Trust and Betrayal

by Lunafan1k

First published

A human inmate set for execution is accidentally sent to Equestria where he continues his rampage.

A human inmate set for execution is accidentally sent to Equestria, where he is befriended by Lyra. Tragedy ensues.

This is a rape fic. It's meant to be as tragic as can be. Includes very graphic gore in relation to rape that is purely made up. The electric chair details are from what I remember from the book "The Green Mile" by Stephen King.

This is a one shot. I have no idea where the idea to write this came from, I guess I haven't had my fill of tragedy in a while. I literally got the idea for this on the way to Walmart and worked out the details while buying my food.

Anyway, this was edited by me and took me about seven hours to write in one sitting. I'm serious, I am submitting this at 4AM on a work night. Any issues with grammar or character relations feel free to call me on it, but if you get pissed thinking I'm hating on Lyra, just know that Lyra is second best pony to Luna.

Also, this is my first time writing something of a sexual nature.

Image photo shopped by me to make it appropriate using MS Paint. I think it turned out well. Original is somewhere on rule 34 website.

That Fatefull Day

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“David Smith, you are convicted of the murder of twelve men, the rape and subsequent murder of fourteen women, and the rape and murder of five children. How do you plead?”

David, who was sitting upon a throne of wood and steel shackles, laughed manically, “I thought I already told all you fuckers, I enjoyed it all way too much to feel this so-called ‘guilt’!” He continued on with his demented laughter as the warden shook her head sadly. She gave her subordinates a slight nod, signaling to begin the final preparations.

Finally coming down from his adrenalin high, David took the last few moments of his life to cast his maniacal gaze towards the crowd of on looking spectators. Every one of them was an immediate family member of one of the many he killed, more than a couple had lost multiple family members due to his month-long spree. He looked into their eyes, committing every detail to memory as he savored this moment. Most were weeping tears of sorrow; others had tears of joy at being able to see his end, while a few just stared ahead blankly.

After a moment of pondering, the mad man finally saw what he was looking for. Every set of eyes, no matter how teary, bore a look of pure hatred for the man. David could only smile gleefully in reply, their pain made his heart soar and he felt free as a bird.

Suddenly his world went dark as a leather bag with a hole in the top was forced onto his bald head. Straining his ears he was able to detect the sound of water cascading back into a pail as someone removed a sponge from the water. A moment later he felt the icy chill of the water in the sponge make contact with his bare skin and trickle down his head and around his shoulders, chest, and back.

“Warden!” David heard someone yell as a slam reverberated through the room, apparently this voice entered in a hurry and had slammed the door open in his haste, much to David’s amusement. “Weather reports have just come in, we got a huge electrical storm forming right above us. The Captain said to not continue with the execution.”

‘Well this is a pleasant surprise.’ David thought to himself. ‘Looks like I get an extra few days to torment those fucks behind the glass.’

“And why exactly do I want to postpone the execution of one of the most sickening pieces of trash in existence?” The warden demanded of the new arrival.

“W-well, the Captain says that since we’re using an older model chair, we don’t have any surge protectors and the storm threatens to increase the voltage to above normal operation parameters.”

There was a moment of silence as the warden considered the young man’s words. David could hear only the sound of droplets of water tapping against the floor as they fell from various parts of his body, making small puddles beneath him.

“Tell the Captain I have considered his advice, and I have decided to not let this man live for another second because of some silly storm.” She turned to her men, “Continue with the preparations.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” They replied. David felt them place a large metal helmet on top of his head; a metal pole was protruding from the underside of the helm and pressing against the sponge tightly.

“David Smith, for crimes against humanity you are to be executed on the hour. I’m sure they have a special place in hell just for you. Have you any last words?” The warden asked patiently.

“Yes, actually.” He paused for dramatic affect. Was he going to apologize? Beg for forgiveness? Whatever the warden and various onlookers were expecting, it wasn’t what he said. “My only regret is that I stopped myself short, some of you out there look like a great lay!” and with that said he went into a final bout of maniacal laughter as the warden ordered for the switch to be thrown.

An intense pain rocked his body, the current of electricity violently forcing his muscles to contract. His lungs forced out all of their remaining air, yet all the time he remained laughing as his eyes rolled back into his skull. He was almost finished, he could feel it. He heard a loud crack, like the sound of a power transformer blowing. The Captain had been right, a power surge tore through the cables connected to the chair directly into David’s brain, causing him to explode in a burst of light.

As the light faded, the warden looked at the chair, and noticed all that remained in place of David was a small pile of ash. “Well.” She sighed, the Captain was not going to like this one bit. “Fuck.”

The light faded around David as he felt himself falling, followed shortly by him landing flat on his back. With a low groan he pushed himself up into a sitting position. His eyes stung and he rubbed them to alleviate some of the irritation. Pulling his hands away, he noticed they were blacked with ash. Upon further examination he noticed that his entire body was covered in ash and soot. His clothing seeming to have been burned away by whatever that light was, yet he was somehow unharmed. He tried to clean himself off, but that only accomplished smearing everything around.

He stopped as he heard a gasp from behind him. He turned to see who it could be, only to be greeted by an oddly pink miniature horse. He stared at it, noting its odd flower brand on its ass, while it stared back at him. Without warning the small horse let out a shriek and ran off down a road, screaming about monsters invading the town. In mere seconds what seemed to David like a small village was suddenly in an uproar. Small horses ran every which way in sheer panic. Then, just as quickly as it started, the streets were barren and devoid of life as each creature ducked into hiding.

‘Well, this must be the special place in hell just for me.’ He thought, considering the justification of being sent here in particular. ‘I did rape and murder a few little girls, I guess it’s fitting.’ He shakily stood up and began to limp down a random road. He passed two houses before he heard movement behind him. Mustering all the strength he could he whipped around to face a lime green horse with a green and white mane staring at him intently.

“The fuck you want?” David demanded of the creature. It flinched at both the tone and the expletive, yet it seemed to still want something.

It took a deep breath and gulped nervously, “Y-you’re a h-human, r-right?” It finally stuttered out.

David continued to glare at the strange thing before him. “Yeah? What of it?” At this the thing beamed a smile at him.

“Oh. My. GOSH! A real human! You have no idea what this means to me! Oh Bon-Bon is going to be so mad when I prove her wrong about your existence. Oh! You have to tell me everything you know about them! Please?!” She had pranced up to him and began to grovel at his feet as she begged to know more about his species.

As it did so, something stirred inside of David, something that seemed to have been hibernating the last few years he was in prison. It had been so long ago since he had last divulged in his lust, since he had let it control him completely. Not only that, but the only females he had seen during that time was the warden, and with the last of his life the families behind the glass. His desires and urges had returned with a vengeance, and he would sate that vengeance to his heart’s desire.

“Name’s David, do you have a name, little horse thing?” he asked.

“Oh sorry, my name is Lyra, and I’m a unicorn pony, not a small horse thing.” She replied.

“Oh, well then Lyra, is there a place I can wash up at? I plan of leaving the town, I don’t seem very welcome here.”

“Sorry about that, they generally don’t take well to new things. Anyway, if we keep going this way it will lead out of town and across a river. You can probably wash up there.” And with that they set off down the road. Lyra was unusually quiet, she had so many questions but the ones at the front of her mind seemed inappropriate to ask, yet she continued to stare at the human beside her, mainly at the middle section where the anatomy between human and pony didn’t seem right.

At the same time, David was eyeing Lyra all over, often returning to her flanks. If he watched closely he was just able to see his main target: a small vertical slit just beneath the tail. So what if this “pony” wasn’t a human? It’s been too long for him to care about details like that. But for now he needed to build up trust, and the way to do that was to get her talking.

“So… umm…” Lyra started, her face became flushed with her embarrassment.

“What?” David asked in not the most friendly manner.

“I-I’m sorry if this embarrasses you, but… don’t humans have a…” she trailed off, David raised an eyebrow as if to tell her to speak or shut up. “Don’t humans have a sheath?” she finally blurted.

“Sheath? Like for a knife?” he questioned. He may not know much, but weapons of his favorite past time he knew quite well.

“Um, no. I mean for your ah… penis.” She clarified, looking away forcibly. David looked down at his dick swaying back and forth between his legs as he walked. He was currently flaccid, yet it was still quite the site.

“What do you mean? Like a cover?” David was still confused. What did a sheath have to do with his manhood?

“W-well, like a stallion, the penis retracts inside his body and leaves a small sheath visible. You’re saying human penises don’t do that, and they just flop around everywhere?” David burst out in a hearty laughter while Lyra looked at him confused, soon joining in herself.

Once he managed to calm himself, David replied, “Oh I get what you’re saying now. And no, we can’t do that. Instead for the sake of decency we wear clothing.”

“What, all the time? Then where is yours?” Lyra asked skeptically.

“You get used to it at a young age, and mine got burned up as I came here. But tell me about you, how do um, mares, keep their pussies hidden? You told me about your species’ dicks, might as well finish the other half of the explanation.”

“Oh, um, of course. Well, for a mare we just, tuck in our tails a bit if we feel self-conscious. But generally it’s impolite to look under another pony’s tail… and, um, some other stuff and oh look we’re here already! Fancy that!” she said hurriedly as she rushed on ahead to the river in an effort to get out of the conversation.

David watched her go, eyes scanning her flanks as she ran, tail flowing straight out behind her, granting him a fleeting moment of clarity. He sighed as she got too far away for him to see clearly so he picked up the pace to catch up with her. She stopped next to the river bank and dove off to the side as she noticed David barreling towards her. He missed her by an inch and went flying into the river with a splash.

The water was freezing, but it was a good cold as David washed away the ash and soot covering his body. He took a moment longer than would be considered normal washing his groin, slowly curling his fingers around his soft member and tugging outward while staring intently at Lyra’s crotch. Her sitting position should have exposed herself to him but her fore hooves were blocking the view. Unfortunately she saw him trying to sneak a peek this time and promptly stood to hide her marehood effectively. With a sigh David pulled himself out of the river and made sure to stand directly in front of her, placing is member right in front of her nose.

“Ah! What do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled indignantly.

“Oh no, I’m sorry!” he said quickly, “people where I’m from consider standing that closely a sign of friendship and trust. I didn’t think it would mean anything bad here.”

She seemed to consider his words for a moment before speaking, “Well, I’ve never heard about that, but then again all anypony knows about humans is in old mare’s tales, so I guess I’ll let it slide this time. And don’t let me catch you looking again either or I will buck you so hard your great-grand foals will feel it.”

He chuckled a bit at the word “buck.” Replace a single letter and it changes the entire meaning. Soon, very soon, there will be “bucking.” He mused over the play on words as he eyed her over quickly once more. “Okay, I’m sorry. Anyway, I was hoping to camp in some woods for a few days, you wouldn’t happen to know a spot off the beaten path so I won’t be disturbed?”

She paused to eye him over again, his flaccid member twitched as her eyes settled on it. It was so different than a stallion that is made her slightly sick, add the fact that she didn’t prefer males sexually and it almost made her want to throw up. “Ugh, yea, follow me, I know a good spot.” She spun around and briskly trotted away towards a nearby wood, White Tail Wood.

She led the way entirely, and all along she could feel his eyes trying to see through her tail. She had it firmly pressed between her legs since she left the river. However, little did she know, this was just making David all the more thrilled in the hunt. Eventually the duo came to a stop in a small clearing.

David looked around a moment before asking, “I’m a noisy sleeper, do you think anyone will hear me if I snore too loud?”

“No I doubt it, we’re too far from Ponyville. I could probably scream and nopony would hear…” Lyra’s laughter died in her throat. She had meant it as a joke, but as soon as the words left her mouth she felt a chill run down her spine. It was true, nopony would hear her scream, no matter how loud she got.

“Hey, you alright?” David asked, reaching out with a hand and gently rubbing Lyra behind her ears. Her sense of dread and foreboding left as his magical fingers gave her ears a massage the likes of which she has never experienced.

“Oh, i-it’s nothing, I just…” she trailed off as she closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensation. What she didn’t know was that David began rubbing his dick, slowly working it to its full glory. Once he was ready he took the situation to the next step. He began working her entire body with both hands, essentially massaging her neck, shoulders, and back.

She moaned at the feeling, who knew fingers were this wonderful? She yelped in surprise as each hand grasped her flanks firmly. “What are you doing?” she asked sternly.

“Admiring your sweet ass.” He replied, squeezing her lyre cutie-marks for emphasis, followed by a slap to her flank. Her anger began to boil to the surface as he didn’t stop. Instead he quickly snuck a hand under her tail and felt him cares her for a second. He managed to part her lips but before he could go further she reared back and twisted out of his grip.

“The fuck do you think you’re doing?!” She yelled at him, her horn began to glow a light green, David’s body glowed as well, rendering him motionless. Like this she was able to see his fully erect member and the reality of the situation hit her like a brick wall.

“Oh, finally figured out my little plan I see. But this thing with your horn, it is rather troublesome. Would you mind letting me go?” David said with an evil grin.

“No! You want to have your way with me! I don’t believe this, I trusted you!” She now had tears welling up in her eyes, evidence of her hurt and betrayal. Unfortunately, magic requires a clear mind in order to be effective, and the moment her heart broke so too did her hold on David. He was over her in a flash and grabbed her by the neck.

“That horn is an obstacle, I hate obstacles.” He whispered into her ear as he tightened his grip on her throat. He stood to his full height with Lyra still clutched in his hands, in one fell motion he slammed her head first into the ground. The ground was soft enough to not crack her skull, but it still left her dazed and in pain. David stood over her menacingly as she rolled around on the ground.

He looked around for a moment before grabbing a large, solid stick. He returned to Lyra and placed a dirty foot on her throat and applied enough pressure to keep her head still, he wanted to hear her screams of agony, it made him so hard. She looked up at him with big, pleading eyes. He smiled wickedly at her once more as he swung the stick in a high arch. With a resounding crunch and a blood curdling scream, her horn had shattered into several pieces. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she promptly lost consciousness.

Pinkie had been speaking to Twilight in the town library when a mass panic sprung up in town, followed by an eerie silence. ‘Huh, Zecorea must have gotten a new cloak.’ She thought. She was about to voice her thought to Twilight, but she cut her off.

“Pinkie, I think Ponyville knows Zecora well enough to not panic over her change of wardrobe.”

“Wow Twilight, you’re good. How did you know what I was thinking?”

“It’s not hard, considering you think out loud for everypony to hear.”

“Oh yea!” Pinkie giggled before hopping out the front door of the library. “OH! I bet it’s a new pony in town and if it’s a new pony then they haven’t met anypony and if they-“

“Let me just stop you right there Pinkie.” Twilight said, she had shoved her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth and patiently waited for her to finish mumbling into her hoof. “Anyway, let’s go see what all the ruckus was-“

“Monster! Bald ape monster in town square!”

“… about.” Twilight finished as she used her magic to wrangle in a light pink mare with a daisy cutie-mark. “Daisy, did you start another town-wide panic over something minor again?”

“N-no! It’s real I swear! It stood on its back legs like this-” she reared up to demonstrate, flailing her forehooves in an attempt to remain balanced before falling back to all fours. “and it was NAKED!” she whispered in horror.

“Daisy, we’re all naked.” Twilight said flatly.

“No, I mean, his THING was out, flapping around in my face like he was… oh no…” she took a deep breath then tore off down the road she came from, screaming, “PERVERT MONSTER IN PONYVILLE! HIDE THE FOALS AND FILLYIES!!!”

“Oookayyy…. Well, I met my quota for strange and odd events for the day. What do you think Pinkie?” Twilight turned to face her pink friend only to be met with a rather serious expression on her face instead of her traditional smile. “Pinkie? Something wrong?”

“Yes, I think so. I have a headache and my gut is squirmy. This is a new combo, but I know it means something bad is happening or about to happen in White Tail Woods. We should get there as fast as we can.” She looked up toward the sky, “Dashie! Get down here we got a situation!”

A second later the rainbow pegusus made herself known as she alighted onto the ground in front of Pinkie. “You called?” she asked in a dramatic pose. “Oh, serious Pinkie. What happened?” Pinkie filled her in on what little details they had.

“Ok, Dash, go get the others and head to White Tail, Pinkie and I will go on ahead and see if we can’t figure this out.” Twilight said as she and Pinkie began galloping off towards the woods on the edge of town.

“On it!” Dash called out as she left in a blaze of rainbows.

“Oh, I hope nothing bad has happened yet.” Pinkie said as she led the way through the woods.

Lyra moaned as she began to gain consciousness. She was out for only a minute; the shattered stub of her horn was still bleeding steadily, the blood was running over her left eye, forcing her to keep it closed. Her head felt like she was suffering a thousand hangovers at once. She looked around in a daze before something grabbed her mane and began dragging her along the ground, increasing her migraine by tenfold.

She was tossed unceremoniously to her stomach, where she tried to stand and make an escape from her assailant. David saw her attempt and swiftly kicked her in the ribs, a large bruise in the shape of his foot quickly appeared as she fell back to her stomach. He walked back toward the large stick and grabbed the largest piece of her shattered horn. It was a few inches in length and a tad dull, but it will suit the purpose he had in mind.

When he returned to her, she had managed to crawl several feet away in a desperate attempt to escape. As punishment for trying to flee, he stabbed her between the shoulders with her own horn. It bit roughly into the flesh and ground painfully against the joints. Once she was reduced to a sobbing mess he turned his focus to his real prize. He lifted her tail, only for her to yank it back into position. This was repeated once more before his patience ran thin and he pulled on it, hard.

She cried out in pain once more as he began to saw at the base of her tail with the jagged part of her horn. After a few minutes of torture the last of the tail had been removed, leaving a bloody stump with the end of a bone sticking out. Here he was at last, his ultimate goal. Her screams in pain and agony had turned him on like none before her, and he was going to have his fill of her.

He lifted her rump up to his dick and thrust forward into her dry pussy. She cried in pain as he failed to penetrate. He gave a second, third, and fourth attempt. Not one to give up easily, he once again grabbed the bloodied unicorn horn and stabbed it between her folds. She screamed with all her might, the unwanted invasion of her most sacred of places violated her very being. She had little to no experience with being penetrated, opting to mainly scissor or be eaten out by Bon-Bon. This was an entirely new pain for her.

David thrust her horn in and out of her pussy roughly, causing her dry walls to rip and tear, the blood providing the desired lubricant. Once he was satisfied, he removed then rammed the horn into her tight puckered ass. Once more he thrust it in and out a few times before leaving it in as far as he could get it.

Once again he lifted her hips up to his throbbing member and this time hit his mark successfully. Lyra had been reduced to whimpered moans of pain as he pounded into her pussy relentlessly, the smooth friction between her blood-soaked walls and her anguished whimpers quickly set him off. He kept pumping as he came, being sure to spread his salty seed to as many of the rips and tears in her pussy as he could as a final parting gift.

Now finished and feeling high on the act he just committed, he moved in for the grand finale, he flipped her onto her back and began to squeeze her throat, much harder than he did before. He stopped her breathing and looked into her large, teary eyes. He enjoyed watching the life leave his victims, it seemed to really make his day all that more enjoyable.

“Hey Yo- oh my Celestia GET OFF OF HER!” David looked up in time to see a horrified pink pony and purple unicorn. The unicorn quickly cast a spell that sent him flying through the air. He landed awkwardly at the base of a tree, a loud snap signified a broken leg as he cried out in pain.

The pink pony was on him in a heartbeat, a crazed look in her eyes he knew only too well from his fellow inmates. It was that of a feral animal, when one is so out of touch with reality that they go completely feral and simply just act. And act she did.

She reared up and slammed her hooves onto his head, knocking him to the ground. As he tried to get back up she slammed her hooves onto his head again. And again. And again, repeatedly until there was nothing left of a face and parts of his brain were oozing from the gashes and breaks in his skull. She would have continued if not for a tan earth pony in a Stetson placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“Pinkie, you can stop now. He’s not going to hurt anypony anymore.”

“I-I… Applejack… He…” Pinkie broke down into hysterical sobs as she hugged Applejack tightly, the blood from her hooves stained Applejack’s coat and mane, but she didn’t care. Right now all that mattered was making sure Pinkie and Lyra were going to be okay.

Later that evening, everypony including Bon-Bon stood around a pair of beds. On the left was Pinkie, staring straight at the ceiling in a state of shock at what she had seen and what she had done in a blind rage. In the other was Lyra, she had lost consciousness on the way to the hospital had had yet to wake up.

Twilight had stayed behind and gathered the shards of Lyra’s horn. I would grow back eventually on its own, but it was generally better to try to put it back together and let it heal. She had found all but one piece in the clearing, the tip was missing. It wasn’t on the creature nor in the surrounding area. She had teleported to the hospital to report her findings as the doctors were scanning Lyra for injuries and abnormalities. The doctor paled as his scan reached her flank. He grabbed a forceps in his magic and slowly slid it into Lyra’s rear, then slowly slid them out, dragging the missing piece of horn with it.

The horn fragments gathered, the doctors went to work on stitching Lyra up as much as possible, and after seven hours in the ER she was before them in a bed of her own, covered in bandages and a horn-cast, with Bon-Bon crying softly at her side.

“Doc, is there any way to undo the trauma of either of them?” Twilight asked in vain hope.

“I’m sorry Twilight, The trauma is too much and the memories will flood back as though the pony is re-living the event. I will not put anyone through such a tragedy in that manner.”

Three weeks later

Pinkie was recovering, slowly but surely with the help of her friends. She had recently thrown her first party, not the best but it was a start. She was speaking to a counselor and psychiatrist three times a week to help her deal with this darker half of hers.

Meanwhile Lyra was to be released from the hospital shortly, her marefriend Bon-Bon had gotten nary a wink of sleep the past few weeks, spending every waking moment with Lyra. She was to start physical therapy in order to help rebuild the muscle tissue that was torn during her assault, and she had developed a phobia for anything not a female, instantly getting painful flashbacks of the horrific event in White Tail Woods.

Those woods were once a place of peace and tranquility, where young couples could go to be alone or for a group of friends to have a picnic. But now they serve only as a reminder of the most foul of crimes to have ever been committed.

The nurse came into her room and gave her permission to leave the hospital. She stood shakily, using Bon-Bon as a crutch. Twilight and her friends, including Pinkie, were kind enough to clear the way of any stallions so as not to inadvertently set Lyra off. It was a long trek through town to her home, but at long last she was home.

Bon-Bon led her upstairs to her room, where Lyra stopped in her doorway and looked around the room. Her eyes began to tear up as she beheld all of her human-related material. The books, pictures she had drawn, and other research data lay just as she had left it oh so long ago.

“Lyra, are you okay?” Bon-Bon asked hesitantly. Lyra didn’t respond. Instead she limped over to her writing desk and glared at the human research. With an anguished cry she swiped it all to the floor and began violently stomping on it as fresh tears fell from her eyes.

“Lyra! Lyra it’s okay! Lyra!” Bon-Bon called out as she held her broken marefriend in a tight embrace, rocking back and forth as they shed tears together. Nothing will ever be the same again.