An Outcasts Spell.

by CreatureofTheNight

First published

All alone and pushed to the edge, Adagio attempts to free herself from pain. However the kindnes of a stranger, leads her to something more.

Pushed to her breaking point, Adagio intends to end it all by jumping off of Canterlot High,however the school outcast, Anon saves her life.

Adagio agrees to stay the night at her savior, and the two become friends...but as the night progresses, will that stay that way...or is this the start of something more.

NSFW Story:

Part 1: Contains: Big Boobs, Plot that has Plot, Boob worship, vanilla stuff.

Part 2: Contains: Big Boobs, Plot with Plot, Tit fucking, face fucking, and roleplay.

Also Contains VERY Dark subject matter in the beginning.


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A low silence echoed with footsteps all over the cafeteria of Canterlot High, it was a joyous time for some, senior year was upon the heroes of the school, however it was also upon the villains, the hated, the dreaded, the reviled, Sirens.

Years ago, coming from far off lands even longer than that, the sirens came, using their voice to enchant and amaze the student population, and make them all hateful and spiteful towards each other to boot. To grow stronger they said, but, they ultimately failed. Years have passed since then, and a lot has happened.

The bubbly Sonata Dusk was no longer in Canterlot High, she transfered to Crystal Prep, from the rumors it seems that she is doing well. As for Aria Blaze, she just dropped out. She felt there was no point to it all, no point in continuing this charade. With a wave good-bye to Adagio Dazzle, she drove off never to be seen again, only heard from in phone calls and letters. As for Adagio, she remained.

She had no reasons, no idea, and no logic to explain any of it. She just decided to...stay. There was no motivation beyond that. However, the toll was starting to get to her. People don't forget, especially when you do something horrible. Without her friends beside her, she had no support. The school was merciless to her, reviling her, jeering her, and pulling "pranks" that bordered on assault at best, and violating at worse. She'd go to the teachers, and they brushed it off as lies. She went to the principle, but Principle Celestia was not forgiving, and basically only issued warnings. That's all she ever did was warnings. Letting out a heavy sigh, Adagio looked up. She saw the famous Rainbooms, plus their new friend Twilight, they were minding their own business, not a care in the world. Why would they care? Who cares about about a "villain"?

Entering the bustling Cafeteria however was the mysterious student, Anon. Mystery surrounded Anon, as no one really knows quite what to make of him. He's just sort of there. He wasn't really a bad guy, just odd. One Halloween, he dressed up like the famous Slasher Killer "Jason Voorhees" and it was certainly convincing. It terrified everyone at school, even the teachers. However, he wasn't breaking the rules, whenever he was in class he took the mask off, worked on his school work, and moved on.

However, he was just to weird for people, so many just left him alone. Slowly he entered as he scanned the area, Adagio and his eyes locking. Of course he was there, Anon remembered the Sirens, he remembered what they did to him, what she did to them. Like always, he went to just mind his own business, letting his feet guide him to his usual spot when he stopped a bit. He looked to the left, as suddenly a missle of mashed potato flew right towards the sinner, her face unable to block when it came.

Silence engulfed the Cafeteria, but it was replaced with uproarious laughter, all from everyone but Anon. He noticed the Siren run out of the room, as he grew quiet looking at even the Rainbooms letting out a laugh or two at her expense. Fist clenched as he dropped his food, walking away as some looked on but most were still laughing at the wounded pride, whatever was left of it, of the "monster".

One by one, footsteps echoed in each hall as there was only one other sound, the sound of pain. Anon paused looking on as Adagio wiped away the potato splat and just ran. up the stairs more and more and more, as Anon was in hot pursuit in the shadows. She kept moving, kept going, until she made it all the way to the top, to the clock tower. She closed her eyes a bit, as a few stray tears became misted in the wind.

It was to much, to much, she never should have stayed, never should have been left alone. She couldn't take it anymore, Adagio closed her eyes, and felt the stony ground leave her foot as she touched air. However, she felt a sharp grip on her hands as she yelped in pain hearing her leg pop a little from the mysterious pressure. Hanging off the edge of the was Anon, gripping her as Adagio looked at him shot with a stunned look. She begged "Why are you doing this? Do you just want to see me suffer?! Just let me die! Just let me..."

"Don't be stupid!" barking back, an engraged Anon forced himself and Adagio back up as the orange haired beauty looked on in utter shock and awe. "What the hell would that have solved!? Are you out of your mind!?"

"I have to end it! I have nothing left!" bellowed the tear filled "villain" before him. " I just want it all to end, is that so wrong!? Can't I just have it all end!?"

"Not like this, especially when I'm around" Anon said looking at her as Adagio looked away from him. Anon stated "Hate me for it all you want but I won't ever let you do this."

"Why!?" the orange haired beauty practically screamed at her "savior" "You saw what I've done! Why can't you just let me end it!? I don't want to hurt anymore! I just don't! It hurts so much, it really hurts..."

Gently, Anon put his hand on her shoulder, silent and stone face. Confusion poured out of the yellow colored girl, until she felt a forceful powerful tug into the arms of the boy in front of her. She covered her mouth with her hand, as his wrapped around her, careful to show that this was for comfort. Burying her head in his shoulder, bit of potato getting on his shirt in the process but he didn't he felt another stain coming as the school echoed with the voice of the siren once again. Though this time, somber feeling surrounded the situation. Day turned to night, the bell ringing hours ago, but they were still there...still in an hitching breaths of pain were forced into Anon's shoulder.

Breaking, finally, Adagio looked at him and stammered a hitching "Th...Thank you..." looking at her savior "Thank you for saving me."

"Do you have a place to stay?" asked Anon curiously, as Adagio looked away. Anon stood and offered his hand, as Adagio gently took it. "You do now."

As the two walked down, they paused as they were staring face to face with Principle Celestia, Adagio hid behind Anon as Anon stood his ground ready for a fight if he had to. "This has gone to far." Celestia said to them calmly "I let things slide against you for to long. I was still bitter, still angry about what you did to us." She sighed "You have my deepest apologies, and Anon...thank you."

Adagio looked at her quietly, and said "Thank you" with her head lowered. Principle Celestia understood as Adagio looked at her, signaling to the two that they should get out of here.

Anon was silent about the matter as Adagio walked with him quietly, legs like jelly as she couldn't believe it actually happened, everything with today. Anon quietly lead him to a car, revealing it to be his own, as he sat down and started the engine.

Adagio asked "Where are we going?"

"My place, you need a place to crash until you're back on your feet." Anon replied in kind, as Adagio looked at him quietly "What?"

Adagio simply said "Thank you" noticing the pure intentions. Normally when a guy takes a girl to his place, it's for...other reasons. Reasons that Adagio, wasn't willing to do just yet.

The road back to Anon's apartment was quicker than Adagio thought, as her mind grew wide eyed at his place. The walls were painted black, and covered with various horror movie posters, mostly slasher movies, and she walked around taking it all in, she noticed various Halloween Decorations that covered the apartment, some kind of adorable, others genuinely creepy as she bit her lip a bit in nerves. Anon asked "You hungry?" which snapped Adagio back to her senses, metely responding with a nod.

"Sorry to say, I'm not some master cook, but I do have Pizza." was Anon's response as Adagio chuckled a little at the joke. It was good enough, as Anon started the oven to get it ready. He sat down on his couch as Adagio did the same. "How you holding up?" stated the clear horror fan as Adagio looked at him quietly.

"Better now," the siren whispered to him, as she looked at his hand. "I still don't want to go back tomorrow. I know what the Principle said, but, I just can't be there. Some people are going to be dissapointed that I didn't jump..."

"Some, but not most, " responded Anon as he politely placed his hand on her shoulder. "and if someone does say anything like that to you, I'll kick their ass." which caused Adagio to burst out laughing as Anon looked at her in bewildering confusion. She stopped a little, taking hitching breaths as Anon was quiet.

"Sorry, it's just, it's funny hearing someone saying that" Adagio admitted "and I'm imagining you just suddenly pulling out a claw glove or something out of no where."

"I'll introduce them to prime time!" a gravily Anon said doing a god awful Freddy Krueger impression as the two of them started to laugh together this time.

"So I take it you like spooky stuff?" putting it mildly and the yellow siren looked around. "It's kind of cool, to be honest."

"Yeah, I do." responded Anon looking at his stuff "My dream is to one day make my own Slasher Movie, I have a script ready but I'm not sure if it's any good."

Adagio shrugged saying "Well you'll never know until you show it to someone" she paused a bit looking at herself a bit. "I'm just kind of happy that you have a goal. I used to but, and I thought I had another one, but...I'm not sure anymore."

"Payback?" Anon guessed as she slowly nodded.

"I was going to make them all pay for the embarrassment but...then Sonata left for Crystal Prep and Aria left, I was all alone. I was always so harsh with them, but I always thought of us as a trio." letting out a sigh she, probably without thinking, leaned on Anon a little bit causing the boy to turn a little red. Adagio was certainly beautiful but she's been through a lot, and this wasn't the reason why Anon brought her here. "Now their all gone," she continued. "They send texts and call once in a while, but, it's just not the same as having them beside me. They were my allies."

Anon patted her back as he saw her tearing up, saying "They sound like more than just that" which caused Adagio to look away "They were your friends, weren't they?" there was a brief moment of silence as his new roommate slowly nodded, "Well, now you have a third one."

"What?" Adagio paused breaking away from him letting the events of today all sink in. " want to be my friend? Why?"

"We're a couple of Outcasts, aren't we?" was Anon's response "Besides, despite what you did being horrible, you paid for it enough. So, why not?"

A playful shove came from Adagio, saying "You're so naive, don't you know about Sirens?" she chuckled a bit saying "We lure men in and then ensnare them forever!" in a mock evil voice that she paused realizing how much she had perfected that.

Returning the shove, Anon stated "Then consider me ensnared." he put on his own evil voice "Though I warn you, you should have let this man go because now you're stuck with him forever!"

Once more laughter echoed in the apartment of Anon, as the two outcasts just couldn't keep it up anymore as they leaned against each other a bit. Anon standing up saying "I"ll put the pizza in" getting ready to cook their food.

Adagio looked at him leaving as her heart thumped a little bit. She hadn't shared a laugh like that in...years. The uforia of the situation made her look at Anon again. It was clear his intentions were pure, but Adagio felt it in her gut. A guy and a girl, who happen to like each other. Her mind drifted to him a bit, he wasn't lanky, but not to big either. He was tall though, rugged a bit, really letting his beard grow out some. Dirty thoughts entered her mind that she had to shut out as soon as possible. They were just two friends hanging out. That's it, that's all this was.

As Anon handed her plate to her, Adagio went a little wild. It had been a long time since she ate pretty much anything that wasn't school food. Hungry was an understatement for her. Anon tried to warn her saying to her that eating to fast is a good way to choke or...

He didn't even get to finish the warning as the slice she was holding dropped out of her hand and onto her shirt. She flinched a bit, but tried to calm down. As she removed the slice from her dress she paused looking at herself a bit. Embarrassment flooded her as she whispered "Do you have a shower?"

With a small nod, and a direction point, Adagio stood up. Anon said to her "I'll let you borrow some of my clothes until we can get you your other ones." nodding she entered the room as Anon laid out some slacks, a baggy shirt, some underwear, in his room for privacy reasons. He paused as he turned hearing Adagio sing in the shower a bit. She was singing that song that she sang in the lunch room that way. Though no where near her talent that she was all those years ago, there was some left, beautiful to say the least.

Adagio finished up and wrapped a towel around her body. She was also amazed that she sang again. She started to think about poor Anon hearing her now awful voice yet...she was...happy? Happy she could sing even though it didn't do anything now? She shook her head as she gently walked out peaking her head over asking Anon "Where are my clothes?"

Anon said "In my room on my bed," keeping his eyes away from her to be polite. She said her thanks as he noticed his member growing a little bit. He took a deep breath saying "She's had a long day, don't be rude."

His room was pretty much what Adagio was expecting from her horror loving new friend. She looked around with some snickering joy. Various posters again, some props, including a framed one autographed by one of the actors. She was about to just go out there, when her foot brushed up against something under the bed.

Curiosity, outweighed her concern for Anon's privacy as she grew beat red. She should have kind of expected this, and felt bad for her snooping, she was holding DVD's of various scantily cladded women, all with one common thing, their boobs were pretty big. She moved them a bit looking at the backs of them, seeing some of those scenes in still frames. Her mind drifted a bit to Anon, watching these girls getting fucked...hearing his grunt...stroking his cock up and down...

Reality came back to her as Anon asked "Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" was her quick response as she put his private collection back under his bed, her mind filled with dirty thoughts, thoughts she had to shake off repeatedly, but they cropped up from time to time.

Anon, for his part, grew a little red in the face looking at Adagio. The events of the day hadn't really reminded him of the calibur of woman that he was now with at the moment. Her eyes were a beautiful, kind of haunting but Anon felt it made her even more sexy, red. Her hair though a bit long and frizzy in the back was still gorgeous with that cute little yellow streak down down her side, and her signature spike collar holding it in place. To add to this however, was Adagio's bust that the shirt he leant her did very little to hide how big they were, and how they bounced when she walked to him. She had to have been a G? H? Double H? What he wouldn't do to get his hand around that chest, playing with her erect nipples, sucking on them, biting them, as she moaned in pleasure.

He took a deep breath as she sat down next to him again, crossing his leg casually as Adagio smiled a bit at him. Anon, hoping that it would calm things down, asked "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Adagio smiled, and said "I'd love to. I kind of want to watch a horror movie." Looking at the dark ambiance of the room she kind of snickered, she couldn't imagine WHY she would want to watch something like that. The two settled on one, a classic, Friday the 13th.

As the two watched quietly, Adagio unconciously scooted close to him leaning against him a bit. Anon however wasn't so blind, as he felt his elbow brush up against her breasts. Even from that brief touch, he turned rock hard yet again, they were so soft, and probably felt like heavily pillows.

The outcast friends watched the movie completly though, without incident, not that Anon could focus on it much. Adagio yawned as Anon said "Tired?"

"Yeah" standing up saying "Where do you want me to crash?"

"Why not my room, I'll sleep on the couch" Anon offered, as Adagio nodded saying thank you before Anon went to lay on his couch. As the door closed, a few minutes passed, Anon looked at his rock hard friend and looked left and right. He waited a little while longer, staying hard by imagining Adagio's body all over him, especially her tit flesh around his head, when he was sure she was asleep her whipped it out and started to stroke it to try and calm it down. Letting his fantasies in his head do the work, better than any porno he would ever watch.

However, unbeknownst to him, Adagio wasn't asleep, she was peeking in turning as red as her eyes. She got her wish, and boy was her fantasy off. The dude had to be a good solid nine inches! How is he single?! She heard him grunt, her own body deciding to react the same way as she gently placed her fingers against her starting to drip vagina. The two began to rub in unison until Adagio had to stop, Anon bellowing out in a primal sexy grunt.

"Adagio, you feel amazing," Anon said whispering the dark "You're so sexy, let's keep going"

Her, he was imagining about her? A gambit of emotions went through her head at that but her eyes were focused on his shaft, before she moved her finger and realized how wet it was getting. Adagio moved slightly and silently, lust outweighing her thoughts, as she whispered "Having fun?"

Paler than the vampire poster on his wall, Anon pleaded "Adagio, I'm so sorry." profuely apologizing "I thought you were asleep." He went to put his dick away but felt a soft hand grab it. Adagio looked at him quietly as he said "Adagio, wait, if..."

She pumped his shaft a few times asking coyly "If what?" he was pulsing, she could feel the heat on her hand as she became even more wet. "If you like this?" she kept rubbing him as Anon couldn't help himself but let out a grunt or two. "If I'm liking what I'm seeing?"

That got Anon's attention as he asked "Did you..." Adagio merely nodded "Adagio, I swear I only wanted to bring you here because you..." he was interupted by the siren moving over to end of the couch gently licking on the tip of Anon's throbbing member. He said "I..."

"I know" Adagio sultry commented in a hushed whisper to him. "You're sweet like that. You're the nicest boy in Canterlot High" stroking a bit as she gave a few more playful flicks of her tongue "And I want to reward that."

"But I..." Anon started as Adagio playfully looked at him with bedroom eyes "Adagio, I've never done this kind of thing before..."

Gently, Adagio took his hand and stood in up "Well, I can give you a few pointers." She guided him to his bedroom "First thing, a couch really isn't the best for this kind of thing, to small, to cramped." She saw his member still hard "A bed however," getting on her knees she moved his dick next to her face giving it a few more pumps to make it stand on it's own. "There's a reason why it's a classic" she gently kissed the tip as Anon couldn't believe this was really, or this was happening. If he was having a fantasy on the couch still, someone do not stop him! She started to put her lips around his little friend in front of her, as she swirled her tongue around a bit.

That's when she did it, she started to suck, moving her head up and down she started to enjoy every bit of his taste. She let go with a pop but only to trace her tongue all over, sucking on his balls, while letting her hand stroke him. She broke up and kissed him, in Anon's mind she tasted weird but he didn't really mind at the moment, as the two broke the kiss. Adagio said "Second thing, know your partners likes and dislikes." She gripped the shirt that Anon let her borrow and let it fall to the floor, Anon going wide eyes as her beautiful fruits of mother nature bounced heavily in front of him. "I saw some of your porn stash earlier" which caused Anon to go red "So I know, you like big tits don't you?" without lying Anon nodded. "I hope mine are big enough for you"

Cautiously, Anon gently touched her left breast moving it around "They're big enough, and beautiful enough." Adagio let out a sultry giggle, as he started to get more bold in moving him. He felt like he was in high heaven, his hand practically sank in her tit flesh, and Adagio couldn't help but let out a few moans with how he was massaging them, needing them like they were bread. His he started to trace his tongue around them rubbing his head in between them at some point, as he found one of her nipples. Licking around her areola first, he could feel her erect nipple around his tongue as he just enjoyed his gift that his partner gave him. He placed her nipple in his mouth and began to suck on them causing Adagio to moan a bit more.

Remembering the tip he was given earlier by his "teacher" he moved his hand inside of Adagio's pants and found her vagina gently rubbing it feeling how wet it was. The light moans that came from Anon playing with her breasts started to become a lot louder as Adagio whispered "Fast learner, I love it, keep it up." as he kept going but she had to pull him off and said "Wait!" panting sultry pants as Anon looked at her in confusion. "Third...this gets kind of hot and steamy." gently she took off her pants, purposely showing off her tempting ass to Anon. She traced her fingers across her borrowed underwear and slowly pealed them off, turning to him now completely naked. Twirling the underwear on her finger as a few of Adagio's wetness dropped a little on Anon's face, not that he was complaining. .

Taking the cue, Anon slowly took off his shirt, as Adagio did a hand wave pretending that the room heated up, as he unbuckled his belt and let his hanging dick free as they stood next to each other naked. He approached the bed, as Adagio held his hand a bit. "Excellent job, final lesson..." she looked at him up and down, ever instinct in her body was telling her to just pull him in and let her be his even if it was just for one night. However, with everything he did for her today, her heart was throbbing as much as her pussy was right now.

She didn't want it to be one night, she didn't want tonight to be the only night. She said "Anon, today has just been amazing. Tonight has just been amazing. lesson do you want to do the final part. It matters on the relationship you want. Am I getting fucked? Am I just going to have you for one..."

She was cut off by lips touching her own as she started to feel up his body and him his own. Anon gently gripped her butt then pushed her on the bed giving her a sensual kiss on the neck causing her to moan out as Adagio looked at him asking "Wh..."

"Today has been amazing. I don't want it to end with just tonight," Anon replied echoing Adagio's own mind as she gripped him close as he kissed her neck again.

Begging with sensual lust she pleaded "I don't either, then you know what to do next. Fuck me, fuck me now!"

Anon nodded as he guided his shaft inside of her as she arched her back, his hand going to one of her tits for support. She smiled at him, and he her, Adagio said "Move slow first, otherwise this night is going to end way to...AH!" she was interupted by a powerful thrust from Anon as Adagio started to moan out like a dog in heat.

The rhythm of love making echoed in Anon's bed, as the siren and the outcast called out each other's names, pulling her upwards as he thrusted their bodies close together, Anon placed another kiss on his new girlfriend's lips. The two's lips parted as he heard her moan inside of his mouth which drove him crazy, and caused him to go further. She smiled as he kept going then broke the kiss and got off of him.

Anon asked "Is something wrong?"

"No, just remembered lesson two," as she moved him on his back and guided his shaft to her entrance leaning down purpously so her big breasts could be in his face. Getting the hint, Anon started to suck on one of her tits, as Adagio moved up and down bouncing up on his pole as she moaned out "That's it, suck on my titty!" the dirty talking got some upward thrusting from Anon as a result causing her to give out more and more moans. "Anon! Anon! I love you Anon!" she started to cry out as she kept bouncing and he started to thrust with his mouth still firmly on her right tit.

Breakign for a second, Anon said "I love you too" before gripping her hips and started to really pick up the pace. "This has been the best night of my life"

He felt her hand on his chest as Adagio said "Mine too" he kept thrusting more and more, as she felt his arms rapping around her pulling her close. She whispered "You're about to finish aren't you?"

"I am," Anon said about to pull out but Adagio firmly slammed down as she let out a huge moan of her own her body trembling a bit. Anon asked "Did..." She merely nodded as she fell forward. "I thought that..."

Adagio said "Now I'm yours..." She pulled him close "I don't know what's going to happen, but I don't care. You captivated this siren forever."

With a silent shrug, Anon whispered "And what a catch I made" gently laying his head on her tits which caused a small giggle from Adagio.

The next day at school, lunch was bustling again as Adagio was sitting alone. She let out a sigh, then paused gaining a big smile. Gently, Anon came and sat down next to her, Adagio not even hiding her love by placing her hand on his. Anon asked "Well?"

Adagio sighed "Negative, but...maybe that's for the best"

However they were interupted by the approaching Rainbooms, their leader Sunset Shimmer, another former bad girl, approached them saying "Adagio, we may have our differences but, I saw yesterday how bad it got. I am so sorry"

Anon looked at her as Adagio simply said "I forgive you"

That floored Sunset, and the rest of the Rainbooms too as she asked "Really?"

Adagio nodded saying "Really, because..." she smiled at Anon "I would have never went under another's spell if it wasn't for everything. I would rather have not gotten that but if this is the result. I guess I can't complain to much"

"Say," Sunset commented "The girls and I are going to the diner later, I'm buying. Do you and Anon want to come with?"

Anon and her looked at each other and simply nodded as the two Outcast lovers went to enjoy their meal. Captured...under the others spell.

Under a Spell.

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The diner was bustling like usual with teens sitting all around, a few of them sitting away though from Adagio but this time it didn't feel malicious, more of a groups stay with groups thing. Anon looked around, saying "If you don't want to be here, that's fine"

"Adagio, Anon, over here!" waved over Sunset as Anon and her made her way to them. Sunset looked at Anon and saw him being super cautious around her. She sighed "I get the reaction, while we mostly just ignored everything...we really shouldn't hav..."

Adagio put her finger up "I said it was fine. Though I have rather not gone through all of that, it probably never would have lead me to Anon."

Rainbow Dash said to Anon "By the way, you rock man. Thanks for doing what we should have done." Anon was quiet and not as forgiving. However he politely just took the compliment as Rainbow turned back to her friends to continue a conversation.

"You rock" Sunset said quietly looking at Anon. "I'm glad you found each other"

Adagio blissfully smiled and said "Yeah"

"Hey Anon, I want to talk to Adagio some more in private if that's okay" Sunset said quietly. "I promise, I'm not going to..."

"If she trusts you, I'll trust you." Anon said sternly sitting down a table away from the other members of the Rainbooms.

Sunset lead Adagio in the bathroom and said "I am so sorry, I really shouid have done something earlier. Especially with all of the things I had to go through before..." She sighed "And I got lucky, if it wasn't for my friends giving me a chance..."

"Save it!" Adagio stated firmly. "I told you it was okay. To be honest, I kind of needed a reality check after everything"

"Yeah but it went way to far" Sunset pointed out "So again,"

The siren rolled her eyes at the humanized pony in front of her before saying "Sunset, it's cool."

Sunset smiled a little saying "Thanks." before wondering something "So, you and Anon?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Adagio commented in bliss "But he's so nice, I kind of wish he would show that side of himself more. I swear he's the sweetest guy at Canterlot High right now." She smiled quietly "He's even letting me crash at his place until I get back on my feet"

"Speaking of, where do you live now?" Sunset said in concern, and as Adagio grew quiet Sunset begged "Please tell me you haven't been living under some subway or something like that"

"No, it's in a broken down van." Adagio said with a sigh "It's off the road and it's big enough, if you like Air Mattresses."

"Sweet Cele..." Sunset caught herself a bit saying that but Adagio nodded knowing she didn't mean the principle "Sweet Celestia, if I knew..."

"How could you?" Adagio said calmly "But still, I don't think I'm going to leave his place even after I get back on my feet"

"You got it bad, girl" Sunset said with a smirk "Under his spell" jokingly refrencing Adagio's favorite song she sang. "So, when did you know you had it bad?"

"It's funny you made that joke" the yellow skinned siren stated to the bacon haired pony next to her "He got me to sing a little bit, in his shower. That's kind of when I started to know. It was a wonderful night, we watched a movie, hung out, and just had a good time" leaving out the part where they had sex for obvious reasons.

Sunset, however, noticed her glow she was having all day "I think having a good time is an understatement isn't it?" Adagio turned neon at that. "Hey it's fine, I'm not a virgin either...but that was a little while back. However now you got me curious. How big?"

"I got a really good look at it when I saw him jacking off and him. It's gotta be nine inches, he's..." Adagio caught herself but shrugged "Sorry," saying the expression anyways "Hung like a horse."

"Holy shit, how are you walking?" Sunset said stunned at her fellow Equestian exile.

"I have no idea, but he was wonderful. I would have never guessed it was his first time" was Adagio's response to that. "I honestly thought we weren't going to go that long because of that but...boy was I wrong."

Sunset said "That's kind of why I brought you back here, just a little warning to you" she said with her getting a little serious "These bodies are human to the core ,even with the magic boosts . So please, be careful. I don't think you're ready to be a mom, just yet at least"

"I will," Adagio stated "But I'm buying condoms...I have a feeling this isn't a one and done thing."

Sunset said "I'm a bit jealous of you I won't lie. Every boy I've dated so far apparently just wanted the "I banged a rockstar reward" none ever called me back."

Adagio said with a comforting voice, which she thought was weird but the past few days have been full of weird. "You'll find someone, someone that cares about you genuinely. "

"Thanks" the other former villain said brushing her hair aside. "So, question, earlier you said you started to notice when you said you started to sing again. Do singing?"

"I love singing" Adagio admitted "It used to be because of the power I got, but not really anymore .I just love to sing, it makes me happy. I just wish my voice wasn't destroyed by our little beam struggle at the rock fest."

"Well," Sunset said "How about I come over from time to time with singing lessons." she offered "If you like it so much, you should be able to enjoy it all more and more."

"I would love that" Adagio said adjusting herself a bit. "Say, your friend Rarity knows how to make costumes right?"

"Right? What do you have planned?" Sunset said noticng the coy little smile

"Think she would make me something for my horror loving boyfriend. I have an idea that he is going to really like"

"I'll ask her," Sunset said looking down a little at that "And I'll buy you some condoms...a few packs of the big kind of condoms, and Adagio. I'm so happy for you"

"You'll find someone Sunset, you're a nice girl" Adagio stated a knowing look. "Now come on, Anon's probably getting worried"

Sunset smiled and said 'Sure thing"

The two made their way back seeing Anton getting more softening a bit. Wrapped in conversation with the others about his likes and dislikes."

Adagio sat next to them and the night went very well.

A week passed and Adagio got a gift form Rarity saying "one costume at your request," as Rarity said with a smile "Have fun with Anon, and don't worry, it's machine washable."

"Thank Rarity" saying to her other new found friend she made the past week. Adagio started look it over and smirked, making a realization on how to surprise Anon with her new outfit.

Later that night, Adagio and Anon were busy eating dinner, an actual dinner this time, as Adagio insisted. She stretched a bit saying "Today has been wonderful sweetie, I'm going to turn in early. "

"Okay..." said a very confused Anon. "You feeling okay, Adagio?"

"Yeah, it's just been a rollercoaster this past week. It kind of has been all over the place. I need some rest, I'll see you in a little bit" she stretched a bit, again, before looking at Anon. A devilish smirk became hidden as she used her boyfriend's little boob love against him with not wearing a bra." She kissed Anon on the lips quickly saying "Good night" heading into the bedroom. Slowly she closed the door and got ready, this was going to be a hell of a night.

A few minutes passed as Anon took a deep breath to pass over his excitement over seeing Adagio's boobs bounce. He smirked at how lucky he was, he has a girl that he loves, she's some sort of awesome monster girl, and she has a killer body. It's funny how much can change in a week. A week ago he was content being by himself forever, now he can't imagine life without his girl.

He stood up though going to check on her, maybe it was something she ate, slowly he opened the door and paused blinking a bit. It was bathed in a calming blue light, like waves splashing over the ocean. He looked around and paused seeing the bed remade as he heard low whisper turning his head to a fake rock in the center. He started to hear a familar rhythmic singing, recognizing that voice anywhere.

Anon looked at the rock in anticipation as he heard that voice start a bit "You didn't know that you fell" slowly he saw two yellow hands pulling themselves on the rock, the voice echoed feeling more and more beautiful Now that you're under my spell. slowly he saw the familar hair of his girlfriend rising continuing on Blindsided by the beat, clapping your hands stomping your feet. She motioned with her finger for him to come over as Anon slowly walked over You didn't know that you fell. He peered over hearing her voice sounding so heavenly and captivating. I've got the music to make you move it. I saw jump you say how high... She placed her hand over his on the top of the fake rock as she smirked "Put your hands up in the sky. " She leaned in closer her voice getting closer You didn't know that you fell, gently she wrapped her hand around his head " Now that you're under my spell" before pulling him into a kiss with her tongue tracing over the bottom of her lip.

The two pulled against each other each other's tongue twining over the other in the heat of passion as Adagio made sure that he could only see her face, however much she wanted to, she had to wait for the perfect moment. As they broke for breath she whispered in a sultry tone "I got you"

"You do in deed" Anon said bewildered and floored. "What do I get for awnsering the Siren's Call?"

"A gift..." Anon blinked in shock as Adagio gently stood up and floored her boyfriend whose cock she could see trying to burst out of her pants. Her tits were bouncing freely only barely supported by a chain bikini around them. On her nipples there were foam sea shells that barely clung on. She giggled at Anon's reaction as she leaned on the top letting her cleavage do the talking. "But my gifts come with a price..." She licked her lips and gripped at his pants, unbuckling them and dropping them to the floor. Slowly she peeled off his underwear, and she smirked "My, my, such a big sword" playfully stroking it up and down as Anon started to get the roleplay going on here.

"I was hoping that I could do the impossible, tame the vicious Siren...I'm not doing so well though. I fell for your singing..." Anon paused then locked up as she pulled him a little closer and traced her tongue under the tip. "I must be a poor sailor..."

The Siren smirked and said "Poor sailor? I saw you're equipment is more than well prepared for your task." she started to move her head on the shaft bobbing and sucking as Anon grunting in pleasure. She looked at him up smiling as he was enjoying this, then paused as she gripped the back of her hair. She looked up at him, as he gained an evil smile, as Adagio barely had time for him to prepare as he began thrusting in to her mouth.

She let out soft moans which vibrated all over the invading member, each thrust reaching the back of her mouth a bit. Though some tears fell smearing her make up a bit, it was by no means tears of pain. He pulled out, saliva covering his item as he asked "I hope I used that equipment right"

A little purr came from Adagio saying "You did more than that..." She moved forward a bit more as she whispered "Now I have to try harder..." She gripped him by his shirt pulling it off before pushing him so he would hit the bed. She rolled off of the rock, which made his eyes go wider. Her lower regions were dripping wet, and the only reason Anon could know that was the rest of the outfit. Long textured pantyhose which had a circle cut out in the middle specifically for entrance. She kneeled down and continued their play. "Brave Sailor, I'm sorry, I have to use the strongest magic I have against you, I have to win." She unclasped the front of her bikini as it just fell to the ground.

Never getting tired of seeing them, Anon whispered "What a dark spell indeed, I don't know if I can resist." He went to touch them, but she pushed his hand away as she smirked moving her finger back and forth. She gently grabbed one mound and then the other wrapping it around her boyfriends impressive cock. She started to move them which caused louder grunts of pleasure. "This spell has felled the strongest of men, you won't resist"

It took every fiber of Anon's being to not just cum right then and there. This is the first time she ever did a titty fuck and by god, he understood why. It felt amazing, each mound softly wrapping around his dick caressing them like a warm prison. With each movement he felt, her breasts slapping against his legs, he felt like he could just explode more and more.

HOwever, he gripped the bed and gritting his teeth, as his girlfriend said "It's okay to submit," coly mocking how much he was enjoying this, as she dripped more herself. "Just succumb to me, and I will show you paradise."

Anon couldn't take it anymore as he moved her hands and stood up, his dick wafting past Adagio's nose. "I won't submit," he said with a heavy grunt "In fact, I have a better idea" panting at how hard it was to keep that in. He carried Adagio and gently placed her on the bed kissing down her stomach, getting to that intentional hole in the crotch. "I have other weapons to use than my sword" as his tongue traced over her snatch causing her to moan wildly.

If she was going to experiment, so was he. She moaned with each trace of his tongue, as she gripped the bed, her legs wrapping around his head as he kept going. "St..." she got out.

"Stop using my tongue? Okay" he moved his magic fingers as she moaned even wilder as he felt a little bit of juices on his face. Adagio started to pound at the bed in pleasure as she finally moaned out practically screaming "You win! Sir Anon! You have won" taking that as a sign Anon moved his head. Adagio stated "You have succeed, you have tamed the vicious siren." She spread out her lips saying "Now your prize awaits, plunge your mighty sword inside of me."

Anon reached for the condoms but Adagio looked at him a bit. She shook her head, as he checked giving a little nod, "Please...I need it in now....I want to feel y..." she got back into character, barely "I want to feel your sword plunged deep inside of me"

Without anymore hesitation, Anon thrusted inside of her as he paused feeling her spasm all around him and her body. She panted as he asked "Did you?"

"Just keep going" Adagio nodded as he started to move and she kept moaning out. Getting a steady rhythm going the two caused the bed to shake and rumble, as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. The two looked at each other in the eyes and once again their lips locked and tongues twinned within the small space.

As he kept thrusting, Adagio moaned out "H...Harder..." as he started to pick up the pace, each thrust making her tits bounce in rhythm like they were making a song of their own, the beat being each time Adagio moaned. This kept going on until he started to move faster and faster.

He got ready to pull out, as Adagio wrapped her legs around him and yanked him back in. He let out a heavy grunt before her protested as she gripped him tightly again as the two stared at each other a bit. She kissed him on the lips as he pulled out, at last.

Anon asked "What will we do if?"

"It won't happen" Adagio said with a sigh "A few days ago I got this thing put in me that would keep sperm out, for up to ten years." She kissed him on the cheek. "They told me I had to wait a bit before it was ready, and I figured...why not?"

"Nice set up, by the way" Anon panted as the two laid next to each other a bit.

Adagio smirked a bit "Thank you," she said "This may not be how Siren's actually are but I find the myth here charming." She gently wrapped her body around her own. "I love you"

"I love you too" Anon responded by kissing her on the lips and closing his eyes.

Adagio watched his eyes close as she thought about this rollercoaster of the week. She let out a soft sound to try and lull her boyfriend to sleep Oh woah, oh woah, I didn't know that I fell. Oh woah, oh woah, now that I'm under your spell.