Tormenting a Queen

by Donttouchmysqueenus

First published

Chrysalis' plan failed and what was meant to be her greatest victory turned into her greatest defeat. And to make matters worse, the Princess she impersonated for weeks captured her.

After her spectacular failure during the Royal Wedding between Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, Chrysalis and what remained of her hive crash-landed in an inhospitable land. The blast that scattered them taking a heavier toll on her than she initially thought, she couldn't move for several days. To add insult to injury, she was then captured by the same Princess she had impersonated for weeks. Now, she was going to suffer the wrath of an alicorn seeking vengeance.

This story contains: physical, emotional, and psychological torture, grossness, cumflation via eating vast amounts of stored-up cum, very graphic and detailed depictions of the torture taking place, and a whole lot of sadism. You have been warned.

**DISCLAIMER: If you can't handle the levels of violence/grossness portrayed, don't read it and move on. You have been warned twice.**

Tormenting a Queen

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Tormenting a Queen

Pain. Loss. Defeat.


She didn’t know what had gone wrong. Her plan had been flawless, the execution of it perfect, and the delivery of every moment up to the very damnable end had been a carefully orchestrated masterpiece directed by her superior intellect. She had been close… so damn very close to conquering Equestria she could almost and had tasted victory!

No matter how many times she thought back on her plan, nothing had gone wrong. She had done everything correctly. She even managed to get Luna away from Canterlot for the day on a ruse, leaving Celestia, powerful as she was, alone. She had even managed to defeat her thanks to eating nearly all of Shining Armor’s love, leaving him weakened and unable to oppose her control over him.

“Damn that Twilight Sparkle.”

Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, uttered with a voice heavy with contempt towards the pony that had ruined her plans. With Equestria dominated she could’ve not only ensured all the love her subjects could ever need for centuries, possibly more, but also ensure for herself the true establishment of a kingdom that would see the entirety of the world come under her rightful rule.

Her anger rose and she tried to get on her hooves. Failing a moment later, the side of her head collided against the soil and her legs quivered under her own weight. With a snarl and a hiss, she looked around only to find uncountable numbers of her drones lying on the ground, battered against trees or rocks, and slammed against the ground.

Some were alive and of those, the majority were moaning in pain as they sported injuries across their bodies from all varieties and sources. Most, however, were lost; plummeting against the ground at such tremendous force after their disgraceful loss and ejection from Canterlot, scattering her entire hive to the winds. Most died upon impact, their bones shattered and organs pummeled beyond belief, others died shortly after.

She herself didn’t know for how long she had remained unconscious, her blackened dreams filled with nothing but the repeat of her defeat on a loop. Reminding her greatest shame until then only served to make her anger rise again, but it was for naught as all that got her was pain, a shiver, and nothing more than a few centimeters of crawling before she was forced to stop.

“M-My Queen?”

She turned to the source of the voice and found one of her drones; bloodied, battered, and bruised, but alive. He was limping but she could feel his concern and it disgusted her. Instead of replying, she opened her mouth, and almost instantly whatever love energy the drone had stored was stolen away by his queen. She watched and heard as the drone cried out, begging for mercy, but that only made her more irritated. Once she was done subtracting the pittance of energy the drone had, his body was reduced to a dry, lifeless husk and fell to the ground, unmoving.

The pain diminished and she could feel some of her strength return to her, though not enough to allow her more than stay conscious and probably crawl a few meters more.

That’s when she heard rumbling followed by metallic hoofsteps. Turning her head towards the source of the noise, she saw something she at first thought to be a mirage, but then it was made painfully clear that it was real, even as the sun was dimming the shadow the bushes and sparse trees provided her would give her no refuge now.

She tried to fly, teleport, run, walk, and finally crawl away, eating up whatever energy was left from those drones still alive that her influence could reach, but it was not enough. In the end, the encroaching monster behind her arrived and she knew, there and then, that there would be no escape.

Turning on her back to face the contingent of ponies clad in armor, she spotted not only her puppet but also the bitch she had impersonated for weeks on end at the head of her forces.

“It seems you’ve won,” she spat angrily, putting all the poison she could deliver onto each syllable. “Go on, end me. I won’t give you the pleasure of seeing me grovel and beg for my life.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Chrysalis,” Shining Armor replied.

Chrysalis would’ve laughed if not for the hatred reflected in his eyes. Turning to his wife, she continued where her husband left.

“Take her, cage her, and make sure she’s alive. She will face the proper punishment for her crimes,” Cadance ordered, her usual mellow tone devoid of any empathy. “Burn the corpses, grant mercy to those that can’t be saved, and take the rest.”

“YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!” Shouted the royal guards.

For her part, Chrysalis felt her head nearly exploding at their unified call before watching them scatter to fulfill said orders. She snarled, hissed, and spat in anger, showing her fangs before a bright blue beam hit her and everything went dark.


Chrysalis awoke from her slumber in a sudden jerk. Her mind replaying her capture over and over again for who knows how long. The first thing she noticed was that her body didn’t hurt anymore even if it felt tired. Trying to move was fruitless as the next thing she noticed were the chains, cuffs, and locks keeping her bound, restrained. Her confusion died and was replaced by burning fury.

She tried to unsheath her wings but a pang of pain told her it would be impossible. Looking back, momentarily surprised that her neck was unshackled, she saw some contraption placed on her back, preventing her from using her wings. With a snarl, she tried to use her magic.

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!” She cried out as an ungodly wave of pain coursed through her body. She thrashed wildly and violently for a few seconds, truly putting the strength of her restraints to the test. When it was over, color returned to her vision. Slowly, she blinked as the pain receded and she looked around. She was half-expecting to find herself in a cell, but instead found herself in the middle of a large room devoid of amenities. Looking down to where she was forced to remain in a seated position, she found she was sitting over some sort of drain where only her bodily necessities would ever fit through.

“I suggest never trying to use your magic ever again, Chrysalis.”

Her eyes snapped open as a disembodied voice spoke to her. A voice she knew far too well. “Show yourself, wench!” She barked in anger, demanding the presence of her hated foe. “You think you can keep me, Queen Chrysalis, chained and bound as your prisoner!? Show yourself so I may beat you into submission once more! Then I’ll use your love to recover my strength and rebuild my hive!”

“Such big, mean, strong words from a bug that’s powerless now,” the voice of Cadance said and Chrysalis detected her dry, cruel tone behind her words. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for weeks, Chrysalis. And now that you’re awake, we can finally begin with your rightful punishment,” the voice went silent for a moment before a chuckle resonated. “I should thank you for that extra time, it gave me a lot to think over on how to break you, formed Queen of the Changelings.”

“Former!?” She raged against her restraints, but they didn’t budge nor faltered on their task; she hadn’t moved even an inch. “I am The only Changeling Queen! I am Chrysalis and you, you pathetic excuse of a Princess, you are nothing more than food for me and my subjects. Now, show yourself and release me from this bondage!”

Laughter echoed around the room for several seconds but soon after, it stopped. “Oh, Chrysalis, I am going to have so much fun~,” Cadance taunted.

Chrysalis recoiled at the tone the pink Princess of Love had used. It was… deep and heavy, dark. She couldn’t quite place it or understand why, but for a split moment, she felt fear. Then, pushing those stupid and useless feeling out of her mind, she replied.

“Then show yourself, coward!”

“In a moment~,” Cadance replied and then, silence.

While Chrysalis awaited the Princess’ arrival, she fought against her shackles and tried to use her magic a couple of times with different intensities and intents. Despite her best efforts, however, she was unable to break free nor use magic at all; each attempt bringing her nothing but throbbing, puncturing, agonizing pain and nothing more. Recognizing she was unable to escape at that moment, she decided to wait. Fortunately for her, that only lasted for several minutes rather than hours.

She couldn’t help but chuckle as the Princess entered into the room, alone. “What is this? Do you think it’s wise to enter all on your own, Cadance? Remember what happened the last time you were on your own?” She asked, smiling darkly at the pink alicorn.

“I remember being jumped by no less than twenty of drones completely by surprise before you knocked me out, Chrysalis. Do you honestly think that’s reason enough for me to be worried now?” Cadance replied, shaking her head.

Something’s wrong… She’s not afraid of me at all, she’s not even trying to put on a strong face… what the fuck is going on? Chrysalis thought as she watched the Princess close the distance between them, her step calm and collected. Before she could say anything, the Princess continued.

“After all, why do I have to fear a nasty, useless parasite like yourself?” Cadance said and Chrysalis could feel the burning glare trying to immolate her where she sat.

“And do you really believe I will remain bound forever?” She laughed, glaring back at the pink alicorn with every bit of scornful hatred she could muster. “My hive was scattered, yes, but my surviving subjects will come to my aid and free me. And if they don’t, I’ll find a way to free myself and enact my revenge, Princess. So you better think long and hard about what you’re going to do me, Cadance. Everything you do, I will remember and I will make you suffer ten-fold,” she promised to not only the pink bitch standing now in front of her, but to herself to have her inevitable revenge.

“Funny that you mentioned your hive,” Cadance replied with a smirk, unphased.

Chrysalis stared into the lilac eyes of the Princess and felt a shudder travel up her spine. “What have you done to my hive, my subjects!”

“Oh, please,” Cadance spat. “Don’t pretend to me that you care for them, Chrysalis. I saw what you did to your own people, your subjects, your children,” she began, staring death upon her. “I was willing to give you a chance to reform and atone for your actions… after your just punishment, of course. But after seeing you drain the life out of your subjects just to save your sorry, miserable life, I realized the true monster that you are. No. I won’t have mercy,” she sighed. “But your changelings, while not innocent, will be spared. In fact, you’ll be surprised how many of them have renounced you and taken a chance at changing their ways.”

Chrysalis felt her anger rise and burn with a deadly heat. “YOU MISERABLE AAAAARRRGGG!” She cried in pain, for a moment forgetting she couldn’t cast magic without punishment and now her mind was a hazy abyss. A few seconds later, the pain died and she could finally hear the spiteful laughter of the pink alicorn.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Chrysalis, having difficulty using your magic?” Cadance smiled and Chrysalis felt her heart stop for a second, the kind of smile she was giving her she had only seen upon a mirror. “Well, I can’t have you cheating your way out of your punishment, now can I? You can’t see it, of course, but there is a specially made anti-magic ring suppressor around it. The moment you channel even the tiniest hint of magic it will react and make you disrupt your focus with, as you surely know by now, painful measures.”

“And you expect me to believe your lies!? My subjects would never betray me, their Queen!” She bellowed, wishing for nothing more than charge at the alicorn.

“Some remain loyal to you, I admit that much, but more and more of those that survived are coming around. I believe a particular changeling by the name of Thorax is leading the rest to a peaceful future. A future where you will not be neither wanted nor missed,” Cadance stated coldly. “Now, tell me, Chrysalis. Are you hungry?”

“Of course I’m hun... gry?” She began with a shout but it quickly died down to a mere whisper. Confusion washed over her as the endless pit that was her ravenous hunger was absent. “W-What have you done to me?” She asked, puzzled.

“I fed you. I fed you with enough love to satiate your hunger without fueling your magic. Of course, that will never be enough to truly satisfy a greedy glutton such as you. Your hunger will return, but unlike what you did to me, I won’t let you starve. I promise you, there will be plenty of love for you to eat each and every single day until you can’t take anymore~”

“What are you planning, you damnable bitch!? If you truly want to torture me, you should just let me starve. As an immortal, I would be in constant, ticking, numbing pain and wouldn’t be able to die, unlike my weak, treacherous children!” Seeing the dull surprise in her lilac eyes, she pressed on. “Yes, do you think I’m stupid? You claim this is my just punishment, but all you wish to do is torture me! I’m surprised a pony is capable of thinking something like that.”

“Ah, the common misconception,” Cadance shook her head, chuckling. “It’s true that we ponies strive to do good and be peaceful, but what in the name of Harmony made you think we’re any less capable of despicable deeds as any other creature. Especially against those that have done so much wrong toward us? You’d be surprised just how… ‘nasty’ ponies can be, Chrysalis.”

The Queen snarled in anger. Who was she to claim mere ponies were comparable to her!? “Don’t make me laugh, Cadance! Ponies are weak and foolish: easy to trick and manipulate! You are nothing but food to ME!” She raged and hissed, desperately trying to free herself from her restraints.

“And that’s precisely why I will not stop feeding you,” Cadance retorted. “I will make sure you’re very, very well fed, your highness. Do you think beating my aunt, Princess Celestia, in a duel of magic beams is an achievement? Do you honestly believe that Shining Armor gave you enough power to challenge her?”

Chrysalis blinked. “W-What?”

Cadance let out an exaggerated gasp, covering her mouth with a hoof. “You did!? You really thought victory was yours and that you were more powerful than Celestia!?” She began laughing, long and hard.

For a reason she didn’t understand, hearing the laughter of the alicorn hurt more than her previous injuries, it cut deep and that made her wish to silence her. This time, she stopped herself from using magic and only shouted. “I WAS MORE POWERFUL THAN HER! I am more powerful than you, you pink slut! If not for Twilight Sparkle you’d be nothing more than my meal and Equestria would find itself under my rule!”

“Perhaps,” Cadance admitted once she calmed down enough to reply. “I’ll admit your plan was good, but you made one crucial mistake,” she leaned forth, enough to snort a puff of air against her face. “You didn’t do your homework properly~,” she sang. “Celestia is incredibly powerful, she merely didn’t want to risk hurting her subjects whilst fighting you. Unlike you, she cares for them. Unlike you, she’s a true leader. Once I told her what you did to your own subjects, your children; how you reduced them to lifeless husks… she was angry. It took everything I had to convince her to not simply cut off your head or toss you into the darkest, deepest hole in Tartarus.” she sighed. “You don’t deserve mercy.”

Chrysalis hissed again. “If you think I’m going to beg--”

“You will beg. Maybe not now, but you will beg, Chrysalis. I will make you pay for every crime you’ve committed,” Cadance gave her a small, wicked, dark smirk that made her shiver. “Oh, and let me tell you right now that no matter how much you try to use magic, the pain will never make you pass out. If anything, it will make you fully aware and force you to stay awake through everything I have stored up for you!”

Stored up? Chrysalis thought, off-putted by her odd choice of words. “Then do your worst, you fucking bitch. Hit me, burn me, whip me. No matter what, I will endure and once I’m free, you will know my vengeance!” She declared giving the pink whore her most hateful glare and baring her fangs.

“For a Queen, you’re so short-sighted,” Cadance giggled. “Then again, you’re not a Queen anymore. With no subjects to serve you, no land to call your own, and trapped like the bug that you are, why, you are hardly worth talking to,” she giggled again, her voice the same as glass being shredded for the Changeling Queen. “But I won’t do my worst, Chrysalis. I will do my best.”

Suddenly, Chrysalis felt her face freeze as the hold of magic surrounded her. She was then pulled forth, her neck straining and hurting as Cadance held her close and completely immobile. Looking into her eyes no more than a few inches apart, she could see her hatred, that vile, boiling, simmering contempt she had for her; a sentiment she shared with the pink alicorn.

Then, she heard a meaty slap followed by another and then another. What’s that noise? Where is it coming from? She asked herself, her eyes darting around as they were the only thing she could move at the moment. Her answer came a moment later when Cadance stepped back, spread her wings, and stood on her hind legs.


“What’s the matter, Chrissy? Aren’t you glad to see the thing responsible for keeping your sorry ass alive?” She asked, smirking.

Chrysalis’ eyes widened in sheer astonishment. “YOU LIE!” She shouted. “Cheap tricks like that won’t work on me, Cadance! My research was thorough, perfect! You’re a mare, not a stallion!” As much as she wanted to look away, she couldn’t take her eyes off of the proud cock happily bobbing and slapping against Cadance’s underbelly.

“I’m a mare, yes. But I also have one of these,” she swayed her haunches making her cock move pleasantly from side to side, almost as if it was floating on a comfortable stream. “It comes with being an alicorn. I’m surprised this didn’t make you fail sooner. Then again, it’s not something many know~. So, where is your immaculate planning again, Chrysalis? You failed to discover this secret as much as you failed to investigate every pony I hold dear to my heart, such as Twilight,” smirking, she dropped to all fours.

“Let me ask you something, throneless queen. Maybe you haven’t thought about it, but if you’ve been asleep for weeks, how was I able to keep you alive and healthy, giving you enough love for you to heal and satiate your hunger?”

How indeed, Chrysalis wondered. As Queen of the Changelings, the most prominent being of her species, it only took her split seconds to connect the dots. “You didn’t…”

“I did!” Cadance laughed, loudly, and boisterously.

Chrysalis hissed but at the same time felt sick. Just the notion that she had been forced to fellate the pink Princess in her unconscious state made her disgusted and angry in equal measure. But now hearing her laugh so joyfully, it was obvious she had been planning and waiting for the moment to tell her that for a long time.

A long time… how long, exactly? How long have I been unconscious? How much time has passed? She asked herself, her mouth going slack-jawed the longer she pondered that peculiar mystery.

“You finally realized it, didn’t you?” Cadance said, almost as if reading her mind. “I’ll give you the answer. You’ve been sitting there for over a month and a half, Chrysalis. You may be wondering why you can still move and be in perfect health without suffering from atrophy? Simple, you’re a pseudo-alicorn, an immortal, so that makes things easier. The other reason is your restraints and this entire room. All of it is enchanted to keep your body in tip-top shape.”

Chrysalis was hearing her but she wasn’t really listening, if she had been there for so long and none of her subjects had come to rescue her yet… then maybe she truly had been renounced by her hive. Those impudent treasonous bastards! Once I free myself I’ll reduce them to husks myself and breed a new, better, loyal, stronger hive!

“Now, I believe it’s time for you to get a taste of what your punishment will be like, Chrysalis,” Cadance said, taking a step forth.

The changeling watched the horn of the Princess glow, quickly followed by her previously hidden phallus and testicles glow with a blue, eerie glow. Her balls, in particular, seemed to be the most affected. She could actually see them expand to nearly twice their already prodigious size and could almost hear the cum churning inside them. Even with all of that, she scoffed and shot their owner a harsh, defying glare.

“You’re welcome to try, Princess. I’ll bite off your useweeeeegghhhHHH!?” Her threat was stopped as her maw was forced open by a tight, painful magical hold. “Hheeeeghh ghoo ogghhh fheeeee!” She cried, but she only managed to flail her tongue around as she was unable to move her jaw at all.

She tried to move, to escape from the fate that awaited her but she was still dumbfounded when the Princess mounted her head, grabbing onto her horn for support as she lined up the broad, flat tip of her pink-and-spotted cock with her mouth. She pressed it against her lips; her tongue forced to taste the rich flavor of the Princess.

“Aawwww, what’s wrong, Chrysalis? Don’t you like how my cock tastes?” She asked in a feigned hurt tone. “You didn’t have a problem guzzling my husband’s cock when you were impersonating me. Nor I believe for a second that you didn’t suck a thousand cocks before his. I should know, you always clenched so tightly against it every time I came here to feed you,” she taunted, pressing harder until her cockhead popped inside her mouth. “Always soooooo eager to get more in your sleep, showing your true colors, depraved slut.”

Chrysalis tried to push against her the invading member but her efforts were futile as it moved slowly into her maw. She tried biting down on it, moving her head around, she even tried to stop breathing, but nothing worked. An idea came to her and she focused as much magic as she could-

“GGGGWWWRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!” She screamed, her voice gurgled by the cock in her mouth as she drooled all over herself.

“Mmmmhmmmmmm! That feels so nice! You’re so considerate, Chrissy!” Cadance mocked.

“FFFLLUUUGHHH BUUUUUHHHHHH!” Chrysalis cursed loudly and as best she could, the pain receding until it faded into nothing, but her plan to use the pain to force her to clamp down on Cadance’s member had failed. The pain had done nothing but grant her agony. After a few seconds, however, Cadance reached the back of her throat and for the first time in her life, she cursed her inability to vomit.

Then, after hearing a whinny from the mare on top of her and feeling her hold across her head and horn increase, her eyes went as wide as they could and her pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks. For in a single push, Cadance had forced her entire girthy member down her throat up until her snout hit her fur and her hefty testicles, hard and filled with hearty cum, slapped against her bulged-out throat and chin.

She hardly had the time to gurgle against the throbbing tube of meat that had been plunged down her throat when Cadance began to thrust her hips. It wasn’t a careful or elegant kind of thrusting either. It was hard, uncaring, merciless. She knew she was receiving the exact same kind of treatment she would’ve given her were the tables turned.

“Gllluukkk! Gluuukkk! Ffffghhhhhkkkk!” There was nothing else she could do but gurgle and curse around the hefty meat of the alicorn princess. The hard slaps her balls delivered across her throat coincided when her member forced her throat to part open to allow it entry. She couldn’t breathe and the sensation quickly worked up from a slight annoyance to an itching need to fill her lungs with fresh oxygen, but she couldn’t breathe thanks to the pillar of meat lodged inside her esophagus, preventing her from getting her precious air.

“HA! Your slutty throat clamps even harder around my cock now that you’re awake, Chrysalis! You must be enjoying this so much, aren’t you?”

She would’ve glared at her were it not for her multicolored mane hitting her face, blocking her from seeing anything that wasn’t her belly, cock, and sheat. And even if her mane wasn’t in the way, she couldn’t look up thanks to the tight grip she had over her horn and head.

“C-Cumming! Be ready to take it all, Chrysalis!” Cadance announced.

“MMPPPHHHH!?” The Queen managed to gurgle out before Cadance pulled back, leaving only the first couple of inches of her phallus inside her mouth; her flared cocktip ensuring she was properly locked by her stretched out lips while her magic kept her jaws parted and static.

That confused Chrysalis for a split moment. She was expecting the Princess to ram her cock as deep as she could manage before unloading a cup’s worth of cum directly into her gullet. She was also surprised by her lack of stamina, she didn’t know how long her facefucking had lasted but she knew it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes if that. Ready to laugh at her foe’s pathetic performance, she finally breathed through her nose even as it caught the strong musk of her scent.

Followed by a groan by the Princess of Love, a torrent of cum flooded her mouth in an instant.

“GGGHHHLLLUUURRRKKK!!!” She gagged instantly, the overwhelming flavor of her baby batter dulling all of her senses except her ability to taste the foulness in her mouth. She had eaten cum for centuries from all possible sources, but she had never tasted something so foul before. The texture was all wrong. Instead of cum, it felt more like thick yogurt as it coated her tongue and quickly made her cheeks expand in order to contain it. The taste, too, was wrong. Instead of it being salty and delicious, it was heavily rancid, too concentrated, too dense. She couldn’t explain it properly, all she knew was that she hated it.

As her cheeks began to hurt as more cum was pumped out of her tangerine-sized testicles, she closed her eyes and swallowed. She regretted that decision a moment later when the thick sperm didn’t flow inside down her throat as she hoped it would. Its thickness and yuckiness made it cling to her esophagus, nearly damn clogging her throat completely. Unable to breathe and unwilling to go through that experience again so soon, she forced herself to swallow more and more of Cadance’s sperm; large globs of it traveling down her throat in audible gulps until, mercifully, it was over.

Cadance pulled back, her cock popping out from the seal of her black lips, and she instantly began coughing violently, trying to clear out the semen that remained in her throat. But thanks to Cadance’s magic, she couldn’t close her mouth and whatever cum she managed to cough up only ended pooling in her mouth, forcing her to taste her foulness yet again only for it to end up drooling down her neck. She then felt the Princess let go of her horn and head, flapping once to move out of range.

Then, the magic hold ended.

“I’LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!” She raged with all her might, ignoring the burning sensation in her throat even as her voice came out hoarse from the treatment and the thick cum she had been forced to eat. “Do you think this is enough to bend my will!? You will never break me like this, Cadance! To me, this is nourishment, food!” She spat a glob of cum at the ground landing in front of the alicorn. “If that lackluster display is the best you’ve got, it is no wonder why you’d pick a limp-dicked idiot like Shining Armor as your husband! I bet he loves to take it up his shitter!”

“That’s a strange way to say ‘thank you for feeding my sorry ass, my Mistress’,” Cadance chuckled, unaffected by her taunts whilst her cock swayed beneath her. “When you were unconscious, you sucked on my cock much like a toddler would on a pacifier, so desperate to get every drop of my gift. But now, I can see your true colors, ungrateful bitch,” she spat before shrugging. “But I guess it doesn’t matter, in the end. OH! That reminds me, I’m sure you know that sexual bodily fluids contain traces of love, right? That’s how you can get nourishment from my cum, more so as I am the embodiment of love. But I found something rather… interesting~.”

Chrysalis froze, her hatred forgotten but for a moment as she could feel the devilish intent in that word. For the first time in her life, she experienced an alien feeling to her.


“Did you know that it doesn’t matter how old the cum is in order to get nourishment from it? I am most intrigued to find out how that works. I wonder if it ages the same way wine does for us ponies,” she giggled, causing Chrysalis to recoil.

“Y-You can’t be… ravenous swarm mother, you’re serious,” Chrysalis muttered.

“I agree with you, Chrysalis. I can’t break you just by facefucking you regularly. Oh nonono, what I did was show you my mercy. That’s the last time you’ll get to receive my seed, you see. Compared to what you’re about to ingest, you’ll be begging for my cum in no time.”

Chrysalis watched the horn of the alicorn light up in a blue hue followed quickly by a wall to her left lifting to reveal several sealed silvery containers, each able to contain about a gallon of water inside them. She could also see several objects of various origins. Some she identified as dildos, buttplugs, and leashes, but there were other contraptions she had never seen before.

“You see,” the voice of Cadance pulled her attention back on her. “Torturing you would be boring. Why bother myself with giving you pain when I can give you exactly what you want? You want love? You want to satiate your hunger? I’ll grant you that. I’ll make sure you never go hungry again. I’ll give you all the love you can eat and more. So much more that you’ll end up wishing to starve instead of consuming love ever again in your life,” Cadance glared, picking one of the containers with her magic alongside a strange object.

She saw the container float her way until it was in front of her. It floated peacefully for a few seconds before the lid was released. She yanked her head back so fast her neck cracked as the smell that erupted from inside the container once the lid was lifted hit her like a raging buffalo. It was rancid beyond belief, so much so that her eyes watered and she began breathing through her mouth to avoid smelling the disgusting thing placed before her. Her luck ended as a magic hold forced her to return her attention to the front and look into what exactly the container held within.

“Is this… is this what you meant by ‘stored up’?” She asked, her voice barely a whisper as she looked into a mostly yellowish liquid in front of her. The smell of it was so intense that, despite not using her nose to breathe, she could nearly taste the smell and her eyes watered as it stung her senses.

“Let’s see here… Big Macintosh. Ah, yes, he was quite eager to help me and so productive! He didn’t take too kindly to your changelings and even less towards you for hurting Applejack, his sister, and almost draining Apple Bloom, his baby sister. I think… yes, I collected his contributions a week ago,” she smiled darkly. “So many of my subjects and other friends were soooooo happy and eager to help me! And they are helping me, even now! As you can see, they felt sorry for you and they managed to fill out over a hundred of these containers! Some are filled by just one pony, but most are a joint effort. The wonders of teamwork~.”

“Y-You’re sick… you’re fucking sick,” Chrysalis muttered, dread lacing her words.

“And you dare lecture me on morality when you drained your children so callously? When you left me to starve? When you tried to reduce my subjects, my people, to mere food? Oh, Chrysalis, you don’t have the moral high ground to question anything I do to you from here on out,” Cadance said in a dry, emotionless tone. “If you want to get a chance to eat freshly harvested sperm, you will first need to drink every single last container there is stored here first. More and more will fill out as time passes, so your ravenous little tummy will never feel empty ever again! Here, I’ll give you a sample of what you’re in for, your highness~.

Chrysalis wanted to jerk away but the magic hold on her was too strong and now she was growing more and more desperate. “L-Listen, Cadance, I-I learned my lesson! You don’t have to resort to this!” She cried out. “ I-I’ll be your sex slave for as long as I live! I’ll do anything you want! I’ll breed entire armies loyal only to you if I must! I’ll even sell myself out for you! B-But please, don’t do this!”

“You should’ve thought about the possible consequences of your actions before trying to fuck with the wrong ponies, Chrysalis,” Cadance spat back with all the contempt she could muster. Using her magic, she brought the strange contraption and forced it around her head even as she tried to fight back. A futile attempt since she couldn’t move an inch whilst the alicorn kept her head immobile. “This is a funnel gag, sweetie. With this, you will drink all of your meals from now on.”

“Nhhhoooo! Pweeaaaseeee! Gerggcyyyy!” Chrysalis desperately cried, her voice echoing and deformed thanks to the funnel gag, but Cadance didn’t care. She watched as the Princess hummed happily at the same time she carelessly and mercilessly began pouring the filthy contents of the container onto the wide opening of the contraption. Knowing what was about to happen, she stopped breathing through her mouth and coiled her long tongue around the entrance of the tube resting comfortably in the middle of her mouth, attempting to clog it.

As much as she hated the idea of doing so, she began breathing through her nose, knowing full well the smell of the collected cum would nearly overwhelm her. Being ready to take the blow did her little comfort when the smell hit her senses again, her mind reeled and her vision went blurry for a moment. Sadly for her, the first bits of the abhorrent fluid hit her tongue and her taste buds recoiled instantly, nearly damn making her retreat her tongue but at the last split second, she remembered what terrible fate awaited her if she did so.

Still, that offered no respite as she was forced to taste the awfulness pressing against her tongue. It was grimy, intoxicatingly salty, slimy, and well-past it’s due. The fact that it was cold only added to the terrible, awful, and gross flavor it had to it. Her eyes widened as she felt some of it slip past her tongue and redoubled her efforts to block the entrance, sealing any possible leaks. Then, an idea came to her as she watched the mocking, cruel eyes of Cadance. Maybe it was her desperation or her brilliant mind coming up with a solution. Since she couldn’t bite nor close her mouth (and she would rather die than swallow the disgusting substance), she opted for the second-best option.

Breathing deeply, ignoring the heavy musk of the batch of cum as she did, she felt her lungs expand as she prepared to blow against the funnel gag strapped to her mouth. But before she could exhale, something tight wrapped around her throat, forcing her to instead let the air out through her nostrils.

“Ooops, almost forgot you could do that. Can’t have you waste all that precious, delicious, nutritious love that so many gave you so generously, now can we?” Cadance ended with a dark giggle, unfitting for a Princess.

Chrysalis didn’t need to see to know that what now hugged her neck was a choker of sorts, enchanted to render what little freedom she had away from her. With no other option left, she continued to press against the orifice, trying to delay what was to come for as long as possible. She wasn’t stupid and she knew that no matter how much she fought against the alicorn, in her current position there was no way for her to win.

If I can’t win, then I won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing me accept my defeat! Chrysalis shouted in her mind, glaring death at the Princess that held her captive, knowing it was the best she could if only just to spite the pink bitch.

“Oh, Chrissy, don’t you know that when somepony offers you a gift-” Cadance began, extending her magic hold onto her nostrils. With the tiniest pressure of magic against them, she blocked them completely. “-it’s rude to refuse it?”

Chrysalis heard the sadistic glee behind Cadance’s words and her heart knew despair as her precious influx of oxygen was cut short. She could feel her heart pound hard and fast against her chitinous chest, threatening to break it and pop out from sheer desperation. As her burning, aching need to breathe began to overpower her slowly crumbling will, she saw the Princess stop pouring the awful contents of the small, gallon-worth metallic barrel onto the large opening on top of the funnel gag. She knew there was still much, much more left inside it and she dared to hope that her defiance had granted her some admiration, or maybe even that she had given the impression that the lesson had been learned. Her cinders of hope were brutally squashed when she saw Cadance close the container, return it to its previous spot… only to pick another one up.

Finally, after almost three minutes of valiant stubbornness, she couldn’t fight against the lack of oxygen anymore. She couldn’t actually faint from holding her breath, but having to endure the pain that came with not breathing was impossible to contend against. And thus, she relaxed her tongue and sucked desperately searching for air.

“GGGGGHHHMMMMMM!” She screamed as the week-old cream filled her mouth. The taste was ten times as worse as she expected it to be judging from the smell alone. It was too grimy and it stuck everywhere. It tasted worse than anything she had tasted before or anything she’d wish to taste after. The coldness of it only made it worse; punctuating its rancid, gross flavor more. Her cheeks swelled quickly, leaving her with a mouthful of the awfulness with no way to expulse it and still unable to get her precious oxygen.

Her eyes were unfocused and her vision blurry, though she didn’t know if that was due to the tears flowing down her cheeks or because the taste was mind-numbingly awful, quite easily the grossest thing she had eaten in her long life.

“You should see your face right now, Chrysalis. You look like a chipmunk!” Cadance laughed, cruelly mocking her. She felt the alicorn poke against her cheeks, making the stomach-churning awful swim inside her mouth, much to her dismay. “Dear, you really should swallow it. Just because I hate you with all my being doesn’t mean I want to make you suffer more than necessary. You’re the one extending your suffering, Chrissy. Just gobble it up and be done with it, isn’t that much better than having to endure this?”

FUCK YOU! She screamed in her mind, her green eyes burning with fury. But she also knew Cadance was somewhat right. And despite that fact, she still needed to breathe. Closing her eyes and surrendering to the humiliation, she began to swallow.

“NNNGGGHHHHH!” She groaned loudly, wincing as the viscous, slimy substance traveled down her throat; the thick, creamy cum had coalesced into an almost yogurt-like structure that was comparable to honey in stickiness. It clung to the walls of her esophagus, refusing to go down easily, but in the end, it moved down inch by inch until it arrived at her belly.

Chrysalis cried silently, cursing yet again her inability to vomit as she swallowed the disgusting sperm until, mercifully, the stream ended and she could once more breathe. She coughed, gagged, and let out long, distraught, disgusted moans; voicing against the vile thing she had been forced to drink even if she couldn’t move an inch. She stopped crying and her vision got better just in time to see Cadance remove the slid of another container.

She saw a more yellowish liquid and far more spoiled than the previous one. Then, the smell of it hit her a second later, her mind ignoring the fact that her nostrils were free once again as the putrid, awful smell coming off of the container was even worse than the first container. It was so strong that she could really taste it now, making the remnants of what was still left in her mouth, stubbornly clinging to her flesh, taste like rich chocolate in comparison.

Cadance said nothing as she merely began humming as she poured the contents directly on the wide opening of the blasted contraption strapped to her head. For a moment she thought back to when the Princess facefucked her and how she wished to go back to that merciful, caring, loving treatment and drink the ambrosia she had generously fed her.

“NNHHOOOOO--GRRRRLAAAHHH!!” She gagged instantly the moment the new batch of cum flooded into her mouth. Although, saying that it ‘flooded’ was far too generous a term. The stinky, terrible tasting gunk was more like a slime, similar in texture to the one she used in her cocoons but having a taste that defied all reason and logic. It clung to her tongue, cheeks, fangs, everywhere. The worst part was the smell, not the flavor. The taste, terrible as it was, was but a candle compared to the smell burning her nostrils and intoxicating her lungs. It was as if she was simultaneously inhaling poison and drinking the most putrid, slimy, and rotten batch of honey-like thing she had ever tasted.

This time, she didn’t fight against the flow and drank it quickly, finding it easier to drink without resorting to large gulps. It still clung to her throat and it made breathing a daunting task, but after a few more seconds of pouring not even a fifth of the contents, Cadance stopped and the torture halted at the sound of her laughter and the closing of the slid.

“A week and a half old mixed batch from several stallions! I call it, the Jizztini!” Cadance laughed some more. “My old mentor and friend, Cranky Doodle, his friend Steven Magnet, and a few others were kind enough to present their contributions for this one, Chrissy. Aren’t you just the luckiest girl in Equestria?”

“...P-P-Pwweaaazeee m-m-meeeeehhhggghyyy!” Chrysalis begged, crying her eyes out while coughing as much as she could, her mouth now burning with the rank stink the nasty batches of cum had left in their wake.

“MORE!?” Cadance exclaimed in an exaggerated gasp. “Of course! Just give me a moment! Let’s seeeeeee~ Ohhhhhhh! This one will be juuuust perfect! A two week-old batch from Prince Blueblood!”

Chrysalis cried some more, already dreading what was to come. “Don’t cry now, my little cum guzzler. I know this is everything you’ve wished for,” Cadance smirked. “You’re fed, loved, and granted everything you ever wanted. But that’s no reason to cry those happy tears, my dear. Now, let’s continue with your feeding~!”

The once-proud Queen of the Changelings wanted to scream until her voice worn out and cry until she couldn’t anymore, but the new batch of oozing cum, even worse than the previous one, silenced her and forced her to taste the vileness of it and worse, swallow it with trembling, hopeless, forced gulps. She spent several minutes tasting worse and worse batches of stored up cum whilst hearing the pink alicorn happily hum and sing whilst shoving liter after liter of foul-tasting, repugnant, nauseating gunk.

She could feel her belly stretch steadily as the torture continued. Soon enough, it transformed from its flat shape and slowly expanded into an increasingly gravid state. Until, to her horror, she looked heavily pregnant. Her stomach had been expanded beyond reason and she could feel the rank cum deposited inside it churning with every breath she took. She couldn’t actually see it, but she didn’t have to; the weight alone was enough of a telltale sign that she had consumed several gallons worth of disgusting, putrid, gooey, slimy, rotten cum. She didn’t know how long her cruel torment had lasted, still with no discernable end in sight, but she had long since stopped caring about that. For the first time in her life, she cursed her immortality and wished for something, anything, anyone to end her cruel suffering.

“And now, I have something extra spiiiicy just for you, Chrissy!” Cadance said, savoring each syllable that passed her luscious, plump lips. Pulling another container, this one different from all the others, she approached it to her left side of her face, pressing its cold surface harshly against her chitin. “My dear aunts were the first ponies to show their support for my plan. This baby right here is a little over a month old, Chrissy. It is full of nothing but pure alicorn baby batter, aged to perfection, you lucky bug~”

Chrysalis put as much emotion in her eyes as she could now that her throat had been ruined after swallowing who knows how many liters of wretched, abhorrent stored up semen. Her tongue, cheeks, throat, and belly were burning; the disgusting mixture having drained all her energy even though she knew it would end up giving her the strength to continue later on.

A truly vicious cycle from which there would be no escape and no reprieve.

“Let’s see what we have here~,” Cadance sang before removing the lid.

“DDDFFFFFUHHHHH! GRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Chrysalis screamed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as the smell hit her first. Nothing, absolutely nothing she had experienced before could’ve prepared her for what she was now facing. The rank, repulsive smell not only was beyond comprehension, putting to absolute shame every other serving combined. Her nostrils burned, her brain pounded, and she could see nothing but a hazy white curtain; so strong the stench was that she knew, in that moment, that it would be burned into her memory for all time. She would be unable to forget it… and the realization that she was going to be forced to eat it made something within her break and shatter.

“Dear me,” Cadance coughed. “I wasn’t expecting this… it’s almost too cruel to make you eat this,” she shuddered. Then, she neared the container to the top-side of the funnel gag. “Almost~”

Chrysalis watched the vile, gungy, feculent pus-like-yellow fermented baby batter being poured down the funnel gag’s tube and into her mouth. She cried, her tears running freely and leaving only wet trails as the inevitable happened.

Then, the miasmic substance entered her mouth and she nearly blacked out, falling into blissful unconsciousness. She was sprung back into the waking world and her terrible, inescapable reality by Cadance activating the ring suppressor at the base of her horn. The shock of the pain was enough to wake her up again but even that pain was invisible in comparison to the gruesome awfulness invading her mouth. She had hoped, had dreamt, and begged that the smell was the worst part, but now that she could actually taste it, she knew just how wrong her hopes were.

The taste was beyond horrible, beyond words. She had no idea how to even begin to describe the decaying, potent, godawful, grotty, horrid substance slowly entering her mouth.

“My aunts were so eager to give me their aid. As you can see, they are quite productive. Even with my enhancing spell, I can’t hope to match their sheer volume. All they had to do was cum one time each to fill this baby up, Chrissy! Are you enjoying their love, my perfect cum-addict? My lovely home-wrecking bitch? I’ll make sure to ask for their aid again, so if you don’t want to wait such a long time before eating it once more, you better gobble up every single last drop I’ve stored until now, with more and more and more cumming every day. I hope your ravenous appetite can match that productiooooon~” Cadance commented darkly, giggling and smirking the whole way as she continued to pour the condensed semen down the funnel gag’s opening.

Chrysalis didn’t really hear her as her senses and mind were overwhelmed by the atrocious and underworldly flavor of the mixed jizz of the Royal Sisters. Dreading having to drink it, she preferred instead to choke on it. Her stomach churned and did somersaults; even if she was biologically and physiologically unable to vomit, her body desperately wanted to do so; her heart beat faster, wishing to give out and end her life rather than keep suffering such torture.

Her efforts were for naught, as the flavor of the month-old batch of royal cum burned her taste buds; replacing their capability to taste anything ever again if she was lucky or ensuring she wouldn’t be able to taste anything but that putrid thing for the rest of her existence. Her mind threatened to collapse her and for a split second she blacked out, but that moment came to its worst possible ending when, without her focus, her body instinctively swallowed a huge gulp of the abominable, thick-as-tree-sap cum. Her reflexes kicked in and she tried to spit it out, but her attempt failed and only ended finding another way out as the entrance of her mouth was blocked.

That other exit route ended up being her nostrils.

“MMMMMFFFRRGRGGGHHHHH!!!” She cried loudly, the cold thing blocking her only source of oxygen and burning her insides at the same time.

“Oh, my, Chrissy, are you alright? Go on, chug, chug, chug, chug! If you want to breathe again, you have to drink the entire gallon of month-old, aged super virile alicorn-grade sperm! There is no other way, my dear!” Cadance called in the fakest worried accent she could muster, not bothering to hide her thick mockery injected to each word.

Resigning to her sad, miserable fate, Chrysalis began doing just that, swallowing all she could of the foulness clouding her senses and making her hear, see, and taste nothing but white noise. She hated every single second of it and despite her best efforts to eat the thick-enough-to-chew cum of the two ancient Princesses, the damned thing clogged itself against the walls of her throat at every turn, making it even more difficult to swallow mouthful after mouthful of the disgusting thing. The influx was too great and some found its way out of her nostrils, flowing slowly in a steady stream of the most awful, gross, and vomitous thing imaginable.

Gulp after gulp she drank her meal, her belly forced to expand ever so slightly with each one. She couldn’t breathe through the entire ordeal and that pain mixed with the misery of the action itself (and that was without even taking into account the smell or the taste) finally broke her will completely and utterly. Her dreams, shattered. Her ambitions, laughable. Her plans for revenge, forgotten.

After minutes, hours, centuries maybe, she finally gulped the last bit of the dreadful container and she could once more breathe. She coughed and took huge gasps for air, her lungs aching for sweet relief. Finally, the funnel gag was removed from her mouth and tossed aside, discarded entirely. Her hold over her neck and head was also gone and her head slumped forward as she coughed, snorted the lingering foulness clogging her nostrils while she cried and drooled openly without shame, for there was no more she could lose at that moment.


“H-Huh?” Chrysalis managed to mutter despite the pain and the disgrace.

“Beg, you fucking bug,” Cadance repeated herself. “You’ve got a taste of what I’m capable of, Chrysalis,” she said, tossing the empty container aside. “Now, beg me for mercy. Beg me to stop. Beg me to do anything else but this again,” she ordered with otherworldly coldness, her eyes devoid of any emotion outside contempt.

“PLEASE!” Chrysalis shouted, her voice fractured and heavily coarse after having to endure her torture for who knows how long. “Please, my Mistress! I’ll do anything. ANYTHING! But please, d-do not do this again, please! Have mercy on me, I beg of you! I’ll do whatever you wish, but please, have meeee-heee-heeercyyyyy!” She cried, her tears flowing freely as he bawled her heart out.


Cadance’s laughter hurt more than her rough landing after her defeat and her next words ripped her soul apart.

“You look as pathetic as I imagined you’d be!” She exclaimed before smirking darkly at her, making her flinch and recoil in pure terror. “You better get used to this, Chrysalis. This is your life now. You are never leaving this room and you’re never going to see any other face but mine. I’ll come here every single day to feed you, to watch you squirm and watch as you slowly crumble into insanity,” she spat, hitting her eye. “I don’t care for your miserable life, bug. I’ll do this for as long as it entertains me… then I’ll think of something else. For the moment, however, be ready because I’ll soon be bringing more exotic forms of cum for you to gobble up! Zebras, griffons, dragons, diamond dogs, and so many animals to choose from!”

Chrysalis felt her very soul shrink when she saw the eyes of the Princess of Love squinting to show a level of malice she never thought possible.

“You will live a long, long life under my care, Chrysalis. I promise you that.”

With that said, the Princess turned around and began walking towards the exit.

In that moment, Chrysalis knew true despair. She was alone, she had been betrayed, and there would be no mercy, no escape, and no respite for her except time and erosion… for however long that may be.


For her part, Cadance couldn’t stop smiling; Chrysalis’ scream was the most exquisite melody she had ever heard.

And with a metallic clang that silenced her musical piece for only a moment before the spell kicked in allowing her to continue hearing her new favorite orchestra, she left the ex-Queen of the Changeling alone in her private suite.

The End.