Spiked Drinks

by The Wind King

First published

Twilight sends Spike over to Rarity with a potion, his payment is unconventional to say the least.

Twilight prepares a potion for Rarity which Spike volunteers to deliver, leading to a rather worthy reward for services rendered.

Warning Contains Sex between beloved characters, do not read if you hate that kind of stuff, you have been warned.

Spiked Drinks

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“SPIIIIKKKKKEEEEE”, the lavender unicorn called towards the hatch in the basement ceiling.

“Yes twilight” the young dragons head popped in upside down from the hatch “what do you need?” he asked as the rest of his scaly body followed as he held onto the wooden frame with his foreclaws.

“What did you do with that jar of lindwyrm scales; I need them for a potion I’m working on”

“They’re over there Twi,” the young dragon pointed with his tail to a tall stack of shelves covered with jars and parcels of powder. “I put them next to the powdered teeth”

“You know that’s where they go, they should go with the other biological samples” She lashed her tail at an overfilled cupboard, a large jar of small, grey, petals balancing precariously on the edge.

“I tried but there just isn’t enough…” Spike paused as the jar fell from the shelf and landed on the cushions he had already put out after weeks of cleaning up glass “… room.”

He watched as the Twilight lifted the jar back to the shelf, her horn glowing faintly, and replaced it in a more secure position, “So what’s this potion for?” he asked dropping to the floor.

Twilight turned back to the fragile old book she had balanced on the podium next to her, as the jar of scales floated over to a small cauldron “oh, it’s for Rarity,” Spike’s eyes lit up at the mention of his crush “She’s been having a small problem recently, normally she goes to Zecora, but she had to leave for a while something to do with familial obligations,” two scales floated out of the jar and landed in the cauldrons, turning the pale blue liquid in there perfectly clear as the scales slowly dissolved.

“Do you mind if I deliver it?” Spike asked his voice eager.

“Oh not at all” Twilight turned and flashed the young dragon a knowing look, “I was hoping you would”

* * * * *

Spike hummed to himself as he hurried down the street towards the boutique that Rarity owned, the potion bottle clutched tightly in his stubbly claws, his tailed wagging gently from side to side with each step.

As he approached the boutique he didn’t noticed one of the top level curtains twitch aside, nor did he notice the wary eye peering out from behind it, which narrowed as he drew closer.

He knocked on the door, and without waiting for an invitation he walked in “Rarity, it’s me, Spike,” he stopped to listen for a reply but only silence answered him; the drawn curtains bathing the room in a deep purple. “Twilight sent me over with the potion you wanted”, he paused again, but there was still no answer.

“Okaaaaayyyy, I’m just going to leave the potion here” he walked over to a table covered in scraps of cloth. As he set the bottle down, he heard the door slam shut, startling him.

As he felt his way back to the door, he heard the sound of a ponies hoof on the wooden floor, muffled by the fabric that strewn all over the place, he froze trying to pinpoint the location of the sound, but failing.

He walked back over to the door and tried to twist the handle to no avail, “Okay, whichever pony is doing this, it isn’t funny” he said letting go of the door handle, and stumbling back towards the center of the room, before he heard another hoof step, and another, and another.

Peering into the purple gloom, he saw a figure approach the table where he had left the potion.

“Rarity is that you?” he asked, nervously.

“And what would you do if it wasn’t” she replied as a faint glow started to emanate from her horn, the stopper on the bottle working its way out.

The young dragon breathed out, his nervousness melting away, as he relaxed “Okay, okay, I’ll just be going now” as he started to inhale he noticed an odd smell hanging in the air, almost like musky perfume.

“Oh and why would you want to do that, Spike?” Rarity asked as she floated the bottle over to his mouth.

“What do you mean, Rarity?” spike tried to lean away from the bottle, but his body felt so heavy and his thoughts where slow.
“Well, Twilight told me you would be coming over with my order today” Rarity tipped the bottle back, and poured the potion down his throat “So I thought I would reward you for all the good service you’ve given me up to now, and Twilight wasn’t averse to the idea either. ”

Spike tried to talk back, to move as he tensed what muscles he had, he tried to ask the pertinent question that was swimming through his mind, but all he could think about was Rarity, who was walking slowly towards him, her flank swaying from side to side. She stopped six inches from him and leaned in, her face brushing against his.

“Here’s your reward” and before he could think, her mouth locked with his sending a wave of heat down his body, and his tension completely melted away with that first contact.

He brought his hand up slowly, almost lazily, and stroked her cheek; he could feel the heat growing down, between his hips, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Rarity’s. The kiss carried on for what seemed an eternity, before Rarity broke away from Spike, before she looked down.

“Well it certainly seems like you aren’t averse to the idea either.” Rarity lowered her head and wrapped her lips around Spikes growing cock, the sensation causing the young dragon to groan, as the heat surged in his loins, as ejaculated almost immediately, the thick white strands filling Rarity’s mouth.

“Now, now Spike, I was hoping you reward would last longer” Rarity gasped, as she swallowed the load of cum the Spike had shot into her, “Aren’t you glad that I ordered that potion for you” She stuck her tongue out and gently licked Spikes wilting cock, the fluttering sensation causing it to spring back up, almost immediately, he closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure as the heat returned.

Spike stood there gasping as the Rarity flicked her tongue up and down his shaft, teasing it enough to cause pre cum to flow down it surface, but just staying shy of bring him to climax again, before again plunging his shaft into her mouth. Spike opened his eyes and grabbed Rarity’s head, pushing it as far onto his pole as possible as he came again, his sperm flying down her throat.

Rarity pulled away from Spikes slackening grasp, turned around and pushed him gently to the ground with her rear hooves.

As he lay on the ground, Spike watched Rarity lower her hindquarters to his cock, which in turn started to grow upwards, rubbing gently against her moist slit, the white fur slick with fluid.

His shaft slid over her wet lips, its rough eliciting moans of pleasure from Rarity, as she shut her eyes, her hips bobbing up and down slowly, massaging Spike’s pole.

As she lifted herself up, Rarity felt Spikes hands slowly move up the outside of her hind legs, until they rested on her flank, his hand covering two of the diamonds that made up her cutie mark. His fingers began to knead and pinch the flesh of her flanks before moving inwards towards her moist lips.

One of his hands began to slowly caress her, oh so gently, while the other lowered itself to his own matter, and pulled it into position before he thrust upwards, impaling himself into Rarity.

“Oh yes, oh Celestia, don’t stop Spike, don’t stop” she moaned as he continued to thrust into her, the rough skin of his shaft tugging and grinding against the sensate folds of her marehood. His claws began to dig into her skin as he increased his tempo furiously, lost in the sensation of the heat that was building, torturously in his loins.

He pulled back, his teeth gritted, almost dragging his entire shaft out of Rarity, the rough skin eliciting another moan from her; before slamming it back in, burying himself up to the hilt, his balls pulsing as he shot load after load into her depths, his grunts of exertion mingling with her screams of pleasure.

As Spike fell back his cock dragged itself out of Rarity, smearing his thick pearly load on her rear and causing it to splash back onto him, his cock slathered in her juices.

Rarity turned around, and looked down at the young dragon “Surely you don’t think that’s the end of your reward, do you?”, as she started to coax his shaft back to its full glory.

* * * * *

The moon was just rising between the hills behind Ponyville when Twilight heard the rapping at her door.

“Hello Rarity, I hope Spike behaved himself during his visit?” She asked, stepping aside, as Rarity walked in, the purple dragon lying face down on her back, his snores rumbling gently.

“Oh, he was perfect, just perfect” Rarity responds as Twilight levitates the sleeping dragon over to his cushion bed.

“Same time again, next month then?” Twilight asks as Rarity walks out the door.

“Definitely darling”