The Principal's Trophy Wife

by dracedomino

First published

Nobody can understand the love shared between Twilight Sparkle and her new wife - Principal Abacus Cinch. But why would they care what others think when they're so very, very happy together?

When Twilight Sparkle married Principal Cinch, there were plenty of people that tried to talk her out of it. After all, this was the cruel woman that manipulated her in the past, the cruel witch that didn't seem to care about anything other than the status of her school!

But Twilight Sparkle isn't like most of her peers. There's nothing she loves more than making Abacus Cinch happy - whether it's as a student, a wife, or a tight little bedroom minx.

[F/F, Married Life, Romance, Older Woman/Younger Woman, Light D/s]

Chapter 1

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The Principal’s Trophy Wife
-by Drace Domino

There were people that gasped when their marriage was announced, but neither of the two women paid the protests any heed. Twilight Sparkle’s friends tried to advise her against her upcoming union, pleading with her to wait a few years to see if her new wife was still quite so interested then, but Twilight dismissed their concerns the way only a young woman in love could. She took the hand of an older woman in marriage, a woman that just a few years prior had pressured her, manipulated her, even outright threatened her future - yet despite those rocky origins of their relationship, Twilight Sparkle couldn’t be happier.

She was smart enough to know she was a trophy, but what Applejack and Rarity and all of her friends didn’t understand was the simple fact that...she rather liked being one. And as for the woman she married, it was abundantly clear how much she enjoyed having Twilight fill that role in her life.

“This is my new wife, Twilight Sparkle. She’s the smartest young woman at Canterlot High,” Abacus Cinch had already bragged to her friends upon introducing them to Twilight, holding the younger woman by the arm and keeping her preciously close. “The highest grade point average of any of their past valedictorians. She’ll be beginning college in a few months in accelerated courses.”

“This is my darling, Twilight Sparkle,” Cinch would boast to other friends, still holding onto Twilight with a possessive hold. “Perhaps you’ve heard about the teenage girl that first identified the objective existence of magic in our dimension? This is her, and she’s mine.

“I want you to meet my lover, Twilight Sparkle,” Cinch’s voice would dip particularly low and sensual upon introducing Twilight to yet another group of friends. This time with an arm around Twilight’s waist, making sure that she and the teenage girl would forever remain linked at the hip in the memory of others. “We have an...intense relationship. She makes me feel like I’m half my age...but then, I guess I’d still be the older woman, hmm?”

Through it all, Twilight Sparkle would smile, giggle, and preen. She was a young woman that had struggled with confidence all her life, always feeling like she needed to recoil into her studies in order to avoid burdening others with her presence. She was a relentless teacher’s pet, always seeking to please the authority figures that controlled her grades and her education. And she was being bolstered and bragged about by one of her former teachers, forming a perfect storm of fulfillment that she just couldn’t describe to anyone else. While her friends looked at their relationship with worry and Principals Celestia and Luna sneered at their love, while Cadance and Shining Armor hated having Cinch as a sister-in-law and her parents still hadn’t quite forgiven her for getting married before graduating...Twilight Sparkle was happy. Satisfied in a way that she couldn’t remember being ever before.

And she owed it all to the stone-faced, stoic, strict woman that absolutely relished showing her off.

What could possibly be wrong about that?


“I have a surprise for you tonight,” Twilight Sparkle’s text message to her new wife was simple, succinct, and offered without a trace of spelling or grammatical errors. Completely meticulous, just like Abacus expected of her. “When you get home, please meet me in the bedroom.”

That request was sitting on Abacus’ mind as she slipped back into their apartment, closing the door behind her and ensuring that it was locked. She was dressed just as she had dressed for all of her years as an educator - a sharp, snug-fitting suit that favored authority over comfort or style, complete with a knee-high skirt and a pair of nylons that left her calves a few shades darker than they otherwise would’ve been. With her glasses perched on her nose and every button of her blouse secured, she didn’t hesitate to set her purse on the nearby stand and make a beeline straight for the bedroom. The apartment was flawless, spotlessly clean as always - plants perfectly maintained, a kitchen that one would’ve been hard-tasked to find a single speck of dirt within, and framed photos on the wall of the happy couple. The apartment was a well-maintained safe haven for the couple that so many others didn’t understand, and the bedroom at the end of the hall was the place where they celebrated their love with wild, often shameless delight.

After all - Cinch mused to herself with a tiny smile tugging at the corner of her often stern lips - it was acceptable to be dirty long as she had her beloved wife at her side while she did it.

When Cinch opened the door to witness what Twilight Sparkle’s surprise was, her breath caught in her throat and she quite nearly went flush in the face. With wide open eyes and gently parted lips, the woman braced on a heel as she was greeted by a sight she hadn’t seen in some time - Twilight Sparkle wearing her old Crystal Prep uniform.

“Hello, Principal Cinch,” Twilight leaned into it, twirling on a heel and letting the pleats of her schoolgirl skirt dance around her thighs as she did so. She soon perched with her hands on her hips while she allowed the older woman to take it all in, hopefully so she’d notice just how perfect Twilight had landed every detail. Her hair was pulled into a tight fitting bun at the back of her head and pinned with the very same barrett she used to wear, her glasses were the same old, bulky lenses that gave her such a deeply nerdy look, and she even used the same shampoo that she did when she went to Crystal Prep, just to make sure that she brought all of her wife’s senses into the mix. The only thing Twilight couldn’t quite change was how the old uniform fit these days, but...if anything, she filled it out a little better. There was more leg to show now between the edge of her skirt and the top of her kneesocks, and there was more bust to press against the front of her blouse and strain the buttons. Aside from that, the only mistake in her costume was an admittedly understandable one - the wedding ring that was secured around her finger and would remain there for the rest of her days. Flashing her old principal a playful look, Twilight let her fingers pinch the edge of her pleated skirt and fluff it back and forth while she spoke. “ you like my outfit? Do you think I’m a good student?”

Principal Cinch - a woman that wasn’t particularly known for fits of passion or acting in a bold, brash nature - couldn’t help herself. She rushed the distance between the two of them, clamped her arms around Twilight Sparkle in all of her schoolgirl glory, and spun her straight against the wall in a ferocious embrace.

“Ahh…!” Twilight gave a sudden squeak as her back hit the wall and she lifted a leg, holding it to her wife’s waist as she felt one of Cinch’s hands explore. Already the older woman was caressing her calf and moving underneath her thigh, soon to be teasing that purple backside only barely restrained within - of course - the same old panties she used to wear. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle as Cinch began kissing fervently at her throat, lips moving back and forth in hot, hungry streaks that made her squirm all the more. “I...I guess that means you like the uniform.”

“Of course I like it, Twilight Sparkle,” Principal Cinch murmured, looking up from her former student’s throat. Her glasses were slightly fogged and her cheeks had finally fallen into a blush, yet she kept her stoic nature intact for the moment as she responded. “It is the school dress code, after all. What isn’t to like? I’d have to write you up if you wore anything else.”

Twilight merely squeaked from the back of her throat, her brow lifting from behind the lenses of her glasses as she murmured.

“...ohh boy, this is really going to work for me,” she quietly admitted, just before the older woman dipped in to force a kiss upon her lips.

Principal and student, educator and valedictorian, mature woman and freshly-turned eighteen year-old girl. Such were Abacus Cinch and Twilight Sparkle that night, locked in a fierce kiss a few feet away from their marital bed. Twilight wearing her old school uniform wasn’t all that much of a stretch - it had only been a little over a year since she last stuffed herself into it, and she was still waiting to graduate from CHS, making her title as a schoolgirl particularly authentic. She was actively melting underneath the flurry of attention from her wife that evening, groaning and grinding as Cinch rolled her hips forward, whimpering as she felt mature hands explore every young curve. Her purple backside, the bun of her hair, the side of her glasses’ frames...Principal Cinch was hungry to touch just about everything, and Twilight was more than happy to let her enjoy herself. When their lips peeled away and their tongues stopped twisting together in a growing state of pleasure, the two women pressed their foreheads against each other and met their gazes across what little of their glasses hadn’t fogged. Sharing breath, sharing heat, sharing this particularly spicy game in their was more than obvious that it scratched each of them at one of the deepest, most primal itches they had.

The meticulous, domineering principal that demanded perfection yet only discovered it in one place - and the endlessly eager-to-please, grade-grubbing, downright desperate for validation student that could find no more difficult to please mentor. These two were perfect for one another, whether in the classroom or the bedroom.

“Principal Cinch…” Twilight Sparkle let the words dance past her lips with a heavy blush sweeping over her cheeks, practically quivering at the woman’s attention. By that point, Cinch had lowered a slender hand down between Twilight’s thighs, and she was actively teasing the girl’s pussy through the fabric with a few careful, skilled digits. Twilight squirmed, tightened her grasp on her wife’s shoulders, and couldn’t stop herself from bucking her hips forward against that focused touch. “I...I don’t think...that students and teachers should be...should be…”

“You just listen to what I tell you and obey, young lady,” Principal Cinch purred against her wife’s lips, and hooked a digit against Twilight’s pussy, teasing her just a bit deeper through the fabric of her undergarments. With a gentle bob of her head she gestured to the bed, smirking as she offered her next command. “Sit on the edge and spread your thighs. I need to make sure everything about your uniform holds up to code. Prove to me what a...good student you can be.”

Twilight Sparkle gave a full-body shudder at that, and nodded nervously as she bounced to fulfill the request. She sat at the edge of the bed where the two women made love on an almost nightly basis, but this night? This night felt more tantalizing and exciting than ever. She leaned back on her hands and gently spread her purple thighs, revealing that underneath the edge of her skirt her nethers were covered by a pair of panties that matched the rich royal color of the garment covering it. An adorable schoolgirl leaning back and exposing her panties, simply waiting for Principal Cinch to come and claim her? Such a thing was downright scandalous and a strict violation of every oath Cinch made when she became a teacher, but then…Twilight Sparkle wasn’t her student anymore, was she?

At least not in the literal sense.

“Everything appears to be in order,” Principal Cinch cooed as she dropped down to her nylon clad knees, inviting herself to brace her fingers against Twilight’s thighs. She made sure that her intentions were perfectly clear from the very beginning, lifting Twilight’s skirt up a bit further and allowing her fingernails to brush smooth and slowly across that quivering, goosebump-marked flesh. “You truly are an impeccable student, Twilight. Everything I’ve taught you, every lesson I’ve ever given, every request I’ve ever made…” She quirked her brow and took a deep breath, making it a point to allow Twilight to witness as she slowly licked her lips with a gently-extended tongue. “I do believe such a perfect teacher’s pet deserves a special reward.”

“Oh oh oh y-yes?!” Twilight Sparkle’s brow lifted, the shameless grade-grubber inside of her crashing against the composure of a married woman that was enjoying her evening with her wife. She tightened her fingers within the sheets and had to actively force herself not to squirm in place, keeping her thighs spread and her nethers available for whatever the older woman desired. “I...I’m just happy you’re proud of me, Principal Cinch! Your approval means everything to me!”

Principal Cinch, with a smug and satisfied look playing on her face, didn’t mind breaking character just for a few seconds. Long enough to stretch a hand outward and tip a finger below Twilight’s chin, long enough to meet their gaze and offer her a loving, doting, whisper that carried nothing but adoration upon it.

“...and there is nothing that means more to me than yours, my love,” she offered simply, sweetly, and without any trace of the stern educator she so often was. That woman appeared a split-second later, as her brow furrowed and she gave Twilight a sudden order with her harsh, barking tone. “Now prepare yourself, Twilight Sparkle! I will not be indulging you again in this fashion until you’ve earned it!”

She said that, but in truth? Twilight Sparkle earned Abacus Cinch on her knees in front of her on a daily basis. She was, after all, an extremely good student.

Twilight Sparkle clenched her teeth and closed her eyes tight as she felt the first wave of pleasure rush across her. Principal Cinch had pulled her panties to the side just enough to expose the shaved, smooth purple pussy underneath, and now she was leaning forward to bury her nose against Twilight’s hood and draw her tongue forward for a slow, hungry lick. She didn’t move particularly quickly - after all, rewarding a student was an experience to savor - and while she worked Twilight could actively hear the noises of pleasure she was drawing from this moment. The satisfied smack of her lips as she savored the taste of the younger woman. The long, deep inhales of the aroma of Twilight’s excited nethers. The sound of her own pussy as it was smoothly and gently probed by an extended mature finger, moistly grasping against it while Twilight shuddered in place. Before long, Twilight ushered her thighs up and over Principal Cinch’s shoulders and even the stiff material of the woman’s blazer underneath her sensitive flesh served as a thrilling reminder of the gap between them - of the fact that their romance was so unlikely that others were still confused by it.

Despite that, Cinch’s hands soon moved up to cradle Twilight’s thighs right where they rested, and she turned her hands to give the girl’s sensitive flesh a kiss from side to side. She peppered her lips over each of Twilight’s thighs before sparing her a single look from below - brow arched behind her glasses and a smug smile resting on her juice-coated lips. It was in the expression of Principal Cinch that Twilight found the strength to endure without melting right then and there on the spot, so focused she was on proving that she was a good, good student that would make her teacher proud.

When Principal Cinch returned to tend to Twilight’s pussy, the girl unleashed a long and hungry moan that filled their bedroom just as it so often did. She was astonishingly sensitive down there and by that point in their relationship Cinch knew exactly how to tease her - where to kiss, where to nibble, and at what point on Twilight’s calf to drag a single finger with her nail faintly scratching the otherwise flawless flesh. She was a coiled mess of pleasure underneath the calculated and precise motions of the older woman, and they were indeed exactly that - precise. Even in the midst of her passion and burning with a rigorous, aroused flame, Principal Cinch moved with focus and determination. She knew from the second she knelt before her former student just how she would touch her and just how Twilight would respond, and it was with that intense insight that she knew that Twilight, as much as she’d like, wouldn’t last long.

Licking. Slurping. Nuzzling her nose. Teasing Twilight’s thighs with the chilling touch of her glasses’ lenses. She offered to her schoolgirl wife every bit of tailored affection she could, and within only a few moments of resting on her knees Twilight Sparkle was trembling. Heels of standard black Crystal Prep uniform shoes were digging against her back, and Twilight’s voice was falling into the room amidst a series of squeaks and whimpers that Cinch had learned long ago how to read. The girl’s pleasure was building and her peak was arriving, just as Cinch teased her palms underneath that pretty purple backside and just as she swallowed yet another mouthful of flavor. Specifically, of eighteen year-old bride flavor.

“P...Princ...Principal Cinch, I’m…” Twilight was whimpering and wavering, rolling her head from side to side as she clutched the sheets and started to pitch into her peak. Her hips rose from the bed to usher her pussy against the older woman’s mouth with even more urgency, and in doing so only ensured that it would crash against her all the faster. “I’m...oh, it feels so good, you’re such a good teacher, I...I can’t...can’t hold…”

“The best student I’ve ever had the pleasure of teaching,” Principal Cinch cooed in response, just before locking her plump, full lips against Twilight’s hood. That wild praise came in tandem with the sudden flourish of her tongue, twirling and twisting and driving from Twilight almost as much gratification as the kind words of her teacher did. Almost. Either way, the two together were easily enough to make Twilight convulse on the bed, bouncing and shaking and quivering, pounding her tiny fists to the mattress as she unleashed gasp after desperate gasp. Her chest rose and fell within the vest and blouse of her Crystal Prep uniform, the pleats of her skirt danced, and when she finished ushering her nectar of delight to Principal Cinch’s lips the older woman simply allowed Twilight’s panties to slide back into place.

Abacus Cinch didn’t linger at Twilight’s pussy after the girl came - such pleasantries were for women that didn’t have busy bedroom schedules to keep, and the two of them had much more to accomplish. By the time Twilight Sparkle came down from her peak, laying there on a wet spot on the bed and with her thighs still lewdly spread to expose a soaked pair of panties, she gazed to where her wife stood. Still garbed in her typical principal attire, still looking like the absolute picture of authority and determination, still as beautiful as the day their unlikely romance began.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Principal Cinch asked, her brow lifting as her hand dropped to her hip. Her words rang with not only authority but outright adoration - she loved this girl exactly as much as she loved being her teacher. “On your knees before me this instant. Otherwise, how will you know how much I desire you?”

“R-Right away, Principal Cinch!” From there, the schoolgirl hurried to her feet and slid straight down to her knees at the edge of the bed. As her head dipped underneath her teacher’s skirt and her glasses were overtaken by fog, as her hands rested on nylon-clad calves and her senses were assaulted by the aroma of the older woman’s intense arousal, Twilight Sparkle merely shivered in delight. Her pleated-skirt danced as her backside shimmied, her vest strained against her breasts, and her little heart raced at just how happy she was.

She had a teacher to fawn over and a wife to worship - all contained in the same stoic package. How lucky could one teacher’s pet possibly get?

The End.