Galloping n Running


First published

Horses are fast when whey run, and so does ponies. Sunset's still that fast even in the human world

They saw how Sunset can run fast that leads CHS to a massive victory againt Crystal Prep in soccer, it was technically her horse speed since she was from Equestria. So basically, she's still this fast, even when she's a human in her current home.

So, Applejack challenged Sunset to see if she's faster than any of the horses at her stable.

But we can't forget who always been the fastest person in the group.

Still Fast as a Horse

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It was time for another soccer game at Crystal Prep Academy. The home team will be facing their mortal rivals, Canterlot High School. Their second lead striker, Ligthning Dust, was injured due to what happened last game they had with their rivals back at CHS. And this game was their last chance to take Crystal Prep's spot on the top of the ladder. CHS have been in the 5th positioned in the ladder for so long that they worked so hard to climb up to the top, thanks to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. But since the second lead striker was out for the season, she was replaced by Sunset Shimmer, who took it upon herself to be part of the team after seeing her her loyal friend had worked hard to get her team to the top.

With Sunset had enough practice, starting with the help from Rainbow and the team, and for the most part is her personal training at the gym, the field and at her apartment. And also at the beach, (she figured it's a good idea since it can help her pace) It was time for CHS to give Crystal Prep a taste of their own medicine at their own place, after they humiliated them back at CHS by scoring 1-4 goals for the visitor side.

So the, the crowd were most of Crystal Prep students and also a half of CHS students, chearing for their respective teams. Sunset and Rainbow were up front, while the rest of their teammates stand back in a rather complex, defensive positions.

"I'm really touched by this, Sunset," Rainbow said heartwarmingly at her friend. "I never thought my friend would decide to volunteer to be a part of my team."

Sunset look at her with a smile, "You know what they say," Sunset says. "Anything for a friend."

Rainbow chuckled at the last part. "Yeah, even if we win or lose, at least we'll go through it together."

"Together," Sunset repeated.

Then the game starts with Lemon Zest kicking the ball to Indigo and she leads the attack for her team. But unfortunately, due to CHS' tight defense, Indigo can't seem to find an angle to by pass it, but before she could move a muscle, Sunset swipe the ball from her with her right foot and pass it to Rainbow Dash on the left, then Rainbow Dash begin with her signature moves to avoid, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, and Sunny flare, then pass back to Sunset and in split 3 seconds, she pass the ball back to Rainbow and dodge a defender's slide tackle and kicks the ball to the right and keeper misses.

That's one goal for CHS.

Then the game continues with Indigo and dodges Rainbow's slide tackle and passes the ball to Sugarcoat, she dribbles past the midfielders pass high to Sour Sweet from her left. Sour Sweet headers the ball back to Indigo and quickly dribbles past the defenders and misderect one defender and pass the ball to Lemon Zest and kicks the ball to the goal. As the ball zooms into the goal, then suddenly, out of nowhere, Sunset Shimmer catches the ball with her right foot while on mid- air! Caught everyone by surprised, and so does Rainbow Dash.

With her teammates being marked by the home team, Sunset jumps over Indigo's slide tackle and zooms past Lemon Zest, catching her by surprising. She easily passes by the midfielders with such speed and gives up the ball to a midfielder, that said midfielder was quickly marked by Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat, and quickly look around only to see Rainbow Dash unable to get the defenders off of her, and glances to her right to see Sunset unmark, so she kick the ball high towards Sunset. Sunset catches the ball and run straight towards the goal, leaving Indigo in the dust. Sunset was too damn fast at this point, she easily zooms into the defenders and take her shot on the left. Scoring another goal for CHS.

With two points ahead of theem, Indigo tries to enhanced their game stragety to quickly get to the goal. Unfortunately, all that was for naught, because as Indigo was about to pass the ball to Lemon, Sunset quickly intercepts it with such speed yet again. She passes the ball to Rainbow Dash as they run towards the goal, and also avoid Sunny Flare's slide tackle.

"Mark on the captain!" Sunny Flare called out.

The home team nodded and begin to close in on Rainbow Dash while running towards the goal in sync. Any of them could steal the ball from her at any moment now, she glance at Sunset who was again, unmark, so she pass high to Sunset, Sunset catches the ball again and make a run for it towards the goal.

"Quick! Get her!" Indigo urged.

Indigo, Sugarcoat and Lemon were chasing her down. But Sunset was just too fast for any of them. Faster than a normal human speed, Sunset kicks the ball on the right, earning another goal for CHS.

Few minutes later, the entire home team were closing in on CHS' defense, and when their defense have finally break, Indigo took this opportunity to score. But again, before she kicks the ball, Sunset swipes the ball from behind and positioned in front of the goal post. From her own eyes, her whole team has been marked by Crystal Prep. Indigo steps in front of her with a smug on her face.

"What are you gonna do now, Sunset?" Indigo asked her with that grin she's wearing on her face. "We're closing in on you and your whole team, and what's worse? We're waaaaayy too close to the goal that would earn us a point if we scored. So give up the ball, Sunset."

Sunset remained determined, even if she give it up to Indigo, it would still mean nothing to Crystap Prep since they're like 3 points ahead of them. Sunset glance beside Indigo and she sees no one on Crystal Prep's half of the pitch. She smirk as the idea came to her.

"You know what, Indigo?" Sunset replied with a smirk. "Maybe you're right. Smart move to close in on me and my team at the near end to this goal behind me. But you do you realize that I'm too fast for any of you and your defense was very empty."

"That's only because of how fast you are and we have to make sure we have marked you, and your whole team" Indigo replied back. "And there's no way your fast track feet can help you this time."

Sunset raised her right eyebrow. "Really?" She looked down to her feet, and look back up to Indigo. "Maybe you should've been prepared for- THIS!" she then, started to do a 360 spin, that creates such a breeze from Sunset's unbelievable 360 spin that allows her to move like a tornado. She DOES look like a red and yellow tornado when Sunset was perfoming this trick. She zooms past Indigo and everyone and to the other side of the pitch. No one's there to defend it, and this was Sunset's perfect opportunity. Everyone were very surprised by this new move performed by Sunset, as she keeps the spin going while zooming towards the goal.

"How on earth she can do dat??" Applejack wondered, she was loss at words along with everyone else. She then heard someone singing and turned to her left to see Trixie, singing something.

"You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record baby-" she stopped when she glance at Applejack, staring at her and her singing. "I wasn't singing!" Trixie quickly dismissed and looked away. And finishing her can of soda.

Then, Sunset stopped spinning and activates her Dead Eye mode, time slows down around her and glances at the top right corner of the goal, taps an X on it from her point of view, then kicks the ball hard to the target. Thus, CHS getting a 4th goal of the game.

"And CHS has won the rematch! 4 nil!" Frosty Orange announced through the microphone as a commentator. And then later sighs in disappointment. "And we lose..." she muttered.

The game ended like 30 minutes ago with CHS comming off a massive victory. Most were still stunned, surprise, and especially, impressed by Sunset's speed and agility and all that. Rainbow Dash runs out from Crystal Prep to meet up with Sunset. She found Sunset walking on the sidewalk, away from Crystal Prep, Rainbow quickly caught up with her from behind.

"Sunset, wait!" Rainbow called out, getting her attention. Sunset turned her back to see Rainbow had caught up to her. "How did you-" But Sunset held a hand to interrupt her.

"Like how am I fast as hell, and that 360 spin?" Sunset finished. "To be honest, it's quite hard to explain..."

"Then you better explain it, now," Rainbow demand. "Because I want to know exactly how you're that fast, and that agility of yours and all."

"Well, I didn't used magic or anything, because that'll be cheating and I know it," Sunset replied. "We even gave our geodes to Applejack earlier before the game starts so we won't somehow accidentally our powers during the game." She then explains. "Back at Equestria, I was a pony, or like a horse as you all may say that." she sighs and continues. "And when I'm here, after finally settling down in this world, I started to discover that some aspects of my pony form is still in me or something. Examples like; whenever I run, I'm surprisingly faster than any athletes. That is when I realized that I'm still fast as how fast I run when I was a pony."

"So your saying that you're still fast as a horse just because you're a pony from another world?" Rainbow summerized.

Sunset shrugged. "Something like that, but yeah, it is."

"Fast as a horse, huh?" They turned around to See Applejack walking by. "No wonder ya' where that fast. How bout we see how fast ya' truly how? Compare yer' speed with one of my horses back at my stable."

Sunset like where this is going so she agreed with this idea. "I'm up for it," she agreed.

"Then it's settle," Applejack declared. "Ah'll go get the horse ready. Sunset, Ah'll see you there at 3."

"I'll just tag along," Rainbow chimed in. "Just to see how this turns out."

Later, Sunset have arrived at Sweet Apple Acres as Applejack guide her to where the stables are. They entered the stables, only to see different horses in there. Applejack walk up to a white horse, put the saddle on and hop on the horse and walk out of the stable.

"This right here, is mah' favorite horse," Applejack introduced. "This is what ah' called her, Sweet Apples, and she's the fastest horse we ever had."

Sunset slowly pat on the horse and it responds with noises as if she sounds like she's pleased with it. Sunset chuckled at her, "Now I like her already."

"Ah' know ya' would," Applejack said. "Now, c'mon. If yer' really that fast as a horse, then let's race to CHS. It shouldn't be that far." She slowly ride to the starting line up setting up by Rainbow Dash, they positioned on the line with Applejack on her horse, feeding it with an apple while Sunset just stretch like any everyone can do.

"Alright, you two!" Rainbow boasted, holding a small Nerf handgun. "I'm going to say this once; no cheating, no distraction, no back talk, no disgraceful acts, and no dirty tactics!"

"That last part also sounded like cheating," Sunset added.

"I know," Rainbow replied, held the Nerf handgun up high into the air. "Ready? Set....... Go!"

So the race is on with Applejack taking the lead, but not long when Sunset is surprisingly catching up with her, and yes, Sunset was running, but she was also fast, compared to her horse, and she doesn't even need a horse to outrun a horse, coz, you know.

"C'mon girl, faster please!" Applejack told her horse as Sweet Apples comply with her demand and gallop a bit faster, taking the lead back from Sunset. But Sunset shorty caught up with them yet again and she's slowly gaining some lead here.

"I'd expect this to be more challenging!" Sunset replied, while still running.

"Challenging ya' say?" Applejack asked her. "Okay, then. Yah!" She urged her horse to go faster again and took the lead. But Sunset was not having it, she slowly but surely catching up to Applejack and finally takes the lead back again.

"Aren't you tired running with yer' legs, Sunset?" Applejack asked her, she kind of sounds concern now.

"Do I sound and look like I was tired at this point?" Sunset questioned, and by surprise, she doesn't sound like she was tired because she is not. She still sounded energetic.

"If yah say so," Applejack replied, still unsure but continues the race.

Applejack urge her horse to go faster and faster again, and it suddenly takes the lead from Sunset again. But Sunset smirked, and uses her unbelievable 360 spin and zooms pass them like a tornado. Meanwhile, Trixie was sitting by the bus stop, she soons sees Sunset performing this move again while zooming through the neighborhood with Applejack and her horse following behind.

"You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record baby-" she stopped when she notices Scootalo staring at her with a confused look on her face. Trixie turns away and fishes her hand in her magic hat for her drink.

Sunset stopped spinning and proceed with running and finally sees CHS just up ahead. She turns back to Applejack and her horse and said, "Catch up will you?" She called.

"Oh, don't push yer' luck, Sunset!" Applejack told her and begin to pick up the pace with her horse as they slowly catch up to her.

So then, it was either two of them making it first. Either by Sunset with her horse still remain in her, with Applejack on her horse. They moved towards the finishing line in their fastest. Sunset or Applejack with her horse, they're getting close. They're getting close!

But then, Rainbow Dash suddenly super speed pass them and crosses the finishing line at first.

"I flipping won!" Rainbow bragged and punched the air. Sunset and Applejack stopped and were surprised by Rainbow's sudden appearance.

"Hey, that ain't fair!" Applejack whine.

"It's supposed to between me and the horse, Rainbow Dash," Sunset reminded.

"Yeah, I know," she replied. "But never forget that, one of us here will always be the fastest in the group, and that person is me!"

Sunset sigh. "I can agree with you,"

"Well, great race anyway, Sunset," AJ compliment. "Ah' never thought you would be this fast, compared to mah' horse here."

"Oh, yeah, about that," Rainbow pulls something out from her small bag and it was a speed thermometer. "While you're racing, I flew up high to the air and track both of your speed with this speed thermometer." She shows them the results. "Applejack's horse speed is 59 miles an hour, while Sunset's true horse speed is like around, 61 miles an hour."

"Wow!" Applejack exclaimed in surprised. "Ah mean, aside of Rainbow's super speed, yer' reallyfast, Sugarcube!"

"Surprise, ain't you all?" Sunset smirked.

"But, just remember," Rainbow added. "Now matter how fast you are without magic, don't forget that I was the fastest!"

"Except that yer' using yer' magic, Rainbow," Applejack said. "But anyway, Sunset seems worked up by now today. So how bout we head back to mah' place for some apple ciders?"

The other two agreed with Applejack's suggestion and made their way back to the Ranch.