Spike's Smelly Morning

by Odlaw

First published

On a normal morning in Ponyville, Spike emerges from his bedroom to discover he's accidentally deposited a little something smelly in the back of his briefs. After being caught by his big purple alicorn sister, sexy shenanigans shortly ensue.

On a normal morning in Ponyville, Spike emerges from his bedroom to discover he's accidentally deposited a little something smelly in the back of his briefs. After being caught by his big purple alicorn sister, sexy shenanigans shortly ensue.

🚨Extreme Fetish Content Warning! 🚨
Do not read if any of the following elements disturb or offend you:
Softcore Scat, Watersports (Wetting), and (Slight Spoilers): Dom-Switch Roleplay

A Naughty Pair

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Spike let out a long yawn as he emerged sluggishly from his bedroom. Stretching his arms out from his sides, he groaned as he felt the muscles tense up. It was yet another quiet morning. Standing in the hallway, he pondered what he wanted to do today.

Absentmindedly registering a nagging itch from his backside, he casually reached his left hand around to scratch it. However, as his fingers gradually moved closer towards the crack of his butt, suddenly, the tip of his pinkie finger encountered something unexpected. Big, warm, and kinda squishy, the end of his digit found itself pressed into a substantial lump in the otherwise smooth fabric stretched across his ass cheeks.

Feeling around a bit more consciously, his hand eventually found itself cupping a prominent warm bulge sagging down just behind his thighs. Giving the lump a tentative squeeze, his still groggy brain suddenly realized what it was. The incredibly pungent odor reaching his nose around the same time confirmed his assumption. A deep blush quickly rose to his cheeks. He’d pooped his pants.

"Well, well, well... I see that somepony didn't go to the bathroom before bed like he was told to~." A sultry voice sang off to his right. "...again~."

Turning towards the sound of his older sister's voice, he found Twilight leaning against the doorframe of the room adjacent to his. The young alicorn was still wearing her bright yellow pajamas, presumably having only just woken up as well. Arms crossed beneath her huge breasts, the mare wore a shit-eating grin. She very was clearly eyeing the stained protrusion jutting out from the seat of his underwear. Spike's blush grew even brighter under Twilight's gaze, though he made no effort to hide the source of his shame.

"Y-yea..." He mumbled sheepishly in reply, an entirely different kind of bulge now slowly extending from his crotch.

Twilight's eyes briefly flicked to the phallic shadow within it and licked her lips. Pushing up from the doorframe, the mare approached the flustered eighteen-year-old drake, her curvy hips swaying hypnotically with each step as her breasts bounced and jiggled. The five or so plastic buttons straining to contain them looked like they could give way at any moment.

Upon reaching him, Twilight quickly slipped her left arm under Spike’s right, slowly tracing her fingertips down the lower half of his spine. She could feel something warm and hard pressing up against her thigh as she leaned in close to him. A shiver rolled across the dragon’s body as her long fingernails smoothly transitioned up onto his right ass cheek before finally finding what it was looking for.

"Oh, and it's such a big load too~." She gasped in mock surprise, gently squeezing the smelly bulge in his pants. "You naughty, naughty, boy~."

Spike moaned as Twilight's other hand meet the head of his cock through the front of his briefs. Her fingertips gently caressed the tip of his throbbing member, massaging its many sensitive nerves in all the right ways.

"All grown-up, and yet you still can't stop pooping your pants, hm?" She teased.

Spike gasped sharply as Twilight firmly gripped both bulges at the same time. The hand behind him then began to drift slowly upwards until eventually, the tips of her fingers slipped up under the waistband of his underwear. Pulling them back, Twilight gazed down over the shorter dragon’s shoulder to get a look inside. Her smirk widened as she saw the messy brown ball of poop responsible for the lump nestled snugly between the dragon's muddy ass cheeks.

"Such a big mess you've made~." She whispered sensually into his ear before abruptly yanking the waistband upwards.

Spike’s breath hitched as the mushy load squished and spread as she pulled on the back of his briefs. Seeping up through his crack and down behind his balls, it made his cock throb even harder against Twilight’s soft palm. Then suddenly, the dragon gasped as he registered a new prodding sensation from within his anus. A mere moment later, an intense cramp seized his bowels out of nowhere.

"T-twilight, I’m going to-!" He stammered out in alarm, hands clutching his stomach as he felt his anus rapidly widening to make room for a new addition to his load.

Twilight bit her bottom lip, rubbing Spike's throbbing member as he bent over, his face pressed into the top of her right breast. A tremendous jolt of pleasure shot up from her clit as she watched the new slender log of poop slither out from between his cheeks. Creamy and soft, it began to coil up over his previous deposits, emitting a constant wet crackle as tiny pockets of gas escaped around the log while it emerged.

The sight and sound of Spike having yet another accident were almost too heavenly for Twilight to handle as she could only imagine what he must be feeling right now. The immense relief as the weight slipped from his colon, the smooth and squishy texture of the log spreading his quivering asshole apart, and finally the radiant warmth of the resulting sticky mess that even now continued to caked the inside of his underwear.

"Oh, yes, Spike~! Shit yourself for your princess, you dirty boy~!" Twilight moaned lustfully into his ear, her breaths starting to become uneven as she lost herself in the moment, barely even noticing initially as the crotch of her own pants suddenly darkened.

Twilight's eyes shot wide open in surprise as she felt an incredible warmth starting to flood her panties. Several dark trails rushed down the inside of her thighs as urine pooled around her feet. At the same time, all the envied sensations she'd been imagining for Spike were also becoming a reality. Her grip tightened around Spike's shaft as she only now realized just how full to bursting her own bowels had been this whole time. In truth, he hadn't been the only one to sneakily skip her visit the bathroom last night, and now she was about to pay the price for doing so.

"S-spike, oh my g-gosh, I-i think I'm a-about to-!" She cried out, pupils shrinking to pinpricks and her pussy trembling as a truly massive turd shot through her asshole.

There was nothing Twilight could do but let out a loud moan as a massive tent formed in the seat of her pajamas, moaning even louder as she realized she was doing the very thing she'd teased Spike for mere moments ago. Her knees buckled as several thick logs quickly emerged through her repeatedly stretching anus, unleashing a tidal wave of pleasure with each one that passed.

Amidst her cries of pleasure, she barely even noticed as Spike's strong clawed hands suddenly seized her hips. Much like she had done to him, his fingers slowly slid back until he could feel the still-growing protrusion underneath his palms. Twilight's pussy was positively burning arousal as his other hand slide down in between her thighs, stroking her urine-soaked slit through her drenched pajamas.

"O-oh, Spike!" She gasped, squeezing his cock tightly as she felt the logs of shit coiling up against her plump ass cheeks and forming into a bulge far greater in size than Spike's. “I'm such a naughty princess!"

The two finally climaxed together as Twilight’s last log slipped free of her bowels, feeling hot spurts of cum shoot into the fabric beneath her palm. Her own pussy released a torrent of transparent fluid which only further soiled her already soaked front. The two remained locked together, eagerly inhaling each other’s filthy fumes as they rode out their orgasms until, finally, their lips met.

Tounges dancing together in each others’ mouths, it would be almost a full minute before they separated, leaving a string of saliva connecting their lips once they had. The two siblings stared longingly into each other's eyes as their heavy breathing gradually slowed.

“T-that... that was awesome.” Spike panted, feeling his cock give one last twitch slowly starting to soften.

“Y-yea, I c-can’t believe I just did that.” Twilight giggled tiredly, her authoritative attitude melting away.

“Huh? What do you mean? Didn’t you mean to shit and piss yourself?”

“Nope!” She replied with a grin. “I actually just had a for-real accident in my pants, like a really real one.”

Spike stood slack-jawed at the alicorn’s confession, his recovering cock giving a slight twitch.

“That... might be the hottest thing that you’ve ever said, Twily.”

Twilight giggled, throwing her arms around his neck as she pulled him close.

“Well, so much for this being the ‘my dashing little husband shit himself’ scenario I planned, hehe. Thanks for doing this, Spike. I know it’s usually me who’s doing the pants dumping, but I’m glad you were willing to indulge me this time~.”

“Heh, no problem, It’s only fair that you get to see me doing it for once. Seeing you shit and piss yourself again was just a bonus~.”

“Hm... we should probably go get cleaned up now though. There’s some important stuff I gotta do in town today.” She explained, their lips briefly meeting once more.

“Sure thing. Say, wanna share a shower? It’ll be faster that way~.” He offered, grinning not so innocently.

“Heh, sure thing, you messy boy~.” She giggled, delivering a playful smack to the dragon’s behind before she darted off into his room.

“Hey! No way you’re getting away with that!” He laughed, his certified spanking hand at the ready as he chased after the naughty princess. Licking his lips, he zoomed in on the bouncing brown bulge sagging down from her perfect messy butt.

‘Target acquired!’

