Futa Club!

by Jest

First published

Spike has been denied entry to every club in college. All save for the one with the rather risque history.

Spike has been denied entry to every club in college. All save for the one with the rather risque history.

This was a commission for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Kinks All characters 18+, futa on male, cum inflation, stomach bulge, stealth/public sex, double penetration, hentai referances, and probably more I'm forgetting.


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I hate my life. Spike thought to himself.

The dragon let out a long long sigh as he stared down on the school grounds below him. Though opulent, and surprisingly beautiful, it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before after living in Canterlot for so long. From the wide open circle near the campus entrance dominated by a leafy pink tree, to the large glass windows of the classrooms.

It was all so… boring to the young dragon.

Even from his vantage point on the second floor the young dragon couldn't help but feel drained by his immaculate surroundings. Tall ivory towers rose high into the sky on his right while before him stood a tall and surprisingly fancy metal fence that disconnected the school grounds from the street beyond. It was opulent in the extreme, and to a young dragon who had spent all of his short life in an orphanage, downright silly.

They had so much money yet they spent it on miles of glass, an endless sea of marble and immaculately manicured grounds. Every blade of grass was evenly cut, and every bush had been rounded to the point that they looked like green orbs. Yet they couldn't afford to just give him another set of school clothes after some bullies had destroyed his original ones.

Spike glanced at his reflection bitterly, his eyes immediately going to the weird red tie thing around his neck. The sight was a bitter one, made only even more unpleasant when his gaze inevitably went down to the soft navy blue skirt around his waist. Even the white unassuming blouse he was forced to wear made him angry, and the dragon was half tempted to shred the offending cloth.

Only to remember that this was apparently the only dragon shaped uniform they had left. Worse still, the dress code required that he wear it at all times, lest he face severe disciplinary action. Spike wasn't worried about detention, but he was a little concerned about what house mother Emerald Springs would say.

The dragon shuddered at the mere thought of what the shrill old mare might utter if he pissed her off by dropping out. If he blew his one chance at a college education the dragon doubted he would live to see next week, nevermind his nineteenth birthday. Making sure the unicorn didn't hear about his failing was impossible, adult or not she seemed to know everything about him.

And so with great reluctance the dragon let his hands fall to his sides, resisting the urge to destroy the girly uniform. Without anything to focus on, the young male felt his gaze drawn to his overall appearance, namely his slightly rounded hips. Which continued to exist despite Spike’s status as an adult, and his frequent attempts at working out.

Worse still, his wings had yet to grow in, leaving him as a stubby, slightly feminine dragon that was barely as tall as a Pony. His reflection was a sight which bothered the dragon immensely, though at least he pulled off the girl’s uniform relatively well. After giving his hips a quick sashay, the young male shook his head and gave his face a quick pair of sharp slaps.

“Cut it out Spike you’re a man for crying out loud!” He whispered to himself, only to frown. “A man with child bearing hips, plump full lips and ass that would make most mares envious.”

The dragon deflated, his shoulders slumping. “Ahh who am I kidding. I should probably just get breast implants and change my name to Barb or something stupid.”

After a moment to wallow in self pity, Spike gave his head a shake. “Right. Let's go find that weird club I need to be a part of unless I want to flunk out before the first semester is even over.”

Memories of the dragon getting rejected by a dozen different clubs immediately popped into the male’s head. The soccer club club said he was too slow, the basketball club because he was too short, and the volleyball club because he had a two inch vertical. The flight club and magic club were right out for obvious reasons, while a dozen others had used a whole bevy of excuses in order to not admit him.

Just thinking about it for too long made Spike depressed, and more than a little disheartened at his future prospects. After pulling himself up off the ground, Spike gave his head another shake, trying to dismiss his concerns once and for all. Though his worries lingered, the young dragon had managed to pluck up enough courage to trot further down the hall.

To where a rather unique club sat at the end of the wing, their door marked with a simple pink heart. The small peice of loose leaf had clearly been hanging there for a while given just how curled it had gotten. It was still more than enough to let Spike know he was in the right spot, as no other group used such a symbol.

No, that was reserved for the Love! Club, which reportedly only had a whopping four or so members.

Noone knew exactly what the clubs activities were, but if the rumours were true, then it was far more illicit in nature then most others. Spike had heard them all before of course, like how the members were all girls who had gained a certain extra appendage. Reasons for such an addition ranged from alchemical meddling in their family lineage to magical accident and freak mutations.

There were more outlandish rumours out there about the members of the club, but Spike dismissed them. Why would Celestia place her secret love child in some random, middle class university?

That was just silly in Spike’s opinion.

Officially the school marked the club as an activist group, but Spike hoped the rumours were true. After all, who wouldn't want to join a bunch of futa mares who reportedly spent all evening having wild sex in the east wing?

Not like Spike wanted that or anything, he was merely there to try and convince them to let him join. After all, a club that small was probably constantly under threat of having their room taken away by the student council. It was practically Spike’s civic duty to help boost their numbers in order to help them out while also ensuring he didn't flunk out.

He definitely wasn't intrigued by the possibility of meeting a real futa mare and thus getting the chance to act on a less than secret fantasy of his. He wasn't even interested in males so obviously he also wasn't attracted to enormous throbbing futa cocks. With all those self assurances firmly in mind, Spike was about to knock, only to realize he was sporting a half chub.

“Go down you damn thing,” he muttered to himself, straightening the small tent he made in his skirt.

For once he wasn't angry about being only a measly three inches long, as it sure made hiding his erection a little easier. After a moment to cool down, and for the blood to flow elsewhere, Spike took a deep breath. Raising a hand, the dragon knocked twice on the door before taking a small step back and trying to muster a half normal looking smile.

“Come on in!” shouted a feminine voice.

Spike shrugged, and turned the handle, stepping into the surprisingly large room complete with a blackboard as well as a small attached bathroom. A single enormous pane of glass overlooked the track as well as the rune circles used to train magic users. Inside the room there were a great many books stacked on a long shelf spanning almost the entire space.

There was also a table large enough to seat six and a desk just big enough for one mare as well as a dozen open books. A couple of games as well as a dart board rested on a shelf just above the folded up futon cushion that sat in a corner. It was also inhabited by two ponies who seemed to be in the middle of an extended study session.

The one who had claimed the desk was a petite unicorn with bright yellow fur, teal eyes, and a multi hued mane of red and orange. Her cutie mark was that of a stylized sun the same colors as her mane which was tied up into a tight bun atop her head. Upon entry, the surprisingly young looking mare gave Spike only a brief glance before getting back to whatever she was working on.

Unlike the tall, and quite lanky purple furred unicorn who sat alone at the desk. For when Spike walked in, she glanced in Spike’s direction, only to blink in surprise before hopping out of her seat and abandoning her novel. The unicorn’s bright magenta eyes flashed with excitement, and she bounded across the room, deep blue hair bouncing along with her.

Spike could just barely make out the starburst cutie mark on her flank before the towering unicorn stood over him.

Each of them had shed their uniforms which had been discarded on a nearby chair that sat near the entrance to the room.

“Woah you are tall,” Spike murmured.

“Thanks!” replied the pony. “I’m Twilight, and what's your name?”

“Don't bother telling her. You’re just here to try and sell us more of those awful magazine subscriptions,” remarked the other mare in a dry, bitter tone.

“At least let her do her little sales pitch,” retorted the taller pony.

“Okay first off. I’m not selling anything,” Spike exclaimed.

“That's a relief,” Twilight murmured. “Hopefully that means the business club has finally given up.”

“I doubt it,” muttered the other mare.

Spike cleared his throat. “And secondly, I’m a guy. Some bullies destroyed the other uniform and this was apparently the only dragon sized one they had left.”

That seemed to get the fiery maned pony’s attention, as she turned towards Spike and eyed him curiously. “You don't say. Then why are you here?”

“You didn't get lost did you?” Twilight questioned.

Spike blushed and shook his head. “No, I've been here long enough to know my way around. I’m actually here to join up possibly?”

Both mare’s eyes went wide, making Spike feel even more embarrassed and out of place.

“I need to join a club or else I won't have enough credits and everyone else said no so…” Spike trailed off.

“Oh this is wonderful!” Twilight exclaimed. “Sunset, Sunset, we finally have someone to fill the relief role left vacant since Braeburn graduated.”

“You should probably ask him about it first,” Sunset pointed out.

Twilight blinked. “Oh right.”

“What exactly are you talking about anyway?” Spike questioned.

“Well…” Twilight began. “Since you aren't a mare like us. That means your here to fill the relief position then.”

“Which is…” Spike pressed.

“Well we are all what you would call futanari,” Twilight explained in a hushed tone. “Mares like us tend to get aroused more frequently, and thus we require relief. Which is where you come in.”

Spike stood there quietly, his jaw hanging open.

“I told you that that was too much too soon,” Sunset remarked without looking up from her book.

“Oh no please tell me I didn't scare you off. You don't have to unless you really want to. It's just we’ve been so long without someone to fill that role,” Twilight hastily explained. “I wouldn't make you do anything you werent comfortable with.”

Spike awkwardly cleared his throat. “So if I were to join then I would have to be the club’s… relief?”

“If you want to join just to avoid getting kicked out then that's fine too,” Sunset stated, flipping a page. “I wouldn't want someone as cute as you to flunk because of that lame rule.”

Spike’s blushed profusely. “I suppose it wouldn't be that bad.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, the unicorn grabbing Spike’s hands in her hooves and staring intently at him with wide eyes.

How could he say no to such a hopeful expression? It would be like kicking a puppy. Spike thought to himself.

“Err yeah. Totally,” Spike replied.

Before he knew it Spike found himself hoisted into the air and spun around while Twilight hugged him tightly.

“Oh this is wonderful news!” exclaimed the pony. “You have no idea how happy I am.”

“I can imagine,” Spike muttered after he was dropped back to the ground, eyeballs still spinning in their sockets.

“Sorry about that. I’m glad you are interested though. There are so many nasty rumours about our club that I was scared you would leave,” Twilight exclaimed in a slightly somber tone.

Spike waved a hand dismissively. “Oh I don't listen to rumours. Too many lies out there.”

“Oh I like this one,” Sunset added while scribbling a note.

Spike raised an eyebrow. “So uh, what's with the studying? I thought we were weeks away from exams.”

“Sunset Shimmer is an honor roll student who graduated highschool a year early. She’s aiming to become the youngest court magician in history,” Twilight explained.

“And I have to hurry if I want to beat Starswirl who was accepted into the royal court at the age of twenty one,” Sunset Shimmer added.

“Which is why she spends so much of her time with her nose in her book and hasn't participated in many club activities,” Twilight exclaimed, placing extra emphasis on the last two words.

Was that a euphemism? Spike wondered. “So… how old are you anyway?”

“I’m twenty, and Sunset here just turned eighteen not long ago,” Twilight replied.

“July twenty second,” Sunset Shimmer stated.

“So do you guys have a lot of… club activities?” Spike inquired.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Of course. Though most of the time we just study together.”

“I think hes asking if we fuck a lot,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

Twilight coughed. “Oh um yes. Though most members aren't fans of being on the well… receiving end of things.”

“Other than Pinkie Pie,” Sunset Shimmer added.

“Other than her,” Twilight leaned in close. “And Sunset if she's had a long day and needs to unwind.”

“I heard that,” Sunset muttered gruffly, blushing all the while.

Spike chuckled. “I can see it.”

Sunset grumbled and hid her nose in her book.

Twilight smirked. “But you don't have to worry about that right now. Sunset and I were just planning on having a relaxing evening including some light studying and some reading before heading home for dinner.”

Spike nodded. “That doesn't sound too bad. I should have brought my calculus books. I need to brush up on my math.”

“Oh feel free to borrow from our little library,” Twilight offered, gesturing to the long shelf. “I’ve collected most textbooks you may need for the first year courses.”

Spike’s eyes went wide when he recognized a familiar blue tome. “Oh that's convenient, thanks.”

“Just a little club perk,” Twilight exclaimed, flashing the dragon a quick wink.

“Hey you wouldn't happen to be very good at-” Spike began only to be interrupted when the club door was thrown open.

Revealing a prismatic pegasus standing in the doorway, the pony already working her uniform up over her head. As soon as she was free from the cloth prison, she threw the slightly sweaty item of clothing against a wall and let out a deep sigh of contentment. She then ran a teal hoof through her rainbow colored mane, and twisted her hips, inadvertently revealing her rainbow lightning bolt cutie mark.

“I think I landed weird after that last trick. Does anyone know where Pinkie Pie is?” She asked, only for her eyes to widen the second she saw Spike. “Oh hey, you’re cute. When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago,” Spike replied, placing his hands on his hips. “And I’m a guy by the way.”

“Guy, girl, either way you’re cute,” replied the pegasus with a smirk.

Twilight chuckled. “This is Spike, our newest member and this overly forward individual is Rainbow Dash.”

“Captain of just about every sports team, and also the fastest pony in Canterlot university,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, striking a pose.

“Well it's nice to meet you,” Spike replied, extending a hand.

Rainbow Dash slapped her hoof into the dragon’s open palm and shook it. “Wow your scales are really soft.”

“Er thanks,” Spike murmured.

“So,” Twilight interrupted. “Why were you looking for Pinkie Pie?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck. “Oh I just did this like, super hard trick and got a little excited so ya know…”

“She wanted to fuck Pinkie Pie again,” Sunset Shimmer deadpanned.

“Yeah pretty much,” Rainbow Dash admitted with a shrug.

“I’m sorry to say that Pinkie Pie is busy with a party right now. She said to give you this note though,” Twilight remarked, using her magic to grab and pass a small pink slip of paper.

“Sorry I can't be there,” Rainbow Dash began. “But little Blue Skies really needs a super awesome birthday party right now. Why don't you ask the new guy to have a little fun? Love, Pinkie Pie.”

“Wait, did it really say that?” Spike asked, leaning in.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yup, right there.”

Spike blinked. “Huh. How did she know? I’ve only met Pinkie Pie once.”

“It is a mystery best not contemplated,” Twilight warned.

“The source of her anomalous abilities will be discovered… eventually,” Sunset Shimmer murmured.

“So, do you wanna?” Rainbow Dash asked, grabbing Spike by the shoulders.

“Wanna what?” Spike replied, glancing from Twilight to Rainbow Dash.

“Why fuck of course,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Hey Twi we still got the lube here right?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. It's right above the futon.”

“Awesome, so what do ya say dude? Wanna get a little dirty?” Rainbow Dash pressed, flashing the dragon a lewd smirk.

“Err I’ve never…” Spike gulped, and tapped his index fingers together.

“What was that? You trailed off at the end there,” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“Ive never had sex before,” Spike admitted, shoulders slumping. “Or even kissed anyone either.”

“Hot damn, now I have to fuck you!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Rainbow! Relax and let the poor little guy think,” Twilight admonished, gently removing the pegasus’ hoof from around Spike’s neck.

“I mean I’m not against it…” Spike whispered.

“I promise I’ll go slow at first,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Fat chance of that,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

“Quiet you! I can go slow,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, jabbing a hoof at the dragon. “So, what do you say?”

Spike gulped. “Okay.”


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“Oooh this is perfect!” Twilight exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash is the second smallest in the club so she will make for the perfect first partner for you.”

Rainbow Dash wilted, shoulders slumping. “Way to knock the wind out of me Twi.”

“Sorry,” Twilight muttered, wincing slightly.

Spike cleared his throat. “Well I think it's a good thing. I’ve never really done anything before so I don't even know if I could fit anything too big.”

“Jeese man. You’re really taking the old ego down a peg or two,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Don't feel bad. She needs to be knocked down every once and awhile,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

“Yeah yeah, now we doin this or what?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Oh um, yeah,” Spike murmured.

“Great!” Rainbow Dash declared.

The pegasus flew across the room and before Spike even had a chance to blink the futon was rolled out. The lube had been acquired, and the excited pegasus stood at the end of the bed, a triumphant smirk on her face.

“So I was thinking you could kneel down in front of me,” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Getting right into cock worship, that was quick,” Sunset remarked.

The pegasus sighed. “It's not like that. I just thought doggy would be the perfect starting position. It leaves some control in Spike’s hands while also just being easier for newbies.”

“That's very considerate,” Twilight stated.

“You say that like I’m not,” Rainbow Dash bitterly pointed out.

“You do have your moments,” Twilight murmured.

Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“All that aside, I had a proposition for you Spike,” Twilight opened.

Spike lifted an eyebrow. “Err what kind of proposition?”

“Would you mind if I had next as it were?” Twilight inquired, shifting from hoof to hoof. “I admit I’ve been rather quite aroused for a while and I am eager to have a turn with you.”

“Oh uh…” Spike gulped. “Yeah sure.”

“Oh thank you so much!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Great, now can we get going? I’m hard as a rock over here,” Rainbow Dash whined.

Spike nodded, and began to tug at his dress. “Just let me get this off and-”

“Actually could you leave it on?” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “It's really cute on you.”

Spike blushed even harder. “Oh um, okay. Just let me get rid of my underwear then.”

Rainbow Dash licked her lips, and even Twilight looked a little closer, curious as to what manner of frilly undergarments the dragon might be wearing. Both were surprised and disappointed when it was revealed that he had been wearing a pair of tighty whities. Though neither uttered a word, the frown they shared said it all.

As Spike nervously threw the peice of cloth aside, he couldn't help but shift uncomfortably. Though not as naked as the others, he felt as though he was revealing himself in a more intimate manner then even they were.

“W-what now?” He nervously asked.

“We go shopping for cute panties,” Twilight stated.

“Right now?” Spike replied in a shocked tone.

“Wait, you aren't opposed to it?” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Well not really. I just don't have any money…” Spike murmured.

“I’ll buy you your first pair, but we can do that later,” Twilight remarked.

Spike blinked. “Oh okay then. What should I do now?”

“Kneel down with your butt facing me,” Rainbow Dash instructed.

“Uh, okay,” Spike muttered to himself.

The drake quickly knelt down, and began to crawl into position atop the futon, his gaze drawn downward. Towards the prismatic pony’s crotch and the throbbing appendage he saw bobbing between her legs. It was a bit bigger than his but then again, that wasn't exactly saying very much. What was impressive though, was the mare’s girth which had to be at least three to four times his own.

It's thicker than even four of my fingers. Spike realized.

“Like what you see?” Rainbow Dash teased.

Spike blushed. “Its just the uh first one I’ve seen other then well… mine.”

“Well don't keep it waiting,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, giving her hips a little wiggle and making her penis bounce. “Because it can't wait to be inside of you.”

Spike gulped, and after giving the horsecock one final look, turned to face Twilight. Who also seemed a little flustered, the mare shifting her weight from one side to the other as she watched Spike closely. Glancing between the unicorn’s legs, Spike was surprised to find that there was nothing waiting for him but blank flesh.

She must be hiding it somehow. Spike thought.

An impatient cough made Spike remember what he was supposed to be doing. Namely, getting ready to be rutted by some horny futa mare who would no doubt fill him with cum. The thought was an exciting one, and Spike’s cock stood erect and at attention, dangling uselessly under him.

Spreading out slightly, the dragon tried to figure out how best to situate himself only to realize he wasn't really sure how to do that. In the end he spaced his arms and legs an equal distance apart from one another. He was about to ask if this was right, only to feel his skirt suddenly be lifted, revealing his ample bottom for all to see.

“Hot damn you got a nice ass,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“You can say that again. I can't wait for my turn with him,” Twilight added.

Spike looked down, his face glowing hotly as he silently reveled in the unusual compliments he was receiving. It may have been strange to receive kind words about those parts of him, but it also felt oddly fitting. He had a feminine body, so it was only natural that there would be people who would find him pretty, even though he always assumed no one would.

“Watch out. This is going to be kind of cold,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Wait wha- eep!” Spike shrieked, the sudden sensation of a cool liquid being dropped on his backside and almost making him jump.

“So cute,” Twilight remarked.

Spike stuttered for a second before looking back down, his face glowing hotly.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Now I gotta work this inside a bit but stick with me. I promise you’ll be enjoying yourself in no time.”

“O-okay,” Spike murmured.

Sure enough, it felt a little odd to have a slippery hoof press against his asshole, but it also wasn't a terrible sensation. The subtle stretching made him whimper in unexpected pleasure, made even more powerful when she applied a little more force. Suddenly he felt more of the slimy liquid enter his backside, trickling deeper inside of him and leaving his insides feeling strange.

“There we go. That should do it,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, only to chuckle. “Oh wow that's your dick? Its so tiny.”

“It's not that small…” Spike whispered.

Twilight trotted around the other side, the mare erupting into a giggle. “Oh wow it's even smaller than Pinkie Pie’s.”

Spike grumbled, his face glowing so bright he felt as though he could light up the room if the lights had been out.

“Don't tease the newbie too bad,” Sunset Shimmer stated.

“Yes president Shimmer,” Twilight remarked, trotting back around Spike’s front.

“Yeah whatever,” Rainbow Dash dismissed. “Let's just get this show on the road already.”

With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash landed on Spike’s back, covering his slim form completely. Hard muscles pressed against the dragon, who was struggling with the strange set of emotions coursing through his body. Jealousy over her strength and size mixed with the startling amount of arousal to create a strange cocktail.

It was a set of emotions that left him perplexed, but ultimately turned on, and he knew that this was a feeling he liked. To be dominated in such a raw physical sense, and to be made to feel small was not something he thought he’d like. Yet here he was, harder than he could have ever imagined, all because someone much bigger and much stronger was standing over him.

He was only turned on more when he felt something hard and thick press against his backside. The dragon had expected his partner to struggle and thrust a few times before finding her mark, only to be swiftly proven wrong. With a single swift push, the head of her cock rested firmly against his asshole, her drooling tip smearing precum across his hole.

He couldn't help but moan as he felt his partner maneuvering into place atop of him. Rainbow Dash adjusted her weight expertly, slipping her forehooves in place on either side of Spike’s arms. A second later and the dragon couldn't help but feel like he had been locked into a prison that he could not escape.

“Ready little guy? Last chance to back out,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a cocky grin.

“Don't listen to her, you can tell us to stop at any time,” Twilight added.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Augh of course he can. My way of saying things just sounds hotter. Way to ruin the mood Twi.”

Spike cleared his throat. “No. I’m fine. G-go ahead.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Your lucky he's so cute Twilight.”

The unicorn huffed silently, a blush still visible on her face.

“Well if you’re sure, then here I come!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The futa mare wasted no time, thrusting forward a second later and plunging the head of her cock into Spike’s eager hole. Though well lubricated, she didn't make it far, the dragon simply too unused to such treatment. Still, several inches of throbbing horse cock had slipped inside of him, spreading his ass wider than he had thought possible.

“Holy crap,” Spike muttered as his hole clenched tight around his partner’s thick appendage.

“Damn you are tight,” Rainbow Dash cursed under her breath. “You really were a virgin.”

“Now I’m a little jealous I couldn't be his first,” Twilight muttered, the girl squeezing her back legs tightly together.

“Ha, you could still take his other virginity. He's got more than one hole you know,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Spike blinked, temporarily startled from the shock of penetration. “Wait what?”

“Spike, would you mind if you gave me a blow job?” Twilight inquired, a bright red blush coloring her cheeks. “I am really, really turned on right now.”

“I’ve never done anything like that. I probably won't be any good at…” Spike trailed off. “Wait, you want me to suck your dick while Rainbow Dash is already….”

“If you wouldn't mind? You don't have to worry about being very good. I’m already so hot and bothered that it won't matter,” Twilight replied.

“I-” Spike moaned, the dragon driven forward when Rainbow Dash thrust into him.

“Don't forget about me little boy. Twilight can have your other hole but this one is all mine,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Spike gripped the futon tightly as his partner began to ruthlessly pound at his back door, driving her cock deep. With each thrust he felt another small spurt of pre further lubricate his cloying depths and allowing Rainbow Dash to push deeper. The speed and power behind each push was enough to scramble Spike’s brian and leave him too garbled to say anything.

All he could do was curl his toes in ecstasy as Rainbow Dash’s cock slammed into something deep part of him. A part which when bumped made a bolt of lightning shoot up his spine, prompting his own diminutive cock to twitch needfully. He had no idea what was happening, but after the third impact he felt like he was losing his mind.

The pleasure was beyond any time he had ever jacked off, going so far beyond anything he experienced that he had nothing to compare it to. He knew in an instant that he would never be able to get off by just touching his pathetic cock ever again, not when he could get dick this good. So all consuming was the ecstasy Spike felt that he hardly noticed Twilight was talking before he heard the clop of hooves in front of his face.

“Spike? Is it okay?” Twilight questioned.

Spike could barely feel his hips as Rainbow Dash pushed the remaining few inches of cock into his asshole. She didn't even seem bothered by the conversation they were having either, continuing to pound Spike’s ass ruthlessly. So dick addled was the dragon’s brain that he could barely think straight.

All he knew was that there was more cock to be had.

“Yesh. Give it to me,” Spike stated.

“Ooh I knew this one was a slut the second I laid eyes on him,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Spike didn't acknowledge or care about the pegasus pony’s remark, merely watching closely as Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

“Well so long as you’re sure,” she muttered between spreading her legs.

The dragon wondered what was happening, and was about to ask before suddenly his question was answered for him. Twilight reached between her legs with a hoof, and tugged at something which had been lodged deep into her pussy. All at once Spike realized that the bump visible in Twilight’s midsection wasn't a muscle, but rather something else entirely.

Something which had been tugged deep from the depths of her pussy and with a wet shlorp, exited her hole. A cock longer than any Spike had ever seen, along with two glistening balls fell into view. Though not completely hard, the enormous appendage was utterly massive, and was probably about as long as Spike’s arm.

Was that thing inside of her this whole time? Spike thought.

“I know it's a bit weird but my dick doesn't become soft so I have to put it somewhere during the day,” Twilight explained. “Are you still sure it's okay if you give me a blowjob?”

“Y-yes! Absolutely,” Spike replied eagerly, his nostrils filling with the potent scent of a much more dominant creature.

“Hey don't forget about me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The pegasus made sure Spike didn't lose focus by driving her hips forward with all the strength she could muster. The dull wet thwap of Rainbow Dash’s hips meeting Spike’s ass suddenly tripled in volume, and was followed up by a dozen more thrusts a second later. Though the pleasure was immense before, now it was completely overwhelming, making the dragon cum out of nowhere.

He barely even noticed his cock twitching, and spurting thin ropes of watery seed onto the futon, though Rainbow Dash sure noticed. As his tight asshole grew tighter still, massaging her length and forcing the pegasus to slow her pace. A move Spike was thankful for as he had nearly lost feeling in his legs at that point and worried he may fall over.

Given a few seconds of reprieve, Spike struggled to stay upright, gripping the futon tighter in his claws. By the time he managed to fully get his body weight under him once more, the dragon felt something wet bump against his nose. Though his own fading orgasm made it difficult to focus, Spike looked on to find that a long, thick horse cock was now waiting for him.

All he had to do was open his mouth and allow the futa cock to enter him.

After gulping down the last of his worries, Spike did just that, extending his tongue and licking as best as he could. Though the continued pounding he was still receiving made it hard to think, the dragon did his best to service his new partner. Wrapping his lips around the tip was difficult, but he did so anyway, allowing Twilight’s cock inside of him.

“Oh thank you Spike. Do you mind if I start moving now?” Twilight asked.

A little confused, Spike let out a muffled yes.

And was rewarded with having his throat violated by an overeager unicorn. The surprisingly soft cock plunged deep into the dragon’s mouth, forcing his jaw open far wider then he had thought possible. Thankfully she pulled back just as quickly, allowing Spike to gulp down a breath of much needed air.

“Oh um sorry. I’ll go slow,” Twilight hastily exclaimed.

Spike wanted to tell her it was okay, but thankfully she seemed to understand despite the dragon’s muffled nonsense response.

Rainbow Dash meanwhile, had completely ignored the exchange and continued to pound the poor dragon’s ass. Sure she had gone slow at the beginning, but now that Spike had gotten relatively used to her girth, the pegasus wasn't holding back.

Her wings fluttered on her back, her hips becoming a blur of motion as she ravaged Spike’s formerly virgin ass. Over and over she forced his inner muscles to spread wide, stretched wide around her thick dick. That sensation of having his body forcibly altered by something so large was intense, and nearly all consuming.

He held on regardless though, resisting the urge to turn into a drooling mess as the two futa mares fucked his holes. It would have been easy to simply lay back and let them have their way with him, but a spark had awakened within him. A spark which told him to contribute, to do his best, and to service enormous futa cock like it was his reason for living.

Resetting his stance once more, Spike did his best to stay upright while the two girls fucked his throat and ass. With each one now pounding away at him, it was difficult to keep up with at first, but Spike was determined not to fail. This was where he was meant to be, with several feet of dick rammed inside of him and being fucked like a cheap whore.

A realization which settled deep down in the pit of the dragon’s stomach, spurning him on. The sudden and intense desire to submit himself was almost like dragon greed but different in a way. Where before he had wanted to take and take until he held all the cards, now he wanted nothing more than to give himself to any needy futa cock looking for a hole to fuck.

Spreading his legs wide, the dragon did his best to relax his asshole, and allow Rainbow Dash to ravage him as she pleased. He also straightened out his throat, and began to suck eagerly on Twilight’s cock while she thrust into his throat. The result was intense and immediate, with Rainbow Dash moaning loudly while Twilight whimpered excitedly.

With such sure signs of his success, Spike felt the desire to serve grow stronger still. Even as Twilight’s thrusts grew deeper, and more and more of her cock slipped down his throat, Spike didn't panic. Keeping his throat relaxed, the dragon merely placed his tongue firmly against the underside of his lover’s cock.

Though his desire to serve was no replacement for real skill, his partners seemed to be enjoying themselves despite lack of ability. A fact which made a strong sense of pride well up from deep within the dragon, making his chest swell. That may have been from the frankly insane amount of precum which had been pumped into his hole however.

That wasn't the only source of jizz though, as each time Twilight ended a thrust, a small jet of the stuff shot down his throat. Spike had no trouble gulping it all down so far, but it made the dragon wonder just how much cum the two futa mares could muster. Something told him he would find out this information relatively soon, as they had both picked up speed.

By then the wet slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh dominated even the heady moans, and light whimpers Spike heard. The powerful aroma of dick now filled the dragon’s nostrils to the point Spike doubted he would ever smell anything else. His every sense was filled with cock, from its taste, aroma, or the sound it made when it slammed inside of him.

It was a symphony of experiences he immediately fell in love with.

“I’m close,” Rainbow Dash muttered through grit teeth.

“I’m not far either,” Twilight added.

Spike didn't want to say it, but he had already finished twice since they had started and he was about to cum again. His own weak and watery ejections barely felt noticeable when compared to the absolutely ruthless way he was being fucked. Spike himself barely even seemed to notice as they came and went, the dragon so focused on his job that he simply didn't care.

By then Twilight’s careful, shallow thrusts were beginning to irate Spike, and he couldn't help but want to encourage her to use his throat fully. To that end he reached forward, and gently grabbed the futa mare’s dangling balls, pulling them closer. The unicorn let out a startled eep, and surged forward, burying herself in Spike’s throat and filling the dragon utterly.

It was like he had been made airtight, with both holes stuffed to the breaking point, he could barely think. Even then he kept enough sense to keep squeezing down around the cocks fucking him senseless. Though he didn't notice it, Spike’s stomach bulged, as did his throat, his hole just barely containing Twilight’s immense length.

It even felt like she had managed to reach his stomach with that enormous cock of hers, yet Spike knew that was possible.

Focusing on the here and now, Spike noted that his partner’s thrusts were beginning to slow, or at least one of them were. Twilight remained deep in Spike’s throat, only pulling out just enough to let him get another breath of air.

Rainbow Dash on the other hand only slowed a tiny amount, her hips continuing to plow Spike’s now stretched hole. Unlike Twilight, Rainbow Dash didn't let up until she was already orgasming, ending things with a single incredibly powerful thrust. With her cock buried deep in Spike’s hole, she then ground her hips against his ass, her jaw clenched tightly.

Twilight couldn't resist the urge to do this as well, though she at least checked to make sure Spike had taken a breath before plugging him full. With either hole stuffed to their limit with horsecock, Spike felt both heads flare inside him, spreading him wider still. As both futa dicks began to unload inside of him, Spike felt his own dick begin to erupt with seed.

Cum poured into him at such an incredible pace that the dragon was nearly knocked out of his dick induced stupor. Though even having his bowels expanded, and stuffed full of jizz wasn't enough to knock Spike from cloud nine. In fact there was so much jizz getting shot into him, it was hard for Spike to keep up with it all.

In seconds he felt his stomach swell, and nearly a minute later he could feel his belly rest firmly on the ground even while he was on his hands and knees. Yet through it all he didn't release his hold on Twilight’s balls, nor did he make any effort to push Rainbow Dash away. He wanted everything they had, and he got just that.

Twilight was the first to give, with the unicorn stumbling backwards, her cock flopping out of Spike’s mouth. Having released his hold on her, Spike watched as the purple mare stumbled about before falling onto her butt. Rainbow Dash wasn't far behind, the athletic mare pulling out of Spike’s stretched hole in a single tug of her hips.

Left without the support of the two cocks, Spike toppled to his side, cum erupting from his ass like a violent volcano. Still lost in a dick drunk haze, the dragon groaned as he rubbed his bloated belly, painfully aware of how much cum he was losing. It felt a little bad to waste all that delicious, delicious seed, but there wasn't anything he could do about in that moment.

The only thing he could manage was to simply lay there and bask in the unbridled ecstasy he felt coursing through him.

“That was quite something,” Sunset Shimmer remarked, looking up from her book. “Did he really take it all?”

“And on his first try too!” Twilight proclaimed.

“This guy really is a grade A slut,” Rainbow Dash stated.

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe I’ll take a turn with him.”

“Right now?” Twilight asked.

Sunset shook her head. “No. Not yet. You three will need to stretch him out a bunch before I can use him as well.”

“Oh don't worry about that. I intend on fucking that ass every chance I get,” Rainbow Dash stated, slapping the dragon’s butt in emphasis.

Spike moaned, and a fresh squirt of cum shot out of him.

“Oh and your on mop duty this time,” Sunset Shimmer stated.

“But president!” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Who made the mess?” Sunset Shimmer asked simply.

Rainbow Dash ground her teeth together and kicked the ground. “I did.”

“Exactly,” Sunset remarked.

“It's only fair,” Twilight pointed out.

The pegasus sighed. “Just hand me the bucket already.”


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Spike hummed to himself as he strode towards the school’s entrance, his mind going back to the last little week or so. Which had been crazy, and yet probably the best he had yet to experience at the same time. He had sucked more dick then you could shake a stick at and been fucked so often that he now carried a buttplug with him at all times.

Wouldn't want to leak everywhere after all. Might make the janitor mad.

The sex was phenonomanal, and had made Spike rethink his view on his sexuality but that wasn't the only thing he enjoyed. For despite how things had started, he now counted all four of them as the closest friends he had ever had. Even the ever guarded Sunset Shimmer had tutored him after he revealed his failing math grade to the group.

Pinkie Pie was still the biggest wild card, but she had hung out with him a few times at least. After this supposed busy party month she had promised to hang out at the club more often. Spike hoped she did, because being the only bottom in a room full of dominant tops was beginning to wear on the drake.

Not like he would ever complain aloud though.

Spike belched, and quickly covered his mouth, the taste of futa cum springing to his lips. “Oh uh, excuse me,” he muttered to the few creatures who glanced his way.

Nobody seemed to pay him any mind though, allowing the dragon to enter the front doors of the school and immediately be grabbed by a familiar purple aura. A second later and Spike was dragged across the hall to a nervous looking Twilight who was holding two brown paper bags in her hooves.

“Oh there you are! I was so worried you were going to be sick today!” Twilight exclaimed.

Spike shook his head. “Uh no. Like I said I’m fine.”

Twilight frowned. “You say that but are you really? Rainbow Dash went really hard on you yesterday and I don't want you to push yourself.”

Spike blushed as memories of the previous day sprung to mind.

Though he did think about how Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had taken turns fucking him for hours, it was mainly the result that stuck out to him. The way he had been so bloated and full of cum that he had genuinely worried that he may hurt himself somehow. A feeling that was strangely good, even though he looked pregnant with twins and ready to burst.

Shaking his head, Spike dismissed the thoughts. “Really. I’m fine.”

Twilight frowned. “Well if you’re sure…”

“Would I lie to you Twilight?” Spike asked.

Twilight’s frown vanished, and the girl quickly shook her head. “No I don't think you would. Especially since your poker face is worse then mine.”

Spike stumbled a step before quickly catching himself and shooting Twilight a glare. “It's not my fault I suck at that game.”

Twilight giggled, and held out a hoof. “Here. I made you some lunch.”

“Oh you didn't have to do that. Besides, I’m still kinda full,” Spike murmured, a blush crossing his face.

“You can't survive on that alone you know,” Twilight remarked.

Spike chuckled, and the pair turned and began to walk deeper into the school, silently enjoying one another’s company. Though even then, something felt slightly off and Spike couldn't help but observe his companion closely. She didn't seem injured, yet Twilight was walking strangely, with her back legs pressed together, and a noticeable bulge visible in her midsection.

Frowning to himself, Spike noticed that one of the ill used handicapped bathrooms was coming up on the left side of the hall.

“Twilight, is there something you want to ask me?” Spike inquired in a low tone.

Twilight gulped. “Me? Um no. I’m fine. Were all fine here. Uh, how are you?”

Spike raised an eyebrow and just looked at the girl.

A bead of sweat rolled down the pony’s face.

“There's no one around, wanna continue this conversation in there?” Spike asked, jerking a thumb over his shoulder.

Twilight glanced to the bathroom, then up and down the hall before finally nodding. “Yes please.”

The pair awkwardly slipped inside, with Spike clicking the lock into place and turning to find Twilight standing awkwardly near the toilet.

“You’ve been really turned on and haven't pulled out in a while, haven't you?” Spike asked.

Twilight sighed and nodded slowly. “I didn't want to pressure you after watching Pinkie and Rainbow fuck you all evening but I got really backed up.”

“So you’ve just been fucking yourself all morning then?” Spike asked.

Twilight’s blush deepened. “I might have made a spell to keep all the cum inside of me.”

Spike sighed. “Well let it all out and I’ll suck you off again.”

“Y-you will?” Twilight asked, a hint of desperation slipping into her voice.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Of course I will. Your like a sister to me at this point.”

“Even though we’ve only known each other for a week and a half?” Twilight whispered.

Spike chuckled. “Can you not feel that connection?”

Twilight grinned. “Oh you have no idea how happy that makes me feel.”

Spike chuckled as he was swept up in a slightly awkward hug. “Yeah yeah, but that means you can't keep stuff from me okay?”

“But we can still have sex though right?” Twilight pressed.

Spike raised a lone eyebrow.

Twilight giggled. “Of course. Even if you were my biological brother I might…” she coughed. “Anyway, give me a second.”

Spike pondered the odd word choice while Twilight pulled her long, floppy cock from her sopping wet hole. Once done she stopped whatever spell she had used, causing a flood of cum to burst forth from her pussy and land in the toilet. It took a surprisingly long amount of time for all of it to drain and the bump in her midsection to vanish but when it did the pony seemed far more comfortable.

“Feel better?” Spike asked.

“Immensely. I don't know how you carry around so much cum all the time,” Twilight replied.

Spike scratched his cheek awkwardly. “I uh. Like feeling the weight. It's really hot.”

Twilight winked. “I guess we’ll have to fill you back up then.”

“Please do. It will make for the perfect second breakfast,” Spike replied.

Twilight giggled. “Well if you insist. Though we better be quiet. I don't want to get caught like this.”

“Do you think we’d get in trouble?” Spike asked.

Twilight shuddered. “I don't wanna know what would happen.”

“That doesn't matter. Why don't you sit down and let me handle things?” Spike stated.

Twilight grinned. “If you insist.”

The pony quickly seated herself on the toilet, a hoof holding her semi hard cock upright. She didn't have to wait long, as Spike moved just as swiftly, the dragon standing before the mare and taking hold of her dick. The sheer length of the unicorn’s throbbing appendage meant that the dragon had to start in a somewhat awkward position.

That too would change, but he would have to first fit a good third of the mare’s foot long schlong into his mouth. A task that was made easy by just how many times he had sucked the girl off over the last week and a bit. Wrapping his lips around the head, Spike made sure to keep his sharp teeth out of the way while he began to bob his head.

Using both of his hands to stroke the rest of her length, Spike expertly worked the girl’s cock like a practiced whore. The familiar salty taste of the futa mare’s cum coated the exterior of her dick, as well as the inside of Spike’s mouth. And within seconds his senses were flooded by the tantalizing scent of a powerful, and dominant cock.

One that he was desperate to fit inside of himself, though one he knew he would have to go slow. Her sheer length meant that he would need to take time and effort to properly get into his throat without choking. Which was something he had done more than a few times, especially during the remarkably long time it took for the girl to finish orgasming.

With each bob, Spike pulled a little more dick into his mouth, quickly filling his eager orifice to its limit. The familiar sensation of having one of his holes stuffed full of futa cock returned, though it was stifled by the fact that it was only his mouth. The slutty young dragon had grown used to having his throat packed with futa meat at this point, though he knew that part was coming.

Kneeling down, Spike continued to stroke the rest of Twilight’s throbbing appendage while slowly pushing deeper. Getting past his gag reflex was getting easier with every day, but it wasn't quite gone yet anyway. So with a patient pace, Spike began to swallow inch after inch of Twilight’s needful horsecock.

With each bit of dick that he felt enter his throat Spike’s cock twitched with excitement. Here he was servicing a girl with a cock nine or ten times bigger than his, on the cold bathroom floor and yet he was enjoying every second of it. More than that he was reveling in it, even despite the slightly dirty space that had been chosen by him.

In no time at all Spike had fallen fully to his knees, over half of the mare’s cock now having passed his lips. More was quickly following, but he took a moment to steady himself and assess the situation first. With so little dick left to swallow, Spike only needed one hand to pump the remainder of Twilight’s shaft, allowing him to jack off at the same time.

Though he wanted nothing more than to quickly get back to work he took a moment to study his partner out of the corner of his eye. While he did so, Spike continued to suck and jack the girl off, not allowing a single second to pass without having her dick worked. Glancing up at her, Spike found that Twilight’s eyes were screwed shut, and she squirmed excitedly atop her porcelain throne.

Already Spike could sense the torrent of seed waiting for him, the girl’s balls churning needfully. Not one to let a partner down, Spike pushed himself once more, working more of the mare’s cock into his throat. Short quick breaths allowed him to keep her cock wedged deep inside of him without pulling out too far.

Which was something he prided himself on.

It felt rather strange to take so much joy in being a cum dump for a futa mare, but in the end Spike didn't linger on the thought for long. Instead he kept working away, thanking the girl for her friendship in a more physical way then most probably would have.

Working himself deeper, Spike quickly passed the midpoint of the girl’s cock and didn't stop. Only when he felt his nose brush her crotch did Spike begin to slow, removing his hand and placing it on her balls. By then he was an expert, and with one hand pumping his own miniature cock, he used the other to massage Twilight’s sack.

“Ooh that's so good,” Twilight muttered, the unicorn’s shoulders falling slack.

Spike grinned to himself, and kept going, knowing full well that his partner wasn't far away from her orgasm. She wasn't holding back either, her cock twitching inside of his mouth and throat, signalling that the coming load would be larger than normal. Not like Spike minded, in fact he coveted this fact as he continued to suck and slurp on her dick.

Tongue pressed firmly against the base, and lips forming a tight seal, Spike’s cock sucking skills had improved significantly. Though he was still quite noisy, the dragon was unable to stop himself from salivating the second he tasted cum. Not like Twilight cared however, the unicorn merely moaning quietly to herself while Spike bobbed eagerly on her dick.

Over and over he repeated this motion, expertly refilling his oxygen levels with the brief openings he gave himself. Waiting until his lungs began to burn before pulling back, Spike made sure to stay down as long as possible before pulling back. Sure it may have been slightly uncomfortable, but it was worth it if it meant he could suck some more futa cock.

Several minutes later and Spike knew it wouldn't be long before Twilight came. Her legs were twitching, her moans were louder and higher pitched. Not only that but she was also whimpering needfully in a way that she only did when she was about to finish.

Spike meanwhile, had been edging himself for nearly ten minutes at that point, the dragon holding back the urge to cum until after Twilight had done so. With that moment quickly arriving, he stepped up his game, massaging her balls, and sucking her cock with renewed vigor. While this happened precum and spit were swallowed by the mouthful, the dragon not allowing anything to come between him and his reward.

“I’m cumming!” Twilight cried suddenly, her hooves flying to the back of Spike’s head.

Spike couldn't help but moan as he felt Twilight’s cock flare deep inside of him, her grip on his frills being surprisingly tight. The feeling of being dominated coupled with the sensation of having hot jizz shoot down his throat combined to create a sea of ecstasy. One which culminated in not only her finishing but him as well.

Though compared to Twilight’s titanic emission, Spike’s miniature squirt was pathetic, but he didn't care. The fact that he could feel each bump of seed as it traveled down his throat was proof that his time was better served here. With a futa cock stuffed down his throat, and his face pressed tight against the crotch of some beautiful woman.

As his own orgasm faded, Spike shifted his hands to better grip Twilight’s hips, his lungs beginning to burn. Already his stomach was beginning to bloat and stretch as vast quantities of cum was forced inside of him. By the end of it his belly was so full of jizz Spike doubted he would even need the lunch that Twilight had packed him.

The unicorn’s hold on his head fell slack, and she let out a long, content sigh as Spike slowly stood up. It was a delicate process to remove the slightly softened cock from his gullet without accidentally biting it but Spike had done this before. So with relative ease he stood back up, revealing that Twilight’s cock was completely clean, and didn't even have a speck of cum left on it.

Swallowing the last bit of seed, Spike ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth, collecting any last remnants that had been left over. When there was nothing left, Spike sighed, and looked up to find Twilight staring down at him with an odd expression.

“What's with that look?” Spike questioned, suddenly growing nervous. “Did I not do a good job?”

Twilight quickly shook her head. “No, you did great. I just realized just how skilled you’ve become. It's like you’ve been doing this for years.”

Spike blushed. “Oh you’re just saying that.”

“No really. You’re amazing,” Twilight giggled. “It kind of makes me want to take you home with me sometime. That way we can do it every single day.”

“Hey is someone in there? I have to use the bathroom,” called a voice.

Twilight and Spike’s eyes immediately snapped open, and both turned to the door.

“We are so boned,” Spike muttered. “How do we get out of here Twi…”

Spike frowned when he realized his partner was now gone, having teleported away while he wasn't paying attention.

“Dammit…” Spike muttered.


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Spike smiled, humming softly to himself as he walked back to the locker he was renting. Sure the addition of those tall metal boxes made him think of a high school, but the cost per year definitely didn't. Thankfully his new friends had pulled some strings for him, so he didn't have to haul his heavy books back and forth from the college.

And all he had to do was service three futa mares for almost a month without pause or break. Sure things may have started off a bit fast for his liking, but it had worked out in the end and that's all that mattered to Spike. Even if that meant he had been fucked in just about every position imaginable over the last three and a half weeks.

Just thinking about it made Spike’s cock twitch and is hole ache for some hot, fresh dick. His mind went back to the last time he had been fucked only a day earlier by a certain prismatic pegasus.

She had interrupted him while he had been showering after a rather lengthy session with Pinkie Pie and Twilight. Being a former high school the showers were attached to the changing rooms which were in turn right near the entrance of the school as well as the auditorium. This meant the chance of getting heard and thus caught was high but evidently Rainbow Dash hadn't cared in the slightest.

She had just walked right in, forced the dragon to spread his legs and rutted him like the whore he had become. Never one to turn down a nice hard cock, Spike had taken it all without complaint, even though he had been rather surprised by the sudden intrusion. Spike couldn't help but think back to how the warm water had cascaded down his body while the pegasus fucked him fast and hard.

Though it made for poor lube, Spike had grown so used to taking fat horse cock that he was easily able to accept it all. It helped that Twilight had taken to pounding his slutty asshole at least once a day, stretching him constantly. With the unicorn’s help he could now easily take both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash without complaint or almost any lubrication.

A fact that both ponies took advantage of by walking up to him, flipping his skirt up and jamming their cock up his ass. They hardly needed to ask for permission as both knew that the slutty dragon would let them have their way with him whenever they wanted.

And he loved every single second he spent on the end of their cocks.

Spike shook his head, and did his best to dismiss the memories that plagued him only for another to come to mind. It had been his first meeting with Pinkie Pie the day after he had joined the club, and the excitable pink pony had thrown him a party. His welcome to the club had been an incredibly fun affair, though there had been one part that he hadn't really expected.

Though in hindsight he probably should have.

Namely it was how each one of them minus Sunset had taken their turn fucking him, though not before Pinkie Pie got her turn. The earth pony was small, though her dick was still a few inches longer than Spike’s own, compared to the other club members, it was tiny. What she lacked in length as well as width, she made up for in monumental volume however, outclassing nearly everyone.

After only a few minutes of partying Pinkie Pie had taken him aside and asked to fuck him while they played games. A little shocked at the request, but more than a little excited, Spike had of course agreed. Nothing could prepare him for just how productive Pinkie Pie’s surprisingly small balls were though.

They didn't even need lube as the pony dripped pre cum like a broken faucet. A leak which quickly became a torrent after entering Spike fully and beginning to thrust into him. Throughout it all they played board games, laughed, and ate it cake while Spike was pumped full of jizz.

Though a little weird, Spike grew used to it, but that changed when he felt his stomach brush against the table. Only then did he realize that his belly had grown to the point that it felt like it might burst at any moment. Just thinking about that time and the weight of all that futa cum made Spike want to go find Pinkie and relive it all over again.

Pushing that thought from mind, Spike walked over to his locker and pulled it open. He was about to deposit his books into the metal confines of the rented space when he noticed something odd. A single slip of paper adorned with a wax seal sat atop his things, as if it had been slipped through the grate at the top.

“Huh, that's weird,” Spike murmured.

Grabbing the small slip of paper Spike sliced open the seal with a claw and began to read.

Greetings Spike.

I hope you are well and that you are available to help me out for a few hours. You see I have an important exam coming up and I tend to get rather… excited when put under such pressure. As such I was hoping you could assist me while I studied in the library. If so I will be waiting for you there.

Sunset Shimmer.

“How… formal,” Spike muttered to himself.

Spike immediately began to wonder just how big the younger futa mare was, especially given the hushed manner that her appendage was spoken of. Apparently no one could handle her when she was fully erect, and only Pinkie Pie was able to swallow a third of Sunset’s load. Everything about Sunset Shimmer’s male appendage was shrouded in mystery, with Twilight merely stating that they were stretching him out so that Sunset could use him as well.

I guess I’m ready for her now. Spike thought. I’ve certainly been fucked and stretched enough times. Heck I’ve swallowed litres of cum and managed to keep it all down.

The dragon deposited his books, closed the locker and spun the combination before walking away, a spring in his step. Excitement and nervousness warred within him, his intense lust battling against the hushed manner of which his clubmates spoke of Sunset. Intense, demanding, enormous, and with an output that put even Pinkie Pie to shame.

It was enough to make the young slut wonder if this was a good idea, though he was quickly reminded of his own still burning desire. With a needful heat blooming strong in his belly, Spike knew he couldn't turn back now. This was a challenge he would not back down from, especially given just how hungry for dick he had become.

Putting one foot in front of the other, Spike made a beeline towards the distant library. While he walked Spike couldn't help but wonder if the futa mare was going to use him in as public a setting as the others had. Each one of them seemed to have a kink for stealth sex, either that or they were simply so needy that it overwhelmed their sense of reason.

Either way Spike had quickly grown used to stifling his moans and generally keeping quiet while getting fucked. These skills had served him well, though the dragon had never thought he would need them in the first place. Either way Spike was looking forward to what Sunset Shimmer had in mind for him.

Making his way through the crowds of students which gathered in the halls, Spike quickly crossed campus. Upon reaching the large domed library, the dragon began to look around, starting at the darker, quieter section at the back. There he found several other students, a few empty study rooms, and a dozen large wooden desks with towering dividers between them.

It was here that he saw the familiar sight of a certain flaming haired mare who was nervously chewing on her pencil. Upon noticing that Spike was now standing next to her, Sunset Shimmer’s eyes went wide and she glanced from left then right.

“Oh thank goodness you’re here,” Sunset Shimmer whispered. “I assume you got my message?”

“I did,” Spike replied with a slight blush.

“So does that mean you will help me with my erm… problem?” Sunset asked.

Spike nodded. “You don't want to do it right here do you?”

“Well I was hoping we could,” Sunset Shimmer admitted. “The desks are really deep so I figured there was enough room.”

Spike glanced at the peice of furniture and guessed that there would indeed be enough room for him under it. Things wouldn't exactly be comfortable but the dividers went straight to the ground, meaning noone should be able to see him. Sound though, now that would be an entirely different problem altogether.

“I suppose there is,” Spike admitted. “Are you sure I can erm, take you?”

Sunset Shimmer nodded hastily. “I had hoped to test things in a more private setting but I’m afraid I’ve gotten so excited that I can't wait a moment longer.”

“Well then I better get to it then eh?” Spike remarked with a slight smirk.

Sunset Shimmer grinned. “Oh thank you Spike. After this exam I’d gladly tutor you in any subject you need help in.”

“That's not needed,” Spike cautioned.

“I insist,” Sunset Shimmer stated firmly.

Spike hummed. “That would be appreciated. Thanks.”

“Don't thank me yet,” Sunset Shimmer cautioned.

Spike lifted an eyebrow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You will see,” Sunset Shimmer answered, wiggling her chair back enough to allow Spike to slip underneath.

With one final shrug, Spike knelt down and crawled into the dark enclosed space. With three sides blocked off by wooden walls, Spike’s only source of illumination came from between Sunset Shimmer’s legs. Though enough for him to see clearly due to his draconic eyesight it took a few seconds to adjust to the gloom.

When that happened he was amazed to find that he was trapped in an enclosed space with an absolute monster of a cock. It was easily bigger then even Twilight’s penis with a girth that would put a baseball bat to shame. The sheer dimensions of the thing made Spike doubt that he was even awake at that very moment.

After giving himself a sharp smack across the face, the dragon reminded himself of why he was here and what he was supposed to do. No matter how monstrous her size, or titanic her emissions, the futa mare had trusted him to get a job done. Even if accomplishing that job would require him to stretch out his ass in a way that it had never been before.

Well that wasn't wholly true, his new friends had made sure to double and even triple team him on more then a few occasions. All while stuffing him so full of jizz that he had probably more cum then dragon by weight. Everything he had gone through had led up to this point, and though Spike still worried, he wasn't about to give up.

After inhaling a deep lungful of pungent air, Spike got to work by wrapping his hands around the beastly appendage. He started with stroking it as best as possible, but even that was difficult due to the fact that he couldn't even wrap a claw around the thing. Furthermore it took a few casual strokes before the dragon really accepted that what he was seeing was indeed real.

A soft gentle moan made Spike smile, and move a little closer, positioning his lips near the tip of Sunset’s cock. The heady aroma filled his senses, and made Spike want nothing more than to simply dive in. That would take time though as adapting his mouth and throat to such a beast would be a herculean effort.

After briefly psyching himself up, Spike slipped his lips around the head and began to stretch his jaws wide. Only to be surprised when he realized that such a task wasn't as hard as he had assumed it would have been. Time spent sucking off both Twilight and Rainbow Dash at the same time had ensured that he was ready for this moment.

With this thought in the back of his mind, Spike pushed onward, taking more and more of the mare’s cock. While he did this the dragon continued to stroke as much dick as possible, working the shaft to the best of his abilities. He hardly even paused as he passed the midway point, the thick horsecock sliding easily into his throat without issue.

The bulge it made would be easily visible, and Spike could feel it travel down his body as more of the futa mare’s cock slipped inside of him. Short breaks were necessary, but the futa slut had gotten so used to doing so that it was like second nature to him at that point. Within a minute he had reached as deep as Twilight had managed to get and then after a short pause, Spike pushed ever onwards.

Each new inch of cock which slid into his gullet passed the point that even Twilight had gotten, stretching him in ways he had never experienced before. It was like he was a virgin all over again, taking his first dick and being forced to adapt to strange new situations. Ignoring that thought, Spike readied himself for the last few inches, a sense of pride and accomplishment welling from within him.

After filling his lungs with much needed oxygen for one final time, he pushed his entire body forward. Then with a soft plap, his chin met Sunset Shimmer’s crotch and all two feet of her mammoth cock was inside of him. So huge was the mare’s meat that it felt like it had gone all the way through him and out the other side. That may not have been physically possible, but it sure felt like it anyway.

Sunset Shimmer seemed to be enjoying herself as well, with Spike able to hear her soft, almost feeble moans from his slightly awkward position. In that moment Spike knew that this wasn't enough for him, and more than that, it was not enough for Sunset. From the way she was moaning, to the soft throb of her cock and her bulging balls, it had evidently been quite some time for her.

She deserved to fuck his ass and dump her load directly into his guts.

He didn't pull back immediately though, using his long thin tongue to work her cock while he slowly ran out of air. Before that happened he sucked, slurped and worked her dick like the professional whore he had become. Only when his lungs began to burn did Spike begin to pull back.

And back and back some more.

Having to physically crawl backwards in order to unimpale himself on her massive horsecock. Once done, he breathed deep, stroking her shaft with one claw while the other searched through the pockets of his dress.

Finding the small bottle of lubricant wasn't hard, and he quickly applied a thin line of cool liquid to Sunset’s dick. He then bent over, pulled aside the pink lace panties he was wearing, and squirted the rest inside of himself. It felt weird, but Spike knew he would need it all if he was going to squeeze this beast into his soon to be ruined asshole.

After pulling his lips off the head of her dick, Spike swiftly turned, and expertly guided the mare’s shaft against his hole. The slightly confused moans from his partner turned into a surprised yelp when she felt the dragon push back against her. The head of her titanic horsecock entered easily enough, having made an audible popping sound after sliding inside.

The rest was much harder, and meant that Spike had to awkwardly crawl backwards with his ass raised up into the air. While this happened, he used one hand to brace himself against the wall while the other traced the beastly appendage as it traveled up his torso. The indent was so massive that he could even see it in the dim light, the first few inches dwarfing his own tiny dick by several orders of magnitude.

Spike grunted and scraped, the task of impaling himself on her cock taking a surprising toll from him. It was a difficult process, and one that necessitated several short stops in order to try and relax and loosen his tight hole. Sunset Shimmer didn't seem to mind, though she was a little too overwhelmed to say or do anything at that moment.

All she could manage to do was cling desperately to her desk, gritting her teeth as she felt her cock get squeezed into the vice like confines of Spike’s ass. Thankfully the dragon was nothing if not adaptable, and it didn't take long before he began to stretch around her. Despite the size and girth of her dick, Spike remembered well all the times he had his guts filled to the absolute brim.

Suddenly he was even more thankful for all those times he had been used by the three other futa mares. For it allowed him to push deeper and deeper with only short breaks to let his body shift around. Only at the halfway point did he stop for an extended period of time, taking a deep breath and feeling how far he had managed to get.

The bulge was incredibly far up his belly, and the dragon took a moment to relish in the small sense of accomplishment he felt. That wasn't the only thing he was enjoying however, as Sunset Shimmer’s soft moans had grown louder. If he listened they almost sounded like growls, exciting some part of him that enjoyed being dominated by someone bigger than him.

In this case only a single part of her was bigger, but that was the most important part in Spike’s mind.

After taking another deep breath, Spike braced himself against the walls of the box and pushed back hard. With more than a foot of dick stuffed up his backside, Spike once more reached the point that no one else had managed to get. This time he didn't hesitate, ramming his way past it and filling his ass with so much dick he could feel it lifting him off the ground.

Spike shuddered, a hand going to the now massive bulge that he could feel going all the way up to just under his ribs. The pleasure he felt was immense, and sure enough he came suddenly, shooting his load onto the library floor. He didn't care though, for all that mattered was the soft feeling of fur against ass which signalled that he had managed to get it all.

The position may have been awkward, and Spike knew he was going to get a cramp from it, but again, he didn't care. To service such a monster was worth any price, and any minor suffering he may experience.

With a grunt, he began to move in earnest.

Back and forth he went, using both his arms as well as his legs to fuck himself on Sunset Shimmer’s cock. With each time she bottomed out, Spike felt like another small part of him had been changed, altered somehow by the mammoth cock. Organs were pushed aside, and intestines straightened as his body was altered to better service such a beast.

In time he even began to relax, having adapted to her elephantine size after only a few minutes. Again he muttered a silent thanks to his new friends for having prepared him for this moment. Something Sunset Shimmer was sure to do as well once she wasn't struggling to not cry out in ecstasy for the entire library to hear.

She hadn't expected this, and it was obvious that she was only just barely managing to keep herself quiet. With one hoof pressed against her lips, and the other gripping the edge of the desk, Sunset Shimmer felt conflicted. On the one hand she felt amazing, and being able to get balls deep inside of her partner was as amazing as it was new to her. Though on the other, she had noticed that she was getting some odd looks from a few other people.

A sudden squeeze drew forth another moan, and she knew right then and there that she wouldn't put a stop to this moment. It was too good, and she would do anything for the dragon to keep doing what he was doing. A sentiment her and Spike shared even though they had not spoken a word to one another.

As time passed, Spike grew used to the odd position, and the way he was forced to crouch beneath the desk. It would never be comfortable, but it was at least tolerable. During this time he came more than a few times, his diminutive cock spurting thin, short ropes against the library floor.

Both of their moans had grown louder, with Sunset Shimmer having been forced to stuff a hoof into her mouth in order to stifle the sound. All attempts at studying were gone, and she even began to thrust along with Spike’s movements. Turning the dull slap of flesh meeting flesh into something clearly audible in the quiet space.

Neither cared, and as Sunset’s orgasm began to edge closer, she couldn't help but moan to her heart’s content. Knowing that it wouldn't be long, Spike picked up the pace, pushing himself to go as fast as possible.

Until all of a sudden, he felt it.

A single powerful throb was the only warning he got before Spike felt the first wave of cum shoot inside of him. A spurt so powerful and massive that it dwarfed the entire emission of a lesser pony in an instant. He could even feel the load as it traveled down Sunset Shimmer’s cock before exploding inside of him with all the force of a firehose.

Over and over he felt his insides stretch and balloon as he was forced to take a seemingly endless amount of futa cum. His own orgasm happened at about the same time, but it was an afterthought in the face of Sunset Shimmer’s eruption of seed. In seconds Spike could feel that he had become bigger then he had ever experienced before.

His belly was now so large that it pushed him up off the ground and made him look pregnant with triplets. Yet still it continued, filling him to the point that he began to worry if she would ever stop. Thankfully it wasn't quite endless, and after slowly trailing off, Sunset Shimmer’s cock fell still though it didn't shrink or soften in the slightest.

The futa mare sighed contentedly. “Thank you for that,” she whispered.

Spike grunted, too lust in a cum drunk haze to even form a coherent sentence.

“Are you okay down there?” Sunset Shimmer inquired.

“Yesh,” Spike slurred.

“Oh good. Because I was going to start studying again. Do you mind staying down there for a while longer? I wont cum again for a while so you don't have to worry about that,” Sunset Shimmer pressed.

“Hokay,” Spike replied.

“Wonderful. I’ll plug you up when I’m done, which should be in an hour or so,” Sunset Shimmer continued.

Spike didn't even care, and merely grunted again.

“Thanks again Spike,” Sunset Shimmer stated, wiggling her chair forward and sealing Spike into his wooden prison.

I love my life. Spike thought to himself.