Mankind still stands

by Foxtrot315

First published

A war that forced every race in equestria minus the dragons into battling human kind. Forced into a war that scared all races and exterminated others and now events force humanity to break their relative peace.

Man kind a race of extremes good and bad. Yet a war brought about by greed and the collusion of three races forced all but the dragons to fight a war so terrible that records of it are kept in the darkest vaults of canterlot and celestia herself forces herself to forget the shame of what she had brought about.

Mankind had a backup plan the dragonborn and dragonkin would take as many humans as possible to the frozen north where wendigos roam free and where all but the most adaptable will die.

Even so mankind rebuilt underneath the snow building massive underground cities and fortresses deciding that its best that anything south of the northern passage not of human concern unless they come north. Terraforming some of the surface of the north back from frozen tundra to deserts, forests, even great grasslands.

Unfortunately the grandson of one of the few survivors of the battle will unwittingly put mankind in tight situation. Mankind's isolation and... relative peace will be tested as Jacob Semper, Fidelis a dragonborn who studied the ancient language and thumes of the dragons. Will have to take on the job of diplomat and peace keeper while handling a situation that mankind hasn't bothered with in a millennium.

Warning Some Language and graphic content.

Chapter 0 Prologue

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Five years since Princess Luna’s banishment

POV ???

The war was over, but the cost and price paid were not worth it. An Alicorn wearing full gold armor wielding a lance of golden light stood above the battlefield. She looked at the sheer amount of dead bodies piled on top of even more bodies. Her ponies were struggling to move through the dead let alone stay above it. The dead that lay were of all species buffalo, pony, griffon, changeling, lamia, Abyssinian cats, dog warriors, Centaurs, all races covered the two hundred mile battlefield. The dragons wisely stayed out of this war. The tunnels were collapsed before they could be captured and everything that all the species came to claim was lost. Weapons degraded and rusted, their flying contraptions and armored carriages lay either in smoldering ruin, or along with the weapons degrading. Precious metals were all but buried thanks to the collapse of the mountain fortresses whole complex of tunnels taking yet even more to forever be entombed by the mountain itself.

“How many?” The white alicorn spoke.

“Too many to count your majesty. The true count… may never be known.” The alicorn nodded. To her Pegasus aid one of the few of her personal guard that made it through this hell.

“Princess we have a reason to celebrate… our victory… is complete.” The solider said trying but failing to be optimistic.

“Victory?!” The alicorn said under her breath.

“Nay this was no victory honorable guard what general Jacob said during the last conference came to pass. We won nothing achieved nothing and lost so much that I cannot justify the sacrifices made to defeat humankind. No lord can, regardless the griffons have much to answer for.” The alicorn lowered her head.

A commotion made both look up.

Three humans were pulled and dragged up a slope where the ground although visible was stained in blood. The several survivors of different species gathered to the commotion.

In a flash celestia stood in front of the humans as everyone instinctively backed up.

One was a female dressed in the armor that was handed to every civilian. It was stained red; She had a satchel which was carried on her back several pockets on an outer cloak and underneath a plain shirt. She wore thick pants again with many pockets and her boots were falling off at the sole indicating heavy use. Her weapons were degrading like the rest of this rotten battlefield. Above all that there would usually be a thick vest that would protect against magic and another layer of pants as well but those were nowhere in sight.

The next human was male and definitely a solider. However his right arm was hanging loosely it was likely dislodged and not in its proper place. His armor was in worse shape than the women’s armor it had dents where magic blasts had impacted, and arrow heads shined a crimson red against the noon sun. His helmet had dents all over it and the green glass that usually accompanied each soldiers helmet was shattered. Underneath the armor I could not tell as it covered his whole body. Dents in the plates and shiny red arrowheads stuck in between the outer and inner armor shined brightly. His boots were practically nonexistent as a weird wrap covered his feet keeping the sole in place. His face was black with dirt mud and grime and pain was visible on his face.

The alicorn was unnerved by the humans eyes as they had a look of resignation and… emptiness. an emptiness that could swallow the world whole.

The last was a child he also was dressed in civilian armor without any of the weapons except a knife which was in decent condition all things considering. He could not be more than eight in human years a foal who should not have to witness the horrors that lay around us. He had a thousand yard stare that in any other circumstance would make me want to hold the foal in my protective embrace. The battlefield permitted her no such kindness.

“What are thou doing!” The alicorns voice boomed across the valley. The griffon spoke first.

“Getting penance for my family they deserve to be…” The griffon faltered under the withering gaze of the princess.

“Has there not been enough death? Are thou not satisfied!?”

“Princess c-c-Celestia.”

“SILENCE!” her voice boomed as the growing crowd was now gathered around the humans.

The griffon cowered at her presence as the ground beneath her feat was starting to turn black from the heat being produced as everyone around the two back away.

“Your race and the warrior dogs and cats dragged my people into your war on false pretense lying to me about everything.” The princess said coldly her voice low but even though it was low everyone in the valley in the shadow of the fortress heard it.

“Your races used my sisters banishment to give thine an enemy and I wrongfully took thy vengeance out on an innocent race for that I cast a curse on thee!” The crowd gasped.

“For your greed, your race will from thy next generation and beyond shall be cursed to be in a state of civil war and seek nothing but riches. Your race will forever be envious and covetous of each other’s wealth. However, I give thee a way thou might seek redemption from this curse. Thou must learn the value of friendship, respect and cherish other races then thine own and if this be met my curse upon thee will be lifted.”

The griffons felt a weight suddenly crush them into the ground and pain seared every griffon on the planet as the alicorn let her anger be known.

The alicorn turned her eyes on the cat and dog peoples as they cowered.

“For thine act of using my sister and deceiving both me and princess Mi Amore Cadenza thou shalt forever be homeless, landless, and never be allowed to settle you will be nomads. Thou own races and peoples will forever be distrusted by all until thou learns the values of honesty and kindness. Until then thou will never be allowed rest, nor peace. You may create settlements, but thou will not be able to grow into a strong empire that thou hoped to gain from this venture!”

“Be gone from thine sight your dead shall not be laid to rest for thine lack of honesty.” The cats and dogs quickly departed the battlefield.

Before anyone could react, a griffon attacked the group of humans. The man gave a battle cry tackling the griffon preventing the death of the foal that the griffin tried to strike. The man was quickly dispatched. With a sword through his unguarded face.

“RUN Fidelis run north and don’t stop!” The women yelled as she unsheathed her ruined dagger. A sword to my ponies by its size. The child ran across the battlefield. As the women made a desperate stand against two more griffons who quickly overpowered and killed her.

“ENOUGH! GUARDS DISPATCH THESE GRIFFONS THEY SHALL RECEIVE NO TRIAL FOR WHAT THEY JUST COMMITED!” Celestia’s soldiers attacked with magic destroying the griffons before they could react.

Celestia looked to the child but blinked when she saw a mare in dark black armor watching over the child. Invisible to those around her as she moved with the child. She was almost as large as me making her impossible for the remaining combatants to not be able to see her.

“Sister thine lunar myrmidons watch over the child of man. Make sure he reaches safety.” The myrmidon looked back and nodded as if hearing her request and marched side by side with the human.

The human however would be attacked by another griffon and before any could help the child breathed in and shouted.

“FUS RO DAH!” the shout knocked the griffon out of the air and into a pile of bodies. The child unsheathed the dagger on his belt and ran faster but none hindered his progress further. The myrmidon in a blink went and killed the griffon with ease and finesse and went back to marching alongside the human.

POV none

The alicorn looked up to the sky and switched the sun to the moon as the sun had been raised for five days now. Her constant battle with the dragonborn had made her unable to fulfill her duty. As the moon rose, she felt sorrowful that she let such a deed come to pass. She would rebuild equestria and bring it back on the path to glory that she and her sister dreamed for their ponies.

End prologue

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Chapter 1 mission to the north

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Chapter 1

HUD messages


Zzt* Radio chatter Zzt*


POV Twilight Sparkle

Location Canterlot a few weeks prior

I walked the halls as the night guard patrolled the castle. Getting salutes and bows as I went. Being a “The” new alicorn in equestria was a time of great celebration for everyone but it also came with the burden of not letting down celestia for her gift.

I made it to the main court where Luna’s night guard stood at attention.

“Princess Twilight her majesty has been expecting you.” The guard to my right said before opening the door.

“Umm, thanks you can just call me twilight though.” The solider didn’t twitch as he stood at attention waiting for me to go through the door.

I mentally sighed at this behavior as I never dreamed of being a royal princess. So many rules and etiquette to learn I lost too much sleep on this alone.

“Greetings princess twilight sparkle.” Luna’s voice boomed.

“Uh, Greetings princess Luna can we drop the princess title it will get weird really quick if we have to keep saying princess this and that.” I still wasn’t used to all this, and I doubt I would ever get used to this.

“Of course, come I need you and your friends if you so choose for a special mission.” Luna said as she walked motioning for me to follow.

Ten minutes later.

“If I may Luna where are we going?” We said nothing as she lead me to a statue that lead us to a secret corridor that seemed to go down forever. Every now and then rooms or hallways lead into the darkness. With doors at the end of each locked with ever increasing defensive, and security magic.

“Were almost there now, What this place is, and its purpose is your guess but not part of your duties.” I could barely make out Luna’s smile at her next word. “Yet.”

We continued down the smooth downward path until Luna stopped in front of a door. I looked back only to see shadowy guards almost the same size if not the same size as Luna wearing bluish black armor standing just outside of mine, and Luna’s torchlight.

“My daughters don’t bite. After all they help me keep the dreams all over the world from going haywire with too many nightmares.” I looked back at Luna as she slowly disarmed the magic of the door.

I soon realized that down the stairs a ways guards watched and above us they watched. Keeping a particular eye on me.

‘I needed to keep my cool as they are giving off a dangerous aura.’ I thought.

‘I need to get a conversation started or I might faint. Her guards down here are terrifying. Compared to her normal lunar guard that is.’ I thought thinking about the differences before shoving it to the back of my mind.

“Luna what do you mean daughters?” I said unsure of my own courage.

“Anyone who trained under my guidance has the right to call me mother. I personally trained every lunar guard down here. They swore fealty only to me and in my absence celestia to a point. I also gifted them with their armor and weapons which gave them an immense life span. No, they do not need to wear the armor or wield the weapons as their ageing has come to a near standstill.” She looked at me taking her attention off the intricate and complex magic.

“They were put in stasis for reasons I wont discuss right now but I believe my sister saved my daughters from conflict and other events for my eventual return and they are almost all accounted for. I love all my daughters and they are excellent warriors and luckily, Celestia rarely needed to call my daughters from their slumber to fight threats to equestria.” She said in a softness to her voice I’ve never heard her speak before. Less then a minute later the door creaked as the different locks creaked and cracked.

I entered the room hesitant do to an unknown force emanating from the room. With a quick nudge and smile of encouragement from Luna I moved into the room Luna following me from behind. A few seconds later electric lights turned on which stunned me. This part of the castle was ancient and likely deeper than the foundation.

‘What is this doing here underneath canterlot no less.’ I thought in awe.

The lights became the least of my curiosity as racks of rusted and decayed weapons, armor, helmets, and even old clothing, Which had not lost its color. The oddity was none of it was made for ponies or any race I knew of.

“Every princess must know of this. A fragment of our past and only recently. Did I discover the fate of the race that owned these weapons, and tools.” Luna said her voice solemn as I went across each row and rack which contained along the lines of but not limited to. Medical equipment, tools, weapons, etc. Quickly looking through each.

‘This race was very militaristic even more so then the griffons if they had this many weapons stored.’ As if princess Luna read my mind she motioned for me to follow.

“This was called a guard armory back in the day. A poorly or expertly trained defensive military force could quickly be equipped and put into action in a matter of minutes. You think our royal armory is something. Well, this race made all races of this worlds combined might look well… insignificant.”

We walked further and the further we walked down the racks and rows of weapons and equipment they changed in size, appearance, quantity, and quality. Each weapon section was clearly labeled with a date clearly visible under each rack.

“Tell me what do you know of a race called humans?” Luna asked.

‘Humans wait lyra heartstrings always talked about them and the beastiary had one page dedicated to them. Think twilight think!’ I tried to remember our conversations about them with her, but I was coming up blank.

“Aren’t they myths? There is so little known about them that I barely gave it much thought during my studies.” Luna simply nodded not looking back at me.

“This is on purpose. A millennia ago, a great war was raging. Humanity or mankind had caused a hundred plus year stalemate as more and more races joined the war.”

“The details of how the war started and what lead to their eventual extinction is not of importance now.” Luna stopped and looked directly into my eyes.

“However, this race is scary in how quickly it could evolve and adapt. When the war started they barely had flight figured out.” She said as the long hallway opened up into a wide area completely lit up. She was now looking towards a long row of metal sheds on our right and started moving to the first one. I quickly followed her.

“This place is a museum and reminder of this races incredible ingenuity and adaptability.” She motioned for me to follow, and I did so amazed at the practically insane amount of weapons that lined the just one wall on the left of the hallway we exited. That seemed to stretch out forever.

“How large is this place?” I asked absentmindedly.

“Theoretically infinite. The humans that made this place had the help of their sisters the dragonkin.” I looked at her questioningly. “Later.” She said as we continued until we reached the first shed. It slowly opened a loud rrrrrrring sound rang through the dead quiet armory as it revealed its contents.

“This is what humans look like.” Luna said as a human stood tall wearing some of the clothes from one of the earlier dated racks. He was almost twice my height and almost the same height as Luna. The figure I noted was bipedal and had five extended talons which according to Luna are fingers.

“He is quite… big.” I could only stammer at the statue. I looked to the left of the male human at what I presumed was female. She wore the same clothes as her male counterpart but with differences in the size and equipment that she carried. Her mane was longer, and her body had more curves then the male.

“She looks beautiful in an alien sort of way.”

“Indeed, man and women both complete the other. Without one the other cant exist although stallions are quite a rarity in our society. In human society stallions or men as they were called were more sought after and did more of the societies heavier burdens, and handled government, and higher ranking jobs in society.”

“Lets move on to their sister race that are direct descendants of dragons who chose to live among this people.” Luna said as the next shed opened up. The one we peered into closed and the next shed over opened.

“Dragonkin. Dragons that chose human forms although they keep many of their physical traits like scales in some places, wings, and their tails. They joined humanity and formed a mutual relationship. Earlier in mankind’s years the dragonkin handled the diplomatic affairs between warring human tribes and nations and eventually joined the war on mankind’s side.”

I observed the different dragonkin in different poses and colors. They were dragons, but the skin and size were off compared to humans in the fact that they were taller then the average human male gave and intimidation factor to them as well. They also had more pronounced curves then the human female counterpart.

“Do they still have magic?” I asked curious.

“Yes but more then that they have unique spells that only elder dragons can use called thuumes. These words would mean nothing to any other race but, To them are words of power.” I looked at one of the dragonkin in particular a large blueish white dragonkin who held one of the “rifles from an earlier weapon rack and stood rifle down and pointing to her left.

“Were any of these dragonkin real or are they just mockups?” I asked.

“They are all real but the blueish white dragonkin is named arzurgas or “Azure” as she prefers to be called.” Luna answered before motioning for me to follow the door. The shed closed and the next shed to our right opened up.

“Before we continue I have a mission for you and if you wish your friends. It will be dangerous and will require a lot of nerve on your part.” Luna said as she walked into the open shed and hit a button forcing a loud whirring sound and then silence as a map opened up in the middle of the room.

“If you choose to accept this you cannot tell anyone of this mission, not celestia, not her guards, and not anyone outside of your friends, and they may not tell anyone else of what im about to tell you.” This made me nervous.

‘Luna is entrusting a mission of secrecy to me, and I wasn’t allowed to tell celestia, her sister, and my mentor what she is about to say… should I accept?’ I thought then made a quick decision.

“I… I accept.” I said unsure still.

“Swear on your life.” Luna said no emotion escaping her voice.

“I twilight sparkle element of friendship and princess of friendship solemnly swear I will never tell anyone other than those authorized by princess Luna on my life.” I felt something constrict in my stomach and a bit of magic drain from me as the words left my mouth.

“Do you know the promise you made and the weight it carries.” Luna asked still emotionless.

“I do.” Luna’s features softened as the screen opened up to reveal a map of massive size, but it quickly focused on equestria and the surrounding nations.

“Your mission is to head north. I need you to find a chest I entrusted to Azure. The dragonkin from earlier.” She waited a bit for me to come up with questions, but I bit my tongue.

“The reason for this is that inside this box is a safeguard measure that I feel we may need very soon.” Again, I said nothing as she paused.

“This safeguard is a weapon capable of great feats of defensive and offensive magic. Celestia, Cadence, and me developed it during the early years of the great war. What it does varies but were gonna need it.” Luna looked deeply troubled as she explained the mission and she noticed I picked up on it.

“Sorry twilight I just have an impending sense of doom. I know equestria has faced many threats and you and your friends have done your fair share to stop them however what is coming… makes me fear for my subjects.” I looked at the map then back to Luna.

“I trust you Luna we will get this box of yours and bring it back to equestria.” I said resolute.

“Pack warm twilight the chest is currently located past the crystal mountains however there is a way north.” Luna said smiling pointing at a line that went from the crystal empire all the way to the area north of it. A blue dot rested blinking extremely far north of the line.

“This area is blistering cold pack warm and heavy. I don’t know what you will meet that far north.” Luna said as she turned the screen off.

“Any questions before we continue our little history lesson?” Luna said as she left I followed right behind her.

“No, er well one question?” I said a bit unsure on whether to ask it or not. She waited for my question patiently.

“Do you think any of these humans or dragonkin survived?”

“Its highly likely if my myrmidons are to be believed. They perceive dreams, and fix nightmares out there regularly. If so they likely won’t be outwardly hostile towards anypony. They will likely have regressed back to their prewar selves which was heavily isolationist and bother little to none with anything outside its borders.” Luna answered.

“Well, I hope I get to meet some they seem like a fascinating race.”

‘I wonder what they are like im so excited. A new adventure and we get to explore land previously unexplored. I cant wait to tell the girls.’

In the Present

POV Jacob S, Fidelis

Callsign Scout 1

Zzt*Overlord to scouts check in. Zzt* The radio buzzed

“Scout One nothing to report.”

Zzt* Scout two nothing here. Zzt*

This went on till all one hundred twenty of us reported our status.

Zzt* Why do we even bother. No one comes this far north anyway, besides Jacob would meet any potential threats before we do. Zzt* Replied scout twelve.

“Kyle if you want my position I’d be glad to trade you. Guarding the gap is probably the coldest place out here.”

Zzt* S-s-screw you g-guys the m-mountains are F-fre-eezing! Zzt* Scout one hundred seven responded.

Zzt* Did you recharge your thermal gear? Zzt* Scout twenty asked.

Zzt*…no. Zzt*

“DAMNIT CARL!” Me and everyone else yelled over the coms.

After that conversations continued. As I sat looking at the gap between the north and south. The last time a group came this far north they all froze to death before even getting close to where scout one is designated.

I heard a whinny and turned to my left.

“Sup ghost how have you been?” The windigo snorted in response as if saying “alright”

I sat in silence as I looked through my thermal goggles at the gap as the snow fell around me. Until a few hours later when the com chatter stopped for command.

Zzt* This is overlord we have a lethal status storm inbound all scouts head to shelters. Zzt* Just as that was said I caught six ponies on thermals. As a scout I had been trained to identify any thermal signature and I was one hundred percent certain they were ponies.

“Overlord this is scout one I got six thermal signatures all ponies can’t identify types. They have passed through the gap. Orders?” The call outs stopped, and overlord responded but it was slightly garbled.

Zzt* Scout one six thermzz zzznaturz Confirm ovzr? Zzt*

“Transmission garbled but I can confirm six thermal signatures im certain they are ponies over!” I yelled as the wind was picking up. The snow was starting to fall harder now.

Zzt* zzzut zne zzz Zzt* my heads up display lit up with the Signal lost.

“Scouts can anyone relay commands last?!” I asked/yelled.

Zzt* The storm is getting worse I can barely hear you! Zzt* Kyle yelled over the sound of wind.

Zzt* Negative cannzz Relay I Can barely zzzz zzu?! Zzt*

Signal lost scouts 50-120. My hud posted and it was climbing.

“Damnit ghost keep the storm calmed as much as possible we got to investigate as per protocol.”

‘Why now why not when the storm had passed or better on a clear day?’ I thought annoyed and a bit nervous.

Ghost whinnied annoyed saying something along the lines of. “Really you’re a dragonborn shout the storm away!”

“You know I can’t do that without attracting attention now come on!” Ghost whinnied in response and the storm lessoned around me as I trudged my way over to the six ponies in heavy snow gear from what I can tell, and one dragged a sled presumably full of supplies behind them. The ponies now started to walk in random directions which in this storm would make it impossible to track them if they got too far from each other..

I walked close to the first pony and held out a rope to it. “TIE YOURSELF OFF IM GONNA LEAD YOU TO SAFETY!” I yelled to the small pony which I could now identify as a unicorn. She quickly tied herself off as I trudged through the snow, I quickly rounded up the remaining five and made my way to my shelter.

Soon white out conditions forced my HUD’s vision to static as it was just white everywhere besides the now decaying heat signatures of my six wards. I turned thermals over to ground scans allowing me to see the ground in front of me instead of heat Signatures. I was still five miles from my shelter not a hard feat if it weren’t that I was practically dragging six ponies and the sled who were struggling against the snow. I turned around and cut the sled lose and rushed to the front of the train I was leading. I couldn’t hear them at all as I ran past.

I quickly had my armor rotate my snowshoes out for thicker ones so I could move faster but it wasn’t long before I was slowing down again. I looked behind me and switched back to thermals to see my wards were now on the verge of freezing to death. Three were clinically dead and just being dragged at this point.

“GHOST CRYO FREEZE THEM THEY WONT MAKE IT TO SHELTER OTHERWISE.” I yelled to her. She whinnied “If your certain.” I looked back switching back to thermals and saw their body temp no longer dropping. With that I continued forward.

Warning storm status lethal thermal Armor heating will shut down in t-minus ten minutes

‘SHIT!’ My mind was now in survival mode as I threw safety and caution to the wind and started speed walking, I even pulled the two ski poles off my back to help me forward. I was still half a mile from the shelter as my HUD clearly displayed the distance but if my armors thermal heating went, I only had thirty minutes of backup power which I could redirect power to my armor to keep me warm which would eat it up in ten minutes thanks to being shared with the ground vision.

I continued and made it to my shelter with one minute to spare. I entered the combination and the blast doors slowly opened as I crawled underneath the door pulling the six ponies who were now frozen solid, but half were still alive thanks to the cryo freezing.

“Come on ghost inside!” Ghost didn’t respond but came inside the base as I hit the close button and the blast doors closed.

Once the doors closed the power turned on.

“Welcome back scout 1 ninety eight percent of systems online.” A robotic voice said as I quickly moved all six ponies around a firepit which I quickly lit using some magic.

“Ghost you can let go of your cryo spell now your free to do whatever.” She whinnied in response and went on her way upstairs.

I looked at the different ponies as they thawed and fell to the floor. All were unconscious and the three that were clinically dead I went to work on. Making a soul fire to revive the dead ponies. Lighting a fire of intense healing magic and energy. The other three would warm up while the other three who died would be revived giving them a second life essentially.

---time skip eight hours since taking shelter---

“Computer status outside?” I asked twirling a karambit out of sheer boredom and the fact I couldn’t leave the proximity of the fire till the revival process was complete.

“Lethal conditions blast doors will remain closed.”

“Thanks” I muttered.

“Your welcome captain.”

‘I wish that computer didn’t hear everything I could say.’ I thought to myself.

I finished preparing the food needed to heal the frost nip and cold related injuries sustained by the ponies via stew made from, artic rabbit meat, seal blubber, and some seasoning which I cooked over the fire.

Which I had to feed down their throats every two hours starting after hour four. My soul fire had revived the three dead ponies which was a relief to me as I could get more answers.

Once the soul fire had healed them the bluish hue turned a yellow as the smokeless fire burned. Barely a noise came from it. All that these ponies needed now was some more food and rest and they will all wake up good as new.

I looked around the odd group. Two pegasi, two earth ponies, one unicorn, and one alicorn which threw me off.

‘I thought there was only three and a lot larger but whatever.’ I thought to myself before I went over to the base computer and made a report describing the six in detail as well as what happened in the past eight hours. Seeing as my presence near the fire wasn’t needed any longer.

After that I decided to play a video game seeing that I had nothing better to do till they woke up.

---Time skip one hour---

I heard a groan prompting me to turn off my game and go check on the ponies. One was just barely waking up. The alicorn was the first which didn’t surprise me considering what we knew about them.

“Well looks like one of you is up.” I said as I went and investigated if there were any leftover cold related injuries. Finding none I pulled a chair out and sat near the fire opposite my guest. She didn’t respond as she looked at me.

‘Damn I never thought their eyes would be this big. I thought that was and exaggeration made by the simulations.’ Was all I could think about as its eyes stared at me curious more than anything.

“What are you?” The alicorn asked her voice somewhat slurred.

“Human, you can call me scout one for the time being.” I responded.

She tried to stand but I quickly pushed her back down.

“Easy there you were dead when you got here you shouldn’t move for a little bit.” I said trying and failing to push her back down to rest.

The alicorns eyes widened and she started visibly panicking.

“I can’t have been dead im right here.” The pony said frightened.

“Yea well not everyone remembers the afterlife.” I was cut off.

“That’s not possible if I died, I wouldn’t be here.” She said panicking even more.

“STOP BREETH AND LISTEN!” I yelled. She stopped panicking breathed in and began to listen.

“Okay you see the fire in front of you right?” She turned to look at it tilted her head and then looked at me astonished.

“That’s a soul fire!” She yelled.

“Yes, it is now” I didn’t finish before I was bombarded with questions.

“How did you make it? The amount of magic knowledge and understanding of one’s self-required is well. Anyway, I have so many questions!?” I could not believe that this alicorn and from I could tell very young alicorn knew what a soul fire was just by looking at it.

“Umm first how do you know what a soul fire is? Second no star swirl helped us with this knowledge so.” again I was cut off.

“STAR SWIRL THE BEARDED NO WAY!” She said giddy and glee in her eyes.

“Okay answer my questions first.” I replied calmly.

“Oh, right im the alicorn of magic and princess of friendship twilight sparkle however I learned about soul fire from the canterlot libraries in the star swirl the bearded section. However.” She stopped and looked at the fire.

“Why did you use a soul fire its difficult conjure by itself and can be physically painful to the conjurer?” The pony asked in concern.

“It’s the right thing to do. Plus, I need answers, also you’re not an immediate threat at the moment.” I said matter a factly.

“How are we not suffering from cold, or injuries related to the cold?” She asked. I got up and went up a ladder to a sheltered room. The makeshift library was dug out of the rock. I checked along the walls till I found the book I was looking for. Went back out and down the ladder and placed the book in front of twilight.

“It’s better to read then explain. Star swirl the bearded helped us out with these recipes as he authored it.” She lifted the book up with magic and looked at the first page. Did a double take to me then back at the book.

“This is star swirls signature.” She said excitedly and started reading the book.

“Of course, he made several hundred of these I got a first addition, but all scouts have a copy, and the rest are kept with the dragonkin.” She didn’t hear me as far as She was concerned.

‘Oh well beats explaining the fact that her kind used to eat meat to help with some ailments.’ I thought to myself

End Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Meeting the elements

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Chapter 2 Meeting the Elements

POV Twilight Sparkle

After reading some of the recipes in the book I couldn’t help but feel a bit squeamish. I haven’t eaten meat before but a few of the recipes stuck out for the requirements. Cockatrice meat when mixed with some herbs though can reduce the effects of flight sickness. That would have come in handy not the meat.

“Satisfied?” I heard the voice of the resident I shared this cave with. The human resident who called himself scout one said.

“Not quite.” I still couldn’t understand why the there was human across from me I thought they were all extinct.

‘Luna said that humans had a relatively short life span. How are there still humans alive?’

“Excuse me but I thought humans were extinct?” The human chuckled to himself.

“There is a lot you don’t know about but were not so easily beaten..” The human said turning around and looking back at the screen he was looking at when I woke up.

I got comfortable before I started studying him.

He was at least six feet and a half tall I couldn’t tell what he looked like because of a thick black cloak he has wrapped around him. When he was facing me his body seemed to be covered by a white steel of sorts. He had five fingers for both hands, is bipedal and his voice was very deep likely male I deduced so far.

“Excuse me but what do you really look like?” I asked curious.

The human turned around in his chair and tilted his head. Sighing he lifted the cloak off his body and hung it on the wall next to his desk before standing up. His body was covered by a thick white metal armor which made no noise as he moved to take of his helmet. The white helmet was laid on his desk as he sat down again.

“Sorry about that I don’t get visitors much.” I studied his face.

He had very short dark brown hair, brown eyes, his skin was almost ghost white which made me nervous for some reason. Other than that, though he looked harmless… minus the armor. He looked handsome for lack of a better term. I quickly turned my thoughts away from that.

“Umm so how old are you?” He smiled at my request.

“Would you answer such a question if I asked that of you?” He said in a warm tone.

“Well… no.” I felt embarrassed but he laughed a warm hearty laugh that made me feel nice.

“It’s okay I will indulge you, im eighty three and that is extremely young for a dragonborn.”

“Speaking of you look human sound human and act human as far as I know, yet you call yourself dragonborn. What is the difference.” He sat back and closed his eyes. I waited for a bit before he looked back.

“Hmm not a simple question but I guess I should explain what im an off shoot of. I have a dragonkin mother and a human father. Now a dragonborn is a human with dragon blood running through them.” Before I could speak up, he put his hand up in silence.

“A dragonkin is essentially a dragon who chose to become more human in a sense they lose a lot of their physical strength, but their magic is as strong as ever. The dragonkin in human society are basically our scholars and keepers of our history as well as part time leaders.” He waited to see if I would interrupt again but I kept my mouth shut and he continued.

“Dragonkin are essentially humans, but their skin tone is that of what they were colored as a dragon. A humanish body with dragon scales here and there a dragon tail and wings and yes they can fly.” He smiled as my face probably looked stupid.

“Wait if these dragonkin exist how come they don’t have to go during the dragon migration and how come I haven’t heard of them?” He raised an eyebrow at my question.

“How much do you know about dragons in general?” he asked.

“Well… Not much im ashamed to admit. I do have an assistant that is a dragon his name is spike.”

“Hmm explains a lot.” He spoke almost to himself.

“I won’t speak for the dragons but the reason im a scout is because I figured I could study and learn in peace rather than being constantly crowded by them and mother.”

“You didn’t answer my question?” I wanted a real answer.

“I know that is my roundabout answer to saying I don’t want to answer.”

‘Urgh fine keep your secrets… for now.’ I thought to myself.

“Knowledge is a dangerous thing twilight sparkle it has destroyed many people don’t be so focused in your pursuit of knowledge that you neglect everything around you.” Scout went serious suddenly.

“Okay, Changing the subject when should my friends wake up?” He looked at each individually before shrugging.

“A few minutes, a few hours, a few days take your pick im surprised you woke up so quickly I was planning on waking you up all at once, but the stew isn’t ready. By the way look up page 143 paragraph 1 of the book I handed you.” He said as he descended from his little study down a ladder.

I didn’t hesitate as I looked at the page and paragraph quickly. I read through it before I felt my stomach churn.

“Wait this is.” I said to myself.

‘Ugh too late sorry girls.’

He had slipped the last of the stew into pinkies mouth before he moved back.

“They will wake up in a minute I will change the fire as it’s no longer needed.”

He went up a different ladder and climbed onto a higher platform and I lost sight of him before he climbed back down. Just as he was setting the wood and lit it again everyone else began to stir.

-------POV Change Jacob S, Fidelis------

I watched as the other five began to stir. Each unique in appearance but otherwise I knew nothing about each as I sat in front of my newly made fire.

“Ugh what happened darling I feel absolutely awful!” The white unicorn with a purple mane groaned. Her accent was a more refined English or that’s what most who speak it back home think.

“Shut up I feel like I bucked apples nonstop fer days im so stiff.” An orange pony with a cream colored mane, with freckles and a cowboy hat groaned loudly. Southern American accent.

“Not as much as me I felt like I ate a ton of batter and then ate a bunch of cakes afterwards.” A pink pony with a poufy pinker mane moaned as she rolled around. In a higher pitched voice.

“Speak for yourself my body hasn’t felt this bad… ever and wonder bolt training made me feel so stiff that you could not get my wings to open.” The blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane moaned before a cream colored Pegasus shut them all up. Tomboy voice I quickly thought.

“Will all of you shut up my body hurts so bad i…” The cream colored Pegasus with pink mane looked up covering her mouth as if she said something really bad. The gawking ponies faces were so priceless I had to suppress my own urge to laugh at their faces. Twilight sparkles face especially made it even harder.

“Whoops sorry every pony I didn’t mean it.” Her voice lowered as she hid behind her mane. Soft spoken voice very feminine.

“Well now that that is sorted welcome to my humble home away from home.” I said getting the attention of everyone else. To interesting results.

“AHH A MINOTAUR!” The white unicorn yelled running behind twilight followed by literal everyone minus the rainbow haired Pegasus.

“He doesn’t scare me put em up!” she yelled in my face which I responded by grabbing her neck and her body went stiff.

“Hmm not exactly threatening as you stand at roughly three feet tall, and I bet the storm outside would more than likely kill you in a matter of seconds. After all your one of the three I brought in that was clinically dead, and I’d be more than happy to undo that. However, twilight sparkle here has been a fine guest so as not to piss her off I would kindly ask you to be nice. Understood?” I saw the pegasus nod.

“Good girl now im going to put you down and your gonna calmy explain your name and not run or fly all over the place please.” I got another nod and I put her down gently.

‘hesus just how did we lose a war to bunch of nations and these morons they barely stand at my pelvis if it weren’t for my armor giving me a few inches.

“Right well im rainbow dash element of loyalty.” She said the spunk gone. I nodded and she walked or pranced I don’t freakin know how to describe it back to her friends who somehow all managed to hide behind twilight sparkle.

‘what. How? Alright how can five three foot tall ponies hide perfectly behind another pony without me even seeing a glimpse of the rest.’ I thought to myself mentally face palming.

“Alright girls it’s alright though. You don’t want to know what he had to feed you to revive you so let’s introduce ourselves.”

“Twilight darling a word please. Give us a second dear we need to talk.” I saw them head to the edge of the cave.

‘Oh, if only I wasn’t physically augmented along with me being a dragonborn ehh guess I’ll mess with them.’ I listened in.

“Twilight darling what exactly is he speaking about and what is he?”

“He is a human and he saved us from the storm, and what do you mean what is he speaking about.”

“About half of us being dead duh!” The pony that identified as rainbow dash spoke quietly.

“Well, I have reason to believe him plus he used a soul fire. Which meant he revived us from near death or death.”

“Umm you don’t think he is just reviving us. To you know… eat us.” The soft spoken cream colored pegasus said softly.

“Buck that he most likely is reviving us to get information then he is going to have his way with us.” The pony wearing a Stetson hat spoke raising her voice.

“Oh, don’t be silly he looks like a kind minotaur human thingy besides if he wanted to eat us, he would have done it already.” A squeaky voice spoke. ‘Wait squeaky the fuck?’

“Im with pinky on this one if he wanted us dead well, We would be. His grip completely immobilized me somehow.” The tomboy err tompony said.

I decided to cut their conversation short.

“You know I can hear you all, right?

” They exited their huddle and looked at me astonished as I waved at them before looking right back at my little fire.

“Err um sorry about that.” I shrugged.


“Anyway, how about we all introduce ourselves.” Twilight said after an awkward silence.

“Im Twilight sparkle element of magic you already know me.”

“Rainbow dash best flier In equestria and element of loyalty.” Her attitude and spunk returned.

“Im Pinkie Pie equestria greatest party planner and element of laughter!” ‘Where did she get the cannons streamers and confetti from?’

“Well, I guess it’s my turn. Howdy then im applejack element of honesty.”

“Well then darling my name is Rarity and im the element of generosity and dear that armor is simply atrocious it’s all white minus the black cloth underneath it.” ‘Black Kevlar underlayer, titanium plating white painted of course. Come on I live in a fuckin snowscape what do you expect from me.’

“Hi, my name is Fluttershy element of kindness.” She said quietly. ‘Yep, definitely the quiet type.’

“Um, If you don’t mind could you look into my eyes.” Fluttershy asked meekly. I obliged. Only it was to late when I realized my mistake.

“OH SHIT!” I yelled as the environment around us changed into a memory from my past. Let me just say I will never whine about guard duty ever again.

Chapter 3 no really what are you doing this far north

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Chapter 3 Psychological rage

POV Jacob S, Fidelis

I looked around and quickly grasped which memory it was. I stood in the middle of a dirt field craters, bodies, and barbed wire littered the landscape, and the rhythmic sound of bolt action rifles rang through the air louder than the artillery both near and distant that cratered on what I believed was the allied ententes side.

‘Well, I guess the simulations aren’t a bad spot. Damnit that pony has no idea what she is looking for.’ Then the screams of six different female voices got my attention.

“Twilight sparkle where are you!” I yelled as a row of horse cavalry man charged right past me.

Example of Calvary look.

‘damnit why this simulation!? You could have picked any memory to suck us into, but you had to pick one of the most miserable and physically challenging memories.’

“Over here!” I heard a yell, but I couldn’t tell where they were. Chaos erupted as bullets flew all around me. Men were screaming in pain and agony as the gunfire continued.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME KEEP TALKING!” I yelled. The response was well unique.

I looked around and noticed something wasn’t quiet right. Normally when someone has the ability to see memories and has the even rarer ability to have others join in. Usually, they follow the affected persons memory from a 3rd person perspective. In addition to being able to hear and feel what the person is actually feeling and thinking during that moment in time.

I immediately started processing and analyzing everything as my brain kicked into overdrive as it tried to figure out basics.

‘Can I die? No, I would have been riddled with holes already.’

‘Are my senses functioning? Yes, My boots are sinking in the mud blood and whatever else of no mans land. I can smell the death, gunpowder, and rot. I can a hear screams, bullets, shells, etc. I could practically taste the smell too. I can see everything around me and interact with it and leave a trace.’ As I lifted my boot leaving a very clear impression that I was there.

‘Can I see myself or my unit that this memory originated from? Not immediately, so this must be what my subconscious mind picked up over the battlefield.’ I looked around and saw myself and my unit slowly crawling/crouching against a ruined bunker a distance away.

Using all this I waited for twilight sparkle and her gang to give me a single or make a sound so I could locate them in this mess.

As if to answer my inquiry a firework shot straight up about 400 yards away from me. Allowing me to get the almost precise location of where at least one and hopefully all of the ponies are hunkering down.

(A/N Hi guys did you know your brain is constantly storing everything that happens all the time whether you realize it or not. Fascinating stuff there are hundreds of studies out there about it and really makes you think. Could I have stopped that embarrassing moment that happened ten years ago if I had access to the subconscious part of my brains processor along with my conscience mind working in tandem. Alright back to the story)

“Hang on don’t move im coming!” I yelled in response.

Good news it’s a memory so most of the bad stuff like being covered in blood, guts and mud won’t affect my next shower... And my eardrums wont feel like there ringing nonstop thanks to my idiot self-taking off my damn helmet. Bad news its 400 yards through no man’s land.

“Hang on don’t move im coming!” I yelled in response.

I trudged my way through the mud as it felt like it was sucking me in. It also managed to give me a few face pancakes as I fell flat on my stomach and face into the mud. To alleviate some of my struggle I started using the fallen bodies to island hop sort of speak. So, I didn’t waste more time then I needed to.

A few minutes later I made it to their location. Thankfully my prayers were answered as all six were in one location. They took shelter in abandoned dugout the previous occupant a skeleton sat in a chair with a knife in its ribs.

‘Good at least they aren’t seeing what’s happened above us. Now to that grill soft spoken pegasus.’

“Alright first is everyone okay?” before they could speak, I added. “Individually please and tell me exactly how your feeling if you’re feeling sick, tired, in pain tell me, etc.” I looked at the white unicorn first aka Rrarity.

“Fine darling although my coat and mane are absolutely ruined. It’s a memory it won’t stick you will be as clean as when we left. Thank celestia!”

‘Ugh, drama queens.’ I looked towards the pink pony next aka Pinkie Pie.

“Well, I feel funny, The ground is shaking, Oh and my party cannon still works.” She smiled and I heard a squeaking sound. Which I ignored as the ringing in my ears mad me dismiss it.

‘Well at least she is upbeat or trying to be.’ I looked towards the purple alicorn next aka Twilight Sparkle.’

“Well,” BOOM! A shell landed particularly close my instincts and training forced me to hit the dirt or well mud of the dugout and everyone followed suit rather quickly. After a few seconds I got up dusted myself and looked back at twilight.

“Status? Im alright nothing to report.” She said shaking a bit her eyes wide. Well wider than they were the ponies already have large eyes to begin with.

‘Okay neutral tone, body shaking, definitely scared then again who wouldn’t be?’ I looked towards the orange pony aka applejack next.

“Err im doin just fine sugar cube although im a bit worried.”

“About? Well, err the explosions outside they are pretty close.”

“It’s a memory it can’t harm you, but I don’t blame you for feeling worried. If you weren’t a bit worried I would be a bit worried for you.”

“Aw shucks thanks fer that.” I nodded and looked towards the blue pegasus and rainbow haired mane aka rainbow dash.

“I can’t fly and im feeling tired for some reason.” I was confused for second.

“Explain can you not fly, or do you just fall down?”

“Uh, hello! I can’t even flap my wings.” She said looking at her wings. No matter how much she strained her wings wouldn’t budge.

“Alright tired what kind of tired?” Rainbow dash snorted before speaking.

“Well, im tired in the fact that I could fall asleep kinda of tired.” I looked at her as she looked visibly tired compared to the rest her. Which were standing upright and on edge. She was sagging to the ground as her head was lowered just above her barrel.

“Fair enough although if you can sleep through this, I have some questions.”

“Really?” Rainbow dash said raising her eyebrows.

“Yea later though.” I moved my eyes to the banana cream colored pegasus aka fluttershy as she hid her face behind her mane.

“Im sorry.” She said so quietly that I don’t think anyone could hear her minus me.

Sigh* “Look im not angry with you people, err ponies. A pony with your abilities isn’t exactly… well never mind the point is there is nothing we can do. What’s done is done so? How are you feeling?” I asked genuinely concerned as she squeaked almost every few seconds hiding in the corner of the dugout.

“Well, I feel a bit sick and scared EEP!” She screamed as a shell landed extremely close with a loud boom and a shaking of dirt from the dugout roof later, she was even worse off. Again, I hit the dirt as did everyone else.

“Right well as I said I would be worried if you weren’t at least a little scared.” After a little bit the fighting died down.

“Looks like the charge is done for now. Stay here.” I was about to climb out of the dugout when I literally got dogpiled by all six of the ponies.

‘Note to self these 3 foot ponies when put together are exceptionally heavy.’

“Okay what the hell get off of me!” I yelled as I lifted them off me and stood up.

“Don’t go please!” Twilight Sparkle begged.

“Yea who will keep us safe from the explosions.” Fluttershy said her voice the loudest I’ve heard her speak.

“Yea come on man you can’t leave us hanging. We need to stick together.” Rainbow dash added.

“Im in agreement with rainbow dash. However, if we leave this albeit dull dirty and muddy cave we will most certainly be blown to bits.” She said trying to shake the mud and blood out of her main and coat. Before I could answer with it’s a memory you can’t die in a memory and the dirt and mud are temporary I was interrupted.

“Yea you expect us to stay here while something terrible could happen to you up there!” Pinkie pie said pretty damn fast I almost didn’t catch it.

“Err sure pinkie… but if you think about leaving us down here to fend fer ourselves ill drag you back here myself.” I looked between each of them, and terror fear and many other emotions were on their faces.

‘Ugh this is going against everything I was taught.’ I mentally facepalmed as I looked back at them.

“Fine I’ll stay but I need to learn some things from fluttershy here.” They all looked to fluttershy as she slowly inched back.

“M-me she stuttered “What could I know that you need to know.”

I kneeled and looked her in the eyes.

‘Alright time for some answers she has something akin to a seers abilities but to what extent?.’ I wondered.

“Look fluttershy im not angry with you but I need to know more how this might have happened. To do that im going to need provide three examples answer yes or no or don’t it’s up to you okay?” I winced as the shelling started up again. Her friends tried comforting her as well which made this process slightly easier.

“Scenario one the person or pony in this instance is able to see glimpses into a person, animals or boths memories usually something that happened within the past year or two.” She looked at me and nodded slowly.

‘Okay im going to guess she can see peoples as well as animals memories given the circumstances.’

“Scenario two the pony glimpses all critical memories and a bit more of the person or animal they make eye contact with. The memories or memory is random and comes from a critical moment or moments from the person or animals life.” She nodded again.

‘Okay that’s two of three this would explain her shyness a bit more as well.’

“Scenario three time stops, and you can vividly see memories of the human or animal in question as if you were there. Not exactly in their shoes but there.” I kept my eyes on fluttershy as the blood drained from her face and she was close to tears.

“How many of the scenarios have you faced. Be honest with me.” I asked maybe too sternly.

“Is there something wrong with me?” She said now clearly distraught.

“No, there is nothing wrong… please answer the question but if you feel like stopping we can stop now and pick this up later.” She shook her head.

“No, im fine I’ve had a mix of all three. One and two I encounter often in my everyday life.”

“What is your occupation I might ask?” I asked genuinely curious.

“I tend and take care of the animals of Ponyville and the nearby Everfree forest.” I nodded and pressed her for more answers.

“Scenario three how often do you experience it?”

“Very rarely and only with those that are extremely good, capable of deeds of heroism, or have some kind of evil in them. Its consistent in that way.” She spoke thinking she still looked ready to burst into tears

“Okay I now understand somewhat. From what is happening right now and from what your telling me you got a pretty rare gift. Not unique mind you but rare.” I answered as another shell landed near us and again the dugout shook.

“What is it? What makes this happen?” She asked almost pleadingly.

“Fluttershy is it?” She nodded

“These abilities used to be common among many humans at least ones that were farmers and ranchers for obvious reasons. This was over a thousand years ago and since then the ability has all but died out. I also know the ability isn’t genetic its random.” She looked down tears flowing.

“Is it permanent?” She asked he head held low. Her tone demeanor and stance changed.

“Yes, Its something you take with you till you’re dead.” I felt sorry for her as she broke.

“I NEVER WANTED THIS!” She sobbed another shell landed almost on top of us taking out a portion of the dugout roof. She still stood angry or sad I couldn’t tell.

“Darling what’s wrong with you.” Rarity asked standing up as applejack and me quickly took the table/desk and used to cover the hole to that the shell made to the front of the dugout. Unfortunately, Fluttershy either couldn’t hear or couldn’t care less.

“I love the animals I take care of, and I care for them, but do you know what it’s like!” She yelled almost as if she was sad, angry, miserable, and just outright furious at the same time.

“I cant go into town without meeting someone’s eyes and seeing some of their darkest secrets. Or watching their worst memories!” Fluttershy ranted as she now took particular interest in me. Like the barrel of a gun her raw emotions now aimed at me. The memory we were in was cracking. Like literal visible cracks were forming along the dugout and everything around us.

“Want an example!? Derpy she is the sweetest kindest pony in Ponyville although a bit scatterbrained, but she wasn’t always that way. You want to know why?! Ill tell you her father HATED HER! Her mother died in childbirth, and she became the punching bag of her father every night till she turned ten. She became a mail pony at age fourteen not because she wanted to but because that was all she really could do. She suffered brain trauma from the constant beatings and her right eye is constantly off because of it!” She yelled getting closer to me. Her presence chipped away my memory and started falling off as blackness enveloped all of us.

“Here is another example bucking lyra heartstrings. She became obsessed with your kind after finding an old book that dated back more than a thousand years. The book was hidden in a box and the book she treasures deeply. She was ridiculed, mocked, beaten, and bulled where used to live because she would often go into the areas around her old town looking for these “Humans” She may seem happy, but she now carries a fear of being all alone and a labeled a crazy pony because she believes in something that I NOW know to be true.” I tried to process this, but she kept her emotions fixed at me. My mental strength was waning, and I couldn’t do anything to stop her as she lashed out viscously.

“I want it to stop I love the animals I love the people of Ponyville, but I don’t like knowing their deepest secrets or their most painful memories. I feel like it should be obvious to everyone. “HEY LOOK PONY IN PAIN” yet no one can see it but me!” I heard a voice off in the distance. It was barely intelligible.

“Fluttershy stop!” it was ignored.

“You’re telling me that there is no way to remove or reduce this ability is that correct?” She asked as she lifted her head up facing me. Her raw emotions had now solidified into just one emotion, loathing. Having this much raw emotion aimed at me I was barely holding my mind together as her psychological barrage continued to hammer at me. I then came up with a plan to let her vent out the emotional monster that had been building up for years. Now it had a target. Now it had something to vent its frustration on and I would not deny it that.

“No there is none fluttershy.” She screamed in anger as she began punching and kicking me. Her friends tried to intervene but were shoved aside. The blackness faded into the shelter we were in earlier as I blocked and dodged what I could.

“YEARS BUCKING YEARS! I told my parents about this when I was kid they told me it was just my “imagination” and my older brother teased me about it. To not draw any attention, I stayed on the sidelines but every time I made eye contact I picked up new information on the pony or animal. It was mild at first. The older I got the clearer I could see the memory and it got more expansive, and some things were bucking horrifying!” She yelled as she connected her head with my chest plate.

I fell over and rolled landing on my back as I coughed. The wind knocked out of me I rolled again and made the worst mistake in CQC. I got cornered.

The other ponies were trying desperately to stop her now. The magic of twilight sparkle and rarity didn’t affect fluttershy. Applejack tried to stop her with brute force but was thrown clear across the room into a wall. Rainbow Dash tried to stop her following applejacks lead but suffered the same fate as she lay in a heap near applejack. Pinkie pie tried making silly noises throwing confetti and other weird shit I just couldn’t figure out. Her angle did nothing but make fluttershy worse as she slowly walked toward me.

“Fluttershy stop you’ll kill him!” Twilight pleaded as she collapsed using most of her magic from what I guessed.

“Want to know the icing on the cake?” I didn’t answer as I stood up readying for her next strike.”

“Your memory told me something during those questions. Humans passively passed it around to other species so my suffering and my loneliness comes from you.” She said her voice laced with venom. Again, I didn’t answer.

“Its all your fault!” She yelled as she went at me again and again. I did nothing to stop her this time. I took blow after blow to my body. Her friends begged her to stop her assault but again it fell on deaf ears.

After awhile her blows became less painful until finally she collapsed and continued to cry on the floor.

“Hass, Kopraan, Sil.” I spoke blood spitting out with each word as the blood pooled around me.

Translated Health, Body, Soul

The ancient tongue of the dragons the words of power that could bend the will and reality of all living things. A language useless to all but dragons of exceptional knowledge and years.

I felt my body put itself back together. My ribs went back into their rightful places. My dislocated bones reset, and my mental state was put back together.

The spell would attract her attention, but she did say only in an emergency may I use it. Well, this was it.

I did not pay attention to the others as my body put itself back together. After a few minutes I tried and failed to stand up only for twilight sparkle to push me back down.

“Twilight sparkle what are you?” She smacked me. I felt a copper taste in my mouth for only a moment before it disappeared.

“Do you have any idea how much magic you just used?!” She asked/yelled.

“No, probably a lot why.” I coughed my throat suddenly dry.

“Enough magic to power a small city for a few months.” She said I didn’t look her in the eye.

“I know but it was an emergency… twilight tell fluttershy its not her fault.”

“What why?” She asked flabbergasted.

“Im tired and I wont be able to say anything for a few hours at least. Also try to calm her down she had no control over that reaction. Her anger… it” I coughed as my saliva and mouth went from dry as a desert to wet again.

“Her emotions had built up so much that it needed an outlet. Because of her personality she couldn’t.” I felt my body shutting down to rest and my mind followed suit. I couldn’t say anymore as I fell asleep.

End chapter

Chapter 4 We are expenable

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Chapter 4 we are expendable

Meanwhile father north

POV ???

Scout Primary Ops Coordination Center

I felt a strong magic surge jolt through my body.

“Jacob!” I yelled startling several of my staff.

“Ma’am?” my staff rushed over to me worried. I waved them off and they went back to work.

I took a deep breath and opened a new window on my monitor bringing up that status of all scouts along the S.C.Z. (Scout Zone of Control) I read the different status of the different scouts. Each had stable bio signs. Some were cold which was normal. After checking all my scouts. I went to the in-depth monitor for scout one. My blood ran hot. I watched as his skeleton and organs on the monitor started putting themselves back together.

‘My baby! What happened!’ I thought.

‘Spy’s? No, I never let others that I don’t trust implicitly near the S.C.Z.’ My mind raced as I tried to figure out what had caused so much damaged.

‘Self-harm? No, He wouldn’t do that plus he wouldn’t have used that thuume.’ After running every scenario i pressed a button calling my senior staff. Which only took a minute. After a minute of waiting everyone one of my senior staff were in my office.

“Listen im investigating scout one his bio signs are off, and I have reason to believe he might be in danger.” I said calmly pausing to allow others to speak.

“Ma’am scout one guards the entrance to the corridor, but a storm covers most of the S.C.Z at the moment along with the staging area which has grounded all recon and supply flights.” My secretary interjected.

“Meaning what?” I asked.

“There is no way to the shelters. The storm has grounded all aircraft and vehicle traffic.” I nodded and in response unfolded my wings. My staff gawked. I rarely Let my wings free in sight of others. Although I regularly exercised my wings on weekends.

“Weather and temperature don’t affect my like it does you. Any other objections?” I looked and none had any objections.

“Call in my second ill brief her while im in route.” My staff looked like they were about to argue but a quick look and they kept their mouths shut. I grabbed my black cloak off the wall and headed outside.

‘I know it’s been a long time, but mom is coming my little hatchling.’ I thought as I stepped outside into the terraformed surface.

-----POV change Twilight Sparkle-----

Location Scout one shelter

Everyone was in pretty bad shape due to fluttershy’s outburst. I quickly recovered thanks to the magic surge caused by our hosts spell. Being the alicorn of magic I felt rejuvenated by the magic pulse and went around healing my friends they would be fine shortly but fluttershy was still sobbing talking unintelligibly to herself. Bracing myself I approached fluttershy.

“Stop don’t come near me im a monster!” She yelled as she backed away.

“You’re not a monster fluttershy scared and angry maybe. But not a monster.” I tried calming her as she kept backing away.

“Please don’t come closer twilight I don’t want to hurt you.” Fluttershy begged as she backed herself into a corner. I walked no closer.

“Okay I wont come any closer just tell me what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong I hurt everybody in a moment of anger I let my emotions run wild and hurt ponies.” She said as she continued to try and fail to hold her sobs back.

“Want to know something fluttershy?” I said remembering the soldiers words.


“Its not your fault. That is what he said. You had no control and he said it’s not your fault.” I said hoping my words would at least ease her.

“I don’t.. I can’t… How can he forgive me I nearly killed him!” she yelled back.

“I don’t know fluttershy, but he is willing to forgive you the very lest you can do is try and hear me out too.”

“Okay.” She sobbed.

“May I come closer?”

“Sure Sniffles*.” I trotted to her side and petted her mane in comfort as she continued to sulk

“Fluttershy we’ve been friends a long time now. You know I don’t blame you for what you did to me.”

“I hurt you and the others though.”

‘Oh, fluttershy if only I knew about this sooner.’

“I know but if what I saw was true and what our host told me. You can’t be blamed.”

“It still doesn’t excuse my actions twilight sparkle.”

“Maybe not, only you can forgive yourself but know that if you ever need to talk or anything my door was and will always be open day or night.”

“Really?” Fluttershy said looking at me for the first time.

“Yes, After all even the element of kindness has to have its limits.” After that fluttershy made a small smile and calmed down. Deep down however I knew she hadn’t truly gotten over what she did.

“Fluttershy darling the same offer goes for me as well. Had you told me I could have tried some things.” Fluttershy looked at a rarity with small smile and nodded.

“Thanks. But Can you forgive me.” She said softly.

“Of course, darling what are friends for! If we got angry over every little tussle things would never get done.” Rarity said looking at applejack who walked up next to her. They nodded to each other.”

“Well shucks if id have known you had a kick like that I would have tried to get you to try apple bucking. You have one mean kick sugarcube.”

“Im sorry.” Fluttershy said looking down.

“Nothin to it Fluttershy water under the bridge. If you need someone to talk to though you got my ear. Even if im apple bucking ill stop to listen to you.”

“Thank you so much applejack.” Fluttershy said.

“You may not be a fast flyer flutters, but you got some strength probably from taking care of those animals. If you had told me I would have tried to do something about your problem.”

“I appreciate it Rainbow dash.” Fluttershy smiled.

“EEE! WHYDIDN’TYOUTELLMESOMETHINGWASWRONG!” Pinkie said extremely quickly and loudly as we covered our ears.

“Pinkie now why’d you have to yell like that.” Applejack moaned.

“Sorry, but if I would have known all this I would have thrown a few parties to make our best friend feel better.” Pinkie said as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes for the cheer up parties already being planned from pinkies head. She also managed to bring out pads and papers and began planning.

“So, Darlings about the human? I only know a little bit about them thanks to your… ahem required reading for this mission.” Rarity questioned me.

“I feel like twilight sparkle has been holding out on us.” Rainbow dash said being unusually sharp.

I sighed. I figured I should brief them on what I knew. Which took an hour thirty minutes thanks to pinkies interruptions.

-----POV Jacob S, Fideles-----

‘Ugh personal note never use that thuume again death would be preferable.’ I groaned as I got up.

“Well darlings our host has woken up.” The voice I now associated with rarity spoke.

“I have a name you know. Its name is Jacob Semper, Fideles friends call me Jacob, soldiers call me sir or Fideles.”

“Well then, Nice to meet ya Jacob ya already know our names and err sorry fer not trusting you.”

“That’s fine.” I said and looked to fluttershy who hid behind twilight sparkle.

“How are you feeling fluttershy better?” I heard an EEP in response.

“Fine thank you.”

“No need to feel embarrassed to be honest im surprised you managed to hold that much raw emotion under that shy demeanor of yours. Im impressed; however, you should find an outlet, so it doesn’t blow up quite so incredibly next time. ” I said trying to reassure her.

“First what would be a good outlet for fluttershy to channel emotions into?” Twilight asked as she brought out paper and quill.

“She needs to be able to vent soo just listen to her if she is having a bad day and offer advice or help. Give her space and don’t smother her buut if you need to use an intervention do so, does that help?” I answered.

“It helps a lot thank you jacob. Next question about that fluttershy hasn’t shown any magical ability ever yet when me and rarity tried to subdue her with magic it did absolutely nothing.” Twilight asked next

“That is simple miss sparkle.”

“Twilight please.”

“Okay twilight im gonna guess you know a bit about humans already so ill skip that long and arduous history as well as old world history. To answer your question emotions can be powerful magic amplifiers and there are two major amplifiers. Care to guess?” I got no response as they all looked at me.

“First is hatred. The deeper and purer it is the more dangerous and unstoppable it is. Fluttershy here managed to have stored up so much negative emotions from seeing others pasts that it needed an outlet and well when I said we passed on seership to others she snapped.” I took a deep breath.

“Even today we have a few of fluttershy’s ilk. They almost all share the same behaviors. They prefer animals to humans for the same reason fluttershy prefers animals to ponies.” Again, no one said anything.

“Animals are different all though sentient they are less complicated and have a lot less troubled stories compared to what a more sophisticated being would have.” I answered.

“The second is love pure and simple. I don’t need to explain it of its uses and applications seeing as one of your princesses is of love.” They nodded. Twilight asked another question. After of course writing everything down.

“So why was that memory critical to you?” Twilight asked.

“I lost some friends in that simulation.” I said slowly.

“Ya don’t seem too shooken up by it sugarcube. No offense and sorry for your lose but I feel the loss of good friends would be pretty hard to get over.” Applejack said

“That’s a hell of a thing isn’t it. Well to be honest those simulations trained us for the worst. Of course, these were real weapons and real locations from a time long past.” I said remembering how they trained us to become scouts.

“I’ve learned something about being solider. I might be a scout, crème de la crème mankind’s best.” I looked back at the ponies who sat looking at me.

“In the end however im just statistic, a number on paper. If I were to die right now sure I would be mourned but people would move on, and my name would be added to a list of soldiers who died. I am expendable there will always be another to take my place.”

“I-Is that how you see yourself? A number a statistic? Someone who can be replaced?” Twilight said obviously shocked by my answer.

“Yes, I study history even old world history before mankind hid itself away and resurfaced kind of old history. I’ve learned many things, but a death although a tragedy. In the end is ultimately a statistic. Im trained to not let emotions cloud my judgement, but it still does at times. This can lead to even more unneeded deaths.” Before I could elaborate and clear up my answer I heard loud beeping noises coming from the entrance

“Get behind me!” I yelled as I clambered up to my computer. I grabbed my helmet and one of the rifles primed it and jumped landing with a loud thud.

‘Who would even have access to this base. The other scouts don’t even know each other’s safe houses. Let alone mine.’ I thought as my hud quickly booted up and went into targeting.



The computer voice spoke as the door opened quickly letting in wind and snow from the storm.

I looked behind me and saw the girls. I nodded and held my rifle up. My Hud filtered out the massive amount of flurries that flew in as a figure wearing a black cloak walked in. the door shutting behind her.

“Identify or I will shoot!” I yelled as the door closed behind the figure.

“Identify no-“ I didn’t finish as the figure rushed me I got a few shots off before a tail from the figure disarmed me.

I back stepped unsheathing a dagger glowing a ghostly blue. The figure didn’t give me time to speak as she relentlessly attacked I side stepped, parried, and jabbed at my opponent. It was like a dance as I retreated and advanced on my attacker who used its speed and range with its tail to attack me viscously. Finally, a hit to my helmet cracked the visor as I was sent flying into the wall. I quickly got on my feet only to be pinned into the wall I had hit. I head butted the cloaked figure in an attempt to get it off me. To no avail.

“You have gotten better.” The cloaked figure spoke letting me go as I thudded to the floor.

“Who the hell are you?” I coughed. I then got my first look at my assailant.

“Im hurt that you would forget your own mother.” The voice spoke as she pulled her hood back.

“Mom what the?”

“You’ve grown a lot my little hatchling.” My mom smiled

‘Twenty years we haven’t seen each other what is she doing here.’ I thought in shock.

End chapter

Chapter 4.5

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A/N Hey how ya doing just got a new computer. RIP shion for her 4 and half years of service. Now to the point rather than focusing completely on the main story all the time im gonna due what I will call Great war interludes. These will cover events during the great war that one thousand years prior to the events of the main story. These chapters won’t be necessarily long and will be followed by a .5 to indicate a interlude. You may skip these chapters if you feel like it but these events will tie into the main story at one point. I will try not to make these event uber critical as they happened one thousand years priors most species memories aren’t that long but some are. Anyway enough rambling here we go.


1000 years prior

Unknown Location

POV Captain Peterson Jacobs

Me and my deputy sat at our desks. It was no secret now that we were losing the war. I pondered just how long it would be before we were forced to retreat north as well. I was shaken from these thoughts when the two enlisted came in with a checklist from the silo. One of the largest missiles, we ever built sitting not even one hundred yards from us down the hall.


“Checked and checked again and then triple checked our alert is almost over.”

“Take your thirty-minute break we don’t know-“I was interrupted by a beeping noise. We grabbed our red books as me and my deputy wrote down the incoming words checking against the codes as we went.

Zzt* “Delta. Alpha. Uniform. November. Stand by. Message follows Delta. Alpha. Uniform. November. Stand by. Message Follows Lima. Tango. Foxtrot. November. Hotel. X-ray. Papa. Victor. Foxtrot. 2. Alpha. 1. tango. Acknowledge out.” Zzt*

I picked up the phone and confirmed “I copy.” And put the phone back.

“Valid message?” I asked my deputy as we confirmed our orders with each other.

“I Agree.”

We went to the red locker and entered our combinations. Then we grabbed the launch keys.

The two enlisted soldiers our engineers looked at us with grim resolve. We were about to wipe out an entire race. Me and my deputy inserted our keys on opposite sides of the room.

“Alright function select off?”


“MRTCEP to MRT?” He flipped the switch.


“Click A. fifty five selected?” he rotated some dials.

“Click A. fifty five.”

“Initiate actuator clockwise?”

“Actuate clockwise one thousand one.” A buzzing sound started right after. My deputy started his checklist.

“Program select?”

“Enabled” I set the dial.

“Right select switch to all?”


“Launcher select switch to all?”


I then read our butterfly code off.

“1st element Papa. Papa”

“2nd element Seven. Seven.”

“3rd element Tango. Tango.”

“4th element Hotel. Hotel.”

“5th element One. One”

“6th element Whisky. Whisky.” He repeated each word back as we went through to confirm.

“Read them back.”

“Papa Seven Tango Hotel One Whisky do you agree?”

“I Agree.”

“Enable switch set to enable.”

“enable switch down and locked”

“Actuator counter clockwise?”

“Actuator counter clockwise one thousand one release.”

“Okay key turn commit time. On my mark in fifteen.” Another buzzer went off.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. We were now passed the point of no return the rocket would launch. Making the land it hit unsuitable for habitation for a few hundred years.

“Hands on keys!”

“3” ‘God forgive me.’

“2” ‘Watch over those who pass’

“1” ‘Im sorry.’

“Mark!” We turned our keys and held them for 3 seconds. Another alarm alerted us the rocket was starting up

“I got a launch in progress.” I reported to the deputy

“Missile away. Missile away.” The deputy said solemnly as the missile had cleared the silo.

“Missile gone deputy. That’s all she wrote.”

We looked at each other stunned at what we had just done. We had under orders launched a missile that would poison the land with radiation and disappear. Sure if any of the target which from the cookie indicated it was the Lamia race homelands. Managed to survive the initial blast the radiation would kill them and the ground water would be fucked. They would come home to nothing. It wasn’t long before we got the call with our next orders.


“Orders are to head north with the corridor team grab your gear and detonate silo confirm?”

“Confirm out.” Me and our alert didn’t have time to process what we did as we grabbed our gear and set the explosives. Primed to detonate a few hours after we left.

‘What have we done?!’ was all I could think as I watched the trail of smoke the missile left behind and the direction it headed. We turned north and marched through the green hills to the entrance of what command called the “Corridor.” Damned or not it was out of our hands.


POV None

Clouds above lamia homeland about 8000 feet.

Two pegasus ponies who were told under no uncertain terms to spy on the lamia were none the wiser of the incoming doom that was heading their way.

They had been watching the capitol of the lamia. Paradise to anypony with its beautiful waterfalls and stone houses all centered around a mountain shrine of sorts. The lamia spawn played happily with each other as they watched.

“Why did Celestia send us here?”

“Storm hawk you know why. You mouthed off to our superior officer and since im your wing pony I got dragged in with you.” He said nothing as he flopped on the cloud.

“Your lucky it was just this boring recon mission he could have had you thrown in the brig or worse.”

“Right… Throw out a pegasus soldier when there is a war raging, I don’t think so cumulous cracker.”

“Just saying- hey look!” cumulous cracker was about to get angry when the look of horror on his face forced him to turn around.

“What is that!” Storm hawk yelled.

“SCATTER NOW!” Cumulous yelled as we flew as far away from where that thing was going to land as possible.

They flew faster than any pegasus could ever have thought possible but the fear and doom they felt coming from the falling metal device was enough to scare the living discord out of them.

They made it about forty miles away before a blinding flash followed by a massive shockwave sent them out of control for miles before both crashed landed.

Storm Hawk woke up and all he saw was a giant mushroom cloud off in the distance. The mountains that could be seen just moments ago had huge chunks destroyed or just weren’t there anymore.

“We need to investigate.” He said to cumulous cracker.

He looked at cumulous cracker and saw that his flank had been singed badly. His body had also suffered so many broken bones that he lay in an impossible angle. Storm Hawk was in shock as he decided to go to a nearby pond. Sure, enough as he looked at himself his coat was singed, his right wing was crooked, and his mane was all but nonexistent.

“Celestia needs to know.” Was all he said as he lifted the body of his comrade onto his back. Beginning the trek back towards the equestrian border. The adrenalin allowing him to ignore the pain for now.

Note. Storm hawk died of radiation poisoning shortly after delivering his report the circumstances of his death are still as of yet undetermined even a thousand years later. To the rest of the species radiation is still an unknown.


A few days later

POV Celestia

“Ma’am another report from our scouts. The lamia capitol is decimated, and their homeland is uninhabitable.” I was already upset. Earlier the latest meeting between nations didn’t go as planned. Although I wanted revenge for my sisters turn to nightmare moon; I couldn’t see us winning this war without excessive casualties. I also found that five of our allies had been wiped out in a single fell swoop. Essentially taking their entire races out of the war. The races who had their homes destroyed packed up their gear and went home in search of survivors and to see the truth.

I heard gentle tapping on the outside of my tent.

“Come in.” one of my personal honor guards came in and saluted me.

“My lady morale report as requested.” He said handing me a large scroll from one of his saddle bags.

I read and what I found was concerning. Cadences drop from the war to go back to the crystal empire after a human surprise attack had left them without their best tactician. As such many more stallions had been killed and their efforts to break the lines of the human armies had been unfruitful. On the Brightside a hidden message stated that the troublesome council members who tried to overthrow me had been taken care of… permanently.

I sighed.

“Anything we can doeth to boost morale among thy ponies?” I asked.

“A victory would be a great help. Ever since cadence was forced out by their cowardly attack the new tactician a bucking…” he stopped but I nodded my head to continue.

“A griffon, his kind are used to all out charges, but if he continues to send us on these suicide charges… Our morale gets lower with each time we get pushed back. Were also losing ponypower with each attack.” I nodded and unfolded the war map.

“I order thee tell thy ponies that I will leadeth the next charge personally.”

“My lady I do not.”

“I hath spoken go.” He bowed and said his thanks before leaving the tent. While I prepared a strategy using combined pony power.

“Humans thou hath not defeated thee yet and shallst pay dearly for cadences woes.

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Authors note to viewers

This chapter is likely to be broken up into pieces and going to be proof red like four more times with further edits and stuff done at later date as im just busy at the moment.

pov none

Letter to Senior command staff of the Scout Zone of Control or S. Z. C.

To whom it may concern

I Azuregus AKA Azure having investigated my son Jacob Semper Fidelis. Have been entangled in a matter of utmost urgence involving equestria and the lands south of the corridor. A team of Emissaries known as the elements of harmony have come north in search of a package left in my care by a Luna -Redacted-. As such Im required to deliver the package in person. As my son was the first contact, he will under article 23.A be my honor guard for this mission.

Orders entailed while im absent.

My second in command will be dragonkin Sliverionere AKA Silver or sliver. I Have Trained her personally and she has been around longer than most of you have been alive. Her words are to be treated as my own till I come back.

Replace scout one with a new scout. Jacob Semper Fidelis will now fall under foxtrot call sign designation Foxtrot-10315. He will be your point of direct contact between me and silver.

Emergency callsigns and further orders are enclosed inside read them carefully I also won’t have any mutinous actions. I will clean house if I find anyone abusing their positions or tarnishing the scouts name and purpose for any reason... even under orders.

Final orders for my staff.

I expect to be gone for a minimum one month to six months should it exceed this, and the emergency call has not been announced. Assume everything went wrong and begin investigations into our whereabouts. Contact the dragon king in the dragon lands we keep in touch he will be your primary contact in the case that we are both dead or captured.


Sincerely yours.

Scout Command Leader


POV Jacob S, Fidelis

Callsign Scout 1… Updating… Complete.

Callsign Foxtrot-10315 AKA Fox-315

Scout zone 1

“Ghost you know I can’t keep you with me.”

Ghost whinnied in annoyance.

“Look I know you would be a great help but seriously I can’t have you come with me as per my own orders.” I answered back patting the white horse.

“Captain is this your companion?” My mother/ commanding officer asked.

“Yes ma’am.” I answered curtly as I pet my companions mane.

The horse whinnied in challenge. Roughly translated though she said. “Keep him safe I’ve been watching him for the past sixteen years and he is something important to me.” My CO snorted. And replied in dragon thuume.

“I’ll keep my eye on him I may be harsh, but I am his mother.” Dragons thuumes being words of immense magical power of the literal meaning can be destructive. However, because of her immense knowledge and control of her power that the words didn’t do something at all is testament to her control over herself.

Ghost whinnied lowered her head as if bowing to my CO. Then she looked at me nuzzled my shoulder and disappeared into the snow-covered landscape.

“Well, I’ll be!” I heard applejack yell her new Winter jacket and shoes covering her body.

“Ooh I have to write this down!” I saw twilight come out with a notepad, quill and ink. Also wearing new snow gear.

“Where is your team?” I asked checking the storage cubes that stored everything that I kept in that mountain minus the steel doors.

“Miss fancy pants is making a fuss over the designs. Says something along the lines of “they didn’t match our personalities.” Me and twigh got out before she went redecorating us I don’t know about the rest of them.” I groaned and faced palmed. Putting my helmet on and lifting the hood over my head.

“I’ll deal with it.” My mother said.

“Ma’am were going to be heading to corridor HQ once we get moving.” She nodded and my mother/commanding officer went inside the cave I used to call home. The sun shone brightly on the fresh snow thankfully ghost made sure that we would not have to trek in neck deep snow, as she had moved much of out and away.

“Thanks ghost I really appreciate it.” I said quietly I heard a whinny in the distance and silently chuckled to myself.

I heard talking behind me as I looked at the now six ponies and one dragonkin.

“Ready to move captain.” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good lead the way.” I started walking twilight being right behind me and my commanding officer picking up the rear.

-I listened to the ponies talking about lord knows what for the trek to the corridor entrance-


Corridor entrance

POV none

“Well, here we are the entrance to hell.” Jacob Said solemnly.

He walked over to a wall and entered a combination. A few creaks later a portion of the wall moved to the left showing a massive cache of weapons equipment and suits.

“So, uh Sir?!” Pinkie pie said loudly before being cut off.

“It’s Jacob in the corridor, everyone is on a first name basis as there is about a ten percent chance you will die, get lost in a time trap, or get kidnapped by something worse than the ghosts that roam this hell.” Jacob said warmly as he walked into the cache and started rummaging around the many crates stocked full of ammunition, tools, and spare arms and armors, etc. Azure looked around the walls for a bit before taking her cloak off and arming herself as well.

“Not to be rude guys but what are we supposed to do?” Rainbow dash asked.

“Stay grounded, don’t wander and keep your mouth shut.” Azure said her tone however was not as warm as Jacobs. They heard noise not soon after they started prepping.

“Scout shout out!” they heard a booming voice call out. Azure went outside and dealt with the proper procedures and pleasantries as jacob continuing packing gear, food, water, and medical supplies. He also handled the ponies’ saddlebags. Jacob really should have taken that call personally.

POV Jacob S, Fidelis

“Captain Jacob get your ass out here now!” I heard my CO yell it was my mother’s im in deep shit voice.

“ON MY WAY MA’AM!” I yelled back.

“You guys should stay in here this could be uncomfortable to witness.”

“Yer jokin right?” Applejack said bemused I shook my head.

“Don’t say anything you guys im serious this is Scout business.” With that I went outside keeping my knife ready just in case.

“Oh, hey Scout one or should I say Foxtrot congrats on the promotion.” I saw who it was, and we went and hugged each other like we were old friends… which we were.

“Well nice to see you too how marriage is going for you Ed.” As we stopped and gave each other a good look. Ed was shorter than me about six feet flat a buck eighty-nine and his armor was more old school being just a flak armor that covered his torso and parts of his arms.

“Well doing alright already got a kid on the way.”

“If you two are done can someone, explain why you’re here?”

“It’s the monthly death corps march.” Ed said a bit of fear in his voice.

“Okay but what does it have to do with my son?” my mother asked her voice ice cold.

“Well, uh you see.” He said even though he had a visor and balaclava I knew Ed was scared.

‘I won’t let him take any heat for my decisions.’

“Mom for the past eighteen years I’ve been a death corps guide. I have an extremely high survival rate only lost three in my eighteen years. These murders and criminals have gone on to better lives after I got them through this hell. Only about twenty have gone back to crime and were dealt with. Every three months for the past eighteen years mom. You should have gotten my reports…” I stopped and looked to ed for conformation.

“Uhh how do I say this we didn’t name you, but we had you listed by your call sign on the paperwork.” I groaned. ‘Idiot my mom is overprotective as hell but lying is going to get you killed with her.

“What’s to stop me from demoting you here Edward Gibson?”

“Me.” I spoke up.

“I didn’t know about all this but ed is a good scout and better solider he did what he thought was best and to be honest if you convened other scouts, they would cover for him as well.” My mother put her hand to her chin in thought.

“Edward Im not demoting but you’re going to lose pay for the next three months and you’re restricted to command central after this run understood?” We sighed in relief her punishment was not too bad. ‘Well, he could have been shot.’

“You however aren’t off the hook.” ‘There it is.’

“I stand by my decisions ma’am. The death corps set many of these men straight.”

“Pardon the intrusion darlings but what is this death corps it sounds dreadful.” I looked at the white unicorn and shook my head hoping she would drop it.

“Why don’t you ask one of them?” Azure said coldly she looked at the thirty or so men all wearing winter fatigues. They were issued no armor, but the clothing would keep them plenty warm they each shouldered an antique M16 rifle with five magazines each. A side arm with one bullet for themselves should they decide it’s too much. Other than that they had no further gear.

She walked down the line and pulled a young man about twenty years of age out. And brought him forward.

“Name, crime and sentence?” My mother said in a cold tone.

“Ma’am I know they committed crimes, but this attitude is not how we.” She held a hand up.

“I know the rules Captain Fidelis I was there when they were written, and I helped write them.” Her tone contained warning. Which I heeded.

“State it.”

“Name is Harry Stevonson. Crime four counts of murder in the first degree found guilty. Sentence death by hanging or death corps.”

“Why did you pick death corps?” she asked.

The solider was crying now as he literally dropped to his knees.

“I.. I… I Killed my wife who had cheated on me with another man. She was having small party and I took a gun… AND! I shot them okay I fucking shot them. Looking back on it I ended their lives without thought only anger!” The soldier said sobbing. Me and ed gave each other a look before looking at the solider.

“You didn’t answer why the death corps?” I asked. My tone warmer but it still held authority.

“I… I Joined because I didn’t want to die maybe if I live, I can make it up to their families if I die well, I paid the piper.” He said holding gloved hands in front of him.

“Im a sorry excuse for a human being anyway. I… I.” He stopped and pulled out the side arm and aimed at his head to quickly for me or ed to make a move, but azure did nothing. A loud bang filled the air as blood splattered the snow.

I moved first taking my time to get a tarp out of my pocket as ed took the ammunition and weapon off the corpse.

“What a waste he had an honest shot at redemption” ed said sadly I only nodded in agreement.

‘Shit the ponies.’ I looked to them. They were all horrified.

“Well at least it was quick.” I said to them as their eyes all looked to me. Im glad I had a visor because honestly, I don’t think I could have looked them in the eye at the moment.

“What. The. Buck!” Applejack and Rainbowdash yelled in unison.

Rarity fainted.

Fluttershy was frozen her face had a look of horror that I could not describe.

Pinkie pies hair drooped, and she went melancholy.

Twilight sparkle had the worst reaction.

She was still for a few moments before approaching the corpse. The other death corps men got out of her way as she looked at the tarp that now covered the dead solider. We couldn’t wait forever.

“Ed, you handle the death corps I got a mission with azure down south of the corridor. Meet us with men along the way.” Ed nodded.

“Any disagreement ma’am?” I asked my superior officer.

“None let’s move.” I nodded as we got the ponies ready, and sensible enough to march.
“Hold on!” Applejack yelled.

“We can’t just leave him there.” Applejack said.

“He will be picked up on the way back by ed and any surviving death corps members,” I said curtly.
“That aint right I tell ya the dead need ta be buried ya hear.”

“It’s the least we can do for him even though he was a criminal.” Twilight sparkle said using her magic to lift the body and wrap the tarp tightly around him.

“It would be a waste of time. Besides its so cold this far north that his body won’t decompose he will be the same as when we left him when they get back.” Azure answered.

“Not a waste ma’am but there is simply no room we are standing on a mountain of bodies we ran out of room hundreds of years ago.” I said trying to give empathy to the situation.

“Are humans so heartless? That they won’t at least say a few words?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“Out here? Like I said earlier we are all statistics numbers on board. The death corps serve the purpose of bringing back identification of dead soldiers in the corridor. Many go insane. Some get captured. The rest well.” I looked to the tarp. “Most death corps members come home straight because they know the consequences of their actions.”

“You will see the corridor its merciless it has a memory of the world and all manner of fell things inhabit it.” I said as I walked past them. “And some good.” I said to myself.

“Stick close to me and you will survive, and I guarantee with a ninety six percent certainty that you will get home unscathed… relatively.

I looked up and noticed it getting dark.

“We move in thirty minutes we don’t stop for camp until we reach the end or were forced to. Boss I’ll take point as I know the corridor better and if it throws up an unknown route, I have a better idea of what to do.” I saw azure nod, but she gave few words before leaving our presence.

“I’ll accept you as an authority here, but we need to talk after this is over.” She said as she walked past me. “Understood.” With that I prepped a guide rope for later use should we need it and Ed got the remaining death corps ready checking their gear one more time before lining up behind ed.

Merry Christmas lads and lasses

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Pov none


The eight strong group didn’t have to wait long for ed and the death corps to catch up. As they walked their pace slowed considerably. Jacob started keeping a sharper eye out for anything out of the ordinary. The other death corps members received helmets from the supply cave and turned on their head mounted flashlights as the path they walked got steadily darker.

The dead silence combined with the crunching of snow underneath them set a grim mood. It also didn’t help that every now and then pinkie would make a random noise forcing everyone on edge. A few times later she got a swift warning.

“Pinkie one more time I fucking swear I will put a bullet through your skull.” Ed said tersely.

There were no further problems as we moved forward.


POV Jacob Fidelis

I held my hand in a fist and everyone stopped abruptly.

“What is it?” Azure asked me.

“Something is stalking us.” I said calmly looking at a rocky outcropping.

“Ed our stalkers are likely gonna ambush us up ahead prepare for combat.” Ed nodded checking his weapon one more time as did the other death corps soldiers.

“Twilight whatever happens make sure you and your group stay near azure at all times be prepared to kill whatever comes at you.”

“Wha I can’t.”
“You can, and you must if you want to survive.” I didn’t wait for her reply as we continued on keeping our current pace.

As we passed the rocky outcroppings, we heard a howl from behind as a group of red eyes followed us just outside of flashlight range.

“Everyone bunch up stay within arm’s reach of each other!” I barked out, no one questioned my order as everyone got into a tight circle around ponies and azure while everyone else covered a direction.

“AHHH!” We heard a scream, and all looked at the man who yelled.

“It got me! ITS GOT ME HELP!!” He yelled as a rotting arm started pulling the man into the snow.

“OH, HELL NO!” One of the death corps soldiers said as he tried to pull the man away from the decomposing arm.

“WEAPONS FREE FIRE AT WILL!” I yelled as the howls came. White translucent wolves came at us from where we came while we were distracted. Gunshots rang out as they fired at the wolves. The wolves shattered like glass upon contact with the rounds.

I proceeded to cut the arm off pulling the soldier down with him.

“Move now!” I yelled as we half ran half walked with one half giving covering fire as I had the other half looking forward making sure we didn’t get overrun. The firefight didn’t last long as we continued forward. The wolves backed off and we, still in our rough circle formation went back to our slow pace.

“First did we lose anyone?” I asked as we continued moving. No one said anything.

“Anyone low on ammo?” I asked looking at everyone. Everyone nodded minus ed and azure.

“Okay.” I said stopping to drop a backpack.
“Stay in the vicinity it will refill your empty pouches and or magazines.” We stayed for thirty seconds before I shouldered the backpack again. I saw the ponies about to say something. I preemptively shut them up.

“After we get through this.” No one spoke as we moved. The air temperature suddenly rose, and I felt myself sweating in my gear. My gear made an audible warning.

“Warning temperature rise detected, anomalous activity detected.” The robotic voice said. We quickly formed the circle again and continued. The snow disappeared and turned into a rocky trail.

“Sir!?” one of the men asked nervously.”


“Um there is a wall following us.” Me and ed stopped looked at each other and looked back.

Sure, enough a flat rock wall was following us. It stopped when all of us stopped but when we went back it wouldn’t budge.

“Ed, heat, rock wall preventing escape, no snow.” Ed nodded grimly.

“Everyone listen up were going to dealing with some enemies up ahead that can’t be killed don’t waste ammo. Move quick, stay with the group, we have five minutes once we enter the arena! It takes six to cross at a jog. The last minute is critical anyone that gets left behind is not getting rescued understood.” I said in a commanding voice. The men nodded.

“Take a quick drink from your canteens, azure and I will share with the ponies. We start after our drink. Whatever you do don’t ditch your clothes it meant for extreme cold but if you take them off you will slowly be boiled alive.” Nobody said anything as we took swigs from our canteens.

“Sir what is protocol here exactly? Do we run as a group or is it every man for himself… and pony no offense? None taken.” Pinkie answered.

“As cold as this sounds its every man for himself here, If you get separated from the group, you’re on your own.” We walked for a little more then came to a huge open space. A flat stone arena spread out before us bodies and weapons of previous death corps excursions and bones of unidentified beasts lay all over the arena in different states of decay and conditions.

“Alright ready? NOW!” I yelled going at a jog. I didn’t keep track of anyone behind me as I was point.

For five minutes nothing happened. Then horns blew signaling the attack.

“Keep running don’t stop!” Ed yelled he was picking up the rear.

I did not look behind me as I heard screams and the sounds of gunfire. I reached the edge of the arena first and looked back. To my horror ed, azure, and the six ponies along with some soldiers were caught in combat. Two others were right on my rear and looked back behind me.

“Stay here don’t move without me or you won’t survive understood.” The two men nodded as they got ready to fire at any incoming enemies.

‘Damnit mom. Ill get you guys out of that mess.’


Pov none

As jacob ran back to assist the group azure was fighting off vaguely human shaped creatures. Their faces a fiery red over black skin that was charred to their bones.

Azure not bothering with her firearm any further used her tail and a short sword she had unsheathed dispatching the enemies into a molten goo only for them to reform back into their previous shapes. “This is bullshit!” She yelled slicing the head off yet another of these monsters that tried to attack the ponies.

“you’re telling me! Death corps keep moving these things aren’t worth your ammo!” Ed yelled.

“Ah gosh darnit I can’t buck these vermin they just burn me!” Applejack said coldly her back hooves starting to show serous signs of burn injuries.

“We can’t even touch these guys without them burning us!” Rainbow dash yelled. As she and the others of the main six started backing up into each other. Pinkie was throwing random party items at them to no effect, fluttershy was cowering. The only two able to do anything and that was magically push them was twilight sparkle and rarity.

“This is so uncouth! They mean to burn our new clothes.” Rarity said genuine anger in her voice.

“Rarity our clothes are the least of our problems they are blocking off our exit.”

“Rainbow dash cantcha just fly out of here!?” Applejack yelled

“I’d love to but my wings have decided they don’t want to work at all.”

Soon enough the surviving death corps soldiers azure and ed formed up in a protective circle around the ponies. Resolved to fight to the death for whatever it was worth.

“I need a solution ed!” Azure yelled the goo getting on her skin only for it to smolder and fall off her. In the confusion she forgot she was immune to heat damage. And as such immune to the enemy, they were fighting.

“I got nothing unless.”

“FUS. RO. DAH!” a group of the monsters was pushed out of the way a path to the exit was now available to them.

“Hurry up its gonna take a bit before I can use that again!” They heard jacob yell. The monsters turned their attention to the dragonborn.

“GO I’ll go rescue foxtrot!” azure commanded ed who didn’t hesitate as he guided the group to exit while azure headed into the thick of these monsters.


POV Azure

‘Damnit son I told you not to use thuumes!” I mentally yelled as I cut my way through the monsters their molten goo melting the clothes, I wore but not affecting my body at all.

The monsters tried to block my progress pissing me off.

“AHHH! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS OUT OF MY WAY!” I yelled cutting my way through them my body for the first time in a long time feeling the terrible joy of fighting. I felt myself getting stronger and faster with every supposed kill.

I felt my blood boil when I heard a cry of pain.

“Hang on soldier im on my way.”

I cut my way through enemies as they seem to grow in number making it to my son. The sight horrified me.

“His visor cracked and had some holes in it. His cloak protected him from the globs of molten goo but some of the titanium plates got some of that stuff on them and were smoldering on the ground beneath him. His rifle lay on the ground melting. His chest plate was also on the ground a clear slice made through the titanium grade A armor. He stood with his bastard sword in a defensive stance trying to hold the oncoming horde back.

“JACOB!” I yelled my body going into an overdrive. My sword now felt weightless, and my minds worry and fear turned into resolve. I saw as a spear got him in the chest. He screamed in pain and defiance before getting hit from behind by a club. I watched as his body fell his face hidden behind the cracked visor and dented helmet.

“no…” Was all I said before I lost it.


Pov Twilight Sparkle

After we reached the end there were two death corps troopers waiting for us. The ground was littered with shiny metal objects that were ejected from the weapons they carried. Some felt hot to the touch.

“Sir where is your commander?”

“She was right behind me.” Ed looked back as did the rest of us as we saw her armor and clothing slowly melt away the cloak being one of the few things covering her aside from some scraps of leather armor that held itself underneath the plate armor she used to have. Her speed and efficiency grew with every swing of her blade.

“It’s beautiful in a horrific sort of way I mean.” Fluttershy said from behind me. I only nodded as she continued to cut her way through the growing horde. We had no idea what her goal was till we heard a male scream.

“Uh. Oh.” Was all ed said before azures body went into a deep shade of blue followed by an angry war cry and powerful words that made my body shiver in fear.


Translated: Hero. Champion. Legend!

Suddenly soldiers came from all directions of the arena armed in a vast variety in appearance and armaments as they charged the enemy. The monsters didn’t know what to do as these men were continually replaced as quickly as they were. Their cries and shouts came in so many different languages that i could not even begin to identify.

“What is going on.” I asked in wonder and horror.

“Mama dragon is pissed.” Was all ed said as we watched the battle continue to unfold.


Pov none

Azure knowing the situation would only be in her favor temporarily picked up her now wounded child and rushed through the carnage to the exit. She saw faces of those she fought along side those many years ago who nodded at her before continuing to fight. When she made it back to the exit she didn’t look anyone in the eye as she set her son on the ground and began pumping healing magic into him.


Pov Twilight sparkle

I felt my gaze suddenly shift when I felt another huge surge of magic. “oh no” I said as I looked at azure who ran up to us laying the soldier on the ground just past the arena exit. The amount of magic energy she was pumping into him felt extremely excessive and wasteful, but I didn’t say anything. None of us did as we watched her. Ed finally spoke up.

“Ma’am he is gone I have no bio signs even with the amount of magic yo” If looks could kill ed would be dead.

“We soon saw her close her eyes and started speaking in what I now guessed was thuumes.”

“Im picking up vitals ma’am” Ed said astonished.

Jacob suddenly jerked up coughing heavily held down by his mother. After he calmed down, he looked up.

“Yo ed am I dead?” I heard Jacobs muffled voice speak through the helmet

“Naw man.” Ed said smiling as he walked past me.

“Well ill be darned.” As I looked away from the sight at my friends.

“That. Was. Amazing!” Rainbow dash said stunned by what she just saw.

“Which part darling the fact that she raised the dead or that she fought through all that just to rescue her son.”

“For once rainbow dash im in agreement but I sure hope we don’t get into nother one of these scuffles.”

“She was like swish swish and the monsters were like blagh and she just cut through them like they were nothing.” Pinky said reenacting the whole thing mimicking everything pretty darn well.

“You sure you guys’ ponies?” One of the death corps soldiers asked.

“Yes. Why?” I asked confused.

“It’s just that I never thought you guys would be able to handle this I know its tame compared to most things I’ve dealt with but still fighting for your lives cutting up monsters.”

“I won’t lie it was a bit disturbing at first, but having seen this amazing feat of magic has overridden anything I felt previously.”

“Huh alright then.” After that the solider fading from existence. ‘What the buck!’

“Hey equestria to twilight hello.” Rainbow dash said waving her hoof in front of me.

“What just happened?” I said confused. ‘This is impossible.’


Pov Jacob Fidelis

“Umm can you let go of me your kinda breaking me.” I asked as I was put into a spine breaking hug. She let go and looked at me.

“Captain what the hell were you thinking!?” She yelled at me.

“What? Rescuing you of course.” I said confused.

“Why didn’t you retreat with the rest of us?!” She asked digging.

“I-I didn’t expect to make I just…” My words caught in my throat as she looked at me with a fury.

“You were going to throw your life away?” I was now just slightly annoyed.

“It’s my life to throw away. Even so they swarmed to quickly for me to counter.” I saw her face contort into fury before she just sighed and gave me a look of annoyance.

“Were dropping this for now as well. However, I expect the a reason for why you charged blindly without a backup plan I taught you to always have a second plan should the first go tits up.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I got up with some help from ed after looking at the remaining five death corps soldiers I took my position in the front and started leading. I told azure one more thing before we continued our journey.

“Mom it’s duty. It’s my duty as your honor guard to protect you and if it costs me my life then that is the price that Im willing to pay.” I said looking her dead in the eye. She nodded in understanding.

‘Dad thanks for the advice I’ll keep it in mind.’ I thought to myself as our remaining group continued forward

chapter 7 an old tale

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Chapter 7 A old tale

POV none

---Status of corridor team---

---Data received---


Death’s corps: 6

Combat personnel: 2

Commanders: 1

Misc./Ponies: 6

---Combat data and video upload complete---

---going into standby---

Jacob ejected the USB from the computer putting it away and going back into the other room where everyone was resting.

“Ma’am data upload complete as requested.”

“Thank you, Jacob you can rest with the others.”

“Negative I got watch.” Azure looked at him before nodding.

“Azure you sure about this.” Ed said looking up from the cot he was laying on.

“If there is one thing, I’ve learned about him during this venture is that he is stubborn as hell just like his father.” Ed said nothing more before laying back down.


POV Jacob fidelis

Looking up at the sky the halfway point of the corridor was always so peaceful the stars shone bright here at this point where the sun never shined.

“Cold out here aint it.” The pony applejack came out.

“Not really plus.” I pounded the plate armor that I had put on. It resembled old knight armor if anything, but it only covered the torso and upper thighs. The helmet was gone but I had a spare combat helmet stored up here along with old HUD uplink glasses old tech but still functional.

“Pretty aint it.” She said looking up at the sky

She sat next to me as I moved my new rifle to accommodate her.

“Yea the sun never shines from the ¼ to the ¾ point of the corridor. And here we are essentially above most of the hills and mountains. The sight is always beautiful it never gets old.”

“Huh, I wonder why that is.”

“I can tell you. But it’s a sad tale.” We both looked at the doorway to see azure standing there.

“Indeed, it is.” I said solemnly. ‘Having explored the corridor as well as guided men and women through it the evidence of the struggles humankind made haven’t really shown up yet, but I hope and pray that the corridor shelters us from them. Especially for the pony’s sake.’ I thought a prayer on my mind.

“I would be interested in this story plus I can take notes to share with celestia.” I saw a look of anger cross azures face for a moment before it disappeared.

“Well then I’d be happy to share twilight ill check your notes later, so you have a full recount.” Twilight sparkle and azure talked for a bit as I went back to watching the night sky.


POV Azure

I cleared my throat before speaking.

“Tell me twilight what do you think happened for humanity and us dragon kin to come this far north?” ‘Maybe I can gauge just how much this scholar knows.’ I thought quietly.

“I Actually have very little idea other than the great war most events are blank or unfilled.” I was about to get angry, but twilight offered up a nugget of information.

“Although Luna showed me before sending me here for you evidence of humankinds existence underneath Canterlot castle. What little information I do know is recent and I know nothing but the outcome of the great war.

‘Right celestial would be ashamed of this after all she was not the fighter of the two sisters. She also kept her people out of the war as long as possible.’

“Well Im glad Celestia didn’t destroy the museum of Camelot fortress.” I saw twilight about to speak but spoke first.

“Yes, it was a museum you saw as well as the guard’s armory and I would prefer you kept it secret as well same goes for you applejack.” I said looking at applejack who nodded.

“I understand I won’t say word to anypony.”

“Thanks, I won’t go over the events of the war although I was there. To retell it would take about forty years. All you need to know is that I was an active participant in the war, and I was the keeper of history in the corridor.

“The corridor project started five years before the final battle. Just about the time when Luna turned into nightmare moon.” I said thinking back to a time long past.

“I remember the first things to be sent north were all of the records and histories entrusted to us from when humanity woke up all the way to their previous records from when they alone were the only intelligent species walking the earth. I won’t bore you with the details of how I oversaw and managed to secure not most but all of humanities records knowledge and history and move it in secret to the entrance of the corridor.”

“For the last five years humanity was split into two groups ones that would be sent north to survive and ones that would have to stay behind… This was determined by lottery.” I Remembered the crying children and sad faces of wives and their loved ones who weren’t selected.

“The lottery I will say is something I must say a few words on before moving on it was incredible cruel, but it had to be done. Anyone over the age of forty was disqualified and certain branches were disqualified. The very sick and the mentally ill were also disqualified. Even then a few of my sisters stayed behind giving their spots to others. Out of the twenty thousand that we were initially today only fourteen thousand remained as this was determined to be the bare minimum of those who had to go north.” Twilight spoke up after this.

“How could you abandon so many ponies… people to die? This is ludicrous there had to be other options something else.” She said angry and I couldn’t blame her I had already made peace with it but twilight being an alicorn a freshly made alicorn hasn’t really come to terms with the fact she will live an incredibly long time.

“What option should we have considered twilight we were surrounded by enemies our last allies the ponies turned on us it would have been a matter of time before they crushed us had we stayed behind.” ‘She probably is gonna ask about suing for peace.’

“You could have surrendered made peace.”

“Do you know the terms of surrender that were given when humanity was at the table for the final year?” Twilight shut up.

“The terms were basically slavery and destruction of human way of life. The terms were and I quote.” The memory returned along with my anger.

---one thousand years prior---

POV azure

“The terms of human surrender are as follows.

One: Humanity will turn over their weapons and research of all kinds and types they will also not be allowed to maintain an army of any size.

Two: Humanity will pay reparations to all nations in the price of one billion bits to each race here. Should they be unable to pay this every year they will surrender a thousand of their children five years of age to be given to each race as collateral till such a time as the reparations are paid off.

Three: Humanity must turn over fifty percent of all mined ore and all farmed crops for the next twenty years. And twenty percent of all ore afterwards for another period of one hundred years.

Four: Humanity will no longer be allowed to make any settlements larger than five thousand men women and children. If they go over this amount they will be dealt with by way of the sword.

Five: Humans will no longer have a seat at the table to make any form of complaint or demand to the assembled races.

My blood boiled as the terms were listed. ‘The human representative sitting at the table was remarkably calm all things considering.’

“Six: The dragonkin are part human as such they are required to abide by these terms as well.”

To my surprise the dragon king roared in anger his head was the only thing that fit in the room, but his roar knocked everyone off their chairs as papers flew everywhere.

“INSOLENT CREATURES IF YOU SO MUCH AS LAY A FINGER ON MY FELLOW KIN THE DRAGONS WILL GO TO WAR AGAINST ALL OF YOU!” His anger could be felt throughout the room as the rest of the races looked at the griffin presenting the terms with a look of complete and abject terror.

“The dragons are the only race here that is neutral and unlike the rest of you completely fresh and I assure you if this war continues, they will easily kill all of you should this war go one more year.” The human said coldly. He picked up the paper of terms and lit match under the paper.

“I general Jacob representative of humanity promise you this as god is my witness. If you continue down this path with us, we as a race will give you such a nasty black eye for so long that your races will take more than a millennium to fully recover and, in some ways, never will. The technology you seek will be lost because there will be nothing to recover. The resources you so covet will be tainted with the blood of all the races here. The land you so seek will be so covered in death that you will not settle for two hundred years. There will be. NOTHING! For you to recover if our race will not receive a fair deal then this is where it stands.”

Jacob stood up and walked to the door.

“The second I leave this room is the last time we come to this table to discuss terms till either you sue for peace or next year when we all meet again.” No race said anything no race stopped him as he walked across the room and through the door.

“You have doomed yourselves I pray you come to your senses before this goes to far.” The dragon king said pulling his head back out of the wall and leaving.

---the present---

“That day humankind made their stand so to speak. Any race could have stopped him they could have come up with new terms but what has happened, happened.” I said reminiscing of that fateful day.

“The reason for the night sky though is something that Luna and Celestia have no control over. Five years was enough to dig to this point. Past this point it got easier because we no longer dug in secret. The day mankind abandoned the south, when the final human came past the corridor threshold the sun set here for the final time.” I said looking up the stars.

“I remember watching the sun set here close to this spot for the last time. So, we dug with whatever light we had left. Some died of hopelessness, hunger, the elements a few months later. The dead could no longer be buried south of the corridor so trucks would be filled with dead bodies and abandoned till we could come back and properly bury them.” I said a mix of emotions running through me.

“The dark of night even today is something humans find comforting because under that night they dug through the corridor. Under the night in their old homeland rest could be all but guaranteed. Under the night sky they were relatively safe.”

“That is just horrible I don’t know what I would do if me and my family forced away from our homes or be for all intents and purposes slaves.” Applejack said taking her Stetson off.

“Humans are a hardy race they survive adapt and overcome its in their DNA. Im still surprised by humans today sure there are times when humankind becomes weak, but a conflict of some sort breaks out forcing humanity to get stronger again. It’s a cycle and well humankind is resilient whatever comes its way it adapts and thrives or at bare minimum survives. Its why the dragonking had such high respect in regards towards humans as a race they stood their ground and would not be moved. The entire world was against them, yet they stayed their course every minute they fought in those final hours was another minute that he wished he would have sided with humans.” I Said looking at the two ponies.

“The dragon king will never admit it, but humans are the one race he considers equal to his own. Sure, they are soft and squishy and not magical really in the slightest but their ability to survive pretty much anything that comes their way. Well, that has always been a high mark that he gives the squishy flesh bags.”

“So, the stars have been here since humans abandoned the south.” Twilight spoke more to herself.

“Twilight im going to ask you a question why do you think the corridor tries to actively kill us as we travel back through?” Jacob asked.

I kept my eyes on twilight sparkle for her response as she thought deeply.

“I don’t know.” Twilight sparkle finally answered.

“How about you; applejack care to guess?”

“I don’t know either sugarcube.”

“It’s to protect the species down south aka you. If it weren’t for this corridor mankind would have gone back hundreds of years ago.” Jacob responded.

“Wait didn’t you say there was a second corridor?” Twilight sparkle said.

I looked at jacob giving him my biggest what the F*** look I could give.

“True but to get to the mainland we would have to launch a massive naval invasion and to be quite frank the sea ponies are nice neighbors, so we promised not to do that unless all other courses are exhausted.”

“Captain sometimes you both surprise and astonish me.” I said to jacob. He shrugged.

“What can I say I’ve been through the corridor more than enough times to figure out its purpose. Besides most races would freeze to death before ever reaching the first combat line.”

“So let me get this straight the whole reason were being bombarded by enemies as were trying to make our way back home is because the corridor is protecting us from you?” Twilight said dumbfounded.

“It’s as the captain says it’s in fact now one of the only reasons why mankind hasn’t marched south to seek vengeance.” I answered.

We sat in silence as we watched the night sky in all its beauty.

“Head inside you three its almost time to move again get some sleep.”


POV Cpt. Jacob Browning

I was about to respond before the general gave me a look of “Don’t argue with me.”

“Fine but I don’t need to rest.” I said stubbornly heading inside where I was met by ed lounging on one of the old couches.

“So how was lookout?” Ed said thumbing through an old book.

“Nothing exciting.” I said sitting against a wall.

“She finally sent you in to get some sleep huh.”

“I don’t sleep well these days Ed wake me up when it’s time to go.” I said taking my helmet off.

“Can do captain.” Ed said as I closed my eyes.

“Please let this final leg be easy and not full of death traps.” I prayed silently before nodding off into a light sleep.

Chapter 8 The goose is loose

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Chapter 8 The Goose is Loose

POV Jacob Browning

“RUN THE GOOSE IS LOOSE!” One of the death corps soldiers yelled in fear as he bolted out of formation. The roar that sounded all to familiar to me made my blood run cold.

“What the heck is that noise?” Twilight sparkle said aloud.

“BAZELGEUSE SCATTER!” I yelled dragging twilight sparkle into cover just as the Wyvern dived into our previous position.

“It had to be that fucker!”

“Watch out your gonna step on a sc-“


“Hey I hate to be stating the obvious here but can’t you talk that Bazelgoose down!” I heard an annoyed applejack yell.

“It’s a fucking that drops bombs and crashes into you im pretty sure azure doesn’t speak bazel anyway!” I heard ed yell from another location as the wyvern roared.

“Twilight move its dropping its scales!” I grabbed a confused twilight sparkle and dragged her away from the cover that subsequently exploded from the scales.

“Shit Rocket ready!”

“Backblast Clear!”

“Firing!” I heard the sound of an explosion followed by a roar as I peeked out of cover. Only to see it dive bomb into the last remaining survivor of the Death corps. I got a notification dropping the surviving members down to one.

“Shit ed please tell me. OH, SON OF A BITCH!” I yelled as the goose came flying right us. Dragging a now annoyed twilight sparkle out of cover again into new cover that was now shared by everyone.

“Everyone alright?” I asked as azure erected a barrier spell protecting us for the time being.

The responses of fines until we got to fluttershy.

“Where the hell is fluttershy?!” I yelled in a panic.

“HEY, YOU’RE JUST A BIG BULLY.” ‘Fuck my life she had to talk to the giant bomber of death. Gathering my courage, I jumped out of our cover running towards the yelling. To my surprise the bazelgoose was just standing there looking at the cream-colored pony.

“Hey guys come look at this.” I yelled perplexed by what the hell I was looking at. I readied back up plan just in case.

“WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON MY FRIENDS!” a few grumbling snorts from the Goose.

“That doesn’t make it right.” Grumble grumble low roar*

“I understand we will be on our way.” EXTREMLY LOUD FUCKING ROAR*

“Okay ponies we got five minutes to get out of here!” Fluttershy yelled to us.

“FLUTTERS LOOK OUT!” Rainbow dash yelled. Luckily, I was ready. With a popping sound a grenade flew into the now charging bazelguese mouth its scales flying everywhere. It ate the grenade and a few seconds later its head exploded as its neck with its scales now unable to regenerate swung violently.

“Move that thing is just as deadly dead as it is alive.” Ed yelled moving back up the route we took a bit.

I watched as the now headless bazelgeuse started running into the walls of the valley. Until finally ramming into the wall for one final time.

“That takes care of that.” Was all I said reloading the grenade launcher and moving forward.

I looked at the ponies who now looked like they were gonna be sick. They also looked horrified at what they just witnessed.

“Be glad its only just one ed, commander we need to move now before another one of these things shows up.” Azure said nothing nodding as she herded the remaining ponies forward while ed picked up the rear.

“W? wh? Why? Did you kill it?!” Fluttershy asked. I slung my rifle over my shoulder turning on my heels to face her. She seemed upset more than anything.

“Because it was going to eat you.” I simply answered.

“It wasn’t going to- STOP!” I yelled cutting her off shocking her.

“This isn’t equestria this is the corridor your out of your depth here fluttershy.” I said coldly. This only seemed to reignite the anger fluttershy had.

“That type of wyvern may have killed your friends in the past, but you have no reason to have killed it so viscously.” I clenched and unclenched my fists holding back a deep reckless feeling within me.

“The creature said it wouldn’t harm me. THAT’S the keyword here fluttershy it said it wouldn’t hurt “YOU”. The rest of us are dinner that bazelgeuse was going. TO. KILL. US. Not all creatures have good in them fluttershy. This conversation is over.” I said in finality. Turning around and moving forward as to prove I was done talking.

“Man, what a jerk.” Rainbow said lowly thinking only her fellow ponies heard her. Something snapped. Normally words wouldn’t bother me but the stress of these ponies. Pinkie pies antics and having to deal with bazelgeuse tipped me right over the edge. The lack of sleep probably didn’t help.

I turned around only to be met by Azure her body radiated magic.

“Stand down.” She said calmly.

“With all due respect ma’am.”

“Get back on point now.”

A roar pierced the sky another much bigger bazelguese showed up. It turned to look at us roaring in challenge. Azure marched in front of us.

“YOL, TOOR, SHUL!” Translation “Fire” “Inferno” “Sun”

The spell of fire completely enveloped the wyvern and a few seconds later nothing remained of the bazelguese.

“Back on point scout!” She commanded.

I Turned and marched forward. My focus on my surroundings. The final surviving member of the death corps ticked from 1 to 0.

POV Arzurgas “Azure”

I watched as my son marched off, I quickly followed behind him along with the rest.

“Consider yourself lucky you aren’t dead fluttershy he was this close to killing or seriously hurting you.”

“I- Im Sorry” Fluttershy said hiding behind her mane.

“Fluttershy words of advice never ever use the past of a dragonborn or a dragon in general to try and diffuse or argue your point.” Fluttershy didn’t respond but rainbow answered in her stead.

“Why shouldn’t we I mean flutters here knows his past after looking into his eyes earlier and with that ability I bet she has gotten context behind it.” I sighed ‘these ponies are still children they have much to learn.’

“Dragonborn are very similar to dragons in the fact that once angered they are hard to calm down… very few humans could ever calm me down when I got angered enough to rampage.”

“So how close would you say he was too.” Rainbow dash didn’t finish the question.

“He is on the edge right now so from this point forward don’t ask any questions don’t bother him unless there is an emergency twilight knows what im talking about. Lastly just don’t try and piss him off he is currently seething at the moment let his rage cool before we get the end of this journey look the sun is up we must be past the ¾ point. Sure enough the darkness of night in few seconds was replaced with daylight it looked to be morning or late morning from the suns position.

We trudge forward until everything started getting even colder.

“The sun is out why is it getting colder?” Ed said offhandedly.

“Coming on alpha camp!” Jacob yelled ahead of us.

“Girls please don’t speak during this portion of the journey the dead are restless here.”

End chapter

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 The dead still speak

Pov none

No one said anything as the journey was coming to a close. Jacob and Ed walked over to a sign and marked it. The sign itself was completely covering in knife marks. The ponies said nothing as they saw out of the corners of their eye’s human shadows.

Azure put her fist up in a hold gesture stopping the group. Turning she looked grim.

“From this point forward, no one speak until we reach the end. The ghosts of the dead still roam here, and they are hostile to those who disturb their rest. Understood?” The ponies acknowledged as did ed and Jacob who slung the firearms behind them.

They continued on foot the snow having piled up in places making it hard to traverse. The shadows of the dead started showing up more frequently as they traveled, and the high walls of the valley made it almost dark again. Saying nothing ed, and jacob turned on headlamps and handed out flashlights to the group.


POV Twilight sparkle

Traveling along the valley and the experiences of what happened in the corridor had made me rethink what I believed about humans in turn this challenged my beliefs towards other sapient species. That being said the atmosphere around us was oppressive and the shadows they spoke of did nothing but watch us.

Crying noises*

I looked at my fellow ponies asking an inaudible question. It was confirmed by their faces that they heard it. I looked forward and to my shock the three humans were missing.

“Jacob.” I said timidly. All of a sudden, the time of day was dark and flood lights shown across the entire valley.

I watched in horror as humans and dragonkin alike started piling their dead onto wheeled carts. Their awful noise was drowned out by what I was looking at. Humans in different states all miserable. Children were huddled in front of tent as a teacher taught mathematics. Different groups of humans were coming and going back the way we came and the way we were headed. The sound of a whip crack pervaded my ears a flash of white and then we were back in the valley remnants of the camp were visible a tattered tent here a wheeled cart there.

‘Im going crazy’ I thought checking on the cart that was being loaded with bodies. Picking up the tarp I was shocked to find bodies stacked neatly in rows men women children lined up neatly in the bed of the cart. Looking as fresh as the day they died.

I fell off the cart startled, and something caught my winter jacket. A skeletal arm dangled off me. I yelped in alarm causing the girls to look at me in horror.

Nothing happened at first. Then the sounds of whispers filled the valley. The three humans came running back to us. Azure looked at me clearly nervous. “Who made a noise?” I raised my hand sheepishly.

“Stay with me the rest of you run. Don’t stop keep up with Jacob and ed. Don’t ask just to run!” Azure countered every argument, and the group took one last look at me and ran as if Tartarus itself was on them. They quickly left out of our sight.

“Twilight sparkle hold my hand no matter what happens don’t let go ok.” Azure said in a warm tone. I grabbed her hand walking with her ever so slowly. A group of shadows all armed up ahead blocked our path. I clung onto azures hand like my life depended on it. Then azure started singing in a low hum as we approached the soldiers parted for us.

The low hum was calming and yet held a tint of sorrow. The words spoken beautiful yet complex as I could not understand them at all.

As we passed the shadow guards azure continued her hymn the snow getting deeper. Each step was harder each step was a battle as the shadows were held back by the hymn of the dragonkin. I felt my coat start to get stupid cold from the snow and my breath starting to freeze. Yet I held on to azures hand and she pulled me along I was safe with her. After a while of deep snow, it shallowed. The hymn azure hummed now sung ever so silently ringing throughout the valley.

She suddenly pulled me to the edge of the valley quickly and without warning squeezing me up against the valley wall just as dozens of the wheeled carts came barging through at an alarming speed. After a bit the phantom carts disappeared into the valley.

“The dead in this valley have grudge against you the reason I'm having you hold onto me is because im the only person now preventing them from enacting vengeance on you.” Azure looked at me. “So, twilight do you believe in ghosts?” The time of day changed, and the floodlights lit up the whole valley. And now I was looking up at a now extremely powerful dragonkin. Magic very old magic poured out of her.

I looked at her in awe of her magic. In this place it was like I could see her for what she truly was an ancient and powerful being on par if not stronger then celestia herself. She looked back and smiled.

“Oh, little filly compared to Celestia and Luna I'm an equal but even still I will not harm you or your kin here or anywhere so long as you don’t mean ill will towards humans or my kin.” Azuregus spoke soothingly.

I Looked around me and skeletons armed with tools and weapons looked at us from behind and around us. “Come hither twilight sparkle they will not harm you so long as I am here.” The dead watched through their soulless eye sockets watching our every move.

We walked through the corridor as the skeletons disappeared and reappeared in different intervals along the route. All the while I hung onto azure. We continued as the dead watched me, I could feel the amount of hatred directed towards me. Then like a light switch turning on I felt the magic of equestria growing stronger with every step we took.

As if the someone snapped their hooves the sun shone brightly on us, and the dull depressing atmosphere disappeared. “Welcome back to the land of light and the living twilight sparkle.” I looked at azure the blue scales that adorned her skin shone brilliantly. “Questions for another time young one that part of the corridor is a particularly nasty part of ours and human history. The dead however may now find their rest and the world is about to be changed. For the better I don’t know but we can only hope.” I was about to ask a question anyways when the two scouts and the rest of my friends ran up, they looked troubled.


POV none

“We got trouble ma’am.” Ed said


“A unit of griffon guards, ponies, and bears have set up watch we can’t get through without tipping them off.” Jacob said.

“I'll take care of it scout your task is done head back through the corridor we can handle this here.” Ed looked ready to argue but a hand on his shoulder from Jacob and he nodded and ran back taking the short trek back through the corridor.

“Well ma’am any suggestions?” Jacob asked.

“This will be complicated but luckily we thought about this twilight sparkle with me the rest of you sit here and “don’t” cause any trouble.” The five ponies were about the protest until twilight gave them a stern look and a quick shake of her head. Jacob sat down and started twirling a karambit.

“So where exactly are we going?” Twilight asked Azure.

“To pick up some artifacts.” With that they moved back to the cliffs.