Hot Tempers, Hotter Passions

by Jade Ring

First published

Grand Pear and Annie Smith Apple have always hated each other. With loathing that deep, is it possible that something else is boiling under the surface?

Grand Pear and Annie Smith Apple have always hated each other. With loathing that deep, is it possible that something else is boiling under the surface?


Originally written as a guest chapter for James Light's 'Clopshots (Season 7)', this has been revised and edited to stand as it's own story.

Please enjoy.

In the East Orchard...

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Annie Smith Apple glared over the fence at the object of her undisguised hatred. “What have I told you about spyin’ on Apple Family secrets in the dead of night?!”

Grand Pear snorted angrily from his side of the fence. “How dare you try to turn the tables on me? You were the one spying on us!”

“Oh, that makes a lot of sense.” Annie rolled her eyes. “Because our apples are in such dire need of help this season that I would resort to usin’ pear growin’ techniques. Is that right?”

“Makes about as much sense as me trying to find out which apple-growing techniques would best work on pear trees, doesn’t it?” The middle-aged stallion sneered.

The earth pony mare grit her teeth. That was a fair point, not that she’d ever give her most hated rival any indication that he’d gotten one over on her. “Well then, why are you here in the dead of night anyway? Scavengin’ fer nightcrawlers to sate a midnight cravin’?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Grand Pear put a hoof to his forehead in mock-distress. “I had no idea that I needed permission from the uptight bitch next door to take a stroll on my own damn property.”

“What did you call me?!” Annie pawed the ground, itching to charge at the stallion and tear him a new one. “Figures a Pear would be trash enough to use such language in front of a lady.”

“Oh no! Is there a lady around somewhere?” Grand Pear looked around. “I must apologize to her for using such coarse language. I’m sure she’d understand after I’ve told her that you have to talk low to low ponies.”

“Go buck yourself!” Annie screamed.

“Language, Miss Annie!” Grand Pear smirked. “You just told me yourself that there’s a lady hiding somewhere in your worm-infested groves. We wouldn’t want to offend her delicate sensibilities.” He chuckled as he turned to go.

The matriarch practically had steam blowing from her ears as she watched him start to walk away. “If that’s how you talk to mares, then it’s no wonder yer wife left you.” Annie called to his back.

Grand Pear froze and turned back, eyes blazing. “How dare you…?”

“Or was it somethin’ else?” Annie grinned fiercely as she exploited the chink she’d found in her rival farmer’s armor. “Maybe you were lackin’ in another department and she decided to trade up to somepony a little… bigger.”

“I am plenty big, thank you very much!” Grand Pear stomped back towards the fence, glaring daggers at the light green mare.

“Well even if that’s the case, and I doubt is, then that’s really only half the battle. Size ain’t nothin’ if you don’t know how to use it properly.” Annie pressed her advantage, pleased that she’d finally gotten under the stallion’s skin. “Two pump chump, are you? What a shame. That poor mare…”

“You seem awfully interested in the sex lives of others, Miss Annie.” Grand Pear lowered his head and snorted. “What’s the matter? Nopony around looking to plow that field of yours since your husband died?”

“As if that’s any of your business, you… you horse’s ass!” Annie hated the stutter, almost as much as she hated the blush that colored her face. She hoped to Celestia that he hadn’t seen it.

He had, of course. And now it was Grand Pear’s turn to press his own advantage. “Don’t misunderstand. You’re no prize. But how hard can it be to find at least one of your field hands desperate enough to give you a roll in the hay every now and then?” He chuckled deep in his throat. “You know what? You’d probably be less of a bitch if you let somepony put the straps to you every once and a while.”

“Oh yeah? Well maybe you wouldn’t be such a bastard if you stuck that brittle stick you call a dick into more than a larded up hole in one of your precious pear trees every now and then!”

Grand Pear planted his hooves on the fence’s top rail and hoisted himself up on two legs. “Just where do you get off saying that to me, you dried up, over-used…”

Annie mirrored him, pushing her face so close to his that she could bite him if she so wished. And she so wished. “And what are you gonna do about it, you limp-dicked, manure for brains…”


“Good fer nothin’….”



“Fuck you!”

“Fuck you!”

“No.” Grand Pear pushed his forehead against Annie’s leaned as hard as he could. “Fuck you!”

Annie pushed back, not giving him a single inch. “Fuck YOU!”

“FUUUUUUCK YOU!” Grand Pear roared as loudly as he could, flecks of spittle flying from his lips and into the mare’s face.

Silence descended on the grove, the only sound besides the ever-present cricket song the panting of the two middle-aged ponies as they stared daggers at one another. They could each smell the skin of their adversary, taste each exhaled breath of their eternal foe.

Annie swallowed hard and bit her lip. “Fuck me.”

Grand Pear’s lips smashed into hers so hard their teeth clacked.

Annie pulled back with nothing but reproach and disgust on her face. “Consarnit, I told you to fuck me, not to kiss me.” She licked her lips, gave it a second thought, and then returned the kiss with equal vigor.

The two enemies groped at each other over the fence, their caresses rough and unsentimental, less heavy petting and more borderline assaulting. The aged wood of the erected barrier began to creak under their weight as their bodies unconsciously tried to climb it at the same time in a desperate bid to get at the other. The whole section of the structure they were leaning against finally collapsed with a dry snap and the pair hit the grass like two writhing, moaning sacks of laundry. They rolled in the dewy grass, unmindful of the occasional rock or bit of broken fence.

Annie finally had enough waiting and pushed the stallion away. Before he could protest, she’d rolled onto her stomach and lifted her haunches in the air. “Come on then.” She commanded. “Get to it.”

Under normal circumstances, Grand Pear would have taken umbrage with an Apple telling a Pear to do anything, but he was just too horny to care at this point. He was hard enough that he imagined he could knock a hole in the fence behind him (if the fence hadn’t already been broken by this point.) He mounted her quickly and sank his full length into her, barely restraining a groan as he plunged into her warm wetness.

Annie smirked even as she gasped from the sensation of being filled. “How do ya like that Apple pussy, Grand Pear? Got anythin’ that nice over on yer farm?”

Grand Pear snorted as he adjusted his hooves on the ground for a better stance. “Honestly? I thought you’d be tighter. And you were already soaked when I’ve barely touched you. Maybe you have been getting more friendly with the farm hands than I initially believed.”

Annie looked back at him, familiar fire burning in her eyes. “What? Are you callin’ me a slut now?”

“Well, you do have about twenty-two inches of Pear cock inside you at the moment. Hard to argue with that evidence.”

Annie rolled her eyes and sniffed haughtily. Or as haughtily as she could, given her current position. “That sure don’t feel like something that big. I think you might be exaggerating just a tad.”

Grand Pear narrowed his eyes, withdrew slightly, and ran his cock home again just as hard as he could.

Annie let out a gasp in surprise and pleasure.

Grand Pear smirked. “And are you feeling it now?”

Annie turned away, cleared her throat, and rolled her hips. “Just shut up and rut me.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Grand Pear began fucking the mare beneath him in earnest.

Annie pawed at the grass as she pushed back against each of his thrusts. “Come on now, I know you can go harder than that. Don’t you hold back on me. I can take it.”

Grand Pear grit his teeth. If that was how this mare wanted it, then that’s how she was going to get it. He readjusted his grip on her hips and really started hammering her, the wet squelch of their joining and the smack of thigh flesh on thigh flesh folding naturally into the symphony of the night.

Annie groaned appreciatively, her tongue lolling from her mouth. “That’s it. I, AH, I knew you had i-it in you.”

“Celestia above, do you ever stop talking?” Grand Pear grunted, not stopping his thrusting even the slightest bit. “Maybe I should turn you around and put that mouth of yours to better use.”

“Ha! Like I would ever put a Pear in my mouth.” She laughed between moans.

Grand Pear grinned as he took in the vision of the firm, farm-mare ass in his grasp. “Keep it up, and you’ll get a Pear in your ass instead.”

“…don’t threaten me with a good time.”

Grand Pear moaned at the idea. “You really are filthy, aren’t you? Do you know what happens to filthy mares on my farm?”

“Wha-OW!” Annie cried out as Grand Pear’s hoof came crashing down on her flank. She glared back at him. “Did you just spank me?”

“Yes I did.” He made a show of once again raising his hoof in the air. “Got a problem with that?”

Annie tried to look stern for a moment, the effect utterly ruined by her flushed face bouncing around with every thrust of the stallion behind her.“…Do it again.”

Grand Pear again brought a hoof down on her flank with a loud SMACK. He grinned at her resulting cry and gave her a third for good measure. He saw her starting to open her mouth again and silenced her next comment with a fourth spank on her supple and muscled flesh. “I’m just going to have to rut you so senseless that you can’t harp at me anymore, aren’t I?” Her focused on her tail as it whipped about in frenzy, the blonde hairs tickling his chin as he fucked her.

“I’m hearin’ a whole lot of talk and not feelin’ a whole lot of coAHHHHN!” Her latest barb died as Grand Pear snatched her tail in his teeth and yanked his head back. At the same time, he doubled the speed and strength of his thrusts, his hard cock striking a spot inside her that hadn’t been touched in years. Annie’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she came, her muscles clenching around the totem of virility ravaging her.

She came… but he did not stop.

Their words died entirely as they rutted like wild animals in the dead of night. The air was filled by their grunts and moans, by the wet slap as their bodies collided, and by the almost lewd squelching of their coupling.

Annie made a sort of choked squeal as she came for the third or fourth time, her muscles burning and tingling from the sort of release she’d been denied since her husband’s death. “Are… are ya close?”

“Am I… finally tiring you out?” He grunted. But he knew the answer was yes from the feel of his swelling flare deep inside her molten pussy.

“Just… don’t cum inside me.”

Grand Pear didn’t stop his thrusting in the slightest. He could feel his orgasm approaching rapidly. “What… what makes you think I was going to? Like any Apple womb is worthy of my superior Pear seed.”

Annie groaned, either in frustration, exhaustion, or pleasure she did not know. “I f-f-fucking hate you.”

“I know you do. Now come here.” Grand Pear pulled out at the very last second and spun the surprised mare around in one quick movement. When she opened her mouth to question or complain, he simply pushed his length into it, grunting as he finally came.

Annie got over her surprise quickly and swallowed as much of the hot semen as she was able, only letting a few drops escape her lips and run down her sweat-soaked coat.

They fell on their sides, utterly spent. They lay that way for several minutes, just cooling in the night air and reflecting on what they’d just done.

“Well.” Annie said after a while when she could talk again, drawing a circle in the grass with her hoof. “That… that wasn’t bad.”

“No it wasn’t.” Grand Pear looked over at her, a genuine smile on his face. “But then I’ve always had a thing for green mares.”

Annie surprised herself by returning the smile. “I may not care for you, Grand Pear, but yer not a bad stallion.”

He reached out a hoof and touched it to hers. “And you’re not a bad mare, Annie Smith.” He sighed as he pulled his hoof back. “But nopony can ever know about this. And we can never do it again.”

Annie nodded, her smile fading. The moment had passed.

He spared a look back at the pile of broken wood. “And you’ll have to pay for my busted fence, of course.”

Annie’s jaw dropped. She forced herself up on unsteady hooves and advanced on her greatest enemy. “Now listen here, you dimwitted oaf; I will not just sit here and…!”


Safe in their hiding spot a few yards away, Bright Mac and Pear Butter watched as their parents again began to argue.

“Well… this was not what I expected to see when I asked you to sneak out tonight.” Bright Mac deadpanned.

“Eeyup.” Was all Pear Butter could say as she nodded.

They watched as the argument between the two over whose side of the fence was actually broken continued to escalate to the point that the two were again in each other’s faces. Within minutes, the two bitter enemies were once again locked in a passionate embrace.

“And there they go again. Gosh, they could be out here for hours at this rate.” Bright Mac shook his head.

An idea suddenly came to Pear Butter. She smirked up at her special somepony. “You still wanna go make out in the east orchard? Or would you rather stay here and watch our parents hate-fuck?”

“Buttercup, I would rather drown in a septic tank than continue watchin’ my mama get railed by your daddy.”

“I mean… there’s always a third option.”

He looked down at her. “Which is?”

“Well…” She started away from him, purposely letting her tail tickle his muzzle. “Seein’ as how they’re gonna be out here for a while yet, you could always give me a tour of your house.” She looked back with lidded eyes. “Startin’ with your room, maybe?”

Bright Mac grinned. “Race you.”

As the two young ponies ran towards the farmhouse, giggling with the carefree nature of youth and freedom, their forebears continued their dance of loving and loathing beneath the moon and stars.

For everypony involved, it was sure to be a long night.