Having a Wrestling Match with Another Princess

by Roboman3000

First published

The young Rookie is back to wrestle again but this time with Princess Luna and her Butt.

Tonight's match is kind of a rematch for Anon as he is taking on Princess Luna and unlike her sister Celestia, Luna won't show any mercy. Can Anon this time overcome the odds or will he end up under Luna's end?

A merciless match

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An arena exploded in cheer as the crowd get ready to rumble."Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to 'Equestria World Wrestling', This is where anthro pony and human battle out for the championship!" The crowd cheer grows louder and louder

"Tonight for our main event, Is the newbie who makes a number of wins and still recovers from his fight against the champion, he goes be Anon. His opponent is the princess of the black, the nightmare, and the sister of Celestia, Luna. Can Anon learn from his past battle and come atop or will he suffer the same fate that he did with her sister?

Going Backstage to see Luna on a bench, lifting a dumbbell. Luna look to be a dark coat anthro pony with a blue mare that looks like the night sky. Her wrestler outfit was similar to Celestia but with everything being black, She also had a towel on her shoulder. A pony came into the room and spot Luna. "Hello Princess Luna, I'm a reporter from Ponyville News, and we want to know your thought on your upcoming match with Anon?" She then put her tape recorder in front of Luna.

Luna drop her dumbbell and had a sinister smirk on her face. "Seriously, Are we talking about the same Anon who was beaten by our sister?"

"Yes actually, We like to know your thought on this upcoming match." The reporter reply.

"Ha, If that weaker couldn't hands my sister then there no chance he can take me." Luna answer.

"Really, because if I remember right he almost won against her, and since she the champion what that said for your chance?" The reporter shot back.

"Your Jokes stop being funny." Luna got up and spoke, "When this match is over Anon will be beaten, humiliated, and seeing this." She turns around and slaps her butt. She then left the room leaving The reporter

We are back on Equestria World Wrestling and right now the match of Luna the princess of the nightmare against the super rookie, Anon begins.

Now moving to our broadcastings Spike Drake and Discord.

Spike: Hello wrestling fans. I'm your commentator, Spike Drake and with me, my partner the draconequus himself Discord.

Discord: Yes hello my little pony. I know I'm amazing but let face it you are all here to see the fights.

Spike: That right and we have an exciting match. Anon vs. Luna start now!"

Anon Theme plays to welcome him, He comes out throwing his fists in the air with a smile. As he walks down the ramp he stops to hug a little girl and high five a guy from the crowd. He climbs up the turnbuckle to enters the ring, as he got in the crowd cheer for him.

Discord: Wow I'm shocked that Anon has the guts to show his face after his humiliating loss against Celestia(He Laugh).

Spike: Come on Discord, You're still being mean to Anon.

Discord: Oh come on. He thought he could come in and challenge the champion but no he got put in his place but he has the nerve to come back and he can beat the second best.

Spike: I wouldn't call Luna second best if I was you unless you want to get beat up.

Discord: I just call them as I see them and speak of the devil here she comes.

A dark and haunted music play as Luna walk to the ring. She just like her sister was wearing a crown and a black royal cape, unlike Anon and Celestia she wasn't walking with joy or grace but with pure menacing in her eyes. The crowd's reaction to her was a mixed fear or dislike, Luna shot back with a glare at the crowd making them hate her even more. She finally got to the ring and use the ropes to enter, went she got in she raise her hand toward Anon and give him the thump down.

Discord: Oh yes, The Dark Edge princess herself, LuLu. And like always she acting mad as hell.

Spike: Well, It just Luna's own way of intimidated her opponent.

Discord: Or she just is about she knows her big sister will always be better than her.

Luna glares back at Discord for his comment and then grabs a microphone to talk. "Listen up Anon, you may think you're so great but you are nothing. When this is all over, you will on the ground in tears with me sitting on you!" She then drop the microphone and went to her pose.

Spike: Well Discord, look like your comment really got Luna fire up.

Discord: Hey, at least the match is going to be fun. Now let's see who will win or lose this? Mostly lose."

Anon move to his corner and made his pose. The bell finally rings, Anon rushes toward Luna and starts hitting her with rapid punching. Anon's attack forces Luna to a nearby corner when he finishes by punching Luna in the gut.

Spike: Anon is already off to a great start in this match.

Discord: Hey, for once I actually cheering for Anon to humiliate Luna.

Anon grab on to Luna' head and launch her toward the ring rope, She bounces off from them and Anon rush toward her. But then Luna raises her left arm and catches him in a Clothesline.

Anon hit the ground hard and Luna slam him with a Seated Senton, knock the wind out of him.

Spike: OW, that got to hurt. Anon was off to a great.

Discord: Ha Ha Ha! Oh, man Luna just reminds me why I love seeing Anon getting hurt. Ha Ha Ha!

Luna grab onto one of Anon's legs and held it for a pin.

"1..." "2..."

Anon manage to move his body on time to stop the pin. Luna who was still on top of Anon got back up only to slam herself down on his chest. She finally stop after doing it three more times and Anon was left groaning in pain. She turn Anon's body over then grabbed both of his legs and sat on his back putting him in a Boston crab. She kept squeezing on him tightly making him scream in pain, the referee kneeled down and asked him.

"Anon do you give up?"


Anon began crawling toward to ring ropes. Luna try to pulling hardest, as Anon was still screaming he grabs hold of the ropes to get a rope break. Luna let go of him and Anon was left rubbing his lower back and groaning in pain. Before Anon could get up Luna grab him by the hair and hit him with a hip attack on his face. That hip attack looks like it really hurt him.

Luna wraps her arms around Anon's head and ran to hit the mat giving him a bulldog. Luna set back up and look down at Anon with a menacing smirk. She then forced Anon to stand up again and Irish whip him towards the ropes, Anon bouncing back off the ropes then Luna shot her knee directly into Anon’s gut. Anon grunt in pain as he left limp on Luna's knee. When he finally got off he almost falls to the mat until Luna catch him under his arms, she then performs a Full Nelson on Anon. Luna increasing the pressure more and more making him shriek.

Spike: Wow, no wonder Luna is known for her brutality, she really isn't showing Anon any mercy.

Discord: Yeah, Lulu is being so hard on poor little Anon I almost feel sorry for him. Well, almost.

Luna kept the hold-up and Anon tries to shake his arms to break free to no luck. Luna finally releases Anon from Full Nelson causing him to fall to the mat.

Luna forces Anon up by pulling his tights and toss him toward the corner, Anon landed on the turnbuckle and Luna attacks him with a hip press. Luna kept using her hip to hit Anon's gut until he fall to the mid-turnbuckle then with a sinister grin on her face, Luna turn to perform the stink face on Anon.

Discord: Man this has to humiliating for Anon, getting stink face by both princesses but of cause, Anon's face already stink.(Covering his nose)

Luna removes her butt from Anon's face and he collapses to the mat. Luna look over her back then spotted some of Anon's saliva on her butt and she look mat. grab on to one of his legs then turn him on to his belly and use one of her free hands to put his ankle in a headlock then use her other hand to pull his foot, doing an Ankle Lock. Anon's scream was getting louder as Luna kept pushing her Ankle but luckily for Anon he was able to grab on to a rope to get a rope break.

Luna once again let go of Anon only to grab his hair to furiously rub Anon’s head against the rope, giving him a rope noogie. Luna then toss to the ring ropes, making him bounce it and Luna was ready to use a Clothesline but at the last second Anon get control then use a Spear on Luna. The force from that attack make her hit the ground hard and spit out saliva.

Spike: OH MY CELESTIA! Anon just spear Princess Luna!

Discord: Oh yes, now it's payback time. (Taking out one piece of popcorn and eating it)

Anon then hold Luna by her waist as he forces them both backup and then lifts him up and brings her down with a German Suplex, making her hit her head.

When Luna's legs collapse with the rest of her body, Anon wrap his legs around Luna' waist the grab her head in a sleeper hold with body scissors. Luna tries to get out of the hold but Anon was squeezing her tight. Luna's moanings wasn't as loud as Anon's but it was cleared that it was hurting her. The ref went over to Luna to ask her.

"Luna do you give up?"

"How dare you ask me that, No!"

Luna was able to break free but she was still atop of Anon.

Anon then grab onto Luna's neck and legs. He then uses his own Legs to pushes Luna's back high up in the air, doing a bow-and-arrow lock. As Anon held Luna up, her screams were getting louder. The ref asked Luna again.

"Luna, I can stop this match, do you give up?"

"I thought I told you, NO!"

Anon kept pulling Luna up until he let go and kick Luna down the mat. Both of them were out of breath but Anon was able to get up faster with Luna try to use the ring ropes to help her up. Anon uses both of his hands to grab onto the back of Luna's head then put his knees onto her breast and slam them both down, performing a Codebreaker.

Luna was lifeless on the mat and Anon got back up again. He then moves toward the corner and climbs up the turnbuckle. Luna was slowly getting back to her feet but by then Anon reach the top, she looked up in shock. Anon jump off the corner and then did a double kick on Luna's face. They both hit the ground but Anon was able to recover and slowly get back up. Luna on the other hand was almost lifeless on the mat. Anon grabs Luna's hair forcing her back up and then force her head between his legs. He wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her up making her hang upside down. Luna's legs trembled in midair before fall down to the mat making Luna hit her head hard, Anon just did a tombstone piledriver on Luna.

Luna's body collapses onto the mat and Anon covers her for the pin.

"1..." "2..." "3!!!"

The bell ring and the crowd cheer, "The winner of the match, Anon!"

Spike: Amazing! Anon got back into the game and won with a Tombstone Piledriver!

Discord: Well, seeing Lulu get destroy by someone she thought was weaker than her is enough fun for me, even if it was from Anon.

Anon stood up and raise his hands up in victory. Luna managed to sit up and look frustrated over her loss. Anon walks toward her and offers her his hand but Luna with her pride left smacks it away. Luna got back up and exit the ring.

Discord: Ha Ha! Man Lulu can be such a loser.

Spike: Well, still this was an incredible match, thank you all for coming to watch this. until next time, I'm Spike Drake and this is Discord. have a good night."