Humanity's Avenger (With friends!)

by ArmorKamen85

First published

Moving into a new home, a shining light and ponies?! These were the things that changed my life forever

My name Yukasuna Agimoto. I was a normal eighteen year old who was moving into a new home with my parents, however on the day we had arrived the ponies appeared with goal of wiping out humanity and turning them into their kind. I was the only one who was unaffected as I woke up to see his planet being fused with Equestria. Now wielding strong unknown powers I plan to take back the planet that the Ponies had taken from me. However I am joined by a Pony, a Dragon, a Griffon, a Changeling, a Yak and a Hipogriff. Yup pretty crazy.

The day everything changes

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"I'm so glad I got that job promotion!" My Dad happily said while driving the car.

"Me two honey." My Mom said. "I can't wait to move into our new home."

"Are you excited Yukasuna?" My Dad asked happily.

"Yeah, I'm soo excited." I replied sarcasticly.

Allow me to help you understand on what is happening right now. My name is Yukasuna Agimoto. I'm just your average seventeen year old boy. I'm with my Dad Charles Agimoto and my Mom Margent Agimoto. You may be wondering what is going on, well yesterday my Dad got a job promotion from his company to which I was happy for, however he then told me that we would be moving as well. I couldn't believe that my parents just told me we'd be moving out of the blue, but I decided to not pull out negatives so that I wouldn't hurt their feelings.

"We're here!" My Dad declared as I turned to look at the building that we would be moving into.

I looked to my right to see the building. At the bottom was a pet shop of some sort as I had a deadpan look on my face.

"We're moving into a Pet Shop?" I asked with the deadpan tone.

"Just get out of the car." My Dad muttered as I shrugged and obeyed as I got out of the car and looked around the street that the building was in.

And I had to admit it that this secret looked pretty good. I kinda seemed to be the perfect place to live at.

"Aw, look at you!" My Dad's voice was heard as I turned to see him and my Mom looking at the animals. "You're such a cutie-wootie! Yes you are! Oh yes you are!" He gasped. "Just look at you!" Then he started making monkey noises, complete with movement.

"Charles, seriously stop it. People are staring. In fact, they're all recording this." My Mom said trying to stop my Dad from embarassing us but he really didn't give a damn and kept right on doing it.

"Oh Dad..." I said as I facepalmed myself in embarassment. I love my Dad but he does tend to get a little out of control with his antics.

Not wanting to have me and my Mom embarassed more I helped her shove my Dad into the building while I heard laugher from outside.

"Great, now its gonna be all over the internet." I muttered before closing the door.
Right now I was currently in my new room as I was unpacking my things and sorting them out as I put them in places that I felt where suitable for them.

After about an hour of unpacking and sorting things out I was finished as I sighed in relief and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

I then walked out of my new room and entered the living room to see my Parents still taking out stuff from the boxes as they stop to see me.

"Oh hey sport." My Dad said. "You're finished already?"

"Yuo." I simiply replied. "I didn't really have that much stuff."

"Well how about you go outside and explore the place?" My Mom said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean I can stay and help you with the rest of the unpacking."

"Don't worry about us sport." My Dad said before ruffling my hair. "You just go out and have some fun."

"Ok ok!" I said with a chuckle before walking out side the apartment.

I then walked down the stairs before exiting the building as I sighed and began to breath in the air.

"Well." I said. "Let's do it."

I then began to walk off into the city as I did a lot of things while I was there. I checked my places like malls, restaurants and parks as I even took pictures of myself in those very places.

"Man, I sure had fun." I said to myself before I started to check the time as my eyes widen. "4:30 PM already? I was having so much fun I lost track of time! I guess I better head home before I worry my parents."

However as soon as I said that and began to head off back home I heard rumbling. I then looked up at the sky to see that the clouds had darken and covered up the sky.

"Um, is that thunder?" I asked myself feeling confused and a little anxious.

Suddenly a light appeared that landed in a town hall as thunder sounds were heard as it decended causing most people to back away in fear while some including myself starred in shock of what we were seeing.

Soon the light began to die down, but it seemed that if left something behind. As the light cleared there were...Ponies?!

No I am not joking! I am literally seeing ponies right before me and pretty much everyone else who was there saw it as well! Though they looked very different from the ones that you would know. How? Well that appeared to be colorful looking and also seemed to have some sort of tattoo on their flank. They looked like ponies that you would see on a kids' TV show. But they appeared to have golden armor on them.

However my attention was brought up to two ponies that were much taller than the ones that were with them. The first who was the tallest had white fur with a rainbow coloured mane and tail as she had magenta eyes and wore a golden tiara on her head. She also appeared to have a tattoo of the sun on her flank. The other was a bit shorter as she had dark blue fur, a night colored mane and tail as she had cyan eyes and a black tiara. I also saw that she had a tattoo of a cresent moon on her flank. But what I was really confused seeing that the two said ponies had a unicorn horn and pegasus wings. What are they, Pegicorns?!

However my thoughts were cut off as after a moment of silence, they spoke.

"Humans of Earth!" The White one said in a loud powerful voice which would've made someone gone deaf if they weren't prepared for it. "I am Princess Celestia of Equestria! Next to me by my side is my sister Princess Luna. We are here to being peace and harmony to this world! However in order to do so you must be converted into our kind!"

"Converted?!" I thought. What the hell is she talking about?! However my thoughts were cut off as a light began to spread across the city and everything went black...............................................
I then started to regain consciousness as I felt a throbbing pain in my head as I groaned at the pain.

"W-What...happened...?" I muttered as I began to adjust my vision but as soon as I did, my eyes widen in horror.

The city appeared to be destroyed as there was a lot of damage caused around the place. I then got up and began to walk around to see if anyone was alive or needed help.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" I called out. But there was no response which got me annoyed. But then suddenly I felt a prescene behind me which made me gulp. I then turned backwards in fear to see Celestia and Luna who glared at me with with anger and a hint of confusion.

"Who are you?" Celestia asked me.

'Oh crap oh crap!' I thought. I was in dead meat! But I then began to calm myself down and turned to face them.

"Agimoto." I said. "Yukasuna Agimoto."

"Tell us Yukasuna, how are you still human?" Luna asked which got me confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked back. "I just woke up and found this place was destroyed."

"You see, we used a transfiguration spell to turn every human on Earth into Ponies." Celestia replied which got me to hit realisation.

'They are xenocidal!' I thought. These crazy ponies wanted to kill off mankind and turn them into their subjects!

"Even so, what does it have to do with me?" I asked.

"You must be converted into a pony in order to save your life." Luna replied.

"No." I said which shocked the two princesses.

"No? What do you mean no?" Luna asked. "Do you want to throw away your life?"

"Its my life, not yours!" I said. "You can't just take it away and make me your slave! I'm outta here!"

I then tried to walk away only to dodge something as I turned back to see the two sisters who gave me a stern glare.

“I am sorry you look at it like that, but I cannot allow you to throw your life away so carelessly.” Celestia said.

The two then began to hold me with some unknown force as I screamed in pain as I tried to escape but the force was too strong for me to break out.

"Let me go!" I yelled still trying to break despite I was at a disadvantage.

“This will all be over soon. You will see that you will be a lot happier after you are cured of yourself." Celestia said. She had the tone of a mother trying to calm down her child.

But no, I won't let them do this to me! I won't! I don't want my life to end like this! Not now!
As Celestia and Luna tried to convert the human into a pony something unexpected happened. Yukasuna began to glow blue, then green and then yellow as the sudden shift kept on going as the light began to glow brighter.

"Sister! What is happening?!" Luna asked. She felt that her strength was fading away.

"I'm not sure!" Celestia replied. She felt that her strength to was fading.

Yukasuna then began to yell louder as the lights around him began to glow brighter and brighter until there was an explosion which sends Celestia and Luna back.

The two then got up and saw that Yukasuna was no longer were he once was.

This was not how it was supposed to go! Not at all! The sisters had tried to help the human! But he rejected the idea of becoming a pony which ended up getting himself killed.

Celestia had tried to locate him again, but the aura the human had given off had vanished, which could only mean he was dead.

"Sister, we should go now." Luna said. 'We have to get ready to prepare our future subjects."

Celestia nodded as she saw her sister flew off before looking back at where Yukasuna was once was.

"Goodbye Yukasuna, may you rest in peace… and never set foot in this world ever again.”

Celestia then flew off after her sister to go arrange things for her future subjects.

However, this was just the beginning.

A new world

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(Yukasuna's POV)

After what felt like a eternity, I began to wake up as I groaned, feeling as if I was hit by a truck. What just happened?

I then remembered what exactly happened. Those fucking horses shot at me with some sort of...I don't know what to call it, but I'm glad that I was alive.

But where exactly was I?

I looked around my surroundings to find myself in a forest. If I remember correctly, I would be sure to know that this forest was in a park in the city, me and my parents had moved to.

But, what happened to everyone?

I then remember that those princesses said they converted humans into ponies. I know that may sound impossible, but after what I've seen, it may be possible.

I looked around and scanned the area I was in before running out to check out where I was.

When I got out of the forest, what I saw, shocked me to my very core.

Right in front of me, where ponies. Many ponies in all sorts of colours as if this was a cartoon or something. I also noticed that they had some sort of tattoo on their flanks.

But what shocked me more was that the city I was once in also looked more cartoony.

I soon realized what exactly happened. So this is what those princesses meant. Not only did they turn the people into ponies, they also changed the entire world to however they want.


How come I wasn't affected? It didn't make any sense...

My thoughts were soon cut off after I heard a voice spoke up.

"Hello there young man."

I turned to where the source of the voice came from as I saw a brown pony with green eyes and a black mane and tail as he had what appeared to be a tattoo of a computer.

I let out a girlish scream as I entered a battle stance, ready to deal with this pony. "Stay back!"

The pony didn't seemed phased as he had a creepy yet comforting smile on his face. "Are you ok?"

I was a bit taken aback by this. The ponies I met earlier tried to convert me afterall. Could it be that maybe this pony was once a human, or not all ponies are bad.

For the meantime, I had to be cautious and try to not make a scene due to the fact I didn't want to attract unwanted attention. So I decided to calm myself and talk to the pony.

"Oh hello." I said, managing to muster enough courage to talk to the pony. "I'm Yukasuna Agimoto, who might you be?"

"Oh hi Yukasuna Agimoto, I'm Trip Typer." The pony said back.

Woah, and I thought I had a bad name. I swear to God, I would be hearing bad names, I swear.

I shook my head. "Just call me Yukasuna. So, can you tell me where I am?"

"Oh you're in Clop City." Trip Typer responded.

I raised an eyebrow? Clop as in how horses move? Why do I get the feeling I would be hearing a lot of horse puns? Well I guess this is my life now.

"Thank you for telling me, I'll be on my way."

I soon went off before the pony could say another world. I felt too unnerved to continue a conversation with the pony.

I felt surprised to see that despite me being the only the human here, the ponies didn't seem to react and felt that I just another citizen in the city.

I figured because maybe these ponies were once human, they weren't really aggressive. But I fear of what the actual ponies would do if they saw me.

As I kept on walking, I soon noticed a building nearby. It was the pet shop I moved into. My parents...are they ok? Have they also become ponies?!

I soon headed into the apartment and ran up the stairs to head to the room that I originaly was in. After a while, I arrived to the apartment I was originaly staying at. I soon knocked at the door.

"Coming." A familiar female voice answered.

The door opened to reveal a green mare who had a brown mane and tail. Her eyes were amber and she had a tattoo of a book.

I didn't need to be a genius to know who this was. It was my mother. I could tell it was her became the mare's mane was styled like her hair and that tattoo might represent by the fact she was a author of some books.

"Oh hello there." The mare who was formerly my mother said. "Who might you be?"

I don't know how and why, but I felt that my heart had broken into a million pieces. It honestly hurt me by the fact that my own mother didn't recognize her own son, it might be because I wasn't a pony.

"Honey, who's there?" Called out a male voice.

I looked on to see a blue stallion who had a blonde mane and tail with black eyes that had glasses on them and his tattoo was that of a pen.

It was my Dad, I could tell because my Dad wore glasses and the pen was to represent that he was a artist. I felt more hurt knowing that my own father doesn't recognize me.

"Oh, this might be our neighbour." The mare smiled looking at me. "I'm Heart Book. And this is my husband Scribble Jones."

If I didn't feel like crap, I would've been laughing my ass off, but I felt too destrought to do so.

"So what is your name?" Scribble asked.

"I-I'm...Yukasuna Agimoto, just call me Yukasuna." I managed to speak.

"Well nice to meet you Yukasuna." Heart said. "Please come in. We like meeting new neighbours."

Surprisingly, this managed to actually make me feel more comfortable as I walked in.

I looked around the apartment to see that it wasn't much different from how it was when I left it. I also noticed that there were two rooms. One was obviously was their's, but the other was originally my room. I figured it would be a guest bedroom.

"Do you like what you see?" Scribble asked.

I was taken aback hearing his voice. "Uh, yeah."

"Glad you like it dear." Heart smiled. "So what brings you to meet us?"

I sighed. "Well, I'm not really a neighbour to be honest, in fact, I don't even have a home...atleast...not anymore."

"Oh." Scribble seemed taken aback by what I said. "What happened?"

I looked away. "I...don't want to talk about it."

I soon felt a hoof on my hand as I looked at Heart who gave me an assuring smile.

"It's ok." She spoke softly. "You don't have to talk about it."

"Tell you what." Scribble said. "You can stay here as long as you want."

I was taken aback by that. Just how nice were these ponies?

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Scribble nodded. "Of course my boy. You look like you need help.

I couldn't help but smile a bit. They were just too nice for their own good.


It was now night as I looked to see how that the sun went down quicker than I normally saw. Something was very odd.

I was sitting on the couch with Scribble who was busy doing some art until Heart called us.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" I heard her call out.

Soon me and Scribble walked to the table to see a pie made by Heart as she gave us a happy smile.

"My apple pie and custard is made." She said. "Please sit down."

Me and Scribble sat at the table as Heart served us.

"Now eat up."

I saw Scribble eating as he didn't use a fork or spoon to eat. Not surprised since he only had hooves.

I took out a fork and took a bite before my eyes widen. It tasted, like the same pie my mother used to cook for the family. I always said it was a gift from God.

I soon ate it more feeling my emotions overflow my mind. I felt my hearing deafen on me as if I was seperated from the world.

My train of thoughtless was soon cut off as I heard a voice spoke up.

"Dear, are you ok?"

I looked up to see Heart and Scribble who looked at me confused and corncerned. I didn't know why until...


I soon felt my cheeks were wet as I touched them to find out...I was crying.

I realized how I felt. I felt scared, alone and most of all...devastated. I had lost everything. My home and my family. And I was forced to be alone.

I soon let my emotions out as I started to sob. Everything I knew is gone.

I soon felt hooves hug me as I looked up to see Heart who had a comforting smile.

"Its ok dear, let it all out." She said.

I soon continued to cry feeling the comfort of Heart hugging me.


I was now in the guest bedroom as I had a hard time trying to sleep since a lot had happened. First, multi-coloured ponies showed up, and now every human has been turned into a pony, well except me.

But why was that? Why wasn't I turned into a pony? Whatever the reason is, I knew I was in deep trouble.

Why? Because those Princesses tried to convert me, and now they think I'm dead or something. I couldn't stay here. I needed to get out of here.

I soon got out of bed before writing a note for Heart and Scribble to read. I hope they'll understand, its better for both of us.

I soon managed to climb down the apartment from a window and headed out into the night.

(Third Person POV)

Right now we can currently see Heart making breakfast before she headed to the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Yukasuna." She spoke. "Its time for breakfast."

But there was no response. She knocked again but still no response. Growing concerned, she opened the door but her eyes widen, seeing that Yukasuna was not in the room.

"Honey!" She called out. "Yukasuna is gone!"

Hearing his wife's scream, Scribble bolted into the room. "What do you mean?!"

"He's not here!"

Looking around, Scribble soon found a note. "Hold a sec."

"What?" Heart asked.

Scribble took the note and read it.

"Dear Scribble and Heart,

If you are reading this, then it means I'm already gone. So please, don't go looking for me, I feel like I don't belong here. Everything I knew is gone. Those Princesses took it all away from me and I have nothing left. Besides, if I stay with you, I'll bring you nothing but trouble. All I have to say is, thank you for atleast making me feel at home. You helped me feel at peace for a while, and I'll forever be grateful. I wish you both the best.

From, Yukasuna Agimoto."

Soon, Scribble and Heart felt tears rolling down their cheeks. Why? Why were they crying? It was as if someone they cared for, for so long, had run away to never be seen again.

(Yukasuna's POV)

It was now high noon as I continued my journey. I had to take a rest while I was going so that I could have enough energy to continue the journey.

But then I wondered, where the hell would I go? I'm pretty sure that every single part of the world has pony civilization.

However, I couldn't stay in one place due to the fact that I was human. I'm pretty sure the ponies would try to capture me and do awful experiments to me to find out I wasn't converted.

Yup, it seemed life was going to be horrible for me as far as I know.

However, my thoughts were cut off as I heard a scream.

"Please! Stop!"

I soon hid into the woods and saw four armoured ponies dragging a young green colt across the field as he struggled desparately, trying to get out of the grasp of his captives.

"No!" He yelled. "Let me go! Don't do this!"

"Silence!" A pony guard said giving the colt a stern look. "You know what happens when you defy the Princesses wishes!"

"But this is wrong!" The colt argued. "You can't turn these humans into us!"

I was taken aback. There were ponies who were against the conversion? I guess I'm now seeing what happens to ponies who don't obey.

But, a growl was heard as I looked up to see...a Timberwolf?!

And when I say Timberwolf, I mean an actually wolf made out of timber, and it was huge!

"Oh no!" A guard yelled.

"What now?!" Another asked.

"Leave the tratior and run!"

Soon they left the colt and ran for their lives. The colt tried to get up, but it seemed all of the struggling exhausted him.

I don't know what got over me, but I wasn't gonna let that thing kill that colt.

"Get away from him, you bastard!" I yelled.

The Timberwolf turned to face me as it growled.

Oh no, now what?

The Timberwolf lunged at me as I dodged the attack. I soon began to dodge the attacks that the Timberwolf did at me before I was knocked back into a tree.

"Ack!" I yelled in pain, as I somehow hit the tree so hard it broke.

I slowly lifted my head and saw the Timberwolf glaring towards me. Was this it? Was this how I was going to die?

But soon I felt a pain in my arm. It soon became more painful until...


A dagger soon came out of my arm and appeared in my hand.

"What the...?"

I had no time to think as I dodged an attack before getting up. I had a weapon, might aswell use it.

I dashed at the Timberwolf and struck it as it howled in pain before I jumped up to dodge the attack and stabbed its back with the dagger making it howl more in pain.

I then realised something, it had to have something that was holding it together, I then looked at the head.

"See you in hell you bastard!"

I stabbed the Timberwolf's head as it cracked before it crumbled to pieces as I jumped off it.

I sighed before looking at the colt who looked in shock of what I had done.

"Are you ok?"

The colt soon managed to snap out of a trance and nodded. "Uh yeah, thanks for saving me..."

I nodded back. "No problem. So, who are you?"

"I'm uh...Sandbar."

Sandbar? What kind of name is that? These ponies sure are weird.

I soon introduced myself. "I'm Yukasuna Agimoto."

"That's a weird name." Sandbar said confused.

"So is Sandbar."

We looked at each other for a bit and laughed. I guess we both agree on that.

Soon it stopped when Sandbar realised something. "Hold on, how are you still human?"

I shrugged. "I asked myself that a lot."


Me and Sandbar were now in a cave as we sat by a fire as we told each other our stories.

Sandbar told me that his kind, ponies, had three races. He was an Earth Pony, which was more similar to the ponies I'm familiar. The other two were mythological, they were Pegisi and Unicorns which were like the ones in my culture I heard in stories. An Alicorn is a pony that embodies all three races and are considered royalty, hence why Celestia and Luna are princesses.

Eventually, I told him my story, about how the ponies came, how the princesses tried to convert me and etc.

Sandbar was kinda surprised. "So they personally tried to convert you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, yet somehow, it didn't work. So, Sandbar?


"Why are your princesses trying to convert humans into ponies?"

Sandbar sighed. "Well, I heard from a rumor that Celestia found out about humans a year ago. She was at first, fasinated in them, but soon it became disgust when she saw how humans constantly fight."

I sighed, I wasn't going to deny that humans can be destructive due to opinions.

Sandbar continued. "So, she made her best scientists create something to save humans. And that was to turn them into ponies, but these ponies would be constantly happy and would only have a small intelligence."

I was shocked. This wasn't saving humans.

I then finally spoke up. "If she wanted to save humans, why didn't she just talk to them?"

Sandbar sighed. "That's what some of us asked, but she refused to listen. She believed it was the only way."

"Well..." I paused for a bit. "Is there a cure?"

Sandbar sadly shook his head. "No. The scientists made sure that the conversion is permament."

I sighed. Just great, I knew I shouldn't be too hopeful. But then I asked. "Why were you dragged outside?"

Sandbar flinched. "Since I was against the conversion, I was being taken to be reduced like those new ponies.

"So I guess you and I are outcasts now." I said.

Sandbar nodded. "So, what do we do now?"

I shrugged. "Not sure. I think we might need to get somewhere away from Pony kind. Do you have any ideas?"

Sandbar thought for a bit and smiled. "I think I may know somewhere."