup and walked over to her. I kneeled and reached out, and she moved back, still holding my sword. I laughed a little, then nodded as I stood back up. “I’ll leave tomorrow, but you're going to have to give me my sword.” She smiled before she held it out to me.


I nodded as I laughed, then kneeled again. I took my sword, put it on my side, and then patted her head. “You're a good girl Ruby.” She smiled, and her tail wagged behind her. I stood up, and she ran over to her father as the others climbed out of the pit. Two looked pissed off, and I rested my arm on my swords.

“Alexander, they won’t do anything.”

I looked over at Slasher and nodded as I walked out of the room. I moved back as a few kids and puppies ran by, and I laughed more as I looked around at the caves. We’d grown so much in these four years, and now we had fifty humans, and eighty diamond sogs. I walked into the center of the cave, smiling as I saw everyone moving around.


I looked to the Alpha’s oldest daughter, Diamond, running over. I was surprised when I saw her in new clothes, and she had on light blue jeans with ripped knees and a black shirt.

She jumped at me, and I sidestepped, making her miss her daily tackle hug. I smiled and grabbed her arm, stopping her from face-planting the stone wall. “Always doing the same expecting me to just go to the ground. Why are you my only friend again?” Diamond laughed before righting herself and pulling me into a hug. I patted her back, glad she didn’t let go this time. “Diamond, come on.”

“No, this is the first time you’ve let me hug you.”

I rolled my eyes and jabbed her in the side with two fingers. She jumped and grabbed her side as she looked at me.

“You! i’m going to!”

“I’m leaving.” She stopped as she looked at me and then looked at my side.

“W-what? Your leaving the cave?”

I nodded and crossed my arms as I looked at her. “I’ve gained all I can from staying here. I’m leaving tomarrow to find a stallion named Fancy Pants.” Her ears laid against her head, and I smirked and pinched her left her. She yelped and glared at me. I smiled at her, grabbed her head, and pressed our heads together. She blushed as she looked me in the eye. “I will come back after every now and then Diamond. My goals will be acheved and who knows maybe one day I’ll take you away with me tomorrow.” She shoved me away and ran off with her face and ears red. I laughed, glad to see that still worked as a way to get her away from me. I nodded a walked over to the cave mouth and out of the caves. I looked up at the night sky.

“Going now? You know they'll never forgive you for that lie.”

I looked back to the cave mouth and saw Slasher. A new set of real clothes and a leather shoulder bag were in his hand. A smile crossed his face as he looked at me.

"There are some bits in there. It's what everyone outside of this forest use to buy stuff. It should take you about two years to beat all the best fighters in this country. When you can talk it out and build up a power base as best as you can. Never stop training your production technique. If you do that and keep your body strong you'll never be defeated."

I nodded, and he threw the bag over to me. I grabbed it as he threw the clothes. I nodded before I looked back into the dark forest. "Well, best get get moving."

Chapter 2

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Alexander pov

I walked down a dirt path as the sun started to rise about the trees. I looked around, and I stopped when I heard flapping wings. I dropped my bag off my shoulder and grabbed the handle of the dragon sword. ‘Not a manticore, and not fruitbats.’ I jumped to the side, grabbing my bag with the back of my sword. I jumped into the shadows and looked through the gaps through to the top of the trees. A guard flew into view, and I smiled as I stepped back out and looked up at the guard. She spoked me, and I waved for her to come down.” She looked down at me for a minute before she flew down, hand on her sword. I rested my arm on my swords and pulled out the two letters. “Do you think you can help me find a town?” I held the letters out to her, and she took them and opened the older one first.

“That debends on….”

She stopped talking as she read the letter. She blinked and nodded her head before breaking the seal on the second letter and started to read it. I hummed as she read them over again and looked back at me.

“Your the first free human I’ve meet.”

I laughed and nodded before I held my hand back out. She gave me the letters back, and I rolled them back up before she turned and jumped back into the air. She turned back and looked at me as she hovered above the trees.

“Head in the direction you were going for another twenty minutes. I’ll be waiting there with some other mares.”

I nodded before she flew off. I pulled my bag back over my shoulder as I started to walk again. ‘Hm, maybe this will go smoothly.’ I walked down the path and saw the trees thinning out the closer I got to the end of the twenty minutes. I stopped when I heard a branch snap behind me. I grabbed my sword and jumped forward, and turned, drawing my dragon sword. As I expected, a manticore was behind me. ‘Oh, this could play out well.’ I saw a grass field before I turned and started to run. I heard the beast following me as I burst out of the trees and saw the guard and eight other mares. I jumped back a few more times as the manticore ran out after me. I spun my sword around my hand then cut its left eye. The manticore roared, and I jumped at myself. I ducked, and I spun my sword and stabbed the manticore through the rib cage. Blood gushed down onto my arm, and I shoved it to the side as its weight started to come down on me. It fell to the side, twitching a little but stopped a second later. I spit on the grass, then planted my foot on its chest and pulled my sword out. Blood dripped off it, and I nodded before raising and throwing the blade down. The blood flew off onto the manticore and the grass.


I looked back as one of the mares came running. She was like nothing I’d seen before. She was as tall as me but had both wings and a horn. Her fur was a darker blue with a two-toned mane that looked like stars were in it. She was in a long dark blue sleeve dress and had on legging.

She ran right up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

“We’ve never seen a pony single handly slay a manticore! And with such skill who trained thee?”

“Father.” I sheathed my sword and pulled out a long knife as I looked at her. I put the knife in my teeth and took my long coat. I threw it to the side and pulled my swords off my sider, and threw them on my coat.

“What is thee doing?”

I took the knife out of my mouth as the others started to walk over. “Getting meat and after two or three weeks I’ll have a nice manticore skin rug.”

“Does thee think we could buy it off thee?”

I got the manticore on its back then went to work. I grabbed the fur as the others gathered around us. “Tell you what. Get me to a stallion names Fancy pants the rug is all yours.” She blinked as she looked at me.

“You know Sir Fancy Pants?”

I started to cut into the skin and nodded over to my coat. “There are two letters in the front right pocket.” I started to cut through the rib cage. I saw her use her magic to get them, and they floated behind me. I stabbed my knife in the ground then grabbed the rib cage. I forced the rib cage open and heard a gasp. I looked over at a white mare being held up by the guard’s mare. “Never seen a gutting before?” She looked like she was going to be sick. I laughed a little before grabbing my knife again. “Well, you may want to leave. I’m about to get to the real nasty part. I’m about to take all the organs out.” I cut down the center and saw the stomach bounce. I when back up and reached in and started to cut away at the diaphragm muscle. The stomach cavity started to fill with blood as the mare spoke again.

“We see, so your father is the famed Hundred kill Slasher. That certainly does explain your skills. But, he uses I and not we. Does thee mother not like thee leaving?”

I stood up, blood dripping off my arm as I turned to glare at the group. A few of them looked a little scared. “She was killed by royal guards four years when they attacked our village in the forest.” She nodded as she looked back at the larger white mare, who looked annoyed. “My mother was killed in front of me with four arrows through the chest when she shielded me. Infact I have two scars on my chest from arrow that just missed me.” Now the white one looked ready to kill.

“Did the guards have golden or purple armor on?”

“Gold.” I turned and stuck my arms back in as I started to cut away the last of the lining before I grabbed organs out and cutting as I moved them. “I won’t lie to any of you here. If I ever get the chance they will pay for my mother’s death.” I dropped the organs out and looked at more than scared mares. The blue one looked worried, but the white one was gone. “Where did the other mare go?”

“Princess Celestia left to um, deal with something.”

I looked at a purple mare as she looked at my blood-covered hands. I laughed more, then nodded my head as I dropped the knife to the ground. “Relax, not of you have done me wrong. My sword won’t be turned on you.” She sighed and nodded.


I nodded as I looked at my bag. “Can one of you get that rough cloth out of my bag?”

“Sure, I got it.”

A pink mare grabbed my bag then pulled out a large rough wool cloth. She threw it over, and I grabbed it, then started to wipe my arms off, getting almost all the blood off before the blue mare spoke again.

“Thee seems to know how to do this nasty task well.”

I laughed at her and laughed a little. “Not the first manticore I’ve killed. I think this one makes number twenty.” They all looked at me with wide eyes, and I smiled as I looked at them. “Don’t worry unless someone attacks me I won’t harm any ponies. Like this one I was attacked so I killed to defend myself.” I laughed as I turned, shoved the beast onto its side, and the blood slashed out. I reached down and grabbed my knife before I grabbed the side of the ribs. I started to cut away at the skin along the ribs.

“Um, we will have the guards come with a cart to help move the fur and meat.”

I nodded as I cut away at the underskin. “Okay.” I pulled on the skin as I started to walk down started to work on the legs. I heard them walking away as I worked. Then I heard the sounds of paws.

“Want some help Alexander?”

I flinched at that voice, and I laughed as I dropped my knife. “Now, Diamond..” I jumped to the side, and she tried to hit me with a large club. I looked at her, and she was looking at me with a look that could kill. “Come on, we both know if i’d I told when I was really going to leave you’d never let me leave.” Her eye twitched as she looked at me and raised her club again.

“Not what I wanted to hear you idoit!”

I grabbed my swords and started to back up. “Come on now, you know I hate to fight with you.” I laughed as I slowly backed up as looked at her. She smiled as she patted her club on her hand. “Come on, I already worked a deal for that fur.” She smiled turned into an evil smirk as she looked at me.

“I get to come along and I hand over the club.”

I sighed and knew I wasn’t going to win. “Okay, but I swear to the stars if I catch you snecking meat at night again.” She smiled then threw the club at my feet. I sighed and grabbed the club as I looked at her. “You know your father is going to come after you.” She gave me a tooth-filled smile as she looked at me.

“He told you to follow my ass.”


I sighed and rubbed my eyes as I looked at her. “Okay, well help me get this skin off.”

“Okay, but I want something first.”

I looked at her and she held her arms open. I sighed as I looked at her and she smiled as she stared at me.

“We’re going to be together for a while Alexander so best get used to me wanting to hug.”

I turned my back and nodded my head as I grabbed my knife. I started to cut away again and Diamond grabbed the skin.

“You cut and I pulled Alexander.”

I nodded as I cut away at the skin. “So you know, the letters only cover me so what do you plan to tell the ponies?”

“Maybe I could say I’m your bitch.”

I stopped and sighed as I looked at her and saw the cart coming in the distance. “Fine, but this is not the end of this conversation.” She smiled and pulled as I cut away at the last of the right rib cage and move down cutting.

“Hello Sir.”

I nodded as I cut away. “You two can take a break this is going to take some time.”

“Do you want some help?”

I stopped and looked back and to my surprise, I looked back at a set of purple armor. “Purple armor?” Diamond looked over at them and she looked confused. The mare laughed and took her helmet and she had darker fur and yellow eyes. She had slight fangs showing under her lips.

“I guess you’ve never seen the night guards before.”

I nodded as she took her arm guards off and pulled out a knife.

“We eat meat too so a lot of us hunt too.”

I smiled and laughed at the idea of what other ponies must think. “Well, go ahead and start on the other side and you can have a back strap and a leg for the trouble.” She smiled and nodded as she walked over.

“Sound like a good deal.”

I laughed and got back to work. It didn’t take long for us to get the skin off and meat cut.

“Oh, I forgot when we get into town you are to got the library to stay with Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike the dragon.”

I nodded and looked over at Diamond. “Well, I have to ask if you can stay too.” She smiled as she walked back with her club.


She set it on her shoulder and I put my coat back on as the guard grabbed the handle of the cart. I put my hands on the back of the cart and pushed as she started to walk. She looked back at me and smiled before turning back around.

“Why are you so nice to her?”

I laughed as I looked forward. “She doesn’t tackle into me to the ground or try to hit me with a club.” Diamon laughed a little then she put her hands on the back of the cart.

“Let’s get this cart home.”

I nodded as we pushed the back of the cart.

Chapter 3

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Alexander pov

I swung my wooden sword down and glanced around at the ponies watching me. I’d noticed a few guards standing and watching me. A few had looked annoyed as they walked by. I stopped when I heard hooves behind me. I sheathed my wooden sword and turned and saw the guard from the other day. I smiled and nodded over to the door. “Diamond has your meat in a box with a cooling spell on the table. Diamond’s cooking some if you want to wait for lunch.” She smiled and nodded before she pulled her helmet off.

“Thanks and Princess Luna wanted me to ask about the rug.”

I nodded and rested my arm on my sword. “Turn around.” She did, and I smiled as she looked at the newly fat, scrapped, and stretched-out skin. “If the weather stays like it is, she will have it in two weeks, or if I had the salt, I could dry it like that.,” She nodded, then looked back at me, and her eyes widened. I saw a large stallion behind me in her eyes. I ducked, and a fist flew over my head. I jumped back, holding my swords, and looked up at a guard in a set of silver armor. I huffed and nodded as I grabbed the rope knot next to my swords. “Trust me. You don’t want any of these.” He smirked and raised his fist.

“No, I think I do. You see it’s really bothering me that a human is walking around with such a nice wooden sword and that beautiful napones sword.”

I laughed and nodded before taking my swords off and setting them on the ground. I raised my fists and started studying him. Why don’t we get this over with it? I win you, and the rest of the guards let me train you all; you win the swords.


He lunged at me, and I smiled. I knew he would swing high since he was taller than I was. I Jumped in and threw my head to the side, making his fist miss. I smiled, then threw a right uppercut and connected hard with his jaw. His head flew back up, and he stumbled a little. I grabbed the sides of his jaw, then I jumped up and threw my knee up as I pulled his head down. I landed two hard knee strikes to his face before he managed to throw a punch up at my face. I jumped back, taking the helmet with me. He looked up at me with blood dripping off his face, and I could see I’d probably broken his nose and I noticed the guards and the girls coming out of the treehouse. He clenched his fist so tight as he looked at me.

“I’m going to kill you!”

He threw another punch, and I laughed and threw my arm around his and locked his arm in place. I bent his arm hard the wrong way; he yelled and tried to punch me again, and I grabbed his fist and bent his arm harder. He yelled, and I threw his free arm back. I smirked, flatted my hand, and slammed my fingers into his throat. He caught out blood and fell to his knees, holding his throat with his free hand. I let his arm go, and it dropped to the ground, and I nodded my head as I looked at him. “You’ll live, but you’ll have some breathing issues for a few hours.” I kicked his chest plate hard, and he slammed back down onto the ground. He coughed, and the other guard grabbed him and started to move him as the rest drew their weapons.


The mare got in front of me, and Diamond was at my side, club in hand. I saw a few of the townsfolk with some boxes pointed at me. I nodded and cracked my knuckles as I looked at the guards. “Well, come on then.” I shoved the female guard to the side as the guards charged me. I jumped back, making them miss a stab and swinging at my chest. I ducked as another one swung her sword. I kicked her right leg hard, and she yelled and dropped her sword. I grabbed her sword, and I jumped again, clearing the little circle and landing beyond them. I spun the sword around my hand as I looked at them. I laughed as I stared at the guards wanting to hurt them some before the fight. “You lot are the finest guards? Please, I’ve seen dogs who can do better alone than you can.” That pissed them off, and I saw another group of guards coming around the corner of the building. I saw a golden set of armor at the front of the group. I narrowed my eyes and threw the guard’s sword away. “Diamond!” She threw my swords over, and I grabbed them as they circled around me. My sword flew over them, and I grabbed both as they got close to me. I put them both on my sword and pulled my wooden sword out. “A Royal guard.” I saw Twilight jump out of my eye, and she ran over to the golden armored pony.


A guard jumped at me from the right. I grabbed my wooden sword with both hands, then turned making his swing miss. I threw my sword and slammed the butt of the handle into his nose. His head flew back and fell hard to the ground. I saw I smashed his nose in. I kicked him onto his side and looked at the other guards. The ones in silver armor backed up, but the royal guard snarled.


I stopped and stood up before looking to the side. Luna was standing there now, and I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. She was with Twilight, and she looked beyond angry. “Stay out of this the guards picked a fight and now they have to be taught a lesson on who stands above them in skill.” I started to walk, but Luna spoke again.

“Alexander, please wait, I've found some of the guards that attacked your village.”

I stopped my anger slightly, giving way to joy. I looked at her, and she pulled a letter from a small bag on her side.

“My sister is having them arrested at this moment.”

I smiled and nodded. “Good, bring them here, and I’ll put them to death quickly.” She blinked, and the others all looked a little scared.

“Sir Alexander…”

Luna looked scared, but I narrowed my eyes at her. “Bring them here, or I will start cutting my way through these guards.”


Diamond yelled, and I looked at her snapping out the anger I had at the moment. She grabbed ahold of my shoulder and arm, and I huffed and looked back at the royal guard. He looked at me like I was trash, and I gave the same look back. I pulled my arm and shoulder free. I walked through the guards and passed Luna and Twilight. I stopped in front of him, and he looked me in the eyes. “Before I die, I will kill as many of you as possible.”

“Okay enough!”

Luna yelled as she pulled us apart with magic. Her voice stopped us, and all of the guards and the townsfolk all moved back. She gave me a soft smile as she looked at me.

Alexander, Twilight has made me aware the guards have been circling around her home. You are free and should not have been treated this way, and you have the crown’s apology for this.

Her soft smile dropped as she glared at all the guards, and they seemed to fear this mare.

“As for all of you, You were informed that Sir Alexander was free! You all were ordered to leave him alone unless he made a credible threat like anypony else! You all will be suspended for two week without pay!”

I laughed as I watched the look on the royal guard get pissed. He drew his sword as he yelled.


I smiled as I drew my sword and charged me. I drew my sword, and I sidestepped his thrust faster than princess Luna could stop us. I threw myself into his side, my sword quickly going through his armor and out the other side. He reached down but stopped when he realized I didn’t hit his body.

“What the?!”

I kicked him off and showed him I had only cut into the backside of his armor. I could see it scared him, and a smile crossed my face. “You got lucky; if your princess wasn’t here you and your guard would be dead.” He looked at me with fear in his eyes and anger on his face.

“Damn you!”

He jumped up, and I’d had enough. I threw my sword up, took his helmet off, and watched him fall, screaming and holding his face. Blood ran out from under his hand as he got to his knees. I rested my sword on my shoulder as I looked down at him. “A little too confident, my friend?” He glared at me with his now only eye. I sheathed my sword as Luna walked up behind him. Her horn lit up, and he was gone, and the rest of the guards were.

“Feel better Alexander?”

I nodded before I looked at Diamond. “A little, and his eye shouldn’t be gone for good. I made sure to just cut over the, and aye. A good magic surgeon should be able to repair the damage.” She sighed and then nodded her head before she crossed her arms.

“I guess that is true but why did you just kill him?”

Luna looked shocked as she looked at her. “He was still really young, and I didn't think he was part of the attack. If he was, then I’d just finish it later.”


I looked at Luna, and she looked annoyed. “If you're going to ask what we are talking about, I thought I made it clear. I will kill the guards who were involved.” Luna looked worried as she looked down at the blood on the ground and then back at me.

“Is there nothing you want more than that?”

I spit on the ground as I looked at him. “My mother.” Luan looked at me sadly, and I huffed as I turned my back on her.

“That's enough!”

Before I knew it, something cracked into the back of my head and took me to the ground. I grabbed my head and held it as I started to get up. “What the? How come I didn’t sense that.” I turned my head and saw a much older mare with the cowpony waving a walking stick around behind her. I sighed as I got up, rubbed my head, and looked at the mare. I noticed a filly holding on to the elderly mare apron, and she looked terrified. I was reminded of the terrier I felt when I was a kid.


“Relax, little one, I'm not going to hurt any of you. I was raised not to raise my hand to my elders. But where did you three come from? And why didn’t I sense you coming up behind me?” The old mare smiled before setting her cane back on the ground and talking.

“You remind me of a colt I knew as a filly sonny. All anger with anger issues but do you know what the difference is?”

I crossed my arms as I looked at her and saw Luna doing something out of the corner of my eye. I sighed as the mare came out from behind the mare as glared up at me.

“He crossed a line and couldn’t come back, you haven’t yet.”

She lifted her stick and then japed me in the chest with it.

“Sonny, no good will come to you if you keep walking down this path. Leave it while you still can.”

I huffed, but Diamond put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not staying from my path." I walked away from her and started to walk to the forest again.


I ignored her as I walked through the small field.

chapter 4

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The man chapter 4.2

Alexander pov five hours later

I sat under a tree, knowing Diamond was waiting to attack me when I returned.


I jumped up and looked around before another yell rang out. I grabbed my swords and jumped into the bushes. 'Come on, where did that yell come from?!' I ran through the forest before someone slammed into me. I fell back but stayed on my feet and looked down at a female Doberman diamond dog. She had a damn swimsuit with a head full of red hair and a white symbol on her arm.

I looked at her back as she tried to get up and I saw fresh whip wounds on her back. “The fuck!?” She looked up at me, and I saw a looked I knew well in her eyes. Terror and fear. I blinked then and looked back when I heard hoofs. “Ponies!” I drew my sword as a set of royal guards burst out of the bushes. I jumped over her sword over my head.

“The buck!?”

I cut the mare down the chest, cutting her chest plate like nothing. She screamed as she fell, and I saw two more guards. I threw my sword up and to the side, cutting another mare's throat. I looked at the last guard seeing his silver armor, and I narrowed my eyes toward him. He was a lot younger than the mares were, and he fell. I looked down at him and saw a small whip in his hand and a bag behind him. “Damn ponies.” I raised my sword, ready to kill him, but stopped when I remembered the girl. I turned my sword and stabbed it through his leg, pinning his leg to the ground. He screamed as he grabbed his leg. I forced it deep before I turned and looked at the dog. She shook as she looked up at me. I smiled at her and quickly pulled my coat off before throwing it over to her. She grabbed it as she looked at me. “Put that on, then come over here. You're going to get some payback of your own.” I turned back and grabbed my sword and ripped it out of his leg, making him scream more.

“AH, WHY!?

He screamed at me as he held his now useless leg. I sheathed my sword, grabbed the slashed-up leg, and dragged him to a tree. I was glad he was a pegasus, and those wings would make this a living hell for him. I pulled a rope he had on his side off, then slammed him face-first into the tree. I stunned him before pulling his arms around the tree, tied a knot around his right wrist, and wrapped the rope around his left. I tied the rope tight before pulling on his armor straps, releasing his armor. His back armor fell to the ground leaving his back open with just a thin shirt to protect him.

“What are you doing?”

I looked back at her as she held the coat closed. I smiled as I walked back around and grabbed the whip off the ground. She blinked then a smile crossed her lips. She nodded as she walked over but stopped before taking the whip. She let go of the front of my coat and let my coat fall off her. I blinked, and she smiled before she took the whip.

“I don’t want to dirty such a sweet man coat with pony blood.”

“Besides, they killed with was left of my pack.”

I frowned and nodded before I walked over to the two dead mares before I heard a loud crack and a male scream rang through the trees. I pulled a bag off one of the mares as another crack and scream came from behind me. I opened the bag and saw a set of clothes with another bag inside. I pulled the clothes out and looked back at her as she whipped his wings. I saw two cuts on his lower back and one over his left-wing. The clothes may be tight on her hips and chest, but she’d be covered. I nodded as she whipped him again, getting him in the back and neck. I heard him crying as he started slowly falling to his knees. I laughed as I watched this pony suffer for his sins.

“Feel our pain, pony!

She yelled at him, and I laughed a little. I looked back at the bag and pulled out the small bag. I dropped the bigger back and opened this small bag. I smiled as I looked at the bits but saw something else under the bits. I reached in and then pulled out a photo from under the bits. It was a photo of the two mares I had just killed. ‘Hm, friends or sister maybe? Damn, I may have just killed a bloodline. Oh well. Their royal guards knew this could happen.’ I tied the bit back closed, then tore the photo in half. I looked at the other mare, and she had another small bag on her side. I grabbed it and felt more bits inside of it. I pulled the bag off and then looked at her after she paused the whipping. She was pent of huffing as she looked at the sobbing stallion. I smiled as I put both bags into my pocket. I saw his back was well beaten and cut. He wasn’t going to fly again. She threw the whip away and laughed as she looked at him.

“By the good mother I needed this!”

I laughed and patted her shoulder before holding my wooden sword out. “Go ahead. This guy is still breathing; keep going if you want,” She nodded before taking my sword and stepping right behind the stallion.

“S-stop, don’t you know what your doing?”

She smiled as she widened her stance as she spoke.

“Oh, I do, and it feels so right.”

She pulled her arms back, throwing her whole weight into the swing and hitting her wings perfectly. I heard a sicking crack, and we looked at the mangled wings. I laughed at the crying stallion before drawing my sword. I walked right up to this guard and grabbed his wing joints, making him scream. “This is a better end than any of you ponies deserve.” I stabbed my sword through his heart. He jerked a few times before all his weight fell into my blade and tree. I smiled as I put my foot on his back and then pulled my sword out of his back. I grabbed his torn-up shirt and ripped a big piece off.

“Damn, I wish we had a human like you in my pack.”

I looked back at her as I used the shirt to clean my sword. “Ya, I know most of the more minor packs that call these forests home don’t have many real fighters.” She nodded and smiled when she saw the clothes.

“My clothes!”

She rushed over and grabbed the clothes. I threw the blood-covered cloth and looked at her as she buttoned her shorts and looked back at me.

“Since you know about the packs I guess your from a human friendly pack?”

I nodded and sheathed my sword. “Ya. But, what about you? Your pack is gone you know no one can solo this forest.”


I smiled and nodded as I started to walk. “Come on, I can take you with me for a while.”


I smiled a little as she walked up beside me with her shirt back on. “If you’re wondering, we're going to go to that town just outside the forest. I also have another female diamond dog with me.”

“I got no problem with that. But, I have to ask is she’s your mate? It's strange for an unmated female to follow a male around.”

I rolled my eyes as we walked. “No, she’s more like a puppy who never stopped following her favorite grown-up.” She laughed a little, then bumped her hip into mine as she walked.

“Before that, I need to get my bow and arrows back.”

I stopped, and she smiled as she looked at me.

“I was a hunter for my pack like my grandfather. They had a cart and forced us to give up our weapons.”

I nodded and turned around, looking back at the way she came. She laughed and led the way and jogged behind her. “So, why did they keep you?” She spoke as we moved.

“I was the alpha’s daughter. I think they wanted to use me as a pawn for the alphas the ponies have digging you gems for them.”

I nodded, having heard something about that before. “Damn, well I do have to admit you are a pretty girl.” I stopped realizing what I had just said. She stopped after a few more steps and then looked back at me.

“You think I look pretty?”

I laughed and looked to the side, not wanting to look at her red face and ears. “Let’s just get that gear and head on home.”


She started to move again and rubbed my face before I turned and started to jog again. ‘Keep your eyes straight and keep your eyes on the prize Alexander.’ She ran through a small tree line, and I came through and saw a small cave mouth. Diamond dog bodies lay across the ground, and I saw a few pup's bodies among them. A cart was sitting there, and she walked over and started to dig through it. It angered me seeing the bodies, but I knew if I had to stop these guards. I had to make sure they couldn’t do this again.

“Got it!”

I looked back at her and saw a nice bow and hip quiver in her hands. I nodded as she started to get the quiver on her hip. “What about the bodies?” She nodded as she looked at me.

“We don’t have the time to bury them. You and I both know the guards will come looking soon.”

I nodded, knowing she was right, but I didn’t sit right with me. “Well then, let go.”


We started to walk again and talked with each other about trying to get her to come with me when I left to meet this Fancy guy.

“Um, my name is Bella.”

I nodded as we walked. “I’m Alexander.”

Diamond pov

I walked through my club on my shoulder as I walked through the trees. “Alex when I get my paws on you.”

“You’ll what?”

I jumped and looked to the right, and I saw Alexander and another bitch behind him with a boar tied to a large stick resting on their shoulders. They set the boar down, and I started at the bitch as she walked up beside Alex. “Who is she?” I growled out, and Alexander sighed before he nodded his head.

“A group of guards killed her pack and I told her she could come with us.”

I gasped and looked at her. “Oh gem, I’m so sorry to hear that.” She laughed as she rubbed her arm.

“Ya, but that’s to Alexander. I got my payback, and my name is Bella.”

I walked over and hugged her with my free arm, and she hugged me back. I stepped back and looked at her. “Well, I hope you can take a city. That Fancy Pants stallion and his wife showed up and are waiting for us.”


I looked at Alex and tried to punch him, and he ducked, making me miss my swing at him. He looked back at me, but to my surprise, he slightly smiled. I smiled and then hugged him. “You smiled!” He laughed a little and patted my arm.

“Okay, okay let me go.”

I looked up at him; my chin pressed into his chest. “No! If I do, you’ll never let me do this again!”

He rolled his eyes before I felt him put his hands on the sides of my stomach. I knew what was come, and I let him go fast. He smirked as he looked at me.

“Good girl.”

I huffed and watched as he reached down and grabbed the stick end. Then Bella grabbed the back of the stick then rested it on her shoulder.

“Come on Bella, I’ll have to talk with them about you coming along. Plus, now I have to explain why I have to females.”

I laughed and started walking next to Bella as we headed for town. We looked at one another, and I smiled. I walked closer and spoke quietly. “Keep your paw to yourself bitch, or I’ll break them, got it?” She growled as she looked at her.

“My paws will touch whatever I want them to flat ass.”

I growled back at her, and Bella got shoved back. We looked forward and saw Alexander looking at us.

“I swear if I hear another conversation like that one again I’ll whip both your asses.”

We nodded before we walked out of the forest. I saw the Stallion waiting outside. Just like I left him with Twilight and her friends with him.

Alexander pov

I hummed as I walked through the small grass field. He was a tall stallion dressed in a fine suit and bow tie. He had his suit coat open, and I could see a fine blue overshirt with a v-neck showing his white buttoned undershirt. His pants were the same black as the suit. I looked at his face and saw he had a small blue mustache on his lips. He had a monocle over one eye and a head full of blue hair on his head. I stopped in front of him, and he looked me over. I saw his eyes were a light blue when he looked me in the eye and then looked at me.

“My word with such a intense look in your eyes it reminds me much of Sabers eyes that day.”

I laughed and nodded as we set the boar down. “Ya, and sorry to bother, but another female from the forest would like to come along.” He looked past me at Bella and Diamond.

“Ah, young Diamond good you see you made it back safe dear.”

Diamond laughed as she leaned into my side and looked at him.

“Told you I would be fine Sir.”

I laughed as Bella walked up and rested her jaw on my shoulder. I saw Diamond look at her out of the corner of my eye. ‘Oh boy.’ I lifted my shoulders real quick, and they moved back.

“Well, all of this came suddenly but I do have more than enough rooms in my home. But, If your all going to be in my care you all will follow my rules.”

I nodded and crossed my arms. “I’m fine with that but if someone gets violent with me or them I will defend us.” He nodded as he looked at me.

“That wouldn’t trouble me in the slightest. You are free and have the right to defend yourselves. Like what I heard happened with the guard earlier. From everything I have also been informed, you’ve only ever acted in defense. As long as that is the case I will stand by your side like when I helped get your fathers freedom.”

I smiled at him and uncrossed my arms. I held my hand out to him. “I’d like to say sorry for any trouble I may cause.” He laughed and grabbed my hand and shook it.

“Don’t worry my young human. If you're like your father I know you and I will become good friends.”