Pathfinding in the Forest

by Deergenerate

First published

Anya and Pathfinder bang in the forest.

With Scyllah in school, Anya and Pathfinder see this as the best opportunity they have to go out exploring once again, just like the old days.

Of course, that also includes all the rather... Dirty things that come with reenacting their youths.

Once again commissioned by Scylla The Kelpie

Contains Teasing, M/F, 'public' nudity, implied pegging, playful degradation, and a pegasus taking charge.

Forest Trails and Pegasus Tails

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It was a bright and sunny day in Equestria. Well, basically all days were bright and sunny in Equestria. Today was just... more so than usual. Pathfinder let out a content sigh as he packed his knapsack full of rope, paper, quills, and other such useful objects. With a grunt, he hefted it over his shoulder. He breathed in, and, with some struggle, hoisted the heavy bag onto his back. He fought to keep his balance for a second, swaying from side to side, until he finally straightened, gripping the bag by the handles.

He was in the living room of his home. It was currently empty. That wasn't to say, of course, that it was empty of furniture or anything like that. No. Rather, it was empty of a certain young kelpie. Her name was Scylla, and she recently started school. This meant for several hours of each day, he had the place completely to himself. A rarity once upon a time was now a regular occurrence. These precious few hours of privacy had been further enhanced - albeit temporarily - when, after the kelpie had shoved a wad of paperwork onto his desk and practically forced him to sign along the dotted line, sending his adopted daughter on a week-long school trip - a camping trip to the White-Tail Woods.

That was a boon more so than anything! It finally gave him the excuse to go on another survey hike! To the uninitiated, a hike through nearly uncharted wilderness for the purpose of drawing maps was extremely boring. Pathfinder, however, was a cultured stallion, and thus nothing in the world sounded better to him than such a relaxing activity. Sadly, doing so alone was extremely dangerous, so he'd need a guide. And he knew just who to call.

With a slight flap of his wings, the pegasus took to the air. A short flight took him to the front door. He did a quick pat-down of himself and double-checked his bags to make sure he wasn't missing anything, and then he was off. A quick, brisk jaunt through town brought him to a small, rustic cottage on the very edge of civilization. It was an interesting thing, not so much wide as it was tall. It looked like it had three stories, but each of those stories looks like they had but a single room. As someone who had been inside, he knew that it actually didn't have anything separating the floors, and in truth, it was but a single really tall room. That of course, didn't matter if one had wings. Which she did.

He cleared his throat and approached the front door tentatively. With a quick motion he knocked on the door, not noticing as a grey and white shape silently dropped behind him from above, approaching in a crouched position like a predator ready to pounce.

"Anya?" Pathfinder asked as he knocked once again. "Are you there?"

No response.

With a groan of annoyance, he turned around to leave. Just then, he was tackled and pinned against the door by a gryphon. Pathfinder couldn't help but jump and let out a slight, but totally manly, shout of surprise.

"Hello, Mon Cheval!" Anya cried out with a smirk pushing her chest against his, pinning him further against the door. "Why are you so geared up today?"

She chuckled as Pathfinder let out a grunt of discomfort, his backpack digging into his back.

“Oh, h-hey Anya!” Pathfinder said, an awkward smile quickly coming to his face. “Well, I was about to start another survey hike, and I needed a guide to keep me safe and you came to mind so…”

Anya let out a very long and drawn-out sigh, throwing her head back as she did it. “Seriously? Another one?” She cried.

A sweatdrop fell from Path’s forehead. “Yeah…” He hesitantly stated. There was a pause before Anya exhaled and pushed him away from the door.

“Fine.” She groaned, opening the door and marching inside. “Wait out here, this will only take me a couple minutes.”

Path stood outside, waiting, and waiting and waiting. After about ten minutes he started to worry that he was being stood up, but eventually, Anya came back outside wearing…

Pathfinder blinked. "You realize this is supposed to be a nature hike right?" Pathfinder said, eyebrows furrowing slightly.

The gryphoness was wearing what could scarcely be called clothes. She had on an extremely short tan skirt, a sports bra, and thigh-high socks and shoes, alongside a backpack. Pathfinder pursed his lips for a second before signing and rubbing his forehead at her response.

"Look, you are dragging me out into the woods in the middle of September, and you have the gall to criticize my clothing?" She hissed, crossing her arms. "If I have to come, the least you could let me do is come along comfortably!"

Path sighed and shrank slightly. "Fine… I guess those will work. You ready to go?" He turned towards the forest, but looked back to see Anya fiddling with her door handle, trying to lock it.

She had, potentially intentionally, raised her tail so that Path got a perfect view of her posterior, covered only by a small and right pair of pink and white striped panties. Pathfinder watched her bounce on her heels slightly as she worked the lock on her door, gulping slightly when he heard a click and she stood up straight.

"Ready." She said with a smile. Pathfinder cleared his throat and looked away. He instantly got the feeling that this probably wasn't going to be just a survey hike.

He sighed when she turned around and started walking towards him with a very exaggerated swagger, her hips swaying left and then right then left again. She smiled as she came up to her, thrusting her chest against him.

“So, are you ready to go, mon cheval?” she asked, biting her tongue, the beaked equivalent of biting her lips. Pathfinder visibly shuddered under the gryphoness’s gaze, the only thing he could think to do was to turn around and clear his throat.

“Ready to go!” he said in a flustered tone as he kicked a leg up to start walking away. Anya rolled her eyes and followed after him as they started in the direction of the edge of town, towards the closest forest which was not the Everfree.

The nature hike really did wonders to help Path take his mind off the horny gryphoness he was with. In fact, it had been hours since the two got into the woods and he had only popped a rager twice now!

Of course, he had made the mistake when first retreating from Anya to make his way to the closest woods, which happened to be the White-Tail woods of all places… A place that had already been thoroughly mapped by his contemporaries. Ah well, might as well make the best of the situation and improve an earlier map he had made with new pathways and better decorations. The decorations on the map were important!

Every couple minutes he heard Anya let out a loud sigh of annoyance as they trudged through the foliage, which he had started tuning out. Not like he could do anything to help her with her annoyance, right? Well, he could, but he just didn’t want to right now. Usually because ‘helping’ Anya was almost always a day-long occurrence that tended to mess up his entire plan for the afternoon.

It got to the point that Pathfinder couldn’t even focus on his map-making, and instead just decided to bird-watch… or something. It was growing really tiring to have to put up with Anya right now. She was behaving intolerably bratty.

“Oh would you cut that out already?!?” Path suddenly groaned, turning around to stare daggers at Anya. The gryphoness turned his stare with an equally annoyed attitude.

“You’re the one who wanted me here!” Anya said, crossing her arms just under her breasts… noticeably pressing them upwards so they were more voluptuous. “If it were up to me, I never would have come to these woods to draw squiggly lines on a stupid map!”

Pathfinder let out a gasp as if she had just insulted his dying mother. “You take that back!” he shouted.

“And what are you going to do if I don’t? I think we all know exactly how these little rendezvous of ours go. I always win.” She said with a laugh.

Pathfinder let out a very audible growl, gritting his teeth as he stared at Anya. She was correct, of course. If he ignored her, she’d just keep acting the way she was until she won, and the only way he could think to please her was to give in and let her have her way, meaning he lost.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind. There was a third option, one where they both won. Not a loss for him and a win for the other. The stallion smirked as he started walking towards her.

Anya raised an eyebrow. “What are you smiling abou-” She was cut off when Path aggressively wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into her chest. She looked up towards him just as his head darted forwards, pressing his lips against her beak, his tongue forcing its way inside. He pushed back, pushing her against a tree trunk as the two closed their eyes and gave into it.

The two stayed that way for a couple of seconds, until they separated with a rather inelegant gasp escaping both their throats. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, before Pathfinder narrowed his eyes down at her.

“Strip.” He ordered. The gryphoness stared up at him for a couple of seconds, absolutely mystified, until she, slowly, grabbed her backpack, and pulled it off, resting it on the ground against the trunk of the tree.

Then she started - rather messily - pulling off her shirt as Pathfinder did the same. Path was the first to get his meager t-shirt off, before quickly going for his jean pants while - the ironically now overdressed - Anya tugged at her skimpy over shirt.

Eventually, she did get it off, her bra too. Before she could start on removing her skirt, however, Pathfinder suddenly loomed over her… completely nude.

“It’s good you never wear panties.” He laughed, before his hands shot down, grabbing her around the thighs and lifting her up, and gently slamming her back against the tree trunk. He let out a bestial - but in Anya’s mind extremely hot - growl as he suddenly leaned forwards again and locked lips with her beak once again.

While they were kissing, Pathfinder suddenly thrust his hips forwards, snaking his rod under her skirt and into her already leaking snatch. First, the flared tip sank past her loins, forcing their way past. He paused for a quick second, then he adjusted his stance, spreading his legs slightly. After he was squared, he continued a slow push, slowly feeding his rod to her - now absolutely soaked - flower. Anya almost screamed when his medial ring pressed her clit, the pegasus intentionally shaking his hips slightly so that it bulged against her ‘button’ more than it needed to.

Anya let out a muffled cry as she wrapped her arms around him, digging her hands into her fur and clenching onto him for dear life. That’s when their hips met. There was a slight pause as it seemed like time froze. The gryphoness and the pegasus took a second to listen to one another’s heartbeats, feeling each other's bodies, and for a moment there was peace.

Then he started gyrating his hips, thrusting in and out in a steady motion as he disconnected his lips and grinned. Anya stared at him, red in the face and wide-eyed. His grin only widened as she panted and moaned while staring up at him.

“You look cute like this, can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner.” He snarled as he slowly brought up the pace, his thrusts becoming faster and more primal in their cadence. The gryphoness could only cry out and moan as he went faster.

“Ach!” She suddenly said after one particularly hard thrust brushed up against her most sensitive reaches. “Yes, you brute! H-harder!”

Pathfinder laughed. “If you insist~!” He hissed through clenched teeth, picking up the pace. The pounding only became harder, and Anya had to bite her tongue to keep herself from screaming in pleasure, sure she had been basically broken in, but she didn’t want to alert everyone who happened to be in the forest that day what the two were doing.

Her grip tightened around Pathfinder as the pegasus once again adjusted his stance. He braced, and, using only the tree Anya was pressed into as leverage to keep him standing, his thrusts got even more feral and frantic. He stopped pulling out to the tip, merely pulling out to the medial ring before diving right back in.

His cadence and rhythm became wild and random, the urge to breed the gryphon fighting with his want to find his own pleasure. One particularly rabid thrust caught Anya off guard, pressing deeply into her most sensitive region. The gryphon threw her head back and let out a scream of ecstasy, her inner walls seizing around the pegasus’s rod. Clearish-offwhite liquid almost exploded out of her, coating both her and Path’s crotches.

Path couldn’t take it anymore, with a loud grunt his hips slammed forwards, meeting with hers. His rod pulsed inside her once, then twice. Then the dam burst. Anya’s eyes rolled back in her head as she was filled with the pegasus’s warm white spunk.

The two stayed connected at the hips as they both started recovering, the tree being the only thing holding them up. Their pants joined together as they both attempted to catch their breath. Slowly the pegasus lowered Anya to the ground, wrapping his arms around her.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Pathfinder suddenly asked. Anya instantly rolled her eyes.

“And you ruined it…” She said as she pushed him off her, settling on the ground. The pegasus stumbled back, rolling over. The two took a second to adjust to their post-nut states. Anya was the first to recover, sitting up and grabbing her backpack.

“So… what did you bring in there?” Path asked, sitting up. “Cause… no offense or anything, but I doubt you brought anything actually useful for a survey hike.”

Anya smirked at him as she unzipped it and reached inside. “Right you are, mon cheval, and I still want to use them.”

Pathfinder’s eyes went wide as Anya pulled out a large strap on, holding it up with a wink. The pegasus’s face went white for a second before he gulped. “W-well if it’s all the same to you Anya… I don’t think the forest floor is comfortable enough for us to use… that thing.”

The Gryphon laughed. “Right you are!” She said, before standing up and spreading her wings. “Follow me then.”

The pegasus watched her as she took to the air before he sighed and followed after her, as the two made their way to a nearby cloud.

A mere ten minutes after they were gone however, there was a slight rustling in the bushes, and out stepped a young kelpie alongside a group of other young horses, alongside a teacher. All of them were laden down with backpacks and maps and compasses. Standard nature hike gear.

“Now students, if you look to the right, you might catch a glimpse of the rare blue scrub jay, which is native to the White-Tail Woods. They stand out due to their blue color, obviously. This makes them fairly easy to spot in this forest, as all of the trees are birch trees and thus, white.” The teacher said, droning on and on.

As they were walking, though, the young kelpie glanced to the left, and saw, sitting at the base of a tree, a pile of clothes. The kelpie raised an eyebrow. She recognized the clothes, alongside the backpack next to them.

“What are dad’s clothes doing here?” She wondered aloud, before shrugging and continuing on the hike none the wiser.